What shape of earrings is suitable for a round face? We select jewelry according to the shape of the face. Earrings with pin lock

  • Butterflies. Earrings in the shape of butterflies are used very often and are classic, just like earrings in the shape of flowers. The symbolism of the butterfly is multifaceted - it is also a symbol of the human soul, carelessness, frivolity, change and impermanence. In Japan, for example, two fluttering butterflies mean marital happiness. In China - joy and summer, a symbol of lovers.

  • Ladybugs. Earrings in the shape of ladybugs are very original. Its symbolism is similar across cultures: the ladybug is a symbol of love and good luck.
    It is believed that jewelry with ladybugs bring good luck and the more spots on the back, the better!

  • Letters. Earrings in the form of letters will emphasize the individuality of the owner.

  • Grapes and earrings in the shape of grapes. It symbolizes abundance and vitality, it is one of the brightest Christian symbols - the grapevine is the first thing Noah planted after the flood.

  • Cherries, cherry earrings. Cherry symbolizes feminine and the awakening of nature, youth, tenderness and prosperity.

  • Guitar. This instrument, touching the most subtle strings of the human soul, symbolizes harmony in the soul, thoughts, and any area of ​​life. Earrings with guitars are a symbol of music and rock culture.

  • Dolphins. Earrings with dolphins will emphasize the ease of character of their owner, friendliness, and openness. The dolphin symbolizes joy, speed, unpredictability, safety and nobility.

  • Dragons, dragon earrings. The dragon has complex symbolism; it combines a snake, a bird, the spiritual and the material. In the East, it is a symbol of supernatural powers, wisdom, hidden knowledge, as well as a powerful symbol of good luck and happiness.

  • Snakes, earrings in the shape of a snake. Symbol female beauty, wisdom and immortality. It symbolizes the infinity of life, its movement and cyclicality, and in Christianity it is also a symbol of temptation.

  • Drops. The symbol of a drop is both a tear and blood, and a drop in the ocean of the human mind. And in earrings in the form of a drop, this is also a shape that is amazing in its grace and beauty.

  • Brushes. Tassel earrings have been in fashion for several years now and are very popular.

  • Clover, earrings in the shape of clover. The four-leaf clover is a well-known symbol of happiness and rare good fortune. The first leaf symbolizes faith, the second means hope, the third brings love, and the fourth gives good luck.

  • Keys. The key has always been associated with something unknown, forbidden and inaccessible. The key is not only a symbol of mystery, but also of new discoveries, conquering certain heights in love or business. Often it acts as a talisman against envy and the evil eye.

  • Rings, hoop earrings. The ring is a symbol of integrity, power, perfection and infinity. The ring also symbolizes connection or union. Too big hoop earrings are going out of style in 2013.

  • Crowns, earrings in the form of a crown. Crown as a symbol supreme authority, also has additional symbolism - dignity, reward, beauty, wisdom, intuition.

  • Cats. Earrings in the shape of cats are very popular. They are perfect as a gift for a girl, because almost everyone associates herself with a “fluffy”, affectionate kitten, secretly dreaming that a man would perceive her the same way. Cats also represent grace, mystery, independence, cunning and endless femininity. A curled up cat is a symbol of eternity.

  • Crosses, earrings in the form of crosses.

  • Wings. A symbol of spirituality, reason, freedom and speed. Wings can also symbolize protection and patronage.

  • Swan. The symbolism of jewelry with a swan is quite transparent - a pair of swans is a sign of fidelity and inseparability. The swan bird symbolizes pure love and innocence and was sacred in Slavic mythology.

  • Bat. Symbolizes insight, hope, luck on the one hand, and black magic on the other.

  • Chandeliers. Chandelier earrings - a fashionable decoration for 2013 are recommended to be worn with a bustier dress and hair gathered at the top, in in this case no longer necessary.

  • Frogs. Frogs symbolize fertility, abundance, strength, wealth and longevity.

