Dress for an apple figure with skinny legs. Apple or inverted triangle body type. Basic secrets when choosing clothes

Hello, my dear readers. In one of the previous articles, I wrote about dressing beautifully and impeccably. So, one of the main points is to determine your body type. Then, based on this, you need to select a wardrobe. And today we will talk about this type of figure, “apple”.

In order to look flawless, you need to know all your flaws. Know to relegate them to the background and draw attention to your strengths. It's no secret that people are greeted by their clothes. And in our time, when sports and healthy image lives became popular, a figure came to the forefront. But not all of us are molded proportionally correctly under the skies of the athletic Olympus. Not everyone has time for family or professional sports. What can we say if you can’t always find time to get a good night’s sleep. And the physiology of the human body, together with genetics, contributes to this.

Each of us has a different distribution of weight gain. Some people have excessive roundness on their hips, while others have slender legs, but hateful folds appear in the waist area. Some people, due to genetics or the sporting preferences of youth, have wider bones in the shoulder girdle.

It is on this principle that four main types of figures are distinguished. They are allocated for a reason, but for specific purposes. Depending on which of the four types you belong to, you can choose the right wardrobe, diet, program physical exercise, which will help to visually or actually hide flaws and highlight advantages, making your image closer to what you want.

Apple body type: photos and characteristics

One of these types is the apple shape. The “apples” in the world of celebrities are Kelly Osbourne, Liv Tyler, Britney Spears, Adele, Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, Queen Latiffa.

The main characteristics of this type are:

  • Excess weight first appears at the waist.
  • It is the most massive part of the body (together with the chest).
  • In accordance with the shoulder girdle, the hips are or appear narrower.
  • The legs are slender, but may appear shorter due to the developing disproportion with the stomach.
  • Even weight loss does not give positive results due to the fact that the figure remains disproportionate.

If you see yourself in the description, then you can safely join the guild under the “Apple” flag. The main disadvantages of this figure type are, of course, incorrect proportions. And that means we need to fix it!

How to dress for women with an apple body type?

There are many ways, such as diets or fitness, but, alas, the result is not immediately visible, and therefore you have an excellent reason to change your wardrobe until the efforts aimed at physical activity and willpower bear fruit.

What tricks can stylists suggest to visually correct and correctly direct the main lines of your figure? Your task is to visually correct the silhouette, make it attractive, and remove extra centimeters on the stomach.

You should not wear clothes that will emphasize the excessive tightness of your already extra belly. To hide figure imperfections, textured fabrics and small patterns are more suitable. Light draping around the waist will make it slimmer.

To visually achieve this effect, you need a predominance of vertical lines in your image. But these lines don’t necessarily need to be a print on a dress or blouse. Vertically placed seams of a different color or sewn on buttons will also lengthen the silhouette. An unbuttoned cardigan or raincoat, a flowing scarf are little tricks to your look that will allow you to achieve the desired result.

It is also worth noting that, regardless of the number of kilograms, Greek (high-waisted) dresses suit women with an “apple” figure type. And in general, it’s worth talking about dresses separately.

Firstly, today in stores you can see a huge number of so-called fake dresses. Thanks to their cut or color, vertical prints and pleasant silhouette, they will give the lines of the figure the right direction. Asymmetrical dresses stand out separately, just lifesavers, so to speak.

Dresses whose silhouettes, thanks to drapery or pattern, smoothly converge from the chest to the waist, and then, just as smoothly, diverge to the hips are ideal for updating your wardrobe. But you shouldn’t buy and wear dresses made of flowy fabrics - this will only add extra pounds to you and increase the discrepancy in proportions.

Drapery also matters. The vertical one will help lengthen the silhouette, and the drapery on the sides of the hips can visually give them the necessary shape to compensate for incorrect proportions.

When choosing underwear, you should take a closer look at lift- or push-up bra models. Tunics and tunics create an apple-shaped figure, especially when paired with long chains or beads around the neck.

In general, it is worth drawing attention to the chest. Embroideries and embellishments in this area will draw unwanted attention from the waist to the prominent curves. But don't go overboard with heavy beads and ornate jewelry, because you already have amazing breasts that don't require unnecessary decoration.

Skirts are definitely A-line. A pencil skirt will undoubtedly ruin the whole look, turning your figure into a rectangle.

Trousers and jeans. High waist, straight or flared hem is what you want. It is highly recommended to ensure that the belly does not protrude above the belt line, like the cap of a cupcake over a pan.

Women with an “Apple” figure are also owners of beautiful slender legs. And that means it’s worth showing them! Properly fitted shorts or high heels will help correct body proportions. Heels have always been and will be faithful assistants in creating your image, especially if you are short. But, you should not wear heavy-looking boots, leggings or tight jeans, otherwise you yourself will make your charming legs visually shorter.

Try to stick V-necks When choosing blouses, avoid short neck jewelry. Forget about ties across the neck, or high necks, or blouses without shoulders, unnecessary decorative elements at the neck or “boats” (straight neckline from shoulder to shoulder). Such clothes can visually expand the shoulder line and attract unnecessary attention to them.

If we talk about swimsuits, the principles remain similar: no horizontal stripes, high waist (great if emphasized with a color accent), a good bra that reliably supports the chest and dark colors at the waist.

