Autumn crafts from pebbles. Sea stone: name, description. Types of sea stones. DIY sea stone crafts (photo). Crafts made from pebbles for apartment decor

Stone crafts can be made from a variety of stones: construction stones, ordinary street stones, and sea stones.

They go well with shells, pasta and other materials, but even in pure stone the craft will look original and interesting. And to create it you can take stones of different sizes and shapes, and most importantly, colors.

By the way, if you have multi-colored stones, you can combine them so that you don’t even have to paint the craft.

Bottle made of stones

An ordinary wine bottle can be turned into original item decor, if you decorate it with thin pebbles.

However, if you have certain skills and sharp tools, existing stones can be cut into thin plates and even shaped.

In addition, multi-colored natural material does not even need to be painted, but even if you need colors that are not available, you can apply paint to the stones and it will turn out beautiful


For example, gouache...

It will not be waterproof, but if the craft will decorate the interior, you can opt for it.

What you will need:

  • wine bottle;
  • plasticine gray;
  • thin plates of stones or voluminous stones;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones.

So, first we take the bottle and clean it well of dirt and dust. Of course, we remove the label and any layer of glue that might remain on the surface in advance.

You can use crafts made from stones both in the interior and in landscape design. After all, such beauty does not require special effort and wasting money!

Often children, walking along the seashore, collect pebbles and make various buildings out of them. They look at objects and understand that they can be of different shapes, structures, colors, even shades. Sometimes a single element reminds a child of someone, like a heart or a fish, a triangle or a cone.

You can invite your child to make a picture out of stones while on vacation, right on the sand. The first time you can guide him and help him. Find the missing element, present a simple idea. But a picture made in the sand cannot be taken with you and shown to family and friends.

Parents can give their child an idea - collect a set of different parts at home and make an applique of stones on cardboard. It is advisable to first lay it out on the shore, and then carefully collect all the elements in a bag and take it with you. But at home, in order for the picture to last longer, you need to do the preliminary work correctly.

Preparing for work

First the stones are prepared. If these are marine finds, then they need to be cleared of sand and washed. If they are found on a river bank, then after washing they must be boiled for 10 minutes in an enamel pan. This will kill the microflora and the stone will be clean and dry. Over time, it will not be affected by mold, and it will not become covered with green algae. After boiling, all items are laid out on a cotton napkin and dried thoroughly. Only now will it be possible to make appliqué from stones.

You will also need good glue for the job, for example “Moment”. You need to think in advance whether other additional details may be useful for the design of the image. These can be branches, sticks. If necessary, supplement the drawing with pencil lines or use gouache paints to apply small details to the stones themselves. Let's look at several options for simple applications from stones that children of preschool and primary school age can make.


To make such a flower you will need a branch on which it will be located. You can glue it to cardboard, or you can attach it with wire. To do this, use a sharp awl to pierce holes on both sides of the branch and twist it tightly with reverse side. After the branch does not fall or move, you can begin to make an applique of stones.

You will need one large and flat element, small rounded stones for leaves and petals of the same size and shape. To make the picture bright and colorful, each element must be prepared in advance.

Painting stones

You can, of course, simply lay out a picture from unpainted elements, many artists do just that, but children love bright colors so that the picture turns out to be multicolored. To do this, each element must first be painted with gouache. And first one side. Wait until it dries, turn it over and cover another one. You can paint it twice to avoid stains.

After all the elements are ready, you need to first lay out all the details on cardboard, as is done with a simple paper appliqué, and then glue them. When the glue dries, the painting is ready.

Birds on a branch

For such an applique of stones you will need six small oval or triangular pieces. These will be the bodies of birds. It will also be useful to have two thicker branches with thin and small ones placed on them. The thick ones are attached with wire, and the small ones stick out to the sides. This adds dimension to the picture.

Bird stones are not placed on the branch itself, but higher up. Leave space for the paws drawn with paint or marker. The elements should be placed with the thick side down, similar to the structure of the bird. All that remains is to draw the beaks. If desired, the child can add more small details by drawing wings, eyes, and coloring feathers. This applique of stones for children will not be difficult. You can do it even with 3-4 year olds.

