Why the pension for March was not listed. If you have not transferred your pension to the Sberbank card: what to do and where to apply? Schedule for the payment of pensions, monthly incomes and other social benefits

Today, representatives of the Pension Fund of Russia and Sberbank announced the options for calculating pensions and a 2.9% allowance for pensioners in April 2018.

  • First, no deviations in the accruals is not expected, due to the absence of holidays.
  • Secondly, the procedure for transferring pensions to Sberbank branches will begin on April 2. Then it will take about 1-3 days to split the money into retirement accounts.
  • Thirdly, according to information for pensioners in Moscow, accruals will be made from 3 to 12 number of April. In the regions, the process may drag on until April 25.

In general, payments will go according to plan! Tell your family and friends, let them be ready!


in April 2018

through the post offices of St. Petersburg:

Scheduled Payment Date Date of actual payment
3 3 april
4 4 april
5 5 april
6 – 7 6 april
8 – 9 9 april
10 10 april
11 11 april
12 12 april
13 – 14 13 april
15 – 16 16 april
17 17 april
18 18 april
19 19 april
20 — 21 20 april

According to OPS 198218; 198326; 198411; 198517; 198325; 198327; 196140; 196621; 196631; 196625; 196642; 196644; 196645; 196652; 196632; 197229; 194361; 197730; 197729; 194294 the payment of the pension is carried out: on the 3rd - for the 3rd day; 4 - for the 4th number; 5 - for the 5th day; 6 - for 6 - 7 numbers; 7 - for 8 - 9 numbers; 10 - for the 10th day; 11 - for the 11th; 12 - for the 12th day; 13 - 13-14 days; 14 - 15-16 days; 17 - for the 17th; 18 - for the 18th; 19 - for the 19th; 20 - for 20 21 numbers.

through the branches of the North-West Bank of PJSC Sberbank:

through credit institutions with which the Branch has concluded agreements on the delivery of pensions, monthly incomes and other social payments made by the Pension Fund Russian Federation - April 17, 2018

Schedule for the payment of pensions, monthly incomes and other social benefits

in April 2018

through the post offices of the post offices of the Leningrad region:


payments on schedule


actual payment

3 3 april
4 4 april
5 5 april
6 — 7 6 april
8 7 april
9 — 10 10 april
11 11 april
12 12 april
13 — 14 13 april
15 14 april
16 — 17 17 april
18 18 april
19 19 april
20 — 21 20 april

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through credit institutions, with whom the Department has concluded agreements on the delivery of pensions, monthly incomes and other social payments made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - April 17, 2018.

Indexation of pensions in 2018: by what percentage

What really happened? But in fact, already from January 1, and not from February, as it was before, the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners increased by 3.7%. The amount of the fixed payment after indexation is 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point is 81.49 rubles. As a result, the average annual old-age pension increased to 14,075 rubles, for non-working pensioners - up to 14,329 rubles.

In addition, since February 1, 2018, the size of the monthly cash payment(EDV), which receive federal beneficiaries.

Why did the indexing percentage decrease slightly? But because inflation in Russia is decreasing faster than planned. Until recently, the inflation forecast for 2017 was 3.7 - 3.8%, and now the data has changed. Official inflation in Russia for the entire 2017 was only 2.5%! Usually, insurance pensions are increased by the level of actual inflation over the past year, but it turns out that in 2018 pensions rose above the inflation rate of 2017?

Let us recall what increase in pension is planned for the future. In 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension will increase by 4 percent per year, said Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the board of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR). Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote about this. However, if inflation does not grow, then this forecast may not come true.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2018

Unfortunately, there is not much to please working pensioners.

Working pensioners will not have indexation of pensions until the summer of 2018. And they may not wait for the indexation of their pensions in the next couple of years if they work during this period.

Recall that in accordance with the current legislation, starting from 2016, the planned indexation of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it, carried out on February 1, does not apply to working pensioners. For an increase in pension to take place, you must quit your job. How does this happen?