You should not buy this type of clothing, much less wear:

  • Tight and pencil skirts
  • Straps and belts
  • Tunics
  • Jackets at the waist and along the hips, as well as T-shirts
  • Tight clothing in any form
  • Clothes with bright and large prints
  • Texture fabrics in clothing
  • Avoid a sharp contrast between the bottom and top
  • Baggy clothes
  • Tapered waist jeans
  • Corsets

By following all the rules and armed with all the secrets, you will amaze those around you with pleasant changes in your image, and not only those around you, but, first of all, yourself.

Diet according to the “apple” body type

The second important factor is diet. Do not neglect this point just because you are quite satisfied with the reflection in the mirror when clothes and accessories are chosen correctly. Nowadays, doctors talk a lot about the so-called “metabolic” syndrome. This is the state before the onset of the disease. We all know how muscles and bones ache before a cold, but if we talk about this syndrome, it is worth saying that the consequences of this condition are much more severe.

Metabolic syndrome presupposes the occurrence in the future of such diseases as diabetes, arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis and much more. One of the main symptoms of this preceding serious illnesses, the condition is an increase in the volume of adipose tissue in the abdominal area, or, as doctors say, “abdominal obesity.”

Considering that people with an “apple” body type are prone to depositing extra pounds in this area, doctors strongly recommend that such patients monitor their weight and, most importantly, their waist size.

The borderline numbers (when centimeters on the stomach become especially dangerous to human health) are one hundred and two centimeters in men and eighty-eight centimeters in women.

Therefore, after a change in wardrobe there is always a change in diet. For people with this body type, nutritionists give the following recommendations:

  • must be present. It is best if it is unsweetened fruits and cereals, especially cereals. They contain complex carbohydrates, the absorption of which requires more energy, and the supply of nutrients will last for several hours.
  • There should not be much time between meals: it is better to eat more often, but less, than vice versa. This means that the first breakfast will be followed by a second, or, simply put, lunch.
  • You should not eat animal fats, and you should also avoid carbohydrates contained in baked goods.
  • Don't eat anything two or three hours before bed.
  • required amount liquids.
  • Improvise with drinks: ginger will not only highlight the taste of your tea, but will also force the body to burn fat more actively!
  • But this drink will delight you on a winter evening: mix honey, ginger and mint to taste and add warm water, but not boiling water. A spicy drink will warm you up on a cold evening, give you energy, lift your mood and immunity, activate your defenses, and also warm up your metabolism, which is the trigger for burning fat. You can also add rosehip there, which will improve the aroma and significantly increase the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for our body during the cold period, as well.

Workouts for people with an “apple” or “where’s my waist?” body type.

To look beautiful, it’s not enough to just lose your apples excess weight. The main task is to eliminate incorrect body proportions. To do this, first of all, you need to find your waist, and secondly, get hips.

In order to find your lost waistline, aerobic exercise is vital. Running is your everything! Give it! IN gym you shouldn’t even be visible, only the hurricane wind should remind you that there is a persistent and persistent client who dreams of an amazing figure running around in circles!

Treadmill, jump rope, step aerobics, bicycle, plus a swimming pool, but not as the main load, but rather as a lifesaver, as a relief from active activities sports days. Carry around like electric brooms and, sooner or later (depending on your efforts), your waist will forgive you everything and come back.

Abdominal muscles needs to be tidied up! All kinds of twisting and lifting of the legs, both on the back and on the stomach, will help you. That is, a standard program for pumping up the press in an enhanced version.

Go ahead. Strength loads should not be applied to the upper parts of the body. Arms, back, chest It’s enough just to keep in good shape so as not to please envious people with chicken wings on your shoulders and folds over your bra. But the loin part, which is not enough loin in the context of the “apple” shape, needs to be worked on more diligently.

All kinds of squats, especially with additional weight and twists, will sculpt relatively thin legs into slender and attractive hips. If you suddenly hear from someone that the barbell is for men, feel free to take the heaviest weight from it and throw it at that person. For the weight plate, you still have to go back, hang the barbells on the bar and persistently squat and squat and squat. Over time, the results will force even the most ardent opponents of hardware to become its fans.

As a result, I would like to say that the load should be constant and intense. You shouldn’t kill yourself in the first lesson, squeezing out all the juices, but by the end of the third, beginning of the fourth week, you should already be in that very mode when the training will give an effect, and in the morning you won’t have to fall out of bed because your muscles hurt terribly.

I would like to mention a little about the character of a woman - “apple”

Women with an apple body type should be the best in everything. They achieve a stable position in life and society for themselves and their family. However, it takes a lot of time for women with this body type to understand the need for recognition. In adolescence, it often happens that girls with an apple body type do not correspond to the ideas that are put forward to them, such as conditions, by family members, teachers or friends. But as time goes on, girls realize how important it is for them to take a strong stand and express themselves.

It often happens that it becomes vital for women with this body type to take even a leading position, especially when it comes to business.

Work, independence and high status are what absolutely and completely characterize women – the “apples”. Success in professional life often comes first rather than in personal life. In a group, a woman with this body type does not strive to open up to everyone around her, because communicating with several people at once seems like an impossible task for her.

