Junior group topic of the day. Calendar and thematic planning in the first junior group. Game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Plan for the second health week younger group"Rays"

Target: give an idea of ​​health, its meaning, methods of preservation and strengthening; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead healthy image life, carry out a comprehensive plan of activities, consisting of various types of physical and recreational work aimed at the formation of personality in the socio-psychological, intellectual, motor development, health promotion, hardening and physical development children, strengthening child- parental relationship.


  • formation of KGN body care
  • create problematic situations that clearly demonstrate the significance correct attitude to health
  • formation in the child of self-preservation motives, nurturing the habit of thinking and taking care of his health.

Summary of the health-improving event “Health Day” in the second junior group “Luchiki”

Subject: " Winter fun»

Physical education director: Koloskova O.A.

Educator: Babaeva N.N.

Program content.

Target: Improving motor skills and strengthening


  • Improving the skill of jumping on two legs in place, moving forward, in length from a standing position, pushing off with both legs.
  • Improving walking in different directions without bumping, throwing the ball at a distance with the right and left hand.
  • Improving children's walking and running while maintaining distance.
  • Develop dexterity, eye, sense of balance, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, speech breathing, a desire to play outdoor games with teachers, to activate children’s speech, and the ability to answer teachers’ questions.
  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to hear signals and respond to them, cultivate attentiveness and organization.

Preliminary work.

Game exercises: “Warm-up”, “Sdrifts and snowflakes”, “Reindeer sleigh”, outdoor game “Snowman-trap”, riddles about winter sports.

Materials, tools, equipment: costumes: Snowman, Baba Yaga. Hoops.

Characters: children, physical education director, teacher.

Progress of the event.

Snowman meets children


Hello guys.

My greetings to all the guys and such a word!

Love sports from an early age - you will be healthy!

I invite you to a sports competition. Do you know what the Spartakiad is?

Children: No!

Snowman: The Spartakiad is a sporting competition named after Spartacus, who was a very strong human gladiator! The competition took place over several days, several stages. The strongest were awarded medals.

Snowman: What's that noise? What's all this fuss?...

It’s not a joke to come to us for a holiday,

Whirling snow whirlwinds,

From far away

Grandma Yaga is coming!

Baba Yaga appears on a broom.

Baba Yaga: - Oh, oh, oh, my legs froze,

I've been on the road for a long time,

Through snowdrifts and windfalls

I’m going to visit some children I know!

Mash old bones,

Show yourself to people!

Snowman: - Here, Yaga, sports festival,

Are you, Yaga, an athlete?

Baba Yaga: What are you, what kind of athlete am I, I am Baba Yaga - bone leg! I won’t let you hold a sports competition, and I took your medals into the forest! Why do you need to compete now? There is nothing to reward! Ha ha ha!

Snowman: Guys, we won't be upset. The most important thing in a competition is participation, and the most important thing is that everyone has a lot of fun and interest. How about we do a warm-up?

Children: Let's go!

Warm up.


The kids are tough and you are Grandma Yaga

We went out onto the site. (They walk freely around the site)

The tough kids are doing exercises!

We guys need to stand up (Stop, raise hands)

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them, (They clench their fingers into fists and unclench them.)

Hands down and stand like that. (They lower their hands down.)

Lean right, left, (Lean to the right, left.)

And we will go for a walk boldly. (They walk in place.)

Baba Yaga: I see you weren’t even upset, didn’t cry, and I prepared the first obstacle for you.

Crossing on ice floes (hoops).

Children stand in columns, hoops with two stripes lie on the snow, children jump from hoop to hoop.

Baba Yaga: Is it really so interesting without medals?

Children: Very interesting.

Snowman: We don't need your medals, Baba Yaga. Our children have not gathered here for any awards. They just love sports, holidays and fun. And our children are all very strong and healthy.

Baba Yaga: Healthy? No, I don't understand this. Everything hurts, everything aches and cracks (points to himself).

Snowman: Of course it will hurt. All you do is harm children. I forgot about sports.

Baba Yaga: Forgive me! Take me as your athlete! Teach me how to become healthy.

Snowman: Children, let's forgive Baba Yaga? Shall we leave her at our Spartakiad?

Children: Let's leave Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports!

So I came to the guys,

Help me, friends!

Teach me how to exercise and make friends with sports.

Snowman: Guys, let's help Grandma Yaga be healthy and athletic?

Children: Of course, we will help.

Baba Yaga: Do you guys know winter sports?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Now I'll take a look. I will ask you riddles about sports, and you will guess mine. puzzles.

1.Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their name is…….(skis).

2. I have guys

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

3. We stood all summer, waited for winter,

When the time was right, we rushed down the mountain. (sled).

4. This riddle is not easy:

I always write with two Ks.

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick.

And my name is…..(hockey).

Baba Yaga: Yes, it’s true, the guys know about sports and know how to guess my riddles.

Snowman: It's time for us to move on to the next obstacles. Whichever team can navigate the maze on a reindeer sled the fastest without the participants falling, that team wins.

Relay race “On reindeer sleds”.

Teams stand in pairs, the first player (deer) stands in a hoop, the second (reindeer herder) holds on to the hoop and makes their way through the mazes.

Snowman: Well done, guys! Friendship won! Now we've reached the main sports arena! Here we will hold another competition.

Outdoor game "Snowman - Trap"

At Baba Yaga’s signal, the Snowman catches the children: “One – two – three! Catch it!” children run around the playground, the Snowman catches them.

Snowman: Oh, well done, I didn’t catch anyone. Well, Baba Yaga, have you started to hurt less, have you stretched your bones, otherwise you’re lying on the stove, doing nothing?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I can turn sideways and lean down.

Snowman: It's good if you always study physical culture, then you will become as strong and healthy as our guys.

Baba Yaga: And I just have one interesting game for you.

Game exercise “Snowdrifts and Snowflakes”.

Baba Yaga: We are not afraid of frost,

We are attentive in everything

I’ll say “drifts” - we sit down,

I’ll say “icicles” and we’ll all get up.

When I say “snowflakes” - we’re spinning,

“Christmas tree” - clap our hands.

Baba Yaga: Children, you will forgive me for taking your medals. I looked for them and looked for them, but I didn’t find all of them, but only the gold ones. And I want to present them to you for participating in the sports competition. You will all receive gold medals, because you are all strong, dexterous, accurate, fast.

(Baba Yaga and the presenter present medals to everyone).

Baba Yaga: What a great fellow you all are, congratulations to everyone on your victory. Thank you for showing me how to exercise in order to always be healthy, strong and agile. Goodbye, guys!

Snowman: Well done, guys! You all coped very well with all today’s tasks and rightfully received a gold medal. The snowman takes the children to the playground.

Abstract on continuously educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Luchiki”

Topic: “Journey to the land of health.”

Educator: Babaeva N.N.

Program content.

Training tasks. To form in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, the need for a healthy lifestyle, a negative attitude towards bad habits, simple skills safe behavior during games, warm-ups, and exercises. To consolidate knowledge, skills about the correct use of hygiene items and cultural and hygienic skills.

Developmental tasks. Develop independence and creativity when performing physical exercise, in warm-ups and games, dialogical form of speech, the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short cooperative game.

Educational tasks. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health, responsiveness and kindness. Arouse an emotional response and desire to participate in warm-ups and games.

Materials: animal toys: bunny, frog, tiger cub, soundtracks of musical games and warm-ups: “Here we are sitting on the bus,” “Two little frogs”; song about health, educational cartoon “How to brush your teeth properly”, hoops, bumps and stumps, toothpaste, toothbrush, envelope.

Preliminary work:

  • conversations: “What is health?”, “Who are microbes?”, “What do we do in kindergarten in order not to get sick?", "Good habits", " Bad habits", "Useful and healthy food";
  • learning proverbs: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Health is more valuable than gold”, “No amount of money can buy health”, “The sun, air and water are ours” faithful friends", "Cleanliness is the key to health";
  • viewing the paintings: “Cultural and hygienic skills”, “Playing sports”, “Day routine”;
  • learning poems for the lesson: “Brush your teeth twice a day...”, “Wash your face more often with soap...”;
  • learning nursery rhymes: “Water, water...”, “Scented soap, white, soap...”, “Oh, okay, okay, okay, we’re not afraid of water...”.
  • reading fairy tales: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”; Z. Aleksandrova “In the morning”, “Bathing”; A. Barto “Dirty Girl”, “Roaring Girl”.

GCD move:

To create a joyful mood in children at the beginning of the lesson, musical game “What kind of people are they, they behave so funny.”

What kind of people are they that behave so funny?

Ears are like sails! Such miracles!

(Children put their hands to their ears and run in a circle)

He nods his head and hits himself on the knees!

What kind of people are these? He behaves so funny!

He took his nose with his hand and leads himself forward!

What kind of people are these? He behaves so funny!

He saws with one hand and hits nails with the other!

Educator: Guys, today we will take a trip to the land of “Health”, where we will learn a lot of new and interesting things. And how you can improve your health. Look how many guests we have, they also want to hear from us how to be healthy and never get sick. Guys, say hello to the guests!

(children greet guests together: “Hello!”)

Educator: When meeting, people usually say this kind, magic word, wishing each other health. What is health? Children's answers.

Educator: A person’s health depends on himself, and for this we must be physically active, play sports, walk a lot, be kind, eat right. Let's lead a healthy lifestyle and live happily ever after. And now I invite you to the bus, let's go travel. You, Pasha, will be the driver, and the rest of us will be passengers (Children sit on chairs, an impromptu bus)

Educator: Guys, look, there’s some kind of letter here (Takes the letter and reads it: There is trouble in the Forest! The forest inhabitants need your help! Hurry, hurry there!)

