Maria Montessori's method of early childhood development. How do children learn using the Montessori method? Montessori classes for children

This educational system has not only stood the test of time, but has acquired numerous followers. Currently, almost all countries have Montessori kindergartens, which educate millions of children from 1 to 6 years old.

The significance of Dr. Montessori’s educational ideas is evidenced by the fact that Unesco included her name in the list of teachers who determined the development of world education in the 20th century, by the way, along with the domestic writer Anton Makarenko.

What is the reason for the popularity of Maria Montessori's system? First of all, in a completely new approach to the child, who was recognized as a unique personality, and therefore required an individual approach to reveal his potential.

Also, active moms and dads should definitely read how they can do it at home.

The basic rules for organizing the environment are as follows:

  1. Tables and chairs, other equipment must be selected according to childhood and growth, since the child must rearrange the furniture himself to suit his own needs. The teacher is only required to say that this must be done quietly.
  2. The study room should be spacious, bright, with free access fresh air. Teachers and parents need to think about optimal lighting and ensure the presence of daylight.
  3. Wall decoration should be calm so as not to distract children from their immediate work. Montessori recommended including fragile things in the interior so that the child would quickly learn to use them and realize their value.
  4. It is important to provide free access to water. Many activities are based on the use of water: for example, pouring it from container to container. In addition, self-training in hygiene skills involves installing sinks and toilets at an accessible height.
  5. Educational materials It is necessary to place them at the level of children's eyes so that the child can work with them without the help of a teacher. All benefits must be presented in a single copy so that children take into account the needs of their classmates.

An important rule for using benefits is that the one who took them first works with them. In this way, you can unobtrusively cultivate in children the ability to negotiate, exchange and interact.

Zoning of premises

In order for a child’s development to meet his needs, it is necessary to properly build the developmental environment - for example, divide it into functional zones.

In the author’s version, it was proposed to divide the room into five zones: practical skills, sensory, mathematics, language, and space. Nowadays it is customary to supplement them with other areas - for example, physical activity.

It is also called the practical zone. The main task of the materials found here is to accustom the child to everyday living conditions and develop hygienic skills.

Manuals and activities in the practical area help the child learn:

In the real life zone you should use the following materials and aids:

  • “smart boards” or busy boards (wooden boards with fasteners, buttons, straps, locks, etc.);
  • containers for pouring water;
  • house plants in pots;
  • cut flowers;
  • scissors;
  • dustpan with broom;
  • watering cans;
  • tablecloths;
  • stripes (they are glued or drawn on the floor) on which children walk, carrying various objects, for example, a mug of water.

The materials in the practical area that the child uses must be real. Toys in in this case are not welcome.

This developmental area consists of aids that help improve fine motor skills, vision, touch (differentiation of temperature indicators), and hearing. The “pressure” sense also develops - the skill of distinguishing objects by weight.

The sensory zone includes such aids as:

These are not all the materials available in the sensory area. An important rule when selecting developmental aids is that they must focus on a specific sensory organ in order to divert children's attention from other characteristics.

Mathematics and sensory are related to each other. For example, a child, comparing materials with each other, simultaneously measures and organizes them, that is, carries out mathematical operations.

But if various cylinders and turrets only prepare children for mathematics, then specific aids allow children to directly master mathematical concepts.

To work in the math zone you will need the following materials:

Thus, in this zone, textbooks have been selected that allow you to develop logic. With the help of visual and concrete materials, the child more easily masters complex mathematical concepts and actions.

In this area there are also benefits aimed at developing sensory and fine motor skills. Various cylinders, rough letters, noise bags and boxes indirectly affect the formation of speech skills.

Benefits in the zone are aimed at developing correct speech, improving language skills, expanding active and passive vocabulary, preparing for writing and reading.

He selects reading books for all ages to meet the needs of each student.

In another way it is called the zone of natural science education. Here the child gains knowledge about the world around him, about the connections between various objects and phenomena. Children will also learn the basics of history, botany, zoological and geographical sciences.

Such a zone equipped with the following materials:

  • children's reference books and encyclopedias;
  • geographical and natural maps;
  • model of the solar system;
  • typology of animals;
  • plant typology;
  • seeds and leaves of the plant;
  • calendars;
  • experimental aids to conduct a variety of experiments.

Experiments should be simple and safe for the child. However, even in this case, all items must be real. For example, a popular experiment is with iodine and bread to determine starch.

Additionally, there are zones for music, art, dance, study foreign languages, motor activity. Such in-depth zoning contributes to comprehensive development child, but there is not always enough space for such areas.

Sensitive periods of development

Sensitive periods refer to stages of development when a child can master certain skills without extra effort, with pleasure and involvement.

Unfortunately, such sensitive periods do not last very long and pass irrevocably, regardless of whether the child was able to take advantage of the opportunity to maximize his abilities or not.

If parents know about the onset of a “receptive” stage in the child’s life, they will be able to create conditions and saturate the environment necessary materials or means.

Main sensitive stages from 0 to 6 years

What's developingAge limitsa brief description of
Motor sphereFrom 0 to 18 monthsPreviously chaotic movements become conscious and coordinated. The child learns to grab, crawl, walk, and perform actions with objects.
Sense of orderFrom 18 months to 4 yearsThe child strives for consistency and orderliness. He doesn't like disorder. Adults need to organize the environment, designating each item its place and establishing clear rules.
Interest in small objects Children are keenly interested in small objects: buttons, construction kit parts, buttons on the phone, etc.
Etiquette, social skillsFrom 2.5 to 6 yearsThe baby follows the example of his parents, saying hello and saying polite words. First it is imitation, then it is a personality trait.
Refinement of feelings The child is attracted by various sensations: gustatory, tactile, auditory, etc.
Writing skillsFrom 3.5 to 4.5 yearsThe child enjoys reproducing symbols on paper.
ReadingFrom 3 to 5.5 yearsKids are interested in letters and try to read words on their own.
Speech skillsFrom 0 to 6 yearsThe child goes through the stages of language development: babbling speech, short words and phrases, sentences.
Musical skillsFrom 18 months to 6 yearsChildren are keenly interested in music; this is a favorable period for the development of an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.
Space-time relationsFrom 4 to 6 yearsThe child develops ideas about space: he recognizes places, knows how to find his way, and orients himself in the space of a landscape sheet.
Math skills The baby gets an idea of ​​quantities, numbers, and mathematical operations.

At what age can the Montessori method be used?

Methodology early development It is not for nothing that Maria Montessori has the word “early” in its title. The author herself believed that it is necessary to begin preparing for a child’s education even before his birth.

It is the parents’ firm decision to become familiar with the principles of the developmental system and the desire to put it into practice, including creating an optimal environment at home, that is almost half the success.


During the newborn period, the child and mother are extremely dependent on each other, which is why their separation is undesirable. And the baby, for physiological reasons, is not yet very interested in the world around him.

By the age of three months, the baby becomes more active, showing a lively interest in the surrounding reality. Already from the ninth week, some development centers working according to the Montessori system invite mothers with babies to nido classes (translated from Italian language- nest).

