Wearing a beret according to the regulations. Why do the paratroopers twist their berets to the right? Airborne Forces: from crimson to blue

Nowadays, the beret is associated primarily with the uniform headdress of military personnel of certain branches of the military. The most of them is the blue beret of the paratroopers. Its indispensable attribute is the hall on right side. Why is this being done?

Sign of the Elite

The armed forces, like any other complex hierarchical structure, have their own insignia. They are used to denote junior personnel - soldiers and sergeants, middle - officers from lieutenant to major and senior - officers rank above lieutenant colonel.

In addition, insignia in the army serve to determine whether a serviceman belongs to a particular branch of the military. One of the most striking and indicative insignia is the beret. It speaks of its wearer’s belonging to the elite of the armed forces. To determine which elite branch of the military a fighter belongs to, a tradition arose of bending the beret to the right or left side.

Right and left

Army berets appeared in the armed forces of our country only in the 1960s. Originally they were crimson in color. The familiar blue beret of paratroopers was introduced into everyday use only in 1969. Until this moment, to indicate belonging to one or another branch of the military, the practice of twisting the beret to the left or right side appeared.

Special forces soldiers began to bend their berets to the left and internal troops. They now wear maroon and olive (green) headdresses respectively. In turn, the marines (black berets) and paratroopers (blue) began to push the berets to the right side.

A special case

During parades, military personnel of all branches of the military wear berets slanted to the left. Firstly, this is necessary for the unification and uniformity of the uniform of all military personnel. There is an opinion that this is done in order not to block the face. The fact is that a serviceman tilts his head to the right while walking in parade formation, so bending his beret in the same direction can cast a shadow on his face.

Others argue that the fold to the left is necessary so that the flag-shaped badge, which is attached to the right side of the beret during parades, is visible. After returning to places of permanent combat deployment, the paratroopers recapture their berets back to the right.

Combat berets

Some argue that the tilt of the headdress in elite branches of the military, including the Airborne Forces, depends on whether the wearer of the beret participated in combat operations or not. A bend on the left side supposedly means that the serviceman has been to war or participated in special operations, and if it is on the right, then he has no combat experience.

However, for the most part in the army, such a statement is considered stupid. After all, the most eloquent indicator of the presence or absence of combat experience is still medals and orders, and not the side of the headgear.

Pound test

It is worth noting that the beret's crease is airborne troops ah is no less serious a test than a forced march or a parachute jump. The ability to correctly beat off his headdress has always served as a sign of the experience of a paratrooper, his real belonging to the elite army caste. A real paratrooper always knows how to properly return a beret.

Not everyone succeeds the first time. There are different “recipes” for how to break a beret. Experienced paratroopers advise using a sugar solution rather than water to moisten headgear. Others are experimenting with wax. After moistening the beret, it is given the desired shape.

Different troops have their own colors of hats. So, paratroopers wear blue berets, infantrymen wear black ones, and special forces wear maroon berets. But in order to look neat and stately, you need to work a little on appearance cleaning For the military, berets are made of light, pliable material. Therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties in shaping the beret.

How to beat off a beret at home: 4 ways

Before you start working, you need to decide which side to beat on. Maroons are usually worn tilted to the left side. Blue and black berets tend to bat to the right. And during military parades, representatives of all units make the edge on the left. Having decided on the form, all that remains is to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Method No. 1

  1. Before you hit army cap or takes, lightly moisten.
  2. Iron it through two layers of gauze.
  3. Place the piece on a flat surface and hit the edge with a hammer to make it sharp. To avoid damaging the furniture, use a cutting board.

You can use a steel spoon instead of a hammer. But in this case, it will take much more time to shape.

Method No. 2

  1. To quickly shape a seamless beret (called a “droplet”), wet and shake well to remove excess water.
  2. Place the wet product on your head and give it the desired shape.
  3. Wait for the fabric to dry without removing the product from your head.
  4. To finally fix the shape and make the edge sharper, press it down with pliers.

If you don't want to wear a wet beret, place it on a ball or can or stuff it with old newspapers.

Method No. 3

  1. Carefully prop up the lining.
  2. Place the item in hot water for two to three minutes to soak the fabric.
  3. Put on a wet beret.
  4. Pull the top of your head to the right and smooth it with your palm facing forward to form an arch-shaped fold over the cockade.
  5. Do not remove the headdress for one and a half to two hours so that the shape is fixed.
  6. Carefully remove the beret and place it on a flat surface, wait until it dries completely.

To fix the shape, use auxiliary “tools”. These could be clothespins or paper clips.

Method No. 4

  1. Soak the beret well in hot water.
  2. Lightly squeeze the product to remove excess water.
  3. Knead the fabric vigorously with your fingers to give the edge a sharp shape.

Means for fixing the shape

Before beating the beret to make it hard, the fabric must be additionally treated with a fixing compound. This will allow wool fabric do not lose shape over a long period of time.

Shaving foam

  1. Putting a damp beret on your head or a dummy, give it the desired shape.
  2. Without removing, coat it thoroughly with shaving foam, without missing the slightest area.
  3. Wait five minutes for the material to soak in the product.
  4. Wet your hands in cold water and begin to rub the foam into the fabric with little effort.
  5. Having got rid of the stains, finally adjust the shape and leave the beret until completely dry. This will take about two hours.

During the application of foam, pellets may appear on the surface of the headgear. To get rid of them, treat the fabric with disposable razor.


  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sugar in two glasses of water.
  2. Soak the headdress in the sugar solution until the fabric is completely saturated with it.
  3. Beat the beret in the way you like.

A hat treated with sugar syrup will lose its shape upon first contact with water. In addition, the fabric may attract insects.