A lone wolf is what can be said about her working style. Individuality, own priorities and steadfastness. Have you not noticed that many successful women, politicians, business women, are the owners of this type of figure? This is not surprising, because such ladies have all the resources to achieve their goals.

However, excessive straightforwardness and composure interferes with close communication, be it with friends or the man in her life. Such women are adamant and do not pay the slightest attention to what other people say about them. Their main goal is to reach the top of the career ladder. The desire for perfect professionalism can make them a maniac in their field. They are extremely pedantic and responsible in all their work.

Ready for family life It comes to such women much later than to everyone else, but in the family they are also the keepers of the hearth.

I would like to end with where we started: to be perfect, you need to know your shortcomings. It is necessary not only to know them, it is important to accept them. Then, standing in the store in front of the next dress or blouse, you will never make a mistake with your choice, you will not be able to spoil your image, and you will know exactly what you need to be simply stunning!

“There is a type of people who get fat from the mere sight of other people having lunch..... Unfortunately, I am exactly this type,” this statement by Beyoncé completely describes the metabolism of women with an apple figure.

Apple shaped women can experience the consequences of eating a cake with cream or an extra glass of wine for a week or more, and they are not recommended to eat a number of foods at all due to the fact that they further slow down their already not “super-fast” metabolism.

Like a classic apple, I have experienced all the “charms” of this body type first hand. But I managed to cope with them, although not without sacrifices on my part. I was able to achieve the figure of my dreams, and all that remains for me now is to follow certain rules and remember the characteristics of my body.

I am sure that with the right motivation and the right desire, you will also succeed. lose weight and achieve amazing success, become the owner of beautiful and seductive forms.

And to encourage you a little to lose weight, here are photos of Hollywood stars who, just like you, are constantly fighting for beautiful female figure. Take an example, get inspired, read my advice and dare.

Characteristics of the female apple figure.

As I wrote earlier, an apple-type figure suggests the presence of a wide chest with large beautiful breasts, a weakly defined waist or its complete absence, small hips with a flat butt and thin, slender legs. The biggest problem is caused by the tummy, which constantly sticks out and does not want to become flat and pumped up.

Fat deposits accumulate mainly in the abdomen, sides and back, and to a lesser extent on the chest, neck and face. In some cases, the hip area may increase slightly, but it will always visually look smaller than the stomach and chest.

Metabolism in women with an apple figure, the flow of the apple is very slow and imposing, so any sudden interference in its work leads to dysfunction digestive system. The same applies to hormonal levels, which is low in apples and is sensitive to any changes in the body.

Women with an apple-type figure are susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. Thus, they more often than other types suffer from arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyroid insufficiency and diabetes.

But you shouldn’t despair and hang your nose, because with proper self-care, all these troubles can be avoided and you can live, enjoying your appearance and not complaining about anything.

Mistakes of apple-shaped people when losing weight.

For women with an apple figure, apples are simply contraindicated. starvation, which many people resort to to lose a couple of kilograms before vacation. I'll explain why. Apples have increased activity of adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol, which determines the excellent appetite of women with an apple-type figure and their sluggish metabolism. It increases under stress, and fasting is nothing more than severe stress for the body. By denying yourself food, you provoke an increase in cortisol in the blood, which slows down your metabolism even more, and, roughly speaking, you gain weight from water.

resort to cleansing (laxative) or diuretic teas, enemas and other means of this kind of action in order to lose weight, apples are also not recommended, due to the instability of their water-salt balance in the body and the sensitivity of the digestive system.

Significant fluid losses during such weight loss lead to weight loss, but exclusively due to water. After stopping their use, the weight will return at triple the speed, the body will be even more eager to put away what it eats “in reserve,” and your intestines will bother you for a long time.

Sitting on high protein diets on the menu, that is high protein diets. These include the Atkins diet, Dukan diet, Kremlin diet, Japanese diet, egg diet, English diet, astronaut diet, fish diet, protein diet and others.

This is because the high protein content in the diet of apples leads to water retention in their body, which threatens disruption of fat metabolic processes in the liver, resulting in swelling and stable weight retention by the body. Also, such diets slow down the already slow digestion processes, which leads to constipation and flatulence (gas formation in the intestines).

Alcohol consumption in quantities exceeding one glass of dry wine or a serving of strong alcoholic drink. The fact is that alcohol is also a brake on metabolism and hits the weak point of apples - the liver, which leads to impaired fat metabolism and weight gain.

If you can’t bear to give up sugar, it’s better to minimize its consumption as much as possible. Fructose and others sweeteners It is not recommended to use, because they harm the liver.

An effective diet for an apple body type.

Firstly, the daily menu of women with an apple-type figure should contain a sufficient amount fiber to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Secondly, all meals should take place before 19-00, because... after this time, everything you eat is processed into fat deposits and deposited in problem areas.

For meat products, give preference to poultry, fish and seafood, and for fats - cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt (the latter if their consumption does not cause swelling).

Carbohydrates You can’t exclude it from your diet under any circumstances, you just need to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates contained in buns, cakes, cola and lean on bran, cereals without added salt, cereal bars and crispbread.

