Pension in Grozny and the Chechen Republic. Living wage for a pensioner in Chechnya How much is the Chechen pension now?

After changes were made to the Federal Law on Veterans regarding military personnel who served in combat areas in Chechnya in 1994-1996, they were given the status of veterans. Based on the legislation, it became possible to calculate benefits and additional payments for former military personnel, taking into account their ranks and awards, and for participants in military operations in Chechnya who became disabled to receive pensions.

The participants in combat operations include military personnel - privates, commanding officers of the internal affairs department, security agencies who carried out combat missions in Chechnya and the adjacent territory.

How is the status of a Chechen War veteran determined?

Veteran status is assigned to demobilized soldiers and officers so that they can receive their due social benefits.

The status of a combat veteran is assigned in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation:

As confirmation, military personnel are awarded a veteran's certificate. The certificate has a uniform form throughout the Russian Federation. It is issued by executive authorities that sent citizens to serve in the territory where military operations took place - these are internal affairs bodies, the FSB, and military registration and enlistment offices.

About veterans' pensions

The Law on Veterans of the Chechen War provides for the provision of military personnel with appropriate pensions and benefits:

  • Security increased pension taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The right to a monthly cash remuneration (MCA), which is not subject to taxation.
  • Year
    Social package



    2780.74 (with complete abandonment of NSO)

    The EDV amounts are presented taking into account the social package, which in 2018 is 1052.95 rubles. and includes:

    • 811 (766.6) – payment for medicines.
    • 125.46 (118.6) – payment for a voucher for sanatorium treatment.
    • 116.47 (110.1) – payment for travel to the place of treatment and back.

    *The value in brackets is the cost of the package in 2016.

    Chechen veterans have the right to replace these benefits with money or use them in in kind.

    Speaking about the size of pensions for combat veterans, you need to know that the pension includes payments on general terms and personal additional payments. Each pension is calculated individually.

    If a citizen lives, for example, in the northern regions of the Russian Federation, then the corresponding coefficients apply there, which are also calculated for veterans when calculating pension benefits.

    There are minimum social payment in the amount of 4770 rubles, as well as an additional surcharge of 1000 rubles - a percentage of the minimum social pension.

    Disabled persons with injuries received in military operations in Chechnya have additional pension supplements according to the disability group established by the medical commission:

    • 1 group – 3137.6 rub.
    • Group 2 – 2240.7 rub.
    • 3rd group 1793.7 rub.

    Indexations carried out annually in the Russian Federation in order to raise the cost of living to the level of growing inflation also apply to all payments to veterans.

    It is still premature to talk about old-age pensions for veterans of the Chechen war, since retirement age they still have a long way to go. But, taking into account the innovations in the law on the insurance part of pensions, today working veterans are accumulating experience and pension points To upcoming retirement.

    For officers who served in Chechnya and have reached retirement age, their pension is calculated based on the new calculation rules for military pensioners who have been working since 01/01/15. At the time of retirement, they must have at least 6 years of service and 6 pension points in their account.

    The amount of pensions for veterans is calculated on an individual basis. It depends on the amount of allowance during service and on length of service, that is, the time spent in a hot spot.

    The pension must be no less than the subsistence level. If its size does not reach the level of the consumer basket, then the territorial pension fund is obliged to pay the missing amount.

    Benefits for veterans of the Chechen war

    Taking into account all the merits of military personnel during the Chechen war, the state provides them with benefits that are designed to make their life easier and help if they need treatment:

  • Free provision of housing from the municipal fund of the region of residence. In this case, the veteran must register as needing housing. Providing housing can be done in the form of issuing a sum of money for the construction or purchase of an apartment.
  • 50% discount for utilities.

  • Free provision of land.
  • Free travel on public transport in any city in the Russian Federation.
  • Providing free travel for disabled people to anywhere in Russia.
  • Free purchase of medicines.
  • Providing disabled people with prostheses without payment.
  • Non-competitive admission to professional educational institutions.
  • Providing a mandatory scholarship to veterans in training.
  • The right to vacation up to 35 k.d. no content.
  • The right to provide 1 targeted loan for the purchase of housing, creation of a business.
  • All issues relating to social payments and benefits for military veterans are the responsibility of the social protection service.

    Regional cost of living for a pensioner in Chechnya in 2019 - 8735 rub.
    Federal cost of living for a pensioner in 2019 - 8846 rub.

    Living wage pensioner in general Russian Federation is established to determine the amount of the federal social supplement to the pension.

    The regional cost of living for a pensioner is established in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to determine the social supplement to the pension.

    If the pension is lower than the subsistence level for a pensioner established in your region, which, in turn, is lower than the subsistence level for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole, then a federal social supplement is established.

    If the pension is lower than the regional subsistence level of a pensioner, which exceeds the subsistence level of a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation, then a regional social supplement is established.

    The right to a social supplement to a pension is only non-working pensioners, if the amount of their material support is below the subsistence level of a pensioner established in the region at their place of residence.

