How to wash a synthetic hair wig. How to wash and dry a natural hair and kanekalon wig at home

How to wash a wig? Every woman who has false hair in her wardrobe should know how to properly care for them so that they always look good. You can’t wash them in the usual way, and this procedure is not always necessary. With infrequent use, wigs are recommended to be wetted no more than 1 time in 45 days. In addition, caring for false hair is much more difficult than washing your hair and creating a hairstyle. Before moving on to the main question, we propose to understand in more detail the varieties of the described accessory.

Natural wigs have a very natural look, so they tend to be expensive. If you do not look closely, it is quite difficult to recognize such an overlay, since it is created on the basis of real human hair. Also, the composition of such products may include the wool of yaks or Tibetan goats, linen or hemp fibers, hairs from a horse's tail.

Much appreciated wigs self made, since the masters attach the hairs to the base in such a way as to imitate their natural growth as much as possible, which makes the overlay approximately similar to real hair. This is not the only advantage of such products. Natural wigs can be subjected to various hairdressing procedures, such as dyeing, curling and cutting. However, it is often not recommended to carry out such manipulations.

Synthetic wigs are much cheaper . Materials such as acrylic, vinyl and polyamide are used to create them. Such overlays are inconvenient because the head sweats a lot under them, especially in the summer, and they look unnatural. Acrylic, vinyl, and polyamide wigs are too shiny, making them look more like doll hair. At the same time, artificial curls get tangled quite quickly and, in addition, split. Manufacturers of cheap options usually do not bother and attach the hairs to the base in whole bunches.

Some varieties of artificial wigs can be praised. We are now referring to products made from kanekalon or thermal fiber. Despite the fact that they belong to the category of artificial overlays, the strands have a very beautiful and natural look. This is due to the fact that the materials used are algae-based.

We have listed all types of wigs and their features, and now we will talk about the rules for caring for them. We recommend that you read the article to the end, as well as watch the video so as not to miss the most important points.

We wash the wig correctly

In order to properly wash a wig at home, you need to know exactly what material it is made of. This is very important because the washing methods for artificial and natural hair are slightly different. Each case has its own nuances that should not be missed. Let's take a closer look.

From natural hair

Washing a human hair wig is similar to caring for natural hair. Fulfill everything necessary actions very simple at home, so it is not necessary to constantly contact specialists. The main thing is to stick to a certain algorithm of actions - and then your overlay will always look great.

  1. Before washing, a natural wig must be properly prepared. It should be combed gently with a wide-toothed comb.. If there are curly strands, then to smooth them you need to skip between your fingers.
  2. Only after preparation, the product can be washed. To do this, moisten the curls with water and be sure to apply a shampoo designed for split ends. Rinse the hairs as carefully as possible, without using force. Special attention give the occipital, frontal and temporal regions, as they get dirty the most.
  3. After that, the wig must be thoroughly rinsed under running cold water, moving in the direction from the roots to the ends.
  4. It is also recommended to use a hair balm so that the simulated curls are soft and silky. Apply conditioner to the tips, and rinse as gently as shampoo, under running cold water.
  5. To remove residual moisture, you can use a towel, but in no case should the strands be twisted and rubbed. The product should be dried in a straightened form. You can just leave it on a dry towel until completely dry.. You can also use a hair dryer, but then you can immediately say goodbye to the original styling of the wig.

You can style your dried hair the way you want. Hair dryers and curling irons are allowed to style natural wigs. However, the last device is allowed to process only the ends of the strands. To create a hairstyle, it is better to contact a hairdresser.

From artificial materials

The principle of washing overlays made of artificial materials is very similar to the principle of washing natural hair. If your product is made of vinyl, acrylic or polyamide, as in the previous case, the strands must first be prepared. Comb them or smooth them with your hands. Then wash the wig with shampoo. This procedure is best done in a basin filled with warm water. In extreme cases, you can use a stream from the tap, but it must be weak. Curls of artificial origin are very easy to tangle, so try to avoid any sudden movements during washing.

To make the washed wig easier to comb, apply a mask intended for brittle hair. Wait a certain time (it is indicated in the instructions for use cosmetic product) and then rinse with water. The product must be dried only naturally, that is, previously put on a special holder or an ordinary glass jar. Artificial curls must not be exposed to a hair dryer, curling iron, as well as heating devices.

There are special stands for storing false hair. . They are recommended to be used for both synthetic overlays and natural overlays.

