Women's practice “Volcano of Passions. How to restore feminine energy Women's practices exercises where to direct the pumped up energy

It has long been no secret to anyone that every sexual relationship leaves energy threads in a woman with which she remains connected to a man for a period of about seven years, even if they broke up. Through these threads, a woman “feeds” the energy of all partners with whom she has had sex at least once.

The more such casual partners there are, the less energy a woman has left. Yes, she can practice regularly, but as they say, it is impossible to fill a vessel with clean water if there is dirty water in it.

Until all past connections are cleansed and broken, they will inevitably take away all that energy.,which you are trying to accumulate. Are you not flattered by the idea of ​​being an eternal “battery”, fueling the brightness of life and the success of your former partners?! I think no. If, of course, you at least value and respect yourself in the slightest degree.

In addition, you must be aware that while you are entangled in a web of old connections on the subtle plane, this is energetically read by other men, so attract a worthy partner into your life and create with him happy relationship becomes either completely unrealistic or very problematic.

Getting rid of the bindings of past relationships

The practice of rolling out an egg of sexual relations

Take a homemade live egg. Those. that chicken egg that was fertilized by a rooster (as a last resort, you can take an ordinary egg from the store, but it must be fresh)

Wear comfortable cotton underwear.

Light a wax candle.

Say:« You are a living egg - it all started with you, Remove from me the ties that are in the dirt»

Imagine that you are going through an album with photographs of your ex-men.

Start rolling the egg over the perineum, genitals and lower abdomen. When you roll out, imagine your former partners. Roll out each partner until his image disappears from your thoughts. And only then move on to the next one.

When you finish rolling out, break the egg and pour its contents into a jar of water.

While doing this ritual, I more than once observed a huge white worm entwined around the yolk or many thin threads woven together on the yolk. In this way, your negative connections are transferred to the egg. Therefore, then the water with its contents must be poured into the toilet with the words “ Where there is water, there is trouble"and drain. Throw away the jar.

Usually, after such a ritual of disconnection, men start calling and trying to join again. Be careful.
If you really want to break this connection, then do not give in to these temptations.

INTENTION about cleansing the bodies and fields of a woman after sex with a man:

“I express my intention and ask my Higher Self, and all the forces of Light that are relevant for this process, to cleanse my bodies and fields of the information component (man’s name) that penetrated me during sex.
I ask you to uncreate this information component with the energies of light and love at all levels, bodies, plans, qualities, programs, attitudes, knowledge, sensations, thoughts, layers, chakras, lives, universes, in my consciousness, subconscious, superconscious and in the heart.
I invoke the Law of Divine Grace and ask the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Blessed Deva of Healing, Archangel Michael, (name any other Light Entities you wish to invoke) and my own Higher Self to now withdraw and heal all painful emotions , physical confining structures, thoughts or beliefs, karmic structures or energies belonging to myself or others that I do not need in the process of learning and growing. I ask that these energies be removed from my body and aura, transformed into pure creative life force, and returned to me.
Thank you!"

Uterine Breathing Practice

The practice of “Uterine Breathing” is basic for all women.
It connects us with the female center, which is located in the uterus, harmonizes the work of the second chakra, has a beneficial effect on health and sexuality, and fills us with feminine energy.

Body position – standing, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms hanging freely along the body. You need to breathe through your mouth, deeply, passing the breath through your entire body.

We inhale through clenched teeth, as if sucking in air, and exhale through an open mouth. As we inhale, we squeeze the vaginal muscles, as if drawing energy in (at this moment, imagine that as you inhale, the healing energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it). Help yourself with your hands, clenching your palms into fists and bringing them to the level of the ovaries. As you exhale, the vaginal muscles relax, and all the negativity, everything unnecessary goes into the ground, while you move your arms slightly back.

Gradually you will feel a slight pulsation of the uterus and heat in the lower abdomen. The exercise should be performed for at least 5-10 minutes. After this, you should lie down in silence, placing your hands on the uterine area, feeling your feminine center.