    For information

    In addition, to assess the standard of living, form a budget and solve other problems, a regional subsistence level in Chechnya is established quarterly. It is calculated on the basis of the consumer basket adopted in Chechnya for the population as a whole, able-bodied people, children and pensioners. For the 1st quarter of 2019, the cost of living for pensioners in Chechnya was 8553.00 rubles.

    Schedule. Change in the regional cost of living for a pensioner in Chechnya

    Table. Regional cost of living for a pensioner in Chechnya (to establish additional payments to pensions)

    Period (year)Amount, rub.Law of the Chechen RepublicFederal
    Difference between
    2019 8735 dated 05.12.2018 No. 59-RZ8846 -111
    2018 8719 dated December 14, 2017 No. 48-RZ8726 -7
    2017 8535 dated December 30, 2016 No. 50-RZ8540 -5
    2016 8156 dated 01.12.2015 No. 51-RZ8803 -647
    2015 5798 dated December 22, 2014 No. 51-RZ7161 -1363
    2014 5517 dated October 24, 2013 No. 32-RZ6354 -837
    2013 5224 dated November 30, 2012 No. 33-RZ6131 -907
    2012 4919 dated 12/12/2011 No. 45-RZ5564 -645
    2011 4509 dated November 10, 2010 No. 53-RZ4938 -429
    2010 4258 dated October 30, 2009 No. 58-RZ4780 -522

    Where to apply for additional payment up to the minimum pension in Chechnya

    To resolve all issues related to receiving a minimum social pension, you must contact.

    It is also possible to receive services provided through the Pension Fund in multifunctional centers (MFCs), via the Internet through the personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or through the State Services website.


    • Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”
    • Law of the Chechen Republic of July 10, 2007 N 43-RZ “On establishing the consumer basket and the procedure for determining the living wage in the Chechen Republic”

    After changes were made to the Federal Law on Veterans regarding military personnel who served in combat areas in Chechnya in 1994 -1996, they were given the status of veterans. Based on the legislation, it became possible to calculate benefits and additional payments for former military personnel, taking into account their ranks and awards, and for participants of military operations in Chechnya who became disabled to receive pensions.

    The participants in combat operations include military personnel - privates, commanding officers of the internal affairs department, security agencies who carried out combat missions in Chechnya and the adjacent territory.

    How is the status of a Chechen War veteran determined?

    Veteran status is assigned to demobilized soldiers and officers so that they can receive the required social benefits.

    The status of a combat veteran is assigned in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation:

    1. Providing an increased pension taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. The right to a monthly cash remuneration (MCA), which is not subject to taxation.

    The EDV amounts are presented taking into account the social package, which in 2017 is 1052.95 rubles. and includes:

  • 811 (766.6) – payment for medicines.
  • 125.46 (118.6) – payment for a voucher for sanatorium treatment.
  • 116.47 (110.1) – payment for travel to the place of treatment and back.
  • *The value in brackets is the cost of the package in 2016.

    Chechen veterans have the right to replace these benefits with money or use them in kind.

    Speaking about the size of pensions for combat veterans, you need to know that the pension includes payments on general terms and personal additional payments. Each pension is calculated individually.

    If a citizen lives, for example, in the northern regions of the Russian Federation, then the corresponding coefficients apply there, which are also calculated for veterans when calculating pension benefits.

    Disabled persons with injuries received in military operations in Chechnya have additional pension supplements according to the disability group established by the medical commission:

  • 1 group – 3137.6 rub.
  • Group 2 – 2240.7 rub.
  • Group 3 - 1793.7 rub.
  • Indexations carried out annually in the Russian Federation in order to raise the cost of living to the level of growing inflation also apply to all payments to veterans.

    It is still premature to talk about old-age pensions for Chechen war veterans, since they are still far from retirement age. But, taking into account the innovations in the law on the insurance part of pensions, today working veterans are accumulating length of service and pension points for their upcoming retirement.

    For officers who served in Chechnya and have reached retirement age, their pension is calculated based on the new calculation rules for military pensioners who have been working since 01/01/15. At the time of retirement, they must have at least 6 years of service and 6 pension points in their account.

    The amount of pensions for veterans is calculated on an individual basis. It depends on the amount of allowance during service and on length of service, that is, the time spent in a hot spot.

    Benefits for veterans of the Chechen war

    Taking into account all the merits of military personnel during the Chechen war, the state provides them with benefits that are designed to make their life easier and help if they need treatment:

    1. Free provision of housing from the municipal fund of the region of residence. In this case, the veteran must register as needing housing. Providing housing can be done in the form of issuing a sum of money for the construction or purchase of an apartment.
    2. 50% discount for utilities.
    3. Free provision of land.
    4. Free travel on public transport in any city in the Russian Federation.
    5. Providing free travel for disabled people to anywhere in Russia.
    6. Free purchase of medicines.
    7. Providing disabled people with prostheses without payment.
    8. Non-competitive admission to professional educational institutions.
    9. Providing a mandatory scholarship to veterans in training.
    10. The right to vacation up to 35 k.d. no content.
    11. The right to provide 1 targeted loan for the purchase of housing, creation of a business.
    12. All issues relating to social payments and benefits for military veterans are the responsibility of the social protection service.