For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the PFR will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the FIU will receive reports for April, in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the FIU will decide to resume indexation, and in July the pensioner will receive full size pensions, as well as the monetary difference between the previous and new pension for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full amount of his pension the same three months after his dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

However, in August 2018, working pensioners are still waiting for the traditional unapproved recalculation. The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance contributions that the employer deducted to Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2017

Increase in pension from April 1, 2018: how much?

State pensions pension provision, including social ones, from April 1, 2018, both working and non-working pensioners will be increased. How much? This is a really good question.

As we remember, since April 1, 2017, state pensions, including social pensions, have been indexed by 1.5 percent.

Earlier it was reported that in 2018, social pensions are planned to be increased by 4.1 percent. And now other information comes in. Inflation at the end of last year was not as high as expected, and accordingly, pensions are not increasing as planned.

State pensions, including social ones, will be increased from April 1, 2018 by only 2.9%. As a result of indexing the average size social pension will increase by 255 rubles and after the increase will amount to 9,062 rubles. For more information about the increase in social pensions from April 1, see here >>

Disability pensions for military personnel military service on appeal, on average, they will grow by 355 rubles and will amount to 12 688 rubles.

The average pension for the loss of a breadwinner to the families of conscripts will increase by 303 rubles to 10,746 rubles.

The average size of pensions for state pensions for citizens with disabilities due to war trauma and participants of the Great Patriotic War, receiving two pensions, will increase by 399 and 392 rubles, respectively.

Recall that in the next two years, in 2019 and 2020, the social pension, according to the deputy chairman of the board of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR), Alexander Kurtin, is planned to be increased by 3.9 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.

Note that, as before, in 2018 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below living wage pensioner in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum in the region of residence.

Pension indexation calendar for 2018

Based on this information, a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2018 can be drawn up.

  • Since January 2018, there has been an increase in the insurance pension for Non-working pensioners by 3.7 percent.
  • Since February 2018, the indexation of other monthly payments(EDV) to beneficiaries by 2.5%.
  • From April 2018, the social pension will increase by 2.9 percent.
  • In August 2018, pensions will be recalculated for working pensioners, depending on their wages for 2017, but no more than 3 retirement points.

Question to an expert: “If my pension was not transferred to the Sberbank card: where should I call and what should I do?”.

Today one of the most convenient ways receiving a pension is a modern tool with many convenient functions.

Unfortunately, with age, it becomes more difficult for older people to stand in lines at bank or post offices, and not everyone wants to spend the whole day waiting for the postman delivering pensions.

It is much more convenient to receive money by card at one of the nearest ATMs on a certain day of the month.

This type of pension receipt has a number of advantages:

  • the social card does NOT require payment for service;
  • Sberbank charges additional interest on the card;
  • you can find out about the receipt of a pension without leaving home using a special notification service via SMS;
  • a social card allows you to make utility and other types of payments with great convenience.

Despite all the advantages, some retirees refuse to use this useful banking tool, as they have heard about the problems associated with transferring money to cards.

Indeed, sometimes there are problems associated with transfer delays. These troubles appear due to various reasons: from the usual sluggishness of employees of social and banking organizations, errors in a banking transaction, to the incorrect connection of the issued card.

The following types of problems may occur:

  1. In the Pension Fund, the payment order has not been precisely formed. As a result, the payment can be refunded.
  2. The letter with the bank account details was sent to the Pension Fund with a delay.
  3. A card with data that does not correspond to the open account was issued: an error occurred when entering data during the registration process.

If your pension was not credited to your account on time, you should contact the nearest branches of Sberbank and the Pension Fund of Russia.

Sberbank requires:

  • receive information about the operations performed on the card account for a certain period. It is necessary for the bank to issue a confirmation that the pension was not credited;
  • if the report contains confirmation that the funds were not credited, contact the bank again to get a certificate of your card's bank account details;
  • further search for pension contributions should be sought through the Pension Fund, which is the sender of the payment. You will need the documents you received from Sberbank to apply to the Pension Fund.

