A water repellent spray that was a pleasant surprise. Which water-repellent impregnation for shoes and clothes is better?

Reading time: 4 minutes

In order for a jacket or down jacket to look decent for a long time, you need a water-repellent impregnation for clothing. It will preserve the appearance of the product and prevent moisture from penetrating inside. This is true during winter snowfalls, spring and autumn rains, and morning fogs. Residents of cities with a humid climate cannot do without this product.

Types of impregnations

Hydrophobic impregnation comes in three types depending on the method of application:

1 Add to the washing machine along with a special detergent. After washing, the product must be ironed with steam. Typically these compounds are used for membrane materials. 2 Machine washable without drying or ironing. Suitable for many sports and membrane fabrics. 3 In the form of a spray, it is used for shoes and workwear that cannot be washed in the usual way. This method is more convenient, but it needs to be updated frequently. The spray product is not durable enough.

Fabric impregnation comes in the following types:

  • WR is applied to the front side of the product. Clothes will not get wet, drops of moisture will roll down the protective composition. The material will not become damp in very humid climates; the impregnation will not allow fine steam or fog to enter.
  • PU processes the inside of the item. Polyurethane impregnation will not allow liquid to pass through, but the outside of the fabric will get wet.
  • DuPoint - Teflon-based composition, version of WR solution. Teflon impregnation is used not for simple clothing, but for things that are used in special conditions. These are tents, furniture, outerwear.
  • PD is applied to the reverse side. In addition to water repellency, it makes the material stronger. Usually it is combined with other types.
  • Silver is used on the outside. An additional quality is that it protects the canvas from the sun and prevents the dye from fading.
  • Ultra Foil is applied from the inside. With its help, a strong protective shiny film is obtained.

Silicone impregnation is expensive and is only used for tents, not clothing. It is less effective than polyurethane and is difficult to apply.

For membrane clothing DWR impregnation is used. It will protect the item from moisture. Membrane fabrics are initially needed to absorb liquid, but not allow it to reach the body. In this case, the person will sweat a lot, and the clothes will become heavy. Therefore, sports, military, and tourist clothing made of membrane are impregnated with this product.

DWR impregnation is water soluble. This happens slowly, but wash such items with a suitable detergent.

By composition

Hydrophobic impregnation for clothing is divided into two types according to its composition:

  1. Based on hydrocarbon solvents. They contain solvents and fluorocarbon resins. It is a compound of fluorine and carbon, usually Teflon. Trichloroethane is usually used as a solvent. They are applied only to a dry surface. It is recommended to do this in front of an open window or outside to avoid poisoning. They have quite a strong smell. Hydrocarbon compounds are harmful to humans and the environment, but they dry out quickly.
  2. Water impregnation is not so dangerous and does not have a particularly pronounced odor. To avoid dissolving when exposed to moisture, it is usually produced in the form of an emulsion. Does not contain harmful solvents that are dangerous to nature and humans. Convenient for use on a hike. The product is applied to a dry or wet surface. The second option is more effective.

The best means

Top water-repellent impregnations:

  • Aerosol on water based for Nikwax moisture protection. A harmless, environmentally friendly product, suitable even for treating sports jerseys. Protects against moisture, but allows air to pass through. There are containers of 150, 300 and 500 ml. Convenient dispenser and protective mechanism. A water-repellent spray is suitable for fabrics made of nylon and cotton fibers, for ski suits with various insulation. Among the disadvantages - the cost is about 500 rubles for a small bottle; the need to use gloves and spread the liquid with a sponge on clothing.

  • Fabric spray for different types of materials Salamander, made in Germany. Suitable for shoes too. Made on a hydrocarbon base with photocarbon polymer. Can be used on suede, leather, textiles. This impregnation is dirt and water repellent. Prevents the appearance of salt, snow and water stains. You can buy 300 ml for 250 rubles.

  • Dry Care spray is suitable for leather, suede, velor and different fabrics. It is applied to a clean and dry surface. Combines dirt- and water-resistant properties. Contains no silicones. Means Russian manufacturer costs 500 rubles per bottle.