      Work for pensioners with a good style:

      From Kuznetsov Sergei Nikolaevich

      The time has come for retirement and when counting length of service It was discovered that military service in Afghanistan does not count towards length of service, as stated in the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 17, 1983. N 59-27 one month of service for three months - time of service in Afghanistan.
      In its response to my appeal, the branch of the pension fund for the Volgograd region indicated, in particular, that Federal Law No. 173 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” “does not contain special norms allowing to take into account when calculating insurance period, and general insurance experience, the period of service in Afghanistan is tripled.”
      However, I disagree with this statement due to the following.
      I was in military service on conscription in a unit, part of the active army during the period of hostilities in Afghanistan
      In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, combat veterans are provided with the following measures social support:1. pension benefits in accordance with the law. These benefits are provided Federal law“On labor pensions in the Russian Federation.”
      In accordance with Article 2 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the basic concepts used in this Federal Law are calculated pension capital - taken into account in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the total amount of insurance contributions and other income V Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person and pension rights in monetary terms acquired before the entry into force of this Federal Law, which is the basis for determining the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension.
      The law provides several options for determining the estimated size of the labor pension of the Republic of Poland (used to determine the estimated pension capital RKK), which are provided for in Parts 3,4,6 of Article 30 of the Law
      Until January 1, 2002, Part 3 of Article 30 of the Law provided for a general formula for calculating the RP.
      Part 4 of Article 30 of the Law provides for the possibility of including periods of service in Afghanistan in the total length of service in triple the amount.
      Thus, in accordance with the Law, I have the right to include the period of service in the active army in the total length of service in triple the amount, which will increase my length of service coefficient and influence upward the calculated size of the RP labor pension, and as a result, the amount of the calculated pension capital, which is the basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension. For me this is a kind of benefit; an instrument provided by the legislator that allows taking into account the fulfillment of one’s duty to the Motherland when determining the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension. This instrument is provided by the legislator, and in my opinion, it allows combatants to feel the manifestation of social justice in the preferential assessment of periods of conscription service in the active army when assigning a labor pension.
      I would like to draw attention to the fact that, according to our legislation, participants in combat operations in Afghanistan from the pension fund can count on inclusion in their seniority of three times the amount of military service in Afghanistan, Article 30 part 4, which allows him to ultimately increase the size of the insurance part of his labor pension.
      However, in Part 4 of Article 30 of the Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”,
      The legislator stipulates that the estimated amount of the old-age labor pension under this option cannot exceed the amount of -555 rubles. 96 kopecks
      Thus, the legislator has established a level that not only limits the rights of preferential categories of citizens, but moreover, puts them at a disadvantage compared to citizens who are not entitled to any benefits (calculation according to the formula established in Part 3 of Art. .30 of the Law).
      I consider this circumstance to be extremely unfair and requiring attention from the legislator. I propose to consider the issue of lifting the restrictions on the estimated size of the labor pension for combat veterans established in the federal law of December 17, 2001 N173-F3, Part 4, Article 30 of the Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”; In Part 3, Article 30 of Federal Law N 173-F3, include military service in Afghanistan in the length of service coefficient as 1 month of service for 3 months of service. Increase the ratio of the average salary of an insured person to the average salary in the Russian Federation from 1.2 to 1.9, depending on the length of service in Afghanistan.
      Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 17, 1983 No. 59-27 - the main benefit for those who served in Afghanistan - 1 month of service for 3 months of service. Resolution No. 941 of 08/22/1993 Resolution No. 565 of July 31, 2008 Article 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - in Russia no laws should be issued that abolish the rights of citizens. Article No. 4 of the Civil Code - according to which legislative acts do not have retroactive effect.

      What is the current pension for combat veterans: amount of payments and monthly benefits

      According to current legislation, in our country citizens are entitled to a pension not only upon reaching a certain age, but also in a host of other cases. In this article we will talk about what a pension for combat veterans is and on what basis it is calculated.

      What you need to know in 2018?

      Who are combat veterans?

      In accordance with Article 3 of Federal Law No. 5, VBD - combat veterans - include:

    13. persons of command and rank and file of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Armed Forces and state security agencies who performed official duties and took part in military operations on the territory of our country or another state;
    14. military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SA and MGB of the USSR who participated in operations to clear mines from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951, as well as military sailors who carried out combat trawling from May 10, 1945 to December 13, 1957;
    15. Air Force personnel who carried out combat missions in Afghanistan during the relevant military operations;
    16. military motorists who delivered goods to Afghanistan during military operations on its territory;
    17. civil aviation crew members who took part in servicing military units located on the territory of another state and were injured during the execution of tasks, as well as received state awards for participation in supporting military operations;
    18. persons who worked in Afghanistan in the period from 1979 to 1989;
    19. persons performing special tasks in Syria since September 30, 2015.
    20. Legislation and latest news

      In a relationship state provision combat veterans The government has developed a number of bills.