However, such “activities” are rather useful for the woman herself, since they allow her to forget a little about her numerous household chores and diversify her leisure time. Such a small child does not yet need to attend a nido class, since the necessary early development can be provided at home.

As soon as the baby begins to crawl (usually after 7 months), you can already purposefully attend a Montessori group. This option is possible if the mother wants to begin the early development of the child, but does not have the opportunity to create a suitable environment at home.

Toddler groups

As soon as the child begins to walk actively (usually at one or one and a half years), he is transferred to a toddler group (translated from English as an independent child). In domestic Montessori centers, this is the name given to classes for children’s adaptation to kindergarten.

A visit to such a class expands children's opportunities, since a child from 1.5 to 3 years old:

  • becomes more independent and independent;
  • learns to communicate and build relationships with unfamiliar adults (educators);
  • acquires self-care skills (learns to dress and undress, lace up, unfasten buttons, etc.);
  • learns to use scissors, a hammer, a brush;
  • begins to clean the room (elementary actions - sweeping and dusting);
  • learns to communicate with peers, understands the rules of working in a team.

Exist various options Toddler group visits: full day, half day, attending classes only a few times a week. It all depends on the characteristics of the child and the financial capabilities of the parents. In addition, the Montessori method can be implemented for children 1–3 years old at home.

Thus, attendance at Montessori groups begins at two months of age, if the mother needs it. But a toddler class can really be useful for the development of a child under 3 years old and his adaptation to kindergarten.

The main classes are carried out with children from 3 to 6 years old. This is not surprising, since it is at this age that children experience the main sensitive periods for acquiring knowledge and skills.

It is curious that Maria Montessori referred to the interactions of children with benefits, peers and adults not as games, but as activities or lessons. She also did not use the word “toy” in her speech, calling educational objects didactic material.

It should be understood that kindergartens and schools traditionally organize children's groups of different ages. The child moves to the next level when he fully realizes his current needs.

The pace of acquiring knowledge depends only on the child. No one will rush him, allowing him to study in his own individual mode.

The child must build relationships with other children himself, while teachers monitor and provide assistance as needed.

Despite the universal recognition of the Montessori system and its prevalence, not all teachers and parents consider this method to be really effective and useful for the development of the child.

It is necessary to consider in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages of this developmental methodology.


Among the advantages, experts note several important points:

Negative points

This technique also has certain disadvantages, which few people know about. So, the following disadvantages are highlighted:

  • due attention is not always paid to improving imagination, creative and communication abilities;
  • role-playing game is the main activity for a preschool child, but the author did not recognize its role in child development;
  • insufficient attention paid fairy tales, which unobtrusively introduce children to the world around them;
  • It is difficult for children to move to a new level of interaction with the teacher when entering a regular school, because of this there may be difficulties with adaptation;
  • lack of physical activity in classes;
  • the absence of strictly regulated activities can play a cruel joke on the child, since he will continue to work at will.

Due to constant criticism, many centers and schools abandoned the Maria Montessori system in its pure form. Teachers are constantly improving the methodology, adding their own personal developments to it.

Thus, training using the Montessori method is distinguished by its originality, unusual content and certain advantages. If you like any aspects of this early development system, be sure to take them into your arsenal. The child will only thank you.

For 2.5 years now, my daughter and I have been adherents of the Montessori method - a wonderful early development system that has conquered the whole world, a system based on the idea of ​​free education and deep respect for the interests of the child. I will not repeat myself and talk about the basic principles of the methodology; they have been written about previously. In this article I would like to dwell on how to implement the Montessori method at home. After all, going to a developing Montessori club is one thing, but maintaining the spirit of free education at home is completely different, perhaps this is an even more important component.

You may have already read my article on the website about implementing the Montessori method at home. Now before you is a revised version of the article, written taking into account our accumulated experience in applying the methodology.

So, if you want your child to develop harmoniously, learn to play independently, and at the same time enjoy playing not only with flying fairies and cars, but also with educational educational toys in order to learn to clean up after yourself, then you simply need, firstly, to create a home for your child development environment , and secondly, to give the child complete freedom of action in this environment.

And here's what you need for this:

1. Age-appropriate educational materials

The experience of Maria Montessori showed that children are most interested in those activities and objects that are associated with real life adults. Therefore, the children's environment should replicate the adult one: let the children's room have all kinds of dishes, provide the child with everything necessary so that he can wipe off dust, etc. Very great importance in the Montessori system it is attached, so do not forget about buttons, etc.

I write in detail about what games will be interesting to a child at each stage of development in the sections “” and “ Ready-made programs classes».

2. Proper storage for toys

Very often, in children's rooms, all toys are stored in containers or deep toy baskets. In essence, this is a toy dump where it is almost impossible to find anything specific. Yes Small child He will never do this, he simply forgets about those toys that are lying at the bottom of the basket.

In a properly organized play space, all materials are arranged on racks and shelves. At the same time, all the shelves are located at the child’s level so that he can independently take any manual that interests him. Each material has its own specific place here, which means that the child always knows where to get what he needs from and where to put it away later.

In Montessori development centers, the play space usually looks something like this:

However, it is very difficult to do something like this in an ordinary city apartment, because all these shelves require a lot of space, and you also need to put a closet somewhere, and a bed... Therefore, you can make a more simplified version at home with fewer shelves. In addition, you do not need to post all the manuals at once, as in a development center; you can post a limited number of toys and rotate them regularly. This approach will not only save space in the room, but also help maintain the child’s interest in toys; they will not become boring. More on this below.

Thus, to organize a Montessori environment at home, one 2-3-tier rack is quite enough. It can be made to order or use ready-made solutions. We bought our rack at an Ikea store, this is what it looked like at 2 years old:

When such a shelving unit appeared in our nursery, it immediately became clear that this was a huge boon! I’m not talking about my daughter’s delight at all. Previously, frame inserts, knockers and other equipment were lying on the windowsill, where everyone always forgot about them, now everything was in plain sight, both for my daughter and for me. When Taisiya started playing, it was immediately clear what to tackle

There are several important points that you need to know in order to organize a competent Montessori environment in which your child will always be interested.

1. There shouldn’t be a lot of toys on the rack !

Firstly, a limited set of toys makes it easier for the child to choose and helps him concentrate on something specific. Secondly, if the shelves are chock full of developmental materials, then getting to any specific one becomes not so easy. Well, if a child experiences difficulties associated with pulling out and putting away the material, then with a high degree of probability he will prefer not to play with it at all.

2. It is necessary to constantly change the toys displayed on the rack .

When I first organized a shelving unit for my daughter, I was guided by the display of the development club - absolutely all the developmental materials available were laid out there. I wanted Taisiya to have a home full choice materials, so I pushed into the rack all the educational toys we have, which are this moment Suitable for my daughter's age. It took some time before I realized that my daughter was just stopped noticing toys that were constantly in the rack! They became so familiar to her that they seemed completely uninteresting.

