Topiary design ideas. Do-it-yourself topiary: instructions for making a modern decoration (115 photos). Topiary from improvised means

The art of topiary came to us from Ancient Egypt. In those days, the talent of giving plants unusual geometric shapes was highly valued. An example of this is such a wonder of the world as the Gardens of Babylon.

Today, topiary is a small tree made from natural and artificial materials. We will share decor ideas with you and tell you what you can use to make a beautiful tree yourself.

Secrets for Beginners

Having created a tree of happiness, you can both decorate your own home with it and present it as a gift for a wedding, housewarming, or anniversary. The product sizes are different, depending on your preferences and range from 15 to 50 cm.

Important! Topiary has a purely decorative function. And it depends on your imagination whether you will make a small original tree in the shape of a heart, or unusual models from shells.

The simplest available materials for making topiary are as follows:

  • pasta;
  • money;
  • branches;
  • coffee beans;
  • napkins;
  • candies;
  • cotton pads.

Advice! A popular option is a money tree. It is made as a gift using small bills. It symbolizes wealth, luck and business success. Suitable for placement in the kitchen or any other room.

Usually the money tree is made in mini versions for installation on window sills. Also, such a gift can be in a small pot on the floor, which is placed near a coffee table or sofa in the living room.

How to make topiary with your own hands

If you decide to decorate the house yourself, then before making the composition, consider the design of the main components:

  • bases for topiary;
  • crowns;
  • trunk;
  • stands.

Suitable bases include paper, old newspapers, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, and a children's ball. What to make it from is up to you.

Advice! Experienced craftswomen use foam plastic for shapes in the form of letters, numbers, and hearts.

You can simply make a trunk from strong wire, branches, and plastic tubes. When choosing what to make a topiary trunk from, consider the size of the future product. If it is a small model, use a simple pencil; if it is a floor model, use one even, thick branch.

The crown is the part of the craft that will attract attention the most. Paper will do, polymer clay, beads, buttons, shells.

Depending on the size of the product and the idea, an ordinary flower pot, toy bucket, flat wooden board. Decorate it with fabric, lace, decoupage or paint it. How to do it is up to you.

Advice! An ordinary cup that you no longer use in everyday life is perfect for a stand.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts

For those who are carried away by this wonderful idea, we will tell you how to make a beautiful topiary step by step. Before you start crafting, carefully think through the idea of ​​the future tree and prepare all the necessary materials for the trunk, crown and stand.

When creating your topiary, follow this sequence:

  • prepare the crown. To make it, use scrap materials or specially stored shells, beads, and seed beads. For a non-standard crown shaped like a number or letter, cut out the required shape from foam plastic. Be sure to make a hole for the barrel;
  • prepare the barrel. Depending on the idea, use branches, sushi sticks, or plastic straws. If you are planning to make a large outdoor topiary, which you will place in the garden or outside in a private house, use wooden sticks wrapped with twine or varnished in the desired color. Place the crown on the trunk;

Advice! If the crown round shape, you just need to put the base on the barrel. If your topiary has a non-standard appearance, additionally secure it with glue.

  • stand. Use pots or planters. First place polystyrene foam in the pot and fill it with weak cement mortar or alabaster, level it and dry it. This will serve as a reliable frame for the craft.

Advice! Since novice craftswomen do not always guess the proportions of the solution, experienced needlewomen advise using the consistency of liquid sour cream - too thick a mass will not fill the space between the pot and the foam.

like this interesting craft You can easily make them with children to decorate the garden or any room in the house.

Simple topiary master classes

Wonderful trees can be bought in souvenir shops, or you can make them yourself. A common topiary model is created from foamiran. Watch the video for a master class on how to make an unusual tree

Delicate original topiary from foamiran.

Make your own topiary from beads. The master class includes the following steps:

  • preparation of materials. Buy beads, ribbons, twine, wire for the trunk, pot, plaster, glue. Use tweezers to easily glue the beads to the base;

Advice! Use a regular ball as the basis for the crown or cut out another shape, such as a heart, from foam. This topiary will be an excellent gift for Valentine's Day.

  • glue the beads to the base;
  • for the trunk, take a wire, wrap it with twine or tape, bend it as desired;
  • insert the crown into the trunk and secure with glue;
  • place the second end of the barrel in a pre-prepared pot with pieces of foam plastic;
  • fill with plaster and leave to dry;
  • decorate the stand.

The product is ready. This MK is used by many beginning craftswomen.

Tulle topiary looks beautiful. Watch the master class on video. They will tell you step by step how to make a craft with your own hands.

Several Yet interesting ideas tulle topiary.

