Rules for assigning a social disability pension. Social disability pension Pension for disabled people since childhood

Last updated May 2019

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what the size of the disability pension is in 2019, since it depends on the disability group and age (children are a separate category), insurance period, presence of dependents and other factors. In view of this, we will consider all possible cases in order to give the most comprehensive answer possible.

How is a disability pension calculated?

The pension that disabled people receive every month can be calculated only using two formulas:

  1. Social pension+ EDV
  2. Labor pension + EDV

Social pension receive those people with disabilities who:

  1. do not have insurance experience (have not worked a day);
  2. disabled children;
  3. were injured while committing a crime, regardless of whether they had experience.

EDV– a monthly cash payment, which by its nature is compensation for medical supplies, transport, etc., if the person refused the NSO. It has a fixed size, but is subject to annual indexation, which takes place on February 1 of each year.

NSO– a set of social services that is provided in in kind. It includes free:

  1. provision of medicines;
  2. Spa treatment;
  3. travel to and from the place of treatment both within the city and outside it.

The Pension Fund (it is this body that deals with the calculation and payment of benefits) gives people with disabilities the right to choose - to continue using the NSO or switch to the EDV. Both types of assistance are not provided at the same time.

Due to the fact that many disabled people, especially the third group, feel relatively well and maintain normal physical activity, they simply don’t need some social services. Therefore, many refuse NSI and instead receive monetary compensation in the form of EDV. You can refuse some of the services - then the Pension Fund will recalculate the cash payment.

From 02/01/2017 its size is set at:

Amount of social pensions

From April 1, 2017, the pension was indexed. Current data on its size is given in the table.

Example No. 1. Eremenko has been disabled since childhood, group 1. With the condition of indexation, since April 2017, he receives 12,231.06 rubles every month. In addition, he uses a set of social services, so his EDV is 2,489.55 rubles. This means that in just a month he receives assistance from the state in the amount of 14,720.61 rubles.

Amount of disability pension

It is individual for each case. It can be calculated using the formula:

P= BC+MF+LF, Where

Warhead– the basic part, which is strictly fixed and does not change (except for indexing cases);

midrange– insurance part, consisting of the amount pension savings(PC), divided by the product of the months (T) remaining before the payment of old-age benefits by the standard length of service in relation to 180 months (K);

LFaccumulative part, which is formed at the expense of the full amount of savings (SA) taken into account in the special part of his account on the date when the funded part of financial assistance was assigned, divided by the number of months of the expected period of payment of old-age benefits (T).

The formula can be written in more detail as follows:

P = BC + PC/(TxK) + PN/T.

The basic (minimum) amount of disability benefits depends on the composition of the family.

In 2017, the amount of disability pension for group 3 is:

PC=PC1+PC2+SV, where PC1 is the conditional amount of insurance contributions paid for pensions before 01/01/2002, PC2 is the amount of insurance contributions starting from 01/01/2002 until the date of pension assignment, SV is the amount of valorization.

For those who started working after January 1, 2002, the formula PC2 + SV is used to determine PC.

STEP 2. PC1, in turn, is the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly wages in the Russian Federation for the same period. It is calculated by the formula:

(RP - 450 RUR) x T, Where

RP - design size labor pension, determined for insured persons in accordance with this article;

450 rubles - the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, which was established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as of 01.01. 2002;

T is the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension.

In this formula, the unknown is the RP. It is calculated using the following formula:

RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, Where

SC - length of service coefficient, which for men with a common seniority at least 25 years, and for women with a total work experience of at least 20 years, is 0.55 and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the specified duration, but not more than 0.20;

ZR - the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000 - 2001 according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months of work on the basis of documents issued by employers or government agencies;

ZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period;

SZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 for calculating and increasing the size of state pensions, approved by the Government Russian Federation(1,671 rubles 00 kopecks).

Important! When you calculate your salary/salary, keep in mind that the result obtained should be no more than 1.2, and if it turns out to be more, you need to use a coefficient of 1.2 (in the example below this is exactly the situation).

STEP 3. Now let's return to the basic formula for calculating the SP. In it, T is the number of months before the payment of the old-age pension. In 2002, this value was set at 144 months. That is, those who retired this year use this figure for calculations. For those who retired in subsequent years, you can use the formula for calculation T=144+ n*6 months, where n is the number of years that have passed since 2002.

