Laser hair removal or IPL. All about photoepilation and IPL technology. Ipl photoepilators Ipl hair removal


How often, when we see famous beauties on TV, we admire their healthy and radiant facial skin. However healthy skin- this is a myth, it simply cannot be in our polluted environment. From an early age, we begin to worry about freckles, pimples and blackheads, which eventually turn into unpleasant scars. Then we begin to worry about the appearance of wrinkles and "crow's feet", dry skin, loss of elasticity of the lip contour, age spots and many other problems. It would seem that there is no way out? But it is always there, if qualified specialists of our center take up the matter, who offer you ELOS rejuvenation. The ELOS rejuvenation procedure itself is the most gentle method of tightening the skin, restoring its lost properties and getting rid of most of the unpleasant problems, such as rosacea, acne, scars, wrinkles and other phenomena that most of us face. With the help of radio frequency and laser energy, the skin receives an excellent charge and stimulation, which increases its natural ability to fight negative factors. The skin becomes elastic and elastic, wrinkles disappear, metabolic processes normalize, and you get the long-awaited aesthetic effect. And all this without a scalpel and syringes - absolutely painless and fast! If you believe in numbers more than words, let's turn to statistics. It has been proven by practice that as a result of ELOS rejuvenation:

* 65% of wrinkles disappear;

*disappears 50-75% age spots;

* 40-50% of scars, minor defects, signs of blockage of veins and "bags under the eyes" disappear;

* 50-60% of textural irregularities of the skin of the face disappear, which we usually have to hide with foundation;

* by 50-60% there is a decrease in the size of the pores, which is caused by the normalization of the metabolic process;

* and the skin aging process itself slows down by 50-75%!

How is the ELOS rejuvenation procedure carried out in our center?

The number of treatment sessions for ELOS rejuvenation depends on the texture of your skin. Usually, to achieve the desired result, 4-6 sessions are required at intervals of 3-4 weeks, but after the first session you will see significant improvements. The procedure itself is absolutely painless and takes about 45 minutes per session. And during the session, our specialists use a special gel with aloe extract to deep hydration skin and even out its tone. We will develop for you an individual scheme of sessions for ELOS rejuvenation, which will help you get rid of all problems with facial skin forever. The only recommendations that must be observed before and after the procedures are: avoidance of direct sunlight, stay in solariums, saunas and baths, inadmissibility of chemical and mechanical skin irritation and injections. And the admiration that you will see on the faces of your friends and acquaintances, from your young and radiant appearance, will pay back all the costs of ELOS rejuvenation!

Contraindications to the use of the Elos-rejuvenation procedure:

1. Allergy to light and/or sun;

2. Taking retinoids (synthetic vitamin A preparations) within the last 6 months;

3. taking during the last month antibiotics of the tetracycline group or other medicines that increase skin sensitivity to light, when using which light treatment cannot be used;

4. pregnancy;

5. Keloid (overgrown) scars, precancerous conditions of the skin;

6. Malignant skin formations;

7. Cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator;

8. Strong sun tanning, chemical tanning (tanning creams, etc.);

9. Infection caused by the herpes virus, or an infection of any other origin with a violation of the integrity of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, etc.) in the area of ​​​​treatment;

10. Blood clotting disorders (risk of increased bleeding as a result of coagulopathy), the use of drugs that reduce blood clotting (anticoagulants);

11. Thromboembolic diseases;

12. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;

13. Laser skin resurfacing within the last three months;

14. An individual decision is made regarding the application of the procedure in case of an allergy to nickel, since the electrodes of the device are coated with nickel;

15. Receiving OK Diane-35. Can

be multiple lightening.

Side effects:

* During the procedure, you may feel warmth, tingling, pain;

*Temporary redness, swelling at the treatment sites;

*Change in skin color - darkening (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation);

* Peeling of the skin surface, scabs, blisters, scars, hematomas (bruises). There will always be swelling after 2-3 days when the vascular network is removed. The use of a cold compress is not recommended, as swelling may increase. We recommend Traumeel S.

Preparation for the procedure:

The skin is cleansed of cosmetics, perfumes, etc.; Hairs are shaved from the treatment area; During the procedure, it is obligatory to wear protective goggles and do not take them off without the doctor's permission.

It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight for 2-3 weeks before and after the procedure. If this is not possible - within the specified period it is necessary to use a cream with a high sun protection factor (at least SPF 30); 72 hours do not sunbathe in a solarium, do not steam in a bath, infrared and other saunas - avoid heating; Avoid chemical and mechanical irritants for several days before and after treatment; 2 weeks before and after elos treatment, no injections should be made in the area of ​​application of the treatment.


ELOS EPILATION (ELOS) is the removal of unwanted hair kov forever (including light, vellus, hormonal) ELOS hair removal (ELOS-epilation) - a new patented technology latest generation, sums up all the advantages of existing technologies (photo-, laser-, electro-), combines electrical and optical energy and eliminates their disadvantages. That is, during the session, the hair follicle is destroyed under the simultaneous action of the energy of a light pulse and high-frequency current. What are the advantages of ELOS hair removal (Elos) over other methods of hair removal?