How to use water-repellent impregnations:

  • Hand washing is recommended to ensure long lasting protective coating. Before using the product, the item must be clean and grease-free. Dry or wet - this is indicated on the package.
  • To properly protect the fabric from rain, snow or any other moisture, it is recommended to wait a day after using the impregnation. During this time, it is better not to wear the item.
  • Grease or food stains can be blotted paper napkin, if it falls on an already treated area.
  • How water-repellent impregnation is washed off: with frequent washing, under constant exposure to weather conditions, this process occurs faster. Then it will need to be reapplied.
  • Products containing harmful substances are used outdoors or near an open window. Many impregnations cannot be used near open flames. This should be taken into account when processing an awning or tent.

How to treat fabric so it doesn't get wet? It depends on the material and its purpose. What works for a tent may not work for leather jacket. If you don’t want to think again, it is recommended to choose a universal remedy.

article from the climbing industry website and my additions

Often in the description of a product (clothing, shoes, tents, etc.) you can find the abbreviation DWR - Durable Water Repellent, which can be translated as “long-lasting water repellent.” That is, this is a certain substance that is factory applied to the material and gives this material water-repellent properties for a long time. Something like this…

Now let’s try to figure out how this magical substance “works”.
Why does the fabric get wet? In physical chemistry there is such a concept as surface tension - this is the desire of a substance (liquid or solid phase) to reduce the excess of its potential energy at the interface with another phase. Simply put, it is the force with which the molecules of a substance that are on the border with another substance are attracted to each other. If you take a drop of water free from external forces (for example, a drop of water in zero gravity), then the molecules located at the boundary of the drop will be attracted to the molecules located in the center. Ultimately, this leads to the fact that the drop tends to reduce its surface area to a minimum for a given volume - i.e. take the shape of a ball, which has the greatest volume with the minimum area.

What happens when a drop of water comes into contact with fabric fibers? In addition to many other factors, everything is determined by the ratio of attractive forces between the molecules of these two substances. If the force of attraction between the molecules of the fiber and the molecules of the liquid is greater than the force of attraction between the molecules of the liquid itself, then the surface of the fiber will attract the molecules of the liquid towards itself - i.e. the surface of the fabric will be wetted with water. If the force of attraction between the fiber and water molecules is not enough to overcome the force of attraction of the liquid molecules, then the water drops will not (or will be to a lesser extent) wet the fabric fibers, but will tend to curl into a ball.

That's all. Thus, the principle of operation of water-repellent impregnations is that they are substances with a coefficient of surface tension (SPT) lower than that of water.

What kind of substances are these?
Of all the known organic compounds, polytetrafluoroethylene, whose commercial name is Teflon, has the lowest CPT. This is amazing material. It is the most inert of all known organic compounds - it does not react with acids, is insoluble in organic solvents, is quite heat-resistant, and has a low coefficient of friction. Teflon CPT – 18-20 mN/m. Those. Almost nothing wets it. For water, the CPN is 72 mN/m, for fats - 20-30 mN/m.

These are organosilicon polymers, which are large group various liquids, rubbers and resins. They all contain silicon bonded to carbon - hence the name (Si "silicon" - silicon). They are also polymers, heat-resistant, chemically quite inert, and hydrophobic. CPT of silicone elastomers is about 23 mN/m.

Water-repellent impregnations
From all of the above, it is clear that the term “water-repellent” is not entirely appropriate here, because All these impregnations do not repel water, but only attract water molecules weaker. But for some reason it happened that they are called “water-repellent”.

These impregnations are solutions or emulsions of substances with low CPT. What happens when we treat fabric with such impregnations? The solution wets the surface of the fabric fibers, after which the solvent (or other base) evaporates, leaving a thin layer of water-repellent substance (which does not evaporate) on the surface of each fiber. Thus, we get fibers whose surface attracts less water molecules, which means they get wet less.

However, not everything is so rosy. All of these impregnations have their drawbacks. They harm the environment (as a rule, it is the aggressive solvent that causes the harm). In addition, the solvent stinks terribly, so the treatment must be carried out either on outdoors, or in a well-ventilated area. Impregnations should only be applied to dry fabric or skin. But they dry quickly.

