How to fill a person with energy. How to fill yourself with the energy of love and light? Feminine energy: when we “drain” it

Life is beautiful when a woman has a lot of energy. We feel great, everything is working out for us, we are full of strength and ideas. People, things, information, events themselves are attracted into our lives. It's good when a woman has a lot of energy.

But what to do if there is not enough energy? What to do when it is constantly being used up? Let's figure it out.

Feminine energy: when do we “drain” it?

We "drain" energy when We allow boundaries to be violated. Whenever we agree to something we absolutely do not like, we lose energy. Just imagine how much energy you spend to overcome your own resistance and persuade yourself to come up with a logical explanation for what you don’t want to do.

We "drain" energy when We deceive ourselves. This is how we lose contact with ourselves, that is, in fact, we disconnect ourselves from the source of energy. You can think all you want that a bouquet of freshly cut roses will look better in your room, but how long will they last?

We "drain" energy when we forget about rest. Do I really need to explain?

We "drain" energy when we tolerate. It’s not clear what, it’s not clear why. When you get a job, you understand quite clearly what it is for: money, experience, new acquaintances, insurance, or something else. If they take everything away from you, but at the same time ask you to work and endure... Will your strength and energy reserves be replenished?

Refuse to endure or give meaning to what you endure for. The main thing is that this meaning concerns you and not someone else. Option: “I tolerate him changing.”- it won’t work!

We "drain" energy when We get offended instead of asking. A woman is designed in such a way that she does most of her work within herself. How many seconds do you need for a blockbuster to play out in your head? "Why doesn't he answer the phone?".

Feminine energy is the energy of chaos. Strong and powerful. And every time we think, invent, change our minds instead of asking, finding out or asking, we waste a huge amount of energy.

We "drain" energy when We are minding our own business. It's no secret that one of the most powerful energy resources is doing what you love. The whole world stands on the balance of “take and give”. By doing something you don’t like, you, at a minimum, are giving up your time, and with it your energy, which is not replenished later. Even with money.

Will money buy you time and vital energy?

We "drain" energy when We allow negativity to enter our lives. Every woman is born for happiness and pleasure. But if you allow others to talk about negativity, watch TV shows, read books and news only about bad things, where is the place for pleasure?

It turns out that you are not living according to your “program”. It's like baking a Napoleon cake in the microwave: it's possible, but with what effort?

We "drain" energy when we gossip. Yes, girls. We don't fill up, we drain! Where there is attention, there is energy! If you discuss ideas, projects, thoughts, then you become enriched. You can discuss other people to learn from their experiences. But if you just gossip, then you are feeding others at your own expense.

We "drain" energy when We are afraid. When a person is scared, he stops breathing. If we do not breathe deeply, and in our case, “with a full belly,” then it is as if we are abandoning the previously prepared energy.

We "drain" energy when We are waiting for life to change. Instead of living the way we want.

We "drain" energy when we scold and blame ourselves.

Track where you might be losing energy. Stop doing this today. Exchange the “draining” of energy for its replenishment.

Filling with feminine energy: 8 ways

We're filling up through pleasure. Write a list of one hundred things that bring you pleasure. Write everything that comes to mind. Try to please yourself every day by fulfilling some “wish”.

We're filling up through new positive emotions. For example, when we travel, we introduce novelty into our lives, meet new people, and gain new knowledge.

We're filling up when we slow down. Try spending 20 minutes with a cup of coffee to inhale its aroma, savor the taste, and enjoy touching the hot liquid. Nice?

What will happen if you swallow this divine drink on the go, in one minute? Will you like it as much as you did in the first case? Of course not, you simply won’t have time to feel anything.

We're filling up when we are creative. The original feminine energy is the energy of creativity. In addition, through creativity, a woman splashes out negative emotions and thereby transfers energy into a positive direction.

We're filling up when we have faith in our lives. Believe in yourself, in life, in people.

