Paid in one lump sum. How to receive a lump sum benefit. It can be carried out in various ways

Every person who goes on a well-deserved rest during the long working years of his life has legal right for pension provision. Often the size of pension payments is insufficient for a comfortable existence. Therefore, the state assumes the obligation to pay one-time benefits to pensioners in addition to basic income at the expense of the amount of pension contributions.

Pension savings funds (PSF): the essence of the concept

Pension savings are the amount of money that is in the personal pension account of a citizen who participates in the mandatory pension insurance system of the Pension Fund. Russian Federation(or in a non-state Pension Fund). These include:

  • the amount of insurance contributions that were transferred by the employer throughout his entire career in accordance with the rules of compulsory pension insurance for the funded share of the citizen’s pension;
  • for persons participating in the State Pension Co-financing Program - the amount of insurance contributions additionally paid towards the funded part labor pension; the amount of contributions from employers who participate in the Co-financing Program as a third party; the amount of contributions transferred from the state budget to co-finance the accumulated part of the pension;
  • (or the entire amount) of family (maternity) capital, which was directed to the formation of SPV;
  • income from investing the funds described above.

Who has SPN

SPN are formed for citizens born before 1967, if they are participants in the compulsory pension insurance system, and also worked/are working in any period of time after 2001. These include the category of persons in whose favor insurance deposits for a funded pension were regularly made by the employer from 2001 to 2004. These are men born between 1953 and 1966, and women whose year of birth falls on 1957-1966.

A funded pension is available to mothers who have allocated maternity capital to form a special pension, as well as to participants in the State Co-financing of Pensions Program.

Main innovations in the field of SPT payments

Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation has been developing a Law according to which every citizen has the opportunity not only to receive a labor pension for life at the expense of pension savings, but also count on a one-time social benefit. In addition, each pensioner is given the right to receive urgent SPN pension payments, which were formed from voluntary insurance contributions.

The possibilities for transferring SPT by legal successors have also expanded. Several years ago, assignees had the opportunity to receive SPN only if the insured citizen died before he was assigned. According to adopted Law, if after the death of the insured citizen the urgent part remains unpaid pension payment, legal successors may apply for it. The innovations affected the issues of succession of SPVs formed at the expense of maternal (family) capital.

Types of pension payments

According to the law, every citizen, in addition to lifelong payments pension funds, can count on one-time payments to pensioners.

Pension payments are:

  • immediate pension payment;
  • SPT, which are awarded upon achievement retirement age;
  • payment of funds of the insured pensioner to his legal successors.

One-time benefit for pensioners

One-time social payment for pensioners, this is the opportunity to receive a share of their labor pension throughout their lives not only in the form of monthly payments, but also as a lump sum payment (subject to certain rights). Citizens can also receive an urgent pension payment, which was formed through additional contributions.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment?

One-time cash payments pensioners are provided to the following categories of insured persons:

  1. Citizens applying for pension payments due to the loss of a breadwinner.
  2. Persons receiving and disabled pensioners due to illness.
  3. Citizens who do not have rights to pensions due to lack of length of service, but subject to government pension provision in the form of a social pension.

One-time payment to pensioners: who provides

A one-time payment of SPT funds is made by the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund, depending on where the insured person paid the insurance premiums. Payment of lump sum benefits to pensioners is regulated

List of required documents

A one-time payment to pensioners has an application form. To receive it, you must personally contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund or the non-state Pension Fund by submitting a written application and provide the following documents:

  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • a certificate issued by the inspector of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia on the length of insurance and the amount of labor pension;
  • Bank details for transferring a one-time payment at the expense of SPN.

When can I get the money?

According to the law, the decision to pay a lump sum benefit is made within a month, starting from the day of submitting a written application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the provision of the necessary package of documents. If the result is positive, a lump sum payment to pensioners is made within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of the decision. In case of refusal to assign payments, the Pension Fund notifies the citizen in writing about the decision taken, indicating the reason.