The procedure is quick and almost painless!

There are practically no side effects inherent in photo- and electrolysis

Hair eventually disappears forever, including light, vellus hair.

ELOS epilation - new technology epilation for our country. In Europe and Japan, this method has been known and popular for 10 years. The abbreviation ELOS stands for Electro - Optical Synergy (joint action). "Electro" means the presence of bipolar radio frequency radiation, and "optical" means pulsed light radiation or simply light energy.

The hair follicle goes through 3 stages of growth:

*Active growth phase (anagen);

*Transitional stage (catagen);

* Resting phase (telogen).

Epilation affects only hair that is in the active growth phase. The percentage of hair in the anagen and telogen phases varies in different parts of the body. For example, at any given time, 65% of the hair on the face is in the active phase, and only 20% of the hair on the legs.

It means that:

*Firstly, after a single hair treatment, you should not count on a long-term result.

*Secondly, the duration of the resting period (telogen) also depends on the part of the body.

Therefore, the period between treatment sessions is also selected depending on the body part. In addition, average statistics are not binding for you, since hair growth depends on age, gender, race, genetics, etc. Therefore, only at an in-person consultation can you determine the frequency and number of sessions. The hair removal process is quite calm and pleasant. You lie down on the couch, put on dark glasses, your skin is protected with a special gel. The beautician treats skin areas covered with unwanted hairs with short flashes of light using the latest ELOS-VE-Light S3 technology device.

What is the principle of operation of the Elos epilation apparatus?

The device includes two energies: bipolar radio frequency and light spectrum energies. First, the hair is affected by light energy. She is attracted by the pigment that is in every hair, even gray hair. Next, the radio frequency wave destroys the hair follicle. There is too little light energy to remove the hair, so a bipolar RF wave is used.

What are the differences between Electro and Elos epilation? Unlike electrolysis, Elos epilation is painless, does not leave redness on the skin, does not require special care after the procedure, guarantees 100% hair removal.

What are the differences between Photo and Elos hair removal? With the help of Elos epilation, any type of hair can be removed, while photoepilation does not destroy gray and blond hair. After a session of Elos hair removal, there are no damages and burns on the skin, after photoepilation such side effects quite possible.

The recommended course of sessions is from 4 - 6 to 10 with an interval of one to one and a half months, it all depends on individual features client. The duration of one session of Elos epilation depends on the treated surface and on the structure of the hair. From about 20 minutes - Elos hair removal armpits, and up to an hour - Elos epilation of the legs. At the consultation, the specialist will determine the number of necessary procedures. The result of ELOS epilation depends mainly on the selection of optimal parameters for epilation. It depends not only on the specialist, but also on your threshold of sensitivity. It is also important to observe the interval between sessions.

Is ELOS hair removal safe for health? ELOS - technology provides double skin protection by cooling the surface and controlling the intensity of exposure to different areas of the skin. This avoids overheating of the skin and minimizes irritation.

But there are contraindications, of course.:


*Oncological (cancerous) diseases during the procedure;

*Severe, uncompensated diseases internal organs, uncontrolled diabetes;

* Diseases, the course of which can be affected by exposure to intense (laser) light waves: systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, epilepsy;

* Weakening of the immune system as a result of AIDS, HIV, or use of drugs that suppress the immune system (immunosuppressants);

* Disorders of blood clotting (risk of increased bleeding as a result of coagulopathy), the use of drugs that reduce blood clotting (anticoagulants);

*Allergy to light and/or sun;

* Infection caused by the herpes virus, or an infection of any other origin with a violation of the integrity of the skin in the epilation area;

* Keloid (overgrown) scars, precancerous skin conditions in the epilation area;

*In the last three months, a facial skin rejuvenation procedure performed with a laser or deep chemical peeling if hair removal is planned in the facial area;

*Metal implants in the epilation area;

*Presence of a cardiac stimulant.

When carrying out Elos epilation of bikini (removal of hair from the pubis), mammary glands and armpits, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan and get the conclusion of an endocrinologist or mammologist.

LASER EPILATION (diode laser)

What is diode laser hair removal?

Epilation with a diode laser appeared many years ago, it was improved and strengthened in society among women, and now many of them cannot imagine their lives without this painless and quick procedure. For all ladies, how they look is of great importance, so laser hair removal was created in order to help them!
Among the many types of hair removal, you should choose the most modern ones that are designed for any skin type. Women are pleased that although this procedure has a higher price than standard hair removal or waxing, the sessions are still faster and much more effective, so, in fact, this is a saving of both money and time. Epilation with a diode laser can be done no more than once every 1.5-2 months, and after a few sessions it is possible to remove hair forever.

