What do eyelashes look like after removing extensions? Types of effects. What forms of eyelash extensions exist. Disadvantages of gel extensions

To create the effect of an expressive look, there is a modern alternative solution cosmetic makeup– eyelash extensions. Developed different kinds eyelash extensions. Each type has its own nuances that determine the result after the procedure.

This technology successfully replaces false eyelashes. What are the different types of eyelash extensions?

There are only two main ways to add:

1. Beam. The whole process takes much less time than other methods. The technology is quite simple. A small bunch of eyelashes is glued to the edge of the eyelid; there can be from 3 to 5 pieces. You can remove eyelashes yourself within a day.

2. Lash eyelash extension. A more painstaking and lengthy method, but also more effective. This technology allows you to apply a variety of effects, which ensures maximum naturalness, bend and length.

One of the subtypes of eyelash extension is incomplete or partial. The technique is ideal for those with long eyelashes. In this case, the task of artificial ones is to add volume. Therefore, they are not glued on each one in a row, but after several natural ones. The main thing is that the length of the glued ones differs from the size of the main ones. Masters use the listed types of professional extensions depending on the desired result. They select various designs, types and effects, as well as materials for making eyelashes.

What materials are used to make eyelashes?

Types of eyelash extensions are divided by raw material. Natural materials are not used for false eyelashes so as not to cause allergic reactions. Any artificial hairs are synthetic substitutes. They are conventionally divided into three modifications:

  • mink;
  • silk;
  • sable.

1. Mink is universal. Any eyelash extension technology can be performed using mink. Provides the effect of fluffy hairs with natural makeup.

2. Silk is much thicker, but very light. Has a glossy surface. Its use allows you to create thick eyelashes, well suited for brittle and thin natural eyelashes.

3. Sable is the densest and thickest synthetic fiber. This material makes the appearance of eyelashes theatrical, but creates a feeling of heaviness on the eyelids.

The hairs are always glued with transparent glue to create the effect of real eyelashes.

Adding expressiveness with volume

Except different ways gluing, it is possible to select the desired volume effect. They differ in complexity and execution time, and the quality of the material used. Basic schemes and types of volumetric eyelash extensions:

  • Partial (incomplete volume). The lightest technology. Used to achieve a natural look. Artificial ones are glued only to the outer corner of the eye. Not in a row, but by skipping a few natural ones. The look becomes completely natural and expressive.
  • The full amount. For each of its own, one synthetic one is added. With this technique, eyelashes of different thicknesses or lengths are used, which provides a diverse effect. Eyelashes look lush in any case.
  • One and a half volume. This method, with a good level of skill from a specialist, is suitable for changing the shape of the eyes. Each one is duplicated with a synthetic one, and two are glued in the correction areas.
  • Double (2D volume). It costs more. The technology requires twice as much time, material and work experience. Each one is duplicated with two artificial ones. The expressiveness of the eyes becomes amazing.
  • Triple (3D) volume. The most labor-intensive and expensive type. The amount of materials used increases even more. Each natural eyelash serves as an attachment point for three or more synthetic ones. Only a high-level professional can achieve the required result.

The grace of added effect

In addition, using eyelash extension schemes, masters create unique effects. The basis is a combination of different lengths of synthetic hairs. A review of possible options will help you choose the most convenient one.

  1. Ordinary. For work, take short hairs of the same length. As a result, the eyelashes look clearer and are as close to natural as possible. The execution technology is classic.
  2. Natural. The name already suggests that this eyelash extension is suitable for any representative of the fair half. Very popular due to its remarkable results. This type of effect collects the most best reviews female patients. Eyelashes look natural and expressive without makeup. Synthetic hairs take different lengths, but natural appearance is completely preserved.
  3. "Fox". Available in three lengths. The outer corner of the eye visually becomes longer, the look takes on a tinge of sensuality.
  4. Puppet. It attracts attention due to its acquired flirtatious look. Eyelashes of the longest length are selected, while the eye looks like a doll. IN Everyday life quite inconvenient. The length of the eyelashes on the inner corner is too long. This option is short-lived.
  5. Squirrel. This look helps visually lift the outer corners. Synthetic hairs are chosen in different lengths - short and longest. Long ones are placed on the outer corner of the eyes, short ones are placed on the remaining eyelashes.
  6. Cocktail. The technology of alternating lengths is used. As an option, take thick eyelashes (sable) and thin ones (mink).
  7. Sparse. The same method of alternation, only the eyelashes are glued not side by side, but evenly after some distance. Be sure to follow the order of gluing short and long hairs.
  8. Multicolor. To do this, use colored eyelashes. The shade depends on the imagination of the client or the artist. Use different tones and in any combination. Multi-colored hairs are glued in groups or mixed with black ones, or only in the corners. The technology is more complex, but the result is worth it.

The abundance of eyelash extension options available can make it difficult to choose. In this case, it is good to take the advice of professionals and the experience of those who have already done the procedure:

  • see photos before and after the session;
  • read the description of each type of technology;
  • analyze customer reviews.

