The content of the work of junior commanders in the education of subordinates. The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of Soviet soldiers. Variant of the squad commander's work system for maintaining military discipline

What should a sergeant know about his subordinates?

2. Year of birth

3. Nationality

4. Occupation before military service

5. Marital status

6.Successes and shortcomings in combat training

7. Business and moral-psychological qualities.

Relationships in a team represent a specific network of intra-collective connections, determined by ideological community, mutual assessments of the activities and personality of soldiers, feelings of respect, trust, camaraderie and responsibility for each other. In a mature military team, relationships are formed as a result of the assimilation and strict observance by all soldiers of the relevant requirements of the norms of communist morality and military regulations. That's why they are called statutory. These relationships are characterized by deep mutual respect, genuine camaraderie and collectivism. Warriors are united by feelings of mutual responsibility, a conscious readiness, without sparing their lives, to rescue their comrades from danger.

Relationships are one of the important regulators of warriors’ behavior, their interaction and communication. They influence individual and collective moods and the socio-psychological climate, the attitude of personnel to service, combat and political training, and the state of military discipline.

Statutory, highly moral relationships do not develop on their own. The process of forming relationships in military service is influenced by factors such as purposeful ideological educational work, the requirements of Soviet laws and military regulations, the norms of communist morality, the personal example and authority of the commander and political officer, the traditions that exist in a given unit, as well as the personal qualities of individual military personnel. Each warrior participates in creating and maintaining relationships with comrades, depending on his attitude towards people in general and. to himself in particular.

Relationships in a team are formed from the relationships of soldiers to each other. The attitude towards a comrade represents the warrior’s internal readiness for a certain type of interaction and communication with him. It is formed as an internal, personal formation that has its own psychological structure. The main elements of this structure are: cognitive, emotional-evaluative, motivational and executive.

Cognitive elements are the knowledge necessary for a warrior so that he can determine his attitude towards other members of the team. This includes: the principles, norms, rules and requirements for communication, joint life and activities of military personnel learned by the soldier; awareness of the specific responsibilities of each member of the team, especially its leaders, and one’s duty towards them; knowledge individual characteristics service comrades.

The emotional-evaluative elements of a warrior’s attitude represent his feelings and immediate emotional experiences, which are a reaction to everything that one or another member of the team does, as well as to his personality as a whole. In a military team, each warrior becomes the object of emotional assessments, evoking feelings of respect, sympathy, pride, etc. in his comrades. In a similar way, he himself reacts emotionally to various manifestations of their personality: he rejoices at successes, is upset at failures, sympathizes and empathizes. In his mind, feelings of gratitude, friendship, confidence in the reliability of a comrade, in his help and support (a feeling of comradeship) arise and grow stronger. These feelings, provided they are reciprocal, form the core of interpersonal relationships in the team. In some cases, interpersonal feelings and emotions may appear that do not contribute to the rapprochement of warriors: envy, suspicion, fear, resentment, indignation, etc. The undesirability of the manifestation of these feelings in collective life is obvious.

Motivational elements in the structure of interpersonal relationships play the role of incentives for certain actions in the system of intra-collective interactions. There are two types of motives - emotional and rational, or volitional. Emotional motives are conditioned motivations. interpersonal feelings. Volitional (rational) motives are formed on the basis of awareness of the need for certain actions in the communication system.

The executive elements of a warrior’s relationship with his comrades are the skills and abilities of communication, an individual approach to each of them. Relationships in a military collective are formed under the influence of the entire set of intra-collective relations, the central role of which is played by the relations between superiors and subordinates and between soldiers connected by direct ancestral contacts.

The relationship between superiors and subordinates is built on mutual respect and the authority of the superior. A commander enjoys authority if his influence on his subordinates is based not only on his power, but also on the confidence of the team that the commander masters the art of leadership and. has high moral and political qualities. To gain authority means to ensure that subordinates believe in their commander, in his ability to ensure success in school and in battle, in his selflessness. dedication to the cause and interests of the team, fairness, and care for subordinates.

The authority of a commander is the result not only of his high business, moral and political qualities, but also of a humane attitude towards his subordinates in general and towards each individual. Attitude. commander to subordinates, like any interpersonal relationship, is based on relevant knowledge. To take the right one. position in communication with each soldier, the unit commander must have a clear idea of ​​​​an exemplary soldier who meets all modern requirements; know. statutory provisions defining the procedure for treating personnel; know the individual characteristics of each warrior, his combat capabilities and position in the team, as well as him. mood and morale. Relationships with subordinates are realized in a variety of organizational, educational, and training actions of the commander, which flow from the corresponding motives and are an internal element of these relationships. An important role is played by motives related to the commander’s responsibility for his subordinates. This responsibility is combined with trust in them and confidence in their diligence and preparedness for independent action. These feelings prompt the commander to take daily care to improve the combat skills of soldiers, to satisfy their needs and requests, while at the same time keeping him from replacing his subordinates and from petty supervision.

Sergeants belong to the rank of junior commanders and represent the largest group of command personnel. They bear full responsibility for the successful completion of combat missions by the squad, crew, and crew; for training and education, military discipline and the moral and psychological state of subordinates. Speaking about the role of junior commanders, M. V. Frunze emphasized: “Junior command personnel form the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.”

Currently, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the increasing complexity of the tasks facing units and subunits, changes in the social image of the soldier, the transition to staffing units and subunits with contract soldiers, and the improvement of weapons and military equipment. The requirements for the training and education of soldiers have increased, but the time frame for their training has remained the same. This necessitated an increase in level pedagogical culture and the responsibility of commanders of all levels, and first of all those who directly develop the qualities of a warrior in soldiers.

Personnel education is carried out by sergeants during daily military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the regulations, and ensure that the entire structure of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate subordinates in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism, the willingness to give all their strength, and, if necessary, their lives to protect the interests of their Motherland. To do this, they themselves must be ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of our Fatherland, to fulfill their official duty. Sergeants are responsible for the proper use and conservation of weapons and military equipment. To do this, they must know the material well, its operating rules, and instill in their subordinate soldiers a careful attitude towards their weapons and military equipment.

Sergeants help their subordinates study regulations and instructions, organize and serve with them on daily duty, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, and develop the ability to subordinate their actions and behavior to the requirements of general military regulations and orders of commanders. They are responsible for drill and physical training, for the safety of health and provision of everything necessary for their subordinates. The personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important here.

In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The sergeant's duty is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve unity in the process of training and educating soldiers, aimed at preparing them to defend the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the military pedagogical process is to know and take into account national characteristics, traditions and customs

those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly follow the principles of national policy, to show special sensitivity, prudence and integrity, and concern for strengthening friendship and brotherhood between soldiers of different nationalities.

High demands are an integral quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in a subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, neglect, or humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which alienates the soldier from Sgt. Demanding standards must be constant, fair, equal to everyone, and respectful. Demandingness, combined with respect for subordinates, helps soldiers understand their tasks and mobilize forces for their successful completion. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with care for subordinates, with attentive attention to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on the extent to which they are aware of their personal duty and responsibility for the affairs and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and wisely use the rights granted to them by military regulations.

Units and subunits become combat-ready if the departments and crews are well prepared and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and fulfills them flawlessly. The role of the sergeant, who personally teaches the soldier military skills and prepares excellent students and top specialists, is great in this.

1.2.3. Methodology for conducting individual educational work with military personnel of the squad (crew, crew)

IN In the practice of a sergeant's work, all sorts of situations constantly arise, which can only be resolved by skillfully possessing pedagogical knowledge. How to choose a means of educational influence on a subordinate? Talk privately with a soldier who has violated military discipline, or discuss his action at a meeting, remain silent about what happened or reprimand the soldier, forgive or punish? Only the sergeant who knows how to find the key to a person’s mind and heart, take into account his character traits, psychological characteristics - in a word, skillfully masters the methodology of individual educational work with people will do the right thing.

Individual educational work (IEW) is the systematic and purposeful influence of educators on those being educated, carried out taking into account their individual characteristics and using appropriate methods, forms and means of education.

IVR with subordinates is based on the following principles:

A combination of differentiated and individual approaches in educational activities;

Combination of demandingness with respect for personal dignity


Reliance on the positive personality traits of the person being educated;

Unity, consistency and continuity in education.

Their use by sergeants in their activities allows them to purposefully carry out IVR, as well as predict the actions, behavior, and behavior of subordinates in different conditions, choose the most effective methods, means and techniques of educational influence.

The system of individual educational work includes:

defining goals and objectives;


determining who works with whom individually;

training in the practice of individual educational work;

studying and taking into account the individual characteristics of military personnel, using the most effective forms, methods, and means of influence;

organization of operational information about the moods, interests, requests of personnel;

analysis, generalization of best practices, control and correction of the plan.

Knowing subordinates is one of the responsibilities of commanders (chiefs). Let us also recall that in accordance with Articles 151 and 153 of the UVS, the deputy platoon commander, squad commander, and it is this position that sergeants often occupy, is obliged to know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in combat training of each subordinate.

Studying personnel at first glance seems simple. However, in practice, this is a complex, multifaceted process that requires time, experience, and certain knowledge from the teacher.

In military pedagogy and psychology, there are many methods for studying the individual characteristics of military personnel. These include: observation; studying documents; generalization of opinions (generalization of independent characteristics); study of preferential relationships; conversation; analysis of performance results; sociometric survey; testing.

One of the most objective and reliable methods of studying a military personnel is observation. In the course of it, facts are accumulated about the actions, behavior, and judgments of a subordinate, the analysis, generalization and systematization of which allow us to draw a conclusion about his individual characteristics.

Observing a person in a relaxed environment, for example in a canteen, smoking room, dismissal, during breaks in training sessions and in other conditions when there are no immediate commanders nearby, makes it possible, like no other method, to identify the correspondence of a soldier’s consciousness and behavior.

To increase the effectiveness of observation, you can deliberately create situations in which a soldier could demonstrate to the maximum extent those qualities that you would like to evaluate.

At the same time, the teacher must remember that it is not always possible to judge a person by individual actions, or to draw conclusions about him based on a single observation. Therefore, the monitoring process must be continuous, specific and active.

An important and rather labor-intensive activity of sergeants and superiors, during which a preliminary understanding of a serviceman is developed, is studying documents(analysis of documents). Usually a personal file is studied (autobiography, questionnaires, characteristics, educational documents). It helps the sergeant learn about the main events in a person’s biography, which in one way or another could influence the formation of his personality. Important information about cognitive abilities, military-professional orientation and individual psychological characteristics of subordinates can be obtained from the professional selection card of a conscript, which records the results of studies and “examinations during the period of registration and conscription of those liable for military service. About the social activity of a soldier, his discipline, breadth of knowledge, physical development can be found out from the service card, library card, medical book and other documents.

It helps to know a person better generalization of opinions colleagues about his behavior and actions (the so-called method of generalization of independent characteristics).

A comparison of the observations and conclusions of many people makes it possible to detect erroneous ideas about a person, weed out incorrect assessments and determine his true merits.

Information about a serviceman can be obtained through both oral conversations and correspondence interviews (using questionnaires). The latter is used relatively rarely by sergeants, as it requires time and special knowledge.

Method for studying preferential relationships. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher identifies in the process of individual educational work with subordinates using various methods the following: what the subordinate likes to talk about; what he likes to do most; how he prefers to spend free time; with whom does he maintain friendly relations? what worries him most And etc. Based on the analysis, interests, needs, both spiritual and material, inclinations, motives for activity in various types of activities, attitudes, characteristics of character, temperament, culture, level and direction of development of life position, etc. are identified.