Very often, resentments, feelings of guilt, and other blocks that prevent one from being a fulfilled, harmonious woman accumulate in a woman’s uterus and grow into diseases. Uterine breathing heals, fills with the energy of the earth, the energy of femininity and sexuality. This practice helps to cleanse the feminine center with breathing.

At first, when you start practicing this practice, various emotions may emerge, tears, even screams may come out. Don't be scared, accept it with gratitude. Lie on your back, put your hands on the uterine area and talk to your feminine center, ask for forgiveness for paying her so little attention, giving her little love, ask the uterus about what worries her, how she feels, what you can do for do it. And the answers will come.

In the future, when you completely cleanse the uterus, it will simply be filled with energy, love, sexuality. If you do this practice regularly, you will begin to notice positive changes within a week.

There are a huge number of varieties of this technique, but the most important thing is to understand the essence of the process.

The uterus is not just a reproductive organ, it is a mini projection of the Universe and therefore it already contains the wisdom of all generations, Great Women of the World, etc.

And you can draw your strength, your knowledge, your wisdom from your uterus, negotiate with it about health, as soon as you open it, start communicating with it, cleanse it of guilt, resentment or other blocks that prevent you from living harmoniously and feeling yourself a real woman.

When we do not hear our intuition, true desires, sensuality and orgasmicity are blocked, and also, first, energy stagnation occurs in the uterus, and then formations and compaction on the physical level. Knowing very well the rule “Where your attention is directed, energy flows there,” try to more often lower energy from your head into the uterus, thereby turning off your head and turning on your sensuality and femininity, filling the uterus and body with feminine sexual energy.

Only after you feel your energy fullness does it make sense to establish and improve your relationship with your man or attract a new partner into your life.

If you have had many partners or strong emotional attachments in the past, and you feel that you are not able to cope on your own because you experience:

Feeling of lack of energy
Inner emptiness
Lack of joy and pleasure in life

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Nowadays, many women devote themselves to work and career, they forget about home and completely go into the area of ​​making money. Often this happens involuntarily, because how can a single mother support her family and feed her children? But sometimes women forget about themselves and their role in this life, not because of any problems, but simply because of imposed stereotypes. And we see crowds of strong, brave, self-confident, but terribly lonely young ladies. How can this situation be changed?

How to fill yourself with feminine energy?

The whirlpool of affairs and worries force a woman to direct her energy in the wrong direction; she is filled with masculine energy, thinking about work, money and survival. As a result, even if she dresses beautifully, goes to the gym and takes care of herself, men pass by, and such a girl has a discord in her soul.

Most often, over time, she stops thinking about appearance, switches to work completely and forgets about her feminine purpose. This is completely wrong, because you can be filled with feminine energy through various ways!

One has only to become a little more feminine, happiness will come, and harmony will reign in the soul. You will love yourself, and after that those who will love you will come.

You can be filled with feminine energy by simply taking care of yourself, relaxing and performing purely feminine procedures. Go for a manicure, go to a spa, look through colorful magazines, buy a new dress.

Massage and long walks will also help in this matter, in addition, women simply need communication, and therefore chatting for a long time with a friend is not a waste of time, but a way to fill yourself with the necessary energy. Cooking, creativity, caring for flowers will also help.

According to the Vedas, you can fill yourself with feminine energy by regularly drinking a glass of sweetened warm milk with spices at night. If you devote time to these activities, you will feel harmony in yourself. But there are also rituals that will help you fill up with energy quickly.

In the forest

Trees have long been revered by our ancestors; each had its own energy and strength. You can use ancient knowledge now. Head into the forest and choose the tree next to which you feel comfortable and warm.

But remember that, for example, oak is a purely male plant, it can fill you with strength and clarity of thought, but this is not what we need now. Pine gives an incredible will to live, increases immunity, but birch fills with soft and calm energy that women so need.

It is best to go to the birch tree before 9 am, then it reaches the peak of its strength. If she likes you, she will generously share her energy with you. It will also be useful for women to recharge with the energy of acacia or viburnum.