Epilation is not just for women, as many men also want to get rid of unwanted hair without having skin irritation and rapid hair regrowth problems.
Why choose laser hair removal?
Women have always done everything and went to any lengths to look beautiful and perfect. The time has come when unwanted body hair can be removed simply and quickly, and if it was previously believed that the epilation procedure was either painful or expensive, then on this moment everything is completely different. What is the epilation procedure at the moment: there is no pain, the process is fast and inexpensive, the action is effective and affects future use.
Epilation with a diode laser has gone through a whole history and has changed beyond recognition. So, thirty years ago, the installation was huge, cumbersome and inconvenient, it was unpleasant to use it, it could not do all the work to the fullest. At that time, the procedure took so long, it was so painful and uncomfortable that it became torture for women, but at the moment the device is small, installing and using it does not cause any problems.

Since diode laser hair removal has become more popular, it naturally arouses genuine interest among all the fair sex. And it is much better to read about it on the Internet, and then use it, than to be unpleasantly surprised because of ignorance if you expected something else. Laser hair removal, as the name implies, is a type of hair removal that performs laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal is good because with conventional hair removal, repeated use leads to the fact that the hair is depleted, it becomes paler and thinner, and with laser hair removal, it usually takes only 5 sessions to almost completely remove hair from a body area forever or bring it back. to a minimum.

Benefits of laser hair removal

Laser epilation with a diode laser brings a certain effect, which is what every woman achieves, it is because of him that this option is chosen by many. Let's list the effects:
1. After even one procedure, you will notice that further your hair will grow 15-30% less than before.
2. Women get rid of such an unpleasant problem as hair ingrown into the skin.
3. After shaving, black dots remain on the skin, which are always visible, after epilation, the skin remains clean and smooth, and you can forget about black dots forever.
4. Some suffer from such a problem as irritation, but after epilation, this can also be forgotten.
5. Now anyone can touch your smooth and clean skin anywhere on the body at any time.

The principle of operation of the device

This system uses the optimal wavelength for hair removal 808nm diode laser to penetrate deep into the dermis where the hair follicle is located. The treatment uses low energy and frequent repetition of pulses in the hair follicle and its surrounding tissues. The laser pulse is absorbed by melanin and converted into heat energy, raising the temperature to 45 degrees, heating both the follicle itself and the tissues around it. The chromophores used to deliver thermal energy serve as reservoirs for more efficient heating of the hair follicle. Along with the heat energy absorbed by the hair follicle, it destroys it and prevents its re-growth.

The 808nm diode laser is particularly effective in damaging hair follicle melanocytes without damaging the surrounding tissue. The laser light is absorbed by the telinin of the hair shaft and hair follicles and converted into heat, thus raising the temperature of the hair follicles. When the temperature reaches the required level, irreversible damage to the structure of the hair follicle occurs, which eventually disappears during natural physiological processes, thus achieving epilation, the effect of which lasts for a long time.

Specifications of diode laser:

Laser type

diode laser

Laser wavelength

output power

8.4" LCD color touch screen

Laser spot size

Laser pulse width

8-685ms customizable

1-120 J/cm2 adjustable

Cooling system

water + air + semiconductor

Probe temperature

Diode laser advantages:

  • The 808nm diode laser allows the light to penetrate deeper into the skin and is safer than other lasers because it can avoid the melanin pigment in the epidermis of the skin. We can use it to permanently cut all hair on all 6 skin types, including tanned skin.
  • The 808nm diode laser allows very fast repetition rates up to 10Hz (10 pulses per second). Fast hair removal for large treatment areas.
  • The probe is built in with an excellent contact cooling system for painless hair removal.

When Not to Do Laser Hair Removal

Epilation with a diode laser, even in our time, can not be used by any person, although it has reached the maximum level of development. Not the constitution of the skin or its color, but some diseases or natural features of the body affect this:
1. Diseases diabetes.
2. Various diseases somatic skin.
3. Pregnant women should not irradiate their body once again.
4. Cancer diseases and other oncological pathologies.
5. Any device cannot leave the skin without natural protection, so light fluff and some very sparse hairs will remain on the skin.

What to do before and after epilation

The diode laser, with which hair removal is carried out, has some properties, so you need to adhere to a simple regimen, both before and after the procedure. All the operations performed are quite simple, but their use will make the epilation better and more durable.
What to do before hair removal:
1. You can not disturb the skin too much ultraviolet rays for 2 weeks, so you should not sunbathe.
2. The skin area to be epilated with a diode laser should not be disturbed with alcohol compounds for several days before the procedure.
3. Remove hair with tweezers or waxing also not recommended for two weeks before the procedure.
4. A few hours before the procedure, it is worth shaving the hair at the epilation site.
5. Do not take antibiotics for 2 weeks before the procedure if they are from the tetracycline series.
What to do after diode laser hair removal:
1. For two weeks, it is not recommended to sunbathe and in every way affect the skin with ultraviolet rays.
2. Three days should not disturb the skin with hot water, alcohol, and chlorinated water
3. Do not visit saunas and baths for three days after epilation with a diode laser.