We're filling up when we take care of our body. After all, the body is the greatest source of pleasure. Any bodily practices, sauna, swimming pool, working with intimate muscles are suitable. By the way, the women's zone is a kind of “bottom” for our energy vessel.

We're filling up when we put order in our space. Remember how different you feel in a renovated room with new curtains.

We're filling up when we do what we really want to do.

Pamper yourself, enjoy yourself and be fulfilled!

Control of the Physical Body. Preparation and control of movements. Etheric sensations culminate in a specific, single movement or gesture (Physical Body) in space.
LIBRA - Analytical channel from Physical Body V Etheric Body.
The movements differentiate into diverse soil for the Etheric Body. The Physical Body delivers energy to the Etheric through food and its own movement. Physical care for health and vitality. Physiological sensations.

If you take responsibility for your life and learn to manage yourself, your health, relationships with people, finances, then you can create a harmonious space.
Lead a healthy and sober lifestyle
; if you use tobacco and alcohol, you make yourself dependent and sick.


Advice, as we know, is not enough. And they only bring benefits when you follow them every single day. Practice is everything.
Let's move from words to action: take a deep breath. As slowly as possible, without straining or pushing, first expanding the stomach and then the chest. Feel the wave of relaxation as you exhale. And inhale and exhale again. Once again.
Take at least one such conscious, deeply relaxing breath in every hour of your life. You see, you have barely entered the Fifth Stage, and you have already become acquainted with a practice that has amazing results.
For many of us, relationships with own body are built on the “love-hate” principle. We indulge him or harshly treat him, overfill him with food or deplete him, overload him with work or pamper him with lordship, spoil him, punish him, delight him and torment him. And as a result, we often feel betrayed by them. That is why many people would like to “fly out” of this mortal physical shell, leave the flesh, without even incarnating properly!
Filling the body with energy begins with a feeling of genuine care for it. After all, it is, in fact, the only thing that is inseparable from you from the moment of birth until death. The same cannot be said, for example, about your spouse, children, house, car and beliefs (not to mention the fact that this is his – your body’s – birth and death!). It is your only property, and taking care of it has a direct meaning for you. Wherever a person soars on the wings of fantasy, he invariably returns to the fundamental fact: the body is his constant companion on a long journey, from leaving the mother’s womb to leaving for the womb of Mother Earth.

The questions below are by no means exhaustive, but they will prompt the necessary reflections on our topic:
- Does your body satisfy you?
- If not, would you change it first? Appearance? Energy level?
- Rate your “energy intensity” on a ten-point scale.
- How many hours out of a daily twenty-four do you spend on health and conditioning of the body, maintaining and strengthening its strength, endurance, flexibility?
- In what proportion is this to the time spent on relationships, family, education, work, rest, sleep?
- Do you always hear the voice of your body telling you about its needs?
- What three properties do you like most about your body?
- What three properties do you not like?
- What can be changed and what do you need to learn in order to understand the full value of your own body?
There are no right or wrong answers here. But thinking about these questions will give you the key.


The fifth stage unites the Astral body with the Ethereal-Physical Body, laying a solid foundation for health and cheerfulness. Here are three results awaiting those who complete this stage:

1. Clarity of attention. When the body is internally and externally in dynamic balance and energy circulates in it freely, without interference, a deeper connection arises with the source of life itself, and the ascent to the heights of awareness begins.

2. Potential. Increased “energy intensity” multiplies strength, gives receptivity of the mind, sensitivity and intuition. And even the ability to heal yourself and others.

3. Path. The fifth stage prepares you for the passage of subsequent stages, for energy is the main determinant of endurance, fortitude and concentration, so necessary in the steady course of realizing your dreams.


Energy is the most abundant substance of the Universe. In fact, she is the Universe. Man is created from energy. At a gross level, he receives it from food, at a more subtle level - from inhaled air, from people and other living beings who come into contact with him.
Why then is he so lacking in energy at times? There are two reasons for this: one physical and one from the mental sphere. Poor diet, lack of proper rest and lack of physical activity inevitably lead to intoxication, loss of strength, imbalance and weakened immunity. Low motivation and lack of an inspiring goal lead to general depression of the nervous system.