  • Starfish. It has a lot in common in symbolism with an ordinary star. A starfish is a symbol of eternal life, hope, joy and positive emotions; it helps protect your home, business, and helps on the path to success.

  • Mice. The mouse is considered a symbol of theft, timidity and resourcefulness. In China, the mouse is recognized as a powerful creature that brings wealth, and they try to appease it.

  • Spiders. Earrings in the shape of spiders are not uncommon. The spider symbolizes fate, it is like a creator - it weaves the thread of its life, creating its future.

  • Feathers. Feather earrings are going out of fashion in 2013.

  • Bees. The bee earrings are quite exquisite. The bee symbolizes fertility, hard work and love.

  • Sinks. Shells symbolize femininity and sexuality, the mother's womb. As we remember, the goddess Aphrodite was born from a sea shell and sea foam. The symbolism of the shell and are closely related. In some traditions, the shell symbolizes the body, and the pearl inside symbolizes the soul.

  • Roses. The rose, as a symbol of love, beauty, passion and perfection, is used very often in the symbolism of jewelry. An unopened rosebud means virginity and innocence.

  • Daisies. They symbolize joy, kindness, modesty, warm, trembling feelings. Among the ancient Slavs, it was one of the 7 sacred plants.

  • Rhombus. Since ancient times, it symbolized femininity and fertility. Now it is a symbol of wealth and patronage, capable of attracting into your life important people, sponsors.

  • Fish. The symbolism of fish is closely connected with the water element and the general renewal of nature. She acts as a symbol of fertility, abundance, sexuality, motherhood and childbirth.

  • Heart. A symbol of love and life, the spiritual and physical center of man, the center of the universe.

  • Scorpios. Earrings in the shape of a scorpion look impressive. IN ancient Egypt and in Babylon it symbolized protection, and in Africa it was a symbol of wisdom and healing.

  • Treble clef. A symbol of music, art and self-expression. The treble clef first came into use in France during the Baroque era, as evidenced by the intricate swirling lines. Earrings in the shape of a treble clef look very expressive and elegant, they will emphasize your love for beauty and will be an excellent gift for music lovers. Such jewelry will look better on young girls, focusing on their style and taste.

  • Elephants. The elephant as a symbol in almost all traditions is perceived unambiguously and denotes stability, strength, wisdom, dignity, as well as prosperity and happiness.

  • Owls. The symbolism of jewelry with an owl is ambiguous and not as simple as it seems. On the one hand, this bird personifies wisdom, intuition, the ability to predict and foresee. On the other hand, the owl is associated with darkness, loneliness, night and death. In Christianity, the owl was associated with dark forces and the three deadly sins. Despite its negative reputation, the owl is now used as a symbol to signify bookish erudition and knowledge.

  • Sun. Many cultures had a cult of the Sun, in some it was considered almost God. The sun symbolizes masculinity, the source of life, knowledge, intelligence and eternal youth.

  • Chains. Chain earrings are very beautiful and elegant, they are easy to put on and wear. The only negative is that they are quite monotonous.

  • Turtles. They symbolize wisdom, longevity, protection and steady movement forward. According to Feng Shui, the turtle is the happiest talisman, it “brings” money and useful acquaintances. The most “useful” turtle is simply made of metal.

  • Balls.

  • Eiffel Tower. Earrings with the Eiffel Tower will add a slight touch of romance to your look, since the Eiffel Tower, like Paris, evokes similar associations in many: love, romantic walks, frivolity. With such decorations you will not go unnoticed, because the Eiffel Tower is the most famous, visited and photographed landmark in the world.

  • Apples. The apple symbolizes life, health, rejuvenation and immortality. In the Christian tradition, this is the fruit of the tree of knowledge, a symbol of temptation.

  • Anchors. Since ancient times, the anchor has symbolized salvation, security, stability, and good luck. Early Christianity used the anchor with a crossbar as the main symbol of hope, true faith.

