How to wash clothes for newborns? Brief recommendations from life experience. How to wash clothes for newborns How to wash baby clothes for newborns

You have to change your baby's clothes frequently, which results in laundry piling up. However, you need to know how and what to wash a newborn’s clothes. What are the rules for washing children's clothes and what powder is needed for this.

Children's clothing is special clothing and it needs to be kept clean correctly. Previously, when there were flannel and cotton diapers, they were boiled and boiled, but now delicate knitwear will not withstand such a procedure. Therefore they need to be washed.

Before you wash your newborn's rompers and rompers, you need to prepare. First you need to do the following:

  1. purchase a separate container where the newborn’s dirty clothes will be stored;
  2. sort the child’s things into white and colored;
  3. buy special baby powder;
  4. remove food and feces from clothing using running water;
  5. Wipe stains on the newborn's clothes separately.

Using the information below, you can easily get your baby’s clothes clean.

  • It is better to tidy up dirty diapers and baby onesies immediately, while the dirt is fresh and has not eaten into the fabric, then it can be washed well;
  • For the first two months after birth, it is advisable to treat a newborn’s belongings with baby soap in a basin.

Know! A newborn's belongings and an adult's belongings should not be placed together in the car and stored together.

  • After hand wash be sure to rinse thoroughly several times until all the soap is gone;
  • You can’t starch children’s clothes, otherwise they will become hard and this will bring discomfort to the child;
  • Do not use bleach, even if it is intended for children's clothes. Chlorine, which is found in bleach, often causes allergies in infants;
  • After cleaning, clothes should be ironed on both sides, dousing them with steam. This ironing is an additional disinfection;

You probably want to know at what temperature to wash your newborn's clothes. To remove all harmful bacteria, wash your newborn's clothes at high temperature.

When washing baby clothes in a machine, the water should be 60-70 degrees for items made from natural fabrics, 90 degrees for diapers and bed linen.

  • When hanging things, you need to shake them, so they will dry faster. The best place for this purpose - the street or balcony.

How to wash a newborn's clothes

The health of your baby depends on how you choose the right detergent.

The wrong product, getting through the skin, can cause redness, rashes, and peeling. Household chemicals entering through the respiratory tract can cause respiratory allergies and many other consequences.

There are main types of detergents for washing newborn clothes:

  1. Baby soap. It contains emollient and antibacterial components. Safe for skin and easily washed out of fabric fibers;
  2. Laundry soap. It can only be used to remove stains. This soap cannot be used completely; it is not safe for a child’s skin;
  3. Soap nuts. This is one of folk ways washing without chemicals. We put the dry shells of the sapindus plant into a bag and place it in the drum of the washing machine.

In addition to the products listed, there is also washing powder. And now you are confused about what powder to wash things with. There are special powders for newborns. When choosing baby powder, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain:

  • phosphates;
  • bleaches;
  • chlorine

It is advisable to buy phosphate-free powders; its components must be natural, without flavorings or additives.

If you want to use bleach powder, it must contain hydrogen peroxide. Only this bleach is safe for children and perfectly whitens clothes, and also destroys all harmful bacteria.

Look for a certification mark on the packaging stating that this powder is suitable for newborns. Typically, such powders have “0+” written on them.

When buying powder, look carefully at the packaging. There should be no damage on it, the expiration date and composition of the powder are indicated. It is advisable to feel the plastic bag - if it is stored correctly, there will be no lumps in it.

By the way! To prevent the development of allergies in a newborn, it is recommended to wash mother’s clothes with baby powder, since she is constantly in close contact with the baby.

In addition to special baby powder, there are many liquid detergents for washing children's clothes. These are different gels and emulsions. They dissolve well in water and rinse well.

When you decide how to organize your newborn's clothes, let's talk about how to do it in washing machine.

What mode should I use to wash things? For a newborn, it is better to disinfect clothes using the baby wash mode. Be sure to put the machine on an extra rinse.

I would also like to note the rules for washing diapers. In order not to buy new ones every time, it is better for you to learn how to make clean diapers. For newborns, when washing diapers, you must follow certain rules:

  1. to remove urine, rinse the diaper first;
  2. soak the diapers in a previously prepared soap solution (water temperature should be 40 degrees);
  3. Soak the diapers in the soapy solution for 15-20 minutes and then rub them;
  4. then rinse well four times in warm water;
  5. rinse one last time cold water.

