Sections for boys from 4 years old. Sign up for clubs, sports clubs, and creativity centers. Where to find the section

Parents have different attitudes towards their children attending various extracurricular activities. Some people think that school is already hard for a child, and lessons and homework are enough. Others load their children to the maximum, sending them to all available sections and clubs so that the child does not sit idle. Still others are looking for developmental activities almost from birth.

Who is right and does the child need sections, what clubs are available to attend in at different ages and what to consider when choosing additional activities suitable for a child?



  • You have to adjust your daily routine to suit your visits to clubs.
  • A child can become infected with viruses from other children who came to classes in the early stages of the disease.

Class options by age

Classes with mother up to 2 years old

The youngest children are offered developmental classes, to which the little ones come with their mothers. As a rule, these are classes in which kids learn a little of everything - dancing, music, the world, drawing, joint games and more.

The mother helps children interact with each other and complete tasks up to the age of two. Often such developmental classes are conducted according to a certain author’s methodology, for example, Montessori or Zaitsev.

What is given to the child:

  • The ability to explore the nuances of the world around you and the different elements.
  • Communication with peers.
  • Comprehensive development.
  • Psychological preparation for kindergarten.

3-6 years

At this age, children have the following options for activities:

  • Drawing.
  • Foreign language lessons in game form.
  • Swimming.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Game sports.
  • Ballroom dancing.
  • Figure skating.

What is given to the child:

  • By attending drawing classes, the child will develop imagination as well as fine motor skills. This will help him learn to write. In addition, art activities develop children's powers of observation.
  • Sports activities have a positive effect on a child's posture, agility and strength, and also teach him how to interact with other children and stay consistent in his path.
  • If your child takes part in fencing, swimming or other sports that develop a sense of balance and coordination, this will help with brain development. The work of both hemispheres will become more harmonious, which is especially important for dyslexia.
  • Learning a foreign language has a positive effect on a child’s intellectual development and improves memory.

How does a drawing lesson work for children under 6 years old? watch the video of the channel "Club of Smart Parents".

In the next video, psychologist Olga Kolchanova will tell you how to choose the right sections and clubs for your child.

From 7 years

List of sections and clubs available for children in school age is expanding significantly. The child can do:

  • Creativity - painting with paints or sand, modeling, macrame, beading, painting plaster figures, embroidery and other options.
  • Sports - swimming, hockey, figure skating, basketball, football, martial arts and other sports.
  • Dancing - ballet, folk dancing, disco, contemporary, ballroom dancing, break or others.
  • Music - play different musical instruments.
  • Singing – going to vocal classes or singing in a choir.
  • Development of intelligence - go to a math club, chess, technical, literary, computer and other clubs.

What is given to the child:

  • Learning a foreign language will be useful for any child in the future.
  • Thanks to swimming, the child will strengthen all his muscles and improve his posture, improve flexibility, endurance and immunity.
  • In aikido, karate or other martial arts classes, a student will study his body, learn to control it, and acquire spiritual principles.
  • Musical activities help develop memory, concentration and attention.
  • Thanks to singing, it is easier for a child to correct his diction and learn foreign languages.
  • By playing chess, a child will improve attention, perseverance, memory, ability to analyze, compare and navigate the square.
  • Embroidery, knitting, bead weaving and similar activities develop the child’s motor skills and brain.

  • When choosing additional activities, parents should ask about the child’s wishes and take into account his interests. Tell your son or daughter about existing clubs, activities in them and new skills. At the same time, do not impose your own opinion and do not try to realize your dreams through your children. Let your child choose an activity to suit their taste.
  • When choosing a mug, you should not focus on fashion. If your daughter’s friends go to dances, this does not mean that your girl should go to them too, especially if her daughter has no inclination for such activities. An incorrectly chosen section will be a source of stress and a burden for the child.
  • Be sure to consider the temperament of your son or daughter. If the child is active, chess will not suit him, and quiet and shy children will be uncomfortable in the circus studio.
  • Pay attention to the location of the section or circle, since you will have to organize your daily routine taking into account the schedule of additional classes. Consider who will take the child to the club, and whether this will interfere with homework due to wasted time on the road.
  • An important factor in choosing a suitable club will be the cost of classes. Many schools, children's clubs, cultural centers and other institutions offer free clubs. Classes there can be in no way inferior to expensive paid lessons. Most sections and clubs organize an open day at the end of summer or in September or offer a free trial lesson. This will help you make the right choice, as well as get to know the teachers.
  • If your child loves to draw, but coloring and templates are not to his liking, encourage your child to take art classes. At the same time, try to choose a group that is attended by a maximum of 10 children. Also, children who like to draw can be encouraged to take up computer animation.
  • Very active children who enjoy competition with others are best suited to playing sports. When choosing a sports section, pay attention to the qualifications of the instructor, and also adequately assess your child’s health.
  • Children who like music should consider singing or playing an instrument. You should pay attention to music classes if your child liked rhythm in kindergarten and he easily remembers melodies and songs.

And a few more tips:

  • If a child stopped wanting to go to one club and went to another section, and then stopped liking going there, do not scold him. Let your daughter or son search for themselves and don’t blame the cost of the courses.
  • Always praise your child for successes and do not focus on failures. Let him know that even in situations where he doesn’t succeed, you consider him to be great.

Show interest in your daughter or son’s activities. If your child wants to show you what he learned in class or talks enthusiastically about training, don’t brush it off, but be interested. This is valuable parental support for any child.

And remember that there should not be too many sections and circles. Why - see in the next video.

All caring parents have the same question about where to send their five-year-old child. It is very important when choosing a sports or developmental section to be guided not by your preferences, but by the wishes and abilities of your child. If you choose something that your child doesn’t particularly like or doesn’t suit his abilities, your child will simply abandon your chosen club very soon. We are not saying that you need to follow your child’s lead, since children at this age cannot yet independently understand their desires. But still, the child’s opinion must be taken into account.

Another thing that is very important in choosing a circle is the territorial location of the educational school or section. After all, long-term travel is very tiring, as a result of which you will soon give up this idea yourself. Yes, it’s the parents, not the child. Practice shows that mostly adults refuse long trips. In addition, this act may have a negative impact on your child, as he may think that sports are not an obligatory thing that can be abandoned at any time.

It follows from this that the journey to the section should take no more than 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, try to find something closer to your home. At the age of five, a child should have time for both entertainment and communication with friends. If this is a student, then the cost of the section should be minimal, since he also homework have to do.

Which sports sections are accepted from 5 years of age?

All parents want their child to be healthy and strong. To achieve this, most parents send their children to sports clubs. The choice of a sports section should be taken seriously, because some sports and intensive activities can negatively affect the baby’s health. As such, there is no specific age for sports, everything is individual. It is necessary to take into account the physical abilities, health and wishes of your child. The main thing is that before the start of first grade the child has already completed at least six months - a year in the sports section.

When choosing a sports club, you should not be guided only by your experience, for example, you wanted to go to football as a child, and your parents signed you up for gymnastics. Therefore, you, in turn, signed your child up for football. Or maybe your child will like gymnastics. So, be sure to take into account the baby’s wishes, his capabilities and state of health. Now let’s talk in more detail about the sections that take children from 5 years old.

Gymnastics. It is recommended to enroll girls in gymnastics from 4-5 years old, while boys from 5-6 years old. It depends on the development of the child, everyone knows that girls in most cases develop a little faster than boys. Physical training also plays a big role in this sport. Be prepared that the child will be asked to do pull-ups on the bar, do several squats, the child will be tested for flexibility, etc. If we are talking about recreational gymnastics, then there is no physical training not required, only your child's desire.

If you don’t know where to send your hyperactive child, then gymnastics is just for you. It will also be useful for children with problems with.

Team sports (this includes football, hockey, volleyball, etc.). Children from 5-6 years old can be enrolled in the team sport section, depending on physical fitness and development. This sport is useful because it improves the functioning of the lungs and heart, and also helps strengthen the visual and musculoskeletal system. The child learns to work in a team and express his emotions correctly. In addition, reaction and speed improves. The only disadvantage of team sports may be the high risk of injury.

Martial arts. As you already understand, here we will talk about karate, sambo, boxing, etc. Children from 5-5 years old can be enrolled in martial arts sections. This sport is suitable for almost any child, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. Also, the character of the child does not matter, since everyone finds something of their own.

With the help of martial arts, a child learns endurance, quick reaction and flexibility. This sport also allows you to throw out your emotions and negative feelings. As for health, martial arts have a healing effect. The only downside may be the possibility of injury.

Swimming. You can let your child go swimming as early as 3-4 years old. This sport is the most useful for young children; there are practically no contraindications, the only thing is a reaction to poor quality water in the pool.

Firstly, swimming has a positive effect on the health and body of the baby. With it you can strengthen the musculoskeletal system and improve blood circulation. Swimming improves nervous system. Secondly, this sport is very useful for children with myopia, scoliosis and obesity.

If your child absolutely loves to play in the water, then this sport is just for you. In addition, some sports are contraindicated for some children, so swimming can be a good substitute.

Dance Sport. You can take a child to dance at the age of 5-6 years. They are recommended for boys and girls who have scoliosis or overweight, since dancing classes help improve posture and figure. The only contraindications may be diseases of the musculoskeletal system and myopia.

Developmental study groups and preparation for school

Now let's talk about development study circles who specialize in the study of foreign languages, classes on the development of logic and thinking. As for English, everyone understands perfectly well that this language is necessary for every person in today's world. modern world. Therefore, it is worth sending your child to English from childhood. You may ask, at what age is it better to send a child to English? So, the sooner the better.

The fact is that children aged 3-4 years postpone knowledge of English in the hemisphere in which they have knowledge of their native language. While in adults, new material learned from English is deposited in a completely different hemisphere. Therefore, if the baby starts with early age learn English, then it can become as native to him as Russian.

Therefore, at the age of 5 you can safely send your child to courses in English. Just take your choice of school and teacher very seriously. Ask about the experience of the teacher himself; if he has previously worked with older children and has no practice with five-year-olds, then you should not trust him with your child.

Excellent for 5 year olds a circle will do LEGO education. LEGO education promotes children's rapid development and helps improve logic and intuition. Through play, a child learns to solve various problems and also engages in mental and physical activity.


A club is good for children at this age. visual arts. For example, in drawing lessons, a child develops good taste and also broadens his horizons. The baby will learn observation skills, which will be indispensable in primary school.

In addition, drawing helps children express their feelings and emotions on canvas using various colors. In addition, fine arts classes bring joy and pleasure to the child.

Modeling. Children not only engage in drawing in fine arts classes, but also in sculpting. This will allow the baby to develop thinking and imagination; in addition, the baby improves hand motor skills and develops the eye.

Early development centers are private institutions designed to help children quickly adapt to the world that they are just beginning to explore. On entertaining activities conducted in a playful way, children learn spoken language, develop intelligence and creative talents, and motor activity.

First Light Club Children's Center

Many young parents bring their little ones to children's clubs. And this is by no means a tribute to fashion. The results of numerous studies have shown that children who actively develop from a very early age become more successful. It is easier for them to master school subjects in the future; they have a good memory.

What is the difference between children's development centers and kindergartens?

Children spend several hours rather than the whole day in children's centers. Classes can take place in the morning or evening 2-3 times a week or on weekends, and can be presented as single master classes or comprehensive development courses. Club leaders, as a rule, develop several training programs and visiting schedules, which allows parents to choose the most suitable schedule and bring their children to the center at a time convenient for them.

