After the fight. Rules of conduct during a family quarrel

It is almost impossible to meet a married couple who would avoid scandals, breaking dishes and slamming doors. Does this mean that marital quarrels should be left to chance? Of course not, because it’s very easy to quarrel, but sometimes it’s difficult to make peace with your husband. When we get angry, we say a lot of hurtful and unpleasant words.

However, even having realized our guilt, we are still in no hurry to go for reconciliation - because pride gets in the way. Should we wait for the first steps from a man or should we utter the cherished phrase “I was wrong”? How to quickly make peace with your husband after a quarrel?

How can you make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel?

The first step towards reconciliation is to forget about the quarrel, stop blaming your husband for something, and remembering the “bad” words he said. If you begin to justify yourself, and “hang all the dogs” on him, it means that you are not yet ready for peace. To reach an agreement, both parties should admit their mistakes. But it is the woman (if she initiates reconciliation) who needs to forget about pride for a while and understand the value of relationships. Having recognized the error of previous behavior, you can sit down at the “negotiating table”.

When preparing for a serious conversation with your husband, you need to remember the features male psychology. It is likely that he is not overcome by such violent emotions as you are. In addition, he is waiting for a direct conversation, and not confused words that do not carry any semantic load for him. If the reason for the quarrel was really extremely serious (for example, betrayal on your part), he may not want to put up with it, since he decided to break up with you completely.

Did you manage to make peace with your husband? You shouldn't rest on your laurels. Relationships after a major quarrel rarely become the same, since mentally both the man and the woman constantly return to the words spoken, deeds and actions. Now it is necessary to approach relationships even more responsibly, since constant scandals can cause a final break.

Every marriage and relationship between a man and a woman is unique. Apology methods that work in one cell of society may not work in your situation. What to do? Read the recommendations of psychologists below, try them on yourself and adopt the most effective and efficient ones.

  • So, how to make peace with your husband after a quarrel?
  • Clearly identify the cause of the scandal. It is likely that numerous provoking factors simply layered on top of each other, and the true cause lies deep inside. Try not to spread yourself thin, but identify exactly the stumbling block that led to the disagreement, and focus completely on it.
  • Never threaten divorce. If you are accustomed to this method of attracting attention and intimidating, then be prepared for the fact that your husband will respond with consent to such an ultimatum. If you are not satisfied with your spouse’s behavior, tell him about it: “I feel bad without you. I'm afraid I've stopped caring about you."
  • Control your own emotions. The desire to speak out, to throw everything that is boiling up in your husband’s face is quite natural. However, you need to restrain yourself, because someday you will come to a common denominator, and offensive reproaches and evil words will forever remain in your memory. It is better not to bring conflicts to the boiling point, and if you cannot pacify your temper, it is easier to postpone the conversation altogether for a while.
  • Let your man cool down. The spouse may not immediately calm down and agree to reconciliation. This woman is able to apologize after a quarter of an hour and consider that the conflict is over. The stronger sex perceives everything much deeper, so just make sure your husband hears you and leave him alone for a while.
  • Do not complain to your relatives if you once had a fight with your husband. You will definitely forgive your spouse, no matter what the anger and resentment may be, and your friends and parents will remember this conflict. If you do not want to make your relatives hate your husband, try to solve problems together.
  • Learn to forget the insult. Of course, you need to tell your husband what emotions his action caused you. You can even “pout your lips” a little, even if you have already forgiven him. However, it is impossible to accumulate grievances to present at “one fine moment.” It is more constructive to remember pleasant moments so that in the heat of a quarrel you can remember them.

How to make peace if your husband is to blame?

If you are already tired of the prolonged silence, you can take the first step towards reconciliation, even if the man is to blame for this scandal.

Some women think that making peace with their husband in this case is to show themselves from an unfavorable side, they say, now he will stop apologizing altogether. Of course, each case is individual, and only you can decide how to make peace with your guilty husband.

Try to wait. If the guilty spouse always comes to you for forgiveness, it makes sense to wait a little and give him a little time to collect his thoughts. Perhaps it will be the man who will initiate that very repentant conversation; all you have to do is carefully prepare for the responsible conversation.

Take the first step. Men are proud and stubborn creatures; it is extremely difficult for them to admit they are wrong and apologize. Is the “culprit” of the quarrel silent? Believe me, it's not because he stopped loving you. Most likely, he is simply afraid of appearing pliable. You will have to bite the bullet and offer to sit down at the negotiating table.

Don't turn the conversation into another scandal. There is no need to quarrel and make trouble again, even if your husband drives you crazy with his callousness, stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to reasonable arguments. Examples of words might be: “It hurts me a lot, but I value our relationship. Let’s discuss the problem that has arisen without yelling and breaking plates.”