  • Lizards. The lizard symbolizes flexibility, unscrupulousness, and the ability to self-heal. Among the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the lizard was a symbol of good luck and wisdom. Earrings in the shape of lizards, thanks to their elegant shape, will look very gentle and stylish.

We looked at the main types, shapes and symbolism of jewelry using earrings as an example; if you missed something important, please add to the collection in the comments.

About the author: Admin

If you had to give up everything jewelry and costume jewelry, leaving only one type of jewelry, what would it be? I would definitely choose earrings.

I can go without blush, but I can't part with my lipstick, I can go without a necklace or bracelets, but I can't leave the house without earrings.

Why? Yes, because in the first case, lipstick adds color to my face, and in the second, correctly selected earrings can not only become an interesting accent in the image, but also visually change the shape of the face, change the contrast, etc.

So, if your facial features are hard and angular, and your cheekbones are wide and square, choose earrings that are round in shape to visually soften the lines of your face.

For people with dark skin, earrings can brighten the skin tone.

There are small features of your appearance that you don't like. Don't rush to go under the surgeon's scalpel. There are safer solutions. Usually it's enough to change your hairstyle. But in addition to the hairstyle, earrings are another important face sculptor.

It’s easy to create a wave of hair or fix strands on the sides of the face, but large, massive, long - in general, all those that are called accent earrings nowadays - can also visually change the shape of the face.

Hair pulled back or in a ponytail is a kind of test for your face shape. How to choose the right shaped earrings for certain type faces? First, take a look at this picture:

Now let's talk about each face shape in more detail.

Round face

A round face is often characterized by a small forehead and chin, wide cheekbones and compact features. It is not recommended to wear large hoop earrings, which will visually make your face even rounder. A pair of thin long earrings will make your face more sophisticated.

Also, cast earrings or with a large stone look heavier on a round face than hollow, carved earrings.

Square face

If you have a square face shape, avoid wearing square earrings, which will only accentuate the angles in your appearance. You can wear round, oval or curly (wave) earrings that will soften the contours of your face.

Also for square face choose earrings that are longer than your chin. Shorter ones will focus the attention of others on the widest part of your cheekbones.

Heart shaped face

For a heart-shaped face, don't choose large hoop earrings. They are located at the level of the cheekbones, visually increasing their width, and also making the chin more noticeable.

A sharp chin draws attention to itself, making the forehead look wider than it is. Therefore, avoid earrings that have the shape of an inverted cone that tapers towards the bottom.

Long face

The visible part of the earrings should be no lower than the chin. Otherwise, the face will appear even more disproportionately elongated.

Also, if you wear long earrings, do not choose thin ones, which will visually make your face narrower. Wide earrings (for example, with a flower design) can slightly change the proportions of the face.

Oval face

With such an ideal face shape, you can wear absolutely all types of earrings, both in shape and style. Just pay attention to their compatibility with clothing and appropriateness to a particular situation.

Skin tone

In addition to your face shape, pay attention to your skin color because color is the most intuitive form of beauty.

For fair-skinned girls, there is no taboo about the color of earrings. Most shades suit them. And if the earrings are also massive, the effect will be amazing.

For dark-skinned girls, earrings with a silver-white shade of metal or with the effect of aged gold are preferred. Classic pearl earrings will also look good.

We fit earrings into the image

In fact, small earrings, studs or studs can fit into almost any look. But you shouldn’t be afraid of large, massive earrings, called accent earrings. Often, in combination with simple clothes, they are exactly that highlight, that finishing touch in the image that is so necessary.

For example, the look below is very simple - a regular white T-shirt + black jeans + babushi. And if not for a pair of long earrings on the ears, the ensemble would have looked too casual.

Or, another example, white shirt + jeans. Too boring? It would be so if it were not for a pair of massive accent earrings that instantly increase the degree of attractiveness of the outfit.

In general, take note of this formula - a shirt (or blouse) + large earrings, this combination always works flawlessly.