As mentioned earlier, there are two more types of artificial wigs: kanekalon and thermal fiber. Separate technologies have been developed for their washing. Let's start with Kanekalon.

To wash a wig made of kanekalon at home, follow these rules:

  • it is recommended to wash artificial strands in boiled water with the addition of shampoo for dry hair;
  • soaking time - no more than ten minutes;
  • the base and curls can be gently rubbed with your hands;
  • you can rinse kanekalon only in cold water;
  • to make it silky, you can use a conditioner, which can be designed for both dry hair and brittle hair (to prepare a rinse composition, the balm is taken in the amount of two tablespoons and added to a container of water);
  • the wig should be soaked in liquid with conditioner for at least twenty minutes;
  • kanekalon products can be dried with a hairdryer, but there is one condition: the air must be cold;

Using the same technology, you can wash a thermofiber wig, and in this case it is even allowed to use hot water. This material tolerates high temperatures well, so it can be safely exposed to curling or ironing. But it is better not to dry the thermal fiber with a hair dryer, since the attachment points of the hairs can weaken.

To make false hair look more natural, it is recommended to regularly treat its ends with various nourishing oils. This rule applies to both natural and artificial wigs. Keep this in mind - and even imitated strands will delight you every day.

Many women wear wigs. Wigs can make your hair look stunning and your look unique.

A good wig should ideally “sit” on your head, be as light as possible, allowing you to open your ear and forehead, and your hair should be of the color and texture you initially need. Keeping a wig in good condition is not easy. Hair tends to be inconsistent and to fall.
Here are some tips for caring for your wig:

Wigs with synthetic hair
We comb wigs with synthetic hair delicately with a sparse brush or comb. Curled hair is not combed, but stacked with fingers. Before dressing, you can sprinkle with a nourishing spray. This will additionally protect the hair from being electrolyzed from below, clinging to clothes, and falling into tangles. The nourishing spray keeps "your" hair alive.

Wigs should be washed in warm water (25°C) with hair shampoo. For two liters of water, take 4 caps of shampoo. Lower the wig for 5 minutes. Once removed, rinse gently in cold water (not running!). The wig can be dried with a towel. Do not blow dry, comb wet hair. Synthetic hair must not be twisted or curled.

Natural hair wigs
We comb wigs with natural hair carefully. It is better if it is a rare comb sold with a wig. Comb always in the direction of hair styling. Natural hair can be twisted on curlers. You can easily moisturize before styling.
Natural wigs are best washed in a professional cleaner once every few months. Washing at home is best done on a shape that follows the shape of the head. When washing, do not turn the wig inside out. It is better to use shampoo for dry and delicate hair. We apply shampoo on the palms and transfer it to the hair, in the direction with their growth. Rinse with warm water. Then dry with a towel. We apply a nourishing agent and rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes. Then we dry the hair in a towel and then leave it to dry completely.

Caring for human hair wigs is similar to caring for a person's own hair.
When washing a wig, it is necessary to use high-quality detergents and other products, as well as to show respect for the product itself.
Human hair, unlike synthetic fibers, is not subject to wear and tear from friction and impact. high temperatures. It is more flexible and elastic material.

Wash preparation. Gently comb the hair of the wig and remove any knots, as this will be very difficult to do after washing.
The washing up. Wash the wig gently in lukewarm water. Focus on the forehead area of ​​the wig as it can be heavily soiled.
Rinsing. Rinse should be done in cold water, pouring in the direction from the roots to the ends of the hair.
Drying. Wrap the wet wig in a towel and gently wring out. Dry on a towel at room temperature.
Laying. Only the hair of a dry wig can be combed and styled. When combing, avoid contact of the comb with the base of the wig cap. Comb gently from the roots to the ends of the hair.

Wig Care Tips
Products need to be washed 1 time in 2-3 months.
1. Fill the container with warm water.
2. Add a neutral shampoo, and soak the product for 10 minutes.
3. Rinse with cool water.
4. Add any fabric softener (such as Lenor), and rinse
in him. The product will be less electrified and comb better.
5. Wrap in a terry towel and wring out lightly. By no means
twist it!
6. Dry the wig or hairpiece on a towel, naturally until completely dry. If the wig/chignon is long or curly, sort the hair with your hands.
7. Combing and giving the desired shape is possible only after the product has completely dried.