What to do if you are at fault?

How to make peace with your husband if you are the one who is wrong in the current situation? Yes, yes, dear ladies, sometimes we too are to blame for quarrels and scandals, and men find themselves in the role of victims. And you should not expect that your man is guided by the motto of the French writer de Croisset: “When a woman is wrong, ask her for forgiveness.” Take the initiative into your own hands!

There is no need to immediately rush to the man with an apology.. Now he is indignant, angry and generally looks like the angry movie Wolverine. Give him time to calm down, cool down and think a little, otherwise he simply will not hear your sincere apologies. After your husband is in a normal state of mind, begin active actions.

Ask for forgiveness with dignity. It is impossible to solve all the problems at once, but it is necessary to demonstrate to the man your repentance. Of course, there is no need to follow your spouse around and beg for “redemption,” because the number of times you say “sorry” does not determine how quickly he will forgive you. Just offer to talk, thereby starting the reconciliation mechanism.

Write SMS. Some consider this method of apology childish, but it can become the beginning of a serious conversation. Send your beloved an SMS with poems, pictures, a hint of... pleasant evening. This will probably help make amends in case of a slight quarrel. In the event of a serious conflict, SMS will help arrange a meeting.

Arrange romantic evening . Are you thinking about how to make peace with your husband? An effective method of apologizing is a romantic evening. There is no point in describing it in detail. You will need wine, candles, rose petals (if appropriate) and, of course, erotic lingerie. The method of making peace in bed is more suitable for young spouses, but experienced couples can also try it.

Invite a company. Another trick is to invite friends or your mother-in-law to visit. In such good company, a man will be able to relax and, unnoticed by himself, will begin to communicate with you. Is this fair? Of course, it is more correct and decent to simply talk with your spouse, but if he refuses to make contact, such a workaround maneuver will do.

There are many ways to apologize and reconcile, but only you know your chosen one better than anyone in the world, which means it’s up to you to choose how to quickly make peace with your husband after a quarrel. We advise you not to delay the emotional conversation and tender kisses, because there is a high risk of hugging not your loved one, but a complete stranger. It is completely wrong to believe that the word “sorry” has no expiration date. Eat! Apologize and make peace with your husband on time.

Under the influence of emotions, people do stupid things and say a lot of words that they regret over time. Therefore, during a quarrel or immediately after it, you need to calm down and make some decisions in your right mind.

Don't look for someone to blame

When you are driven by emotions, you lose the ability to objectively see the situation and evaluate who is right and who is wrong. Often during a quarrel, people attribute their thoughts and guesses to their interlocutor, and then remain offended for a long time. Therefore, it is worth letting go of the situation and thoughts of a bad deed for a while.

Take a break

In order not to fuel mutual irritation after a quarrel, it is better to take a break. It can last a couple of hours or several days. After all, while it seems to you that you are being attacked, you immediately begin to defend yourself - blaming your interlocutor or making excuses. Neither one nor the other will definitely benefit the relationship and your peace of mind.

Take a hot bath

Run a bubble bath and light some candles. Water will help clear yourself of negative information and emotions. If you can't run a bath, take a quick shower or at least just wash your face cold water. This will bring you to your senses.

Call a friend

After a quarrel, I really want to talk it out. You can call a friend, a psychologist or your mother. The task of your interlocutor is to listen to you and sympathize, and not to arrange a showdown with the offender after the conversation. If you don’t want to burden anyone with your problems, write them on a piece of paper, speak them into a voice recorder or a video camera.

Think about what you didn’t have time and couldn’t say

Good thoughts, as always, come after a quarrel. Think about them, but instead of going through the thoughts in your head, it’s better to write them down point by point. This way you will get rid of obsessive thoughts and defensive monologue.

Physical activity

The best cure for stress is physical activity. Take a walk in nature, do an unscheduled workout, do yoga, wash the dishes, wash the bath, go through the closet. Amazingly, these actions can calm the mind.

Think positive

Once you've cooled down a bit, think about the person you had a fight with. Remember him good qualities, pleasant moments of spending time together. And then think, are you ready to stop communicating with him? If not, it's time to think about how to improve the relationship.


Get yourself out of the situation not only physically, but also. This is perhaps the most important step. Allow yourself to walk away, distract yourself from who or what is causing your dissatisfaction. It’s enough just to change the environment, take a walk, leave home. One, remove yourself from a place where even an object can bring you back to a memory and prevent you from calming down.

