Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka (Zogan). Japanese rejuvenating facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka - beauty is in your hands! Lymphatic drainage massage Japanese

Time is a faithful companion of female wisdom. It heals, allows you to survive adversity, draw conclusions and become better. But the calendar cursor running through the numbers is absolutely merciless to the youth of the face. Over time, wrinkles and folds appear on it, the tone becomes uneven and dull, elasticity is lost and the former oval of the face seems to blur in the mirror.

All kinds of anti-aging serums, creams, mousses and powders, masks and compresses, cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery come to the aid of women who want to fight the clock. An entire industry works to satisfy women's natural desire to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. We all know that effective means go side by side with a high price.

But there must be other ways that don’t empty our pockets! It wasn’t always that there were tempting jars on hospitable store windows, promising a magical transformation the very next day after use. And our grandmothers easily managed without expensive cosmetics and elephants, practicing beauty at home.

The Japanese have found a way out! We will talk about a modern interpretation of one of the proven ancient techniques. Japanese self-massage a person who helps residents of the Land of the Rising Sun look ten years younger with the help of special gymnastics.

How did Zogan massage come about?

Let's go back to 2007 - then the book “Facial Massage” was published. Its author, Yukuko Tanaka, at that time gained fame as one of the best stylists in Japan. She adapted the work of cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi and introduced a number of innovations and improvements to her exercises. This is how the concept of Zogan massage was born, which translated into Russian means “creating the face.”

Zogan is a facial massage that involves influencing the entire complex of facial tissues and lymph nodes of the face, thereby achieving rejuvenation and lymphatic drainage effect.

Yukuko Tanaka managed to popularize Japanese facial massage all over the world, which is not surprising, because the youthful appearance of Japanese women has always aroused genuine interest among women all over the world. In Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union By an unknown coincidence, its alternative name took root - Asahi massage.

Three pillars of Asahi self-massage

The “morning sun” massage technique (this is how the word “asahi” is translated from Japanese) has 3 fundamental differences from the European techniques that are familiar to us:

  1. Depth. During a regular massage, special creams and oils are applied to the facial skin, and then strokes are carried out according to the rules of massage lines. Only the upper layers of the epithelium are affected, and the deeper layers are not affected in any way. During the Japanese rejuvenating facial massage, Zogan (or Tsogan, as it is sometimes called) involves not only the skin, but also the facial muscles and connective tissues up to the cranial bones. For this, the entire palm is used, and not just the fingertips.
  2. Detoxification. Massage movements are designed to move along the lymphatic channels and activate the outflow of lymph from the areas where our lymph nodes are located. As a result, the face and cervical area are freed from toxins and their rejuvenation occurs.
  3. Increased tone of facial muscles. Zogan massage amazingly tones and strengthens facial muscle tissue, which has a beneficial effect on the clarity of contours, visibly refreshes the skin and makes wrinkles less noticeable.


Yukuko Tanaka's anti-aging massage will not turn back time, but it can help you fight the aging process on your face. Cosmetologists and dermatologists highlight 7 advantages of lymphomassage:

  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • skin detoxification;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles;
  • elimination of flabbiness;
  • restoration of natural skin color;
  • alignment of the oval of the face;
  • getting rid of double chin.

Japanese Asahi facial massage is an effective procedure, the effect of which can be seen in the photo before and after the gymnastics course. It seems these women managed to look 10 years younger:

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Opinion of cosmetologist Olga Fem:

Caution won't hurt

Before we get to the fun part, let’s outline the dangers that await us. Tsogan massage is not a medicine, but it also has its contraindications. Experts do not recommend Asahi Japanese rejuvenating facial massage for people with the following problems:

  • rash on the face;
  • rosacea and other pathological manifestations on the face;
  • pharyngitis and otolaryngological abnormalities;
  • there is an acute respiratory viral infection;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Girls and women whose faces have a thin subcutaneous fat layer should be especially careful about the lymphatic drainage procedure. Active gymnastics can lead to unnatural thinness of the face and thereby harm your health.

Tips for a quick skin check (video):

Rules for performing massage

To make the learning process easier, we have added as many video instructions as possible. If you have the means, it would be a good idea to first go to a salon for a couple of procedures to learn from the experience of a professional massage therapist. This way you will be confident in the correctness of your movements when you start doing Japanese facial massage for wrinkles at home.

Take a massage from Yukuko Tanaka seriously: this is not a one-time cosmetic procedure, but a series of “therapeutic” sessions. Therefore, your success will directly depend on adherence to the regime and regularity of classes.

Follow a few simple rules and you will succeed:

  • try to do Zogan facial massage in the morning - at this time the face is most responsive;
  • Asahi massage can be done in a standing or sitting position, but the main thing is to maintain posture, which is not difficult, given the duration of the session (15-20 minutes);
  • for convenience, sit in a well-lit place in front of a mirror to control and correct your body movements;
  • perform manipulations only with a face that is completely clean of makeup and moisture;
  • Avoid combining this massage with a bath, scrubs and peelings, so as not to harm the skin;
  • to ensure sliding, use a massage product, give preference to the option on oil based(less effective alternatives: homemade oatmeal mask, cosmetic milk or moisturizer);
  • spend enough time watching the video, review the points that were not entirely clear, until you are absolutely sure that you can perform Japanese lymphatic facial massage in the correct way;
  • At the end of the session, be sure to wash off the remnants of the massage product, use cotton pads and toner to do this, and then wash your face with warm water.

