Minimum pension in Dagestan. Minimum pension The size of the minimum labor pension in Dagestan

The exceptions are compensation for travel on public transport, telephone use, and utility bills. The latter is paid only disadvantaged families. To receive the minimum pension, you need to go to the Pension Fund after the grounds have arisen. Behind regional payments you need to contact your local public protection authorities. The size of the minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 from January 1 The cost of living in Makhachkala is 8,374 rubles. In Dagestan it is equal to 7,500 rubles. No pension can be less than these two values. There are no plans to increase payments until 2019. Old age pension Old age pension is the main income of most older people. In Dagestan, women over 55 years old and men over 60 years old receive it. The minimum experience in the region is 9 years, and you also need to score 13.7 points in 2018.

What will the old-age pension be in 2018: minimum amount

Minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 The regional cost of living for a pensioner in Dagestan in 2018 is 8,680 rubles.


The federal cost of living for a pensioner in 2018 is 8,726 rubles. The cost of living for a pensioner in general Russian Federation is established to determine the amount of the federal social supplement to the pension.

The regional cost of living for a pensioner is established in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to determine the social supplement to the pension.

If the pension is lower than the subsistence level for a pensioner established in your region, which, in turn, is lower than the subsistence level for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole, then a federal social supplement is established.

If the pension is lower than the regional subsistence level of a pensioner, which exceeds the subsistence level of a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation, then a regional social supplement is established.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2018 by region: table

The increased complexity and danger of a miner’s work is noted when a pension is awarded.

The profession presupposes a fairly early exit to rest, and, in a number of regions, an increased amount of income received. pension payments.

Recent changes Regulation of pensions and other social and labor relations is largely carried out by the updated Federal Law No. 400. What changes are observed in connection with the update of the regulatory framework:

  • in accordance with it, the number of years of experience in work related to underground resource extraction has been reduced;
  • bonuses were also provided for former workers employed in certain types of underground work.


    They were introduced to compensate persons at facilities that are most harmful to health.

    Conditions of appointment Early appointment Pensions for miners are provided for in Art.

    30 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

    The size of the minimum old-age pension in 2018

    The question of the minimum pension in 2018 remains open today.
    It is worth mentioning here that the order of calculations depends on the following parameters:

    • age limits - here we are talking about the expected retirement for men and women upon reaching a certain retirement age, namely: for the male half of the population - from 60 years old, and for the female half - from 55 years old;
    • seniority– more than 9 years (in 2018), but taking into account that by 2024, the indicator will be increased to 15 years;
    • minimum size payments - 8,703 rubles in 2018, except for Moscow pensioners, who will be able to receive benefits in the amount of 17,500 rubles.

    Taking into account these indicators, the total amount of the pension is formed, which is subsequently paid to a specific citizen.

    Minimum pension in Russia in 2018: size and conditions for processing payments

    There are three types of social pension:

    • on disability ( disabled citizens 1, 2, 3 groups and disabled children without the requirement to establish a group);
    • in case of loss of a breadwinner (children under 18 years of age or 23 years of age if they are studying but not working, provided that they have lost one of their parents or a single parent);
    • by old age (women 60 years of age and men 65 years of age, if they do not have the appropriate insurance period; 55-year-old men and 50-year-old women belonging to the small peoples of the North).

    According to official information, the minimum social pension in Russia in next year will be indexed.

    State In addition to insurance and social benefits, some Russian citizens are entitled to receive a state pension.

    Pension provision for residents of Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan in 2018

    The employer can also apply for a pension for the insured person.
    The application is possible in electronic form by filling out a document on the Internet.
    When changing place of residence, payment is made according to the payment file.
    The pension supplement is assigned at the Pension Fund office.
    The implementation of the subjective right to it is carried out by submitting an application from the applicant citizen.
    What documents are needed A list of documents that are necessary to assign old-age pension payments, the rules for applying for it are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Who will have their pensions increased in April 2018?

    Essentially this is social payment, and it does not depend on the size of the old-age insurance pension, to which it is subsequently established. The following persons are entitled to such additional payment:

    • have worked for 25 (or 20, depending on the profession) years;
    • employed in the extraction of coal or shale, as well as in the construction of mines.

