How to give birth to a baby naturally. How to give birth to a baby naturally Give birth to a healthy baby after

Having a baby is an experience that many women wish they could go through without unnecessary medical intervention, such as an epidural or other pain medications. If you want to have your baby as naturally as possible, you'll need to plan ahead. With careful planning, support from loved ones, and mental preparation, you can have a natural birth.


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    Find out if natural childbirth is right for you. Natural childbirth is not always possible. For some diseases and complications, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, natural childbirth can be difficult or too risky.

    • If your pregnancy is at high risk, the possibility of a natural birth should be discussed with your doctor. Some women can give birth naturally, but only if they are monitored by a doctor and carefully monitored for any complications.
  1. Enjoy all the benefits of natural childbirth. Find out everything positive sides natural childbirth - this will keep you motivated throughout the process. Here are some reasons why you might be attracted to natural birth:

    • Natural childbirth can protect you and your baby from stress and unpleasant side effects from medications, surgery or any physical impact. Many women who gave birth naturally, believe that they experienced less pain, anxiety and stress during the process than during a medically assisted birth.
    • Natural childbirth provides a more personal experience of the entire process, focusing on the well-being of mother and baby.
    • Because you will be fully conscious during labor, you will remember every moment and be able to enjoy the process.
    • Natural childbirth reduces the risks of what you will need C-section.
    • Women who give birth naturally recover faster after childbirth.
  2. Be aware of the risks of natural childbirth. Despite the fact that for centuries women have given birth naturally and quite safely, there is still a risk of complications with natural childbirth always is.

    • Natural childbirth can be dangerous if you have certain medical conditions, especially if not properly medical supervision and the availability of appropriate medical equipment if, for example, the child is in an incorrect position.
    • Remember that if any difficulties arise, it is completely normal to deviate from your natural birth plan. There's no shame in this. The main thing is to do what is best for you and the baby, and in some cases this may mean medical intervention during the birth process.
  3. Remember that in some situations medical intervention is necessary. Even with careful planning and the best prenatal care, there is no guarantee that situations will not arise during labor that require medical intervention. For example, such situations could be:

    • placenta previa;
    • herpes infection or HIV;
    • previous birth by cesarean section;
    • the child’s condition is incompatible with natural childbirth;
    • stimulation of labor in order to preserve the health of the mother or child.

Preparing for natural childbirth

  1. Choose an obstetrician. Before you plan to have a natural birth, there are a few things you should consider, including where and with whom you want to give birth. You will likely need to find an OB/GYN and make arrangements for the birth. Nurse-midwives, perinatologists and general practitioners can also deliver births - the only difference is in the qualifications of these specialists:

    • An obstetrician-gynecologist can deliver a baby or perform surgery if necessary.
    • Nurse-midwives can assist in childbirth, but if any complications occur, they must call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
    • Perinatologists typically specialize in complex births, including births for women over 35, women with STIs, or diabetes.
    • General practitioners and family doctors are also capable of delivering babies, but they are not specialists in this field, and therefore, in case of any complications, they should call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  2. Talk to your obstetrician to see if you want this person to help you with your birth. When choosing a specialist to help you give birth, be sure to talk to potential candidates. This will help you understand who will provide enough support and who you can trust. Find out the obstetrician's attitude towards natural childbirth; to do this, you can ask:

    • "What do you think about natural childbirth?"
    • “How many natural births have you had?”
    • “Will you support me if I decide to give birth naturally?”
  3. Prepare a birth plan . During pregnancy, it can be helpful to make a birth plan. It should express your needs and desires regarding how you want to give birth to your child. It is helpful to discuss this plan with those who will be present and assist at the birth. Discuss your birth plan with your doctor, midwife or doula. The birth plan should include the following information:

    • where do you want to give birth;
    • who will help you during childbirth;
    • who will be your main support during childbirth;
    • who will be able to be present during childbirth (at its various stages);
    • what support and assistance you will need during childbirth;
    • what pain medications you want to use;
    • what to do with the umbilical cord and cord blood;
    • whether the baby will stay with you after birth or will be brought in later;
    • special traditions you would like to observe;
    • who should tell you if something goes wrong;
    • any other wishes to the doctors and people who will be with you.
  4. Choose a birth partner. Many women find it much easier to stick to a given path when, in difficult moments, when they are ready to give up, their birth partners remind them of the reasons why they chose natural childbirth.

    • If you are planning to give birth in a maternity hospital, a professional midwife or partner will help you to have a natural birth and not give up at the last moment.
    • Having a birth partner will also help you get much-needed mental and even physical support so you can have your baby without medical intervention.
  5. Tell your obstetrician or doctor your wishes. Tell your obstetrician or doctor in advance that you plan to have a vaginal birth so they have time to plan and prepare. The doctor will also be able to ask you questions and arrange everything according to your wishes.

