From traditional methods to conspiracies: how to treat fear in a child on your own? Treatment and signs of fear in a child Consequences of fear in a child

“Fear” is one of the manifestations of childhood neurosis, which most often affects children under the age of three. However, in preschool and younger children school age Such a phenomenon has become not uncommon today. What is the reason for such disorders of the child’s nervous system? How to recognize them in time and eliminate them without “triggering” the situation?

Causes of fear

Little children are especially sensitive natures. They are influenced not only by external factors, but also by the emotional state of loved ones. That is why it can be quite difficult to determine what exactly caused the baby to be scared.

This condition can be provoked by:

  1. Sudden loud noises or screams;
  2. Natural phenomena in the form of thunder, lightning, very strong gusts of wind, rain, hail;
  3. Large animals;
  4. A scary image in a picture, TV screen or computer game;
  5. Strangers who show excessive activity in communicating with the baby, who are not ready to make contact, are intoxicated, or behave inappropriately;
  6. Stressful situations (at home, in kindergarten, school);
  7. Excessive severity in education: a child may be terribly afraid of punishment if it follows even a minor offense;
  8. The reaction of the parents to a certain situation (for example, when the child fell slightly, the mother reacted so emotionally that the baby understood that this was very scary, and next time his reaction would be identical);
  9. Sudden discomfort(vaccination, dental procedures, blood donation - if the child has not been explained about the manipulations that will be performed);
  10. “Horror stories” invented by adults. “Babais”, “gypsies”, “guys with a bag” and other characters who will “take away” the baby if he does not obey are far from relics of the past. As it turns out, even in our time, parents (more often grandparents) use this “method of persuasion” in raising children.

Signs of fear

The main task of parents is to detect manifestations of fear as early as possible in order to prevent it from “growing” into more serious phobias and fears, which will be much more difficult to eliminate.

The main signs of fear in a child are:

  • Night sleep disorders

The baby may cry loudly, whine, scream, without even opening his eyes, and may often wake up and call his parents;

  • Nightmares

They can bother the baby so much that he continues to remember them even after waking up;

  • Excessive excitability

This is especially noticeable in usually calm children: when neurosis manifests itself, their movements become abrupt, attention is scattered, they quickly get tired, become capricious, whiny and restless;

  • Fear of the dark

It is impossible to put a frightened baby to sleep without hysterics - he demands to turn on the light. This may also include the fear of something specific: a monster, a dragon, a woman, who are hiding “in the dark”;

  • Fear of loneliness

Children are susceptible to this fear and are often scolded and punished. If parents (especially the mother) are constantly in a bad mood, emotionally exhausted and cannot “give” the child confidence in his own safety, he instantly “reads” this message and his anxiety and worry grow with enormous force.

Consequences of fright

Often parents brush aside children's fears, believing that they will go away on their own with age. However, more and more children with symptoms of neurosis are seen by a doctor.

In some cases, the consequences of fright can be quite serious:

  • isolation, avoidance of communication with children;
  • stuttering;
  • long silence (the baby may not speak at all);
  • the occurrence of walking at night;
  • urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • manifestation of nervous tics (twitching of the head, facial muscles, frequent blinking, etc.);
  • the occurrence of heart diseases.


To cure neurosis in a child, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician at the very first symptoms and pediatric neurologist. It is the doctor who will be able to either dispel mommy’s fears about the “scare” or give the necessary recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.

Older children may be prescribed various sedatives. In addition, the baby can be referred to a psychologist who will help him overcome his fears and negative emotions. Recently, quite widespread and in an effective way The fight against fears has become sazkotherapy, which plays the role of a kind of children's psychological consultation.

Some parents, thinking about how to treat fear in a child, prefer folk remedies in the form of herbal tinctures. However, such therapy without consulting a doctor is extremely undesirable, since it is unknown how the baby’s body will react to it.