Educator: I wonder what happened? What's the problem? Guys, let's go to the forest to find out what happened and help the forest inhabitants.

Musical warm-up – game “Here we are sitting on the bus” (Audio recording)

(Children agree)

Educator: Well, here’s the first stop. Let's jump into the forest over bumps and stumps, friends. (children jump over bumps and stumps, circles are black and brown).

Children come to the “Forest” and are greeted by a bunny (a child in the older group).

Bunny: Bunnies cry - their teeth ache

We don't like brushing our teeth

Neither outside nor inside -

Three fell apart at once!

Educator: What a disaster! We will teach you guys what to do to prevent your teeth from hurting.

Children: Reading a poem

You need to brush your teeth twice a day.

Cleaning takes a long time - three minutes.

Clean with a brush, not a shaggy one,

The pasta is delicious and aromatic.

Brush up and down -

Well, germs, beware!

Screening of educational cartoon “How to brush your teeth properly”

Bunnies: Thank you guys!

We need to enter it!

Children crawl like a snake into the standing arches.

They meet a toy frog.

Educator: What happened to your little frogs? Why are you so sad?

Little Frog:

We jumped through the swamp,

We jumped and tried.

What did you see in the swamp?

That's what they treated themselves to.

Suddenly our stomachs hurt

We all immediately turned pale.

We lie and cry on our sides.


And now we will help you and the guys. (Children read the verse).

You little frogs, try your best.

Wash your face with soap more often!

Wash your paws before eating!

We need warm water

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their power.

Nursery rhyme “Water, water”

Educator: Guys, what else should you do to avoid getting sick? (Children's answers).

Educator: That's right, you need to play sports! Let's invite the frogs to do warm-up “Two little frogs”. (Children do a warm-up together with the frogs).

Educator: Well, the frog is already laughing, which means he feels better. Let's say goodbye to him and jump further. (Children jump on two legs, moving forward into the hoops behind the teacher).

Educator: Look, guys, we jumped into a clearing in the forest, do you feel how clean the air is?

Children inhale deeply through the nose and exhale noisily through the mouth:

Educator: Look at each other’s noses, they are small, the holes for breathing are small, and if you open your mouth too much, how big it is!

Children look at each other's noses, touch their own noses and open their mouths wide.

Educator: If we breathe through our nose, then germs and dust will get stuck in the nose, and if we breathe through our mouth, then the person will be like a “vacuum cleaner.” Germs will get into your throat and it will hurt. Try breathing through your nose and then through your mouth.

Children alternate breathing through their nose and mouth.

Educator: Let’s bring our palm to our mouth and quietly, slowly breathe on our palm: what kind of air is it, warm or cold?

Children breathe slowly into the palm of their hand raised to their mouth:

- Warm.

Educator: We are all living people and warmth is inside us. Anyone who breathes through their mouth releases a lot of heat from themselves, so even in summer they can catch a cold.

The children saw a tiger cub whose voice had disappeared and he could not roar.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the tiger cub lost his voice?

Children: Because the tiger cub was breathing incorrectly.

Educator: Correct. Let's show the tiger cub how to breathe correctly (held breathing exercises: take in air through your nose and say as you exhale - you’re tired).

Educator: Well, well done guys, you taught the tiger cub to breathe correctly.

Guys, now I want to teach you how to restore nasal breathing.

The teacher spends with the children Exercise "Gurgling" (in front of each child there is a glass 1/3 filled with water and cocktail straw. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale deeply into the tube.

Educator: Well done guys! We helped the tiger cub, and you all learned to restore nasal breathing. Unfortunately, our fun journey to the land of “Health” is coming to an end, let’s remember together what we need to do to be healthy? (Children's answers)

Educator: Well done, guys! You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it. Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

Now take your seats on our bus and we’ll go to kindergarten.

(Phonogram - song about health)

Parents’ meeting “What we can, what we can do, or Fostering independence in younger children preschool age»

The format of the meeting is a round table.


  • To form cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age (3-4 years) in Everyday life in kindergarten and in the family.
  • Introduce the concepts of “whim” and “stubbornness”, the reasons for their occurrence.
  • Teach parents to see behind negative manifestations the child’s desire for independence as the formation of a child’s personality.

Event plan

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

2. Workshop “Learning to raise children correctly”

3. Monitoring testing “My Child”

4. Discussion of the problem

5. Consultation with a teacher-psychologist “On stubbornness and whims”

Stages of the event.

1. Preparatory stage

  • Design of a photo stand from the life of the group “Health is the Head of Everything”, invitations for parents, design of the album “Photo - collage “In nature for health””
  • Preparing material for a presentation
  • Preparation of visual material for parent meetings in the form of presentations and memos.

2. Organizational stage

The parents of the pupils are seated in a circle.

“Situations for Analysis” postcards are laid out on the tables.

3. Introductory part of the meeting

Progress of the event.

The teacher introduces parents to the topic, purpose and objectives parent meeting, reports the plan for its implementation. The teacher draws attention to the fact that we are all different, but you can always find what unites us. What unites us is that you and I are here to talk about our children.

The teacher began the meeting with parents with the question:

— Are there any changes in your child’s development of independence?

— Has he become different during this period?

- What's new?

(parents' statements)

Nurturing cultural and hygienic skills is important not only for the successful socialization of children, but also for their health. From the first days of life, when developing cultural and hygienic skills, there is not just the assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, the child’s entry into the world of adults. This process cannot be left for later, the period of early and preschool childhood most favorable for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Then, on their basis, the development of other functions and qualities is built. Cultural and hygienic skills are associated not only with play. They underlie the first type available to a child labor activity- self-care work. Thus, the quality of the action becomes important for the child; he learns to complete the task he has begun, maintain the goal of the activity, and not be distracted. And now it is no longer the adult who reminds him of the need for this or that action, but he himself, on his own initiative, performs it, controls its progress. At the same time, such strong-willed personality qualities as determination, organization, discipline, endurance, perseverance, and independence are formed. The implementation of cultural and hygienic skills creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of aesthetic taste. The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult guidance. The conditions must be constant, and the methodological techniques used by the teacher must be changed. “We’ll wash ourselves,” the teacher says at the beginning of the year and shows everything: how to roll up the sleeves, and how to soap your hands, and how to wash them and then dry them. All children act under the supervision and control of an adult. And so on day after day. Independence is a valuable quality that a person needs in life.

Workshop “Learning to raise children correctly”

It is necessary to educate him from early childhood. By nature, children are active; very often they strive to perform various actions independently. And it is important for us, adults, to support them in this.

Often, each of us, in response to an offer to do something for a child or help him with something, had to hear “I myself!”

(on the screen there are photographs of children and words from I. Muraveyka’s poem “I myself!”)

Let's get dressed...

Me myself! Me myself!

Let's go, let's wash...

Me myself! Me myself!

Well, let’s go, at least I’ll brush my hair...

Me myself! Me myself!

Well, let me at least feed you...

Me myself! Me myself!

At this age, the child realizes himself as a separate person, with his own desires and characteristics. The child practically becomes independent: he can perform many actions without the help of an adult, and learns self-care skills.

The teacher suggests considering several situations.

Situation for analysis

Three-year-old Ilyusha diligently puts on tights. Difficult task! Finally, after much effort, the tights are almost on, but... inside out. The baby, of course, doesn’t notice this and continues to pull them on. The mother stops, as she says, “this aimless fuss,” and with a quick movement, without hiding her irritation, tries to pull on the child’s tights. The baby screams:

- By yourself, by yourself, by yourself!

The mother says sternly:

- Sit quietly and don’t be capricious! You don’t know how, but you shout “yourself.”

1. Did mom do the right thing? And why?

2. Do you have similar situations?

3. How do you get out of them?

Often, for various reasons - due to lack of time, lack of confidence in the child’s strengths - we strive to do everything for him ourselves.

But are we really helping the child?

How do you think?

Can Small child be independent?

It is important to note that the child’s expression “I myself” manifests a desire for independence.

Trying to do everything for a child, adults cause him great harm, deprive him of independence, undermine his faith in his own strength, teach him to rely on others, children can grow up passive and lazy.

Example: The child tries to dress himself, but his mother does everything for him. He sighs heavily and says: “That’s what I wanted myself!”

Psychologists say: by the age of three, a child’s desire for independence and independence from an adult, both in actions and desires, sharply increases. He develops a strong desire to assert himself.

Under no circumstances should these aspirations be suppressed - this leads to complications in the relationship between the child and the adult.

The first of them is negativism, i.e. disobedience or unwillingness to follow the instructions of an adult, and the desire to do the opposite.

Then - stubbornness, the child will insist on his own simply because he demanded it.

Also, obstinacy or self-will may appear in the child’s behavior (the child wants to do everything himself, refusing the help of adults), phenomena such as rebellion against others are observed (conflict with others, constantly quarrels, behaves aggressively).

Thus, suppression of children's independence can have a serious negative impact on the development of the child's personality.

Have you encountered similar manifestations?

How did you get out of such situations?

(verse “For adults” by M. Schwartz)

I'm in my home apartment

Like a drill soldier in service.

Commander on commander...

I'm the only private here.

I must obey everyone.

According to the order - wash,

According to the order - get dressed,

It's too early to make the bed.

On command - sit down,

The assignment is to study.

According to the regime - go to bed,

When the alarm clock rings, get up.

Now it's clear to you why

Did I start snapping?

The end of my patience.

De - mo - bi - lization!

When developing independence skills in children, we often encounter that the child cannot or does not cope with the proposed task. How to act in such situations?