Tips for caring for natural hair products.
1. Thoroughly but gently comb the product with a comb.
2. Moisten hair with warm water and apply shampoo from roots to ends.
3. Rinse your hair in warm water several times until the shampoo is completely removed.
4. Apply conditioner or balm from roots to ends. If necessary, rinse off the conditioner or balm with warm water.
5. Wrap the product in a towel and use it to remove excess water.
6. Dry your hair at room temperature or with a regular hair dryer.
Natural hair can be curled with thermal curlers, dyed and permed!

The wig is a remarkable invention in the beauty industry. It gives girls the opportunity to transform from a platinum blonde into a red-haired beast or a bright brunette in a matter of minutes. At the same time, your hair is not exposed to ammonia dyes or high temperatures. However, in order for synthetic hair to serve for a long time, some recommendations for caring for it should be followed.

It can be noted that when the wig loses its former appearance, this affects its splendor and shine of the hair. In this article, we will try to answer the question of how to wash a synthetic hair wig so as not to spoil it, and it has brought you joy for a long time.

When should you wash your wig?

To correctly determine how often you need to wash your wig, you should proceed from the list of factors:

  • Synthetic hair needs regular cleaning if the wig is worn frequently.
  • In addition, the place of wearing is of no small importance. If you wear your wig indoors, it won't get dirty too quickly, like when you wear it outside.
  • The same applies to the length of the hair: the shorter the strands, the less often it requires washing.
  • With regard to negative factors, it should be noted that the exposure of synthetic hair to excessive moisture can lead to their rapid contamination.

Important! Master hairdressers say that it is desirable to wash a synthetic hair wig after 8-10 uses. At the same time, it is categorically undesirable to use synthetic types of cleaning agents. The structure of artificial and natural hair is significantly different, which is why the methods of care differ. It is better to give preference to a series of shampoos and conditioners that are specially designed for wigs.

Wash sequence:

  • Before starting the procedure, you must first boil the water or use filtered water for this purpose. Bottled water from natural sources is also suitable.
  • Add 30 g of baking soda to the water and wait for the granules to completely dissolve, and then cool the solution.
  • Pour the liquid into the basin and begin to carefully pour in 50 ml of shampoo, stirring with your hands until foam forms.
  • Soak the wig in water for 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, begin to gently wash the synthetic hair wig, without stretching your hands or pulling the strands.
  • To remove stains from the surface decorative cosmetics(blush, tone cream, lipstick), you should treat the stained area with a medium-hard toothbrush.
  • After completely cleaning the wig, repeat the manipulations. Again, prepare a solution with soda and shampoo and soak the accessory for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the artificial hair from the water, wring it out lightly and rinse the strands with cold filtered water.
  • Take a terry towel big size, fold it in half and place it on a flat surface. Place the wig on top of it for 15 minutes.
  • Spread evenly through the hair with a conditioning spray or no-rinse wig serum.
  • At this stage, you can send the hair to dry. To do this, use a stand in the shape of a head, and if it is not there, then you can use an ordinary glass jar of the desired size.

Important! Dry synthetic curls should be in the fresh air, avoiding exposure to strong winds and direct sunlight. Under no circumstances should you use a hair dryer or hot rollers. As a rule, the complete drying of the wig takes 6-8 hours, but sometimes this time can be a little longer.

  • After the strands are dry, take the product and shake it well so that the previous shape returns. If you want to create a styling, then you need to do this without a massage brush and comb. Set the direction of the hair with your hands, and a small amount of styling mousse can be applied to the ends.

Combing a synthetic hair wig

After you have managed to wash the artificial wig, you need to comb it properly. This procedure is desirable to carry out not only after washing, but also after each use. This will prevent possible tangles and tangles.

So, let's begin:

  1. Take a flat comb with fairly wide teeth.
  2. Squeeze the lower rows of hair in your hand so that you do not pull out the hair during the combing process.
  3. Comb the bottom section thoroughly, starting at the ends.
  4. Next, move on to the top rows. To make it easier for you, you can divide the hair into sections, processing each of them in turn.
  5. If your wig is difficult to comb, then you should use a professional spray to facilitate the process. Then carefully separate the curls with your hands.
  6. If tangled hairs have formed that are finally tied into a knot, then you can use thin nail scissors. Slightly cut the bundle and try to unravel.
  7. Now put the wig on your head, comb it gently again, giving the shape you want.

How to store?