Then I did what should have been done from the very beginning: I put all the toys in a closed cabinet, and put only a limited set of materials on the shelves so that each one was clearly visible. Every week I began to conduct a small audit: I removed from sight those toys in which there was no interest, and replaced them with others. And here the second life of our Montessori shelving began! Materials that no one had looked at before began to sparkle with new colors.

Regular rotation of toys is really very important, it helps to maintain the child's constant interest in developmental aids. It also allows you to get by with a small set of toys, since, disappearing from the child’s field of vision, they are soon perceived as a new thing.

Naturally, in order to meet the baby’s changing interests and promote his further development, completely new materials need to be displayed from time to time.

3. Toys should be at a height accessible to the child

(no higher than eye level), so that he can take from the shelf and put back any benefit that interests him without the help of an adult.

4. Each item on the rack should have its own place .

If possible, place toys so that they are visually separated from each other (at a short distance from each other).

5. The rack must be open .

Avoid anything that blocks your child’s view of the contents of the shelves: large quantity drawers, doors, etc.

Maria Montessori recommends distributing all materials into zones. In your shelving, you can also group games by meaning. For example, in one compartment you can always lay out insert frames, in another - cubes and construction sets, in the third - lacing, fasteners,

in the fourth - puzzles,

in the fifth - musical instruments, etc.

Despite the fact that Maria Montessori paid little attention to role-playing play, I am convinced that role-playing toys are also necessary on the shelf. For us, these sections have always been one of the most used.

3. Furniture and play equipment according to the child’s height

To prevent your baby from feeling like a midget in the land of giants, it is advisable to purchase furniture for him according to his height. Children's table and chair First of all, they are needed for the baby to sit in correct posture during creative activities, and also so that the child has the opportunity to independently prepare for himself workplace(bring paints, brushes). Children will also be very useful easel, magnetic board.

4. Baby-specific cleaning products

An integral part of the Montessori system is providing the child with the opportunity to clean up after himself. Give your child a cloth, a sponge, a small mop, a brush and a dustpan for his own use so that he can clean up spilled grain or spilled water during play. Let cleaning products always be in a place specially designated for them. There must be a trash basket in the baby's room.

5. Creative corner

Very often, paints, plasticine, and glue are stored in drawers and other places inaccessible to children. A child draws only when his mother suggests, and not when he wants it. However, it is very important to provide the child with the opportunity for spontaneous creativity.

Try to organize a creative corner for your child so that the same rules about accessibility, limited availability and regular updating of materials are observed.

This could be a creative table in a place convenient for the child or a shelf on your shelf reserved for creative materials. Don't post too much at once different materials, it would be better if they were updated regularly.

Naturally, if the child is still too young, tastes almost everything and does not yet know the rules for working with certain materials, you should not put glue in the public domain, sharp scissors or liquid paints. But you can already put a stack of paper and a few wax crayons.

6. Accessible and open bookshelves

To be honest, in the literature on Montessori pedagogy, I have not seen any recommendations on how to store books. But gradually we ourselves came to the conclusion that books, like any other materials, need to be accessible and visible to the child.

We are accustomed to seeing books standing spine to spine on a shelf, but with such a display, choosing literature to read is not easy not only for a child, but also for an adult. Agree, due to the inconvenience of choice, as a rule, the same books are read. And some copies, having ended up on the shelf after one reading, are completely forgotten.

If you organize a bookshelf so that the books on it face the cover towards the child, then he will be able to independently choose books for shared reading, expressing his preferences in literature. Naturally, the shelf should be at a height accessible to the child, and the books on the shelf should be periodically updated. It is enough to make a shelf for 3-5 books.

We hung our bookshelves above our daughter's bed. (We read the books on the shelves in the photo at the age of 3.5. Our complete selection of books by age can be found)

We also have a small section and manuals in the rack. This is what he looked like at 2.5 years old:

In fact, creating a developmental environment at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance. You just have to start and get hooked on the ideas of Montessori education and you will see for yourself what a great benefit it is for a child. Just remember that proper organization playing space is not everything. It is necessary to follow several rules together with your child, and most importantly adhere to the fundamental principle of the Montessori system -. Only then will you really be able to teach your child to play independently, clean up after himself, and most importantly, encourage the child to self-learn and self-develop. Always remember that by adhering to the principles of the methodology, you are raising a free and independent personality!

Thank you for your attention! I will be glad to make friends with you on social networks, visit: Instagram, In contact with, Facebook.


While waiting for the birth of their baby, many modern parents think in advance about how to properly raise a child. Many methods and systems for raising children are presented. One of the most popular methods is the system developed by Maria Montessori, who proposed new approach to raising children.

Parents want their baby to grow up to be a smart, intellectually developed and confident person, capable of setting goals and achieving them. The goal of the Montessori method is the education and development of an independent, free person who is not only able to make a decision, but is also ready to take responsibility for his choice.

Many adults are sure that their children are brilliant and talented. In order for the child’s genius to show itself, parents enroll their children in all kinds of clubs and sections. Children, like a sponge, absorb new knowledge and skills, which makes their loved ones happy.

However, parents are often faced with a clear reluctance of the little man to learn. Mom has been trying to get the baby to study for a long time, but to no avail. The reason is that adults do not take into account the main principle of raising a child as an individual.

This principle was highlighted and justified not only by theoretical calculations, but also proved in practice by one of famous women teachers Maria Montessori. Although this method is more than 100 years old, the main provisions of the system, the principles developed by Maria, are still relevant today. Many modern methods take the Montessori method as a basis and adapt it to modern requirements.

This method is widely used in many preschool institutions In addition, special groups are created where children develop according to the Montessori method. If desired and possible, parents can use this technique at home. Optimal age When a little person is able to actively learn according to the system, the age is considered to be from 3 years.

The basis of the Montessori method

“Help me do it myself!” - This is the principle on which the Montessori method is based. Observing young children, Maria Montessori came to the conclusion: little ones do not need ready-made ideas about the world around them to be actively imposed on them by adults.

The little man himself strives for knowledge. Nature has given children the desire to work and develop. Children need to be helped to express themselves and their desires, and not impose ready-made solutions. There is no need to teach the child, you can only give advice if the baby asks for help.

Do not use punishment, coercion, or rewards on children. Each baby is individual, so it is unacceptable to compare fidgets and arrange competitions between children to see who is better. Comparing a baby with another baby can traumatize the psyche of an insecure toddler and create a feeling of inferiority.

Kids are inquisitive, they want to touch everything with their hands, assemble a tower of cubes, break apart a car to see what’s inside. The curiosity and activity of little fidgets testifies to their desire to explore the world around them and gain new knowledge.

Every toddler dreams of becoming an adult as soon as possible; this desire serves as an incentive to study, as well as to acquire new things. life experience. Adults should act as observers. Help the children only if necessary. Do not impose your judgment on children.

