Taking a pill vs maintaining pregnancy? How is a medical abortion performed? Abortion (termination of pregnancy) - complications and consequences Termination of pregnancy 7 weeks

Unfortunately, the news of future motherhood is not received with joy by all representatives of the fair sex. Anything can happen in life, and fortunately, the modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to end an unwanted pregnancy at the earliest possible moment. early stages, if there are certain indications for this, or at the request of the woman. Our legislation allows artificial interruptions up to the twelfth obstetric week pregnancy. However, the safest for women's health It is customary to consider early abortions. So, in the seventh week of pregnancy, the doctor may offer the patient a medical or vacuum abortion.

How is an abortion performed at 7 weeks of pregnancy - medical abortion?

Medical abortion is usually used to terminate pregnancy at the shortest possible time - up to the sixty-third day from the last menstruation. The most effective combination of drugs for this procedure is considered to be a mixture of mifepristone and prostaglandin, which provoke uterine contractions and cause expulsion of the fertilized egg.

Most often, medical abortion is performed when a woman who wants to terminate a pregnancy does not want to undergo surgery. This option is also indicated if there is no need to conduct a detailed analysis of the removed fertilized egg. In addition, it is often carried out in cases of severe obesity, in the absence of other risk factors for atherosclerosis, because with particularly excessive body weight, the doctor may have serious difficulties when performing a surgical abortion.

Medical termination of pregnancy is also carried out if the patient has a history of malformations of the uterus or fibroids of this organ, as well as if she has undergone surgical interventions on the uterine cervix. In this case, performing a surgical abortion may also be accompanied by technical difficulties.


With a medical abortion, the body receives minimal hormonal stress, there is no anesthesia and no surgical interventions are performed. Accordingly, a woman cannot develop infections or adhesions, eliminates the possibility of trauma to the uterine cavity, and prevents the formation of endometritis and secondary infertility. In addition, with a medicinal termination of pregnancy, you do not need to be in a hospital, and the process itself is similar to regular menstruation, which is psychologically much easier to tolerate. It is believed that medical abortion is an ideal option for young girls who are faced with the need to terminate a pregnancy.

Of course, the effectiveness of the drug interruption should be confirmed by an ultrasound examination, and the pills most often need to be taken with a doctor.

It should be borne in mind that even after drug interruption, the uterus is in a fairly irritated state for some time; accordingly, it takes several weeks for its condition to completely normalize. At this stage, there is also a noticeable decrease in the body’s defenses, and the natural functions of the reproductive system are restored. At this stage, it is extremely important to treat your health with special care and thrift. If the temperature rises or if there is severe pain and prolonged bleeding that is too intense, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.
It must be taken into account that the desire to carry out drug interruption pregnancy is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Is abortion possible at 7 weeks of pregnancy? vacuum abortion?

This procedure is also called a mini-abortion and refers to surgical methods of terminating a pregnancy. It is carried out by sucking the fetus from the uterine cavity using vacuum suction. Most often, such abortions are performed at five to six weeks, but in general, they can be carried out up to the seventh week inclusive.

Such manipulation is carried out using a number of special instruments in a clinical setting. Its main advantage is that there is no need to forcibly dilate the uterine cervix. A special disposable catheter is inserted into the patient, after which suction is performed using a vacuum aspiration device. The doctor performs this procedure in literally five to ten minutes.

After such a procedure, it is extremely important to confirm its effectiveness using ultrasound. If the abortion does not lead to complete removal of the fetus from the uterine cavity, additional aspiration or curettage is required.

Thus, during a vacuum abortion, the uterine cervix is ​​not injured at all, which helps to avoid a number of complications. The patient can leave the hospital on the day of surgery. Also, a mini-abortion ensures minimal damage to the uterine cavity - the mucous membranes heal quite quickly. When performing vacuum aspiration, a woman experiences less stress if we compare such an interruption with a full-fledged surgical curettage for more later. Another significant advantage of this type of interruption is the possibility of fairly quickly restoring hormonal levels, as well as the menstrual cycle.