This calculation is applied until T is equal to 192 months. When the indicator reaches this value, another formula is applied T = 144+n*12 months, that is, a year has already been added.

Examples of already calculated T values ​​can be found in the table.

2002 144
2003 150
2004 156
2010 192
2011 204
2012 216
2013 228

STEP 4. The K coefficient is calculated as follows: the standard number of months of insurance coverage is divided by 180 months. For disabled people under 19 years of age, this value is 12 months, and from the age of 19 it increases every year by 4 months until reaching 180.

An example of the calculation is shown in the table.

Example No. 2. Ivanova G.V. I started applying for a disability pension on November 28, 2009. She has group 2 disability. She is 48 years old and has a dependent son, 14 years old. Insurance experience of Ivanova G.V. 25 years old, working – 24 years. Her average monthly salary from 1978 to 1982 (60 months) was 240, while the national average was then 173.82. The amount of insurance premiums paid is 1600 rubles.

The calculation of the disability pension in this case is as follows:

  • First we calculate the RP. To do this, we calculate the insurance period: for 20 years – 0.55, but since there were 4 “extra” years “on top”, and for each “extra” year another 0.01 is accrued, the required value will be equal to 0.59. Now we calculate everything using the formula: RP=0.59*1671*1.2=1183.07(r).
  • Now we calculate PC1. To do this, we carry out the following calculations (1183.07-450) * 186 = 136351.02 (r), where 186 months is the period of expected payments.
  • From 2002 to 2009, PC1 constantly increased by a specific factor. We need to take this into account, then we get 136351.02 x 1.307 x 1.177 x 1.114 x 1.127 x 1.16 x 1.204 x 1.269 x 1.075 = 501734.67.
  • Now let’s add PC2 to PC1, that is, the amount of accruals from 2002 to 2009. Its size is 1600 rub. The total PC will be equal to 503334.67 rubles.
  • We finally count insurance part 503334.67./186*0.33=8200 (p), where 0.33 is 60 months/180 months.
  • Taking into account the basic part for disability of the second group + the presence of a dependent overall size pension will be 8200 + 6,406.81 = 14,606.81 (r)

How to calculate the funded part

The funded part is taken into account when calculating the pension if the disabled person has reached the total retirement age: 60 years for men and 55 for women. Also, a mandatory condition for accrual is 5 years of insurance experience.

LF = PN/T, where PN is the amount in the savings account, T – in 2017 is 240 months.

Example No. 3. Let's assume that Ivanova G.V. has already turned 55 years old. Then the funded part will be added to her calculated pension of 8,200 rubles. Let’s say her account has accumulated 245,550. Then the savings part will be 245,550 rubles / 240 months = 1023.125 rubles. The final pension amount will be 8200 + 1023 = 9223 (r).

State pension for disabled people: categories of recipients

The state disability pension is available to the following categories:

Size military pension is calculated by multiplying the social disability pension in accordance with the disability group by a certain coefficient.

**Military 2 - persons who received injuries and injuries due to an accident during service, who developed serious illnesses not due to the direct performance of their duties, but during their performance.

Moreover, if representatives of these categories have dependents, then 1,441 rubles are additionally paid to their pension for each dependent.

Example No. 4. Tonkachev L.V. received 2nd group disability during testing at the test site. He is dependent on a minor son and a retired mother. His pension will be 8,008.51 rubles x 2.5 + 1,441 rubles x 2 = 20,021.275 rubles + 2,882 rubles = 22,903.275 rubles, and if rounded - 22,903 rubles.

The amount of disability benefits for astronauts depends on their salary. Thus, for disabled people of groups 1 and 2, the pension is calculated in the amount of 85% of the salary, and for disabled people of group 3 - in the amount of 50%.

Amount of child's disability pension

We should immediately distinguish between the categories of “disabled children” and “disabled children since childhood.”

The size of the pension for disabled children from April 1, 2017 is 12,231.06 rubles. They also have the right to receive a monthly allowance, which is 2,527.06 rubles without NSS or 1,478.09 rubles taking into account receipt of assistance in kind.

As for those disabled since childhood, depending on the group in 2017 they will receive:

1 group RUB 12,231.06
2nd group RUB 10,217.53
3 group RUR 4,343.14

Benefits for disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Speaking about what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has and what benefits a disabled person of group 2 is entitled to, it is worth noting that in 2017 there were no changes in their standard “set”.

