How it's done: DIY silver ring. How to make a ring from a coin? How to make finger rings

All girls love jewelry, and the more the better. But you must admit that sometimes the stores do not have what we want - everything is boring and monotonous. Do you want something unusual and original, for example, a ring? Then you turned to the right place for help. In this article, we will show you how to make a ring at home. Such a handmade jewelry is much more pleasant to wear, since the soul was invested in it. Every home has a lot of unnecessary things that can come in handy at work. We will consider each method in detail. Stay tuned and you will learn how to make a ring with your own hands from long-forgotten materials. So, let's begin!

What can rings be made of?

If you decide to make something extraordinary, then use the most unpredictable materials, it is from them that you get creative and unique jewelry. Check out a few ideas:

  • Revise your long-forgotten button box. After a little digging, you can find original buttons of an interesting shape and design.
  • Almost all homes have wire. It is a great helper in creating the base for the ring. Any wire is suitable for work, regardless of thickness and color.
  • Every girl has beads and beads. Take a close look at the jewelry box. Every girl, for sure, has a once-favorite necklace or bracelet torn. Using them for their intended purpose, you will get a bright ring.
  • Never throw away old broken rings. They will serve as an excellent basis for a new do-it-yourself ring.
  • Old coins can be used to make a stylish ring, and more.
  • The satin ribbon will help you create a feminine and delicate look.

We have listed the main materials for making a ring with your own hands, and this, believe me, is not the whole list. To create a ring, you can use almost anything you like, you just have to turn on your imagination to make something exclusive.

How to make a beautiful ring? - Getting ready for creative work

How to make a ring with your own hands at home using only available materials? Yes Easy!

Before starting to work with the selected materials:

  • First, decide which ring you want.
  • Now we need to determine the size of the future ring. To do this, you need to take a strip of paper and wrap it with the finger on which you plan to wear the ring.

Important! If you already have a ring for this finger, then use its size in making a new ring - this is the easiest way.

  • Now, using a pen or pencil, make a mark at the intersection of one edge with the other.
  • Cut off the excess paper and get the desired size for the ring.

Important! You can simply measure the band - this will be the size of the new ring. The same strip can be used as a template to measure the prepared materials.

Wire ring

Next, we will tell you how to make a ring with your own hands using wire. Wire is the most common material for making rings with your own hands. Remember how in childhood we twisted wire roses and wore them like the most expensive decoration? Copper wire is quite affordable and durable, and at the same time multifunctional. It can be used for any kind of weaving: braids, hearts and many other shapes.

Important! If you have no experience in weaving wire rings, then first practice on simple elements, and then you can start creating a complex composition.

This is one of the most simple ways, which any needlewoman can handle. To make a wire ring, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • An interesting button or natural stone.
  • Soft wire.
  • Nippers.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • A piece of tube in the shape of a cone.

Procedure for making a wire ring:

  • First you need to fix the stone on the wire. If you are using a bead, then just thread the wire through it.

Important! The stone can be painted using a spray paint can. To do this, you need to put a pebble on a piece of paper and point the spray at it. After complete drying, turn the stone over and process it on the other side in the same way.

  • After - using nippers, bend the wire back, attach it to the tapered tube.
  • We wrap the entire conical tube with wire several times.
  • Next, we firmly squeeze all the turns of the wire, and bend its ends up and down.
  • We remove the finished workpiece with the tube and the ends of the wire, fix the turns from the sides of the central stone or bead.
  • We wrap the whole ring with the ends of the wire, about 3-5 times.

Important! Make sure that the threads fit snugly against each other.

  • At the end of the work, cut off the excess wire using round-nose pliers, fasten all the connected turns to give a flat shape.

Important! Remember that aluminum breaks down quickly, so if you took just such a wire, when creating turns of different shapes, you need to be extremely careful and attentive.

Ring of pins

Don't believe that you can make a ring out of pins with your own hands? You are very wrong. This material can be beneficially used in such an interesting lesson. How? We will tell you everything further.

For work we need:

  • Pins.
  • Beads.
  • Elastic thin elastic band.
  • Small link chain.

