Pensions for Russian military personnel per year. Vladimir Putin signed two laws relating to pensions: major changes. Indexation of pensions in the new year: new law

On December 7, 2016, the Lower House of Parliament adopted in the second and third readings a law according to which, from February 1, 2017, the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions for military personnel is increased from 69.45% to 72.23% (by 2.78%). . The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the State Duma.

Similarly, pensions are increased for persons who served in internal affairs bodies and agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in the state fire service and in institutions and bodies of the penal system.

In addition, the same amount of monetary allowance is established for calculating pensions for military personnel of the Russian Guard.

The military pension will be increased by 2% from January 1, 2017...!?

The Russian leadership has decided to change to a certain extent the pension system of payments to military pensioners from next year, namely, its size should now be considered in proportion to the amount that he received in the last five years.

Another recent piece of news for Russian military pensioners that they have been waiting for is that military pensions will be increased by 2% from January 1, 2017, excluding bonus payments. Is it a lot or a little - answer this question yourself... which is already obvious...

What military pensioners will receive as a result, let’s say - quite a bit, however, the level of their pension provision is 150-200% higher than that of ordinary employees and public sector employees, for example, teachers and doctors. By the way, there is still no talk about the indexation of military pensions is not maintained by anyone. website

It should also be noted that during the coming 2017, military pensions will most likely be increased not twice as usual, but only once.

Another unpleasant news is that you can hardly count on some benefits, for example, free travel in city and suburban transport, as well as compensation for land taxes, may be canceled.

Increase in military pension in 2017 - will there be indexation?

Judging by the latest news, the burning issue of increasing and indexing military pension among this category of Russian pensioners in 2017, is one of the highest priorities and important for them, as well as, according to rumors, for the Russian government.

The issue of increasing and indexing pensions is not a joke, let’s say, it is very significant and painful for many categories of people, of whom there are more and more every day, those whom the current situation in the economy and social policy put you on the brink of survival - what will happen next? "It's scary to think"...

As of today, there is no clear answer from our government regarding this topic, it does not react in any way to the current state of affairs, perhaps this problem will somehow be resolved by the very beginning of the coming year - wait and see, but when we see it we’ll cry, is that what they say?

What does the silence of the Russian government mean? We guess that it itself does not know how everything will turn out, because it is too early to talk about any final figures for the future budget, so the country’s leadership, in our opinion, is deliberately delaying this issue, hopes for the best, like you and me, military pensioners on the same list.

To some extent, the new “Effective Army” program, which has the right to control the expenditure of funds, can help in this matter. After all, in just one year, she managed to replenish the military treasury by more than one billion rubles.

What will happen in the end, whether military pensioners will receive the much-anticipated increase in military pensions in 2017, and whether there will be indexation and an increase in guaranteed state compensation payments - we will already find out closer to the beginning of next year, and maybe even at the beginning, for example, they will introduce the innovation retroactively, sometimes this happens, or they will organize a one-time payment...

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 - are you expecting an increase?

We have already talked above, and openly, about Russian pensions and pensioners, civilian and military citizens of this category, about the fact that it is practically impossible to live with dignity on the current pension, moreover, it is almost unrealistic.

Russia positions itself in the world as a developed military power that spares no expense to ensure the security of its country and territory; we participate in a variety of conflicts on the territory of other countries, sparing no expense on this, as well as on current and former defenders of the Russian state.

But in recent years, things have somehow not worked out with the latter, I mean with military pensioners, they are being “offended” more and more.

If before, just a few years ago, they received a rather large pension and had enough for a lot, then recently, especially for two or three years, the level of their pension in comparison with inflation and rising prices, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.

It is well known that our country’s military budget is very large as a percentage of GDP and is increasing every year.

Then the question arises - why are military pensioners deprived of this pie, what did they do to deserve such treatment, faithful service to the Russian state, or something else?

Our country's leadership, including its government, justifies all the troubles with the crisis in Russia, the difficult economic situation as a result of falling energy prices, as well as international sanctions.

Then the question arises: why, in this case, are the costs of maintaining the army, police and other security forces rising so much? Is there no crisis for them? Don't Russian civilians have the right to a decent life?

Although in this case we can say it differently - since everyone is going to suffer, let’s somehow evenly distribute the suffering equally among everyone, and not just among pensioners, state employees, disabled people, privileged categories of people, women on maternity leave, students and others who are not included in security and military structures. website

So at least it will be honest and not ashamed to look each other in the eyes, a policeman - a pensioner, a military man - a doctor, a prosecutor - a teacher, an investigator - a disabled person, and so on...

