Review of Palette hair dyes - how to make the right choice. Palette hair dye: color palette with photos, characteristics of various lines Palette hair dye brown shades

One of the most famous budget hair dyes in Russia is Palette hair dye. This article describes everything Palette paints, tips from stylists on its use are given, as well as photographs of the full palette of shades.

Palette Salon Colors line

The kit includes an emulsion for developing the paint, a coloring cream, instructions, gloves and a balm for moisturizing the hair.

What shades?

This line of hair dyes contains sixteen beautiful natural shades.

Is there ammonia?

The paint contains ammonia. Most girls complain about the strong smell of paint, but mention that it hardly affects the skin.

Is this paint profitable?

The dye lasts on the hair for approximately 1 month. The cost of each pack is approximately 100–140 rubles. One pack is enough to dye hair up to about waist length.

How to use?

To dye, you will need a brush to apply the dye to your hair. Mix the dye with the developer, apply it to your hair and leave for about 30 minutes.

Rinse with plain warm water and treat hair with a moisturizing balm. Please be prepared for the paint to wash off slowly.

It will help to remove a bad paint color. Reviews about natural and professional removers you can read on our website.

You can lighten your hair without using dye, for example, using cinnamon - in our article you will find information on how to do this.


Tatyana, 22 years old, Tomsk:“I constantly use this line, I paint mainly in light colors. The dye suits me in every way - it applies well and lasts on my thin hair for more than two months.”

Marina, 55 years old, Novosibirsk:“The paint covers gray hair well, if it weren’t for the smell of ammonia, everything would be just fine. But it lasts a long time"

Line Palette Paint-Mousse

A beautiful shaker jar contains powdered paint, emulsion for developing color, instructions, gloves and after-painting balm.

What shades?

The line of paints is released in fourteen shades.

Is there ammonia?

There is ammonia in the paint, but there is almost no smell from it.

Is this paint profitable?

The price is in the range of 150–190 rubles per package. The dye lasts on the hair for about a month and a half. One package is enough to color hair up to shoulder blades.

How to use?

Mix powder paint and developer in a jar. Close the jar and shake it vigorously for a minute. The result should be a thick mousse that resembles a milkshake.

Apply it to your hair, wait for the time indicated on the package, and rinse it off.

Watch a video on how to use this paint.

Video: how to dye your hair using Palette Mousse Color


Anna, 38 years old, Novokuznetsk:“The dye doesn’t smell at all, it’s very convenient to use, it washes off quickly, and the result stays on the hair very well.”

Olga, 19 years old, Irkutsk:“I paint it black, use mousse paint and really like it. The color is saturated, and after dyeing the hair shines and looks healthy. I recommend to everyone."

Deluxe line

The contents of the kit are completely standard - gloves, developer, paint, balm and instructions.

What shades?

The shade palette is represented by 22 colors.

Is there ammonia?

Yes, there is quite a lot of ammonia in paint. This is good if you need a drastic color change, but the dye may be more damaging to your hair than usual.

Is this paint profitable?

The price of paint varies from 200 to 260 rubles. One pack is enough to dye shoulder-length hair. On average, it is washed off only after a month.

How to use?

Apply the dye to your hair according to the instructions. Wait a while, wash it off, apply balm. The dye is quite hard, so be sure to use a balm - it will make your hair soft and manageable.


Irina, 33 years old, Voronezh:“The paint lasts three months - my friend and I use it, everyone different types hair. But Thin hair It’s better not to paint with this paint, especially if the ends are split. It’s better to use something more gentle.”

Oksana, 27 years old, Moscow:“I only paint with Palette, I recently discovered Deluxe, I really liked it because the color lasts a long time, my hair looks good, and this paint washes off evenly, not in spots, like some.”

On our website you can find out about it yourself. You will also find a lot useful tips regarding double staining.

How to care for blond colored hair? Find out from this. Blonde hair require especially careful treatment.

Read about how often you can dye your hair here:. We will tell you about the effects of natural and professional dyes on hair.

Color & Gloss line

The kit includes paint, developer, gloves and instructions.

What shades?

In this Palette line, 18 different shades were presented.

Is there ammonia?

No, this paint is made from natural ingredients and does not contain ammonia. It smells pleasant of berries and does not irritate the skin.

Is this paint profitable?

The price for one package of paint is 90–130 rubles. Use it to dye your hair middle length. It lasts on the hair for about 4 weeks.

How to apply?