So let's start creating an 80s style ring using pins:

  1. To begin with, we take a pin and string beads on it. The number of beads is at your discretion.
  2. We pass two thin elastic bands through both ends of the pin.
  3. Now we take the next pin and use the same method to put it on an elastic band, only its head should look in the opposite direction.
  4. Doing the same manipulations, alternate the pins in turn until the desired circle is obtained.
  5. At the end of the work, we tighten the elastic and fix it, hiding all the knots.

Satin Ribbon Ring

Before starting work, you must prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Medium width satin ribbon.
  • Thick wire for the base of the ring.
  • Pliers.
  • Scissors.
  • Nippers.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Glue gun.
  • Glue.

Described below step by step process for making a ring from a tape:

  • First of all, we measure the required length of the wire, and cut off the excess with wire cutters.

Important! In order for the future ring to be strong enough, we recommend making a few turns with the tape. You can multiply the girth of your finger by 3 and get the required piece of satin ribbon.

  • Now just wrap your finger with wire using pliers. Thus, we get the basis of the future ring.

Important! In this case, you can take a size cone, as it is much faster and more convenient.

  • We take satin ribbon and using a glue gun, discreetly attach to the edges of the wire. We begin to wrap the whole ring with tape.

Important! Care must be taken to ensure that the tape is tight enough to the wire when wrapping around the circle.

  • When the tape is wound around the ring, we cut off the excess material, and then we fix the end with glue.
  • Next, cut off a piece from the tape, about 10-15 cm and burn the ends with fire.

Important! To prevent the edges of the tape from falling off, you can heat the scissors with fire before cutting.

  • We form a bow from the ribbon, and fix the middle with stitches.
  • We glue the bow to the base (where the end of the tape is glued).

Coin ring

It is possible to make a ring from a coin, but it is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. You can ask for help a person who has the skills to work with metal products.

In order to start making a ring with your own hands using a coin, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drill.
  • Fine grit sandpaper.
  • Coin.
  • A small piece of metal.
  • Hammer.
  • Soft fabric.
  • Steel spoon.
  • Emery roller.
  • Polishing wheel.
  • Clip for decoration.

Now let's get to work:

  • At the first stage, we take a coin, place it on its edge and place it on a metal base.
  • We press the base with a teaspoon.
  • Then we do painstaking work. Take a hammer and knock on a teaspoon until the coin is flat.

Important! Constantly monitor the process of flattening the teaspoon. Try to hit the coin with the same force for the smoothest edge possible.

  • Then with a drill we make a hole in the very center of the coin. When you drill through, the coin will be securely fastened.
  • Now sand the edge of the coin with sandpaper until the surface is shiny.
  • Next, using a drill, we increase the hole in the circle. We constantly change the drill to a larger one until the required circle for the future product is obtained.

Important! When you shape the size of the jewelry, constantly try on it so that in the end the ring does not turn out to be large.

  • Use an emery roller to polish the inside of the ring.

Important! If desired, engraving can be made on the ring, but for this you need to contact a specialist.

Button ring

If you don't have a suitable ring base, then you can buy one at a jewelry making store. On such a basis you can attach different materials: button, stone, plastic, shell and other materials. V in this case we will tell you how to make an original ring from long-forgotten buttons and a piece of fabric.

For work we need the following materials and tools:

  • Round piece of black felt (diameter 5 cm).
  • Bright buttons.
  • Superglue or glue gun.
  • The base for the ring.
  • Jewelry pliers.
  • Scissors.

Getting started:

  • If there are loops on the button, then remove them with pliers.
  • Next, we glue the buttons on a piece of felt according to the scheme: from the center to the edge of the circle.

Important! Buttons must be darkly fastened to the felt in such a way that in the end it turns out round form.

  • After the glue has completely dried, cut off the excess felt from the sides with a straight or zigzag line.
  • We coat the base well with glue.
  • We glue the previously made fabric with buttons on the base.
  • We are waiting for the finished ring to dry completely and rejoice in the new thing.

The ring with your own hands is ready at home!

Beaded ring

You probably made different beaded rings as a child? Its large assortment makes it possible to show your imagination. It all depends on your desire and work experience. Beads can be taken in various designs: glued, strung on a fishing line or sewn on. Of course, the jewelry will not look presentable, but with the help of beads and beads, you can create a pretty beautiful ring.