The most important condition is to treat changes in appearance responsibly. Any type of eyelash extension should only be performed by a specialist.

We evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure

To get the maximum effect, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of eyelash extension technology. The advantages are impressive:

  • One procedure replaces daily application and rinsing of mascara. The savings on the cost of cosmetics and time are obvious. The glued eyelashes last until your own eyelashes grow back, from one to three months. Further maintenance of beauty will require adjustments.
  • Artificial hairs tolerate moisture well. This helps you not have to worry about going to the pool or having a few tears.
  • Eyelash extensions give elegant volume, so curling with tweezers is canceled.
  • It is possible to visually adjust the shape of the eyes.
  • After the harmonious arrangement of eyelashes, the look becomes more expressive.

Among the disadvantages it is worth highlighting:

  • The need to take special care when wearing makeup. You need to apply the shadow very gently on your eyelids. Excessive touches can be harmful, and some compounds can even dissolve the glue. Eyelash extension technology requires using only mild makeup removers after the procedure.
  • Contact lens wearers will need to be able to put them on and off without putting too much pressure on their eyelashes.
  • Fatty eyelid oils are contraindicated at this time. You should also avoid oil-based creams.
  • You will have to give up the habit of sleeping face down. Such a strong mechanical impact will lead to the complete falling off of the glued hairs.
  • Those with oily skin will need time to care for it more often. Good cleansing will help keep eyelashes longer.
  • After removing the glued hairs, your own eyelashes may seem very small.

Despite some inconveniences, the list of advantages of the technique is quite extensive. But you will have to refrain from the session in cases where:

  • Increased tearfulness of the eyes. This happens with any viral disease, runny nose, or common cold.
  • Diseases of the eyelids or eyes have been diagnosed. After recovery, you can safely go to the specialist for the procedure.
  • Your eyelid skin type is very oily. In this case, it is better to refuse eyelash extensions. They won't last long.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • There is individual immunity to any components. A simple allergy test can help.

If the listed factors are absent, you can sign up for eyelash extensions. Before doing this, it is recommended to dye light hairs in a more dark shade, otherwise after the session they will differ in color. Otherwise, the result will add more confidence and free time.

What girl doesn't dream of long and fluffy eyelashes? However, not everyone is naturally blessed with such wealth. But is this a reason to despair when you can become the owner of a charming look in just a couple of hours, just by adding eyelash extensions? What you need to know before going on this trip popular procedure, says lash maker, general director of the School of Beautiful Business and author of methods for eyelash extensions and decoration - Eva Bond.

Eyelash extensions: pros and cons

We can talk endlessly about the advantages of eyelash extensions: they make the look more expressive and do not require additional coloring with mascara. As a rule, if a girl has eyelash extensions, she does makeup much less often - her appearance is already spectacular. Artificial eyelashes They save you during vacation - when you want to look your best, but have no desire to put on makeup. Technology has advanced so far that people around you won’t even notice that your eyelashes are not your own. You should give up this truly miraculous invention only if you are allergic to the drugs used in the process - glue, for example, or are used to sleeping with your face in a pillow - then there will be no trace of new eyelashes after a week.

Artificial eyelashes are made from synthetic monofilament and have a number of characteristics depending on their length, thickness, curl and color. The most popular length of eyelash extensions is 7-12 mm.

Artificial eyelashes come in different colors, but the main ones are black and brown. Also, artificial eyelashes vary in type: mink (matte, very soft and thin), silk (glossy, deep black), sable (dense with the effect of painted eyelashes).

Choice of length and shape

Eyelash length is a parameter that is selected individually. Here, like a tailor, you need to ask to “try on” the desired length in front of the mirror and approve it. When choosing a shape, you should be guided by very clear rules, one of which states that you cannot glue eyelashes of maximum length in the outer corners of your eyes. Eyelashes can sag, and this will automatically make your look heavier. It is best to focus on the shape of the eyebrows and glue eyelashes of maximum length under the highest point of the eyebrow.


Black eyelashes, as a rule, suit brunettes and dark blonds, brown - blondes and redheads (it softens facial features and looks very gentle). There are also colored eyelashes. They can be added to the main color in proportions of 70:30. For example, green suits the eyes the following combination: 70% black eyelashes and 30% green. This type of work is called coloring.

There is another type - zoning, which involves highlighting one specific area with color, for example, the outer corner of the eyes. Colored eyelashes look very beautiful and attract attention.


The curl of the eyelashes also varies and is usually indicated by letters. There are 6 types. The choice of a curve that suits you depends both on your desire and on the anatomical structure of the eye.

The most natural results are obtained by curves marked J and B, the effect of “doll eyes” - D and CC. If your natural eyelashes are naturally curved, then the most popular curve is recommended for them - C. More daring girls can try the L-curve - the most extravagant.

Types of eyelash extensions and volume

To create the “a la naturel” effect, you need to choose the classic extension technique, when one artificial eyelash is glued to one natural eyelash. Girls who prefer to get a more expressive look need to choose the 2D volumetric eyelash extension technique: here the parameters are 2 to 1.