Another example: a regular dark gray plaid shirt with black trousers, hair pulled back into a low bun. I may express myself too harshly, but many aunties at the market walk this way. But – the model wore beautiful lipstick and wore massive gold earrings. And these two details turned the look with an old-fashioned shirt into a fashionable retro style of the 90s. As you can see, the difference between interesting and everyday is in the small details.

In some looks that are too basic and neutral, earrings serve to accentuate femininity and elegance, preventing the look from completely slipping into casual. Without them, there will be a feeling that something is missing. Lack of softness, romance, femininity, femininity, lack of personality.

A variety of accessories and jewelry helps us make any look more interesting, memorable and complete. We have already talked about, it’s time to deal with other accessories - earrings. Even in ancient times, women used earrings to highlight their natural beauty. If the jewelry is chosen correctly for a specific occasion, it will complement the created image.

A little about earrings. What are they?

Earrings are ear decorations that can be decorated with stones or without them. If we consider their shape, they come in the form of pendants or single-row products, that is, with the presence of one stone.

Also, these jewelry are divided into groups depending on the method of attachment to the earlobe, that is, using: hooks, simple locks, complex locks, screws. Each of the listed types of fastening, with the exception of screws, may only be suitable for pierced ears.

History of earrings

Earrings are very popular all over the world, and in ancient times they were considered real amulets that helped protect against illness. They could be worn not only by women, but even by children and men. Bronze earrings are still found inside ancient burials. In southern Germany, scientists have discovered many bronze and gold earrings that are of Etruscan origin. The ancient Greeks wore items that resembled animals, most often snakes.

In the Middle Ages, these products could be found in court costumes, although their particular popularity began in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

They became very popular only during the Renaissance, especially in the northern regions of Italy. This is due to the fact that it was here that they began to use precious mineral and pearls, distinguished by their pear-shaped shape. Already in the 17th century, the fashion for using earrings began to spread throughout all Italian cities. At first the earrings looked like pearls, then they took the form of pendants, and after some time one side of them was decorated with stones, and the other was covered with a layer of enamel.

During the Baroque period, these decorations were part of any precious set. During the reign of Louis XIV, jewelers began to create real masterpieces. For products they took not only classical materials, but also turtles, ivory and so on. A little later, earrings consisting of several pendants began to come into fashion.

In the era of classicism, earrings were large and smooth, and after some time, pendants for jewelry were coated with polychrome gold. As for modern products, their decoration is now considered high art, and not only women wear them.

Modern earrings are different great variety. And this applies not only to materials, but also to appearance. Thanks to the huge selection, you can easily change your look.

Varieties of earrings.

Typically, these jewelry pieces are produced in pairs, and they must match each other in many ways. They are made from the same material so that the resulting products are of the same weight.

Modern jewelry is made from popular precious metals, and is sometimes used. If you need to make a decorative insert, then most often you choose stones of natural or artificial origin.

There is also costume jewelry that is made from base metals. But you don’t need to think that it is much cheaper - high-quality jewelry can be as expensive as items made from silver or gold.

All earrings can be divided into several groups, which differ in their shape and method of use:

— Earrings that look like studs or studs consist of a frame into which stones or decorative details are inserted. They can be decorated with a layer of enamel on top, and engraving is also applied to their surface. They are held on the earlobe using clips or screw clasps.

Studs, in which the part behind the earlobe is larger than in front, have become very popular

— Hoop earrings can be threaded through the earlobe. The size of the ring can vary and reach 10-15 centimeters in diameter.

— Earrings with pendants are distinguished by the presence of a movable element various lengths. Moreover, the pendant can be made of a variety of materials.

The most popular earrings are with pendants, because their variety is huge!

— Clip-on earrings are called hanging jewelry that stay on the ear without piercing the earlobes, since they have snap locks.

