Is it possible to get a piercing on... Piercing - varieties and fashion trends; a description of how it is made and how it is cared for; contraindications to the procedure. – What size should the decorations be?

Piercing is a minimally invasive medical procedure associated with damage to the integrity of soft tissue and cartilage. When conducting a piercing session, many factors are taken into account, since the risk of developing negative reactions from the body. In addition to health status, it is necessary to take into account the client’s age. At what age can you get a piercing? This is a pressing issue that worries modern teenagers and their parents. We invite you to consider in detail and find out the nuances.

Features of punctures in different parts of the body

Body modification through piercing is carried out through punctures of the skin and external organs. What is it for? Everyone chooses their own explanation for an action, but more often it is a way to emphasize individuality and uniqueness.

People who have jewelry on different parts of the body claim that it is aesthetically beautiful, helps them feel relaxed and understand their body better.

Popular places for piercing:

  • Lips. In demand among boys and girls. In many cases, “informals” decide to get a puncture. The lip can be pierced anywhere, the main thing is that the earring does not touch the teeth, otherwise regular friction will cause damage to the enamel and, as a result, caries. It looks beautiful, but during healing the owner has to endure serious pain, problems with diction, and restrictions on food intake.
  • Navel. A popular place for underage girls who prefer to wear revealing clothes. The process of forming a hole is painful and the wound causes serious inconvenience and pain for the first week. During the recovery period, sports are not recommended, any physical activity, even a banal tilt of the body causes pain. During pregnancy, the earring is replaced with a suitable flexible product.
  • Ears. The most popular place to decorate with earrings. Unlike other places, the procedure here is painless. The damage heals within a month. Today you can make punctures not only in the lobe, but also in the hard cartilage of the auricle.
  • Eyebrow. A ring or barbell in the brow ridge causes mixed emotions among others. This area of ​​the face contains a large number nerve endings, blood vessels, which threatens serious bleeding and prolonged healing.
  • Language. Fashionable, but dangerous trend for health. After visiting the master, severe swelling of the organ, disruption of taste buds, and inflammation are observed. Manipulations should be carried out by a professional piercer. If the arteries are damaged, severe bleeding and serious health problems can occur.
  • Nose. More often the earring is inserted into the wing of the nose, less often the septum is pierced. When deciding on piercing, you should remember that this is a painful procedure that entails a number of unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations for 2-3 weeks or months.
  • Nipples. A painful extreme method of body modification. Puncture of female nipples entails such an unpleasant complication as blockage, scarring of the milk duct and the impossibility of breastfeeding. How long does it take to heal? You will have to wait 2-3 months, during which you will regularly feel pain. The discomfort is noticeable even during sleep.

If the puncture is not treated in time and hygiene rules are violated, inflammation, blood poisoning and earring rejection may occur.

Piercing is a serious procedure. No matter where the hole is made, there will be pain and healing, and the wounds will need care.

What age is it legal to get a piercing?

According to the law, body piercings are prohibited for people under 14 years of age. At this age, the master does piercing, but only with the written permission of the parents. After 18 years of age, a person has the right to make such decisions independently, and the salon will carry out the procedure if they have the appropriate documents - passport, international passport or driver's license.

Puncture in adolescence threatens with a number of negative consequences. Girls who want to insert an earring into their navel must clearly understand that they are in an active growth phase, their skin is stretching and there is a high risk of deformation of the hole, displacement of the jewelry, and the appearance of scar tissue.

If parents give consent to piercing, they must accompany the child, be nearby at all times or write permission, in accordance with current legislation.

No salon with a good reputation will perform a piercing if it doubts that the child has reached the age of 18. To confirm their right to the procedure, a person is required to provide identification documents.

When you don't need permission from your parents

Parental consent or their personal presence is required for any type of piercing, including manipulation of the earlobe.

How long can you get a piercing without notifying your parents? As already mentioned, from the age of 18. No other cases are described in the law.

Many piercers working at home or in unsanitary conditions perform the procedure on young clients, guided by the law on the protection of public health, which states that from the age of 15 a person has the right to independently consent to medical interventions. This is a direct violation of the laws, since medicine and cosmetology are separate concepts according to the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activities.

What responsibility does the master have?