Well, if at some holiday or event you want to amaze everyone with thick and fluffy eyelashes, velvet mega-volume is ideal. Eyelash extensions in bunches are suitable for you if you want to “open up” your eyes for a short period of time: they can be worn for a week maximum.

Today, on the way to work, I saw a pretty girl and realized to whom the musicians of the Brothers Grimm group dedicated the song “Clap your eyelashes and take off.” From the flutter of her eyelashes, not only could she fly up, but without any problems with her, a couple more gaping passers-by would have risen into the air. It was this cutie with a doll-like look that gave me the idea for this article.

Today it is difficult to find “natural” beauty, natural hair, real nails, natural eyelashes. In pursuit of the ideal, girls are ready to make any sacrifice, just to prove to nature that she spared the source material for their appearance. Of course, eyes are the mirror of our soul, and eyelashes are the accessory that, by clapping them, you can achieve everything a woman’s soul desires. While I was preparing the article, I caught myself thinking that I was constantly looking at the girls’ eyes and trying to understand “mine” or “sable, mink or silk”?

Types of eyelash extensions. How to choose.

By the way, the fact that artificial eyelashes are called by animal names does not mean at all that the fiber is of animal origin. This is a 100% synthetic product, otherwise allergies would be unavoidable. This is just how common people define the thickness of eyelashes, although now manufacturers quite often indicate an alternative name on the packaging. So, The thickness of eyelash extensions varies : sable (kolinsky) - 0.10mm, mink - 0.15mm, silk - 0.20mm.

Silk eyelashes look the most natural, they can be worn for up to 2 months, mink eyelash extensions are the brightest, they are voluminous and have a characteristic shine; As for sable, these eyelashes are more for holidays - they are spectacular, hard and dense, so they are a little uncomfortable for daily wear.

Eyelash length depends on your desire and varies from 6 to 20mm. Judging by the reviews, the most popular are 8, 10, 12 and 14mm. Typically, longer ones are used in modeling business, for a photo session or film. But among mere mortals there are also many adventurers. To make sure you don’t make a mistake with the length of your eyelashes, just measure your fallen eyelash and choose the same length, or a little more.

The third criterion for choosing eyelash extensions is their bend . In fact, I found several classifications, but basically the essence is the same: B – straight, J or L – the closest to natural curve, when the eyelash is curved closer to the edge (such a bend will help visually lift the drooping eyelid), C – curved (opens the eye), CC/B or D - strong curve (helps correct eyelashes growing downwards).

Well, of course, there is no friend according to taste and color. The fourth criterion for choosing eyelashes is color . In addition to the standard eyelash palette, you can even stick on orange ones for yourself - the main thing is that you like it.

To make it easier for you to understand all this and choose the right eyelashes for yourself, see short video at the end of the article.

The material from which the eyelashes are made is absolutely safe and cannot cause allergies. However, the glue that the master uses may well harm your eyes. Therefore, a good specialist always uses hypoallergenic cyanoacrylate-based glue so that it dries instantly. Beginners, as a rule, use resin-based glue: it dries much more slowly, which gives the unfortunate master the opportunity to correct an unsuccessfully applied eyelash, but can cause allergies. Liquid glue, unlike resin adhesives, is applied in a thinner layer, without lumps, and dries faster. But, in any case, it is important that a master works with the glue, since any glue produces fumes that can irritate the eyes and mucous membranes. The faster the procedure is over, the less your eyes will have to suffer, and the less glue they apply to you, the more natural the fake eyelashes will look and the longer they will last you.

Extension techniques

There are two eyelash extension technologies - beam (Hollywood) and eyelash (Japanese) . Essentially, the beam method involves gluing a bundle of 5-7 artificial eyelashes onto one of your eyelashes. However, this technology requires more frequent correction, because any loss of eyelashes is a gap in the eyelid. And this is an incredible load for your own eyelashes. It’s difficult for them to bear one on top, but here is a whole bunch.

As for eyelash extensions, this is the most popular technique today, which has several options. Helps achieve the most natural effect full build-up, since every (!) natural eyelash is glued to an artificial one. Can Extend eyelashes only on the corners of the eyes , which will give the look playfulness. With incomplete extension The artificial fiber is not glued to each eyelash, but after a certain interval, creating the effect of individually grown eyelashes. For those whom nature has deprived of the number of eyelashes, but not their thickness, an excellent option would be double row extension or 3 D-building (when two more are glued onto one natural eyelash, and they can be of different thicknesses and lengths).

Effects of eyelash extensions

Thanks to the ability to choose eyelash length, thickness, color and extension technology, you can achieve any effect: natural (eyelashes are the same size as real ones), fox effect (due to the use of longer eyelashes on the outer corner of the eyelid, a very sensual look is created), puppet (the effect of using long eyelashes all over the eyelid, including the lower one, gives your eyes a doll-like appearance), squirrel effect (the use of very long eyelashes at the edge of the eyelid resembles brushes, like a squirrel), rarefied (long and short eyelashes alternate in a certain order, creating the appearance of real eyelashes, which are far from the same length), multicolor (eyelash extensions of various colors). In addition, you can always decorate your new eyelashes with rhinestones, feathers, sparkles and a lot of other things.