To get started, we need:

  • Thin wire.
  • Beads (at your discretion).
  • Beads.
  • Glue.
  • Nippers.
  • Pliers.

Let's start making a ring from beads and beads:

  • First you need to measure the size of the future ring. To do this, multiply the girth of the finger by 3 or 4 and add 2 cm.
  • Cut the resulting length from the copper wire.
  • Next, string the beads onto the wire.

Important! Please note that 1 cm should remain from each end of the wire. The edges of the wire must be sealed with glue so that the beads do not crumble.

  • We wrap with wire with beads around the finger or use a dimensional cone. We bend the remaining ends - we will need them later to secure the ring.
  • Now we start making the ring. We take the wire and cut off three pieces 2-3 cm long.
  • We string two beads on each piece. We bend the ends of the wire so that the beads do not roll.
  • After that, we bend all three parts in half, that a depression is formed in the center, arrange the beads at the ends of the wire.
  • In the recess we place the previously prepared base by passing parts of the wire through it.

Important! Do not forget that the folded edges of the wire should be located only near the ring.

  • Now we bend the pieces of wire so that the beads fit tightly to each other.
  • We twist all the ends of the wire so that the beads are on top.
  • With the ends that were previously bent, we finally fix the ring.

Important! When making a ring from beads, you can use different options execution: weaving in one or several rows, combine beads with other materials. Feel free to experiment and you will succeed!

Leather ring

Agree, not every girl wears a leather ring, but this does not mean at all that you need to give up such interesting idea... We will tell you the simplest and most affordable option.

The list of materials required to create a leather ring:

  • Leather lace in any color.
  • Wire.
  • Pliers.
  • The base for the ring.

Important! The base can be of different thicknesses, since after the entire manufacturing process it will be possible to adjust the size by simply moving the wire spiral.

Let's take a closer look at all the stages:

  1. First, we wind the wire onto the base, make a few turns, stretching the irregularities.
  2. After - we cut off the ends of the wire, and in order that they do not prick, we bend them into loops.
  3. Now we take a leather cord and begin to weave in the form of a spiral along the entire base of the ring, passing the end of the leather first above the wire, then below, constantly alternating. We repeat this procedure in the opposite direction.
  4. We continue to weave until the entire base of the ring is wrapped in a leather cord.
  5. After all the procedures, we cut the lace and hide the tip under the loop.

Chain ring

What can you make a finger ring from? Have you ever thought of a chain? But in vain. A beautiful and delicate ring can be made from a chain. Almost everyone has a broken chain that cannot be repaired, but it is a pity to throw it away.

In order to get started, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Pliers or tweezers.
  • Chain.
  • Small clip rings.

So, we begin work on making a ring from a chain:

  1. Take the chain and wrap it around your finger. In this way, we will determine the size of the ring and cut the correct length of the chain.
  2. Carefully cut off the excess part.
  3. Using a ring with a clip, we fix both ends with pliers.
  4. Now you know how to make a ring with your own hands from scrap materials. Agree, it's not that difficult. Having familiarized yourself with the basic methods for creating a ring, you can easily make a stylish and original ring. Use your creativity in the right direction and you will definitely succeed!

Let's move on to the photo report? ;)

The workshop is located at the growing Kristall plant. Since it was already getting dark, it was raining and I was late, I didn't take pictures of it. But it is very atmospheric, so I illustrate the story with a photo from the Internet:

The plant is located near Yauza, across the river from Winzavod and Artpley. Now, when I was looking for a photo, I saw that the plant would be reconstructed: they plan to create a pleasant public space with cafes, shops, creative offices and more. Already last summer fairs and festivals were held there, a lot of people visited the new place. Concept and appearance resemble the Flacon design plant, don't they? Competition! :)

But about the factory another time, I want to return there when the weather is better to explore a new hangout place;) And now let's return to the master class that took place in the creative workshop. It is combined with a small but pretty photo studio, so there are many cameras of varying degrees of vintage, paintings and paint-stained easels. Atmospheric place!

It looks like workplace jeweler - nothing luxurious, and in fact not only silver, but also gold and precious stones are processed here. Below is a pedal for a sander.

First, we took a small amount of silver and melted it.