You should go to the forest with pure thoughts, alone. Stretch out your hand, listen to the sensations - if you feel warmth and tingling near the tree you like, then it suits you. Stand near the tree you have chosen for about five minutes at a distance of half a meter, mentally ask it for help.

Now relax, trust him completely and come closer. Touch the trunk with your forehead, kiss the bark, imagine how silvery energy flows from it to you, how it fills you, flows through your arms, legs, and back.

Wait until the streams concentrate in solar plexus, thank the tree, bow to it and leave. It is not recommended to fill yourself with energy for longer than three minutes.

Across the Moon

Feminine nature is directly related to the Moon, because the female cycle depends on it. The moon affects people's health, mood, and thoughts. She is the focus of feminine energy, and it is quite easy to recharge from her.

It is enough to stand looking at the luminary for a quarter of an hour and imagine how the light penetrates your body, filling it. This practice should be carried out regularly. In addition, it is worth talking to the Moon, telling her about your joys, thanking her for everything, asking for something.

Ask the Moon to increase your femininity so that you feel unified with your own nature. Remember that you can ask for an increase in something, for example, a family budget or love, while the Moon is growing, and to get rid of, for example, illnesses - during the waning Moon.

In order to fill yourself with feminine energy through the Moon, you can charge water. Take a transparent glass, fill it with clean, preferably spring or distilled water, and place it on the windowsill - let the light of the Moon fall on it. Leave it there for a few hours or overnight, and then use it however you want.

You can drink this “moon” water, or you can wash your face with it, imagining your face being washed by moonlight, you can add it to your bath, or even cook with it.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when a woman is as close to nature as possible, when her true essence is revealed. In order to preserve and not lose, as well as increase your feminine energy During this period, it is good to do yoga.

Not only is it good for morale and peace of mind, but it will also provide great health benefits expectant mother and baby. In addition, listen to calm music more often, treat yourself to delicious food, and rub your tummy with aromatic oils after a shower.

To increase your feminine energy level during pregnancy, forget about stretchy robes and buy some Nice dress for pregnant women or new beads. If you know how, take up embroidery or knitting - knit a hat or blanket for your baby.

Energy practices during pregnancy are indicated, but you need to carefully monitor your condition. For example, if during meditation you feel discomfort or pain in your heart, then stop it immediately. During this period, it is better not to engage in introspection, but to devote yourself to communicating with the baby.

Relaxing and closing your eyes, imagine sending him the golden light of your love, visualize it, feel the warmth. The baby will definitely answer you in kind.

A sexy woman enjoys everyday activities, she is interesting to people, attractive, she does everything easily, she is more open, sociable, people trust her and are drawn to her, her sex life is exciting and varied.

Any woman needs to love her body, admire herself in front of the mirror, stroke your body, enjoy the look of it. If you constantly praise yourself, others begin to see more and more merits in you; if you criticize yourself, others begin to pay attention only to your shortcomings.

Women's practice "Volcano of Passions"

This women's practice is intended for activation of the second chakra, For filling with sexual feminine energy.

Do it sitting or, if necessary, standing. Relax, lower your attention down to the abdomen, to the area of ​​the uterus and imagine that red and warm lava from the volcano is pouring there, squeeze your intimate muscles several times. Imagine your uterus, she smiles while in this warm lava - she is pleased and comfortable, and the uterus says “Yes” (say the word “Yes” out loud).

Then mentally draw the golden thread from the utricle to your lips and say “Yes” out loud. Notice how your sound has changed.

Do this exercise before a date, meeting a man, try to speak during the date, as if directing your speech from the area of ​​the uterus, thereby filling your voice with sexuality and you will feel the power of feminine energy.

How to ask for gifts?

First, do the exercise described above, speak from the area of ​​the uterus (imagine how from the uterus, filled with energy, energy flows along a golden thread to your lips and pours out sexual speech). Imagine the erect phallus of the man from whom you are asking for a gift, and you can additionally imagine yourself making passionate love with him (do this while talking to him).

Radiate and give love!


