Candy bar in nature. Candy bar for the holiday: we create it with our own hands. Cover the table with a long tablecloth

Is it possible to imagine a holiday without sweets and other sweets? Of course not. Since childhood, any holiday has been associated with cake, pastries and sweets. That is why the candy bar, decorated with your own hands for the holiday, as a tradition that came from European countries, has become firmly entrenched in our lives and has appealed to everyone’s taste. After all, it is not only tasty, but also beautiful and very stylish.

What is a candy bar

A candy bar is a type where the entire assortment is presented with sweets. It differs from the sweet table that is familiar to us since childhood, first of all, in the huge number of decorative ornaments on the chosen topic.

The second important distinguishing point is that each sweet on such a table is a separate work of art.

What holidays is a candy bar suitable for?

A do-it-yourself candy bar can be created for absolutely any occasion. The tradition of treating guests to sweets at the end of the feast is appropriate for any celebration. And if you decorate everything beautifully, then the pleasure will also be twice as great.

A candy bar will be an integral attribute at a children's party. And it doesn’t matter that it’s a baby’s very first birthday or a teenager’s party. The main thing here is to correctly decide on the theme of the design. Although anniversaries for the older generation have also never been spoiled by any sweets.

At a wedding, a candy bar will please all guests. Such corners look especially delightful at a celebration designed in a certain style or color. Of course, all sweets are also made in the same color scheme.

We should also not forget about all sorts of things that we have come to love lately. themed parties. For example, pajama parties or Halloween-themed parties or any other holiday. Such a table can become the center of the entire decor.

Design rules

When creating a candy bar with your own hands, it is important to remember some generally accepted rules.

The first rule tells us that the entire table should be decorated in the same style, have its own idea and color scheme. It’s very good if all this resonates with the theme or idea of ​​the holiday itself.

Rule number two. Calculate the number of candies correctly. All guests should have enough of each treat for several times.

The third design rule calls for creating a highlight of the sweet table. There must be something that will differentiate your candy bar from all the others. It will become your personal feature.

And finally, the last but not least important rule. There is no need to chase expensive sweets and designer jewelry. Better use your own ideas. And then you can achieve maximum effect at the lowest price.

What can be used for treats?

So, what is traditionally allowed to be placed in a candy bar? The center of the whole composition can be a cake. It is very good if it is quite original and fits the theme into the style of the holiday. If the cake is not included in the party menu, then it will be successfully replaced by a large and beautiful vase with other goodies. Or even several tiered dishes. The main thing is that the accents are placed correctly.

All kinds of cupcakes are also great for treats. For example, small-sized muffins that contain cream of different tastes inside. They can be vanilla, milk, chocolate, fruit and many others. As for decorations, there are no limits to the implementation of ideas.

Decorating a candy bar with your own hands is rarely complete without cake pops. They are small ones that are made in the shape of a ball put on a stick. They are generously poured with caramel or chocolate on top and rolled in various confectionery powders.

Another great dessert is macarons. This delicious fruit filling glued together came to us from France. Thanks to food coloring, it can come in all the colors of the rainbow.

But, in fact, absolutely any interestingly shaped cookie will find a worthy place in your candy bar.

When choosing sweets, do not ignore marshmallows, marmalade, caramel, oriental sweets, as well as various nuts in colored glaze. All this can be beautifully placed in various glass containers and decorated accordingly.

The candy bar may contain both fresh and dried fruits, as well as candied fruits. They are placed in cute portioned boxes.

And, of course, don't forget about drinks.

General background

The background for the sweet table has great importance. He sets the whole theme and idea. Use fabric air balloons, banners, ribbons, decor made from paper. The main goal is to make your candy bar stand out from the general interior. Make it as noticeable as possible. You won't need a regular tablecloth here. It is better to use several pieces of fabric that will help make the table more attractive and fit the theme.

Crockery and accessories

Various glass containers, as well as vases with high legs and multi-level structures look best on a table with sweets. But nothing will stop you from decorating the most ordinary jars with unusual stickers and ribbons and filling them with various goodies.