Lump sum payment amount

The size of the lump sum payment to pensioners depends on the amount of SPT in their pension account at the time of assignment of the labor pension. For citizens born before, pension savings were formed over three years (2002-2004), so the payment amounts range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

One-time payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Citizens of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the right to pension provision, and registered to receive a one-time benefit during the period of service, have the right to receive a one-time payment social benefits.

One-time payments to pensioners can be provided at their request if they were registered as needing housing by the relevant body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia before March 1, 2005.

Thus, there are no legal grounds for providing a citizen with a one-time social benefit if the Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner is not in line to receive rental housing or a one-time payment from the internal affairs bodies.

Benefits for pensioners who continue to work

Every third citizen of the Russian Federation who is on a pension continues to labor activity. Naturally, many are interested in the question of whether a lump sum payment is due to working pensioners.

As a rule, one-time benefits are not received. In case of dismissal due to staff reduction, the employer is obliged to pay normal severance pay.

Considering the above, everyone Russian pensioner can apply for SPN. For those who are just planning to apply to the Pension Fund for the purpose of assigning a pension, one-time payments from the SPN will be made upon their written application simultaneously with the assignment of an old-age pension.

To receive a one-time benefit, two conditions must be met: the citizen must have the right to receive an old-age pension (or already be a pensioner) and have funds for pension savings. Then the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will have no grounds for refusing to pay a one-time benefit. The Government of the Russian Federation takes care of pensioners and regularly introduces innovations in legislative framework so that citizens who retire will not need anything.

It is worth noting that each pensioner can dispose of it at his own discretion - you can receive it as a bonus to your labor allowance, or specify a specific payment period (the entire amount will be issued within a year, two or even five), or you can receive it at a time. The latter option will be more profitable in cases where the SPN is small in size.

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If the package of documents is not submitted by the pensioner himself, but by him legal representative , then in addition he needs to present his passport and a notarized power of attorney giving the right to perform these actions.

Instead of original documents, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows provide copies of them. However, they must be certified by a notary. If the application is sent by mail, only notarized copies are attached.

After accepting the application, in confirmation of this operation, employees of the authorized body are required to hand over to the applicant receipt-notification of registration of the application, which should contain a list of accepted documents, as well as other information (personal data of the citizen, date of acceptance, etc.).

Application for a one-time payment of pension savings to a non-state pension fund

If the funded pension was formed in the state fund, then when registering it with the Pension Fund, you need to submit an application in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF No. 11n dated July 3, 2012.

If funds were formed in non-state fund, then to receive them you need to submit an application to the NPF for a one-time payment of savings funds. The form of this document is also strictly regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 12n dated July 3, 2012.

The application must contain the following information:

  1. NPF name;
  2. information about the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, address);
  3. passport details;
  4. pension savings account number (filled in by a fund employee);
  5. contact details (telephone);
  6. information about already established pensions;
  7. desired method of receiving funds and account details;
  8. Date of completion;
  9. applicant's signature.

If the application is submitted legal representative(this can be either an individual or a legal entity), then the document must also reflect information about it (full name or name of organization, address, passport details of the representative, contact telephone number).

How and when are savings paid out?

If the documents are presented in full and correspond to reality, the authorities pension fund carry out positive decision and establish a lump sum payment for the applicant from the date of application for it (however, not earlier than the pensioner has the right to it).

In this case, payment of all pension savings funds at once is carried out only once every two months after the fund has made a positive decision. The pensioner has the right to receive funds indicated in the application:

  • through Russian Post (in person at the branch or at home);
  • at the box office of the delivery organization (or to your home);
  • at the bank (at the cash desk or to a bank account).

You can receive all the pension savings in your account once again, but not earlier than after five years. This is only possible if the insured person continues to form a funded pension by transferring funds to the fund, through voluntary contributions or through an employer (when working).

Is it possible to receive the insurance part of the pension in a lump sum?