    Thus, a specific circle of people has been identified who, due to greater harm to health, require additional financial support. The accrual rules provide that the length of service that gives the right to early retirement on the basis of clause 1 of Art.
    30 400-FZ.

    Living wage for a pensioner in Dagestan

    In addition, it is planned to index the pension benefits of the military while maintaining the reduction coefficient at 72.23%.

    Indexation of insurance pensions Traditionally, annual indexation is carried out from February, since on this date the inflation value is known, which is taken into account to calculate the indicator, which is a guideline for increasing payments.

    The government decided to postpone this moment for more early date- beginning of the year.

    This was done in order to ensure a real increase in the amounts paid by the beginning of 2019.

    Initially, it was taken into account that inflation would rise by 4%; however, according to preliminary data, today the value does not exceed 3%.

    Taking this into account, it was decided to increase the amount by 3.7% (taking into account the faster rise in prices). The average size, according to official data, will increase from 13,657 rubles.
    In Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, and Stavropol Territory, these payments are in the range of 7.6-8 thousand rubles. Minimum pension in 2018 by regions of Russia: table No. Region rubles Central Federal District 1 Belgorod region 8,836 2 Bryansk region 7,327 3 Vladimir region 9,233 4 Voronezh region 9,567 5 Ivanovo region 8,194 6 Kaluga region 9,338 7 Kostroma region 9,629 8 Kursk region 7,044 9 Lipetsk region 9,479 10 Moscow region 9,864 11 Oryol region 8,597 12 Ryazan region 7,998 13 Smolensk region 9,516 14 Tambov region 8,231 15 Tver region 8,726 16 Tula region 9,354 17 Yaroslavl region 8,930 18 Moscow 17,500 Northwestern Federal District 19 Republic of Karelia 9,703 20 Komi Republic 10,556 21 Arkhangelsk region 12,315 22 Nenets Aut.

    Minimum pension in Dagestan 2018 from January 1

    In order to receive a pension within the established time frame, a person submits the following documents:

    • establishing periods of work and periods counted equally with the insurance period (the calculation procedure is established by Government Decree No. 1015);
    • confirming the accumulated IPC of the employee.

    In addition, miners have the right to early retirement, and this legal fact is also subject to documentary confirmation.

    The entire package of documents can be requested only if they are not available in state authorities or local governments, except for those included in the list in Law No. 210-FZ of 2010. Other documents are requested from the authorities in electronic form or printed. However, the applicant may independently submit documentation on his own initiative.

    Minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 from January 1

    In light of the negative trends in the Russian economy that have lasted for several years, citizens are in no hurry to increase their consumer baskets - it is obvious that the crisis has hit the wallets of Russians with tangible force.

    It is known that the state budget in 2018 will again have gaps - and, in connection with this, a number of analysts have expressed their disappointing forecasts regarding raising the standards of social payments.

    This topic worries me most Russian pensioners. What will the pension be in 2018 and are there prerequisites for increasing the minimum benefit? Let's consider the main theses.

    Taking this into account, how will the social pension for Russians receiving old-age benefits under Art.

    After April 1, 2018, b. Growth Northern peoples 55/50 years old 5034.25 5180.24 2.9% Citizens 60/65 years old 5034.25 5180.24 2.9% Increase in pensions for disabled people in April 2018 An increase is also expected for Russians with a disability group.

    Changes in payments for these groups are accumulated in the table, taking into account the legislatively approved (Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ) basic and planned figures: Disability group of welfare recipients Until April 1, 2018, p. After April 1, 2018, b.

Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Republic of Dagestan on amendments to the legislative acts of the Republic of Dagestan Press release 10/26/2017 draft budget of the Russian pension fund for 2018 General provisions For 2018, the following types of pensions are paid in the territory of the Republic of Dagestan:

  • Insurance (labor) - paid in old age, when a citizen reaches the age established by law. Required conditions for obtaining: work experience of at least 5 years and required amount IPK (at least 11 points);
  • Social - accrued to citizens who have not worked officially or have less than 5 years of work experience. In this case, the retirement age increases: 60-65 years for the male and female population, respectively.

