Ice buildings in dhows on site. Snow buildings on group plots in winter in kindergarten. consultation on the topic. Ice craft designs

With the onset of winter, all streets and playgrounds are covered with snow, mountains and dunes are formed just overnight, and the time for winter games comes. Snow is an endless source of fun and entertainment. Kindergarten teachers take snowfall especially seriously. Snow time gives them a chance to organize interesting games with children on fresh air, arrange a whole fairy tale next to the kindergarten. Children are very interested in this task and create amazing figures with your own hands.

Main types of figures

There are several types of snow figures that you can build with your own hands. Based on the type of modeling, they can be divided into two types:

  • frameless - created from snow alone;
  • frame - at the heart of such a figure is a frame made of wood.

Preparing for work is quite simple. Before you go outside and start creating a beautiful snow craft in kindergarten, you need to do some preparatory work still in the house.

Frameless snow figures

Such figures are created exclusively from snow. This method is used when sculpting low figures, no more than a person’s height, as well as a solid form without individual elements (spread wings or raised arms - this should not happen).

If you want to create several figures at once, then the snow for them needs to be collected in advance. It needs to be collected over several weeks, for which the snow masses are raked with a special shovel into formwork or into another suitable container. You can collect this snow as a group, together with your children. This will help prepare you for the fun ahead. Snow that has been compacted for some time becomes more durable, so it becomes much easier to work with.

To understand whether snow is suitable as a material for creating figures, you should press it from above with some sharp object; if the point easily enters the mass, this means that the snow is not yet ready for sculpting. When creating any craft from snow on the kindergarten site, you must always remember that the snow for it is only completely clean, without excess dirt and debris, otherwise the figure will be unattractive, and individual parts on it will be very difficult to sculpt.

Creating individual figures will help collect snow before work. To do this, as when sculpting a snowman, the snow rolls into large balls, which are then placed on top of each other. This game will help to captivate the whole class or kindergarten children. Supplement the narrowing areas with snow, if necessary. You can collect it using this method only if it is quite sticky.

If the snow has a crumbly form, then it can be made sticky; to do this, you need to pour water on it, quickly rake it into a pile with a shovel and squeeze it well, in this case the snow mass will quickly set under the influence of low temperatures and become denser. You can also shovel sticky snow into the formwork.

When the block is ready for work, they begin to shape it. To do this you need to use small tool - spatula, grater or scraper. If they are not there, then you can use improvised objects, you can first take a wooden spatula from the kitchen and a knife from home. If the snow is not very hard, then you can start working with children’s sandbox sets, but in this case you need to do everything carefully, if the snow is too hard, then the fragile plastic may break as a result, which will only cause the child anxiety and frustration.

At this stage of the work, a model of the figure made at home or a drawn portrait will be very useful. Details should be sculpted from it, as from a model. To begin with, a general outline of the future figure is created, and then all the main details are completed.

There is no need to be very upset if something goes wrong, since snow is a material that helps to quickly restore the desired part of the figure, as well as redo an accidental defect.

Structures with frames

Creating a frame in snow figures from wooden sticks or plywood helps to capture them in different poses and make them more alive and interesting, which helps the child feel like he is in a real fairy tale.

Such work will begin with the creation of the main frame. The frame in this case will serve as a skeleton, that is, the main support for the snow mass. Therefore, all the main parts must be installed on the support; for example, the long neck of a swan will not withstand the imposed load and can quickly break without a special frame. To do this, you need to combine all the wooden sticks and individual pieces of plywood in clusters or with wire. It is very important to give the frame stability and strength.

You can also create a frame so that children can use it as a structure for climbing and riding. In this case, it is important so that the child does not fall during the game and get injured.

After installing the frame, you need to fill it inside with snow, and also sculpt the base of the figure on the outside. To add strength to the frame of the figure, it should be lubricated on top with a special “snow dough”; for this, the snow is half diluted with water. All parts of the figure are coated with this mixture; after hardening, the structure becomes especially durable and strong. You also need to remember the importance of rubber gloves for this type of work. After all parts of the frame are camouflaged under the snow, and the blanks reach their size, you need to start adding various details to the structure.