    Take classes to prepare for natural childbirth. Surely classes on preparing for childbirth and conversations with women who have given birth naturally or are helping others to do so will be very useful and educational for you.

    • Discuss your fears, concerns and expectations with other women in class. Often, a simple conversation with someone who has experienced this before can help calm them down. This will help you not worry about pain and health safety and be determined.

Childbirth without painkillers

  1. Breathing techniques. Breathing exercises most often used for relaxation and pain management during natural childbirth. You can learn these breathing techniques in special classes to prepare for childbirth. When choosing classes, try to give preference to courses that focus specifically on breathing techniques.

    Visualization techniques. Find an object or image and concentrate on it to help you relax and not think about the pain during labor. You can bring your favorite photo with you and look at it during contractions. Choose an image that calms you down. For example, this could be a photo of a sunset. You can also just close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. For example, you can imagine yourself sitting on a beach or standing on top of a mountain.

    Positions and movements. Listen to your body and change your position during labor to make it more comfortable for you. If you feel that it is better to walk, sit, lie down or lean on someone, then do not be shy and do as you want.


The body of the average person has become significantly younger over the last century; people live longer, which means they retain the ability to bear children longer. Menopause, as a natural function of the decline of the reproductive system, has shifted by 5-7 years, and up to 45-47 years a woman can become a mother. The question is that it is very limited in time and must proceed under medical supervision.

First of all, you need to undergo an examination. In a few months, you can cure or compensate for any conditions that may interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Be sure to take an AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) test; these data will allow you to understand whether there are enough eggs in the woman’s body, or whether the ovaries are depleted and it is necessary to resort to ovarian stimulation followed by IVF.

The couple should definitely visit a geneticist to find out the risks of genetic diseases from any side. Opinions from almost all specialized specialists are needed: dentist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and therapist. Expectant parents are encouraged to undergo a full diagnosis, including laboratory testing. If a woman has not been sick, or she does not have antibodies to rubella and, she must be vaccinated. Next, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy. It is necessary to take folic acid, which is responsible for the normal formation nervous system fetus, multivitamin preparations, iron supplements and calcium.

Genetic risks, if assessed in aggregate, although they increase, in general for women after 40-45 years healthy child leaves about 80-90%. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases significantly. Such people can get higher education, be socially active and self-sufficient with proper socialization. The risks of other, more severe chromosomal mutations increase slightly, and therefore for women over 40 and young women, the likelihood of having a child with defects incompatible with life is almost the same. It is important to perform a chorionic villus biopsy in the first trimester to exclude fetal pathologies.

Throughout your pregnancy, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. The term “starparous” was not invented by evil Russian doctors; this concept was included in the international classification, since pregnancy management in women over 35 years of age requires particularly careful monitoring.

Pregnant women at this age often have to take medications to improve blood circulation in the placenta, otherwise the fetus begins to suffer and lag behind in development. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth remains, you should be more careful and refrain from sports and other feats. Due to high risks premature birth, frequent complications during childbirth, women are asked to give birth surgically, although physically healthy and active

What you need to do to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby

Any person who has already become a parent or is just waiting for this joyful event wants one thing more than anything in the world - to be the child was born healthy. However, this wish does not always come true. What to do - even the youngest children are susceptible to serious illnesses, and I don’t even want to talk about the possibility of any congenital disorders and diseases. But it is necessary! After all, many of them can be prevented, taken away from a small fragile creature long before its birth! And future parents should worry about this in advance - as soon as they decide to “give birth to a child.”

But swimming in open waters, unfortunately, will have to be limited - in most of them the risk of contracting an infection is too high. Take reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regularly examined and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!

You got pregnant. Well, it seems like you should be happy, but for some reason there are only questions in your head “maybe it’s too late?”, “will I be able to give birth to a healthy child?”, and all because you are no longer a girl, and your age has exceeded your fourth decade. Do you think that child after 40 cannot be born healthy, because this period is the most dangerous for childbearing?
Throw all doubts and nonsense out of your head. Start enjoying the fact that you will soon become a mother, and believe that your pregnancy will be without complications. Of course, doctors will tell you that giving birth at this age is dangerous, and the pregnancy itself will be difficult.

If you have definitely decided for yourself that you are ready to become a mother, do not back down. By the way, after 40 world stars gave birth to their children, such as Madonna, Iman, Annette Bening, Cherie Blair, Susan Saradon and Jerry Hall.

We propose to consider the most popular questions that arise among those who are planning to give birth to a child after 40 years.

At what age is a woman considered to be a late mother?