Situation for analysis.

Having learned to clean up after himself after eating, Gena began to push the chair, but his leg caught on the table leg. Gena did not make any effort, he abandoned the small but necessary effort and immediately abandoned his intention. When his mother reminded him that he needed to push his chair in, the boy said tearfully: “It just doesn’t work!”

What actions should adults take?

So, children strive for independence.

What can they do independently at a younger age?

Let's try together to determine a list of actions that our kids can perform.

(discussion with parents)

  • Wash your hands by rolling up your sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap correctly; do not wet clothes; Dry yourself with a towel, hang it in the designated place without being reminded.
  • Dress and undress in a certain sequence: take off clothes, fold them, hang them, turn them right side out; put on clothes, unfasten buttons, fasten them, tie shoelaces.
  • Notice the mess in your clothes and fix it yourself or seek help from an adult.
  • Use a handkerchief, handkerchief, toilet in a timely manner.
  • Drink from a cup; eat, chewing food well, with your mouth closed.
  • Use a spoon, fork, and napkin correctly.
  • Place toys, books, and building materials in a specific place.

Of course, the baby does not immediately acquire the necessary skills; he needs our help, creation necessary conditions to demonstrate independence, correctly guide the children’s actions and be sure to praise, praise for the slightest manifestation of independence.

Pedagogical techniques that ensure successful solution of assigned tasks:

  • direct training;
  • display;

In this everyday activity, cultural and hygienic skills are improved, habits are formed: washing hands before eating and after getting dirty, taking care of your appearance. But the children are getting older. And we are gradually giving them more and more independence.

When instilling norms of behavior at the table, we also take into account that, in addition to instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children, they face a number of tasks: developing a positive attitude towards peers, a culture of behavior in a team, modesty, politeness, and restraint.

We pay great attention to instilling neatness in children. We draw children's attention to those of their peers who know how to wash their hands well, handle things carefully, and dress independently, since children cannot always notice this themselves.

It’s very difficult to get up early in the morning, and even to get dressed yourself: you have to remember the whole sequence of dressing, be able to fasten buttons, tie shoelaces. Mom will do it better and faster. And if adults rush to help a child at the slightest difficulty, to free him from the need to make efforts, then very quickly he will develop a passive position: “Button it up,” “Tie it up,” “Put it on.” You've probably noticed yourself that as soon as you start helping your child, he stops participating in the dressing process.

In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, an adult assessment plays a huge role, that is, a positive or negative judgment about the individual actions and behavior of the child. You and I need to widely use positive assessment of the child’s actions: approval, encouragement, praise. Approval supports in children the desire to do the same in the future, to do even better.

In the process of work, we noticed the following changes: children began to dress more neatly, take care of their appearance, use a handkerchief as intended, put away their toys without being reminded, and thank each other and adults. Some significantly improved their behavior during meals and their knowledge, due to communication with other children. Children began to show more initiative in preparing for educational activities or meals. The children began to notice problems in appearance each other or the environment. Most of the children began to handle toys carefully and maintain cleanliness and order.

The teacher offers parents a prepared memo “Healthy children - in healthy family»

Test "My child"

Handwashing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to:

1. Wash your face, ears, hands

2. Roll up your sleeves;

3. Wet your hands;

4. Take soap and lather until foam appears;

5. Rinse off the soap;

6. Dry your hands, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your cell;

7. Use a comb.

1. Proper use of tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins;

2. Do not crumble the bread;

3. Chew food with your mouth closed;

4. Do not talk with your mouth full;

5. Quietly leave the table after finishing the meal;

6. Give thanks;

7. Use only your own device.

The skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:

1. Unfasten the buttons;

2. Take off your dress (pants);

3.Hang carefully;

4. Take off your shirt and hang it carefully on your trousers;

5. Take off your shoes;

6. Take off the tights and hang them on your shirt (dress);

7. Put on in reverse order.

Criteria for evaluation:

3 points – correctly performed action;

2 points – action performed with minor inaccuracies;

1 point – inability to perform the action.

Levels of development of cultural and hygienic skills

High level(84-63 points) – all skills are firmly formed;

Intermediate level (62-40 points) – one or more skills are in their infancy;

Below average (39-28 points) – one or more skills are not developed

Monitoring testing “My Child”

On the second question we heard teacher - psychologist Brovko N.S. on the topic “On stubbornness and whims.” Natalya Sergeevna told what is the cause of whims and stubbornness, characteristics child’s behavior in case of stubbornness and whims. Pedagogical advice parents to eradicate stubbornness and whims in children.

Decision of the parent meeting.

1. To combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age, to clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the need hygiene procedures. To instill in children the desire to look clean, neat and tidy. Strengthen the connections between the kindergarten and the family, change the position of parents regarding their health and the health of their children, see the development of a child’s personality behind the negative manifestations of the child’s desire for independence.


Healthy children in a healthy family!

  • Try to support your child's desire for independence.
  • Encourage, praise your child even for small achievements.
  • Self-service skills are instilled faster if an adult shows and comments on an example of how, what and in what order to do.
  • You cannot rush a child to perform any action; you must give him the opportunity to do everything calmly, independently.
  • If something doesn’t work out for your baby, don’t rush to help him until he asks for it.
  • Always try to keep your child active and emotional.
  • In the process of education, use nursery rhymes, poems, personal example.
  • Try to take advantage of the game situation.
  • Always maintain a friendly emotional attitude.

Pedagogical techniques.

  • direct training;
  • display;
  • exercises with performing actions during didactic games;
  • systematically reminding children of the need to observe hygiene rules.

Hand washing and personal hygiene skills include:

  • Wash your face, ears, hands
  • Roll up your sleeves
  • Wet your hands
  • Take soap and lather until foam appears.
  • Rinse off the soap
  • Dry your hands, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your locker.
  • Use a comb

Tidy eating skills include the ability to:

  • Proper use of tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins
  • Don't crumble the bread
  • Chew food with your mouth closed
  • Don't talk with your mouth full
  • Quietly leave the table after finishing a meal
  • Thank
  • Use only your own device

The skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:

  • Unfasten the buttons
  • Take off your dress (pants)
  • Hang carefully
  • Take off your shirt and hang it carefully on your trousers
  • Take off your shoes
  • Take off the tights and hang them on your shirt (dress)
  • for children for 2016

Main goals:

— expand children’s knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena;

- develop observation and curiosity;

- consolidate knowledge of songs, poems, round dances, nursery rhymes;

- create a positive emotional mood.

Game character: sun made of paper.


Surprise moment

There is a large cloud of paper hanging on the wall, and behind it there is a paper sun on a fishing line. The teacher draws the children's attention to the cloud. He says that without the help of children, the sun will not be able to come out from behind the clouds. He offers to call him a nursery rhyme.

You can use well-known nursery rhymes.

Bucket sunshine!

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up -

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

Bucket sun,

Look out the window!

Your children are crying

They jump on the pebbles.

The sun is clear,

Dress up.

The sun is red,

Show yourself.

Put on the scarlet dress

Give us a red day!

(A. Prokofiev)

After the children say the nursery rhyme 3 times, the teacher slowly pulls out the sun by the fishing line. He says that it came down to the children from heaven to be with them, to caress them, to warm them, to play. He asks the children to become his little children-rays.

Morning exercises

Goals: create a cheerful, joyful mood; activate muscle tone.

“The sun's rays rise early with the sun, they need to warm all people, all plants, all animals. Therefore, they must be strong, resilient, fast.”

The teacher uses a mirror to turn children into rays of sunshine (in sunny weather). Exercises in game form styles according to the theme.

You can use A. Brodsky’s poem “Sunny Bunnies”.

Runners are jumping - sunbeams.

We call them, but they don’t come.

They were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump around the corners.

They were there - and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Haven't you found them anywhere?

Musical activity

Goals: develop a sense of rhythm, pitch and timbre hearing through didactic games; cultivate a desire to act together with peers; enjoy playing together.


Didactic game "Walk"

Target: develop a sense of rhythm.

Game material: musical hammers according to the number of players.

Children sit in a semicircle.

Teacher. Now, children, let's go for a walk with you, but it is unusual, we will walk in a group, and musical hammers will help us. Here we are going down the stairs (slowly hits his palm with a hammer).

Children repeat the same rhythmic pattern.

And now we went outside, the sun was shining, everyone was happy and ran. Like this! (Relays running with frequent blows.)

Children repeat.

Tanya took the ball and began to slowly hit the ground. (Slowly hits the hammer again.)

Children repeat.

The rest of the children began to run quickly. Skok, skok. (Hits quickly with a hammer.)

Children repeat.

But suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain.

At first it was small, rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began. (Gradually speeds up the rhythm of hammer strikes.)

Children repeat.

The kids got scared and ran to the kindergarten. (Strikes quickly and rhythmically with a hammer.)

Didactic game with movements “Sun and Rain”

Goals: satisfy children’s need for movement and communication with adults; develop attention, speech, ear for music, sense of rhythm.

To the words “It’s raining!” children run to their house, and to the words “The sun is shining!” go out into the middle of the room.

They perform movements, coordinating them with words and imitating the teacher.

Teacher. What a nice weather! Sunbeams, let's all go for a walk and play! Take your chairs, place them in a semicircle, these will be our houses, place the chairs with their backs facing forward. Try to sit at your house and look out the window. Well, now come to me. Let's all read a poem to the sun together.

Teacher and children

The sun looks out the window,

It shines into our room.

We'll clap our hands

Very happy about the sun!

(A. Barto)



Top-top-top, Children stomp their feet while standing still.


Top-top-top (pause).