The key to energy management opens the gates of perfection in three turns:
- Efficiency of extracting energy from food and inhaled air.
- The effectiveness of its distribution throughout the body through special exercises, muscle stretching, relaxation and massage.
- Optimal use of your energy in the outside world.

A basic financial principle states that no matter how much income one has, one will remain in permanent poverty if one spends more than one earns. WITH vital energy- exactly the same case.
A certain pilgrim climbed the sacred mountain and cried out to God with all his strength: “O Almighty, fill me with light!” And a thunderous voice came from heaven: “I fill you every now and then. But you’re always leaking!”
Right in this moment, when you read these lines, and directly where you are now, a whole sea of ​​energy washes you from the outside, trying to fill you from the inside. Do you feel it? If not, then here is the main task for you: cleaning the thin channels of the body and sealing internal “leaks”. Typically, the causes of energy leaks are rooted in the mental sphere (anxiety and torment, regret, absent-mindedness), emotional (fear, suffering and anger) or physical (illness, injury, overeating). Or even in all of them at once.
Imagine a mighty, smooth river flow. Smooth - if the channel is free. What if it is attacked by rock blocks, tree trunks and solid industrial waste? Swirls, funnels, and cascades are immediately formed. It’s the same in the human body: an interrupted flow of energy is felt as tension, discomfort, stealing vitality.
There are two main ways to remove it: remove interference or reduce the “pressure” of energy itself, thereby reducing the pathogenic distortion of the flow. But only a few know how to remove mental, emotional and physical blockages in their bodies. More often, people resort to the second method: they look for ways to weaken the energy flow, moderating the palpability of tension and discomfort. Interference and the problems generated by it, of course, do not disappear anywhere, but by reducing the pressure of energy, a person softens the consequences and symptoms and therefore does not experience them with such severity.
The most common forms of stress relief: excessive physical activity, frequent orgasm, irrepressible mental activity, thrills (gambling, horror movies, video games), overeating, alcohol, drugs. The problem with any of these methods is that as soon as the tension is released and a blissful calm sets in, the energy, like the tide of the sea, “arrives” again, accumulating discomfort, and you need to get rid of it again. A well-trodden behavioral pattern is formed.
What to do?
Healthy body energy is the basis for liberation from interference that deprives us of the fullness of life. Its “cornerstones” are moderate but regular exercises; simple and healthy diet, abundance fresh air and rest; as well as creative activities. But what “bombs” undermine the foundation of health:

1. Self-poisoning. By this I mean consuming more food and drink than can be safely absorbed. This overloads the liver, kidneys, intestines and waste pathways. Who is not familiar with the painful, nauseating stupor that follows the excesses of the “festival of the belly”? The right way Don’t poison yourself: enjoy the quality, not the quantity, of food. Eat less, exercise more. And nourish your body with fresh water, herbal teas, fruits and vegetables. This will rid you of toxins.

2. Loss of strength. Because of which? Chronic stress, fatigue, exhaustion from work that you don’t like. Recipe: Intersperse moderate, stress-relieving exercise with plenty of rest. And be sure to take three vacations a year – they are worth their weight in gold.

3. Imbalance. The body constantly maintains a delicate balance of temperature, hormones, sugar, acidity, which is easy to disturb. Therefore, regularly take a couple of slow, deep breaths, avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, do not worry unnecessarily and... hang an icon called “The Holy Trinity of Health” in the “red corner” of your consciousness. So that we never forget about her. HOLY TRINITY OF HEALTH:
-Are you eating right?
- Do you exercise regularly?
-Are you getting enough rest?