After that, the molten mass was poured into a mold, where it froze, but not firmly. In general, silver is a rather malleable metal and you can work with it for some time without new melting.

Having cooled the resulting "sausage" in cold water, we moved on to running in. It takes place in two stages: first you need to set the width of the ring (right side of the machine), and then - the thickness (left side). You insert the sausage into the opening, turn the handle and it crawls through the opening. The run-in takes place gradually, for each of the stages there are about 30 spins. That is, you cannot immediately take and flatten the metal in one scroll - then it will crack and you will have to start over.

During the last scrolling, it was possible to print some pattern on the metal (it is still soft, remember?). I was offered a piece of lace, something else - I chose a leaf, because quite recently I got a ring in the form of a twig, and I decided to make this ring for a phalanx. It turned out to be such an eco-theme :)

After that, using a thread, I measured the circumference of the finger and cut off the required amount. It was difficult, because the jigsaw must be kept strictly vertical and make sure that it does not "move" to the side. Here I was helped as this important stage- the saw cuts must be perfectly even in order to connect later.

Then a ring is formed from the strip around the cone-shaped stick using a soft mallet. I am very focused and tense :)

Now it's time to bleach the silver in acid to restore its original color - it darkens after being melted.

Next step: sanding in several ways. First, the side edges of the ring are sanded with emery paper.

Then the outer and inner side with sandpaper rolled into a drill. The ring must be held tightly, otherwise it can fly out into the eye. And this is not so easy, because it vibrates strongly under the influence of the drill - it flew away a couple of times, so I preferred to photograph this stage :)

After that, the ring goes through the last stage of grinding on a machine with a fast spinning rubber "wheel". From quick friction, the ring instantly heats up and after each touch of the "wheel" it must be immersed in cold water.

That's it, the ring is ready! It remains only to clean it in an ultrasonic bath - leave it there for 10 minutes. You can rest and wipe the sweat of zeal from your forehead :)

And here is the result!

An indescribable feeling when you yourself do some thing: now I wear this ring without taking it off - here it is, the power of hand-made. So I advise you to go to the master class, it is not at all expensive. Or an option for guys: buy a certificate for MK and give it on February 14 or March 8;)

Thanks to my jewelry mentors who helped me in creating the photo report!

In the nineties, when the country was faced with such a concept as a shortage, and it was almost impossible to get something worthwhile in stores, almost no one wondered how to make a wire ring, and no one could be surprised by such homemade decoration... Now this trend has moved aside, a bunch of jewelry has appeared in stores for literally a penny. But there are women of fashion who know how to make a wire ring with their own hands so that it organically fits into the image.

Necessary materials

To make this simple piece of jewelry, you will need very few tools and materials:

  • Any thin wire, preferably aluminum. For baby rings, you can use the one covered with insulating plastic.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • Scissors for cutting metal.
  • Beads.

How to make a wire ring with love lettering

In order to independently make a wire ring with the inscription love, you must initially have some experience with this material. With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to create such an accessory.

By this principle, you can write almost any word. But it must be remembered that it must consist of three to four letters in order to fit on the outside of the finger.

How to make a champagne wire ring with your own hands

Some romantic men, in a fit of feelings, when there is nothing at hand but a bottle of champagne, still want to make their girlfriend happy, at least with a wire ring. In this case, the wire that holds the bottle cork can come to their aid. The principle of making such a ring is very simple.

Ring with bead inside

How to make a wire ring so that it is unusual and at the same time very attractive? Most likely, those around will not be left indifferent by the product in which the bead is hidden.

To make it, you will need to repeat the first steps from the section "How to make a ring from champagne wire", only instead of forming a rose from the free ends, you will need to make a small spiral, put a bead on it and start randomly wrapping the free ends around it ... It is necessary to achieve such an effect that the bead continues to show through the wire. But as if it were all covered with a cobweb.

Another option is to pass the free end of the wire through the bead, set it in the middle of the ring, and twist the wire a couple of times around the bead so that it is all over the ring.

This accessory will be a great addition to a romantic look.

Unusual accessory: a ring on the leg

Excellent summer decoration will become a ring worn on the leg. This accessory will look great with open shoes and boho clothes. Here is a detailed outline of how to make a snake-shaped copper wire ring.