Minimum pension in Dagestan

How does the minimum cost of living for a pensioner differ across Russian regions? The first wave of widespread increases is planned in January, but not all pensioners will receive the same amount, even if they have the same achievements in terms of length of service. In addition, starting from the new year, local budgets can introduce additional charges to their residents. How will the size of minimum pensions differ in Russian regions? As already noted, it is Moscow residents who can qualify for one of the highest pensions in the country - their amount is set at 17,500 thousand.

The highest level of minimum pension benefit is in the Central District - 9.5-9.6 thousand rubles. recorded in the Voronezh, Kostroma, Smolensk regions, and the lowest - in the Kursk and Bryansk regions, here the minimum pension does not exceed 7.5 thousand rubles.

Living wage for a pensioner in Dagestan

Far North.

  • Women tractor drivers.
  • Women doing hard work in the textile industry.
  • Logging workers.
  • Workers on ships.
  • Workers involved in hydrological, geophysical, geological exploration and other work.
  • To calculate an early pension, you must contact the Pension Fund with the following documents:
  • application for early labor pension,
  • employment history,
  • passport,
  • insurance certificate,
  • a clarifying certificate with information about bonuses, other payments and the right to a preferential pension,
  • certificate of average salary in 2000-2001 or 60 months before 2002,
  • military ID (men),
  • children's birth certificates.

Minimum pension: basic calculation parameters An example of calculating a preferential early pension.

What will the old-age pension be in 2018: minimum amount

Conditions for registration The minimum pension is assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 400. The day of assignment of a pension is considered to be the date of receipt of all documents and their registration in the system by an employee of the authorities. The pension is accrued from the 1st day of the next month. The Pension Fund has 10 days to review; if problems arise, the period is extended to 3 months.
A citizen has the right to choose exactly how to submit documents:

  • personally or through a representative in the Pension Fund;
  • in the multifunctional center;
  • by sending notarized copies of documents by mail;
  • by registering on the Pension Fund website and submitting an application online;
  • in the personal account of the State Services, if the citizen has an electronic signature.

The authorities of Dagestan advise starting collecting documents in advance, at least six months before the pension is assigned.

The size of the minimum pension in 2018 by region

For Muscovites with registration for more than 10 years at the place of registration If, according to registration, a person of retirement age has lived in Moscow for more than one decade, he has the right to all allowances and additional payments that are provided for by law. The social standard from 2018 will be 17,500 rubles. In addition to this, older Muscovites receive some benefits from the authorities, expressed in the form of discounts on travel and payment for a number of utilities. Minimum pension in Russia in 2018: size and conditions for processing payments In addition, such pensions can be issued for disability or loss of a breadwinner.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2018 by region: table

The minimum pension amount consists of 3 main values:

  • the sum of all income of a citizen;
  • time of residence in areas with an increased coefficient;
  • the cost of living in the region and in the country as a whole.

Federal Law No. 178 “On social assistance“It is established that if a pensioner’s income is higher than the official one in the country, but lower than in the subject of residence, payments come from local funds. However, due to the economic situation in Dagestan, this possibility is not being considered. This is also the reason for the lack of additional assistance from the local Government to vulnerable groups of the population (compared to neighboring regions).

The state cannot refuse a citizen additional payment. When calculating the minimum pension amount, non-material benefits are not taken into account.

Pension provision for residents of Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan in 2018

The mayor is confident that the city budget is sufficient to increase the size of pensions, and guarantees timely payments to residents of the capital. Other regional leaders cannot always find funds for such support and hope for help from the state budget and money freed up from cuts in payments to working citizens of retirement age. The Government, in turn, has many other social programs, so it encourages districts to solve problems on their own.

Sergei Sobyanin The size of the minimum pension in Russia in 2018 for all regions is presented in tabular form for clarity: Table of the minimum pension in Russia Who will receive the minimum pension benefit As can be seen from the table in the previous section, the size of the pension depends on the region of residence of the pensioner. Thus, residents of the Kursk region will receive a minimum pension.