— There are also cuffs - jewelry that is worn on the ears. They can be easily combined with other earrings, but cuffs should be attached separately from other jewelry. Over the past few years, they have become a real fashionable attribute.

A very fashionable decoration - cuffs are worn on the ears.

Regardless of the type, all earrings have a base where there is a fastener for insertion, differing in design. The total number depends entirely on the number of insertions.

The most important and critical part of any accessory is the lock, for which there are a number of requirements. For example, it should be distinguished by its reliability and, of course, convenient use.

Depending on the type of lock, several types of earrings can be distinguished:

1. English lock on earrings

1. An English castle is considered one of the most reliable. The hook, which is inserted into the ear, is fastened with a paw-shaped lock. When closing, you can hear a click, which indicates that it is securely fastened. The disadvantage of such a lock is that the length of the hook cannot be adjusted. That is, if the earlobe is too thin, the position of the earring in the ear will change, and if the earlobe is thicker, it will cause pain when worn.

2. French castle

2. The French lock is secured with a loop that attaches to a safety loop or clasp.

3. Italian Omega Lock

3. The Italian omega or clip lock has a convenient clasp that resembles a clip lock. But the Italian lock has a pin that ensures secure fastening. This type of lock is usually used in very expensive jewelry.

4. Loop lock

4. Loop lock earrings have an arched loop that goes into the earlobe. The fastener can be made in the form of a latch or a loop.

5. Congo lock earrings

5. Hoop earrings with a congo lock have a movable rod inside a hollow ring, which is fixed when the lock is closed.

6. Shackle lock

6. Earrings with a lock in the form of a bracket - one end of the hook moves on a hinge, the other is captured by a special eye, which is made in a hollow ball.

7. Stud lock

7. The stud lock can be used both in studs and in earrings with a pendant. A pin passes through the earlobe, which is securely fixed with reverse side using special grooves. The big advantage of such a lock is that you can adjust the degree of clamping of the earlobe yourself.

8. Pin lock

8. The lock in the form of a pin has a pin, which on one side goes into the ear, and on the other into the hole in the earring on the back of the earlobe.

Some tips for choosing earrings.

When choosing, several criteria should be taken into account, although the most important are the style of clothing and the appearance of the woman herself. Equally important is the material used to produce jewelry, as well as the possible presence of precious stone inserts.

The winning option is when the earrings are selected in accordance with the color of the eyes. To achieve the transfer of natural mystery and depth, preference should be given to stones that have the same color.

For example, if your eyes are brown, then your earrings should have ruby ​​or amber accents. Great addition for blue eyes there will be a blue or purple stone. If the eyes have a gray-green color, then for their expressiveness you should give preference to chrysolite, turquoise or garnet.

The chosen jewelry should be suitable for the face shape of the fair sex. If the face is wide and round, then the earrings should be flat and oblong. As for a small face, to visually “expand” it, you need to choose convex-shaped jewelry. Round earrings are recommended to be worn only by those who have an oblong face.

Depending on the selected clothes, you need to choose and. If you need to choose earrings for daily use, then they should be modest and neat, and sometimes they have inserts of small pearls or transparent stones. It is not entirely appropriate to consider the option when, for Everyday life choose massive jewelry with a bright insert.

Choose jewelry depending on the situation and do not wear earrings and necklaces from the same set together

You need to select decorations for any event with special care. The main thing is that etiquette tips are taken into account. You should also remember that the best option is precious products with natural stones.

As for bright and catchy earrings, they are suitable for visiting discos or clubs. For such a case, any shape or shade can be suitable.

Complete your look with beautiful earrings and remember that you don't have to buy the exact same necklace or bracelet. Very stylish, if, but goes well with the outfit and each other.

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Greetings! Today on the Centaurus Journal blog we will discuss a seemingly banal, but in fact quite difficult question - how to choose the right earrings? We are sure that each of you, beautiful girls, has at least one pair of earrings in your favorite jewelry box that look great in your hands, but when you put them on, you feel that they don’t suit you at all. And it seems that the stone is yours, and the shape is excellent, and stylish - but, for some reason, “not at all.”