Release your anger through relaxing activities. Take up painting, construction, gardening. Even pulling weeds can become a way to rethink your attitude towards a situation. Talk to your pet and pour out your heart to him. Can you talk to best friend, however, if you do not want to cast the arguer in a negative light, try to describe only the current situation itself without specifying names.

Do something completely unrelated to completely take your mind off the quarrel. This should be done after your anger has come out, so that you can be in a good mood and stop being upset about what happened. Let it be a walk in the woods, a relaxing bath, watching your favorite movie, meeting friends, going to a party.

Only after you have completely calmed down, return to analyzing the quarrel. Think about ways to control your anger next time and avoid a similar situation. Now you are more relaxed and can evaluate the circumstances with perspective for yourself and completely.

Try to make peace with the person you had a fight with. Assess the situation as much as possible while avoiding negativity. If the other person is still angry, leave things as they are this moment. Reconciliation will not work if one of you, any attempts may lead to a new quarrel. If the state of conflict drags on, stock up on arguments and patience and try the relationship. A bad world is better than a good one!

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Pour out your soul and your problems only to the people closest to you, otherwise this may lead to rumors and new conflicts in your company.

Helpful advice

Remember, people make mistakes. Even if a person is wrong, he can continue to insist on his own. Just try to defuse the situation. If the arguer doesn't stop, try to move away from the topic and leave him alone until you both cool down.

It often happens that because of a trifle, which otherwise you might ignore and forget, a serious quarrel breaks out. After some time, opponents are already throwing insults at your face and dishes at your feet. Today standard scenario it looks like this - someone is sobbing exhaustedly, someone is loudly slamming the door, but both of them have bad feelings in their souls.


Never insult each other, even if the conversation turns to offensive topics. In order for a dispute to develop into a quarrel, sometimes one intentional or accidental insult is enough. Even if the topic of the conversation is your relationship, try to focus on the relationship itself, and not on the personality of your interlocutor.

Speak and listen alternately.

This is quite simple and at the same time effective psychological. It consists in the fact that both sides in a quarrel must speak in turn. As soon as the simultaneous shouting stops, the conversation will shift to a lower tone, and, in the end, turn into a normal conversation.

Take some water into your mouth.

There are people who can get excited with half a turn; they are distinguished by their quick temper, but easygoing nature. If you pay attention to every phrase said in the heat of the moment, then bickering will become your usual manner. Therefore, calmly remaining silent is the only and the right way, with which you can avoid frequent quarrels.

Stop signal.

If constant quarrels become a habit, try to come up with a special one with your opponent - a password that will instantly switch the topic of conversation. In practice, it looks like this: if you feel that a quarrel is brewing, say a special word, after which you and your opponent will be silent for a minute. Only after this can you continue the quarrel, but, as a rule, there will be no continuation.

Most likely, sex is the most effective way, with which you can avoid a quarrel. You have probably noticed more than once that your loved one deliberately provokes a quarrel, because after it it becomes the most pleasant. Try to push your man to do this yourself, and perhaps your initiative will be encouraged.

Set time standards.

Try to agree that you can only quarrel during a certain period of time. Even if yours didn’t pass, you should under no circumstances talk about this topic. If you hold out at least once, next time you’ll think about whether it’s worth starting a new quarrel.

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Conflict situations often occur in life. They create stress, exhaust your nerves, and make you worry. Therefore, most often people try to get away from conflict, unless they are notorious brawlers. How to do this most effectively?


The best way to get away conflict- prevent it. If you know that there is a scandalous person in your environment, or a person with whom you constantly have disagreements, try to reduce your communication with him to a minimum. When communication cannot be avoided, be polite and formal.

If the conflicter does drag you into a conflict, do not be like him under any circumstances: do not shout, do not make a scandal, do not swear. Try not to lose face, because this is exactly what your enemy wants to achieve. Say that you do not want to continue communicating in this tone, and no longer react to your opponent, no matter what he says. If he insults you, calmly say, “I will not continue communicating with you until you apologize.” And don't talk to him until you hear an apology.

If the offender has brought you to the boiling point, and you can barely restrain yourself from starting to shout at him, just get up and leave. Go to the toilet in the kitchen to drink tea. Do not return until you have regained your peace of mind.

Do not complain to your friends and acquaintances about this person. Try to remain calm and not discuss the behavior of your enemy, because in this way you will again and again return to the conflict from which you want to escape.

In the event that you yourself become the initiator conflict, figure out what exactly irritates you so much that it forces you to go into conflict with others? As a rule, what greatly irritates a person in others is present in one form or another in himself, but he simply does not want to notice it. Deal with that part of yourself that does not allow you to live in harmony with others. By doing this you will take a big step along the path that leads to happiness and harmony.