Unfortunately this paint has one important feature. Most of the girls complain that the color does not correspond to what is stated on the packaging, it turns out darker.

Therefore, before coloring your entire head, test on a small section in an inconspicuous place. Otherwise, to dye your hair well, just follow the instructions.


Alexandra, 24 years old, Moscow: « Good paint, natural, takes care of my hair. But the color is not exactly the same as on the packaging. I wanted “Strawberry Jam”, but it turned out to be a darker shade. But maybe this is because before dyeing my hair color was darker than necessary.”

Tatyana, 31 years old, Arkhangelsk:“The paint doesn’t last long, but its composition is natural, which compensates for everything else. You can use it as often as you like.”

Line Fitoliniya

In the box you will find a tube of paint, bags of developer and activator, hair mask, seals and instructions.

What shades?

Fitoliniya hair dye is presented in a rich palette of 24 shades.

Is there ammonia?

Yes. But the smell of ammonia is quite weak.

Is this paint profitable?

A package of hair dye from the Fitoliniya line costs 120–150 rubles. One tube is enough for you to color hair up to your shoulder blades. It also lasts quite a long time - 5-6 weeks.

How to apply?

Mix all the ingredients of the dye, apply it to your hair and wait for the time specified in the instructions. Do not neglect the balm, as the dye can dry out your hair.

On our website you can read about paints of various brands, as well as reviews about them. For example, about its palette - the product chosen by professional stylists.

Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy? you will find the answer to this question.

Read this article about home lightening and means for it: There are many ways, choose yours.

Becoming a blonde is not an easy task, even hairdressers warn their visitors about this. That's what they told me - it can be painted, but... ongoing care Hair of this color is a complicated matter.

But I decided not to give in to difficulties, especially such pleasant ones - and went to repaint.

To the master, of course.

Usually craftsmen prefer professional dyes, but I noticed this peculiarity of them - they are expensive, and the result... I will say this: I was not always pleased.

In my review, I want to tell you about a regular coloring product from the mass market, the performance of which I am completely satisfied with. And, by the way, not just me.

Permanent cream color PALETTE C10 "Silver blond"

The choice of this brand is our common opinion with the master. She is not averse to working with those products that are sold in ordinary stores, and of them the highest quality is Palette.

Previously, I took it in a dark shade. I liked that it didn’t wash off for a long time, and my mother noted that it covered gray hair 100 percent. Well, the performance is great, but will another shade be just as good?


My native one is dark blond, but I want to go lighter - to become a kind of gentle mermaid.

The hairdresser understood the direction of my thoughts and advised C 10 - she said this tone should help me achieve what I wanted.

Where can I buy

It wasn’t on the first try that I managed to find it, but after searching two or three places I found exactly this shade and took it to the checkout.

The cost is reasonable - one tube does not cost more than two hundred Russian rubles. However, on the advice of the master, I took two bottles - my hair is not short, and it’s not worth saving money. Moreover, its cost is low.

Mode of application

There is no need to purchase anything additional to it - everything is already pre-packaged in one box: both the coloring agent itself and the oxygenant for it.

At first I didn’t delve into how and what to dilute, since I painted it in salons, but simple paint - when I started doing the same work myself at home - I diluted it in the standard way. There were no problems - it didn’t harden, it had a normal consistency.


It distributes well - the craftswoman told me this, and I noted this myself.

I’m glad that it doesn’t drip or flow - it’s convenient to use, home coloring it doesn't stain everything around it.

This, of course, is atas - the only disadvantage of this substance. It is very difficult to tolerate, especially if you, like me, are disgusted by such “fragrances”.

Honestly, I didn’t expect that in modern times there were still such products with a bad smell - I thought it was all in the past. However, no - the smell is very strong, you have to endure it with great difficulty.

The smell appears as soon as you squeeze the product out of the tube and lasts a long time without dissipating.

It stings and stings, but it's tolerable. Not as much as it happens with other paints. But unlike professional ones, you can still feel it.

What makes me most happy is the result - the color turns out IMMEDIATELY the way I want. Without additional defects of professional powders, brightening essences and other things.

I don’t know why people think it’s better to throw a ton of money at your disposal, even if it’s specialized. This means more time and more torment for the hair.

IN in this case I dyed it once - the color is perfect, it stays fresh and bright for a long time, and all you need to do is just tint the roots. This can be easily done without a specialist - I carry out this procedure myself at home. I can handle it without difficulty.