Hair fixation spray

  1. To keep your military beret in shape, spray hairspray on the inside surface when the item is dry.
  2. When the product is absorbed into the fabric and hardens, repeat the procedure.
  3. You may need to use up an entire bottle of hairspray to get your headdress hard and immovable.

Adhesive layer

  1. Take measurements of the beret and transfer them to a piece of paper or cardboard to draw a template for the part of the headdress that should maintain its shape.
  2. Using a pattern, cut out a part from adhesive fabric (usually bag interlining is used).
  3. Fix the adhesive layer with a hot iron.

The adhesive layer is resistant to water. This way, even after repeated washings, the shape will hold.


  1. Place the wet headdress in the desired position and wait until it dries.
  2. Melt the paraffin and treat the areas that need stability from the inside out.
  3. Adjust the shape if necessary and leave the product to dry.

Rigid frame

  1. To install the beret yourself, cut out the fragments that require fixation from cardboard or plastic.
  2. Place a solid frame inside the product.
  3. Secure the backing with double-sided tape.

Laundry soap

  1. To create a beautiful seam beret, moisten the areas that need to be shaped.
  2. Rub the material well with laundry soap.
  3. Press the edge with your fingers to make it sharp and secure with clothespins until completely dry.

Normal laundry soap may have a specific pungent odor. For processing headgear, it is better to choose modern means odorless or with flavorings.

The beret is worn not only by military personnel or workers, but also by fashionistas and fashionistas at any age. This headdress gives the image a special romantic note and a touch of nobility. Even civilians will benefit from military experience on how to properly hit a beret. By giving the product a beautiful and stable shape, you will always look irresistible.


step-by-step instructions for a military beret with a seam and for a “droplet”

Black, maroon, blue

How to hit a beret at home: simple methods for new recruits...

Sugar water

What we do

  1. We straighten the piping.

On the head

What we do

With a hammer

What we do

...and difficult for demobilization

Shaving foam

What we do

Old newspapers

What we do


How to beat off a beret: shape it at home

How to properly return a military beret

Types of berets

  • Blue. The blue beret is used by many branches of the military. In Russia, the blue beret is worn by airborne troops (VDV). At first it was crimson in color, like other airborne soldiers. but in 1968 the color was changed to blue. That's how he remains to this day.

How to hit

Simple ways

On the head. This method is suitable if you are tidying up a droplet. How to return the beret:

  • insert the cockade;
  • Pull it directly onto your head when wet;
  • give the required shape;

The hard way



shape at home

Part of the military uniform is the beret. It is practical, beautiful, does not take up much space, and therefore is the statutory headdress of many branches of the military. This is the pride of any soldier. But it comes out in the form of a disk, which does not sit so nicely on the head. In order for it to take the desired shape, you need to beat the beret. Every soldier can do this.

In order for a military beret to fit well, it must be beaten correctly

Types of berets

Berets are worn by many of the world's armed forces. Our army is no exception. Who can you see this headdress on?

  • Speckled. The maroon beret is a form of encouragement for special forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To get it, you must prove that a person has all the qualities inherent in a professional. It is presented as a reward for courage. A maroon beret is issued after a series of tests. First, a preliminary stage is carried out, then the main tests, which include a march of at least 10 km, and performing acrobatic exercises, and hand-to-hand combat, etc.
  • Blue. The blue beret is used by many branches of the military. In Russia, the blue beret is worn by airborne troops (VDV). At first it was crimson, like other airborne soldiers, but in 1968 the color was changed to blue. That's how he remains to this day.
  • Green. Border troops, FSSP special forces, reconnaissance units of various branches of the military.
  • Black. The black beret is the symbol of the Marine Corps. This is a compact headgear that does not interfere while moving. It's easy to put headphones on it and hide it in your pocket. Marines is an elite branch of the military, so wearing a black beret is also an honor.

There is a suture headgear and a seamless one, which is also called a droplet.

Black military beret - elite headdress

Effective ways

How to beat off a beret so that it looks beautiful on your head?

Simple option

Let's consider simple ways who will tell you how to shape the beret.

With a hammer. You need to slightly wet it, stroke it, and steam it. Then put it on a chair and beat it with a hammer along the edge. Then the edge will become sharp.

On the palm. Get it wet. You can use water with sugar, then the product will become hard. But with such a headdress you will have to avoid water and rain, otherwise it will lose its shape. Place it on your palm and beat it vigorously to give it the desired shape and straighten the edging.

On the head. This method is suitable if you are tidying up a teardrop beret. How to return the beret:

  • insert the cockade;
  • wet it and shake the water;
  • pull it wet over your head;
  • give the required shape;
  • wait until it dries without removing it so that it retains its shape;
  • Press down the edge with pliers to make it sharper.

In order for the beret to take the correct shape, it must be put on your head while wet.

Complex option

You can beat off the beret using the simple methods described above. But they may not work. Then this method is also suitable. If you do everything correctly, it will fit on your head like a glove.

  • Carefully, so as not to spoil anything, we rip the lining with scissors.
  • Place it in water (the hotter the better) and wait a couple of minutes for it to soak. Then we squeeze it out.
  • Replace the cockade and put it on.
  • We smooth it out right on the head, giving it the desired shape. The crown should be pulled to the right so that a half-disc appears. Then - the arch for the cockade. To do this, hold it with your left hand and stroke the top of the head forward. Make sure there are no holes, press harder. Its fabric is strong, it will not tear.
  • As soon as it has taken the desired shape, you need to apply shaving foam to it, lubricating it thoroughly. There is no need to remove your headdress. Then you need to wait a little and rub the foam into the product. Make sure there are no streaks or white spots left.
  • Without taking off your hat, walk in it until it dries (from 1.5 hours). When it dries, you can remove it from your head and leave it until completely dry.
  • Put it in order, remove the pellets of foam and water. To do this, you need to shave the beret with a razor. When the surface is smooth, spray hairspray inside the product. The more varnish, the better.
  • We insert a plastic card under the cockade, cutting it to size.