You can't rush the baby. The little man himself has the right to decide what business to do and how much time to spend. Children set the rhythm of classes that is the most optimal, effective pace of classes for them. The baby himself chooses the direction of his development. Organizes the workplace independently and can change the environment without the help of adults.

The Montessori method of early child development is used for the development of healthy children, as well as for children with developmental delays. The Montessori system allows special children to develop intellectually and catch up with healthy children in development.

System principles

The Montessori system is based on the following principles:

  • creation of a special, developmental environment that will provide the baby with conditions for development;
  • providing complete independence to the baby;
  • help from adults, only at the request of children.

The principles of the methodology do not mean anarchy and permissiveness. Fidgets are required to follow some rules:

  • The baby does everything in his power on his own without the help of adults. For example, move a chair, take a picture book from the shelf. This gives the baby confidence and creates independence.;
  • Little people are obliged to behave quietly and not disturb other children’s activities. If the little one wants to jump and run, there are relaxation areas for this;
  • The workplace must be put in order: washed, put away the toys that were played with. Put all study supplies back in place. In this way, respect for other people is fostered;
  • whoever took the first doll, car, paints or other aid is the one who does it. You cannot take away an item that another fool has chosen. The baby begins to understand what personal boundaries and the boundaries of another person are.

Compliance with the rules is not coercion, it is creating stability in the child’s life. The child needs to feel confident, which is facilitated by the rules and their observance.

Developmental environment

In order for the principles of the system to work to their full potential, it is necessary to create a specially prepared development environment. The developing environment is usually divided into several main zones, each of which performs its own function.

A spacious, well-lit room is selected for the development environment. The main requirement is as much sunlight as possible. Furniture and equipment must correspond to the height and age of the children. Children of different ages study in groups, which means there should be chairs and tables that are comfortable for everyone.

Any child in the group should be able to choose a place to study, bring a chair, move the table, and take the necessary supplies from the shelf.

When working with children, using the principles of the method, it is necessary to surround the baby with objects that he encounters every day: glass vases, a ceramic cup, plate, fragile things. A foolish child must learn to handle objects that can easily break. It is necessary to have flowers and plants in pots that are in a place accessible to the child and at an accessible height.

Furniture and interior items must be made from natural materials. The color scheme is calm tones that do not irritate or distract the foolish ones from their activities.

Each item presented in a developmental environment must be in a single copy. This is one of the conditions for the success of the system. Children will learn to value the opinions and choices of others, and will be able to understand the importance of other people's needs. The guys will have to negotiate with each other and make compromises. Learn patience - wait until the toy is free to play.

Children should be given the opportunity to use water freely. Fill a glass with water yourself for drawing. Fill the watering can to water the flowers. After completing classes, wash auxiliary materials: toys, balls, cubes. To do this, sinks must be placed in the room at a height accessible to the ignorant.

Dividing the development environment into zones

Another important detail of the developmental environment is the division of space into special zones: practical, sensory, linguistic, mathematical, and also a space zone. To release emotions and release accumulated energy, relaxation zones or gymnastic zones are allocated.

Practical or domestic area

Children acquire skills and abilities useful in practical life in this zone. This area presents materials that will help the baby learn simple household skills. Kids can take a dustpan or brush to sweep the floor. With the help of special wooden frames, where there are many buttons, laces, Velcro, lacing, bows, straps, the little man learns to button and unfasten buttons on clothes, and lace up shoes.

In the area there is a grater for vegetables and a knife - a fidget can wash fruits or vegetables on their own, and then cut the salad. Children learn to care for flowers and animals. There are several types of vessels on the shelves so that you can collect water and water the flowers. To care for shoes and clean them, a sponge and suede cloth are provided.

Various floor stickers are used in the living area. The little one carries a glass of water in his hand and tries to walk exactly along the sticky line. This exercise develops coordination, the baby learns to walk carefully and calmly. In the practical zone, children develop communication skills: say hello, help each other. For example, you hold the dustpan, I’ll sweep up the trash with a brush.

Aids in the practical area can be any household items used in everyday life. A tablecloth, a napkin, a vase, a mug, a knife, even a cord from an iron or TV. The requirements for items from the household area are size, appearance, convenience for use by little people independently, without the involvement of adults.


Objects presented in the sensory zone contribute to the development of fidget fine motor skills. Some types of materials help develop the senses. The use of materials from the sensory zone and activities with them prepare little people for mastering the school curriculum.

All items on the shelves differ in color, size, smell, and weight. These items are made from different materials so that when using the items, the baby develops tactile sensations and develops finger motor skills. When using objects in the sensory zone, the features and materials used will be memorized, and the attention and memory will improve in a foolish child.

To create conditions for the development of the baby, the following materials are used:

When creating such a zone at home, parents can use available materials: cereals, jars, shoe boxes, various scraps of fabric.


The sensory and language areas complement each other. Helps develop fine motor skills intellectual development. Almost all materials used in the sensory zone can also be used in the language development zone. Additionally, the foolish ones are offered textured letters, either made on rough paper, or the letters themselves are highlighted with another material.

In order to arouse the interest of the fidget, to attract his attention, there are many children's books with pictures on the shelves. Cubes with images, colorful children's lotto cards, frames for drawing and shading, figurines that promote first reading - all these materials can be easily chosen by a child for practice.

Under any drawn object or animal, its name is written in large letters. The children are offered a box of letters, syllables, the alphabet, and copybooks with pictures and letters. Printed, uppercase letter sets. Adults, at the request of little people, read fairy tales, organize games for description and recognition of objects. Check the correct pronunciation of words.


By playing in the sensory zone with boxes, balls, cylinders, the baby already gets an idea of geometric shapes. The mathematical zone presents those materials that concretize the knowledge of a foolish child and allow the little one to more easily master mathematics.

Chains of beads, number bars, abacus, numbers, as well as letters made of rough material, towers of multi-colored parts, mathematical tables - all this helps the baby get acquainted with the world of mathematics, introduces numbers and mathematical operations.

By practicing with a geometric chest of drawers, or using constructive triangles, the baby masters the beginnings of geometry. Perseverance is formed, abstract thinking develops.

Space zone

Preschoolers can get acquainted with the world around them here. A lot of reference literature is presented: maps, children's colorful encyclopedias. Animal figures, photographs, images of various natural phenomena, other climatic zones. Calendars, three-dimensional image of the solar system.

All the materials presented make the restless person want to learn as much as possible about the surrounding reality. They stimulate curiosity and unobtrusively encourage the acquisition of new knowledge.

Place for active activities

Such a place was not provided for in the system itself, but pedagogical science does not stand still. Little people should not sit quietly all the time; fidgets should have the opportunity to jump, run, and have fun. Typically, such a zone is allocated in the center of the room. When a fool is tired of drawing or building towers, he can throw out his energy with a ball or jump rope.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Montessori system

The advantage of the Montessori method is the essence of the system itself - stimulating children for personal self-development, creating incentives for self-learning. The baby develops at a pace that is convenient for him; he is not forced to study. This attitude develops a sense of responsibility and independence. Fidgets are able to make their own choices and know how to be responsible for their actions.