How does the build-up happen?

Once you have decided what you want to achieve after extensions, the master gets down to business. Eyelash extension procedure - a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process and can take you from 1 to 3 hours. And even more. So be prepared and be patient. No painful or discomfort there should not be any during the procedure, keep this in mind. First, the master will remove makeup from your eyes, and then by special means will remove natural fats from eyelashes. Now having assessed the “front” of the work, the specialist must finally help you decide on the choice, length and number of eyelashes, because one eyelid can have from 50 to 600 eyelashes! The lower eyelid is covered with a special collagen mask(with a pad) so that the upper and lower cilia do not stick together. Once the decision is made, the eyelashes are degreased again with a special composition and dried. After this, the master begins the gluing procedure itself. The work is very meticulous, because you need to select a different thickness for each eyelash, you need to carefully glue it so that the joints are not visible. Any mistake by the master will result in the loss of your own eyelash. When the work is done, the extension specialist once again checks all the eyelashes to ensure that there are no tears, gluing or other defects, and if everything is in order, he removes the collagen pads from the lower eyelids. Now you can evaluate your new eyelashes yourself.

How to care for extensionseyelashes

Also, if you come for extensions for the first time, they must tell you how to care for your eyelashes so that their beauty lasts as long as possible. In essence, there is nothing complicated. You should not get your eyelashes wet for the first couple of hours after the procedure. During the “exploitation” of eyelash extensions, you should not rub your eyes, sleep with your face in the pillow, you should limit water procedures directly for eyelashes, including reducing the number of trips to swimming pools, saunas (especially saunas, since due to high temperature eyelashes may melt, straighten, or fade); To remove makeup, use only non-greasy substances and not alcohol-based, but it is best to wash off makeup around the eyes cotton swab without touching the eyelashes. And of course with these beautiful eyes You just can't afford to cry, so you decide to get eyelash extensions - forget about tears and any other effects of salt water.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

In general, our own eyelashes last from 60 to 90 days. That is, in 3 months the eyelash lives its entire life. Accordingly, eyelash extensions will definitely not be able to last longer. Having made such beauty, for example, on summer period, it is advisable to adjust them once a month. Correction by a specialist is necessary to replace lost or injured eyelashes.

How to remove eyelash extensions

There are many publications on other sites about how to remove eyelashes at home - apply cream or oil. My advice is to never experiment, but have your eyelashes removed by a specialist. While I was preparing the article, I read so many reviews about how girls took pictures at home and pulled out half of their eyelashes along with their extensions. Once you have decided on this matter, bring everything to the end!

Eyelash extensions – safe or not?

Eyelash extensions are considered a safe procedure. However, there are still contraindications: you should not do it during critical days, in case of hormonal imbalance, if you have conjunctivitis or other eye diseases, such as lacrimation, and also if your eyelashes are very weak, or you just need to let them rest after a series of constant build-ups.

The basic principle of eyelash extensions is extremely simple: the required number of natural (mink, sable, silk) or artificial (nylon) eyelashes are glued to your own eyelashes individually or in bunches. This allows you not only to give the eyelashes the desired color, volume and shape, but also, if desired, to correct the shape of the eyes. When selecting a specific type of extension, it is necessary to take into account the initial condition of the eyelashes, the shape of the eye, and the type of face shape, since the result of the extension will directly depend on this.

The extension procedure takes quite a long time (about 1.5-2 hours), but it is comfortable and completely painless. Throughout its entire length you will lie with your eyes closed, after which you can immediately return to to the usual way life. Artificial eyelashes are comfortable to wear and feel indistinguishable from your own. Moreover, this procedure is completely safe for health, since all materials used in the process undergo mandatory dermatological examination.

To glue artificial eyelashes, a special waterproof and hypoallergenic glue is used, designed specifically for this purpose. This glue can be completely transparent or black. In the first case, the eyelashes look as natural as possible, and in the second, you can create the effect of permanent eyeliner if desired.

Important point: if you have already had an allergic reaction to glue for false eyelashes, or you have recently suffered from conjunctivitis, be sure to inform the specialist about this. Perhaps you should postpone the procedure for some time or refuse to perform it altogether.

Pros and cons of eyelash extensions

The eyelash extension procedure has many undeniable advantages, but at the same time there are a sufficient number of contraindications and simply important nuances that should definitely be taken into account. Therefore, before deciding on it, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons. When choosing such an important part of your daily look as eyelash extensions, reviews from other clients play a role important role. This will help you not only decide on the choice of salon, but also understand whether this procedure is right for you.