However, the most reliable information about a subordinate comes from personal communication with him. With a skillful conduct of an individual conversation, the teacher can assess not only the needs, inclinations, interests, character traits of a serviceman, but also identify his true experiences, opinion about the state of affairs in the team, colleagues, etc. The results of the conversation help to get a more complete picture of the personality of the subordinate .

The success of such conversations largely depends on the sergeant's compliance with a number of rules. One of them is careful preparation for the conversation. It is important to think over its content, topic, determine the range of questions for the warrior, and at the same time study all available O him information. It is also necessary to choose the right place for the conversation and the time for it.

It is important that communication takes place in a calm and confidential atmosphere, without strangers. All questions should be simple and understandable. They need to be put in such a way that during the conversation a single, holistic story of the serviceman about himself, his life, and the difficulties of military service emerges. A prerequisite for a successful conversation is f*cking creativity. It should not be conducted in the form of a simple survey on pre-planned questions, which are only the basis for the conversation. Practice shows that in order to systematize, analyze and record individual work, it is advisable for a teacher to have a pedagogical diary (workbook, notepad). It accumulates data about each pupil, outlines the main measures of influence (interaction with him), notes the results of observations and some conclusions characterizing the effectiveness of individual educational work. Such notes will not take much time, but they will give your work purposefulness and systematicity.

For the purpose of studying and educating subordinates, it is widely used in military practice. analysis of performance results. It provides for taking into account the actions and deeds of subordinates, as well as their omissions and achievements in various types activities. At the same time, it is important for the educator to study the level of manifestation of activity, initiative, and creativity in work; motives for activity; working conditions, etc. The nature of a soldier’s performance of tasks may indicate his skills, abilities, interests and other personality traits.

Sociometric survey. With its help, one can determine the status of a serviceman’s personality in a team, the characteristics of relationships with other members of the team, and assess the state of the moral and psychological climate in which a subordinate lives.

Testing is effective method studying the personality of a serviceman, with the help of which the level of development or degree of expression of certain mental qualities is measured, as well as the totality of mental properties of the individual. Testing is carried out by specially trained officers, usually unit psychologists.

The experience of educational work indicates that only the integrated use of the entire arsenal of methods and means of studying the individual characteristics of soldiers will give the desired result. In each specific case, the teacher determines which methods and how it is appropriate for him to use them to obtain the most reliable and high-quality information about the subordinate. And, of course, knowledge of a subordinate does not act as an end in itself, but as a means of ensuring the effectiveness of his training, education, and joint activities with him in the interests of military service and the warrior himself.

to strengthen military discipline and maintain

Statutory order

Military discipline- this is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of units and units of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.

It is designed to regulate military order, relationships between military personnel, and relationships within units in order to ensure high organization and combat effectiveness. Its difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activity, which requires from the people carrying out it special composure, accuracy, diligence, endurance, mutual understanding, mobility, speed of execution of all orders, etc. Because of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: the mandatory nature of its requirements for all categories of military personnel; the coincidence of the goals of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of rules of conduct for the entire range of types of military activities; increased legal liability for violating the order and rules of military service; mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by statutory requirements; disciplinary liability for violation of rules and norms not only in an official, but also in an off-duty environment; unity of unconditional fulfillment of established norms and manifestation of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

It is a well-known truth: without discipline, not a single army in the world can be combat-ready. One of the outstanding military figures and teachers of Russia, General M.I. Dragomirov, described the military unit in which the high level discipline: “Such a unit (unit) may not achieve touching percentages when shooting, and may not be particularly strong in formation. She may lose her way, but never go astray. And in difficult moments, of course, it will be preferred to those who earn percentages and march well, but are not so reliable.”

The modern understanding of military discipline is presented in a concise but succinct form in the Disciplinary Charter of the RF Armed Forces, Art. 1: “Military discipline is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).” Military discipline characterizes and determines official and personal relationships between military personnel, as well as military groups. Its bearer is a specific person - a soldier, sergeant, officer. It finds its expression in the discipline of the serviceman.

The concept of “discipline” means a specific quality of a warrior that ensures his stable, rule-compliant behavior in the conditions of military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

External indicators of discipline:

Strict adherence to military order;

Accurate and proactive implementation of orders and instructions from commanders and superiors;

Careful attitude towards military equipment and weapons, their competent use in solving combat training and service tasks;

Exemplary appearance.

Internal indicators of discipline:

Conviction in the need for military discipline:

Knowledge of regulations and instructions, requirements of military service;

The ability to manage oneself in accordance with the requirements of military discipline;

Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Of course, the relationship between external and internal indicators of the discipline of a particular warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it also happens that a warrior maintains a certain order without being convinced of its necessity. In this case, the prevailing understanding is that the violation will be followed by severe punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem of staffing, and much more require that every serviceman be sensitive to the requirements placed on him and serve not out of fear, but out of conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious discipline.

Discipline as personal quality is not born with a person, and certainly not given to a warrior along with his shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the process of his army life and activities. Let's consider the priority areas of work of junior commanders in the formation and development of discipline among soldiers.

The main directions of formation and development of discipline among military personnel:

Skillful management of the activities and behavior of military personnel;

Effective educational work;

Maintaining the statutory order in the department, crew, strict adherence to the daily routine by all military personnel;

Clear organization of combat training and full coverage of personnel;

Caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team;

The daily demands of junior commanders on their subordinates and control over their performance, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant care for them, a skillful combination and correct application measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the collective;

Self-education of discipline.

When working with contract military personnel, it is necessary to take into account the issues of caring for the serviceman’s family and implementing the terms of the contract he has entered into.

Instilling the basics of discipline in soldiers is impossible without monitoring their complete and exact compliance with the requirements of the regulations. At the same time, we should not forget about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to explain every time why and how to act in certain situations. Skillful organization of this work helps young soldiers overcome negative reactions caused by the difficulties of service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the daily routine, quickly get into formation and subsequently achieve good results in combat training.

In parallel, team work is carried out:

cultivating positive relationships;

formation of healthy public opinion and unity of views on basic issues of service and combat training;

overcoming negatively directed leadership;

maintaining friendship and mutual assistance, attentive and demanding attitude of colleagues towards each other.

Practice shows that it is easier to achieve the desired results if the warriors themselves are actively involved in solving this problem.

Forming in military personnel the skills of discipline and readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations begins from the first day of their service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning and social significance of discipline.

Each sergeant must be close to his subordinates, know their needs and requests, seek their satisfaction, avoid rudeness and humiliation of the personal dignity of his subordinates, constantly serve as an example of strict observance of laws, military regulations and orders, be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are caused by miscalculations in the sphere of relationships: boss - subordinate, individual - team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly affect the emergence of a conflict, and in others they become a direct cause of violation of discipline.

The most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads between soldiers that they allow various terms services; reluctance, and sometimes inability, to delve into the off-duty relationships and moods of soldiers; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, occupy a special position, and subordinate others to their influence.

The weak demands of some sergeants, the lack of methodological education skills of others, the lack of pedagogical tact of others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice.

The basis of a sergeant’s work to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most proven methods for studying personnel by a sergeant during Everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude of one or another subordinate to the work during classes, service, rest; extensive use of the opinions of officers and warrant officers, other sergeants about soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, and not be reduced to finding shortcomings. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in each and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires a soldier and gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he more often has a desire to distinguish himself in his service. A correct opinion can only be formed if it is assessed not by words, but by deeds.

To develop discipline you need proper organization educational process. Sergeants must create an environment that requires maximum exertion of physical and moral strength and contributes to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization and independence among subordinates. You should strive to start and finish classes on time. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of students, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. The clear organization of maintenance of weapons and equipment also provides discipline.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening discipline. Disciplinary practice is a system established in the Armed Forces of applying incentive measures and disciplinary sanctions to military personnel in order to educate them and strengthen military discipline.

When determining a serviceman's guilt, the following are taken into account: the nature of the offense; the circumstances under which it was committed; the previous behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the length of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the procedure for service.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the sergeant must remember that the sanction and the very form of its imposition should not be perceived as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of a serviceman, but as the sergeant’s desire to help him learn to manage his behavior and behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates not to the fear of punishment, but to the fear of committing misconduct. The bias and injustice of the sergeant and rudeness in dealing with subordinates have a negative impact on military personnel. Those sergeants who believe that before imposing a disciplinary sanction on a subordinate, it is necessary to understand the degree of his guilt are doing the right thing. It is also advisable to remove disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role and the serviceman has actually corrected his behavior through exemplary performance of military duty.

Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, the correct fit of equipment, and compliance with established rules of wearing military uniform clothing, as well as military discipline in the ranks. The daily accurate fulfillment of these duties by junior commanders influences the development of skills and habits of disciplined behavior in soldiers, forms an intolerant attitude towards laxity, and develops diligence.

Every serviceman must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, feel the concern of his immediate commander about the inviolability of his personality, respect for his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations between military personnel established by military regulations in the unit is one of the priority areas of the sergeant’s activity.

Working with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from a unit, on guard duty, and on daily duty requires special thoughtfulness and organization. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, taking into account the psychological characteristics of military personnel.

Working with military personnel prone to violating military discipline has its own characteristics. It is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude towards the service. Look for positive qualities in each such person, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the standard of life for a serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the assigned work, and exemplary performance of military duty.

Great importance V modern conditions has a struggle for a sober lifestyle. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness is a completely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is the worst enemy of combat readiness.

Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of military discipline of the military personnel subordinate to him, and timely and objectively report on its condition to a superior commander. Some sergeants try to hide the misdeeds of their subordinates from commanders, thereby conniving with the violators. This can lead to serious disciplinary violations, and often to incidents and crimes.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, know exactly all the allowance standards, and strictly monitor the completeness of their implementation. He must also take care of organizing the leisure time of his subordinates, since this is an important part of the sergeant’s work in maintaining military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier is enrolled in the library, to encourage in every possible way the reading of newspapers and magazines, amateur artistic activities and sports.

Thus, the junior commander must ensure that all components of organizational and educational work - content, forms, methods and means - are carefully thought out and comprehensively justified, together constitute a steadily and consistently implemented system of measures, and have a constant psychological impact on consciousness and feelings and practical actions of personnel to strictly observe the order and rules established by laws and military regulations.

1.2.5. The work of sergeants in preparing personnel for service in garrison and daily duty

Daily duty is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of a military unit (unit), as well as to perform other internal service duties.

The performance of daily duty is accompanied by a set of activities: the selection and placement of personnel, their theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service itself, educational work, monitoring the performance of service and summing up the results. Sergeants take a very direct and active part in all these events.

The order of orders in a company between platoons is established by the company sergeant major, and in a platoon - by the deputy platoon commander. The number of outfits should be distributed evenly and fairly.

When assigning to a unit, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of training of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational skills, initiative and intransigence to shortcomings, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account their state of health, family situation, connections with relatives and friends. Ignorance of people, incorrect assessment of psychological, moral and physical condition military personnel, when assigned to a unit, can lead to a violation of military discipline and even to crimes.

On the night preceding the assignment, persons assigned to the daily assignment must be released from all classes and work.

The duties of persons on daily duty are determined by the statutes, and must be fulfilled in full, without any deviations. The slightest violation of the statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or failure of the assigned tasks. Therefore, before joining the outfit, every soldier must know how to serve. For this purpose, classes are organized and conducted to study the provisions of charters, instructions and other documents.