In the Pension Fund:

  1. Find out if they have your application or bank letter for transferring retirement benefits to your bank account.
  2. If these documents are available, then present more recent extracts received from Sberbank. This is necessary in order to perform data reconciliation.
  3. If the application and letter are not found, complete it on the spot, providing bank details.
  4. Find out if the fund made pension transfers at a time when you were not receiving them.
  5. If all transfers were made on time, the details were entered correctly, the Pension Fund is obliged to make a request for their location to the bank. To do this, you need to write a statement.

The search for the lost retirement transfer should be carried out by the Pension Fund, since according to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia "On the rules for transferring funds", the bank should not search for the transferred, but did not reach the recipient of the transfer.

At the same time, it is provided for the transfer to banks of functions to clarify the execution of the procedure, check details, make money transfers, and return them. This can be used by the Pension Fund if it has an application from the recipient of the pension.

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the number of working pensioners decreased by half a million people over the year. Today 22% of pensioners work in Russia. Their income, according to the head of the Ministry of Finance, is growing.

There is no hope for indexation. Badly

As you know, working pensioners do not index their pensions. Alas…

At the beginning of the year, pensioners still had hope for a revision of this norm. In May, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed to work out the issue of indexation. According to the Ministry of Labor, this event would have cost the budget 200 billion rubles.

However, later, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, that the opportunity to return to the indexation of pensions for working pensioners may appear in 2020, this issue can be considered when preparing the draft federal budget for 2020.

The other day in the State Duma, providing for the abolition of the norm, because of which working pensioners were "overboard." However, the Government of the Russian Federation immediately gave a negative conclusion, stating that the adoption of the law would require budget expenditures, and the law did not indicate the source of funding. In addition, according to officials, working pensioners already have a source to cover inflationary costs in the form of wages.

But there is an annual increase. Okay. But few

However, every year on August 1, the PFR recalculates the pensions of working pensioners on an individual basis, taking into account the contributions paid for them by the employer in the past year. But in this barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment - no matter how much a pensioner earns, he will not be awarded more than 3 points.

Maximum increase from recalculation by three retirement points in monetary terms, that is, it cannot be more than 235.74 rubles. (3 points * 78 rubles 58 kopecks). Pensioners with a salary of 24 thousand rubles or more can count on such an increase, the fund explains.

According to the FIU

How does this process take place in practice? Alas, it is not always smooth.

Having received an increase in her pension in the amount of 55 rubles, the chief accountant of the company realized that something was wrong here. Who, if not her, know how many contributions the company has transferred to her personal account. The pensioner turned to the FIU with a request to explain to her the procedure for recalculating her pension.

She shared the answer of the "pensioners" with the clerks (). In the letter, the FIU describes the calculation of the pension and informs that it is calculated correctly, in accordance with the current legislation.

I asked the FIU about the indexation of pensions for a working pensioner. I was indexed for 55 rubles. What surprised me. An answer came from the FIU (which caused me even more questions.
The following paragraph aroused my interest: Calculation of your individual pension coefficient for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.12.2016 made in the following order: 36939 rubles. 54 kopecks (the amount of insurance premiums for insurance pension in the amount calculated from the individual part of the rate of insurance premiums to finance an insurance pension): 127360 rubles. 00 kopecks (the standard amount of insurance premiums in calendar year) = 0.290 x 10 = 2.900. The value of the individual pension coefficient for the specified period was 0.730 (7.830 (the maximum value of the individual pension coefficient for 2016) - 7.100 (your individual pension coefficient for the period from 01/01/2016 to 03/31/2016, taken into account when assigning a pension) = 0.730).
Your individual pension coefficient from 01.08.2017 was 108.686 (107.956 + 0.730). The amount of your old-age insurance pension payable from 01.08.2017 amounted to 8072 rubles. 11 kopecks (108.686 x 74 rubles 27 kopecks - the cost of one pension coefficient from 01.02.2016), fixed payment to the insurance pension - 4723 rubles. 05 kopecks
I call and ask: 36 939 rubles. 54 kopecks is that ??? I am answered, this is what the company listed. I'm shocked!!! transfers for me personally (I myself know how much someone has and when). I am offered to take all the reports + spr + something else and come to the FIU. I’ll find time after reporting and will definitely go.
- Tatiana-Vasilievna

The clerks note that in in this case the reason for the small recalculation is that the woman retired in 2016 and in general for the year the fund accrues no more than 7.83 points, of which 7.1 points have already been awarded upon retirement. That is, despite the fact that by the end of the year the pensioner earned at least 3 points, the PFR cannot accrue them, since she complies with the annual maximum.