At this stage, the work will be more like creating a frameless figure. The only difference will be the higher complexity of creating additional parts.

Ice craft designs

A separate direction in winter designs are figures made of ice. Transparent buildings, shimmering under the rays of the sun or in artificial lighting, look like real illuminations made of valuable glass.

Creating them is not easy, since ice is a very hard material, difficult to work with. At the same time, it is impossible to restore the broken section of the structure, so such work will require special skill and training.

To form such a figure, you need to use natural ice taken from a glacier or reservoir. If you try to freeze tap water yourself, it is unlikely to become transparent, and the figure will not look aesthetically pleasing. But for training you can use this method.

Decoration of received structures

A simple sculpted figure is quite uninteresting, especially for a small child. The whole class will be happy to design the resulting piece. They will be able to make the overall picture of the figure brighter and more attractive. With a brush you can paint small details: mouth, nose and eyes. To paint the structure, you should use only child-safe paints, for example, watercolors. Gouache can also work, but after the snow figurine melts, it will begin to become heavily colored and may stain children.

You can also use colored figurines to decorate buildings, which need to be prepared in advance by freezing tinted water in special molds. Children will be able to do this work independently.

You can also decorate a snow structure well with fabric. To do this, you can use colored canvas or small scraps. In order for the fabric to be able to fix well on the figure, you need to use it wet, then, even if it freezes outside, it will continue to retain its shape. Small patches can be attached to the structure using snow dough. You can also ask the children to bring such fabric from home. It is good to use individual threads left over after knitting; they will help attach unusual extensions to the sculpture.

In decorating figures you can also use natural materials: hawthorn or rowan berries, as well as simple cones. Such decorations can also be prepared in advance.

How to make a dog

Before starting creation, you need to accurately determine the size of the body and the location in space of the desired structure, think through all the details of the appearance snow dog and in advance create a model of the building on a sheet of paper.

If you want to create a dog lying on the ground, then:

  • shovel the snow so as to design a lying dog;
  • moisten the collected mass from a watering can;
  • roll a small ball and place it in the place where the planned head of the snow animal will be;
  • give the figures the features of a dog, Special attention You need to pay attention to your ears.

There are two methods for sculpting large snow structures. This:

  • from wet snow;
  • by rolling small balls.

The second method is most suitable for sculptors who have little knowledge of sculpting itself. For this you need roll two balls and process the structure to give it common features with a dog.

When using the first method, you need to thoroughly process the material before sculpting:

  • create a mountain of snow and moisten it with water;
  • let the mixture sit in the cold for several days;
  • repeat the steps until the structure reaches the desired height;
  • remove excess snow and create dog features;
  • you can add additional colors or highlight the details of the appearance in a different way. For example, insert eyes in the form of coals.

Making a snow house

There are different forms of snow houses. Among them we can highlight:

There are two main sculpting methods: rolled balls and cut squares. Each of these methods uses wet snow.

To build a snow house, you need:

If the house is designed for children's games, then it should be insulated inside with polyethylene. To do this, the material must be laid on the floor and attached to the walls of the building.

Snow Minions

Making such figures from snow will be easy and quick. To do this, we use a rectangle shape with rounded corners on top. Hair can be made from branches, and hands can be replaced by plastic inflexible pipes, at the ends of which gloves can be attached. The main and interesting part of creating minions is coloring the finished structure.

Every winter our group’s plot turns into a wonderful snow town, and a walk in winter becomes more interesting and fun, and the frost is not at all terrible...

Our kindergarten "Ladushki" is located in a new quarter of the city of Tolyatti. In 2011, it celebrated its fourth winter.

On the territory of the garden there are 14 plots of age groups, there is a large physical training ground. All areas are equipped with modern gaming modules.
Winter is a long-awaited and favorite time for our children; they know that as soon as the snow falls, the kindergarten areas turn into a special snowy country.