Minimum pension in Russia in 2018: size and conditions for processing payments


In some cases, the employer sends the employee’s documents to the Pension Fund, especially for civil servants. In this case, the papers of all employees of the organization are collected and transferred to the Pension Fund several months before retirement age. However, all documents can be scanned and uploaded to the State Services website.

If a pensioner is going to move, he needs to transfer pension accruals to another region. To do this, you need to go to the Pension Fund upon arrival at your new place and sign an application. After this, PFR employees will contact the department at the citizen’s previous place of residence and request documents.

The citizen is required to present a passport, SNILS and pension certificate. To apply for a pension in Makhachkala, you need to go to the street. Gamidova, 16. Documents can be sent by mail to this address.

In Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, and Stavropol Territory, these payments are in the range of 7.6-8 thousand rubles. Minimum pension in 2018 by regions of Russia: table No. Region rubles Central Federal District 1 Belgorod region 8,836 2 Bryansk region 7,327 3 Vladimir region 9,233 4 Voronezh region 9,567 5 Ivanovo region 8,194 6 Kaluga region 9,338 7 Kostroma region 9,629 8 Kursk region 7,044 9 Lipetsk region 9,479 10 Moscow region 9,864 11 Oryol region 8,597 12 Ryazan region 7,998 13 Smolensk region 9,516 14 Tambov region 8,231 15 Tver region 8,726 16 Tula region 9,354 17 Yaroslavl region 8,930 18 Moscow 17,500 Northwestern Federal District 19 Republic of Karelia 9,703 20 Komi Republic 10,556 21 Arkhangelsk Region 12,315 22 Nenets Autonomous District

Minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 for non-working pensioners

Pensioner B. has total experience work for 25 years, 15 of which he worked for Far North. 81.49 rubles – cost pension point in 2018 4982.9 rubles – value fixed payment 1.5 – coefficient of increase in fixed payment for length of service in the Far North 172 points – number of all individual pension points. Having received the right to early retirement in 2018, citizen B applied to the Pension Fund at the age of 55. The size of his pension was: 172x81.49+4982.9x1.5=14016.28+7474.35=21490.63 Thus, the size preferential pension for each case it is considered individually.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the minimum pension in 2018 is not the only issue that concerns pensioners. Recently, the Government has been particularly active in discussing increasing the retirement age. It is quite possible that a new reform awaits our country.

Quite high rates of minimum pensions are recorded in the Ural District. In the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, pensioners live on 12-14 thousand rubles, while in the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions the pension will be much lower - about 9.3 thousand rubles. The highest minimum pension in the Siberian District is 9.7 thousand.

rub. recorded in the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Novosibirsk Region. But in Kemerovo, the lowest pension figures barely reach 8.8 thousand rubles. Highest levels pensions are intended for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District.
In Yakutia, Kamchatka, Chukotka, pensioners receive benefits in the range of 17-21 thousand rubles. At the same time, the lowest figures are observed in the Amur region and Primorsky Krai - about 9.6 thousand rubles. But in the North Caucasus Federal District, pensioners receive benefits - the lowest in the country.


The figures will be higher in the Northwestern District - for example, in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions the minimum pension will be more than 12.5 thousand rubles, and in the Nenets Autonomous District - more than 18 thousand rubles. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad and Novgorod regions, there are some of the lowest minimum wages in the region - about 8.8 thousand rubles. In the Southern District, pensioners from the Volgograd and Rostov regions can count on the largest “minimum wage”; here the benefit amount is fixed at 9.4 thousand.

rub. At the same time, residents of Adygea and Kalmykia receive the smallest amounts in the region - less than 8.7 thousand rubles. About 9-9.3 thousand rubles - this is the “minimum wage” for residents of the Volga Federal District in Udmurtia, Tatarstan, and the Kirov region. The Saratov and Orenburg regions are an order of magnitude behind them - here the minimum pension is 7.7 thousand.

The size of the insurance pension in the region changes every year and this is due to indexation, which is necessary to equalize the payment in accordance with the level of inflation in the country. The insurance pension is always calculated from employers' insurance contributions, so it is not included in other types of pensions. At the moment the average size insurance pension is 13,500 rubles.