Since, as a result of treatment with such impregnations, a thin layer of water-repellent material is simply formed on the fibers of the material, this layer wears out over time due to friction of the fibers against each other, exposure to chemicals dissolved in water, exposure to ultraviolet rays etc. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated periodically.

In industry, the same or similar impregnations are used to give fabrics water-repellent properties. This is the factory DWR treatment that is usually written about on the labels.

www.alpindustria.ru/papers/gear_care/119 6.html

my additions:

photo from Wikipedia - the upper part was processed, the lower part was not.

The presence of treatment on a fabric can be simply determined - water should roll off and not wet it. that is, to form balls, not spots. If the fabric of clothing or shoes used to repel water, but now no longer does, it’s time to renew the layer. Shoes need to be cleaned, dried and sprayed. then let it dry for at least half an hour. It takes more money to train suede than smooth leather. You need to spray the impregnation without sparing. On average, treatment is required once a week to a week and a half in average weather or dry snow, once every ~5 days in slush. By the way, ugg boots are the first candidate for processing!

with clothes it’s a little more difficult. Before using the aerosol, you should try to restore the “native” treatment. Manufacturers recommend drying items after washing with hot air. If there is no dryer, then, apparently, a hairdryer. The main thing is not to overdo it and not melt the synthetic fabric. An option for thicker items is an iron (not hot, but warm). after hot (40 degrees) air, the water should begin to roll into balls again. if this does not happen, only then should you use an aerosol. (well, I remind you that you need to wash such things WITHOUT fabric softener and with an additional rinse cycle)

In principle, it is possible to process clothes that were not originally membrane or DWR. at least it will last longer against wet weather.

I personally process shoes and things outside the apartment - on the landing. because everything stinks unreal. Then I leave the things there to dry a little and only after that I return them home.

I have used many different impregnations. and have not yet seen a difference in the manufacturer, except for the price. Apparently, in urban conditions, both niquax and kiwi work equally well.

Caring for products made from natural materials- this is a sensitive matter. Water-repellent impregnations are popular products that penetrate deep into the material. Their distinctive feature from moisture-repellent sprays and creams is longer protection from adverse factors. environment– puddles, mud, rain, snow, negative temperatures.

When choosing impregnation for clothes and shoes with water-repellent properties, experts advise proceeding from the following characteristics:

  1. Material type. Depending on the material for which you plan to use impregnation, you should select a narrowly targeted product. The intended purpose is always indicated on the packaging, for example, “For suede.” However, there are many universal impregnations on the shelves that are suitable for various materials at the same time. Experts emphasize that if you choose between impregnations with a narrow or broad spectrum of action, narrowly targeted compositions are more preferable.
  2. Compound. For suede products, the most relevant impregnations are those containing fluorocarbon resin, due to which an epoxy coating is formed on the surface of the material. For clothes and shoes made of smooth leather, products containing silicones are recommended. For other materials, fluorine-containing water repellents are optimal.
  3. Manufacturer. The most popular manufacturers of water-repellent impregnations for clothing and shoes are Salamander, Collonil, Grangers, DryCare, etc.
  • characteristics (composition) of impregnation;
  • cost (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations of specialists.

The best water-repellent impregnations for shoes

It is not recommended to wear shoes impregnated with a water-repellent agent during the first 24 hours. It is after 24 hours that the composition will begin to demonstrate its beneficial features and can effectively protect shoes from water and dirt.


The most versatile composition
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This is a worthy option for everyday use, as it has a lot of advantages and virtually no disadvantages. The product is intended for use on products made from different materials, including natural and artificial leather, textiles that require increased attention, velor and suede are more capricious to care for. Moisture resistance is achieved due to a special composition, which, after treating the shoes, eliminates the penetration of moisture and dirt, providing “breathable” properties. Such products maintain natural air exchange and do not contain any unpleasant odors.

To get the desired effect, you must first test the impregnation on a small area of ​​a specific item. This way you can avoid an unpleasant surprise if the surface of the product is painted poorly. It is also not advisable to use the spray on delicate materials.

4 SHOExpert

Maximum off-season protection
Country Russia
Average price: 280 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This accessory is useful to have for almost every occasion. Firstly, it can be used in any weather conditions, as it is equally effective in protecting materials of different leather structures from water, UV rays, wind, and stains. Secondly, according to customer reviews, it has proven itself to be excellent when applied not only to the surface of shoes, but also to umbrellas, bags, and clothing. Only the varnished structure of the material remained beyond his control.