It’s winter, it’s white all around, there’s a lot of snow... Everyone knows these lines, but the vagaries of our native nature sometimes disrupt our plans. There are winters with heavy snowfalls and frequent thaws, there are frosty but snowless winters, and snow accumulates only by February.
Winters differ not only in the amount of snow, but also in quality: Light and fluffy snow is very difficult to create buildings; sticky and heavy snow requires a different approach to creativity.
Of no small importance is the area of ​​the walking area and the presence of stationary equipment (small architectural forms). All these factors influence the choice of technology for creating winter buildings on the site

All children react differently to changes in air temperature, wind strength and prolonged exposure to frosty air. Therefore, we consider our main task to be the creation of favorable conditions and a regime of maximum motor and cognitive activity children on a walk.

Every year, at the beginning of winter on pedagogical council We discuss issues of organizing winter walks and designing winter areas. Firstly, we share our impressions, discuss and generalize our experience......., secondly, we actively get acquainted with the experience of other teachers, not only from our region, but also from colleagues from other cities of Russia (the experience of northern cities such as Kogalym, Magadan, Murmansk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc. - thanks to the media and Internet resources). Thirdly, we are developing projects for future buildings, where they will be located, what resources will be used.

Slide number 6

Here are presented various plans for the winter areas of our kindergarten teachers, which take into account the characteristics of each age, the availability and use of stationary equipment, and the possibility of solving physical education and health problems.

This plan shows the prospect of winter development of the site senior group. Snow Val for exercises in balance and climbing, as well as for outdoor games, targets - vertical and horizontal for throwing, a hole for climbing, a snow slide, a ship house and other objects for role-playing games, a snow fortress, a hockey rink...

Now look at the embodiment of our fantasy in the kindergarten area.
Here is a slide - our children’s favorite equipment. Please note that the area is not large, stationary equipment does not allow making the descent of the slide long and safe, so the decision was made to lengthen the descent due to a bend, make the exit safe to avoid collisions and regulate the order of the slide with an additional treadmill. The ship - the mast is frozen into a plastic container, is resistant to wind and provides mobility... The iron slide in winter is not used for its intended purpose, we adapted it as a simulator for throwing at a vertical target. To do this, a round target is installed at the top, and at the bottom there is a storage for artificial snowballs - sewn from raincoat fabric and filled with padding polyester. Using these snowballs is very convenient and safe. Once the snowballs hit the target, they roll back down the chute...
We use the swing as a stand for the games “Knock down the object”, “Who is the most accurate” - (artificial snowballs are also used), as a hole for crawling and for role-playing game"Shop".

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We invite you to winter walk To Kindergarten No. 210 “Ladushki” in Tolyatti

Beautiful, comfortable areas are the pride of any kindergarten, but in winter it is much more difficult to make the territory look aesthetically pleasing and also allow it to solve certain pedagogical problems. We will be happy to share with you little tricks for preparing areas for winter.

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We have already shown an example non-traditional use stationary equipment - iron slide and swing. The sandbox can also turn into a chessboard with ice pieces, the role of the chessboard is played by fabric with black and white squares frozen to the flat surface of the sandbox, and the checkers are multi-colored water frozen in round disposable containers. As an option, children's billiards: certain markings and holes are made on the ice surface. The figures move with the help of wooden mini-mops.

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use of tools: traditional: shovels, scrapers, stretchers, sweeps; in addition to wooden children's shovels, we recommend using modern, lightweight, durable shovels with a telescopic handle, convenient for adjusting the length of the handle.

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Using homemade stretchers made from plastic baskets and basins makes it easier for children to carry snow, and plastic containers made from water-based paint and whitewash are great for collecting snow and “snowy” Easter cakes.

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Recently, construction tools have become our constant assistants. For example, with the help of an ordinary hacksaw you can cut out perfectly even cubes, steps to a hill and others from snow; this is very convenient, not labor-intensive and fast, especially with heavy snow drifts... And a construction float is used for smoothing corners, edges, and grinding perfectly smooth surfaces snow buildings. The method of sculpting from snow dough using the formwork method has proven itself well. Boards of different sizes are suitable as formwork, carton boxes from under large-sized household appliances. – this technique is very relevant in conditions of little snow winter.

The most important condition for all snow buildings on the kindergarten site is maximum safety, the absence of sharp edges, corners, and ice lumps.

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Another tip: to make snow buildings bright and colorful, we use fabric, ropes, fringe, and brightly colored flags. plastic bags– this material is easy to stick to snow. We have long abandoned the use of gouache paints: they stain clothes and upset the ecological balance.