So, among the undeniable advantages of this procedure are:

  • the ability to easily get expressive, lush eyelashes;
  • no need to dye your eyelashes every day - your eyes always look perfect;
  • natural beautiful curve of eyelash extensions, which eliminates the need to curl them;
  • eyelash extensions are not afraid of water, which means that mascara will not run on them in the rain or from tears;
  • eyelash extensions look as natural as possible and do not cause discomfort to sensitive eye skin;
  • the modern eyelash extension procedure is completely safe for health;
  • artificial eyelashes are glued to the skin of the eyelid, so there is no risk of your own eyelashes falling out;
  • Eyelash extensions go well with contact lenses.

But with all the advantages, the procedure has its disadvantages, which should definitely be taken into account even if you have no medical contraindications. Eyelash extensions are definitely not for you if:

  • have chronic conjunctivitis or other eye diseases;
  • you are pregnant - it is best to postpone the eyelash extension procedure;
  • your own eyelashes are too thin;
  • the skin of your eyelids is very dry and requires ongoing care using moisturizing and nourishing lotions;
  • you are allergic to glue for gluing eyelashes or have an individual intolerance to the material from which artificial eyelashes are made.

Tangible disadvantages of eyelash extensions:

  • the need for frequent (every 3-4 weeks) correction;
  • contact lenses significantly reduce the lifespan of eyelash extensions;
  • inability to use fatty creams and oils to care for eyelashes;
  • if you have oily skin, you will have to cleanse the skin around your eyes with lotion quite often, otherwise your eyelashes risk falling off much faster;
  • you need to handle eyelash extensions with the utmost care: do not rub your eyes unnecessarily, carefully remove makeup and sleep on your back so that the eyelashes do not rub against the pillow;
  • After removing the eyelash extensions, the difference in their length and thickness compared to your natural eyelashes will be quite noticeable.

Types of eyelash extensions and extension technology

Now is the time to decide on the types and types of eyelash extensions, since it is from them the right choice It depends on how successful your image will be as a result. All artificial eyelashes vary in type of material, length and color.

The length of the eyelashes can be:

  • long (18 mm)
  • medium (12 mm);
  • short (10 mm)

According to the degree of bending of eyelashes there are:

  • straight - B;
  • curved - C;
  • curved closer to the edge - L;
  • strongly curved - SS/B.

By color they can be:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • colored.

According to the material, eyelashes differ in:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

Eyelashes can vary significantly in the degree of density, stiffness, and degree of curl. This depends on the individual properties of the material from which they are made. The most natural effect is provided by the so-called silk eyelashess, known for their softness and ductility. At the same time, girls with eyelash extensions often prefer the most natural material for extensions.

And if you are a fan of voluminous, spectacularly shiny eyelashes, mink eyelash extensions are perfect for you. A for special occasions it is worth using extensions with dense and elastic “sable” eyelashes. True, in everyday life such eyelashes may look somewhat unnatural. All these types of eyelashes are made from special synthetic microfiber.

Advice: give preference to eyelash extensions from natural materials. Despite the fact that this will significantly increase the cost of the procedure, such eyelashes look extremely natural and help avoid health problems.

There are three most popular extension techniques. The so-called Japanese method involves gluing artificial eyelashes, starting from the outer corner of the eye with a gradual decrease in the degree of their density. The second most popular technique is the so-called 3D extension, which allows you to get fantastic volume by adding eyelashes in 2 rows. Another interesting method is the so-called corner extensions, which allows you to extend eyelashes only in the outer corners of the eyes. This great way visually give your eyes a great “almond-shaped” look.

Regardless of which technique you prefer, the technology will be the same in all cases.

  • Makeup is carefully removed from the eyes and the eyelashes are degreased.
  • The specialist selects the required number of artificial eyelashes and, if necessary, collects them in bunches.
  • Special strips are applied to the lower eyelids to prevent them from sticking to the upper eyelids.
  • Next, the master applies glue to each artificial eyelash and places them sequentially on the skin of the eyelid between your own.
  • Once all the eyelashes are in place, the procedure is complete!

Effects of eyelash extensions or their corners. Photo selection before and after

Depending on what type of look you want to achieve as a result, not only a specific technique is selected, but also an application configuration that allows you to achieve the desired effect. And if you want something completely unusual, you can use a creative extension procedure using multi-colored eyelashes, feathers and even rhinestones that are attached directly to the eyelashes. Of course, such bold makeup would be completely inappropriate in the office during the day, but for a special occasion or a photo shoot - why not?


With the “fox” type of extension, eyelashes of different lengths are used. Due to this, the outer corner of the eyes visually lengthens, and your eyes look delightfully feminine, and your gaze acquires the necessary depth.

The fox effect significantly lengthens the eyelashes precisely in the outer corner.


The natural effect is achieved through uniform distribution along the entire length of the eyelid there are cilia of the same length. To create it, eyelashes 10 millimeters long are most often used, which allows you to “mix” them with your family as much as possible.


The luxurious “doll” effect is achieved by uniformly gluing 18 mm long eyelashes onto the eyelid. This extension option is perfect when you need to look simply stunning for several days or weeks! But it’s not very suitable as an everyday option - long eyelashes will fall off very quickly.