Lymphatic map of the face

Since Tsogan facial massage involves movements strictly along the lymphatic channels, you need to understand the anatomy of the face. An atlas of the location of lymph nodes will help you with this (see photo).

Japanese massage includes work on the following points: cervical, chin, under the lower jaw, parotid and behind the ear.

By working in accordance with this scheme, you will be able to properly stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Unlike traditional massage techniques, all exercises are performed with more intense pressure and in a certain direction. But when treating areas near the lymph nodes, the pressure is reduced to avoid painful sensations: there should not be any.

Final lymphatic drainage movement

Mastering the technique of Japanese rejuvenating facial massage, invented by Tanaka Yukuko, begins, oddly enough, from the end. We are talking about the last movement that is done after each exercise to start the outflow of lymph from the highest point - from the ears. Without it, all our efforts will go down the drain.

How to do the finishing movement:

  1. connect your index, middle and ring fingers together, just don’t fold them like a hut so that each of them can adhere to the skin - do this on both hands;
  2. place the entire length of your fingers on both sides of the face next to the parotid ganglia (between the tragus of the ear and the temple)
  3. press lightly, wait 2 seconds;
  4. Without changing the pressure, begin a smooth movement along the contour of the face to the clavicular area;
  5. hold for 2 seconds next to the deep lymph nodes of the neck;
  6. continue moving along the sides of the neck;
  7. finish, just short of reaching the nodes near the jugular cavity - lymphatic drainage has started.

Zogan massage technique (video tutorial)

Tanaka called the basic set of facial contour massage exercises “Become 10 years younger.” This option is perfect for beginners, regardless of age.

You can get acquainted with it by watching a visual video instruction:

Each age has its own approach

In advanced Japanese facial massage, self-massage techniques are expanded and divided into 5 age groups to effectively combat age-specific facial changes.

This does not mean that you need to do only exercises from your category. Those who are older can use exercises from the younger categories. First of all, focus on the condition of your face.

For girls over 20 years old

the main objective Japanese massage Asahi for twenty-year-olds is simple - maintaining a youthful appearance and healthy skin. Therefore, Tanaka recommends using gentle techniques that will take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Do 3 repetitions of each of the following (be sure to end each with a finishing movement):

  1. Make a ring with your thumb and index finger. Place them near the corners of your mouth. Start moving towards the ears.
  2. The next block involves the middle and ring fingers. Place them on the sides of the nose exactly along the line of the nasolabial fold. Slowly move along it from top to bottom. Go around the mouth and finish by connecting your fingers in the center of the chin.
  3. Place your fingers in the center of the frontal area, smoothly move towards the outside of the forehead until you reach the temples.

Watch the explanatory video:

For girls over 30

Japanese self-massage after thirty covers problems such as eliminating dark circles under the eyes, bags and puffiness.

Let's learn how to massage correctly (don't forget about the final movements after each approach):

  1. Place your fingers at the bridge of your nose - near the inner corners of your eyes. Slowly move them along its contour towards the ears. Do it three times.
  2. Now we start at the outer side of the eye socket. Place your fingers there and smoothly move along its lower contour towards the nose. Next, place your fingers at the inner edges of the eyebrows and make a circular motion outward - around the eye socket to the inner corners of the eyes. And from there, move back to the ears. Do it 3 times.

Video instruction:

Women after 40 and 45 years old

If you are over forty, an Asahi facial massage will help with facial wrinkles, have a tonic effect on the skin and prevent sagging of the chin and lift the cheeks.

Perform each Zogan self-massage point 3 times and complete with the final movement:

  1. Clench your fingers into fists so that your index fingers are on top thumbs. Place your fists on your nasolabial lips. Smoothly move along their line to the chin area until your fists close. Now we move up along the edge of the cheekbones towards the ears.
  2. Place your fingers on your chin so that their pads touch. Apply slight force and hold for three seconds in this position. Release the pressure and, without lifting your fingers, move towards the wings of your nose. Press lightly again and wait 3 seconds. Then move without pressure towards your ears.
  3. Place the fingers of one hand on your cheek and the other palm on top of them. Press harder than in the previous exercise and release. Repeat a little higher, gradually moving towards the ear. Afterwards, the hands go in different directions: one performs the final movement, and the second moves along the mandibular contour to the middle of the chin.

Step-by-step instructions - on video:

Women over 50

Yukuko Tanaka's massage technique for women over fifty helps to maintain the skin, cope with sagging cheeks and the appearance of jowls.

Execution technique (we repeat each block 3 times in a row with a final movement at the end):

  1. Form fists with the fingers of both hands. Press them to the corners of your mouth. Without reducing pressure, move along the mandibular contour to the ears.
  2. This exercise is performed first on one side of the face, then on the other. Place one palm on top of the other and press them to the nasolabial fold. Move your hands down towards your lip to smooth out the crease.
  3. Fold your hands in the same way - one on top of the other, press your palms to the temporal area on one side of your face. Slowly move them towards your ear. Afterwards the hands are separated. The first performs the final action, and the second moves along the contour of the lower jaw to the middle of the chin. Do the same for the other half of the face.
  4. Press your palms to your cheeks, lifting them up, and smoothly move your hands towards your ears.