They still have the right:

  1. travel free of charge in public transport around the city, except for fixed-route and regular taxis, as well as to the place of treatment (+ free for accompanying persons);
  2. receive free prescription medications from a doctor;
  3. receive materials for dressings and equipment free of charge (according to indications);
  4. have a free vacation or treatment in a sanatorium once a year, no more than 3 times from the date of receipt of disability;
  5. use prosthetic services from a dentist for free;
  6. receive prosthetic limbs free of charge;
  7. receive free orthopedic shoes;
  8. enroll out of turn in secondary schools educational establishments and universities, subject to successful passing of exams;
  9. receive an increased stipend;
  10. work on a special schedule - 35 hours a week.
  11. a 50% discount when paying bills for major repairs (except for disabled people of both groups, families with a disabled child are also provided)
  12. a 50% discount on housing and communal services if a disabled person lives in public housing;
  13. a 50% discount when purchasing an MTPL policy;
  14. be exempt from paying property tax upon inheritance;
  15. to reduce the tax base for calculating land tax by 10 thousand rubles (+ disabled children, disabled WWII);
  16. a 50% discount on tax payments when purchasing a car through social security authorities or a 100% discount when owning a car converted for use by a disabled person;
  17. for a tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles from the tax base for personal income tax.

New benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2017, as well as for representatives of other groups, were not introduced. Is it worth mentioning the payment in January to all Russian disabled people without exception in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3

The list of benefits for people with group 3 disabilities is much smaller, but at the same time it is supplemented by various labor benefits, since many of them work:

  1. 50% discount on the purchase of necessary medications and medical equipment;
  2. 50% discount on public transport;
  3. discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes;
  4. 50% discount when purchasing an MTPL policy;
  5. a probationary period cannot be established for them;
  6. a disabled person can take a vacation at any time;
  7. at the request of a disabled person, he may be provided with part-time work;
  8. 50% discount when paying for housing and communal services;
  9. 50% transport tax - the same for disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

At the regional level, additional benefits may be introduced (for example, preferential use of a landline telephone), which can be found out at the local social security office.

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A social pension is a benefit paid at the expense of the state when the accrual of a labor equivalent is not possible (Article 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166). Social disability pension is one of the ways of support from the state for citizens who, due to injuries, illnesses or other reasons, have limitations in their life activities.

Who is eligible for disability benefits?

Budgetary assistance for disability in the Russian Federation is regulated by the law on state pension provision (Federal Law No. 166, December 15, 2001) according to which:

  1. Based on the results of a medical examination, an individual is assigned a disability status depending on the level of impairment of important life functions and associated limitations in his ability to work;
  2. the assigned status influences the amount and duration of social support assigned to the person;
  3. State support is provided for long-term disabled persons permanently residing in the country and does not apply to citizens who have left the Russian Federation.

Who is eligible to receive payments?

Recipients of social security benefits for disability include persons unable to work since childhood, disabled children, adults who have received a certain status group, namely:

  1. disabled people of group I who are completely dependent on other persons due to the inability to self-care or labor activity;
  2. disabled people of group II who do not need continuous care from other persons and are capable of self-care, but do not have the opportunity to work fully;
  3. those who have received group III status, serve themselves independently and perform limited work in some professions, but are able to work only in easier conditions;
  4. disabled children whose category was assigned before reaching adulthood;
  5. disabled since childhood or citizens who were in this status in childhood and reached adulthood.
Important! Disability maintenance is paid from the federal budget for those who do not have the right to receive insurance coverage. But social assistance is not provided to persons living temporarily within the Russian Federation.

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What is required to receive payments

The right to a pension for disabled people is granted to citizens recognized as belonging to one of the disability groups. The status is assigned based on the results of an examination during a medical and social examination, to which the applicant for social payment is sent by a medical worker.

  1. Based on relevant documents (referral from the attending physician, results of a medical examination).
  2. Depending on the patient’s illness associated with the disruption:
    • respiratory organs;
    • musculoskeletal system;
    • digestive organs;
    • organs of vision or mental disorders.

For different groups confirmation of permanent disability status is made at different intervals. This is due to the fact that as a result of rehabilitation, some of the disabled persons may improve physical state and restore some of the previously lost body functions.

Passing re-examination:

  • citizens assigned to group I undergo medical re-examination once every 2 years;
  • children with status - after 1, 2 years, or there is the possibility of establishing up to 18 years of age;
  • those assigned to other categories undergo the procedure annually.
Important! It is important to undergo a repeat medical and social examination commission in advance, otherwise payments will be suspended due to untimely confirmation of status and resumed only after re-executing the package of documents.