The product is based on components that gently act on the “native” surface of the skin, penetrating its pores and creating a reliable protective effect. The disadvantages include the lengthy process of processing the product. The maximum impact is achieved when the skin is completely saturated with impregnation and loses the ability to be further saturated with the composition.


Excellent compatibility with multi-colored shoes
Country Russia
Average price: 1100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

If you are not a supporter of the classic black color of shoes, prefer bright colors or a combination of them, then this offer from the manufacturer should definitely add to your special cosmetic bag. A 335 ml can contains a product that copes equally well with both textile structures and leather or suede. Delicate materials are also under enhanced protection of impregnation, and they retain their original appearance for a long time, without changing color or deteriorating.

After 15 minutes from the moment of treatment, you get the best quality and shine surface that is not afraid of weather disasters. The effect lasts for almost 2 months. What is important is that the applied transparent coating protects not only from the penetration of moisture, dust, but also aggressive reagents. There are no salt stains left on shoes treated with this product. The only negative of the purchase is the high cost, even taking into account the volume of the can.

2 Saphir Nano Invulner Protector

Composition based on nanotechnology
Country: France
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The 250 ml can, which is used as an aerosol, contains a product that, according to consumer reviews, increases the durability of shoes for a long time. The chemical formula is based on fluorocarbon resins, known for their environmental friendliness and sustainable water-repellent effect. Special nanotechnologies allow the impregnation sprayed on the product to create a special structure that prevents the penetration of moisture, grease, and dirt particles without damaging the fibers of the material.

The composition has good adhesion to genuine leather, nubuck, velor, suede, synthetics different types, including climate membranes. After spraying, it is enough to let the impregnation dry for 10 minutes before you can start using your shoes. The brand, popular since 1920, does not use silicone in its developments, so the product is one of the most practical, without hidden side effects.

1 Collonil Carbon Pro

Best protection against moisture and dirt
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This best protection shoes from moisture and dirt. This is exactly what most users say in reviews. The aerosol impregnation in a 400 ml bottle demonstrates high water- and dirt-repellent properties. A special feature of the water-repellent composition is a technology specially developed by the manufacturer, thanks to which the impregnation protects footwear of any type according to the principle of a sprayed membrane. In this way, a protective structure invisible to the eye is created on the surface of the shoe, preventing color fading and the appearance of salt stains.

This impregnation can safely be called innovative - polymer fibers are fixed on the coating and act as a barrier for a long time. various types pollution and against the negative influence of the environment. This product is the most expensive among the rating nominees. Buyers recommend impregnation for purchase, emphasizing that its cost is completely justified.

The best water-repellent impregnations for clothing

The peculiarity of using water-repellent impregnations for clothing is that the product should be added to water, and then clean and dried outerwear, trousers or other items should be immersed in it. Experts note that to preserve the effect, it is better to give preference hand wash things with a water-repellent coating applied.

5 Antiliq Membrane

High quality for membrane and sports fabrics
Country Russia
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A compact bottle with a volume of 150 ml does not take up much space in a tourist’s backpack, therefore it is one of best options for use in hiking conditions. In addition, the characteristics of its composition are considered quite attractive. With a specially designed lid for easy spraying with a fixed treatment area, the product is easily applied to dry clothes, shoes or equipment.

A micro-thick polymer membrane carefully, without changing the color of the item, without any extraneous shine, covers the surface of the product and hardens at a temperature of 20 degrees in a maximum of 20 minutes. The composition is sprayed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the treated area. An item prepared in this way does not allow water to pass through, retains breathability, and is not susceptible to stains, including salt stains. The manufacturer guarantees reliable results when working with modern membrane fabrics that require increased attention and special care.


The most optimal care for sports and tourism items
Country Russia
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The product was developed by the Foresight Light company, which attracts leading chemists from Moscow State University to create new products. Its main qualities are speed of action, excellent results at the highest humidity, and long lasting effect. Best Features are explained by the presence of components such as fluorinated acrylic copolymers, isopropanol, and butyl acetate. The fabric treated with the product is ready for use after 15-20 minutes.