Recovery period

There should be no discomfort either before or after the procedure. There may be slight redness or irritation on the skin, but it disappears within a few hours, maximum on the second day. Redness does not give any sensations, it appears due to the effect of the laser on the cells of the body. Epilation with a diode laser makes the skin very sensitive, so try not to sunbathe for a few more weeks after the procedure, so as not to get unpleasant problems. In the summer, the skin will need to be applied sunscreen for protection in winter time you will feel more comfortable.

Thus, we can conclude that today diode laser hair removal is an excellent solution to all problems associated with unwanted body hair growth! Just a few procedures - and you always have smooth and velvety skin, and then you can become the most beautiful and most desirable woman in the world, and even more so for your man, who will love you even more!

IPL photoepilation is an innovative technology for removing hair from almost any part of the body. It is based on the property of broadband light to penetrate skin covering and have a selective effect on the treated area. In this case, the point of application is the hair pigment - melanin. As a result of exposure to light, the production of collagen in the skin is also stimulated, thereby increasing its elasticity.

IPL hair removal is one of the safest and most painless hair removal methods. This is due to the short-term effect of the light flux on the skin and the individual selection of the power and duration of irradiation, taking into account the phototype of the skin and its sensitivity.
What does she represent?

This method of photoepilation is based on the use of IPL systems. In them, the light source is a flash lamp, which generates high-intensity incoherent light radiation with a wavelength in the range of 500-1200 nm.

During the procedure, the energy of the light wave is absorbed by the hair pigment melanin. It is he who is able to absorb pulsating light. After that, the light energy is transformed into heat, the hair follicle is heated and the vascular papilla that feeds the hair is destroyed. As a result, IPL photoepilation leads to the irreversible destruction of the hair follicle by light. Hair removal in this case does not occur immediately, but over a certain time period - about 5-7 days. The area where the hair follicle is located is gradually filled with connective tissue.

Procedure history

IPL photoepilation was first proposed by the Swedish physician and engineer Morgan Gustavsson at the annual convention of dermatologists in Stockholm. After 5 years, Lumenis Ltd. A patent for the technology was issued, after which mass production of devices for photoepilation began. In 2000, the FDA (Food and medicines) recognized IPL efficient technology hair removal. A year later, it began to be used for the purpose of photorejuvenation. Soon the method was also used to eliminate pigment and vascular spots.

How it works

As a result of the absorption of light energy in the tissues, various reactions are triggered, the main place among which is thermal. After absorbing a large amount of energy, the tissues are heated to a temperature at which their destruction, or thermolysis, begins. With ipl photoepilation, this process is triggered by exposure to light energy, which is why it is called photothermolysis. Light different lengths waves are absorbed differently by tissues depending on their color, so the effectiveness of photoepilation is largely determined by the presence of dark melanin pigment in the hair and follicles and the correct selection of light wave parameters. With ipl-epilation, waves of a wavelength that is optimally absorbed by melanin and minimally by other pigments present in the skin are used. Photothermolysis of the hair follicle with the least damage to other tissues is called selective.

In those cases when, under the influence of selective thermolysis, all the cells of the hair follicle responsible for hair growth die, hair growth stops. If the follicle is simply damaged, the hair growth cycle is disrupted, its thickness and pigmentation are reduced, but it continues to grow.

Solving the problem of selectivity

Since melanin is found not only in hair and hair follicles, but also in the skin, light waves are absorbed by the skin as well. Cells that contain melanin are located closer to the surface than follicles, so when exposed to light, they are damaged first.

Because of this effect, photoepilation methods are most suitable for light skin tone and dark hair. Removal blonde hair on dark skin is quite problematic. For some types of photoepilation, this factor is a contraindication.

The developers of new ipl-systems are working on the creation of technologies to ensure the protection of skin cells while effectively affecting the hair follicle. For this, apply different techniques cooling, which also reduce pain during the procedure. Modern devices make it possible to choose the wavelength, the "shape" of the light pulse, "crush" it, which increases the effectiveness of irradiation of hair follicles and minimizes negative impact on the skin.

IPL hair removal and laser hair removal: what's the difference?

In both cases, the active factor is the energy of the light wave. In the initial period of the development of photoepilation, only laser radiation was used. But since some properties of the laser beam, such as monochromaticity, coherence, do not play a significant role in hair removal, the development of IPL systems has begun, which in fact have become a more affordable and cheaper option for photoepilation.