These three questions are the Holy Trinity of Health. All three components, taken together, harmonize the body and give it the strength to withstand the stormy times of everyday disasters.
It is not enough to simply look, to passively pray, so to speak, at this Trinity. Proper diet, exercise and rest should be your absolute priority. If you don’t put your health above work, money or, it’s funny to even mention, watching TV, then you will always find more urgent things to do.
Every day presents you with a choice: whether to cook a natural, nutritious meal at home or go to fast food, get up early to exercise or sleep on. Of course, it’s easier to stay up late in front of the TV and therefore skip exercises and grab a heated semi-finished product in a hurry. But ask yourself: “What will I see when I go to the mirror?” A full-length reflection of the harmfulness of your habits.
Don't wait for time to free up—free it up now.


It is well known: a person is what he eats. In other words, the quality of what you eat and drink has a direct impact on the energy of the body, clarity of mind and mood of the soul. That's why you need to pay such attention to what, when and how you eat.
But let's not make a cult out of food. “If you become obsessed with discipline and cleanliness, the stress will get to you.”
It is important not to get lost in the multitude of dietary recommendations: how many calories are in a particular product, whether proteins are balanced with carbohydrates, etc. It is better to focus on the key principles.
Some scientists believe that life expectancy depends solely on genes. Others disagree with them. The study of diet, physical activity and other traditions in cultures known for the phenomenon of longevity has shown: indeed, the genotype can influence life span. But it is also true that a person is given the opportunity to realize his unlimited potential to a huge extent and radically improve heredity if he acquires useful habits.
These conclusions are based on the research of Dr. Kenneth Peltier, who studied the peoples of Vilcabamba (Ecuadorian Andes), Hunz (north of Pakistan), Abkhazians ( former USSR), Mabaans (Sudan) and Tarahumara Indians (northern Mexico). Some of the representatives of these nationalities live up to 130 years! And here's what's interesting: the same factors, as Dr. Peltier discovered, favor both life expectancy and quality of life. This is not surprising, because a long life in itself means little. But when it is full of joy and accomplishments, every day becomes a blessing from God.
One of the most effective means increasing the quantity and improving the quality of life - diet. And everyone has their own...


You exercise whenever you move your body and its limbs in the field of gravity. When you walk, sit, stand up, carry things, climb stairs, clean houses, tinker with flower beds in the garden... By consciously using your body and breathing correctly, you are exercising effectively. By choosing the stairs instead of the escalator or parking your car farther away from your destination, you can create a more energetic lifestyle. What counts is not only what is done during an hour in the gym, but also how many conscious movements are made by the end of each day.
Sport, of course, also provides the proper load, but its purpose is still somewhat different. Yes, competitive fervor relieves stress, makes you happy, entertains, and develops bodily skills. But it does not necessarily create an optimal psychophysical balance. Most sports provide only fragmented fitness.

Energy cleansing of the body from blocks

The etheric (energy) and physical bodies are interconnected. For example, problems in some organ signal to us that there is a problem in the functioning of one or another chakra. And vice versa. The physical body is a projection of the Etheric body, which acts as a matrix. For example, the spine corresponds to the main energy channel - sushumna, the pituitary gland - to the third eye, solar plexus– manipura chakra, etc.
With an incorrect lifestyle, new energy formations are formed that were not there since birth. They are called energy blocks. They are like stones in the path of the flow of water-energy. Gradually they grow, thereby more and more clogging the channels through which energy moves in the body. In this practice we will work with blocks that form in the joint area. You probably know that with age, problems begin in the joints, especially in the knees, lower back, neck, etc. In them on physical level waste is deposited, and blocks appear at the energy level. These blocks must be removed. Because poor energy flow leads to illness. For example, by removing blocks from her legs, especially from her knees, a woman who is desperate to have a child will receive a strong flow of energy from the Earth, which flows through her legs and has been blocked. This means she will gain strength for motherhood. Or, for example, someone removing a block from their neck will feel love for everything around them. Since the energy of the Creator will begin to flow into him from above through the neck into the anahata chakra and throughout the body. Can quickly pass the most various diseases, which arose in connection with the appearance of blocks.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Do you feel like your strength is running out? Do you urgently need a recharge? This is not at all surprising: the modern world, filled with bustle and haste, literally weakens a person and deprives him of energy. Each of us has to do many things every day, sometimes even simultaneously. In the pursuit of money and success, a person inevitably loses internal resources. How can I get them back? How can a man or woman be filled with energy? We bring to your attention the main ways to get inspired and recharge!