Interesting do-it-yourself topiary from cotton pads. Step by step wizard The class is presented in the video:

For advanced needlewomen, it is interesting to make a topiary from beads with your own hands. With this choice, use various techniques wood weaving: knotted, French circular, dense oblique, American braid. Detailed wizard class offered in video:

Below are two more works of art - beaded trees.

The easiest option is to make your own pasta topiary. After all, every kitchen has pasta in the shape of shells, horns, and spirals. You can decorate glued pasta onto the base various colors or spray it on. The master class is similar in manufacturing principle to a tree made of beads.

Advice! Crafts made from pine cones, buttons and threads look interesting and creative.

Which crown to choose

Among the common types of crowns, you can choose the option that suits you best. So, the shape of the crown of your topiary can be as follows:

  • hearts;
  • flying cups;
  • bicycles;
  • Christmas trees;
  • bird nests;
  • ships;
  • birdhouses;
  • sunshine;
  • apple trees;
  • umbrellas;
  • shoes;
  • roosters;
  • fairy houses with nests.

A craft made from beads in the shape of a glued nest with birds looks beautiful. For lovers of non-standard solutions, a floating cup will look great in any room or office.

Idea for a flying cup

A heart-shaped design or a tree with dollars are suitable as a gift. For a spring mood, make a fruit tree. For memorable events, build a product in the shape of letters or numbers.

Looks great sea ​​craft, decorated with shells, sand and other natural materials. Craftswomen like to additionally decorate the crown with a nest of branches and flowers. Interesting option- vintage burlap topiary, decorated with a real small clock. Marshmallow topiary looks festive. If you don't have enough in your house indoor plants, make a craft from lagurus.

Coffee tree

It’s not for nothing that they say that every man should build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. But this is a man, everything is clear as day, just a tree, easy to plant. But every girl can do DIY topiary, and she shouldn’t, or maybe because the girl doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Topiary is perhaps the oldest art landscape design, curly pruning of trees and giving them all sorts of fancy shapes: animal, geometric and architectural shapes. From the Latin topiar (topiarius) is translated as a gardener of landscape ornaments.

A do-it-yourself topiary made from roses will perfectly decorate the interior and give good mood.

A little history...

In Europe, the first topiary appeared during the Roman Empire, and in Asia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the embodiment of the art of topiary. In Japan, the skill of forming the crown of a tree was embodied in “Bonsai”, by the way, remember, we already talked about it. In Europe, topiary flourished during the Renaissance, when gardeners perfected their skills in carving balls, pyramids, people and animals from trees. Topiary in Europe is most clearly represented in Versailles.

Topiary, also known as a European tree, is very popular in Russia today, not only as a beautifully trimmed bush, but also as an aesthetically pleasing decorative tree. But the chic in the interior, of course, is considered to be made DIY topiary.

A topiary made from decorative mesh will be both a birthday gift and at the same time a beautiful decoration for a party.

It is generally accepted that topiary - tree of happiness brings to the house not only good luck and a good mood, but also monetary wealth, so the craftswomen put pennies in the pot, and flowers and hearts made from banknotes are attached to the branches. They are quite simple to make, especially since we already had one on this topic.

Fruit topiary will perfectly decorate a holiday table. It is doubly useful: both aesthetic pleasure and gastronomic pleasure.

It would be an appropriate gift for almost every holiday. Generously flavored with valentines, red feathers and hearts, it will be a chic present for Valentine's Day, topiary made from banknotes - original gift from money for a wedding, topiary with delicate flowers, balls and coins - for the birth of a child, but a tree with flowers and bows - for a housewarming party.

Topiary can be New Year's, it can consist of a pumpkin and is perfect for Halloween, it can be made from fruits and vegetables and it will perfectly decorate the kitchen and dining room.

Topiaries made of marmalade and candies for those with a sweet tooth.

DIY topiary tree Anyone can do it, you just need to stock up necessary material, because each tree consists of a certain set of parts.

Firstly, this is the basis. Most often, a ball is taken as the basis, but there can be variations: a heart, a cone and even numbers (depending on how old the birthday person is, to whom the tree is presented), in the form of letters and in the form of an arch. As a basis it is customary to use:

  • foam blank;
  • papier-mâché ball;
  • old ball (but not heavy).

For shaped blanks you will need wire, polystyrene foam or cardboard.

Secondly, each topiary has its own trunk. It can be wire and twigs wrapped in twine, or it can be real tree branches covered with varnish or stain. For small topiaries, you can use pencils.