Minimum pension amount

If the pension after calculations is less than the subsistence minimum, the pensioner is given a social supplement, which can be regional or federal. According to the law, the amount of the minimum pension cannot be lower than the approved subsistence level.
Since 2017, in order to receive a minimum pension, a citizen must collect at least 11.4 pension points, so since February 2017, the minimum pension was 8,374 rubles.

The minimum wage in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan

After re-indexing was carried out in 2017 at the beginning of the reporting period, the minimum wage in the country amounted to 7,500 rubles. It remains the same for all regions and local governments do not have the right to change its value in any direction.

Additional payments (allowances) to pensions in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan

A pension supplement is possible, but not everyone can receive it. it is available only to non-working pensioners whose pension amount, after calculations have been carried out, is less than the subsistence level in the region.

Conditions for obtaining a pension in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan

The assignment of a pension requires a citizen to write an application and collect a package of documents. Not long ago, citizens of the country had the opportunity to apply for a pension through the government services website, which greatly simplified the task.

Thus, when applying for a labor pension, the main document is the work book, for disability, a medical report indicating the group, and for the loss of a breadwinner, a death certificate and proof of relationship.

If sports issues arise, a refutation of a decision made by the Pension Fund occurs exclusively in judicial procedure. During the meeting decision will be executed immediately.

Addresses of branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan

Address: 367013, Makhachkala, Gamidov Ave., 16;
Telephone hotline: 8-800 200-17-01 (calls within the region are free)
Additional telephones:
8-8722 67-88-27; -
8-8722 68-49-59 - fax -
E-mail address: [email protected]
Address: 368330, A-Gulsky district, village. Tpig
Hotline phone number: 8-243 2-11-27
Interdistrict - Department of Public Financial Markets for the Republic of Dagestan
Address: 368100, Kizilyurt, st. Kavkazskaya, 15/2
Hotline phone: 8-234 2-18-33
— Department of OPFR for RD in Akhvakh district
Address: 368990, Akhvakh district, village. Karata
Hotline phone number: 8-250 2-25-81
— Department of OPFR for RD in the Bezhtinsky district
Address: 368410, Tsuntinsky district, village. Bežta
Hotline phone: 8-274 2-22-26
— Department of OPFR for RD in Gergebelsky district
Address: 368250, Gergebel district, village. Gergebel
Hotline phone number: 8-255 3-32-74
— Department of OPFR for RD in — GUMBETOVSKY district
Address: 368930, Gumbetovsky district, village. Mehelta
Hotline phone number: 8-272 2-62-24
— Department of OPFR for RD in — Gunibsky district
Address: 368340, Gunibsky district, village. — GUNib
Hotline phone: 8-258 2-22-04
— Department of OPFR for the Republic of Dagestan in Yuzhnosukhukumsk
Address: 368890, Yuzhnosukhukumsk, st. Buynaksky, 7-a
Hotline phone number: 8-276 2-15-21
— Department of OPFR for RD in Dokuzparinsky district
Address: 368750, Dokuzparinsky district, village. Usuhchay
Hotline phone: 8-269 2-23-77
— Department of OPFR for RD in the Kulinsky district
Address: 368390, Kulinsky district, village. Wachi
Hotline phone: 8-268 2-12-06
— Department of OPFR for RD in Kumtorkala region
Address: 368080, Kumtorkalinsky district, village. Korkmaskala, Lenin Ave. 11
Hotline phone: 8-241 2-10-86
— Department of OPFR for RD in Kurakhsky district
Address: 368180, Kurakhsky district, village. Kurakh
Hotline phone: 8-262 2-25-43
— Department of OPFR for RD in Laksky district
Address: 368360, Laksky district, village. Kumukh
Hotline phone number: 8-267 3-43-02
— Department of OPFR for RD in Nogai district
Address: 368850, Nogai district, village. T-Mekteb
Hotline phone number: 8-256 2-11-32
— Department of OPFR for RD in the Rutulsky district
Address: 368700, Rutul district, village. Rutul
Hotline phone: 8-264 23-6-39
— Department of OPFR for RD in Untsukul district
Address: 368940, Untsukul district, village. Untsukul, st. M-A. Mustafaeva 35
Hotline phone: 8-257 55-63-48
— Department of the OPFR for the Republic of Dagestan in the Khiva region
Address: 368680, Khiva district, village. Khiv
Hotline phone: 8-244 2-34-80
— Department of OPFR for RD in Tsumadinsky district
Address: 368900, Tsumadinsky district, village. Agvali
Hotline phone number: 8-273 2-12-87