When washing diapers in the washing machine, select the baby wash setting.

Is it better to wash by hand or machine?

Nowadays there is a washing machine in every home, but many young mothers prefer to wash children's clothes by hand. Let's try to note with you all the pros and cons of hand and machine washing.

  • Hand washing takes a lot of time and effort, but a mother can devote this time to her baby (by the way, a lot useful information about caring for your baby, you will find in the course Happy Motherhood >>>). You cannot wash things by hand at the required temperature, which affects the quality of the wash;
  • The car makes life much easier. Many models have a children's wash mode, which allows you to wash items at high temperatures. This wash perfectly removes germs, removes stains well and does not damage the fabric.

Another advantage of machine washing is that you can rinse and wring out things well, which you cannot do with your hands.

Good to know! If your washing machine does not have a baby wash mode, you need to select the appropriate temperature for washing, taking into account the degree of soiling of the items and the composition of the fabric. After this, rinse additionally.

What to wash is up to you. According to my advice, better with your hands remove stubborn stains and machine wash. And spend the time you save on your baby.

With the arrival of a baby in the house, parents face new worries and problems. One of them is how and with what to wash a newborn’s clothes. Not all parents know that the child’s skin is very sensitive, and residues chemicals on his clothes may cause allergic reactions. Some mothers understand this only after the baby

begins to suffer from itching and irritation. Therefore, it is very important from the first days Special attention pay attention to washing children's clothes. Of course, in last years this has become easier to do than before, when mothers had to grate soap and hand-wash mountains of baby clothes. But even now this process needs to be approached in a special way.

Basic rules for washing clothes for newborns

1. Children's clothes must be clean, so they will have to be washed often. Be sure to thoroughly wash new clothes and underwear.

2. But don't take cleanliness too seriously. For example, bed linen can be changed once a week, however, if the baby has not soiled it. And wet onesies and diapers can simply be rinsed with clean water a couple of times.

3. To make things easier to wash, heavily soiled items should be rinsed under the tap and soaked, rubbing with soap.

4. It is very important what you use to wash your newborn’s clothes. You can only use special powders or soap shavings for this.

5. Under no circumstances should you use conditioners, bleaches and rinse aids to wash children's clothes. It is also not advisable to starch underwear for babies.

6. All children's things should be stored and washed separately from the things of other family members, even children. And for the first 2-3 months, rompers and undershirts are also washed separately.

7. It is very important to thoroughly rinse your baby’s clothes with any washing method. There should be no smell or other traces of detergents left on them.

8. To further disinfect and soften the laundry after washing, iron it with a hot iron and steam.

9. It is not advisable to dry children's clothes outside so that they do not get dust and


10. The mother of a newborn needs to wash her things that the baby comes into contact with using the same means as his.

What's the best way to wash

For comfort modern parents There are automatic machines, so washing things for a newborn has become less time-consuming. Its advantage over a manual one is that it is possible to set the boiling mode, which is important for the baby in the first months of life. In addition, the machine rinses and wrings clothes better, so there is less powder residue on them and they dry faster. But machine washing also has its disadvantages. It is not so hygienic, since in the same machine you wash, for example, dirty daddy's jeans, and besides, it requires special detergents that are not always suitable for a child.

Machine washing rules

1. Place only children's items in the drum separately.

2. For the first 2-3 months of a child’s life, try not to wash very dirty adult clothes, rugs and shoes in the same machine.

3. Use only special baby powders. It is also possible to wash with soap shavings, but you must first dissolve it in water.

4. It is advisable to set the machine to a special program for children's clothes, and if there is no such program, then to a delicate wash so that things do not stretch or shrink.

5. Be sure to run an additional rinse program after washing.

6. It is advisable to do laundry as often as possible: it is not recommended to store dirty baby clothes for a long time, in addition, a very heavily loaded machine will wash worse.

Hand washing children's clothes

But many mothers, in the old fashioned way, wash their baby’s clothes in the first months with their hands in a basin. This is more hygienic and gives you the opportunity to choose any detergent. After all, it is very important how to wash a newborn’s clothes so that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. But you need to take into account that the water should be as high as possible

hot, so wear thin cotton gloves under rubber gloves. Another difficulty with hand washing is that things need to be rinsed very well. Preferably several times in hot water, and then in cold water.

