How to raise a child healthy. How to raise healthy calves. Practical advice. Q: Even thin children should be limited in sweets

Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to preserve it for life, it is necessary to constantly take care of its strengthening from early childhood to old age. It is possible to teach this only if the parents themselves feel an urgent need for a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, optimism, sufficient physical activity, hardening, balanced nutrition, adherence to work and rest, regular medical examinations, refusal to bad habits. It is compliance with these simple rules that is the most practical and least expensive way to prevent diseases. The closest people to a child are the parents. The more parents and others love a child, the more harmonious, happier and healthier he grows up. The little man needs affection, care, and attention. The child should not be left alone with his problems. Take the time to communicate with your child, take him in your arms, kiss him. The more love and tenderness you give your baby, the more love and gratitude he will be able to return to you in the future. Just don’t forget that love is not permissiveness, but attention, respect, healthy criticism, and sometimes fair punishment. In an atmosphere of love and friendship, it is easier to form correct moral attitudes and moral principles, without which it is impossible to raise a healthy person. Physical activity – one of the most important components healthy image life. Aristotle wrote that nothing exhausts and destroys a person more than prolonged physical inactivity. Children are characterized by high mobility, but it must correspond to the age and state of health of the child. Movement is powerful tool improvement of physical and mental health, maintaining performance and strengthening the body's defenses, The best way relieving nervous excitement and stress. Movement affects not only the development of muscles and bones, it also contributes to the development of all areas of the brain, influencing the formation mental abilities child. Physical activity helps a person develop confidence in himself, in his strengths and capabilities. The most beneficial for health are those types of movements during which all muscle groups are involved in the work - running, swimming, cycling, skiing, outdoor games. If a child has been accustomed since childhood to what his parents do morning exercises, the family goes skiing and hiking together - a healthy lifestyle will become natural for him too. The normal posture of a child is directly related to the condition of the muscles. Incorrect posture negatively affects the figure and the functioning of internal organs. If the muscles of the torso are developed evenly, then the torso and head are held straight. basis normal posture are systematically adequate physical exercise, constant control over their posture by children and parents themselves, correctly selected furniture, comfortable and practical shoes. Proper nutrition – another important component of a healthy lifestyle. Remember that eating disorders in childhood leave their mark on health in adulthood. It is especially important that nutrition is balanced and rational. Disorderly eating, irregular eating, long breaks in eating followed by overeating, hasty eating, and dry food can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not advisable to give your child chips, hamburgers, or drinks that cause increased excitability - strong tea, coffee, cola. It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar, sweets, and confectionery products in a child’s diet, which lead not only to caries and obesity, but also often cause diabetes. Vitamins and microelements are important for normal metabolism and vital functions of the body. They increase the child’s physical and mental performance and contribute to the body’s resistance to various infections. Therefore, the child’s diet should contain a sufficient amount of a variety of vegetables and fruits. Personal hygieneespecially important for a child. Hygiene of linen and clothing is very great importance. It is advisable that the clothes be loose and have an air layer underneath. The underwear should be made of soft, sweat-absorbing fabrics. It is very important to teach your child to properly care for his mouth and teeth. To brush your teeth, you should always use an individual brush, which must be changed approximately once every 3-4 months. It is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal. If this is not possible, even a simple mouth rinse will be helpful. Natural cleansing of the teeth and oral cavity is facilitated by eating raw, unchopped vegetables and fruits (turnips, cabbage, apples, carrots). Maintaining a daily routine is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle for a child. It helps maintain a certain balance in the human body. The lack of proper alternation of physical and mental stress, work and rest, a huge information flow leads to mental fatigue, the main symptoms of which are: mild excitability, irritability, imbalance in behavior, decreased attention and memory, headache, which ultimately can lead to severe nervous conditions. -mental disorders. Unfortunately, parents don't always control quality and security of information received by children. Endless series and talk shows fill the television airwaves, drawing our children to the TV. The task of adults is to become a filter of this information. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to keep up with the times, but watching television programs, films, computer games, and the Internet must be strictly dosed. Parents should know that children can watch TV no more than 1.5 hours a day, and the total duration of computer use should also be no more than 1.5 hours. The fact is that watching TV and working at the computer – this is stress for both the eyes and the nervous system, which leads to the development of myopia and neurosis. Children live computer games, forgetting about real life. At the same time, there is very little time left for rest, sports, preparing lessons, staying at fresh air. Walks– one of the necessary components of a rational daily routine. Children should be in the fresh air for 1.5-2.5 hours daily, and on rest days up to 6 hours. They need to be combined with physical activity, sports and physical labor. The main type of recreation, of course, is dream. In sleep, performance is restored and emotional stress is relieved. No wonder people say: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” During sleep, many processes necessary for human health occur. If it is not long enough, then the body does not rest fully. Good dream in favorable conditions - a warm blanket, cool air, calm environment - affects mood, memory and attention, the state of immunity. Walking before bed is important for deep and sound sleep. Hardeninguseful at any age. A seasoned, trained person successfully withstands cold and heat, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity. When hardening, it is important to follow the basic principles: gradualism, systematicity, taking into account the individual abilities of the body, a variety of hardening effects. Parents should closely monitor the health of their children and exercise the so-called medical activity . Preventive measures are always more effective and cheaper than treating an existing disease, and treating a disease in the initial stage is always easier than in the later stage. Every child needs to undergo an annual examination by a pediatrician, and to prevent infectious diseases it is necessary to receive preventive vaccinations. You need to be attentive to the condition and well-being of your baby, don’t brush it off or put it off until “later” if something about his health worries you. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Olga Afanasyeva
Consultation “How to raise a healthy child?”