With the “squirrel” effect, two types of eyelashes are used - short and long - due to their competent combination: gluing long eyelashes at the outer corners of the eyes and short ones along the entire remaining length of the eyelid. Your look will take on a very mysterious and slightly sly look.


A very interesting “sparse” effect can be obtained by alternating very short and longest eyelashes. Due to this, the finished eyelashes look natural, mixing with the uneven growing of your own eyelashes.


Creative fantasy extensions using artificial eyelashes of different colors: blue, green, pink, burgundy, brown, yellow and so on. It's time to use your imagination and create a bright, unique look using eyelashes of different lengths and colors. The option in which most of the eyelashes will be yours looks very feminine and at the same time discreet. natural color, and in the outer corners there will be splashes of colored eyelashes.

Frequently asked questions when doing eyelash extensions yourself at home

Such an important procedure as eyelash extensions predictably raises a lot of questions: in this case, every little detail is important, and the wrong choice can cost you not only a spoiled mood, but also a significant amount of money spent on the procedure. What should you consider first?

Is there an allergy to eyelash extensions?

Very rarely, but it happens. As, indeed, with any other synthetic material. Despite the fact that the procedure uses eyelashes made from a material that is completely safe for health and a special hypoallergenic glue, an individual reaction may still occur.

Can eyelash extensions be dyed?

It's possible, but it doesn't make sense. They themselves are quite bright and are an excellent replacement for mascara.. But intensive makeup removers can lead to premature eyelash loss.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

From 1.5 to 4 weeks. The longer the eyelashes, the faster they will gradually begin to fall off. However, by regularly making corrections and properly caring for them, you can keep your eyes looking beautiful for months.

Features of caring for eyelash extensions

Applying makeup, as well as removing it in this case, also has its own characteristics. To ensure that your new eyelashes last as long as possible, follow these simple rules:

  • Apply eye makeup and remove it very carefully.
  • Avoid using too much moisturizing creams and lotions on the skin around your eyes. Like fatty creams, such cosmetical tools accelerate the loss of eyelash extensions.

How to care for eyelashes?

Eyelash extensions cannot withstand high ambient temperatures and intense exposure at all. When going to the sauna or solarium, be prepared for the fact that you will need eyelash correction very soon. Also, you should be extremely careful with the pool - in this case, your eyelashes may also partially “float away” ahead of time.

Correction of eyelash extensions

The “life” of eyelash extensions is short, and in just a few weeks you will need their correction. During this process, the stylist will trim the contour of the eyelashes, gluing new eyelashes in place of the ones that have already fallen out.

Eyelash removers

You can remove eyelash extensions using a special liquid, the so-called dendbonder, which dissolves the glue. It allows you to easily and safely remove unnecessary or boring eyelashes. If you don’t have it at hand, then any essential oil, rich face cream.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself at home?

This is done very easily. Apply the eyelash remover to a cotton pad and then gently wipe your eyelids with it several times until all the artificial eyelashes are in your hands. Your own eyelashes do not require any special additional care after removing your extensions!

It just so happened that some people got a luxurious appearance from nature, which does not require adjustments. But many of us are not happy with the gifts received by nature; we want to remove, supplement, correct, build up in order to look more attractive. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyelashes are its frame, so it’s not a sin to make it beautiful, and most importantly, modern technologies allow this. What eyelash extensions look like, expert reviews about this procedure, as well as its advantages and disadvantages - you can learn all this from this article.

Features of extension

Eyelash extensions are the procedure of gluing artificial eyelashes in small bunches or one at a time using a special glue.

Before performing the procedure, the specialist must remove old makeup, clean and degrease the skin of the eyelids. After which you and the specialist should discuss what length you prefer and what color of eyelashes you like best. Then you need to decide on the type of extension, and only then the specialist can start working.

Despite the fact that eyelash extensions are a completely simple procedure, it is very labor-intensive. The master arms himself with special tweezers and, with the most careful movements, attaches false eyelashes to the base of your own.

If the master does everything correctly, the eyelashes will be almost invisible, and your eyes will look natural. You can wear these eyelashes for about three months, but after three weeks you will need correction of your eyelash extensions.

Density and length of eyelashes

In most cases, the specialist combines different thicknesses and lengths of eyelashes for any type of extension. For example, artificial long eyelashes are glued to the outer corner of the eye. This allows you to give your look a special sensuality and depth. However, it is important to have a sense of proportion so that the eyelashes do not look too artificial and ridiculous.

But medium and short eyelashes are applied to the middle part of the eyelid. Because this is how they will look natural and natural.


Despite the fact that artificial eyelashes are named after animals, this does not mean that the material is of animal origin. This is a 100% synthetic product, otherwise allergies would be unavoidable. In this way, the thickness of the cilia is simply determined, and manufacturers only need to indicate an alternative name on the packaging. The following types are distinguished by thickness:

  • Silk - 0.2 mm.
  • Mink - 0.15 mm.
  • Sable - 0.1 mm.