Training of personnel for guard duty is carried out in three stages:

first- behind 2-3 the day before joining the squad, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the post sheet;

second- on the day before joining the outfit, at the hours specified in the daily routine, a lesson is held with the guard personnel to study the provisions of the charters, the report card for posts, specifying on the model of the protected objects the special responsibilities and options for actions of the sentries at the posts, as well as instructions and requirements safety when handling weapons;

third- on the day of joining the guard, a practical lesson is held to practice the actions of sentries at posts.

The basis for successful performance of daily duty duty lies in its practical preparation. Practical classes are conducted in the places where military personnel will serve: with a company outfit - in a unit, with guard personnel - in a guard town, etc.

Practical training with guard personnel is organized and conducted by the unit commander. Training at training sites, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant guard chief and guards appointed from among the sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews).

Usually they conduct training on loading and unloading weapons, teach soldiers the procedure for accepting and surrendering a post, changing sentries, what a sentry should do in case of a fire, and practicing other introductory instructions. At the guard town, at training places, using the training method, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards teach the guards the procedure for accepting and handing over a post, determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard service, and performing service, taking into account its characteristics. Primary attention is paid to maintaining constant vigilance and compliance with the procedure for using weapons.

During the practical lesson, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards make sure that each guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but also what is under his protection and defense, the features of the post, the route of movement, the placement of objects and the procedure for their protection, the location of trenches, the presence of lighting, security equipment and fire alarms, locations of guard towers and fungi, fire extinguishing equipment. Special attention turns to study the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, firing sectors and the procedure for using weapons.

The daily work order for the company is carried out in the unit, where, under the leadership of the company sergeant major, they study: the duties of the duty officer and orderly, the daily routine, instructions on the procedure for raising the unit on alarm, according to fire safety requirements, the diagram of the area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit for cleaning.

Before joining the outfit, military personnel must put their appearance in exemplary order, and sergeants check how they did it. The exemplary appearance of the daily outfit should

serve as an example for military personnel and exert a disciplinary influence on them.

Preparation of a daily squad for a company includes practicing the practical actions of the duty officer and orderlies when declaring an alarm, receiving and issuing weapons and ammunition to personnel, and maintaining the cleanliness of the premises and area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit. Through practical actions on induction, the company sergeant-major seeks from the incoming detachment the ability to clearly fulfill their duties in maintaining internal order in the company, observing the daily routine and ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

In the same order, classes are conducted with other persons on daily duty. Training is carried out until the trainees’ actions are clear and coordinated.


  • Plan and outline of the training session Methods and techniques of teaching in the classroom, 463.84kb.
  • 1. Literature Regulatory legal acts, 376.82kb.
  • Plan-summary. Conducting classes on radiological safety with personnel Topic: , 74.17kb.
  • Plan notes for conducting a physical training lesson with a person, 48.85kb.
  • Lesson plan: explanation of the rules for getting points, dividing into teams, task 1 Holiday, 369.44kb.

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    conducting a lesson on the methods of military education of subordinates

    with the sergeants.

    SUBJECT: The relationship between methods of persuasion and coercion in the education of subordinates

    Nykh. Disciplinary practices of junior commanders.

    TARGET: Bring to the attention of listeners the forms and methods of work of sergeants in

    Education of subordinates, successful use of incentives

    Measures and coercive measures, as well as methods of disciplinary

    Narna practice by junior commanders.


    1. Basic methods of work of sergeants in education


    2. Methodology for conducting disciplinary practice

    Junior commanders.

    TIME: 2 hours

    PLACE: Leisure room

    METHOD: story-conversation

    LITERATURE: Magazine "Orientir", N4 for 1998


    I. INTRODUCTION - 5 minutes

    I check the presence of sergeants and their readiness for training. I announce the topic, purpose and educational issues of the lesson.

    II. MAIN PART - 90 minutes

    I begin to present educational issues.

    1 question.

    The Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces obliges commanders of all levels

    Constantly maintain strong military strength among subordinate personnel

    Inskaya discipline. In practical terms, this involves using

    The entire arsenal of methods, means, techniques of educational influence

    In order to form conscious discipline among subordinates.

    Among the most common methods, used for this purpose by sergeants

    (by senior officers), we can call it persuasion, training soldiers in the correct

    Actions, punishment in order to prevent the emergence of undesirable

    Honor, influencing subordinates by personal example of one’s behavior and

    Much more.

    Young people conscripted into the army and navy, of course, already have an

    A clear idea of ​​military discipline. But, unfortunately, in conditions

    Due to the current negative information impact, it often happens

    Distorted. This means that from the junior commanders from the first days of the arrival of the young

    Replenishment of units will require painstaking work, directing

    Lenny to provide the soldiers with the necessary knowledge, to give details

    New explanations and bring them (the warriors) to a deep understanding of the essence

    And the main content of military discipline in our army.

    But just knowing how to behave is, of course, not enough. Need

    Conviction in the need to act only this way and not otherwise. Therefore in

    Cultivating conscious discipline is so important

    Dedicated to the method of persuasion.

    The Disciplinary Charter of the RF Armed Forces emphasizes that military discipline

    Lina is based on every soldier’s awareness of military duty

    And personal responsibility for the defense of one’s Fatherland. And such an understanding

    Can be achieved through persuasion. There are a number of techniques to ensure

    Varying the effectiveness of this method. So, a warrior may have a word

    There is an erroneous view of some aspect of army life. From younger-

    The commander in this case needs to refute the wrong view

    Subordinate, prove why the statutes regulate what to do

    Thus. Conviction is inextricably linked with explanation, which

    Must be clear and reasoned. Often extremely effective

    The method of persuasion is a comparison in which the warriors are given

    The opportunity to better know and evaluate ourselves. In addition to the methods mentioned

    There are others. And in each specific case the sergeant chooses

    Those that most effectively influence the development of conscious discipline

    Lining of military personnel.

    It should be noted that persuasion can be achieved both by word and

    And by deed, by example.

    The discipline of a warrior depends not only on the level of development

    His consciousness, but also from existing skills and habits that force

    Comply with a range of statutory requirements. Therefore, as a method of re-

    Feeding discipline junior commanders use the exercise.

    The peculiarities of military labor require exceptional precision, dexterity,

    Ti, quick orientation in a developing situation and error-free re-

    Shares on it, i.e. a certain automatism of actions and actions. Such

    Qualities are developed only when a person exercises, constantly

    Yanno follows the established rules of conduct. Implementation of the method

    Exercises in practice provide for the high demands of young

    Shih of commanders to subordinates, maintaining a firm statutory order -

    Ka, ensuring exemplary military personnel in service and personal behavior.

    To achieve among subordinates the consolidation of certain positive qualities

    Honorable sergeants can use targeted incentives.

    Of course, the range of incentives provided to Sergeant Disciplinary

    The charter is small. The squad leader has the right to remove a previously imposed

    They are subject to disciplinary action and express gratitude. But often this

    Enough to strengthen the soldier's faith in his abilities, to arouse

    Emphasize that rewards play a disciplinary role only when

    Given a number of conditions, namely: compliance of incentive measures with the degree of

    Warrior's Meadow; the feasibility of using incentives; highlighting personal

    Qualities of military personnel for the manifestation of which he is encouraged; accounting for

    Encouraging the individual characteristics of subordinates; variety of measures

    Incentives; timeliness of their use.

    The method of coercion is closely related to the method of encouragement. One of his

    Form is a punishment for violations of military discipline. Its essence is

    Resulting in negative assessment, condemnation, and, if necessary, suppression.

    No action that violates statutory requirements. The squad leader has

    The right to impose the following on a violator of discipline from among his subordinates:

    Penalties: reprimand or severe reprimand; only a soldier passing by

    After military service on conscription, another dismissal from the location

    Military unit; assign to a work order out of turn for work. But the punishment

    Only then does it give the desired effect when it causes the warrior to worry about

    Your unworthy act, that is, a feeling of shame, embarrassment, repentance -

    Nya, regrets and stuff. This is why it is important for a junior commander to constantly

    Take care of conditions that would ensure high efficiency

    Disciplinary action. In this case, it is of great importance to justify

    The importance of imposing a penalty, the timeliness of its execution

    Nie and removal of penalties from a warrior who has corrected his behavior.

    But still, an experienced commander usually resorts to penalties in the extreme.

    None of the cases. After all, a sergeant or sergeant major has many other means of influence

    For a troublemaker. This is both a verbal remark and a reminder of duty.

    Services, and criticism of the offender in a friendly conversation, and principled

    Conversation face to face.

    Once again I would like to emphasize that both reward and punishment should

    To be justified, to be used only in cases where this is necessary

    Indeed there are reasons. Only fair, carefully thought out

    Their use will benefit the cause of strengthening military discipline.

    Military practice shows that it is impossible to maintain

    Discipline at the proper level, if high discipline is not ensured

    The importance of the command staff. Personal exemplary behavior in itself has

    A certain influence on the behavior of soldiers, on their development, on the formation

    They have no military qualities. If the soldiers see that their sergeant is great

    Shoots, drives a combat vehicle, has successfully mastered a military specialty,

    Raztsovo performs drill maneuvers, feels confident in sports

    new shells, then they tend to do the same. However, one

    The commander's exemplary behavior is not enough. The authority of the sergeants

    Ta, like any other person in the command staff, is unthinkable without his support.

    Ability to skillfully manage subordinates, demand from them inviolable

    Dexterous and precise implementation of the order and rules of military service. Soldiers

    Only then will they truly respect their commander and unite

    Around him into a single team, when they see in him and prepared

    Go military specialist, and self-confident, strong-willed person, and old

    Our comrade, who has strong convictions, service experience, general

    A culture intolerant of shortcomings. Respect by subordinates of the commander

    As an individual, he provides him with the right to command them, train and educate them.

    Question 2.

    The listed methods of educational work of junior commanders

    The maintenance of military discipline and law and order can be manifested in op-

    Reduced forms. Conventionally, they are divided into individual and mass

    High. The latter include talks, lectures, question and answer evenings and

    etc. Although the sergeants take the most direct part in these events,

    No participation, but the organizers of their holding are still officers and

    Ensigns. Therefore, we will focus on individual educational work

    Both junior commanders, especially since the methodology for carrying it out is often highly

    It causes the greatest difficulties for non-commissioned officers. But knowledge is under-

    repaired, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and

    Ideals allow educators to confidently guide them and influence

    Their effective influence, timely take the necessary preventive measures

    Czech measures.

    What does a sergeant need to know about his subordinates? First of all, the conditions

    Via their upbringing and life before conscription, social experience, basic attitudes

    Key on service, level of general education, ability to communicate

    Knowledge of a specific specialty, characteristics of temperament and character

    Ra. For this purpose, it is advisable to include in the personal list of personnel (maintained by

    in the sergeant's notebook) have the following information about his subordinates:

    Full Name;

    Job title;


    Military specialty;

    Year, month, date and place of birth;


    Time and place of conscription into the army;

    Occupation before conscription;

    Marital status, last names, first names, patronymics of immediate relatives;

    Place of work of parents, wife;

    Level of physical fitness;

    Tendencies and hobbies.