Similar materials

Pensions in Dagestan in 2019 are paid to 624,304 pensioners, of which 257,782 people live in Makhachkala. It should be noted that in the main territory of the republic, payments are made on a general basis. However, for residents of high mountainous areas, which are located at an altitude of 1,500-3,000 meters above sea level, increasing coefficients of 1.1-1.3 apply. If size pension provision a citizen does not reach the minimum established in the region, he is entitled to recalculation and a fixed social supplement.

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General provisions

The following types of pensions are paid on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan:

  • - paid in old age, when a citizen reaches the age established by law. Required conditions for obtaining: work experience of at least 5 years and the required number of IPC (at least 11 points);
  • - are awarded to citizens who have not worked officially or have less than 5 years of work experience. In this case, the retirement age increases: 60-65 years for the male and female population, respectively. In addition, such pensions can be issued for loss of ability to work or loss of a breadwinner.
  • - are issued only for representatives of certain professions, paid to victims and liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters.
  • Po - are assigned to military personnel and representatives of law enforcement agencies for a certain period of service.

It should be noted that there are categories of citizens who have the right to:

  • parents with many children;
  • parents with dependent disabled children;
  • workers of heavy and dangerous industries;
  • teachers and health workers with 35 and 25 years of experience, respectively;
  • citizens who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North.

Average and minimum payout values

The living wage of citizens is determined individually for each region of the country. These amounts are established for 5 years, and are based on the standard of living in a particular area. The minimum amount of security for pensioners is equal to the minimum income of the working population.

In 2018, the following values ​​were decisive for the Republic of Dagestan:

  • minimum wage - 7,800 rubles; for all areas of activity;
  • average cost of living - 9,638 rubles;
  • minimum working-age population - 9,922 rubles;
  • minimum pension provision - 7,609 rubles;
  • The average pension in the region is 13,500 rubles.

The cost of a pension point is 78.58 rubles.

Social allowances

When the actual amount of state support does not reach the established thresholds, the pensioner needs to write an application to the Pension Fund at the place of residence and make a recalculation. To calculate the social allowance, all types will be taken into account monthly payments and subsidies, including the cash equivalent of non-material benefits.

Benefits that are one-time in nature are not taken into account.

In addition, all pensioners, regardless of income level, retain social benefits, represented in the region by exemption from transport and property taxes. From August 1, 2017, a recalculation was made for employed pensioners, which increased the pension amount by approximately 200 rubles.

Important! Citizens who, having retired, continue labor activity cannot apply for social benefits.

Registration procedure

To receive a pension in the Republic of Dagestan, you must contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund at your place of residence. Here the application is written and the following documents are submitted for consideration:

  • passport;
  • military ID (if any);
  • employment history;

In addition to the basic package of papers, the following documents may be required:

  • about family composition;
  • about law early exit for a well-deserved rest;
  • about disability;
  • about disabled dependents.

Documents are reviewed within 10 days.

Where to contact

Branches of the Pension Fund in Makhachkala are located at the following addresses:

For information: Citizens are received on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00. Article navigation

The pension system in the Russian Federation does not stand still, but is constantly being improved, becoming more stable and understandable. Along with this, our country is opening up new prospects for citizens to form pension rights.

Types of pensions

The current pension system in Russia is three levels:

  • (OPS);

OPS is being formed at the expense of employers' insurance contributions(policyholders) for themselves and their employees in the Pension Fund. As part of the OPS, payments are made several types of insurance pensions:

We can say that a pension under compulsory pension insurance is a part of earnings deferred for the future and in the event of an insured event.

Chief Insurer in the OPS system is Pension Fund of the Russian Federation(PFR). As for , here the insurers are non-state pension funds (NPFs) or management companies (MCs). This type of pension payment is formed by the decision of the insured person.