A seamless beret is a fairly practical headdress that is equally suitable for men and women and can be an excellent addition to any ensemble. outerwear. Of course, today, like many years ago, the beret is associated primarily with military uniforms. Each unit and branch of the military has its own traditions of wearing berets and its own specific form of this headdress. However, it often happens that they are given to recruits in a state that resembles, rather, not a beret, but a pancake, a frying pan, or generally something shapeless. So the first test of a newly minted soldier is to hit the beret correctly. How this is done is of interest to many, so in this article we will try to simply and clearly explain how to bring the beret back to normal and give it the required shape.

How to return a beret: method 1

The headdress is lightly moistened with water, placed on a flat, hard surface, such as a stool, and then the edge is beaten with a hammer or an old spoon (but not an aluminum one) until the edge becomes thin and sharp, like the creases on trousers.

Method 2

How to beat off a beret and keep its shape for a long time? You can moisten the beret before “molding” by using not water, but a sugar solution, and after beating, insert a special adhesive fabric, thick cardboard, or plastic inside. Some are even experimenting with candle wax. As a result, when the beret dries, its shape will remain the way you want for much longer. The only caveat is that now, if possible, it is better for you not to get caught in the rain, that is, do not get your beret wet, otherwise you will have to repeat the whole process again.

Method 3

If you are interested in how to beat off a beret quickly, easily and without any special equipment, try moistening the beret and running your fingers along the edge several times to thoroughly knead the edge. Then the left side of the band is carefully stretched until the desired configuration is achieved. After this, the headdress is once again moistened with water, put on the head, where it is given its final shape. When you succeed, you can carefully remove the beret and leave it until completely dry.

Method 4

Do you still not know how to beat off a beret using a newspaper? Then remember: old newspapers are placed in a moistened beret, and then using hairpins, clips, clothespins and other devices at hand, it is given the desired shape. The headdress is left until completely dry, then tried on. If there are any roughness or imperfections, you can lightly moisten the product again and adjust the shape manually.

In essence, nothing complicated. The main thing is that even before you start beating the beret, you know exactly what shape you need to give it. Even if your headdress looks unsightly at the very beginning, remember that berets are made from a material that can be easily processed and molded, so you will probably succeed. And another advantage of berets (ordinary hats, not military ones) is that each time you can get an almost new product, depending on how you wear the beret. The photos on this page confirm this.


How to wear a military beret correctly

How to beat off a beret at home: step-by-step instructions for a military beret with a seam and for a “droplet”

In our country, a beret can more often be found on the head of a military man than on a representative of the fair sex. Women's berets are usually made of soft wool or angora. There is no need to beat off such products. It is enough to put them on your head and slightly flatten them along the edge on one of the sides. A military beret is a different matter. It should sit proudly and strictly, indicating the seriousness of its wearer's profession. By the way, by looking at the beret you can determine which branch of the military the owner of the headdress belongs to, as well as get other information about him Additional information.

Black, maroon, blue

IN different countries the same color of the disc-like headdress indicates belonging to different branches of the military. Below are the colors that are relevant for domestic military personnel.

  • Black. The black color indicates that they belong to the Marine Corps. This is the most compact of the existing berets. You can easily hide it in your pocket or put it over headphones if necessary. Marine Corps - Elite Russian army. And a black beret is evidence of belonging to this elite.
  • Speckled. A military maroon beret is a kind of award for a serviceman, confirming his professionalism. You can get such a headdress only after successfully passing a series of tests. Moreover, first they conduct a training exam, and only after it the military man runs a cross-country race, demonstrates his mastery of acrobatic tricks and engages in hand-to-hand combat with an opponent.
  • Blue. Blue berets most often seen on soldiers and officers of the Airborne Forces. Especially when this branch of the military celebrates a professional holiday. Until 1968, paratroopers wore crimson headdresses. But then they were replaced by blue “discs”, the wearing of which is still relevant today.

Berets are divided into seamed and seamless. The latter are popularly called “droplets”.

Any soldier is able to place his beret on his own so that it fits perfectly on his head. And the older and more experienced the serviceman, the more hitting methods he knows. Described below step-by-step instruction will bring the new recruit up to speed and tell you how to prepare the headgear for wearing as quickly and easily as possible.

Sugar water

Peculiarity. To implement this method smoothly, you will need to prepare a solution of water and sugar. To do this, you need to put a tablespoon of granulated sugar in a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. After the sugar solution is ready, you need to periodically dip the fingers of the hand used to beat the beret into it. The sugar water will act as a kind of hairspray and help hold the material in place.

What we do

  1. We put the woolen headdress on any comfortable hand, using the palm as a stand for the beret “disc”.
  2. With the fingers of the second hand, we begin to vigorously knead the surface of the beret, simultaneously forcing it to take the required shape.
  3. From time to time we wet the fingers of the “beating” hand in a sugar solution so that when the fabric dries, it remains fixed.
  4. We straighten the piping.
  5. When wearing it, we try not to get caught in the rain with a broken beret. Otherwise, the headdress will simply lose its shape.
On the head

Peculiarity. This method will help you quickly shape a seamless beret. You will need to wet the product so that it is slightly damp, put it on your head and do not remove it until the beret is completely dry. By the way, this method can also be used by wearers of ordinary women’s wool berets if they are tired of constantly shaping their headdress when putting it on. The method is not suitable for seamed berets.