Thirdly, this is the crown. This is the time to turn on your imagination. A set of decorative elements can start from coffee beans and end seashells. Also suitable: multi-colored paper napkins, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, decor from polymer clay, beads, dried leaves and even pasta - whatever your imagination wants.

Fourthly, this is a stand. As a rule, this element is used as a decorative pot, stone, teapot, and for small trees - shells and cups. The coasters are decorated with fabric, lace, beads and gems. Remember that the diameter of the base should not be less than the diameter of the stand.

Fifthly, this is the base of the tree. For DIY topiary Any filler or a harder base is suitable, where the rod with the crown will be fixed. Polystyrene foam, floral sponge, and polyurethane foam are excellent for these purposes.

Topiary - a tree of happiness with your own hands

To make it you will need:

  1. boxwood sprigs (you can take artificial green sprigs);
  2. decorative pot;
  3. artificial flowers;
  4. polystyrene foam ball;
  5. gravel;
  6. twigs;
  7. wire.

First, stick the faux boxwood sprigs into the polystyrene foam ball one at a time, making sure that no voids are created. Then tie the branches with wire.

Make a hole in the crown ball and place it on wire-tied sticks.

Place the topiary in a pot and fill it with gravel, lay moss on top.

Your topiary is ready. We placed two large pine cones side by side to give it a New Year's charm, but you could easily place a teddy bear or a bunny.

Topiary made of decorative ribbons

You can also make your own topiary from bright ribbons folded into tubes. It just begs to be a gift for the birthday boy.

Read the master class carefully and get to work. But first, stock up on:

  1. polystyrene foam ball;
  2. a wooden stick (or a pencil);
  3. ribbons;
  4. glue;
  5. decorative pot;
  6. invisible.

Cut the ribbon into small strips and wrap it around your finger to form rings. Then pin the rings to the base one by one. Make sure there is no empty space. Then place the ball on a pencil (you can sharpen it on one side to make the job easier) and secure the finished topiary in the pot, “weighting” it with gravel.

Decorative frost can be placed on top. Or you can sprinkle with small pieces - leftovers from the ribbons.

DIY topiary in a fun cup

This topiary is very beautiful and playful. It is suitable for those who are not very diligent and like to craft from scrap materials. Making it will only take you 20 minutes.

For work you will need:

  • polystyrene foam ball;
  • bright mug;
  • artificial flowers (we used zinnias);
  • wooden stick or pencil;
  • tape to wrap around a pencil;
  • a small ball for the base according to the diameter of the cup (you can use polyurethane foam);
  • a handful of artificial grass or moss.

Wrap a pencil with tape and stick it into a small ball. Or secure it with foam in a cup.

Stick each flower individually into the ball, make sure there are no empty spaces, and string the finished crown onto the trunk. Decorate this wonderful piece with decorative moss or grass and place a butterfly on the edge of the cup. Amazing, isn't it?

Using the same principle, you can make another topiary with your own hands, as, for example, in the photo:

It is made from the same materials except for the flowers - they are made from corrugated paper. To make them you will need paper - maybe multi-colored, maybe plain, if desired, wire, scissors and photo instructions.

DIY topiary tree made from fresh flowers

A very beautiful and romantic gift, it’s a pity that it doesn’t last long. But it's worth it!

So, for topiary stock up:

  1. decorative pot;
  2. plastic bag;
  3. chopsticks or a twig;
  4. putty;
  5. floral sponge (don’t forget to moisten);
  6. moss;
  7. decorative tape and wire;
  8. as well as 9 roses.

Take the pot and inner side wrap in a plastic bag. Pour the putty into the pot, leaving 5-7 cm on top - we will place decorative moss there. Stick a stick into the pot and leave it to harden overnight. After this, cut off the edges of the bag with a knife.

Cut a circle from a floral sponge and fill the pot to the edge with it. Wet the sponge and place moss on top. Push the moss down the center and stick six long stemmed roses into the sponge. Secure them with decorative tape and a wooden dowel.

Stick three more roses on short stems into the sponge and decorate with a bow. You remember that we have already conducted a master class on...

Like this DIY topiary you should succeed. Good luck!

Topiary of 100 paper roses

This decorative tree truly wonderful. It is made according to an already established scheme - a base made of polystyrene foam, a decorative vase and 100 paper roses, which even a child can make.

This decorative tree is so charming that it just begs to be used in the decoration of the most sophisticated wedding.

Living moss, beautifully arranged in a pot, adds chic to topiary.

DIY topiary ball

If you don't have a ready-made ball, ball or Christmas decorations, just crumple a certain amount of paper and form a ball, or any other shape. The same can be done with foil or fabric, with a ball of old thread or polystyrene foam, simply cutting it into the desired shape.