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  • How to resolve conflicts with your child and get away from disputes if he

Quarrels and scandals have many reasons and reasons, but, as a rule, apart from a spoiled mood, mutual insults and insults, as well as unnecessary rash words, they do not lead to anything good, and their consequences can be completely destructive. Therefore, the most reasonable thing you can do if you witness or, unfortunately, take part in a quarrel is to prevent it.


First of all, your life principle should be the rejection of quarrels as a method of solving problems. If you understand that you will never prove yourself to anyone in quarrels, then you are already subconsciously preventing conflict.

If you are not exactly the same as your partner, do not rush to answer. Think about the reasons for such actions, put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor and try. Do not start criticizing him, expressing your dissatisfaction, so that this does not become a reason for a quarrel.

If you fell silent, and the interlocutor took it as your capitulation in the argument, you should not dissuade him of this until he cools down and takes your words calmly.

It is possible that, upon reflection, you will discover that you are wrong in some situation. In this case, calmly admit it and you will nip the conflict in the bud.

When your interlocutor says something in an irritated tone, try not to interrupt him. Listen calmly. This way, an incipient quarrel can move into a more constructive direction.

If you sense that a verbal argument might get out of control, change the topic of conversation. Try to speak calmly and deliberately, without shouting or raised voices.

Agree with all the arguments of the irritated person, do not argue. The best way out in this situation is your smile (but without sarcasm!) and friendly intonation. If a person is angry and won't stop quarrel, calmly leave the room, but try not to slam the door or say anything unnecessary “at the end.”

Go away Fresh air or go visit someone. A change of environment will have a good effect on you, unless, of course, you continue to replay the unpleasant situation in your mind and, moreover, tell someone else about it.

In family conflicts it is very common quarrel prevents good sex. If this is your situation, take action! And don't quarrel.

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Quarreling, misunderstandings, conflicts are natural manifestations of human relationships. Even the most loving, most devoted married couple is not immune from this. After all, people are not soulless mechanisms. Both husband and wife can be upset about something. In such a situation, any unfortunate or poorly timed word can serve as a “trigger.” Since a woman is considered the keeper of the home, it largely depends on her psychological well-being in the house. So how should she behave in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels with husband?


First of all, understand that marriage is the art of compromise. Under no circumstances should you stubbornly insist on your own, much less resort to such “ women's weapons"like tears, scandals, hysterics. There is simply no better way to have a husband! Somewhere you have to give in. If you think your point of view is correct, then you need to prove it convincingly, using arguments, not emotions.

Remember that men and women are built differently. Due to physiological and psychological differences, they look at the same thing differently. And because of this, their interests are also different. Therefore, it is completely useless to try to interest your husband with a story about the latest gossip heard from his girlfriends. And it’s even more pointless to be offended by him because, in the midst of such an exciting story, he suddenly began to yawn.

Think about it: how long would your patience last if your husband, with sparkling eyes, started telling you about the latest football match of his favorite team or about some technical novelty that you don’t understand at all?

Immediately try to tune in to the fact that for the vast majority of men, the word “order” means immeasurably less than. If your husband doesn’t throw his clothes and socks everywhere, consider yourself lucky and don’t tempt fate with petty (from his point of view) quibbles about the fact that every thing should have its place.

Remember that men get annoyed when a woman takes too long to get ready. Of course, purely theoretically, they understand that the fair sex takes much more time to get ready, but in practice this very quickly begins to anger them. Especially when time is running out. Therefore, try to start getting ready ahead of time, so that your beloved does not alternately cast evil glances either at the clock or at his beloved “mob.”

Do not forget that the absolute majority of males are much more restrained and secretive than women. And at the same time, they hate it when they “get into their soul.” If your husband is clearly upset about something, puzzled, but doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t insist, give him time to “move away.” If he wants, he will tell everything himself.

Nobody likes to quarrel. However, sometimes conflict breaks out over sheer nonsense. To prevent these unpleasant moments, you need to know some of the subtleties of communication.


Before deciding on your behavior in a conflict, decide whether it is necessary now. Sometimes a quarrel - the only way initiate a dialogue with a person. However, most often it remains just a source of anxiety for all participants. To avoid quarreling it is possible in advance to prevent its occurrence even with all the prerequisites for this, or to nullify the conflict that has already arisen. In any case, the main thing is the ability to control your own emotions.

To get away from quarreling, learn to switch the attention of its initiator to external aspects. Do not give in to provocations, hints and reproaches. Make it clear to your opponent that you understand his ultimate goal - to provoke a conflict, and are not going to help him in this. Instead, offer to discuss the problem at hand calmly and constructively. When criticizing yourself, control your emotions by objectively assessing what was said. Instead of denying everything and making excuses, admit fair statements - this will deprive your opponent of the opportunity to develop the quarrel further. If your opponent is in a strong emotional state, try to distract him and calm him down. For example, say that the refusal to spend a weekend together was due to a desire to work overtime so that he could give an unexpected gift.