The main difference between laser and IPL hair removal:

  1. Laser radiation is monochromatic, i.e. the waves are the same length. The angle of their divergence is also insignificant. IPL systems are based on the use of a polychromatic light spectrum. A targeted effect on specific pigments is achieved using filters that narrow the spectrum of the emitted light.
  2. The operation of different types of lasers is based on waves various lengths. IPL uses a wide wavelength range from 500 to 1200 nm. Light filters allow you to select a narrower spectrum, but obtaining monochromatic radiation is impossible. Therefore, in terms of selectivity, IPL systems are significantly inferior to laser systems.
  3. tanned dark skin– contraindication for IPL photoepilation. According to experts, the procedure is completely ineffective.
  4. The laser beam has a small divergence angle, due to which a significant amount of energy penetrates to the deep layers of the skin. In IPL systems, the angle of divergence is much larger, so more energy is required, which causes unnecessary heating of the tissues.
  5. The production of laser systems is associated with high costs, although there is no need to replace expensive consumables in the future. As for IPL systems, their production is less expensive, but the lamps that generate light are quite expensive.
  6. A large number of lasers used in cosmetology is due to the fact that each of these devices is intended to solve a specific problem. In this regard, IPL systems are more versatile: they use a wide range of radiation, and the use of removable filters allows you to get light with different wavelength ranges from one device to solve a fairly wide range of cosmetic problems.
  7. The laser produces a light spot with a diameter of up to 1 sq. see Small area of ​​influence is convenient when treating small areas of skin and uneven surfaces. With IPL hair removal, the light spot has a diameter of 2 to 20 square meters. cm, which significantly speeds up the hair removal procedure and reduces its price.
  8. Removal of devoid of melanin gray hair not possible with IPL. Therefore, one has to resort to a laser technique (using ELOS) or electrolysis.

As for the pain of the procedure, in this regard, both methods are almost equivalent, although theoretically broadband photoepilation should be associated with more pronounced pain, since a significant amount of energy is transferred to the skin, and an area is processed per unit of time. bigger size, besides, the selectivity of the impact is less. To reduce pain in modern devices, a local cooling system is used.
Advantages of the method

  • As a result of the completed course, a long-term or final disposal of hair is achieved.
  • In the case of the resumption of hair growth, they are much thinner and lighter.
  • Correct execution of the procedure guarantees its absolute safety.
  • IPL systems allow processing large areas: legs, back.


Photoepilation is carried out in the presence of unwanted hair on the face, in the armpits, on the legs, arms, in the bikini area. It is also prescribed for the removal of spider veins, age spots, as well as for photorejuvenation. The procedure is also indicated for men - for example, with increased hair growth of the chest and back.

IPL hair removal is also prescribed for medical reasons. The main ones are:

  • hypertrichosis - intensive growth of hair on the body;
  • hirsutism - pilosis in women according to the male type due to excessive levels of male hormones in the body;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin leading to frequent irritation face after shaving.


General contraindications for any type of photoepilation are:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • systemic pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (decompensated stages);
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • infectious diseases;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hemophilia and other diseases accompanied by a violation of blood clotting;
  • photodermatoses (skin diseases leading to increased sensitivity to sunlight);
  • taking steroids, isotretinoin, photosensitizing agents (hormonal contraceptives, tetracyclines, retinoids, fluoroquinolones);
  • allergic reaction to sunlight, porphyria, SLE;
  • epilepsy, tendency to convulsions;
  • mental illness;
  • the presence of electronic devices in the body: an insulin pump, a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy and lactation (due to changes in hormonal levels, the effectiveness of photoepilation is reduced).

With increased thyroid function and polycystic ovary syndrome, prior to IPL photoepilation, preliminary normalization of the hormonal background is necessary.

Local contraindications are:

  • infectious and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • the presence of varicose veins in the treated area;
  • Permanent makeup;
  • tattoos;
  • recent use of self-tanner or fresh tan;
  • the presence of "golden threads" in the skin;
  • topical application medical preparations with photosensitizing properties (in particular, we are talking about essential oils);
  • the presence of neoplasms or nevi on the skin.

Exposure to light waves is extremely dangerous for both flat and raised moles (nevi). It can cause burns and even malignant degeneration of the formation. Epilation is possible only after the removal of the nevus. Before that, the only way to get rid of the hair growing from it is to cut it.

Before photoepilation

Sunbathing and self-tanning are not recommended 15-20 days before the scheduled procedure. Exposure to intense light exposure to tanned skin leads to burns.

For 2-4 weeks, hair can be removed only by shaving. Other methods of depilation are unacceptable, since the procedure is effective only if there is a hair in the follicle - otherwise, the absorption of light energy does not occur.

The optimal length of epilated hair is 1-2 mm. The beautician must certainly see the zone of their growth, however, with a longer length, the hair burns or melts during epilation, thereby causing burns.

The need and timing of shaving the treated area are discussed with the doctor in advance, since in some cases the hair is removed immediately before the session using a trimmer.

After the procedure

As a rule, within a few hours after the session, sensations persist, as with a sunburn. To eliminate them, you can use wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs. Panthenol spray is very effective.

In the initial period, the so-called false hair growth is possible, when dead hair is pushed out of the follicle. They fall out on their own within 10-15 days.