In order for your “spare” hair to please you for a long time, you should know not only how to wash an artificial wig, but also how to store it properly. For this you need:

  1. Get a special wig net that can hold its shape and make it easier to store. If the product long hair, then they should be pulled into a loose tail, and then rolled into a bun. Only after these steps can you put on the mesh. However, you should not pull the bundle if the hairstyle does not require such storage.
  2. For long-term preservation of synthetic curls, they must be kept in a well-ventilated area. It is undesirable to hide the wig in a closed closet - it is better to put it on top of a tall chest of drawers or closet.
  3. Avoid storing the product on a window near direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  4. You should not pack the wig in cellophane, hoping that dust will not get on it. For these purposes, you can cover the accessory with a light veil or scarf.
  5. Keep your synthetic hair in a cool, dry place free of moisture and mold. Place the mannequin with the product away from radiators and other heating devices.

A synthetic hair wig will not be the same as natural hair. At the same time, he requires no less careful care. It should be stored on a special mannequin so that the wig does not deform.

It is forbidden to subject artificial hair to heat treatment.

Many people think about how to wash a wig so as not to spoil it. This will have to be done every few months, subject to certain conditions that allow you to save beautiful view artificial hair.

Wig wash

As noted above, synthetic strands do not get dirty as quickly as natural ones, so frequent washing (washing) is not required. Before you wash your wig, you need to determine how often you will need to wash it based on several important points:

  1. Duration of the wig- naturally, the longer this period, the more dirty strands;
  2. The level of air humidity. With high humidity, the wig gets dirty faster;
  3. The length of the curls. The longer the hair, the faster it gets dirty.

The standard period for washing is 10 uses.

Before you start washing, be sure to purchase all the necessary special tools for this. Choose a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for artificial hair.

Before washing, be sure to soften the water. To do this, you can boil it or add a small amount of soda. Before you wash your wig, brush it. Then the strands will not be very confused.

Note that the strands should be combed only when they are dry.

How to wash a wig

  • Fill the container with water and add a few caps of shampoo to it;
  • Immerse the wig in a container and leave for a while so that the curls are well saturated with liquid. 15 minutes will be enough;
  • Rinse your hair with liquid. Do not rub them with your hands. If you find stains, for example, from powder, get rid of them using a toothbrush. Her bristles should be soft.;
  • Rinse off any shampoo residue with cool water;
  • Take a soft towel or paper napkins. Blot your hair with them. You can not twist the hair and squeeze. Spread them out and leave for about half an hour. At this point, you can apply a leave-in conditioner to the curls;
  • In order for the wig to dry, it is better to place it next to open air.Please note that you should not use a hair dryer to dry your wig. It is better to put it on a special stand. If there is none, then use a regular glass jar that fits the size;
  • Do not dry your wig in the sun. Otherwise, an unnatural sheen may appear on the product, which will be difficult to remove in the future;
  • After the curls are completely dry, they need to be shaken a little in order to give them their usual shape. Can be brushed a little.

The next wash of your wig will depend on how often you use it, as well as how dirty it is.

If, while the curls are drying, you want to give a certain shape to the wig, use your own hands for this.

Do not use curling products for shaping - this can harm the hair.

Finally, the wig will dry only after 10 hours.

Synthetic hair wigs are a real salvation for people who have problems with their own hair. In addition, they will help you change your look in a few minutes and are great for those who like to experiment with their image and hairstyle. Synthetic wigs are affordable and cheap, so you can easily buy several models at once.

Synthetic Wig Benefits

An artificial wig is cheaper and lighter, more practical to use and maintain than a natural one. It does not cause allergies and allows the scalp to breathe. The product does not create a greenhouse effect and does not damage real hair. At the same time, it looks aesthetically pleasing, natural and attractive. Due to the porous structure, silicone strands do not get dirty for a long time and remain neat.

Synthetic hair wig saves appearance and form in all weather conditions. Depending on the quality and compliance with the rules of care, the product will last from six months to five to six years. To extend the life of the product, it is important to wash and dry the product regularly. Let's look at how to care for a synthetic hair wig at home.