Montessori center Gurenok

The doors of children's clubs are open even to the youngest, to children six months old who cannot yet walk or talk. Special programs have been developed for infants. By examining new objects, rearranging cubes, and playing, children improve sensory perception and develop hand motor skills. Activities with children infancy occur in the presence of one of the parents. Children over the age of one and a half years can be left to study on their own and not worry about anything: the institutions in question employ specialists who understand psychology and love children. They pay due attention to each child, take into account his characteristics and desires, and make sure that the children get the maximum benefit from classes and do not get bored.

How to choose a children's club

There are many early development clubs in Moscow. They may differ not only in equipment, teaching staff, but also in focus. For example, some centers specialize in early development using the Montessori method, others in creative development, others in psychological and speech therapy support, and others in physical education. Many centers offer beginners a free trial lesson. This is an excellent opportunity to understand and evaluate how suitable a children's development center is specifically for you and your child. Let's look at 6 of the best development centers in Moscow.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Sema"

The Sema network of children's development centers has a vast geography: Ukraine, Egypt, Cyprus, over 300 branches in various parts of the Russian Federation, 15 centers in various parts of Moscow. The children's club in question has gained enormous popularity thanks to the use of unique techniques aimed at comprehensive development. The center's specialists have created a number of basic and additional programs designed for a particular age category (from 9 months to 7 years).

Syoma Children's Center

Directions of the early development center

For children aged 1–3 years, a huge selection of basic and additional courses is offered. Classes are aimed at developing different types sensitivity, emotional sphere and speech, motor activity:

  • A course for developing independence, hygiene and household skills.
  • Drawing.
  • Modeling.
  • Making crafts using mixed media. Classes with parents.
  • Fairy tale world.
  • Games on the sand. Classes with parents.
  • General physical preparation.
  • Choreography.
  • Music.
  • Well social adaptation.
  • Comprehensive early development courses. Classes with parents.
  • Montessori group.
  • Umka (age 2-3 years): speech development, introduction to mathematics, introduction to the outside world.

Courses for children from 3 to 5 years old:

  • English language.
  • Reading.
  • My world is communication skills, behavior, familiarity with the social world.
  • Physical development.
  • Creation of cartoons.
  • Music.
  • Choreography.
  • Games on the sand.
  • Theater Club.
  • Neurocorrection course.
  • Modeling.
  • Assembly of constructors.
  • Development logical thinking and ideas about the world around us through experiments.

In addition to the above, specially developed for older preschoolers (age 5-7 years): the following courses:

  • Chess.
  • Preparation for school.
  • Course of development of psychological functions.
  • Design.

Additional services

  • Holding children's parties in the style of "Sema" with the participation of the clown Semyon Baton.
  • School for young parents.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Tochka Rosta"

"Growth Point" is a network of children's centers whose mission is to develop the intelligence and creative skills of children, starting from infancy. The use of certified equipment, effective teaching methods, manuals and teaching materials - the most suitable environment for harmonious development has been created in all centers. Professional teachers who love and respect children work here.

Main directions

Several groups have been formed in the centers in accordance with age stages child development:

1) “Peas” – for children from 0.5 to 3 years. Classes are held in the presence of one of the parents. Kids develop speech, motor skills, memory and attention in an easy and fun way, cognitive activity and complex thinking.

2) “Sprouts” – for children from 4 to 6 years old. By attending classes, children master a special program consisting of 9 thematic blocks. Well-designed work plans are aimed at developing speech and communication skills, logical thinking, and social adaptation skills. Children master various types of decorative and applied arts, practice music and choreography, learn about the world around them, learn to count and write, and the basics of grammar.

3) “Success” – for older children preschool age. In this group, children prepare for school.

Additional programs

  • Academy of Professions. Classes are conducted according to the author's program, aimed at revealing talents through interest in the profession. During training, a child can try himself in the role of an entrepreneur, journalist, designer, doctor and human rights activist, rescuer and astronaut, understand what he likes best, in which direction to develop in the future.
  • Design and robotics.
  • Reading and speech development.
  • Drawing, modeling, making crafts from natural material, soap making.
  • Creative workshop.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics.

Additional services

1) Holding a birthday party.

2) Summer camp.

3) Mini-kindergarten and kindergarten.

Children's development center "Logos"

"Logos" is a children's club specializing in working with children with speech impairments. Groups at Logos are small, up to 6 children. They are formed taking into account the age and needs of children. This approach makes it possible to select activities and games that will be interesting to all children attending the same group.

Development center "Logos"

Main directions

Logos specialists have compiled 3 basic programs:

1) For children aged 9-18 months.

Games and exercises that develop:

  • speech,
  • memory,
  • attention,
  • motor activity,
  • sensory perception,
  • Creative skills.

2) Age from 1.5 to 2 years. To the exercises described above, tasks aimed at forming a mathematical representation are added.

3) Age 2–3 years. Development of reading skills, cognitive processes and intellectual activity.

Additional children's club programs

  • Classes with a speech therapist. Certified specialists will teach children how to pronounce sounds correctly and speak clearly and beautifully.
  • Group developmental classes and trainings with a psychologist. Playing role-playing games By completing tasks to develop imagination, children gain communication and communication skills, become self-confident, are not afraid to express themselves, and forget about fears and anxiety.
  • Musical classes for young and middle-aged children.

Additional services

  • Studio "People of Art". Painting and drawing lessons for teenagers and adults from professional artists, a huge number of creative master classes (origami, painting on ceramics and glass, modeling from Japanese clay), original courses in interior design.
  • Mini-garden (visit in the morning or afternoon).
  • Preparation for school.
  • Learning English, French, Spanish.
  • Individual consultations with a psychologist.
  • Parent school – seminars on various aspects of raising a child.

Center for Creative Development "Amalfi"

The Amalfi children's club has gathered under its roof the best artists, musicologists, choreographers, art critics, musicians and other talented and experienced teachers. The merits of many of them are known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Famous ballet, theater and film artists, screenwriters, and sports masters conduct exciting classes for adults and children.

Amalfi Development Center

Main directions

Amalfi specialists have developed a number of basic developmental courses for children of various ages. The classes are based on methods of clarity and interactivity, and playful ways of presenting information. All this stimulates interest in children and helps them easily perceive information. Thus, when talking about historical events, teachers use visual aids: ancient household items, historical reconstructions, ethnographic materials. On developing music lessons there is live music.


  • Historical reconstruction group for children from 7 years old. Here they will teach you how to use medieval weapons and instill combat skills.
  • English and Italian language courses.
  • Children's choreography.
  • Ballet.
  • Hip-hop.
  • Rhythm.
  • Sports and ballroom dancing.
  • School of painting and vocals.
  • Piano lessons.
  • Acting school.
  • Public speaking course.
  • Creative master classes.

Additional services

1) Professional celebrations with the participation of fiery animators, many exciting competitions and fun games.

2) Summer city camp.

3) Schools of dancing, painting, vocals, splits, acting and public speaking for adults, art therapy for pregnant women.

Network of children's development centers "Constellation"

“Constellation” is a network of the best Montessori clubs in Russia, according to AMI. As the name suggests, a free, creative and harmoniously developed personality is raised here, using one of the most popular and time-tested methods of Maria Montessori.

Children's Center Constellation

“Constellation” fully complies with AMI standards: cozy rooms, properly equipped Montessori areas, high-quality and new Montessori materials, qualified teachers who have undergone appropriate training. According to Montessori regulations, the children's club operates several groups, taking into account the two-year age range:

  • from 8 months to 2 years,
  • from 2 to 4 years,
  • from 4 to 6 years.

Children aged 8 months to 3 years can attend the groups “Zvezdochki”, “Comets” and “Comets Plus”. Here classes take place with one of the parents, and the didactic material is aimed at developing memory and imagination, thinking, fine motor skills, vocabulary. Kids learn to distinguish colors and geometric shapes. The duration of visits is from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the selected group. For children of primary preschool age, full-day or weekend groups and a mini-kindergarten are provided.


  • English language;
  • Fitness;
  • Rhythm and dancing;
  • Music and creativity;
  • Various master classes;
  • Services of a speech therapist and psychologist.

Additional services

  • Preparation for school.

Development centers « A little prince"are represented by two branches: "Belorusskoe" and "Beskudnikovo". Here, teachers in matters of education and training adhere to the principles of an individual approach. Every small man has its own unique abilities and talents. It is important to recognize them in a timely manner and develop them, which is what the center’s employees are successfully doing.

Early Development Center "The Little Prince"

Children are taught by world and Russian champions, masters of sports, actors, laureates international competitions, members of artists' unions. The author's methods echo the best achievements in the field of pedagogy.

Sections and circles

  • English theater;
  • Theater and art workshop;
  • Modeling;
  • English language learning;
  • Rhythm;
  • Entertaining chemistry and physics;
  • Karate;
  • Children's fitness and yoga;
  • Chess;
  • Ballroom and club dancing;
  • Creation of cartoons;
  • German;

Additional services

  • Preparation for school and for exams at creative universities;
  • Holding birthdays;
  • Mini garden;
  • Services child psychologist and a speech therapist.