Space of love 14.01.2018

Dear readers, in previous articles in this section we have already talked about how to unleash the feminine energy within yourself. The presenter of the column, Irina Romanova, calls this the ability to be loving pleasure. But how can you develop this ability in yourself so much that you can constantly be filled with the energy of love, in order to charge not only yourself, but also those around you? This is exactly what will be discussed in our conversation today. I give the floor to Irina.

Hello, my dear. I am glad to welcome you to our space of love and again talk about a woman, her vibrations and feminine energy. After all, when a women’s circle gathers, we are all filled up, we draw from each other the qualities we lack, the strength we lack. At the same time, everyone gets something for themselves and at the same time shares with their friends.

Even now, when we are in different cities, in different countries, we share with each other our feelings, experiences, stories and this helps ourselves and others become stronger as women. Be sure to write in the comments your impressions, thoughts and feelings after the completed practices. Share your practices and ways of filling feminine power.

The space of love is created by women. Because they are the ones who fill any space and fill it with their vibrations. As a rule, a man brings a woman into his home, and her task is to fill it, decorate it, and create comfort. A man builds a house, and a woman decorates it. This has always been and always will be, because the nature of a woman and the nature of a man cannot be changed.

But if it is in a woman’s nature to be fulfilling, loving, giving, then why are there so many lonely and unhappy women in our time? Why do women feel empty, tired, and energetically depleted? How can they fill their home, the space around them, if there is emptiness inside?

We live in a man's world. And the man's world is built according to male rules. And we, completely forgetting about our natural instincts, about our natural abilities, begin to adapt to these rules and de-energize ourselves.

A man lives by his mind - this is his strength. A woman's strength is in her body - her heart and in her lower abdomen. How more woman thinks, worries, solves complex life problems, the less her strength becomes.

A woman needs to regain her lost energy and fill herself up. And there are different ways to do this. Now we will look at them in more detail.

Natural silence

Loneliness and silence are one of the simplest and easiest ways to restore your strength. If you feel tired, just leave all your worries and affairs and walk through the park alone, sit on the banks of a river or sea. And at the same time, try not to let your thoughts be occupied with calculating the annual balance, worrying about your husband, children, parents, and money. Walk as if all your worries were somewhere far away.

The place of feminine energy in the body is in the lower abdomen, in the heart area. If we constantly think about something, then our energy center shifts to the head, leaving our natural place of power.

When we stop thinking about pressing matters, when we simply observe the beauty of nature and absorb it into ourselves, we are filled and charged with the natural power of the Earth. And then we can, fully charged, return to our business. Believe me, there will be much more benefits.

Communication with other women

Remember the main thing - women are not competitors. These are our closest associates. In a women's circle it is very easy to be filled with energy. You don’t need to do anything for this – it happens absolutely naturally.

You can communicate, or you can just be in female society. If a joke immediately comes to mind about a turtle and a snake swimming through the sea, and the snake thinks: “If I bite, it will throw me off,” and the turtle’s thoughts are: “I’ll throw it off, it will bite,” then remember what I said - we live in men's world. And men come up with such jokes for us.

We ourselves choose our roles in the social world, we ourselves choose whether to compete with men in strength and intelligence, we ourselves choose whether to compete with women. You can compete, or you can understand that other women are the same flow of energy as you, and that by interacting with each other, you can fill up and restore your strength.

I will write in the next article how exactly this interaction occurs.

Hobby or favorite activity

Here I am not discovering America, they talk about it, talk about it and will talk about it, because what they love is always a source of strength and inspiration.

Each woman will have her own. Some people are inspired by knitting, others by drawing, and others by compiling complex algorithms and tables. Main sign The fact that you are doing something you love is that after its completion you feel a surge of strength and energy.

Meditations and practices

Every meditation and every practice is an opportunity to slow down a little and be alone with yourself.

Nature, like a woman, is leisurely. Its strength lies in fluidity and smoothness. Any meditation is deep, slow breathing, stopping the internal dialogue, which means it is a great way to recover.

There are a lot of practices on restoring female power. In this article I will talk about some of them. You will have the opportunity to turn to your source of energy and restore your strength.