A citizen for whom a group of permanent disability has been recognized sends an application to the Pension Fund about the need to assign him social assistance in connection with obtaining the status.

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Procedure for processing payments for disability

The applicant can apply for the assignment of benefits independently or through legal representative(trusted representative) at the place of his stay (residence, registration) to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • personally to the nearest PF body;
  • through the employer;
  • by sending registered mail to PF;
  • through the PF website;
  • through one of the social centers that have a cooperation agreement with the Pension Fund.

Required documents

Along with the application for a social disability pension, you must submit:

  1. applicant's passport or birth certificate;
  2. document on incapacity for work (ITU certificate);
  3. confirmation of place of registration and residence;
  4. documents for a representative, if the application for benefits is not carried out by the applicant himself personally.

Purpose of government payments

After 10 working days from the date of application, a decision is made on the assignment and amount of a disability pension, if the applicant provided a complete package of documents and there were no comments on them.

Important! Disability benefits are assigned to the recipient only after the latter has received the corresponding right to it, starting from the 1st day of the month in which the application for the appointment occurred.

At the same time, the law does not limit the right of a citizen to seek help at any time from the moment this right arises. The person chooses the method of receiving monthly social benefits (at home, to a bank account) independently. He can receive the funds due in person, and if he has a notarized power of attorney, the amount can be received by a trusted person.

Calculation of the amount of disability accruals in 2019

The amount of payments from the budget is established by the state in fixed amount depending on the cost of living.
Every year, the amounts are indexed by the state taking into account the cost of living in the country in the past year.

From April 1, 2018 to April 1, 2019, the amount of the budget payment for disability was:

Recipient status, group Amount of monthly assistance, rub.
1 Disability group I and group II since childhood10360,52
2 II disability group 5180,24
3 III disability group 4403,24
4 Group I from childhood and disabled children 12432,44

What determines the amount of charges?

For those living on Far North Supplements are applied to the disability pension through the use of an increasing regional coefficient established for the period of residence of recipients within the specified areas.

The material support of persons in these categories cannot be below the subsistence level. Based on what pension the disabled person has, an additional payment is established to adjust the amount of assistance to the recipient, paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (at the federal level) or the territorial social protection authority (at the regional level).

Other types of social assistance for disabled people

In addition to the pension, additional options for budget assistance are provided for this category of residents:

  • a monthly cash increase in the pension for disabled people (EDV), assigned at the request of the recipient and paid by the territorial pension fund. It has a different size depending on the status of the recipient, and is indexed annually;
  • a set of social services for those who receive a monthly allowance (sanatorium or resort treatment with free travel in both directions, free software medical and medicines), which, at the request of the recipient, can be replaced with compensation in monetary terms.

Compensatory care assistance

Financial assistance in the form of monthly amounts is provided to able-bodied but unemployed persons caring for permanently disabled group I disabled people, disabled children and those who have had group I status since childhood.

  • 5500 rubles - size monthly payment parent, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee of a disabled person.
  • 1200 rubles - the amount of monthly payment to other persons.

Social supplement

The federal social supplement is paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is established automatically if the SGP in the Russian Federation is significantly higher than the level of the SGP in the region. The regional social supplement is paid by the authorities social protection region if the cost of living of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the size of the SGP in Russia.

When calculating the total amount of income non-working pensioner taken into account:

  • pension amount;
  • the amount of additional material (social) support;
  • the amount of monthly cash payment;
  • the cost of a set of social services;
  • monetary equivalent of measures social support(payment for telephone, residential premises and utilities, travel on passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation expenses for these services).
  • Watch a video about the amount of additional payments to pensions for disabled people in 2019

    June 16, 2017, 13:57 March 31, 2019 14:55

Traditional annual April indexation social and pensions state provision will increase payments by 2.9%. In monetary terms, the increase will average 247 rubles. After promotion the average size social pension will increase to 9,004 rubles, for state support - to 9,303 rubles.

The indexation of pensions from April 1, 2018 will affect almost 76 thousand pensioners of the Altai Territory, of which more than 70 thousand are recipients of social pensions.