When eating vegetables, you should avoid those that contain large amounts of starch (potatoes, corn). Best choice there will be broccoli, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans.

Oil and mayonnaise should be excluded and completely switch to dressings based on low-fat yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese.

Once a month it will be useful to carry out fruit and vegetable fasting days. The consumption of fatty, smoked, salty foods, pickles and sweets must be reduced or completely eliminated from the diet.

Of the famous diets I would recommend Protasov's diet, since her menu is based on vegetables and dairy products, which are very beneficial for the body of women with an apple-type figure. But it’s worth remembering that vegetables are vegetables, and no one has canceled the daily caloric intake, so everything in moderation.

For effective weight loss the diet should be combined with exercise, with preference given to strength exercises, and best of all - exercises in gym . Many women with an apple figure make the mistake of thinking that by doing abs and doing hula hoops they can achieve a thin waist, but this is not true. In the case of apples, exclusively comprehensive strength training and exercises will help you achieve a toned figure and beautiful abs.

Procedures for weight loss.

For women with an apple body type, it is very important to lose weight gradually, because... Rapid weight loss can result in saggy belly and breasts. In order to prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant side effects from losing weight, it is worth remembering that losing weight for apples is a gradual and lengthy process. Well, it’s true, it’s better to lose 10 kg in 2 months and have elastic and smooth skin than 10 kg in 2 weeks and then feel embarrassed to put on a swimsuit.

I would advise, if possible, during weight loss, to undergo several courses of mesotherapy, vacuum, lipomassage or regular massage. These procedures will speed up the process burning fat and will prevent the skin from sagging and losing elasticity.

Also Special attention worth your time décolleté area

Girls with an apple body type are quite common today. Due to the lack of a pronounced waist, they have complexes and refuse fashionable and stylish clothes. And it’s completely in vain, because there are specially designed models for such ladies. They can advantageously emphasize all the advantages of a silhouette and hide its flaws.

The body type resembles a ball. Its features are equal width of shoulders and hips. The waist is practically invisible. Only well-chosen clothes can give the image attractiveness, sophistication and lightness.

Styles of suitable clothing


Girls with this body type should take a closer look at models with a high waistline. This style advantageously disguises a bulging tummy. A good option would be a sheath dress and a corset. But it should not be narrow, otherwise folds will form.

Perfectly silhouetted model with asymmetry. It is better to opt for a dress that is slanted along an oblique line, and highlight the waist with a belt.

Regarding colors for women with a round figure Monochrome tones are suitable. Only the bottom of the product should be bright and juicy. It will distract attention from your full waist.

Shirts and tops

Before you go shopping for a new blouse, it is worth remembering that baggy and lightweight styles are not suitable for ladies with a round figure. For this it is better to use knitted items and knitwear. The neckline of a blouse can be of any shape, but V-shaped and boat necklines look best. It is allowed to wear something with a high collar.

They will look great tops that are loose at the waist and highlight the bust. The next good option is a flowing tunic, sewn from light fabric. When buying a blouse, you need to remember one important rule: the length of the product should be below the waistline. This will distract attention from the bulging belly.

For an “apple” figure, models with distracting decorative elements are suitable:

  • ruffles;
  • frills;
  • fringed.

Highlight the neckline area with interesting trim and embroidery. Buy a blouse that allows you to open your chest and neck. Stylish vests will help give you a slim silhouette. Multi-layer products would be an excellent option. A transparent blouse in tandem with a top can visually narrow your figure.


You can give your figure a silhouette with a high waist. They perfectly camouflage the belly and add femininity to the image. The following models will look good:

  • A-line skirt;
  • narrow skirt;
  • Sun skirt.

It is the last version of the product that will be able to give the figure the required proportions. It is better to combine a circle skirt with a semi-fitted top. Choose things in dark colors.

But the fabric should be elastic. It will allow you to simulate a natural silhouette. The length of the skirt is knee-length or mid-calf.


Not suitable for those with a low landing. Select only models with high line waist. They will create a silhouette without constricting the shape. Patch pockets are allowed on the back of the buttocks and in the front. An excellent option would be to cut these decorative elements on the bias. It is not recommended to buy lightweight products, although capris are allowed. Stylish leggings will give you a slimmer silhouette.

With trousers, it is important to combine other things correctly. Long semi-fitted tunics will help complete the look. It is important that it fits strictly in size.


You can add harmony to your look with long straight jackets and skirts. Moreover, the second product should be knee-length. It will look no less attractive cropped jacket. It is important that it sits tightly at the shoulders, and there should be a clasp on the chest. The bottom of the product is preferably free. It is important to create an X-shaped silhouette. The optimal length is shorter than the hip line. An unbuttoned jacket will make your figure appear longer.


When choosing, girls with an apple body type should opt for fitted classic models. The coat should contain interesting and eye-catching elements: round buttons, various inserts. They will allow you to divert attention from your bulging belly. If you buy down jackets, then opt for semi-fitted models, as they will not add extra volume.


Choosing this wardrobe item for ladies with an apple body type is quite problematic. They should give up the deep neckline. Buy models with thick straps and a square neckline. The colored stripes that run down the center of the swimsuit will add harmony to the look.