  1. Take a wire 10-12 cm long.
  2. Place it on the toe on which you plan to wear the jewelry, with back side exactly in the center of the wire.
  3. Wrap both ends around your finger for two turns.
  4. Remove the ring from the leg and bend one end of the wire using round-nose pliers several times, imitating the tail of a snake. Cut off the excess.
  5. Bend the upper end of the wire using the same round-nose pliers in the shape of a snake's head and fold the free end down so that it hides under your finger while wearing the product. Cut off the excess.

Ring with semi-precious and precious stones

If you are still wondering how to make a wire ring and you didn’t like any of the options above, then you will definitely be delighted with this jewelry. In the event that you have several beautiful and small natural stones, you just need to turn them into a beautiful ring. It is good if there is already a hole in the stone, for example, if it is left from another decoration. But you can also just glue the stone in the center of the product. All initial work repeats the steps of creating a champagne wire ring. But for this product it is better to take a very thin copper or gilded wire and fold it not two, but three or four times. Then the free ends need to be twisted around the stone.

Wire beaded ring

Jewelry with beads looks very nice and delicate. To understand how to make a wire ring with small beads, you do not need to have experience in creating such products. All you need is to dial on a thin copper wire just enough beads so that they cover the top of your finger. Then, on one side and on the other side of this beaded row, you need to make small rings using round-nose pliers. Now take a small piece of wire and secure it to the ring of the beaded row, then repeat the same on the other side. Measure the product: if it suits you in size, then cut off the excess, if not, then first change the size up or down.

Wedding rings: imitation wire weave

Interestingly, a few years ago, the world of wedding fashion was swept by a wave. wedding rings as if woven from wire. Newlyweds put an individual and personal value only for them in this accessory. But most often, such rings hint at the absence of a rigid framework within the newly-minted family. These non-standard wedding rings are chosen by girls and men who do not want to wear ordinary, strict jewelry, but want something more gentle and youthful. In addition, such accessories are often made in the form of a nest, which symbolizes family.

And how to make a wire ring for a wedding with your own hands? Not many people decide to make an accessory for such an important day on their own, but you can still participate in the creation process: draw a sketch of your future jewelry and take it to a jeweler. This way you are guaranteed to get exactly the ring that you presented.

Thus, you learned how to make a wire ring with your own hands in stages. It's a pleasure to experiment with this material, so don't stop at the tips given in this article and try something new!

Useful Tips

The most beautiful spring holiday is just around the corner, and I want to prepare for my beloved women something special... Why not make a gift for March 8 with your own hands? We offer you ideas for creating original jewelry that will delight your loved ones.

DIY bracelets

Graceful bracelet Is a wonderful piece of jewelry loved by women all over the world. It turns out that making an original bracelet with your own hands is not so difficult. Materials for these fun gizmos can be purchased at specialized stores, including online stores that offer DIY jewelry accessories.

What you may need for a double bracelet:

- Leather lace 1.5 mm thick and 1-1.5 meters long

Yellow copper ball chain or rhinestone braid, 30-40 centimeters long (about to wrap your wrist twice)

Waxed lace or any thick thread 1.5-1.8 meters long

0.6 cm diameter yellow copper hexagon nut

-- Scissors

A braid with rhinestones looks something like this. It can be found in any jewelry supply store.

Let's get to work:

1) Fold the leather lace in half to create a loop. This loop will serve as a fastener and into it. the nut should fit... Tie the loop with colored waxed thread and wind its base 5-6 times so that the thread does not subsequently loosen or untie.

2) Place a ball chain in the center of the leather cord and start tying with colored thread, grabbing one of each bead.

3) Continue tying the leather lace with the ball chain until you get product of the desired length to wrap your wrist twice.

4) When the desired length is reached and the ball chain ends, tie the leather cord with colored thread several times, and tie the end of the leather cord in a knot.

5) Place the nut on top and make another knot to secure it.

6) Cut off the unnecessary lace at the end with scissors, wrap it around your wrist and secure the "lock". The bracelet is ready!

Length and material count are for double bracelets, but you can make single or triple bracelets. Threads can be of any color of your choice.

DIY pin bracelet

Bracelets made of pins and beads- a beautiful and very simple decoration that can be made in several versions, it all depends on your imagination and available materials.