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We involve parents in the design of the plots: they bring water, snow, and help clear the plot after snowfalls and blizzards. Parents are learning new technologies for working with snow with great interest and pleasure, making their suggestions...

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Our children grow up strong, seasoned, cheerful, and love walks and fun outdoor games. The number of colds has decreased, and this is a fact of paramount importance.

Slide No. 20 Thank you for your attention. We are ready to answer your questions.

and noted what could be built on the territory of the kindergarten. Now this issue is quite relevant, since competitions are held between groups and even between kindergartens for the best buildings made of snow.

When I was writing this material, I remembered that I have quite a lot of photos of buildings from past years that adorned the territory of our kindergarten. This includes the individual work of our colleagues, the work of children, and even the creativity of parents and joint projects. In general, we definitely don’t get bored in winter!

I invite you for a walk to see beautiful snow crafts, which you can also make on your own site. The main thing is that the weather doesn’t let you down!

Every year, my parents and children made various snow constructions and thereby surprised all the residents of our village. I would like to note that all the photographs presented here are from the old kindergarten. The plots in it, of course, were much larger than now in the new garden. And I, in turn, really miss the space for children that we had.

Previously, it was possible to build a lot of buildings on the site: both children had freedom to climb and the buildings could be climbed. And now we can only allow 2 buildings on the site, otherwise the students will have nowhere to play. The kindergarten itself is very good, warm and cozy. But I found one photo from the new garden, this is a building from last winter.

To decorate it, we used fabric material (2 T-shirts), an old bedspread, old children's clothes, and made the head and arms from foam rubber. In general, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to have desire and patience, and then the work will go quickly.

Here's another original character. Here junior teachers helped us; they cut out numerous details to decorate the buildings. By the way, the children really enjoyed sculpting the crocodile, and this construction caused virtually no difficulties.

And I made this dragon with a small chainsaw Old man, he used to work for us as a carpenter, and he carved it so deftly - you had to see it. The children and I watched his work from the window with interest.

Since we live in the Khanty-Mansiysk region, holidays cannot pass without hanteiki, and for decoration we used a lot interesting materials. And overall it turned out to be a very bright and attractive image.

There are also deer in our area, because they are the Khanty’s pets. Therefore, this forest inhabitant is also often found in our winter buildings. Just look how beautiful it turned out!

What else do we love to build with our kids?

What buildings are still most popular for construction? Of course, these are symbols of the year. As I mentioned in one of the previous articles, to New Year's holidays this year we will build a chicken coop and make one of its main inhabitants - a rooster!

In past years, our work with parents also yielded good results. In the arsenal of buildings you can recall the construction of a snake, bunny, horse, tiger and other animals. Rate, did they turn out beautiful?

This is a tiger

And this is a snake

And, of course, the bunny, which for some reason (I don’t remember) we decided to make a sailor :)

You can also build a beautiful snowman, thereby providing children with the main winter character on their playground. One day we got this interesting little piece of stuff.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 21 “Ladushki”

urban district of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region

Creative project

“Snow fairy tale “At Pike’s command”

(snow buildings)

g.o.g. Bor

2016-2017 academic year


Project name:

Snow fairy taleBY MAGIC»

Project type:

Creative, practice-oriented, short-term

Project duration:

20.12.2016 – 30.01.2017

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

Develop a sustainable interest in fiction through reading fairy tales and snow buildings based on fairy tales.

Formulation of the problem:

Project Manager:

Ryabinina T.E., teacher.

Creative Group:

Petrova S.N., parent, Saygina E.A., assistant teacher

Project participants:

teachers, students, parents ( legal representatives) pupils younger-middle group.

Equipment, tools and materials:

Russian folk tale "At Pike's Command", puppet theater, computer, tape recorder, projector, snow, water, paints, snow removal equipment.