Of course, ladies with a round figure will suit one-piece styles. If you cannot refuse a bikini, then you will have to combine them with a top or skirt. It is important that the model contains thick straps. They will model the top of the figure in the desired direction. If we talk about color, then rich and bright red and blue tones are preferred.

A swimsuit made of black fabric looks good. The whole product should have a bright insert in the center. There should not be any prints on the swimsuit.

What is preferable not to wear?

There are a number of prohibitions for those with an apple figure. Here are some of them:

  1. Pencil and mini skirts are not suitable for ladies with body types. Also avoid tight options.
  2. No bright belts, as they will emphasize the lack of a waist.
  3. For such a figure, you should not choose products with large and voluminous sleeves.
  4. Dresses made from flowing fabrics are not recommended, as they visually make the silhouette more voluminous.

Basic wardrobe

This image shows a wardrobe for girls with an “apple” body type, which is suitable for going out every day. So what's included in this basic bow:

  1. The upper part, or rather, white T-shirt, it has a loose cut, thanks to which you can hide the presence of a bulging belly.
  2. Jumper. It will make your figure more harmonious and hide its visible flaws. Due to the deep neckline, you can emphasize the presence of a white T-shirt that harmonizes favorably with the shoes. The jumper perfectly narrows the top of the silhouette, making the figure more graceful.
  3. Skirt. This half-sun model is perfect for girls with a round figure. Due to the high waist, you can disguise your protruding tummy and slightly narrow your waist. The length will ideally hide the fullness of your legs, and in combination with such a stylish top, the look will turn out to be interesting and extravagant.
  4. Sneakers. They are white and go well with a T-shirt, making the look more subdued. This is a great choice for girls who like to move a lot and prefer low-top shoes.
  5. Bag. In fact, there are no special selection rules. The main thing is that it matches the color of the shoes and harmonizes with one of the elements of the wardrobe. IN in this case she is white, rectangular shape and roomy. You can take it to work, for a walk or go to the store.
  6. Glasses. This is an additional accessory that will make your look more stylish and attractive. Their color is white, as it is repeatedly found in this version of the daily bow.

There is no ideal figure. Each option has its own pros and cons. Girls with an apple silhouette do not need to wear baggy things that will only add extra volume. Today there are a lot of interesting things on sale that can hide figure flaws: a bulging belly, broad shoulders, while

Apple as a fruit is delicious and nutritious and most people enjoy it. But it is also called the type of constitution, and if a woman has it, then for this reason she is often unsure of herself and constantly wonders: how to lose belly fat with an apple body shape. After all, such a physique for girls is almost always not the most acceptable. We must admit that not everything turns out the way we would like, and the outline of a figure is no exception.

The blame lies with genetic predisposition, because it is precisely this that has a direct impact on the speed of metabolic processes, the proportionality of the physique or the digestibility of fats in the body. But not everything is so bad here; every “apple” woman is quite capable of turning the situation in her direction. After all, you can effectively highlight the advantages of your appearance, and vice versa to hide his shortcomings, such as his stomach. It turns out that you can take advantage of any situation, the main thing is to do everything correctly, and for this you need to know what you are dealing with. Therefore, it is worth understanding in detail what it is female figure with the “apple” type, which details need to be emphasized and which can be hidden.

A woman who has a figure whose outline resembles the letter “O” is the owner of an “apple” body type. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Such a woman has graceful arms, lush, voluminous breasts and slender legs, but at the same time she has narrow and poorly defined hips and waist area.

Note! In addition to female representatives, men can also have this type of physique.

To determine your figure, you need to make simple calculations, the results of which will allow you to accurately determine your body type. You need to find the ratio of the waist size at its narrowest point to the largest hip circumference. It should be borne in mind that the result will vary depending on gender. So for men it will be about 1, for women about 0.8. If the calculation result turns out to be greater than these values, then this means that the body type is of the “apple” type.

Predisposition to diseases

Since having any type of figure requires a genetic predisposition, therefore, its carrier has a tendency to develop certain diseases.

People with an apple-shaped figure are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the internal cavity;
  • arrhythmia of the heart muscle;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • violations;
  • diabetes mellitus of the second group and higher;
  • temporary cessation of breathing during sleep;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stroke.

A person with an “apple” body type is most often susceptible to the deposition of internal fat in various places. This is very good for health great danger, since it accumulates mainly on internal organs and prevents them from functioning normally. Therefore, “apples”, in this case, need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the body and body weight.

Nutritional Features

In order for the process of losing weight for girls with an apple figure to proceed in the correct mode, you need to follow the following rules:

  • completely eliminate from the diet flour products containing large quantities processed carbohydrates such as crackers, cookies and muffins are very bad for your belly and waistline;
  • the amount of protein in food should be at a minimum level, but in no case should they be completely abandoned;
  • do not consume sugar in excess of the norm, and products containing it;
  • increase the amount of food containing complex carbohydrates.

For girls who have an “apple” figure, there is some good information. Their process of losing weight goes faster and does not put as much stress on the body as compared to girls with a pear-shaped body. Fat surrounding internal organs, begins to decrease very first, and the waist and belly begin to acquire attractive lines.