It is worth emphasizing that indexation in this case will be carried out for pensioners regardless of whether they work or not. Let us remind you that the state pension pension provision assigned to military personnel, participants of the Great Patriotic War, citizens awarded the “Resident of Siege Leningrad” badge, victims of radiation and disabled family members of fallen (deceased) military personnel and Chernobyl victims. A social pension is available to those who have not earned the right to an old-age insurance pension. Men receive it at 65 years of age, women at 60 years of age.

In addition, a social pension is assigned to those who have lost their breadwinner, orphans, disabled people, disabled children, and children whose both parents are unknown. Thus, the size of the social pension for disabled children and disabled children of the first group from April 1, 2018 will be 14,297 rubles (with a regional coefficient of 15%), 14,919 rubles (with a regional coefficient of 20%).

As for the further increase in pensions, Altai pensioners who worked in 2017 will increase in August 2018 insurance pensions- The Pension Fund of Russia will conduct a traditional non-declaration recalculation of insurance pensions.

Media Relations GroupPension Fund branches for Altai region

What the social disability pension will be in 2019 is a relevant question for millions of disabled people from Russia living on state benefits. For disabled people who, due to physical limitations or age, are unable to work, the state assigns and pays a social pension. Its size is indexed regularly, but only slightly. The next indexation took place in April – it amounted to 2%.

Recipients of social pensions from among the disabled

The social disability pension is established in accordance with Law No. 166-FZ, adopted on December 15, 2001 - on state pensions. According to Article 4 of this legal act, recipients of state pensions are disabled people who do not have one day of insurance experience or.

The social pension is paid in 2019 (Article 11 of Law No. 166-FZ):

    disabled children until they reach adulthood;

    disabled adults of groups 1, 2 and 3 who have no experience or have chosen a social pension;

    disabled people from childhood, groups 1 and 2.

If a disabled person worked, he does not receive social security, but... Its value depends on the length of service he was able to develop and the total amount of insurance premiums paid for him by employers.

Recipients of a social disability pension in adulthood are most often disabled people of group I. It indicates that a person has a serious, often irreversible disease that does not allow him to find a job (or creates great difficulties in finding one).

Citizens who have received group 3 disability find themselves in a difficult life situation. Due to the fact that this pension even with FSD it is small in size, and it is difficult for disabled people of group 3 to find employment.

Amounts of social disability pension

Amounts of pension supplements for disabled people

Pension of a disabled person (disabled since childhood) 3 groups in 2019

Pension + daily allowance for a disabled person of group 3 - 6653.92 rubles.

Important. Disabled people of group 3 are entitled to an additional payment up to the subsistence level (at this moment This 8846 rubles), if the citizen’s total income is below this value. As a rule, representatives of the Pension Fund do not advertise this information, so go and write an application to provide you with a social supplement.

Pension of a disabled person of group 2 in 2019

Pension + daily allowance for a disabled person of group 2 - 7985 .51 rubles.

Important. For disabled people of group 2, it is also possible to receive a social supplement up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. A citizen with a disability must contact the nearest representative office of the Pension Fund and write an application.

Pension of a disabled person since childhood, group 2 in 2019

Pension + ESD for disabled people since childhood, 2 groups - 13269.4 rubles.

Pension of a disabled person of group 1 in 2019

Pension + daily allowance for disabled person of group 1 - 14350.67 rubles.

Pension of a disabled person from childhood of group 1 in 2019

Pension + daily allowance for a disabled person of group 1 since childhood - 16464.03 rubles.

Pension for disabled children in 2019

Pension + EDV for disabled children - 15382.76 rubles.

The pension amount is calculated as follows, pension for the disability group plus for the same group. Please note that if you have not refused (NSU) or its parts (medicine, sanatorium treatment, railway travel), then its cost (from February 1, 2019 it is 1121.42 rubles) or the cost of its parts will be deducted from the amount of EDV.

What affects the size of the social disability pension?

The most important criterion here is: disabled people of group 1, disabled people of group 1 since childhood and disabled children have the largest pension. All values ​​are fixed and indexed by the state every year. Availability of dependents, work experience, titles and state awards does not affect the amount of social pensions for disabled people.

How can you increase your pension?

Firstly, this is the FSD (subsistence level supplement). If your pension (together with other income) is below the PMP level, contact the Pension Fund.

Secondly x, if you have at least one day of work experience, find out at the local Pension Fund office which type of pension is more profitable for you - social or insurance.