If a quarrel takes place, try to turn it into a constructive dialogue as soon as possible. If the reproaches and accusations are true, apologize and explain what reasons forced you to do this. Make it clear that you have realized your guilt and will try to prevent similar situations from happening again in the future. If you have done something that is guaranteed to cause conflict, The best way to prevent it - when meeting, admit it and immediately sincerely apologize.

It happens that even the greatest love leaves us, and the understanding comes that the person we love is no longer with us. Thoughts about divorce flash more and more often. How to part with your spouse in a civilized manner and avoid scandals, showdowns and reproaches?


Announce the breakup in person. You cannot report a breakup via SMS, email, phone call. In this way you will only demonstrate your disrespect for your husband. It is necessary to meet and talk face to face. In this way, you will help your partner get over the breakup more easily and get answers to his questions. Otherwise, you simply deprive him of the chance to fully understand the current situation and understand what the problem is and why it is necessary to break up.

Do not discuss the upcoming separation in front of strangers. The conversation should take place in private, not in a public place. Cafes, restaurants and other establishments are in no way suitable for these purposes. Before you start a conversation, make an introduction that will prepare your ex-loved one for unpleasant news.

Together with your husband, discuss the current situation. Try to explain to your spouse that you are not satisfied with your life together, point out the reasons that prompted the decision to separate. Also decide on the division of jointly acquired property, and if there are children, guardianship over them.

Get rid of guilt. Your ex-partner may have a hard time dealing with the breakup, constantly pouring out their grief to you. But you don’t have to become a “vest” for him, where he can cry at any moment. Give him the opportunity to go through this period on his own or seek help from friends or a psychologist.

Don't go back and change decision taken. If you doubt your actions, rush back and forth, you will only aggravate the situation and make it more painful for your partner. Try to limit communication with your husband for a certain time (for example, a month) so that you do not have the opportunity to change your decision every day.

Treat with respect ex-spouse. After you meet a new friend, avoid using phrases in which you speak unflatteringly about your past partner.

It is difficult to find a couple who have never quarreled. IN life together Sometimes there is a clash of interests, and partners have to somehow get out of it - look for compromises, agree to concessions. If done correctly, quarrels can even be useful, because they help resolve situations that did not suit one of the partners.

Calm, just calm

There are men who are delighted by angry women. While you are screaming, periodically breaking into a squeal, waving a rolling pin, and your bangs bristling militantly, young man eyes light up. He makes a deft lunge, deprives you of the rolling pin, and now you are pounding your fists into his broad chest, and he begins to push you into the bedroom. However, there are few such men. The majority of the stronger sex tolerates female squeals and tears extremely poorly. If you want to quarrel correctly and successfully convey your message, do it without hysterical sobbing and throwing plates at your spouse.

As children, boys are forbidden to hit girls, but adults rarely pay attention when girls hit boys. During a quarrel, do not get carried away with physical assault: this is offensive to the man, and in some cases, painful.

With sense, with arrangement

Convey your complaints calmly and to the maximum extent possible. Perhaps the young man had no idea how much his habit of not removing his hair from his comb irritates you. And if he guessed, but for some reason she is dear to him, you will have to look for compromises together - whether to get each a separate set of combs or change your hairstyle.

Be straightforward and don't beat around the bush. If you don’t like the fact that while you’re sick, a man doesn’t cook you chicken soup but goes on raids, say so, and don’t confuse him with vague hints.

Game of silence

Playing the silent game is a fairly common behavior strategy after a quarrel. The offended woman turns away and falls silent, demonstratively minding her own business. It is assumed that the repentant partner should bring the necessary words of apology, but in reality he may not even know the cause of the conflict, and in response to timid attempts to clarify the situation or simply make peace, the lady buries herself even deeper in the book. You can remain silent offendedly only in cases where you are sure that your partner is aware of what you are offended by. And this should not be done for long, otherwise the man will get used to it and even begin to enjoy the silence.

Talk less, work more

If reasonable arguments do not help in a quarrel with a partner, it’s time to move on to action (or inaction - it all depends on the specific situation). When you come home, your spouse carelessly throws his clothes on a chair, although you asked him many times not to do this, ironed the crumpled suit and put it in the closet? Just leave things where the man put them. The next morning he will either rush to get his jacket back to normal, or put on another one, but if he doesn’t learn to hang his clothes in the closet, he will soon run out of fresh suits, and he will either have to learn to keep things in order or iron his own things.