The first coloring was done in the salon - the master did it perfectly, the color went on evenly. Then there are no expenses - just buy the paint itself for a hundred and a few kopecks of rubles, tint the curls - and everything is ready.


Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Surprisingly in our country hair dye Palette appeared recently - in 1997, but she quickly managed to win the love of Russian women.

The pallet is one of brands cosmetic giant.

The quality of this paint has been tested by time (it first appeared in the 60s). Palette hair dye has successfully proven itself in more than 45 countries around the world.

All hair color palette Palette divided into three classes according to the level of resistance:

Level 1. Wash off after 6-8 times. In this category there is only Palete Tinted Balm. The dye lies on the surface of the hair without penetrating into the depths. On the one hand, this is a minus, since durability leaves much to be desired. On the other hand, you can be absolutely calm about the health of your hair; chemicals will not get into your hair.

Level 2. It is washed off after 24-28 times, the paint gives a semi-permanent color. There's also only one here Palette paint palette Color & Gloss. The dye can change the color of your hair within 2-3 tones. This is a kind of intermediate option between superficial and deep coloring.

Level 3. Provides long-lasting coloring. Here he offers us a whole series of products: Permanent cream paint Palette, Palette mousse paint, Palette Deluxe, Palette Salon Colors, Palette Fitoliniya. Palette dyes of the third level of durability can radically change the color of your hair. Pigment molecules are firmly attached to the hair and are able to stay on it for a long time. You will only have to touch up the regrown roots.

Below we will take a closer look at the palette of each series of Palette hair dyes. The Schwarzkopf company, in addition to Palette, also has other hair dyes:
, .

Tinted balm Palette. Palette.

The paint does not contain aggressive components. The balm has a very gentle superficial effect on the hair without damaging its structure. There are 12 different colors in the Tint Gel Palette.

  • 0 - Matte blonde
  • 02 - Sunny blonde
  • 8 - Garnet Red
  • 9 - Red-chestnut
  • 11 - Dark Cherry
  • 15 - Dark Nougat
  • 16 - Dark Chocolate
  • 17 - Medium chestnut
  • 19 - Dark chestnut
  • 20 - Blue-black

Hair dye Palette Color & Gloss. Palette.

Semi-permanent hair dye, provides decent color and is gentle on hair. There are 18 shades in the Palette Color and Gloss paint palette. This dye contains components that are very important for hair health: Aloe Vera, Argan and Vitamin B5. This paint suitable for those women who worry not only about the color of their hair, but also about their health.

  • 1-0 - Black Truffle
  • 3-0 - Double Espresso
  • 4-6 - Golden Mochaccino
  • 4-99 - Purple Cherry
  • 5-0 - Mocha with Glaze
  • 5-5 - Bright Walnut
  • 5-60 - Fresh Blackberries
  • 5-68 - Raspberry Sugar
  • 5-86 - Spicy Cinnamon
  • 5-88 - Strawberry Jam
  • 5-89 - Red Currant
  • 6-0 - Glossy Caramel
  • 6-6 - Coffee with milk
  • 7-0 - Flirty Ginger
  • 7-5 Sweet Nut
  • 8-5 - Honey Glaze
  • 9-5 - Glamorous Almond

Permanent cream paint Palette. Palette.

This hair dye provides long-lasting and intense color. The manufacturer guarantees 100% gray coverage. The composition includes Liquid Keratin, which provides bright shine to the hair. The palette of permanent cream paint Palette has as many as 32 shades - a truly rich choice.

  • A10 - Pearly blonde
  • B9 - Beige blonde
  • C1 - Blue-black
  • C10 - Silver blonde
  • C12 - Arctic Blonde
  • C6 - Cool light blond
  • C8 - Diamond Blonde
  • C9 - Ash blonde
  • E20 - Brightening
  • G3 - Golden truffle
  • G4 - Cocoa
  • H6 - Honey chestnut
  • H8 - Honey blonde
  • K16 - Copper chestnut
  • N1 - Black
  • N12 - Cool light blond
  • N2 - Dark chestnut
  • N3 - Chestnut
  • N5 - Dark brown
  • N6 - Medium brown
  • N7 - Light Brown
  • N9 - Light blond
  • R15 - Fiery red
  • R2 - Mahogany
  • R4 - Chestnut
  • RF3 - Red Garnet
  • VN3 - Plum
  • W2 - Dark Chocolate
  • W5 - Golden grilled
  • W6 - Golden nutmeg
  • WN3 - Golden coffee

Palette Paint-Mousse. Palette.