Clap-clap-clap-clap, Clap your hands, imitating the teacher.



Now let's run!

Children run all over the playground.

Look, it's raining! Hurry up and go home!

The children run away to the houses.

Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs. (He taps the seat of the chair with his bent fingers, imitating the sound of rain.)

It became very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop...

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, don’t spare a drop.

Just don't kill us,

Don't knock on the window in vain! (Rhyme.)

(At first he speeds up the movements of his fingers on the chair, and then slows down and stops completely.)

Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain has stopped or not.

The sun is shining! No rain! Go out for a walk!

Didactic game “Our Orchestra”

Target: develop timbre hearing.

Game material: children's musical instruments.

The teacher says that the sun's rays love music very much. They received a package containing many musical instruments.

He distributes them to children. Everyone plays them the way they want.

Watching the sun while walking

Goals: develop observation, curiosity, attention; consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena; enrich your vocabulary.

The teacher tells the children that while they were studying, the sun from the group ran away into the sky, he was tired of sitting behind a cloud, he needed to warm everyone up as soon as possible.

Children watch the sun through colored glass, sunglasses, colored mica.

Compare the shapes of the sun with a circle and a square.

The teacher suggests warming your palms and feeling the warmth of the sun; asks to find objects on the site that have been heated by the heat of the sun.

Fun game “Catch a sunny bunny”

(with mirror)

Goals: amuse the children, please them; activate through running, jumping.

Outdoor game “Tag and catch-up”

("Cloud and Sunbeams")

Goals: cultivate courage, the ability to mobilize in order to avoid danger; develop will.

Children walk towards the salochka (“cloud”) boldly, together, in an even line, holding hands and coordinating their steps with the steps of other children.

They run only after the word “Catch up!” is said a second time. The “cloud” does not catch those who deliberately slow down their movement towards “home”.

We are rays of sunshine

We love to run and jump.

And you, black cloud,

Well, try to catch up with us! (2 times.)

Didactic exercise “Put out the sun from sticks”

Target: develop fine motor skills and the ability to navigate in space.

Equipment: circle and sticks.


Theatrical activities

(Puppet show based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun”)

Goals: please children, activate their speech and emotions; consolidate knowledge about the significance of the sun for all living things, the content of the fairy tale.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the animal toys are crying in the play corner, finds out the reason, and invites the ray children to help bring back the sun.

Visual activity. Drawing the sun

Target: consolidate knowledge of the shape, color of the sun, and visual skills.

Equipment: sheet, brushes, paints.

“We’ll draw a lot of suns so that the group will always be light and warm.”

After drawing, one of the walls is decorated with drawings.

Watching the sunset on a walk

Goals: teach to see the simplest, accessible changes in inanimate nature; indicate them in speech.

The teacher says that the sun is very attentive, does not forget anyone, warms everyone, illuminates everything. Are the ray children just as attentive?

Reading the poem “Caring Sun”

Goals: develop memory, speech, sense of rhythm; consolidate knowledge about the sun as a phenomenon of inanimate nature; develop motor skills and coordination of movements.

The teacher says that the sun was with the children all day, we need to thank him and read him a poem.

The first time the teacher reads, and the children imitate the movements, the second time they finish the words of the lines together with the teacher, the third time they remember the lines based on the movements that the teacher shows.

In the morning the sun rises high, Raise your arms up with open palms away from you, spread them to the sides.

In the evening it goes deep. They lower their hands down, bending slightly.

During the day it walks across the sky, They raise their hands up, showing that they are “holding” the ball, “passing” it from left to right.

Warms everyone, spreading its rays widely. Hands to the side.

Gently strokes the leaves and flowers, They stroke themselves on the head, on the arm.

It turns gold on people's cheeks and noses. They stroke their cheeks and nose.

The day has passed, and from the sky to rest

The sun's ball sets behind the mountain. Hands raise up, “make” a ball, “lower” it down.

You can use the poem by J. Marcinkevičius “The Sun is Resting”, the Armenian nursery rhyme “Where the Sun Spends the Night” (see Reader for Little Ones).

The teacher lowers the paper sun behind a cloud to sleep, and “transforms” the children from rays into children.

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Day 1 “The Magic Queen of Baby Books is Visiting”

Main goals:

- develop aesthetic feelings;

— expand ideas about baby books;

- activate the memory of your favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales and poems;

- develop interest in literary works and the desire to listen and look at books;

- develop creative abilities.

Game character: a beautifully designed book with beautiful pages and illustrations, with a head, arms and legs attached to it.


Surprise moment

The teacher invites the children to listen to the rustling sound coming from the bookshelf. He takes the children to it and finds an unusual book there. Considers it with the children. The Book Queen says that she has come with her assistants and offers to open the first page. But first, remember how to handle books. (Carefully, neatly.) The teacher opens the first page, on which there is an illustration from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

The teacher asks the children what fairy tale the characters are from, why the goat cried, how she cried.

Morning exercises “Let’s help out the kids”

Goals: raise emotional mood and muscle tone, consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale; build empathy.

Equipment: tree models, a groove outlined with chalk.

A toy goat appears from behind the book, calling the children to rush to the forest to help their brothers.


Goals: to develop cultural and hygienic skills; consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale; activate speech through joint pronunciation of the text, answering questions.

The teacher opens the second page of the book with an illustration from “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky and reads out the words: “We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings...” Asks the children questions:

1) what fairy tale are these heroes from?

2) which of the characters says these words to whom.

The teacher invites the children to follow Moidodyr’s advice and wash themselves.

After washing, she reads the lines: “Now I love you...”

Preparing for breakfast

Goal: to develop analytical activity, interest in oral folk art.

The book encourages children to wash their faces and wants to know how children can solve riddles. The teacher opens a page with riddles about bread, a knife, porridge and asks the children to guess them, helps and encourages them.


Lesson on speech development “Reading the story by V. Suteev “Who said “Meow?””

Goals: develop the ability to listen carefully to an adult’s story, actively answer questions about the content; develop an interest in fairy tales; develop onomatopoeia.

Equipment: colorful illustrations for a book or characters from a toy puppet theater, flannelgraph.

You can hear the barking of a puppy who came to the children so that they could help him find the one who said “meow.” The teacher invites the children and the puppy toy to figure it out.

Preparing for the walk

The book queen gives the children her friend book, which contains a lot of nursery rhymes, and offers to take it outside.

Dandelion observation

Objectives: to introduce children to the dandelion, the features of its appearance during the flowering and fading period; clarify the characteristics of dandelion through artistic expression; activate and enrich children's vocabulary.

In the book, the teacher finds E. Serova’s poem “Dandelion,” reads it to the children and asks them to find the dandelion.

Finger game "Flower"

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and a sense of rhythm. The teacher says that the children’s hands have turned into dandelion flowers. The petals are closed, tightly closed. (Conducted with a subgroup of children.)

It's closed early in the morning The hands are in the starting position.

But it's getting closer to noon Palms move away from each other, pads thumbs when pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-opened bud.

Opens the petals

I see their beauty. The hands are connected at the wrist, the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions, resembling an open flower.

In the evening the flower again Fingers closed - an unopened flower.

Closes the whisk.

And now he will sleep Same.

Until the morning, like a little bird. Hands are placed under the cheek - imitation of sleep.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

Goal: to train running in different directions, attention. The teacher invites the children to listen to a nursery rhyme from the magic book “Sun” and repeat it.

Making riddles about fairy tale heroes

Goals: develop analytical skills; teach to highlight bright, characteristic features of an object.

Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales depicting their heroes.

The teacher tells the children that the Book Queen brought magical pictures. To disenchant them, you need to guess the riddle. Offers riddles in descriptive form about the kolobok, turnip, Ryaba Hen, and the tower.

Preparation for sleep

Goal: calm children down, set them up for a restful sleep.

Reading A. Bart’s poem “It’s Time to Sleep,” which the teacher finds on the next page of the Book Queen.


Constructive activity “Let’s build a house for the bear”

Goals: develop constructive abilities; teach to correlate the size of a building with the size of an object; consolidate knowledge about construction details; develop the planning function of speech:

Three bears from a fairy tale come to visit the children and ask them to build a house for them, separately for Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka. (Conducted with a subgroup of children.)

Musical and didactic game “The little white bunny is sitting”

Goals: to teach to coordinate movements with the text; develop a sense of tempo and rhythm; bring pleasure from playing together.

The teacher asks the children to guess which fairy tale she will read an excerpt from. Reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” Offers to play the game “Little White Bunny”.

Game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Goal: to develop children’s artistic abilities, imagination, expressive speech, and the ability to coordinate their actions with partners.

The teacher introduces elements of costumes, asks the children which fairy tale characters they belong to, and offers to act out the fairy tale.

Labor in nature

Goals: teach how to water plants on the site, help an adult; to form a desire to care for plants, aesthetic pleasure from admiring fresh flowers.

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme “Rain, rain, more” to the children, suggests everyone read the nursery rhyme together and call for rain. Draws attention to the fact that the plants have not yet drunk, they need to be watered.

At the end of the day, the teacher invites the Book Queen to stay in the group and delight the children with new fairy tales and poems.

Day 2 “What is good and what is bad”

Main goals:

— develop children’s communication skills, teach them to play together, share toys, address each other politely, calling each other by their affectionate names;

- develop attentive listening to the speaker;

- teach how to use polite words and expressions.

Game character: Piggy from the program “Good night, kids.”


Surprise moment

The teacher says that in the morning when she came to kindergarten, she looked into the mailbox and found a letter in it. He examines the envelope together with the children. He reads the letter in which Piggy says that he will come to visit the children.