  • The first three days it is recommended to limit water procedures, refuse to visit the pool, baths and saunas.
  • Approximately 5-7 days in the treated area, it is better not to use cosmetics.
  • 20-25 days you can not sunbathe. When forced to stay under the sun on the skin must be applied sun protection With high level UV protection.
  • During the course of IPL photoepilation, you should not use other methods of hair removal other than shaving.

Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

The first and only patented technique for removing unwanted hair, which is created by combining optical energy of light (IPL) and bipolar radio frequency (RF) energy, is the technology ELOS hair removal. The abbreviation "ELOS" literally means "electric optical synergy". At this stage in the development of ELOS hair removal uses the best properties of photosystems and lasers in combination with RF energy.

ELOS technology was developed by the Israeli company Syneron Medical, which conducted a large number of testing and research. This hair removal procedure has the fewest drawbacks inherent in other types of hair removal. ELOS sessions are safe and quite effective for clients with any skin type and also different structure and hair color.

When carrying out the procedure on professional equipment, including the "Elos epilation" function, qualified specialists of a beauty salon or a cosmetology room will remove unwanted hair without such complications as redness, burns, scars, loss of natural skin pigment.

Hair removal can be carried out on any part of the body: face, chest, back, arms, legs, bikini area. The procedure is almost painless. Patients note the feeling of "hot cotton", a slight tingling, which you quickly get used to.

The peculiarity of ELOS epilation is not only that the device is able to act on the problem area pointwise, eliminating each individual hair, but also in a complex effect on the skin, which provides a rejuvenating effect. By performing ELOS hair removal, you can improve the structure of the skin, stimulating increased production of collagen and elastin, providing the skin with elasticity, smoothness, and elasticity.

The ELOS procedure is safe for the body, passes quickly, is easily tolerated by any type of skin, while the risk of skin damage, burns, and depigmentation is minimized.

Mechanism of action

ELOS hair removal combines the effect of all existing technologies: photo-, electro-, laser hair removal, combining electrical and optical energy.

RF energy is a type of electromagnetic wave that is used in electrolysis.

Optical energy IPL - pulsed light energy, which are used in photoepilation.

Laser radiation - a diode laser, which is used in laser hair removal.

During the session, the hair follicle is exposed to the destructive action of high-frequency light pulse energy and electric current. On Elos devices for hair removal, two types of applicators are used, which determine the mechanism of action on the follicle.

Applicator DS - for elos hair removal (IPL + RF energy)

It is the combination of optical and radio wave energy that allows you to purposefully destroy the bulb and the structure of the hair, permanently stopping its growth. This method gives a fairly stable effect, which guarantees clean, smooth skin without irritation, ingrown hairs, burns in 2-4 months. ELOS technology provides double protection of the skin by cooling the surface, as well as the ability to avoid overheating by controlling the force of impact on different areas.

Optical energy preheats the hair follicle, and RF energy (electric current) destroys the hair follicle with the help of thermolysis (the process of decomposition of chemical compounds under the influence of temperature) without injuring neighboring tissue areas. That is, optical energy potentiates RF energy. Scientifically based local thermolysis leads to the desired result - the complete destruction of the hair root, which excludes the growth of a new hair.

The use of two energies allows to reduce the power of optical energy up to 60% without reducing the therapeutic effect, a wide range of clinical indications for various types skin, including tanned and dark, as well as for hair of any color, including light, gray and vellus.

DSL applicator - for elos hair removal (laser + RF energy)

Using a combination of RF energy and a diode laser, the DSL applicator has the unmatched advantage of high efficiency on light hair for all skin types. This effect is provided by RF energy, which is independent of melanin. The diode laser has a deep penetrating ability, it heats the entire surface of the hair, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle. Big size applicator tip allows you to quickly treat areas such as men's backs and female legs. During the procedure, after each pulse, the monitor displays the impedance (efficiency factor of the set parameters) for each patient.

Types of devices

The effectiveness and safety of ELOS hair removal directly depends on the equipment used. The operation of ELOS equipment is based on the combination of radio wave bipolar current (RF) and broadband pulsed light IPL or laser radiation.

Emax- the most advanced ELOS system, which includes 5 applicators with different combination physical factors (optical and radio frequency waves, diode laser and infrared light). Standard for each ELOS applicator is the presence of a skin cooling system up to 5 degrees and built-in monitoring of the effectiveness of the procedure and control of the safety of the impact (impedance). With the help of the innovative device E-max 1 sq. cm of skin is processed in less than 1 second.

e-light– Models M40 and GE with a flash output of up to 50 J, equipped with a special cooling system that allows you to protect the skin from burns without using a cooling gel. This model is mobile, light and compact.


RF energy
DS up to 25 J/cm³

Processing area
DS 12 x 25 mm

Optical Energy IPL
DS up to 45 J/cm²

DS 680-980 nm

Pulse length
IPL 12 - 100ms

DS - 5С° on the skin surface

AURORA DS- the first device from the ELOS family of devices, but still not inferior in its characteristics to the new generation of ELOS devices. The device includes a combination of light energy and radio frequency, with the light helping to distribute the temperature in the direction of the hair shaft. Due to the double protection of the skin, irritation, overheating, burns are excluded. Includes two applicators: DS - elos hair removal and SR - elos skin rejuvenation.