      In addition, various Government Decrees and Letters, as well as the Tax and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation, may apply to UBD.

      What pensions can a WBD receive?

      Types of pensions and conditions of appointment

      As already mentioned, if a military veteran is a military serviceman or an employee of the special services of the Russian Federation, then the issues of his state pension provision are regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-I.

      For the appointment of departmental pension payments Veterans who belong to the list of persons from Article 1 of the above law can count, namely:

    21. employees of state security agencies;
    22. military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
    23. employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the State Border Service and the Russian Guard.
    24. If a citizen received UBD status while performing special assignments in a combat zone or while serving in “hot spots,” then his pension provision is handled by the Russian Pension Fund.

      The assignment of old-age insurance pensions to combatants is carried out on general terms, that is:

    25. upon reaching retirement age (55 years for women and 60 for men);
    26. if you have insurance experience (9 years in 2018 and with an annual increase to 15 years by 2024);
    27. with a sufficient IPC value (13.8 points in 2018 and 30 points from 2025).
    28. Thus, depending on the circumstances, military, social and insurance benefits are available to military veterans.

      We invite you to watch a video on this topic:

      The size of the pension for combat veterans in 2018

      According to the law on the Federal Budget and the Budget of the Pension Fund, in 2018, indexation of insurance pensions will be carried out in an amount exceeding the level of growth in consumer pricing in the current year, that is, by 3.7% against the official inflation rate of 3.2%. In addition, the amount of monthly cash payment, but only by the size of last year’s inflation – that is, only 3.2%.

      32 percent bonus

      According to Article 45 of Federal Law No. 4468-I, an additional payment to the departmental pension in the amount of 32% of the calculated pension amount is established for the following categories of persons:

    29. combat veterans;
    30. prisoners of Nazi dungeons who were in concentration camps and other places of isolated detention;
    31. citizens marked with the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
    32. disabled children due to contusion, injury, injury or their consequences received during hostilities.
    33. The estimated amount of pension payments is established in the amount of the social pension and is subject to annual indexation. Thus, the increase in the amount of the pension supplement is carried out simultaneously with the indexation of social payments.

      It should be noted that if a pensioner has the right to receive a bonus on more than one basis, then he is given the right to independently choose one of them.

      Pension for combatants in Afghanistan

      Providing pensions to internationalist soldiers is carried out on the same principle as for participants in the Great Patriotic War: completing one year of service in a hot spot is equivalent to three, and 32 percent of the minimum social pension is regularly paid as EDV.

      If a former participant in combat operations in Afghanistan officially works in a civilian enterprise, then, provided he has a sufficient number of years of experience, he has the right to count on receiving an insurance pension.

      Pension for combatants in Chechnya

      Relatively recently, military personnel who served in Chechnya between 1994 and 1996 received UBD status, which means that they are legally provided for an increased pension payment, as well as the right to a monthly additional payment that is not subject to taxation.

      Residents of the northern regions receive additional allowances. The minimum social payment today is 4,770 rubles, and the social supplement is 1,000 rubles (32 percent of the minimum social pension).

      If a veteran became disabled during military operations in Chechnya, then he has the right to count on additional payments. For disabled people of the first group it is 3137 rubles 60 kopecks, the second – 2240 rubles 70 kopecks and for the third – 1793 rubles 70 kopecks.

      Veterans of combat operations in Syria, like other representatives of this category of citizens, have a standard social package and benefits for veterans. In this regard, UBI in Syria can count on:

    34. double pension provision(military/disability + insurance);
    35. payment of additional cash benefits.
    36. monthly cash payment;
    37. provision of housing and a simplified procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan;
    38. a 50 percent discount on utility bills;
    39. reimbursement of costs for the supply of combustible materials (gas, coal);
    40. free orthopedic services and prosthetics (discounted dental work);
    41. free care in military-type medical institutions;
    42. extraordinary receipt of housing and similar cooperatives;
    43. the opportunity to obtain education in government institutions;
    44. Extraordinary installation of Internet and landline telephone.
    45. Benefits for veterans are provided in two main areas: federal and regional levels. If certain privileges coincide, then the applicant independently chooses the most suitable type compensation.

      As for monthly cash payments, they are calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On Veterans” and represent a basic pension supplement in the amount of:

    46. 3088 rubles for participants in a military conflict recognized as disabled;
    47. 1699 rubles for VBD, seconded by good reasons or in connection with the performance of a combat mission;
    48. 927 rubles for persons who performed auxiliary functions and did not directly participate in hostilities.
    49. Pension benefits and EDV for combat veterans are indexed annually, and the indicator is formed on the basis of the federal budget for a certain period.