Watch the video tutorial:

Ladies over 60

Japanese massage after sixty will not bring back your former youth, but it will help lift the face, tighten the chin and eliminate sagging in the cervical region.

Complete the previous group of exercises with the following (repeat each three times and end with the final movement):

  1. Place your fingers under your chin. With a smooth movement, move along the chin contour up to the ear.
  2. Take a small towel without synthetics. Place it on your hand and apply it to your neck so that part of the towel is adjacent to your lower jaw. Now press it to your chin and wait five seconds. Now perform the following action alternately for each side of the face. Place the fingers of one hand to the center of the chin so that the nails point toward the ear. Smoothly move them along the lower jaw to the auricle.
  3. Grasp your chin so that the entire surface of the pad is adjacent to it thumb to the pad index finger. Without lifting your hands from the skin, go down along the neck to the collarbone.

Watch the video:

Solving possible problems after massage

Asahi facial massage has an intense effect on the skin, so it is necessary to closely monitor any changes and take timely measures.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • Seek medical advice immediately if you notice new problem areas on your face that are visible to the naked eye.
  • Sometimes a face may respond with acne to a massage product that is not suitable for it. In this case, you need to take a break until they disappear completely, and then try again with a different remedy.
  • If your face has lost a lot of weight, stop the procedures until it restores its natural shape. This can be avoided by reducing the intensity of pressure on the skin during Tsogan facial massage.
  • The opposite situation is also possible - if you use too much greasy product for massage, it can cause swelling, especially in the evening. Try doing a massage in the morning with a different oil.
  • Using too little massage product can reduce the elastic properties of the skin - so this is not where you should be greedy.

Personal experience

Watch the video with Alena Sobol's review:

We hope that our article helped you learn how to do Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage at home. By spending only 15 minutes a day on such rejuvenation, you can achieve tangible results: maintain your youth longer or restore your former beauty.

Without a doubt, Zogan facial massage is not a panacea for age-related ills. It's worth backing up healthy eating and clean water, and also ensure there is no stress. Be sure to use cosmetical tools anti-age category in combination with salon and home cosmetology procedures. Do face building so that your facial muscles firmly hold the contour of your face in their hands and do not allow it to sag.

We welcome your comments and feedback! If you liked the article, share it with your friends on in social networks and messengers.

A woman is as old as she looks. Time runs inexorably forward, drawing wrinkles and spots on faces, leaving traces of small scars and irregularities. It has always been a rival for the female sex in the struggle for beauty.

Until the age of 23-25, a girl looks young thanks to nature, and everything after that depends on working on her appearance. It is important not only to exercise to maintain a beautiful figure, but also regular facial sports massage is necessary. The main thing is not to be lazy and everything will work out ;)

Now I will tell you about one very aroma and effective method returning and maintaining youth, which the land of the rising sun gave us. We will talk about Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. The technique of this massage has been honed over centuries of use, and its effectiveness has been proven by more than one thousand rejuvenated beauties.

Yukuko Tanaka, one of the most famous Japanese stylists, revived and opened the Japanese rejuvenating massage to the world.

(photo stylist, Yukuko Tanaka, 62 years old)

Yukuko was taught the basics of massage, sequence of movements and pressure by her grandmother. These techniques were perfected by the stylist herself. Tanaka systematized all her achievements in 2007, in a book called “Facial Massage.”

A little later, translators came up with a name for this massage that was different from the original - Asahi massage, which translated means “massage of the morning sun.”

Japanese massage is fundamentally different from its European counterparts, primarily in its effect on the deep tissues of the face.

A standard massage involves applying a massage cream to the skin in combination with light stroking movements along the massage lines. The cosmetologist acts only on the skin, leaving the underlying tissues uninvolved.

Japanese facial massage is a deep treatment during which the master works on the skin, facial muscles and connective tissue. Another feature of this massage is that Asahi is performed not with the fingertips, but with the entire palm.

Also, a significant difference between Japanese massage is its detoxifying effect on the skin and deeper tissues. This is explained by the fact that the movements of the massage therapist’s hands go along the lymphatic vessels, actively working in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. As a result, the outflow of lymph from the face and neck improves, which improves the process of removing toxins from the massaged area.

Zogan massage has a positive effect on the muscles of the facial part of the head, toning and strengthening them. Thanks to this effect, the oval of the face acquires clearer contours, wrinkles are reduced, and the appearance skin.

Asahi is perfect for preventing aging and its effectiveness is especially visible in the following cases:

1.Fighting expression lines

2. Lifting facial contours

3.Improving lymph outflow

4.Getting rid of edema

5.Getting rid of double chin

6.Improved skin quality and color

!!!Attention!!! Read:

Japanese facial massage is done with cream or hydrophilic oil. This is a mandatory requirement!

Unfortunately, Asahi is not suitable for everyone and you should definitely know this. Before you start doing it, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Here is a list of contraindications for its use. They are based on experience, so take them seriously:

1. Diseases of the lymphatic system

2. ENT diseases (especially sore tonsils) and even a common runny nose

3. Facial skin diseases

4. You should not do a massage if you feel sick (even with a runny nose), because inflammation also spreads with the lymph flow.