There probably isn't one married couple, who would at least once, and not quarrel. Psychologists say: quarreling with a loved one is useful - it strengthens the family, allowing you to voice your complaints to each other. Thus, the conflict can be resolved in the bud. However, the feelings that remain in the soul after a quarrel are, to put it mildly, unpleasant. How you need to quarrel “correctly” so that a truce follows after the scandal.

Time and place. The best option will happen if your quarrel happens away from prying eyes. Then you won’t have to blush for your incontinence. Moreover, the sweet reconciliation that is sure to follow certainly does not need witnesses.

It is important for parents to remember that it is forbidden to quarrel in front of children. For them, this is a disaster, the collapse of their stable world. If, nevertheless, the kids witnessed the conflict, try to calmly explain to them that you still love them and love each other.

Definitely don’t start arguments on an empty stomach. Hungry people are always more aggressive, and hungry men are doubly irritable.

Don't procrastinate. Over time, a postponed conversation can develop into a real scandal. Emotions that have not received an outlet will gradually accumulate and can spill out at any moment. If your other half is trying with all his might to avoid discussing the issue, be persistent and explain that this topic haunts you.

Only one topic. In a quarrel, try not to bring to light all your old sins. Limit yourself to solving one pressing problem. Try to avoid the temptation to remember all past grievances.

We build claims correctly. Depending on what exact phrase comes out of your mouth, the perception of the same situation may be different. “You forgot to call me back again!” - this is a complete accusation that can cause irritation. “I was very worried when you didn’t call back” - the emphasis is on your feelings, and such a phrase is perceived completely differently.

Watch your words and actions. If the quarrel has flared up in earnest, still try to control what you say. Insults, comparisons with someone, or simply unflattering statements hurt deeply and are remembered for a long time. No matter how angry you are, under no circumstances stoop to assault. Physical aggression is a long-term, huge offense.

The most pleasant thing after a constructive quarrel is reconciliation. However, there is no need to rush if you have not “cooled down” yet. But it’s also not right to delay. It’s not worth going to bed with grudges against each other, because... Day-long quarrels only make the situation worse. If it is still difficult to forgive your other half, think about the pleasant moments in your life. married life, remember, in the end, why you fell in love with this person. And the anger will disappear, as if it never existed at all.

Surely every family knows what a quarrel is. Quarrels can be different - from offended silence to a loud scandal, and even to assault. But it’s worth knowing that even the quietest disagreement leaves a mark on a relationship. Therefore, we need to learn how to prevent them.

Very often, people accumulate some complaints against each other, hush them up, and so much discontent accumulates that one awkward move can cause a storm of indignation. The second side, on whom all this is poured out, rightly tries to justify itself, but the result is even worse. In order not to make a mountain out of a mountain, it is simply necessary to discuss any dissatisfaction. Small remarks will replace a major quarrel in which it is not so much the spouses themselves who suffer as their children.

But, even if a quarrel could not be avoided, you must not allow it to destroy the entire relationship. You can’t lump everything together and remember all the mistakes that happened over all the years you’ve lived. These mistakes may have already been corrected; after them there was a completely peaceful family life, why stir up the old?

Another eternal mistake is that when spouses quarrel, they try to hurt each other as much as possible. But this does not solve the problem, does not eliminate the causes of the quarrel, but most likely, on the contrary, it causes a reaction from the defense and even stronger accusations are thrown at the attacker.

The main rules of scandal

Unfortunately modern life does not exclude scandals. Communication with others often forces you to be able to stand up for yourself. Surely, everyone in their life has thought about how not to cross the line beyond which a person ceases to be a social being and turns into an evil monster. Therefore, the problem of how to swear correctly is very relevant.

First of all, you need to learn to control yourself. Keep in mind that any violent scandal may sooner or later lead to a point after which it will be difficult for you to manage your actions. Therefore, you need to learn to control yourself and interrupt the scandal in time. Any situation will be resolved most effectively only when passions subside and negative emotions become less obvious.

Learn not to harbor resentment. Accumulating as a heavy burden, they will sooner or later result in a huge scandal. A much greater effect can be achieved by discussing the problem immediately after it arises in a calm environment.

Always try to choose the right time and a place to sort things out. It has special meaning, because otherwise, the desired result will not be obtained. For example, a husband who is late for work will not hear your requests for help, no matter how convincing they may be.

Correct words

It is equally important to use Right words and phrases. Try to choose individual words and sentences carefully. Your goal in any disagreement should be the ability to ensure that further events occur in the direction you want. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the fact that insulting a person will lead to the opposite result, because offended person, most likely, will do everything against you.