Diet "Ideal belly"

For women with an apple-shaped figure, one of the most problematic areas is the waist and abdomen, and this diet is aimed specifically at these areas of the body. Its duration is 32 days, and during this time, depending on individual data and genetic predisposition, you can remove several centimeters from the waist and reduce weight by 7 kg. This diet for an apple-shaped figure is one of the most effective. The point of the diet is to reduce the amount of calories entering the body from food, and, conversely, increase the intake of foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids.

Please note: Compliance with these conditions will help the body burn excess fat and maintain normal weight. In the process of losing weight for women with an apple figure, metabolism will be normalized and hormone production will stabilize. The stomach will become flat, metabolism will increase and liver cells will be renewed.

In addition, unsaturated acids have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Preparing for a diet for an “apple” figure is the most important and difficult stage on the path to weight loss; it lasts 4 days. It will be necessary to completely eliminate the consumption of salt and salty foods, and complex carbohydrates. After it, the process of active weight loss begins, lasting 4 weeks, which takes place according to a certain system. During the day you need to consume strictly 1600 kcal. This volume must be divided into 4 equal parts, which must be consumed with an interval of exactly 4 hours. During the entire period, it is necessary to strictly observe the food intake and its calorie content.

While losing weight, “apples” need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. It is desirable that it be herbal or ginger tea, or freshly squeezed cucumber or lemon juice with the addition of mint infusion. During the diet, one serving must necessarily contain foods that are high in unsaturated fatty acids. It can be walnuts, olive oil, marine and River fish, spinach, pistachios and Brussels sprouts. If the product has normal fat content, then one serving will be approximately equal to the volume of 100 mg, and if the food is fatty, then the size should be reduced to 50 mg.

Diet “Simple and Fast”

This weight loss regimen for women with an apple-shaped figure will be very convenient, and fat in the most problematic area, in the abdomen and waist, will begin to be burned quickly. The diet lasts exactly 6 weeks, and the result will already be noticeable after the first two weeks. Depending on individual predisposition, you can reduce weight by 6 kg during this time. This diet for an apple-shaped figure turns out to be one of the most effective.

Practical advice! The products included in the diet, and the mode of their intake, allow, with the proper approach, to use it constantly.

The essence of the diet for an “apple” figure is that you need to strictly follow the meal plan and eat 1-2 products from 12 selected options. The process of losing weight looks like this: a person eats 6 times a day, alternating a full meal with 2 any products out of 12, with a snack of 1 product selected from the same 12. Eating such food completely provides the body with the necessary substances for normal functioning, and the schedule allows you not to feel the feeling hunger.

When dieting for an “apple” figure, you don’t need to count calories, the main thing is to eat in portions. One serving is approximately equal in volume to 100 mg. The table below presents the same 12 foods that do not have to be consumed in this order; they can be swapped. The main thing here for women with an apple figure is to follow the regime and take 2 products during a full meal and only 1 as a snack.

Day of the week Eating Menu
Monday Full breakfast (8-00) Various legumes and nuts
Short snack (11-00) Salad or green vegetables
Full lunch (13-00) Low-fat milk drinks and unsweetened oatmeal
Short snack (16-00) Berries
Full dinner (18-00) Whole grains or bran breads, and unsweetened peanut butter
Short snack (20-00)
Tuesday Full breakfast (8-00) Eggs and olive oil
Short snack (11-00) Dairy drinks
Full lunch (13-00) Various lean meats and unsweetened oatmeal
Short snack (16-00) Any nuts
Full dinner (18-00) A variety of legumes and extra protein in the form of protein or soy shakes, or low-fat cheese
Short snack (20-00) Green vegetables
Wednesday Full breakfast (8-00)
Short snack (11-00) Peanut butter without sugar
Full lunch (13-00) Any nuts and various legumes
Short snack (16-00) Low-fat milk drinks
Full dinner (18-00) Salad or green vegetables and olive oil
Short snack (20-00) Berries
Thursday Full breakfast (8-00) Oatmeal with sugar and low-fat milk drinks
Short snack (11-00) Any nuts
Full lunch (13-00) Additional protein in the form of protein or soy shakes, or low-fat cheese and any legumes
Short snack (16-00) Salad or green vegetables
Full dinner (18-00) Any lean dietary meat and olive oil
Short snack (20-00) Some whole grains or bran bread
Friday Full breakfast (8-00) Eggs and low-fat dairy drinks
Short snack (11-00) Olive oil
Full lunch (13-00) Various lean dietary meats and unsweetened oatmeal
Short snack (16-00) Peanut butter without sugar
Full dinner (18-00) Various legumes and various nuts
Short snack (20-00) Lettuce or green vegetables
Saturday Full breakfast (8-00) Eggs and any legumes
Short snack (11-00)
Full lunch (13-00) Various nuts and olive oil
Short snack (16-00) Berries
Full dinner (18-00) Any lean dietary meat and oatmeal without sugar
Short snack (20-00) Low-fat milk drinks
Resurrection Full breakfast (8-00) Oatmeal with sugar and peanut butter
Short snack (11-00) Green vegetables
Full lunch (13-00) Any lean dietary meat and unsweetened oatmeal
Short snack (16-00) Additional protein in the form of protein or soy shakes, or low-fat cheese
Full dinner (18-00) Berries and dairy products
Short snack (20-00) Whole grains or bran bread

A break from eating food during the diet is allowed, and you can eat everything without restrictions, but this should be done no more than once a week. Alcohol “apples” should be completely excluded from the diet, and only when certain conditions You are allowed to drink a couple of glasses of wine a week. Also, for more effective weight loss in problem areas, such as the stomach and waist, the body needs to receive physical exercise. Once every 3 days you need to do cardio training or train your abdominal muscles.