Full sleep

Every person, regardless of gender, should have all the conditions for proper sleep. Most the best option- a separate room in the apartment, a large bed with a comfortable mattress, suitable pillows and blankets. Also, don't forget about your bedroom decor: eye-catching trinkets also help you recover from a busy day. At the same time, experts recommend going to bed before ten o’clock in the evening and getting up before dawn: this will allow you to accumulate energy, restore your body’s strength and feel invigorated.

Healthy eating

Filling with energy is impossible to imagine without proper nutrition. The thing is that what we eat always affects our health and well-being. That is why, by eliminating from your diet harmful products, for example, fatty foods, fried or salty, you will rid your body of toxins and gain energy. In addition, this will allow you to control your weight. The diet should contain as many vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains as possible, and you can’t do without desserts. People with a sweet tooth should allow themselves to indulge in sweets from time to time, preferably natural ones.


When talking about how to fill yourself with energy, one cannot fail to mention such an item as solitude. In order to put your thoughts in order, clear your head, and have a good rest, it is important for both men and women to retire at least twice a week. You can spend this time in different ways. Psychologists recommend reading your favorite books, drawing, listening to music, walking through a flowering park or fragrant coniferous forest, and meditating. Almost any activity that calms your mind and allows you to look into your own inner world will do.

Communication with nature

One of the easiest ways to fill yourself with energy is to communicate with nature. It is advisable that it does not occur from the window of a car or bus that takes you to work. Every person, especially a woman, is able to capture the natural vibrations of nature. Nature is a wonderful way to calm the mind, slow down a little, breathe out worries and leave fears and nervousness behind.

In order to get an energy boost, just give your ears a break from the unbearable city noise, inhale the sweet aroma of flowers, contemplate the palette of bright natural paints, light a fire. Doctors have long been talking about the fact that nature has a positive effect on the human body. For example, neurophysiologists note that just half an hour in a natural environment is enough to increase the so-called cognitive abilities - the ability to concentrate and analyze. Numerous experiments confirm that such rest makes a person more effective when it comes to solving problems. Try to get out into nature (even a nearby park will do) - and you will feel how your body is filled with energy and your thinking becomes positive.

Helping others

When talking about how to fill yourself with energy, you can’t help but remember about helping the people around you. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance: just listen best friend who is in a difficult life situation, to please children who are deprived family warmth, feed or shelter homeless animals, help people old age. You can also hold a cleanup day, plant a few bushes and trees, donate blood... By helping others, you will certainly feel happy, filled with energy and joy.

Spiritual practices

IN modern world- with a huge amount of information and a crazy pace - not everyone has time to be in silence, to feel balance and peace. A person is constantly running somewhere, solving some issues, doing something; thousands and even millions of thoughts appear in each of us’s heads every day. This way you can completely lose touch with yourself, forget about your needs and aspirations. How to fill yourself with strength and energy in this case? In order to look inside yourself and talk to yourself, you need to set aside time for spiritual practices. This could be prayer or meditation. Ask yourself questions: are you going there, what are you doing, what are your values ​​now, what do you really want. Throw away all the outer husks and try to see what is truly valuable to you. Of course, such internal dialogues provide incredible energy and fill a person with strength.


Any trip begins long before departure: the starting point can be called planning and thinking through all the nuances of a future vacation. And this already brings a huge amount of positive emotions. Add to this the incredible atmosphere of new cities, acquaintance with famous masterpieces of architecture and art, natural treasures and cultural heritage that you will meet along the way... The impressions from visiting such places will last for a long time, which means that you will feel inspired, happy and energetic - and it won’t be long before you wonder how to fill yourself with energy.