Select... (ANO "AMI") State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Our Arbat" State Budgetary Institution DSC "EPI-Altufyevo" State Budgetary Institution MC "Kotlovka" State Budgetary Institution "GKB named after. V.P. Demikhova DZM" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CBS SAO" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CC "Lira" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Museum of Zelenograd" MBU DC "Gagarinets" LLC "KVD" LLC "Uni-Jim" POU "Tushino Automotive School RO DOSAAF Russia, Moscow" "Znamenskaya Gymnasium" "MOSCOW 2024" "Religious organization "Moscow Trinity Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra of Russia Orthodox Church(Moscow Patriarchate). -MASI ANO "Auto-Moto TR-Club" ANO "ARTMEDIAOBRAZOVANIE" ANO "AS" ANO "BARS" ANO "Wind of Change" ANO "Harmony" ANO "Civil" patriotic education"Nadezhda" ANO "Civil - Patriotic School "Orbita" ANO "Children's Club "Baby Club Plus" ANO "Children and Youth Sports and Fitness Center "IMA" ANO "DIALOGUE" ANO "Dobrodely" ANO "Leisure Center "KOLIBRI" ANO " DSC "Start-7" ANO "DEC "OKO" ANO "Edinenie" ANO "Zabava" ANO "Health, Education, Culture" ANO "Image Studio" ANO "Intersport" ANO "IRtiKud" ANO "IRtiKud" ANO "Linen Rus" ANO "METAINTEGRA" ANO "World of Knowledge" ANO "MSC "Northern Star" ANO "MST" ANO "Nasha Otrada" ANO "PO "PATH" ANO "Development Project" ANO "Professional" ANO "Joy of Childhood" ANO "Human Capital Development" " ANO "SotsTour-Capital" ANO "FOTS Basmanny" ANO "Center "Lomonosovets" ANO "Leisure Center "MELBA" ANO "Center for the development of socially significant projects and promoting the strengthening of interethnic and interreligious harmony ANO "Central House of Pair Dances" ANO "Central Committee" Khoroshevsky" ANO "CRST" ANO "TSSA "Inspirational" ANO "ABNbilliards" ANO "Alley of Kindness" ANO "Atmosphere" ANO "GPSH "Orbit" ANO "CYBER COUNTRY" ANO "Non-profit studio of theatrical art "Nadezhda" ANO "Professional" ANO "RTD" ANO "Assistance. Development. Initiative" ANO "Social Circus" ANO "Dance Club DINAMO" ANO "Center for Noospheric Health" ANO "Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and legal education"Perspective" ANO VO "MGI" ANO VO "RPU St. John the Theologian" ANO DO "Arabesque" ANO DO "Record" ANO DO "TC Shapo-Sintez" ANO DO "School of Choreographic Art "Harmony" ANO leisure center "Intellectual Development" ” ANO DPO "Igor Burganov Academy of Arts" ANO DPO "Professional Plus" ANO DPO LYCEUM "DANILA-MASTER" ANO DCC "Chance" ANO CSC "Fortuna" ANO cultural and leisure center "Orbita" ANO Cultural and Wellness Center "Life Line" ANO CC "Red Gate" ANO CC "Theater-Studio "Ostankino" ANO MKDC "Klyuch" ANO MSOC "Alliance" ANO MEC "Allegro" ANO MEC "EPI" ANO OTsSH "Sadko" ANO PO "KESI" ANO SDK "Mister Smith" " ANO SDC "Sport Plus" ANO SK "Lianozovo" ANO SK-2000 "Yaroslavsky" ANO SOPSH "Belfry" ANO Secondary School "Dimitrievskaya" ANO Sports and Aesthetic Club "Development" ANO Sports Club "Avangard" ANO Sports Complex "Yuzhny" ANO STK "Latin Quarter" ANO TC "GELSOMINO" ANO FOTS "Harmonies of Soul and Body" ANO CD "Druzhba" ANO Center "Athena" ANO Center "Ascension" ANO Center "Art in Maryino" ANO Center for Development of the Water Stadium "Dynamo" ANO TsICS " Kaissa" ANO CPSI ANO CRiD "UMKA" ANO CRST ANOO "School at St. Andrew's Monastery" JSC "ALBATROS" JSC "VDNKh" JSC "Luzhniki" JSC "Savelovsky Park" JSC "City-XXI Century" JSC ETS JSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda" AOCHU VO MFUA APSP Association "Society of Merchants and Industrialists" Association for the Promotion of Children's Sports "Residence Pokrovskoye" BVPF "Outpost of St. Elijah of Muromets" Charitable Foundation of Ekaterina Inozemtseva (BF Ekaterina Inozemtseva) Charitable Foundation of St. John the Russian Grand Theatre Russia (Kindergarten No. 219 "Ivan and Marya") Charitable Foundation "Cultural Seasons" Charitable Foundation "Peace and Harmony" Charitable Foundation "Peace" Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Apostle John the Theologian Charitable Foundation of St. Panteleimon GAOU "School No. 1518" GAOU VO MSPU GAOU DPO "TemoTsentr" GAOU FEI MTsKO GAOU DPO MTSRKPO GAOU DPO TsPM GAOU School "CHIK 16" GAOU School No. 1306 - "School of Young Politicians" GAOU School No. 548 GAOUHE "Moscow City university of management Moscow Government" GAPOU KP No. 11 GAPOU MOK im. V. Talalikhin GAPOU PK No. 8 named after. I.F. Pavlova GAPOU TC No. 24 State Autonomous Institution "Moscow Zoo" State Autonomous Institution "Secondary School "MCBI" Moskomsporta State Autonomous Institution MCOP GAUDO "Domisolka" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "GMZ" Kuzminki-Lublino" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "CULTURAL CENTER ZIL" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "KC" ZELENOGRAD" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Khodynskoye Pole" GAUK of Moscow "Poklonnaya Gora" GAUK of Moscow "Vorontsovo Estate" GAUK of Moscow MGS "Hermitage" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Babushkinsky" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO" Krasnaya Presnya "GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Tagansky" GAUK of Moscow PKI "Fili" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Lianozovsky" GAUK of Moscow "MPK" Northern Tushino "GAUK OF MOSCOW "PARK "ZARYADYE" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Sokolniki" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO Izmailovsky" GAUK of Moscow "KiO Garden named after. N.E. Bauman" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "CPKiO named after. M. Gorky" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow PKiO "Perovsky" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 754 "Solnyshko" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 766 GBOU "Sports boarding school "Chertanovo" Moskomsport GBOU "IT-school MCKO" GBOU "Kurchatov School" GBOU "Moscow International School" " GBOU " Center for Sports and Education " Sambo-70 " Moskomsport GBOU " School No. 1212 Shchukino " GBOU " School No. 1270 " Vector " GBOU " School No. 167 named after Marshal L.A. Govorova" GBOU "School No. 2100" GBOU "School No. 354 named after. D.M. Karbyshev" GBOU "School No. 448" GBOU "School No. 58" GBOU "School No. 597 "New Generation" GBOU "School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev" GBOU "School No. 842" GBOU "School in Nekrasovka" GBOU " Gloria School" GBOU "School on the Yauza" GBOU "Novokosino School" GBOU "Sport and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Bitsa" GBOU "Sport and Education Center "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Gagarinsky" GBOU "Sports Center" and education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Tchaikovskaya Horse" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport branch "Olympia" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "SAMBO-70" GBOU "Center" sports and education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Khrustalny" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Cheryomushki" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Yunost" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Yasenevo" GBOU "TsOiS "Moscow-98" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "MES" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Olympus" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Sevastopol" GBOU Veshnyakovskaya school GBOU VPO MGPPU GBOU GMC DOGM GBOU DO of the city of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 8 named after Arkady Ostrovsky" GBOU DO DTDM "Na Stopani" GBOU DO DTDM "Sevastopolets" GBOU DO DTDM "Khoroshevo" GBOU DO DTDM on Miussy GBOU DOTC "Victoria" GBOU DO TsVR "On Sumskoye" GBOU DO TsDT "Novo-Peredelkino" GBOU DO TsDT "Strogino" GBOU DO TsDT "Bibirevo" GBOU DO TsTDYu "Hermes" GBOU DO TsTDYu "Presnya" GBOU DO TsTR and MEO "Radost" GBOU DOD Moscow "Voskresenskaya Children's School of Arts" GBOU CHILDREN'S DOOD Moscow "Children's Music School No. 66" GBOU CHILDREN'S CHILDREN Moscow "Children's Music School named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov" GBOU CHILDREN'S HOUSE Moscow "Children's Music School named after R.M. Gliere" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's Art School named after V. A. Serov" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after S.I. Mamontov" GBOU DPO TsPVShS GBOU Engineering School No. 1581 GBOU Engineering and Technical School GBOU IT School TemoCenter GBOU Cadet School No. 1784 GBOU Lyceum "Second School" GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1220 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1577 GBOU Educational Center "Proton" GBOU Open School No. 88 GBOU OSHI No. 1 GBOU Romanovskaya school GBOU ROC No. 105 GBOU ROC No. 20 GBOU ROC No. 76 GBOU RSHI No. 32 GBOU sanatorium boarding school No. 4 GBOU SLSH No. 11 GBOU Special school No. 1 GBOU SVE (college) of Moscow “Moscow State Choreographic School named after L.M. Lavrovsky" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after the Gnesins" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Theater College at the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov" GBOU Digital School GBOU Central Educational Institution" School of Health" No. 1679 GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 7 GBOU CSiO "Olympus" Moskomsport GBOU School "Beskudnikovo" GBOU School "Dmitrovsky" GBOU School "Integral" GBOU School "Intellectual" GBOU School "Kuzminki" GBOU School "Maryino" GBOU School "Pokrovsky Quarter" " GBOU School "Sviblovo" GBOU School "Commonwealth" GBOU School "Spectrum" GBOU School "Troparevo" GBOU School No. 1000 GBOU School No. 1002 GBOU School No. 1015 GBOU School No. 1018 GBOU School No. 1021 GBOU School No. 1034 GBOU School No. 1056 GBOU School No. 1065 GBOU School No. 1078 GBOU School No. 108 GBOU School No. 1080 GBOU School No. 109 GBOU School No. 1095 GBOU School No. 1101 GBOU School No. 1103 GBOU School No. 1115 GBOU School No. 1125 GBOU School No. 113 GBOU School No. 1130 GBOU School No. 1133 GBOU School No. 1150 GBOU School No. 1151 GBOU School No. 1155 GBOU School No. 1158 GBOU School No. 1159 GBOU School No. 1161 GBOU School No. 1164 GBOU School No. 117 GBOU School No. 1173 GBOU School No. 1179 GBOU School No. 118 GBOU School No. 1186 G BOU School No. 1190 GBOU School No. 1191 GBOU School No. 1194 GBOU School No. 1195 GBOU School No. 1205 GBOU School No. 1206 GBOU School No. 1207 GBOU School No. 1208 GBOU School No. 121 GBOU School No. 1210 GBOU School No. 1212 GBOU School No. 1213 GBOU School No. 1222 GBOU School No. 1223 SBOU School No. 1228 "Lefortovo" GBOU School No. 123 GBOU School No. 1231 SBOU School No. 1232 HBOU School No. 1234 GBOU School No. 1236 SBOU School No. 1239 HBOU School No. 1241 GBOU School No. 1245 HBOU School No. 1246 GBOU School No. 1247 GBOU School No. 1248 GBOU School No. 1249 GBOU School No. 1250 GBOU School No. 1251 named after General Charles de Gaulle GBOU School No. 1252 named after Cervantes GBOU School No. 1253 GBOU School No. 1256 GBOU School No. 1257 GBOU School No. 1259 GBOU School No. 1265 GBOU School No. 1272 GBOU School No. 1273 GBOU School No. 1279 "Eureka" GBOU School No. 1280 GBOU School No. 1282 "Sokolniki" GBOU School No. 1284 GBOU School No. 1285 GBOU School No. 1286 GBOU School No. 1287 GBOU School No. 1288 GBOU School No. 1290 GBOU School No. 1293 GBOU School No. 1296 GBOU School No. 1297 GBOU School No. 1298 "Kurkino Profile" GBOU School No. 1302 GBOU School No. 1310 GBOU School No. 1311 GBOU School No. 1315 GBOU School No. 1317 GBOU School No. 1321 "Ark" GBOU School No. 1324 GBOU School No. 1329 GBOU School No. 1347 GBOU School No. 1352 GBOU School No. 1353 GBOU School No. 1354 "Vector" GBOU School No. 1355 GBOU School No. 1356 GBOU School No. 1357 GBOU School No. 1358 GBOU School No. 1359 GBOU School No. 1360 GBOU School No. 1362 School School No. 1363 School No. 1367 HBOU School No. 1368 SBOU School No. 1370 GBOU School No. 1371 "Krylatskoye" SBOU School No. 1374 School No. 1375 GBOU School No. 1376 School No. 138 GBOU School No. 1381 GBOU School No. 1383 GBOU School No. 1384 GBOU School No. 1387 GBOU School No. 1391 GBOU School No. 1392 named after. D.V. Ryabinkina GBOU School No. 1394 GBOU School No. 1399 GBOU School No. 14 GBOU School No. 1400 GBOU School No. 1404 "Gamma" GBOU School No. 1409 GBOU School No. 141 GBOU School No. 1411 GBOU School No. 1412 GBOU School No. 1413 GBOU School No. 1415 "Ostankino" "GBOU School No. 1416 GBOU School No. 1420 GBOU School No. 1429 GBOU School No. 1430 GBOU School No. 1432 GBOU School No. 1434 GBOU School No. 1440 GBOU School No. 1448 GBOU School No. 1449 GBOU School No. 1450 "Olympus" GBOU School No. 1454 "Timiryazevskaya "GBOU School No. 1465 GBOU School No. 1466 GBOU School No. 1467 GBOU School No. 1468 GBOU School No. 1474 GBOU School No. 1476 GBOU School No. 1482 GBOU School No. 149 GBOU School No. 1492 GBOU School No. 1494 GBOU School No. 1498 GBOU School No. 1499 GBOU School No. 15 GBOU School No. 1500 GBOU School No. 1501 GBOU School No. 1502 GBOU School No. 1503 GBOU School No. 1504 GBOU School No. 1505 GBOU School No. 1506 GBOU School No. 1507 GBOU School No. 1508 GBOU School No. 1512 GBOU School No. 1514 GBOU School No. 1515 GBOU School No. 1516 GBOU School No. 1517 GBOU School No. 1519 GBOU School No. 152 GBOU School No. 1520 named after. Kaptsov GBOU School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkina GBOU School No. 1523 GBOU School No. 1524 GBOU School No. 1525 GBOU School No. 1526 on Pokrovskaya GBOU School No. 1527 GBOU School No. 1528 GBOU School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboedova GBOU School No. 1530 "Lomonosov School" GBOU School No. 1531 GBOU School No. 1532 GBOU School No. 1533 "LIT" GBOU School No. 1534 "Academic" GBOU School No. 1535 GBOU School No. 1536 GBOU School No. 1537 GBOU School No. 1538 GBOU School No. 1539 GBOU School No. 1540 GBOU School No. 1541 GBOU School No. 1542 GBOU School No. 1543 GBOU School No. 1544 GBOU School No. 1547 GBOU School No. 1550 GBOU School No. 1551 GBOU School No. 1552 GBOU School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky GBOU School No. 1554 GBOU School No. 1557 GBOU School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOU School No. 1561 GBOU School No. 1564 GBOU School No. 1566 GBOU School No. 1568 GBOU School No. 1569 "Constellation" GBOU School No. 1570 GBOU School No. 1571 GBOU School No. 1573 GBOU School No. 1574 GBOU School No. 1575 GBOU School No. 1576 GBOU School No. 1579 GBOU School No. 158 GBOU School No. 1580 GBOU School No. 1582 GBOU School No. 1583 GBOU School No. 1584 GBOU School No. 1586 GBOU School No. 1589 GBOU School No. 1590 GBOU School No. 1591 GBOU School No. 1593 GBOU School No. 1596 GBOU School No. 1598 GBOU School No. 1601 GBOU School No. 1613 GBOU School No. 1619 GBOU School