In search of the lost pearl. Practice

Take a few minutes for yourself right now. Take three deep breaths in and out and focus your attention on your breathing. Maybe at some point you will want to exhale even deeper and relax.

During the day we are constantly in tension, constantly in our thoughts. And now – take a deep breath, and let all this tension go through your feet into the ground. Now your breathing is calm and even, and we can begin the practice.

Pearls are never found on the surface. He always hides in shells on the sea or river bottom. And now close your eyes and be transported to a beautiful oasis. Warm white sand caresses your feet. You are walking along a deserted beach, dressed in a light chiffon, almost imperceptible cape. The sun warms you with its warmth, they fly in the sky exotic birds, the sky is light blue and very clear. Its reflection can be seen in the clean, transparent sea surface.

You walk along the shore and see a path that goes deep into the island and beckons you to follow it. You walk boldly because this is your island, it is absolutely safe here. This is your place. The path leads you to a small lake surrounded by trees. The water in the lake is so clear and inviting that you dive into it without thinking twice.

This is an unforgettable feeling - coolness, freshness, cleanliness and transparency. You feel so good, water cleanses and fills you not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It becomes easy for you, you yourself become as transparent and clean as this water. Your heart rejoices like a child’s, you laugh and splash, enjoying every moment.

And then you notice that something glitters at the bottom. You become interested, and you dive into this depth to bring to the surface this small bright star that you saw through the water.

To get it, you have to dive deeper and deeper, but it happens so easily for you, as if you had been doing it all the time. You easily reach the bottom of the lake and pick up this light that attracted you so much. It turned out to be a pearl. She lies without a shell, just like that, on seabed and seems to be waiting for you. As soon as you touch it, the same star lights up inside you, in your uterus - a pearl, and you feel its light inside you.

Holding the pearl tightly in your hands, you emerge to the surface and take a deep breath of clean, fragrant air. In your hands is your found pearl. Look carefully at it - what it is, what size, what color.

You apply this pearl to your stomach, as if feeling how necessary it is to do it, and you see that your pearl dissolves and penetrates through your skin into you. Your lower abdomen fills with light and warmth. And in this general light and warmth, one point is felt most clearly, this is the place where your pearl has settled.

Now she is always with you, she is part of you, she fills and revives the place of your power, she always burns as a bright star inside you.

This visualization exercise can be done at any time. The more often we remember our star, our pearl at the bottom of our belly, the more joyful and happy our life will be. It is like a saving spring for a tired traveler.

Dance of feminine energies. Practice

And now that you have found your pearl, you need to get it moving. Yes, my dears, in the natural world - and this is the true world of a woman - there is no static, everything is in motion. And our task is to return movement to our main center.

And if the world of men is a world of clarity, rhythm, action, then the world of a woman is a world of smoothness, harmony and waves. Women's waves can be very different and our task is to learn how to create them. Therefore, let's not postpone this sacred action and start right now.

Close your eyes, restore the evenness of your breathing - take a few deep breaths and exhales. And focus all your attention on your pearl in the lower abdomen. See how it shines and shimmers, how its light fills you from the inside.

Now imagine that it, your pearl, begins to rotate around its axis. And the faster it rotates, the larger the waves of light diverge around it. First, these waves fill the lower abdomen, then rise higher, and the pearl continues to rotate.

Feel how your body begins to follow the movements of this rotation. It can go completely differently. It could be a spiraling to the left or a spiraling to the right, or maybe it's just a wave that goes up. Just watch these waves and repeat their movement with your body.

Breathing is relaxed and easy. Do not pinch your cheekbones, you can exhale the sound “ha”. Feel how these waves cover your body completely, and it itself begins to move to the beat of them. These may be internal movements, or maybe you want to get up and move to the beat of these waves.

Don’t hold back, surrender to the feeling of this process, enjoy these movements. You can do this exercise as much as you want. And when you finish, pay attention to your inner state. What changed? How does your body now react to the surrounding space? Did you feel energized after doing this exercise?