What we do

  1. First of all, we insert a tin badge into the headdress - a cockade.
  2. Using a spray bottle, wet the product, and then shake it thoroughly to remove all drops of water from the surface.
  3. We put a damp round hat on our head.
  4. We form the beret on the head as required by the charter (or following personal preferences).
  5. We wear it until it is 100% dry.
  6. Using pliers or pliers, press down the edge, making it as sharp as possible.
With a hammer

Peculiarity. Having an iron and a hammer at hand, you can literally shape a beret in just five minutes - be it a woman’s, a man’s, or a military one. Moreover, both a droplet and a product with a seam. The hat also needs to be wet. A spray bottle will help distribute moisture evenly over the surface of the wool “disc”. There is no need to wet it as much as the previous method requires. Simply spray it with water to prepare it for steaming.

What we do

  1. We moisten the surface of the headdress.
  2. We begin steaming using an iron, having previously set the appropriate ironing mode on the device.
  3. After complete drying, place the beret on a chair or other stable surface on which you can easily hit with a hammer.
  4. We beat it off with a hammer, moving in a circle.

You can beat the beret until it becomes hard using a regular tablespoon. But only if it is not made of aluminum.

...and difficult for demobilization

It is not always possible to beat off a suture beret beautifully using the methods described above. It all depends on the quality of the fabric and the circumstances of use of the product. If plan “A” does not work, move on to plan “B” - more complex, but at the same time more effective methods.

Shaving foam

Peculiarity. To implement this method, you will need a small “arsenal” - a bottle of shaving foam, an iron or ceramic bowl with hot water, a razor, hairspray and tailor's scissors. Each stage of the algorithm described below must be implemented in practice strictly according to the instructions. If you manage to fulfill all the requirements exactly, then the beret will fit on your head like a glove - as if it was made especially for you. But mistakes can lead to damage to the headdress, so try to avoid them.

What we do

  1. Using small tailor's scissors, carefully rip off the lining.
  2. Dip the headdress into a vessel with hot water and leave it to soak for a few minutes.
  3. We squeeze the beret thoroughly, not twisting it, but pressing the product against the terry towel.
  4. We insert the cockade into the wet beret and put it on the head.
  5. We begin to smooth the product and give it the required shape.
  6. You need to hit the beret on the right side. To do this, the crown of the headdress must be directed to the right with your hands. As a result, the coveted half-disk will appear.
  7. At the next stage, we hold the arch on which the cockade “sits”, and with the other hand we smooth the top of the head forward. This action must be performed assertively and strongly. Otherwise, the beret will not give way, and its shape will remain the same. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the fabric. It is strong enough and it is unlikely that you will be able to tear it apart with your hands.
  8. After the beret has finally acquired the required shape, we take shaving foam and apply it to its surface. We do this without removing the headdress. We use a mirror for convenience.
  9. We wait a few minutes, and then we begin to rub the product directly into the fabric, doing it evenly - to avoid the appearance of white stains on the woolen material.
  10. We wear the beret for about an hour and a half until it dries completely.
  11. Then we remove it and carefully go over its surface with a razor, thus eliminating the pellets formed from the foam.
  12. Apply hairspray over the entire inner surface. The more the better, ideally a whole bottle.
  13. From a piece of thin plastic we cut out a shape resembling a cockade and insert it under the metal element - into the space between the cockade and the lining.
Old newspapers

Peculiarity. If you don’t have the desire or ability to wear a wet beret on your head, resort to the method with an old newspaper. To do this, you need to crumple up the shapeless spherical elements and stuff them into the inside of the headdress. In addition to newspapers, you will also need plastic clothespins or women's hairpins that can secure the woolen fabric well.

What we do

  1. Using a spray bottle, we moisten the beret by spraying water over its surface.
  2. We stuff the old press inside the beret.
  3. We use clothespins and hairpins to give the headdress stuffed with newspapers the required shape.
  4. Leave the woolen “disc” with newspapers inside until completely dry.
  5. Then we try it on and, if necessary, adjust the resulting shape by re-wetting it.

Tips for wearing an army cap

An army cap also tends to lose its “starched” appearance. Due to their intense contamination, such items have to be washed quite often. This means that every self-respecting soldier should have the skills to return to his former form. And even more so as an officer. There are two methods you can use.

  1. We dry it on the ball. Taking the headdress out of the drum washing machine, it must first of all be dried properly. This can be done by wearing the product on your head. However, this is not always comfortable. Alternatively, you can place it on a ball, an upside-down 3-liter jar, or other suitable frame.
  2. We use starch. You won't be able to knock off an army cap, but you can easily starch it. To do this, in a spacious vessel, mix 100 g of starch and 130 g cold water. Add another 900 g to the mixture hot water and mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. Then we dip the headdress in the starch solution, avoiding getting it on the visor. We thoroughly soak the cap and, without squeezing the product, put it on the frame until completely dry.

Be sure to pay attention to the material used to form the visor of the cap. Products with a plastic visor can be machine washed. But the cardboard base won’t even hold up hand wash. Such a cap will have to be cleaned from dirt and dust using dry cleaning mode.

Returning to shaping the beret, do not despair if it does not suit you the first time. Remember simple thing: Manufacturers use a special pliable fabric, like plasticine, to create berets. If you can't get it into the desired shape, then most likely you are doing something wrong. Check that the algorithm is running correctly and try again.

By the way, there are several more folk ways fixing the beret disk, which were not mentioned above. For example, the use of non-woven fabric - a semi-synthetic paper-like material that is glued under the lining on the inner surface of the beret so that it holds its shape better. For the same purpose, cardboard is used, and sometimes even paraffin or candle wax, poured inside for fixation.

Now you know how to hit the beret correctly and what methods should be used for this purpose. By the way, owners of ordinary (non-military) disc-shaped headdresses can from time to time shape them in a new way - in order to slightly change the image or dilute a boring image. Molding makes it possible to obtain fundamentally new variants from the same product.

Who wears the olive beret, how do you pass the standards to obtain it?

