congratulations on valentine's day in your own words. Pictures for Valentine's Day funny and comic for the former

Every year more and more of our fellow citizens begin to consider February 14 an important holiday, and not just a simple date. And if 10 years ago, many men (and some women) considered Valentine's Day to be "foreign nonsense", now most people are not limited to formal congratulations to their soulmate. They sincerely take pleasure in giving Valentine's Day cards to all their good friends and presenting cute gifts to loved ones. Therefore, it is not surprising that thousands of various postcards for February 14 with congratulations on Valentine's Day are posted on the network. Almost all postcards can be downloaded for free from both file hosting and regular sites. And in order to make it easier for users to find the best postcards for Valentine's Day, here are collected small collections of themed "valentines" - beautiful, funny and cool pictures, postcards with inscriptions for a guy, "valentines" on English language.

Valentine's Day greeting cards free download

Beautiful greeting cards with hearts for Valentine's Day, residents of Western Europe began to massively give each other in the second half of the twentieth century. In those days, “valentine” cards were sold at post offices and in stationery stores. Now, in order to congratulate loved ones on Valentine's Day, it is not at all necessary to buy "valentines" from cardboard - you can download Valentine's Day cards for free from the Internet.

Free postcards for Valentine's Day February 14 with poems

Here we have collected for you a small collection of beautiful electronic cards for Valentine's Day, on which verses with congratulations and confessions are written. These postcards can be downloaded for free and sent to your loved ones and loved ones.

Postcards with inscriptions in English for Valentine's Day

Despite the fact that in Russia and the CIS countries most of the young people actively congratulate each other on Valentine's Day, nevertheless in the USA and a number of European countries February 14 is celebrated much more solemnly. Therefore, it is natural that postcards for Valentine's Day in English are different great variety in comparison with Russian-language greeting cards. The meaning of the inscription "Happy Valentine's Day" on such cards is clear even to people who have never learned English.

A selection of English-language postcards with Valentine's Day

Download for free and print or send via email / messenger / social network postcards for Valentine's Day in English.

The most beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day February 14

Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally which postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 are beautiful and which are mediocre. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, so the card that one person really likes may leave another indifferent. But there is beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day, which on February 14 netizens download most often.

5 most downloaded cards for Valentine's Day February 14

Here we have posted a selection of the most popular greeting cards for Valentine's Day.

February 14 greeting cards for a guy on Valentine's Day

Postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 to a guy with beautiful words love can move even the most courageous representatives of the stronger sex to tears. Moreover, it is important that February 14 is one of the most better days to open your feelings to your beloved, because on this day you can count on the patronage and help of St. Valentine.

A selection of cards for February 14 for your beloved guy

You can confess your love to a guy both verbally and in writing, giving the chosen one a postcard. And here all the girls will find beautiful cards for Valentine's Day, which you can give to your beloved on February 14th.

Postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 with original congratulatory inscriptions

On February 14, it is better to send close friends and good acquaintances not romantic pictures, but funny postcards for Valentine's Day with inscriptions. These postcards will evoke in the soul of a person not only gratitude and friendly disposition towards the sender, but also make him smile.

Collection of original postcards for Valentine's Day

Cool cards for friends on Valentine's Day February 14

On Valentine's Day, not only plush hearts and pink "valentines" with poems are popular - postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 are also very often downloaded from the network. Such funny and funny cards are even called anti-valentines, although this does not mean at all that such pictures can only be given to enemies.

Best to give funny postcards for Valentine's Day with friends good feeling humor. They will definitely be able to appreciate such postcards:

Happy Valentine's Day Paper Cards

On Valentine's Day, you want to give your beloved boyfriend, girlfriend and other close people something that will please them and is guaranteed to cheer you up for the whole day. And most often they give loved ones on February 14 Stuffed Toys, sweets, jewelry and other cute gifts, and in addition to the main present, Valentine's Day cards are given. But the choice of paper cards is quite limited, and for those who cannot find a suitable "valentine" with beautiful inscriptions, the best way is to download suitable pictures for free and print them. It does not take much time to make beautiful and funny Russian-language postcards or greeting cards with inscriptions in English in this way. But to receive such postcards will be a joy to every person, because the desire to congratulate on Valentine's Day with an original picture is in itself a proof of love.

Cool and beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day 2018 with unusual inscriptions, poems can be sent to everyone you know. Original congratulations will help cheer them up. We have selected for our readers funny pictures for friends and girlfriends that you can copy or download for free. But for the fair sex, we have created a convenient selection of congratulations for your beloved boyfriend or husband. Men among our examples can easily find romantic postcards by February 14 for their wives or girlfriends. We also selected beautiful video postcard, which can be sent to relatives and loved ones to cheer up.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 - a selection of images

Funny and romantic pictures on Valentine's Day must be sent to all friends, and to your loved ones, relatives. You can choose beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 among our examples.