If it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy in the seventh week, you should consult a doctor to select the most suitable option.

Every fifth pregnancy ends in abortion. This disappointing statistic has different opinions. Some advocate women's freedom of choice. Others are ardent opponents of abortion. In today’s article we will try to leave all criticism behind and find out how an abortion is performed at 8 weeks of pregnancy.


Abortion at 8 weeks of pregnancy can be spontaneous or artificial. In the first case, the development of the embryo stops due to some internal or external reasons. Induced abortion is performed in several ways. When choosing a tactic, the patient’s age is taken into account, as well as her desire to have children in the future. An important role is played by the general well-being and health of the woman.

Abortion 7-8 weeks is carried out in the following ways:

  • medical interruption (pharmacological or tablet abortion);
  • use of a vacuum aspirator;
  • use of magnetic caps;
  • surgical curettage.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

Spontaneous termination: miscarriage

Most often, self-abortion occurs at 8 weeks. It is before this period that the connection between the uterus and the embryo is not so strong. The cause of spontaneous interruption can be anything. These are chronic diseases in a woman, a cold or a viral infection.

Miscarriage often occurs due to external factors: difficult working conditions, physical stress, emotional distress. This can also happen after injury. If the termination of pregnancy occurred before 8 weeks or after, then you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will conduct ultrasonography and find out whether the abortion is complete or not. In the latter case, the woman will need additional medical care.

Established deadlines and preliminary examinations

Abortion at 8 weeks is performed at the woman's request. After 12 weeks, such manipulations take place solely according to indications. Therefore, if pregnancy happened unexpectedly and your plans do not include having children, then you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. Always remember the established deadlines for voluntary termination of pregnancy.

The manipulations described below may have indications. Thus, abortion at 8 weeks is carried out if the fetus has pathologies incompatible with life. An abortion is performed if a woman has cancer, as well as the inability to bear and give birth to a child.

Before an abortion, a woman is advised to undergo an examination. It is necessary to donate blood to determine antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and some other diseases. The patient takes a vaginal smear and undergoes an ultrasound examination. It is necessary to accurately determine the gestational age and the place of attachment of the fertilized egg. Any type of abortion is contraindicated ectopic pregnancy and the inflammatory process.

safe method

This type of manipulation is preferred. It has fewer complications. Experts recommend pharmacological abortion for up to seven weeks. However, it can also be done at 8. It is worth noting that what longer term gestation, the higher the risks

A pill abortion is performed in two stages. If the pregnancy is 8 weeks, the patient should be under close medical supervision. First, the woman is offered drugs based on mefipristone. They help stop the production of progesterone, dilate the cervix and endometrial detachment. Next, the patient should take prostaglandins for several days. These drugs enhance the contractility of the reproductive organ. As a result, it is expelled from the uterine cavity. After 5-7 days, the patient is examined by a gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist. If the fertilized egg is not fully released, then it is necessary to use additional methods of abortion.

Magnetic influence

The shorter the pregnancy period, the higher the effectiveness of this method. The method is used less and less. It is considered ineffective and dangerous. To terminate a pregnancy, a magnetic ring is placed on a woman's cervix. It emits a certain activity, as a result of which the development of the embryo stops and it is rejected. The use of magnetic rings can cause complications such as inflammation, incomplete separation of the membranes, and so on.

low-traumatic method

8 weeks are not carried out using this method. But before reaching this gestational age, it is permissible to terminate the pregnancy using a vacuum aspirator. The procedure is considered low-traumatic and easy. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. The cervix is ​​injected with analgesics and antispasmodics.

After this, a special device is used to create a vacuum in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg along with endometrial particles is sucked into the device. The consequences of this manipulation rarely occur. If the pregnancy is not terminated or pieces of membranes remain in the uterus, then curettage is necessary.