The beret is a soft headdress without a visor round shape. It came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time it was considered an exclusively men's headdress, since it was worn mainly by military men. Currently, berets are part of the military uniform of various troops of the Russian Armed Forces, each of which has its own characteristic coloring of berets, which can be used to determine whether the employee belongs to one or another branch of the Armed Forces.

Historical reference

In our country, they began to include this headdress in military uniforms in 1936, following the example of the West. Initially in the army Soviet Union dark blue berets were supposed to be worn by female military personnel and only in the summer. At the end of World War II they were replaced by khaki berets.

This headdress began to be widely used in the uniform of the Soviet Army much later, having appreciated all the advantages of the beret: it is able to protect the head from various precipitation, is extremely comfortable to wear, and due to its compact size and soft material, this headdress is extremely convenient to remove if necessary. , for example, in your pocket.

In 1963, the beret officially became part of the uniform of military personnel of certain special forces structures.

Today, in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces, there are such varieties of headdresses as black, light blue, blue, maroon, green, light green, orange, gray, cornflower blue, crimson, dark olive and olive berets.

  • Black berets indicate that the serviceman belongs to the Marine Corps.
  • A blue beret on a serviceman’s head indicates that he serves in the Russian Airborne Forces.
  • Beret of blue color refers to military uniform Russian Air Force.
  • The maroon beret is the uniform headdress of the special forces units of the Russian National Guard.
  • The Green Berets belong to the intelligence elite of the internal forces.
  • Light-colored hats Green colour worn by representatives of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation at ceremonial and official events.
  • Orange berets are worn by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Grays are special military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Wearing a cornflower blue beret indicates that its owner belongs to the special forces of the FSB of Russia and the special forces of the FSO of Russia.
  • Crimson berets were worn by those representatives of the troops who served in the Airborne Forces until 1968, since they were then replaced by blue berets.
  • The dark olive beret is the uniform headdress of special forces units of the railway troops.

Military men wearing olive-colored berets are perhaps the most difficult to identify as belonging to any type of military force.

Olive color: belonging to the troops

Olive beret is part of the military uniform of the Russian Guard. Until 2016, it was worn by representatives of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. These troops carry out activities to ensure the internal and public security of Russia from various types of illegal attacks.

The troops have the following purposes:

  • ensuring the territorial integrity of Russia;
  • protection of the country's objects of special importance;
  • interaction with other troops of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • ensuring the safety of Russian citizens;
  • suppression of the activities of terrorist groups.

Very little is known about those who wear olive berets, since information about their activities is classified; wearing such berets is a great honor and pride for their owners and a lot of effort must be made to earn the right to own them.

Receiving an insignia

To earn the honorable right to wear an olive beret, you must go through several stages of the most difficult physical and psychological tests, because only the best employees wear olive berets. Submission for olive beret occurs once a year. Absolutely every Russian military serviceman can participate, but not all military participants are able to pass the olive beret exam; the selection of candidates is extremely strict. According to statistics, only about half of the candidates reach the last stage of the examination tests. To pass the standards to receive a beret, you need to be thoroughly prepared, both physically and mentally.

The following requirements are imposed on a military service member applying for the right to own an olive beret:

  • demonstration physical training;
  • passing a forced march through difficult terrain with water obstacles;
  • ambush detection;
  • rescuing the victim;
  • overcoming an assault barrier;
  • demonstration of aimed fire skills;
  • demonstration of hand-to-hand combat skills.

Taking the olive beret begins with a preliminary stage, which includes such types of physical activity as pull-ups, push-ups, and cross-country over a distance of 3 km. At the next stage of the exam, the applicant for the olive beret will have to go through an obstacle course, storm a building and demonstrate hand-to-hand combat skills.

During the two-hour obstacle course, the applicant, wearing equipment weighing more than 12 kg, must overcome water and other difficult obstacles. This test is carried out without respite or delay. The applicant must then demonstrate marksmanship skills. A 12-minute sparring session with a change of partners ends with a submission for the olive beret. Note that there are some similarities with the special forces surrender for a maroon beret.

During the exam, a candidate for the right to own an olive beret is subjected to the most difficult physical and moral stress, and if the applicant passes all the tests successfully, then he becomes the owner of an olive beret and can rightfully be called a worthy representative of the troops of the RF Armed Forces.

The right to wear an olive beret can also be obtained in the form of an award for special merits in the performance of one’s official duties. The olive beret is a symbol of courage and bravery, but no matter what kind of berets military personnel wear, it is always equally honorable and responsible.

Getting it in order at home: how to clean it up correctly

For many branches of the military, the beret remains one of the components of the uniform. Therefore, first of all, this wardrobe item is associated with military workwear. Recruits are given berets in extremely poor condition - they resemble stacked pancakes. To bring it into an attractive shape, you need to beat off this accessory.

The need to carry out this procedure also arises during service, since soldiers often roll up their beret and wear it under their shoulder straps. If you want to learn how to quickly shape a headdress, watch the attached video. The tips below will help not only soldiers, but also fashionistas who have this accessory in their wardrobe.

Using an old spoon

For this method, you only need a flat surface, some water and an old, necessarily heavy spoon. You can replace it with a hammer. Lightly moisten the accessory with water and place it on a flat surface. For this, a table or stool is most often used. If you are going to work with a hammer, then you should put a large cutting board on the furniture.

You will need

  • Takes a drop (choose your size, take a closer look at 54-55),
  • water (preferably hot),
  • shaving foam or gel,
  • hairspray (colorless),
  • disposable razor,
  • scissors,
  • any plastic card,
  • cockade.


To begin with, we cut out the lining with scissors, but do not cut off the insert for the cockade. Next, immerse the beret in hot water and wait 2 minutes for it to completely soak. We take it out, squeeze it slightly, insert the cockade exactly in the center (we are guided by the insert inside the beret), put it on the head and tighten the ropes at the back of the head, tie it.