Diet "Italian"

Women who need as soon as possible to get rid of excess weight in the abdomen or waist, this method of losing weight is suitable. With its help, you can quickly get your “apple” figure in order, but the only drawback of such a diet is that the results do not last long. It, like most weight loss systems, is based on limited quantities. The diet lasts only 4 days, at the end of which the person will lose several kilograms of weight. It is well balanced, and the body of “apples” will lose practically nothing except excess fat. The products and their regimen are presented in the table.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner Note
Food day with only vegetables 3 medium sized asparagus pods 200 gr. spinach medium-sized zucchini and 0.5 liters chopped green vegetables Between lunch and dinner 100 gr. broccoli
Protein Day 3 eggs, hard boiled 2 boiled chicken breasts without skin and salt 1 rump steak and 100 gr. boiled beans or other legumes 1 protein shake any time during the day
Fat-only day 100 gr. cashew nuts, 1 teaspoon olive or coconut oil 1 medium avocado 100 gr. mozzarella cheese 2 teaspoons olive or coconut oil before going to bed
Day of eating only carbohydrates 100 gr. fresh blueberries 1 medium banana 100 mg applesauce or tomato puree

For women with an apple-shaped figure, this diet will help you look good at the right time. With a competent approach to nutrition and choice of clothing, you can not only hide all the flaws of your figure, such as the stomach or waist, but also emphasize its advantages, making them more expressive and attractive. The main thing is to follow the suggested diet recommendations, and then everything will work out, your stomach will take on a flat shape.

How to dress and accessorize correctly

The apple-type body type is not the simplest. Most women don't know how to get rid of a big belly with an Apple body shape, so they often hide their flaws under baggy clothes so as not to bother themselves much with choosing the right outfit. But this is not the best solution, because such a figure has many advantages, and hiding them is unacceptable. Everything is much simpler than it seems, you just need to choose the right clothes, focusing all the attention on the outlines of the body. To do this, you need to illusoryly introduce the presence of a waist into the “apple” silhouette, concentrate your eyes on the vertical lines, and vice versa, not draw attention to the abdominal area.

Also, “apples” should try to avoid wearing clothes such as:

  • oversized padded jackets;
  • tight-fitting T-shirts and turtlenecks;
  • top and bottom in one tone;
  • blouses and sweaters without a neckline or sleeves;
  • trousers and jeans with a lot of pockets and fasteners;
  • shapeless and dimensionless robes and capes.

The color scheme in clothing for “apples” must be selected with special care. Everything is bright and large drawings and textures should be located closer to the top and bottom of the figure, and focusing attention with color on the waist area is unacceptable. A competent color scheme and a successful image can visually hide all the shortcomings of the “apples” and concentrate attention on the advantages. Clothes should be made either from light, loose-fitting fabric, but not one size larger, or from dense, textured materials. Also, the “apples” should pay attention to the belt; it should have an average width.

Based on this, it is worth clarifying which clothes will best emphasize the advantages of this type of figure:

  • Roman-style dresses that begin to flow freely above the waist;
  • tops, T-shirts, sweaters with a deep V-neck;
  • pencil skirts and dresses ending above the knees;
  • neckline without visible straps.

In clothing, it is worth emphasizing one of the advantages of an “apple” figure, which is slender legs, not a stomach. To achieve this, short skirts and shorts that end above the knees are perfect. At the same time, it is necessary that they are not too narrow in the waist area, since there is no need to draw extra attention to this part of the “apple” body. In addition to clothes, you should also pay attention to accessories. As for jewelry, small chains with pendants and beads in several tiers will look great on a woman with an apple figure. At the same time, it must be remembered that best decoration For a girl with such a figure, her breasts are lush and slightly exposed, so it’s better not to wear large pendants. When choosing a bag for “apples”, it is desirable that it be medium in size and with a small strap. This choice will allow you not to concentrate on the problem area of ​​the waist.

The female Apple figure type, or as it is also called Oval, is usually characterized by the absence of a waist (chest and waist volumes are approximately the same), the presence of bulging sides, and sometimes a tummy. This type of figure is considered one of the most problematic; if the Apples gain even a little weight, then the excess weight is concentrated in the abdominal area, and the waist becomes even larger bigger breasts, which, unfortunately, is not at all feminine. But don't be upset. Correctly selected clothes will allow you to effectively emphasize your advantages - slender legs and beautiful breasts, and gracefully disguise the shortcomings.

So, today the stylists of our fashion site will tell and show how best to dress a girl with an Apple (oval) body type to look stylish and impressive.

Dear apples, the stylist on our website has chosen them for you useful tips and recommendations for choosing clothes that will help present your figure in the most favorable light. We hope our advice will help you dress as impressively and stylishly as possible!