The disadvantages of this method, modern experts include the following:

  • Virtually unaffected emotional development baby. Children's creative abilities are not nurtured.
  • There are no active, team games. Children's favorites are missing role-playing games. It has been proven that it is through games, through one’s participation in play activity kids learn to communicate, communication skills are formed. The little man learns the rules and norms of behavior in society.
  • For hyperactive fidgets, classes according to the system will be beneficial, they will teach perseverance, respect for others, and patience will be developed. However, quiet, timid children or children prone to autism will never learn to be active, because such foolish children do not like to ask for help or talk about their failures.
  • The democratic, free atmosphere in Montessori classes and groups does not teach the discipline that is required for school. Preschool children begin to face great difficulties getting used to new routines.

Teachers and educators currently do not use the classical Montessori system. Time has made its own demands and amendments. Modern developments are currently being added to the positively proven advantages of the method.

Alena is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about psychology, education and learning and games for children.

Articles written

The Montessori method begins with creating a microworld for children that fully meets their needs. To inspire a child, encourage him to be creative and motivate him to action, first organize a comfortable space around him; it’s worth talking about this technique in more detail.

Italian practicing teacher Maria Montessori has developed a unique and most effective method of teaching children in various areas. The impetus for the development was an education system that was unsuitable for children. For Montessori, spending many hours memorizing school material is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, the teacher decided to break stereotypes and bring her teaching idea to life.

Maria Montessori's method of teaching and raising children: description

  • Montessori not only developed teaching aids, but also paid maximum attention to the arrangement of classrooms. All items necessary for the child’s full life are carried out proportional to children's parameters and are provided in independent use by children. Stimulating children to self-care according to the Montessori method occurs in game form.
  • Your boss principle of the Montessori method expressed in a short motto: "Help me do it myself". The Montessori system builds individual education for children, accepting them as they are, giving them complete freedom of action.
  • The best results from training come from independent practice. The longer adults prevent a child from acting independently, the longer it will take him to learn new skills. Any action performed by a child without the help of an adult is deposited in the subconscious. Independent steps increase concentration, improve attention and coordination of movements.

The adult’s task is to guide the child in the right direction, while taking into account his wishes, aspirations and characteristics. The teacher must help reveal the individuality of each child.

  • For the full education of the child, it is created prepared environment with a variety of educational materials. A Montessori teacher helps to master the principle of operation of game objects, but never imposes a specific model.
  • There is a choice in different areas. According to the Montessori method, children develop at their own pace. They begin learning in a playful way according to a given pattern and subsequently demonstrate their tactics for using objects.

  • Montessori teacher monitors child development, allows him to learn from experience. Encourages children to move forward. IN difficult situations switches children's attention to simpler tasks.

What is Maria Montessori’s method of early development of children from 6 months - the essence and principles: how does it differ from other methods?

The Montessori method does not pursue the goal of raising unique and brilliant children. The natural pace of learning allows the child to reveal his abilities and potential at the right time.

The Montessori system is built on three principles:

  1. The child is always the center of attention.
  2. The child is surrounded by an environment that allows him to develop independently.
  3. The Montessori teacher observes from the side and becomes involved in the process only at the request of the child.

Montessori education - the main differences from other methods:

  • Working with different educational materials eliminates competition between children and comparison of achieved results;
  • The result of each child is assessed individually and is not compared with generally accepted criteria;
  • Children are not forced to act, are not rewarded for results and are not punished for its absence;
  • Each child learns at a comfortable pace and has the right to adjust the duration of training;
  • Montessori = children independently shape the direction of their development and use educational material at their own discretion.

Key responsibilities of Montessori teachers:

  • Teachers act as neutral observers of the learning process;
  • Do not interfere with the child’s independent actions;
  • They allow you to shape the space around you at the child’s discretion and respect his choice;
  • They help to feel and touch game objects and the environment.

Quotes from Maria Montessori about education

For those who are interested in the Montessori method, it will be useful to read the popular sayings of Maria Montessori. Indeed, in essence, her quotes carry a great meaning and are additional rules and principles.

  • “Every child for me is first and foremost an individual who does not need to be taught. Children are ready to independently reveal their potential, for which they need to properly organize their space.”
  • “I can’t raise a genius. But I can push each child to discover their abilities and help them put them into practice. I will help you gain freedom of action, become more decisive and feel inner harmony.”
  • “An activity in which you are interested will never exhaust you, but, on the contrary, will add energy.”
  • “First, remove the scales from your eyes, and thereby help your child to see the light.”
  • “When contacting a child, always watch your habits - become a worthy example, demonstrate your best qualities.”
  • “My task is not to educate children, but to give them a start in life.”
  • “Show patience with the child’s passive activities, listen to his thoughts about the past and future.”
  • “Accompany those who are trying to act, even if they do not have clear goals.”
  • “The first understanding that a child should come to is the distinction between good and bad.”

What parts does the Montessori method consist of?

The development of children according to the Montessori method has several directions. A Montessori school divides the learning environment into several zones.

  1. Everyday life skills area.
  • A space equipped with household items with which daily activities are carried out. The child learns simple household activities - washing dishes, cleaning, cooking.
  • Skills are formed through contact with water, bulk materials, and small objects.
  1. Zone of development of sensory organs.
  • Territory staffed sensory development materials. Objects help to study taste and aroma, sort colors and shapes.
  • Objects of different sizes form concepts such as weight, volume, size. For example, cubes or towers of a collective structure.

  1. Math zone.
  • The space of this territory is filled with objects intended for familiarization with the arithmetic series.
  • With the help of counting sticks, beads, and cards, children learn to add, subtract, and perform simple calculations.
  1. Area for speech development.
  • The area is designed to introduce the basics of writing and reading.
  • Fundamental communication skills are laid with peers and adults.
  • Children develop behavioral skills, learn to correctly express their thoughts and feelings.

  1. Space zone.
  • Game materials give children basic knowledge about the world around them, nature, man and space.
  • There is an acquaintance with astronomy, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, etc. A picture of the integrity of the world is formed.

Maria Montessori's method, applicable to children from 6 months of age: application, activities at home

  • To realize it yourself Montessori method in a home environment, adults will have to work hard to create a special atmosphere.
  • So that the child can independently explore the world around us, for a children's room you will need a lot of educational material in the form of toys, devices, furniture and various equipment. Insufficient number of toys replenish with homemade inventions.
  • Children younger age necessary allow contact with adult objects. Give the opportunity to touch and taste. Babies love contact with loose objects - cereals, beads, counting sticks. For example, a tray of semolina is an excellent material for finger painting.

  • Parents must learn not to interfere in the independent process of learning about the world. Systematically connect the child to participation in family life through playful fulfillment of everyday needs. Allow it for washing, cooking, cleaning. Show patience and respect and refrain from criticism.
  • Distinguish between subjects of study in different areas. Maintain the order of things, do not mix mathematics with biology. Give children freedom of choice and do not prevent them from learning from their own mistakes.
  • It is very convenient if daily activities with the child take place at the same time. Firstly, it will discipline the child, and secondly, it will increase interest in the waiting process.