Without removing the beret, we begin to smooth it with our hands in the right directions. Left side smooth it back, bringing the hand to the back of the head. We stroke the top of the head to the right side, creating a half-disk near the right ear. We make the arch for the cockade as follows: hold the cockade, and with the right hand we smooth it forward from the top, creating an edging.
Then everything is much simpler, you just need to straighten these sides and remove stains and holes. Don’t be afraid to smooth it harder, the beret won’t tear. Pay special attention to the arch and half-disk at the ear, make them more prominent and even (after its formation, it is advisable to iron the half-disk a little back to the back of the head, press it well to the ear and crush the ends). Your choice of how you want the half disk to look: cover the half disk, lightly touch it, or just hang in the air above it.

After we have made the form, we continue to improve it. Take shaving foam and apply it to the beret large quantities. We coat everything thoroughly, every area (don’t remove the beret!!!). Then wait a few minutes, you can also iron the sides a little, but not too much. Next, we wet our hands with water and begin to rub in the foam (which is on the beret) with movements from side to side, with medium pressure.
Having removed all the stains and white spots, we iron the shape a little more, smooth out the imperfections and leave our creation alone. Under no circumstances do we take off our beret; we walk around in it for about 1.5 hours, or even more. It is advisable to be in a warm place so that it dries on you.

When it's dry on your head, you can put it on a table or on a radiator to dry completely, but so that the half-disc hangs over the edge. Then the beret is completely dry, we must get rid of the pellets that formed from our foam and water. We take a razor and shave in the same directions where we smoothed the creation. We shave so that the surface is smooth and without defects, everything is neat and without rushing.
After this, take hairspray and spray it on inside beret, that is, where we cut out the lining. Use all the polish, don't waste it, the more the better. All this is done to make the beret harder. You will feel the results after such an operation.

Given the practicality of the beret, its informal use by the European military dates back thousands of years. An example is the blue beret, which became a symbol of the Scottish military in the 16th and 17th centuries. As an official military headdress, the beret began to be used during the War of Succession to the Spanish Crown in 1830 by order of General Tomás de Zumalacárregui, who wanted an inexpensive way to make headdresses resistant to the vagaries of weather in the mountains, easy to care for and for use on special occasions .

Other countries followed suit with the creation of the French Alpine Chasseurs in the early 1880s. These mountain troops wore clothing that included several features that were innovative for the time. Including large berets, which have survived to this day.

Berets have features that make them very attractive to the military: they are cheap, can be made in a wide range of colors, can be rolled up and tucked into a pocket or under shoulder straps, and can be worn with headphones (this is one of the reasons why tankers adopted the beret) . The beret was found particularly useful by armored vehicle crews, and the British Tank Corps (later the Royal Tank Corps) adopted this headgear as early as 1918.

After World War 1, when the issue of official changes to uniforms was considered at high level, General Elles, who was a propagandist of berets, gave another argument - during maneuvers it is comfortable to sleep in a beret and it can be used as a balaclava. After lengthy debate within the Ministry of Defence, the black beret was officially approved by His Majesty's decree of March 5, 1924. The black beret remained the exclusive privilege of the Royal Tank Corps for quite some time. Then the practicality of this headdress was noticed by others and by 1940 all armored units in Great Britain began to wear black berets.

German tank crews in the late 1930s also adopted the beret with the addition of a padded helmet inside. Black has become a popular color for tank crew hats because it doesn't show oil stains.

The Second World War gave berets new popularity. English and American saboteurs, who were thrown behind the German lines, in particular to France, quickly appreciated the convenience of berets, especially dark colors - it was convenient to hide their hair under them, they protected their heads from the cold, the beret was used as a balaclava, etc. Some British units introduced berets as the headdress of formations and branches of the military. So, for example, it happened with the SAS - Special Aviation Service, a special purpose unit engaged in sabotage and reconnaissance behind enemy lines - they took a sand-colored beret (it symbolized the desert, where the SAS had to work hard against Rommel’s army). British paratroopers chose a crimson beret - according to legend, this color was suggested by the writer Daphne Du Maurier, the wife of General Frederick Brown, one of the heroes of the Second World War. Because of the color of the beret, the paratroopers immediately received the nickname “cherries.” Since then, the crimson beret has become an unofficial symbol of military paratroopers around the world.

The first use of berets by the US military dates back to 1943. The 509th Parachute Regiment received crimson berets from their English colleagues as a sign of recognition and respect. The use of the beret as a headdress for military personnel in the Soviet Union dates back to 1936. According to the order of NGOs of the USSR to wear berets dark blue, as part of the summer uniform, was reserved for female military personnel and students of military academies.

Berets became the default military headdress in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, just as the cocked hat, shako, cap, cap, and cap did in their respective eras. Berets are now worn by many military personnel in most countries around the world.

And now, actually, about berets in elite troops. And we will start, of course, with the Alpine rangers - the unit that introduced the fashion for wearing berets in the army. Alpine Chasseurs (Mountain Shooters) are the elite mountain infantry of the French Army. They are trained to conduct combat operations in mountainous and urban areas. They wear a wide dark blue beret.

The French Foreign Legion wears light green berets.

French Navy commandos wear the green beret.

The French Marines wear dark blue berets.

French Air Force commandos wear dark blue berets.

French paratroopers wear red berets.

German airborne troops wear maroon berets.

German special forces (KSK) wear berets of the same color, but with a different emblem.

The Vatican Swiss Guards wear a large black beret.

The Dutch Royal Marines wear dark blue berets.

The Airmobile Brigade (11 Luchtmobiele Brigade) of the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces wears maroon berets (Maroon).

The Finnish Marines wear green berets.

Italian paratroopers of the Carabinieri regiment wear red berets.

Soldiers of the special unit of the Italian Navy wear green berets.