RF energy
DS 5 - 25 J/cm³

optical energy
DS 5 - 45 J/cm²

Radiation spectrum
DS 680 - 980 nm

DS up to 5С°

Processing area
DS 12 x 25 mm

Pulse repetition
up to 0.7 Hz

Thanks to branded equipment made in Spain or Israel, you can achieve excellent results: in one procedure, destroy more than 10% of hair follicles, and this ensures a complete stop of hair growth in the treated area.

Hair growth phases

To achieve the desired result, several courses may be required, this is due to the phases of hair growth.

The process of hair growth is cyclical and continues throughout our lives. Hair grows continuously. It has been established that during the day they grow faster than at night, and in summer and winter their growth slows down. The average hair growth rate in children is 13 mm per month, in adults 15 mm and in the elderly 11 mm.

The full development cycle of a fully formed hair consists of three phases: anagen, catagen and telogen.

Anagen- phase of active growth. The duration of this phase is genetically determined and lasts from two to five years. The cells of the hair follicle are intensively dividing.

Catagen- the intermediate phase lasts several weeks. Hair growth in the follicle stops, the pigment is no longer formed, the follicle shrinks, and its base moves towards the skin surface.

Telogen- rest or dropout phase. In this phase, the hair may spontaneously fall out or be removed with a slight effort. The duration of the phase is on average 3 months. The hair falls out at the moment when a new hair begins to grow under it.

According to studies, it is best to remove hair by depilation in the middle of the menstrual cycle in women, when hair growth is 2 times slower, but with ELOS epilation it is best to catch the active growth phase, then the effect of the procedure will be most pronounced.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for ELOS hair removal

The main factor in choosing this technology is getting rid of unwanted hair from different parts of the body forever. ELOS hair removal is the most effective method hardware hair removal with a minimum pigment content (gray, light, vellus). The use of ELOS technology is indicated for women who suffer from the problem of ingrown hairs, which often occurs with other types of hair removal.
Hair removal using the ELOS device will allow men to eliminate the appearance of skin irritation, which is caused by daily shaving, as well as get rid of the “blue beard” effect.


ELOS hair removal has no special restrictions, but there are a number of contraindications for its implementation:
Dangerous diseases of internal organs
Diseases that can be adversely affected by laser light waves
Weak immune system in AIDS, HIV
Diseases that affect blood clotting
Allergy to the sun, light
Infection with a violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​​​epilation
The presence of keloid scars, metal implants, a cardiac stimulator
Facial rejuvenation laser treatment performed within the last 3 months, deep chemical peeling (for facial epilation)

Comparison of ELOS hair removal with other hair removal methods

Unlike other types, during ELOS hair removal, the device recognizes the hair follicle, on which the hardware effect is performed, saving the skin from damage. With the complete destruction of the follicle, which is possible even after 2-4 procedures (but most often 6-9 sessions are required), the possibility of hair growth in the treated area is reduced to a minimum. The skin does not require special care in the epilated area.

It is important to repeat the procedure at the time indicated by the doctor. At the same time, it is strongly not recommended to pluck out the hairs growing between epilations with tweezers, an epilator, silk thread, or to carry out sugar depilation. They can only be removed with a depilatory cream or a razor, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of ELOS hair removal.

Daily skin care after Elos epilation is no different from usual: you can apply a moisturizer, but it is not recommended to use body scrubs in the early days.

And what is the best method to use. Often cosmetologists are interested in what is IPL and RF hair removal, how do they differ from each other, and which method is more preferable?

At its core hair removal IPL - a subspecies of photoepilation, carried out using IPL systems. The primary source of light is flash lamps that produce high-intensity light radiation with waves whose length varies from 600 to 1200 nm.

The positive effect of the treatment is achieved due to the fact that the energy of the wave is absorbed by the melanin located in the hair shaft. When the energy of light is transformed into heat, the bulb and the choroid papilla that feeds it heat up and die.

Numerous clinical researches confirmed that leads to the total destruction of hair and allows you to maintain the smoothness of the epidermis in the treated area for at least 5 years.

It is worth noting that the hairs do not collapse immediately after the session. On this it takes 5 to 7 days. To achieve best effect must complete the full course. More often, 7 to 9 procedures are required to achieve perfect skin smoothness.

Reference! For the first time, IPL hair removal appeared in the early 2000s, but has not lost its relevance to this day.

Principle of RF hair removal

To date, it is the only way that allows you to permanently get rid of hairline. When exposed to a weak electrical discharge, the bulb is destroyed, and hair growth stops completely.

But it must be understood that in this way only rods that are in the anagen stage - active growth can be destroyed. Sleeping hairs can be removed only after they appear above the surface of the skin.