    These data, as well as careful observation of the behavior of the military

    Luzhaschiy in class, during his service, in his free time, his external

    Your appearance and reaction to your comrades’ remarks will tell the commander the direction

    Individual work with him. Interest in studying a subordinate pres-

    They list his autobiography, characteristics, and profiles. According to them the sergeant can

    Judge his skills, abilities, interests and other personal qualities

    Knowledge of the individual characteristics of warriors helps the younger team

    Mandira to accept correct solution when selecting personnel for non-

    Senia of guard duty, internal duties, performing household chores

    Work. Thus, in critical areas related to the need to take

    Negative behavior, that is, prone to indiscipline, drunkenness

    Twu, drug addiction and substance abuse. The latter must be denied access to

    Positions related to the use of fuels and lubricants and pharmaceuticals

    Comrade Sergeants also need to constantly monitor military personnel

    Shchikh, whose relatives or themselves attempted suicide

    Practice shows that sergeants need to take into account national

    The identity of subordinates, since it reflects certain characteristics of that

    The environment in which the personality was formed. At the same time, it is unacceptable

    Absolutization of national character traits.

    In the course of individual work with subordinate junior commanders, the

    It is reasonable to apply such a general pedagogical rule: on the spoiled

    To influence the bathroom with strict demands, on the one who has stumbled -

    By trust, on the arrogant - by showing his ignorance, on the closed - by

    Renality, for the irritable - calmness, for the undisciplined

    A model of highly moral behavior.

    Has a very positive effect on improving military discipline

    The ability of sergeants and petty officers to manage interpersonal relationships in sub-

    Separation. In this regard, it is important to know well the real structure of such

    Relations, composition of microgroups, their orientation, leaders. There is no wallpaper here-

    Without the help of officers, without knowledge of the basic psychology of the military collective,

    Tiwa. But the junior commander can develop this knowledge in his own department

    An atmosphere of demandingness, cohesion, and camaraderie. And in the good the weak

    In a female, friendly team, as has long been noted, cases of violation of military

    Such discipline is rare.

    How to organize properly joint activities military personnel?

    There are some tips that can help sergeants and petty officers because

    Avoid conflicts between subordinates. Junior commanders need to:

    Clearly define individual tasks for each subordinate;

    Providing mutual assistance;

    Define evaluation criteria that should clearly indicate

    Who and how coped with the assigned task;

    Take care to provide military personnel with everything necessary for

    Fulfillment of assigned tasks;

    Make it clear to the personnel that when distributing the load,

    The Mandir took into account all factors.

    The main, core activity of sergeants and foremen

    Is to instill in military personnel high personal responsibility for

    Strict and exact observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and general military regulations

    Tavov, for impeccable behavior and diligence.

    III.CONCLUSION - 5 minutes

    I remind you of the topic and purpose of the lesson, educational questions and how to understand them.

    Eny. I note the best performances and shortcomings during the lesson.

    LESSON LEADER ______________________________


    Education of military personnel is a purposeful and systematic influence on the mind, feelings and will of soldiers in order to develop in them high moral and combat qualities that determine their appropriate behavior in a peaceful environment, in battle, right attitude to his military duty.

    The principles of education are the initial pedagogical provisions that reflect the laws of the education process and serve as the norm for the activities of educators. The basic principles of education include; determination; education in the process of military and social activities; education in the team and through the team; individual and differentiated approach to the warriors; a combination of exactingness with respect for the personal dignity of soldiers and care for them; reliance on the positive in the personality of soldiers and the team; unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences.

    Determination imposes a number of requirements on the activities of commanders. These include: a clear and distinct awareness of the goals and objectives of the education of soldiers, of all educational work; planning of the educational process; expediency in the choice of means, techniques, methods and forms of education; persistence and perseverance in achieving educational goals and objectives; formation among soldiers of an interested and active attitude towards the goals and objectives of education, their inclusion in the process of self-education. This principle presupposes a connection between education and life, the requirements of combat activity and requires that educational work be structured in such a way that all soldiers deeply understand the course and prospects of social development, correctly understand the events in our country and throughout the world, deeply understand the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces, personal responsibility for the defense of one's Fatherland.

    ^ Education in the process of military and social activities. Military activity plays a decisive role in the formation of a person’s personality and in the development of his moral and combat qualities. During it, moral and combat qualities are consolidated and improved in soldiers: discipline, independence, initiative, courage, determination, perseverance, long-term willpower, endurance, mutual assistance, psychological readiness to the successful conduct of modern combat.

    The educational role of military labor depends on compliance with a number of conditions. First of all, it is important by means of education to achieve an understanding among soldiers of the expediency and social significance of the tasks that were entrusted to them. The educational impact of military labor increases if elements of competition are introduced into it. The educational role of labor increases if the commander and the military team promptly identify and encourage distinguished soldiers, support those who are diligent and enterprising, and condemn those who are careless. Pedagogically valuable is a reasonable combination of mental work with physical work, hard work with rest and cultural leisure. This makes it possible to prevent overwork and a hostile attitude of soldiers towards work.

    ^ Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the commander to constantly take care of uniting his subordinates into a friendly, strong family, about the formation in them of a sense of military camaraderie, brotherhood, and collectivism. Without this, in modern conditions, achieving victory in battle is unthinkable.

    The successful implementation by the commander of the educational capabilities of the military collective is carried out on the basis of certain requirements. The most important of them are the following: establishment and strict observance of statutory relationships in the team, discussion with soldiers of the results of study and service, organization of mutual assistance, development of principled criticism and self-criticism, accumulation of positive traditions in the team.

    ^ Individual and differentiated approach to soldiers. Russian soldiers are brought up in a collective, but each warrior is a specific person with individual qualities characteristic only of him. At the same time, soldiers have some common features, determined by their age, profession, work experience, education, etc. All these features are manifested in the behavior of soldiers and constitute the objective reality that commanders must inevitably take into account. The educator is obliged to deeply and comprehensively know the characteristics of soldiers and take them into account in the education process.

    ^ A combination of exactingness with respect for the personal dignity of soldiers and care for them. IN this principle merges two sides educational process: exactingness and respect for people. It is a well-known truth that a boss’s demands on his subordinates must be combined with demands on himself, otherwise it will turn into an empty formality.

    A demanding commander should be characterized by such traits as adherence to principles and intransigence to shortcomings, perseverance and determination in implementing his requirements, establishing personal responsibility of military personnel for the assigned work, and strict control over execution.

    ^ Reliance on the positive in the individual warriors and the team. Any warrior, even the most difficult to educate, necessarily has positive traits, correct views, good feelings. Finding this good, developing, encouraging it and relying on it in educating subordinates is the direct responsibility of the sergeant.

    The principle of relying on the positive requires the support and development of the good both in an individual and in a team,

    ^ Unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences. The success of training soldiers is directly dependent on the consistency in the work of sergeants, warrant officers, and officers. Achieving consistency in working with people means making uniform demands on subordinates, educating them through the common efforts of sergeants, warrant officers and officers. Continuity in education means the preservation, consolidation and further development in the practice of education of all the positive things that have been accumulated in education, in the life of the team by previous educators.


    The method of military education is a set of means and techniques of a homogeneous pedagogical impact on soldiers in order to form them necessary qualities to fulfill military duty. The main methods of educating Russian soldiers are: persuasion, example, exercise, competition, encouragement, criticism and self-criticism, coercion. In practice, these methods are most often used together and in various combinations. The main forms of educational work are: classes on social and state training, conversations, debates, etc. They must meet the requirements that arise from the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    ^ Method of persuasion- the main method of educating Russian soldiers. To convince means relying on logical arguments, scientific data, reliable facts of life, practice, personal experience warriors, to ensure that the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations turn into deep personal convictions of soldiers, become the motives of their behavior, a guide to action. Method of persuasion - explanation, clarification, suggestion, proof, appeal, etc.

    The most important condition for successful persuasion is the sergeant’s ability to win over his subordinates, win their trust, achieve mutual understanding, and show persistence, restraint, patience and tact.

    ^ Example method– purposeful and systematic influence of educators on soldiers by the power of personal example, as well as all types of positive example as a role model, an incentive in competition and the basis for the formation of a high ideal of behavior and life. The educational influence of example is based on people’s tendency to imitate, on the need to study and borrow the experience of others. Every commander must remember that the personal example of an educator is the most important condition that gives him the moral right to educate others. The personal example of a commander is the basis of his authority and has an inspiring influence on people in difficult situations, in battle.

    ^ Exercise method. Developing the will of a warrior, instilling in him courage, determination, and self-control is possible only if educational work is combined with constant moral and volitional exercises related to overcoming the difficulties of military service. The essence of the method of exercise in education is such an organization of service and the entire life of soldiers, which daily strengthens their consciousness, strengthens their will, develops feelings, and allows them to acquire positive social experience and habits of correct behavior.

    Exercise in education is carried out indirectly through the solution of everyday vital tasks that are recognized by warriors. In order to develop courage, perseverance, and initiative in a warrior, he must be systematically placed in conditions in which he would need to demonstrate these qualities.

    ^ Competition method. The essence of competition as a method of education is the application of such a system of educational influences on soldiers, which develops in them the spirit of comradely competition and healthy rivalry, comparison with the best in studies and in the performance of official duties, cooperation, mutual assistance, bringing up the laggards to the level of the advanced and ensures that basis for achieving high overall results.

    ^ Reward method is a system of means and techniques for moral and material stimulation of soldiers who have demonstrated a high level of consciousness, diligence, initiative, and perseverance in fulfilling military duty and who have achieved high results in combat training, service, and social work.

    When applying incentives, the commander must remember that incentives must be pedagogically appropriate, have an educational nature, and cause positive changes in the activities of the warrior and military team, in their qualities. The encouragement must be deserved. It is valuable when it is delivered in a timely manner.

    ^ Method of criticism and self-criticism. The essence of the method of criticism and self-criticism in education is the application of a system of educational influences on the military collective and the personality of the warrior, expressed in the form of judgments, analysis, generalization and objective assessment of their activities, views aimed at eliminating the mistakes they make, shortcomings and negative phenomena, the development of high a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior, the state of military discipline, and the unit’s combat readiness.

    ^ Coercion method applies to individual soldiers whose actions contradict the requirements of the regulations and orders of commanders (superiors). Coercion includes the following forms of influence: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The extreme measure of coercion is collection. To fulfill the requirements of discipline and order, the sergeant is obliged to use all coercive measures, not to leave a single offense without influence, and to strictly punish those who are negligent.

    The sergeant's personal example is his main method of working with subordinates, the most important condition for fulfilling his duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. “The word teaches, but the example leads,” says popular wisdom.


    The entire history of human society is connected with discipline. The need to streamline the lives and activities of people forced humanity to develop a number of rules, norms, and laws regulating the behavior of members of society in various situations. All this is especially important in relation to military activity, which is unthinkable without diligence and strict adherence to orders.

    The concept of discipline in the works of ancient philosophers and historians was interpreted as “obedience to legitimate authority,” “good order,” and “coherence of actions.” It was also seen as a great virtue of the citizen-warrior, as an important personal quality. Thus, Plutarch saw discipline as the source of strength and power of the army and state. Plato also pointed out the necessity of following the requirements of the norms of society and leaders. In particular, he noted: “... the situation is like this: whoever took a place in the ranks, finding it the best for himself, or where the boss placed someone, then there... and must remain, despite the danger, disregarding death , and all but shame."

    The first domestic documents that drew attention to the problem of military discipline were the “Teachings” of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In them, he set out the requirements for the governors - to be an example for their subordinates in battles, and for the warriors - to unquestioningly carry out orders. According to the “Instructions”, warriors were supposed to remain silent in front of their elders, listen to the wise and be in love with the younger ones. It should be noted that in the era of feudal fragmentation, discipline in the princely squads was maintained on the basis of codes of honor and observance of the oath of allegiance. Their violators were kept “in need” (subjected to punishment) and could be punished up to the death penalty. Disciplined behavior was encouraged by various rewards (valuable gifts, property). This approach made it possible to ensure order and organization, and contributed to the victories of our ancestors over numerous invaders.

