City Day: an invented tradition and a celebration of local solidarity. City Day as a modern holiday complex Which streets will become pedestrian

Very often, a day in a certain city follows a normal, familiar scenario for everyone. But this situation can be changed. Very often, local authorities invite residents to independently think through the celebration program in which they would be happy to take part. So what could be the events for City Day?


It is very important to note those people who at one time made a lot of effort for its development in any industry. So, you need to put flowers at the foot of all the monuments (after all, it was not in vain that they were erected!), and in the main square, tell about those people who upset the city and helped its prosperity. We must also not forget about those people who are trying to make their streets, houses or municipal buildings better even now.


The most, perhaps, uninteresting, but very important part of the City Day event is over, now you can move on to the fun. So, important on this day are the performances of all local groups that dance, sing, play in the theater, etc. They must show their best performances and boast about their achievements over the past year.


What other events could there be for City Day? You can also arrange it could be football (teams of children and adults will compete), various races. You can also organize a marathon for everyone, in which people of different age categories can participate. For the elderly, you can organize a chess tournament or a domino tournament - their favorite entertainment.


The next events on City Day are fun fairs. Here you can come up with anything you want. Thus, all the factories that exist in the city or region can present and at the same time sell their products, and the city’s handicraftsmen can show off their work. It’s good to organize auctions or fun sales various products. All this can be accompanied by theatrical performances.

Master classes

City Day may also include holding various master classes by experienced specialists. Thus, women can show how to embroider, knit or make homemade pastries, men can conduct master classes on metal forging and wood carving. There are many options, you just need to bring together masters from various industries.


On City Day, it’s also a good idea to do charity work. This can be either a special promotion or simply collecting money in special boxes, for example, for a local orphanage or nursing homes.

For children

City events should also include So, it’s good to make carousels in the local park free on this day, dress up several people as clowns or funny cartoon characters so that they can entertain children passing by on the street. It is also good to arrange for children to watch a cartoon for free at the local cinema.

End of the day

And at the end of the celebration, the city authorities can organize a concert where they can invite “stars” of various sizes - both local and folk artists. You can make a disco for young people and end everything with a beautiful bright fireworks display.

Course work


Michurina Ksenia,

student FS-45, full-time department

Scientific supervisor: Parshin.Yu.M.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor



Chapter 1. Holiday as a cultural phenomenon. general characteristics

1.1 Emotional and psychological content of the holiday phenomenon

Chapter 2. Analysis and forecasting of trends in the development of the holiday calendar

2.1 Features of holidays in a modern city

2.3 Analysis of the components of the festive complex using the example of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Samara




Holidays are an important element of modern culture. Culture is the national memory of a people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life. Holidays perform consolidating and educational functions. This also applies to city holidays.

The emergence of the city as a center of industry and trade, a center of cultural and educational institutions, led to the formation of new realities: a special urban way of life, the mentality of the population; as well as a special festive culture, the manifestations of which often conflicted with traditional rural festivity.

The city as a collection of heterogeneous elements (different social groups, nationalities, forms of activity) over time forms a palette of city holidays, which gradually develop into a special system that makes up the city’s holiday calendar. The established holiday calendar becomes a kind of folk memory and festive chronicle of the city. What does it have to do with important role local thematic or “specific” holidays are played, based on the events of the history of a particular city and reflecting its specificity.

Relevance of the topic is due, firstly, to the fact that in conditions of erosion of traditions, it is very important to maintain a sense of national identity among the population, an understanding of belonging to a small Motherland. Secondly, the need to consolidate, on the basis of common holiday traditions, a socially and nationally heterogeneous urban population.

Thirdly, because holiday culture tends to develop, people’s perceptions of the holiday are changing, interest in theatrical performances and the importance of being a participant in the mass action are increasing.

Problem is that in last years, especially among young people, interest in the diverse forms and genres of festive activities has noticeably intensified. Return to folk art- an objective and natural process that is more important than ever today due to its unifying and accumulating power, capable of ensuring the preservation of the people as a nation. By the beginning of the 21st century, festive culture had become stratified and sharply differentiated. There has been a clear change in value orientations. The modern holiday calendar is quite chaotic. It is difficult to notice a coherent system in it, and most importantly, the trends leading to the streamlining of public leisure in various holiday systems, introducing rhythm into the social space of significant events, are not visible. The destruction of the system of holiday traditions leads to a state of futility, a break in continuity and a weakening of the cultural connection between generations, destruction of the unity of the socio-cultural space, uncertainty about the status of religious and holiday culture, lack of coordination of new public holidays, increasing the number of various kinds of local “introduced” holidays.