If the master performs the procedure to a minor child without the written consent of parents or guardians, he will face a fine. The management of the salon is also financially liable for violation of the law.

If a child has been pierced, parents have the right to sue and seek punishment, especially when the piercing has caused serious damage to the health and appearance of the minor.

If you dream of getting a piercing, but your dad and mom won’t give permission, don’t go to unknown piercers who work at home or in small offices. This threatens blood poisoning, hepatitis, HIV, AIDS. Under no circumstances do the procedure yourself, as the body may give an ambiguous reaction, and the intervention will result in serious health problems. It is better to wait until the body reaches adulthood and maturity.

Many people cannot imagine their life without piercings. From harmless earlobe piercings to tunnels and intimate “beauty” - it is so variable that it is sometimes difficult to say where the aesthetics are and when the limit will come. In any case, every girl should know whether piercing can be done during menstruation and how to protect herself from complications of the procedure. After all, even a seemingly harmless piercing of the navel or ears can bring a lot of trouble.

Read in this article

Piercing places

Piercing can be located on the head, neck, torso, or genitals. The number and types of jewelry are also determined by the location of the puncture. The most common piercings in Russia are earlobes, navel, and tongue. Other places for piercing are considered more “exotic”. But despite this, the younger generation is very passionate about it, using tunnels and other “curiosities.”

Head and neck

Most often, this is where various decorations are located. If eyebrows are pierced, the following options are possible:

  • horizontal piercing – along the eyebrow,
  • vertical - above and below the hair growth, can be done at an angle or perpendicular to the eye line.

Piercings of the upper cheek, eyelid and forehead (in the center, like Indian women) are also often performed.

It is popular to pierce the nose, and in different parts of it. The most common options are:

  • vertical and horizontal bridge, when the entrance and exit are located on the sides of the bridge of the nose or above and below;
  • the tip of the nose with a puncture or horizontally, without touching the septum;
  • piercing one or both nostrils separately or simultaneously;
  • piercing of the nasal septum.

You can imitate dimples on your cheeks by getting piercings there.

Quite often you have to deal with piercing your lips and chin. The following options exist:

  • Tunnels in the lip that can reach large sizes. Interestingly, even with huge “holes”, the sensitivity of the lips remains as before.
  • Lip frenulum piercing.
  • Monroe piercing. At the site of the actress's famous birthmark.
  • Performing punctures on the lower lip. They can be horizontal or vertical, point-like, located in different parts.
  • Upper lip piercing.
  • Jewelry in the chin area at different levels, including near the corners of the lower jaw.

There are also many combinations of piercings under their own names. For example, a shark bite - double punctures of the lower lip on both sides. There is also an angel's kiss (double Monroe), a spider bite, a dog bite, a dolphin bite, etc.

Tongue piercing is also performed. Its body (horizontal and vertical), tip, and frenulum are pierced. Sometimes you can find uvula piercing.

The most popular part of the body to wear jewelry is the ear. Its different parts are pierced. The most painless option is the earlobe. Piercing is also carried out in the following sections:

  • the curl of the auricle along its entire length - from the outer to the inner radius, closer to the scalp;
  • median cartilage;
  • tragus and antitragus;
  • multiple tunnels of various sizes.

The neck is also pierced, most often on the side or at the back of the head with an entry-exit hole.


Piercings are also performed on various parts of the body. One of the varieties is corset piercing, which can be done on the back, arm or other large part. A ribbon is fixed between the punctures and visually you get a real corset.

Punctures are also made on the nipple. It is believed that it can enhance a woman's sexuality and sensitivity.

Navel piercing is also quite popular. It is carried out in its upper fold, heals well and is extremely rarely rejected. But even navel piercing should not be done during menstruation to avoid consequences.

Intimate piercing

The external genitalia are pierced in both men and women. As for girls, piercings are most often performed in the clitoris and labia. It is believed that this may increase stimulation during intimate relationships and increase your level of pleasure. Intimate piercings should not be performed during menstruation; in addition to hygienic inconveniences, these days girls experience increased bleeding of all vessels, which can result in additional blood loss.

The clitoris can be pierced directly by itself, but this should only be done in specialized salons. The fact is that it is extremely rich in blood vessels, and even a small wound can cause severe bleeding.