    The development of military affairs, changes in the means and methods of conducting combat operations required even greater organization and diligence.

    Word "discipline" translated from Latin means “teaching”. The concept of “discipline” is also interpreted as “submission to the statutory order and rules, obligatory for all members of any team,” as restraint, the habit of strict order. In a broad sense, discipline is considered as necessary condition the normal existence of any society, which ensures collective activity and the normal functioning of social organizations.

    With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination and comradely assistance are ensured. Maintaining discipline makes it possible for many people to apply their efforts simultaneously and is a highly effective means of social management.

    There are the following types of state discipline: public, labor, discipline of public organizations. It is acceptable to talk about discipline performing, financial, educational, discipline time etc. It is important to understand that such a division carries an element of a certain convention.

    Military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    It is designed to regulate military order, relationships between military personnel, and relations within units in order to ensure high organization and combat effectiveness. Its difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activity, which requires from the people carrying out it special composure, accuracy, diligence, endurance, mutual understanding, mobility, speed of execution of all orders, etc. Because of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: the mandatory nature of its requirements for all categories of military personnel; the coincidence of the goals of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of rules of conduct for the entire range of types of military activities; increased legal liability for violation of the order and rules of military service; mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by statutory requirements; disciplinary liability for violation of rules and norms not only in an official, but also in an off-duty environment; unity of unconditional compliance with established norms and manifestations of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

    It is a well-known truth: without discipline, not a single army in the world can be combat-ready. One of the outstanding military figures and teachers of Russia, General M. I. Dragomirov, characterized a military unit in which a high level of discipline is maintained: “Such a unit (unit) may not achieve touching percentages when shooting, and may not be particularly strong in the ranks. She may lose her way, but never go astray. And in difficult moments, of course, it will be preferred to those who earn percentages and march well, but are not so reliable.”

    The concept of “discipline” means a specific quality of a warrior that ensures stable, rule-compliant behavior during military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

    ^ External indicators of discipline:

    Strict adherence to military order;

    Accurate and proactive implementation of orders and instructions from commanders and superiors;

    Careful attitude towards weapons and military equipment, their competent use in solving combat training and service tasks;

    Exemplary appearance.

    ^ Internal indicators of discipline:

    Conviction in the need for military discipline:

    Knowledge of regulations and instructions, requirements of military service;

    The ability to manage oneself in accordance with the requirements of military discipline;

    Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


    Of course, the relationship between external and internal indicators of the discipline of a particular warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it also happens that a warrior maintains a certain order without being convinced of its necessity. In this case, the prevailing understanding is that the violation will be followed by severe punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem of staffing, and much more require that every serviceman be sensitive to the requirements placed on him and serve not out of fear, but out of conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious discipline. Discipline as a personal quality is not born with a person, and even more so is not given to a warrior along with his shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the process of his army life and activities. Let's consider the priority areas of work for commanders to form and develop discipline among soldiers.

    ^ The main directions of formation and development of discipline among military personnel:

    Skillful management of the activities and behavior of military personnel;

    Maintaining strict statutory order in the department; effective educational work; self-education of discipline;

    Caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

    When working with military personnel under a contract, it is necessary to take into account the issues of caring for the family of the serviceman and the implementation of the terms of the contract concluded by him,

    Instilling the basics of discipline in soldiers is impossible without monitoring their complete and exact compliance with the requirements of the regulations. At the same time, we should not forget about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to explain every time why and how to act in certain situations. Skillful organization of this work helps soldiers overcome negative reactions caused by the difficulties of service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the daily routine, quickly get into formation and subsequently achieve positive results in combat training.

    In parallel, team work is carried out:

    Cultivating positive relationships;

    Formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on basic issues of service and combat training;

    Overcoming negatively directed leadership;

    Maintaining friendship and mutual assistance, attentive and demanding attitude of colleagues towards each other.

    Practice shows: it is easier to achieve the desired results if the soldiers themselves are actively involved in solving this problem.

    Forming in military personnel the skills of discipline and readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations begins from the first day of their service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning and social significance of discipline.

    Each sergeant must be close to his subordinates, know their needs and requests, seek their satisfaction, avoid rudeness and humiliation of the personal dignity of his subordinates, constantly serve as an example of strict observance of laws, military regulations and orders, be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

    An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are caused by miscalculations in the sphere of relationships between superiors and subordinates and the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the sergeant’s work indirectly affect the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of violation of discipline.

    The most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of workloads they allow between soldiers of different periods of service; reluctance, and sometimes inability, to delve into the off-duty relationships and moods of soldiers; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, occupy a special position, and subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

    The weak demands of some sergeants, the lack of methodological education skills of others, the lack of pedagogical tact of others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice.

    The basis of a sergeant’s work to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most proven methods for a sergeant to study personnel in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude of one or another subordinate to the work during classes, service, rest; extensive use of the opinions of officers and warrant officers, other sergeants about soldiers.

    The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, and should not be reduced to finding shortcomings. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in each and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires a soldier and gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he more often has a desire to distinguish himself in his service. A correct opinion can only be formed if it is assessed not by words, but by deeds.

    To develop discipline you need proper organization educational process. Sergeants must create an environment conducive to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization and independence among subordinates. You should strive to start and finish classes on time. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of students, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also ensured by the clear organization of equipment maintenance and park and maintenance days.

    Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening discipline. Disciplinary practice is a system established in the Armed Forces of applying incentives and disciplinary sanctions to MSD military personnel in order to educate them and strengthen military discipline.

    When determining a serviceman's guilt, the following are taken into account: the nature of the offense; the circumstances under which it was committed; the previous behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the length of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the procedure for service.

    When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the sergeant must remember that the measure of punishment and the very form of its imposition should be perceived not as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of a serviceman, but as the sergeant’s desire to help him learn to manage his behavior and behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates not to the fear of punishment, but to the shame of committing offenses. The bias and injustice of the sergeant and rudeness in dealing with subordinates have a negative impact on military personnel. Those sergeants who believe that before imposing a disciplinary sanction on a subordinate, it is necessary to understand the degree of his guilt are doing the right thing. It is also advisable to remove disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role and the serviceman has actually corrected his behavior through exemplary performance of military duty.

    Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, the correct fit of equipment, compliance with the established rules for wearing military uniforms, as well as military discipline in the ranks. The daily accurate fulfillment of these duties by junior commanders influences the development of skills and habits of disciplined behavior in soldiers, forms an intolerant attitude towards laxity, and develops diligence.

    Every serviceman must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, in the inviolability of his personality, in respect for his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations between military personnel established by military regulations in the unit is one of the priority areas of the sergeant’s activity.

    Working with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard duty, and on daily duty requires special thoughtfulness and organization. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, taking into account the psychological characteristics of military personnel.

    Working with military personnel who are prone to To violation of military discipline. It is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude towards service, to look for positive qualities in each such person, to encourage, develop them, to emphasize that the standard of life for a serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the assigned work, and exemplary performance of military duty.

    In modern conditions the struggle for healthy image life. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness and drug addiction are completely intolerable phenomena in the army, they are the worst enemies of combat readiness.

    Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of military discipline of the military personnel subordinate to him, and timely and objectively report on its condition to a superior commander. Some sergeants, trying to hide the misdeeds of their subordinates from commanders, thereby condone the violators. This can lead to serious disciplinary violations, and often to incidents and crimes.

    The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, know exactly all the allowance standards, and strictly monitor the completeness of their implementation. He must take care of organizing the rest and leisure of his subordinates, as this is an important part of the sergeant’s work in maintaining military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier is enrolled in the library, to encourage in every possible way the reading of newspapers and magazines, amateur artistic activities and sports.

    The authority of the sergeant helps strengthen military discipline in the unit. First of all, it is determined by a personal example of attitude towards fulfilling military duty.

    Variant of the squad leader's work system
    to maintain military discipline


    Know where subordinates are, check them at every formation, report those who are absent;

    Monitor compliance with the daily routine, internal order in the platoon (squad), demand compliance by subordinates with military discipline;

    Conduct individual conversations with one or two subordinates;

    Ensure compliance with the rules of wearing military uniforms;

    Report to the immediate commander about all complaints and requests from subordinates, about incentives and penalties imposed on them, as well as cases of loss or malfunction of weapons and other material assets;

    Ensure compliance with safety requirements by personnel when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as when conducting classes and economic work;

    Summarize the results of each lesson and at the end of the day evaluate the attitude of subordinates to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.


    Talk with each subordinate military personnel, provide assistance to arriving reinforcements in adapting to the conditions of military service;

    Observe sequence and uniformity when assigning to a unit, as well as when dismissing from a unit;

    Conduct additional classes to clarify the requirements of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel prone to violations of military discipline;

    Report to the immediate commander about the state of military discipline among subordinates, the measures taken to strengthen it, and, if necessary, petition for the encouragement of those who have distinguished themselves and the punishment of violators.



    General military regulations occupy a special place in the life of the Armed Forces. They are rightfully considered a set of laws of military service. Its entire structure: combat training, internal, garrison and guard services, organization of everyday life and leisure - is determined and regulated by regulations. They establish provisions defining the relationship between military personnel, their rights, official and special duties, the responsibility of military personnel, the procedure for performing service, and are aimed at achieving one goal - the establishment of a statutory order in military units and subunits, defining the responsibilities of military personnel for its establishment and maintenance.

    General military regulations entrust sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews) with responsibility for training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological state, drill bearing and appearance of subordinates, proper use and conservation of weapons, military equipment, equipment, uniforms , shoes and maintaining them in order and serviceability, ensuring the safety requirements of military service.

    When performing official and special duties, commanding squads and crews, sergeants are required to know the provisions of general military regulations, organize the establishment and maintenance of internal order in the unit, perform internal, garrison and guard services in an exemplary manner, set an example of conscientious performance of military duty and demand this from their subordinates.

    Establishing and maintaining statutory order in a unit, that is, carrying out the entire life and activity of subordinates in accordance with general military regulations, requires sergeants to carry out a lot of organizational and daily educational work with personnel.

    Sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews), during training and performing tasks of internal, garrison and guard services, study with their subordinates and obtain from them knowledge of the requirements of general military regulations. Soldiers must know such provisions of general military regulations as the duties of a soldier, an orderly and a sentry, the duties of a soldier before formation and in the ranks, and the main provisions of the Disciplinary Regulations by heart and be guided by them in everyday life.

    Sergeants are obliged to accustom their subordinates to observe the statutory order as soon as they arrive at the unit, at every lesson, exercise, while serving in daily duty, and in everyday life. Instilling a conscientious attitude to service, not allowing deviations from general military regulations, and showing constant demands is an important responsibility of junior commanders.

    The demands must always be justified, constant and apply equally to all military personnel. It must be remembered that exactingness is inextricably linked with caring for a person, respect for his human dignity, trust in his strengths and capabilities.

    A sensitive and caring attitude towards subordinates is characteristic feature a real commander. At the same time, it has nothing to do with currying favor with subordinates, with the desire to gain cheap authority through unprincipled kindness. Taking care of subordinates means taking all measures so that they quickly master military affairs, learn to overcome difficulties and trials, receive their due allowance on time, and their needs and requests are not left without due attention. Taking care of subordinates means creating for them, within the framework of the requirements of the charters, all the conditions for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to them.