With love in my heart
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina, after all, it is always a joy to talk about such topics. We really sometimes forget about our nature, but how useful it can be to slow down, breathe, and just be with yourself. And even just this already gives us so much life-giving energy. But of course, you should strive to always be filled with feminine power.

And for the soul, we will listen to the amazing composition by Ernesto Cortazar - Thanks To Life.

see also



Energy is the ability to manage attention. Male attention is sharp, precise and aggressive, like a laser beam. Female attention resembles an umbrella, a concave mirror. Therefore, a man is attracted to activities that require aggression, healthy (conquering new territories, searching for risky paths or strategies) or not. A woman, if she knows how to handle her attention correctly, understands that she is good at a job that requires ten eyes and five hands: working with clients, feedback and reviews, childbirth and children, preserving and arranging territories.

Signs of lack of energy

  1. Violation physical health(headaches, high or low blood pressure, VSD, diseases of the endocrine system, decreased immunity).
  2. Psychological discomfort (obsessive thoughts, internal dialogues, feelings of guilt or resentment, experiencing one’s own shortcomings, lack of understanding of one’s place in life, apathy or vice versa, irritability, neurotic reactions, insomnia, desire for hypercontrol).
  3. Deterioration of hair and skin condition.
  4. Deterioration in the condition of flowers in the house, the health of pets and small children (under 7 years old).
  5. Bad dreams. Especially dreams about houses, apartments, offices. If you often see destroyed or simply cluttered, dirty rooms in your dreams, this is one of the signs that the amount of your energy has decreased.
  6. Menstrual irregularities, problems with conception.

Reasons for leaks

To better understand how to accumulate feminine energy, you need to understand how it circulates normally. The loss of energy is a normal process of exchange with the outside world. But a woman is like a dam - energy should come into her as a wide river, and leave in small, controlled streams. While releasing some of the energy, it is important to maintain a baseline level of strength.

Therefore, when we talk about how to restore energy to a woman, we are talking about repair and filling to the basic level you are accustomed to, about the absence of leaks. And when we talk about recharging with energy, we are talking about how to work with daily exercise and strengthen feminine energy. In addition, if your development requires it, you can increase the basic level of your energy and increase the power of the internal battery.

That is, normally energy leaves us daily. But there are things that create big holes that greatly devastate a woman:

  1. Sexual relations with a man who does not love. There is an energy exchange with the beloved husband, but if there is no mutual love, there is a loss of energy.
  2. The birth of each child. This is also an absolutely normal way of losing energy, but the fact that you won’t be able to replenish your energy balance right away is worth understanding and planning to learn new practices during maternity leave. And perhaps you will also need to restructure your usual ways of increasing strength.
  3. Karma of the clan, and if there are children of common blood, also the karma of the husband’s clan. If there are unresolved problems and tasks in parent families, this will affect your family too. The goal here is not to make everyone around you happy and wealthy, but to outline your zone of influence. Determine which problems are yours and solve only them, without expecting that they will do it for you. And identify which problems are not relevant to you and you cannot solve them.
  4. Lack of independent financial support. Although the energy of money is “yang”, this does not mean that you should ignore the financial side of life. Careless and frivolous spending of money is directly related to wasted energy. At the same time, you cannot give up on desires. Desires should motivate accomplishments, but not in the way of “I will wish, and let him fulfill them.” You should wish for things that will light a fire in a man to receive them to share with you.
  5. Smoking and alcohol. It’s not so bad that you are deliberately harming your body. Smoking and alcohol connect you with people who consider self-harm to be the norm, and most likely have more than just these negative beliefs.

Recovery methods

  1. Egregorial connections (national, religious, tribal)

— Compliance with your national traditions or beliefs, exploring the understanding of femininity through spiritual works. In Muslim communities, the Orthodox community, and other faiths there are ways of addressing feminine, Goddess. In Orthodoxy, you can pray to the Mother of God or one of the saints. If you do not know how to correctly turn to higher powers, ask your spiritual mentor or a person who is well acquainted with the canons of your faith. They have proven methods. Appeal to the Goddess, especially with a prayer of gratitude, is one of the most quick ways regain lost strength.