As outdoor enthusiasts note in reviews, the impregnation is applied conveniently through a special dispenser on the cap using a pistol pen. It is recommended to first clean your clothes or equipment from dirt. The material ready for processing must be dry. This composition can even cover the outer layer of a tourist tent. The air exchange ability of the fabric does not change.

3 DryCare

Ideal value for money. Silicone-free
Country Russia
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The winner in the category “Optimal price-quality ratio” is the water-repellent impregnation of the DryCare brand. The domestic brand offers effective remedy to protect products from different material for an affordable price. This impregnation is suitable for clothing, accessories and shoes made of smooth leather, nubuck, velor, suede, textiles, etc. As a survey of users showed, the manufacturer, as they say, is a popular brand, which is reviewed positively by both buyers and and experts.

For the best moisture and dirt protection of clothing, it is recommended to apply the product regularly in accordance with the instructions, that is, after cleaning and drying. A special feature of the composition is the absence of silicone components.

2 Salamander Universal SMS

Well selling accessory
Country: Germany
Average price: 280 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The best-selling water-repellent composition for clothing and shoes is Salamander. The manufacturer has been present on the domestic market for a long time, and has rightfully earned the love of users. Universal impregnation is famous for its affordable price, large bottle (300 ml) and, most importantly, high efficiency. In countless reviews, they praise the composition and ability of the product to prevent the formation of salt, snow and water stains on the surface of outerwear.

Impregnation is suitable for clothes made of various materials - smooth skin, textiles, suede, etc. The only exception is patent leather. The product provides 100% protection against getting wet, helps maintain the presentability of products, is easy to apply and does not cause any complaints from customers.

1 Grangers Clothing Repel

Better recovery. Unique formula
Country: UK
Average price: 950 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Water-repellent impregnation from Grangers is an expensive product, but highly effective. Therefore, despite the inflated cost, it is in great demand among those who know first-hand the importance of caring for outerwear. Over time, coats, jackets and sheepskin coats become unusable. Negatively affects them appearance dust, negative temperatures, precipitation. As a result, the top layer, which involves repelling moisture, gradually collapses. To avoid this, you should resort to the help of this impregnation.

Its uniqueness lies in its specially developed formula, which ensures the restoration of the protective layer of clothing. Suitable for breathable (membrane) fabrics. Application of the composition ensures that the material will reject moisture and dirt. The protective barrier will increase the wear life of the products, maintaining an attractive appearance.

Hello my dear readers! In spring, we are increasingly faced with changeable weather; a few minutes ago the sun was shining, but now it’s raining. In the spring and autumn months, water-repellent spray for clothes is especially relevant. We'll talk about it today. Do you have your own favorites? If yes, write in the comments.

During a long journey, our clothes, shoes and equipment get dirty and lose their “magical” properties. To restore them, the manufacturer recommends using a special detergent and impregnation agent.

A new jacket or shoe has already been treated with factory impregnation. Its presence is easy to check; just sprinkle a few drops of water, and they will certainly roll off. This happens thanks to Durable Water Repellent. This is a hydrophobic coating, which increases the tension on the surface of the material (rather than the membrane), and water beads up rather than penetrating further into the fiber.

This water-repellent outer surface provides another layer of insulating air. And, what is also important, impregnation prevents condensation from appearing on the inside of clothing, while helping the membrane work.

Water-repellent liquid - what is it?

This is a solution or emulsion of substances in which the percentage of surface tension (STN) is low. What happens to fabrics when they are treated with such a composition?

The solvent (manufacturers most often use water), together with substances (or emulsions) dissolved in it, gets onto the fabric, thereby softening its surface. Then the water contained in the solvent evaporates, and the surface of all fibers contains thin layers of water-repellent substances (they do not evaporate). As a result, you get a fiber whose surface attracts water much less - it collects in drops and is less drawn by the force of surface tension into the pores of the fabric.

Aqua armor and its types:

According to the method of application, aqua armor is conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • Impregnations that are added to water, and then completely immerse the desired item in the resulting solution and leave it there for several hours. I think it’s clear that this group of impregnations is not suitable for shoes. Such aqua armor can be purchased in regular containers of different sizes with a lid.