Use in decoration flower arrangements, figurines, postcards or flags with inscriptions, pictures on skewers or beads on threads. All this looks very impressive. And besides, it can be done with your own hands.

Attractiveness and convenience for guests

Your candy bar must be noticeable. If the event has a global scale, then it would be very appropriate to put up signs with the inscription: “Candy bar” or “Sweet table”. This way, each guest will know where the most delicious food is located. All treats are served in small portions to make them convenient to consume. There should be various devices for applying sweets, as well as napkins. It is customary to place small bags or boxes on the edge of the table for those who want to take sweets with them.

Candy bar for children: we create a miracle with our own hands

No one children's party can't do without sweets. In fact, other than sweets, children don’t seem to need anything at all. It remains to put in very little effort so that all this is not only very tasty, but also very beautiful.

First of all, you will need glass containers, preferably heavy ones so that they cannot be easily and effortlessly knocked off the table. These containers need to be filled with a huge amount of multi-colored candies, which will be both a treat and a decoration at the same time.

It’s unlikely that the kids will be able to handle so many sweets, and you won’t have to replenish your candy supplies for a long time.

Use colored paper and wooden skewers to create various bright decorative elements. Buy sweets on sticks and use them to create sweet bouquets. Place treats on different levels- this way you can fill the space evenly and beautifully.

Don't forget to decorate the room. All details must form a single composition of a certain theme. Use paper Balloons, flags or ribbons. Photos collected in a garland or placed all over the wall also look good.

Making a candy bar for children with your own hands is not at all difficult. Add some theme. Boys will surely love the cowboy or Indian style of decoration. And the little princess will be delighted by the abundance of red and pink sweets, decorated with bows and ribbons in color.

Candy bar wedding

A candy bar, decorated with your own hands for a wedding, will not only become the highlight of the celebration, but can also replace the bonbonnieres in which sweets or souvenirs are usually placed for guests. Or it will simply act as a sweet buffet table. In any case, it will be stylish, beautiful, tasty and unusual.

You can offer your guests two ways to use the candy buffet. They can take sweets with them, filling prepared boxes with them according to their taste and desire, or enjoy sweets directly at the holiday, using plates instead of boxes.

Making out wedding candy bar, stick to the general style. You can contact holiday decoration specialists and florists with this question.

Use the names of the newlyweds and the wedding date in the design. You can hang a banner on the wall with this information, and also indicate it on the boxes or plates that are intended to be used.

How to decorate a candy bar with your own hands for a birthday

Not only children, but also adults simply adore sweets. Many of them remain with a sweet tooth until old age. So how to make a candy bar with your own hands for adults? This does not necessarily mean candies and cookies. If the holiday falls during the hot season, then an ice cream bar is an excellent alternative. Place containers with nuts, small candies, crushed waffles and other goodies in it that you can sprinkle on ice cream.

Stock up on waffle cones and other tasty containers, as well as cold treat dispensers, and invite guests to assemble their own cooling dessert. All kinds of ice cream syrups, which are now presented in stores in a large assortment, would also be appropriate on such a table.

And you can easily please even your beloved grandmother on her anniversary by creating a candy bar for her with your own hands. Of course, she may not be able to appreciate modern sweets. But look for an alternative.

In this case, use simple cookies, bagels, buns and vases with honey and various types of jam. And the accent on such a table is to make a samovar with aromatic tea. Well, why not an old-fashioned candy bar?

So, this article reviewed more than one candy bar. The photos (as you can see, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands) presented in the review convincingly prove that you only need a little imagination and a little effort to do without the help of specialists.

After I put together sweet tables for the birthdays of many close children: nephews, nieces, crosses and babies of friends, I finally got around to writing a big post about it. I’ll tell you how, without resorting to expensive decorator services, you can make a stylish Candy Bar, decorate a photo zone and prepare unusual delicacies. The first part is just about sweets. Get inspired and decorate!