5. Take care of yourself during your period: for some, a massage will be great, for others the bleeding may increase. There is no ban on massage during menstruation, but watch yourself.

7. Massage relieves the face of swelling, therefore thin face It gets even thinner. People with a small amount of fat on the face (with sunken cheeks) need to perform the massage very carefully and stop for a long time as soon as the effect of facial slimming occurs.

8. Very thin skin faces.

Basic rules that you need to know when performing the Asahi massage, “Become 10 years younger”:

1. Rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage is performed on cleansed skin. Therefore, before the massage you need to wash your face with warm water and any cleanser.

2. Also, you need to study the localization of lymph nodes and vessels located on the face and neck. This knowledge is needed in order to fulfill one of the prerequisites for proper massage - improving lymphatic drainage. Here are the main groups of lymph nodes located on the face and neck:

a) parotid;

b) behind the ear;

c) occipital;

d) mandibular;

e) sublingual;

f) lymph nodes of the angle of the lower jaw;

g) anterior cervical.

3. Massage movements must have a strict focus, and it is individual for each exercise.

4. Pressure force on the skin and soft fabrics more intense than when performing a regular massage, and only when working in the area where lymph nodes and blood vessels are located, the movements are not so energetic. There should be no pain during the massage.

5. The massage is performed in a standing or sitting position, maintaining an even posture.

6. For easy sliding of hands over the skin, the face and neck are lubricated with a sufficiently large amount of massage oil or cream. You must first check that the oil or cream does not cause an allergic reaction and is perfect for your skin.

7. To master the Zogan massage technique, first of all you need to learn the main massage element - the final action. This is what completes every Japanese massage exercise. Here detailed description this important technique:

a) with three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, do not press too hard on the point located near the concha of the ears - in the area where the lymph nodes are located;

b) press not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, pressing your fingers tightly to the skin;

c) duration of pressure - 2 seconds;

Asahi for 25-35 years (with translation into Russian, male translator):

Asahi for of different ages(in Japanese, unfortunately not yet translated):

Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods, wants to find a natural and safe way to preserve youth. If you look at the beauty secrets of Japanese women, you can see that they most likely have magic remedy, allowing you to look young even at an age when the first wrinkles traditionally appear.

You've probably come across articles about a typical resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, over whom the passing years seem to have no power, and at 42, a Japanese woman looks 20, while these mysterious girls continue to look twenty until old age.

If you delve deeper into the study of the intricacies of oriental cosmetology, you can find mention of such techniques as tanaka massage, or Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Not only Eastern, but also European specialists sing odes to this method, having successfully adopted the positive experience of Japanese women in their work. After mastering the Japanese self-massage technique, the treasured 5 letters will become for you a kind of “code” into the world of beauty and youthful skin, which every fifth woman in this amazing country owns.

What this method is and what is the secret of the amazing youth of Japanese women will be explored in this article.

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka

The technique of Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan has been known in the east for many centuries and is constantly being improved. Translated, its name means “touch of the morning sun.” The effectiveness of this method has been proven by the beauty and youth of Japanese women at any age. The idea of ​​reviving the Asahi Zogan technique belongs to Japanese cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. However, in the development and improvement of this idea the main role belongs to Tanaka Yukuko, a popular female stylist today.

It was thanks to Tanaka-san that Asahi gained popularity outside of Japan. The impetus for the spread of Yukuko Tanaka’s method was the publication of her book “Facial Massage,” which literally “exploded” the cosmetology field and aroused great interest among beauty specialists and ordinary women.

What is Japanese facial massage Zogan?

This technique is based on the principle of stimulating certain points in the lymphatic system. During the session, the skin, facial muscles and even the bones of the skull are affected. This effect is achieved by increasing the speed of lymph movement, which leads to the removal of harmful decay products from cells. Cells cleared of toxins are renewed, which starts the rejuvenation process.

What results can be achieved

Japanese rejuvenating massage is a truly miraculous method that allows you to achieve visible results within a month after regular use. This happens thanks to:

  • intensive effects even on the deepest tissues, which distinguishes it from standard rejuvenation techniques;
  • performing a massage with the whole palm, and not just the fingertips;
  • detoxification of skin cells by stimulating lymphatic vessels;
  • toning, strengthening the muscles of the facial area of ​​the head;
  • formation of a clear contour of the oval face;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • improving skin color.

Asahi massage allows you to include the skin, connective tissue, muscles and facial bones in the process. Thus, the effect of this technique on the condition of facial skin is complex, which ensures its high effectiveness in combating age-related changes.

If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried the Japanese anti-aging facial massage described in the book by Tanaka Yukuko, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin. This is confirmed by the fact that the question “Why do Japanese women look younger than their years, why do the years have no power over them?” It is constantly discussed on forums and in magazine articles, and does not lose its relevance today. On the Internet you can find many photographs of the Japanese beauty Masako Mizutani, whose face looks unusually young, despite her age “well over 40”.

Masako Mizutani with her daughter. Guess where the mother is and where the daughter is?