Girl with balloons

To make such a picture you need to select stones in the shape of balloons. This is not difficult as they come in different shapes. Both round and oval objects will do. To depict the girl’s body, you need to find one round stone and one long one, in the shape of a cone or trapezoid, so that it resembles the heroine’s dress.

Balloons can be painted or left in in kind. Then all that remains is to place them correctly first without glue and draw the rest of the details. These are arms, legs and tails on the girl’s head. And for the balls - threads by which the character in the picture holds them. Next, the stones are coated with glue and glued to the already prepared places. This applique of stones on cardboard can be inserted into a frame and hung in a child’s room. She is very positive and will cheer up the child in the morning.

Owls in winter

Older children can make such a plot picture: despite the fact that there are only two flat stones, the image is complex. First you need to prepare the background by painting the details on cardboard. You can take black cardboard for the background and also make the moon from the finished part. To do this, you need to cut out a yellow circle using the template and glue it in the center of the future picture. Then they paint snow by applying the end part of the brush and twigs dusted with snow.

There remains work on the stones. They are first painted by making a black background and drawing an owl. Then, after drying, they are varnished. Now you can plant them on a branch. Your handmade stone applique is ready!


For such a picture you will need to find a root with a piece of stem. If you don’t find one like the one in the photo, don’t worry, you can use a simple thick twig, cutting it to size. Having attached the branch with wire, begin to shape the crown. To do this you need a lot of small rounded elements. You don’t even have to lay them out first, but just glue them onto cardboard right away.

The second layer in the photo is attached to round pebbles that look like apples. If your child wants to make an apple tree, then you can look for such round parts. It is also recommended to paint the fruits bright red or yellow colors. This will bring the image to life.


You can also make an applique from stones and shells. There are also many of them on the coast. You can use both natural materials in one image.

To make a dancing ballerina, you need to select a round stone for the head, a conical one for the body, and a large shell that will represent the ballerina’s lush tutu. To depict arms and legs you will need 4 elongated and thin elements.

Since in the picture the girl is dancing, her hands are positioned differently, conveying the movement. The legs are also attached in different positions. One leg is on the floor and the other is raised.


Such a plot picture has many details. They are all different sizes. You will have to try hard to find such unique stones. The bodies of cats are oblong and thicken towards the bottom. The heads are rounded and oval. For the ears you need small stones with pointed ends.

Before making an applique of stones, you can lay out all the details on a sheet of cardboard and check how it looks, maybe something needs to be added. Then proceed to gluing each individual element in the desired order.

Such art develops in children the ability to fantasize and take initiative. Moreover, working with such natural natural material fills with energy. Children learn to navigate in space and correctly distribute an image on a sheet of paper.

I've put together a whole selection of different appearance, style, design, complexity of stone crafts. Doing this with your own hands will not be difficult. In view of such a wide variety, we can safely say that there are options for both children's creativity(for example, primary schoolchildren), so for adults - their parents.

These ideas are good for school work, as they are not difficult for children, the material is the cheapest, and the result is sometimes very impressive. See for yourself.

You may need glue, as well as a base and frame if it is a painting you want to hang on the wall to decorate your interior, and/or paint. Otherwise, everything is extremely simple and does not even require comments.

A little advice - probably if you cover the surface with varnish (after painting or without it), the stones will shine like on the seashore. Remember what rich colors those that are closest to the water and washed by the waves have?

Pictures-panels with painted pebbles

The first three products can be safely called professional, you can’t even call them crafts. Everything is respected, there is taste, style, a sense of proportion.

I think that this kind of panel can be made not only using round pebbles and stones. If you don’t have the right material at hand, but you want to make something, then you can buy stones for crafts.

Flat decorative plastic, glass rounds of different colors and sizes, shells, sorted by shape, can be found in sufficient quantities in stores that sell decorations for the home, interiors, as well as in shops for those who like to make things with their own hands.

It is convenient to assemble the composition on wooden planks, pieces of thick cardboard, and ceramic tiles. If you mount them side by side on the wall, you will get, for example, a whole triptych. Cheerful, cheerful, original, no one will pass by, he will definitely attract attention.