      If a veteran refuses certain benefits (for example, payment for travel on public transport), then the EDV is paid in full. In the case of using such privileges, the benefit is calculated taking into account the funds used.

      Is early retirement possible?

      According to Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation No. 941, service in the previously listed cases is counted in preferential terms: one month of service in a place of military conflict is equal to three months of service.

      How to calculate a UBD pension: rules, formulas and calculation procedure

      The pension for WBD veterans is calculated as the sum of payments made on general terms and personal allowances accrued on an individual basis. If a citizen has the right to receive a long-service pension, then its amount will be determined as follows:

    • when calculating by length of service (20 years of service) - 50% of the amount of salary plus 3% for each year over the specified length of service (but not more than 85%);
    • when calculating using a mixed type (25 years total experience) – 50% of the salary plus 1% for each year over the specified length of service.
    • At the same time, veterans who took part in hostilities as civilians receive a pension through the Pension Fund. In this case, insurance payments are calculated using the generally accepted formula of the form:

      SPV = (EF x K) + (IPK x SPK x K),

    • SPV - insurance pension payment;
    • FV - fixed payment;
    • K - increasing coefficient (if there are rights to use it);
    • IPK - pension points(individual coefficient);
    • SPK is the established value of one pension point.

    In addition, veterans of military operations are paid EDV, which this year amounted to 2,780 rubles 74 kopecks, and with next year will increase to 2869 rubles 72 kopecks.

    Are there one-time and monthly payments?

    EDV size

    In addition to state pension payments, veterans can receive an additional payment, which is a type of social support.

    Along with receiving additional payment WBDs have the right to receive a package of social services in kind, consisting of:

  • provision of necessary medical products and drugs;
  • providing the right to free travel to the place of resort treatment and back on intercity and suburban passenger transport;
  • providing resort and sanatorium treatment if necessary.
  • As already mentioned, the pension recipient has the right to refuse to receive social services in kind partially or completely, the main thing is to notify the Pension Fund in writing no later than September 30.

    Will there be a promotion?

    According to paragraph 5 of Article 23.1 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, the amount of the EDV is subject to annual indexation, however, in 2015, the increase in pensions was temporarily suspended in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article No. 68 of the Federal Law.

    Tax and pension benefits for combat veterans

    In addition to additional payments to the state pension, military veterans are provided with tax, pension and social benefits.

    Tax benefits for veterans apply to transport, property and land taxes. However, the conditions for providing such benefits vary depending on the region of residence of the WBD.

    Pension benefits for veterans are provided in the form of a package of social services, regular additional payments, as well as individual allowances. In some regions this category persons are additionally provided with payments from the local budget.

    Social benefits provided to military veterans, in addition to discounts on utility bills, include:

    • provision of housing from the state budget;
    • free departmental health care, including dental prosthetics;
    • training at the expense of the employer;
    • extraordinary provision of resort and sanatorium treatment;
    • extraordinary service at the box office;
    • extraordinary entry into gardening partnerships and housing cooperatives.
    • At the same time, some social benefits are additionally established by regional authorities.

      Transport tax benefits

      Transport tax belongs to the regional category and is regulated not only by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but also regulatory documents subjects of the Russian Federation.

      In 2017, transport tax benefits for UBD are provided in 33 regions of our country. Only residents of:

    • Moscow (not including the region);
    • Murmansk region;
    • Tula region;
    • Sakhalin region;
    • Lipetsk region;
    • Republic of Adygea;
    • Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.
    • Thus, the following are not taxed:

    • in the Leningrad region: Russian-made cars with power up to 80 hp;
    • in the Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories, North Ossetia, as well as the Ulyanovsk, Volgograd and Samara regions: cars with power up to 100 hp;
    • in the Voronezh region: vehicles with power up to 120 hp;
    • in St. Petersburg, Bashkortostan, as well as Saratov, Novosibirsk, Tambov and Kaluga regions: cars with power up to 150 hp.
    • In some regions, UBI provides for a lower tax rate:

    • in the Jewish Autonomous Region: 30% of the total regional rate for vehicles with a power of up to 130 hp;
    • in Udmurtia and Ivanovo region: 50% of the total rate for vehicles with a capacity of up to 130 hp;
    • in the Moscow and Kirov regions: 50% of the total rate for vehicles with a capacity of up to 150 hp;
    • in the Kurgan region: a 70% discount on vehicles with a capacity of up to 100 hp;
    • in the Orenburg region and Chechnya: 50% regardless of vehicle capacity.
    • At the same time, in a number of regions, combat veterans pay tax in accordance with the general taxation procedure.

      Monthly payments

      As mentioned earlier, monthly payments are the main type of pension supplement for military veterans. Moreover, from this amount the Pension Fund of Russia retains part of the funds for a package/set of social services.

      According to current legislation, a veteran can replace this package of social services with monetary compensation. To do this, he needs to contact any convenient branch of the Pension Fund of Russia with the appropriate application and package of documents.

      After a citizen refuses to receive a set of services in kind, the amount monthly payment the amount previously withheld for the NSO is added.