In the early 80s, “late” mothers were considered those who gave birth to children after 28 years of age, and in the 90s, those women whose age was over 35 began to be called “old mothers”. Nowadays most often “late” women in labor include women over 37 years of age.

What are the chances of having a baby after 40?

As a woman ages, her chances of becoming pregnant steadily decrease. After 30 years they fall by 20%, from 35 years - by 45-50%, and from 40 years - by about 90%. Of course, these numbers in no way mean that having a child after 40 is an unfulfilled dream.

It is possible to give birth, and this was confirmed by North Carolina scientists who conducted observation for two years for 782 pairs old age. The results showed that only 70 couples failed to conceive a child, leading sex life without condoms for two years. Chief researcher David Dunson believes that couples who want to have a child after 40 should have patience and wait, while not forgetting about maintaining a constant sex life. As a result, the intervention of modern reproductive technology can be avoided, unless there are compelling reasons for doing so.

Why do women give birth so late?

If you compare how forty-year-old women lived 10-30 years ago and how they live now, you can observe a high improving quality of life. Today, such women have good health, can take care of themselves by visiting fitness centers and spa centers, and modern medicine can work real miracles. Dr Julia Berryman believes that Women over 40 are more ready for pregnancy, since they have already taken place in life, they have Good work and all other benefits.

What percentage are mature women in labor?

IN last years There has been an increase in the number of women giving birth in adulthood. Today, a child after 40 is born to 2% of pregnant women. Recent studies indicate that out of seven pregnant women, one pregnant woman is over 35 years old.

Does a man's age affect pregnancy after 40?

Scientists at the University of Bristol conducted a study which showed that Mature women have to wait longer to become pregnant if their partner is the same age.

Thus, it has been proven that a woman who is 3-5 years younger than a man is less likely to get pregnant after 40 than a woman whose man is her same age or 2-3 years younger. British researchers confirmed this fact. They interviewed several women who indicated that their child after 40 was born from men who were several years younger than them.

What else can interfere with pregnancy after 40?

The following can prevent you from conceiving a child:

  • Incorrect nutrition.
  • Excessive use coffee. If you drink more than two cups a day, your ability to conceive decreases, and the risk of miscarriage also increases.
  • Use alcohol.
  • Smoking after 35 years, there is a risk of congenital deformity of the fetus and the birth of a low-weight child.
  • Thinness and fatness also negatively affects the birth of children in adulthood.
  • Stress. How more woman is nervous and worried, the less chance she has of having a baby after 40.
Should you seek help from doctors?

In adulthood, when she has already exceeded 35, a woman begins perimenopause, When it is very difficult to catch the days of ovulation. That is why it is best to seek help from a doctor who will determine what can be done. Most likely, he will develop a special diet and prescribe vitamins. Some doctors advise their patients to undergo acupuncture, which has a positive effect on the development of ovulation.

What effect does age have on pregnancy?

The older a person gets, the more likely he is to develop any diseases. As a rule, closer to 40, many women experience chronic disorders, including diabetes. In addition, blood pressure may increase, and the risk of malignant tumors is very high. Of course, such violations negatively affect the birth of children after 40.

And even if a woman does not have any diseases, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy.

Postpartum complications increase already at the age of 20-29, but most often, and this is 20%, they appear at the age of 35-40 years. As a rule, with the development of modern medicine, any pregnancy disorders are recognized already on early stages , therefore, there is a greater chance that a child after 40 years will be born healthy.

How is childbirth in adulthood?

Often, in order to give birth after 40, women have to stimulate labor, do epidural anesthesia. Many women in labor cannot give birth on their own, so they are given C-section.

Some studies show that a lot depends from the mood of the women in labor themselves. Those who understand everything more clearly are more likely to comply with doctors’ requests and agree to a caesarean section.

Does the risk of having a caesarean section increase as you get older?

So far such dependence not installed. Surgical intervention has the same percentage both at 30 and at forty years.

Can the age of the mother affect the development of the child?

High probability that a child will be born after 40 unhealthy or developmentally disabled. There is a high risk of having a child with a disease such as Down syndrome.

According to recent studies, after 30 years, one child out of 400 is born with Down, and after 40, one out of 32. In addition late labor may end ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and birth dead child . It has not yet been possible to establish the cause of stillbirth in older pregnant women, while out of 440 babies today one is born dead.

What is the percentage of miscarriages in mature women?

Miscarriages have become a frequent occurrence in our lives. Compared to young women in labor, The risk of miscarriage in mature women is approximately 50% higher. Childbirth after 40 most often has this outcome.

Here, by the way, obstetric and genealogical history plays a role. It is not difficult to understand that women who have never had a miscarriage have a lower risk of miscarriage at the age of 40 than those who have experienced such a pregnancy outcome at least once in their lives.