Surgical curettage

You can have an abortion after 8 weeks using surgical methods. This method is the cheapest and most effective. However, it has a lot of disadvantages. After such manipulations, women often experience problems such as inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and cervical pathologies. One of the most dangerous consequences is perforation of the uterine walls. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention. In some cases, complete removal of the reproductive organ is indicated.

Curettage, or surgical curettage, is performed under general anesthesia. The gynecologist uses special dilators to open the cervix, after which he inserts a curette into the uterine cavity. Some clinics practice gynecological curettage under ultrasound guidance. Such conditions allow the manipulation to be as effective as possible.

After interruption

If you had a surgical abortion at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, then additional therapy is necessary. The patient is usually prescribed topical and oral antibiotics. Observance of sexual rest for several weeks is also indicated. Medical abortion does not require such conditions.

The consequence of any abortion at 8 weeks may be the formation of adhesions, failure of the second phase, psychological problems and infertility. Therefore, if you want to have an abortion, you must contact a gynecologist as early as possible. The shorter the gestational age at the time of the procedure, the lower the likelihood of unforeseen complications.


A woman has the right to have an abortion at 8 weeks free of charge at any public medical institution. Termination of pregnancy after 12 weeks is carried out only surgically for certain indications. At 28 weeks and later, we are already talking about. It is theoretically possible to become pregnant again (after any abortion) in the next cycle. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of contraception. Gynecologists do not recommend planning a new conception within 4-6 months. This is how much time your body needs to recover.

Abortion - this is an artificial termination of pregnancy using surgery or special hormonal drugs, according to the law, it is carried out until the twelfth week of pregnancy at the request of the woman. An abortion is considered to be the termination of pregnancy before 28 days; if the abortion occurs later, this is already an artificial birth, since the born fetus is already considered viable. Abortion up to 12 weeks can be carried out at the request of the patient, who herself has the right to decide when to give birth to a child. An abortion of 7-8 weeks is performed by a surgeon; it is also possible to do a so-called vacuum or mini-abortion, when the fetus is sucked out of the uterus using a special medical device. This operation is performed under intravenous general anesthesia, and the entire procedure takes 10 minutes. This operation is considered less traumatic, since it affects only a small part of the uterus.

An abortion of 7-8 weeks is carried out after a complete examination of the patient; the woman needs to take tests and be examined by a gynecologist, namely: determine the blood type and Rh factor, take a vaginal smear, donate blood for syphilis and HIV, and also undergo a coagulogram.

An abortion of 7-8 weeks is performed by a surgeon under general anesthesia, and it is necessary that the surgeon’s place be equipped with ultrasound sensors. If an abortion occurs at this time, serious complications may occur in the form of internal bleeding, peritonitis or injury. internal organs. In this case the best option To save the life of a pregnant woman, the uterus will be removed, which will subsequently lead to the inability to conceive and bear a child. After the abortion, the woman spends another 2 hours under the supervision of a doctor, after which she can leave the clinic, after 10 days she must come for an examination with a gynecologist.

After the 12th week of pregnancy, an abortion will no longer be performed simply at the woman’s request; serious health or social problems are needed to justify the procedure. Medical problems include: pathologies of the fetus, a threat to the life or health of the child, a positive test for HIV, which the woman did not know about. TO social problems include the circumstances of the woman’s life, too young or mature age (before 15 years or after 45 years), the death of the child’s father, which occurred during pregnancy, the presence of more than 5 children in the family.

The most unfavorable time for an abortion is considered to be late in pregnancy; in this case, a complex full-fledged operation to extract the fetus is performed, which can have serious consequences.

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  • Moreover, the sooner a woman decides to have an abortion, the lower the likelihood of complications awaiting her.