The Portuguese Marines wear dark blue berets.

Soldiers of the British Parachute Regiment wear maroon berets.

Special Air Service (SAS) commandos have worn tan berets since World War II.

The British Royal Marines wear green berets.

The Fusiliers of Her Majesty's Gurkha Brigade wear green berets.

Canadian paratroopers wear maroon berets.

The 2nd Australian Army Commando Regiment wears green berets

American Rangers wear a beige beret (tan).

The American Green Berets (United States Army Special Forces) naturally wear green berets, which were approved for them in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.

US Airborne troops wear maroon berets, which they received in 1943 from their British counterparts and allies.

But the United States Marine Corps (USMC) does not wear berets. In 1951, the Marine Corps introduced several types of berets, green and blue, but they were rejected by tough warriors due to the fact that they looked “too feminine.”

Marines South Korea wear green berets.

Georgian Army Special Forces wear maroon (Maroon) berets.

Serbian special forces soldiers wear black berets.

The air assault brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan wears blue berets.

Hugo Chavez wears the red beret of the Venezuelan Parachute Brigade.

Let's move on to the valiant elite troops of Russia and our Slavic brothers.

Our response to the appearance in the armies of NATO countries of units that wore berets, in particular units of the US Special Forces, whose uniform headdress was a green beret, was Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of November 5, 1963 No. 248. According to the order, a new field uniform is being introduced for special forces units of the USSR Marine Corps. This form was accompanied by a black beret, from cotton fabric for sailors and sergeants of conscript service and woolen fabric for officers.

The cockades and stripes on the berets of the Marine Corps changed many times: replacing the red star on the berets of sailors and sergeants with a black oval-shaped emblem with a red star and a bright yellow border, and later, in 1988, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 250 of March 4, the oval emblem was replaced by an asterisk bordered by a wreath. There were also many innovations in the Russian army, and now it looks like this. After the approval of a new uniform for marine units, berets also appeared in the airborne troops. In June 1967, Colonel General V.F. Margelov, then commander of the Airborne Forces, approved sketches of a new uniform for the airborne troops. The designer of the sketches was the artist A. B. Zhuk, known as the author of many books on small arms and as the author of illustrations of the SVE (Soviet Military Encyclopedia). It was A.B. Zhuk who proposed the crimson color of the beret for paratroopers. A crimson beret was at that time all over the world an attribute of belonging to the airborne troops, and V.F. Margelov approved the wearing of a crimson beret by airborne troops during parades in Moscow. On the right side of the beret was sewn a small blue triangular flag with the emblem of the airborne troops. On the berets of sergeants and soldiers, there was a star framed by a wreath of ears of corn on the front; on the berets of officers, instead of a star, a cockade was attached.

In our country, a beret can more often be found on the head of a military man than on a representative of the fair sex. Women's berets are usually made of soft wool or angora. There is no need to beat off such products. It is enough to put them on your head and slightly flatten them along the edge on one of the sides. A military beret is a different matter. It should sit proudly and strictly, indicating the seriousness of its wearer's profession. By the way, by looking at the beret you can determine which branch of the military the owner of the headdress belongs to, as well as obtain other additional information about him.

Black, maroon, blue

In different countries, the same color of a disc-like headdress indicates belonging to different branches of the military. Below are the colors that are relevant for domestic military personnel.

  • Black . The black color indicates that they belong to the Marine Corps. This is the most compact of the existing berets. You can easily hide it in your pocket or put it over headphones if necessary. The Marine Corps is the elite of the Russian army. And a black beret is evidence of belonging to this elite.
  • Maroon. A military maroon beret is a kind of award for a serviceman, confirming his professionalism. You can get such a headdress only after successfully passing a series of tests. Moreover, first they conduct a training exam, and only after it the military man runs a cross-country race, demonstrates his mastery of acrobatic tricks and engages in hand-to-hand combat with an opponent.
  • Blue. Blue berets can most often be seen on soldiers and officers of the Airborne Forces. Especially when this branch of the military celebrates a professional holiday. Until 1968, paratroopers wore crimson headdresses. But then they were replaced by blue “discs”, the wearing of which is still relevant today.

Berets are divided into seamed and seamless. The latter are popularly called “droplets”.

How to hit a beret at home: simple methods for new recruits...

Any soldier is able to place his beret on his own so that it fits perfectly on his head. And the older and more experienced the serviceman, the more hitting methods he knows. The step-by-step instructions described below will bring the new recruit up to speed and tell you how to prepare the headdress for wearing as quickly and easily as possible.

Sugar water

Peculiarity . To implement this method smoothly, you will need to prepare a solution of water and sugar. To do this, you need to put a tablespoon of granulated sugar in a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. After the sugar solution is ready, you need to periodically dip the fingers of the hand used to beat the beret into it. The sugar water will act as a kind of hairspray and help hold the material in place.

What we do

  1. We put the woolen headdress on any comfortable hand, using the palm as a stand for the beret “disc”.
  2. With the fingers of the second hand, we begin to vigorously knead the surface of the beret, simultaneously forcing it to take the required shape.
  3. From time to time we wet the fingers of the “beating” hand in a sugar solution so that when the fabric dries, it remains fixed.
  4. We straighten the piping.
  5. When wearing it, we try not to get caught in the rain with a broken beret. Otherwise, the headdress will simply lose its shape.

On the head

Peculiarity . This method will help you quickly shape a seamless beret. You will need to wet the product so that it is slightly damp, put it on your head and do not remove it until the beret is completely dry. By the way, this method can also be used by wearers of ordinary women’s wool berets if they are tired of constantly shaping their headdress when putting it on. The method is not suitable for seamed berets.