Insurance coverage for compulsory pension insurance involves the payment of funds to insured persons upon the occurrence of insured event. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three types of such cases:

  • (reaching retirement age);

This provision is formed from insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia and is solidary. In other words, pensions current pensioners financed from the working population making contributions.

Unlike funded pension which is heating up in the form of cash, the future insurance coverage is formed on citizens' accounts V pension points . In this regard, upon reaching the age of retirement, when applying for an insurance payment, citizens cannot immediately withdraw all paid funds.

With great speed across all social networks the following information is disseminated: “All women born in 1957 - 1966, and men born in 1953 - 1967, have the right to receive a lump sum payment, because transferred money to insurance part pensions, but we urgently need to write an application to the Pension Fund before March 1, 2016.”

In this regard, the Pension Fund explains that this message has no relation to reality.

Payments from the insurance pension are not made. A lump sum payment can only be made from pension savings upon retirement.

It is important to know that the following categories of citizens can become recipients of a one-time payment:

  • citizens born in 1967 and younger;
  • citizens whose funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension, including taking into account fixed payment, and the amount of the funded pension, calculated as of the day the funded pension was assigned;
  • citizens receiving insurance pension due to disability or loss of a breadwinner, or receiving a state pension pension who, upon reaching the generally established retirement age, have not acquired the right to an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of necessary insurance period or required quantity pension points(taking into account the transitional provisions of the pension formula);
  • participants in the state co-financing program for the formation of pension savings. Entry into the Program ended on December 31, 2014. If, during the period from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014, you submitted an application to join the Program and made the first payment before January 31, 2015, you are a participant in the Program;
  • citizens in whose favor in the period from 2002 to 2004. inclusive of paid insurance contributions for a funded pension. Since 2005, these deductions have been discontinued due to changes in legislation. Just the category of men born in 1953-1966 and women born in 1957-1966. Provided that they still have pension savings.

At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that you can receive a lump sum payment from pension savings no more often than once every five years.

There is no urgency in filing such an application; it can be submitted at any time. There are no time limits set.

Effective from 07/01/2012 the federal law from 11/30/2011No. 360-FZ “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings” and Federal Law of November 30, 2011No. 359-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings”, which introduced the corresponding changes regarding the establishment of the funded part of the old-age labor pension.

Pension savings are accounted for in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person and are formed from the following sources:

A) insurance contributions received to finance the funded part of the old-age labor pension, and income from their investment;

b) additional insurance premiums for savings part labor pensions and income from their investment;

V) employer contributions paid to the insured person and income from their investment;

G) contributions to co-finance the formation of pension savings and income from their investment;

d) funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital aimed at forming the funded part of the labor pension, and income from their investment.

Types of payments made from pension savings to insured persons:

▬ one-time payment of pension funds

▬ urgent pension payment;

▬ funded part of laborold age pensions.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes payments from pension savings to insured persons who, on the day of applying for the assignment of these payments, form pension savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The amount of payments is determined based on the amount of pension savings accounted for in the special part of the ILSAP on the day from which the corresponding type of payment is assigned.

Payment options for pension savings:

First option . A citizen whose funded portion is 5 percent or less in relation to the size of his old-age labor pension will be able to receive all of his pension savingsat one time. This category primarily includes men born in 1953-1966 and women born in 1957-1966, for whom insurance contributions were paid for the funded part of the labor pension from 2002 to 2004 (later these contributions were stopped from Russians born in 1967). The average amount of their pension savings is just over 5,000 rubles. And this amount can be received immediately.

Citizens receiving social pension or a labor pension for disability or loss of a breadwinner who have not acquired the right to an old-age labor pension due to the lack of the required insurance experience (at least five years), but have reached the generally established retirement age (men - 60 years and women - 55 years) .