The first option looks the most natural; silk eyelashes can be worn for two months. The brightest are mink, they look three-dimensional and have a characteristic shine. Sable eyelashes are more suitable for special occasions; they are dense, hard and spectacular. They are not very comfortable for daily wear.


The length of the eyelashes is selected depending on your wishes; it can be from 6 to 20 mm. The most popular lengths are 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm. In the modeling business, for films or photo shoots, longer eyelashes are used. However, there are some adventurers who wear long eyelash extensions at home. But in order not to make a mistake with the length, you can measure your own fallen eyelash and choose the same one, but a little longer.


Another selection criterion is the curvature of the eyelash extensions. There are several main classifications:

  • B - straight bend.
  • J or L is the curl closest to natural; the eyelash bends closer to the edge. This bend allows you to visually lift drooping eyelids.
  • C - this bend visually opens the eye.
  • CC/B or D is the strongest curve, allowing you to correct eyelashes that grow downward.


The last criterion is color. In addition to the classic palette, you can even choose red eyelash extensions (review below), the main thing is that you like it yourself.

In addition, new eyelashes can always be decorated with sparkles, feathers, rhinestones and many other decorative elements.

Glue for extensions

The material from which the eyelashes are made is completely safe and cannot cause allergies. But the glue that the master uses can harm your eyes. That's why good master For work, she always uses a hypoallergenic composition based on cyanoacrylates, which are necessary for instant drying of the glue.

Beginning craftsmen very often use resin-based glue. This composition dries much more slowly, which makes it possible for a beginner to correct an unsuccessfully applied eyelash, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

Unlike resin adhesives, liquid glue dries faster, lays down without lumps, and most importantly, in a thin layer. In any case, the main thing is that a competent specialist works with the glue, since any option produces fumes that can irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. The faster the procedure is completed, the less pain your eyes will have to suffer, and the less glue they apply to you, the longer the fake eyelashes will last, and the more natural they will look.

Extension technique

There are two main extension technologies: Japanese (eyelash) and Hollywood (beam). In the latter case, a bunch of 3-5 artificial eyelashes is glued onto one of your eyelashes. But this technology involves frequent correction, so when there is loss on the eyelid, a gap is formed. And an incredible load is placed on your own eyelashes.

If we talk about eyelash extensions, today this is the most popular technique, with several options available. Maximum natural effect allows you to achieve full extensions; in this case, an artificial eyelash is glued to each eyelash.

To give your look a playful look, you can add eyelash extensions only to the corners of your eyes. Incomplete extensions involve fixing artificial fiber not on each eyelash, but after a certain interval, thereby creating the effect of individually grown eyelashes.

For women whom nature has endowed with the thickness of eyelashes, but not their quantity, the ideal option would be 3D extensions, or two-row extensions, when two more are attached to one of your own eyelashes, and they can be various lengths and thickness.

The effect of eyelash extensions

The ability to choose extension technology, color, thickness and length of eyelashes allows you to achieve any effect. For example:

  • Natural effect- artificial eyelashes fully match the size of your own.
  • Fox effect- by using longer eyelashes on the outer corner of the eyelid, a sensual look is created.
  • Puppet effect- using long eyelashes all over the eyelid, including the lower one, allows you to give your look a “doll” look.

Main types of extensions

As mentioned above, today there are two main extension techniques. In the first case, the eyelashes are glued in small bunches, and in the second, they look more natural, since the eyelashes are glued individually. So, let's take a closer look at these types of eyelash extensions.

Bundle extensions

This method is the fastest and most economical, resulting in long and lush eyelashes. It consists in the fact that a specialist attaches bunches of artificial or natural eyelashes to increase volume. As a rule, they consist of 3-5 cilia. Regarding the length and density, you can express your wishes. The master must take this into account.

The advantage of this extension is that now you are not afraid of rain or tears. After all, the eyelashes will remain in order, and the mascara will not run. There is no need to waste time in the morning when you are in a hurry to work, and in the evening when you really want to sleep.

But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages of this type of extension. The most important disadvantage can be smoothed out if you find a competent and knowledgeable specialist. If we compare bun extensions with eyelash extensions, the first option does not look so natural.

How long do eyelash extensions last? So, another disadvantage of this extension is that after 2-3 weeks you will need correction. And this, in turn, can affect your finances, since the extension itself is not cheap at all.

Lash extension

This species is also very often called Japanese. In this case, the procedure will take a little longer, since painstaking work will be performed to apply each eyelash. However, it is worth it, since as a result, hardly anyone will notice that your eyelashes are not naturally beautiful.

The principle of extension is that each eyelash is carefully placed on the lower edge of the eyelid. In this case, the types of eyelash extensions can be made from any materials.

The extension using Japanese technology lasts for about 2-3 months, correction will be required after a month.

Which technique should you choose?

IN in this case It is impossible to say exactly which technique is bad and which is good, since each specific event will have its own option. In addition, every woman is individual.

For example, for a big celebration, wedding or performance, you can add eyelash extensions in bunches. For everyday life, as well as if you plan to wear eyelash extensions at sea (reviews from women confirm this), it is better to resort to Japanese technology.