No. 1621 GBOU School No. 1636 GBOU School No. 1637 GBOU School No. 166 GBOU School No. 1678 "East Degunino" GBOU School No. 1694 "Yasenevo" GBOU School No. 17 GBOU School No. 170 GBOU School No. 1708 GBOU School No. 171 GBOU School No. 1741 GBOU School No. 1747 GBOU School No. 1748 GBOU School No. 1770 GBOU School No. 1786 GBOU School No. 1788 GBOU School No. 179 GBOU School No. 1793 GBOU School No. 1794 GBOU School No. 1795 GBOU School No. 1797 GBOU School No. 1798 GBOU School No. 1799 GBOU School No. 1811 GBOU School No. 183 GBOU School No. 185 GBOU School No. 1852 GBOU School No. 1861 "Zagorie" GBOU School No. 1862 GBOU School No. 1874 GBOU School No. 1883 "Butovo" GBOU School No. 1900 GBOU School No. 1905 GBOU School No. 1912 GBOU School No. 192 GBOU School No. 1935 GBOU School No. 1944 GBOU School No. 1945 GBOU School No. 1948 GBOU School No. 1950 GBOU School No. 1955 GBOU School No. 1980 GBOU School No. 1981 GBOU School No. 1985 GBOU School No. 1987 GBOU School No. 199 GBOU School No. 1995 GBOU School No. 1998 GBOU School No. 2000 GBOU School No. 2001 GBOU School No. 2005 GBOU School No. 2006 GBOU School No. 2007 FMS GBOU School No. 2009 GBOU School No. 201 GBOU School No. 2010 GBOU School No. 2016 GBOU School No. 2025 GBOU School No. 2026 GBOU School No. 2030 GBOU School No. 2031 GBOU School No. 2033 GBOU School No. 2036 GBOU School No. 2042 GBOU School No. 2044 GBOU School No. 2045 GBOU School No. 2048 GBOU School No. 2051 GBOU School No. 2053 GBOU School No. 2054 GBOU School No. 2055 GBOU School No. 2057 GBOU School No. 2065 GBOU School No. 2070 GBOU School No. 207 2 GBOU School No. 2073 GBOU School No. 2075 GBOU School No. 2083 GBOU School No. 2086 GBOU School No. 2087 GBOU School No. 2089 GBOU School No. 2090 GBOU School No. 2094 GBOU School No. 2097 GBOU School No. 2098 named after Hero Soviet Union L.M. Dovatora GBOU School No. 2099 GBOU School No. 2101 GBOU School No. 2103 GBOU School No. 2104 on Taganka GBOU School No. 2107 GBOU School No. 2109 GBOU School No. 2114 GBOU School No. 2115 GBOU School No. 2116 GBOU School No. 2117 GBOU School No. 2120 GBOU School No. 2121 GBOU School No. 2122 GBOU School No. 2123 named after. M. Hernandez GBOU School No. 2126 "Perovo" GBOU School No. 2127 GBOU School No. 2129 GBOU School No. 218 GBOU School No. 2200 GBOU School No. 222 GBOU School No. 224 GBOU School No. 236 GBOU School No. 281 GBOU School No. 283 GBOU School No. 285 GBOU School No. 293 GBOU School No. 305 GBOU School No. 315 GBOU School No. 319 GBOU School No. 324 GBOU School No. 338 GBOU School No. 345 GBOU School No. 368 "Losiny Ostrov" GBOU School No. 37 GBOU School No. 384 GBOU School No. 41 GBOU School No. 423 GBOU School No. 429 GBOU School No. 444 GBOU School No. 45 named after L.I. Milgrama GBOU School No. 46 GBOU School No. 460 GBOU School No. 463 GBOU School No. 480 GBOU School No. 482 GBOU School No. 49 GBOU School No. 491 GBOU School No. 498 GBOU School No. 504 GBOU School No. 507 GBOU School No. 508 GBOU School No. 51 GBOU School No. 518 GBOU School No. 534 GBOU School No. 536 GBOU School No. 538 GBOU School No. 544 GBOU School No. 554 GBOU School No. 556 GBOU School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasov GBOU School No. 57 GBOU School No. 587 GBOU School No. 609 GBOU School No. 618 GBOU School No. 625 GBOU School No. 626 GBOU School No. 627 GBOU School No. 629 GBOU School No. 630 GBOU School No. 64 GBOU School No. 641 named after S. Yesenin GBOU School No. 648 GBOU School No. 654 named after A.D. Fridman GBOU School No. 656 named after A.S. Makarenko GBOU School No. 657 GBOU School No. 664 GBOU School No. 667 GBOU School No. 67 GBOU School No. 69 GBOU School No. 7 GBOU School No. 705 GBOU School No. 709 GBOU School No. 710 GBOU School No. 712 GBOU School No. 717 GBOU School No. 718 GBOU School No. 719 GBOU School No. 734 GBOU School No. 74 GBOU School No. 763 GBOU School No. 771 GBOU School No. 777 GBOU School No. 806 GBOU School No. 814 GBOU School No. 825 GBOU School No. 827 GBOU School No. 830 GBOU School No. 843 GBOU School No. 851 GBOU School No. 852 GBOU School No. 853 GBOU School No. 854 GBOU School No. 86 named after M.E. Katukova GBOU School No. 867 GBOU School No. 868 GBOU School No. 875 GBOU School No. 878 GBOU School No. 883 GBOU School No. 887 GBOU School No. 89 GBOU School No. 90 GBOU School No. 902 "Dialogue" GBOU School No. 904 GBOU School No. 91 GBOU School No. 920 GBOU School No. 922 GBOU School No. 924 GBOU School No. 935 GBOU School No. 937 GBOU School No. 939 GBOU School No. 947 GBOU School No. 949 GBOU School No. 950 GBOU School No. 953 GBOU School No. 956 GBOU School No. 962 GBOU School No. 967 GBOU School No. 97 GBOU School No. 991 GBOU School No. 996 GBOU School No. 998 GBOU School Bibirevo GBOU School in Kapotnya GBOU School named after. A. Borovik GBOU School named after. N.M. Karamzin GBOU School named after E.N. Chernyshev GBOU School named after Marshal V.I. Chuikov GBOU School named after Mayakovsky GBOU School named after F.M. Dostoevsky GBOU School Maryina Roshcha GBOU School on Vernadskogo Avenue GBOU School Perspective GBOU Boarding School No. 17 GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOUDO "DTDM "Preobrazhensky" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM named after A.P. Gaidar GBOUDO DTDM "Undiscovered Islands" GBOUDO ZDTDiM GBOUDO im. V.A. Mozart" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after S.M. Maikapara" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's School named after I.S. Kozlovsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "MGDMSH named after I.O. Dunaevsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.P. Borodin" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's School named after G.F. Handel" State Budgetary Educational Institution in Moscow "Children's School named after F.I. Shalyapin" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's School named after M.L. Tariverdiev" GBOUDOD of Moscow "Children's Music School named after N.Ya. Myaskovsky" GBOUDOD of Moscow "Children's Art School named after S.I. Mamontov GBOUDOD of Moscow "MGDMSH named after S.S. Prokofiev" GBOUDOD of Moscow "Shchapovskaya Children's School" Harmony" GBPOU Moscow "MGTK named after L.A. Filatov" GBPOU "1st MOK" GBPOU "26 KADR" GBPOU "Sparrow Hills" GBPOU "Police College" GBPOU "MKAG" GBPOU "Moscow Secondary Specialized School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1 GBPOU "KFKS "Sparta" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 2" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 3" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 4 named after. A. Ya. Gomelsky" Moskomsport GBPOU Moscow "State School (College) of Wind Arts" GBPOU Moscow "KMTI named after. G.P. Vishnevskoy" GBPOU Moscow "TKhTK" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow Music and Pedagogical College" GBPOU DZM MK No. 1 GBPOU DZM MK No. 2 GBPOU ZKNO GBPOU KAIT No. 20 GBPOU KAS No. 7 GBPOU CAT No. 9 GBPOU KBT GBPOU KGTiT No. 41 GBPOU KDPI im. Carla Faberge GBPOU KZhGT GBPOU KIGM No. 23 GBPOU Film College No. 40 "Moscow International Film School" GBPOU KMB No. 4 GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" GBPOU College of Moscow "MKhU at MGATT "Gzhel" GBPOU KPSR No. 16 GBPOU KS No. 54 GBPOU KST GBPOU KSU No. 10 GBPOU KSU No. 3 GBPOU KSU No. 32 GBPOU MADC named after A.A. Nikolaev GBPOU MGKEIT GBPOU MGOK GBPOU MIPC named after I. Fedorov GBPOU MOK WEST GBPOU Moscow College of Creative Industries named after L.B. Krasin GBPOU MTK GBPOU OK " South-West" GBPOU OKG "Capital" GBPOU Food College No. 33 GBPOU PC No. 10 GBPOU PC No. 18 GBPOU PC No. 50 named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor N. A. Zlobin GBPOU PC named after. N.N. Godovikov GBPOU PC named after. P.A. Ovchinnikov GBPOU PT No. 2 GBPOU PT No. 47 GBPOU SKISiG GBPOU TK No. 21 GBPOU TK No. 34 GBPOU TPSC named after. V. M. Maksimchuk GBPOU TSiT No. 29 GBPOU FC No. 35 GBPOU ETC No. 22 GBPOU Law College GBU "Khoroshevka" GBU "Aist" GBU "Almega" GBU "Harmony" GBU "Children-Children" GBU "Dialogue" GBU "DMC Perovo " GBU "Leisure and sports center "Druzhba" GBU "Leisure center Bogorodskoye" GBU "Leisure center Sokolinka" GBU "DSC "Harmony" GBU "DSC "Nekrasovka" GBU "Zarya" GBU "KROTS" GBU "KCC "Success" GBU " SSC Krasnoselsky" State Budgetary Institution "Travel Laboratory" State Budgetary Institution "Lefortovo" State Budgetary Institution "Lomonosovets" State Budgetary Institution "MDN" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" State Budgetary Institution "Gloria" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Service" psychological assistance to the population" GBU "MOTSVS" Moskomsport GBU "MC "GALERIS" GBU "NPRC" GBU "Rovesnik" GBU "SDK "Vnukovo" GBU "SDC "Alekseevsky" GBU "SDC "Centaur" GBU "SDC "CONTACT" GBU "SDC "Ostankino" " GBU "SDC "Troparevo-Nikulino" GBU "SDC Lyublino" GBU "SDC Triumph" GBU "SDC "Inspiration" GBU "Slavs" GBU " Sport school Olympic reserve No. 28" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports and Leisure Center "Raduga" State Budgetary Institution "School "Academy Spartak" State Budgetary Institution "Spartak Academy" State Budgetary Institution "School No. 4" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School" Fighter" State Budgetary Institution "Talisman" State Budgetary Institution "FAVORITE" State Budgetary Institution "FSO "Youth of Moscow" " Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport1 GBU "CD&K "Yuzhnoye Butovo" GBU "CD&S "Phoenix" GBU "CDS "Obruchevsky" GBU "CDS "Olympus" GBU "CDSM "Astra" GBU "Center GBU "Center "Reflection" GBU "Center Veshnyaki" GBU "Center for Leisure and Creativity "Ogonyok" GBU "Leisure Center Kuntsevo" GBU "Center" branch "Dialogue" GBU "Center" branch "Ark" GBU "Center" branch " Krasnoselsky" State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Khamovniki" State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Yantar" State Budgetary Institution "TsKS "Izmailovo" State Budgetary Institution "TsRiT "Union" State Budgetary Institution "CSD "Atlant" State Budgetary Institution "TsTM "Olympus" State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS TiNAO of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS Central Administrative District of Moscow" State Budgetary Institution "Energia" State Budgetary Institution "DMC Blue Bird" State Budgetary Institution "Leisure Center "Yunost" State Budgetary Institution "Istok" State Budgetary Institution "Cultural and Sports Center "Forward" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" State Budgetary Institution "Moscomsport" Secondary School "Synchronized Swimming Center" them. Maria Kiseleva" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School "Chess School of Anatoly Karpov" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Secondary School of Swimming State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Rugby State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Sambo State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" of Moskomsport Secondary School of Hockey State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" » Moskomsport SSHOR in boxing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in cycling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in water polo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in kayaking and canoeing GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in judo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in martial arts GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR for winter sports GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for athletics GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for table tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for shooting GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for wrestling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in artistic gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR in weightlifting GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in fencing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in rhythmic gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR in diving GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SSHOR synchronized swimming State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport structural unit of SShOR No. 71 "Timiryazevskaya" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport (structural unit SShOR No. 56) State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport JV SShOR "Dynamo" GBU "SASH" of Moskomsport GBU "SDC "Inspiration" GBU "SDC "Shire Krug" GBU "Sports School No. 10" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 114 "Record" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 26" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 76" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 86" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 93 "On Mozhaika" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Sparrow Hills" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Moskvich" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Russian Alpine Skiing" school - Capital" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 24" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 27 "Falcon" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 42" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 61 "Fortune" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 64" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 65 "Nika" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 73 "Victoria" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 74" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve for tennis "Olympian" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports Complex "Megasport" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School "Bitsa" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School "Kosino" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 104 "Pearl" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 112 "Sputnik" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 2" » Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 29 "Khamovniki" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 57 "Wings of the Soviets" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 62" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 7" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 75 "Savelovskaya" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 82" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 84" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR "LUCH" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SSHOR "Moscow School of Golf" Enthusiast" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 102" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 103 "Yuzhnoye