Topiary master class made from sweets

This wonderful New Year's tree made of candy canes is simply bound to lure you into your home. good grandfather frost and force him to give the children the most delicious gifts.

Stock up on a standard set of balls, a pot, a stem and a ribbon, and also buy 200-300 grams of beautiful candies. Preferably mint ones - they will also smell.

Insert the rod into the pot and cover the ball with red tape. Then use a glue gun to glue the candies - use tweezers so as not to stain the sweets.

DIY topiary for Valentine's Day

The most difficult thing for this tree is to find suitable invisible ones. You can make hydrangeas by downloading a template from the Internet. A tree for the holiday is made quite quickly, but it’s so much fun!

Topiary for a newborn made of balls

Although, after thinking a little, I realized that topiary is suitable not only for the birth of a baby, but also for a bright party. So. Stock up on this wonderful man-made tree:

  • a ball and cube made of polystyrene foam;
  • wooden dowel or pencil;
  • 70 small balloons;
  • 70 large balloons;
  • a handful of small sawdust;
  • glue or putty;
  • decorative pot;
  • with pins.

This DIY topiary is easy and fun to make. Wrap the lollipops in paper, stick them over the eye and stick them into a polystyrene foam sphere. This topiary needs to be kept under guard, otherwise guests will simply eat it: watch the master class and create your own sweet tree.

A popular craft, which is distinguished by its diversity among other types of topiary, is the flower tree of happiness.

They make crafts from any fresh flowers that are bought in stores or in the house:

  • tulips;
  • chamomile;
  • orchids;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • poppies;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • asters.

But living plants are not the limit. Artificial flowers made from various materials are also suitable for topiary:

  • paper: corrugated, colored, foamiran, napkins;
  • fabrics: satin, organza, tulle, burlap, mesh;
  • knitted from yarn.

Important! Crafts made from fresh flowers are performed mainly in the spring and summer. They are a good alternative to a vase of water. For autumn, you can make crafts from dried flowers. For winter - use fabric or paper homemade flowers to decorate your home.

To add fullness to the crown, use sisal or bast. Satin or floral ribbons, threads, and twine are suitable for decorating the trunk. It is also allowed to use real plants, such as moss, to decorate the pot.

A popular option for making topiary is crafts made from real or dried fruits. Decorate the product with small berries in combination with fresh flowers. Flower and fruit topiary will be a decoration for any occasion: birthday, wedding, anniversary.

A useful master class for those who want to make a tree from fresh flowers is presented in the video:

How to make topiary from artificial flowers

The simplest is a tree made from ready-made artificial daisies, asters, roses, and peonies. We offer you a small and easy master class on how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands at home.

To work you will need 1 hour of free time and skills in working with a glue gun. Be sure to prepare the following materials:

  • heat gun;
  • glue;
  • a foam ball of the required diameter;
  • a tree branch for the trunk;
  • ready-made artificial bouquets;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • a stand in the form of a cup, glass, pot or homemade container;
  • gypsum.

Advice! An alternative to a foam ball is a polyurethane foam base. The stand is selected with a diameter such that it does not exceed the size of the decorated crown.

Important! There are no restrictions on the size of the topiary. If you have a spacious room, make an outdoor flower tree that is at least 50 cm in height.

To create your own masterpiece, follow the instructions step by step:

  • Use scissors to trim flowers from stems. Leave the tail length approximately 5 mm. Do not throw away the cut stems and leaves, they will be useful for decorating crafts;
  • make a hole in the base to a depth of 2 cm, where you will insert the barrel;
  • decorate the ball. Make small holes around the entire perimeter with a knitting needle or toothpick. Apply glue to the stems of the flowers and quickly insert them into the base. Distribute all the elements correctly so that there is no chaos. Attach the flowers so that the base is not visible;
  • insert the trunk in the form of a tree branch into the previously prepared hole with glue;
  • cover the transition from the base to the trunk with cut leaves;
  • decorate the branch with stems of artificial flowers;
  • dilute the gypsum solution and pour it into the pot. Insert the trunk with the finished crown and wait a few minutes until the plaster hardens;
  • Decorate the top layer of the hardened solution with artificial grass or sisal, which are sold in any florist shop.

An interesting option for a flower tree is a bicycle-shaped base. It is prepared from cut cardboard or a thick sheet of foam. The wheels are decorated with artificial flowers. Looks creative, suitable as a gift for a female colleague or for March 8th.