Latest military pension news 2017 - prospects and causes of problems...

Income levels have been falling for almost two years in a row. Russian citizens, prices during this period also increased by no less, which is why we are all trying to understand “where is the limit to the lawlessness”, when the former stability has already arrived, which we were once accustomed to, but have now begun to forget.

Who cares about what, and military pensioners are extremely interested in whether there will be an increase and indexation of their well-deserved pension in 2017, if they increase it, then by how much and when? And these questions of theirs are legitimate, understandable and logical.

Agree, after all, everything is learned by comparison - and they have something to compare with, for another couple or three years they lived comfortably, but today they are forced to deny themselves in many ways and limit themselves to the most necessary things, medicines, decent food, not to mention quality treatment and rest (by the sea, in a sanatorium, dispensary, etc.).

How could this happen, you may ask, how could the state allow the level of pensions to be in such a state, not only for military people, but for this entire category of Russian citizens, why it didn’t keep track, and so on.

The answer is simple and obvious - the fact is that pension accruals and indexation in last years were disproportionately small, unjustifiably low in comparison with the level of inflation, the depreciation of the ruble and, accordingly, the general rise in prices for literally all food products and utilities.

One of the main reasons, or rather there are two main reasons:

The first of which is a sharp reduction in the cost of hydrocarbons on world markets, primarily oil and gas, traditional Russian export goods, which brought more than 50% of the income to the federal budget.

The second reason, which hits our economy very hard, is international sanctions against Russia, for well-known reasons - the annexation of Crimea, which almost the countries of the world consider a gross annexation, and the behavior (aggressive Russian policy) in Ukraine in the Donbass, where with our direct assistance to the separatists has been going on for three years now.

Now let's return to our topic, so - have you ever wondered why abroad, in normal countries, a pensioner feels confident, allows himself a lot, he is socially protected and can afford a lot.

So we are interested in this question and, unfortunately, we cannot give an answer to it, although we can guess what the reason is low pensions among Russian pensioners in recent years, including military personnel.

This year, statistical data was provided based on research conducted - from them it became known that the average income for this period (current year) decreased by approximately 15%.

If, in addition, we take into account the drop in income levels in the last year and the year before, we can draw an unmistakable conclusion that pensioners see and think they will make themselves.

But here’s what’s alarming - according to economic experts, this is far from the limit, chaos awaits us ahead, rising prices for essential goods will only increase and it is unlikely that any indexation and increase in pensions will compensate for them.

Inflation, which the government promised to curb this year, is unlikely to be contained, especially next year, so “everything interesting” awaits us ahead. You can read about inflation this and next year in the article below at the link...

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Indexation of military pension 2017 - at the level of inflation?

Every year, the Russian government, as all pensioners are already accustomed to, carries out a planned indexation of military pensions by at least 2 percent.

When carrying out planned indexation, as a rule, the inflation rate of the past year is taken into account, as well as the current and plus economic state of the country as a whole. It is usually carried out twice a year, every spring and autumn. website

As for the indexation of military pensions in the coming 2017 at the level of last year’s inflation, which is already known to be difficult from an economic point of view, it remains a big question and it is not clear whether it will be at all.

As they say, we (military pensioners) can only wait, hope and count on a successful result. After all, with each passing day it becomes more and more difficult to live, and prices are rising, not paying attention to anything, especially to the problems of some pensioners, and here also with inflation, not everything is clear and understandable.

Predicting inflation in 2017 is a thankless task; how and where inflationary processes lead is still unclear, but it is clear that they will not lead the Russian population, or the country as a whole, to anything good.

All this, of course, is quite sad and is unlikely to please the Russian population, much less pensioners, and the country’s leadership is probably not happy with the current situation in Russia.

So what to do and what to do, what to expect and what miracle should the Russian average person and pensioner count on, or is it time for him to give recommendations - to live with current realities, dream and fantasize about the sharp increase in energy costs, regret that “manna from heaven” is somewhere stuck on the way to Russia, or something else?

What will military pensions be like in 2017?- this is not an idle question, since in recent years the indexation of military pensions has been “frozen”. And although former military personnel do not receive so little after the recent reform, many of them are concerned about the issue of promotion.

Let us recall that at the end of 2015, deputies of the State Duma considered a bill on the abolition of indexation of pensions for military personnel until 2017. The reason for this decision, according to experts, was the economic situation - the country's budget for the current year simply would not have met the planned indexation of military pensions by 2%, as provided for by federal legislation.