      Housing for combat veterans

      Housing legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the right of military veterans to receive assistance in the case of construction or purchase of housing. Support for this category of persons is in the form of a housing subsidy.

      The same regulatory document states that the amount of allocated financial resources depends on the number of citizens entitled to this type of support, as well as the cost of housing in the region where the VBD lives.

      The area is calculated based on 18 square meters per person.

      It should be noted that in each individual region, the procedure for providing housing to BD veterans is regulated individually, through the adoption of relevant laws. In this case, financing is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, formed from all submitted applications.

      Indexation and increase in pensions for combat veterans: how much will it increase?

      According to existing legislation, in 2018, pension indexation will be carried out in an amount exceeding the level of consumer price growth in the current year, that is, by 3.7% against the official inflation rate of 3.2%. The amount of EDV will also be increased, but only by the amount of last year’s inflation – by 3.2%.

      Moreover, pay will also be increased by 4%, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in military pensions. At the same time, the reduction factor used in calculating pension benefits will remain at the level of 72.23%.

      How to apply and receive

      Where to go and what to do to receive a pension?

      To apply for a WBD pension, you must contact the Pension Fund with the established package of documents. Pension insurance is also issued there (if you have sufficient experience in civilian life).

      Attention: In some cases, WBD pensions are allocated by the Ministry of Defense, so this payment can be processed not through the Pension Fund, but through the commissariat.

      What documents are needed?

      To receive UBD pension payments, you must provide the Pension Fund with a package of documents consisting of:

    • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • photographs of the established sample (3 x 4 cm);
    • award documents;
    • documentary evidence of official work experience: certificate from place of employment, work book;
    • confirmation of participation in hostilities or other documents giving the right to receive a VBD pension: ID of a home front worker/WWII veteran/resident of besieged Leningrad/participant of hostilities, documents confirming disability.
    • It is worth noting that in some cases, Pension Fund employees may require additional papers, so in each individual case the list of required documentation should be clarified individually.

      The procedure for assigning and paying pensions

      In most cases, the sequence of actions when applying for a UBD pension is as follows:

    • register with the military registration and enlistment office, receive a VBD certificate, as well as a certificate of participation in hostilities;
    • open a personal bank account;
    • contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent registration or residence to obtain an up-to-date list of documents;
    • confirm the presence of a certain length of service and the fact of participation in hostilities by obtaining/collecting relevant documents;
    • transmit the packet necessary documents to the Pension Fund in a manner convenient for the applicant (by mail or in person);
    • wait for a decision to be made.
    • The Pension Fund is given 10 days to review the documents, and if a positive decision is made, the corresponding pension will be accrued next month.

      Will there be an increase in the retirement age?

      On this moment A bill to raise the retirement age for military personnel is in the works.

      The current version of the document proposes to increase the minimum length of service from 20 to 25 years. At the same time, this innovation will not affect those whose contract ends directly on the twentieth anniversary of their service.

      According to experts, it is not worth expecting the bill to be adopted before the spring of next year, so for now you can retire according to the general rules - that is, after 20 years of service.

      You can watch a video on this topic below:

      Thus, combat veterans are given the opportunity to receive not only social services in kind, but also additional cash payments. In this regard, each citizen from this category of the population should determine for himself what type of privileges he needs most, and notify the Pension Fund about this. Otherwise, the benefit from providing benefits for a particular citizen may be minimal.

      Dear readers! If you need specialist consultations regarding pensions and state benefits, we recommend that you immediately contact qualified practicing lawyers on social issues.

    It is still premature to talk about old-age pensions for Chechen war veterans, since they are still far from retirement age. But, taking into account the innovations in the law on the insurance part of pensions, today working veterans are accumulating length of service and pension points for their upcoming retirement. For officers who served in Chechnya and have reached retirement age, their pension is calculated based on the new calculation rules for military pensioners who have been working since 01/01/15. At the time of retirement, they must have at least 6 years of service and 6 pension points in their account. The amount of pensions for veterans is calculated on an individual basis. It depends on the amount of allowance during service and on length of service, that is, the time spent in a hot spot. The pension must be no less than the subsistence level.

    The amount of pensions for veterans of military operations in Chechnya in 2018

    Pension former war Chechen how much to get a pension

    It depends on the amount of allowance during service and on length of service, that is, the time spent in a hot spot. The pension must be no less than the subsistence level. If its size does not reach the level of the consumer basket, then the territorial pension fund is obliged to pay the missing amount. Pension in 2018 for participants in combat operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan Read also: Percentage allowances for military personnel The actual size of the pension for combat veterans As we have already mentioned, the size of the pension for participants in the Second World War and armed conflicts on the territory of other states depends on a variety of factors.

    Today it averages from 21.8 to 30 thousand rubles. These amounts were obtained based on the results of indexation carried out in 2016.