Detailed lesson on creating an artificial flower craft in the video:

Topiary made of artificial roses

Popular flowers for decorating the crown of the tree of happiness - small and large artificial roses different shades. Materials for manufacturing are:

  • foamiran;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • satin ribbons;
  • crepe paper;
  • organza;
  • latex;
  • felt.

If the interior of the room is decorated in a vintage style, a craft made from a combination of white dry roses with homemade flowers from a music notebook will fit into it. This topiary can be decorated with satin ribbons and beads in pastel and light colors. It is allowed to use dried rose buds.

Master class on making round volumetric pink roses for the crown, watch the video

Topiary in the form of a sunflower

You will fill your home with sunshine if you make a topiary in the shape of a sunflower. You can use one flower instead of a crown, decorate the base with several small sunflowers. Both options look advantageous.

For the manufacture of sunny sunflower use:

  • yellow napkins;
  • corrugated paper;
  • satin ribbons.

Flowers made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique look believable. How to make a sunflower with your own hands, see the master class:

Below you can see the original topiary with a sunflower using the kanzashi technique.

Make your own flower topiary

When making a tree of good luck from living plants, a basket of flowers plays an important role. It is important that the plants do not wither, therefore, how to properly make such a basket for a flower tree of happiness, look in the master class:

How to make flowers with your own hands for topiary

There are many tutorials on the Internet on how to make crafts from daisies, roses, asters, sunflowers, using corrugated paper, paper napkins or satin ribbons.

From ribbons with your own hands

For example, how to make roses from napkins with your own hands, look at the detailed MK:

It's easy to make roses from crepe paper for topiary. To do this, stock up on the required color of corrugated paper. The chamomile crown, which has ear sticks instead of petals, looks unusual and creative.

Advice! To save your time, purchase ready-made cold porcelain flowers for crown decoration. So all you have to do is fix them on the base and not waste time on manufacturing.

For the base, it is practiced to use not only a spherical base, but, for example, a house, the Eiffel Tower, a bicycle with flowers. Decorate the base not only with flowers, but also with fruits. To do this, make dummies of suitable fruits or dry real ones.

For lovers of the classic style will suit topiary made of flowers using the kanzashi technique.

Creative housewives will love topiary - a cup with flowers. It looks like a floating mug in the air with flowers flowing from the mug into the saucer. Watch the video to see how to make it:

Flower cup

By the way, instead of a saucer you can use a basket of flowers.

It is customary to additionally decorate a tree with flowers with coffee beans, pebbles, beads, and ribbons. A wedding topiary with beads and flowers to match the style of the event looks advantageous and beautiful.

Topiary (“tree of happiness”, “European tree”) is a small decorative tree that decorates interiors and exteriors, and is also often used for. Topiaries are good because they look very beautiful, and you can make them with your own hands in literally 1 evening from scrap materials.

  • This means that you can make several decorations at once, for example, one pair for the New Year's table setting, another for the Easter table, and a couple more for the mantelpiece.

In this material you will find 1 basic instruction on how to make a topiary with your own hands for beginners, as well as 3 step-by-step master class in addition to it and 45 photo ideas for inspiration.

Basic instructions for beginners

Topiaries of even the most complex designs are made according to approximately the same principle. Having mastered the basic manufacturing technology, you can create a wide variety of topiaries, changing only the materials for decoration.

So, to make a mini-tree with your own hands, you will need to create it:

  • Crown;
  • Trunk;
  • The base of the tree.

Step 1: Design Planning

Topiary can be different not only in design, but also in service life. Before you start work, think about why you need a “tree of happiness” and where will it live? The purpose and future location of the topiary will determine its style, color scheme and even the materials for its creation.

If you want to make topiary for, then materials that are not too durable can be used - paper, napkins, sweets, fresh flowers, fruits. If you want to make topiary as a gift or for interior decoration, then it is better to use more reliable decor - pine cones, artificial flowers, coffee beans, ribbons, organza, etc.

In the following selection of photos you can get ideas for designing themed and festive topiaries.

Sweet topiaries made from candies for a children's party

Halloween decoration with candies in a pot

Halloween decorations made from pumpkin seeds, ribbons and candy in tea cans

Easter trees made from eggs, artificial flowers, satin ribbons and moss

Christmas topiary made of artificial holly leaves and berries, pine cones and ribbons with a branch trunk

Candy tree for festive table

Topiary for a festive table setting made of artificial flowers, natural branches, dry moss and satin ribbons

And here is a selection of photo examples of the design of exclusively interior topiary (scroll through!).

Step 2. Preparing materials

To make your own topiary you will need:

  • Foam ball with a diameter of 8-12 cm(available at many office supply and art stores) or a floral foam ball (available at gardening and flower shops).