Tushino" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 111" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 21" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 23" Moskomsport GBU " SSHOR No. 25 Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 41 Moskvorechye Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 43 Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 44 Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 45 Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 46 Moskomsport GBU SSHOR No. 47 Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 53" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 54 "Orienta" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 55 "SKIF" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 63 "Smena" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 70 "Molniya" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 77" Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 81 “Babushkino” Mos educational programs in the field of culture and art" GBU DSC "Marfino" GBU DSC "World of the Young" GBU DSC "EPI-Altufyevo" GBU Club "Parus" GBU KSZhD GBU KSC "Pechatniki" GBU CSC "Forward" GBU CYUM "Briantina" GBU MBA-SSHOR No. 49 "Trinta" named after. Yu.Ya. Ravinsky GBU MGDU GBU MMC "Rubezh" GBU MTK "Svyatogor" GBU MCDS "Sputnik" GBU PMC "Dialogue" GBU PNI No. 18 GBU SDC "Krylatskoye" GBU SDC "Brek" GBU SDC "Varshavsky" GBU SDC "Victoria" GBU SDC " Vostochnoye Izmailovo" GBU SDC "Vostochnoye Izmailovo" AD GBU SDC "Vysota" GBU SDC "Gladiator" GBU SDC "Kolchuga" GBU SDC "Labyrinth" GBU SDC "Lotus" GBU SDC "Nord-SVAO" GBU SDC "Nord-SVAO" GBU SDC "Nord" GBU SDC "Raduga" GBU SDC "Ratmir" GBU SDC "Fortuna" GBU SDC "Chertanovo Yuzhnoye" GBU SDC "South-West" GBU SDC "Orion" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Butyrsky" " GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Marfino" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Maryina Roshcha" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Ostankinsky" GBU TCSO "Arbat" GBU TCSO "Arbat" branch "Presnensky" GBU TCSO "Arbat" branch " Tverskoy" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Otradnoye" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Northern Medvedkovo" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Southern Medvedkovo" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Airport" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Savelovsky" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Sokol" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Khoroshevsky" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" branch "Dmitrovsky" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" branch "Western Degunino" " GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Altufevsky" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Lianozovo" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Severny" GBU TCSO "Butovo" GBU TCSO "Butovo" branch "Northern Butovo" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" branch "Kosino-Ukhtomsky" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" branch "Novokosino" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Vostochny" GBU TCSO "Vostochnoye Izmailovo" branch "Golyanovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Northern Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" branch "Vykhino" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" branch "Nekrasovka" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Kryukovo" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Savelki" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Solnechny" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Academic" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Kotlovka" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Cheryomushki" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Danilovsky" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Donskoy" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Nagatino-Sadovniki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" " branch "Pechatniki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" branch "Ryazan" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" branch "Textilshchiki" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" branch "Gagarinsky" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" branch "Konkovo" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" " branch "Obruchevsky" GBU TCSO "Maryino" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Kapotnya" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Lyublino" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Pererva" GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" branch "Basmanny" " GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" branch "Krasnoselsky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Krylatskoye" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Kuntsevsky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Filyovsky Park" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" branch "Vnukovo" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" branch "Solntsevo" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" branch "Ivanovsky" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" branch "Perovsky" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Borisovo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Brateevo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye" GBU TCSO "Prospekt Vernadskogo" GBU TCSO "Prospekt Vernadskogo" branch "Ramenki" GBU TCSO "Prospect" Vernadsky" branch "Troparevo-Nikulino" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Bogorodskoye" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Metrogorodok" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Preobrazhenskoye" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Sokolina Gora" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Zamoskvorechye" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Khamovniki" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Yakimanka" GBU TCSO "Testovy" GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" branch "Voikovsky" " GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" branch "Koptevo" GBU TCSO "Tushino" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Kurkino" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Northern Tushino" GBU TCSO "Fili- Davydkovo" GBU TCSO "Fili-Davydkovo" branch "Dorogomilovsky" GBU TCSO "Fili-Davydkovo" branch "Ochakovo-Matveevskoye" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" branch "Golovinsky" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" branch "Levoberezhny" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Biryulyovo Vostochnoye" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Biryulyovo" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Zyablikovo" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Moskvorechye-Saburovo" GBU TCSO "Chertanovo" Good mood "GBU TsTDS "Yantar" GBU TsFKiS "Sport-Butovo" GBUDO Moscow "Children of the Blue Bird Children's Art School" GBUDO Moscow "Vatutinskaya Children's School named after. D.B. Kabalevsky" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School named after M.I. Tabakov" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 100" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 71" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 74" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School named after. A.N. Alexandrov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. V.Ya. Shebalin" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. J. Gershwin" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. K. Karaev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after M.P. Mussorgsky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. M.A. Vrubel" GBUDO Moscow "Childhood School "Inspiration" GBUDO Moscow "Childhood School "Istok" GBUDO Moscow "Childhood School "START" GBUDO Moscow "Childhood School "Center" GBUDO Moscow "Childhood School named after. V.V. Krainev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. Yu.S. Saulsky" GBUDO Moscow "MGDMSH named after. Gnessins" GBUDO Moscow "Ryazanov Children's School "DAR" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 4" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 64" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.A. Babajanyan" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.T. Grechaninova" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after V.V. Andreev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music and choir school named after. I.I. Radchenko" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 9" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 7" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 42" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 98" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 91" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 92" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. A.G. Novikov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. A.K. Glazunov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. A.M. Ivanov-Kramsky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. V.I. Muradeli" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. V.F. Odoevsky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. J. Haydn" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. K.N. Igumnov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. M.I.Glinka" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. N. A. Alekseeva" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. N.P. Osipova" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. N.P.Rakov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. S.I.Taneev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after. E.G. Gilels" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after G.V. Sviridov" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School named after P.G. Chesnokov GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Art School "Fuete" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Art School No. 4" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Art School No. 7" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Art School named after. I.E. Repin" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. M.A. Vrubel" GBUDO, Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.A. Vatagin" GBUDO, Moscow "Children's Art School "Nadezhda" GBUDO, Moscow "Children's School "Phoenix" GBUDO, Moscow "Children's School No. 17" GBUDO Moscow "DSHI named after. J.S. Bach" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. M.A. Balakirev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. N.G. Rubinshtein" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after. Y.V. Fliera" GBUDO Moscow "Kiev Children's Music School" GBUDO Moscow Moscow "Kokoshkinskaya Children's School" GBUDO Moscow "Krasnopakhorskaya Children's School" GBUDO Moscow Children's School "Tutti" GBUDO Moscow Children's School "Youth" GBUDO Moscow Children's School "Rodnik" GBUDO Moscow CDT "Theater on the Embankment" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School "Spring" named after A.S. Ponomarev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 76" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after V.V. Stasov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after L. Beethoven" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after S.Ya. Lemeshev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School No. 18" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School named after I.F. Stravinsky" GBUDO Moscow "KDHSh" GBUDO Moscow "MGODSHI" Izmailovo" GBUDO of Moscow "Voronovskaya Children's Art School" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 35" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.B. Goldenweiser" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.D. .Artobolevskoy" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after A.I. Khachaturian" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after A.K. Lyadov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after A.N. Skryabin" GBUDO city .Moscow "Children's music school named after A.S. Arensky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after B.A. Tchaikovsky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after G.G. Neuhaus" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after D.B. Kabalevsky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music school named after N.S. Golovanov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's music and choir school No. 106" GBUDO Moscow "Children's art school "Babenskaya toy" GBUDO city Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.F. Stozharova" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.S. Kalinnikov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 11" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 6" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 86" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after V.D. Polenov" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after E.F. Svetlanov" GBUDO of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after S.T. Richter" GBUDO of Moscow " Children's Music School No. 62 N.A. Petrova" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 96" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after B.V. Asafiev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School named after B. L. Pasternak" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Music School named after K.V.Molchanov" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School named after N.N. Kalinin" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School named after T.A. Dokshitser" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School No. 10" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School No. 14" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School of Moscow" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after A.A. Alyabyev" GBUDO Moscow "Children's School named after D.S. Bortnyansky" GBUDO Moscow "Children's Art School named after S.P. Diaghilev" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Children's Art School named after F. Schubert" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Children's Art School named after A.S. Dargomyzhsky" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Mikhailovo-Yartsevskaya Children's Art School" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Moscow City Children's Music School named after V. M. Blazhevich" GBUDO Moscow "Novo-Fedorovskaya Children's Music School" GBUDO Moscow "First Moscow School of Arts named after L.N. Oborin" GBUDO Moscow "Pervomaiskaya Children's Music School" GBUDO Moscow Children's Art School "Solntsevo" GBUDO Moscow Children's Art School 6 GBUDO Children's Center "Central" GBUDO TDHSH GBUZ "GP No. 191 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 64 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 66 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 69 DZM" GBUZ "CDTs No. 2 DZM" GBUZ " GVV No. 2 DZM" GBUZ "GVV No. 3 DZM" GBUZ "GKB im. E.O. Mukhin DZM" GBUZ "GKB named after the Bakhrushin Brothers DZM" GBUZ "GKB im. P. Konchalovsky DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 107 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 109 DZM GBUZ "GP No. 11 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 115 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 12 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 134 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 180 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 19 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 195 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 210 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 218 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 219 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 23 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 45 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 5 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 52 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 62 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 67 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 214 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 22 DZM " GBUZ "GP No. 36 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 46 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 68 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 9" GBUZ "DCC No. 1 DZM" GBUZ "DC No. 3 DZM" GBUZ "DC No. 5 DZM" GBUZ "KDP No. 121 DZM" GBUZ "CDTs No. 4 DZM" GBUZ "MGTSRB DZM" GBUZ "TGB DZM" GBUZ "Voronovskaya Hospital DZM" GBUZ "GP No. "212 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 2 DZM" GBUZ "GP No. 209 DZM » GBUZ "GP No. 8 DZM" GBUZ "CDTs No. 6 DZM" GBUZ "ShchGB DZM" GBUZ Moscow SE No. 170 DZM GBUZ Moscow City Clinical Hospital 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov DZM of Moscow GBUZ SE "No. 175 DZM" GBUZ DZM "GP No. 166 DZM" GBUZ DZM GKB No. 13 UPF GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC "KLENOVO" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Ladoga" GBUK OF MOSCOW "CULTURAL" CENTER "MOSKVICH" GBUK Moscow "Theater "School of Dramatic Art" GBUK Moscow "Library "House of A.F. Losev" GBUK Moscow "Library-reading room named after. A.S. Pushkin" GBUK Moscow "Library-reading room named after. I.S. Turgenev" GBUK of Moscow "GMCC "Integration" GBUK of Moscow "GSCC "Nadezhda" GBUK of Moscow "Palace of Culture "Kapotnya" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Astrum" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Berendey" GBUK G . MOSCOW "DC "GAYDAROVETS" GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC "DESNA" GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC "FRIENDSHIP" GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC "ZARECHYE" GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC "KURKINO" GBUK OF MOSCOW "DC " MIKHAILOVSKOE" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Nagatino" GBUK of MOSCOW "DK "PERESVET" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Smena" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Sodruzhestvo" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Stimul" GBUK G. MOSCOW "DC "JUBILEE" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "House of Gogol" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CDC "VNUKOVO" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CDC "Krekshino" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CDC "MARUSHKINO" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow Moscow "Club "Akulovo" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CLUB "ATOM" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Club "Vostok" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Club "Youth" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Club "Nadezhda" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Club "Ogonyok" "GBUK OF MOSCOW "CLUB "CONTEMPORARY" GBUK OF MOSCOW "CULTURAL CENTER "ARCHITECTS" GBUK OF MOSCOW "CULTURAL CENTER "KIEVSKY" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Avangard" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Akulovo" GBUK . Moscow "CC "Scarlet Sails" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Brateevo" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Vatutinki" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Inspiration" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "VNUKOVO" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Volunteer" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Ivanovsky" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "LEADER" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Mitino" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Moskvorechye" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "ONEZHSKY" GBUK G . MOSCOW "CC "RUBLEVO" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Salyut" GBUK of Moscow "CC "YAKOVLEVSKOE" GBUK of Moscow "CC im. THEM. Astakhov" GBUK of Moscow "KC "Severny" GBUK of Moscow "MGM S.A. Yesenin" GBUK of Moscow "MMKTs" GBUK of Moscow "Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan" GBUK of Moscow "Moscow Producer" center" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Museum "Garden Ring" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Creative Lyceum" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "TCS "Brigantina" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "TCS "Kuntsevo" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "TCS "Novo-Peredelkino" State Budgetary Educational Institution Moscow "TCS "Optimist" GBUK Moscow "TCS "Planet" GBUK Moscow "TCS "Solntsevo" GBUK Moscow "TCS "Sputnik" GBUK Moscow "CBS "Novomoskovskaya" GBUK Moscow "CBS VAO" GBUK of Moscow "CBS ZelAO" GBUK of Moscow "CBS NEAD" GBUK of Moscow "CBS North-West Administrative Okrug" GBUK of Moscow "CBS Central Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "CBS Central Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "CBS South Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "CBS South-Eastern Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "CBS South-Western Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "TsGDB im. A.P. Gaidar" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TsGDB" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CENTER OF CULTURE "OLYMP" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Central Committee "Harmony" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Central Committee "Stage" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Center of Culture "Meridian" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TsKiD "Academic" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "TsKiS" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TsKS "Vostok" State Budgetary Institution of Institution of Moscow "TsUNB im. ON THE. Nekrasov" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Phoenix" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Phoenix" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Phoenix" GBUK of Moscow "Library of Arts named after A.P. Bogolyubov" GBUK of Moscow "Vedogon" -theater "GBUK Moscow" Cultural Center "Moskvich" GBUK of Moscow "Association "VZ Moscow" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Fili-Davydkovo" GBUK of Moscow House of Culture "Mayak" GBUK of Moscow Club "Rodnichok" GBUK of Moscow TKS "Orekhovo" GBUK of Moscow Moscow TCS "Orekhovo" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow TsTI "PERSPECTIVE" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Children's Variety Theater" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "House of Culture "Harmony" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "House of Culture "Nagorny" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Doc "TEMP" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Yunost" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Yunost" GBUK of Moscow "DK "Cultural Center" GBUK of Moscow "House of Romance" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Zagorye" GBUK of Moscow " CC "Maryina Roshcha" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "Conservatory Center "Novoslobodsky" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "Museum of V.A. Tropinin" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TKS "Comrade" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CBS ZAO" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TsKT "Nega" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "MGOMZ" State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "House of Culture "Voskhod" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "Center" V. Devyatova" GBUKiO Moscow "Center for Vocal Art V. Levko" GBUSOSHDO Moscow "Class Center" GKOU KSHI No. 1 GKOU KSHI No. 5 GKOU SKOSHI No. 102 GKOU SKOSHI No. 2 GKOU SKOSHI No. 30 GKOU SKOSHI No. 31 GKOU KOSHSH No. 52 GKOU SKOSHY No. 73 GKOUS No. 79 GKOU SKSh No. 571 GKOU SKHSH No. 65 GKOU “South” GKOU school “Technologies” Technologies GKOU school No. 2124 “RCRSK” GKU STK Moskomport GKU DGM DOGM DONM GKU GKU GKU Directorate for the construction and reconstruction of DogM GKU SFK DO Moscow GKU SFK DONM GKU Central Federal District DogM GKU Central Federal District DonM GKUK Moscow "MGBTs" GPBU "Mospriroda" State Institution MDC "Zamoskvorechye" State Institution GCMSIR Children's Music School named after. Yu.A.Shaporin GBOU HE “MGIM im. A.G. Schnittke" DSS DTSZN of Moscow DYU UKS "Dynamics" CJSC "ACONIT-MEDIA" CJSC "MEDORTEKS" CJSC "MIRRA-M" CJSC "Sanatorium "Erino" I.P. Prytkov A.E. IKI RAS Individual entrepreneur Elena Sergeevna Levadnyaya IOGKh RAS Individual Entrepreneur Oksana Yurievna Shcherbakova Individual Entrepreneur "Vakhnichenko V.S." IP "Domoratskaya Tatyana Borisovna" IP "Ivliva M.N." IP "Raingrubert S.N." IP "Edemskaya E.V." IP Alekseeva L.V. IP Artemova Yu.S. IP Artikov S.A. IP Artish T.E. IP Asadova V.V. IP Bantser A.V. IP Barkhatov Maxim Nikolaevich IP Bakhtina A.A. IP Beguntsova O.N. IP Bezsolova D.V. IP Belegai I.N. IP Berdnikov G.A. Individual Entrepreneur Kristina Aleksandrovna Berezutskaya Individual Entrepreneur Bovykina N.V. IP Borisov V.N. IP Burtsev S.G. IP Bystrov S.A. (fitness club FitClub) IP Vardazaryan K.V. IP Vivas Kurbatova L.V. IP Vorobiev A.V. IP Gevorgyan Grachik Gegamovich IP Gegenava N.I. IP Grigoryants G.B. IP Demurova E.D. IP Dirin A.V. IP Elistratova V.M IP Yolshina I.S. IP Zharkov M.P. IP Zhukov I.V. IP Zavgorodnyaya A.G. IP Zavitaeva A.A. IP Zakharov S.A. IP ZUBAKINA S. V. IP Ivanova N.V. IP Ivleva O.S. IP Isaeva N.G. IP ISAEVA Natalya Gennadievna IP Kazennov IP Kildeev D.D. IP Kleimenov A.I. IP KOMOVICH K.I. IP Kondrashov I.K. IP Korchagina T.A. Individual Entrepreneur Tatyana Anatolyevna Korchagina Individual Entrepreneur Kostyuk V.V. IP Krogerov Vladimir Aleksandrovich IP Kudryashova M.S. IP Kuzmina T.I. IP Kuzmichenko IP Lapotko F.A. IP Lebedeva O.N. IP Levadnaya E.S. IP Lipnik I.V. IP Lytus Leonid Sergeevich IP Lvova T.E. IP Mashkin A.V. IP Mashkov A.V. IP Medvedev E.S. IP Melega A.M. IP Minibaeva T.I. IP Mikhailova Yu.V. IP Morozov V.S. IP Murzin Yu.V. IP Nartov A.N. IP Nesmetnov V.E. IP Nikitin V.A. IP Nikitina E.V. IP Nikitina I.P. IP Nikiforova N.A. IP Nikulin S.E. IP Nilova L.A. IP Nurguzhina Aigul Remirovna IP Ovchar T.E. (SRC "Raduga") IP Ovchinnikova O.Yu IP Osechkin Vladimir Viktorovich IP Panyak Marina Vasilievna IP Petrova O.O. IP Pichuev Yu.L. IP Platonova V.A. IP Polnarev A.A. IP Polnarev Andrey Aleksandrovich IP Potashov S.L. FitnessTIME IP Prozorova E.M. IP Prosekova N.G. IP Pshenichnaya E.B. (Dancemania) IP Radchenko E.S. IP Rogunovich M.N. IP Rusakova V.Yu. IP Savelyeva E.V. IP Sazonov A.B. IP Saprykin I.I. IP Sbrodova L.V. IP Sedov A.A. IP Selezneva L.A. IP Seregina V.V. IP Seregina N.V. IP Serpeninov A.S. IP Sineva O.V. IP Skobkina T.I. IP Slesareva Kira Pavlovna IP SMIRNOV TIMOFEY ANTONOVICH IP Smoleyev Igor Eliyanovich IP Smolyarova N.A. IP Sokolov A.V. IP Solomatina Yu.V. IP Stepanov A.D. IP Stepanov E.N. IP Subbotina T.A. IP Suvorova A.S. IP Tambovtseva S.R. IP Tretyakova L.A. IP Udovichenko Ivan Aleksandrovich IP Uskov M.S. IP Usova Zhanna Prokopyevna IP Feklina Yu.S. IP Filioglo I.D. IP Fishkin M.M. IP Frolova Anna Vasilyevna IP Kharevskaya Marina Eduardovna IP Kharchenko Z.A. IP Khlopkov V.M. IP Khorkov M.Yu. IP Khorkov M.Yu. IP Chumakova A.A. IP Shevtsov D.V. Individual Entrepreneur Shulga O.O Individual Entrepreneur Shchukina E.A. COLLEGE OF MODERN MANAGEMENT Cooperative KOSH KP SK "North-West" KP FSC "Strogino" KSSHOR "Moscow Youth" KSSHOR "Moscow Youth" - "Spartak" CT MTUSI MADI MADO "Educational center "Success" MADO Kindergarten No. 2 "Ryabinka" MADO Kindergarten No. 3 "Firefly" MAOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Fairy Tale" MAI, Moscow Aviation Institute MAOU "Gymnasium of Troitsk" MAOU "Gymnasium named after. N.V. Pushkova" MAOU "Lyceum of the city of Troitsk" MAOU "NMC" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's Art School" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's Art School named after M.I. Glinka" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's School" MAOUD "NMC" MAOU DO YOUTH-2 MAOU DO YOUTS MAU FKiS "Sports Palace "KVANT" "MAU FKiS GSOC "Harmony" MAU FKiS SOK "Orbita" MAUK "Troitsk Museum named after M. N. Lyalko MAUK TTsKT MAUK Center "MoST" MBU "DK Mosrentgen" MBU "DC "Druzhba" MBU "SDC "Mayak" MBU "SK "Krasnaya Pakhra" MBU "Sports complex "Voronovo" MBU "TsKS "Filimonkovskoe" " MBU "TsSM" MBU "TSFS Mosrentgen" MBU "SCS" MBU "TsSM" MBU Cultural Center "Pervomaiskoye" MBU Children's and Sports Center "Voskresenskoye" MBU DO Youth MBU DO YOUSSH "STERKH" MBU SDC "ORION" MBU SC "Olympus" MBU STs " Cosmos MBU FIS "Nadezhda" MBU CTD "Rostki" MBUK "DK "Desna" MBUK "DK "Zvezdny" MBUK "DK "Ilyichevka" MBUK "DK "Yubileiny" MBUK "DK "Kommunarka" MGAHI named after V.I. Surikov MGODSHI "Kuskovo" MGODSHI "Sokolniki" MGRI MSTU named after N.E. Bauman MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov MGHPA named after S.G. Stroganov International Union of Poets Interregional public organization "Federation of Kundalini Yoga" Interregional organization "WE ARE TOGETHER" Local religious organization of the Orthodox parish of the Church of All Saints in the Russian Land that has shone in Cheryomushki, the city of Moscow, Moscow Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Local religious organization Orthodox parish of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity at the Saltykov Bridge in the