How to live on a pension of 13,000 rubles. Pensioners' experience of surviving on one pension (report). In my opinion, it's best to do this

Honestly, our retired grandmothers sometimes simply amaze me. Not only do they manage to live on, to put it mildly, a small pension that the state pays them, they also try to help us, our grandchildren!

Modern pensioners are simply the standard of frugality and thrift. Of course, they are clearly not luxurious, but, as a rule, they live quite tolerably: they have enough money for food, they periodically buy new clothes, and they also help their grandchildren.

True, not all pensioners manage to lead a comfortable existence. Actually, about how to live on a small pension, including several practical advice, and that will be my article today.

The smaller the pension, the better it should be considered

First. Start by carefully counting all your expenses. Get yourself a small notebook and write down absolutely all your payments there. Even if you bought an inexpensive pen, the amount you spent on it must be written down in a notebook.
Constantly maintaining such a notebook allows you to understand where your pension is going and see where you can save and what expenses can be reduced.

Of course, you can already tell me where you spend your money. And I even know what you will answer me! These are payments for apartments, food and medicine.

Agree. An elderly, and sometimes not very healthy, person spends a lot of money on medications. And utility bills and buying groceries are the biggest expenses for any family.

At the same time, I’m almost sure that as soon as you start a notebook for yourself in which you write down all your expenses, you will understand that money is often spent just like that, on all sorts of unnecessary things. For example, to buy some kind of miracle - a remedy that helps both against hypertension and hemorrhoids. More on this a little later...

Second. Don’t be shy, without leaving the cash register in a store or pharmacy, check both the amount of the receipt and the change that was given to you.

I don't want to say that the saleswoman wants to deceive you. But she's at work all day, and she might just make a mistake when giving you change, or make a mistake when returning a check for groceries or medicine.

Third. When paying utility bills, check your management company at least once a year to see how it calculates payments to you.
To do this, you need to find out what tariffs apply in your locality, and just check whether the calculation is correct. If you can’t do it yourself, ask younger relatives about it. I think you will not be denied this.

Once again, we don’t need to talk about how people live in retirement. The situation that Russians find themselves in when they reach the age of incapacity cannot be called enviable. And it seems that the size of social benefits increases every year, but inflation also grows along with it, which literally eats up all the increases. Why, at the end of their days, are people forced to fight for existence and survive, having decades of work experience?

How to live on a pension if it is barely enough to feed you? Many older people, after retirement, find themselves practically below the poverty line. Old people who are helped financially by their children are in a more advantageous position. But what should single pensioners do? minimum size payments, how to live further?

Pension in our country

The size of the minimum old-age payments in the regions of Russia is just over 8,700 rubles. In Moscow, this figure is slightly higher and reaches almost 12 thousand rubles. Due to their length of service and work experience, many receive an amount exceeding the so-called minimum wage. Their monthly pension can reach 10-15 thousand rubles. But be that as it may, for most people, retirement seems like a terrible nightmare. How to live so that this money is enough until the next payment?

The current generation of pensioners is significantly different from the people hardened by Soviet communism. And although even today one can hear lamentations about how good life was in the USSR, it is no secret to anyone that in those conditions, when one retired, one also had to learn the basics of survival. Modern Russian pensioners have Soviet roots, which only means that they did not grow up in “greenhouse” conditions and led an active lifestyle. Thanks to constant work, aspirations and perseverance, they acquired the ability to survive in not the most favorable conditions. The love of life shown by representatives of that generation can be the envy of today's youth.

So, how to live on a pension if it is within living wage? With this amount it is quite difficult to satisfy even the most necessary, vital needs of any person. Because of poverty, some begin to drink alcohol more often and get sick more often, which only aggravates an already difficult situation. And besides, there is a type of people who, no matter how much they pay, they still won’t have enough. As you know, there is never too much money. Therefore, first of all, you need to pull yourself together and do everything not to break down psychologically. Experts urge you to give yourself positive attitudes in order to try to change the circumstances that have arisen for the better or adapt to them. There is no other way out.

Benefits and subsidies

Instead of oohing and aahing, endlessly asking yourself the question of how to live on a small pension, you will have to be optimistic and be active. In the end, psychologists always advise to rejoice at a glass that is only half full, rather than look at it with despondency and melancholy, considering it half empty. You need to take the positives out of everything and not give up.

Local authorities are striving to implement regional projects, the ultimate goal of which is to improve the standard of living of people of disabled age. If the funds provided by the state are barely enough to survive, the pensioner must:

  • find addresses and contacts of social protection services on the websites of local administrations;
  • find out about current and planned social programs, provision of humanitarian aid, holding events, registration lump sum payments, usually confined to public holidays;
  • obtain complete information about the conditions for applying for a subsidy for utility bills;
  • make sure that all merits and awards that qualify for benefits are taken into account.

Thus, the right to issue a “Veteran of Labor” certificate, which gives good privileges to pensioners, arises for citizens who have a certain seniority, as well as those who started labor activity as a minor during the Second World War. Some retirees continue to work to gain the missing years of professional experience required to receive a preferential title. Here you need to be persistent and curious: rewards and additional payments will not appear on their own.

In addition to municipal authorities, the Red Cross charity organization provides support to the elderly. The workers of this society know how retired people live. For people in distress, the Red Cross not only helps morally, but also assists those in need in obtaining expensive medical care, medicines, essential items, food packages.

Profitable change of living space

Since the most significant expense item current pensioners If you are paying utility bills, you may need to think about changing your place of residence. Many people solve their financial problems in this way. There are several options, and each of them is possible in a specific situation.

The easiest way is to sell your home and buy a smaller living space, and put the rest in a bank deposit. This will allow you to receive double benefits every month: on the one hand, the pensioner will have an increase in income due to interest on a bank deposit, and on the other hand, the cost of paying for utilities will be reduced. Thus, a one-room apartment is much more economical in terms of maintenance than a two- or three-room apartment.

The second solution is to move from your own apartment or private house to a rented apartment with a smaller area. At the same time, you will also have to rent out your property to tenants. The profit is obvious, but it is worth considering all sorts of risks. It is possible that after the tenants will have to make repairs. In this case, all proceeds will be spent on restoring a comfortable environment. The tenant can protect himself and rent out housing with the requirement to maintain the safety and integrity of the property by concluding an agreement and receiving a security deposit. If the condition of the home at the end of the lease is unsatisfactory, the deposit is not returned to the tenants. In addition, when deciding to rent out your own apartment, you need to find out as much as possible about the potential tenant.

“I may just be starting to live, I’m moving on to retirement...” - who doesn’t remember this phrase from Pechkin from probably everyone’s favorite cartoon? And this is exactly what most older people think, because having escaped the vicious circle of “home-work”, they finally have the opportunity to devote more time to their family, grandchildren, and household chores. The only thing that darkens the idyll is the lack of finances. What to live on after retirement? This question pushes retirees to decide to rent out one of the rooms in their home. This option is suitable for those who have no particular desire to settle in a new place. However, this case also has its significant disadvantages:

  • Moral discomfort. Many older people find it difficult to put up with the presence of strangers in their own apartment, so you should think in advance whether you are ready to take such a step.
  • There are no guarantees about the integrity of the tenant. This issue requires careful consideration: letting the first person you meet into your house is not a good idea. Ideally, the tenant turns out to be a good friend.

If permanent cohabitation with a stranger is not possible, you can try renting out a room by the day (for example, for people on a business trip). Many retirees have found this method of generating income suitable for them.

Other budget accommodation options

Very often, for older people, the pressing question is not where it is better to live in retirement, but with whom. It's no secret that surviving together is much easier than surviving alone. Consequently, many come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a profitable union on a semi-commercial basis. Men in old age often found soul mates and decide to live together. This allows you to combine pensions and receive income when renting out a vacant apartment.

Retiring in the city is difficult due to high food prices. It’s different in the countryside: in rural conditions you can buy food at a relatively low cost or grow vegetables and fruits yourself. Don't neglect the opportunity to go to live in the countryside for the summer. In retirement, you can pay more attention to your dacha garden and harvest in the fall.

Modest diet for a pensioner

Most old people see the only way out for themselves - saving on food. Russian pensioners are alien to waste. However, a limited diet is not only a way to save money, but also one of the secrets of taking care of your health in old age. When forming a daily grocery basket, it is important to take into account the needs of the body. It is advisable for pensioners not to overdo it with sweets, eating fatty, smoked foods, mayonnaise, etc. To live longer and get sick less, it is better to focus on natural, healthy and light foods.

Example menu

Understand how pensioners live on pensions and at the same time lead healthy image life, one of the daily menu options will help:

  • Breakfast. Rice or oatmeal porridge in water, seasoned with a spoon of butter. In the absence of the latter, plant-based is quite suitable. Black, green or herbal tea. Loose is cheaper, but before use it must always be doused with boiling water.
  • Lunch. You can eat a banana or drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is better to completely avoid flour products, but if you really want sweets, it is better to eat a piece of dark chocolate. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford good coffee, but there are good budget varieties of this drink.
  • Dinner. A simple and inexpensive soup made from chicken by-products (muscle stomachs, hearts, liver, necks). To create a rich broth, meat ingredients can be used separately or all together. First, the giblets are boiled, after which the water is drained and the broth is boiled again. Before adding potatoes, the offal must be thoroughly chopped or minced. Then cook the soup as usual, adding rice, cabbage, other vegetables, and dressing.
  • Dinner. Potatoes, beans or peas, lentils, rice or buckwheat porridge, durum wheat pasta are suitable as a side dish. Any vegetables, as well as baked or stewed meat and fish go well with the side dish. However, you should not combine legumes with meat dishes - an excess of proteins is not the best in the best possible way affects the health of older people.

How and where to buy food cheaply

Great way constantly save on food - periodically monitor prices, follow promotions held in supermarkets, which are accompanied by advantageous offers on certain categories of goods. By purchasing products during promotional periods, you can save up to 50% of your budget. Most chain stores constantly offer discounts. It is profitable to shop in large hypermarkets where “1+1” promotional programs operate: the buyer pays only for one product, and gets the second, identical product for free.

Many people appreciate the benefits of buying in bulk. Not everyone has the opportunity to immediately spend a significant amount on groceries. However, such purchases are more than worth it. IN big cities grocery stores and wholesale stores are within walking distance. If you purchase goods in such places, their cost is much cheaper.

For example, in a retail store a pack of tea will cost 50 rubles. The price is the same in wholesale, but if the buyer takes 3 packs at once, he will pay 120 rubles for them. Thus, one pack of tea at a wholesale price will no longer cost 50 rubles, but 10 rubles more. less. In addition, the quality of products at wholesale centers is in no way inferior to retail. Over time, people adapt to this type of shopping, choose the most suitable product items for themselves, and give preference to brands of individual manufacturers. The only drawback of purchasing in bulk in order to save money is that in a hypermarket it’s hard not to give in to temptation and buy too much.

Many pensioners advise shopping at the market. To ensure that every penny counts, you should record every expense you make. Even the purchase of cheap onions or beets must be recorded - this will allow you to track all the gaps in expenses. On the market you can find fairly affordable price tags, especially when it comes to spoiled fruits and vegetables. Thus, many sellers give away slightly frozen apples in winter almost for free, but they can make an excellent tea pie.

To live on a pension in Russia, you need to prepare for winter in advance. And again the market comes to the rescue: here older people often bring their own goods for sale at a low price. Experienced housewives know how to live on retirement. Women buy berries and vegetables at the market, freeze them, make jam, compotes, pickle them, and marinate them.

Is it possible to work in retirement?

Advantages go to those pensioners who, upon reaching the age of incapacity, still remain in service. If your health allows you to continue working in the same position, that’s great. The security of a pensioner’s job largely depends on the loyalty and understanding of the employer. Undoubtedly, the opportunity to continue working cannot be missed. But in no case should you work to the detriment of your health. In old age, stress on the body is much more dangerous than poverty.

How to live without a pension? This question does not concern a person who continues to work. But what should those who gave theirs do? best years and health, earning experience, and now forced to be content with an amount that hardly reaches the subsistence level? Even if you feel like you don’t have the strength to work anymore, don’t throw away the idea of ​​working at home.

Some people don’t even think about how to live without a pension. With proper activity, you can always find a way to improve your financial situation. In addition, these days there are many directions for self-realization, so you need not to give up and take on board the following tips.

Earning money from home

Is it possible to live on a pension without additional income? Today, old people have a lot of opportunities to get a good raise without even leaving their apartment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several options for part-time work and choose the one that suits your capabilities:

  • Earning money on the Internet. People who have minimal computer and typing skills can earn extra money by creating custom articles. To understand whether the work of a copywriter is suitable for you or not, it is enough to remember whether you encountered any difficulties when writing school essays. Today you can earn good money from this.
  • Call center operator, taxi dispatcher. These are in-demand jobs. The work is carried out remotely, that is, at home. The employee's job is to answer telephone calls.
  • Network marketing. Distributors are individuals who distribute the company's products and receive a percentage of sales. This type of work is suitable for people with experience in trading. It is important not to let your guard down, since in the field of network marketing it is easy to fall for the bait of scammers who profit from gullible pensioners.
  • Floriculture. Breeding indoor plants and growing seedlings during the planting season can provide a decent income. The goods can be given to flower shops and greenhouses for sale. This option for part-time work is suitable for retirees living in a private house.
  • Homemade baking. The products of good chefs are always in demand. Pies, all kinds of pretzels, buns, cheesecakes - every housewife can do this. Why not make money from this?
  • Minor clothing repairs at home (sew on a button, hem or shorten trousers, alter a dress, iron a shirt, etc.). The main thing is to do the work efficiently so that demand does not keep you waiting.


It is impossible to predict how much time each of us will have. But regardless of how long people live in retirement, everyone tries to spend their final stage of life in prosperity, doing what they love. It is not surprising that for some, the onset of disability marks the beginning of a new life - quiet, measured and calm. After retirement, many pensioners begin farming, raising ducks, chickens, pigs, cows and other livestock. Keeping livestock requires a lot of effort and time, but even the smallest farm will provide pensioners with year-round natural products: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, butter, meat, etc.

Household staff

A good option for older people is informal part-time work for hire. In the category " domestic staff» vacancies are always in demand. How do pensioners live on their pensions without having any additional income, it is not clear, but one thing is clear: by getting a job as a nanny, housekeeper, governess, watchman or gardener, a person loses nothing:

  • Firstly, such work differs little from running a regular household, and therefore no special skills are required for employment (with the exception of nanny work - employers give preference to applicants with a pedagogical education).
  • Secondly, employers often allow service personnel to live on the premises of their home and provide workers with food. Thus, the pensioner not only maintains his salary and pension, but also saves on paying for utilities, buying groceries, etc.

Internal migration

How to live on a pension, which is about 25 thousand rubles? One answer suggests itself: without any particular difficulties. This amount seems substantial, especially for residents of the European part of Russia. But in Siberia and the Far East it is absolutely impossible to live on this money. The thing is that prices for products in stores are extremely high due to the expensive transportation of goods - they are delivered only by plane. In addition, the majority of the land in these territories is unsuitable for subsidiary farming. Utility bills account for the majority of pension benefit. How to live on retirement with such prices? Therefore, northerners either continue to work after reaching the age limit, or leave for the regions of Central Russia. There you can live quite comfortably on their pension, without denying yourself almost anything.

Learning to plan expenses correctly

There really is no one-size-fits-all way to live on retirement. No matter what country a person lives in, no matter what his income, he will always have difficulties with income due to the inability to plan a budget.

It is advisable to detail upcoming expenses before each month. Set aside part for food, the other part for medicine, for rent, for clothes, for gifts for grandchildren, for a “rainy day”, etc. When making purchases in a supermarket, you must always recalculate the amount in advance - this rule will help protect against dishonesty of sellers.

Since older people often get sick, it is important to learn how to save on medications. And we are not talking about refusing treatment. Some pensioners have found a simple way not to overpay for foreign medications: they purchased a pharmaceutical reference book that lists analogues of modern medications. The same drug with the same active ingredient can cost several times less simply because it has a different name and is produced at a domestic pharmaceutical enterprise. Why overpay for advertising and branding?

It’s not easy to live on, but those who plan their expenses wisely manage to save and even make a profit by creating deposits in the bank. If you want, then even with minimum pension You can provide yourself with cultural leisure, periodically visit theaters, museums, philharmonic societies and lead a rich social life. Despite the high cost of tickets, some manage to purchase them at a low price with the help of friends, while others attend performances and exhibitions with free invitations and counterfeits.

A huge role in the well-being of pensioners is played by their own adult children, who either show active participation in the lives of their parents and help them financially, or, conversely, are indifferent and indifferent to the problems of their fathers and mothers. Don’t forget about your parents for a minute, take care of them while they are around...

The size of the pension in Russia is the eternal pain of those who receive this same pension. Alas, the picture is no better in other nearby countries. We talked to several pensioners we know and collected the best people's councils about how to live on retirement.

Optimize your nutrition


  • Avoid impulse purchases. Take what you need in this moment. Choose what suits you in terms of quality, and buy the cheapest of these things.
  • Buy clothes by size. If it is a little too small, it may wear out or tear along the seam; if it is too big, it will get caught on something else and tear.

  • Try to master buying clothes online. The most profitable option is Chinese stores like Aliexpress and If you definitely want to try it on, choose Russian stores, where you can order at a pick-up point with fitting, and then buy what suits you. The most famous of these are and
  • Buy clothes on sales. They occur after the New Year and from mid-summer. Each store has its own schedule. If suddenly your clothes or shoes fall apart at the beginning of the season, visit a stock or discount center. They sell collections from previous years at a discount.

Communal apartment

  • If you have a meter with several tariffs, use washing machine after 11 pm. The same applies to other devices with high energy consumption.
  • Find out if you are eligible for a subsidy. Each region has its own rules, but some pensioners manage to reimburse themselves for part of their housing and communal services costs.
  • Give up your home phone. Now it’s more profitable to use a cell phone, but you pay for a landline every month. If you still have a radio point, turn it off too.

Energy saving

  • Frequent cleaning of the vacuum cleaner. If the vacuum cleaner has not been cleaned for a long time and is clogged with debris, it will absorb more electricity. But, if you clean it more often, your vacuuming will end much faster and you will see the difference in savings from frequent cleaning.
  • Removing scale from a kettle. Don't let limescale build up in your kettle. The more it is, the longer the kettle heats up and naturally absorbs electricity. If you need to heat enough water for one mug, do not fill the kettle full. Pour as much as you need. The more water, the longer it will take to warm up.

  • Defrosting food on refrigerator shelves. The easiest way to defrost frozen foods is in the refrigerator. Then you will save on processor work, and it will save electricity.
  • Using a plastic bottle saves on draining the water in the tank. First, improve your barrel. you can buy new barrel with a button for separate drainage. But there is also a way out for old barrels. You will need to place it inside the tank plastic bottle with water. The mechanism will work the same, but drain less. The savings are significant.
  • Unplug all appliances from outlets. Many people have the habit of leaving a charger, washing machine, hair dryer, TV, or microwave oven in the outlet. Even in this state, they slowly but surely “devour” electricity.
  • Use of energy saving or LED lamps. Use energy-saving light bulbs and your significant costs will drop quite quickly. It is better to use class “A”; although it is more expensive, it will pay for itself very quickly, and you will notice clear savings in electricity and costs.
  • Many pharmacies and supermarkets offer discounts for pensioners. And some also have loyalty cards - they give a discount or save you points so that you can pay with them later. In general, apply for all free cards everywhere - be it a pharmacy, a store or another institution, a discount will not hurt.
  • More often give your family and friends something made with your own hands. Such a gift usually costs much less.
  • Under no circumstances take out credits, loans, or use installment plans. Living in debt with little income is a very big risk. What if you find yourself without money?
  • Set aside 10% of your pension for unexpected expenses if you have no savings. If you have savings, then perhaps you can spend all your income.

I have been a pensioner for 4 years now. My pension is not the minimum, but it’s simply unthinkable to live on it. About one third of it goes to communal services. Of course, you can live on the rest, but you will save on everything. A lot is spent on medicine and food. Buying clothes is simply not possible. That's why we have to work. After all, after you retire, you still have the need to dress, get treatment in a sanatorium, and give gifts to your children, grandchildren, and friends. And many other joys are left behind. Of course you can save money. For example, have a large freezer and freeze vegetables and fruits (more, of course, berries). Buy meat in bulk, make preparations such as frozen cutlets, stuffed peppers, dumplings, stews. Where to go? Natural farming helps a lot. Breeding cattle, chickens, rabbits. And of course, a vegetable garden is a good help. Our own potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers.

If you live in a private house, this will solve all your problems. After all, a garden can give you a lot. Plant a little bit of everything and you don’t have to buy vegetables and fruits at the market. And this is a huge saving of money. You can also have livestock in a private home. For example chickens. It will be both eggs and meat! Which is also very good. Considering that these products are now very expensive. If you live in an apartment, it’s more difficult. But on the balcony you can grow greens, for example, or the same tomatoes. A little bit at a time, but enough to eat for a change. You also need to prepare something of your own. That is, do not buy ready-made products, but cook yourself! This saves a lot of money. We bought a piece of meat. We made the broth and prepared the first course. And for the second we did something with meat. I've been eating for a few days now. Also make a list of products. Calculate what you need for the month and buy it at the store or supermarket. This way you can live peacefully all month and know that there is always food available. You can search Additional income. The same Internet. There is a lot of time, you can earn money on different forums. If you know how to knit, for example, you can do it to order. In general, there is always a way out, the main thing is to look around and a lot of opportunities will appear instantly!

As a rule, retirement age implies the presence of any deviations in a person’s health. And a lot of money is spent on medicines. Therefore, I would advise you to learn to do without a pharmacy and a hospital. This means that it’s time (if you haven’t already started) to lead a healthy lifestyle: walking fresh air, morning work-out, drinking regime(pure spring water up to 2 liters per day), healthy eating(no sugar and sweets, tea, coffee, fried, fatty, flour, sausage, smoked meats) plus a positive attitude, plus spiritual development, so as not to become attached to the material in this world. Believe me, a person needs very little to live. Talented is the one who knows how to get by with little. You also need to tune your mind to the fact that you live normally, and not have complexes, and not worry about a small pension. Thank God for everything you have, enjoy life not materially, but simply human communication, the beauty of nature, do some kind of creative activity. A person will never have enough if he focuses on money. Try to find additional income as a last resort. Don't turn on the TV (it consumes a lot of electricity) - better go for a walk or read.

Of course, it’s hard for a pensioner to live on one pension, so many, after retiring, also earn extra money. If you do not have the strength and health to do this, then you will have to save on clothes, shoes (you can buy this at second-hand stores), on medicines, buying cheaper analogues, and on food. If you have cereals, pasta, butter, replace it with margarine and vegetable oil, then food will be inexpensive. You can plant herbs and even tomatoes and cucumbers on the windowsill or balcony. Do not forget to salt white cabbage, it is not so expensive, and it contains a lot of vitamins. Buy carrots and beets. Beans will be used instead of meat.

I can answer the question using the example of my mother. She receives the most ordinary pension - 9000. Apart from this, there is no help. She lives on her own with this money and helps her youngest daughter, since her daughter works and her mother has to babysit her young children. When daughters are late in salary, the mother has to feed her grandchildren and pay for their school lunches using her pension. Of course, she doesn’t buy vegetables and fruits, because she grows them herself in the summer in the garden, and then cans them, salts them, and makes them fermented. cooks them for the winter. Clothes and shoes are only necessary and all other expenses are kept to a minimum. Mom just knows how to save money.

Well, now let's try to figure it out little by little.

Firstly, it all depends on where you live. As the author of the answer already said before me, you can, for example, try farming in a private house. Get chickens and ducks. They will give you meat, and chickens eggs, and consistently. You won't die of hunger anymore. But food for animals is like that. Let’s say you’ve removed corn from the field, go ahead and collect the remains if it’s really that tight. Chickens are just the most profitable animals. And the food will quickly pay for itself.
If you live in an apartment, then there is also an opportunity to save money. Try growing onions and other greens. Of course, in order to save money and eat only those greens, you need to grow greens in large quantities and scale. In my opinion, it’s not worth it, but for a pensioner... For example, my mother-in-law keeps chickens under a lamp...

I think that an ordinary pensioner will not be able to go wild in choosing clothes. But even this can save money. Try to limit yourself to buying cool things if you are prone to shopping.