— You can work through your beliefs through a scientific egregor by turning to a psychologist or coach, choose training for yourself and study hidden secrets.

— Compiling your pedigree gives you a great boost of energy. This also includes compiling family photo albums; it is doubly good to do this together with children, especially girls.

— Communication with senior family members close to you, as well as Teachers, mentors, older friends who are authoritative for you, married friends in a happy marriage.

  1. Places of power

— Any travel, especially to holy places, will allow you to accumulate energy. It is especially good to travel to places where there is a lot of air and water: to the sea, to the mountains, traveling in winter (to places where there is a lot of snow, for example, to ski resorts). It is also good to study the history, culture, and language of another country.

— Museums, theaters, ballet, opera, bookstores, libraries. These are batteries of human culture, the atmosphere there is special, rich in knowledge and special magic.

  1. Working off karma

- Expressing sincere forgiveness, gratitude, giving truly valuable, from the heart, gifts. Declarations of love, especially to children and parents, will make your life better.

  1. Interpret femininity for yourself personally (belonging to feminine)

— Study what colors and styles suit you, learn how to combine things and create a well-chosen wardrobe. This is done once in a lifetime, and then the knowledge gained allows you to maintain and develop your wardrobe in a state where on any day you feel confident that your image is perfect.

— Find a hairdresser and get your hair done, hair color, choose methods of care and styling. It is impossible to become beautiful if your head is a mess.

— Choose your required minimum of cosmetics, learn makeup techniques.

— Choose your scent and surround yourself and your spaces with pleasant smells.

— Singing and oratory. To open the throat chakra, in a good way is listening to ethnic music, mantras, singing, if desired, chanting mantras. The word is less important than the tone, the voice in which it is spoken. Listen sweet words, spoken in a gentle voice, is one of the important male needs.

Charging methods

There are many ways to charge. Esotericists believe that feminine energy corresponds to the elements of Water and Earth. Earth and Water primarily have cleansing properties. To quickly remove fatigue, you need to take a shower or bath, or lie down on the ground (on the floor) and lie still. Water also stores information. In flowing water or in rain or fog, you need to meditate on current problems, send your request to the universe. The earth is the element of working with material things, the element of neutralizing the obsolete and growing the new. By working with the earth, you balance your energy field with the field of the planet, getting your place in life and time.

How you can increase feminine energy, taking into account the priorities you need:

  1. For good health:

— For healing and restoration of the body, the most important thing is the regime proper nutrition and sleep. You need to eat and sleep at the same time every day, including weekends. You need to eat in small portions every 2-3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. You need to share food for health or eating sweets for pleasure. We create a nutrition plan throughout the day for health, and give pleasure its place.

- Movement for warm-up and massages. It is worth choosing a sport that you can practice for many years without getting tired of it. Women's strength is increased by sports where a leisurely rhythm is possible: yoga, dancing, Tensegrity, and other types of exercises.

— Cleansing procedures: sauna, spa, baths - performed with the appropriate intention turn into a magical rite.

  1. For love:

— Watching romantic films helps increase attractiveness and success in men. Love stories give rise to emotions that set the right mood.

— Feminine clothes. Learn to wear skirts, maybe just pair them with ballet flats instead of stilettos, and you'll find that dresses and skirts (with a jacket or cardigan on top) are very comfortable clothes. Choose fabrics that are pleasant to iron (velvet, wool, fur, suede, leather).

  1. Ways to increase your importance and gain trust:

— Volunteering and charity. There are many ways to give to the world, without demanding anything in return, some part of your experience, time and effort. At a minimum, you can give the beggar bread and other products, take him to Orphanage excess household appliances or toys.

- Ask for help, help someone else. Asking for help means showing your trust to the world.

— Invite guests and go on visits, organize holidays, picnics, ceremonial feasts. In addition to the element of altruism, the very atmosphere of festive troubles very well raises feminine energy.

— Cooking and treating yourself to your masterpieces is a great way to improve relationships with colleagues and friends.