55 rubles is all that the fund can offer to a pensioner, for which the employer paid tens of thousands of rubles after her retirement. This is the kind of arithmetic from the FIU.
In total, for 2016 you can only be given 7.83 points, of which 7.1 have already been given.
even if the employer paid 100 thousand for you, the FIU will not give you more than 7.83-7.1 = 0.73. And these 0.73 with a good salary can be earned in a month. Those. You worked for 1 month for yourself, and 8 months for the budget, in the bottomless barrel of the RPF.
- bukh2007

Trust but verify

And what increase to your pension have you, working pensioners, received? Have you checked the FIU calculations? After all, as you know, trust, but verify.

Recall, as explained in the fund, the points earned consists of three actions:

1. Let's calculate how much the employer will pay for you to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: the size of your salary x 12 months. x 16%. For example, with a salary of 10,000 rubles, the amount of contributions for 2017 will be 19,200 rubles.

2. Divide the received amount by the amount of the maximum contribution to the FIU. In 2016, it was 127,360 rubles. 19 200/127 360 = 0.15

3. Let's multiply this value by 10. It turned out 1.5 points. This is the number of retirement points you earned in 2016.

Discussion of this pension issue occurs in the forum topic ""

Due to the upcoming New Year holidays and a long rest period, the Pension Fund ordered the payment of early pensions and other transfers. This decision is enshrined in Resolution No. 682r of 11/28/2017.

The festive period is from 12/30/2017 to 01/08/2018 inclusive. From January 9, the withdrawal of funds will be carried out in the same mode, and transfers will be relevant only if the date of the transfer of funds coincides with the day off.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical points. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

As a result, the graph pension payments will undergo adjustment. According to Anton Drozdov, head of the Pension Fund of Russia, the entire amount of necessary funds will be sent to post offices and credit institutions December 28 and 29.

Citizens will be able to receive payments after 2018. Pension payment schedule for January 2018 establish the organizations responsible for their delivery. If the date of issue of funds falls on a holiday or weekend, then the transfer is made to the next working day.

To whom will pensions be transferred early?

When the pension will be paid for January 2018 depends on the chosen method of delivery of funds. When receiving funds through the mail, you need to contact the department at the place of residence or registration. Each branch sets individual order of issue pensions.

Bank branches transfer funds to pensioners to cards. January pensions are most often listed at the end of the month, therefore new year holidays will not affect for payments. You can receive transfers at any time at ATMs.

Other credit organizations that deliver pensions also establish their own operating hours. You can find out by making a phone call or contacting the department personally.

Certain categories of citizens have the right to receive early January transfers. Payment of pension for January 2018 in December possible for citizens who receive collateral through credit companies in the first decade of the month. Funds will be transferred December 28 or 29.

If the citizens usually receive security in the 2nd or 3rd decade of the month, then the funds will be transferred in January according to the established regime... The payment date will not change for retirees receiving funds at the post office or at home.

1. DURING THE BIOGAS BLOWER BREAKING OUT OF OPERATION FOR A LONG PERIOD Due to the fact that until now the Yarpivo production plant had not announced the readiness of the biogas boiler, the biogas blower was taken out of service until further notice. As foreseen for such a case, all the biogas generated in the reactor is combusted in a flare unit. In order for the automatic start of the flare to take place, the pressure switch included in the stacked flare system (PS-01) must be set to the minimum start level. When the pressure in the main biogas pipeline reaches this minimum (current situation: PS-01 is set to 15 mbar), the small blower entering the flare unit will start and the flare unit will automatically start burning. The wastewater treatment plant is designed to be completely enclosed, with the exception of the settling tank. Some of the building structures ...