Didactic game “Pass the letter”

Goals: to activate forms of expressing requests in children’s speech; develop auditory perception and attention.

Equipment: multi-colored envelopes with pictures inside.

“In the mailbox there was not only a letter from Piggy, but also letters for all the children with interesting pictures. The letters must be handed over to the recipients.”

Children sit in a row, the teacher names who is receiving the letter, this child moves to the last place in the row, and the rest of the children in the chain pass the letter with the request: “Please, please pass the letter.”

Finger game-exercise " Good morning, hello, Ivan"

Objectives: to practice greetings for children; develop fine motor skills, attention, speech.

“Piggy will come soon, but do you know how to say hello?”

The fingers are closed, slightly spread, palms are joined.

Good morning, hello, Ivan. Cross your thumbs from right to left.

Good morning, hello, Stepan. Cross the index fingers.

Good morning, hello, Cross middle fingers, etc.


The teacher begins to worry that Piggy is still missing, goes out to the locker room and returns with Piggy. He says that he overslept, so he was late, but he was in a hurry. The teacher invites him to apologize to the guys for being late.

Didactic exercise “How to receive a guest”

Goal: to develop polite skills and phrasal speech.

The teacher tells the children that a guest, Piggy, has arrived.

The children sit down to have breakfast. “What should be done in such a situation? How to invite a guest to the table? Suggests using doll dishes and substitute items.

After breakfast

Goals: to form a conscious use of forms of politeness; develop phrasal speech; to form a feeling of gratitude for the work of adults.

The children thank everyone, and Piggy asks them what and who they are thanking for. Shows them how to do it. Asks the children to repeat.


Activity-game “Doll Alyonushka’s birthday”

Goals: to create an experience of friendly communication and good deeds; teach to do something nice for each other, to give to each other what you like; develop coherent speech.

The Alyonushka doll in elegant clothes comes to visit the children and invites them and Khryusha to his birthday. Piggy refuses because he doesn’t know how to behave at a birthday party. The teacher offers to learn this together with the children.

Preparing for the walk

The teacher helps children learn the techniques of politely asking for help and expressing subsequent gratitude.

Observing the games of older children

Goals: to develop an interest in communicating with older children; highlight the positive moments of children's interaction during games as a role model; activate children's coherent speech and vocabulary.

The teacher shows Piggy and the children the kindergarten area and introduces them to the children of the older group.

Joint games between younger children and older children

Goals: to cultivate a friendly attitude between children, a desire to actively interact in games, help each other, treat each other politely, and not conflict.

Children stand in a circle, the teacher has the ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child, and he must repeat the teacher’s phrase like an echo in the forest. If repeated incorrectly, the child imitates a forest animal.

The teacher tells the children that she was in the forest, fell behind her friends and started screaming, and the echo repeated everything after her, as if it was imitating her. The teacher invites the children and Piggy to be an echo in the game.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

Goals: to teach children to manage their behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties; unite children in play; practice running in one direction.

The teacher brings in a dog mask and invites the children to play.


Examination of illustrations and selective reading of V. Mayakovsky’s book “What is good and what is bad”

Goals: to cause a benevolent attitude towards good deeds and a negative attitude towards bad ones; generate interest in the work, a desire to look at the illustrations; develop speech.

Piggy brought a book as a gift to the children, but he just can’t figure out what is written in it and what is shown in the pictures.

Labor in nature

(joint work assignment with an adult)

Objectives: to strengthen the ability to wipe the wide, large leaves of indoor plants; develop a desire to care for plants; generate interest in joint activities with adults and peers; develop a verbal vocabulary.

Piggy approaches indoor plants, examines them, and then sneezes from the dust. Invites children to do a good deed: wipe the leaves of plants so that they can breathe.

Sketch “Call me kindly”

Goals: to teach children to call each other by affectionate names; develop a friendly attitude towards each other; expand your vocabulary.

Khryusha says that when he plays with Stepashka and Karkusha, they sometimes call him names and he is very offended. Asks the children if they know each other's pet names.

Theatrical game “Two Greedy Bears”

Goals: to develop speech and pantomimic expressiveness; form a negative attitude towards greed; bring pleasure from being embodied in the image.

The teacher introduces elements of the costumes of fairy tale characters and a book with illustrations. He asks the children what fairy tale this is. He asks to explain why the cubs were left without cheese. Offers to act out a fairy tale.

Day 3 “Day of Fairy Tales”

Main goals:

To develop an interest in oral folk art, a desire to listen to fairy tales, look at illustrations, play out;

Game character: toy bun (or Carlson).


Surprise moment

Goals: to attract children's attention; arouse interest in upcoming activities.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that while they were at the site, everything in the group changed: unusual toys, books with fairy tales, paintings depicting fairy tale heroes, puppet theater characters, and an unusual cape appeared.

The teacher tells the children that they have found themselves in the land of fairy tales, and she is a fairy who can show the children this country (puts on a cape and picks up a magic wand). Invites children to consider what is in the land of fairy tales. He finds Kolobok on the window, who just can’t get off it for the children to notice. Offers to recharge with strength.

Morning exercises

(thematic with elements of psycho-gymnastics)

Goal: increase psychophysical activity and mood.

Children depict moving through the land of fairy tales and its heroes: the mouse and hen from “Ryaba the Hen,” the bunny from “Zayushkina’s Hut,” the cat and grandfather from “Turnip.” The teacher pays attention to facial expressions, pantomime, tension and relaxation of body muscles.

Preparing for breakfast

Goal: to arouse interest in the process of washing, developing cultural and hygienic skills.

While washing, the teacher reads excerpts from “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky.


Goal: to encourage children to eat and increase appetite.

Breakfast is brought by an assistant teacher in the form of a grandmother with a magic pot from the fairy tale “The Magic Pot” by C. Perrault. Invites children to remember the words that need to be said so that the pot begins to cook delicious porridge. The porridge is decorated in each plate with berries from jam.


Lesson on the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Goals: to develop phrasal speech in accordance with the text of the fairy tale, verbal and pantomimic expressiveness, a sense of partnership in dramatization; consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale; bring pleasure from the game.

Kolobok offers to go to his fairy tale and show it like in a real theater. Recalls with children the content of the fairy tale, the sequence of episodes. Assigns or selects fairy tale characters at will, distributes costume elements.

The tale is played out 3 times with a change of performers.

Children-listeners help Kolobok sing a song.

Preparing for the walk

Goal: consolidate dressing skills, develop sensory skills.

The teacher brings in a bull toy from the fairy tale “The Tar Bull.” Draws children's attention to the fact that the bull is coated with resin and can stick to itself not only a wolf and a bear, but also children's clothes. Simulates gluing. Draws children's attention to a careful, careful attitude towards clothing, correct sequence dressing.

The bull asks children questions about the quality, color, and shape of clothing.

Round dance "Loaf" on a walk

Goals: to consolidate the movements of the round dance; teach how to coordinate movements with text; develop a sense of rhythm; please the children.

Kolobok tells the children that today is his birthday. The fox in the fairy tale ate him, and the children, when they came to the land of fairy tales, revived him. He asks to dance for him.

Ball games

Goals: develop dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movement; consolidate knowledge of color and shape.

Kolobok says that he has friends who are just as round as he is, and asks the children to guess the riddle: “He’s round, he jumps, you can hit him on the floor, catch him, throw him.”

Children recite the poem “My merry, ringing ball” together with Kolobok.

Sand games

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of sand (loose, wet, moldable); develop constructive skills; develop fine movements of the fingers; cultivate patience and a friendly attitude towards peers; support the child’s desire to enter into dialogue with an adult.

Equipment: molds, toys, scoops, spatulas.

The teacher brings in small toys depicting fairy tale heroes, asks some children to build houses for them, and others to feed the heroes Easter cakes and pies.

Role-playing game "Family"

(based on the plot of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)

Goals: to develop role-playing dialogue and play actions based on the plot of the fairy tale; teach how to interact with an adult as a play partner.

The teacher brings in play equipment and a red cap, invites the children to play as a family, and takes on the role of mother.


Collective applique based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Goals: to teach children to paint over the shape without going beyond the contours, spread it with paste, press the shape with a cloth; activate in memory the sequence of Kolobok’s meeting with the heroes of the fairy tale; develop a friendly attitude towards other children and patience; bring joy from the result obtained; activate speech (planning function, verbs).

The teacher brings in a large sheet of paper with a forest landscape, blanks depicting fairy tale characters, asks the children to color the characters with pencils, find their place on the sheet and glue them to make a whole fairy tale. A photograph taken as a souvenir for Kolobok about his journey through the land of fairy tales.

Low mobility game “Find where it’s hidden”

Goal: to develop the ability to navigate in space, focused attention, movement, speech.

Kolobok invites the children to play hide and seek.

Finger game “Met”(individually)

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and speech. “Many different heroes met today in the land of fairy tales.” The teacher offers to learn a new finger game. First, the entire text is spoken by the adult, and then by the children.

Teacher. Two kittens met (connects his little finger of his right hand with the little finger of the child’s right hand). Child. Meow meow!

Teacher. Two puppies (connects ring fingers).

Child. Aw-aw!

Teacher. Two foals (connects middle fingers).

Child. Yikes!

Teacher. Two tiger cubs (connects index fingers).

Child. Rrrrr!

Teacher. Two bulls (connects thumbs).

Child. Moo!

Teacher. Look at the horns! (Make a “goat” to the child with two fingers.)

The exercise is repeated on the left hand. Then the child independently plays with his right and left hand, connecting his fingers.