To forget about the hairs forever, it takes 4 to 7 sessions of electrolysis. Since the amount of hair will decrease each time, subsequent sessions will be shorter than the previous one. You will have to visit a beautician with an interval of 5-6 weeks.

How are the methods different

What is the difference between lasers for IPL and RF hair removal? The main difference between the methods is that with IPL the result is achieved due to the action of light waves, and with RF due to an electrical discharge. These types of hair removal are based on completely different principles, there is practically no similarity between them.

Pros and cons of IPL and RF hair removal

IPL hair removal technology is popular all over the world, as it has the following advantages:

  • after completing the full course, you can forget about unwanted hairs for 4-7 years;
  • if the hair then begins to grow, it will be thinner and lighter;
  • if the technology is followed, the procedure is as safe as possible, the risk of complications is practically absent;
  • IPL-systems are designed to treat large areas, which reduces the duration of the session.

Before signing up for a session, you also need to understand the weaknesses of the procedure:

  • if you treat tanned skin in this way, the likelihood of side effects increases;
  • the procedure may be accompanied;
  • after photoepilation, 17% of clients develop small skin burns that can last up to several months;
  • high cost per session.

As for electrolysis, its main advantage is that the technique allows you to permanently stop hair growth in the selected area. But experts warn that the procedure is quite painful and burns often appear after it.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the fact that RF, IPL hair removal and laser hair removal differ from each other, the procedures have almost the same contraindications:

At what age is IPL hair removal allowed? In professional centers of aesthetic cosmetology, any kind of hardware hair removal is carried out only after reaching the age of majority.

Important! If you plan to epilate the bikini area or armpits, it is recommended to pre-treat ultrasonography these areas.


Which is better, IPL and RF hair removal or laser hair removal? The most preferred and most effective technique is ELOS, which combines two types of hair removal at once. Cosmetologists assure that the combination of two methods at once allows you to achieve maximum results in the shortest time, since the effect on the hairs is carried out simultaneously with the help of light and radio frequency waves.

ELOS hair removal is considered unique and has the following advantages:

The combination of two energies at once destroys the follicle and stops the growth of the rod, and also prevents the subsequent restoration of damage.


How is IPL and RF hair removal different from laser hair removal, and how is each of these procedures performed? Despite the fact that the principle of the methods is based on different type exposure, each type of hair removal is carried out in the same way.

Main stages:

  1. The client arrives at the appointed time, after which the cosmetologist puts the girl on a special couch. Since the session can last more than an hour, it is recommended to immediately take a comfortable position.
  2. The treated area is disinfected with an antiseptic.
  3. Next, a special gel is applied to the skin, which improves conductivity and has an anesthetic effect.
  4. After that, the master brings the applicator to the skin and turns on the device.

The duration of the session directly depends on which area of ​​the skin is being treated.


If the treatment will be carried out using an IPL photoepilator or other laser systems, some recommendations must be followed before the procedure:

  • 20 days before the session, it is recommended to refrain from going to the beach and solarium, as a strong tan can cause burns;
  • 3 weeks before the session, hair can only be removed with a razor. Any methods of hair removal in which the effect is on the bulbs are prohibited;
  • on the day of the procedure, the length of the rods should be about 2-4 mm, so shaving on the day of epilation is not recommended.

If you ignore these rules, light energy does not affect the hairs properly, the result will be mild.

Possible Complications

If the session is performed by an experienced cosmetologist, the risk of complications will be minimized. However, in some cases, after the procedure, the following side effects may occur:

  • skin burns;
  • irritation;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • ingrown hair.


Many clients have discomfort on the skin for the next 2 hours after the procedure. To eliminate them, it is recommended to use regenerating creams and gels based on panthenol. It is enough to apply them to the skin twice a day. Also, after hardware hair removal, cosmetologists are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

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There are many devices and salon services for hair removal using light-based methods on the market today. All these methods make the skin smooth and get rid of unwanted hair. But how do you choose between laser hair removal and IPL (intense pulsed light technology)? Is it really necessary to go to the salon every time or can you go through the whole procedure at home and it will be just as effective?

The difference between laser hair removal and IPL

The key difference between laser hair removal and IPL is the type of light used. IPL (intense pulsed light technology) is a broadband pulsed light source, unlike a laser, which is a powerful beam of concentrated light. In both cases, the light acts on the melanin in the hair follicles, so that a permanent effect can be obtained. Professional laser hair removal works more selectively, while very high energy acts directly on the hair follicle, and not on the surrounding skin. Therefore, professional laser hair removal gives quick results and is suitable for darker skin tones. The energy, frequency and color of the hair are the determining factors for the effectiveness of the procedures, while the light source, whether laser or intense pulsed light, plays a secondary role.

Laser- a powerful beam of concentrated light

IPL- broadband pulsed light source


Light pulses from the IPL and laser reach the hair root, affecting the melanin. Such stimulation damages the root and, after several treatments, prevents the growth of new hair from this root. The ideal combination to achieve the most effective result are dark hair and fair skin.