Winter is a haven for winter games and fun. How much fun, joy and pleasure they bring to childrengames snowball fights, sledding,skiing or ice skating, descents from ice slides. For educational play activity, as well as for the motor activity of the pupils, the creative group decided to design the area of ​​the junior-middle group in the Russian style folk tale"By- According to the teacher's command"

Decorating a winter area is not an easy job and requires a lot of physical effort. Therefore, it is impossible to do without involving the parent community. And thanks to the joint efforts of teachers, students and their parents, snow buildings will definitely appear on our playground kindergarten.

To create favorable conditions for educational work with children on walks in winter time the creative team developed the project “Po- SCH the teaching's command."

Each snow figure is not only a man-made art, but also a difficult one. After all, sculpting snow figures requires low air temperatures. This winter is playful, it will either melt or freeze.


In the all-round development of a child, an important place is occupied by physical education. Long stays in the fresh air at any time of the year are extremely useful and necessary for improving the health of preschool children. The creation of snow buildings enriches a winter walk, helps the teacher rationally organize children's time in the fresh air, create conditions for the development of their independent play, artistic, creative and cognitive activities, and physical activity.

The relevance of the project is: creating conditions for strengthening connections with the families of group students, a creative approach to the formation of snow buildings on the site for winter walks.


Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of creating conditions for physical education and health work with children in winter period


Creating favorable conditions for educational work with children during walks in winter.


Design and create a developmental environment for comprehensive development children on a walk in winter;

Establish trust and partnership with parents; - form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in children preschool age and adults;

To increase the physical activity of preschool children in the winter, to introduce preschoolers to winter sports;

Develop a sustainable interest in fiction through reading fairy tales and snow buildings based on fairy tales.


  • Caring for your own work and the work of others.
  • Establishing partnerships with each child’s family.
  • Enriching the experience of interpersonal communication between children, parents and teachers.


Social and communicative development,

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development,

Physical development.






20.12.2016 -


Joint development by educators, parents and kindergarten students of projects for winter buildings on the preschool site.

Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of creating conditions for physical education and recreational work with children in the winter

Arouse teachers’ interest in the project;

Introduce its goals and objectives;

Bring to a vision of your place in the project;

Expand preschoolers’ understanding of Russian folk tales

Creative Group





25.12.2016 -


Joint design by teachers, parents and children of the area of ​​the younger-middle group according to the fairy tale “Po- According to the teacher's command"

Reading the fairy tale "Po- According to the teacher's command"

According to the teacher's command"

Increasing the theoretical and practical level of professionalism of teachers;

Parents' interest in the problem of reading and listening to fairy tales through play activities,

Creating conditions for physical activity of pupils.

Creative Group





25.01.2017 -


Entertainment " Winter fun", "Visiting Emelya"

Theatrical activities based on the fairy tale “Po- According to the teacher's command"

Exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tale “Po- According to the teacher's command"

Observations on a walk

Game and motor activity of pupils during a walk

Systematization of accumulated teaching experience;

Involving parents in cooperation;

Expand preschoolers’ understanding of fairy tales,

Development of motor activity of pupils.

Creative Group


A creative approach to the design of play space on the playground has changed appearance territory as a whole, made our site more comfortable and bright.

Snow buildings not only serve as decoration for the site, but also stimulate children’s movements, help increase children’s physical activity, strengthen their health and physical development.

This winter has been playful: it will melt and freeze. However, the creative team managed to seize the frosty time to create a snowy town, which was located on the territory of a children's playground for the junior-middle group.

The creative group connected their snow idea with the project “Introducing children to fiction through fairy tales.”

The group's teachers worked on the project together with parents and students.

The children go out into the street with great pleasure, because they know that a fairy tale is “waiting” for them there.

Snow buildings contribute not only physical development children, but also a positive emotional mood for physical activity during a walk. We tried to make the snow figures multifunctional, helping to strengthen the children’s motor skills.

When registering the territory great importance given to the safety, functionality and aesthetics of buildings.

The fairytale corner for children has become a favorite place for an exciting, useful and enjoyable pastime. Isn’t this the most important thing that we managed to achieve together - the children’s desire to play, move and have fun?