Pros: very dense impregnation, does not allow moisture to pass through;

Cons: you will have to arm yourself with a basin (washing machine), water and time for drying. If you want to wash things, then it is more rational to combine washing and impregnation - wash/rinse first and immediately, before the items are dry, treat them with impregnation.

  • Impregnations that are applied to the item being treated with a spray (spray, aerosol) or sponge.

Hydrocarbon solvent impregnations can be purchased in aerosol packaging, and water-based ones - in a bottle with mechanical sprayers or with a foam sponge. They are easy to use - spray on the surface you plan to treat, or apply the product to a sponge and apply it to the surface.

Impregnation with a hydrocarbon solvent should be applied exclusively to a dry surface and it is advisable to do this outdoors or indoors if it is well ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning from solvent vapors. Water-based impregnation is applied to any surface (wet or dry), but it is better to apply it wet. Such impregnations are most often purchased before a trip.

Water-repellent impregnation: the rule of the three “Ps” - hem, wash, soak

Tent impregnation

It is a liquid, paste or aerosol, thanks to which the water-repellent characteristics of an awning or tent are restored. They differ in functionality and composition from impregnations for products with a fabric membrane. By the way, most manufacturers do not write what components are included in their impregnations. This is considered a trade secret.

Despite this, many impregnations for tents contain polyurethane or silicone, which increase the water resistance of the fabric. Some manufacturers offer users to purchase not only water-repellent, but also fire-resistant impregnation - it will prevent your tent from catching fire, although it will not save you from the appearance of small burns in places where the fire was directly affected.

Impregnations for membrane fabrics

I can confidently say that only our people know how to “kill” a thing so quickly from membrane tissue. Everyone washes their snowboard jackets with a simple powder, which will certainly clog all the pores and destroy the water-repellent layer. Then the jackets are “cooked” in washing machine for several hours in hot water, despite the instructions, which indicate that the membrane should be washed only at temperatures no higher than 40 degrees.

It is best to do this manually, and if in washing machine, then exclusively in a gentle mode. And then such negative comments appear on the Internet, where they write that the membrane is nonsense.

And even those who already know that membrane clothing is washed with a special detergent and soaked after all washes still confuse everything. Like the guy who once told me over lunch how he ran into a sports store shouting that he bought impregnation from them, treated things with it, and they became like rubber boots. Their impregnation ruined a $400 jacket! He shouted and shouted, and then it turned out that he had purchased impregnation not for membrane fabric, but one that he liked in a jar, and it is only suitable for tents.

To avoid accidents before using detergent and impregnation for outdoor equipment and membrane clothing, read the instructions!

Each individual material needs its own impregnation and detergent

There is impregnation for shoes - for leather goods, for suede boots, for extreme shoes, there is a hydrophobic spray for various fabrics - from Gore-Tex to cotton products, there are products for down jackets and sleeping bags, and for thermal socks. All impregnations differ in composition and properties; they are used strictly for their intended purpose, in order to avoid spoiled items. If it is written that this product is suitable exclusively for washing a down jacket, then it should be used for down products, and whatever one may say, it will be useless for a synthetic jacket.

You need to be especially careful when washing and impregnating Gore-Tex items. It is precisely because of the special film, in which there are many holes (pores), they are so small that steam and no drops of water pass through them - the clothes have wind- and waterproof properties.

But in some cases (heavy rain or snowfall), something like a dense water film appears on the surface of the material, which does not allow any evaporation to pass through. To avoid this, all products using such a membrane are impregnated at the production stage with special protective compounds DVR, which envelop the fabric fibers, and then “like water off a duck’s back.” But over the years, such a protective layer is wiped off, and washing partially “kills” it. That’s when impregnation is needed, which restores the properties of the fabric and, accordingly, extends the life of clothes, shoes and equipment.

Reviews on the Internet

Before writing this article, I read quite a few reviews, many of which were extremely positive.

According to users, the best impregnations are water-based. If we compare them with products that contain exclusively chemical solvents, “water impregnations” do not affect the fabric structure in any way, they can be used without harm to the environment, and they are applied not only to dry, but also to wet clothes.