In order not to replenish your jewelry box with such earrings, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing jewelry by age, face type, skin color, hair and eyes, and also find out which earrings you should wear to a party or a restaurant, and which ones to give preference to on a daily basis. Follow our blog news and find out what every woman should have.

Choosing earrings based on your face type (shape)

Of course, the main emphasis when choosing earrings should be on the natural oval of the face. Look in the mirror and choose your face type. Below we will select the most compatible types of earrings for each shape.

Square face. For girls with this shape, neat oval earrings are ideal, as they will visually lengthen and soften the angles. Thin and short earrings will draw attention to the top of your face. We recommend choosing jewelry in the shape of a drop.
It is forbidden: We strongly do not recommend wearing earrings with a flat base.

Oval face. It is believed that this perfect shape faces. Owners of this type may not care about how to choose the right earrings. But still, there are certain jewelry that best emphasize the dignity and beauty of a girl. For example, by choosing large round earrings, or in the form of a large knot, you will visually expand your cheekbones. Also, studs with large gemstones are great for you.
It is forbidden: Centaurus Journal does not recommend long earrings or teardrop-shaped jewelry.

Round face. The main purpose of decoration is to visually lengthen the face. Long oval jewelry or earrings with a drop-shaped pendant will cope with this task perfectly. Also, try on earrings with pendants in the form geometric shapes, such as a triangle or rectangle.
It is forbidden: forget about small round and oval earrings, this is a completely inappropriate form of jewelry for you.

Wide face. Owners of this type of face should wear long flat earrings, or studs with an elongated pendant. With this decoration you will smooth out the pronounced angles of the lower part of the face and visually expand the forehead.
It is forbidden: If you find a place in your jewelry box for small round or oval earrings, give them to your friend. Such jewelry will only emphasize and enhance the shape of your face.

Triangular face. Properly selected earrings should correct and visually balance the wide upper part of the face with a narrow chin. Pay attention to small studs or small earrings. They will visually soften sharp facial features.
It is forbidden: Long earrings are not recommended, as well as jewelry with a pendant in the shape of a triangle turned upside down, i.e. angle down.

Narrow face. Are you wondering which earrings will suit you best? Pay attention to round or convex shaped decorations.
It is forbidden: Long dangling earrings will narrow your face even further.

Advice! If a certain part of your face has a non-standard or large shape, follow certain rules when choosing earrings.

Ear jewelry with large pendants or diamonds will significantly visually reduce a large nose.

Small earlobe - only small, elegant earrings will suit you, but those with a large earlobe should pay attention to massive earrings with a flat base.

If your chin attracts attention with its shape or size, pay attention to stud earrings with pearls and other precious stones. Such decoration will focus attention and thereby smooth out facial features.

Small girls should not wear long earrings. They will look out of place. Also, jewelry of this shape is completely unsuitable for its owners. short neck. Small studs or classic earrings will look ideal.

How to choose earrings based on skin, hair and eye color?

When answering the question “how to choose earrings based on your face type,” you must also take into account such a factor as color scheme. Below we will look at this issue in more detail.

The metal color of the earrings should be in perfect harmony with your color type:
dark-skinned For beauties with bronze skin, yellow and red gold are ideal. Girls with fair skin It is advisable to wear platinum or silver.

Advice! When choosing earrings with precious stones, consider the fact that hair and eye color also play an important role. Without a doubt, diamond earrings suit any color type, but if you have chosen a different gemstone, take our advice.

For blondes We advise you to choose light stones, cream pearls, diamond, amber, amethyst, pink coral. Jewelry with large bright or dark stones, such as ruby ​​or garnet, does not look suitable.

Red-haired girls definitely wear earrings with green emerald. You can also pay attention to red and purple colors - amethyst, ruby ​​and topaz.