Filling with feminine energy

The question of how a woman can fill herself up, how to be more energetic and at the same time happy deserves special attention. There are a huge number of ways. Here's just a small part:

  • hair care, for example, using masks for curls, trimming split ends - this can be done both in the salon and at home;
  • manicure and pedicure;
  • dancing and singing;
  • visiting a psychologist;
  • use of aromatic oils and incense;
  • spring-cleaning- after it, of course, you may have no strength left at all, but the very next day the results of your work will inspire you;
  • charity;
  • flower care;
  • reading a good book;
  • photoshoot;
  • cooking - you definitely need to put all your love into this process;
  • inviting guests to a gala dinner - with candles and delicious dishes;
  • keeping a gratitude diary;
  • visiting exhibitions, theater or concerts.

There are other ways to fill yourself with feminine energy. As you already understand, there are a lot of them, the main thing is that they should bring joy. Let's look at the most effective ones!

Arts and crafts activities

It's hard to imagine something more natural than a woman doing painting or crafts, cooking culinary masterpieces or making cute home decorations. It seems that woman and creativity are made for each other. Self-expression can be called the most in a simple way filling with energy.

Of course, at a time when there is not even a minute left for rest or self-care, it is extremely difficult to engage in creativity. But if you are thinking about how to fill yourself with energy, pay attention to this method. Try to properly manage your time so that you have at least half an hour a day for your favorite hobby. Those minutes that you spend doing something that inspires you will surely give you an incredible surge of energy, joy and inspiration.

Having fun

When talking about how a woman can fill herself with energy, we cannot help but talk about pleasure. The whole point is that representatives of the fair half of humanity absolutely cannot live without them! As soon as a woman becomes fixated on her household responsibilities, worries and affairs, her life fades and loses its bright colors.

But you just need to allow yourself a cup of aromatic vanilla cappuccino, a piece of cake, a trip to the cinema or buy a new dress, and smells, tastes and colors begin to return to life. Every woman, psychologists say, needs to ensure that her daily routine includes those activities that bring her joy, pleasure and relaxation. If such things do not happen spontaneously, you need to plan for them intentionally. Of course, it doesn’t sound too good, but pleasure also needs to be included in the schedule. Later, when it becomes a habit, everything will work out by itself.


This point can be called one of the most effective. How can a woman who is driven like a squirrel in a wheel be filled with energy? Take a break. It's enough to get together with your favorite friends - in the kitchen or in a nice cafe. You can laugh to your heart's content, tell each other about all the latest news, share a bottle of good wine, try pies prepared according to a new recipe, post a selfie on Instagram... No matter how old you are, meeting with friends is always a source of joy and pleasure. Of course, this point can be attributed specifically to positive communication between friends. Washing bones and exchanging gossip can hardly be classified as ways to fill up with energy.


Do you remember if you kept a diary as a child? Most likely, the answer will be yes. Have you ever thought about why many girls have such a need? Psychologists say: every minute ideas and thoughts, plans and dreams arise in a woman’s head. It is extremely important to systematize them and organize them. When you write about your feelings, plans and dreams, you express your state of mind. And this allows you to understand yourself, your desires, and feel a surge of strength.

Keeping a gratitude journal is equally important. Look at your life: every day you can find a huge number of reasons to thank someone. A cozy, happy home, family and friends, the opportunity to do what you love... Once you begin to focus your thoughts on what you have, you allow even more amazing things to appear in your life. And this also fills a woman with positive energy.

What helps you feel a surge of vigor and strength? What makes you feel happy?

Lack of energy is the first sign of approaching misfortunes and illnesses. Ayurveda says that if a person is making progress in spiritual life, then this should be visible in two ways:

1. A person becomes happier and happier every day.
2. His relationships with other people improve.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter how good the spiritual or religious practice a person engages in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can only experience love during giving. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love and hardly anyone will love him or want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love.

If the willingness to take, to receive is greater than the willingness to give, then you are dependent. The receiver is dependent, the giver is not dependent.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is stated that the root of all diseases and suffering lies in self-interest and envy, since these qualities increase selfishness, concentration on oneself, and greed.