But not all citizens, for one reason or another, can earn the right to. Such persons are assigned within the framework of state provision and support. Payment of such pension funds carried out from the state budget.

Non-state pension provision(NGO) provides citizens with the opportunity to voluntarily form another additional pension, which is appointed on the grounds specified in the NGO agreements.

Compulsory pension insurance system

The right to a pension payment arises upon the occurrence of an insured event:

  • (65 years for men and 60 years for women);

Citizens who work and transfer insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are insured persons. - This main type of pension payments in Russia.

Annually government insurance payments. However, since 2016, indexing is carried out only for non-working pensioners(Article 26.1 of Law No. 400 - Federal Law “About insurance pensions”).

The OPS system also provides measures to support people whose payment is below the subsistence level. This measure is intended only for non-working pensioners by establishing.

Individual (personalized) pension accounting

Since 2002, personalized accounting of pension rights has been carried out, in which all data about citizens is contained on it. individual personal account.

It is to this account that the employer transfers every month insurance payments. It also contains information about the citizen’s length of service, earnings and voluntary contributions. Thus, pension rights are formed - the basis for future pension payments.

Citizens insured in the OPS system have the right to receive an extract from their personal account in order to monitor its condition.

Individual account number is unique and belongs to only one citizen. The document confirming the assignment of such a number is an insurance certificate - SNILS. It is issued once and for life.

Opens using SNILS several possibilities:

  • receive a government benefit;
  • receive public services electronically;
  • reduce the number of documents when receiving government services.

An insurance certificate is also required for formation of a register of citizens who have the right to receive government social services and benefits.

State pensions

Financing of pension payments state provision, unlike OPS, is carried out from the federal budget.

Such pensions are established for citizens in order to compensate them for their earnings lost due to termination of civil service upon reaching the required length of service, or to compensate for damage caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of exposure to radiation, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, as well as in a number of other cases.

A state pension payment is assigned at any time after the right to it arises. Also for some there is a payment 2 pensions at the same time.

Types of state pensions

There are several types of state pension payments:

  • For length of service. Installed, and subject to certain conditions, namely the presence required experience in relevant positions.
  • Due to old age. Assigned to citizens. The conditions for the emergence of the right to it depend on the category of the recipient, the nature of the work he performs, the place and duration of stay in the contaminated territory.
  • By disability. This state pension is established in the event of incapacity for work among citizens, cosmonauts, as well as victims of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and those awarded the badge "To a resident of besieged Leningrad".
  • On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Such a pension payment, established by the state in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, namely, those who served in conscription, citizens exposed to radiation, astronauts and candidates for them, is assigned to disabled members of their families.
  • Social pension. Paid according to the provisions of Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” if the insured person does not have the required insurance experience. also divided into the following types:

Non-state (additional) pension provision

Along with government measures formation of pension payments, citizens can take part yourself in increasing your future pension.

Additional pension provision is provided on a voluntary basis by concluding a depositor agreement with any non-state pension fund (NPF). List of such funds that are on this moment carry out their activities (have a license), is listed on the official website of the Central Bank.

According to such a document, within a certain period of time, the citizen will transfer the agreed amounts to his personal account.

As a rule, these agreements are concluded to provide pensions for such categories of citizens who are engaged in hard or dangerous work so that after retirement, payments can compensate for their work (a list of such positions is given in subparagraph 1-18, paragraph 1, article 30 of law No. 400 “About insurance pensions”).

Agreements may be concluded for such citizens early non-state pension provision, which determine the pension scheme, the procedure and conditions for the payment of non-state pensions (paragraph 2, article 3 of the law dated 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ “On non-state pension funds”.

Pension reform

The rules, in force since the beginning of 2015, have brought savings part pensions from the insurance company and made it. Such a payment can be established by both the Pension Fund and non-state pension funds, if a citizen decides to form his savings in one of them.

Rising the importance of insurance experience at . Also plays an important role level wages , from which insurance premiums are transferred to the Pension Fund. The longer the length of service and the higher the salary, the greater the amount of the pension payment.