If desired, you can make a ball yourself from polystyrene foam, the same floral foam, polyurethane foam, papier-mâché, etc. However, the base of the crown can be not only in the shape of a ball, but also in the form of a heart, star, number, letter, animal figure, etc. etc.

  • Decor for the crown - depending on your idea, use flowers, satin ribbons, organza, coffee beans, banknotes, etc.
  • Trunk - it can be made from a dry and clean branch, a simple pencil or any other stick. In addition, the trunk and pot can be replaced by a tall candlestick.
  • Decor for the trunk– the trunk can at least be covered matte varnish or paint. And at the most, wrap it with one or two ribbons.
  • Flower pots – it’s most convenient to pour the mixture into a clay pot, but any cute cups, mugs, vintage buckets, etc. will also work.
  • Fixing mixture– the best choice for making topiary with your own hands is a mixture of alabaster, as it hardens quickly, hardly cracks and is cheap. You can also use cement-sand mortar, gypsum or putty. However, not only binding mixtures can fix a tree in a pot, but also the same polystyrene foam, floral foam or stones.
  • Everything for mixing the mixture– container, water, stick, etc.
  • Decor for masking the fixing mixture– to create an imitation of soil cover, it is best to use natural materials: dry moss, small pebbles, expanded clay, sisal fiber. Artificial moss and rocks will also work. Pots of “edible” topiary can be filled with candies and jelly beans.
  • Glue gun and several glue sticks– if necessary, it can be replaced with glue like “Moment”, but it is best not to do this, since glue in a gun is more convenient, and most importantly, it allows you to remove random “cobwebs”.
  • Scissors or cutter.
  • Tailor's pins with a very small head(optional, used in addition to or instead of glue, for example, for fastening beads).
  • Side cutters or nippers for trimming the trunk or any decorative elements.

At the preparatory stage, divide the decorative parts for the crown into groups - for example, large, medium and small. This will make it more convenient for you to alternate the decor and distribute it evenly across the ball.

Step 3: Creating a crown

First, you need to apply markings to the ball - mark the place for attaching the barrel and mark a boundary around it, beyond which you do not need to go for some time when gluing the decor. Thanks to this technique, in the future you can easily fix the barrel in the ball without spoiling the decor.

As soon as the glue warms up, start shaping the ball in the following order: “trying on” the part without glue – applying glue to the desired place – fixing the part. Remember that you need to act quickly so that the glue does not have time to absorb into the foam. That is why it is better to apply and try on the decor first.

Here are a few more nuances:

  • You need to stick the decor onto the ball starting from large elements and ending with small ones. For example, if you are making topiary from artificial flowers, then first glue the largest buds onto the ball, then the medium ones, and only then the small flowers and additional beads.
  • Some decor can be secured to the ball using tailor's pins and nails. But it is best to combine carnations with glue.
  • If some parts have bases made of wire (for example, the same artificial flowers), then you need to leave about 2 cm from their “tails”. Then you can not only glue the decor, but also stick it into the ball.
  • To make the white base ball less noticeable in the gaps between the glued parts, it can be painted to match the decor.

Now we need to work with the barrel. As already mentioned, making it with your own hands is not at all difficult from a branch, pencil or any stick.

If you use a branch, then you don’t have to paint it, but just coat it with matte varnish so that it is visible natural beauty tree. If you use a wooden stick, then it can only be slightly tinted, artificially aged, etc. If you want to mask the surface of the trunk completely, then you can wrap satin ribbons, fabric, paper, rope around it, or completely paint it.

How long should it be? Since the trunk goes deep into both the pot and the ball, its length can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Trunk length = 1/3 of the ball diameter + height of the pot + desired length of the trunk between the crown and the pot.

To attach the barrel, you need to use an awl and a knife to make a hole in the ball with a depth of about 2-3 cm (depending on its size) at the marking site. When the hole is ready, fill its bottom with hot glue and push the crown onto the trunk until it stops. Then continue holding the barrel and gradually fill the hole with glue around the barrel.

  • Keep in mind that the hot glue will melt the foam and make the hole deeper. To prevent the trunk from going deeper into the crown by more than 1/3 of its diameter, small pieces of paper can be placed between the layers of glue.

As soon as the barrel is fixed in the ball, disguise the attachment point with decor.

Step 5. Preparing the binding mixture and fixing the tree in the pot

The time has come to “plant” the resulting tree in a pot. To do this you need:

  • Stepping back from the edge of the pot about 2.5 cm, put a mark - the mixture will be poured to this level. If there is a hole at the bottom of the pot, you need to close it with tape or hot glue.