You want raise healthy, a physically strong child? Then you need to learn how to develop the baby’s physical skills and abilities, monitor how mobile and active the child is. For children three to four years old, it is important that they have correct posture. Their need for active movements was satisfied, so that they could participate in moving games and orient themselves in space. It’s good if you do morning exercises with your baby, doing exercises with him that help him develop correct posture and strengthen his feet.

Encourage your child's ability to straighten his back, for example, ask him to reach for an object, touch a mark on a doorframe or door with his head, turn his shoulders, lift his chin and keep his head straight.

A child of the fourth year of life should be able to run in place or, moving forward, jump 10-15 times. You can do exercises that imitate the actions of animals, fairy tale characters: "Stomp like an elephant""Stretch like a cat", "Tiptoe like a bunny".

Observe how much effort the child spends on performing this or that exercise, how he performs it, and whether he wants to continue. It’s very good if you do a series of exercises with your child.

To grow healthy, active, the baby needs to move enough, fill the need for movement, and bear a certain physical load. In this case, one should take into account the child’s age capabilities and the degree of development of certain physical skills. During a walk, be sure to allow your child to participate in outdoor games with other children or organize outdoor activities yourself. active game. Children of the fourth year of life are very interested in games with the so-called answer. role, that is, games where one participant performs an action against others, e.g. "driving", "Baba Yaga" etc.

Children of this age are already good at manipulating a ball, jumping, running, and riding a three- or four-wheeled bicycle, so they need to build on movements familiar to them. From the physical state health children depend on their adaptation to the world around them. Using simple exercises aimed at developing general motor skills as an example, you can teach your child to listen and remember tasks, and then complete them.

Remember that all exercises must first be shown to the child, then it is advisable to do them with him and only after that ask him to do them on his own.

Developing precision in performing movements will not only make the baby dexterous, but will also help him orient himself in space and improve coordination of movements in general.

Execute simple commands and requests:

Come to the table (to the window, to the door, to the wall).

Walk from the window to the table.

Crawl under the table.

Walk around the chair.

Jump around like a sparrow.

Sink like a hedgehog.

Click like a horse.

Performing an action using a landmark:

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Which parent does not dream that their children will be healthy and happy in life? adult life? The question is rhetorical. Of course, mothers and fathers wish their child only good things, good luck and success. And for success and achievements you need good health, strong character and determination. But if most parents care about the health of their younger generation, then with the development of strong-willed qualities and motivation training, everything is somewhat more complicated. For some reason, they fade into the background, and are remembered only when the child faces the first serious tests of strength that fate throws at him. That’s when parents hastily try to put into the child’s head those guidelines and values, following which, as they believe, their child will make his way in life.