    Pensions for combat veterans

    • citizens who took part in local military conflicts in the above-mentioned territories;
    • persons who carried out assignments for demining territories and destroying explosive ammunition in the USSR before 1957;
    • military personnel of the transport forces delivering provisions and ammunition to the territory of Afghanistan in the period from 1979 to 1982;
    • employees civil aviation who flew to Afghanistan during an armed conflict with the participation of the USSR on the territory of this country;
    • civilians who were involved in hostilities on the territory of the above-mentioned republics or states as medical workers or employees.

    What payments and benefits are due to participants of military operations in Chechnya?

    In addition to discounts for housing and communal services, combatants are entitled to a number of social benefits:

    • free medical care in government institutions, including dental ones - dental prosthetics is possible;
    • provision of housing under a social rental agreement;
    • training in educational institutions, on advanced training courses on a budget;
    • sanatorium – spa treatment;
    • out-of-line service at the box office;
    • joining housing and construction cooperatives and gardening associations out of turn.

    One of the types of benefits for military personnel who fought in Chechnya is a transport tax benefit. It belongs to the regional category. Its accrual to citizens is regulated by various regulatory documents of the constituent entities, as well as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Pension in 2018 for participants in combat operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan

    • Long service bonus.
    • Veterans of the 1st disability group or those who have reached 80 years of age are accrued 100% of the calculated indicator (RP).
    • Non-working pensioners participating in the database, if they have dependents disabled citizens, for one person a premium of 32% of the RP is provided. For two – 64% RP, for three – 100% RP. There is no increase for the fourth and subsequent ones.
    • Supplement to pensions for combat veterans. The citizens in question who participated in military operations receive an increase in their pension by 32% of the calculated figure.
      For 2017, this amount corresponds to 1,678 rubles.

    What kind of pension is due to combat veterans? The recipient of the pension has the right to increase the amount of payment by monetizing the benefits entitled to him. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund with an application.

    Peculiarities of paying pensions to participants of military operations in Chechnya

    For example, widows of WWII veterans today receive benefits from the state in the amount of 21.8 thousand rubles. To apply for a combat veteran’s pension, you must submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund, including a corresponding application, a death certificate and papers confirming the right to security and benefits. If the applicant is already receiving a pension, an appropriate additional payment will be made to it.

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    Peculiarities of pensions for veterans Only after the introduction of amendments to Russian legislation, military personnel who participated in battles in Chechnya from 1994 to 1996 began to be assigned VBD status. This status gives the right to receive an increased pension and an additional payment - EDV, which is not taxed. In addition to the monthly payment, citizens who are participants in hostilities also have the right to receive an additional package of social services, which consists of:

    • sanitary-resort treatment, if the veteran needs it on the recommendation of a doctor;
    • free travel to the place of treatment;
    • security medicines prescribed by a doctor.

    Various lump sum benefits are also paid.

    The amount of payments may depend on the length of service of the military man, the position held during the fighting in Chechnya, and the availability of awards.

    What pension is due to combat veterans?


    In fact, veterans of any armed conflicts can count on receiving two benefits at once:

    • the first is an old-age pension and is calculated on general terms, which we will discuss below;
    • The second manual consists of two parts. One of them is the veteran’s pension, which today amounts to 2,622 rubles. At the request of the combatant, compensation for refusal of benefits can be added to it, the amount of which is equal to 995 rubles.

    If a pensioner has been assigned a disability group due to injuries or injuries received in armed conflicts, they receive an increased veteran's pension, maximum size which is 4,300 rubles.

    Details can always be found at the tax office at your place of residence. To receive tax incentives, you must contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence to write an application with an ID and passport. Housing benefits A fairly broad category of benefits, which includes the following types:

    • obtaining ownership of residential premises or funds for its acquisition from the federal budget;
    • discount on payment for housing and communal services;
    • obtaining a targeted loan for the purchase of housing or improvement of housing conditions on preferential terms;
    • obtaining ownership of a land plot;
    • installation of a landline telephone out of turn.

    Compensation for housing and communal services is provided in the amount of 50% of the monthly amount paid.

    Every year they, albeit slightly, but still increase, thanks to the recalculation carried out by the state. Indexation is carried out for combatants without fail, since they belong to the priority categories of persons receiving pensions. Additionally, it can be said that not only the participants in armed conflicts themselves, but also their family members have the right to benefits and increased pensions. What payments and benefits are due to participants of military operations in Chechnya Targeted loan In a number of regions, loans are provided on favorable and preferential terms, according to which a veteran of Chechnya can receive funds for the construction or purchase of housing.
    This program operates in Nizhny Novgorod region, Saratov region, Samara region.

    For veterans in the Russian Federation it is assumed a large number of benefits and payments. At the same time, the citizen himself needs to know what kind of pension the participants in the fighting in Chechnya receive in 2019.

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    There are various problems in terms of registration around these payments. Therefore, you should prepare in advance for the preparation of all documents and the procedure for carrying out the procedure.