A winter picture with snow-covered fields, trees, houses - just fabulous! Each part is made (painted, dried, coated with a protective layer of varnish for shine) separately, and then all the elements are assembled into a common composition.

Maintenance is simple - wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust. Or place everything in a wide frame under glass, then dust will not penetrate there.

Mosaic designs, as well as compositions laid out with sea stones, will be even more interesting if the motifs are laid out with pebbles of bright contrasting natural shades. And how nicely the pieces of green bottle glass, also found on the seashore, fit in!

If you plan to fill the entire base of the craft with stone mosaics, then you might consider filling the spaces between the elements with grout. Then you will get the most real mosaic picture. I have already used this method once, using as a material not only seashells and pebbles, but also partially special mosaic tiles. What happened in the end? See the photo with detailed description work in the article.

The following two crafts can be completed by schoolchildren.

Very thick cardboard can serve as a base, but you just need to take into account that after drying the glue is quite capable of warping.

It is better to take a more stable base, plastic, organic or ordinary glass, glue paper to it, paint it, and then stick on the details of the picture.

Using ink, gouache or paint, we’ll paint on the branches and stems - our craft will become more interesting.

The stones do not need to be painted; they look very decent in a minimalist composition.

Three trees with branches and sea pebbles seem to have come out of a painting by a Japanese master.

Everything is made entirely using only natural ingredients; you can glue it with hot glue using a gun. No paint is used.

The photo below shows just two unusual stones in the shape of hearts, turned by the sea.

How little is needed to create a cute craft, time only for framing and matting - original gift ready.

The following works can be made together with children. The owl and cockerel are large stones, and the background is sand with small pebbles.

Drawings on stones with paint

One can only be surprised at the different shapes of stones lying on the seashore. Using our imagination, we will get different crafts in the form of figures of people and animals if we paint the surfaces.

The photo below is the composition “Christmas”, do you recognize the plot?

Any stone round shape easily turns into a fairy-tale sun or a human face.

And this is a mother and daughter, every child would be happy to draw this.

Dacha - original stone crafts

Another interesting use for large painted cobblestones is decorating a garden or porch with stone crafts! Even the smallest ones can cope with this task.

A family of ladybugs will delight everyone passing by. You only need three colors - black, white and red. The main thing is to draw them funny faces!

It will be more interesting if there are several ladybugs, they will sit next to each other in groups and bask in the sun. In order for new residents to please us for as long as possible, it is better to use shiny paint that is resistant to weather - rain and snow, or cover the crafts with varnish on top.

Here's another example. A simple but very elegant composition was also made using pebbles. But not only them. This is probably the work of a needlewoman who knits. The remains of multi-colored threads were interestingly used.

Even the most simple materials, which are simply lying under our feet, can serve us for creativity; to make such crafts from stone from the sea we do not need any special skills or skills. Country crafts pig and mouse from logs

This adorable, cheerful face belongs to a homemade piglet. For those who know how to work with wood and have a dacha where pruning of fruit trees is periodically required, doing this will not be particularly difficult. But how such a cute little thing will delight not only your children and grandchildren, but also the adult household members!

Not everyone is given the ability to handle metal materials. But for craftsmen who are familiar with this type of work, a post about garden crafts made in this way may be of interest. They will decorate both the garden and a well-landscaped balcony or terrace. They serve not only as decoration, but also carry a meaning - they are also candlesticks!

Exhibitions of stones and minerals

You won't find anything specifically useful here. This is just a reminder that on an annual basis, major cities much more often at fairs selling minerals and other things, you can buy everything you need to make it yourself jewelry. There is everything here, from accessories (clasps, intermediate links, earrings, chains) to directly processed natural stone.

Crafts made from sea stones look beautiful and original and are easy to make at home. This creative activity will be interesting for adults and children, and the resulting products will decorate a room or garden. To make crafts from sea ​​pebbles, you will need smooth pebbles of different shapes and lengths. You can assemble them yourself during a trip to the sea or purchase them in specialized stores. You can make a wide variety of crafts from pebbles with your own hands, since this stone has the most bizarre shapes and colors: from snow-white to deep black.