A selection of beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

How to download free Valentine's Day cards for your beloved wife, girl - collection

Easy and simple to pick up beautiful picture with congratulations for your beloved, our next selection will help men. With its help, you can download cool romantic cards for Valentine's Day for a girlfriend or wife for free.

Collection of free postcards for Valentine's Day for your beloved wife, girl for download

Original postcards for Valentine's Day to her husband - a selection of pictures with poems

Girls can please their beloved man on February 14 with the help of pictures with congratulations that we have selected. Beautiful postcards on Valentine's Day can be sent to your husband with personal wishes.

A selection of original postcards with poems for her husband for the holiday of Valentine's Day

The following postcards will help our readers to give their beloved man positive emotions on Valentine's Day. You can send them to your husband, supplementing them with cool stickers, emoticons.

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 to a girlfriend - a selection of images

For beloved girlfriends, our readers can pick up cool postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 from the following collection. It includes the best pictures with congratulations and inscriptions.

A selection of cool postcards for girlfriends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Funny cards for friends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 - a selection of pictures

Do not forget about your comrades on Valentine's Day. To express respect to friends on February 14, 2018, the postcards we have selected for Valentine's Day will help.

A selection of funny friendly cards for February 14, Valentine's Day 2018

Funny postcards for friends can be sent with stickers and emoticons. They can also be seasoned original congratulations in your own words.

Interesting postcards Happy Valentine's Day with inscriptions and congratulations - a selection of images

In order not to waste time on the selection of congratulatory texts, we invite our readers to view the following pictures. Ready postcards with inscriptions for Valentine's Day, you can send to all your friends and acquaintances.

Interesting postcards with congratulatory inscriptions for Valentine's Day

The postcards we have selected for Valentine's Day with congratulations, inscriptions are ideal for sending. They do not need addition and help to express both sympathy and love.

For our readers, we have selected a variety of postcards for Valentine's Day 2018. They can be sent to your beloved boyfriend or husband, friends. For the representatives of the stronger sex, we have selected a whole collection of romantic pictures for wives and girls. It can be downloaded for free in the archive, the link to which is indicated in the article. Among all the options there are simple pictures themes on February 14 with inscriptions, and ready-made postcards. They are supplemented with poems with congratulations, wishes, declarations of love. Also, you can send a video card that we have selected to all your friends and loved ones.

Cool postcards and pictures on Valentine's Day can convey the most different emotions to their recipients. They can tell about love in verses, express sympathy and respect. Readers can find congratulatory pictures with inscriptions for their boyfriend or girlfriend, friends among our collections. We have selected postcards in Russian and English. You can simply copy them or download them for free to your computer. Beautiful to tears postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 can not only be sent. They can be printed to congratulate friends or decorate a room or class.

How to download free unusual postcards for Valentine's Day - a collection of pictures

To make it easier for our readers to select greeting pictures for February 14, we have created a ready-made collection of images. Valentine's Day cards can be downloaded for free from this page.

Free collection of Valentine's Day cards to download

Among the pictures of our collection you can find retro postcards, images with inscriptions. They are great for congratulating friends, loved ones.

Original postcards for Valentine's Day in English - free selection

Small congratulations in English is understandable to everyone. It can be inscriptions with wishes or declarations of love. We have selected the most interesting postcards in English for the holiday of Valentine's Day 2018.

A selection of original postcards in English for the holiday of Valentine's Day

Cool examples of postcards in English for February 14, our readers can easily copy to your computer. Ready-made postcards do not need to be added: they can simply be sent to loved ones and friends.

Beautiful to tears postcards for February 14 Valentine's Day - a selection of pictures with inscriptions

Pictures touching to tears with inscriptions can be sent on Valentine's Day to all your friends. Beautiful images will help express your attention, sympathy or love on February 14 on Valentine's Day.

A selection of beautiful to tears postcards with inscriptions for Valentine's Day February 14

Beautiful to tears postcards can be supplemented with romantic poems or personal wishes. Such pictures will certainly give positive emotions to the recipient. They will help you start February 14 in a great mood.

Cute postcards for Valentine's Day by February 14 for a guy - a selection of free pictures

Most girls on the eve of Valentine's Day pick up gifts and cards for their beloved guys. please loved one You can also virtual congratulations. Girls will be able to find cute postcards for their boyfriend on Valentine's Day on February 14 in our next selection.

