Men's desires: what the stronger sex likes in bed. What to do in bed to surprise your lover What to do in bed to

No matter what they say about the importance of psychological compatibility, identical values ​​and common outlook on life, the quality of intimate intimacy has played and will play almost the most important role when choosing a future life partner.

How to behave in bed so that a man cannot forget moments of intimacy with you? So, what do you need to do to have fabulous sex?

Give yourself completely to the process

Rule number one is: make love when you really want it. Coitus out of habit, because “it’s necessary”, “it’s high time”, “otherwise he’ll quit” - this is sex with a C grade, and you don’t have to deceive yourself. There is no true passion in him, and you can feel it.

Men are not insensitive blockheads. They perfectly sense the mood of a woman, and simple acrobatics without an inner spark can overshadow the mind of only a green youth, but not a man with any experience.

To hell with all the problems! Troubles at work, a difficult conversation with your mother, or thoughts about where it is better to get a loan for washing machine- get everyone out.

Quality sex requires being fully present. Learn to be here and now and don't be distracted by anything. Focus on the process and your partner. The whole world will wait. Honestly, nothing will happen to him during this time.

Accept his rules of the game

Be open and ready to experiment - Golden Rule number two. We all have our own preferences in sex. Some people like tenderness, others like tougher options.

The same is true with men. Don’t rush to raise your eyebrows if his desires seem a little... mmm... to you. beyond the scope. The framework is set by us.

Of course, there are certain limits, but don't rush to deprive yourself of pleasure by trying something new.

Be different

Every man would like to play some games from time to time. For example, being seduced by an experienced nurse. Or, on the contrary, teach the “brain” to a failing student who will do anything for a test. Note that these fantasies are completely opposite, and it’s great if you can alternate them during implementation.

Repeating the same scenario will kill any passion.

Be different. Sometimes you can play at innocence, slightly resisting the male onslaught. The next time - take the initiative and subjugate the man to your will. Monotony is tiring, try to avoid it.

Accept a man completely

Men are no less prone to developing complexes and self-examination than we are. The easiest way to turn a macho man into an impotent man is to tell him something like, “Well, with legs like that, it’s better not to wear shorts.”

The Holy of Holies is He, His Majesty the Male Organ. Even harmless jokes are inappropriate here, everything is so serious. Moreover, we are talking not only about shape, length, thickness and other dimensions, but also about color, smell and even taste (children don’t read us?).

A man in all his forms and manifestations is beautiful. Get used to this thought and do not make sudden movements towards the shower immediately after a passionate struggle in bed. Excessive love for hygiene procedures can be interpreted as disgust, which means that you do not accept the man in his entirety. This is a blow to self-esteem. Such women are in demand only among latent masochists who love humiliation in any form. So if you need normal man, either accept it completely and completely, or pass by and don’t fool anyone.

Talk about your desires

Hiding your desires is stupid. Where else can you open up to a person, if not while being in the same bed with him? Many men complain that a woman is “closed tightly” during sex. You feel good? Fine. That's the whole backlash.

Don't be afraid of being branded as a perverted or "bad girl." The man is flattered by your trust. If you want to give him and yourself real pleasure, talk about what you want to get from him. It’s possible even without half-hints - the situation is conducive to frankness. Moreover, many men are turned on when a woman calls a spade a spade and does not hesitate to ask him to do something for her. Try it at least once and you won't regret it.

Today, many women are interested in how to please a man in bed, without having much experience. Indeed, practically for representatives of the stronger sex “this” is one of the main needs. And emancipation and the ability to behave in love pleasures For some men, at a certain stage of life, it is more important than the ability to cook delicious borscht.