It is less dangerous to pierce the skin above the clitoris horizontally or vertically. There are also dangerous species piercing They go in the direction from the urethra to the clitoris quite deeply and can injure the urethra up to the formation of fistulas if the procedure is performed by a non-professional.

Piercing the labia majora and minora is safe, but it can also cause a lot of bleeding. Sometimes the area of ​​the posterior commissure is pierced - from the vagina along the midline to the anus.

Watch the video about the procedure:

Piercing is not a cosmetic procedure, but a surgical one. It must be performed in compliance with all rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Salons do not always adhere to all standards; as a result, the likelihood of complications after piercing is high. Also in such situations, there is a chance of contracting HIV infection if the instrument used is not properly disinfected. You shouldn't get a piercing while you're on your period.

The main complications that may arise when trying to decorate your body:

  • Inflammation up to the formation of an abscess. Depending on the part of the body and the nature of the puncture, this may be a minor inflammation or one that will lead to serious consequences. Small crusts (lymph, blood, elements of pus) almost always appear at the site of the holes, but if the wound care rules are not followed, the infection may worsen.
  • Allergic reaction to the metal used. This complication occurs quite often. Itching, redness, peeling, and pain appear at the puncture site and nearby. All this will not go away until the decoration is replaced.
  • The formation of keloid scars occurs in people prone to this type of regeneration. This can only be known if there is some kind of wound on the body: if the scar is large and ugly, the likelihood of such a complication is high.
  • When piercing the upper eyelid, the mucous membrane of the eye can be injured. This may affect the quality of vision.
  • Piercing of intimate places is sometimes accompanied by damage to the urethra, including the formation of fistulas.
  • If a vessel is touched during the procedure, threatening bleeding is possible.

When exactly should you not get a piercing?

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to have nipple piercings during menstruation, when it is generally better to postpone the procedure until the next time. Regarding menstruation, any interventions should be delayed during these days.

The fact is that the properties of blood change during critical days, according to laboratory indications, insignificantly, but in practice the degree of bleeding and complications associated with this actually increases. The reactivity of a woman’s nervous system also increases, so even minor pain sensations are perceived as serious.

Many girls in the second phase of the cycle experience swelling of all tissues, which can affect the puncture itself and the speed of its healing.

Also, piercing should not be done in the following situations:

  • Until reaching adulthood. If you want to pierce something earlier, then it is better to choose a salon and do the procedure together with your parents.
  • In the event that some chronic diseases have worsened at the scheduled time, it is also necessary to postpone the piercing to other days.
  • If the temperature rises at the time of execution.
  • If there is a known allergic reaction to metals or painkillers, in particular the lidocaine group.
  • Under no circumstances should you have a piercing done while intoxicated.
  • You should be very careful if you have diabetes, as serious complications of the procedure are possible due to slower tissue recovery.
  • For blood diseases.
  • If there are any skin pathologies in the place where the girl wants to get a puncture.

In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and find out whether piercing can be done in a particular situation in a given place.

Optimal time for body decoration

If we talk about the optimal time in relation to the menstrual cycle, it is better to do the piercing after the critical days, approximately 10 - 18 days.

In addition to the general features, if a puncture in intimate place performed during or close to your period, discharge will become trapped and promote inflammation, leading to poor healing. If you feel generally unwell or even have minor signs of a cold, it is better to postpone the piercing until you have fully recovered.

If you can’t reschedule, how to prepare for piercing in an intimate place

If it is not possible to reschedule a piercing in an intimate place, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  1. Before the procedure, you should carry out all hygiene measures and change your underwear.
  2. For such cases, it is better to use tampons.
  3. During the healing period and before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all hair on the pubis, labia, and perineum. In addition to interfering with the piercing process, they also increase the risk of infection and slow healing.

It is also necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse the day before and throughout the healing period.

Safety rules for the procedure

So, in order for the piercing to beautify the body and not bring other troubles, you should follow simple safety rules when carrying out the procedure and choosing a place. They can be represented as follows:

  • It is better to use a trusted specialist and salon. Under no circumstances should you try to make punctures yourself. This will greatly increase the likelihood of everyone possible complications.
  • You should come to the salon in advance and find out what tools they use. In the case of reusable ones, how the material is disinfected. They must also have documents permitting this type of activity.
  • If you have a non-standard type of piercing or if you have chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor about the safety of this procedure in a particular case.
  • On the eve of the procedure, you do not need to take medications that affect blood clotting. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen and others.
  • When getting a piercing, women should take into account that they may become pregnant in the future and breast-feeding. Especially when piercing nipples and intimate piercings. During pregnancy, the growing uterus stretches the skin of the abdomen so much that the punctures in the navel area become ugly and deformed. This also needs to be taken into account.