Layering in clothes

Layering your clothes will ideally hide all the imperfections of your Apple figure. We are not talking about some kind of voluminous accumulations. All things should fit exactly to your figure, not fit tightly, but not be too bulky.

For example, you can wear a sweater over the top of a shirt, a jacket or jacket over the top of a blouse (it’s better not to button the jacket), a shirt over a T-shirt or T-shirt, a vest over a blouse, top or shirt, and so on.

Choosing a dress

A-line A-line dresses, straight-cut dresses, high-waisted dresses, and empire-style dresses will look ideal on an Apple figure. These styles will easily and gracefully hide your sides and tummy, highlight your beautiful legs (if it’s not a maxi) and chest. Pay attention to V-shaped and U-shaped necklines, they will suit you very well! Avoid voluminous sleeves and puff sleeves. If possible, give preference to sleeveless dresses

It is very important that the dress fits well on the figure: not too tight, but not too loose. Choose soft and smooth fabrics that gracefully fit your figure, such as thick knitwear, jersey or wool. But you should avoid coarse, thick fabrics: velvet, linen, suede, leather are not your option. Among the patterns, vertical stripes, diagonal checks, abstraction or geometry with elongated elements will suit you. But it’s better to choose plain options.

Selecting the style of trousers and jeans

The most optimal style that will suit Apples is straight classic trousers with arrows. It is advisable to wear such trousers with heels, and the length of the trousers should reach the middle of the heel.

Tapered trousers and jeans will also look good on this body type. The only thing to remember is that the wider your hips, the smaller the taper on your trousers should be. Slightly flared trousers and jeans will also look beautiful. The flare can go straight from the hip. Apples with slender legs and narrow hips can afford skinny jeans and leggings.

For any style, give preference to trousers and jeans with a high or slightly low waist. Don't be afraid of patch pockets on your butt, they will suit you. Do not wear bulky belts at the waist; it is better to choose trousers without a belt with a fastener on the side.

What skirts are ideal for Apples?

The most win-win skirt style is a classic straight skirt without a belt at waist level or slightly below. A-line skirts made from easily draped fabrics will also look good on you.

Pleated skirts are also your option. They are best worn with tops that fall from the waist to the beginning of the upper thighs. Long skirts made from soft fabrics will look very good on you. But it is better to give preference to skirts that are mid-knee length or slightly higher. This is the most optimal length for you.

If you are the owner of slender legs and want to show them off, then you can try the sun.

Choosing beautiful blouses, sweaters and tops

An excellent choice for Apples would be wraparound blouses, straight-cut shirts, as well as blouses made of soft fabrics that diverge under the bust. It is better to choose a V-shaped neckline. Fabrics – soft, flowing: silk, satin. All decor should be above the chest, the length of the blouse must be below the waist and reach mid-thigh, avoid short models.

Pay attention to sweater styles that sit well at the shoulders, are loose at the waist and chest, and fit at the hips. These are your lifesavers! In such a jacket you will look stylish, fashionable and very beautiful.

Flared tops with decorative elements can serve as a good deception. Slender apples can wear them with skinny jeans and heels. And girls with curvier figures should wear straight or flared jeans, heels and definitely a jacket.

Jackets, blazers and coats

Straight ones will look beautiful on apples long jackets(but not longer than the hip line), which can be combined with knee-length skirts, classic trousers or straight jeans. Also suitable for you are cropped jackets, in which the fastener is located under the chest or at chest level. Always make sure that your jacket fits well at the shoulders, but is loose at the waist.

Women with an apple body type should pay attention to classic fitted knee-length coats. In this case, interesting details can serve as a deceiving moment: buttons, inserts, pockets that will distract attention from the waist area. A trapezoid coat or a short coat with flares under the bust are ideal options for your figure. Such styles balance the body, making it more proportional.


Apples need to especially carefully monitor their figure and try to remove excess belly fat in order to balance their body. Well, while you are busy adjusting your figure, it would be a good idea to purchase good shapewear. The right bra, high-waisted panties or bodysuit will help you create a beautiful silhouette.


Be sure to add accessories to your look. They will help create the necessary accents, removing attention from problem areas. For example, a beautiful brooch in the neckline will draw attention to the chest and distract from the waist. A long string of beads will elongate the upper body, making it slimmer. A scarf or scarf around the neck will add the right proportion. A good idea would be to wear a hat.

It is advisable to choose shoes with heels, so your legs will be longer and slimmer, and your figure as a whole will elongate.

What styles should you definitely avoid?

  1. Anything with a belt or belt around the waist. Focusing on what you don't have is not the best option.
  2. Too much short skirts. You can only wear a mini if ​​you are a very slim Apple and have chosen the right top. In other cases, the mini will turn you into a bun.
  3. Jackets, blouses or sweaters that end at the waist. They will completely upset the proportions of the body, making the waist even larger.
  4. Too bulky and loose things. They will not make you slimmer, but will only emphasize the extra centimeters.
  5. Tight fitting items made from thin fabrics. We won’t even explain here, such things will highlight all your shortcomings.
  6. Avoid overly transparent fabrics and overly heavy materials. Both add volume equally.
November 5th, 2014