    Abortion at 12 weeks is the latest date at which a woman can terminate her pregnancy at will. If before this time she has not decided to have a medical or surgical abortion, then just the desire to get rid of the child will not be enough. Abortion at the 13th week in Russia is carried out strictly for social or medical reasons or illegally, which is fraught with physical and psychological complications.

    Termination of pregnancy at 2-7 weeks

    If a woman is attentive to her health, she will be able to understand about the onset of an unwanted pregnancy as early as 2-4 weeks. Delayed menstruation, nausea, weakness, heightened sense of smell - all this may indicate that she is in an “interesting situation.” You can have an abortion at 2 weeks by visiting the hospital and confirming pregnancy with a gynecologist. Before 4 weeks, it is recommended to carry out medical termination of pregnancy.

    Before having an abortion at 2-4 weeks, you should undergo the following tests:

    • urine test for hCG;
    • gynecological smear;
    • blood test for hepatitis, HIV and syphilis.

    In addition, regardless of the duration of the week, an abortion in the clinic will not be performed without an ultrasound and complete medical examination. Only after an examination by specialists and a gynecologist's conclusion is a woman given permission to terminate her pregnancy. Typically, tests and examinations take 2-3 days, after which a medical abortion is performed. How many weeks a pregnancy lasts can best be determined by an ultrasound. Therefore, it is important to go through it as quickly as possible and determine whether it is too late to carry out a medical abortion or whether it is better to use a vacuum abortion.

    Medical or vacuum abortion?

    At 2 weeks, medical abortion is easier for several reasons. Firstly, the connection between the fertilized egg and the uterine wall is quite weak. There is a high probability that medications will have a more effective effect on the body’s rejection of eggs. The woman will feel only a slight tugging in the lower abdomen, similar to pain during menstruation. Secondly, the psychological aspect is important, which makes medical abortion more “attractive”. 4 weeks is the period during which a woman will not yet feel like a mother and will not get used to the idea of ​​what is developing under her heart. new life. Therefore, psychological adaptation after a medical abortion occurs faster.

    There is also a negative side to medical abortion. Abortion drugs affect a woman's hormonal levels. As a result, subsequent pregnancies may have complications and end in miscarriage. In addition, a medical abortion at 5 weeks or later may not lead to complete rejection of the fertilized egg. Then the woman will have to endure and surgical intervention.

    Medical abortion may be accompanied by heavy bleeding, fever and weakness. Smoking and heart problems are contraindications to this type of abortion.

    At 5-7 weeks, abortion can also be performed using vacuum surgery. It is performed under anesthesia. At the clinic, a catheter is inserted into a woman’s arm, and she wakes up not pregnant. Local anesthesia is also used. During an abortion, the woman's uterus is dilated, making the cervix dilate wide. A tube with a syringe is inserted into the uterus. With the help of such an instrument, the fetus is sucked out. If a vacuum abortion is performed at 7 weeks, the baby’s body may not be completely removed, so the doctor additionally performs curettage.

    Vacuum operation is more reliable and affordable. After it, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bleeding. In some cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

    Only a specialist after an examination can best advise you on which abortion to have at 6 weeks. If at 2-3 weeks it is obvious that best choice For a woman, medical termination of pregnancy is a medical option, but in later stages it is up to the gynecologist to dot all the i’s. If you decide to have a vacuum abortion at 7 weeks, make sure your doctor is experienced.

    Surgery at 7-12 weeks

    At 7-12 weeks, abortion is performed surgically. This method of getting rid of the fetus is similar to the vacuum method. The surgical intervention differs in that instead of a syringe, a special instrument is inserted into the uterine cavity. Abortion at 8 weeks is performed under anesthesia after taking medical supplies and using a special cervical dilator.

    Abortion at 10 weeks and beyond is particularly difficult. After all, the size of the fetus increases significantly, and it becomes more difficult to remove it from the uterine cavity. This means that curettage should be carried out with greater force, injuring the uterus and its mucous membrane. In addition, to open the cervix, the woman is injected with kelp 1-2 days in advance in order to extract the fetus with forceps after the uterus is fully opened if an abortion is performed at 10 weeks. In this case, a woman’s psychological adaptation after a surgical termination of pregnancy is much more difficult than after other types of permitted abortions.