There are a large number of workshops on making crafts from pebbles. As experts advise, it is best to use river pebbles or those created artificially for products. They are distinguished by the fact that they do not change color over time and do not become covered with a white coating, unlike sea pebbles. Pebbles collected from the sea can also be used in crafts, but they are more suitable for yard items.

The simplest master class that can be found on the use of smoothies is making rugs for a bathhouse, bathroom or corridor. Such products will not only look beautiful, but will also bring benefits by providing a massage effect. It will be pleasant to walk on such rugs, they are practical and easy to clean.

As the master classes show, stones can be placed on the base randomly, combining different colors and shapes or in the form of original designs - fish, dolphins, insects, etc. The whole family can make rugs from stones with their own hands. This activity is simple and exciting, and even Small child.

In master classes on creating flat crafts(rugs, hot pads) it is recommended to use rubber as a base: stones of any size will be well attached to it. To glue them, you should use strong waterproof glue, which must be transparent. Stone big size attached to a mesh and a special solution. You can varnish the pebbles on top or leave them in their original form.

Interior decorations

Pebbles can be used to create wonderful crafts for interior decoration: they are easy to care for, easy to clean and will go perfectly with any home design idea. A popular workshop is how to create cute cacti from oval pebbles. It’s very simple to make them by painting the pebbles green and applying a pattern of thorns on them. For the kitchen, you can make vegetables and berries from stones, covering them with paints and putting them in a wicker basket.

From seashells and pebbles will look beautiful in a photo frame: it will decorate a bright vacation photo. The simplest master class, which is suitable for beginner craftsmen or very young ones, is decorating pebbles with eyes. They can be applied with paints, made into an applique, or pasted on ready-made plastic eyes for toys. This simple trick will help bring gray stones to life, making them cute and original. You can then use the craft for decoration or development. fine motor skills in kids.

You can create with your own hands from shells interesting crafts. You can glue 2 identical shells together, put a mother-of-pearl bead inside, and you will get a beautiful souvenir in the form of a shell with a pearl. For experienced craftsmen, a master class on making a ship or boat is suitable. The resulting product will be an excellent gift for any occasion. You can make keychains and pendants from round shells.

Pebbles in the garden interior

Limitless possibilities for using pebbles in the garden interior. Such garden crafts can be quite practical, original and almost eternal, because pebbles consist of a material that hardly wears out and does not lose its appearance over time:

  1. Flowerpots decorated with smooth stones will be beautiful. You can take any flowerpot as a base, attach a mesh to it and plant the smoothies on the glue so that they completely cover the flowerpot. You can decorate the top ring of a well, trash cans, bench legs, and outdoor barbecues.
  2. If it is possible to purchase pebbles in large quantities, you can make garden paths from it, laying them out in fancy patterns. In this case, the stones are attached to cement mortar or a special mixture for slabs. Despite the apparent simplicity of the material, such a pleasure will not be cheap: for 1 m² you will need about 60 kg of stones, while 1 kg costs from 40 to 100 rubles.
  3. You can decorate the garden with candlesticks. To do this, pour about 1/3 of the pebbles into glass jars, place a large candle and close the lid with holes. Jars hung around the perimeter of the house will create an atmosphere of magic, tranquility, romance and comfort.
  4. The foundation of a private house will be durable and stylish if you decorate it with smoothies. They can be simply added to the cement mortar or attached to a ready-made base that has not yet hardened.

From sea stones and shells you can make paintings where you can see a seascape, magical castles or a fairy-tale plot. Pebbles will look good in a decorative aquarium, in the form of various fish, turtles and frogs. Large pebbles with pictures of houses on them will decorate decorative ponds and bridges. The use of smoothies in the interior of the house and garden is limitless. The main thing is a little imagination, a minimum of material and a little free time.

Crafts made from stones are fascinating and useful activity for children and adults. They can be used to decorate an apartment, a garden plot or the yard of your own home. They can serve as toys for children of different ages. Working with stone allows you to show maximum imagination, and combination with other ornamental materials gives you the opportunity to create real masterpieces. Variety of shapes and colors natural stone ensures the emergence of numerous ideas even among people far from art.