Children's daily routine according to Maria Montessori's method

For mothers who want to independently organize their children’s routine using the Montessori method, they need to adhere to certain time limits.

Montessori daily routine:

  • 7:30 — we help the baby wake up, we guide hygiene procedures. Together with the child, we select his wardrobe and make his bed. The main condition is no rush.
  • 8:00 – Mom prepares breakfast, the children help set the table. After eating, children take part in clearing the table, washing dishes, and moving food into the refrigerator. Mom and child jointly organize a snack, prepare fruits and cookies.
  • 9:30 – interaction between mother and child through simple games, sports exercises, and interesting conversation.
  • 9:30-10:30 – self-directed learning in a Montessori environment. Material for classes is selected according to age and specific topics. The games end with cleaning up toys together.
  • 11:00 - the second stage of interaction between mother and child, playing together, reading books, memorizing rhymes. The conversation ends with a moment of silence and cleaning up the toys.
  • 11:30-12:30 – The mother is going with the baby for a walk or to the playground. Gives the child the opportunity to choose clothes. Weather conditions should not become an obstacle to the walk.
  • 12:30-14:00 – changing clothes and toilet after the street. Joint preparation of food for lunch. Cooking dishes. Self-consumption of food. A separate table with dishes and cutlery is served for the child. Clearing the table.
  • 14:00 – 16:00 – reading a book before bed and rest during the day. If necessary, sleep is replaced by quiet games.
  • 16:00 – 17:00 – creative activities, sports, music. Creativity involves not only children's activities, but also helping mom with housework. For example, replanting flowers, sorting things. Held several times a week sports activities and, if desired, learning to play musical instruments.
  • 17:00 – evening walk on the playground, going to the store, visiting, etc.
  • 18:30 - dinner and time with family.
  • 21:00 – hygiene procedures. It is important that the child independently performs basic actions - brushing teeth, washing hands. Children independently change into pajamas and get ready for bed.

Montessori method in kindergarten: classes

Teaching children in kindergarten using the Montessori method is carried out in compliance with the main principles:

  • Montessori children are not limited in the choice of toys and freely move between play areas;
  • Individual sessions with the teacher when mastering new material or subject.
  • Daily training ends with group sessions at a round table.
  • Creative activities based on interests are carried out in small subgroups.
  • Group studies, activities, excursions.

Classes according to the Montessori program in kindergarten:

  • A lesson in silence. Implies wordless interaction between teacher and child. Communicate through eye contact and physical activity. Knowing your inner world.
  • Breathing exercises. At the end of the school day, Montessori children relax in a group circle in a calm environment.
  • Development of speech skills. Learning rhymes, songs, tongue twisters. Games in “opposite”, “believe it or not”, “finish the phrase”, etc.

Montessori toys

A huge number of toys have been developed for the development of children using the Montessori method. All devices have one main quality in common - they are made from natural materials.

If you want to select several interesting toys according to the Montessori method, we suggest choosing several universal positions:

  • Wood sorter– in the form of a house, a car, a rectangular figure. It has many holes and inserts made of multi-colored figures of various shapes. Develops fine motor skills, coordination of movements, thinking.
  • Grocery set- assorted fruits, vegetables, impromptu breakfast or lunch. The sets help organize plot and role-playing games, promote the development of logic and imagination.
  • Frameworkearbuds– filling puzzle frames with elements of different shapes, sizes and parts. Promotes concentration, perseverance, tactile perception.
  • Puzzles with geometric shapes, letters, numbers– develop spatial perception, observation, coordination of movements.
  • Busy board– a multifunctional wooden board filled with various elements. Promotes the development of fine motor skills, sensory skills, and intelligence.
  • Wooden lacing– the lacing process develops attention, logic, and fine motor skills.

Busyboard according to the Montessori method

  • One of the most interesting and ingenious inventions according to the Montessori method is busy board. The toy is designed in the form of a development board with a large number of different functions.
  • Busy board develops motor skills in young children, forms useful skills and abilities. His main task is help the child understand the world around him.
  • The game form of daily classes leads to effective results. Happening complex interaction motor skills and speech center. The functionality of a busy board captivates children for a long period of time and brings a lot of fun.
  • The Montessori busy board is equipped with household items that can be used to daily contact– switches, buttons, sockets, clocks, zippers, lacing, clothespins, buttons, locks. Some items contain surprises that enhance children's interest and curiosity.

Playing with a busy board develops a number of abilities:

  • Improves hand motor coordination;
  • Develops sensory perception of fingers;
  • Forms perseverance in the child;
  • Develops imagination and trains color perception;
  • Introduces new words and trains memory.

Parents can make their own Montessori bodyboard at home.

Games using the Montessori method

  • Games using the Montessori method are aimed at developing tactile sensations, developing the sense of smell, developing an ear for music and sensory experience.
  • Children sort objects, study sounds musical instruments, learn to distinguish smells, shapes, colors and much more.
  • Simple Montessori games can be easily organized at home.

Find the invisible object

  • From available materials you will need a large transparent container, small toys and several types of cereals.
  • We fill the pool with cereals.
  • We put several toys inside.
  • Invite your child to find a specific object.
  • Show me how to do it.
  • You can increase interest with paired items. For example, two identical cubes - if you find the first one, then you need to find a pair for it.

Pick a cap

  • A game to develop logic and fine motor skills. Prepare several different containers with lids. Plastic bottles, vials, jars with twists.
  • Invite your child to match the containers to the bottles. Show an example of how to properly put a lid on a jar.
  • Even if your child doesn’t succeed the first time, don’t rush to help him.

Guess the symbol

  • Cut several identical rectangular cards from thick paper or cardboard. Draw a number or letter on each card. Repeat the contour with glue and sprinkle sand on top.
  • After drying, shake off any excess sand. Ask your child to close their eyes or cover them with a scarf. Place a card in front of him.
  • Ask them to guess by touch what number or letter is shown on the card. Show how to correctly draw your finger along the contour.

Speech therapy project using the Montessori method

  • Maria Montessori's education system allows you to combine disciplined behavior and free movement, entertaining games And academic work. Speech therapists note the effectiveness of using Montessori materials for teaching children with speech problems.
  • The main advantage for children with special needs is that the Montessori method excludes the presence of uniform rules.

The goal of Montessori children is to surpass themselves, not to overtake their peers. The child has freedom of choice and is not limited in time when performing various tasks.

  • The development of the speech center is based on knowledge of the surrounding world through the senses. Montessori educational materials for understanding the world around us allow the child to independently identify signs, properties, features, and connections.
  • Primary signs become the basis for improving speech function.

The use of individual elements of the Montessori method helps to develop the following qualities in children:

  • Positive self-esteem and confidence in your actions;
  • Desire to learn new material;
  • High level of attention and concentration;
  • Independent decision making and the ability to make the right choices.