Psychologists, writers, philosophers, sociologists - everyone agrees that in order to raise a healthy person both in body and soul, several important factors are needed. And they are all intangible: attention to the child and everything that happens in his life from birth, love - unaccountable, sincere, but not blind and not all-consuming, mutual respect from all family members and, of course, personal example parents. No words will be heard by a little person if in reality, in real life, they disagree with how they live, what actions mom or dad do. “Don’t raise children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself,” says an old English proverb.

And by the way, this rule works not only with actions, life rules and principles, moral values, but also with health. Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that, for example, all eating habits are laid and formed in childhood, just like taste habits. That is why, when we really liked something at a party or in a restaurant, we say: “It’s delicious, like in childhood,” “This dish has the taste of childhood.”

Numerous studies conducted in different countries(USA, Mexico, Spain, UK and others) showed that children whose parents have excess weight, also prone to obesity or already in school, adolescence gain extra pounds. Already in adulthood, they have a higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases, arterial hypertension, and other serious health problems. Researchers began to find out why children get fat, and it turned out that the vast majority of families with a child who is overweight or obese eat incorrectly, their diet is dominated by cheap processed foods, sauces, fried and spicy foods, a lot of sweets, they abuse fast food and carbonated drinks .

Food and the nutrition system are the most striking example of how behavior patterns (in in this case food) affects the child’s health. Another situation is no less indicative - when a child has psychosomatic problems: sleep disturbances, restlessness, increased anxiety, decreased attention and concentration, mood swings, aggression and problems communicating with peers, poor performance at school. As a rule, all this develops in children from families where parents are very busy with work, live in constant stress, or they have serious problems in relationships, they constantly swear and speak in a raised voice. In both cases, they have no time for the child, who unconsciously begins to do bad things in order to arouse the condemnation of others and parents and thus attract their attention. When the family intervened in the situation, child psychologist and the parents radically restructured their behavior model, everything changed for the better, and no medications were needed.

Therefore, the mission of parents is not only to “feed, water, and put on shoes” for their beloved child, pay for tutors, clubs and sections, and vacation trips. This is something much more, on which the child’s health, physical and mental, as well as his development, depend. personal qualities, something that is built on trust: a boy or girl imitates in everything his closest people - mom and dad. He takes the guidelines of his parents as his life rules, and here it is very important that adults remember this and strive not in words, but in deeds to be an example in everything - from taking care of their own health to how to communicate with people, who to trust, and who doesn't.

The duty of parents is to teach them to recognize “us” and “strangers”, warn against something and provide insurance in case of unexpected problems. Moreover, you can literally insure against some real difficulties and unforeseen situations - by taking out an insurance policy for your child, which will become a kind of airbag for him. The insurance market in Russia is already quite developed, many insurance programs have become quite affordable, and anyone can buy them.

The great Winston Churchill said: “Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.” It’s hard to disagree with him, but frankly, there are few such enthusiastic optimists and strong personalities. Not every person is ready for trials, especially when it comes to health. And here, designed by caring and far-sighted parents, may turn out to be the saving straw that will help you emerge from life’s problems at the right time.

We treat children's colds, take the child to the dentist twice a year, and strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule. In general, we try to keep our children healthy. However, parents can do much more. Our children can live to be 90 years old, healthy and active, if we lay the foundation for their future longevity in childhood.

The head of the department of nutrition for healthy and sick children at the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tatyana Borovik, tells us about what parents should do for this.

Q: How true is the statement that all diseases “have their roots in childhood”?

A completely fair statement. Any disease occurs as a result of a malfunction of the immune system, which is formed in childhood. Thus, the health of an adult is programmed in childhood. Recent scientific research has shown that the key to health is in breastfeeding. Mother's milk is not just the ideal food for a baby. After all, modern infant formula contains all the nutrients a baby needs. But only in breast milk contains hormones, enzymes, and other biologically active substances, thanks to which the still insufficient activity of the immune, endocrine and enzyme systems of the gastrointestinal tract is compensated. If a child is breastfed, he is much less likely to develop diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, food allergies, and functional intestinal disorders. It has already been proven that obesity diabetes, gastroenterological, cardiovascular diseases, and kidney pathology are more common in children deprived of mother's milk in infancy.

Q: For older children, is nutrition still a key factor?