Now it’s a Candy bar, but in our opinion sweet table, as they say, in trend. And it’s true, if everything is done in the same style and thought through original jewelry and treats, the kids simply squeal with delight. My niece, for example, when meeting guests, warned everyone: “I have such a gorgeous table there!”

The tradition came from America; small buffets with goodies are extremely popular there. Every detail must be thought out to the smallest detail, everything in tone, to match uniform style. There are even traditional sweets for the children's bar. They are bright, elegant, and serve not only as food, but also as decoration.


Cupcakes- cupcakes decorated with whipped cream, cream, fondant or chocolate. It is considered especially chic to make such sweets in the theme of the holiday or in the colors of the general decor.

Tip: at the grocery store you can buy a pastry pencil with jam or boiled condensed milk and write inscriptions and drawings on the cupcakes. Experiment with mastic, it is freely sold in large supermarkets (there is a video above on how to work with it).

Cake pops are cakes that taste like the traditional delicacy “potatoes” (by the way, these are also suitable). The cooking principle is similar, but a little more complicated. Small balls are made from sponge cake mixed with cream, which are then decorated with icing and placed on a wooden skewer. By the way, instead of a cake, you can put an apple on the peak, dipping it in caramel or chocolate.

The fastest option if you don’t have time to make cake pops is chokopaiki. The sticks hold in them very confidently and look decent.

Cake pops recipe

For the test: butter - 40 grams, sugar - 80 grams, egg - 1 pc., milk - 70 ml, baking powder (or soda), flour - 4–5 tbsp. spoon (heaped), tangerine zest - 3 tbsp. spoons.

For balls: powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons, butter - 20 grams.

For the glaze: milk chocolate - 50 grams, butter - 10 grams, cake sprinkles.


1. Beat the egg into a bowl, add sugar and continue whisking until foam forms.

2. Mix 40 butter with the same amount of sugar and grind until smooth.

3. Pour milk into a bowl with an egg, after stirring, add a mixture of butter and sugar. Stir vigorously and add tangerine zest to the mixture.

4. Combine baking soda/baking powder with flour and add to a bowl. Mix everything until smooth.

5. Place the resulting dough in a mold and bake until golden brown.

6. Grind the cooled biscuit, put it in a bowl, add butter and powdered sugar. Connect everything. Roll small balls from the resulting mass.

7. Insert skewers into the balls and put the dessert in the refrigerator.

8. To prepare the glaze, mix chocolate (or sugar with coloring) with butter and melt in a water bath.

9. Dip each cooled ball in the glaze, roll in confectionery powder and return to the refrigerator. Dessert is ready!

Marshmallow- marshmallows in small airy pieces. This is what scouts roast at the stake in American films. Remember? You can now buy it in almost any large supermarket.

Liquorice- bright licorice sticks are not only colorful, but also useful. The delicacy is based on licorice juice. You will find it in pastry shops.

Gingerbread. There are many recipes and types of decorations. You can order from craftswomen or bake it yourself. We published a wonderful one, based on which you can build any gingerbread figures.

Use special confectionery things like silicone or iron molds, multi-colored mastic, ready-made sprinkles and sugar decorations.

Cake. There are a lot of masters who create real culinary masterpieces. Be sure to check out their portfolio before placing an order. The home version will look no less solemn.

Cookie. The more original it looks, the more popular it will be with children. I've baked button cookies a couple of times. They look wonderful and are quick and easy to prepare!

Ingredients: 200 g flour, 100 g butter, 80 g sugar, 2 yolks, 2 tsp. vanilla sugar, 2 tsp. cocoa powder (or food coloring “by eye” to the desired shade).

Preparation: Grind the yolks well with regular and vanilla sugar. Add soft butter, stir thoroughly. Sift the flour in parts, kneading the dough with a spoon each time.