    Actual information

    When applying for pension payments, you must rely on the provisions of the law. Standard option payment formation includes the following components:

    • size wages during work;
    • number of years of experience;
    • indicator of reaching retirement age or length of service in a certain field.

    Payment processing is carried out in the standard manner. Although there are a number of features. You need to know them in order to get the maximum payout. After all, there is not only a standard pension, but also a veteran’s pension.

    Important Concepts

    Processing payments for participants in the Chechen campaign causes many difficulties, and therefore it is necessary to master the terminology in this area. This will allow you to quickly navigate both the general provisions and the legislation of the country.

    Concept Meaning
    Pension A social benefit that a citizen receives upon reaching the retirement age established by the legislation of the country. It becomes a mandatory requirement to have work experience or other options for the basis for receiving pension benefits.
    Seniority Number of years of implementation labor activity on an official basis with the deduction of the necessary taxes and fees to the insurance and pension funds
    Disabled person Status for a person who certifies the presence of defects in the physical or mental health. To determine all norms in an official manner, a medical and social examination is required
    Indexing Social growth rate government payments. It has the form of a percentage ratio to the payment received by the citizen. The size of the indexation indicator depends on what level of inflation was observed in the past year

    How is status determined?

    In order to receive a veteran's pension, you must obtain the appropriate rank. The legislation establishes several categories of citizens who can claim the title of veteran of military operations in Chechnya:

    • military personnel who served in permanent and fixed-term service in Chechnya - are taken into account as officers, and soldier;
    • citizens who performed civil service in Chechnya;
    • citizens who were sent to carry out work in the structure of paramilitary forces;
    • persons who took part in military clashes on the border with Chechnya.

    The issuance of certificates is carried out by those authorities that were involved in sending citizens to the conflict zone. In this regard, the veteran should contact the following organizations:

    • branches of the Federal Security Service;
    • military commissariats.

    You can also carry out registration there. pension benefits. Although it is allowed to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But already at the citizen’s place of residence.

    Legal regulation

    Legislative framework in in this case worked well. And the veteran needs to familiarize himself with Federal Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. It contains provisions that relate to participants in hostilities in this region. Although they are not specified in the law as a separate category.

    In accordance with this, they can count on social support measures in accordance with Article 16. It describes all the options for assistance that are provided - in relation to housing, utilities and medical care. There are also tax breaks.

    Regarding pension provision in this area, the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families.”

    Here attention should be paid to Article 45. It talks about special allowances. And veterans of military operations in Chechnya can count on them.

    Main aspects of the issue

    For veterans of this category, several pension payments are provided. And here, whether a person has a disability also plays a role. Indeed, in this case, it will be more profitable for him to receive benefits under other articles of the law.

    In total, there are two benefit options for this benefit category:

    These payments are processed through different authorities. So, a pension can be received through the Pension Fund or a military unit. But EDV and a set of social services are provided through social protection departments.

    Amount of pension for participants in combat operations in Chechnya

    Regarding pension provision, the figures will differ depending on the individual calculation indicators of a particular pensioner. But on average, for 2019, the pension of a combat veteran in Chechnya is 30 thousand rubles.

    When calculating, the following indicators are used:

    • amount of time spent in a combat zone;
    • work experience in the military sphere;
    • age of the pension holder;
    • The amount of remuneration is according to position.

    Depending on these indicators, not only the amount of pension benefits for the veteran is calculated, but also the possibility of receiving bonuses for his service.

    With regard to the monthly cash payment, all indicators are stable and each pensioner is assigned the same amount of funds and the cost of the social package is the same for everyone.

    In 2019, a payment of this nature was equal to 2.7 thousand rubles. This is with a complete rejection of the set of social services, which costs 1 thousand rubles. In 2019, this amount may increase.

    The set of services includes the following cost items (you can refuse them and receive financial compensation equal to their price):

    You can refuse the entire package of services, or some of them, leaving others.

    What amount is due to disabled people due to war injury?

    For this category of citizens, if they have the appropriate confirmation, it is proposed to establish a pension according to a standard model. Thus, attention will be paid to length of service, and a social pension may be calculated.

    But since these veterans need a lot of financial support, there are allowances for them. They depend solely on the type of injury and the registered disability group.

    In 2019, additional payments start from 2 thousand rubles and reach 3.5 thousand. In this case, the registered pension provision in minimum size will be approximately 20 thousand rubles.

    Registration procedure

    Receiving the necessary payments involves the following procedure:

    This algorithm is easy to implement, and citizens can use it in all pension authorities. The main thing is to submit documents at the place of residence, so that the pensioner’s file will be opened there and later, when moving, they will also be sent for the veteran.

    Will there be indexation in 2019?

    Indexation of pension benefits is carried out annually. But to do this, the state analyzes the level of inflation, and based on it, increases social payments for all citizens.

    This increase is also available for military personnel and combatants. However, whether it will be applied in 2019 is still unknown. As well as the percentage by which the increase is planned.

    In the last three years, the size of the EDV, for example, has changed as follows: