Stages of work on developing communicative competence of preschoolers. Formation of communicative competence of older preschoolers; methodological development on the topic. Comprehension of text at different levels

Comparative analysis of the formation of linguistic and communicative competence in preschoolers with speech disorders

The problem of personality formation has been and remains one of the most pressing in various fields of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. The objectively existing connection of a person with other people, the impossibility of him as a social being to develop outside of society, allows us to single out as an essential characteristic of the human psyche phenomenon of communication.

Communication – one of the most important spheres of a person’s life. In the process of interaction, people develop and form interpersonal relationships; thoughts, feelings, and experiences are exchanged. Communication is an organic need of a person - he can think only if he communicates with the outside world.

The problem of communication takes on particular significance in relation to children with disabilities, in particular those with speech disorders. Numerous studies in the field of speech therapy indicate difficulties typical for this category of children in establishing contacts with adults and peers; about the unformation of basic forms communications

Communication - an act of communication, a connection between two or more individuals, based on mutual understanding, the communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons.

Speech communication is of great importance on the development of the child’s personality as a whole. Through verbal communication, a child not only acquires certain knowledge and skills, but also undergoes a radical change in various mental processes.

IN modern school Training is conducted using intensive developmental programs and technologies, and therefore higher demands are placed on the personality of a preschool graduate. Thus, special requirements are placed on the speech development of children, the cultivation of a conscious attitude towards language as a national-cultural value, and the mastery of its literary norms. One of the main complaints made by the school about the quality of a child’s preparation in a preschool educational institution is the student’s inability to express his thoughts in words, his inability to convey existing knowledge verbally. A particular problem in mastering communicative activities is experienced by children with speech underdevelopment and linguistic means.

Currently, the number of children with speech disorders is increasing. Analysis of literary data (O. E. Gribova, I. S. Krivovyaz, L. G. Solovyova, O. N. Usanova) shows that such preschoolers, against the background of a mosaic picture of speech and non-speech defects, have difficulties in developing communication skills. Communicative difficulties do not ensure the communication process, and therefore hinder the development of verbal and cognitive cognitive activity and the acquisition of knowledge, which indicates the unpreparedness of future first-graders for educational communication. Hence,timely correction of speech disorders and development of communicative competence is a necessary condition for children’s readiness to master school knowledge.

According to A.V. Khutorskogo, concept competencies includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Today, one of the leading priorities in education is the communicative orientation of the educational process. This is significant, since the formation of a personality capable of organizing interpersonal interaction and solving communication problems ensures its successful adaptation in the modern sociocultural space.

In order to become educated, easily adaptable in society, and communicative, a preschooler needs to master communicative competence.

There are several formulations for defining communicative competencies. Communicative competence is a combination of linguistic, speech and sociocultural components (as defined by methodologist V.V. Safonova). According to another interpretation, communicative competencies are:

Mastery of all types of speech activity and speech culture;

The ability of students to solve certain communicative tasks using linguistic means different areas and communication situations;

A set of knowledge in the field of verbal and non-verbal means for adequate perception and reflection of reality in various communication situations.

Communicative competence is defined as a set of linguistic (linguistic), speech, discursive and sociocultural competences (B.V. Belyaev, N.D. Galskova, A.N. Shchukin). The terms “linguistic competence”, “speech competence” and “communicative competence” respectively correlate with the concepts of “language knowledge”, “speech skills”, “communication skills”. The identification of these components as part of communicative competence is very conditional and is necessary only in scientific and methodological purposes. “Speech” and “language” are complementary and mutually reinforcing concepts.Just as speech is impossible without a specific language, it is also impossible to talk about any language outside the speech process.The basis for the formation of communicative competence islanguage competence– possession of a system of information about the language being studied according to its levels: phonemic, morphemic, lexical, syntactic.

Concept language competence introduced into linguistics in the 60s. XX century American linguist and public figure N. Chomsky. In Russian linguistics, Yu.D. studied in detail the problems of linguistic competence. Apresyan, who highlighted the concept of “language proficiency” and the components of this concept:

  • ability to express a given meaning different ways(paraphrasing);
  • extract meaning from what is said, distinguish homonymy, master synonymy;
  • distinguish linguistically correct statements from incorrect ones;
  • choose from a variety of potential means of expressing thoughts those that are more consistent with the communication situation and the personal characteristics of the speakers.

Language competence- a complex psychological system that includes, in addition to information about language acquired during special training, speech experience accumulated in the everyday use of language and a sense of language formed on its basis - this definition of the composition of language competence was proposed by E.D. Bozovic.

Ontolinguistic research has convincingly proven that a child begins to master his native language literally from the first months of his life. Under the influence of adult speech, the child develops skills in using language for communicative purposes; The child also draws his first information about his native language exclusively from the speech material that adults provide him. Accumulation of knowledge about the language, its systematization, i.e. the formation of linguistic competence occurs in close connection with the development of the child’s ideas about the surrounding reality. Actively mastering the real world, the child constantly uses language in various areas and situations of communication (dating, learning, exchanging information, regulating the actions of other people, etc.). At the same time, language knowledge is replenished and speech skills are improved, i.e. speech competence is formed.

Speech communication (speech activity) from the point of view of the competence approach, we consider it as an integrated process of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical and diamonological) and communicative competencies. Competence- the most important comprehensive characteristic of a person, which includes a number of aspects: intellectual, linguistic, social, etc., which reflect the achievements of the child’s personal development. Communicative linguistic competence presupposes the development of the ability to build relationships with peers and adults, and mastery of basic language norms.

An analysis of the theoretical and practical capabilities of modern speech therapy in the formation of speech communication in preschool children with speech disorders shows that the situation is most favorable with language competence. F. A. Sokhin, E. I. Tikheeva, O. S. Ushakova, G. A. Fomicheva and others have been successfully developing diagnostic and correctional methods aimed at developing linguistic means for a long time. methodological recommendations These authors are the fundamental principles of Russian psychology, developed by L. A. Wenger, L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina and others. Fundamentals special education and speech development of children with speech disorders are quite widely represented in the works of L. S. Volkova, N. S. Zhukova, R. E. Levina, T. B. Filicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, G. V. Chirkina and other representatives speech therapy.

In respect of language development Methodological developments by T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina are effective for preschoolers with speech disorders. The main directions of this work are presented by the authors in the program “Preparation for school of children with general speech underdevelopment in a special kindergarten.”

  • mastering the phonetic system of the native language;
  • development of the melodic-intonation side of speech;
  • development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;
  • formation of coherent speech.

The formation of coherent speech in children with speech disorders acquires paramount importance in the overall complex of correctional measures. Organizing the education of children with speech underdevelopment involves the formation of planning their own statements, independently navigating the conditions of a speech situation, and independently determining the content of their statements.

The situation is somewhat different with methods for developing communicative competencies: in our opinion, there are not enough of them in the scientific literature. Currently, O. E. Gribova, N. Yu. Kuzmenkova, N. G. Pakhomova, L. G. Solovyova, L. B. Khalilova and others are studying the communication of children with speech disorders. The authors identify different numbers of components included in composition of communicative competence.

Overall, analyzing modern works Regarding the problem of verbal communication, we can identify the following speech skills that are part of communicative competencies:

  • the ability to communicate using non-verbal means (facial expressions, pantomimes, gestures) and understand the interlocutor by the gestures and facial expressions used;
  • the ability to establish contact using verbal and non-verbal means (calling by name, eye contact, compliment);
  • the ability to use speech variable formulas (greetings, farewells, thanks);
  • the ability to understand and express one’s mood using words; the ability to behave in communication in accordance with the norms of etiquette (friendly tone, restraint of gestures, positioning of partners facing each other);
  • the ability to clearly, clearly, expressively express one’s communicative intention in speech;
  • the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor;
  • the ability to understand the emotional state of another (empathize);
  • ability to behave in a conflict situation.

An original method of teaching and developing communication skills in children preschool age presented in the program “The ABC of Communication” by L. M. Shipitsina, O. V. Zashchirinskaya, A. P. Voronova, T. A. Nilova. Of particular value is a detailed lesson plan, provided with texts and comments on games, conversations, exercises, themed walks, as well as a set of methods for assessing the effectiveness of a teacher’s work in developing communication in children.

The objectives of these guidelines are as follows. The knowledge children gain in the classroom will give them an idea of ​​the art of human relationships. Thanks to specially designed games and exercises, children will develop emotional and motivational attitudes towards themselves, others, peers and adults. They will acquire the skills, abilities and experience necessary for adequate communication and behavior in society, contributing to the best development of the child’s personality and preparing him for life. Despite the fact that this technique is for children with normally developed speech, it can be used in conjunction with the program of T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina.

The timely formation of verbal communication is hampered by an insufficient level of development of speech and linguistic means, which contributes to the emergence of emotional, personal and behavioral difficulties. Having studied and analyzed the literature on this topic, we found methods that are of interest to specialists in the field of speech therapy and preschool pedagogy, but among them there is no synthesized method that solves the issues of developing both linguistic and communicative competence at the same time. This indicates the need to develop methodological recommendations for the formation of speech communication for preschoolers with speech disorders, aimed at developing speech, expanding their communicative and social experience, moral categories and arbitrariness of behavior, which will ensure the prevention and correction of many socially determined deviations in the behavior of children and increase efficiency their school and social adaptation.

Guseva Natalya Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU d/s No. 1 “Smile”, Stavropol
Locality: Stavropol, Stavropol Territory
Name of material: article
Subject:"Communicative competence as an indicator speech development preschool children"
Publication date: 13.08.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Communicative competence as an indicator

speech development of preschool children

Modern system preschool education focused on




in need of understanding and respect for her interests and rights. To the fore






preschool period of childhood, when he feels not just looked after,













is sent



the possibility of independent actions to master the surrounding world.




interactions of preschoolers with peers. Lately, more and more often

speaks out




For developmental programs, it is not enough for children to communicate only with adults.









presents a range of research areas on the problem of interaction

is being considered







is expressed








throughout preschool age, the need for communication with peers

increases, by older preschool age, the peer becomes more

preferred partner than an adult.

Communicative competence is considered as an orientation towards

object of communication, as situational adaptability, as language proficiency, etc.

Despite the different interpretations of this concept, they are united by the fact that

they all point to the components necessary for communication: possession

means of communication (speech, facial expressions, pantomime); skill using










the ability to hear, listen and speak (in the process of communication to express one’s

feelings, emotions, desires, ask questions and argue your point

At the same time, practice shows: purposeful formation

communicative competencies in preschoolers often remain beyond





they conflict, do not try to hear each other, and are aggressive. Emerging





children, but also interfere with the educational process as a whole.

Communicative competence is considered as basic




most important










design, children's artistic creativity And so on.

Communicative competence is a complex education that






interconnected. Traditionally in the structure of communicative

Competence has three components:

Motivational and personal (the child’s need for communication);

Cognitive (knowledge from the field of human relationships);

Behavioral (way of responding to a specific

situation, the choice of certain norms and rules in the process of communication and for


In structure communicative competence three are often distinguished

other components:

Communicative knowledge (knowledge about ways and means of interaction with

surrounding people);

Communication skills (the ability to understand the speech of others and

make your speech understandable to them);

Communication skills (the child’s ability to understand conditions and

statements of another person and the ability to express one’s attitude towards

occurring in verbal and non-verbal forms of communication).

Imperfect communication skills hinder the process

free communication (free communication, negatively affects

personal development and behavior of the child does not contribute to his development

speech-thinking and cognitive activity.




unregulated communication, which most often occurs in the process

conversation, exchange of information. To such communication in preschool age in










subject position in the process of free communication contributes to the development

his communicative activity and communicative competence.

For effective development of communicative competence

A preschooler must comply with the following conditions:

create situations of communicative success;




I use

problematic situations;

eliminate communication difficulties;

focus on the “zone of proximal development” and increasing the level of

communicative success;








characteristics of children, involving in this work a teacher-psychologist and

motivate the child to express his thoughts, feelings, emotions,

characteristic features of characters using words and facial expressions;




activities and independent activities of children;





preschoolers to communicate with adults and peers;






support and facilitation of interactions between teachers and children, children with






daily life of the child, factors having equal influence





It is important to note that the development of communicative competence

must be considered simultaneously with the process of development in the child

different types of children's activities (play, communication, labor,

educational and research






activity interaction of preschool children acquires

play activity.

The game as a communicative situation encourages children to enter into





Children's speech development takes place and communication norms are learned.

Communication in the game: in a creative role-playing game, dialogic and

monologue speech. Role-playing game contributes to the formation and development

regulated and planned functions of speech. Positively affects speech

children, the teacher’s participation in children’s games and discussion of the progress of the game, putting forward

first plan methodological conclusion: children's speech improves only under

influence of an adult.

Outdoor games have an impact on enriching vocabulary and education



Dramatization Games



activity, taste and interest in artistic expression, expressiveness

speech, artistic and speech activity. Ball games like

“Edible is not edible.” Children improvise, naming words from different

thematic groups (vegetables, fruits, transport, clothing, fish, snakes, etc.). IN

Several players can participate in the game at the same time, throwing each other

a few balls. Game actions are accompanied by laughter, joyful

vocalizations, speech utterances.



fine art


are located

Natalia Mikhailova
Formation of communicative speech competence older preschoolers

« Formation of communicative and speech competence of older preschoolers using gaming technologies"

"The primary function of speech is communicative. Speech is, first of all, a means of social communication, a means of expression and understanding.” L. S. Vygotsky (Soviet psychologist)

Ready to be effective communicative human interaction with people is currently a necessary condition for the development of personality already in the period preschool childhood . The ability to come into contact with other people, establish relationships with them, and regulate one’s behavior largely determines the future in modern society. social status child.

Yes, under communicative competence a number of researchers

(N. A. Vinogradova, N. V. Miklyaeva) understand a certain level of development of skills to communicate and establish contacts with peers and adults.

Development Goal communicative skills is development communicative competence, peer orientation, expansion and enrichment of experience joint activities And forms communication with peers.

From here we set tasks:

Develop children's vocabulary by introducing children to the properties and qualities of objects, items and materials and performing research activities;

Develop the ability to express an emotionally positive attitude towards an interlocutor using speech etiquette.

Develop situational business communication skills;

Develop coherent dialogic and monologue speech.

The game, as is known, is the leading activity preschooler, so why not use this circumstance to, through unobtrusive play, instill in the child all the knowledge, skills, and abilities he needs, including communication skills, the ability to correctly express your thoughts, feelings, etc.

1. The basis of speech development is the presence of gaming and didactic material aimed at development: 1. articulation gymnastics

Subject pictures-supports;

Schemes of articulation exercises;

Articulation gymnastics in albums;

Articulation gymnastics in poems and pictures

2. strengthening speech breathing and proper air flow

Multi-colored balls;


Paper snowflakes, leaves;


Various turntables;


Balloons for inflation;

Ready-made manuals

Breathing exercises in verses and pictures

games: "Storm in a Teacup"; “Whose boat will get there faster?”; "Put the ball into the goal", "Focus", "Palm Focus", "Sailboat"

3. development fine motor skills fingers

Dry pool;


Mosaic, puzzles

Massage rollers, balls, clothespins

Su-jock balls

Stencils for shading, internal and external strokes

Counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks

Finger games (schemes-memos on lexical topics);

Hatching games

Various materials to compose letters: peas, threads of different colors, plasticine, multi-colored pebbles, buttons, etc.

4. formation phonemic awareness and hearing

Noise instruments;

Sound boxes;

Children's musical tools: piano, harmonica, drums, pipe, tambourine, rattle, bells, rattles, etc.

Subject, plot pictures for expressing sounds and their automation;

Sounds of vowels and consonants (houses for hard and soft sounds);

Individual aids for sound-letter analysis;

Word schemes;

Sound tracks, sound ladder;

Albums based on the syllabic structure of words;

Games and tutorials for automating sounds

Small toys;

Subject pictures;

Scene pictures;

Various types of theaters;

Albums for every sound;

Speech therapy albums for automating various sounds;

Pure twisters, poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters;

Sound characteristics diagram;

Word scheme

Material for activating vocabulary, general concepts and lexical and grammatical categories

Pictures reflecting what is being studied lexical topic (plot and subject);

Pictures depicting animals and their young;

Pictures for choosing antonyms;

Pictures for exercises on selecting related words;

Pictures for the game "The Fourth Wheel";

Illustrations on mastering the semantic side of polysemantic words;

Pictures that depict objects, people, animals in motion;

Educational puzzles, lotto;

games: "Pick a Pair", "Who can name more", "Part and Whole", "Big and Small",“Whose tail?”, "One is many", "Call me kindly", “What’s missing?”, "What is made of what"; "Weather forecast"; "Dress the doll"; "In the animal world"; "Children's computer» , "Multi-colored chest", « Wonderful pouch» and etc.


Children's Book Library

Material for the development of communication speeches:

Sets of plot pictures for composing stories;

A series of narrative pictures on various topics;

Expressive, bright, imaginative toys for children's learning

writing descriptive stories.

Schemes are supports for composing descriptive stories about objects, animals, birds.

Masks, costume elements, figures from the plane theater, dolls - toys from Kinder - surprises, dolls for dramatizing excerpts from fairy tales and works of art.

Children's Book Library

Publications on the topic:

“Organization of work on the development of communicative and speech activity of preschool children.” Organization of work on development of communicative - speech act The activity of children is carried out in preschool educational institutions in all regime moments, in a joint environment.

Formation of language competence of future medical workers One of the important components of any professional activity is linguistic and communicative competence. Modern Russian.

Formation of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers Consultation for parents Formation of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers Mathematical development preschool children.

Game didactics “Various development of the child in communicative and speech activity” A person must be strong, healthy and beautiful. It is no secret that the most correct and shortest path to this ideal is to play sports from an early age.

Consultation for parents “Formation and development of cognitive and communicative competence of preschool children” Modern families are small, children most of the time are in children's groups of the same age. Being predominantly among.

Work experience “Formation of speech culture in younger preschool children” Over the course of several years pedagogical activity I worked as a speech therapist in a kindergarten. Currently a teacher. Having started.

Organization of work on the development of communicative and speech activity of younger preschoolers Early age - important stage in child development. At this time, an important place is occupied by emotional communication between the baby and the adult, which...

The development of communicative and linguistic competence is an important task preschool education. What does it mean to develop a child’s communicative and linguistic competence? The answer to this question is both extremely simple and at the same time extremely complex. This means raising a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality of a preschooler. A child who knows the basic values ​​of his native language, is ready for sociocultural interaction in the state and other languages, and is able to communicate with the outside world in verbal and non-verbal ways.

To be proficient in speech means to reflect in it the logic of judgment, the richness of ideas, the thoroughness of character, initiative, creative aspiration and other personality qualities. Speech as such does not develop at all, regardless of the role it plays in the child’s life. In itself, “speech acquisition” is not an independent task of education. And at the same time, without mastering speech and without special work aimed at its development, there cannot be a full-fledged mental and personal development of the child. Mastering speech rebuilds the entire mental life of a preschooler and makes many possible human forms behavior. After all, speech is a unique, universal and irreplaceable means; it develops as a means of many types of human activity. The task of the educator in the development of communicative and linguistic competence is to use speech as a necessary and irreplaceable means of one or another activity of play, construction, solving practical problems, and perceiving works of art. The development of these forms of children's activity leads to the development of their main means - speech. communicative language preschooler teacher speech

The most important function of speech in preschool childhood is communication with the outside world in verbal and nonverbal ways. Therefore, children’s speech is inextricably linked with action and inseparable from it. Children cannot talk to a person without seeing him; they definitely need to show something, move, act. They are not able to listen for a long time, much less speak. In order to help a child develop communication, an advanced initiative from an adult is necessary. That is, the teacher gives the child examples of communication that the child does not yet master, not only demonstrates more advanced forms of communication that are still inaccessible to him, but leads him along, includes him in this communication, makes it attractive and necessary for the child himself.

A necessary condition for the formation of more complex types of verbal communication is the creation of a free, actively positive attitude towards the teacher, the removal of barriers, changing the structure and methodology of types of organized educational activities. We have revised the methodology for conducting organized educational activities, including a number of special tasks of a creative nature - musical, speech, theater, and practical modeling.

The basis of all speech activities was the game plot. Activities using creative, playful tasks and practical simulations are effective means education and training. In the game, children find themselves in a situation that allows them to critically evaluate their knowledge and actions.

The children are interested, the work goes quickly and efficiently. And another important aspect of such activity is harmonious, comprehensive, maximally effective intellectual and creative development. In the process of speech activities, children hear music, express themselves in drawings, act with algorithms and modules, and read poetry. Only when a child is interested in an activity does he develop strong knowledge, skills, and abilities. In such active activities, every child manages to feel smart, resourceful, and quick-witted.

Children look forward to classes with pleasure; each lesson has become a holiday for them, in which they are the main participants. Naturally, a huge amount of preparation is required from the teacher - selection of recordings of musical works, literary material, production of diagrams, algorithms, modules, clear thinking through all methodological techniques, to the joy and interest of the children, their openness and intellectual growth are the reward for this. We organize storytelling training in ten blocks:

  • 1. Compiling stories based on observed actions.
  • 2. Compilation of stories based on several plot pictures.
  • 3. Compiling stories based on the text you have heard.
  • 4. Compiling stories based on one plot picture.
  • 5. Compiling stories from memory.
  • 6. Compiling stories using symbols.
  • 7. Compiling stories using diagrams.
  • 8. Compilation of stories on natural subjects.
  • 9. Compiling stories based on subject pictures.
  • 10. Compiling stories using given words.

We use those exercises that arouse the child’s interest, require considerable mental effort, are multifaceted, and provide the greatest developmental effect. In addition to speech activity, they allow you to improve logical thinking, imagination, memory, attention, cognitive activity and Creative skills child.

Our group is distinguished by its special linguistic portrait. Many children have high level speech development. Most children have correct, distinct pronunciation of all sounds, they know how to differentiate them and regulate the rate of speech speech breathing, accurately and quickly find a word, use generalizations. Our students are proficient in grammatical structures, can independently form words, compose a story without leading questions, construct it consistently, and maintain composition. We develop these skills in the process of creative tasks using practical modeling.

Much attention is paid to enriching the vocabulary. Work on the dictionary is closely related to cognitive development children. For this purpose, we conduct various observations, excursions, walks, conversations, and classes. The family provides invaluable assistance in this.

The most effective work is to enrich the vocabulary while introducing children to fiction, when we pay attention to the beauty, brightness, accuracy, imagery, accuracy of words and speech patterns, teach them to pay attention to language, feel and be aware of some properties of speech expressiveness. We often associate familiarization with a work of art with productive creative activity, we combine reading and listening to a piece of music, or children independently create an algorithm for the work they are studying.

We are working on developing a grammatically correct structure of speech, mastering morphology, word formation, and syntax. We have seen through practice that in order for children to learn to speak correctly, repeated exercises are necessary from time to time. Children notice mistakes in their own and others’ speech, correct them independently using different types of sentences, and are able to construct words and sentences at the request of an adult.

We develop in children the skills of composing a complex sentence without compromising the logical meaning, so that speech does not lose its individual coloring, all its vibrant shades, and does not lose its immediate emotionality. In a conversation, the main form of verbal communication is dialogue - questions and answers. Brief answers and so-called incomplete sentences also fully correspond to the spirit of live oral speech.

We use games and word formation exercises as much as possible. Games, play exercises are unique means language knowledge. The results of children's word creation, invented riddles, fairy tales with environmental, everyday and natural history content are carefully stored and used by us in further work. Our goal is to ensure that the child can use the acquired skills in everyday communication. Coherent speech - dialogical, first of all - develops in children in communication with peers. And adults.

The methods we use in our work are: conversation in Everyday life, creation of special situations, microgroup communication, so-called developmental dialogues, didactic games using practical simulation. In these types of activities, etiquette skills are formed, the ability to argue one’s point of view, and ask a question.

Children can talk about an event without disturbing the sequence of actions, without deviating from the topic, find a deliberate mistake, construct a question correctly, and not miss important semantic points when retelling the text. They know how to write descriptive stories based on an algorithm. Most children answer questions to the point, in a detailed and concise form, show cognitive activity, ask a lot of questions, and formulate them correctly. When composing stories, they show independence, purposefulness, maintaining compositional integrity, expressiveness, and creativity.

It is valuable that we pay attention to the development of communicative and linguistic competence outside of class. We engage in children’s conversations, show interest, and guide their activities. Free communication is meaningful, pedagogical in orientation, without dry moralizing. WITH special attention We treat shy children, in a variety of ways we try to penetrate the soul of the child, understand his experiences, behavior and find the key to solving the problem - to earn the child’s trust and make him an active participant in games and conversations.

Deeply aware of the inextricable connection between the level of speech development and the degree of mental development of the child, his mental qualities, we consider this issue within the framework of ensuring general and psychological readiness for school, cognitive, creative and intellectual development child. Our work on the development of communicative and linguistic competence is aimed at finding the optimal combination of individual, group and frontal forms of training, at developing such forms and methods of organizing training in which the child can develop to the maximum as a comprehensive, harmonious personality.


  • 1. Tkachenko T.A. “A big book of tasks and exercises for the development of a child’s coherent speech”; Moscow 2005;
  • 2. Benesh N.I., Miller L.I. “Fiction”: Mektep, 2003;
  • 3. Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A., “Scenarios for classes on the integrated development of preschool children”;
  • 4. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova L.M., “Kind Child”; Altey and K, 2007.

In various literary sources there is a broad interpretation of the concept of “competence”. In “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language,” ed. S.I. Ozhegova considers the concept of “competent” as follows: 1) knowledgeable, knowledgeable, authoritative in some area; 2) having competence. And the very concept of “competence”: 1) a range of issues in which someone is knowledgeable; 2) the circle of someone’s powers, rights.

In “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language,” ed. D.N.Ushakova we find a similar definition of competence, as well as the formulation of the derivative adjective "competent", i.e. “informed, being a recognized expert in some matter.”
The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of the concept "competence"-- (from Lat. competo - I seek; I comply, I approach): 1) the range of powers granted by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official; 2) knowledge and experience in a particular area.

If we take as a basis the shortest definition of competence by I.A. Zimnya: “ competence-- successful action in a specific situation”, then the manifestation of competence consists in achieving a positive result in any activity.

According to A.V. Khutorsky, the concept of competence includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

We often hear arguments that competencies are the same knowledge, abilities, and skills (KUN). In fact, this assumption is not far from the truth, but still not accurate. Let's go back to the roots. Richard Boyatzis, one of the founders of the competency concept, wrote that competency is “the fundamental personality characteristic that underlies effective or superior performance at work.” This may be a motive, a trait, a skill, an aspect of a person's self-image or social role, or the knowledge that he uses. Further, referring all these concepts to the area of ​​competence, Boyatzis argues that they form a kind of hierarchy in the personality structure, and each competence can exist at different levels: motives and traits - on the unconscious, the image of the “I” and social role - on the conscious, and skills - at the behavioral level.

Let us draw attention to the fact that the content of the concept of competencies is still broader than the knowledge of knowledge, and is not limited to them only. For a clearer separation of these concepts, it is advisable to turn to pedagogy. It is noteworthy that a new concept of education is currently being formed in domestic pedagogy - competence-based education. Its goal is to bridge the gap between learning outcomes and modern practice requirements. In pedagogy, “competence” is understood as the general ability and readiness of an individual for activity, based on knowledge and experience acquired through training, focused on the individual’s independent participation in the educational and cognitive process, and also aimed at its successful inclusion in labor activity. Abroad, this approach to the educational process has long become the norm. So, competencies are related to a person’s ability to effectively put into practice the knowledge, skills, etc. acquired during the period of training and professional development.

As can be seen from the definitions of different types of competencies, the following structures are distinguished in each of them:

  • · knowledge (having a certain amount of information),
  • · attitude towards this knowledge (acceptance, non-acceptance, ignoring, transformation, etc.),
  • · execution (implementation of knowledge in practice).

Here the question involuntarily arises: can only knowledge and attitude towards this knowledge without its direct application be called competence? - Although at first glance it seems possible to answer positively to this question, based on the interpretation of the word competence as awareness. Yet, when it comes to social knowledge, the absence of such a structure as practical use makes this knowledge a dead weight, on the one hand, and on the other, a person has difficulties with functioning and self-realization in society.

The basic unit of communication is the speech act. In order to understand the nature of communication, it is necessary to consider the nature of speech. This problem was developed in the research of domestic teachers and psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, L.R. Luria, A.A. Montyev, L.A. Chistovich and others. The most active work in the field of speech activity is given by A.A. Leontiev. It distinguishes internal and external speech and determines the difference between the structures of external and internal speech. The structure of internal speech is characterized by ellipticity, predicativeness, speech technique is characterized by convolution, and can be emotionally rich. The main signs of external speech, which manifests itself during speaking, are its vocalization, adequacy of the communication situation, and emotional coloring. It is especially important to emphasize the fact that any communicative action has as its starting point an internal intention or an external motivation. According to A.A. Leontyev, when communicating, a student should speak not for the sake of speech itself, but so that it has the desired impact (8, 17).

A person’s ability to communicate is defined in psychological and pedagogical research in general as communicativeness (G.M. Andreeva, A.B. Dobrovich, N.V. Kuzmina, A. Jacob). In order to be communicative, a person must master certain communication skills.

Based on the concept of communication built by G.M. Andreeva, we highlight a set of communication skills, the mastery of which contributes to the development and formation of a personality capable of productive communication.

It is the senior preschool age that is extremely favorable for mastering communication skills due to special sensitivity to linguistic phenomena, interest in understanding speech experience, and communication.

Among the main activities of teachers preschool institutions One of the central places is occupied by work on the speech development of children, this is explained by the importance of the period of preschool childhood in the speech development of a child. Preschool age is the most favorable period for the development of children’s verbal communication skills, speech development in close connection with the development of the child’s thinking, awareness of himself and the world around him.

Speech- the greatest wealth, given to a person, and it (speech), like any wealth, can either be increased or lost imperceptibly.

The wonderful gift of nature - speech - is not given to a person from birth. It will take time for the baby to start talking. And adults, and first of all parents, must make a lot of efforts to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. Mother, father and other family members are the baby’s first interlocutors and teachers on the path of his speech development. In early childhood, the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain basically ends; the baby masters the basic grammatical forms of his native language and accumulates a significant vocabulary. Parents and teachers should be sensitive to the child, communicate a lot with him, listen carefully to him, providing sufficient motor freedom. In this case, the child will safely go through all stages of speech development and accumulate sufficient baggage.

Speech develops and manifests itself in human communication. The interests of the child’s language development require its gradual expansion. social connections. They influence both the content and structure of speech. In his social development the child, starting from the primary social unit (mother and child), of which he becomes a member at the moment of birth, constantly communicates with people, and this, of course, affects the growth and manifestation of his speech. We must organize his communication, both with children and with adults, primarily in the interests of his language.

Language- this is the most important factor in the social communication of people, it is the cement that glues all manifestations of human life into one whole.

From early childhood, human life is connected with language.

The child cannot yet distinguish a word from a thing; the word coincides for him with the object he denotes. Language develops in a visual, effective way. To give names, all objects with which these names should be associated must be visible. The word and the thing must be offered to the human mind at the same time, but in the first place is the thing as an object of knowledge and speech.

The child is not yet a year old, but he listens to the sounds of speech, a lullaby and begins to understand and master his native language.

Parents carefully monitor the development of their child’s speech. By one year, the first words, by two - phrases, and by three years the baby uses about 1000 words, speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication.

Speech develops through the process of imitation.

According to physiologists, imitation in humans is an unconditioned reflex, an instinct, that is, an innate skill that is not learned, but with which one is already born, the same as the ability to breathe, swallow, etc. A child first imitates articulations, speech movements, which he sees on the face of the person talking to him (mother, teacher). Communication of a child in early childhood with his mother and loved ones - necessary condition for healthy mental development. With time special meaning The child gains communication with peers. A child’s place in the society of his peers is largely determined by his ability to conduct dialogue.

Mastering speech- it is complex, multifaceted mental process: its appearance and further development depends on many factors.

Speech begins to form when the child’s brain, hearing, and articulatory apparatus reach a certain level of development. But, even having a fairly developed speech apparatus, formed brain, good physical hearing, a child without a speech environment will never speak.

Well-known psychologists believe that the social environment is the source of a child’s mental development, and all higher mental functions(and therefore voluntary, conscious) first arise in the form of collective relationships between the child and other people, and then become individual functions of the child himself.

This is how speech appears random memory, attention, logical thinking, self-esteem. Only through another person, together with him, can a child grow into culture and know himself.

The family is the first social community that lays the foundations personal qualities child. In the family he acquires initial communication experience. Here he develops a feeling of trust in the world around him, in close people, and already on this basis curiosity, inquisitiveness, cognitive activity and many other personal qualities.

With admission to kindergarten sphere social life the child expands. It includes new people, adults and children whom he did not know before and who form a community other than the family.

Thus, when a child enters kindergarten, his communication becomes more complicated, becomes varied, and requires taking into account the partner’s point of view. And this in turn means a new higher level of social development.

At preschool age, the child’s world, as a rule, is no longer limited to the family. His environment is not only his mother, father and grandmother, but also his peers. The older a child gets, the more important it is for him to have contact with other children. Questions, answers, messages, objections, disputes, demands, instructions - all this different types speech communication.

It is obvious that a child’s contacts with peers are a special area of ​​a child’s life, which differs significantly from his communication with adults. Close adults are usually attentive and friendly to the child, surround him with warmth and care, and teach him certain skills and abilities. With peers, everything happens differently. Children are less attentive and friendly to each other. They are usually not too eager to help the child, support and understand him. They can take away a toy, offend you without even noticing your tears, or hit you. And yet, communicating with children brings incomparable pleasure to a preschooler. Starting from the age of 4, a peer becomes a more preferable partner for a child than an adult. The first distinctive feature of verbal contacts with peers is their particularly vivid emotional intensity. Increased expressiveness, expressiveness and relaxedness greatly distinguish them from verbal contacts with adults.

In the speech communication of preschoolers, there are almost 10 times more expressive facial expressions and emphatically bright expressive intonations than in communication with adults. Moreover, these expressions express a variety of states - from indignation to “What are you taking?” to the point of sick joy “Look what happened! Let's jump some more!"

This increased emotionality reflects the special freedom and relaxedness that is so characteristic of children’s communication with each other.

In communicating with peers, the child learns to express himself, his desires, moods, control others, and enter into various relationships. It is obvious that for normal speech development, a child needs not only an adult, but also other children.

IN modern research The importance of creating a speech environment is noted as one of the components of the developmental environment, which makes it possible for effective educational influence aimed at forming an active cognitive attitude not only to the surrounding world, but also to the native language system.

Concept language competence introduced into linguistics in the 60s. XX century American linguist and public figure N. Chomsky. In domestic linguistics, Yu.D. Apresyan studied in detail the problems of linguistic competence, highlighting the concept of “language proficiency” and the components of this concept: the ability to express a given meaning in different ways (paraphrasing); extract meaning from what is said, distinguish homonymy, master synonymy; distinguish linguistically correct statements from incorrect ones; choose from a variety of potential means of expressing thoughts those that are more consistent with the communication situation and the personal characteristics of the speakers.

"Language Competence-- a complex psychological system that includes, in addition to information about language acquired during special training, speech experience accumulated in the everyday use of language and a sense of language formed on its basis,” such a definition of the composition of language competence was proposed by E.D. Bozhovich .

Modern linguistics and pedagogy operate with various concepts: “speech competence”, “communicative-speech competence”, “speech culture”, “linguistic abilities”, etc.

The concept itself speech competence It became known in science not so long ago, and there are differences in its definition, but it is obvious to specialists that its basic components will be the following:

  • · actual speech skills: ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely; ability to persuade; ability to argue; ability to make judgments; ability to analyze a statement;
  • · perception skills: the ability to listen and hear (correctly interpret information, including non-verbal information - facial expressions, postures and gestures, etc.), the ability to understand the feelings and mood of another person (the ability to empathize, maintain tact);
  • · interaction skills in the process of communication: the ability to conduct a conversation, discussion, the ability to ask questions, the ability to formulate demands, the ability to communicate in conflict situations, the ability to manage one’s behavior in communication.

Speech competence belongs to the group of key tasks, that is, having special significance in a person’s life, so close attention should be paid to its formation.

Under speech competence refers to “the child’s desire to make his speech understandable to others and his readiness to understand the speech of others.”

According to G.K.Selevko’s definition, speech competence is “a child’s ability to practically use his native language in specific communication situations, using speech, non-speech (facial expressions, gestures, movement) and intonational means of expressive speech in their totality.”

The child’s speech competence requires lexical, grammatical, phonetic, dialogical, monological components.

Lexical - presupposes the presence of a certain vocabulary within the age period, the ability to adequately use lexemes, appropriately use figurative expressions, proverbs, sayings, and phraseological phrases. Its content line consists of a passive vocabulary within the age range (synonyms, homonyms, related and polysemantic words, basic and figurative meaning of words, cognate words, figurative expressions, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units). According to the qualitative characteristics, the child’s vocabulary is such that it allows him to easily and naturally communicate with adults and peers, to maintain a conversation on any topic within the limits of his understanding.

Grammar - involves acquiring skills in education and correct use of various grammatical forms. Its content line is the morphological structure of speech, which includes almost all grammatical forms, syntax and word formation. When forming the grammatical structure of speech, children develop the ability to operate with syntactic units and make a conscious choice of linguistic means in specific communication conditions.

Phonetic component involves the development of speech hearing, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of language occurs; education of phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tempo, timbre, voice strength, stress).

Dialogue component provides for the development of dialogical skills that ensure constructive communication with other people. Its content side is a dialogue between two children, colloquial speech. Understanding a coherent text, the ability to answer questions, maintain and initiate a conversation, and conduct a dialogue.

Monologue assumes the formation of the ability to listen and understand tests, retell, construct independent coherent statements different types. The ability to speak out in detail, talk about events from personal experience, according to the content of the plot paintings, a proposed topic and one chosen independently (creative storytelling).

Thus, to summarize all of the above, we can say that speech competence is knowledge of the basic laws of the functioning of language and speech and the ability to use them. Having examined the concept of speech competence, we can move on to the problem of developing speech competence in older preschoolers in psychological and pedagogical research.

speech competence preschooler information