The main and most important point Not only treatment, but also prevention of childhood neuroses is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family. The baby should feel love, care, attention and safety. In the presence of a baby, it is unacceptable to clarify the relationship in a raised voice. If the baby asks to lie down with him before bed, turn it into an evening ritual with reading a fairy tale. A funny night light with your favorite character can “defeat” the darkness.

If your baby is going to undergo unpleasant procedures at the clinic, tell him honestly about it, explaining why these procedures are necessary. It is important to be honest with your child. It is important to listen and hear the child so that no psychological problems prevent him from fully developing and growing into a well-rounded personality!

Until the baby reaches three years old, he does not know how to control his emotions, so it is important to protect the child from strong impressions and experiences. However, at the same time, emotions allow you to “hone your instincts” - therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Often, fear in an infant occurs due to the sight of a large animal, loud sounds, loud domestic quarrels, parents' strictness towards him or as a result of stress.

Risk group

Every child can get scared, but there are also children who are more susceptible to fear - for example, kids whose parents are overprotective and protect them from negative experiences. As a result, the child becomes afraid when faced with shock.

Children whose parents constantly tell them about the danger also suffer. It is believed that every second object poses a danger to humans, but harm is rarely caused. You cannot prohibit your child from enjoying absolutely everything, including communication with pets.

Children with diseases of the central nervous system find it difficult to cope with negative emotions.


Many symptoms occur in every frightened child, but if the condition does not change for a long time and even worsens, then this is a “bell” for parents: something needs to be done to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Attention! Psycho-emotional problems must not be neglected - otherwise the baby will face severe psychological trauma that will leave an imprint for life.

Let's look at the most common signs.

  1. Restless sleep with or without nightmares. Oddly enough, even one year old child sees nightmares in a dream - in fact, this is a transformation of negative experiences.
  2. Constant tears. If baby fed and dry, but constantly cries and is nervous, then this is a signal that he needs to be treated.
  3. Refusal of breastfeeding.
  4. Fear of the dark.
  5. Involuntary urination. Enuresis is not diagnosed until age 4, but if urination continues, this indicates problems with the psyche and central nervous system.
  6. Stuttering. Such symptoms are typical for children over 4 years old, that is, when the child is already speaking. In severe cases, the child may stop speaking altogether.
  7. Fear of being alone in a room. If the baby does not want to be left alone, even to sleep in a separate room, then this may be due to the fact that he once experienced fear alone.

Recognize fear and assess mental state in infancy difficult, because the child is not yet able to talk about what worries him.

What can scare a child and what parents should do

Any baby demands special attention, even natural phenomena can frighten him - for example, thunder and thunderstorms, especially if the newborn has not yet encountered them. Loud, extraneous, unfamiliar sounds are also dangerous. You should not yell at your child or be too strict with your child. Accustom children to kindergarten It is recommended gradually.

If it is already clear that the baby has certain fears, you need to identify the reasons for their appearance. You can't leave your baby alone. It is recommended to bathe him in soothing baths - for example, with pine needles.

It is better for the baby to get used to the presence of strangers. Guests should appear occasionally and gradually. Parents should communicate with strangers at ease, thereby showing the baby that they do not pose any danger. It is possible for guests to bring gifts and treats to the child.

Get your baby used to pets as well. You can start your acquaintance with pictures and videos, telling them that animals are friendly, so there is no need to be afraid of them.
Don't worry if your baby gets burned on a hot cup - it's actually an experience for him. The same applies to household items and appliances - it is necessary to explain to the child how to use them correctly.

Fright therapy

Any fear is a psychological problem. Therefore, treatment must be done very carefully, so never neglect children's fears or treat them with cruelty.

The first step is to determine what caused the fear. As a last resort, you can contact a psychologist so that the consequences of ordinary fear do not develop into a phobia.

If you cannot cope with your child’s fears and prevent their symptoms, you will have to seek professional help. As a rule, it all starts with a trip to the pediatrician, who will recommend seeing a psychotherapist and neurologist.