Montessori sensory and practical material helps to solve the following problems:

  • Forms auditory perception;
  • Replenishes active and passive vocabulary;
  • Teaches how to connect words into sentences according to their meaning;
  • Helps you navigate environment;
  • Automates the playback of sounds.

To consolidate the basic concepts, each Montessori lesson must be completed with an analysis of the work done, which will have a positive effect on the development of coherent speech.

Learning letters using the Montessori method

  • Acquaintance with letters using the Montessori method begins in a playful way. According to Montessori, the first acquaintance with letters should occur through drawing. Write a capital letter, invite the child to repeat it, and say its name.
  • Use mobile alphabet. These can be insert letters, rough letters, paper cards. To make it easier for a child to remember a letter, the entire alphabet is played out in the form of a fairy tale.
  • Letters can be depicted on a sheet of paper in the form of dots. Show a short presentation, how to connect the dots correctly and what the result is.
  • Use stencils in the form of letters. Invite your child to circle the letter and shade her lines. Move from wide lines to narrower ones, make movements from left to right.
  • To compose the first words it is used mobile alphabet. It is enough to learn a few vowels and consonants.
  • Blind probing raised or rough letters helps children learn the entire alphabet in a short time.

  • Montessori reading is built with a logical sequence - from the concrete to the abstract, to symbols and letters.
  • The reading process begins with intuitive reading. When a child does not yet know how to read, but based on pictures and acquired knowledge, he intuitively voices the word. That is, the first words must be accompanied by images. Intuitive reading fuels interest in learning letters and reading.
  • For first reading familiar objects are used. The child must understand the meaning of the word he is reading. It will be easier for the teacher to prompt and direct to the right thought.
  • The first book can be designed as a coloring book or contain large subject images.

Raising a child using the Montessori method

The key idea of ​​raising a child using the Montessori method is the child’s self-development. Parents and teachers help choose the right direction and create comfortable conditions to unlock the child's potential.

Raising a child using the Montessori method takes into account the general rules:

  • The training area is delimited into several diverse zones;
  • In group classes children present different ages, which encourages helping younger people and learning from older ones;
  • Independent choice of games and training duration;
  • Children always put toys back in their place, showing respect for other participants in the process;
  • Education occurs in silence, the child does not disturb the comfort of other children;
  • Children do not take toys from their peers; the one who took them first is the one who uses the material.

Teaching English in the light of the Montessori method

  • English courses for preschoolers are good train memory, develop communication skills, broaden the child’s horizons. Teaching English in the light of the Montessori method will help instill a love for learning foreign languages.
  • Instead of complex and boring exercises, children learn English according to Montessori using modeling, appliqués, drawings. Learning new words occurs from visual objects in the environment. Visual memory improves memorization of new foreign words.
  • During the learning process, children are involved in games that switch them to a new language environment. Montessori method allows you to replace your usual exercises with exciting, interesting work.

Teaching writing using the Montessori method

  • Montessori method positions the writing process as more light and natural than reading. If in the process of reading a child needs to understand someone else’s point of view, then in the process of writing children express their own thoughts.
  • Writing letters using the Montessori method should begin from written form, not from printed form. Capital letters have smooth lines and curves, which are much easier for a child's brush to handle. It is easier for a child to draw a series of rounded symbols than a line of straight sticks.
  • According to the Montessori method children are taught to draw whole characters, not parts of them. In order for a child to be able to draw the entire letter, he must first be taught how to hold a pen correctly. Hand training and coordination of movements occurs with the help of sensory materials. The child must be taught to fasten buttons, lace, tie, sew, and cut.

  • Preparing a child's hand for writing according to Montessori occurs with the help of metal insert figures, movable alphabet, sand paper, sound games and exercise games.

Speech development using the Montessori method

  • The first lexical baggage is formed in children under 2.5 years of age. Active interaction with an adult allows you to fully master speech up to 3.5 years. For speech development using the Montessori method at the age of 3-4 years, split numbers and letters begin to participate in the learning process.

From the age of 4, children begin to write letters and syllables. According to Montessori, progress is already possible at this age - writing individual words.

  • After writing comes reading skills. According to Montessori, it is easier for children to express thoughts through writing than through reading or listening to other people's speech.

Development of fine motor skills using the Montessori method

  • Develop fine motor skills using the Montessori method perception helps small items. Contact with beads, peas, and buttons captivates the child for a long period.

It is easier for a child to understand the world around him through small and small objects. Accessible and safe items help build self-confidence.

  • Gameplay involving small objects improves fine motor skills, which is closely related to the speech center and psychological development of the child.

Montessori assignments: examples for children

Working with inserts.

  • Different shapes are laid out on a sheet of paper and outlined with multi-colored pencils. We remove all the figures, mix them and ask the child to place each item in its own frame.
  • We decorate the shapes of the figures with watercolors and shade them with pencils.
  • Cut out the outlined shapes from colored paper and paste them onto a white sheet.

Formation of objects, objects, phenomena into groups.

  • A set of cards on the theme “Animals”, “Vegetables”, “Professions”, etc. We lay out one picture at a time. The child must voice the image.
  • Place one card from each group in a row. We mix the remaining cards and show them to the children one at a time. The child’s task is to attach the image to specific group according to a set of similar characteristics.
  • Place ten pictures of animals in front of the child. Hide one card discreetly. Help your child figure out which animal is missing.

Help in the kitchen.

  • Prepare two containers. Fill one with cereal. Give your child a spoon and ask him to carefully pour the cereal into a second bowl.
  • Prepare a container with liquid, a cup and a small ladle. We show the little girl how to fill a cup with drink using a ladle. We suggest cleaning up spills with a sponge.
  • Pour water into a wide bowl and add liquid soap. We show you how to foam water. Insert a tube into the soapy water and blow bubbles.

Montessori method: pros and cons

The Montessori method has earned recognition from a large number of teachers. A bunch of preschool centers and schools teach children according to similar principles.

Among the main advantages of the Montessori system it is worth highlighting:

  • From a very young age Montessori children learn to be independent, acquire useful self-service skills;
  • The Montessori method teaches to show respect, care and patience to each other;
  • Understanding the world occurs through own discoveries and consolidation of knowledge in practice;
  • Montessori children learn to make responsible decisions and get used to self-discipline;
  • Qualitative development of motor skills and sensory perception.

Disadvantages of the Montessori system:

  • Montessori training does not provide for the development of creative abilities;
  • The learning process excludes contact with ordinary toys;
  • Education does not provide for the development of many personal qualities;
  • A fundamental difference with the traditional learning process and, as a result, difficult adaptation in the future;
  • A complete lack of restrictions, which significantly reduces the pace and motivation of the child;
  • For high-quality assimilation of the material it is necessary complete system tools and materials, fragmentary elements are ineffective.