How often does preterm birth occur?

A child after 40 years of age can be born prematurely, but only if the woman gives birth not my first child. Those expecting their first child most often give birth on time.

Does the risk of having twins or triplets increase with age?

The older the woman, the greater the likelihood that she will give birth to more than one child. But there is a greater chance of fertility fraternal twins.

There is an opinion that older children are more prone to diabetes. Is it so?

Yes, whether late children develop type 1 diabetes depends on how old the mother was at the time of birth. At the age of 35 it is about 25%, after forty 30% or more.

For example, a woman can give birth to a child after 40, who has adolescence developing diabetes, and the likelihood is 3 times higher than in children born to young mothers.

Should a pregnant woman be under increased medical supervision?

Yes, a pregnant woman should most often go to the doctor, get tested and undergo various studies.

What is the probability that the doctor will prescribe surgery?

Yes, Doctors today tend to play it safe, prescribing a cesarean section to women in labor instead of a normal birth. But today, all over the world, based on practice, doctors are trying to avoid such actions, increasingly directing mothers to natural childbirth.

Maybe it's better to refuse to have a child?

There is a certain risk of having a child after 40 years of age, but this is not a reason to refuse pregnancy. After all healthy woman and at that age she can give birth to a completely healthy child.

What types of tests are used to diagnose pregnancy in “late” mothers?

There are two types of tests used in the process of monitoring a pregnant woman. This scanning and diagnostics. Scanning tests provide only preliminary conclusions about the likely presence of deviations:

Study of hormonal levels in the blood. Used to identify the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome. Duration: 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasonography also used to detect various abnormalities, including Down syndrome and various genetic disorders. A child over 40 is examined at 10-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests provide more accurate and reliable information:

Chorionic test (CVS)- uterine cells are taken for research, during the diagnosis of which the presence or absence of Down syndrome, as well as some other genetic disorders, is revealed. The test is carried out at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, the accuracy of the study is 99.9%.

Amniosentesis used to study amniotic fluid, during which the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome and many other genetic disorders occurs. The data obtained is 99.9% accurate. Dates: 16-19 weeks of pregnancy.

Alpha fetoprotein- blood test, which is carried out at 15-18 weeks. Used to identify Down syndrome and nervous system defects.

Cordocentesis is a fetal blood test that helps detect rubella, toxoplasmosis and Down syndrome. Performed at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Are the tests dangerous for mother and baby?

All tests do not pose a danger to the pregnant woman and her fetus, with the exception of amniosentesis, chorionic test and cordosenthesis. When taking uterine cells for research, there is risk of miscarriage, and this can happen in one out of 100 cases. The risk of miscarriage during cordocentesis and chorionic test is 1-2%.

Should every woman do these tests?

No, not necessarily. Usually, every fifth woman, planning to give birth to a child after 40 years, refuses from passing such tests. This is their right, but it should be remembered that in some cases, doing this or that test is simply necessary from a medical point of view.

Is it true that mature women Do they manage their children better?

Research shows that “mature” mothers are calmer, more balanced and, as a rule, spend more time with their child. Life experience, accumulating over many years, makes itself felt precisely during the period of raising children. As a rule, they better understanding of purchases. By the way, according to statistics, children of “late” mothers are more well-mannered and have improved performance at school.

Can the birth of a child be a shock for the mother?

Undoubtedly, before this, the woman devoted her entire life to herself, and now she needs to be near the baby 24 hours a day. Fatigue, which is inherent in young mothers, does not leave those who gave birth to a child after 40.

There is an opinion that mature mothers live longer

Research conducted by scientists at the University of Manchester showed that Women who give birth at the age of 35-40 have a greater chance of living to 80-90 years. It was not possible to establish the reasons for this, but there is an assumption that the increase in the life span of old-time mothers is associated with delaying menopause to a later date.

They gave birth to late children
  • Geena Davis gave birth to a daughter, Alize Keshvar, at the age of 46. Two years later, twins appeared in the family.
  • Kim Basinger gave birth to a daughter, Ireland, at 42.
  • Beverly D, Angelo At the age of 46, she gave birth to twins using artificial insemination.
  • Great Madonna She gave birth to her first child, daughter Lourdes, at the age of 40, and 2 years later her son Rocco was born. Hearing rumors that she was supposedly going to adopt a baby, the great star threatened to sue, as she was actually accused of not being able to have any more children. Most likely, the pop diva will decide to give birth to her third child in the near future.

The birth of a baby is a happy moment, and it doesn’t matter how old the mother is. I would like to once again wish future “late” mothers patience and Have a good mood. You will definitely be fine. So be prepared for the fact that all your time will be spent on the little creature. Isn't this a woman's happiness?