It is quite difficult to treat a child's fragile body. Hypnosis is usually used when bedwetting is present. This approach gives an excellent effect and cure in almost 100% of cases.


This technique implies an exclusively individual approach. Knowing the symptoms, the doctor selects medications.

Fairy tale therapy

With the help of fairy tales, parents and doctors try to change the child’s attitude towards the world around him and rebuild his psyche in a positive way. It’s good when group therapy is carried out - in this case, the kids communicate, retelling and discussing the plot of the fairy tale, then make sketches.

Discussing the behavior of the main character allows the child to understand what is bad and what is good, as well as what to do to overcome their fears and worries.

Play therapy

IN in this case kids take part in staging all kinds of skits. The game allows you to build relationships with partners in the skit, making the child more open and allowing him to adequately relate to his own fears.

Traditional methods

Along with traditional methods of dealing with fears, there are also traditional methods. However, some believe that it is not possible to cure fear using folk remedies.
So, it is recommended to give the baby warm sweet water immediately after he has experienced fear. Some people advise reading prayers and special spells, rolling out fears with an egg or pouring them on wax.

At the same time, you need to understand that many methods are questionable, so at the same time you should seek professional help.

Preventive actions

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. If you see that your baby is often scared and capricious, add chamomile or valerian tincture to the bathing water. You can make small bags of dry medicinal herbs (for example, motherwort or lavender) and put them in your baby's bed.

Never instill false fears. For example, a child should not be afraid of street animals. It is necessary to explain to him that if you do not offend them, then they will not attack, that is, kindness begets kindness.

If you know that a lot of stress awaits your child, be sure to take his favorite toy. By cuddling a bear or doll, the baby tries to cope with stress on his own and feels safe.

At home, the child should be surrounded with warmth and the most favorable atmosphere should be created. Also try not to swear in front of children.

What is fear and how is it different from fear? Fear is a reflex reaction to a sudden stimulus, on the basis of which neurosis is formed. The baby may be frightened by a loud noise, a dog, or a nightmare. The mother needs to detect the symptoms of fear in time and understand what is happening to the child. The consequences of a neurotic reaction depend on the correct actions of parents.

How can a mother recognize fear in her child?

The nervous system of a newborn is at the stage of formation. In the first months of life, millions of neural connections are formed. During this period, the baby’s mental activity is unstable and subject to stress. Fear is a neurosis in young children that develops after severe stress.

Neurotic fear in a baby should not be confused with fear. Fear is a normal emotional reaction to the unknown. The baby may be afraid strangers, animals and if this emotion does not prevail over the others, it is absolutely normal.

How can you tell if your baby is scared? The main signs of fear are:

  • restless night sleep, nightmares;
  • bed-wetting;
  • stuttering if the baby already knows how to speak;
  • anxiety, restlessness, capricious behavior;
  • causeless crying;
  • loss of appetite.

The baby is afraid to be left alone, he grabs his mother and refuses to let her go, screams when she leaves. If the fright occurs at a time when the baby is just learning to speak, he may remain silent for a long time.

Main causes of fear

Infants in the first month of life are at risk. They adapt to their environment and are not used to loud sounds or bright lights. The peak development of neurosis occurs at the age of 2–3 years - during this period, the active development of higher nervous activity occurs, and the child’s psyche is most vulnerable.

Anything can scare a small child. The provoking factor must be eliminated immediately. However, if an older baby can explain what scared him, the parents will have to closely monitor the baby to find out the reason.

Common causes of fear:

  • natural phenomena: thunderstorm, thunder, lightning;
  • sudden sounds or flashes of light;
  • animal attack;
  • screaming, quarrel with an adult;
  • conflicts in the family.

Children under one year of age are most often frightened by loud noises or animals. Children aged 3–4 years are more sensitive to social situations. They are experiencing a lot of stress when an adult yells at them. Constant conflicts and quarrels between parents, even if the baby is just an observer and not a participant, have a negative impact on his psyche.

How to treat fear?