    One of the main conditions for maintaining statutory order in a unit is the strict implementation of the daily routine. In solving this problem in the department important role played by the sergeants.

    Carrying out the duties of the company duty officer, the sergeant - commander of the squad (crew, crew) 10 minutes before the "Rise" signal, raises the deputy platoon commanders and the company sergeant major, and at the "Rise" signal, makes a general rise of the company and announces the uniform for the morning physical exercise. Squad (crew, crew) commanders control the rise of personnel and check their availability. After this, the company duty officer forms a company. The company sergeant major receives the report of the company duty officer. While the company is charging, regular cleaners, under the direction of the company duty officer, clean up the sleeping area and ventilate it.

    The unit, having returned from physical exercise, begins the morning toilet and making the beds. Sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) closely monitor how carefully soldiers carry out such daily operations as making beds, putting uniforms and shoes in order, putting order in bedside tables.

    After the time allotted for the morning toilet and making the beds has expired, the company duty officer gives the command: “Company, for the morning inspection - STAND UP.” Deputy platoon commanders (commanders of squads, crews, crews) line up their subordinates. The company duty officer reports to the foreman about the readiness of the company. At the command of the sergeant major, deputy platoon commanders and squad commanders begin the morning inspection. It should begin with checking the personnel in the ranks. After this, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) begin to inspect the appearance of the military personnel, check their compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the serviceability of uniforms, shoes, and haircuts.

    Periodically, during the morning inspection, the condition of the legs, footcloths and underwear is checked, and other items of uniform and equipment may also be inspected. Military personnel in need of medical care, are recorded by the company duty officer in the patient record book for referral to the medical center of the military unit. Sergeants – squad (crew, crew) commanders – report to the deputy platoon commanders, and those to the company sergeant major, about the results of the inspection and the availability of personnel.

    Classes must begin exactly at the time stipulated in the daily schedule. Before the start of training, sergeants - squad (crew, crew) commanders and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates and inspect whether they are dressed in uniform, whether the equipment is fitted correctly and whether the weapon is loaded. Then the deputy platoon commanders report to the platoon commanders about the readiness of the personnel for training.

    During combat training classes, sergeants must ensure that their subordinates fully understand the issues being studied, maintain order and organization at training sites, avoiding relaxations and simplifications, and violations of safety requirements. After completing classes, they are required to check the availability of personnel, equipment and training property, whether the weapons are loaded, and whether all military personnel have handed over unspent ammunition and imitation weapons. The test results are reported upon command.

    When forming up for each meal, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) must check the availability of personnel, the condition of uniforms and shoes, and the compliance of all military personnel with personal hygiene rules. In the dining room, each department (crew, crew), as a rule, has dining tables assigned to them. A senior sergeant or soldier is assigned to each table.

    In the afternoon, the daily routine includes caring for weapons and military equipment. Cleaning of weapons should begin with a briefing on safety requirements and be carried out under the direction of deputy platoon commanders.

    The task of the sergeants during independent training is to provide the personnel with the necessary literature, visual and other aids, to work individually with those lagging behind and to prepare themselves for classes the next day.

    During the time provided for the personal needs of military personnel, junior commanders not only personally prepare for the next day, but also check the preparation of their subordinates: whether collar collars are hemmed, whether shoes and uniforms are in good working order.

    During the evening walk, led by the company sergeant major or one of the deputy platoon commanders, the personnel perform drill songs as part of the unit. At the end of the walk, the company duty officer gives the command: “Company, for the evening roll call - STAND UP.” Deputy platoon commanders and squad (crew, crew) commanders line up their units. During the evening check, the availability of personnel is checked, orders and instructions are communicated, the outfit for the next day is announced, and the combat crew in case of alarm and fire is specified. Deputy platoon commanders assign the next cleaners for the next day.

    Before going to bed, sergeants must check that their subordinates are complying with the rules of personal hygiene and that their uniforms are tucked in. The company duty officer clarifies the tasks of the orderly in establishing order in the company premises and in the territory assigned to the company.

    Thus, the work of sergeants in carrying out the daily routine must be constantly aimed at the strict implementation of all its elements, at maintaining military discipline, organization and compliance with the uniform. What is important is the personal exemplary behavior of sergeants - squad leaders (crews, crews) in carrying out the daily routine and their exactingness towards their subordinates.


    Daily duty is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of a military unit (unit), as well as to perform other internal service duties.

    The performance of daily duty is accompanied by a set of activities: the selection and placement of personnel, their theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service itself, educational work, monitoring the performance of service and summing up the results. Sergeants take a very direct and active part in all these events.

    The order of orders in a company between platoons is established by the company sergeant major, and in a platoon - by the deputy platoon commander. The number of outfits should be distributed evenly and fairly.

    When assigning to a unit, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of training of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational skills, initiative and intransigence to shortcomings, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account their state of health, family situation, connections with relatives and friends. Ignorance of people, incorrect assessment of the psychological, moral and physical state of military personnel when assigning them to a unit can lead to violations of military discipline and even crimes.

    On the night preceding the assignment, persons assigned to the daily assignment must be released from all classes and work.

    The duties of persons on daily duty are determined by the statutes and must be fulfilled in full, without any deviations. The slightest violation of the statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or failure of the assigned tasks. Therefore, before joining the outfit, every soldier must know how to serve. For this purpose, classes are organized and conducted to study the provisions of charters, instructions and other documents.

    Preparation of personnel for guard duty is carried out in three stages:

    first– 2–3 days before joining the squad, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the post report card;

    second– on the day before joining the outfit, at the hours specified in the daily routine, a lesson is held with the guard personnel to study the provisions of the charters, the report card for posts, specifying on the model of the protected objects the special responsibilities and options for actions of the sentries at the posts, as well as instructions and requirements safety when handling weapons;

    third– on the day of joining the guard, a practical lesson is held to practice the actions of sentries at posts. The basis for successful performance of daily duty duty lies in its practical preparation. Practical training is conducted in the places where military personnel will serve: with a company outfit - in a unit, with guard personnel - in a guard camp, etc.

    Practical training with guard personnel is organized and conducted by the unit commander. Training at training sites, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant guard chief and guards appointed from among the sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews). Usually they conduct training on loading and unloading weapons, teach soldiers the procedure for accepting and surrendering a post, changing sentries, what a sentry should do in case of a fire, and practicing other introductory instructions. At the guard town, at training places, through training, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards teach the guards the procedure for accepting and handing over a post, determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard services, and performing service, taking into account its characteristics. Primary attention is paid to maintaining constant vigilance and compliance with the procedure for using weapons.

    During the practical lesson, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards make sure that each guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but also what is under his protection and defense, the features of the post, the route of movement, the placement of objects and the procedure for their protection, the location of trenches, the presence of lighting, security equipment and fire alarms, locations of guard towers and fungi, fire extinguishing equipment. Particular attention is paid to studying the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, firing sectors and the procedure for using weapons.

    The daily work order for the company is carried out in the unit, where, under the leadership of the company sergeant major, they study: the duties of the duty officer and orderly, the daily routine, instructions on the procedure for raising the unit on alarm, according to fire safety requirements, the diagram of the area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit for cleaning.

    Before joining the outfit, military personnel must put their appearance in exemplary order, and sergeants check how they did it. The exemplary appearance of the daily charge should serve as an example for military personnel and have a disciplinary effect on them.

    Preparation of a daily squad for a company includes practicing the practical actions of the duty officer and orderlies when declaring an alarm, receiving and issuing weapons and ammunition to personnel, and maintaining the cleanliness of the premises and area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit. Through practical actions on induction, the company sergeant-major seeks from the incoming detachment the ability to clearly fulfill their duties in maintaining internal order in the company, observing the daily routine and ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

    In the same order, classes are conducted with other persons on daily duty. Training is carried out until the trainees’ actions are clear and coordinated.

    All persons on daily duty have a common duty - to serve vigilantly. In the interests of vigilance, statutes strictly prohibited all duty officers and their assistants, chiefs of guards and guards, orderlies, guards and sentries, even for a minute, stop or transfer to anyone the performance of their duties without special permission or orders, leave the assigned place, violate the established regime of service, determined by the relevant instructions.

    The service ends with a summing up. During this process, it is important for sergeants (junior commanders) to emphasize how statutory duties were performed and what experience subordinates acquired while serving.

    Demanding, principled, and enjoying business authority, sergeants organize and carry out their service in such a way that the daily outfit is always a reliable barrier against violations of the daily routine and military discipline.


    In the work of training and educating subordinates, a special place is occupied by the exactingness of commanders, and true exactingness is inextricably linked with concern for people. By deeply studying the needs and interests of their subordinates, sensitively listening to their moods, and satisfying their needs, sergeants thereby unite the units they lead, increase their morale and readiness to carry out combat missions.

    The primary responsibilities of junior commanders at all ranks are to supervise the implementation of established safety requirements. The complexity and versatility of army service require each soldier to know and strict compliance safety requirements.

    Junior commanders in daily activities are responsible for compliance with safety requirements by squad personnel (crew, crew) during all types of classes and work.

    Practice shows that the majority of accidents during training and work occur as a result of all categories of military personnel ignoring safety requirements.

    The sergeant is obliged:

    Personally know the safety requirements, organize their study and check their knowledge by subordinates;

    Timely remind you of the safety requirements during combat training classes, when working with weapons and military equipment, conducting combat shooting and tactical exercises, performing guard and internal services, handling toxic technical liquids, loading (unloading) and transporting personnel, conducting physical exercises preparing, performing economic work and requiring subordinates to strictly implement them;

    Ensure that at the end of shooting and training, subordinates do not have any live or blank cartridges, grenades, fuses or explosives left;

    Be able to provide first aid to the victim and organize his transfer, if necessary, to a medical facility.

    The regulations require that junior commanders take care of increasing the level physical training, maintaining and strengthening the health of subordinates, controlled the completeness of the distribution and quality of allowances due to them, helped subordinates, and in necessary cases interceded for them with the senior commander.

    A special place in the activities of junior commanders should be occupied by issues of ensuring the well-being of personnel. If the basic requirements of life and everyday life of military personnel remain unsatisfied, then calls for compliance with the requirements of discipline will have no effect on them. Therefore, the basis of order lies in constant concern for subordinates.

    Some aspects of military life, in particular the preservation of the health of military personnel, affect not only the state of the morale of soldiers, but also directly the state of the troops (forces). Therefore, sergeants are obliged to constantly monitor the health of their subordinates, take measures to harden their bodies, and ensure that military personnel comply with the rules of personal hygiene.

    Experience shows that where a sergeant (junior commander) takes care of the health of subordinate military personnel, soldiers are more resilient, training and service proceed in the proper rhythm, which means there is high combat readiness and organization.

    A personal example of perseverance and endurance, care and assistance to a soldier allow a sergeant, during intense exercises, shooting, field training, and in a combat situation, to actively improve the moral and combat qualities of soldiers, to teach them what is necessary in war.

    The entire history of human society is connected with discipline. The need to streamline the lives and activities of people forced humanity to develop a number of rules, norms, and laws regulating the behavior of members of society in various situations. All this is especially important in relation to military activity, which is unthinkable without diligence and strict adherence to orders.

    The concept of discipline in the works of ancient philosophers and historians was interpreted as “obedience to legitimate authority,” “good order,” and “coherence of actions.” It was also seen as a great virtue of the citizen-warrior, as an important personal quality. Thus, Plutarch saw discipline as the source of strength and power of the army and state. Plato also pointed out the necessity of following the requirements of the norms of society and leaders. In particular, he noted: “... the situation is like this: whoever took a place in the ranks, finding it the best for himself, or where the boss placed someone, then there... and must remain, despite the danger, disregarding death , and all but shame."