The first Palette paint in mousse format. Very easy to use, the mousse is evenly distributed throughout the hair, providing an even color. There are 14 colors in the mousse paint palette from Palet.

  • 100 - Black
  • 110 - Blue-black
  • 300 - Dark chestnut
  • 388 - Dark red
  • 465 - Dark Chocolate
  • 500 - Light chestnut
  • 600 - Dark brown
  • 665 - Nougat
  • 668 - Red chestnut
  • 700 - Medium brown
  • 800 - Light brown
  • 850 - Golden brown
  • 1000 - Super blonde
  • 2000 - Ultra blonde

Hair dye Palette DELUXE. Palette.

This is a long-lasting and at the same time caring hair dye. The composition includes 7 oils that protect and nourish hair during the coloring process. The Palette Deluxe palette includes 22 colors.

  • 100 - Extra light blond
  • 204 - Golden almond glitter
  • 218 - Silver blonde
  • 230 - White gold
  • 400 - Medium brown
  • 455 - Cinnamon Golden Glitter
  • 464 - Magnificent Copper
  • 555 - Golden caramel
  • 562 - Copper Mango
  • 650 - Chestnut
  • 678 - Ruby red
  • 679 - Intense red-violet
  • 706 - Intense Ebony
  • 750 - Luxurious dark chocolate
  • 754 - Glamorous chestnut
  • 755 - Mocha Gold Glitter
  • 800 - Dark chestnut
  • 808 - Black mahogany
  • 850 - Velvet chestnut
  • 872 - Luxurious ruby ​​black
  • 880 - Eggplant
  • 900 - Black

Hair dye Palette Salon Colors. Palette.

The main purpose of these paints is to create a striking color, similar to what you can get in a salon from a professional stylist. However, the manufacturer also thought about hair health. The set includes a Strengthening Shine Conditioner. There are 16 shades in the Palette Salon Colors palette.

  • 1-0 - Black
  • 1-1 - Blue-black
  • 3-0 - Dark chocolate
  • 4-0 - Dark chestnut
  • 4-88 - Dark rich red
  • 4-89 - Red-violet
  • 5-6 - Milk chocolate
  • 5-68 - Red-chestnut
  • 6-0 - Dark brown
  • 6-65 - Golden light blond
  • 7-0 - Medium brown
  • 8-0 - Light brown
  • 9-7 - Light copper
  • 9.5-1 - Platinum blonde
  • 10-1 - Silver blond
  • 10-2 - Ash blonde

Hair dye Palette Fitoliniya. Palette.

The composition of this paint contains the least amount of ammonia. This helps avoid hair damage, discomfort on the skin and a strong odor. The color palette of Palette Fitoliniya includes 24 different shades. All shades of this line are as close to natural as possible.

  • 100 - Scandinavian blonde
  • 200 - Extra light blond
  • 218 - Pure blonde
  • 219 - Super ash blonde
  • 254 - Super beige blonde
  • 300 - Light brown
  • 390 - Light copper
  • 400 - Medium brown
  • 460 - Golden blonde
  • 465 - Medium brown gold
  • 500 - Dark brown
  • 568 - Caramel chestnut
  • 575 - Ruby red
  • 600 - Light chestnut
  • 650 - Walnut-chestnut
  • 678 - Red Garnet
  • 700 - Medium chestnut
  • 750 - Golden chestnut
  • 770 - Bronze red
  • 780 - Red wine
  • 800 - Dark chestnut
  • 850 - Dark brown
  • 868 - Dark chocolate
  • 900 - Black

Cream paint color palette Palette includes a wide variety of shades. Available colors may vary depending on your hair type and texture.

What does a woman expect when she is looking for a new hair dye? For ease of choice, ease of application and guaranteed, predictable hair color. Such a simple but reliable chain of actions, leading from desire to result, is provided by the popular line of Palet paints. For more than forty years, the Schwarzkopf company has been helping women radically change their image, maintain their natural shade and hide treacherous gray hair on their own at home.

Main features of Palette hair dye

Advantages of Palette paint. Household hair dye Palette presented in absolutely all stores, be it a supermarket, a large specialty store or a small trade stall. And if a small store offers only one brand of hair dyes, then it will most likely be Palet.