Place half of the mass in another container and form it into a ball with your hands. Add cocoa/dye to the second part, knead a little and also form into a bun. Place both types of dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll out the light dough into a layer approximately 5–7 mm thick. Cut out mugs with a mold (for this I used an inverted glass with a diameter of 5 cm). Then make a dent on each circle, but do not cut all the way through (I pressed it with a lid from plastic bottle diameter 3 cm).

Then make two or four through holes in the center, like in a button. For this purpose, take a juice straw (you can use a match or other suitable item). Form the remaining light dough into a ball again and roll out. Make the dough until you run out of dough. TDo the same with the painted half.

Using a spatula or knife, place all the mugs on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.

Cool the finished cookies completely. You can pour chocolate over it and decorate with ribbons.

Macarons. These are small multi-colored cakes made from airy dough.

Traditional meringues are also perfect for their role. But I still attach the original recipe...


Can be poured into colored paper cups or baby juice bottles. I put a holiday sticker on them, tie a ribbon and...the beauty is ready!

I came across small, elegant children's mini-coolers on the Internet. For a sweet table - a wonderful option.

As for the drinks themselves, it is convenient to buy juice directly in bottles. Although, as practice has shown, homemade fruit drinks and lemonades - great alternative any store.

Table paraphernalia

Look great cupcake stands. You can buy paper ones in online stores, on sites like Ebay, or you can make them yourself. detailed master class.

Look original piece sweets in banks. You need to find beautiful glass or plastic transparent containers and fill them with candies, dragees, marshmallows, marmalade, chocolate slices, cookies, corn sticks... Whatever your heart desires. Little sweet lovers will look at such structures with curiosity and enjoy getting a treat for themselves.

I took regular inexpensive high ones glass vases. They look very stylish, and cost only 100-200 rubles. I bought silicone ones for glasses as lids.

Before next holiday The vase stands in the kitchen and serves as a cookie maker. Convenient, by the way!

For berries you can use colored paper cups. Beautiful and immediately portioned. Sometimes I put small cookies in them. It is ergonomic if the table is narrow and there is sorely not enough space for plates with treats.

Chocolate fountain. If fruits do not compete well with sweets, a design with warm chocolate flowing down will help. It's beautiful and very tasty. Pieces of fruit placed on skewers, coming into contact with a fragrant waterfall, become an unusual and delicious delicacy. You can rent or buy.

Instead of spoons you can use wooden sticks(like a popsicle), which are best decorated in an original way in the same style as the entire table.

Plates take colorful and bright ones. In keeping with the holiday theme, they can be ordered on various websites or found in large stores.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Creating a Candy Bar at a wedding with your own hands is not difficult if you have the necessary layouts and have at least the slightest idea of ​​how the Candy Bar should ultimately look. Today, using a real example, we will tell you how to independently organize a Candy Bar in pink, as pleasant surprise We...

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It is not uncommon for several styles to be used in the design of a wedding Candy bar to make the dessert table unusual and attractive. It is not uncommon for this to be done by choosing some popular theme and introducing a less popular style into it. Today, using the example of one couple in love, we will try to figure out how to organize a wedding dessert table...

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The most complete guide to sweets and decor of a modern candy bar

Candy bar - sweet buffet table, buffet. But you don't want it because it's sweet, right? The candy bar is beautiful! It can become an excellent photo zone and determine the theme of the holiday.

Sweet buffets began to be made at American weddings. There it is an island of sophistication, charm, ribbons, ruffles, and glass shine. At children's parties they are simpler. Because they are made for children. This means we take unbreakable dishes and a lot of paper decor. But first things first.

What can a candy bar look like at a children's party?

Each mother decides for herself what role the candy table will play at the child’s party:

  • Buffet. In this case, it is here that all the food that the hostess plans to treat the guests will be offered. The buffet can be sweet, savory or mixed.
  • Snack. The table is served with light snacks of fruits, light salads, crackers, and cheeses. Everything you can eat before the main course. But this option is suitable for either teenagers or adults. For children under 12-14 years old, I strongly do not recommend spraying this way.
  • Sweet table with a compliment. The table menu is 100% sweet and may not be too varied. The idea is to prepare special bags, boxes and invite guests to take sweets with them. , the next day, guests will enjoy a compliment dessert over a cup of tea or coffee and remember your holiday again.