Your speech should be calm. Do not persistently prove that you are right and avoid using phrases that provoke a scandal in conversations. For example, very often phrases such as “there’s no point in talking to you,” “what an egoist you are,” or “you’re not good for anything” lead to a scandal. Try not to move away from the main topic of the conversation; you should not remember past grievances. Otherwise, everything will be intertwined and, as a result, the conversation will not lead to anything good.

Never mention third parties during an argument. Relatives and friends should not become the subject of a showdown. This is due to the fact that you will make peace, and the involved relatives will not be able to forgive you for this for a long time.

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This pause is very important point, it will allow you not to get into a quarrel and begin to control the situation. You need to calm down and minimize your first negative reaction.

At this stage, it is important to continue to restrain yourself from entering into a quarrel, without allowing yourself to be drawn into it. To do this, you can, for example, smile - this can soften the situation, but this can only be done if it is appropriate, the context of the situation is important here; Also, as a universal recipe, you should use simple silence - you need to silently listen to your wife, non-verbally confirming that you are listening carefully.

Further, when a woman has passed the peak of emotional stress, she needs to find a way to give in to her wife, showing it this way - she needs to agree with her. You may still be against it in principle, but it is important to agree with her opinion, confirm that you understand her, are ready to listen, and respect her opinion.

In this concession we show that we are strong. We do not reject her opinion, we do not go into conflict. We are ready to discuss. Next you need to move on to a calm discussion of the problem.

Restraint, calmness, an offer to discuss the problem, giving in to the argument, maximum goodwill - all this should give results.

Hello, I’m Irina. I’m 17 years old. I live with a friend, almost my husband. He’s older than me, he’s 29.
at first everything was fine, everything was even perfect. I, as a wife, was waiting for him from work, cooking, washing, etc. Well, I also left him with chores around the house.
Everyone envied us at first, when we once quarreled, constant quarrels and scandals ensued...
I’m very afraid of losing him. He was already ready to take my things. I had to stop, accept that I was wrong..
He doesn’t want to discuss the topic, he starts screaming. Although it all started because of a question. I asked: do you keep photos of your ex?..
With a scandal, he began to get ready and explain that this was not his ex. (let’s say so) I didn’t answer anything. I just can’t calm down after this quarrel. Our dishes broke and much more...
when I want to fully find out what happened, he starts making trouble...
I’m just afraid of losing him, but I don’t want to remain silent about the fact that it hurts me, because before he was on his knees before the home. And now I understand that he doesn’t seem to need me...(((
I feel very bad, I can’t sleep at night.
I roar constantly.
I’ve either lost trust in him, I can’t calm down, what should I do? help me please!!!

Irina, you are jealous of his ex.

A strong feeling of jealousy is directly related to self-doubt and a heightened sense of ownership. For the feeling of dominance you have to pay with the fear of losing this dominance.

To reduce your jealousy, you should talk to your husband about your feelings and fears, but only without accusing him of infidelity.

Always doubt your assumptions, do not rush to conclusions.

Replace the feeling of jealousy with a feeling of admiration. Turn your imaginary rival into an adviser and teacher. Make this unpleasant feeling work for you, let it become a reason for self-development. Self-respect and self-love for your loved one are no less important than showing the same feelings to people dear to you. Think about the fact that your husband is with you because he loves you. If this were not so, he is unlikely to waste time on a relationship with you. Think about the fact that your husband has friends with whom he wants to communicate. This does not mean that he is deceiving or cheating on you. Use this time for your business, hobbies and communication with your friends.

If you want your husband to be passionate about you, be independent and don't let your life revolve solely around him. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of your husband. Remember everything Nice words and the compliments he told you. Think about why he would cheat on such a wonderful wife like you. Try to keep your jealousy under control and do not let it guide your actions.

Good luck to you!

Good answer 3 Bad answer 0

Hello Irina.

“I asked: do you keep photos of your ex?..” You expected to receive the answer: “No, you are the most important thing to me in life!” (or something like that). Would you like him to erase the twenty years of life that he had before you? But in this life there was not only bad for him, there was also joy and happiness. Why should he cross out all this to please you? This is something akin to if he began to make claims to you that you once allowed yourself to kiss someone other than him first.

“Now I understand that he doesn’t seem to need me...” Because of old photographs, are you ready to cross out all the good things that happened between you? Don't you think the price is too high?