Neuroses and their consequences are treated comprehensively. The child undergoes psychotherapy, and a stable condition is maintained with the help of medications. Some parents prefer to treat their baby at home with soothing herbs, walks on fresh air. Which method of therapy is best to choose depends on the degree of neurosis and its manifestations. It is necessary to select treatment after consultation with a neurologist and child psychologist.

Drug treatment

Therapy medications prescribed only in extreme cases. Indications for such treatment may be:

Medicines are prescribed by a neurologist or child psychiatrist. They mainly contain herbal components, but for neurosis bordering on psychosis, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.

Game therapy and fairy tale therapy

The most effective method of treating fear is psychotherapy. In children under 6 years of age, the leading mental activity is play. In the game they live out their emotions, fears, expectations. A child, writing an object game or telling a fairy tale, models a problem and finds a solution himself.

Conversational methods of psychotherapy are practically not used in working with children. This format is not possible when working with infants. Child psychologists use the methods of art therapy, play therapy, and fairy tale therapy.

During a consultation with a psychologist, the child is in a safe space. He feels comfortable, which means he is not afraid to look inside himself and face his fears. Under the guidance of a specialist, the child will be able to draw what scared him, and then tear the sheet to destroy the danger.

Another psychotherapy technique is object play. As a rule, in a psychologist’s office there are figures of people and animals. The baby simulates a frightening situation and game form finds a way out of it.

Fairytale therapy can be active or passive. Passive is used with those children who do not yet know how to speak. An adult tells a story in which main character finds himself in the same situation as a child and copes with it successfully. Children from 3 years old can compose such fairy tales themselves.

Breathing exercises

In order to cope with the emotional state, reduce anxiety, and get rid of fear, psychologists recommend doing breathing exercises. They are especially necessary if, as a result of fright, the baby develops a stutter.

Breathing practices allow you to remove throat constrictions and relax the diaphragm. They are an element of meditation, so they will help not only get rid of stuttering, but also calm nervous system.

Some breathing exercises:

Herbal treatment

Some herbs have a good sedative effect. It is not recommended to give herbal decoctions to infants - it is difficult for them to choose the dosage, and the plants can provoke an allergic reaction. Starting from three years old, you can safely feed herbal infusions.

How can a mother cure fear herself without turning to doctors? Decoction recipes:

  • St. John's wort, angelica root, chamomile, hops, nettle leaves, heather, and lemon balm are mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of dried plants is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Twice a day you need to drink half a glass of broth.
  • To prepare the infusion, take 1 part valerian, 3 parts each of motherwort and cudweed, and 4 parts heather. Pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink five teaspoons every hour throughout the day.
  • You can give decoctions of chamomile or valerian. Dried plants are sold in every pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions.

Infants can take baths with medicinal herbs. Add pine needles, chamomile, and lemon balm to warm bathing water. It is enough to add a few tablespoons to the bath or a couple of drops essential oil mint and lemon balm.

Folk remedies and conspiracies

Since ancient times, fear in a child was treated with prayers and spells. To this day, mothers turn to knowledgeable older women to take the fear away from their children. Common traditional methods, the effectiveness of which is rather doubtful:

What could be the consequences of fright?

It is rare, but it happens that the consequences of fright go away on their own. Then they say that the child has outgrown his fear. However, it should be remembered that fear is a neurosis, and if it is not treated, the disease will progress. Gradually, it will resemble less and less the original cause of fear, but may manifest itself in different areas child's life. Childhood neuroses turn into adult life, and as an adult you will have to deal with mental problems in a psychotherapist’s office.

If you do nothing about fear, the following consequences may occur:

  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • stuttering;
  • retardation in mental and physical development;
  • sociopathy.

The child will begin to avoid peers, and it will be more difficult for him to study. Moved to early age fear can cause depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence.

Childhood problems are imprinted on the brain and make themselves felt after several decades; the symptoms of neuroses are very stable. It is much easier to find the cause and eliminate it immediately after the fear occurs than 10 to 20 years later.