How to wash a newborn's clothes

In the first months of a baby’s life, it is best, of course, to use baby soap or special powders based on it. After all, even baby powders contain phosphates, flavorings and bleaches. Therefore, their choice must be approached especially carefully. So, what powder should you use to wash your newborn’s clothes?

1. Buy children's only in large stores or a pharmacy, so as not to buy a fake.

2. Be sure to read the composition of the powder and do not trust advertising. Do not use products that contain phosphates, more than 35% surfactants, optical brighteners, fragrances and conditioners.

3. Buy for your baby only those powders that say they are suitable for newborns.

4. It is advisable that the packaging still bear the “hypoallergenic” mark.

What conclusion can be drawn about what is the best way to wash a newborn’s clothes? Powder based natural soap without additives or soap shavings. Moreover, soap should be taken without fragrances and dyes. But many mothers do not like its smell and the fact that stains are difficult to remove. There are also traditional methods washing children's clothes.

Natural laundry detergents

1. The most convenient thing is soap nuts, which are suitable for both hand and machine washing and do not cause allergies even in children with sensitive skin.

2. To bleach children's clothes and remove stains from them, you can use soda, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

3. There are many more folk remedies for washing: mustard, ash, and even but they are all very inconvenient to use.

Every mother decides for herself how to wash a newborn baby’s clothes. But you need to know the basic recommendations so as not to harm the child.

When a newborn appears in the home, new worries, questions and problems arise. One of them is washing baby’s clothes. Many parents forget that the skin of infants is very sensitive, and irritating factors (synthetic fibers or wool, residues of powders, rinses, conditioners) can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to know and follow the basic rules for choosing and using detergents for washing children's clothing and bedding.

Do you need to wash new clothes for newborns?

Preparing for the birth of a child begins long before his birth and the main point is the purchase of essentials.

All new things for a newborn (blouses, hats, socks, rompers, bed linen, kit for discharge from the maternity hospital) must be washed after purchase!

Young mothers quite often do not wash new clothes or wash them, selectively arguing that no one has worn them and they are clean:

  1. All new wardrobe items, before they are purchased, pass through the hands of many people (cutters, seamstresses, packers, store clerks), lie in warehouses - and there cannot be complete confidence that they are not infected with infectious agents that are dangerous to the baby, which can retain their vital functions for a long time under certain conditions;
  2. Quite often, to give new things a presentable look at various stages of production, the fabric is starched, which makes it stiff and such things are annoying delicate skin newborn;
  3. many dyes and conditioners can provoke irritation and the development of allergic reactions - during the washing process they are washed off or stain the water and parents can see which things should not be used, especially in the first days of life.

For the first contact with the delicate and sensitive skin of a newborn, you need to choose only clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton or linen), which are best washed by hand, with baby soap, rinsing well with running warm water. Additionally, you need to iron and steam them on both sides - this guarantees the complete destruction of all pathogenic microorganisms.

How to prepare children's clothes for washing?

Children's clothes that need to be washed and dirty adult clothes and linen should not be placed in a common basket for dirty laundry - this rule must be observed until the age of three.

In the first months of the baby’s life, all his things are washed in a separate basin with baby soap; after 6 months, machine washing is possible using additional rinsing modes (at least 2-3 times). In this case, special attention should be paid to the choice washing powder.

Choosing a detergent for washing newborn clothes

The health and well-being of a newborn in the future depends on the correct choice of detergent for washing a newborn’s clothes. This is due to the anatomical and functional features of the condition and structure skin newborns and infants, the high predisposition of babies to the occurrence of local allergic reactions and their long course, as well as the immaturity of all organs and systems of newborns and children in the first months of life. One of the main reasons for the development of allergic diathesis and dermatitis is the effect of contact allergens on the child’s skin, including washing clothes with powder containing a high content of phosphates and surfactants, and the use of conditioners or bleaches.

That's why When choosing a detergent for washing children's clothes, you need to consider several main points:

  1. washing clothes for newborns and infants up to six months of age should be done with baby soap, preferably grated (soap shavings), especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of any allergic reactions and diseases, high sensitivity of the child’s skin (diaper rash, prickly heat, dry skin);
  2. washing powder must contain natural ingredients with a minimum amount of phosphates and surfactants (no more than 35%) and fragrances, dissolve and rinse well;
  3. The detergent must contain a note indicating that it can be used in newborns;
  4. Do not use conditioners, rinse aids, or bleaches for washing children's clothes;
  5. It is not advisable to starch children's clothes - they become hard and do not allow air to pass through well, which can cause skin trauma or increased sweating of the child;
  6. Mother's things that come into close contact with the newborn's skin should be washed with the same products as the baby's clothes (soap, baby powder or gel).