    Until how many weeks is abortion legal?

    After 12 weeks, abortion is performed only for medical reasons. This is due to the fact that late interruption pregnancy is fraught with a large number of health-threatening consequences. Even an abortion at 9 weeks can make a woman infertile or disabled. Therefore, you should be attentive to your body, avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse and always think about protection during sex. In addition, it should be understood that an interrupted pregnancy is a possible subsequent serious treatment for complications.

    Abortion is the termination of a woman’s pregnancy, which can be either spontaneous (without any assistance) or planned (medical). Abortions can be early (up to 12 weeks of fetal development) and late (over the 12th week of pregnancy and up to the 22nd week). Consider abortion at 7-8 weeks.

    Reasons for abortion

    The main reasons for abortion are social and medical reasons. Social reasons include primarily the desire of the woman herself. A woman may not want to give birth various reasons. For example, she already has children, she or her husband did not want more. It is also possible that favorable conditions have not been created for the child and that the family is not socially prosperous.

    Medical indications for termination of pregnancy may be different:

    • It is not recommended for women under 15 years of age or after 45 years to give birth. This may be hazardous to your health.
    • The mother has any serious illness, such as HIV.
    • Maternal cancer.
    • Mental illness of the mother.
    • Diseases of the respiratory system or cardiovascular system, in which pregnancy is impossible.
    • Pathologies of fetal development that were identified using ultrasound examination.
    • Other maternal diseases in which childbirth can be life-threatening for the woman herself.

    Abortion at 7-8 weeks is carried out in several ways. When a woman consults a doctor, he can recommend the best method for terminating a pregnancy, depending on her individual characteristics or give her a choice if there are no contraindications.

    Termination of pregnancy is carried out after a complete examination of the patient, passing all necessary tests. They prescribe a smear test, tests to determine blood type and Rh factor, tests for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

    At 7–8 weeks of pregnancy, abortion is performed either medically or surgically. It is also possible at this time spontaneous interruption pregnancy - miscarriage without any outside intervention.

    1. Surgical abortion

    Surgical termination of pregnancy means detachment and removal of the fertilized egg using special instruments. This abortion is performed under intravenous anesthesia, which lasts for 10-15 minutes. The uterus is fixed with bullet forceps. Then the uterus is probed to determine its size. After this, the cervical canal is expanded to introduce instruments. After such preparation, they proceed directly to the embryo removal procedure.

    There is also a vacuum abortion, but it is usually performed before the 7th week of pregnancy. When the pregnancy reaches 7-8 weeks, an abortion is prescribed using the usual surgical method.

    2. Medical abortion

    Abortion at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy can be carried out using medications. Most often, for such an abortion, the drugs used are mifepristone, which has an antigestagenic effect, or misoprostol, which promotes powerful contractions of the uterus. Cytotoxic drugs may also be prescribed together with these drugs.

    Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out in two stages. First, the fertilized egg is detached from the walls of the maca. Then, at the second stage of termination of pregnancy, the exfoliated tissues along with the embryo emerge from the uterine cavity due to powerful contractions of the uterus. Everything looks like bloody discharge with a ball of cotton wool. In this way, an abortion is performed at 8 weeks of pregnancy.

    Complications of abortion

    Complications may occur during an abortion. With a medical abortion, incomplete removal or failed removal of the fertilized egg is possible, which must be removed surgically. The danger of such an abortion is the possibility of infection of the uterine wall (endometritis).

    During a surgical abortion, internal bleeding, injury to internal organs, perforation of the uterus, or the development of peritonitis may occur. These serious consequences may lead to the need to remove the genitals to save the woman's life.

    Endocrine system