By adopting the secrets of Japanese women's youth, you can master affordable in a natural way preserving natural beauty. However, due to the fact that the technique involves an effect on the body’s lymphatic system, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Indications for Asahi massage

Every woman wants to have an attractive, well-groomed appearance, and therefore, having heard about such a miracle technique as Japanese, she will want to try it on herself as soon as possible. However, the author of the technique claims that this is a rejuvenation technique that is not suitable for everyone. In view of its purposeful action, there are a number of specific indications for performing gymnastics for the Asahi face, namely:

  • swelling of the face in the morning (a sign of improper functioning of the body’s lymphatic system);
  • blurring of the facial contour due to age-related changes (for example, the presence of a double chin or folds on the cheeks);
  • the appearance of wrinkles of any type: age-related or facial).

Asahi gymnastics is an excellent way to overcome the problems described above, however, lymphatic drainage will only be beneficial if you have no contraindications to the procedure.

There are few of them, it is extremely necessary to take into account such nuances so that the Tsogan facial massage does not cause harm.

Contraindications for Japanese massage

For women, especially those over 45, Japanese may seem like a panacea for the changes that inevitably come with age. However, there are a number of circumstances under which anti-aging Japanese anti-aging is strictly contraindicated. These include:

  • the presence of diseases of the lymphatic system in women;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • any manifestations of skin rashes, rosacea;
  • pharyngitis;
  • very sensitive and thin skin;
  • weakened body (for example, with ARVI, chronic fatigue).

Due to the strong impact that Japanese facial gymnastics for wrinkles has on the functioning of the lymphatic system, carrying out such a procedure can dramatically aggravate the course of the described diseases and problems. Thus, ignoring contraindications to performing Japanese oil massage may not only not bring benefits, but also provoke many side effects.

If your health is in perfect order, you can safely begin the procedure sessions by using the services of a massage therapist, or by mastering this technique yourself.

Japanese beauties

By the way, Asahi massage is performed taking into account strict rules, which you need to know to achieve the desired effect.

Basic rules for performing Asahi Zogan

Revealing the secrets of youthful facial skin in her book, Tanaka Yukuko notes that every little detail is important, even the mood with which you perform the procedure affects the final effectiveness. You shouldn’t expect Japanese anti-aging to rejuvenate you if you ignore the basic rules for doing it. Let's look at the features of performing the exercises that Asahi Zogan facial gymnastics involves.

  • Clean skin.

This is the main rule, without which the rejuvenation effect will not occur - the ducts for the movement of lymph will be closed. Cleansing the skin is easy by washing with soap or a special cleanser, then wipe your face dry with a towel or napkin. If the dirt on the skin is very strong, the pores are clogged, it is flaking, or does not look the best, use an additional scrub.

  • Knowledge of anatomy.

Before mastering this rejuvenation technique, it would be useful to look into a book on anatomy and become familiar with the exact location of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels on the human body, since it is the impact on these points that provides the miraculous effect of Japanese. If we briefly characterize their location, these are places near the ears, behind the ears, occipital area, lower jaw, tongue and neck.

  • Precision and accuracy.

All movements should be followed in a certain sequence according to the instructions, and the pressure on the points should not be strong. Self-massage of the face in Japanese is a painless procedure, however, careless massaging of the lymph node area can cause discomfort.

  • Posture.

During the procedure, your back should be perfectly straight, and if you can’t maintain your posture, it would be better to perform self-massage in a lying position.

  • Use of aids.

If you delve deeper into the study of Japanese secrets of beauty and youth, you will find out that residents of the Land of the Rising Sun use special oils and creams when performing Asahi massage, the acquisition of which is quite problematic in our country. Therefore, for home treatment sessions you can use natural oils, high-quality massage creams or an oatmeal mask, which will enhance its effect and help remove harmful substances.

Japanese facial massage technique

Mastering Japanese self-massage techniques is accessible to any woman. To do this, you initially need to learn a technique such as the “Japanese point”, which ends each of the exercises of the technique. It consists of using three fingers (index, middle and ring) to lightly press a point near the ears (that is, where the lymph nodes are located). It is necessary to apply pressure not with the tips, but with the entire length of the fingers at once, for about 2 seconds. After this, smoothly move down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of the pressure.

The main exercises that are offered during Japanese lymphatic massage are performed for areas such as the forehead, eyes, lips, nose, lower face and cheeks. Let's take a closer look at the implementation features for each zone.

  • In the forehead area, the procedure is carried out using three fingers (middle, index and ring), which must be pressed tightly to the central part of the forehead, and after three seconds, smoothly move to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Having reached the goal, turn the palms 90 degrees and move them down.
  • For movements in the eye area, use the pads of the middle fingers, with which you need to touch the outer corners of the eyelids, then, sliding to the bridge of the nose, rest against it and linger for three seconds (this is the so-called “beauty point”). After this, you should increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrow area (at the edge of the eye sockets), stopping at the “beauty point”. Then the pressure is weakened, and the fingers return to the lower inner corners of the eye, after which the pressure increases again and a transition is made along the lower eye sockets to the outer edges of the eyelids.
  • Self-massage of the lip area is performed with the ring and middle fingers. Place your fingers in the center of the chin, apply a little pressure at this point and hold for a couple of seconds. Afterwards, you need to move the indicated fingers around the mouth, pressing intensely. The movement ends at the center just above upper lip, maintaining pressure at the point for several seconds.