Montessori method: pros and cons

  • Large arsenal material base for teaching using the Montessori method and specialized training of teachers makes Montessori kindergarten and school more expensive. For this reason, some parents prefer state child care institutions.
  • After training using the Montessori method, the child will have to adapt to the class-lesson system, which will cause some difficulties.
  • Individual teaching of students leaves very little time to communicate with peers, which causes temporary difficulties at the beginning of the school educational process.

  • Montessori method especially useful for children with special needs. An effective training system helps fill gaps in skills and abilities to normal development levels.
  • Independent learning shapes Montessori children responsibility, motivates for new discoveries and the desire to receive new information, develops analytical skills.

Montessori method: reviews

  • Alina, mother of Sofia, 6 years old. Our daughter follows the Montessori method. Teachers take into account the characteristics and needs of each child individually. Compared to the standard education system, children gain more knowledge and acquire more skills. Self-study in Montessori allows you to better consolidate the material.
  • Irina, mother of Leva, 9 years old. My son has been attending a Montessori school since 2nd grade. In addition to a large amount of new information, the child acquired such important qualities as self-confidence, curiosity, and an inexhaustible interest in learning. I have never heard from a child that he was tired or had a hard time studying. I'm looking forward to the end of the holidays so I can start studying again.
  • Elena, mother of Maxim, 7 years old. Relying on positive reviews, chose a Montessori kindergarten for our son. Education in the garden using the Montessori method provided our son with harmonious development, taught him to respect himself and others, and gave him the opportunity to develop at his own pace, taking into account individual wishes. The Montessori system helped reveal Maxim's potential and fostered a sincere desire to acquire new knowledge.

Video: Reading using the Montessori method

Of course, purchasing a complete set of Montessori materials is only possible children's center or kindergartenordinary parents You can't pull this off. However, if you like the method, but there is no opportunity to go to a specialized kindergarten, do not worry. The fact is that you can follow the basic principles of this pedagogical system by simply organizing your everyday life.

You will only need to spend some time and effort, but rest assured, all this will later pay off handsomely! So where to start? First of all, remember that all the furniture in your baby’s room should be light and must correspond to his height (you shouldn’t, as many parents like to do, stock up on furniture “to grow”).

You will need a table and a chair that the child can use during homework, as well as a shelf, any part of which will be easy for him to reach and on which he can put materials for work. Don’t forget a simple truth: kids often feel in our adult world literally like Lilliputians in the land of giants: many objects of interest are completely inaccessible to them.

Therefore, show respect to your little smart guy - and you will immediately see how important these details, which at first glance seem unprincipled to you, are. Find not only a separate place for an individual toothbrush and a towel (we repeat, it is advisable to place all this in the bathroom at the height of the child), but also a certain corner in the house where a small sponge, dusting cloth, broom and dustpan will lie.

Don’t be afraid to trust your child with various household chores, even if cleaning up after his “work” takes some time - you’ll have to put up with it. A child whose efforts are respected by adults grows up independent and capable of taking initiative.

And now we will give you a few simple exercises for practicing with your child at home, which will require minimal investment and preparation from you.

However, for the success of the business, it is still worth following some simple, but very important rules.
  • Before you start studying, choose the same place for the materials, teaching your child to have order.
  • During a show or presentation, in scientific “Montessorian” language, use a minimum of words and movements - give the child the opportunity to make discoveries on his own by studying the properties of objects.
  • Be patient - because what seems so easy for you is not necessarily so trivial and simple for a 3-year-old child. We must not forget that the main role of the Montessori teacher is observation. It’s quite natural that your first instinct if your baby doesn’t succeed is to intervene: “Let me show you how to do it right!” Be patient and let the child complete the exercise.
  • Give your child the right to choose certain materials to work with and the duration of classes with them, perform as many repetitions as he likes and finish the work at any time.

However, to develop self-discipline skills, you need to try to explain to the child that the exercise should be completed before taking the materials to their place.

Lesson "Sprinkling rice" (from 2.5 to 5 years)

Objectives of the exercise:

development of muscular coordination, the ability to carefully pour from a jug into a cup, gaining confidence in one’s abilities.

You will need:

a small tray with a glass and a jug half filled with rice; cloth for wiping the table.

  • place all the listed items on the table, and then name them and actions with them (“glass”, “jug”, “pour”, etc.);
  • Gently grab the jug by the handle with one hand and the glass with the other; Place the jug exactly in the middle above the glass and pour rice into it; Now let the child work on his own - gradually everything will work out.

When your baby has achieved perfection in pouring rice, you can move on to liquid substances, allowing your child to pour milk or juice from a jug into a glass.

Lesson “Shining Shoes” (from 3 to 5 years)

Objectives of the exercise:

teach your child to take care of himself and be sure to complete the work he starts, develop his coordination and dexterity.

You will need:

newspaper, a pair of shoes, shoe polish, brush and rag.

  • spread newspaper on the floor;
  • Use a special brush to thoroughly remove dirt from your shoes;
  • holding the shoe with your left hand, apply the cream with your right, repeat the same with the other shoe;
  • let the cream dry on the boots. At this time, carefully close the lid on the cream;
  • Use a rag to polish your boots until they shine; Now give your baby the opportunity to take care of his own shoes.

Lesson “Find the cap by size” (from 2 to 4 years)

Objectives of the exercise:

development of visual and motor coordination.

You will need:

4-6 bottles or jars of various sizes with lids (the lids can be stored in a small container).

  • place the bottles on the table in front of the baby;
  • slowly remove the caps and screw them back on;
  • First put on the caps according to the size of the bottles, then mix the caps. Now let your child choose the right caps for the bottles himself. It's not an easy task, but he can do it!

Lesson "Box with fabric samples" (from 2.5 to 5 years)

Objectives of the exercise:

development and refinement of tactile sensations.

You will need:

a small box in which you need to put in advance a couple of pieces of each fabric of different textures 9 for example, silk, cotton, wool, mohair, jacquard, linen, etc.).

  • show your baby three pairs of pieces of fabric that contrast the most in texture;
  • quickly mix them and ask your baby to find the pairs by feeling them with his hands (and without peeking!);
  • when the baby finally understands the meaning of the exercise. Gradually add other pieces of fabric; encourage your child to do the same blindfolded.

Lesson “Magic Bag” (from 3 to 5 years)

Objectives of the exercise:

acquaintance with objects of different shapes, development of tactile sensations.

You will need:

a bag with 8-10 objects familiar to the child (for example, a comb, a whistle, a cord, etc.).

  • Blindfold the baby's eyes or ask them to close them;
  • let the child take one object out of the bag and try to identify it by touch; After the child manages to identify all the things in the bag, you can replace them with others, gradually increasing the level of difficulty depending on the age of the baby.

This exercise can also be used with objects that begin with the same letter (for example, if you have already learned the letter “l” with your baby, put a spoon, sheet, eraser, etc. in the bag).

Of course, this is not a complete list of the exercises that you can do with your child within the framework of the Montessori method. You can read more about this in books and manuals written on this topic. The most important thing is that you are ready to devote time to activities with your baby and enjoy joint creativity!