Washing powder for newborn clothes: which one is better?

Situations arise when a mother cannot wash things by hand for a long time, and soap shavings cause washing machines to break down and you have to use other laundry detergents (powder or gel). Their right choice- the basis for the prevention of allergic skin reactions.

Today, parents are offered a huge range of detergents for washing children's clothes and they need to follow several rules:

  1. when choosing a washing powder or gel, you need to make sure that it has a special mark: “from the first days of life” or “for baby clothes”;
  2. carefully study its composition (absence of phosphates, dietary additives, fragrances, balms, conditioners and bleaches).

Most Popular detergents children's things are:

  • gel "Stork";
  • powder "Dally Med" (Germany);
  • laundry detergent “Our Mother”;
  • washing gel “Domal” (Germany);
  • powder "Eared nannies".

How to properly wash clothes for a baby?

  1. Wash children's clothes by hand and in washing machine It is necessary separately from bedding and clothing of adult family members and even older children.
  2. When washing children's clothes, it is advisable to use special programs “for children's clothes”, “delicate”, in order to avoid changes in their quality.
  3. Do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, conditioners, or balms.
  4. The most important point is their active rinsing - this factor is more significant than the correct choice of detergent:
  • Rinse 2-3 times with warm running water when washing by hand;
  • additional rinsing modes in the washing machine;
  • If the baby is predisposed to irritation and rashes, after washing in the machine, additional manual rinsing with running water is necessary.

Is it necessary to iron a newborn’s things and how to do it correctly?

The clothes of newborns and babies in the first months of life should be ironed with a hot iron, steaming on both sides - this contributes to their additional disinfection.

Newborn children up to about one year old are very vulnerable to many external factors, from nutrition to clothing. Incorrectly selected powder for washing children's clothes can lead to allergies. Also great importance has a water temperature - many items of clothing for babies are made of sensitive natural materials, which may lose their quality when washed in too cold or too hot water.

Rules for washing newborn clothes in the washing machine

Modern automatic washing machines make it much easier for mothers to care for their children’s things. But in order to avoid the harmful effects of the powder on the baby’s delicate skin, and also to ensure the highest possible quality of washing, you should follow a few important rules .

Selection of powder for washing things

The skin of babies under one year old is very delicate and is sensitive to synthetic substances, which include modern chemical powders.

The correct choice of powder, which should have such qualities as:

  • Contents only natural ingredients as part of . This guarantees that the baby’s body will not have a negative reaction to clothes that have been washed using such a powder;
  • The ability to be completely rinsed out of the fabric during the rinsing process . For the health and comfort of the baby, it is very important that powder particles do not remain on clothes after washing;
  • No irritation on the delicate skin of babies;
  • Rapid dissolution in water even at low temperatures ;
  • Complete absence or minimal content of artificial aromatic fragrances .

But it is also very important that the powder, even with frequent washing of things, does not affect negative impact on their quality. With the right selection of products for children's things, they will retain their original appearance and quality even with daily rinsing.

Is it possible to use adult laundry detergent?

It is strictly forbidden to use adult powders for washing children's clothes, as they contain too many chemicals that are potentially hazardous to the baby's health.

Today there is a large selection on sale special means, which are safe for newborns and have undergone many relevant tests. Most of these powders are soap-based and are highly effective in removing stains.

Rules for choosing bleaches

As for bleaches, you should absolutely not use chlorine-based products to bleach children's clothes.

Their composition is often quite dangerous even for adults, and it takes some effort to completely rinse such bleach from the fabric. Ideal option for bleaching when washing clothes for newborns - special substances based on hydrogen peroxide . They differ in such features as:

  • high efficiency, especially in combination with baby soap or powder;
  • safety for children's health;
  • ability to completely rinse out of fabric.

Fabric softeners

And also in the first year of a baby’s life, it is strictly not recommended to use special fabric softeners and other aromatic products when washing his clothes.

As a rule, such household chemicals contain a lot of harmful and aggressive substances that can cause not only skin irritation in the baby, but also spasms of the respiratory tract.