  • Dilute the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill the pot with it.
  • Level and secure the topiary in the pot, holding its trunk until the mixture hardens.
  • Leave the mixture overnight or a day until completely dry.

Hint: As already noted, it is best to use alabaster as a binder mixture. To fill 1 medium pot, you need to dilute approximately 1 kg of alabaster with 600 ml of water. The mixture is kneaded for about 1-2 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream, and then quickly poured into the pot and the topiary is fixed in it for 2-3 minutes.

Hooray! The topiary is almost ready, all that remains is to create an imitation of soil in the pot and disguise the fixing mixture. If you are using sisal fiber (see photo), shells, artificial grass or moss, they need to be secured with a small amount of glue.

Master class 1. Corrugated paper topiary

Topiary with paper flowers is especially suitable for decorating a holiday table or festive interior design. For example, this rose topiary was made for Valentine's Day.


  • Base ball with a diameter of 12 cm;
  • Corrugated (creped paper) of medium density (in the master class we use corrugated paper in the form of a tape, but you can use regular rolls);
  • Floral foam bars and/or any fixing mixture (see basic instructions);
  • A flowerpot or flowerpot for the base of a topiary;
  • The trunk is about 30 cm long;
  • Dry moss for pot decoration;
  • Ribbon for trunk decoration;
  • Glue gun.

Step 1. Cut the corrugated paper into strips 60 cm long and approximately 4.5-5 cm wide. If the paper is too thick and stiff, knead the strips a little to make them more flexible.

Step 2. Now you need to roll the resulting ribbons into rosebuds. This is done very simply, just a couple of workouts are enough and the principle becomes clear. Take one of the resulting paper strips and fold it 1/3 as shown in the photo below.

Then fold one end of the ribbon diagonally at a 45-degree angle and begin rolling it into a log. After three turns you will have the core of the bud. Now wrap the free end in outside, and continue to roll the core of the rose - voila, you have the first petal.

Step 4. Once the crown is completely covered with roses, attach the trunk to it (see Basic instructions). In this master class, the barrel was pre-painted white with spray paint.

Step 6. Place dry moss on the “soil” and glue it in some places with thermal glue. Finally, tie a bow on the trunk.

The following selection of photos presents other topiary design ideas that you can make with your own hands using this master class, not only from corrugated paper, but also from satin ribbons, silk paper, etc.

By the way, you can make not only roses from paper, but also lush peonies or hydrangeas. Methods for making such flowers are easy to find on the Internet.

Topiary is especially popular today. fashion trend decorating festive halls or home interiors is gaining more and more momentum. A relevant element of inspiration for such contemporary art is floristry. Yes, yes, you heard right. Moreover, it is possible to create a unique composition with your own hands and according to your individual taste. Topiary means “tree of happiness.” And happiness made with your own hands doubles the comfort of home and delights those around you.

The process involves:

  • First, you should trim the prepared flowers from the stem so that the tails are no more than one cm long.
  • Make a shallow notch up to 2 cm in the ball.
  • Start shaping the ball. Use an awl to carefully pierce the holes and quickly coat the tails of the flowers with glue to insert into the finished holes. You need to imagine the finished composition in your head and, accordingly, distribute the flowers according to color scheme. It is not necessary to place the flowers very close to each other. It will be enough to completely cover the sphere without showing through the base.
  • The trunk should be glued to the decorated ball and left to dry.
  • Prepare plaster, mix it with water until thick. Pour into the pot. Wait a little and insert the barrel into the middle.
  • Hold the tree until the plaster hardens well.
  • You can hide unattractive plaster with the remains of small twigs and leaves.

The simplest topiaries are made quickly, but financially they are more expensive.

You can make the flowers and the ball yourself, in which case the tree of happiness will cost much less.

We make cheap and simple topiaries ourselves

Simple topiaries are made quickly. For beginners, try your hand at it and learn the technique on simple topiary. The most budget-friendly way to make topiary is to make it from scrap materials that are stored in every home.

Several of the most simple ideas are described below.

Topiary made from napkins

A fairly simple and cheap type of topiary. You can make flowers from napkins not only in white, but also in bright colors. This option is quite nice.

The material on creating topiary from artificial flowers will also be useful:

Tree of happiness made from cotton pads

At first glance, such a solution may seem irrelevant, but ultimately, this composition is not inferior to its other analogues. Cotton pads are often decorated with purple or soft cream large beads and openwork ribbons. Topiary in this design looks very gentle and romantic.

Such products, in turn, test the performer’s perseverance and meticulousness well.

A simple idea for decorating a topiary can be ordinary flowers made from colored paper.