What we do

  1. First of all, we insert a tin badge into the headdress - a cockade.
  2. Using a spray bottle, wet the product, and then shake it thoroughly to remove all drops of water from the surface.
  3. We put a damp round hat on our head.
  4. We form the beret on the head as required by the charter (or following personal preferences).
  5. We wear it until it is 100% dry.
  6. Using pliers or pliers, press down the edge, making it as sharp as possible.

With a hammer

Peculiarity . Having an iron and a hammer at hand, you can literally shape a beret in just five minutes - be it a woman’s, a man’s, or a military one. Moreover, both a droplet and a product with a seam. The hat also needs to be wet. A spray bottle will help distribute moisture evenly over the surface of the wool “disc”. There is no need to wet it as much as the previous method requires. Simply spray it with water to prepare it for steaming.

What we do

  1. We moisten the surface of the headdress.
  2. We begin steaming using an iron, having previously set the appropriate ironing mode on the device.
  3. After complete drying, place the beret on a chair or other stable surface on which you can easily hit with a hammer.
  4. We beat it off with a hammer, moving in a circle.

You can beat the beret until it becomes hard using a regular tablespoon. But only if it is not made of aluminum.

...and difficult for demobilization

It is not always possible to beat off a suture beret beautifully using the methods described above. It all depends on the quality of the fabric and the circumstances of use of the product. If plan “A” does not work, move on to plan “B” - more complex, but at the same time more effective methods.

Shaving foam

Peculiarity . To implement this method, you will need a small “arsenal” - a bottle of shaving foam, an iron or ceramic bowl with hot water, a razor, hairspray and tailor's scissors. Each stage of the algorithm described below must be implemented in practice strictly according to the instructions. If you manage to fulfill all the requirements exactly, then the beret will fit on your head like a glove - as if it was made especially for you. But mistakes can lead to damage to the headdress, so try to avoid them.

What we do

  1. Using small tailor's scissors, carefully rip off the lining.
  2. Dip the headdress into a vessel with hot water and leave it to soak for a few minutes.
  3. We squeeze the beret thoroughly, not twisting it, but pressing the product against the terry towel.
  4. We insert the cockade into the wet beret and put it on the head.
  5. We begin to smooth the product and give it the required shape.
  6. You need to hit the beret on the right side. To do this, the crown of the headdress must be directed to the right with your hands. As a result, the coveted half-disk will appear.
  7. At the next stage, we hold the arch on which the cockade “sits”, and with the other hand we smooth the top of the head forward. This action must be performed assertively and strongly. Otherwise, the beret will not give way, and its shape will remain the same. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the fabric. It is strong enough and it is unlikely that you will be able to tear it apart with your hands.
  8. After the beret has finally acquired the required shape, we take shaving foam and apply it to its surface. We do this without removing the headdress. We use a mirror for convenience.
  9. We wait a few minutes, and then we begin to rub the product directly into the fabric, doing it evenly - to avoid the appearance of white stains on the woolen material.
  10. We wear the beret for about an hour and a half until it dries completely.
  11. Then we remove it and carefully go over its surface with a razor, thus eliminating the pellets formed from the foam.
  12. Apply hairspray over the entire inner surface. The more the better, ideally a whole bottle.
  13. From a piece of thin plastic we cut out a shape resembling a cockade and insert it under the metal element - into the space between the cockade and the lining.

Old newspapers

Peculiarity . If you don’t have the desire or ability to wear a wet beret on your head, resort to the method with an old newspaper. To do this, you need to crumple up the shapeless spherical elements and stuff them into the inside of the headdress. In addition to newspapers, you will also need plastic clothespins or women's hairpins that can secure the woolen fabric well.

What we do

  1. Using a spray bottle, we moisten the beret by spraying water over its surface.
  2. We stuff the old press inside the beret.
  3. We use clothespins and hairpins to give the headdress stuffed with newspapers the required shape.
  4. Leave the woolen “disc” with newspapers inside until completely dry.
  5. Then we try it on and, if necessary, adjust the resulting shape by re-wetting it.

Tips for wearing an army cap

An army cap also tends to lose its “starched” appearance. Due to their intense contamination, such items have to be washed quite often. This means that every self-respecting soldier should have the skills to return to his former form. And even more so as an officer. There are two methods you can use.

  1. We dry it on the ball. Having removed the hat from the drum of the washing machine, it must first be dried properly. This can be done by wearing the product on your head. However, this is not always comfortable. Alternatively, you can place it on a ball, an upside-down 3-liter jar, or other suitable frame.
  2. We use starch. You won't be able to knock off an army cap, but you can easily starch it. To do this, mix 100 g of starch and 130 g of cold water in a spacious vessel. Add another 900 g of hot water to the mixture and mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. Then we dip the headdress in the starch solution, avoiding getting it on the visor. We thoroughly soak the cap and, without squeezing the product, put it on the frame until completely dry.

Be sure to pay attention to the material used to form the visor of the cap. Products with a plastic visor can be machine washed. But the cardboard base will not withstand even hand washing. Such a cap will have to be cleaned from dirt and dust using dry cleaning mode.

Returning to shaping the beret, do not despair if it does not suit you the first time. Remember a simple thing: manufacturers use a special pliable fabric, like plasticine, to create berets. If you can't get it into the desired shape, then most likely you are doing something wrong. Check that the algorithm is running correctly and try again.

By the way, there are several more folk ways of fixing the beret disk, which were not mentioned above. For example, the use of non-woven fabric - a semi-synthetic paper-like material that is glued under the lining on the inner surface of the beret so that it holds its shape better. For the same purpose, cardboard is used, and sometimes even paraffin or candle wax, poured inside for fixation.

Now you know how to hit the beret correctly and what methods should be used for this purpose. By the way, owners of ordinary (non-military) disc-shaped headdresses can from time to time shape them in a new way - in order to slightly change the image or dilute a boring image. Molding makes it possible to obtain fundamentally new variants from the same product.