What you need:

- Safety pins


- Elastic stretch drawstring

Let's get to work:

1) Do many blanks made of beads and pins. Combine the colors as your imagination wishes: you can make single-colored rows, you can multi-colored. Beads of different sizes and textures also look good side by side.

2) Prepare 2 long pieces of elastic cord and string pins on them.

3) Tie the ends of the laces together when the bracelet reaches the desired length. While working, place the bracelet on your wrist to check its length. Don't make it too tight and too tight so that it doesn't squeeze blood flow and too weak to dangle.

DIY leather bracelet

Leather rope bracelet in the form of a pigtail, wrapped around the arm several times, it looks pretty cute, despite the rather rough material. Making it yourself is very simple.

What you need:

- Leather or suede lace (1)

Scissors (2)

Pliers (3)

Clasp (4)

Two rings (5)

Two Jewelry Clips (6)

- Wrench (7)

Let's get to work:

1) Cut a piece of leather cord long enough to not wrap it too tightly around your wrist 4 times.

2) Cut 2 more pieces of cord of the same length.

3) Holding the ends of all three laces, secure them with the clip.

4) Use a wrench to secure the laces to the edge of the table for easier handling. Next, weave the cords into a pigtail.

5) Cut off the excess edge and place the second clip on the other end of the cords, pressing it firmly.

6) Attach the clasp to the ends of the bracelet using the rings. The decoration is ready.

Very interesting bracelets are obtained when macrame technique is combined with beads... These bracelets are called Shambhala bracelets. Learning how to make these bracelets is not difficult. The main thing is to understand the principle.

DIY Shambhala bracelet (video)

How to make a ring with your own hands

Do you think that it is impossible to make an original ring at home? You're wrong! It turns out that in your house you can find a lot of unnecessary things that you may find useful in your work. Take, for example, old forks, spoons, knives that you have not used for a long time, but you are sorry to throw them away.

We offer an idea of ​​how in a couple of minutes it is possible to make from old iron devices with graceful handles original ring.

What you need:

- Any old forks, knives, spoons with beautifully decorated handles. This is the backbone of your product. It is better if they are silver cutlery.

- Metal cutter or hacksaw



A sheet of loose paper

-- Pen

Let's get to work:

1) First, decide for yourself what kind of rings do you want to get... You can choose the one that wraps around your finger - type 1 (fig. 1), or one of its ends will be hidden and will not be visible - type 2 (fig. 2)... The length of the workpiece depends on this.

2) In the second step, you need to choose the right cutlery which will soon turn into a ring.

3) Take a strip of paper and wrap your finger around it on which you will wear the ring. Mark with a pen where the strip meets the other end. If you choose a type 2 ring, add approximately another 6 mm and put a bold mark. If you have chosen a ring of type 1, then you do not need to add extra millimeters.

4) Using the resulting paper measure, you can make a blank for the ring by cutting off the handle of the fork in the right place using metal cutter or hacksaw.

5) Finish the cut edge of the fork with sandpaper so that it is not sharp and you do not get hurt when the ring is ready.

6) In the last step, you need to be careful with pliers bend the resulting tip of the fork into a ring... If the fork is made of silver, you can bend it without any problem.

7) The result should be something like this:

DIY stone ring

Another very stylish and original ring can be made from a simple pebble that you find on the street, wire and paint. In this example, we'll show you how to easily and quickly make a ring with a "piece of gold".

What you need:

- A pebble of your favorite shape

Golden wire 15-20 centimeters long

Blank for dimensionless ring

Superglue for jewelry

- Spray can of gold paint

Let's get to work:

1) First you need to paint the stone from spray paint... To do this, place a pebble on a piece of paper and direct a stream of paint onto it. After drying, turn the pebble over and work on the other side.

2) Use super glue to glue the ring to the stone. The ring should be made of hard wire or metal and it is better if it is heavy enough. It is also important that you can adjust the size of the ring.

3) Wrap the wire several times around the stone together with the ring. This will help tighter to attach the stone to the ring and will also be part of the original design.

4) Wrap the remaining wire around the ring.

5) As a result, you will get very stylish decoration... You can use any paint you like.