Piercing can be a pleasant aesthetic decoration for every woman. But when choosing a place for a puncture, many factors should be taken into account, for example, future pregnancy. In order to avoid possible complications as much as possible, it is better to give preference to a familiar or well-known specialist, as well as a salon where all standards are observed. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get a piercing during menstruation. Ideally, it is better to postpone the procedure, especially for punctures in intimate places.

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  • You can pierce any part of the body, the only question is desire and courage. What to pierce and in what quantity is a matter of taste, we will not touch on it. But let's talk about sterility, consequences, care and convenience.

    It must be remembered that piercing is not cosmetic procedure, and surgical. Therefore, it must be performed in a sterile office; the technician must have disposable gloves, needles and other consumables.

    In front of you, he should put the piercing jewelry in a disinfectant solution and ask about your reaction to anesthesia, blood clotting, etc. The technician will definitely tell you about the possible dangers of the puncture and how to properly care for it.

    The most common problems that arise after a puncture are:

    Festering (abscess)- the process is natural, but usually it lasts several days. If you regularly wash the puncture site and do not disturb the jewelry, then there should be no problems with healing and the decay will soon pass.

    Allergy appears quite often on metals. Redness, rash, peeling, itching indicate that you should change your jewelry.

    Infection and blood poisoning (sepsis) occur when sterility is not maintained. Characterized by swelling, pain, and purulent discharge. If the condition does not improve 3 days after the piercing, you should contact your piercer or doctor.

    Keloids- tumors at the puncture site (see).

    Deterioration of vision.

    Piercing Care

    During the first few days, pus and lymph will be released from the puncture. You can’t pick out these cool dried things, no matter how much you want to. They should be removed cotton swab, soaked in a disinfectant solution or make a cotton compress from the same. Under no circumstances should you touch the puncture with dirty hands.

    For the first couple of weeks after the piercing, you should avoid going to the sauna, swimming pool, or even just a hot bath. You should not swim in the sea, because salt water interferes with healing, and there is a high risk of getting an infection.

    You cannot remove or even just touch the jewelry until the puncture is completely healed. Forget about the fact that you need to “pull” it in the hole so that it does not overgrow - this was invented by little-informed women in hairdressing salons who make holes in their ears with a pistol.

    It is worth limiting (ideally eliminating) alcohol consumption in the first two weeks after the puncture. If you did drink the night before, wait for the puncture to fester in the morning.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), multivitamins and zinc-containing foods speed up the healing process in the first weeks.

    An important question is how to wash the puncture site. Many people use hydrogen peroxide and this is a big mistake. The fact is that peroxide is a drug for stopping blood, but not for sterilization. Alcohol, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chamomile tincture and cologne are also not suitable. Therefore, to wash the puncture you should use chlorhexidine and miramistin. In addition, there are special piercing care products - H2Ocean, Dr. Piercer. The frequency of washing is every 3-4 hours.

    How long does a puncture take to heal?

    The healing time depends on the puncture site and individual characteristics body. Usually, a navel piercing heals from 2 to 6 months, a tongue piercing - no more than two weeks; eyebrow, nose, ear piercing - about 10 days. Intimate piercings heal the fastest - from a week to ten days.

    But there are problems with planar piercings. Depending on the location of the puncture, it can take a very long time to heal and, as a result, may not take root at all. Tunnels usually take 1 to several months to heal.

    Does it hurt?

    A common but very stupid question. The painfulness of the procedure depends on the individual pain threshold of the person and the professionalism of the piercer. There have been many attempts to rate the pain of a piercing, and if you average these data, you get the following piercing pain ratings:

    • earlobe - 3 points
    • auricle - 7 points
    • lips, cheeks, tongue - 6 points
    • nose - 7 points
    • eyebrow - 5 points
    • nipples - 10 points
    • navel - 6 points
    • intimate piercing – 4-8 points

    Piercing jewelry

    Gold and silver, oddly enough, cannot be inserted into a fresh puncture. These materials oxidize and may cause an allergic reaction. The same goes for nickel, cobalt alloy and even surgical steel. The most the best jewelry During the healing period, earrings made of titanium and ceramics are used.