Burning brunettes They prefer earrings with dark or bright stones: topaz, emerald, black or white pearls, emerald.

Eye color also plays an important role when choosing a stone in earrings:

  • Brown eyes will sparkle even more in combination with jewelry with garnet, emerald or ruby, carnelian and dark amber. Also, clear or white stones, such as diamond, pearl or rock crystal, look great.
  • Blue eyes highlighted by orange and golden colored stones. For owners of such eyes, amber, aventurine, red agate, and turquoise are recommended.
  • Black or dark eyes ideally combined with bright, rich stones - coral, amethyst, turquoise.
  • Green-eyed Beauties should buy earrings with peridot. It will highlight the incredible color of your eyes like no other.
  • Office earrings should be modest and discreet. When choosing decoration for work, adhere to business style and opt for classic studs or small, neat earrings. If there is a stone in a precious product, it is desirable that it be of a dull color or completely transparent.
  • Evening earrings characterized by their luxury and flashiness. Such decoration is most often with precious stones, which with their play give the lady even more chic. Depending on the type of evening relaxation, choose more matching decorations to match your outfit. For an informal getaway, you can opt for custom designer earrings. But under Evening Dress Long earrings with many precious stones are ideal for going to the theater.
  • Brides When choosing wedding earrings, they most often give preference to studs with light pearls, or long drop pendants. Of course, if Wedding Dress not classic white, but a more non-standard color or tailoring; ear decorations can be varied.
  • Earrings are an integral part of the image of a real woman. This type of jewelry occupies a special place, because they are designed to focus attention on the face. Today there is a huge assortment of women's earrings. The most important thing is to decide how to choose the right earrings.

    The choice of styles and types of earrings is truly endless. Jewelry can be matched to an individual face type, to an outfit, to a celebration or for every day. The whole image and impression of you as a whole depends on the right choice of earrings.

    These small jewelry can highlight the beauty, sense of style and characteristics of each representative of the fair sex. Besides, right choice allow you to hide minor imperfections. By following simple selection criteria and familiarizing yourself with the main types of earrings, you can easily create your own unique look.

    When purchasing earrings, you should pay attention to all the details. Needs to be carefully checked and assessed appearance and design. If there are stones on the earrings, you should check the quality of their fastening.

    Earrings should not be a bother to wear. Therefore, all parts in contact with the body must be of high quality. If the product contains a nail or hook, it should not injure the lobe.

    When choosing earrings for everyday wear, give preference to products that are less bright and catchy. These can be products with small stones that will fit perfectly into any look. For a festive appearance, they are suitable with large bright stones.

    Original massive earrings can be worn in the absence of jewelry on the neck. They go well with a thin chain or an elegant necklace.

    It is better for short representatives of the fair sex to avoid long dangling earrings. Stylish square-shaped items and hoop earrings will become indispensable jewelry for tall, slender girls. In addition, long earrings are suitable for tall ladies, as they compensate for the distance between the lobe and the shoulder.

    Don't forget to take into account the shape of your earlobe. Flat or matte oblong-shaped jewelry will suit a miniature lobe. If you have a thin lobe, you should prefer light and delicate products. Protruding ears will become less noticeable if you choose small earrings that do not overload the image.

    Earring options and their advantages

    There is a huge variety of earring options and each type has its own advantages. The drops look very stylish. These earrings have the shape of a teardrop or dewdrop, which is how they got their name. The drops stay firmly on the earlobe. In addition, there is a type of slightly hanging products - drops with pendants.

    Studs never go out of style. These products are a small pebble or bead. These earrings are attached to the lobe using a special stud clasp. Studs are an excellent universal option for any face type and shape.

    Very fashionable earrings are options with pendants. Such jewelry hangs below the earlobe. Products with pendants are different wide range. It is recommended to pay Special attention width.

    A classic piece of jewelry is hoop earrings. They can be any size and have the shape of a circle or oval. Small items can be attached to the lobe using special mechanisms.