Homemade Button Ring

In the jewelry making store, you can purchase base for the ring, on which you can attach any details: buttons, beads and other materials. An unusual ring can be made from old bright buttons and a piece of fabric.

What you need:

- A round piece of thin black felt about 5 centimeters in diameter (1)

Decorative buttons in desired colors (2)

Superglue, but better with an electric glue gun (3)

Base ring (4)

- Jewelry Pliers (5)

Let's get to work:

1) Remove the buttonholes with pliers.

2) Glue the buttons to the piece of felt from the center in a circle closely to each other to make a round shape. Let the glue dry thoroughly.

3) Cut off excess felt from the sides. The edges can be left a little jagged.

4) Lubricate the base of the ring well with glue.

5) Glue the ring to the previously obtained button part. Let dry.

DIY necklaces

Necklace- a wonderful decoration that always catches the eye. If you like large bright necklaces, we suggest that you try to make it with the help of decorated shells from pistachios.

What you need:

- Single pistachio shells (1)

A small piece of thick cardboard (2)

Glue gun or super glue (3)

Nail polish or acrylic paint (4)

Tassel (5)

Chain (6)

2 rings and clasp (7)

Pliers (8)

- Scissors (9)

Let's get to work:

1) Cut a semicircular pattern out of the cardboard to form the base of your necklace. Its size depends on you.

2) Attach the rings and chain to the edges of the pattern with needle-nose pliers.

3) Prepare the shells for the pistachios, after having painted them in the desired colors.

4) Using glue, glue the shells to the base, starting from the edge. Advice: before gluing, attach the shells to the cardboard and think about how you will lay them out.

DIY beaded necklace

To make this jewelry, you need to choose beads of the desired color... The size of a necklace depends a lot on the size of the individual beads, so if you want a thicker piece of jewelry, choose a larger bead. It is difficult to say how many beads you may need, but it is better to take with a margin.

What you need:

- Beads of the same or different colors (1)

Chain (2)

Scissors (3)

Pliers (4)

Adjustable rings - 2 pieces (5)

Clasp (6)

Calottes - special clamps for attaching beads to a chain and masking knots (7)

- Fishing line or thick thread (8)

Let's get to work:

1) Cut 6 slices thread or line approximately 25 centimeters, on each of which string beads in length of about 15 centimeters.

2) You should be able to 6 strands of beads, of which you need to make 3 pairs, connecting the ends of two threads and securing along the edges with calottes. Make sure the knot is tied as close to the beads as possible so they won't dangle. Cut off the excess thread.

3) Connect 3 pairs of strands to the chain with a ring, then do the same with the other ends.

Advice: before connecting the other ends of the beads to the chain, braid them into a braid to create a weave effect.

4) The chain must first be split into 2 parts depending on the desired length and connect both ends with the clasp.

5) As a result, you should have a necklace like this:

DIY neck decoration

An original necklace can be made from a simple champagne corks with a little imagination.

What you need:

-- Cutting board

Sharp knife

Champagne cork

Super glue

Leather or suede cord, length about 1 meter

Nice button or pebble earring for center piece

Nuts: 1 regular hex and 2 cap nuts

- Pin

Let's get to work:

1) Use a knife to cut approximately one third of the length of the cork. In the larger half, punch two holes with a drill, and then using a pin, pull the two ends of the lace through both holes.

2) Thread the ends of the laces through the nut and secure it to the bottom of the plug. To the ends of the laces glue the cap nuts... Attach an earring or button to the center of the cork on the convex side.

In the end, you will succeed original decoration, the length of which can be adjusted.

DIY hairpins

Hair clip can be made with a piece of lace beads and feathers. Such an original hairpin in vintage style will fit not only for brides' outfits, but also for other festive outfits.

What you need:

- Lace ribbon 2-2.5 centimeters thick and 45 centimeters long

Piece of white felt


Glue gun

Thread with a needle

Bead or decorative button

- Base for hairpins

Let's get to work:

1) Sew the white lace ribbon with a thread so that, by tightening the thread, you can roll a flower... You can sew by hand or use a sewing machine.

2) Cut out a circle with a diameter of about 5 centimeters... Use a glue gun to glue the lace to the felt.

3) From the back, glue a pair of feathers and a hairpin to the felt. Let the glue dry.