To make the description of the techniques clearer, lymphomassage is presented in pictures.

  • done with the help of middle fingers, which are placed in the depressions at the wings of the nose, after which 5 sliding movements are performed from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Then the ring finger also comes into play, intensively rubbing the back of the nose in the direction of the cheeks.

  • The Asahi technique for the lower part of the face is performed with the middle fingers, which are pressed to the center of the chin, then moved upward towards the eyes. At the same time, the pressure is not weakened, and it is advisable to bend the corners of the mouth. Near the eyes, the fingers are fixed at a point for three seconds, after which the palms turn and spread towards the temples.
  • Massaging the cheek area is done using the entire surface of the palms. To do this, the elbows should be folded together, and the hands should be opened with palms up, placing their bases towards the lips. Next, the palms are raised in the direction of the nostrils so as to completely cover the cheeks, and are fixed for three seconds. Then the hands are raised to the temples without stopping the pressure.

All these techniques are performed sequentially, one after another. Do not forget that at the end of each exercise it is necessary to perform the finishing technique described at the very beginning.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage in video in Russian

You can learn the Asahi Zogan self-massage technique from a video with Russian voice acting:

In addition, the Japanese lymphomassage by Asahi Tsogan can be watched on video with translated captions in Russian.

Asahi Zogan body massage

It is interesting to know that Asahi Zogan is intended not only for the face, but also for the body. Japanese body massage is a practice that allows you to effectively influence soft tissues and muscles, improving metabolism, stimulating blood and lymph circulation, and cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated deposits.

Asahi for the body has a tonic effect on the entire body, and its daily use can be compared, according to the author of the technique, with a walk of three kilometers.

The principle of action on the body for the body is the same as for the face, namely the effect on the lymph nodes. This massage complex includes 20 exercises, each of which is aimed at a specific area of ​​the body. Consistent and regular performance of all the movements of the complex allows you to improve the general condition of the body, get rid of skin problems and excess weight, start metabolic processes and even overcome some chronic diseases associated with improper location of internal organs.

Japanese Asahi (zogan) facial massage was developed by the fairly famous Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka based on traditional Japanese massage techniques.

The history of the creation of Asahi rejuvenating massage (zogan)

Yukuko Tanaka developed a unique facial rejuvenation technique, which gained immense popularity in Japan and then throughout the world.

Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) - a unique technique of facial rejuvenation

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. Then, not yet understanding where this road would lead her, Yukuko began to practice these skills on herself. She noticed that her face began to change and tighten.

She became interested in the structure of the lymphatic and muscular systems. Gradually, step by step, an amazing rejuvenation system was born without surgery or injections, accessible to any woman.

“Through trial and error, repeating again and again, I understood why my face changed” (Yukuko Tanaka)

Today, anyone can master the technique of performing such a massage - there are various video tutorials for this, including those recorded in Japan.

Youth and beauty: what is the secret of Asahi massage?

To understand the secret of lymphatic massage, let's look at the structure of the lymphatic system in the face, neck and shoulder area. The lymphatic system is a whole network of lymph running throughout the body, which is concentrated at certain points - lymph nodes. It is the full movement of lymph and the absence of its stagnation that allows the facial skin to look young and toned.

By working the lymphatic pathways directly, without injections or surgeries, we can prolong the youth of our face. Zogan means “face building” in Japanese. What distinguishes Japanese Asahi facial massage from other massage techniques is its targeted effect on biologically active points located in the facial area.

Asahi massage is based on the physiology of the body, on the structure of its lymphatic system, therefore it is the most natural way of rejuvenation.

Stimulation of these points allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve overall well-being.

Massage allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve overall well-being.

Working with bioactive points underlies many medical practices - in particular, reflexology, which today has become an officially recognized branch of medicine.

It is not surprising that today there are many people who have mastered the Japanese Asahi massage, whose reviews indicate that with the help of this massage sessions they not only acquired a well-groomed and fit appearance, but also began to feel much better.

The result of regular Asahi massage

After regularly performing Asahi massage for two to three months, we see the following results:

  • deep nasolabial folds gone
  • wrinkles on forehead gone
  • wrinkles under the eyes are gone
  • oval face tightened
  • double chin gone or significantly reduced

  • Before performing a massage, thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse your face.
  • If your skin is prone to oiliness and rashes, you should even use a mild anti-inflammatory agent (by doing a massage we can “spread” the rashes across the face)
  • When performing a massage, use massage oil or face cream. If you perform a massage with oil, then after the massage we recommend not leaving it on the skin, but rinsing it off, as the oil can clog the pores.
  • Remember that this massage works the lymph nodes, so never use excessive force, massage gently and gently.

How to do Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage:

Exercise No. 1 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways”

1 - Place your palms on your cheeks near your ears.

2 - We go down.

3 - We stop in the area of ​​the collarbone.

Exercise No. 2 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways (forehead)”

1- Place three fingers of each hand on the middle of the forehead.

2 — We run our palms along the edges of the face, linger slightly at the temples and relieve tension.

3 - We finish the movement at the collarbones.