Third, do not forget about the compensatory surcharge for care. It is prescribed to disabled people of group 1, elderly people over 80 years of age, as well as disabled people of other groups if they need constant care. This is 1200 rubles. For disabled children, this additional payment is assigned in the amount of 10,000 rubles, but only a parent or guardian who is able to work but is unemployed can apply for it.

Fourth, do not forget about subsidies for housing and communal services - this is a way to be 100 percent free from communal services. If your total income (+ registered family members, as well as spouses) minus housing and communal services is less than 10,000 rubles, go to social security.

Fifthly, if you do not need in-kind benefits that are part of a set of social services (free medicines, sanatorium treatment (every 5 years) and free travel to the place sanatorium treatment) - give them up in favor of money. This will give you an increase in pension in the amount of 1121 rubles.

Increase in social pensions in 2019

Let us remind you that the indexation of social pensions took place in April 2019, the increase was 2%. Disability pensions have increased by 100-250 rubles on average. As a result, the average annual social pension rose from 9,052 rubles to 9,215. The size of the monthly social pension increased by 4.3% from February 1

For a more accurate pension calculation, use our .

In this article we will consider in detail everything that is in one way or another connected with pensions for disabled people of category 3: the procedure for calculating payments, their components, the right to additional payments, allowances and benefits, as well as the amount thereof in 2017. Let's start with the legislative acts regulating the receipt of disability and, accordingly, pensions for it in our state.

Within the framework of the law

Before establishing the size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3, we list the main legislative acts that allow a citizen to be classified in this category and make him eligible to receive the payments due:

  • Order No. 95 of the Government of the Russian Federation: a clear formulation of the conditions that must be met to obtain disability.
  • Order No. 17 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: description of the conditions allowing for the medical examination procedure necessary to obtain a disability category.
  • Resolution No. 317 of the Ministry of Health: regulations and terms of this medical examination.
  • Resolution No. 1 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: a list of medical clinics that have the right to conduct a medical examination procedure for obtaining disability.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which grants the right to every disabled person to receive financial and social assistance from the state.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, listing all the benefits available to people with disabilities.

Who is disabled category 3

A citizen who has certain health problems that entail various physical limitations and subsequent loss of work can count on the minimum pension for a disabled person of group 3. A person with a third group disability:

  • Has the ability to serve himself alone, without resorting to the help of strangers (subject to the use of special aids).
  • He is quite capable of moving independently, but his walking speed and the distance he covers without rest are significantly lower and less than those for a relatively healthy person.
  • During the learning process, he needs additional rest, a special regime, and the use of special equipment.
  • During work, he feels the need to reduce the proportion of physical activity.

Types of pensions for disabled people of category 3

The size of the pension of a disabled person of the third group is a value that consists of three components:

  • social;
  • insurance (labor);
  • state pension.

In our country, indexation (increase depending on annual inflation) of pensions for disabled people is traditionally carried out at the beginning of the year. Its value is 1-6 percent. Now let’s look at both the overall size of pensions this year and each of the presented elements in more detail.

The size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3 in 2017

For ease of perception, we will present information about pensions in the form of a table.

For a disabled child of group 3, the pension amount this year was 14,609.12 rubles (including daily allowance).

The last indexation of social pensions took place in April 2017. As a result, payments increased by 1.5%, i.e. by approximately 129 rubles. One-time cash payments increased by 5.4%.

Features of social benefits

In Russia, the size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3 does not depend on his work experience. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes a single fixed amount for all disabled people of this category on the territory of the state.

The disadvantages of the social pension, as you can see for yourself from the previous paragraph, include its small size.

Insurance (labor) pension

Since a disabled person of the third group is not prohibited from working, his work experience and earned points in the Pension Fund significantly influence the amount of the labor part pension payments. In addition to the basic coefficient, the latter also depends on the category of disability.

A good amount of the insurance portion is ensured by at least 20 years of official work experience. To the minimum labor size All citizens can count on the pension of a disabled person of group 3 (RUB 2,402.56 in 2017).

State pension

The calculation of this type of pension depends on the economic situation in the state and annual inflation. In the most general case, this size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3 is calculated using the formula: the amount of the social pension multiplied by 100%.

Features of pension calculation

  • Non-working disabled people in this category generally do not receive any supplements. There are no special features in calculating their pensions.
  • The size of the pension of a group 3 disabled person since childhood is fixed and is not subject to recalculation. It can only be increased by annual re-indexing.
  • For working disabled people, the pension amount is automatically recalculated annually. It is influenced by two factors - the amount of the disabled person’s official salary and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund redirected by his employer. If wages increase, they do not have the right to reduce the pension, but if the salary decreases or remains at the level of last year, the amount of pension payments may increase.