Is it possible to prevent fear? A few recommendations:

  • Talk to your newborn in a calm, gentle voice, and never scream in his presence. Make sure that during infancy he is not frightened by strangers.
  • Maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family, do not quarrel in the presence of the child. Young children are very sensitive to conflicts between parents. They tend to attribute blame for what is happening to themselves.
  • Tell us about the world around you. Explain what sounds cars make, natural phenomena, say that they should not be afraid of this.
  • Instill a love for animals. Show that there is no need to be afraid of animals, but you should not touch them, because they do not like it. Get a small pet that will teach your child how to handle animals.

Parents' fears are passed on to children. Do not cultivate your own anxieties and fears in your child; there is no need to discuss in his presence how afraid you are of something.

Some parents use fear as a method of education and a way to achieve what they want. You can often hear the phrase from mothers: “If you don’t obey, your uncle will take you away, the dog will bite you.” Such words will not force the child to be obedient, but they can create irrational fear.

Komarovsky's opinion on childhood fear

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that children who are surrounded by excessive attention or, conversely, left to their own devices, are most susceptible to fear. Overcontrol is just as harmful as neglecting a child.

Overly caring mothers and grandmothers instill in the baby their own anxieties and fears. The child grows up “in a vacuum”, separately from the world around him. When faced with natural manifestations environment he doesn't know how to react to them. This causes severe stress and, as a result, neurosis.

If neglected, the opposite situation occurs. For full development, a child needs an adult who will ensure his psychological and physical safety. Under conditions of deprivation, children lag behind in development and are diagnosed with mental disorders. The child grows up anxious; any stressful situation can provoke neurosis, because he does not feel protected.

All children under one year old are very vulnerable and impressionable. And kindergarten children are much more susceptible to fears than schoolchildren. In order not to disturb the child’s psyche, parents must prevent fear. The sign of an old woman is inherent in every person, this is such self-defense, some are afraid of insects, some of dogs, some children are afraid of new people, but you need to protect them from acquaintance with fear for as long as possible.

Seemingly any event can cause fear in a small child. And sometimes parents, without knowing it, scare their baby with threats, saying that Babai will take him away or be bitten by a spider if he does not go to bed on time.

On the one hand, in this way, adults are trying to raise a child, but on the other hand, they only violate his psyche. And it is recommended to come up with another alternative so that he listens, eats and goes to bed on time.

Parents' actions can develop a child's fear of falling or hitting themselves, and this cannot be avoided by a growing child. A very common situation is when a girl or boy falls and doesn’t seem to hit so hard, but the mother begins to scream and wonder how this could happen.

This will be remembered in the baby’s memory for a long time and, the next time he falls, he will no longer be afraid of the pain, but of the parents’ reaction to what is happening.

Children's fears can be caused by the following factors and phenomena:

  • an unexpected scream coming from the TV or the next room;
  • animals big size that may pose a danger to the child;
  • a loud quarrel between parents or an incident on the street;
  • thunderstorms and other loud natural phenomena;
  • strict upbringing.

In order for the child to be calm and not afraid of anything, his parents must act as protectors.

In those families where children grow up in love, fears and fears rarely appear.

Over time, children learn to control them, but at this age you need help to overcome fears. Parents should explain why they should not come close to unfamiliar animals, should not be afraid of dogs, and should take them away from noisy companies.

If a child is about to experience new emotions, he must be warned about it. For example, before going to the dentist, you should tell your child that the doctor will check the teeth with a drill that makes loud sounds. If this conversation is not carried out, the child may be afraid of a noisy doctor and the next visit to the doctor will be problematic.

How can you tell if a child is scared?

Signs of fear vary from person to person: some withdraw into themselves, others do not leave their mother’s side, and some children become capricious and whiny. And if such behavior is not justified in any way, it should alert parents. When you yourself cannot find out what the reason is, you need to seek advice from a psychologist.