Interesting ideas for topiary: options for beginners

When making topiary, you don’t need to be afraid to experiment. It is possible to apply the most unusual, new and daring ideas. In this case, the tree will be purely individual, without its own kind.

Interesting ideas for topiary:

  • It is interesting to use a real tree branch in pine cone topiary. You can decorate it with a small bird.
  • Cones or coffee beans can be painted acrylic paint or steel-colored spray paint will look impressive. In this case, the tree of happiness will sparkle with completely new colors, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.
  • You can use small flowers with beads or coffee beans as a stream from the topiary " ".
  • TO New Year's holidays the tree of happiness can be decorated with a small garland. This topiary can be used as a night light.
  • For children's topiaries, a transparent glass container will serve as an interesting stand. It’s interesting to fill these forms with round candies, not large sizes or sweet peanuts. Such a tree will be doubly appetizing.
  • The stand can be a glass or a voluminous transparent vase like an aquarium.
  • Topiaries in the form of various fancy shapes, letters or numbers look impressive.
  • For financial well-being, you can put a coin at the bottom of the stand or attach a banknote in a visible area.
  • For grandiose holidays, you can make large topiary from fruits. The base will be a cone decorated with edible rings of exotic fruits.
  • To make a composition luxurious means to decorate it with fresh flowers. Even the most unromantic person will appreciate such topiary.

An important feature in making topiary is the color scheme. You should not overdo it with bright colors. In this case, the tree of happiness will lose its charm and attractiveness.

The product should harmoniously combine decorative elements.

Creating a masterpiece: beautiful topiary with your own hands

Examples of unusual topiary:

  • Music paper flowers. Such flowers will look very original and unusual. The classic black and white color scheme looks a little strict, but quite interesting.
  • From grains. Moreover, these can be completely different grains, from corn to coffee beans. Of course, many would consider such a tree to be very simple, but the process of making such a topiary will take a lot of time and patience.
  • From yarn. Wool threads look very unusual. This product brings coziness and comfort to any home.
  • From pasta. Today, pasta producers can pamper us with products various shapes and colors. Flour products can be left in their original form, or they can be painted with multi-colored paints.

The base, the trunk, and the stand can be unusual in topiary. It is important not to be afraid to experiment.

Thin copper wire in the form of a spiral can serve as an unusual decoration.

Learning to make creative topiary at home

Creating creative topiaries is typical for creative people whose thinking and ideas are limitless.

Some examples of creative topiary:

  1. From Christmas balls. In this case, it is better to use small balls made of plastic or plastic of the same color. The void in this case can be filled with tinsel.
  2. Topiary - floating cup. The stream of drink from an inverted cup is the frame.
  3. Made from burlap, beads and lace. Such topiaries are often used as interior decoration at banquets. Making this tree will take a sufficient amount of time and effort, but the effectiveness will justify all efforts. The tree of happiness in this design is very impressive.
  4. From umbrellas. Cocktail umbrellas are a fun and easy option for a creative tree.
  5. From fresh berries. The base in this case is made in the form of a cone. Decorative elements can be strawberries, cherries, cherries. Such a delicious topiary will be relevant at any time of the year and an excellent gift for any occasion.

Trees of happiness in a monochromatic design will look very impressive. Moreover, the emphasis should be on rich, bright colors: purple, green, blue, red, turquoise, etc.

A topiary with a photo inside is considered quite creative. The base, in a way, serves as a frame for framing a photo of a person dear and valuable to your life.

We make expensive topiaries with our own hands

Expensive topiary immediately implies the use of materials that are quite expensive financially. Such products require special care and caution, because the material can easily be damaged.

Expensive topiary products can be:

  • or . In this case, the high cost of the product depends on individual well-being. Moreover, the color of the banknotes can be completely different. This decision will not spoil the overall impression. In fact, such a composition is a real tree of happiness. Often, souvenir bills are used as banknotes, which can be purchased at any craft store.
  • Made of pearls. This topiary will be a rich and fashionable decoration for any home. A tree made of pearls can be presented as a gift for a wedding or other significant event.

The tree stand can be decorated with coins or with pictures depicting Feng Shui signs.

You can make a product from expensive materials yourself, but first it is better to become familiar with the process in order to avoid unexpected additional costs.

Topiary in eco-style: master class (video)

If you are interested in the process of creating topiary and have a great desire to try and not be afraid to bring your ideas to life, then do not rush to buy most of the elements for creative process in the shop. Absolutely all components can be made by hand. Moreover, such an activity is no less interesting than decorating one crown. Indeed, during the process interesting and original ideas appear.

DIY creative topiary (photo examples)