Bright, noticeable packaging itself immediately attracts attention. She also carries a lot useful information : picture with the dyeing result, several options for possible tinting with before and after photographs, instructions for mixing and applying hair dye

If you turn to a consultant for advice on what kind of paint to get the expected shade and completely cover your gray hair, then most likely they will advise you on Palette. Affordable price for hair dye Palette, the extensive palette of colors and the durability of the resulting color on her hair provided her with popular love. And also - ease of use. You just take the package you need from the shelf and don’t think about what other additional materials you need to buy.

Disadvantages of Pallet paint. Paint gives perfect color, but still dries out my hair. So if you have problems with your hair, it’s better to hold off on dyeing for now or get ready for regular restorative procedures.

Review of Palette hair color lines:

Characteristics on the Palette ICC packaging

  • Volume: 100 ml.
  • Time of action: 30-40 minutes.
  • Palette: 32 tones.

Line of natural shades

Collection of intense shades, aimed at adding shine and light highlighting of dark natural colors. Warm honey tones and rich shades of coffee and chocolate.

Range of red shades

Bright shades of red: fiery red, garnet and copper chestnut will delight and delight with intense radiance.

Blonde line

Beautiful line of long-lasting cool blondes– ash, Scandinavian and silver.

The color formula, enhanced with keratin, guarantees full gray coverage and matches the color on the package. Long lasting color for up to 2 months and strengthens hair.

Characteristics on the packaging of Palette Perfect Care

  • Volume: 110 ml.
  • Time of action: 30 minutes.
  • Palette: 20 (4 blondes).

Line of natural shades

In the palette no too bright colors. Muted tones of blue-black, chestnut, dark chocolate.

Range of red shades

Discreet redheads and shades with a reddish tint. Dark ruby ​​and rich red are adjacent to the noble shade of “chocolate cherry”.

Blonde line

Several shades of blonde: light, ultra-cold, light brown.

What does the manufacturer promise?

The innovative multi-layer formula delivers vibrant, long-lasting color that intensifies with every wash. Ammonia-free formula with silk elixir gently colors hair, makes hairstyle flow like a waterfall.

Characteristics on the packaging of Palette Fitoliniya

  • Volume: 110 ml.
  • Time of action: 30 minutes.
  • Palette: 24 shades (7 blondes).

Line of natural shades

Maximum closeness to natural shades. Dark brown, caramel chestnut, shades of dark chocolate.

Range of red shades

Beautiful tan and red shades of copper, garnet red and ruby ​​red.

Blonde line

Maybe, the most beautiful line of blondes among all paints from the manufacturer. Additional care during coloring will provide extra light, light brown and Scandinavian blonde with a healthy glow and maximum proximity to the desired result.

What does the manufacturer promise?

Cream paint, enriched natural oils argan and jojoba milk, nourishes and moisturizes hair 30% more than other dyes. Complete, gentle gray coverage and long-lasting color. The balm in the package also helps hair recover as much as possible.

Characteristics on the packaging of Palette Deluxe

  • Volume: 100 ml.
  • Time of action: 35-40 minutes.
  • Palette: 22 shades (4 blondes).

Line of natural shades

Brilliant natural shades of chestnut and mocha, and glamorous ebony colors.

A range of red and red shades

Luxurious ruby ​​shades next to magnificent copper ones.

Blonde line

Beautiful wheat blondes with gold and cinnamon notes, cool glow white gold and silver blond.

What does the manufacturer promise?

New and improved 7 oil formula Provides long-lasting coloring and additional hair care. The result is soft, cashmere-like hair with the added shine and shine of silk.

Reviews of the Palette paint palette

Is it true that Palet paint is the most popular among other brands? Let's try to figure out how satisfied women of different ages are with the results of coloring.

Tatyana, 38 years old

I guess I haven’t yet come across a paint that covers gray hair better than my favorite long-lasting cream paint, Palet. I noticed the purple packages a long time ago and since then I forgot about the problems with regrown roots. Perhaps the dye is not as gentle as I would like, but if my hair has withstood the years perms, then it will definitely cope with paint, even ammonia paint. In addition, the manufacturer constantly organizes promotions with price reductions, so you can always buy a couple of boxes with a reserve.

Palette is a creation worldwide famous brand Schwarzkopf. He manages to combine the incongruous – reasonable price and decent quality. Our article will introduce you to it and help you choose the ideal dye for your hair.


  1. Intended for use at home.
  2. Belongs to the category of budget dyes.
  3. Contains natural ingredients, vegetable and .