Bonus features of the candy bar:

  • creating a festive, truly magical atmosphere
  • beautiful background for photos
  • experiments with new tastes and culinary trends

Sets of templates for decorating a candy bar

Download digital set with attributes for decoration, print it out decorate it for the holiday!
Set contents:

  • invitation
  • cupcake molds
  • banner made from flags
  • round toppers
  • bottle labels

199 RUR

What is included in the candy bar? Sweet buffet menu


Sponge cakes are small cakes, also known as muffins or mini cupcakes. The cupcake top can be made of cream, glaze, mastic or just powder. They can be empty or filled inside. Moreover, I would choose the option based on the age of the birthday boy and guests. The younger the audience, the simpler the cupcakes should be.

Fruits and berries

Most suitable option- in the form of canapés, dough baskets or portioned fruit salads. Can be combined with fruit and berry sauces, caramel and cream.

Cake pops

Biscuit on a stick. At first glance, everything is simple, but they are amazing. I fell in love with them the first time, although in terms of calories this is a merciless dish. It is worth noting that cake pops are not only tasty, but also beautiful. Confectioners in this case are akin to jewelers. With cake pops.


Airy marshmallows are just as easy to decorate. If you dip it in frosting and then into a cup of sugar decorative balls- the result will be an almost professional product.

Macarons or macaroons

French two-layer cookies with filling. Using dyes, the dough and cream are colored in pleasant pastel colors. The dessert looks and tastes very delicate.

Cookies, eclairs, cream baskets and other cakes

Everything you can pick up in your hand and eat without utensils and practically in one bite. The main attention is on appearance.

Ethnic sweets

For themed holidays you can focus, for example, on oriental sweets. This is an unpopular option at children's parties.

Not limited to food. Let's move on to drinks.

Peppa Pig Template Kits

Peppa Pig
Download digital set with templates for candy bar decorations. Print it and decorate the holiday!
Set contents:

  • invitation
  • cupcake molds
  • banner made from flags
  • box for souvenirs as a token of gratitude
  • round toppers
  • bottle labels

199 RUR


Lemonade, fruit drink, compote, juice are always in great demand. Such but tasty drinks for children's table. The main thing is packaging.

Until the age of 12-13, the jugs on the sweet buffet have nothing to do. All drinks are served in portions in glasses, jars, bottles with personalized labels. Preferably with a straw.

Hot drinks (fruit tea, cocoa) can be offered once during the allotted time. So that there is an adult at the distribution and that children do not run around with cups at this time.

Milkshakes (milkshakes)

They must also be served at a certain time, as they tend to settle.

Dishes for candy bar

Everything that stands on the table without moving and simply acts as a stand can be either cardboard, foam plastic and wood (durable), or glass, porcelain (fragile).

And everything that children pick up, regardless of age, should be, if possible, unbreakable. High-quality plastic, tempered glass, etc.

In the case of a candy bar, the most unexpected items can be used instead of the usual dishes: flower pots, glass jars, decorative buckets, children's toys, baskets, candlesticks, boxes, vases, etc.

Here everything can be the other way around: we eat from glasses and drink from cans. Let children do what is in their nature.

Candy bar decoration and accessories

The main task of a candy bar is to attract attention. If you notice a swarming crowd in a cherished place at a holiday, then the task is completed. Professional decor is carried out by specialists. It's expensive, but usually worth it, pardon the tautology.

Hand made in the candy bar area has also not been canceled. There is room to expand here. You can download a special set, as in the example above, print it, and lay out/hang all the elements. And you can do everything with your own hands. But in conditions of time shortage, this is a difficult task, believe me.

In addition to decorations, you can decorate the table with toys, figurines, photographs, and thematic elements. And don’t forget about the tablecloth, runner, napkins, etc.

or no rules!