Specifics of stone crafts

Natural stone is one of the most common materials used for making various DIY crafts .

Home craftsmen are attracted to it by its strength, durability, resistance to any weather conditions, water resistance, and chemical resistance. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of processing due to high hardness, which requires certain skills and appropriate tools.

Most often, the problem is solved by using pebbles of sea or river origin, which do not require processing, including grinding. For the work, stones of different sizes and shapes are selected, which are used as a solid element - single or in a composition. If necessary, they can be split into pieces the right size.

Various technologies are used to create crafts. The most commonly used are mosaics, painting (painting), and masonry using glue or mortar. Craftsmen use stone cutting. Stones are harmoniously combined with other materials - shells, wood, metal.

Features of crafts for children

Having observed children on the shore of a pond, you can notice their desire to collect stones, and it is revealed in at different ages. This interest should be developed by creating beautiful and original crafts from stones. It is best to carry out the manufacturing process together with the child, developing his creativity. Stone crafts will become not only decoration, but also a favorite toy .

There are several options for crafts for children.

Painted toys

Kids are interested in colorful, bright trinkets. You can select the pebbles of the desired shape and use acrylic paints paint a pebble. The most popular stone toys are: a car, various animals (owls, hares, fish, snails, etc.), images of “cartoon” or fairy-tale heroes, vegetables fruits. For example, a round stone is simply asking to become a watermelon.


Several painted stones can make a fun game:

  1. "Houses ». It is necessary to select stones that are close in shape to cubes. They are painted in the shape of a house and can be decorated with paper or fabric strips. From such “houses” you can build an entire city. An example of the craft is shown in the image below;
  2. Animal world. Compositions with stone animals especially attract children. An example is a photograph where stone frogs are planted on green cardboard leaves "floating" on blue background. The composition looks beautiful " Ladybug", shown in the figure below. Bright insects on green paper or a natural lawn at the dacha will undoubtedly appeal to children;
  3. Crafts for 1st grade . They will help you master the alphabet and counting. You can draw letters on flat pebbles and use them to form words. Similar lessons can be done in arithmetic by drawing numbers and symbols of mathematical operations. You can easily make a stone abacus. The flat box must be divided into parallel cells in which pebbles of different colors will be located. By moving them with your finger, you can add or subtract.

The simplest crafts for children are made from one stone on which the desired image is drawn. You can make more complex crafts. The animal is assembled from several pebbles of different sizes (torso, head, ears, etc.). You can connect them with glue or plasticine. Cheburashka, snowman, hares, pandas, koalas and other animals are often made using this method.

Application of sea stones

Crafts made from sea stones are distinguished by their originality, since such stones can have an unusual shape. Being on the seashore, you need to find decorative stones, thrown out by the surf. Particularly valued are flat stones with a hole, oddly shaped pebbles, stones with inclusions and various imprints on the surface, and interesting colors. At the same time, you should pay attention to the shells.

Sea stones are used to make beautiful jewelry– beads, bracelets, pendants. The flat, smooth shape allows you to apply any design. A common option is a souvenir with a magnet. A design is applied to the stone, and one or 2 magnets are glued to the back side. This craft can be mounted on the refrigerator.

The most simple craft, at the same time reminiscent of an unforgettable vacation at sea, is a glass container filled with sea pebbles of different colors. The composition of shells and stones is particularly attractive. . In a transparent container, it will imitate the seabed, especially if there are “algae” made of plastic or synthetic threads.

Use of river stones

River stones are inferior in decorative value to their sea counterparts, but they also have a smooth shape and interesting colors in a natural tone. The main advantage is accessibility and the ability to choose the desired option. Crafts made from river stones are most suitable for a modern interior decorated in eco-style.

You can suggest the following ideas:

  1. Heat-resistant cloth. It can be used as a stand for a kettle or hot dishes. Its frame is made in the form of a flat box with sides no more than 2 cm high. You can use plastic or plywood. Small pebbles are placed inside to form a specific pattern due to their natural colors. Fastening is adhesive.
  2. Rugs. Stone floor mats are beneficial for people with flat feet. They are made by gluing flat pebbles to thick fabric. It's best to use a hot glue gun. The pattern is formed by stones of different colors. Their additional coloring is undesirable, since the coating will quickly wear off.