Good answer 7 Bad answer 0

Hello Irina! I noticed your husband’s reaction - that this is not an ex. If not the ex, then which one? Real? Then why is he with you? It seems that your almost-husband has not yet completely dotted the i’s in his past relationships, since this topic is causing such a strong reaction. And then your jealousy is justified. What to do? Talk about your feelings. For example: “I get offended (anxious, worried, jealous, etc.) when you say or do this. I would like you not to shout (speak calmly, explain to me, etc.) “Don’t blame him in his reactions, but simply say about your feelings and what you would like. And let your husband also tell you according to this scheme about his feelings and needs. After all, no matter how much you want to lose him, losing yourself is even worse. If you find it difficult to cope on your own, go to a psychologist. Good luck to you!

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

The consequences of a family quarrel are truly disastrous. And first of all, because after a quarrel we spoil relationships with people who are really dear to us. Of course, it’s easier to have a conflict with a fellow traveler on public transport or a salesperson in a store. It will have virtually no impact on your life. But if a quarrel arises with a loved one, you risk losing, if not everything, then a lot: love, trust, support.

So let's learn once and for all to avoid quarrels and neutralize their consequences.

A few rules

Rule #1. Cool down. If you feel that the time for a quarrel is approaching, leave the room. Distancing yourself from your husband and being in a calm environment will give you precious time to calm down and return to the problem later. It will even be better if you postpone solving the problem until tomorrow. Not best advice– solve all problems instantly. This way, you can rest and return to the problem the next morning with a clearer mind. Perhaps what started the quarrel with your husband will turn out to be completely unimportant and insignificant.

Rule #2. Avoid immediately becoming offended and resorting to insults. Understand that this will not solve the problem, and will probably make it even worse. Instead, during a quarrel with your husband (wife), listen to his (her) arguments and be prepared to accept the truth that may be present in his words. Be willing to admit when you are wrong or wrong. This approach requires you to calm down and listen to your significant other and think rationally.

Rule #3. Finally, stop shouting and stubbornly proving something to your husband during a quarrel. During or after a quarrel, start touching if you see that there is no end to the conflict. Kiss and hug each other. Physical intimacy will help restore the connection between you.

Rule #4. Don't prioritize moral victory, but prioritize relationships if they are truly important to you. After all, quarrels with your husband eat up a piece of love every time. Develop a solution that will resolve the situation every time. This may require you to take the first step towards compromise. But by making it clear to your husband (wife) that your first move indicates your priority in the relationship, you encourage your spouse to take that step first next time.

Rule #5. Never drag your parents into a quarrel between you and your husband. Such a conflict is a problem of only two people, husband and wife, so you should not involve a third party every time, in the form of parents, even if it does not seem right to you (especially for women).

If you also involve your parents, this problem will no longer be a conflict between two people, but between two families. The quarrel will more easily fade into the background without their help, and by drawing them in, it will have a ripple effect and may never end.

Rule #6. Avoid violence when you quarrel. Quarrels pass and this is natural. Over time, the reasons that caused them are forgotten. But, nevertheless, no matter how fierce it is, in no case should you resort to violence. Physical pain and humiliation, contrary to popular belief, are not forgotten for a very long time. And your spouse, who once raised his hand against you, will most likely repeat it again.

Rule #7. Never talk about divorce, no matter how tough the quarrel with your husband is. After all, in the end it will definitely happen. With these words you set yourself up for this state of affairs. And then ex-husband Both the wife and wife will regret the impulsive divorce and especially those who still deeply love each other.

Rule #8. Never run away from home in anger. Movies often show scenarios where the wife runs away from home and the husband catches up with her and apologizes. However, in the real world, this is unlikely to happen, since both of you are indignant and in this state, either of you is unlikely to want to take the first step. Thus, it is best to remain silent, and after you both have calmed down, calmly resolve the conflict.

Rule #9. You should still sleep together at night after a fight. This is the best way to end a tense situation. In the beginning, you may turn your back to each other, but after you fall asleep, your joint habits will work in your favor. When you wake up in the morning after a quarrel, you will find that you are looking at your husband’s hand, and he is smiling at you, and the conflict will end by itself.

Rule #10. If you have used all the methods and feel that the quarrel cannot be resolved on its own, then it is time to consider including a third party in your conflict. And, of course, as stated above, these should not be relatives, friends or neighbors. Currently, there are many ways to get quality help: this includes turning to family psychologists, relationship consultants, or enrolling in family therapy courses.

An unhappy marriage, according to psychologists, can exist without quarrels, but a happy one can exist without them. Unfortunately, the occurrence of conflicts and friction between husband and wife is almost inevitable. It is important to learn how to resolve them correctly, and after a quarrel, put your relationship at the forefront, and not imaginary principles.

Family quarrels are a regular repair of decaying family love.

V. Klyuchevsky “Aphorisms and thoughts about history”