Basic rules in bed

  • Beauty and grooming. Keep track of your appearance. An unkempt and sloppy woman can attract few people. Special attention pay attention to the “small” details - manicure, pedicure, clean hair, and, of course, depilation of excess body hair. Believe me, the latter attracts few people.
  • Erotica. When meeting a man, it is not at all necessary to slay him on the spot with mini skirts and short tops with an open neckline. Believe me long skirt to the floor, but with a cut that exposes the leg when walking, has a more “interesting” effect. Such stunning clothes include dresses that are closed in the front but expose the back. Let's not forget about underwear. The most daring and sexy outfits are suitable for an intimate meeting, but, in principle, under a dress, you can completely “forget” to wear it.
  • Fragrances for seduction. Throw aside the heavy aphrodisiacs. For an intimate meeting, light fruity notes will be good. Fragrances can be used both in the form of perfumes and in the form of room aromatization. But before that, make sure that your man does not have allergies, otherwise all your preparations will be in vain.
  • "Love Potion" You can seduce a man by giving him an unusual drink right in bed. It can be an alcoholic cocktail, aromatic coffee with cinnamon or tea with thyme.
  • Be kind. One of the tips on how to please a man in bed without much experience recommends not skimping on your lover’s affection. Pet your partner, hug. Perhaps he will like an erotic or simple massage. In the first case, prepare the appropriate atmosphere - beautiful bed linen, creams and oils with stimulating aromas. Be sure that the meeting will not end with just one massage...
  • Initiative. Here you should understand the fine line between promiscuity and the desire to be seductive for your man. Take the initiative in love games, but do it carefully and unobtrusively. It should be noted that some men subconsciously expect it from you. At least that's what sexologists say.
  • Lack of leadership. There is no need to specifically indicate your erogenous zones, and right away. Do this gradually and carefully. In any case, you will be rubbing each other in bed for some time, so take your time, listen to your partner’s body and let him listen to you. After all, there is also a language of love, which in this case is much more effective.
  • Respond to affection. Be natural, react to your partner’s caresses, because this way he will see what you like and what you don’t. But you shouldn’t feign your feelings, it won’t lead to anything good in your relationship.
  • Don't get distracted by talking. When a man is in the mood for lovemaking, and you suddenly want to talk, this is not the best moment. At most, he can mutter something unintelligible. But more often than not, such off-topic conversations contribute to his loss of interest. The evening will be hopelessly ruined. Therefore, leave all conversations “for later.”
  • Appreciation. Oddly enough, but for representatives of the stronger sex it is important to evaluate their skills in bed. After you enjoy it, kiss and hug, say something inspiring and grateful. It is recommended not to run straight into the shower, as sometimes men think that by doing this you are showing your dissatisfaction.

Tips on how to please a man in bed without much experience are useful to all women, even experienced ones. After all, over time, in long-term relationships, the passion for love often fades away, and effort is required to rekindle it. You may need the same initiative or the introduction of eroticism in bed pleasures. In any case, it is the woman who rules in the sexual sphere, so in the bedroom you need to put aside shyness and be yourself. Be loved!

In order to please a man not only for the first time, having little experience, but in general, it is necessary to consider the behavior of a woman (girl). Therefore, let's consider what needs to be done before intimate relationships how to behave during sex and after it.

How to please a man in bed for the first time

Before intimacy.

Before the meeting, you need to calm down and not be nervous. Go to the store, buy beautiful underwear. Try it on. You look great! Remember this well.

Many ladies are too picky about their appearance, so they experience not only anxiety, but also insecurity about their beauty. But in vain. After all, if a man wants to spend the night with you, it means he doesn’t care about the shortcomings of your figure.

Flirting before first intimacy– a mandatory attribute of relationships. At this moment, both partners dream of uniting into a single whole. At this stage, various are good. Plus, if this is some kind of cat and mouse game, the outcome of which is clear to both the guy and the girl.

You can tease and provoke your significant other through correspondence or in conversation. But do not overdo it, otherwise the man may become too worried (and this happens).

How can you surprise a man in bed?

Once you find yourself in bed with a man, you need to adhere to 5 rules, if, of course, you want to continue the relationship.

What a man likes in a woman in moments of intimacy:

  • . You must radiate it. Nobody likes people with complexes. Don't be shy about your nakedness. For a man now you are irresistible.
  • Interest. Nobody wants to end up in bed with " snow queen" Show that you enjoy the process through stroking, kissing and caressing.
  • Temperament. She is capable of turning on any guy like crazy. Men love (almost all) when the initiative in bed comes from a girl. Throw him on the pillows, kiss him passionately, rip his shirt. Although no, it’s better not to do the last point. You never know. This might be his favorite shirt. Or the only one.
  • Caring. No, you don’t need to drag a pot of borscht to bed for your lover. But you must strive to please your partner. Inexperienced girls can simply ask questions during sex. Of course, there is no need to step over yourself and do things that contradict your principles. But it is necessary to try to please a man.
  • Emotionality.

Men love to talk during sex. No, not about your new blouse or shoes.

But such thrown phrases as:

  • “I want you so much” (during foreplay)
  • or “so good”

have a stimulating effect.

Light moaning and screaming will also work. It's just not worth replaying. So, the sounds made indicate that you like everything. Silent partners confuse a man. Does she enjoy the process? Unclear. So feel free to talk about your feelings to your partner. Just don’t overdo it again, too much chatter will get in the way.

What to do in bed to make a man like it

Many people try so hard to please their man in bed that they start doing things they have never done before. For example, everyone knows that men love oral sex. However, if you have no experience, caressing with your hands will be enough. With inept movements you are more likely to scare him away. He will think that this is how you always act, and you can forget about the next date.

I'm not saying that without experience, oral sex should not be practiced at all. But it’s better not to experiment with sex with a new partner.

As one wise lady I know said, first you need to skate the mandatory program. And only then start improvising.

Fussiness and sex are incompatible. Don't try to immediately put on your clothes and hide in the bathroom. After intimacy, a man wants to enjoy the moment, lie in the arms of his beloved woman.