Logorhythmic exercise without musical accompaniment “Naughty Kitten”

Goals: to develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, fine motor skills, memory, attention, speech; evoke emotions of joy.

The teacher shows illustrations for fairy tales in which one of the characters is a cat or a cat or a kitten. Invites children to look at them and guess the fairy tale. Then he offers to learn a poem with movements (2-3 times).

The kitten is calling its mommy: The fingers are joined together rhythmically.

Meow meow meow.

He didn't drink milk: Cross your fingers, rhythmically lower and raise your fingers.

Little, little, little.

Mom will feed you milk: Rhythmically stroke the back of the other with the palm of one hand.


Curls up into a small ball: Rhythmically rub fist against fist.

Ur-ur-ur, ur-ur-ur.

Day 4 “Fun Math”

Main goals:

- give the child a feeling of self-confidence based on the fact that the world is orderly, understandable, predictable;

- consolidate knowledge about basic geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle), the concepts of “many” and “one”, “as many - how many”;

- consolidate the concepts of “long”, “short”, “same”, “identical”;

- develop orientation on yourself, in space.

Game character: a smart mouse from S. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”.


Surprise moment

The teacher finds a sleeping mouse in the crib with the children and wakes him up. The mouse tells the children that yesterday he was very tired because he had to run away from a cat, a hedgehog, a squirrel, and an owl. Reminds children of a fairy tale. He says that he came to the children because he knows that they are as smart as he is.

Didactic game “Pick up the key to the lock”

Objectives: to teach how to correlate the form and the liner; develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop attention and speech.

Equipment: cardboard frame in the form of a lock, a set of inserts.

The mouse invites the children to go to the fairy tale where he lives. But to do this, you need to open the magic door to which the key was lost. It must be found, picked up.

Finger game "Finger-boy"

Goals: to develop children’s ability to compare; develop fine motor skills of fingers and speech.

The mouse says that in his fairy tale, even the fingers on children’s hands become magical, and offers to play with the fingers.

Thumb-boy, where have you been? Thumb hands are alternately connected to the rest in accordance with the text.

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother. (2-3 times with changing hands.)

Work order

Objectives: to teach how to lay out cutlery; consolidate the concept of “as much as” when laying out plates and spoons; cultivate a desire to help elders.

The mouse says that when his brothers set the table in the fairy tale, he always lacked a spoon at dinner. "Why?" Invites children to place the same number of spoons as plates on the table, with their right hand (except for left-handers), to the right of the plate.


Game-activity “Two dolls”

Goals: to teach how to compare and select objects by size; understand and correctly use the words “big-small” in speech.

Equipment: two dolls, pieces of furniture, dishes, animal toys, clothes - different sizes.

The dolls Masha and Dasha come to visit the children. They heard that the children went on a journey to a fairy tale to visit a mouse.

The dolls ask to take them with you. Only they don’t know where they can stop. The teacher offers to arrange a room for them.

Preparing for the walk

Objectives: to consolidate the concepts of “long” and “short”; develop speech; consolidate knowledge of color.

While getting dressed, invite children to compare the length of the laces on their shoes.

Game exercise

Objectives: to form the concepts of “same” and “identical”; consolidate knowledge about shape, color; activate the dictionary.

The teacher invites the children to look for tree leaves, flowers, seeds, etc. of the same shape. (depending on the time of year).

The mouse says that he heard words such as “identical” and “same,” but does not know what they mean, asks the teacher and children to explain and show.

Car games

Goals: to form concepts such as “towards”, “in different directions”, “fast”, “slow”; develop play actions and interaction with a play partner.

The teacher brings in the cars and offers to play the game “Street”, taking on the role of a traffic controller.

Sand games

Objectives: to consolidate the concepts of “many-little”, “empty-full”; develop an active vocabulary; consolidate knowledge of the properties of sand; develop interest in playing with natural materials.

The mouse asks to build holes for parents and little mice.

Sand cakes

Goals: to consolidate the ability to compare objects, select and arrange them by size; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; activate the dictionary.

Equipment: inserts (cups, molds).

Dolls Dasha and Masha ask you to bake cookies for them using molds of different sizes, which must first be arranged from largest to smallest, and then placed sequentially into each other (choose the largest of the remaining ones).

Outdoor game “Run to me”

Goal: to develop running in one direction, spatial orientation, and the desire to participate in joint games.

The mouse tells the children that he wants to see how attentive they are. She will move around the area, and the children, according to the words “Run to me,” should see where she is standing and run to her.

Work order(collect toys at the end of the walk)

Objectives: to consolidate the concepts of “many” and “one”; develop work skills and cultivate a desire to help adults.


Logorhythmic exercise without musical accompaniment “Mouse and Cat”

Goal: to develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, attention.

The teacher brings in a cat toy, which is looking for a mouse. Invites children to help read the poem using rhythmic movements.

Pee-wee-wee, the mouse squeaked, - Children perform the movements and, when repeated, pronounce sound combinations.

The cat is out hunting! Perform rhythmic clapping of palms.

I'm so scared, I'm trembling. They rhythmically tap their palms on their shoulders, arms crossed.

Squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing. They tap their knees rhythmically.

I'm looking for my mink.

Squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing.

The cat pretended to be kind.

Mur-mur-mur, she sings. Rub palm against palm.

No, no, no, the mouse squeaks.

Doesn't fit into the cat's paws. They shake their heads.

Puppet theater "Teremok"

Goals: to develop and train the ability to retain in memory and reproduce a series of ordered words; consolidate knowledge of the fairy tale; activate speech; develop speech expressiveness; create a joyful mood.

The teacher introduces the characters of the fairy tale and asks the mouse to see if there are any heroes of his fairy tale among them. Offers to watch a puppet show.

Outdoor game "Loaf"

Goals: to consolidate the concepts of “big-small”, the ability to rhythmically perform movements, sing along; bring joy from the game.

The teacher invites the children to dance in a circle for the mouse.

Role-playing game "Shop"

Objectives: to teach simple play actions and play interaction with adults and peers; consolidate the concept of size and shape.

The teacher brings in jars of different sizes and lids for them, offers to fill the jars, select lids for them and set up a store.

Day 5 “In the natural world”

Main goals:

- develop an interest in living nature;

- develop observation and attention;

- introduce children to the frog; to cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife and its representatives, a desire to protect them, and to care for the seasonal inhabitants of a corner of nature.

Game characters: Zhanna the frog, Maya the bee.


Surprise moment

During the reception at the site, the bee Maya flies to the children, who already knows the children, loves to play with them, introduce them to natural phenomena and says that she has a new friend - the frog Zhanna. But she hid somewhere. Maya asks the children to find their friend. The children do not find her at the site and go to look for her in a group.

In a group, children find a frog among the plants near the aquarium. Maya the Bee is surprised that the frog has turned into a toy. “She was probably afraid that the children would offend her, as many people do.” Maya the bee invites the children to show Zhanna the frog how kind, hardworking they are, how much they know and can do.

Work order(subgroup)

Goals: develop observation skills; consolidate the ability to water indoor plants, wipe large leaves of plants together with an adult; develop a caring attitude towards indoor plants; activate the dictionary.

Morning exercises

Goals: create an emotionally positive mood; increase activity; convey the habits of a frog in a playful way; get interested in the character.

The teacher tells the children that until the frog Zhanna comes to life, morning exercises she will turn them all into frogs with her magic wand.


1. “The frog catches mosquitoes.”

2. “The frog is looking for midges.”

3. “The frog is hiding from the heron.”

4. “The frog puffs out its cheeks.”

5. They jump like inflated frogs to the words:

“The frogs are dancing and jumping.

Kwa-kwa-kwa, bre-ke-ke.

It’s good for us on the river.”


Objectives: consolidate knowledge about primary colors, quantitative relationships “as much-as”; activate children's speech.

The teacher brings in a tray with multi-colored paper (folded from paper) frogs and says that Zhanna is bored alone, so the teacher made a lot of paper girlfriends for her. Invites the children to name the colors, take one frog each, and arrange a paper frog race.

Frog watching

Goals: to introduce children to the appearance, habits of the frog, its striking distinctive features; to form an interest in the frog as a living creature; show the beauty in the frog; develop the ability to formulate your thoughts in simple phrases; activate the dictionary.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the aquaterrarium covered with a napkin and invites them to see what’s inside. Finds a live frog with the children. She says that she is no longer afraid of children: she saw how kind and sensitive they were, so she turned into a living one. Offers to watch the frog. After observation (5-7 minutes), the teacher suggests leaving the frog in the aquaterrarium in the group for several days, and then releasing it to the kindergarten area. Explains why animals feel bad in captivity.


The teacher takes the aquaterrarium with the frog out onto the site, determines a place in the shade, and explains to the children why she chose this place. Offers to amuse the frog.

Playing the song “About Frogs and Mosquitoes”

Goals: develop the ability to coordinate actions with text and music; improve mood; intensify the movement; develop onomatopoeia.

Outdoor game “Crane and Frogs”

Goals: to teach to coordinate actions with the text; act on the teacher’s signal; develop the ability to jump and ease of movement.

Dramatization game "Teremok"

Goals: to develop expressiveness of speech and pantomime; consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale, the sounds that the frog makes, and the method of movement; bring joy from communicating with peers in theatrical performances.

Equipment: costume elements of fairy tale characters.


Learning the poem “Laughing Frogs”

(tell poems with your hands)

Goals: to develop memory, attention, motor skills, rhythm of movements; consolidate knowledge about the habits of a frog.

Two laughing frogs The index and middle fingers are shown and the rest are picked up.

They jumped and galloped. Depict jumping in the air with your fingers.