However, on February 1, 2016, military pensioners still waited for indexation - their pensions increased by 4%. Is this too much or too little? According to official data alone, inflation in the country in the first three months of this year 2016 amounted to 2.1%. Actual inflation, as a rule, turns out to be several times higher (at least 2 or 3 times) than that which is cheerfully voiced on the pages of the media by officials and statisticians.

Thus, the economic crisis still hit pensioners, and it is not surprising that they are wondering whether there will be an increase in military pensions in 2017.

By the way, it is worth noting that it was initially planned to increase military pensions by 7% every year. As we see, in modern economic conditions this turned out to be completely impossible, because this forecast was compiled at high oil prices, long before the sanctions and the time when it “stormed” not only the Russian, but also the entire world economy.

But there is also optimistic news. At least, the government has been cautiously hinting lately that the country has already passed the “bottom” of the crisis. According to financiers, some stabilization in the economic sector is expected in 2017. And it would be logical for us to first return to acute social problems, including the issue of increasing the pensions of military pensioners.

True, even if the situation develops favorably, there is a risk that military pensioners will lose some benefits. There are rumors that the increase in pensions for military personnel in 2017 in Russia is planned to be achieved by reducing or completely eliminating free travel, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and compensation for land taxes, which military pensioners currently enjoy. Let's hope that the government will not agree to such radical measures, although this moment this prospect seems quite real.

Another persistent rumor that may well turn into reality is that next year it is planned to index military pensions not twice, as has always been the case, but only once - in January or October. So far, this possibility is only being considered by officials. different levels, the final decision has not yet been made. The final option will depend on what the country will achieve by the new year, 2017, what economic indicators will be achieved and whether economic growth will be recorded or its stagnation will continue.

The total number of military pensioners in Russia is quite large and continues to grow. According to the most conservative assumptions, it is planned to allocate more than 3 trillion rubles just to increase pensions for military pensioners in 2017. The latest news reports that in 2016 it will take 3.23 trillion to index pensions, and next year - already 3.36.

As you know, to obtain a military pension, only 20 years of service are required (that is, the minimum period of service). Thus, most military personnel have the right to a well-deserved rest at just over 40 years of age. Naturally, it is unlikely that a healthy man at that age will sit at home and watch TV - military pensioners, as a rule, very quickly find another job and earn “civilian service” and a second pension. It would seem that everything is fair and beneficial for the country, because it does not lose its workforce. But to some officials, having two pensions for the military seems an unjustified luxury in a crisis. It’s paradoxical, but true - the question periodically comes up about leaving the military with only one type of pension, of their choice. Will this be done in 2017? It is impossible to say for sure, although such a possibility exists. Or there is the option that “civilian” pensions for military personnel will be frozen and temporarily deprived of indexation. What the authorities will ultimately decide is anyone's guess.

By the way, there is another unpleasant rumor. Recently, the government has seriously thought about increasing the retirement age. Officials will begin to retire later this year, and in the near future the authorities will be working on schemes to increase retirement age and for other categories of citizens. It is possible that this will also affect the military.

It is assumed that in the future, in order to accrue a military pension, you will need to serve not 20, but at least 5 years more. Taking into account the fact that the military receives a well-deserved pension earlier than ordinary people, this seems to be an insignificant increase. And without a doubt, we should not lightly forget that service in the ranks of the Russian army is not always “dust-free” desk work, otherwise seniority would not come so early. This is a great responsibility, and constant combat readiness, frequent travel, readiness to carry out any order, and sometimes the need to participate in various types of military operations (although recently they prefer to call them “peacekeeping operations”, but the very essence of these “events” does not change this changes). The more military benefits and the earlier the pension, the more risks and less health. Let's hope that officials will not be able to ignore this fact when thinking up new laws on military pensions and benefits... or on their abolition and "freezing"

However, even if the retirement age for the military is raised, this will happen gradually and not in 2017. In the next couple of years, neither future nor existing military retirees should worry or worry about this.

Vladimir Putin signed two laws concerning pensions for Russian citizens and military personnel. The essence of the laws is to pay increased financial support to working pensioners and those whose seniority occurred during the Soviet period, as well as to make additional concessions to certain categories of citizens.

Law on increasing the amount of payments

The latest news reports which law Putin signed on pensions. This is a law to increase the degree of pension well-being for older citizens, taking into account Soviet work experience and, of course, the public protection of working people.

As the President said: “Let the heads of regions also make a contribution to the elimination of poverty, because the announced increase will make it possible to increase the cost of living of a pensioner by more than one and a half times.”