mountains. Moscow Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Local religious organization Orthodox parish of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Education" in Nekrasovka mountains. Moscow Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church / Moscow Patriarchate / Local religious organization Orthodox parish of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Old Simonov mountains. Moscow MIET MKU settlement Shchapovskoye "SK "Zarya" MKU SC "Bear" MKU SC "Monolit" MKUK settlement Shchapovskoye "DK "Solnechny" MOO "Ecology Culture Society" MOO "Support for youth initiatives" MOO DSKTs "Voskhod" MOO PC "Nadezhda- "N" IOO FSE "Golden Knight" IOOI "Pilgrim" Moscow Polytechnic Moskomsport MPGU MRO CHYU MGO VOI MU "SK "Desna" MU "SK "Desna" MU "SK "Rus" Museum of Moscow MUK "DK Shcherbinka urban district" MUK " House of Culture "Moskovsky" Municipal budgetary institution Center "Fairy Tale" of the Timiryazevsky municipal district in the city of Moscow Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Pool" Moskovsky" MIPT MCHS at the Russian Academy of Arts Scientific and Medical Center "Medinkur" National Floorball Federation of Russia NUST "MISiS" National Research University Higher School of Economics National Research University MGSU National Research Nuclear University MEPhI NPO ANO "Fantasy" NPO ROO "Dance and Sports Club "RITHM" NNOU "Trinity Orthodox School" NNOUKS "E.K. School" NNOUK "Leisure Club "Zerkalo" NO "FKS" NO SF "Torpedo" NO UMC "Education and Culture" NOTK "Children's Atelier" NOU "PILATES Institute" NOU "EduLife" NOU DPO "Interregional Center of Cosmetology and Hairdressing" NOU "Orthodox Center for Continuing Education" NOU "Phoenix Secondary School" NOU DO "Orthodox Zosimo-Savvatievsky Center" NOU PKG "Radonezh" » NOCHU Secondary School "Life-Giving Spring" NP "Non-Profit Partnership "Benefit" NP "EC "Club 33" NP "Physical and Health Center" NP "Miracle of Life" NP "CPC "Bulgakov House" NP " Open world» NP "TsRR Umka" NP SPK "KANRIT" NPOU VO "MIEPP" NPOUDO "UCNVS" NPOO "Private School "Shalom"" OANO Old School" OANO TS "Znak" OJSC "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern" OK "Vatutinki" LLC "Corporation" Champion LLC Fitness on Vernadsky LLC fitness club "QUANT" LLC "Familyfit", Fitness club "Winner" LLC "54Studio" LLC "Absolute Fitness" LLC "Agency of social programs RADOM" LLC "Agency "Forum". Moscow make-up artists club" LLC "Adrenaline" LLC "IQ Fit" LLC "AYQU MEDIA GROUP" LLC "ISky" LLC "Academy of Intellectual Leisure ArteMax" LLC "AQUASTAR-T" LLC "Current Medical Solutions" LLC "Alex Fitness" Tushino LLC " Allada" LLC "Allegro23" LLC "Allen-Direct" LLC "Altufyevo-Sport" LLC "Alpha fit" LLC "ANATA-Ka" LLC "ANATA-Ka" LLC "Antares" LLC "APS-Group" LLC "ARENA FITNESS" LLC "ARTMOSPHERE" LLC "ASP Mass-Media" LLC "Atletika" LLC "Ashgym" LLC "BAJARANG" LLC "Base No. 7" LLC "BELEK" LLC " White gold " LLC "BIFITT" LLC "Black Sea" LLC "Bodyflex Mix" LLC "Vega Fit" LLC "Vector Traction" LLC "Veselyi Day" LLC "Viaton Complex" LLC "VIPSPORT" LLC "WORLD FIT STUDIO" LLC "FITNESS TIME" LLC "VSK "Gvardeets" LLC "VFL" LLC "Gamma Group" LLC "GK Windows" LLC "Global Media International" LLC "Goodfit" LLC "DAVINCI GYM" LLC "DAVINCI GYM" LLC "Delo Pragmatika" LLC "Delta fit" LLC "Delta-Sa" LLC "DMA International" LLC "Dance Star" LLC "EIF" LLC "Women's Fitness Club "Miss" LLC "Healthy Nation" LLC "Zelenograd Center for Kinesitherapy" LLC "Z Kidz Club" LLC "Ivanova O" .I." LLC "East-Fresh" LLC "Kants Trend" LLC "Castor Fit" LLC "KAULA-A" LLC "Centaur" LLC "KLOCHKOV JIM-2" LLC "Tornado Martial Arts Club" LLC "Aviator Hobby Club" LLC "Creative Touch" LLC "Laboratory of Extreme" LLC "Legend "1" LLC "Workshop of Possibilities" LLC "MASTERSLAVL" LLC "MISS FITNESS POTIONS" LLC "Modern" LLC "Modus Vita" LLC "Motivator" LLC "Nataraj" LLC "National" League of Sports Medicine" LLC "NeuroChat" LLC "Nova Fitness" LLC "New Sparta 2" LLC "Novofit" LLC "Health Center "Sanita-Service" LLC "OKEY ENGLISH" LLC "OLIMP PLUS" LLC "OMB GROUP" LLC "ORGANIC" PEPL" LLC "Orion fit" LLC "Parkland" LLC "Passage B" LLC "Pyramid" LLC "PizzaLand" LLC "Plastika" LLC "Polygon" LLC "HOLIDAY FOR SALE" LLC "PRACTICA PROJECTS" LLC "Proximo" LLC "Protos" fit" LLC "ProfiSol" LLC "Profit" LLC "Puma Dance" LLC "Rush" LLC "RSL" LLC "RTI-Finance" LLC "RUKAV" LLC "Ruslan and M" LLC "Russian meal. Northeast." LLC "Russian School of Health Qigong" LLC "Rus" LLC "S-FITNESS" LLC "Seven spans" LLC "System" LLC "SKA" LLC "Scandinavian Health Center" LLC "SKILL" LLC "SoloSport" LLC "Salti" LLC "SOTO-TRADE" LLC "Sparta-1" LLC "Sport Line Club" LLC "SPORT-LEGION" LLC "SPORT-LEGION" LLC "Sports League" LLC "SPORT TECHNOLOGIES" LLC "Sportidea" LLC "SPORTMAX" " LLC "SportTime" LLC "SPUTNIK" LLC "Steel League" LLC "STUDIO-TONUS" LLC "Natalia Mikhailova's Best Dance Studio" LLC "Rhythmic Gymnastics Studio No. 1" LLC "Seven Ya Studio Club" LLC "TAVR Auto" LLC "Television Technologies" LLC "Territory of the Ball" LLC "Tirumala" LLC "Point of Support" LLC "Troy" LLC "TSK "CLASSICA" LLC "Success" LLC "UTs "AI-DI-TI" LLC "FIT ACADEM" LLC " Fit.Lts LLC FITNESS CITY LLC Fitness Club Sokol LLC Fitness Life LLC Fitness on Alekseevskaya LLC Fitness on Kozhukhovskaya LLC Fitness on Krasnobogatyrskaya LLC Fitness on Taganka LLC FITSTAR LLC FKSport" LLC "Football Reserve" LLC "Center for Harmonious Development "Svetofor" LLC "Yoga Center" LLC "Eye Surgery Center" LLC "CENTER FOR RHYSTICAL GYMNASTICS JIMSTUDIO1" LLC "CSU" LLC "Edalt Group" LLC "AIR FIT" LLC "ECOMIR" " LLC "Express Fitness 2" LLC "Energy of Life" LLC "ENERSTYLE" LLC "USIMAS" LLC "Adrenaline" LLC "Art-Studio "Thousand Leaves" LLC "ATHLETICS" LLC "GRACE FIT" LLC "DiDiX" LLC "Z Fitness" 1" LLC "IDiS-Tour" LLC "Empire Club" LLC "Istochnik" LLC "Capella Fit" LLC "Karat" LLC "KLUBNICHKA" LLC "Sirius Company" LLC "KONEK-M". LLC "Persey-Service" LLC "Producer Center named after. G.S. Ulanova LLC REFORM LLC SLK-FITNESS LLC Sport Plus LLC SPORTS CONSTRUCTION SHMITOVSKY LLC Studio 707 LLC T-Style LLC Theater Province LLC Technologies of Youth LLC UK" LLC "FIT-PLUS" LLC "FITLAND" LLC "Fitness Center on Venevskaya" LLC "Fitness League" LLC "Fitness Five" LLC "Fitcity" LLC "FOUR SEASONS OF TRAVEL" LLC "Four Elements" LLC "Era Fitness" LLC "Effective Cooperation" LLC GDSSO "Dynamo" LLC DK "Slava" LLC Manifesto LLC SPORTS CLUB "SIBERIAN LEOPARD AND CO" LLC UFOK "Cheryomushki" LLC FC "Yellow Sun - Rodniki" LLC FOK "Fit Form" LLC FOK "Planeta" LLC EnergyFit LLC Energy Fit LLC Energy Fit LLC Energy Fit LLC "Sport Class" LLC "Fitness Studio" POU "USK DOSAAF of Russia North-East Administrative District of Moscow" POU "USC DOSAAF of Russia Southern Administrative District of Moscow" POU "Center of the VPV of Moscow DOSAAF of Russia" POU Automotive school of the Central Administrative District of Moscow DOSAAF of Russia POU UMC "Algorithm" RO JSC "DOSAAF of Russia" POCHU COLLEGE MIRBIS-MOSCOW Orthodox parish of the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in Kurkino Prefecture of the Eastern Administrative District Prefecture of the Prefecture of the Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District Prefecture of the North-East Administrative District Prefecture of the North-West Administrative District Prefecture of the TiNAO Prefecture of the Central Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Eastern Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Administrative Okrug of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation RBOF "Krugozor" RSUH RDMOO "Sports Club "Alpha-BUDO" RDPMOOO "Aquarius" Regional Charitable Public Organization for the Promotion of Activities Jewish communities"Moscow Jewish Community House" Regional public organization "Center for Psychophysical Improvement "Unity". Religious organization "Patriarchal Metochion of the Holy Dormition Staritsky Monastery at the Church of St. Job, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' of Moscow Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" Religious organization "Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' at the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Lyubertsy Fields of Moscow of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" Religious organization "Metochion Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' - Church of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women in Maryino, Moscow Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" Religious organization "Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Church of All Saints" Religious organization "Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Churches of Nikolo-Perervinsky monastery of Moscow, Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" RO Patriarchal Metochion Church of the IBM "Consolation" in Yaroslavl ROBO GC "Education and Culture" ROBF "Tagansky Children's Fund" ROYUO "Education. Sport. Rehabilitation ROO "Sports Club "Favorite" ROO "ANISIYA" ROO "Children and Youth Sports and Health Club "Leader" ROO "Youth and Youth Center "Sam Plus" ROO "Club of Painting Lovers of Konstantin Vasilyev" ROO "Kosinsky Children's Marine Club" ROO "Lotus" ROO "MANY CHILDHOOD" ROO "Regincenter Pravo" ROO "SK" ROO "CSKA Tennis Club" ROO "Yuki Taiseko" ROO "PATRIOT" ROO " Family Club Perovo" ROO Children's and Sports Club "Vozrozhdenie" ROO UNESCO Club "Sphere" ROO MTsNOV ROO RDYUSSK "Yuzhny" ROO SZZh "Women of our city" ROO SK "Perspective" ROO SPK "Forpost in Luzhniki" ROO "Veliy" ROO "Bird of Happiness" ROO "Human Health" RSOO "Society for the Development of Mass Sports" RUT (MIIT) RFOO "YOGA FOR HEALTH" RHTU named after. DI. Mendeleev SVNP MDCD "Information Education" Sports adaptive school "Youth of Moscow" of equal opportunities Sports club "Syujin" Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" in acrobatics Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" in judo Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" in sailing Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" in sambo SS "Youth of Moscow" in dance sports and acrobatic rock and roll "Spartak" SSOR "Northern" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in basketball "Dynamo" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in biathlon SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in boxing SSOR " Youth of Moscow" in wrestling SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in cycling SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in water polo SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in water sports "Scythians" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in handball "Kuntsevo" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in rowing events sports SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in equestrian sport SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in athletics SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in athletics named after. br. Znamenskikh SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in skiing "Burevestnik" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in cross-country skiing "Spartak" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming "Trud" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in diving SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in rugby "Glory" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in luge SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in synchronized swimming "Trud" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in synchronized swimming Anastasia Davydova SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in tennis SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" » in weightlifting SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in fencing SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in fencing "Burevestnik" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in figure skating "Sokolniki" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in figure skating SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in football " Burevestnik" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in football "Kuntsevo" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in football "Spartak-2" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in football "Torpedo" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in rhythmic gymnastics "Wings of the Soviets" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" » in rhythmic gymnastics "Olympic" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in chess SSOR in badminton State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Creative Union of Artists of Russia Creative Center "Steps" TVC "Folk Art Crafts" Theater - school of modern dance "Vortex" Theater "MEL" Test DPiOOS Test DSIT Test TCSO (DITovsky) USZN VAO Moscow USZN ZAO Moscow USZN ZelAO Moscow USZN Northern Administrative District Moscow USZN North-East Administrative District Moscow USZN North-Western Administrative District Moscow USZN Test of Moscow USZN Troitsky and Novomoskovsk Autonomous Okrug of Moscow USZN Central Administrative District of Moscow USZN Southern Administrative District Moscow USZN South-East Administrative District of Moscow USZN South-Western Administrative District of Moscow Federal State Educational Institution "DSO "Russian Earth" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia . Plekhanov" FSBEI HE "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts" FSBEI HE "State. IRYa them. A.S. Pushkin" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSUPP" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSLA) (University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLA)" FSBEI HE "NRU "MPEI" FSBEI HE "RSU named after A.N. Kosygin" FSBEI HE MSLU FSBEI HE MSUPE FSBEI HE RGAU-MSHA named after K.A . Timiryazeva FSBI "OK Desna" FSBI FNKTsSM FMBA of Russia FSBUK "State Museum-Estate "Ostafyevo" - "Russian Parnassus" FSBI VNIISB Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education "Russian Peoples' Friendship University" Taekwon-Do Federation South" branch "Crossroads" State Budgetary Institution "Center" Financial University Fitness club Sports Option Fitness center Golden Lotus FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia FNSIR Foundation "Arbat" Foundation "For Life" Foundation "SHOP OF JOY" Foundation "Moscow Charitable Reserve" Foundation for Children's Cinema named after A. Rowe Foundation for New Technologies in Education "Baytik" FRK "FOR GOOD" Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bratsevo Temple Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo Center " Social development" CHOU DO "School of English "Es" CHU "CD AiK DOSAAF of Russia" CHU DO Center "Sunny Circle" CHU DPO "Network of centers "PRODETI" CHU DO "SU-JOK Academy" CHU OO "INESNEK" School of watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka

Responsible parents strive to give their child as much as possible from the first days of his life. By the middle of preschool age, the question becomes relevant additional education. Which sections for children from 3 years of age are the most useful and safe? Let's try to understand this question and find the correct answer to it.

What do sports centers and schools offer three-year-olds?

Most additional education centers offer courses in four areas to the youngest. This general development, arts and crafts clubs, music and dance classes, sports sections. Most parents choose the last category. Physical activity is beneficial for every child from a very early age. At the same time, as early as three years old, you can choose the sport that best suits the character and temperament of a particular child. What are the most popular sports sections for children over 3 years old? These include light and artistic gymnastics, fitness, yoga, team sports, martial arts, swimming, choreography and a variety of dance styles. Each direction has its pros and cons, as well as distinctive features.

Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics

In many cities of our country there are gymnastics sections that accept children from 2 years of age for training. Of course, such clubs don’t have much in common with the professional sport of the same name. Gymnastics for children from 3 years old is a section offering a program aimed at the overall development of the child’s body. Training in serious exercise usually begins no earlier than 4-5 years of age. How is the basic course useful? In early childhood it is much easier to form beautiful posture. In addition, gymnastics helps to achieve good stretching. This sport is useful for developing plastic movements and grace.

Team sports

Football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and other team sports have a positive effect on the development of all muscle groups. Such sections for children from 3 years old will especially appeal to active kids. Team sports are also good for a child’s psyche. Constant communication with other children develops communication skills. The kid will definitely meet new friends on his team. The main task for parents is to choose a sports game that matches the interests and temperament of the baby. Almost all sports in this category develop agility, coordination and reaction speed.

Dancing and choreography

All children, without exception, react positively to cheerful and rhythmic melodies. Hearing the music, the child smiles, begins to play and dance. It is for this reason that dance classes for children 3 years old are extremely popular. Dancing is considered one of the least dangerous species physical activity. Classes in choreographic groups bring children incredible pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Dance classes for children from 3 years old develop creative thinking and help them fully master the language own body. The advantages of regular dancing classes are graceful posture, gracefulness and plasticity of movements. Any choreographic direction develops a sense of rhythm. This means that in the future it will be easier for the child to learn to play musical instruments or sing.

Martial arts for little ones

Sports sections for children over 3 years old, based on various types of martial arts, are quite popular. Aikido, karate, wushu and other disciplines harmoniously develop all muscle groups. Don't worry about your child's safety. At basic levels of training Special attention is given to warm-up and dynamic exercises. Kids do not participate in fights and cannot harm themselves or each other. The benefits of such exercises are great: during the training, endurance, reaction speed, agility and flexibility develop. Such sections for children from 3 years of age are also useful for their spiritual education. Any system of martial arts teaches a child to be brave, fair and to use his own strength only when attacking.

Classes in this category are suitable for children with any type of temperament and character. Shy children can truly open up and believe in their own capabilities. Little fidgets, on the contrary, will be able to direct their energy in the right direction. Many eastern practices are also useful for developing concentration and the ability to manage one’s attention.

Swimming and other general strengthening sports

Many parents believe that choosing a specialized sport before the age of 5-6 makes no sense. This opinion holds true. But you shouldn’t leave your child without physical activity and developmental activities. For the comprehensive development and strengthening of muscles, you can choose some kind of universal sports direction.

At three years old, you can enroll your child in the pool. Learning to swim is not only interesting, but also useful. This skill will definitely come in handy in adult life. Training has a positive effect on the formation of healthy posture and harmoniously develops all muscle groups. The swimming section for children over 3 years old can be attended 1-2 times a week. Some sports clubs offer joint activities for mothers and children.

How to choose your ideal section?

When choosing a sports club for a child, it is important to consider its availability. It is very convenient to visit the continuing education center, located within a 10-minute walk from your home. But regular trips to the other end of the city can tire a child quite a lot. Even the best football section for children over 3 years old will probably not appeal to your child if the journey takes more than an hour. It's a good idea to start by finding out what activities and sports clubs are available in your area. At this stage of selection, it would be a good idea to clarify the class schedules and their approximate cost.

Most likely, only a few sections will seem most convenient to you. You should choose one of them, taking into account the interests and character traits of the child. Observe which games your baby plays with the most pleasure. Already at the age of three, you can notice that one child prefers to dance and have fun, while the other picks up a ball whenever possible. Active kids will benefit best from active team sports and dancing. It makes sense for calm children to try swimming and martial arts.

Physical development without harm to the psyche and health!

Is it too early to send your child to sports at three years old? According to experts on early development, this age is ideal to start attending additional classes. The most important thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a specific center and to correctly organize the order of visiting it. Almost all clubs and sections for children 3 years old offer 1-2 classes per week. Make sure your baby doesn't overexert himself. If your child goes to kindergarten, it makes sense to pick him up early on sports days. Do not plan any additional recreational activities on the day of your workout. If you feel unwell or noticeably tired, it is better to skip classes. Young athletes should receive exclusively positive emotions while visiting the sports center.

If a child does not want to go to training, there is no point in forcing him. It makes sense to think about moving to another section. At three years old, a child is still too young to attend more than 2-3 different clubs. Don’t try to keep him busy “all at once”; it’s better to devote time to one or at most two areas. A big mistake parents make is to force their child to fulfill his own dreams. If your child doesn't enjoy playing your favorite sport, let him make his own choice. It is quite possible that the first section will become the baby’s favorite hobby for the rest of his life. Now you know that you can start getting organized sports activities, as soon as the child turns 3 years old. Which section to send your baby to is up to you to decide.