Second option. Pension savings can be received in the form of an urgent pension payment. An urgent pension payment may only include payments from additional contributions to the funded part of the labor pension within the framework of the state pension co-financing program (contributions from both the citizen and the state), and funds maternity capital, if the mother, the owner of the maternity capital certificate, used its funds to form her pension. The duration of such a pension payment is determined by the citizen himself, but it cannot be less than 10 years. That is, the entire amount accumulated by the pensioner is divided for payments for the period determined by the pensioner (but not less than 120 months). Important feature urgent pension payment is that if a citizen dies even after such a payment has been assigned to him, his heirs have the right to receive the unpaid balance of the funded part of the pension. At the same time, the balance of maternity capital funds on the funded part of the pension, as well as the income from their investment, will be paid only to the legal successors under the maternity capital certificate - the father of the child or the child himself. Let us recall that previously the heirs could receive the pension savings of the insured person only if he died before he was assigned a labor pension.

Third option. Pension savings will be received in the most usual form - in the form of the funded part of the old-age labor pension. In 2012, its amount will be calculated based on the expected payment period of 18 years. That is, in order to calculate the monthly payment of the funded part of the pension in 2012, the total amount of pension savings of a particular pensioner (taking into account the income from their investment) must be divided by 216 months.

Options for paying pension savings when certain conditions can be combined. For example, a citizen’s pension savings were formed through employer contributions as part of compulsory pension insurance, but at the same time the citizen was a participant in the state co-financing program for pensions and/or allocated maternity capital funds to the funded part of the pension. In this case, the citizen has two options. The first is to receive the entire amount of pension savings in the form of the funded part of the old-age labor pension. The second - the part formed from employer contributions, the citizen will receive indefinitely in the form of a funded part of an old-age labor pension, and contributions from participation in the co-financing program and maternity capital funds, if desired, in the form of an urgent pension payment, independently determining its term, at least 10 years.

Prepared by:

GU - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund No. 7

in Moscow and the Moscow region

One of the ways of social security for retired citizens of the Russian Federation is a lump sum payment from the funded part of the pension. At the same time, many pensioners do not know about the possibility of receiving a lump sum pension in 2018, nor about the amount of payments accrued in this way. At the same time, a lump sum payment of a pension can often help cope with a difficult financial situation and resolve various pressing issues.

What is a lump sum payment from a funded pension in 2018?

One of the options for financial assistance provided by the state to pensioners is to issue them cash benefit through a pension in the form of a lump sum payment. This benefit is assigned in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation for a certain category of persons - not every pensioner can claim a lump sum pension, and not under all circumstances.

A funded pension is formed for employed Russian citizens who make appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund of the Pension Fund for the funded part of the pension provision - while the direct transfer of these contributions is provided by their employers upon the employee’s application. An employee can receive part of this amount upon the occurrence of various circumstances provided for by law, and main feature The benefit in question is a one-time issue when a pensioner applies.

You can understand how a lump sum pension is paid by paying attention to the standards of the following legislative acts:

  • Federal Law No. 360 dated November 30, 2011. This law regulates the procedure for assigning and financing payments from the funds of the funded part of citizens' pensions.
  • Federal Law No. 424 dated December 28, 2013. This normative document regulates the functioning of the entire system of funded pensions on the territory of the Russian Federation and the principles of using the funded part of the pension.

In general, the funded part of the pension has three main formation mechanisms:

  • Deductions to the employee's savings account from wages . At the same time, citizens themselves have the right to decide savings part pensions, directing it both to the state fund and to non-state pension funds (NPFs).
  • Co-financing. IN in this case a citizen has the right to independently deposit funds into Pension Fund accounts by transferring certain amounts through banking institutions. At the same time, in order to ensure a funded pension in this way, it is imperative to obtain specific information in the form of receipts with details directly from the Pension Fund office.
  • Maternal capital. Recipients of maternity capital have the right to use the certificate to enter its funds into the funded part of the pension in the manner prescribed by law.