    A very popular option are chandelier earrings. These decorations are distinguished by their length and bright gems. The products are appropriate for evening events. Luxurious and exquisite earrings are designed to emphasize the solemnity of the situation and the excellent taste of the owner.

    Earrings have been an adornment for the fair half of humanity for many centuries. The culture of all nations presents products designed to emphasize beauty. female face. An ear decorated with a properly selected earring looks very charming.

    Earrings are jewelry that is not so easy to choose. Age category is of great importance when purchasing products. Young girls should opt for small flat earrings with smooth surface. Decorations may not have flashy inserts or be completely simple. These earrings are designed to highlight the naturalness and tenderness of young skin without distracting attention to themselves.

    Young girls often wear earrings that vary in length and make a ringing noise when they walk. Decorations made from brightly colored plastic also work well. color range, which should match your preferred style.

    IN youth style Rings in the “hippie chic” style, as well as earrings in the form of pendants, decorated with many stones, are very popular.

    For mature ladies, large earrings with inserts of precious stones would be an excellent solution. These products will attract attention and make an accent, distracting from minor flaws. In addition, it is worth paying attention to jewelry made of precious metals.

    The choice of earrings should be approached very carefully. You cannot be guided only by external preferences. The product must fit harmoniously into the image, match the style and emphasize the advantages inherent in each age category.

    When choosing earrings, you should pay special attention to your face type. The ideal female face is considered to be a regular oval. Girls with this face shape confidently purchase any earrings. And women with an oval shape are advised to pay attention to jewelry round type which visually widen the cheekbones. Earrings with geometric shapes are very popular.

    In order to avoid visual lengthening of the face, it is recommended to abandon narrow-shaped hanging products. You should also not wear drop earrings or pendants.

    Girls with a need to visually soften the shape, namely, an expressively defined lower jaw and forehead. An excellent solution would be elongated oval earrings with laconic decor. A good option there will be drops.

    For girls with the main task is visual decrease cheek volume. Long earrings with pendants do this perfectly. An excellent choice would be products that have the shape of an inverted triangle.

    Very close to oval. To prevent visual widening of the face, avoid earrings round shape. Drop earrings and longer options such as chain earrings and pendants work well.

    Those with a heart-shaped face should pay attention to ring-shaped products, for example, pendants or rings. Such jewelry will help visually expand the lower part of the face.

    Earrings can hide visual imperfections. Studs will smooth out a prominent chin, focusing attention on the upper part of the face. Massive pendants will distract attention from a large nose.

    Features of purchasing earrings

    In the huge assortment of jewelry, a special place is occupied by the question of how to choose gold earrings. Every lady dreams of gold jewelry with a scattering of stones. First of all, you should pay attention to the cost of the product. Earrings made of pure gold and having a massive weight have a fairly high price. A lower price is typical for metal jewelry coated with a thin layer of gold. It is also worth choosing earrings according to your status and style.

    Classic earrings would be appropriate for a business meeting. Original gold items will be a decoration at a gala dinner. Laconic models will brighten up gray everyday life.

    Silver earrings have a special charm. This metal has a magical appeal and becomes appropriate in any situation. The cost of products depends on the alloy and processing technology.

    Blackened silver earrings will be an excellent setting for lovers of vintage style. Matte silver will emphasize refined taste.

    There are many counterfeits of silver. Therefore, you should not purchase products on the market. The best option There will be a special jewelry salon.

    Among other things, the choice of earrings depends on the color of your eyes and hair. To the owners gray eyes Decorations in lilac and pink colors are suitable. Turquoise earrings will decorate blue-eyed ladies. Light stones are suitable for girls with black eyes. Brown-eyed girls You should pay attention to earrings with stones in blue and green shades. Emerald colors will set off green eyes. Delicate decor and light shades will decorate blondes. And products with bright stones are suitable for brunettes and red-haired representatives of the fair sex.