Free cute cards for a guy for the holiday of February 14 Valentine's Day

The pictures we have selected can not only be sent to your beloved guy. They can be printed to create a collage or to romantically decorate a room.

Interesting postcards with inscriptions for Valentine's Day February 14 - a selection of pictures

Small inscriptions with congratulations, declarations of love are great for sending to your halves on Valentine's Day. You can find interesting postcards with inscriptions for February 14 for Valentine's Day in our next selection.

A selection of interesting postcards for February 14 Valentine's Day with inscriptions

The following selection of postcards with congratulatory inscriptions will help our readers find the right words for all their friends, their soul mate. If desired, they can be supplemented with personal congratulations, confessions.

Valentine's Day is a relatively new holiday for us, but it has already managed to win the love of millions of trembling hearts. It is celebrated every year on February 14 after a long and cheerful series of New Year's celebrations. But unlike winter Christmas time, when snowflakes, Christmas trees and tinsel are visible everywhere, on Valentine's Day the eye is attracted by the invasion of cute hearts, funny bears, beautiful flowers and scarlet greeting cards. Among all these elements of romance, it is the last ones from year to year that remain the same attribute of the holiday. Perhaps that is why not a single congratulation can do without valentines, or maybe postcards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 - The best way confess your feelings or once again remind them of them. Bright and colorful, with congratulatory inscriptions and poems touching to tears, rectangular or heart-shaped - they are always associated with something bright, sincere and kind. With genuine love, I guess! Do not stay away either: download for free, print and give a Valentine to your other half for Valentine's Day.

Beautiful greeting cards for Valentine's Day February 14

The traditional beautiful greeting card for Valentine's Day (February 14) is filled with important symbols. They usually flaunt on it: hearts - as a sign of love and emotional affection, Cupid - the son of the magnificent goddess of love, red roses - the favorite flowers of Venus, lace - as a sign of tenderness and romance, as well as rings, doves and other elements symbolizing the unity of hearts. Most often, greeting cards for Valentine's Day (February 14) are made in the shape of a heart and in a very small size, but electronic versions of valentines can be very different.

Collection of beautiful valentines for congratulations on February 14

Postcards for Valentine's Day: free download for printing

The very first Valentine card is a little less than 500 years old. The greeting card was made in the form of a secret love message and became the progenitor of today's popular cardboard cards with holiday inscriptions and wish verses. Back in the 19th century, the serial production of black and white pictures for Valentine's Day was launched and their cost was quite impressive, unlike today's postcards, which can be downloaded and printed for free. Over time, valentines changed in every possible way, but their popularity did not decrease, but only grew.

If you need the best Valentine's Day cards, you can download it for free to print in the next section.

Best Valentine's Day Cards for Free Download

The best cards with inscriptions for a girl on Valentine's Day February 14

Valentine's Day is not an easy holiday, so congratulations should be unusual. For example, a romantic gift in the form of a trip to a restaurant or a flight to hot-air balloon, as well as a cute souvenir and a bouquet of fragrant flowers. The best card with inscriptions for a girl on Valentine's Day on February 14 will perfectly complement the overall picture. Unlike guys, girls are maximalists, which means that additional signs of attention will be very useful. In addition, Valentine's Day is an essential attribute of the holiday of lovers. Download in advance the best postcard with inscriptions for the girl on Valentine's Day (February 14), so that you do not have to buy template cardboard at the last moment.

Collection of postcards for a girl on Valentine's Day (February 14)

Suitable postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 for a guy

Men are not as sentimental as girls. But that's no reason to deprive guys of suitable cards for Valentine's Day (February 14). Of course, it is worth abandoning pictures with cats, bunnies and plush hearts, giving way to less romantic and more suitable postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14 for a guy. We have collected the best of them in the next section: choose and download!

A selection of valentines for February 14, suitable for congratulating a guy

Funny and funny to tears postcards for Valentine's Day February 14

On the wonderful holiday of all lovers, the atmosphere is filled not only with romance and tenderness, but also with joy and fun. Warm hugs and frank confessions of feelings are being replaced by fervent joint pastime and friendly gatherings in a club, cafe or at home. This means that congratulations can be not only serious and lyrical, but also cool and funny, like postcards for Valentine's Day (February 14) from our next section.

Gallery of cool and funny cards for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018)

Bright postcards for Valentine's Day in English (with congratulations and poems)

Fans of Western culture for Valentine's Day will need bright postcards with congratulations and poems in English. Recently, foreign valentines have become even more popular among teenagers and young people. And, accordingly, the diversity of those has increased significantly. Today, anyone who wants to please their soulmate can choose the most ideal bright postcard for Valentine's Day in English (with congratulations and poems), download it in two clicks and send it to the recipient's mobile or email. What could be easier!