    When to pierce

    Many mothers make a big mistake when they pierce their daughters' ears in infancy or childhood. The fact is that the child grows and, oddly enough, the ears also grow, so the location of the hole may change. Sometimes girls as adults have to “redo” their childhood piercings because they are asymmetrical. Therefore, it is better to do punctures after 16 years of age, and it is even wiser to allow the child to decide this issue on his own.

    Where to pierce

    Despite the fact that it is widely said that piercing can only be done in specialized salons and studios, there are many brave souls who pierce themselves with a rusty needle in a dirty bathtub. After all, it’s cheap and not at all scary, and the friend who volunteered to do the puncture “has already done it a hundred times.”

    Getting a piercing done in a clinic or beauty salon is also not worth it. A nurse or hairdresser who has already pierced five hundred ears with the same gun, by definition, cannot do it efficiently. Contact only certified tattoo artists at tattoo and piercing studios.


    The word "piercing" means "to pierce." Nowadays, many parts of the body are pierced, for example, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, eyebrows, navel - today no one is surprised to see a young man or girl with piercings. Some people get piercings as a sign of protest against generally accepted rules in society, others to stand out from the crowd, and still others simply as a tribute to fashion. However, experts warn against this procedure. It has many contraindications, and sometimes can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you should think carefully before getting a piercing.

    The list of contraindications to this procedure is quite extensive. First of all, it is not recommended for exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis, gastric ulcers, gastritis, glomerulonephritis, colitis, rheumatism, sinusitis, otitis media. Also, piercing should not be done for systemic diseases (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus) and skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis). Elevated body temperature and poor blood clotting are contraindications for piercing. The procedure should not be carried out when diabetes mellitus, since in this case the process of epithelization and channel formation in the punctured area is disrupted. You can’t do punctures if you have hepatitis types B and C.

    Separately, it is worth noting that piercing is contraindicated if you are allergic to medications containing lidocaine, and for metals. Please note that gold jewelry is also included in the list of metal products. After all, 586 purity gold means that the alloy contains only 58.6% pure gold. The rest are alloys of various metals, primarily copper, nickel and chromium.

    Piercing is not recommended for people who suffer from mental disorders, in particular epilepsy, as there is a high risk of developing a seizure. This procedure cannot be performed after a traumatic brain injury.

    Girls should not have piercings during pregnancy or menstruation.

    Possible consequences of piercing

    In Western countries, medical statistics are kept on piercing complications. Thus, British experts conducted research in age group 16-24 years old. It turned out that in every third case complications such as bleeding, swelling, and inflammation occur. Half of the people who applied for medical care after the punctures, additional medical intervention was required. Most often these were rinses, injections, and sometimes operations. The most severe complications were recorded after punctures of the tongue, genitals and nipples.

    The causes of complications after piercing are:

    • Bacterial microflora of the skin, oral cavity and genitals;
    • Proximity of blood vessels to the puncture site;
    • An allergic reaction to the metal from which the jewelry is made;
    • Unsterile instruments and insufficiently qualified technicians;
    • Failure to comply with the puncture care regimen;
    • Insufficient personal hygiene.

    The most serious consequences of piercing include infection with AIDS or hepatitis. This happens if the master fails to comply with the requirements for sterilization of instruments and personal hygiene. In addition, after a puncture, some people develop keloids and scars, which are a rather unaesthetic sight. Another consequence of this procedure is skin pigmentation, as well as constantly recurring inflammation at the puncture site.

    Punctures of the lips, tongue and cheeks often provoke the development of chronic stomatitis. In addition, even after removing jewelry, it interferes with quality dental treatment. Nipple piercing may become a serious obstacle to breastfeeding in the future. The fact is that scar tissue usually develops at the puncture site, which significantly complicates the process of lactation and feeding. Genital punctures are extremely dangerous due to the development of severe inflammatory processes.