What happens to an organ or cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only receive and consume the body’s resources? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, it dies. Likewise, the universe as a whole strives to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, first of all, by ceasing to give them energy.

The enlightened Aryans pointed out in their canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about themselves, only about taking and not giving. And the basic principle of harmony is the exchange of energies. Only he opens people's hearts to love and makes the world happy.

Spiritual homeostasis.

Selfishness and selfishness are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of complete harmony between the internal and external worlds.

In order for homeostasis to exist, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being.

Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. In order for spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster the changes in this world will destroy me.

We have to stop being consumers, we have to give a lot more. But if we give physically, emotionally, etc. levels, we ourselves must take it somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities.

This purest Highest spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should control us, that we are secondary, if we can preserve this feeling, even if we lose something human (money, prestige, a loved one, etc.) d.). The main energy that is spent on everything comes to us through the feeling of unconditional love.

Food gives us energy on the External plane, but takes it away from the internal. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we don’t feel like eating; through fasting, the body cleanses itself and restores energy.

This whole world with its constant stress, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, worries - take away energy, and fasting and solitude give it. But the greatest receipt of energies comes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all its shortcomings, yourself (whatever I am), your destiny in all situations, under any life circumstances.

Make every effort to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set yourself the goal of life - the acquisition of Divine love, for from the goal we take energy, and only the strong desire for Divine love in itself fills us with higher energy.

Please note that our civilization lives by the motto: “Consume, consume, consume!” At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day. Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medications, nor various methods from the “How to become happy and healthy” series, nor many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from “chronic fatigue syndrome” is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists claim: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly it looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and his environment.

When we receive subtle energy.

We receive subtle energy when:

We're starving
- we carry out breathing exercises,
- let's retire,
- we take a vow of silence for a while.
- we walk (or just stay) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplate the beautiful landscapes of nature,
- we engage in selfless creativity,
- we praise a worthy personality for his sublime qualities and actions,
- we laugh, we rejoice, we smile from the heart,
- we help someone unselfishly,
- show modesty,
- we pray before eating,
- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural grains, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables,
- we sleep from 9-10 pm until two am (at other times nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep).
- we get a good massage from harmonious personality. Or do self-massage.
- we shower ourselves cold water, especially in the morning and the most powerful effect is if we stand barefoot on the ground.
- sacrificing our time, money...
- we see the divine will behind everything.

When we lose energy.

Energy loss is caused by:

Dejection, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future,
- setting and pursuing selfish goals,
- aimless existence,
- grievances
- binge eating,
- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate.
- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers,
- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol,
- eating in a hurry and on the go,
- smoking,
- empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone,
- incorrect breathing, for example, too fast and deep,
- exposure to direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 pm, especially in the desert,
- promiscuity, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner,
- excessive sleep, sleeping after 7 am, lack of sleep,
- tension of mind and body,
- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to always be filled with vital force (Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the earth. Recently I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities that force him to ride the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person’s immunity is quickly restored and he begins to live a healthy life.

2. Water element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, alcohol and soda.

3. Fire element: exposure to the Sun and eating food containing Sunlight.

4. Air element: This is the most important element in obtaining Prana, through inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, forests and seashores. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks around irritated and angry, then, on the contrary, excess Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to watch his diet and periodically “break out” into nature.

In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, and monasteries.

Every second we have a choice - to shine to the world, to bring benefit and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve unselfishly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower impulses, to see a Teacher in every person, to see in every situation the Divine Providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank us...

Either make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, immerse yourself in your problems, in making money in order to spend it on satisfying your feelings, or show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to get it somewhere, you will need artificial stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, sorting out relationships with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction.

A simple regular question to yourself: am I a candle to the world or am I absorbing the light? It can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore our actions. And quickly turn our lives into a beautiful bright glow full of love. And then questions about where to get energy no longer arise.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

People are talking more and more often about energy resources. It doesn’t matter how much time you have, what matters is how much you manage to do per unit of time. This is why we need a resource. The higher the energy potential, the brighter and richer life is.