On this moment the company produces the following lines:

  1. Permanent cream paint Palette (Permanent).
  2. Palette Phytolinia (Permanent caring paint, contains nourishing oils, plant extracts and jojoba milk).
  3. Palette Perfect Care (Semi-permanent (no ammonia)).


Palette has a decent selection of tones and half-tones, which many women note and it’s hard not to notice. Permanent cream paint contains 32 shades in its palette, Fitoliniya – 22, and Palette Perfect Care – 21.

Here is a short overview of them:

Permanent cream paint

  1. The palette of light shades is opened by the base – lightening paint. Then there is a series of blondes - from Ash and Platinum to Pearl and even Powder.
  2. In the light brown range, in addition to the classic shades (light, dark, medium), you can find Pearl and Cold medium brown.
  3. More high level– light chestnut and chestnut tones are represented not only by the basic, but also by “tasty” shades golden shades: Coffee, Grillage and Truffle.
  4. The darkest ones are deep dark chestnut, black, and also blue-black - rich, with a bluish tint.
  5. The red-violet range begins with Light Copper and reaches plum, classic Eggplant and Mahogany, ending with a spectacular dark plum.

Palette Fitoliniya

  1. The rich palette of blondes in this line opens with Super Ash, Clean and Scandinavian shades. Available in Pearl, Sand and Beige and Gold.
  2. In addition to the usual light brown tones, Fitolinia also contains warm Medium Light Brown gold.
  3. In the palette chestnut shades you can find mouth-watering Nutmeg, Walnut Chestnut and Spiced Espresso.
  4. Classic dark and chocolate shades finish with base black.
  5. There are several red-red tones in the Fitoliniya collection, such as Captivating Copper and Light Copper, as well as Caramel Chestnut.

Palette Perfect Care

  1. The palette contains 4 bright blondes and 2 light brown shade– light and dark.
  2. Rich chestnut tones: Chocolate and Milk chocolate, Dark caramel, Coffee and proper Chestnut.
  3. Dark shades go beyond classic black. Here are Bitter Chocolate, Golden Dark, and Blue Black.
  4. This line is replete with rich fiery tones - from Light Copper to Rich Red, Dark Ruby and Chocolate Cherry.

Consider your color type of appearance when choosing a paint shade - this will help you avoid disappointment after painting:

  1. Spring – warm golden tones: honey, caramel, sandalwood, nut (not recommended: ash blonde, blue-black, bright red).
  2. Summer - cold natural light or dark colors: wheat, ash brown, silver (almost all shades of red and gold, black are not recommended).
  3. Autumn - warm light deep red, chestnut, brown tones (platinum, wheat, light brown are not recommended).
  4. Winter – cold bluish shades dark colors, black, eggplant (light brown, straw, silver tones are not recommended).

Do not radically change your hair color on your own, it is almost impossible to do this efficiently, and correcting unsuccessful coloring is not always easy and harmless - contact a specialist.

Hair type

  1. Oily hair should be dyed with any line of Palette dyes, including permanent ones. Permanent dye will help remove excess fat, which, in turn, will protect them from harmful effects.
  2. For normal hair, Fitoliniya and Perfect Care are preferred. If intensive care follows coloring, you can also use Permanent cream paint.
  3. It is not recommended to apply dye containing ammonia to dry hair. Suitable options– Perfect Care, in which it is absent, and Fitoliniya – with a reduced content of it, having a caring complex.


  1. For coloring gray hair hair will do only permanent dye - the main line Palet and Fitoliniya, because deprived of melanin, they become tougher and take paint worse.
  2. The Perfect Care line without ammonia will help you slightly change the shade of your hair for a short period of time, get a lasting result and care - Fitoliniya.

Price, pros and cons

Palette is a manufacturer of mass-market dyes. All the lines produced by him are in an affordable price range and cost about 100-200 rubles.


  1. All Palette lines provide the opportunity to color your hair yourself: in the dye box you will find almost everything you need for coloring, including step-by-step instructions.
  2. The composition contains caring substances, varying in composition and quantity depending on the line.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. You can find it in almost any cosmetics and perfumery store.
  5. Has a wide palette of shades.


  1. Permanent Palette dyes, like most dyes containing ammonia, dry out hair and can cause split ends.
  2. The caring balm can only be found in the Fitolinia and Perfect Care kit; it is not included in the box with permanent Palette cream paint.