Often children hide their fears, afraid of a serious conversation with their parents. But, as a rule, over time, symptoms of fright will begin to appear, which are difficult to ignore. The most common are:

  • excessive excitability;
  • long silence;
  • fading;
  • night walking;
  • fear of being alone;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • isolation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nervous tic;
  • hysterical fits;
  • stuttering;
  • sleep disturbance, in the absence of any diagnoses;
  • crying during sleep;
  • the child constantly asks to be held;
  • fear of sleeping without light.

These are common symptoms of fear, but they appear separately, depending on what caused the child's fear.

How to cure it yourself?

Of course, some fears go away over time, but you should not let the problem take its course, since in the future the fear of a dog or spider can develop into a serious psychological problem.

If the fear was not serious, then you can overcome it without using medicines.

It is necessary to create a favorable environment in the family where the child is growing up.

Parents should show him care and affection, avoiding quarrels and shouting among themselves.

But if such methods are ineffective, then the doctor may prescribe treatment with sedatives to calm the nervous system. The most effective means can be called the following:

  • Persen, which is indicated for children in tablets from 3 years old, and in capsules from 12 years old;
  • Sibazon is approved for use by patients older than 6 months;
  • Glycine can be taken from birth;
  • Magne B6 has no contraindications according to age;
  • Tazepan, which can be used after 6 years.

In addition, a psychologist can prescribe homeopathic medications. Bayu-bai drops are popular, but they can only be used for treatment after 5 years.

If drug treatment is unsuccessful, hypnosis therapy is performed. The number of sessions depends on individual characteristics child and the severity of fear. Thanks to this method, the doctor accurately determines what caused the fear and fights this problem.

Some parents treat their child’s fear not in the doctor’s office, but at a visit with grandmothers, who by using different conspiracies rid the baby of his fear. Each healer has his own treatment methods: someone charms the child, someone rolls a raw egg over his body, some healers give children sweet or holy water to drink.

One of the home treatment methods is fairytale therapy. The main goal of such recovery can be called a change in behavior. Parents should tell him good stories; you can use your imagination and ask your child to draw illustrations of what he imagines. If a child likes this game, then over time he will begin to invent fairy tales himself, thereby forgetting about his fears.

If fear appears in a baby, then healing therapy can be carried out at home. Recommended to use herbal infusions for bathing having a calming effect. You need to bathe before going to bed for 15-20 minutes.

It is allowed to add pine infusion, decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, lavender, valerian or motherwort concentrate to the water. To ensure that your baby sleeps peacefully in his crib, dry herbs can be put in a bag and placed near his pillow.

To help your baby overcome his fears It is allowed to add 1-2 drops of peony tincture into his drinks which has a calming effect. You can also drink herbal infusions based on different plants. The most common and effective recipe can be called the following:

  • Mix 4 parts of heather, 3 parts each of motherwort and cudweed and 1 part of valerian.
  • Pour two liters of boiling water over the plants.
  • Leave to infuse.
  • After two hours, strain.
  • Take the drink several sips throughout the day at intervals of 60 minutes.

When fear appears in a child, Komarovsky advises contacting an experienced psychologist and starting treatment by maintaining psychological comfort in the family.

If there are no serious deviations, then this phenomenon cannot be treated with drugs, since fear is not a diagnosis.

Evgeniy Olegovich believes that pine baths have a positive effect on the child’s condition, during which the baby should relax. Parents should come up with calm games, such as blowing bubbles or playing with the boat.

As for treatment for grandmothers, the doctor believes that you can go to them only after consulting a doctor. The pediatrician knows of many cases where home healers have relieved stuttering and other symptoms of fear. But there are many known incidents when trips to such “doctors” ended in trouble.

If you notice symptoms of fear in your child, you should consult a doctor, as self-medication can only worsen the problem. Conspiracies, rituals, use of medications traditional treatment– all of this can have a positive effect, but before doing them you need to consult a doctor.