Many already know how and where we drain energy, how we can replenish ourselves. By the way, there was an article about this recently. Yes, we know and understand everything perfectly well, but sometimes we are in such a state that we don’t even have the energy to recover. After all, this also requires a resource.

I have collected for you the most effective, easy and quick ways, which will definitely help you “launch” yourself.

I invite you to special training courses. This And Sometimes it’s worth working with a teacher to remove the blocks that prevent you from retaining energy in order to always be in a resourceful and healthy state.

Fifteen ways to help you quickly come to your senses

Method number 1. Be here and now. Feel what you want at this moment. Not what you NEED, but what you WANT! Do it, or at least agree with yourself when you will do it.

Method No. 2. Make energy activation mudra - thumb left hand on the nail of the middle finger, and between them, with the nail down, place the thumb of the right hand. Take 20 slow breaths in and out. Switch hands, you should have a mirror image of the mudra. And take 20 breaths again

Method No. 3. Practice massage of biologically active points. Many sources indicate that psycho-emotional balance is fixed at the tips of the little fingers. Press rhythmically on the tip of your little finger on either side of the nail until you feel a surge of energy. About 40 times.

Method number 4. Rub your ears! On the ears there are points - projections of the whole body. By activating these points, you increase the flow of energy throughout the body.

Method No. 5. If you are faced with insomnia associated with emotional overload, then prepare yourself an infusion of hops and drink it in small sips.

Method number 6. Here's another drink that will cheer you up - grate ginger root, add a little cinnamon, a third of a vanilla pod and pour it all into a cup hot water. The invigorating drink is ready!

Method No. 7. Use essential oils. They contain a powerful concentrate of biochemical components. For example, citrus fruits are a great tonic, and for those who find it difficult to get up in the morning, keep a jar of rosemary oil by your bed.

Method No. 8. Catch the sun. It is always pleasant to bask under the gentle rays, especially since the sun produces vitamin D. And it, in turn, ensures the regeneration of nerve cells, thanks to this our psycho-emotional state is restored and we feel more energetic.

Method number 9. Get organized - clutter makes it difficult to concentrate. Many of you have probably noticed that after cleaning, answers always come, and you breathe differently.

Method No. 10. Get rid of perfectionism. Try the following practice. Give yourself permission to do whatever you give to maximum amount strength, by 92%. Stop! If suddenly the result does not satisfy you, then from the remaining 8%, do 92% again. And so on.

Method No. 11. Accept cold and hot shower! Guaranteed to perk you up.

Method No. 12. We are greatly drained by anxiety. For example, if someone's phone is turned off for a long time, we worry. We understand in our heads that there is no reason, but we cannot calm down. This makes us even more exhausted. Vicious circle. Listen to classical music! It has long been known that music has a tremendous effect on the human subconscious. And classical music harmonizes the inner state and fills it.

Method No. 13. Sometimes the energy simply cannot come to us because we are overstressed, our whole body resembles one tense bouncing ball. Laugh! Laughter perfectly relieves muscle tension and activates joy hormones.

Method No. 14. Solar breathing technique. It only takes two minutes to do it, and the results are extraordinary. Close your left nostril with your ring finger and breathe slowly and deeply through your right nostril.

To enhance the effect, do another pranayama. After solar breathing, take a deep breath and exhale through both nostrils. Close your left nostril and inhale through your right. Next, close both nostrils with your finger and hold the air as long as you can. Then exhale through the left. This way you will get rid of drowsiness, fill with energy and strength.

Method No. 15. Let your body express itself, dance. After all, energy is produced only while moving!

Remember that the most The best way filling energy is the prevention of a state of devastation. Fill your life with timely resources and enjoy life!

I invite you to take classes and “Secrets of Female Orgasms.” These courses will not only fill you with energy, they will teach you to always be resourceful, healthy and attractive.