If you are preparing decorations for a child’s birthday, then there can be only one source of the theme - the child’s interests, his favorite books, cartoons, games, hobbies.
Don’t worry if your child chooses the same theme for several holidays in a row. You can take a different color scheme, characters, plot.
If the sweet table is for adults, then the main thing is that the theme evokes inspiration, because you will have to look for material and prepare decorations.

When choosing a color for decoration, adhere to the following recommendations:
1. Start from the chosen topic.
Often the chosen theme is already associated with certain colors. Take them into account.
2. When deciding on choosing a palette for your holiday, start first of all from the given conditions of the location of the celebration. If the interior of the room has a pronounced style and color, then you can play with them in the decoration of the holiday.
3. Take a close look to see if everything fits well together. Know that if you have made a choice in favor of one or another color range, from now on you should not have a single random thing, and all of them should be one hundred percent in the shade. Only then will you get a unified picture.


When preparing for a birthday and decorating a sweet table, one of the first questions that arises is what table or surface to use and where to put it.
If you are organizing a holiday yourself, then look around. Perhaps in the nursery you have a wonderful chest of drawers, your mother has a charming dressing table or an elegant table with drawers. Then feel free to use them. In this case, the need for a tablecloth and additional drapery with fabrics may disappear.
If you only have a regular table, then you will need to think about how to place the table.
The table can be placed near the window. Then the background will be tulle and curtains. A candy bar will look harmonious against a plain wall. In these cases, the decoration of the backdrop will be garlands, pompoms, and the entire emphasis will be on dishes and sweets and the overall composition of the table.
If the background in the room does not match the style of the holiday or is colorful, then you can use a banner or fabric drapery as a backdrop.


Beautiful textiles play an important role when decorating a sweet table.
The easiest option is to use a plain fabric or an existing tablecloth, and use it as decoration satin ribbons, decorative details in your chosen color palette.
Second option: the base is a plain tablecloth, the design is runners (this narrow strip fabrics the entire length of the table, often with an overhang). It spreads over the tablecloth - in the center, diagonally or across. The option looks impressive when the colors of the tablecloth and runner contrast.
There are also many options for buffet skirts and draperies.


There are many types of sweets and candies to choose from. To make it easier, they can be divided into 4 categories:
- Loose candies: sold by weight
- Individually packaged candies or chocolates: we offer one package for each guest
- Designer sweets (cupcakes, holiday-themed gingerbread cookies, desserts): one sweet per guest
- Candies and sweets for decoration, filling vases.
It is best to use four types of candies and sweets, then the sweet table will be as varied as possible.
To determine the amount of sweets you can use the following calculations:
cake - 150 gr. per person
sweets - 200 gr. per person.


It is better to give preference to transparent glass so that guests do not lean over them and look at the dessert for a long time.
Forget about banal plates and dishes. The tableware for the candy table should be original and stylish.
The question often arises where decorators get their dishes. There are several options - they order from the USA, China, or buy on specialized websites (“dishes for Candy bar”). But this option most often disappears. It's hard to find and expensive to buy. Therefore, various aquariums, transparent glass vases, deformed glasses, and uniquely shaped glasses are most often chosen as such containers. Stores to help - IKEA, AUCHAN, Stockman, HOFF, FIXPrice and household goods.
You can use absolutely all objects that exist in the world in decoration. More than simpler thing, the more often people see it in everyday life, the more admiration it evokes in its design.
It is better to arrange dishes on three levels.
First flat plates, then vases on legs or multi-tiered and in the background tall cakes or sweets on stands. If dishes are repeated, it makes sense to make a symmetrical display. There can be a cake in the center, and other sweets on the sides.


When your guests see your sweet table, the first impression should have a WOW effect!
The first thing they will see is the background, tablecloth and central thematic composition.
To personalize your table, you need printing elements (toppers, table cards with the names of sweets, juice or water labels, cupcake skirts and much more).
Add thematic details.

We will discuss the design of the background, decor, and sweets in more detail in the following articles.