Exercise No. 3 - “Massage the area around the eyes”

1 - Place two or three fingers in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes and draw along the upper eyelid to the temples.

2 - From the temples, carefully draw under the eyes to the corners of the eyes.

Exercise No. 4 - “From wrinkles that are visible when you smile”

1 - Place two or three fingers on your chin.

2 - We move our fingers around the mouth, ending the movement under the nose. While performing the exercise, we try to lightly press on the gums.

Exercise No. 5 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds)”

1- Place your fingers in the center of the chin.

2 - Raise your hands along your cheeks up along your mouth and nose, stopping in the area under the eyes.

3 - Continuing to press, we spread our hands in different directions of the face.

4 - Return your fingers to your temples and lower them down to your collarbone.

Exercise No. 6 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on each side”

1- With one hand we hold the face from below by the chin.

2 - With the second hand we run along the cheek towards the nose.

3 - We spread our hand along the line under the eyes towards the ear.

4 - Change hands.

Exercise No. 7 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on both sides”

1 - Place your hands on your cheeks towards your nose.

2 - We spread our arms to the sides along the face towards the ears.

Exercise No. 8 - “Working with sagging cheeks”

1 - Press your thumbs to your chin.

2 - Move your hands horizontally to the side towards your ears.

3 - We go down to the collarbone.

Exercise No. 9 - “Getting rid of the Shar-Pei effect”

1 - Place the pads thumbs on your chin and slightly tilt your head forward.

2 - We run our hands along the cheeks towards the ears.

3 - Raise your head and lower your hands along the lymphatic pathways down to the collarbone.

Exercise No. 10 - “Getting rid of a double chin”

All women know that a double chin immediately adds ten years of age. At the same time, it is interesting that a double chin can appear even in a slender girl with delicate facial features. Sometimes it is a consequence of incorrect posture or bite. Japanese facial massage exercises will help you remove your double chin very quickly and effectively.

The name of this massage as “ASAHI Massage” is widely “promoted” on the Internet. The true name of this Japanese massage is ZOGAN-massage (Face Creation). In Japan, this massage technique has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. She owes her return to life to a cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi, who was introduced to this technique by her grandmother.
This technique is also called “two-finger” massage (because it is performed mainly with two fingers - index and middle or middle and ring), or it is called Y-method.
Stylist Yukuko Tanaka (Youkuko Tanaka - 田中宥久子 – 1946- - 19.03.2013) - you see a photo of this 62-year-old Japanese woman - she described the massage in the book “Special Facial Massage - Back 10 Years”前の顔になる) .

In Japan, Mrs. Tanaka herself and her methods are extremely popular. Her book “Facial Massage” (and this is ours, Asahi!) topped the “Top 10 Books” in Japan in 2006. Another of her books, Inspirational Exercises, took second place. To complete the comparison, Joanna Rowling's book about Harry Potter came in third place.

The Russian-speaking population was able to get acquainted with this massage-gymnastics thanks to Laina Butter. Laine found it on the Internet and came up with a name for it - “Asahi Massage” (which means “Morning Sun” in Japanese). After all, this massage is really associated with something fresh and sunny. The name of the creator of the massage, and more detailed information this massage became known a little later, thanks to the “investigation” of another girl passionate about facial beauty - Aigul.

This is a very effective technique, after which the face is smoothed out after the second session. The massage has an effect on the bones (and therefore it is osteopathic - it returns the bones of the skull to their ideal position). It also affects the connective tissue and most of the deep muscles of the face, revitalizes them, and awakens the energy of the body, opens and cleanses the most important channels. The structure of connective tissue after massage significantly improves, and the skin looks 7 years younger. The face gains youth.

If a stranger watches some of the techniques, he may be frightened by the sight and may think that the massage will create new wrinkles. And he will be wrong. When the bones and deep muscles of the face come to life (in Slavic healing practices this is called “editing”), the face returns to life. The skin actually appreciates being stretched. After all, leather is just a stocking. The real decoration can be the leg, and the stocking fits on it as the leg allows. Same with the face. The facial muscles are a “leg”, and the skin is just a “stocking”. Over time, not only the skin, but also the muscles become sluggish. This is why wrinkles cannot be removed with “light, delicate” movements. But they happily go away when we competently influence the deeper tissues. We often admire oriental “ageless” faces. But oriental massages, unlike salon massages cosmetic procedure in Europe, they work on the face, giving it real, vital stress. And oriental masters suggest their clients continue the daily exercise at home, intensively rewarding themselves with strong slaps in the face to improve blood circulation in the face.

“Dzogan” is a painless technique, which, however, involves the targeted use of reasonable force. Asahi self-massage must be performed delicately and carefully. Particularly high caution is required in the area of ​​lymph nodes. Where there are no lymph nodes (see diagram), we work confidently and intensively.
This multifunctional massage-gymnastics is designed in such a way that it affects both the superficial and deep muscles of the face. The tone of the skin and muscles increases (hence the tightening effect). Lymphatic drainage improves the appearance of the face.

Before starting the massage, the skin of the face must be cleansed. It is necessary. After all, it is necessary to free the ducts through which the lymph flows.