    Piercing cannot be called a safe procedure. But if you decide to take it, we recommend that you first consult a doctor. Perhaps a specialist will prescribe some tests and examinations for you to find out if there are any contraindications to piercing. And in any case, punctures should only be done in special salons where all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed. Before contacting a salon, it would be a good idea to ask for reviews about it and the quality of the services it provides. Don't risk your health!

    Piercings should be treated the same as any surgery. Before starting any procedures, the piercer takes a medical history of the client. Only after making sure that there are no contraindications can you proceed with the puncture. In addition to the operation itself, it is necessary to meticulously find out all the nuances of the puncture healing period, since in some cases it can take up to 2-3 months - and this is only in the absence of complications. So when deciding to go to a tattoo parlor, you should take into account all the important nuances.

    What contraindications will prevent you from getting a piercing?

    1. Chronic skin diseases - this list includes all kinds of inflammation, dermatitis, furunculosis and acne - both teenage and premenstrual. A puncture of the affected area of ​​skin is guaranteed to imply complications, be it pus getting into the wound or slow division of the affected cells - tissue that does not heal for a long time often forms noticeable scars. We recommend that you read

    2. Age less than 15 years. In the presence of parents, the child can have a piercing, but the master must refuse such a client, since tissue damage children's body can lead to a deterioration of the immune system, however, this rule does not apply to such a procedure as piercing the earlobes.

    3. Pregnancy - as in the previous paragraph, a puncture causes stress, decreased immunity - in especially severe cases, all this can lead to miscarriage. This is especially true if a woman is getting a piercing for the first time and chooses a very painful procedure. It is better to wait with such changes in appearance until the end of the lactation period.

    4. Lactation period. At this time, any stress inevitably affects the immune system and the quality of milk, which may even disappear due to a sharp hormonal release of adrenaline. After stopping the period of breastfeeding, you can go to the salon within a couple of weeks.

    5. PMS. During the premenstrual period, a woman’s body experiences a hormonal storm, which has a depressing effect on the immune system. And an additional blow to the immune system can provoke complications, for example, hormonal imbalance or imbalance. Often, under the influence of PMS, girls make rash decisions, so when the hormones return to normal, the piercing can be very disappointing. Menstruation. Weakening of the immune system during this period can negatively affect the healing time of the wound, as well as cause an exacerbation of all chronic diseases from cardiovascular to genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract. We recommend that you read

    6. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, genitourinary tract. Stress and a negative impact on the immune system inevitably cause an exacerbation of existing diseases, and therefore they are not compatible with piercing - this happens in 80% of cases, in especially difficult situations, for example, when kidney function stops, it can pose a threat to life.

    7. Oncological diseases, adenomas, fibromas of the mammary glands - provocation of the growth of cancer cells.

    8. Chronic dental diseases – stomatitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis. Such diseases will not allow any punctures that involve penetration into the oral cavity.

    9. Allergy to metals. Even if there are no other contraindications, the healing process of a wound with a metal earring proceeds extremely slowly and is accompanied by suppuration, irritation and can lead to the appearance of a rash, scars and other consequences.

    Should you pay attention to the time of year?

    As a rule, you can show off your piercing in the warmer months, especially in the summer season. But you shouldn’t rush to a tattoo parlor to decorate your navel, nose or eyebrow with a spectacular earring. Summer is the worst season for such operations for the following reasons:
    Sweat – exposure to sweat slows down regeneration processes, so healing time increases
    Dust - getting into the wound can cause inflammation

    At the same time, punctures in different parts of the body have their own characteristics. The longer a wound takes to heal, the more likely it is that it will become infected due to sweat in hot weather. That is why it is worth considering the healing period - it must pass before the onset of heat:

    In particular, a puncture in the nose takes about 3-4 months to heal - during this time a person risks not only getting an inflammatory process in the tissues, but often irritation and infection spread to the mucous membrane, disrupting its functioning. The lip will take 2-3 months to heal - during this time it is necessary to get used to the foreign object in the mouth and not injure the gums and tongue.

    By the way, if the puncture is located in the tongue, then tissue restoration will take only 2-4 weeks, provided that the mucous membrane is kept clean - for this, after each meal you need to rinse your mouth with a special solution. Problems with food are also common - especially the first 3-4 days, when a person is forced to eat purees and cereals. We recommend that you read