Who can receive a lump sum pension in 2018

In 2018, a lump sum payment of a funded pension is due only to residents of the Russian Federation who meet the criteria established by the Pension Fund. In particular, persons entitled to a lump sum pension payment in 2018 include those who:

Only citizens who have reached a certain age can receive these funds. In particular, for men it is necessary that the date of birth be no later than 1953, and for women - 1957. The legislation allows applying for a lump sum payment of a funded pension no more than once in a five-year period. However, previously pensioners had the opportunity to receive these funds annually.

How is a lump sum payment made from the funded part of the pension in 2018?

Citizens who have received the right to receive an old-age pension have the opportunity to receive its accumulative share one-time directly upon retirement, if their status allows them to demand such a payment. So, in order to receive a lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension, you must follow the following fairly simple procedure:

  1. A documentation package should be prepared. It must contain a passport, SNILS, as well as documents confirming the right to receive a lump sum payment.
  2. Contact the branch of your Pension Fund at the place where pension contributions are accumulated.
  3. Submit an application for issuance lump sum pension in 2018.
  4. Wait for a response about the decision made by the Pension Fund - the processing time for applications is one month.

In case of refusal to issue a lump sum pension payment, this refusal must have a clear indication of the reasons why the payment cannot be made.

It should also be remembered that an application for a lump sum pension in 2018 must be submitted directly to the pension fund to whose accounts the funded portion of the pension was deducted. There are several ways to submit an application:

  • Referral through a trusted person. Submit the application with everyone necessary documents a person who has a power of attorney from a pensioner can upon presentation of such a notarized power of attorney and his own identity card.
  • Sending by post. Pensioners have the right to write an application for a lump sum pension in 2018 and send it to the address of the pension fund by registered mail - it is best to use the service of notification of receipt of the letter and a list of investments.
  • Contact the Pension Fund branch servicing pension savings in person. Moreover, this method cannot always be easily implemented by pensioners themselves, since in fact the nearest branch of the selected pension fund may be located in another city.

Regardless of the method of sending the application, it is recommended to obtain a document from the pension fund confirming the fact that the application was accepted. If employees of the organization violate the statutory deadlines, on the basis of this documentation, the pensioner will be able to defend his rights in the event of any disputes.

The application for receiving a lump sum payment from the funded part of the pension has a unified and mandatory prescribed form. PF employees have the right to refuse an application that does not comply with this form.

Deadlines for consideration of applications and issuance of a lump sum pension in 2018

As mentioned earlier, pension fund employees can consider an application for a lump sum pension payment within one month. Wherein given period It involves the actual consideration of the document - during it, PF employees must give an answer to the pensioner about the satisfaction of his application or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reason.

The legislation allocates a two-month period from the moment the decision to assign such a payment is made directly to the issuance of a lump sum payment. Thus, the maximum period for receiving a lump sum pension payment is a three-month period, but in practice the entire procedure may take less than one month, depending on the region and the specific pension fund servicing the applicant’s accumulative pension savings.

Amount of lump sum pension

In general, the size of a lump sum pension payment in 2018 depends primarily on the policy of the pension fund servicing its funded part.

Thus, in the Pension Fund of Russia, statistically, the majority of lump sum payments range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, and the state pension fund does not pay more than 20 thousand rubles at a time.

At the same time, non-state pension funds may establish other maximum amounts of a lump sum pension. The amount of cash issued depends directly on the total amount of savings credited to the applicant’s pension account at the time of application for payment.

You can find out the total amount of the funded part of the pension different ways. In particular, if a pensioner worked for one employer for most of his life, he can ask the accounting department to provide him with information about all pension contributions associated with him. The former employer cannot refuse to satisfy such requirements, since information about the pensioner is personal data, to which unhindered access must be ensured to the person to whom it relates.

You can find out more about the amount of the funded part of your pension on the pension fund’s website. Many non-state pension funds, as well as Pension Funds, provide pensioners with a sufficient number of tools to determine the volume of their pension payments.