However, this only applies to the membrane. If, for example, you want the jacket in which you do yoga in the morning to not get wet in the rain, use any aerosol impregnation on the market.

And since their smell is not significantly different, the main thing is that everything suits you.

Nano reflector - a great tool or a publicity stunt?

Honestly, I wanted to ask you this question, my dear readers. Have you all probably seen an advertisement on TV or on the Internet where a guy pours dirt on a car, and it remains clean like after a wash?

It turns out that the company that produces Nano reflector has made a whole line for motorists, for shoe and clothing owners, and also protection for building materials. Have you tried this product?

If yes, write to me, it will be very interesting to read your reviews, because I can’t write anything about this yet.

Nano reflector stands out:

  • The most universal composition for clothing and shoes.
  • The fastest polymerization after application (up to forty minutes).
  • Its functionality. From the very beginning, the spray was developed as a care product for expensive products, thanks to it, it preserves color, water permeability and softness of the material.
  • Contact angle up to 140°.
  • Moisture resistance of 9 thousand mm. water column.
  • Protection from exposure to water, dirt, and reagents found on the street.
  • Application stages. The spray does not need to be pre-mixed and applied in stages.
  • Superhydrophobic coating that does not create a yellowish or white coating.
  • Modification of the fabric fibers themselves. If we compare the product with cheaper analogues, it does not create a film, but the fabric fibers themselves are modified, imparting hydrophobicity and resistance to long-term exposure to the aggressive outside world.

Aliexpress or other online store

Where do you buy goods? The opinion of my friends was divided into several camps: someone buys everything at Aliexpress

others on Ebay, and others on Amazon. I can say that the choice here is entirely yours, I will not write which portal I like best, and where I order things, so as not to read in the comments about possible advertising.

Below I will describe several popular products that have gained the most positive feedback in the Internet.

Surely this manufacturer of water-based products is known all over the world. The company specializes in imparting water-repellent effects. The history of the company is associated with mountaineer Nicholas Brown, who invented the first shoe impregnation in 1977; 6 years later, impregnation based on the water-repellent elastomer Nikwax TX.10i entered the market. The company's impregnations may not lose their effectiveness even after several washes.

A company from England has been working on the production of high-tech water-repellent impregnations for clothing, shoes and travel equipment since 2003. Storm is part of Germany's largest private chemical company, Rudolf Chemicals. Those who have products with Gore-Tex, Sympatex and eVent membranes should opt for the product.

Friends, I hope you found this article useful, if so, don’t forget to share it on in social networks and subscribe to . In the comments, please write a list of topics that you want to discuss in the near future. See you soon! Agent Q was with you.

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Sometimes fabrics cannot be used for their intended purpose without first using impregnation agents. This is usually necessary to impart water-repellent or fire-resistant properties to fabrics before clothing or other products are made from such material.

Impregnation is also used when processing furniture fabrics to make the material practical, less exposed to external influences and last longer.

Exist different types impregnations, which differ in purpose, cost and properties. The choice of impregnation means depends on the further use of the treated material.

Fabric impregnations are divided into three types according to their functions:

  • waterproof;
  • fireproof;
  • biostable.

The third type prevents rotting and the proliferation of bacteria and is rarely used for fabrics (mainly for jute and semi-jute materials). Fireproof and water-repellent impregnations are more in demand.

Water-repellent impregnation

After treatment with such compounds, moisture and water do not penetrate through the fabric. Depending on the material and purpose of processing the fabric, one of the types of water-repellent impregnation is selected:

Impregnation type WR

The most popular type is WR type impregnation, which is applied only to the outside of the material. The treated fabric is not susceptible to getting wet, as drops of water roll down the protective layer.

Also, the fabric does not become damp at high humidity, since the impregnation layer does not allow even the smallest water molecules to pass through in the form of steam or fog.

Polyurethane impregnation (PU)

Apply to inner side material that can get wet on the outside, but the moisture will not seep through.

Impregnation DuPont

Teflon impregnation (DuPont) is an analogue of WR impregnation, but unlike it, it is applied to products that are used in more severe conditions. Teflon impregnation is most often used for impregnating furniture fabric, tents and outerwear.