How to soften your baby's clothes after washing

To soften children's clothes after washing, just iron them thoroughly on both sides by turning on the steam mode on the iron.

Daily ironing of washed clothes will not only ensure their softness, but will also have a disinfecting effect, which is especially important in the first few months of a baby’s life.

Some moms wash them by hand before putting things in the machine to lightly remove stains. If you have a modern automatic machine, you don’t need to do this, since high-quality equipment effectively removes even the most difficult stains, including traces of cherry juice, iodine or grass.

At what temperature should you wash baby clothes for newborns in a washing machine?

The optimal temperature suitable for washing children's clothes depends on the type of clothing and fabric.

Basically, for infants up to one year old, wardrobe items made of 100% cotton are used, since this material is the most natural and safe for children's health. In addition, cotton items are very durable, soft and comfortable.

Temperature selection

To ensure that your baby’s clothes survive more than one wash in the washing machine, you should choose the right water temperature.

Many brands indicate on their products recommendations for the optimal washing temperature, which should be followed. For example, for cotton items, rinsing in water heated to 30–60 degrees is ideal.. Hotter water may damage the appearance or quality of the clothing, and at lower temperatures the quality of stain removal will suffer.

  • If you just need to freshen things up, then the ideal option would be to process them in the washing machine in the " Delicate wash ».
  • And also many modern devices have a special mode “ Baby clothes ", which allows you to carefully and effectively wash even the most sensitive laundry.

With the right powder and at a temperature comfortable for children's clothes, they can be washed almost daily without loss of quality or strength of the material. The only exception is clothing that contains synthetic materials, but it is better not to use such wardrobe items at all for children under the age of one year.

Additional rules for washing children's clothes in the machine

In order to exclude negative reaction child's body When washing clothes, you should follow a few simple but very important rules:

  1. All baby clothes should be placed in a separate basket. . The baby’s things should not come into contact with the dirty laundry of other family members, so the mother should organize a separate container for them.
  2. On clothes, which is loaded into the washing machine, there should be no pieces of food or fecal debris present , which can not only deteriorate the quality of washing, but also damage the components of the washing machine.
  3. Your baby's clothes should always be washed separately from the clothes of other family members. . Even if you have older children, their clothes should not be washed at the same time as the babies' clothes.
  4. For washing, you should use only hypoallergenic substances, be it soap or powder.


If you need to wash items that are heavily soiled with feces or food, you should lightly wash them before putting them in the machine.

To do this, pour a sufficient amount of warm water into the basin ( 30–40 degrees) water and stained areas are cleaned with baby or laundry soap. You can also wash your laundry under running water, observing the recommended temperature.


These are the basic rules for washing clothes for newborns in an automatic washing machine. If they are followed, mother can be sure that her baby is reliably protected from allergies and other negative consequences that can be caused by incorrectly selected powders and other laundry products, and his clothes will serve his little owner until he wears them out. will increase.

Video about proper washing of children's clothes

New mothers do not understand and do not know many aspects that relate to raising and caring for a child, for example, how to wash clothes for newborns.

At first glance, the question is comical. However, it should be remembered that the products used by adults are not suitable for newborns - they have different creams, gels, hair shampoos, etc.

So, let's look at the issue of washing for babies in more detail.

  • What your child wears and sleeps on should always be clean and tidy, so try to wash it often. Set aside time for this every day or two.
  • Wash and rinse new bedding and wardrobe items well, this way you can prevent their rapid contamination and the penetration of harmful substances from newly made clothes and bedding onto the newborn’s skin.
  • Wet bedding and rompers simply need to be rinsed with clean water.
  • It is permissible to change the bed not every day, but several times a week, but provided that it is not particularly dirty.
  • To facilitate the washing process, contaminated areas should be rinsed with clean water, soaped and soaked in a basin. Soak for 1–2 hours or a little more.
  • We exclude the use of conditioners, rinses, bleaches, and under no circumstances use starch. We wash only with special detergents and soap shavings.
  • There should be no smell of detergents left on the laundry, so it is necessary to wash it thoroughly.
  • Children's clothes are stored and washed separately from adults, so you can protect your child from allergic reactions and colds. For the first few months, baby vests and rompers are also washed separately.
  • As a disinfection, heat treatment with steam should be carried out on all existing products.
  • It is advisable to dry it at home, not outside, to prevent dust and dirt from getting in.
  • Mothers should also take care of their wardrobe - it is better to wash everything that the baby comes into contact with in the same way as his clothes. This way you can avoid the appearance of allergy symptoms.