    The first domestic documents that drew attention to the problem of military discipline were the “Teachings” of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In them, he set out the requirements for the governors - to be an example for their subordinates in battles, and for the warriors - to unquestioningly carry out orders. According to the “Instructions”, warriors were supposed to remain silent in front of their elders, listen to the wise and be in love with the younger ones. It should be noted that in the era of feudal fragmentation, discipline in the princely squads was maintained on the basis of codes of honor and observance of the oath of allegiance. Their violators were kept “in need” (subjected to punishment) and could be punished up to the death penalty. Disciplined behavior was encouraged by various rewards (valuable gifts, property). This approach made it possible to ensure order and organization, and contributed to the victories of our ancestors over numerous invaders.

    The development of military affairs, changes in the means and methods of conducting combat operations required even greater organization and diligence.

    Word "discipline" translated from Latin means “teaching”. The concept of “discipline” is also interpreted as “submission to the statutory order and rules, obligatory for all members of any team,” as restraint, the habit of strict order. In a broad sense, discipline is considered as a necessary condition for the normal existence of any society, which ensures collective activity and the normal functioning of social organizations.

    With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination and comradely assistance are ensured. Maintaining discipline makes it possible for many people to apply their efforts simultaneously and is a highly effective means of social management.

    There are the following types of state discipline: public, labor, discipline of public organizations. It is acceptable to talk about discipline performing, financial, educational, discipline time etc. It is important to understand that such a division carries an element of a certain convention.

    Military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    It is designed to regulate military order, relationships between military personnel, and relations within units in order to ensure high organization and combat effectiveness. Its difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activity, which requires from the people carrying out it special composure, accuracy, diligence, endurance, mutual understanding, mobility, speed of execution of all orders, etc. Because of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: the mandatory nature of its requirements for all categories of military personnel; the coincidence of the goals of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of rules of conduct for the entire range of types of military activities; increased legal liability for violation of the order and rules of military service; mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by statutory requirements; disciplinary liability for violation of rules and norms not only in an official, but also in an off-duty environment; unity of unconditional compliance with established norms and manifestations of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

    It is a well-known truth: without discipline, not a single army in the world can be combat-ready. One of the outstanding military figures and teachers of Russia, General M. I. Dragomirov, characterized a military unit in which a high level of discipline is maintained: “Such a unit (unit) may not achieve touching percentages when shooting, and may not be particularly strong in the ranks. She may lose her way, but never go astray. And in difficult moments, of course, it will be preferred to those who earn percentages and march well, but are not so reliable.”

    The concept of “discipline” means a specific quality of a warrior that ensures stable, rule-compliant behavior during military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

    External indicators of discipline:

    strict adherence to military order;

    accurate and proactive implementation of orders and instructions from commanders and superiors;

    careful attitude towards weapons and military equipment, their competent use in solving combat training and service tasks;

    exemplary appearance.

    Internal indicators of discipline:

    belief in the need for military discipline:

    knowledge of regulations and instructions, requirements of military service;

    the ability to manage oneself in accordance with the requirements of military discipline;

    skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


    Of course, the relationship between external and internal indicators of the discipline of a particular warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it also happens that a warrior maintains a certain order without being convinced of its necessity. In this case, the prevailing understanding is that the violation will be followed by severe punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem of staffing, and much more require that every serviceman be sensitive to the requirements placed on him and serve not out of fear, but out of conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious discipline. Discipline as a personal quality is not born with a person, and even more so is not given to a warrior along with his shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the process of his army life and activities. Let's consider the priority areas of work for commanders to form and develop discipline among soldiers.

    The main directions of formation and development of discipline among military personnel:

    skillful management of the activities and behavior of military personnel;

    maintaining strict statutory order in the unit; effective educational work; self-education of discipline;

    caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

    When working with military personnel under a contract, it is necessary to take into account the issues of caring for the family of the serviceman and the implementation of the terms of the contract concluded by him,

    Instilling the basics of discipline in soldiers is impossible without monitoring their complete and exact compliance with the requirements of the regulations. At the same time, we should not forget about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to explain every time why and how to act in certain situations. Skillful organization of this work helps soldiers overcome negative reactions caused by the difficulties of service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the daily routine, quickly get into formation and subsequently achieve positive results in combat training.

    In parallel, team work is carried out:

    cultivating positive relationships;

    the formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on basic issues of service and combat training;

    overcoming negatively directed leadership;

    maintaining friendship and mutual assistance, attentive and demanding attitude of colleagues towards each other.

    Practice shows: it is easier to achieve the desired results if the soldiers themselves are actively involved in solving this problem.

    Forming in military personnel the skills of discipline and readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations begins from the first day of their service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning and social significance of discipline.

    Each sergeant must be close to his subordinates, know their needs and requests, seek their satisfaction, avoid rudeness and humiliation of the personal dignity of his subordinates, constantly serve as an example of strict observance of laws, military regulations and orders, be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

    An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are caused by miscalculations in the sphere of relationships between superiors and subordinates and the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the sergeant’s work indirectly affect the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of violation of discipline.

    The most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of workloads they allow between soldiers of different periods of service; reluctance, and sometimes inability, to delve into the off-duty relationships and moods of soldiers; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, occupy a special position, and subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

    The weak demands of some sergeants, the lack of methodological education skills of others, the lack of pedagogical tact of others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice.

    The basis of a sergeant’s work to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most proven methods for a sergeant to study personnel in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude of one or another subordinate to the work during classes, service, rest; extensive use of the opinions of officers and warrant officers, other sergeants about soldiers.

    The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, and should not be reduced to finding shortcomings. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in each and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires a soldier and gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he more often has a desire to distinguish himself in his service. A correct opinion can only be formed if it is assessed not by words, but by deeds.

    To instill discipline, proper organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment conducive to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization and independence among subordinates. You should strive to start and finish classes on time. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of students, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also ensured by the clear organization of equipment maintenance and park and maintenance days.

    Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening discipline. Disciplinary practice is a system established in the Armed Forces of applying incentives and disciplinary sanctions to MSD military personnel in order to educate them and strengthen military discipline.

    When determining a serviceman's guilt, the following are taken into account: the nature of the offense; the circumstances under which it was committed; the previous behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the length of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the procedure for service.

    When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the sergeant must remember that the measure of punishment and the very form of its imposition should be perceived not as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of a serviceman, but as the sergeant’s desire to help him learn to manage his behavior and behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates not to the fear of punishment, but to the shame of committing offenses. The bias and injustice of the sergeant and rudeness in dealing with subordinates have a negative impact on military personnel. Those sergeants who believe that before imposing a disciplinary sanction on a subordinate, it is necessary to understand the degree of his guilt are doing the right thing. It is also advisable to remove disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role and the serviceman has actually corrected his behavior through exemplary performance of military duty.

    Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, the correct fit of equipment, compliance with the established rules for wearing military uniforms, as well as military discipline in the ranks. The daily accurate fulfillment of these duties by junior commanders influences the development of skills and habits of disciplined behavior in soldiers, forms an intolerant attitude towards laxity, and develops diligence.

    Every serviceman must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, in the inviolability of his personality, in respect for his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations between military personnel established by military regulations in the unit is one of the priority areas of the sergeant’s activity.

    Working with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard duty, and on daily duty requires special thoughtfulness and organization. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, taking into account the psychological characteristics of military personnel.

    Working with military personnel who are prone to To violation of military discipline. It is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude towards service, to look for positive qualities in each such person, to encourage, develop them, to emphasize that the standard of life for a serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the assigned work, and exemplary performance of military duty.

    In modern conditions, the struggle for a healthy lifestyle is of great importance. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness and drug addiction are completely intolerable phenomena in the army, they are the worst enemies of combat readiness.

    Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of military discipline of the military personnel subordinate to him, and timely and objectively report on its condition to a superior commander. Some sergeants, trying to hide the misdeeds of their subordinates from commanders, thereby condone the violators. This can lead to serious disciplinary violations, and often to incidents and crimes.

    The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, know exactly all the allowance standards, and strictly monitor the completeness of their implementation. He must take care of organizing the rest and leisure of his subordinates, as this is an important part of the sergeant’s work in maintaining military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier is enrolled in the library, to encourage in every possible way the reading of newspapers and magazines, amateur artistic activities and sports.

    Variant of the squad leader's work system
    to maintain military discipline

    know where subordinates are, check them at every formation, report those who are absent;

    monitor compliance with the daily routine, internal order in the platoon (squad), demand compliance by subordinates with military discipline;

    conduct individual conversations with one or two subordinates;

    ensure compliance with the rules for wearing military uniforms;

    report to the immediate commander about all complaints and requests from subordinates, about incentives and penalties imposed on them, as well as cases of loss or malfunction of weapons and other material assets;

    ensure compliance with safety requirements by personnel when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as when conducting classes and economic work;

    sum up the results of each lesson and at the end of the day evaluate the attitude of subordinates to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.


    talk with each subordinate military personnel, provide assistance to arriving reinforcements in adapting to the conditions of military service;

    observe sequence and uniformity when assigning to a unit, as well as when dismissing from a unit;

    conduct additional classes to explain the requirements of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel prone to violations of military discipline;

    report to the immediate commander on the state of military discipline among subordinates, measures taken to strengthen it, and, if necessary, petition for the encouragement of those who have distinguished themselves and the punishment of violators.



    General military regulations occupy a special place in the life of the Armed Forces. They are rightfully considered a set of laws of military service. Its entire structure: combat training, internal, garrison and guard services, organization of everyday life and leisure - is determined and regulated by regulations. They establish provisions defining the relationship between military personnel, their rights, official and special duties, the responsibility of military personnel, the procedure for performing service, and are aimed at achieving one goal - the establishment of a statutory order in military units and subunits, defining the responsibilities of military personnel for its establishment and maintenance.

    General military regulations entrust sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews) with responsibility for training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological state, drill bearing and appearance of subordinates, proper use and conservation of weapons, military equipment, equipment, uniforms , shoes and maintaining them in order and serviceability, ensuring the safety requirements of military service.

    When performing official and special duties, commanding squads and crews, sergeants are required to know the provisions of general military regulations, organize the establishment and maintenance of internal order in the unit, perform internal, garrison and guard services in an exemplary manner, set an example of conscientious performance of military duty and demand this from their subordinates.

    Establishing and maintaining statutory order in a unit, that is, carrying out the entire life and activity of subordinates in accordance with general military regulations, requires sergeants to carry out a lot of organizational and daily educational work with personnel.

    Sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews), during training and performing tasks of internal, garrison and guard services, study with their subordinates and obtain from them knowledge of the requirements of general military regulations. Soldiers must know such provisions of general military regulations as the duties of a soldier, an orderly and a sentry, the duties of a soldier before formation and in the ranks, and the main provisions of the Disciplinary Regulations by heart and be guided by them in everyday life.

    Sergeants are obliged to accustom their subordinates to observe the statutory order as soon as they arrive at the unit, at every lesson, exercise, while serving in daily duty, and in everyday life. Instilling a conscientious attitude to service, not allowing deviations from general military regulations, and showing constant demands is an important responsibility of junior commanders.

    The demands must always be justified, constant and apply equally to all military personnel. It must be remembered that exactingness is inextricably linked with caring for a person, respect for his human dignity, trust in his strengths and capabilities.