Allowances for disabled people of category 3

Everyone with a category 3 disability is entitled to receive monthly allowance about 1000 rubles. Please note that it is only available to officially unemployed disabled people - when registering you must show your work book. To receive this benefit, you need to contact the Pension Fund with a corresponding application.

Since a category 3 disabled person can take care of himself independently, he is not entitled to benefits for caring for him. However, a person who takes care of such a citizen during the latter’s illness is entitled to receive payments for temporary loss of work activity. The benefit is calculated based on official earnings for the last six months.

Additional cash payments for disabled people

All disabled people, regardless of category, are entitled to receive the following: cash benefits. The size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3 will increase if he complies with all the conditions for their calculation:

  • Monthly cash payments (MAP)- replacement of benefits in kind with cash. From February 1, 2017 it is 2022.94 rubles. for disabled people of the third category. To receive it, you need to visit the Pension Fund at your place of residence or registration. To submit an application, you need a passport, SNILS, documents indicating the presence of a disability (disability certificate, conclusion of a medical expert commission, etc.).
  • Set of social services- component of EDV. Includes per month: medications prescribed by the attending doctor (RUB 807.94): funds for purchasing a voucher to a sanatorium that complies with the doctor’s recommendations (RUB 124.99); free travel to and from the place of treatment (RUB 116.04). To cancel the NCU and receive an equal monetary reward, you must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund - it is submitted once, it is not required to renew it every year. Equivalent to NSU from February 1, 2017 - 1048.97 rubles.
  • Add. monthly financial support (DEMO). 1000 rub. provided to category 3 disabled people who were participants in the Second World War; disabled due to injury received during military service; former child prisoners (under 18 years old) of concentration camps. 500 rub. received by military personnel of units of the army that did not participate in the battles and were included in them during the Second World War; widows of WWII participants who died at the front; residents of besieged Leningrad; adult concentration camp prisoners. To receive payment, all specified persons should contact the Pension Fund with a corresponding application.
  • Federal social benefit (FSD) is accrued to non-working disabled people of category 3, whose total monthly income is below the established regional subsistence level. When calculating, both the pension itself, EDV, DEMO, NSU, and benefits for travel, utility bills and telephone use are taken into account. To receive an FSD, you need to come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application, photocopies of pages of your passport and work book.

Benefits for disabled people of the third category

Since the size of the social pension for disabled people of group 3 is small, they are also entitled to a number of benefits:

  • For disabled people since childhood - exemption from property tax for individuals.
  • For disabled people since childhood - exemption from fees for issuing a housing warrant.
  • For disabled people since childhood - exemption from the registration fee for individuals starting a business activity.
  • Exemption from tax for a car with a power of less than 100 hp. With. or a specially equipped vehicle.
  • 50% discount when purchasing medications prescribed by your doctor.
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort rehabilitation.
  • Free provision of technical devices necessary for rehabilitation, including prosthetic and orthopedic products.
  • 50% discount on housing, utility bills and, if necessary, the purchase of fuel for heating the house.
  • The right to your own living space within one room (see the List of Diseases required for this, approved by the Government).
  • Obtaining land in the first order for individual construction and farming.
  • Creation of conditions in the workplace appropriate to the disabled person’s condition.
  • Annual leave of at least 30 calendar days.
  • Provision by the employer of unpaid leave of 60 calendar days without consequences for a disabled employee at the request of the latter.
  • Work at night, on weekends, and overtime work is possible only with the written consent of the disabled person.
  • Exemption from insurance contributions to funds: compulsory medical insurance, pension, social insurance, employment.
  • Repeated receipt of free vocational education in the direction of the state employment service.
  • Refund of 50% of the insurance amount paid under the MTPL agreement.
  • Citizens who become disabled as a result of the introduction of a harmful vaccine are entitled to receive monthly compensation up to 1,000 rubles.
  • For disabled people since childhood - a refund per month when paying personal income tax.
  • For citizens who become disabled while serving military service, - refund of 3,000 rubles per month when paying personal income tax.

Category 3 disability involves not only payment to a citizen of a pension, consisting of social, insurance and state parts, but also a number of additional payments and exceptional benefits.