The child needs a nutritious, varied, balanced diet. This thesis has not lost its relevance. Research has established a clear relationship between the level of income and education in families and the health of children. In wealthy families, as well as in those where the parents are educated and quite cultured, the same iron deficiency anemia and obesity are much less common. Educated people understand that nutrition determines the growth and development of a child, and therefore his health in the future. Children should eat more vegetables and fruits, cereals, and definitely meat, fish, and dairy products. And no separate meals. The regime is very important. The child should eat at least four times a day. Eating two large meals a day - morning and evening - inevitably leads to metabolic disorders. The still immature enzymatic system simply cannot cope with large volumes of food.

Q: Almost all children have a sweet tooth. Parents justify this by saying that children are active and spend a lot of energy. How dangerous is a sweet tooth?

Children's sweet tooth is a habit. It is formed in childhood. Accustom your child to the natural taste of food. Don't add sugar to every meal just to get him to eat. As for the need for “fuel,” sugar is found not only in confectionery products. It is found in all fruits, so they must be included in the child’s diet in sufficient quantities. A lot also depends on the food culture in the family. The child will adhere to the rules accepted in the house. After all, when he grows up, his level of metabolism changes, but his love for sweets remains. The result is completeness.

Q: Even thin children should be limited in sweets?

Most sweets contain empty calories. If a child is very thin, he needs to be provided with nutritious food, and not fed with sweets. The child's diet should widely use such important foods containing calcium and proteins as cottage cheese, a variety of fermented milk porridges enriched with vitamins and minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables. It should be borne in mind that the risk of developing diabetes does not directly depend on body type and tendency to be overweight.

Q: Are fat cells actually formed during childhood?

A child is born with a certain number of fat cells - adipocytes. The quantity is individual. If a child receives a lot of carbohydrates, adipocytes increase in size and fat is deposited in them. The connective tissue contains the rudiments of these cells. Under certain conditions, they “wake up” and also begin to accumulate fat. Most often, the trigger is hormonal changes. In girls, this usually occurs during adolescence.

Q: How can I teach my child to control his appetite?

I repeat, there should be an attitude in the family: you need to eat right. You can simply explain to an older child: in order to look attractive and feel comfortable in a group, you need to watch your weight. Explain to your child that weight control consists not only of dietary restrictions, but also of taking into account energy expenditure. We recommend that children, with the help of adults, keep a diary where physical activity during the day is recorded. From these records you can immediately see how much time the child spends at a desk, watching TV, on the sofa with a book, and how much time he moves, helping around the house, walking, playing sports.

Q: How to reduce the risk of the most dangerous diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common. Improper nutrition leads to lipid metabolism disorders. Currently, early atherosclerosis and hypertension are detected in 10–14 year old children. Their vessels resemble those of humans old age. As for oncology, heredity plays a certain role. It determines the tendency to diseases, and living conditions can serve as a “trigger mechanism”. It is very important to eat more fruits and berries: they contain antioxidants. Of course, a huge burden on children's body is the unfavorable environment in big cities. Therefore, city children should be taken out of the city as often as possible, and try to walk not in the streets, but in parks. The immune system must become stronger, then it is easier for an adult to resist bad ecology.

Q: Do childhood infectious diseases leave a mark?

Frequent acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, and tonsillitis can be complicated by rheumatoid pathology. The heart and kidneys are under attack. Viral infection may cause diabetes as it affects insulin production. It is very important to completely treat the infectious disease. It is necessary to confirm the fact of cure with tests. To get started, just do clinical analysis blood and general analysis urine. Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe other laboratory tests.


Children should do physical education. Skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, and games activate the immune and cardiovascular systems and train the musculoskeletal system.


To keep the situation under control, for children school age annual medical examinations are carried out. If for some reason your child remains “uncovered,” get tested and visit specialists yourself.


Why is it important

Body mass index

Controlling your child's weight is the best way to prevent obesity.

Blood pressure Doctors are increasingly finding signs of hypertension in school-aged children. Therefore, once a year it is necessary to measure the child’s blood pressure.
Cholesterol level It is necessary to check your child's blood cholesterol levels annually to monitor the condition of his blood vessels.
Sugar level Diabetes is becoming more common in children, so your blood sugar levels should be checked once a year.

If a child eats right, leads an active lifestyle, communicates with peers and engages in physical education, he develops more harmoniously physically, mentally, and emotionally.