    A sensitive and caring attitude towards subordinates is a characteristic feature of a real commander. At the same time, it has nothing to do with currying favor with subordinates, with the desire to gain cheap authority through unprincipled kindness. Taking care of subordinates means taking all measures so that they quickly master military affairs, learn to overcome difficulties and trials, receive their due allowance on time, and their needs and requests are not left without due attention. Taking care of subordinates means creating for them, within the framework of the requirements of the charters, all the conditions for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to them.


    One of the main conditions for maintaining statutory order in a unit is the strict implementation of the daily routine. In solving this problem in the unit, non-commissioned officers play an important role.

    Acting as the duty officer for the company, the sergeant-commander of the squad (crew, crew), 10 minutes before the “Rise” signal, raises the deputy platoon commanders and the company sergeant major, and at the “Rise” signal, makes a general rise of the company and announces the uniform for morning physical exercises . Squad (crew, crew) commanders control the rise of personnel and check their availability. After this, the company duty officer forms a company. The company sergeant major receives the report of the company duty officer. While the company is charging, regular cleaners, under the direction of the company duty officer, clean up the sleeping area and ventilate it.

    The unit, having returned from physical exercise, begins the morning toilet and making the beds. Sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) closely monitor how carefully soldiers carry out such daily operations as making beds, putting uniforms and shoes in order, putting order in bedside tables.

    After the time allotted for the morning toilet and making the beds has expired, the company duty officer gives the command: “Company, for the morning inspection - STAND UP.” Deputy platoon commanders (commanders of squads, crews, crews) line up their subordinates. The company duty officer reports to the foreman about the readiness of the company. At the command of the sergeant major, deputy platoon commanders and squad commanders begin the morning inspection. It should begin with checking the personnel in the ranks. After this, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) begin to inspect the appearance of the military personnel, check their compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the serviceability of uniforms, shoes, and haircuts.

    Periodically, during the morning inspection, the condition of the legs, footcloths and underwear is checked, and other items of uniform and equipment may also be inspected. Military personnel in need of medical care are recorded by the company duty officer in the patient registration book for referral to the medical center of the military unit. Sergeants – squad (crew, crew) commanders – report to the deputy platoon commanders, and those to the company sergeant major, about the results of the inspection and the availability of personnel.

    Classes must begin exactly at the time stipulated in the daily schedule. Before the start of training, sergeants - squad (crew, crew) commanders and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates and inspect whether they are dressed in uniform, whether the equipment is fitted correctly and whether the weapon is loaded. Then the deputy platoon commanders report to the platoon commanders about the readiness of the personnel for training.

    During combat training classes, sergeants must ensure that their subordinates fully understand the issues being studied, maintain order and organization at training sites, avoiding relaxations and simplifications, and violations of safety requirements. After completing classes, they are required to check the availability of personnel, equipment and training property, whether the weapons are loaded, and whether all military personnel have handed over unspent ammunition and imitation weapons. The test results are reported upon command.

    When forming up for each meal, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commanders of squads (crews, crews) must check the availability of personnel, the condition of uniforms and shoes, and the compliance of all military personnel with personal hygiene rules. In the dining room, each department (crew, crew), as a rule, has dining tables assigned to them. A senior sergeant or soldier is assigned to each table.

    In the afternoon, the daily routine includes caring for weapons and military equipment. Cleaning of weapons should begin with a briefing on safety requirements and be carried out under the direction of deputy platoon commanders.

    The task of the sergeants during independent training is to provide the personnel with the necessary literature, visual and other aids, to work individually with those lagging behind and to prepare themselves for classes the next day.

    During the time provided for the personal needs of military personnel, junior commanders not only personally prepare for the next day, but also check the preparation of their subordinates: whether collar collars are hemmed, whether shoes and uniforms are in good working order.

    During the evening walk, led by the company sergeant major or one of the deputy platoon commanders, the personnel perform drill songs as part of the unit. At the end of the walk, the company duty officer gives the command: “Company, for the evening roll call - STAND UP.” Deputy platoon commanders and squad (crew, crew) commanders line up their units. During the evening check, the availability of personnel is checked, orders and instructions are communicated, the outfit for the next day is announced, and the combat crew in case of alarm and fire is specified. Deputy platoon commanders assign the next cleaners for the next day.

    Before going to bed, sergeants must check that their subordinates are complying with the rules of personal hygiene and that their uniforms are tucked in. The company duty officer clarifies the tasks of the orderly in establishing order in the company premises and in the territory assigned to the company.

    Thus, the work of sergeants in carrying out the daily routine must be constantly aimed at the strict implementation of all its elements, at maintaining military discipline, organization and compliance with the uniform. What is important is the personal exemplary behavior of sergeants - squad leaders (crews, crews) in carrying out the daily routine and their exactingness towards their subordinates.


    Daily duty is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of a military unit (unit), as well as to perform other internal service duties.

    The performance of daily duty is accompanied by a set of activities: the selection and placement of personnel, their theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service itself, educational work, monitoring the performance of service and summing up the results. Sergeants take a very direct and active part in all these events.

    The order of orders in a company between platoons is established by the company sergeant major, and in a platoon - by the deputy platoon commander. The number of outfits should be distributed evenly and fairly.

    When assigning to a unit, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of training of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational skills, initiative and intransigence to shortcomings, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account their state of health, family situation, connections with relatives and friends. Ignorance of people, incorrect assessment of the psychological, moral and physical state of military personnel when assigning them to a unit can lead to violations of military discipline and even crimes.

    On the night preceding the assignment, persons assigned to the daily assignment must be released from all classes and work.

    The duties of persons on daily duty are determined by the statutes and must be fulfilled in full, without any deviations. The slightest violation of the statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or failure of the assigned tasks. Therefore, before joining the outfit, every soldier must know how to serve. For this purpose, classes are organized and conducted to study the provisions of charters, instructions and other documents.

    Preparation of personnel for guard duty is carried out in three stages:

    first– 2–3 days before joining the squad, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the post report card;

    second– on the day before joining the outfit, at the hours specified in the daily routine, a lesson is held with the guard personnel to study the provisions of the charters, the report card for posts, specifying on the model of the protected objects the special responsibilities and options for actions of the sentries at the posts, as well as instructions and requirements safety when handling weapons;

    third– on the day of joining the guard, a practical lesson is held to practice the actions of sentries at posts. The basis for successful performance of daily duty duty lies in its practical preparation. Practical training is conducted in the places where military personnel will serve: with a company outfit - in a unit, with guard personnel - in a guard camp, etc.

    Practical training with guard personnel is organized and conducted by the unit commander. Training at training sites, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant guard chief and guards appointed from among the sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders (crews, crews). Usually they conduct training on loading and unloading weapons, teach soldiers the procedure for accepting and surrendering a post, changing sentries, what a sentry should do in case of a fire, and practicing other introductory instructions. At the guard town, at training places, through training, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards teach the guards the procedure for accepting and handing over a post, determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard services, and performing service, taking into account its characteristics. Primary attention is paid to maintaining constant vigilance and compliance with the procedure for using weapons.

    During the practical lesson, the assistant chief of the guard and the guards make sure that each guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but also what is under his protection and defense, the features of the post, the route of movement, the placement of objects and the procedure for their protection, the location of trenches, the presence of lighting, security equipment and fire alarms, locations of guard towers and fungi, fire extinguishing equipment. Particular attention is paid to studying the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, firing sectors and the procedure for using weapons.

    The daily work order for the company is carried out in the unit, where, under the leadership of the company sergeant major, they study: the duties of the duty officer and orderly, the daily routine, instructions on the procedure for raising the unit on alarm, according to fire safety requirements, the diagram of the area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit for cleaning.

    Before joining the outfit, military personnel must put their appearance in exemplary order, and sergeants check how they did it. The exemplary appearance of the daily charge should serve as an example for military personnel and have a disciplinary effect on them.

    Preparation of a daily squad for a company includes practicing the practical actions of the duty officer and orderlies when declaring an alarm, receiving and issuing weapons and ammunition to personnel, and maintaining the cleanliness of the premises and area of ​​the territory assigned to the unit. Through practical actions on induction, the company sergeant-major seeks from the incoming detachment the ability to clearly fulfill their duties in maintaining internal order in the company, observing the daily routine and ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

    In the same order, classes are conducted with other persons on daily duty. Training is carried out until the trainees’ actions are clear and coordinated.

    All persons on daily duty have a common duty - to serve vigilantly. In the interests of vigilance, statutes strictly prohibited all duty officers and their assistants, chiefs of guards and guards, orderlies, guards and sentries, even for a minute, stop or transfer to anyone the performance of their duties without special permission or orders, leave the assigned place, violate the established regime of service, determined by the relevant instructions.

    The service ends with a summing up. During this process, it is important for sergeants (junior commanders) to emphasize how statutory duties were performed and what experience subordinates acquired while serving.

    Demanding, principled, and enjoying business authority, sergeants organize and carry out their service in such a way that the daily outfit is always a reliable barrier against violations of the daily routine and military discipline.


    In the work of training and educating subordinates, a special place is occupied by the exactingness of commanders, and true exactingness is inextricably linked with concern for people. By deeply studying the needs and interests of their subordinates, sensitively listening to their moods, and satisfying their needs, sergeants thereby unite the units they lead, increase their morale and readiness to carry out combat missions.

    The primary responsibilities of junior commanders at all ranks are to supervise the implementation of established safety requirements. The complexity and versatility of military service require each soldier to know and strictly adhere to safety requirements.

    Junior commanders in daily activities are responsible for compliance with safety requirements by squad personnel (crew, crew) during all types of classes and work.

    Practice shows that the majority of accidents during training and work occur as a result of all categories of military personnel ignoring safety requirements.

    The sergeant is obliged:

    personally know the safety requirements, organize their study and check their knowledge by subordinates;

    promptly remind you of safety requirements during combat training classes, when working with weapons and military equipment, conducting combat shooting and tactical exercises, performing guard and internal services, handling toxic technical liquids, loading (unloading) and transporting personnel, conducting physical exercises preparing, performing economic work and requiring subordinates to strictly implement them;

    ensure that at the end of shooting and training, subordinates do not have any live or blank cartridges, grenades, fuses or explosives left;

    be able to provide first aid to the victim and organize his transfer, if necessary, to a medical facility.

    The regulations require that junior commanders take care of increasing the level of physical fitness, maintaining and strengthening the health of their subordinates, control the completeness of the distribution and quality of the allowance they are entitled to, help their subordinates, and, in necessary cases, intercede for them with the senior commander.

    A special place in the activities of junior commanders should be occupied by issues of ensuring the well-being of personnel. If the basic requirements of life and everyday life of military personnel remain unsatisfied, then calls for compliance with the requirements of discipline will have no effect on them. Therefore, the basis of order lies in constant concern for subordinates.

    Some aspects of military life, in particular the preservation of the health of military personnel, affect not only the state of the morale of soldiers, but also directly the state of the troops (forces). Therefore, sergeants are obliged to constantly monitor the health of their subordinates, take measures to harden their bodies, and ensure that military personnel comply with the rules of personal hygiene.

    Experience shows that where a sergeant (junior commander) takes care of the health of subordinate military personnel, soldiers are more resilient, training and service proceed in the proper rhythm, which means there is high combat readiness and organization.

    A personal example of perseverance and endurance, care and assistance to a soldier allow a sergeant, during intense exercises, shooting, field training, and in a combat situation, to actively improve the moral and combat qualities of soldiers, to teach them what is necessary in war.