Impregnation PD

PD impregnation is applied to the inner surface of the fabric and not only prevents the penetration of moisture, but also makes the material more durable. In clothing it is often used in combination with other types of impregnations.

Silver and Ultra Foil impregnations are also used for clothing. The first is applied to clothing from the outside and, in addition to water-repellent properties, has sun protection properties, preventing the material from fading. Ultra Foil is applied from the inside and forms a durable, shiny protective layer.

A separate item is silicone impregnation, which is applied to tents and is not used for clothing. This is due to the high cost of the product, the complexity of the application process and low efficiency compared to polyurethane analogues.

Impregnations for membrane fabrics

Despite the positioning of membrane fabrics as a material that is itself waterproof, sometimes it is additionally treated with DWR-type impregnations. This product protects the front side of the membrane from water penetration.

The principle of operation of membrane fabric is based on the fact that it absorbs moisture without letting it in. But the water accumulated inside the membranes prevents heat from escaping to the outside, so although such hydrophobic fabric is effective, a person quickly begins to sweat in clothes made from such material.

In addition, if moisture does not roll down the impregnation layer, but is absorbed into the fabric, the clothes become heavier. DWR is mainly used for processing clothing and accessories for tourists, as well as for some types of military uniforms.

Despite its water-repellent properties, DWR impregnation is water-soluble. Under normal conditions, the protective layer is damaged very slowly, but such items should be washed using special means, which do not damage the protection.

Fire retardant impregnation

Fireproofing impregnation is used to treat workwear, but is sometimes used to treat tents (tourist and military). This impregnation does not guarantee complete protection against fire and burns: when high temperatures such a layer melts, but this can happen for different times depending on the composition of the impregnation.

The fabric itself also plays a big role. So, a tarpaulin, which itself is canvas impregnated with water-repellent and fire-resistant compounds, will not burn.

If you treat cotton or other knitted fabric with the strongest fire-retardant impregnation, sooner or later the protective layer will collapse and the material will begin to burn.

Application area

Fire-resistant impregnations are mainly used to treat the workwear of firefighters, workers, metallurgists and representatives of other hazardous professions. But the scope of application of water-repellent agents is wider, and they are used for processing:

  • protective clothing;
  • jacket fabric;
  • tents;
  • backpacks and bags;
  • belts;
  • furniture;
  • tablecloths;
  • awnings and canopies for the street;
  • raincoats.

Water impregnation not only retains moisture, but is also dirt-repellent. Most light and medium dirt is not a problem for such material, since dirt, consisting of large molecules, is not absorbed into the fibers and is easily cleaned off.

DIY water-repellent impregnation for fabric

All impregnations are applied during the production process or sold separately. But it is not profitable to buy impregnation separately, since they are mainly supplied in bulk, and if there is a need to treat clothes with such a composition, it is easier to prepare it yourself.

There are several impregnation recipes that you can make at home by purchasing inexpensive ingredients at a hardware store or pharmacy. For example, alum, used in medicine, is sold in pharmacies.

Here are several options for making your own impregnation:

  1. Take 500 grams of rosin powder, grated with shavings laundry soap, acetone and laundry soda. Five liters of water are heated almost to a boil, after which soap shavings and soda are mixed in a container with water. Then rosin powder is dissolved in acetone, and the mixture is added to a common container, where everything is thoroughly mixed. The fabric is soaked in this solution for 12 hours. Instead of rosin powder, you can use coniferous tree resin.
  2. 500 grams of soap shavings are dissolved in five liters of warm water, after which the fabric is immersed there. While the material is being soaked, alum is dissolved in another container in five liters of water - a product already soaked in a soap solution is placed here.
  3. The product can be soaked for five days in a solution of copper sulfate (this substance is added in an amount of 300 grams per 12 liters of water). After this time, the fabric will acquire water-repellent properties.

If you need to make a reliable impregnation for a tent, it is better to soak the fabric in a solution for the preparation of which you use:

  • alum (120 grams);
  • quicklime (300 grams);
  • 12.5 liters of water.

The solution does not need to be boiled, but must be mixed thoroughly. It is enough to withstand the fabric for 12 hours.