One paw - clap, the other - clap, The palm is rhythmically slapped on the leg.

The cheeks were swelling. Show roundness with your fingers around the cheeks.

We saw a mosquito Make a pinch of three fingers, depict the flight path of a mosquito, and trace it with your eyes.

They shouted: “Kva-kva-kva!” The thumb is placed opposite all the others and the mouth is depicted opening and closing.

The mosquito flew away like the wind. Make a sharp movement of the hand forward, extending the index finger.

It's good to live in the world! Stroke your chest with your palm.

At first, children only repeat the movements (slowly), then finish individual words, then whole phrases.

Construction game “Animal Tower”

(based on the fairy tale “Teremok”)

Goals: to develop children's constructive skills; teach how to build according to the teacher’s demonstration, compare the size of the building with the size of the object; consolidate the verbal dictionary, teach how to pronounce a sequence of actions in speech (planning function).

“The bear destroyed the animals’ mansion; they have nowhere to live.”

Didactic game “Who is whose cub”

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the appearance of animals, the correct naming of adults and babies; develop focused attention; activate the dictionary.

The teacher tells the children that Maya the bee flew over the zoo today and saw how all the animals came out of their houses, got confused, and now mothers cannot find their children. “We need to help them.”

Visual activity “Traces of a frog”

(with subgroup)

Goals: to develop visual skills; strengthen the ability to draw with paint.

Day 6 “Visiting the Sun”

Main goals:

— expand children’s knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena;

- develop observation and curiosity;

- consolidate knowledge of songs, poems, round dances, nursery rhymes;

- create a positive emotional mood.

Game character: sun made of paper.


Surprise moment

There is a large cloud of paper hanging on the wall, and behind it there is a paper sun on a fishing line. The teacher draws the children's attention to the cloud. He says that without the help of children, the sun will not be able to come out from behind the clouds. He offers to call him a nursery rhyme.

You can use well-known nursery rhymes.

Bucket sunshine!

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up -

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

Bucket sun,

Look out the window!

Your children are crying

They jump on the pebbles.

The sun is clear,

Dress up.

The sun is red,

Show yourself.

Put on the scarlet dress

Give us a red day!

(A. Prokofiev)

After the children say the nursery rhyme 3 times, the teacher slowly pulls out the sun by the fishing line. He says that it came down to the children from heaven to be with them, to caress them, to warm them, to play. He asks the children to become his little children-rays.

Morning exercises

Goals: to create a cheerful, joyful mood; activate muscle tone.

“The sun's rays rise early with the sun, they need to warm all people, all plants, all animals. Therefore, they must be strong, resilient, fast.”

The teacher uses a mirror to turn children into rays of sunshine (in sunny weather). Exercises in a playful way are stylized according to the topic.

You can use A. Brodsky’s poem “Sunny Bunnies”.

Runners are jumping - sunbeams.

We call them, but they don’t come.

They were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump around the corners.

They were there - and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Haven't you found them anywhere?

Musical activity

Goals: to develop a sense of rhythm, pitch and timbre hearing through didactic games; cultivate a desire to act together with peers; enjoy playing together.


Didactic game "Walk"

Goal: develop a sense of rhythm.

Game material: musical hammers according to the number of players.

Children sit in a semicircle.

Teacher. Now, children, let's go for a walk with you, but it is unusual, we will walk in a group, and musical hammers will help us. Here we are going down the stairs (slowly hits his palm with a hammer).

Children repeat the same rhythmic pattern.

And now we went outside, the sun was shining, everyone was happy and ran. Like this! (Relays running with frequent blows.)

Children repeat.

Tanya took the ball and began to slowly hit the ground. (Slowly hits the hammer again.)

Children repeat.

The rest of the children began to run quickly. Skok, skok. (Hits quickly with a hammer.)

Children repeat.

But suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain.

At first it was small, rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began. (Gradually speeds up the rhythm of hammer strikes.)

Children repeat.

The kids got scared and ran to the kindergarten. (Strikes quickly and rhythmically with a hammer.)

Didactic game with movements “Sun and Rain”

Goals: satisfy children’s need for movement and communication with adults; develop attention, speech, ear for music, sense of rhythm.

To the words “It’s raining!” children run to their house, and to the words “The sun is shining!” go out into the middle of the room.

They perform movements, coordinating them with words and imitating the teacher.

Teacher. What a nice weather! Sunbeams, let's all go for a walk and play! Take your chairs, place them in a semicircle, these will be our houses, place the chairs with their backs facing forward. Try to sit at your house and look out the window. Well, now come to me. Let's all read a poem to the sun together.

Teacher and children

The sun looks out the window,

It shines into our room.

We'll clap our hands

Very happy about the sun!

(A. Barto)



Top-top-top, Children stomp their feet while standing still.


Top-top-top (pause).

Clap-clap-clap-clap, Clap your hands, imitating the teacher.



Now let's run!

Children run all over the playground.

Look, it's raining! Hurry up and go home!

The children run away to the houses.

Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs. (He taps the seat of the chair with his bent fingers, imitating the sound of rain.)

It became very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop...

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, don’t spare a drop.

Just don't kill us,

Don't knock on the window in vain! (Rhyme.)

(At first he speeds up the movements of his fingers on the chair, and then slows down and stops completely.)

Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain has stopped or not.

The sun is shining! No rain! Go out for a walk!

Didactic game “Our Orchestra”

Goal: to develop timbre hearing.

Game material: children's musical instruments.

The teacher says that the sun's rays love music very much. They received a package containing many musical instruments.

He distributes them to children. Everyone plays them the way they want.

Watching the sun while walking

Goals: to develop observation, curiosity, attention; consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena; enrich your vocabulary.

The teacher tells the children that while they were studying, the sun from the group ran away into the sky, he was tired of sitting behind a cloud, he needed to warm everyone up as soon as possible.

Children watch the sun through colored glass, sunglasses, and colored mica.

Compare the shapes of the sun with a circle and a square.

The teacher suggests warming your palms and feeling the warmth of the sun; asks to find objects on the site that have been heated by the heat of the sun.

Fun game “Catch a sunny bunny”

(with mirror)

Goals: to amuse children, to please; activate through running, jumping.

Outdoor game “Tag and catch-up”

("Cloud and Sunbeams")

Goals: to cultivate courage, the ability to mobilize to avoid danger; develop will.

Children walk towards the salochka (“cloud”) boldly, together, in an even line, holding hands and coordinating their steps with the steps of other children.

They run only after the word “Catch up!” is said a second time. The “cloud” does not catch those who deliberately slow down their movement towards “home”.

We are rays of sunshine

We love to run and jump.

And you, black cloud,

Well, try to catch up with us! (2 times.)

Didactic exercise “Put out the sun from sticks”

Goal: to develop fine motor skills and the ability to navigate in space.

Equipment: circle and sticks.


Theatrical activities

(Puppet show based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun”)

Goals: to please children, to activate their speech and emotions; consolidate knowledge about the significance of the sun for all living things, the content of the fairy tale.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the animal toys are crying in the play corner, finds out the reason, and invites the ray children to help bring back the sun.

Visual activity. Drawing the sun

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the shape, color of the sun, and visual skills.

Equipment: sheet, brushes, paints.

“We’ll draw a lot of suns so that the group will always be light and warm.”

After drawing, one of the walls is decorated with drawings.

Watching the sunset on a walk

Objectives: to teach to see the simplest, accessible changes in inanimate nature; indicate them in speech.

The teacher says that the sun is very attentive, does not forget anyone, warms everyone, illuminates everything. Are the ray children just as attentive?

Reading the poem “Caring Sun”

Goals: develop memory, speech, sense of rhythm; consolidate knowledge about the sun as a phenomenon of inanimate nature; develop motor skills and coordination of movements.

The teacher says that the sun was with the children all day, we need to thank him and read him a poem.

The first time the teacher reads, and the children imitate the movements, the second time they finish the words of the lines together with the teacher, the third time they remember the lines based on the movements that the teacher shows.

In the morning the sun rises high, Raise your arms up with open palms away from you, spread them to the sides.

In the evening it goes deep. They lower their hands down, bending slightly.

During the day it walks across the sky, They raise their hands up, showing that they are “holding” the ball, “passing” it from left to right.

Warms everyone, spreading its rays widely. Hands to the side.

Gently strokes the leaves and flowers, They stroke themselves on the head, on the arm.

It turns gold on people's cheeks and noses. They stroke their cheeks and nose.

The day has passed, and from the sky to rest

The sun's ball sets behind the mountain. Hands raise up, “make” a ball, “lower” it down.

You can use the poem by J. Marcinkevičius “The Sun is Resting”, the Armenian nursery rhyme “Where the Sun Spends the Night” (see Reader for Little Ones).

The teacher lowers the paper sun behind a cloud to sleep, and “transforms” the children from rays into children.

Day 7 “Following the Rainbow”

Main goals:

- consolidate children’s knowledge about the primary colors of the spectrum, the ability to identify color in an object environment, and select objects by color;

- consolidate visual skills;

- develop creativity, imagination, aesthetic perception.

Game character: a teacher in the image of an artist (you can have a rainbow-arc, a seven-colored flower, etc.).


Surprise moment

The teacher tells the children that when she came to the group in the morning, she saw that the whole group had become somehow colored. Together with the children, she finds a rainbow painted on the wall, a seven-flowered flower on the table, colored ribbons on the shelf, wreaths of flowers of different colors in the dressing room corner, and balloons of different colors in the basket. He tells the children that they must have ended up in a colorful fairy-tale state.