Important! River pebbles can also be used for other types of crafts, including painting. Their diversity is limited only by the imagination of the performer.

Crafts for landscape design

At the dacha, in the courtyard of the house or in the garden, stone crafts look especially beautiful. They perform a decorative function and are used usefully. Here are some options for using them in landscape design:

  1. Arrangement of flower beds. With the help of stone, curbs are formed, an alpine slide is built, terraces and ledges are erected. Depending on the type of plant, individual large boulders or compositions of stones of different sizes can be used.
  2. Arrangement of decorative ponds. The water resistance of the stone allows it to be used for the bottom and walls of any reservoirs and water sources. Garden stone crafts in the form of fountains are especially popular. Enough original solution– waterfall . In this case it is possible different variants. One of the most simple ways– formation of a ledge. At the top of a stone wall, the stone lies horizontally and protrudes from the wall. Another option is a cascade, when several ledges are made at different heights.
  3. Animal crafts. Stylized stone sculptures of animals make the design more original. Such crafts are installed in different sizes - horses, bears, deer, swans, herons, storks, etc. They are often made of stone and wood . Shown is a stone bird using a combination of branches and stone
  4. Vases. Stone crafts in the shape of a flowerpot allow you to create a small flower bed anywhere. They can be round, rectangular, polygonal or have an unusual configuration. The connection of stones can be ensured with cement-sand mortar. The flowerpot can have the color of natural stone or be painted in the desired color.
  5. Stone plants. Most often, simple but bright imitations of various plants are used. It is very easy to place a stone “mycelium” on the site. The legs are white oblong stones, and the caps are horizontally laid flat pebbles, which are painted in the desired color. The fly agaric family looks beautiful. And also cacti. Three or four painted in green color stones are fastened together, forming a specific shape. The spines can be glued. Such figures look better in separate pots.

The most common use of stone in landscape design is the arrangement of paths and platforms. Flat pebbles are usually used, and the coating can be formed with a large stone or in the form of a layer of small pebbles.

Important! By selecting stones by color, you can create a certain pattern on the paths without painting.

Stone panels and decorations

You can create from natural and colored stones decorative panels and original colorful paintings. The plots can be very diverse. You can offer several ideas. When arranging a playground, it is better to use fairy-tale scenes and images of animals. A couple of bears, for example, will fill the atmosphere with joy. Images of flowers and still lifes with fruit are popular. An example of a fairly simple panel is shown - a daisy made of stones and branches

Small stone jewelry can replace store-bought jewelry. Pendants or souvenirs in the shape of a heart look beautiful. If you paint such a craft beautifully, it can become a good gift. A simple mandala, which is attributed to magical properties.

Decoupage makes stone crafts especially attractive. With this technique you can do beautiful craft from any stone. It is important to choose an unusual shape of the right size. The technique consists of layer-by-layer gluing multi-colored napkins, paper or fabric onto an object, followed by coating with a special varnish. You can use ready-made pictures for gluing.


To make stone masterpieces with your own hands, you should prepare in advance necessary tools for crafts. If processing and dividing the stone is necessary, you will need a hammer, a chisel (chisel) and a file. It is also advisable to have a pick hammer with which you can split the stone. These tools allow you to trim it and remove irregularities. When painting crafts, you will need painting and art brushes, glue brush.

The additional tool is determined by the type of craft. When using a cement binder, a spatula and a mixer are required to mix the solution. If, in addition to stone, another material is used, then you should prepare a hacksaw for metal or wood, a jigsaw, and pruning shears. In any case, the quality of processing will improve when using a grinder and grinder.

Stone crafts are very popular. The raw materials for them are practically underfoot. Walking along the shore of the sea or river, you can pick up a lot of stones of different sizes, original form and attractive colors. Using your own imagination or borrowing an idea, you can use them to create crafts that can decorate the interior of a house or area. If they do not have sufficient decorative color, then you can use dyeing, painting or decoupage technology.