This increase also applies to wealthy regions with sufficient high level life. The governors of the federation are required to establish the number of residents for whom assistance will be allocated.

Such an increase in pensions by an average of 1,000 rubles is becoming possible thanks to the pension reform.

It is planned to provide assistance and assistance to citizens for whom this is their only income in life. Especially when its size does not reach the minimum subsistence level established in the regions. Additional social assistance will be provided for such persons.

Indexation of pensions in the new year: new law

The Russian government reviews the size of the pension budget every year.

From January 1, benefit payments will increase by 7.05%, and the average size monthly payments for pensioners will be 15,185 rubles.

In February, those citizens who are assigned labor pension old age and

Federal beneficiaries will receive an additional 2.4% monthly, starting in February:

  1. veterans;
  2. war participants;

The next state assistance is provided for the month of April. Benefits will increase for those people who are on full state provision. This relaxation will affect citizens who are not currently working. Increased benefits will also be received by: disabled children, people with disabilities from birth, Chernobyl victims, and persons who are assigned two types of payments. These include WWII participants, war veterans and widows of those killed.

The procedure for increasing the amount of monthly payments

Citizens with minimum experience are in the forefront of increasing income. The benefit amount will be small more than 9000 rubles.

Next, payments to disabled people of the first group and children disabled since childhood will increase. The additional payment for this category will increase to 14 thousand rubles. will also affect disability pensions for military personnel. Their allowance will increase significantly and amount to about 30,000 rubles.

Approval of one-time payments

The legislation approves two categories lump sum payment for Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War: 10,000 and 7,000 rubles.

Help in the amount of 10,000 rubles will be received by:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • workers at air defense facilities;
  • faces of the navy.

These payments became an annual gift to people who survived those difficult times.

One-time assistance of 7,000 rubles will be received by:

  • former adult prisoners of concentration camps and prisons;
  • home front workers.

Last year, one-time assistance was provided to two million people. This year the number of residents has decreased significantly due to the departure of veterans.

Changing the amount of payments for working citizens

According to statistics for 2018, about 43 million pensioners live in the Russian Federation.

A third of people go to work every day. Unfortunately, this category of Russians is not provided for this year.

The Ministry of Russia will recalculate pensions in connection with an increase in length of service and will make a small bonus, which will be 3 pension points . This means that assistance to working pensioners will amount to 261 rubles.

Innovations approved by Putin regarding non-working beneficiaries

Let us recall that Putin signed 2 laws on pensions, which relate to and. So, from January 1, the pension will increase by 7.05%. Thus, the income of Russians will increase by 1000 rubles. The cost of living of residents will also increase. At the moment it is 8,615 rubles. People receiving benefits below this level are given a supplement.

Labor pensions for non-working pensioners will increase by 1,000 rubles per year over the next three years, and by 2020 will amount to 16,500 rubles.

Those citizens who are on a well-deserved rest and do not work will be paid an additional percentage corresponding to the level of the subsistence level. All expenses are included in the state fund budget. Also, from April 1, the social payments by 2.4%.

Planned state budget expenditures for development pension system in 2019 will amount to 6.635 trillion rubles.

Since 2017, pensions have been indexed only non-working pensioners. Upon dismissal from work, all unpaid indexations were made three full months after leaving work.

Note: from this year additional payment will be carried out from the next month after dismissal. All missed benefits can only be returned if paid from work from the first day of the next month.

New law on military pensions

It is known that the income of former military personnel is not the smallest in the country. This is due to the fact that those liable for military service endure great moral and physical stress while in service. After the oath, they are completely devoted to the Russian Armed Forces and are subject to severe trials.

Retired military personnel are acutely concerned about the issue of receiving additional payments. According to known data, the size of the pension and indexation will directly depend on the degree wages for the last five years of service, as well as from the position and rank of retiree.

Pension increases are divided into two categories:

  1. upon reaching a certain age;
  2. for health reasons (disability).

According to the decisions made in 2018, it will begin on January 1. Pension Fund allocated 2.26 billion rubles for these purposes. Benefits will be increased for all retirees, and a number of supplements and benefits will be prepared for distribution.

Indexation of pensions and allowances for military personnel and persons equivalent to them

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting in the State Duma called for establishing relations with all government agencies for the timely issuance of pension benefits. provides for increased benefits and police officers, guardsmen.

According to the President, the income of the pension budget allows indexation for all military personnel.

Let us remind you that according to last year’s Decree, pensioners and military personnel were paid an additional payment of 5,000 rubles. At the end of 2018, there was information that due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the indexation of military benefits was frozen. But pension reform will allow the military to pay an average pension of 26,200 rubles.