- Recognizing the strengths of other people, sincere praise and compliments. Many people know how to devalue other people's successes, but not everyone is able to praise their virtues. When starting to learn this, at first it’s even difficult to find words. You need to ensure that words of admiration fly out of your mouth easily. Once you feel the joy of learning how to give compliments, you will receive a real breakthrough in life.

- Affectionate touches. Master friendly kisses, stroking, hugs, all types of hugs, and this will give you a hundred plus points to your sociability.

— House cleaning, repairs and minor repairs, for which you need to set aside weekly time, will help expand your living space and make it cozy. Annoying little things should not be an eyesore for months and years; it’s precisely on such little things that energy leaks occur.

— Any hobbies that are related to home and increase comfort will charge you with energy: floriculture, embroidered and beaded paintings, patchwork, knitting and sewing, arranging bouquets.

  1. Personal growth

— Time management (when you begin to systematically work on increasing your energy levels, you will realize that there are only 24 hours in a day, and after establishing a sleep and nutrition schedule and linking all your activities into a weekly schedule, there will not be much free time left. Therefore, without planning you won’t get far for a month or a year).

- Meditation. Choose meditation practices that suit you. Keeping a journal is also a way to free your mind. Actively meditate by walking (alone). Good advice: A walk at sunrise or sunset gives the same boost of energy as going to a place of power, such as a church of your faith. A walk in fog, snowfall or rain (the elements of water and earth are balanced), as well as during a full moon, has the same effect.

— Conduct a photo shoot. This gives integration, the creation of a holistic image of the individual.

- Reading. Books are just as much your friends as dresses. Well, my favorite books are also wise Teachers. Sometimes you need to read (and write!) poetry, this is a special way of interacting with the universe.

- Purity and fullness. A vessel with the purest love - you should have such a sense of self, you should strive for it.

  1. Social life

— Communication with friends has the effect of mutually extinguishing accumulated negative energy and multiplying positive energy. It’s very good if you start some business together, make a secret plot, prepare a surprise.

— Communication with like-minded people, including virtual ones, gives both strength and motivation to continue your journey. Thematic forums and blogs are good.

  1. Motherhood. Although children are recipients of the mother and feed on her energy, motherhood, if it is perceived correctly, as a gift and not a burden, opens up a wide flow of energy filling from the child, or rather, through him from higher powers. Communication with other mothers and other people's children also allows you to gain energy.
  2. Obedience, trust in the world and man. There is no need to defend yourself, allow yourself and the man to make mistakes and trust each other. You will ultimately pay more for your mistrust than for your man’s mistake. Most errors are easy to fix. If you cannot overcome mistrust, prepare yourself for the thought that separation is inevitable.
  3. Working with the energies of the Moon.

On the waning Moon, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary, and ask the growing Moon to fulfill your ideas and plans. Full moon- time to bathe your face and body in the moonlight, thank the Goddess. You can place your cosmetics and jewelry under the moonlight (after cleaning them under cold water), perfume, put water for washing.

It’s good to dance naked in the moonlight, letting the universe admire you, showing how well you take care of the body given to you and the ability to receive and give joy.

Correct energy transfer

Finally, I would like to warn against unreasonable waste of recovered energy. The following situation often occurs: After maternity leave, problems began with my husband, even to the point of separation. The wife turns on her head, takes care of herself, restores strength and balance in her life. Usually the husband returns after this. The wife still has enough energy to forgive him, to understand that this is her loved one and she is ready to take into account her mistakes and start investing in the family again. And here she makes a critical, most often already irreparable, mistake: she throws everything that has been restored bit by bit at her husband’s feet, completely opens the floodgates and gives him a waterfall of energy.

No. You can't do that. Giving energy in parts, closing your flow, doing it in the interests of a loved one - this is the most important feminine art. You need to create distance at the moment when the person is close to getting enough of you. To fill it again, you need to wait for it to become empty, bored, and look with a hungry eye.

And in order to see the difference in the moods of loved ones, you need to look not at them, but learn to feel yourself. You need to focus on your fullness, because if you are strong, then your life will be a full cup.