So, before you start extensions, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to artificial eyelashes and special glue. In order to minimize the possibility of allergies to the material from which eyelashes are made, you can use natural options.

And to check the glue for unwanted reactions, it is recommended to stick several eyelashes for a while. If no redness or other reactions appear, then the adhesive composition is suitable for you.

If you very often have eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, then eyelash extensions (reviews from experts confirm this) are not your option. Also, you should not contact extension specialists if you have very oily or dry skin on your eyelids, as well as very weak eyelashes. In this case, your eyelashes will not last long.

Actually, this is the whole list of warnings. If you do not experience such reactions, then you can safely get eyelash extensions.


So, let's look at the disadvantages of eyelash extensions in bunches:

  • Since the beam is fixed on its own eyelash, which is not able to withstand such weight for a long time, the extension does not last long.
  • Excessive length and fluffiness. Unfortunately, it will immediately be clear that this beauty is artificial.

Another thing is extensions using Japanese technology, when a specialist carefully attaches one artificial eyelash to one eyelash of the client.


What are the advantages of eyelash extensions?

  • Naturalness. As a result, your eyes look as if they are framed by their own beautiful eyelashes.
  • Durability. On average, eyelashes fall out once every 5 days, and the artificial one is lost. As a result, corrections have to be made less frequently, since the “gap” is almost unnoticeable, compared to the loss of an entire beam.

Who shouldn't get eyelash extensions?

Naturally, among the “unlucky ones” there will be those who suffer from frequent colds, which are accompanied by allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, and watery eyes. In this case, damage to eyelash extensions is inevitable. Women who have oily skin eyelids, and those who like to sleep face down on a pillow should also not have eyelash extensions, as they will not last long.

If you still decide to get eyelash extensions at sea (reviews from experts about this procedure below) or for a special event, then first of all evaluate the condition of your eyelashes, since artificial eyelashes will be attached to them. If they are weak by nature, they will quickly disappear as a result. But if you really want to build them up, first nourish your own eyelashes.


Caring for eyelash extensions is quite simple. In order for them to last as long as possible, certain requirements must be met:

  • So, first of all, you need to give up the habit of constantly rubbing your eyes and your eyelashes will not fall off.
  • From the moment you get eyelash extensions, you should also eliminate another habit - sleeping with your face in the pillow.
  • You should also not paint your eyelash extensions with mascara. Since artificial eyelashes are already expressive and black, they can be damaged when washing off the mascara.
  • You should also avoid using makeup removers, as they may contain components that can peel off beauty extensions.
  • How to wash your face with eyelash extensions? You should wash your face with water very carefully, you don’t need to rub your eyes, you should just rinse. You cannot use greasy cream.
  • If you wear contact lenses, this may also contribute to the shorter lifespan of your artificial eyelashes.
  • Since eyelash extensions are sensitive to heat, visits to baths and saunas should be eliminated or reduced.
  • Artificial eyelashes do not tolerate chlorinated water in the pool.

Caring for your eyelash extensions is very important, so in order for them to last you as long as possible, you must comply with the requirements listed above.

How to remove eyelashes yourself?

If you decide to remove artificial eyelashes ahead of time, then this is quite simple. Not every girl constantly gets eyelash extensions. For example, you got eyelash extensions for your anniversary or wedding, but the very next day you wanted to take them off.

The usual will help you in this case vegetable oil, which in the evening is carefully applied along the eyelash line. In the morning, the eyelashes should fall off, but if this does not happen, then you need to contact your salon specialist.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

On average, your own eyelashes last approximately 60-90 days. In other words, an eyelash lives its life in 3 months. Accordingly, eyelash extensions will definitely not be able to last longer. If you make such beauty, for example, for the summer, you will have to adjust them monthly. Correction by a specialist is required to replace injured or fallen eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions: expert review

Eyelash extensions are a safe procedure. But, as mentioned above, there are contraindications: experts do not recommend doing it in case of hormonal imbalance, during menstrual periods. If you often have eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, tearing or your own eyelashes are very weak, then it is advisable to give them a break from constant extensions.

Most experts claim that professional extensions cannot harm your natural eyelashes, but, unfortunately, there is not a single confirmation of these words. Owners of artificial luxurious eyelashes claim that even if the eyelash does not fall off along with the extension, it will subsequently still become weak and thin. Therefore, after you remove false eyelashes, be sure to treat your own castor oil. This will help restore them from stress, and most importantly, strengthen them.


So, before you decide to get eyelash extensions (the price of such a procedure is on average 1000 rubles), you need to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of this event. First of all, evaluate the condition of your own eyes. Artificial eyelashes require some restrictions. For example, you need to know how to wash your face with eyelash extensions correctly, as well as much more, as mentioned above.

However, if you are absolutely sure that such beauty requires these sacrifices, then do not hesitate, the fluttering of long fluffy eyelashes and a luxurious look will serve as an excellent reward for your labors.