Until the end of 2015, citizens born in 1967 and younger had, namely, the formation of an insurance and funded pension or. For citizens who first began their working career after 2015, such a right to choose will be provided for the first five years.

Another opportunity to increase the size of your future pension is later exit. For each year of delayed retirement, increasing coefficients will be added to the insurance and fixed payments.

Insurance and funded pension

The basis for future insurance pension payments is those transferred by employers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for their employees to their individual accounts. The insurance premium rate is 22% of wages. The government approves the maximum level of the contribution base every year (in 2019 - 1,150,000 rubles).

  • When forming, the tariff will be distributed across individual in the amount of 16%(and all contributions go specifically to insurance pension) And joint at the rate of 6%(to finance a fixed payment to current retirees).
  • Citizens of a certain age, namely those born in 1967 and younger, can (could) choose a different way of forming their future pension, deciding to contribute part of the funds to. Then the individual tariff will consist of 10% for the insurance pension and 6% for the funded pension, while the solidarity tariff will remain unchanged.

New pension formula for calculating pensions

It is important to remember that all pension rights formed before 2015 will be preserved, recorded and. If the final pension amount is lower than the established one, then it is left at the same level.

Individual pension coefficient (IPC)

The individual coefficient is basis for the formation of pension rights citizens according to the new point system. Its value is different for each citizen, since the IPC is equal to the ratio of the salary of an individual person to the maximum salary from which employers make payments to the Pension Fund.

IPC = (SV / MV) × 10,

  • IPC- annual individual pension coefficient;
  • NE- the amount of insurance premiums for a citizen at a rate of 16% or, when forming funded pension, 10%;
  • MV- the amount of contributions from the maximum contributory salary (in 2019 this is 1,015,000 rubles).

Accordingly, the higher the salary, the higher the pension coefficient. With an equal level of income, the IPC will be higher for the citizen who refused to form a funded pension.

All individual odds will be summed up. It is especially worth noting that the ICP is also accrued for some non-insurance periods , For example, military service upon conscription, parental leave (Article 12 of Law No. 400 “About insurance pensions”).

In addition, the law establishes the maximum value of the IPC, equal to 10, but this limit will be set gradually from 7.39 in 2015 to 10 in 2021 (9.13 in 2019).

Analysis of the Russian pension system

A set of measures to reform the existing pension system affected since the beginning of 2015 all participants. However, there was no immediate solution to the accumulated problems:

  • pensioners are still dissatisfied with the payments they receive;
  • policyholders - high contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • the state - because the indignation of citizens is growing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Pension Fund itself to collect the necessary funds to fulfill its obligations.

It causes some confusion among citizens when their insurance premiums are transferred points, and the state independently sets their cost.

In addition, the economic and demographic situation in the country complicate the existing situation. The number of recipients of pension payments is growing and the number of workers, and, consequently, payers of contributions, is decreasing. Thus, the balance of the main principle of the current pension system - the principle of solidarity between generations - is upset. In addition, a decrease in household income has an adverse effect on contributions to the Pension Fund.

One of the ways out of the current situation was for 5 years (that is, until the age of 60 and 65). A gradual transition to new retirement age standards will be carried out from 2019 to 2023 with an annual increase of 1 year.


The laws in force in our country since 2015 have brought many changes to the pension system. The main difference between the existing procedure for the formation of pension rights is their calculation in conventional units - individual odds. An important innovation was the indexation of pension payments only for , as well as an increase in the retirement age for insurance and social pensions.

  • The existing pension system in Russia is three-tier. The main share is occupied by state-guaranteed funds.
  • is the main type of pension in Russia. Citizens' pension rights are formed on their individual personal accounts. Each citizen is assigned his own unique number, reflected in.
  • Citizens who made a choice before the end of 2015 in favor can increase the size of their future payment, voluntarily transferring part of the funds to a management company or non-state Pension Fund. However, in 2018 the moratorium on formation has been extended pension savings , that is, these funds will be used for insurance pensions (this measure will also be in effect in 2019-2020). But in any case, all payments transferred by the employer will participate in calculating the amount of future pension payments.