Affection is the most important thing in intimacy. Even with no experience, you will cope with the task. A man likes it when his partner strokes his hair and goes down to his back and buttocks. Since guys are very sensitive to their dignity, you need to pay attention to it too. Many are crazy about light biting and licking of the earlobes, or kissing behind the ear.

Change positions during sex(take the initiative in this too) . There are many more options besides missionary! Almost all men love it when a girl is on top. They also don’t mind lying down and having fun. However, don’t you like to be in control of the situation?

Scratches on the back are considered a sign of a woman's satisfaction. Mostly the fair half of humanity thinks so. Some men think about how to get rid of the marks and complain about pain. Of course, a couple of scratches in a fit of passion is understandable. But I don’t understand the backs torn by nails.

Do you want to encourage or torment a man? If you feel good, you can hug tighter, scream louder or whisper something pleasant. It's another matter when your man likes to experience pain. True, I think he will talk about this not during the first intimacy, but when your relationship becomes more stable.

Guys don't like fewer women. After intimacy, it’s time to praise your partner. But be careful, your praise should not sound false or implausible.
For example, instead of the phrase “You are simply God!” (well, obviously too much), it’s better to say something like “I just can’t get over it, it was great.”

Also, you should not talk after sex about your ex-boyfriends. A man does not need to know about the quantity and quality of your previous partners. Even if he is magnificent and incomparable in comparison with them, this knowledge is of no use to him.

Ask about former relationship You don't need a man either:

  • Firstly, he is unlikely to tell you the whole truth.
  • Secondly, why do you need this? Set yourself the goal of becoming the same gymnast as his previous passion? Or will you torture yourself with diets in order to become like that Zina (Valya, Olya, Anya)? The man is with you now.

He likes you. Therefore, you do not need any drastic changes.

In the end, to please a man in bed, everything is simple - relax and have fun. And it doesn’t matter whether you have experience or little. Especially for the first time, as a rule, the man is more worried about making the woman feel good. He needs to show what a cool “macho” he is.

Sincere love to everyone!

Today, many women are interested in how to please a man in bed, without having much experience. Indeed, practically for representatives of the stronger sex “this” is one of the main needs. And liberation and the ability to behave in love pleasures are for some men at a certain stage of life more important than the ability to cook delicious borscht.

Basic rules in bed

  • Beauty and grooming. Watch your appearance. An unkempt and sloppy woman can attract few people. Pay special attention to the “small” details - manicure, pedicure, clean hair, and, of course, depilation of excess body hair. Believe me, the latter attracts few people.
  • Erotica. When meeting a man, it is not at all necessary to slay him on the spot with mini skirts and short tops with an open neckline. Believe me, a long floor-length skirt, but with a slit that exposes the leg when walking, has a more “interesting” effect. Such stunning clothes include dresses that are closed in the front but expose the back. Let's not forget about underwear. The most daring and sexy outfits are suitable for an intimate meeting, but, in principle, under a dress, you can completely “forget” to wear it.
  • Fragrances for seduction. Throw aside the heavy aphrodisiacs. For an intimate meeting, light fruity notes will be good. Fragrances can be used both in the form of perfumes and in the form of room aromatization. But before that, make sure that your man does not have allergies, otherwise all your preparations will be in vain.
  • "Love Potion" You can seduce a man by giving him an unusual drink right in bed. It can be an alcoholic cocktail, aromatic coffee with cinnamon or tea with thyme.
  • Be kind. One of the tips on how to please a man in bed without much experience recommends not skimping on your lover’s affection. Pet your partner, hug. Perhaps he will like an erotic or simple massage. In the first case, prepare the appropriate atmosphere - beautiful bed linen, creams and oils with stimulating aromas. Be sure that the meeting will not end with just one massage...
  • Initiative. Here you should understand the fine line between promiscuity and the desire to be seductive for your man. Take the initiative in love games, but do it carefully and unobtrusively. It should be noted that some men subconsciously expect it from you. At least that's what sexologists say.
  • Lack of leadership. There is no need to specifically indicate your erogenous zones, and right away. Do this gradually and carefully. In any case, you will be rubbing each other in bed for some time, so take your time, listen to your partner’s body and let him listen to you. After all, there is also a language of love, which in this case is much more effective.
  • Respond to affection. Be natural, react to your partner’s caresses, because this way he will see what you like and what you don’t. But you shouldn’t feign your feelings, it won’t lead to anything good in your relationship.
  • Don't get distracted by talking. When a man is in the mood for lovemaking, and you suddenly want to talk, this is not the best moment. At most, he can mutter something unintelligible. But more often than not, such off-topic conversations contribute to his loss of interest. The evening will be hopelessly ruined. Therefore, leave all conversations “for later.”
  • Appreciation. Oddly enough, but for representatives of the stronger sex it is important to evaluate their skills in bed. After you enjoy it, kiss and hug, say something inspiring and grateful. It is recommended not to run straight into the shower, as sometimes men think that by doing this you are showing your dissatisfaction.