4) In the central part, glue or sew on a bead or decorative button.

DIY feather hair clip

Feather hair pins look very impressive. If these are bright and colorful feathers, then decoration will fit for festive outfits, if the feathers are natural colors - such hairpins can be worn with everyday outfits.

What you need:

- Common base for hairpins

Piece of felt material

A glass or any round measure to cut an even circle

Beads or decorative buttons


- Glue gun or super glue

Let's get to work:

1) Using a glass or other device, cut out two circles with a diameter about 5 centimeters or more depending on the size of the base hair clip.

2) After making the slits, insert the base into one felt circle.

3) Glue the two fabric circles together with glue to reinforce the base clip.

4) On the back side, glue the first bottom layer of feathers, then the top one.

5) Glue a bead or decorative button in the center.

6) The hairpin is ready.

DIY earrings

Interesting update option hoop earrings you can do it yourself by adding hanging laces to them. If you are tired of regular hoop earrings, updating them is as easy as shelling pears. Moreover, laces They are as easy to remove as they are attached, so you can return your earrings to their previous look at any time.

What you need:

- Any hoop earrings, in the example - with a detail inside the ring

Thin laces of any color

-- Scissors

Let's get to work:

1) Prepare the desired number of laces of the desired length, depending on the size of the ring. Note that the lace will be folded in half.

2) Fold the lace in half and thread the ends through the loop grabbing the ring as shown in the photo. Do the same for all the laces.

3) In the end, you will have such a product with a "fringe". You can also trim the ends of the laces with scissors.

DIY feather earrings

Decorations that use as details look very original bird feathers... Feathers can be purchased at a jewelry store or elsewhere. Not only feathers are available in stores natural flowers, but also artificially colored.

5) And attach the hook-hook to the ring.

6) As a result, you get such an earring. Make the second earring in the same way.

Many people love to decorate their fingers, and now you can find rings for every taste on store shelves. But you and I know that in things made with our own hands, there is a very special magic.

In this master class, I suggest you make a laconic but cute ring using the wire wrap technique. Wire wrap literally means "twisting the wire" and combines various techniques for creating jewelry from unpretentious, like our ringlet, to very complex and confusing in the literal sense of the word. This direction is now actively gaining momentum, although it has not yet acquired a generally accepted Russian name.

So, for the production of a ringlet we need:

  • file
  • platypuses, it is desirable that they are smooth at the ends, then they will not damage the wire
  • wire cutters
  • a cylindrical object with a slightly diameter more finger(in my case, the marker was perfect)
  • a piece of copper wire about half a meter long and about 0.8 mm in diameter (generally speaking, you can take any wire, as long as it is soft enough: brass, ordinary knitting or special from stores with accessories)

Making a ring from twisted wire

First, we take our improvised crossbar (that is, a cylindrical object) and tightly wind the wire around it three times. In this case, you need to ensure that as a result of this operation, the "tails" are approximately the same length. After winding, the "tails" need to be intertwined, pulling the wire quite tightly.

Now we begin to form the "whirlpool" itself. We align the turns so that they lie parallel and fit closely to each other, then we twist the ends of the wire even more.

We continue to twist, holding on top with your finger, so that the "whirlpool" is flat. This requires some skill and may not work out right away, but we do not retreat before difficulties!

When the whirlpool grows to the right size, leave the free ends perpendicular to the rim of the ring.

Remove the ring from our cylindrical object and start wrapping the "tails" of the wire around the rim.

Be sure to squeeze each turn with platypuses, but carefully and gently so as not to leave dents on the wire.

When three lines are typed, the ends of the wire must be cut with wire cutters. We leave only very short pieces, about the width of the ring rim, and process them with natfil so as not to prick our finger. We approach this task responsibly and smooth the tips to a round state.

We fold these rounded "tails" with platypuses on the inside of the rim and press down well.

This is how it should look from the inside out. If the "whirlpool" turned out to be too convex in your opinion, you can also tighten it with platypuses. But be careful! It is very easy to scratch the wire.

So the ring is ready. You can try on! And wear it with pleasure.
Generally speaking, it should be patched and polished to give it a more complete look. But this is an extensive topic and, perhaps, for a separate master class.

Thank you for your attention to my MK, and look into my workshop