– diseases of the lymphatic system,
-ENT diseases (especially inflamed tonsils),
– facial skin diseases.
-You shouldn’t do a massage if you feel sick (even with a runny nose), because inflammation spreads with the lymph flow.
-Take care of yourself during your period: For some, the massage will be great, for others the bleeding may increase. There is no ban on massage during menstruation, but watch yourself.
-Fatigue, depending on its nature, is also a contraindication for some, while others can easily relieve it with a massage. The main criteria here are your opinion and your well-being.
– Massage relieves the face of swelling, so a thin face becomes even thinner. People with a small amount of fat on the face (with sunken cheeks) need to perform the massage very carefully and stop for a long time as soon as the effect of facial slimming occurs.

In the original, a special composition of cosmetic cream with cotton was developed for massage. But he will have to be discharged from Japan. The massage works just as well with makeup remover milk and foam. Your hands glide perfectly through the oatmeal milk (to do this, you need to put rolled oatmeal flakes in a nylon stocking, tie it, wet it well, and during the massage simply squeeze the milk into a cup or into your palm.

According to the descriptions of Yukuko Tanaka, the massage should be performed in a standing or sitting position. During the entire massage, you must maintain ideal posture. The instructions do not allow your head to rest against the wall behind you or on the headrest of a chair. But the experience of pioneers from Europe allows us to make some concessions. For example, it turned out that massage is no less (and maybe more) effective if performed while lying down. In this position, the muscles seem to spread across the face, the deep tissues relax and become obedient to correction. In general, the choice of position for the massage is up to you.

Now let's move on to the details. The first is lymphatic drainage.
Pay attention to the diagram of the lymph nodes of the face and neck. You need to massage the lymphatic system carefully and delicately, calculating the effort, applying only slight pressure along the entire path of the lymph flow. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves. This is perhaps the fundamental rule of Asahi massage or Dzogan massage.
Now we will teach you the finishing move that ends all exercises except one. There is not a single unnecessary movement in the massage, they all work on the corresponding zones, and end with a technique in which the movement of the hands is eliminated to point 9 – parotid lymph nodes, located approximately in the area between the tragus of the ear and the temple. Having reached point 9, fix it with your fingers for 1-2 seconds. Then continue the SOFT movement - go along the sides of the contour of the face, past the jaw joint (WITHOUT PRESSURE on it!), Pay attention point 6 - deep cervical lymph nodes, (it is located approximately 2 cm under the lower jaw), fixing your fingers on this point for 1-2 seconds. Once you stop, slowly work your way down the sides of your neck. Finish moving in the area lymph node 5, located in the jugular trunk, almost at the inner edge of the clavicles and jugular cavity. Here again fix the point of the lymph node with your fingers. In the figure, arrows show the route for completing the reception.

Let's move on to ZOGAN-massage or Asahi self-massage exercises.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Note: The direction of some massage lines, in this, as in most other oriental massages, differs from the classic lines recommended by European cosmetologists which, in part, are more related to the convenience of the cosmetologists themselves than to physiological characteristics faces.
In Eastern (and Slavic) massages, massage lines around the eyes go along the orbicularis oculi muscle, but on the upper eyelid, just like Europeans, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and on the lower (!) - not from the outer corner to inner, and again from the inner to the outer corner of the eye.
The exercise consists of two stages: working with the upper eyelid, and separately with the lower.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Press the three middle fingers of your hands into the hollow in the center of the chin, as in exercise 3. Using fairly strong pressure on the skin and muscles, circle your fingers around your lips and continue moving forcefully towards your eyes.
>Hold for 3 seconds near the eyes, continuing to apply pressure to the skin. Then gently spread your fingers towards your temples and perform the finishing move.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.
After performing the exercise correctly, you should feel that your upper jaw and cheek bones have lifted upward, and your cheeks have plumped and fuller.


The exercise is performed separately for each side of the face.
Fix one side of your face to increase resistance, resting the center of your palm on the lower jaw bone. On the other side of the face, sliding forcefully over the skin and muscles, “draw” a line from the corner of the lower jaw with pressure to the inner corner of the eye. Stay here for 3 seconds, then, loosening the pressure, “complete” the line to the tragus of the ear and perform the finishing move.

Repeat the exercise for one side of the face 3 times in a row.
Do the same steps three times for the other side of the face.


This exercise must be performed after the previous one - in exactly this sequence.
Spread your elbows out to the sides and place your fingers flat on your cheeks horizontally. Another option for performing the exercise is shown in the picture on the left: form your hands into a fist and work with the outer side index fingers. Squeezing your nostrils with your fingers, forcefully spread your fingers towards your temples, and perform the finishing move.

Place the heel of one hand under your chin, fingers pointing toward your ear. It is important to capture not only the jaw bone, but also the muscles located directly under the chin. With noticeable pressure, stroke your chin from the center with your palm, bringing the movement to the tragus of the ear. From him perform the finishing move. Do the same action with your other hand on the other side of your face.

Repeat the exercise for each side 3 times.

Place the thumbs of both hands under the center of your chin. Use your remaining fingers to clasp your nose. “Hide” your nose between your palms. The position of the hands now resembles a “prayer pose.”
Forcefully spread your palms towards the tragus of your ears and temples, as if “squeezing” your face. Fix your hands here for 3 seconds. Then