Tips on how to please a man in bed without much experience are useful to all women, even experienced ones. After all, over time, in long-term relationships, the passion for love often fades away, and effort is required to rekindle it. You may need the same initiative or the introduction of eroticism in bed pleasures. In any case, it is the woman who rules in the sexual sphere, so in the bedroom you need to put aside shyness and be yourself. Be loved!


I don't know if women read men's magazines. We men are yours women's magazines Let's look! Mainly to be amazed at how you sometimes don’t understand us. Particularly impressive are articles like: “10 reasons to leave you” or “How to make him orgasm.” It is obvious to any of us that they were written by a woman. And you believe them, and think that your espionage foray into our camp will bring you the desired renewal of relations with your closest and most incomprehensible person.

Naturally, the update does not happen, because in fact you do not go beyond the bounds of your feminine logic. Therefore, it is still better for you to hear some things from a man. Of course, you are sure that we are thinking about only one thing. 24 hours a day. This is true. We don't care much about money good job, success and our friends. We really do think about sex all the time. Let's talk about him. And the way you like it - some of you are organically unable to stand monologues and text in bricks, so let’s compile a la “hit parade” of what irritates men in bed.

Emotional indifference

This comes first! Coldness and lack of interest in what is happening excites only necrophiles. And since your man ended up in bed with you, and not with a brooding woman from the morgue, then you shouldn’t copy her character. I will say even more - if your partner is not a 16-year-old teenager with excess hormones, then a log-like state is The best way discourage him from continuing the process at all!

Fake orgasm

Unfortunately, no matter how much advice you give from glossy pages not to do this, there are still many among you who have not decided for themselves the dilemma of what can offend a man more: imitation of an orgasm or its absence. In fact, we ourselves don’t know. But when you realize that a woman resorts to “fakes” at the most intimate moment, literally everything drains from you. And trust disappears completely. You feel a strange mixture of humiliation, disappointment and resentment - we are able to understand that for some of you, detente does not always come, we should not be equated with single-celled people with such deception.

Inability to experience orgasm at all

A man can find out about this different ways: gradually, in the process of a relationship or suddenly, for the first time. The effect, of course, varies from this discovery, but the result is always the same - our self-esteem falls down at supersonic speed. To continue a relationship with such a “lucky girl,” you need to experience very deep feelings or feel an emotional return, a spark on her part. Many women experience this feature as a disadvantage, however, the point now is that a woman should not get hung up on the fact that this is a problem. It is much more important to understand that this also traumatizes us, and we can get out of this contradiction only by demonstrating that we make you happy without orgasm. After all, in essence, it is not the fact itself that is important to us: whether you have reached the peak or not, it is important for us to see in your eyes that we are real machos.

Complexes about your figure

If a man invites you to bed, then you are the standard of sexuality for him. And you shouldn’t immediately say apologetically after you’ve taken off your clothes that you have small breasts—it annoys us (it doesn’t only apply to breasts).

Incomprehensible tricks

If you are not ready to do something, it is better to say so directly; there is no need to refer to a bad mood, a negative astrological forecast or anything else, if in principle you never engage in oral sex.

Negative comments about our actions

If we do something wrong, this is not a reason to stigmatize us - we can be gently guided in the right direction, because in fact, deliberate self-harm is not our intention.

Unflattering expressions

Expressions like : “Why are you so thin?” or “I didn’t expect that yours was small!” They don’t add enthusiasm to us, and they don’t add pleasure to you. Think about what you are depriving yourself of with such exclamations... Although a real macho will always have a couple of jokes in stock about this. Well, if you come across a modest guy, all that remains for you after that is to run to the pharmacy for Viagra.

Turn off your mobile phone!

There is nothing worse when your girlfriend, sister or mother calls you at the most crucial moment. You will discuss the size range in a fashion store later.

Monotony of behavior

Women who strive for total submission, total suppression, or to receive pleasure in a strictly defined position quickly get bored... maybe harshly, but true.

When you call us by other people's names

Even if we understand well that the woman with whom we share a bed is not our destiny, even if we, in fact, as the saying goes, just met in bed, it causes a storm of indignation in us when we, documented by Vasya, are suddenly called Petya . It would be nice if they were Brady Pitts!

So there you go, girls! Have you seen the movie “Promise Doesn't Mean Marry”? I think every woman should be required to watch it at least once. But not at all because of its dubious artistic merits - but as a powerful sobering remedy against your illusions, dear ladies. But if we men are ready to admit that you are really full of subtle errors emotional sphere, then with regard to sex everything is extremely simple. So good luck to you!