Wig Care Rules

  • Before washing, carefully comb the strands and remove the knots;
  • For washing artificial overlays, choose a detergent for the care of artificial or synthetic hair, for natural ones - products with a neutral pH;
  • Opt for brushes or combs with wide teeth to thoroughly comb your hair and get rid of every knot. Comb curly and wavy curls with your fingers;
  • Comb the strands only after they are completely dry!;
  • Comb carefully each individual section, and not immediately the entire length;
  • Store and dry your wig on a special stand or blank. If there are none, use a three-liter jar;
  • Artificial overlays are washed every two to three months and combed every day;
  • For artificial and silicone hair, you can not use a hot air dryer and thermal devices, such as electric tongs and curlers, curling irons, etc.

How to prepare a wig for washing

It is recommended to wash and wash such pads once every two to three months. Before washing your synthetic hair wig, pick up detergents. Do not use classic shampoos, balms and conditioners for natural hair, otherwise they will ruin the product.

For this product, choose special care products for artificial synthetic or hair. They thoroughly clean every hair, while not violating the structure and integrity of the fiber.

Before washing, you need to comb the wig and untangle the strands. Hang the product on a blank or stand and fasten it securely. Then, with gentle light movements, comb the knots with a special comb. Start at the ends and work your way to the roots of your hair. Wigs with wavy and curly curls are best combed with hands and fingers without a comb or brush.

Comb carefully each individual area. Do not rush to walk along the entire length at once and unravel all the knots, otherwise you will damage your hair. Once you have untangled each knot, run a brush or your hands along the length of the wig to restore the curls to their previous state.

How to wash a synthetic hair wig

To wash a synthetic hair wig, dilute a tablespoon of shampoo in a liter of warm water until foam forms. Leave the product in the resulting composition for 10-15 minutes and then rinse gently in cool water.

After that, dip the product in cool water with a small amount of balm and leave for another ten minutes. This will make the curls soft and manageable, allowing you to quickly comb the artificial hair. After the balm, rinse the patch thoroughly in cool, clean water. When rinsing, add a little fabric softener to the water so that the hair.

After washing, the wig is wrapped in a soft terry towel and squeezed lightly. Do not twist, rub or pull curls! Conditioner can then be sprayed onto hair that is still damp to look luxurious and natural, gaining volume and healthy shine, restoring shape and not looking pinched.

How to dry and style your wig

Put the wig slightly dried in a towel on a stand or blank and leave to dry completely. You need to dry the strands away from the battery, radiators and sunlight. The product should also be stored away from high temperatures on a stand or blank.

For storage, you can take a classic three-liter jar. A jar, blank or stand is also suitable for drying or storing a hat, cap or baseball cap. How to wash a cap and a baseball cap without harm to the material and visor, read.

When the wig is dry, brush your hair and give the piece its original shape and volume. You can not comb raw strands! Long, curly and wavy curls are straightened with hands, short ones can be combed with a special brush. To restore the previous volume, use a varnish with a light fixation. If desired, you can wind the classic curlers.

Synthetic wigs must not be cared for with hot hair dryers, curling irons, irons, hot rollers, tongs and other electrical appliances! They will ruin the product. As a last resort, use a cold air dryer.

Natural hair wigs

If you regularly use wigs or hairpieces, experts advise purchasing several artificial products and one natural. Natural strands are distinguished by strength and durability. They will easily last five to ten years. At the same time, the wig is washed with any shampoos and conditioners.

Human hair extensions look stylish and natural. They allow you to create any hairstyle, use a hair dryer and electrical appliances, unlike an artificial counterpart. Such hair can even be dyed. You can easily change the color of the curls, make the desired styling and hairstyle.

Among the minuses, we highlight the expensive cost and heavy weight. In addition, for natural products requires regular care and washing. Let's take a quick look at how to care for a human hair wig:

  • Before washing, comb the strands with a comb;
  • Wet the curls in warm water and apply shampoo in the direction from the roots to the tips;
  • Rinse your hair in warm water until the lather is completely gone;
  • Apply balm from roots to ends and rinse with warm water;
  • Wrap the wig in a towel. When most of the moisture is gone, hang on a stand;
  • You can dry a natural wig at room temperature or with a home hair dryer.

For natural hair wig, it is safe to use a hot air dryer, hot rollers, curling iron and other appliances. It is allowed to use any detergent for washing, but it is better to give preference natural shampoo with zero pH. Then the hair will be softer, and the product will last as long as possible.

Combing the strands is also necessary after complete drying. Do this carefully and carefully, starting at the ends of the hair and at the same time not touching the base of the comb. For styling, choose varnishes with a weak hold and combs with sparse teeth. If you are not wearing a wig more than a week, put the product back in the box. It must also be clean and dry.