Protasova Larisa Alekseevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 122 "Radiant"
Locality: Bryansk
Name of material: Project "Development of interest in physical activity while walking through the creation of snow structures"
Subject: creation of snow structures on the kindergarten site
Publication date: 27.12.2015
Chapter: preschool education


"Development of interest in motor skills

walking activities through

creating snow structures"

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU d/s 122

"Radiant" Bryansk

Protasova Larisa


Project type:

Project duration:
short-term (1 month).
Project participants:
children preparatory group, educators, parents of students.
Relevance of the topic.
The length of time children spend outdoors in the cold season largely depends on proper organization their activities, from creation necessary conditions For physical exercise, fun games and entertainment. Winter is a time of fun: in the snow, on the ice. And the creation of snow buildings is one of the most interesting activities that helps the teacher rationally organize the children’s time in the fresh air. The combination of movement and exposure to fresh air is effective means hardening of children. The child’s body’s resistance to colds and infectious diseases increases. In natural conditions, children's movements become more natural and relaxed. As motor movements improve, the children's interest in them also grows.
Objective of the project:
Creation of snow buildings for creative and outdoor games, sports entertainment and other outdoor activities for children.
Project objectives:
- Creating conditions for the development of motor activity with preschool children during walks in the winter; - Joint development by the teacher, parents and children of a plan for winter buildings on the preschool site. - Promote the development of various motor activities of children during walks; - Promote the involvement of children and parents in active creative activities; - Development of interest in participation in outdoor and sports games and physical exercises, activity in independent motor activities while walking. - Cultivate a desire to participate in joint labor activity to create snow buildings, enjoy the results of collective work, and cultivate hard work.
- Cultivate a caring attitude towards buildings through the formation of aesthetic perception.
Material and equipment:
“snow dough”, snow, empty boxes, shovels, ready-made frozen figures, colored water.
Expected results of the project:
1. Creating snow buildings will help the teacher rationally organize the children’s time in the fresh air. 2 Interest in various motor activities of children during a walk has been formed 3. Satisfying the child’s natural biological need for movement; 4. Participation in joint labor activities to create snow structures will contribute to the development of hard work, mutual assistance, and the ability to cooperate.
Stages of work:

Stage 1: Preparatory

His goals:
Use of outdoor games in the areas of long-term planning. The use of game exercises and sketches in the sections of long-term planning. Learning poems in sections of long-term planning. Examination of illustrations and paintings in sections of long-term planning. Reading works of fiction on sections of long-term planning. Conversations on sections of long-term planning.
The role of parents in the implementation of the project:
Purchasing equipment for snow buildings Making frozen figurines
Parents' participation in the design of the snow town.
- creation of a creative group;
- recommendations for site design in winter; - development of instructions for pupils on life safety; - development of a project implementation plan; - determination of forms and methods of involving parents in joint activities;
Stage 2: Basic

- joint registration of the winter area by the teacher, parents and children of the kindergarten in accordance with the provided plan;
Decoration of the winter area:
To decorate the winter area, we made snow buildings, which contributed to the development of interest in children's motor activity. They made a fortress for throwing snowballs, and also made a polar bear, which had some distance between its legs. They made a large caterpillar for climbing. We also made a snow slide" ladybug", a maze for climbing. The children worked with great desire: some rolled snowballs, then
together they were lifted with the help of adults, others brought loose snow in buckets and on shovels, strengthened and smoothed the buildings. Then colored pieces of ice were made to decorate the buildings. Parents were also involved in the design of the site: they brought water, snow, and helped clear the site after snowfalls. The children were happy that their parents were taking part in the construction of the buildings. The group has all the necessary equipment for work: children's wooden spatulas, scrapers. By instilling the habit of work, respect for the work of elders, and the desire to independently perform simple duties, we tried to make the children’s time during walks interesting. Walking in our area, children receive an emotional charge and develop physical activity. Our children grow up strong, seasoned, cheerful, and love walks and fun outdoor games. The number of colds has decreased, and this contributes to the formation healthy image life. We pay great attention to organizing children's games.
Outdoor games for children in winter
Outdoor games and entertainment in winter outdoors They bring great joy to children and bring invaluable benefits to their health.
Stage 3: Final

His goals:
- preparation of the project presentation; - availability of remote material;
- availability of free space for organizing outdoor games.
Project activity product:
Snowy town, photos of the work done with the project participants and how we play.