Bright valentines in English with beautiful inscriptions or poems

Postcard for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 is the most charming way to convey your feelings to your loved one, confess your secrets or once again confirm your affection. At the same time, a beautiful greeting card for a guy or girl does not have to be lyrical with poems touching to tears. Cool valentine for Valentine's Day with funny inscriptions and funny congratulations no less pleasant in this Holy holiday. Choose the most suitable option from our gallery, download for free and print in advance on paper or bright cardboard.

The holiday of Valentine's Day is emotional and romantic in itself. But there are still a couple of ways to color this day with even brighter and more saturated colors. So, you can easily give the celebration more sensuality by elegantly decorating the house with traditional attributes, ordering an unusual gift for your beloved or loved one, sending out postcards for Valentine's Day 2018 to all friends and girlfriends. and wishes for February 14 colorfully demonstrate your sincere feelings and cheer up well even on the most frosty and cloudy day. Download free postcards for Valentine's Day and send with the first rays of the sun to everyone you care about.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Looking through beautiful collections postcards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018, you can find the most different variants: cute pictures with doves and hearts, bright illustrations with congratulatory verses and inscriptions, unusual photo cards with confessions and even funny valentines with humorous content. Each lover will easily find a suitable image for his soulmate. But the most beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 are best downloaded for free in our collection below.

Collection of beautiful Valentine's Day cards

Romantic cards for your girlfriend or wife on Valentine's Day 2018: free download

For each loving girl and beloved wife a romantic postcard for Valentine's Day - albeit a small, but very expensive present. After all, it is precisely what is selected with the soul that pleases the most. If the relationship in your couple is not devoid of light humor, download funny cartoons or cartoons for free by February 14th. If you want to be distinguished by tenderness and lyricism, we offer romantic postcards for Valentine's Day to download for free for your girlfriend or wife in the next section.

A selection of the most romantic pictures for congratulations to your wife or girlfriend on February 14

Valentine's Day greeting cards for husband or beloved man

It can be difficult for girls to take the initiative and confess their feelings to their lover. What words to choose? How not to show excitement? What to interest? These questions torment the timid representatives of the beautiful half of humanity long before February 14th. But as soon as day X comes, you have to make a choice. We recommend using bright greeting cards with characteristic inscriptions and verses: with their help, you will be able to delicately open your feelings to your beloved man, and once again fill your husband with them. The main thing is not to overdo it. No fluffy hares, roses and lace. Greeting Cards on Valentine's Day, a husband or beloved man should be romantic, but calm.

The best options for congratulatory pictures for husbands and beloved men for Valentine's Day

Bright cards for friends Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

An amazing holiday - Valentine's Day - provides an excellent opportunity to get away from everyday worries and daily fuss in order to remember love, care, affection and true love. strong friendship. On February 14, 2018, do not forget to pay attention not only to your loved one, but also to family and friends. Send colorful pictures with poems and wishes to everyone who is important to you: parents, girlfriends, classmates and classmates. Add nice music or a short animation to the image, write a couple of lines from yourself. Such beautiful congratulations with bright postcards for friends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 will not go unnoticed.

Gallery of bright cards with congratulations to friends on Valentine's Day 2018

Original postcards Happy Valentine's Day with inscriptions for a friend

Life without friends would be boring. Is not it? With whom else can you laugh at your own curiosities, who is able to experience with us sour cream mask, who is the first one we brag about new purchases? Yes, a real friend deserves the most original postcard With cool inscription for Valentine's Day. And if you don't know where to find one, scroll down. In the next section, we have collected Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions for a girlfriend for free download.

Collection of postcards with original inscriptions to a friend on February 14, 2018

The coolest postcards with poems Happy Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018)

Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) is good not only with delicate flowers, cute gifts, a riot of romance, but also with good humor, sparkling jokes and funny electronic postcards. For those who have not yet managed to find their love, such funny congratulations to friends, colleagues and classmates - the best option express yourself. Choose the coolest postcards with poems Happy Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018), download for free and amuse your loved ones.

Funny and funny postcards with poems for free download on Valentine's Day

Even if there are still a few days left until February 14, do not put off the search for later congratulatory pictures with inscriptions and verses. Choose and download free beautiful cards for Valentine's Day 2018 for your beloved or beloved today. Indeed, at the last moment it is difficult to choose the most suitable option for an expensive addressee. Be it boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, girlfriend or close friends.