Important! Another additional payment for military personnel and persons equivalent to them will be made in April.

Let us note that, according to the statements of many economists, Russia has a controversial law on military pensions. The work experience is 20 years, that is, a person retires at the age of about forty. Bills are being considered to increase the length of service to thirty years. Presumably, this will save significant money and increase retirement satisfaction. As for the final decision on the autumn indexation of the military, the government does not yet have an answer.

In the spring, head of state Vladimir Putin ordered the preparation of a document increasing the length of service for employees of law enforcement agencies. According to the draft law, the lower limit of retirement will be increased from twenty to twenty-five years. In this case, we are not talking about indexing. Most likely, military pensions will not be recalculated from October 1, 2017.

Raising the retirement age of military personnel

The security forces have prepared a bill according to which, in order to receive a military pension, a person must have at least 25 years of service. If the initiative is approved, the changes will affect the federal law of February 12, 1993, which regulates pensions for military personnel and members of their families. How do they pass it on? last news, increasing the lower threshold will allow the federal budget to save several hundred billion rubles annually.

Work on the document began in the spring, by order of Head of State Vladimir Putin. At the end of May the draft law was ready. However, taking into account the nuances, a number of consultations related to social, financial and economic security still remain before the State Duma begins to consider the document. The law is expected to be adopted in next year, after the presidential elections in the country.

Also, the authors of the bill have not yet reported how the procedure for increasing the lower threshold for retirement will be carried out, whether transition period. At the moment, only one thing is known: the changes, if adopted, will not affect those military personnel whose contract expiration date coincides with twenty years of service. Everyone else will have to serve an additional five years.

Will there be an increase in military pension?

The issue of raising the lower threshold has been discussed for a long time. Back in 2013, it was proposed to carry out the procedure in two stages:

  1. Until 2019 - an increase of 25% of the pension for those military personnel whose service is more than 20 years, but who continue to serve.
  2. From January 1, 2019 – set the lower threshold for the right to receive a military pension to 25 years.

This initiative was rejected due to insufficient funds in the federal budget to make payments during the transition period.

Two years later, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov returned to this issue. Then the Ministry of Finance proposed increasing the service life to thirty years, but this option was rejected. In addition, the unstable economic situation in the country forced the ministry to refuse to increase payments to this category of pensioners.

While work is underway, it is unknown whether the next indexation of military pensions will take place this year. Previously, in addition to increasing by the amount of inflation, pensions were indexed by an additional 2%. However, this year, most likely, these payments will be suspended. In any case, at the moment the corresponding government decree on the annual increase for this category of recipients has not been published.

“Double” military pension

Security forces who, after retirement, continue to lead labor activity, have the right to receive a “civilian” pension. Payments are made by the Penfund in the same way as to other recipients: age must be at least 55 and 60 years (for women and men, respectively), minimum work experience of 8 years (in 2017. With an annual increase of one year, by 2024 it will be 15 years).

Average pension size in 2016:

Important! Indexation of monetary allowance has not been carried out over the past five years.

Meanwhile, data from VTsIOM suggests that the majority of Russians want to end their employment relationships and retire at age 56.8.

2017-12-05 12:20:00

The President signed the Federal Law “On suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision persons who passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" in connection with Federal law“On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”

The federal law was adopted by the State Duma on November 24, 2017 and approved by the Federation Council on November 29, 2017.
Help from the State Legal Department
The federal law was adopted on the basis of paragraph 6 of Article 192 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, if in the next financial year and planning period the total amount of expenses is insufficient to financially support the expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation submits to the State Duma a draft federal law on changing the dates of entry into force (suspension) in the next financial year and planning period of certain provisions of federal laws that are not provided with sources of funding in the next financial year and (or) planning period.
The federal law provides for the suspension until January 1, 2019 of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families,” according to which monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating pensions from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and starting from 1 January 2013 increases annually by 2 percent until reaching 100 percent of its size.
At the same time, the Federal Law establishes that the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions in accordance with Article 43 of the said Law of the Russian Federation, from January 1, 2018, is 72.23 percent of the amount of the specified monetary allowance. Thus, the Federal Law preserves for 2018 the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions in accordance with Article 43 of the said Law of the Russian Federation, established by the corresponding Federal Law for 2017.

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At the same time, the revision (indexation) of pensions for persons who served in military service, service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families will be issued from January 1, 2018 on the basis of the first part of Article 43 of the said Law of the Russian Federation in connection with the increase in the allowance of military personnel and other relevant categories of citizens.

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