How to wash?

For washing, you can use either machine washing or hand washing, however, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Let's make work easier?

Cumbersome boards and inconvenient hand drums were replaced by automatic machines. Now housewives have nothing to worry about, and they can easily wash it at least several times a day!

The advantages of the car are that:

  1. She washes without your participation; you only need to select a mode and decide on detergents, then the machine will do everything for you.
  2. There is a boiling mode, which is very relevant for families with small children.
  3. It rinses well without leaving a single grain of powder behind.
  4. It wrings out well, which reduces the time for further drying.

But it also has its disadvantages:

  1. Different items of clothing can be washed in the same appliance - mom’s jacket, dad’s sports boots and, finally, the sweaters and pants of his beloved child. Therefore, this is not entirely hygienic.
  2. What you wash your jeans with and what is suitable for your automatic washing machine is not always suitable for newborns.

There are mandatory rules for washing baby's baby's undershirts and panties in the machine:

  • Place only baby items in the drum, not mixing them with adults;
  • In the first months, try not to use your automatic machine for other very dirty items (shoes, workwear, jackets, slippers, etc.);
  • Use specialized powders and soap shavings (they must first be dissolved in water);
  • Use a specially designed cycle for baby clothes. If there is none, then try using the delicate mode. This way, not a single item of your little child’s wardrobe will lose its appearance.
  • Additionally, rinse everything washed - machines usually have a special program for this.
  • Do not store dirty laundry for a long time, otherwise it will be difficult to wash. Try to arrange a mini-laundry more often.
  • It is not recommended to heavily load the drum. This way the machine will wash worse, and the rinsing will also not be as good.

Let's do it the old fashioned way

Washing by hand is more labor-intensive, but it also has its huge advantages:

  1. More high level hygiene: you can use a separate basin and washboard specifically for baby vests.
  2. Difficult stains can be effectively removed manually without leaving a trace.
  3. An additional bonus for new mothers: excellent physical activity, which will be another step in recovery after childbirth.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. It takes a lot of time. If, when using a washing machine, you do not participate in the process at all, then your full inclusion and participation is necessary here, otherwise the washing will be ineffective.
  2. Requires a lot of effort. The method involves not only significant time expenditure, but also the use of physical force.
  3. Rinse thoroughly. To prevent the smell of powder from remaining on your clothes, you need to rinse them well several times.
  4. Not safe for hands. Frequent washing in cold water may cause the skin on your hands to crack and peel. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase gloves that will protect your hands from the effects of soap and powders.

What soap should I use?

Great for washing baby soap. It does not contain allergens or irritants. In its composition vegetable oils, animal fats, boric acid, beeswax, glycerin.

Its advantages:

  • hypoallergenic, which means safe for the baby;
  • does not harm the skin of the hands;
  • washes out quickly when rinsed;
  • its foam absorbs dirt very quickly.

The disadvantage is that soap does not always fight strong stains well. However, the secretions of small children can be washed off quite easily.

Soaking overnight is especially effective - after that everything, even difficult stains, will be washed off.

Which powder is suitable?

Do not use the same one that you use for your own T-shirts and jeans under any circumstances! He's no good! You should approach the choice quite responsibly:

  • pay attention to the labels on the packages “hypoallergenic” and “for newborns”, this is one of the key points;
  • make such purchases only in large stores or even in pharmacies, this will protect you from purchasing a counterfeit;
  • Be sure to read the ingredients and do not try to completely trust the advertising! If the packaging indicates conditioners, fragrances, phosphates and more than 35 percent surfactants, then under no circumstances do we take such a product!

What about folk remedies?

Our grandmothers did not have the opportunity to buy powders or special hypoallergenic soap. Such drugs simply did not exist then. Therefore, they often made do with folk remedies.

  • Soap nuts are excellent, they do not cause allergies, and are suitable for both hand and machine washing;
  • Previously, housewives used soap root, mustard, potato juice and even ash; they are quite effective, but not very convenient to use;
  • To bleach, you can use peroxide, soda or boric acid.
    Good luck!

So, we have highlighted the main points that you should pay attention to when washing children's clothes.

Remember that

  • it is necessary to use special equipment;
  • thorough rinsing;
  • as well as heat treatment.

Store all baby items separately and try not to dry them in the fresh air.