Didactic exercise “Balloons”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the six colors of the spectrum by selecting colors according to the sample; activate the dictionary: red, yellow, green, blue, purple; develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: six balloons and six ribbons of the same color.

Children select a ribbon of the same color and tie it to the ball.

The teacher tells the children that she wanted to decorate the magical land with balloons, but they scattered in different directions. She asks the children to help her tie ribbons to the balloons.

Didactic game “Find by color”

Goals: to consolidate the ability to find and name clothes of a specific color; develop attention; generate interest in peers.

Children stand in a circle, the teacher calls the color of clothing or details, by which the children must guess who the teacher is talking about. You need to call your peer by an affectionate name.

Morning exercises

Goals: to create a cheerful, joyful mood; increase muscle tone.

The teacher attaches paper circles of different colors to the children's T-shirts with tape - turns them into colors that live in a multi-colored fairy-tale state.


Art activity class “Dress for dolls”

Goals: to practice children in selecting objects by color, drawing with paints; bring joy from using a brush and paint; develop attention, focused perception, speech.

The teacher, through the elements of the costume, turns into an artist from a multi-colored fairy-tale state and invites the colorful children to his workshop.

1) selection of dolls according to the color of the dress ribbon;

2) coloring dress templates for paper dolls;

3) dance with dolls (pairs are selected by color).

Observations on a walk looking at flowers in a flower bed

(examination of equipment at the kindergarten site, surrounding buildings, etc.)

Objectives: consolidate the names of flowers, their color; to develop aesthetic taste and observation skills; develop a caring attitude towards plants; activate speech.

Didactic game “This lemon is yellow like...”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the colors of fruits and vegetables, their names.

Equipment: dummies or pictures.

The artist brings in a basket with magical fruits and vegetables and invites the children to play.

Outdoor game “Colored Cars”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal, run without bumping into each other.

Equipment: colored rudders or ribbons, cards.

The artist “drives” the car, gives steering wheels to the children, “turning” them into car drivers.

Low mobility game “Who is the most attentive?”

Goals: to develop children’s focused attention, spatial orientation; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop speech.

A butterfly made of paper and painted in different colors flies to the children. Asks the children to tell what color her wings are. Then he invites the children to show her what is green in their area.

You need to find an object, reach it, raise your hand up and name the object and its color.


Didactic exercise “Let's collect a rainbow”

(with a subgroup of children)

Goal: consolidate knowledge of the six primary colors of the spectrum, the ability to find the arc of the named color.

After sleep, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that while they were sleeping, a rainbow-arc fell from the sky and crumbled. He asks for help collecting a rainbow, to find and bring an arc of the desired color, and name the color.

The teacher reads the poem “Colors of the Rainbow” by A. Wenger.

The colors are terribly tired today:

They painted a rainbow in the sky.

We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors,

The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Just admire the colors.

Didactic exercise “Let’s collect a seven-flowered flower”

(with a subgroup of children)

Goals: to consolidate knowledge of the six primary colors of the spectrum, the ability to find a petal of the desired color; bring; name and make a flower.

The teacher tells the children that she has a magic flower, but it can only create magic when it is composed of petals. Invites children to place a magic flower with multi-colored petals on the floor from the middle.

Outdoor game “Fly, little dove”

Goals: to consolidate the ability to navigate the color races by their name; develop attention, focus, endurance; cultivate a desire to cooperate with the teacher; to form emotional responsiveness to communication with peers.

Equipment: all types of multi-colored playing materials, which are laid out in different places on the playing field.

An unusual dove (origami), painted in different colors, flies to the children. The teacher offers to play with him.

"Pigeons obey their mistress." As soon as the seats on the edge become vacant, the children sitting in a row move and occupy them.

“Pigeons can carry out instructions only after the words of the mistress: “Fly little dove!” Returning to their place, each “pigeon” shows all the participants in the game what it has brought and names the color of the selected item.

Tatyana Zvereva
Abstract of GCD first junior group Topic: “Forgotten birthday”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 73



Direct educational activities

on artistic and aesthetic development

region "Artistic creativity"

(non-traditional drawing techniques)

V first junior group(2-3 years)

Subject: « Forgotten birthday»

Compiled: teacher

Zvereva T. A.


Target: introduce children 2-3 years old to Malmi folk genres, continue to introduce non-traditional drawing techniques.

to form artistic and aesthetic abilities.

Tasks: - introduce children to nursery rhymes about sunshine and rain;

Pin methods unconventional technology drawing


Develop fine motor skills;

Cultivate a sense of beauty;

Equipment: laptop, finger paints - red, yellow, green.

bowl of water (for washing hands)-2 pcs.

easel - 1 piece

barrel of honey.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Children with a teacher enter group. Greet guests. The teacher draws the children's attention to a bear cub who is sitting on the sofa and crying.

Educator: Guys, who is that sitting there?

Children: Little bear!

Educator: Let's go up to him and ask why he's crying.

Children: Let's!

The teacher picks up the teddy bear.

Educator: Little bear, why are you crying? Did something happen to you?

Teddy Bear: I have today birthday, and that's all about it forgot! And I really want to receive a barrel of honey as a gift!

Educator: Do you guys think we can help the little bear find honey?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Where can we get honey? I suggest you use

third clue (children watch an excerpt from the cartoon Maya the bee)

Educator: Children, you guessed where we can get honey.

Children: ask the bee.

Educator: Where does the bee live?

Children: on the pasik

Educator: Right. , let’s go to the apiary and find a bee there. Do you agree.


Educator: Guys, but the apiary is far away and getting there is not easy, what can we do?

(bus horn sounds) oh guys, look - this is a funny bus, that's how we get to the apiary. Do you agree.

Children: Yes!

Educator:children. do you know. that we need tickets to ride the bus.

Children: Yes.

Educator:Where can we get them?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Guys, while you and I were thinking about where to get tickets, a magpie flew to me and gave me these mugs and suggested that the bus was unusual and we didn’t need to buy tickets. I will give you mugs and you will find exactly these mugs on the seats of our bus, if everyone finds their place correctly, then we can go on a journey D.I. “Find your place.”

Educator:(evaluate the result) Well done, now we can hit the road.

We ride the bus and sing a song: We're going, we're going, we're going.

Educator: here we are, but we need to walk a little more along the road, P. and "On a Level Path"

Let's go to the bee. We read a nursery rhyme.

Children can all clap

They don't spare their hands.

Like this, like this

They don't spare their hands.

Children can stomp everything,

They don't spare their legs.

Like this, like this

They don't spare their legs!

Children with a teacher approach the pasik (listen to the bees buzzing)

A bee flies out of the hive

Educator: Hello bee! The guys and I came to ask you for some honey for the bear cub. He has today birthday, but no one congratulated him! We want to give him a barrel of honey.

Bee: And I’m not in a very good mood today!

Educator: Why?

Bee: I had flowers in the clearing, but they withered.

Educator: Guys, do you think we can cheer up the bee?

Children: Yes!

Educator: How will we do this?

Children: Let's draw flowers for her!

We approach the easel on which a sheet of Whatman paper is attached.

Educator: Look, guys, this will be our clearing and we can draw flowers for Maya. We will draw flowers with our palms. We have yellow and red paint on the table, into which we will, in turn, dip our palms and put a print on the free space in the basket.

Children draw flowers with their palms. (soft music sounds) Wash your hands. We read a nursery rhyme.

Wash yourself cleanly, don’t waste water.

Your palms will be whiter than snow.

Warm water

I wash my hands clean.

I'll take a bar of soap

And I rub my palms with them.

Now we'll play with our fingers.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

So the heads were removed.

Educator: The flowers turned out very beautiful. But they are missing something. What do you think?

Children: Leaves, stems!

Educator: That's right guys. Now we, in turn, will dip our fingers in the paint and finish drawing a stem and leaf for our flower.

Children paint with their fingers.


Educator: Look, bee, the guys drew flowers for you. Do you like it?

: Guys, look how beautiful it turned out. Well done.


Educator:Then we will turn into flowers, and Maya will fly around us. (music "Waltz of the Flowers" plays

Bee: Really like! Thanks guys! Here's a barrel of honey for the little bear.

Children: Thanks bee!

Educator: Guys, we have a gift for the teddy bear. Let's go, let's give it.

Children with a teacher go to the bear cub.

Educator: Little bear, we came with a gift to congratulate you on your day birth(put honey). And we guys will sing you a song.

Outdoor game "Loaf".

Educator: Did you like the bear?

Teddy Bear: Yes very! Thanks for gifts!

The children and teacher say goodbye to the guests and leave.

List of used literature

1. "Fairy tales, songs and nursery rhymes for the little ones", publishing house "AST", 2008.

Publications on the topic:

December. Theme of the week “Let's be healthy” first junior group December. The theme of the week is “Let's be healthy” Monday. Morning. Game-activity "The cockerel is sick." Conversation "Why did the cockerel get sick?" tasks to tell.

Daily planning. First junior group. March. Theme of the week: “Me and my family” March. Theme of the week: “Me and my family” Monday. Morning. Reception of children. Morning filter. Conversations with parents about the child’s health status.

Daily planning. First junior group. March. Theme of the week: “Birds” March. Theme of the week is “Birds” Monday. Morning. Reception of children. Morning filter. Conversations with parents about the past weekend, about the state of health.

Summary of the educational activity “Guests have come to us” (first junior group) Goal: To awaken children to recognize animals; name, highlight individual parts: tail, ears, eyes; develop visual and auditory perception.

Abstract of the GCD based on the fairy tale “Turnip” (first junior group) MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1p. Teploye" Summary of educational activities on theatrical activities fairy tale "Turnip" Introducing children to the theater. (first youngest.