Treatment: Can't argue with that. The author also wrote that exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help save on medications. But in part this is not true. This is already a pensioner, and even a healthy lifestyle will not return the lost health and strength, understand this...

Gifts: What are you, expensive gifts do you do it to your loved ones? For example, grandchildren? I don’t think it’s worth pampering them at all. Let them feel sorry for their grandparents, otherwise they will get used to it. Well, you shouldn’t forget about them.

Earnings: I think The best way making money for a pensioner is the Internet. A retired man can try to get a job as a watchman. There will be no income, believe me)

Number of people reaching retirement age in our country in 2018, exceeded 43 million people. The size of social security in Russia is such that the elderly have to use various tricks to survive. But with rational budget planning, you can live with dignity even on retirement.

The average pension in all of Russia is 8,500 rubles. It turns out that most older people live on such meager means. The amount of the accrued benefit depends on the following factors:

  • profession;
  • income level at last job;
  • length of work experience;
  • length of service;
  • location.

In addition, similar social payment is also provided for orphans left without a breadwinner, Chernobyl veterans, disabled people who have been assigned a pension due to schizophrenia or other diseases.

Of course, there are those who are luckier; for example, in Moscow the benefit reaches 14,500 rubles. This is due to the fact that in the capital the level of wages, and there is also a wide range of additional benefits that a retiree can receive. In other regions the situation is as follows:

Regardless of place of residence increased pension receive:

  • former public sector employees;
  • military personnel;
  • combat veterans;
  • citizens who worked in the Far North;
  • workers engaged in production with harmful and difficult working conditions.

Activities carried out by the state to support pensioners

Given the miserable existence Russian pensioners, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a law that, from January 1, 2016, provides for a reduction in utility costs for older people by exempting them from paying contributions for major repairs.

Also, after reaching retirement age, you can take advantage of the right to the following benefits, which are provided on the basis of current legislation:

  • exemption from property tax (house, apartment, dacha);
  • preferential transport taxation;
  • free gas connection at home without waiting in line;
  • compensation for costs of housing and communal services (if more than 22% of income is spent on their payment);
  • services in nursing homes for the elderly without charging a fee;
  • free treatment in boarding houses;
  • discounted travel on public transport.

At the regional level, their own methods of support are provided:

  • in the presence of special conditions Social protection authorities distribute the funds at their disposal for financial assistance to pensioners (those with the title “Veteran of Labor”; persons with the status “Children of War”);
  • free medical care out of turn;
  • preferential purchase medicines prescribed by prescription.

The recently discussed bill developed by the Government of the Russian Federation on raising the retirement age represents a new social experiment.

The law provides for an increase in the retirement age for women from 55 to 63 years, for men from 60 to 65. It turns out that if the bill is approved, they will have to work 8 and 5 years more, respectively. In conditions of constant reform pension system Russia practical advice people who have already retired will benefit future retirees.

Rethinking costs

Galina Semyonovna lives in the city of Kuznetsk. She retired in 2017. At first, the assigned old-age benefit of 8,000 rubles was enough, since there were still savings made during work. But after six months, the savings began to come to an end, the woman began to borrow money from friends and relatives. As a result, due to the constant lack of finances and reluctance to change familiar image life, a pensioner had to take out a bank loan in order to repay the borrowed funds.

By this time, Galina Semyonovna realized that she needed to rethink her monthly expenses and learn how to properly distribute her pension. The pensioner could no longer go to work again; her health was undermined by heavy physical labor. We also had to take into account acquired chronic diseases that affected overall well-being.

To create her new budget, the woman wrote down all her expenses:

Living in a private house helps Galina Semyonovna spend less on utility bills. Instead of chain stores, a woman purchases products at the market or wholesale stores. Having your own small farm also allows you to reduce food costs.

The list of products that Galina Semyonovna buys for the month:

Pensioners receive most of the necessary medications free of charge with a prescription. The woman saves the remaining thousand rubles for unexpected expenses.

  • Take advantage of the benefits provided by the state.
  • Optimize food costs.
  • Cut unnecessary costs.
  • Make preparations for winter period if you have a summer house, vegetable garden or garden.
  • Work if your health allows.