Object studying is the festive culture of modern society.

Item- study of the features of the “City Day” holiday as a modern holiday complex

Goal of the work- by considering the history of the celebration of “City Day”, characterize the current level of festive culture in Samara

In connection with the consideration of this topic, a number of tasks are identified:

1. Expand the content of the concept of “holiday”, showing its functions and structure.

2. Characterize the features of city holidays, highlighting the features that distinguish them from traditional holiday culture.

3. Analyze the formation of local themed holidays using the example of the city day, showing their meaning.

4. Using the example of the history of the celebration of the city day in Samara, show the formation of the event basis of city holidays.

5. Consider the development of festive traditions of the city day. Analysis

6. Practical analysis of the components of the festive complex using the example of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Samara

Chapter 1. Holiday as a cultural phenomenon. general characteristics

1. 1 Emotional and psychological content of the holiday phenomenon

The term “holiday” and its equivalents in other languages ​​belongs to the vocabulary of everyday speech and is often used. As an example, we can refer to the fact that the French equivalent of this term, the word “fete,” belongs to the thousand most frequently used French words, the same frequency of use is the word “fiesta”, denoting a holiday in Spanish. A modern Polish dictionary defines a holiday (“swieto”) as “a day, usually free from work, solemnly celebrated for religious or state reasons.” The Linde Dictionary explains a holiday as “a day that is solemnly celebrated, celebrated, especially in memory of a saint.”

In Russian, the term “holiday” comes from the adjective “idle”, meaning “not busy”, “idle time” - a period when you do not need to work, when you can be idle (if we are talking about time). In the new edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the meaning of the word “holiday” is revealed in the article - “ holidays” as follows: “Days dedicated to outstanding events or traditional dates (2. P. 324).

So, there are a number of definitions of the concept “holiday”. Therefore, let us dwell on a generalized characteristic that implies two approaches to defining the holiday phenomenon:

1. The holiday is viewed from sacred (mystical) positions as a special time during which the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead, between historical time and “this”, mythical time are violated.

2. A holiday is considered as a time period that highlights and marks the most significant events in the life of a state, people, or social group (3. P. 31).

Thus, two main approaches to defining the term “holiday” have been identified; of course, there are many more, but for us the above are of greatest importance. In our work, we will make a reservation, we will use the working definition of a “holiday” - an event established in a temporary space, with public functions and a regulated structure. When we use the term “holiday” in our work, we are based on the second, secular or etiquette meaning of this concept.

Even a brief analysis of the origin and meaning of the term “holiday” in several languages ​​that occupy a prominent place in the history of European culture reveals elements that are important for the researcher. The holiday is semantically connected with free time, with a certain ritual, a time of idleness, dance, reception, fun and feasting. It is associated with religious cult and with important dates in the history of the people and the state, with labor law and the organization of production, with the traditions of social movements, with their aspirations, slogans, celebrations and demonstrations on certain days.

According to Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov (ROC MP): “A secular holiday is the day of remembrance of a saint, celebrated at the state level.” Due to the many reforms that the Soviet government carried out over the years of its existence, including because of the language reform, the meaning of the word “secular” was distorted in our minds. The holiday as such required different things at different times, but several parameters remain common: respect for the holiday itself (“the holiday is holy - all business is asleep” - you couldn’t work on holidays), transformation of everything around - unusual outfits of the streets and residents were required; respect for each other friend - holiday was a peaceful moment, especially secular: on holidays they often granted mercy, granted amnesties to criminals, and so on (4. P. 69)..

The holiday allows people to better understand the meaning of life, so we are not talking about the values ​​of the holiday - they are always secondary, transitory - but about the values ​​that permeate all life, which in usual time by necessity, as if hidden from most people and which at a special time, during the holiday, always appear, are confirmed and updated. All past experience in the history of human culture confirms that the need for a holiday in the life of society is universal and constant, despite all the variability of forms of celebration. In order to penetrate into the essence of spectacular art, it is necessary not only to analyze them as a phenomenon of today's reality, but also to know the stages of formation and development various types spectacles (3. p. 88).

City Day is a holiday of cities (Russia and former USSR), usually timed to coincide with weekends (Sundays).

1.2 Components of the holiday complex

The study of holiday traditions has shown that the holiday as a complex phenomenon has a certain composition, or complex, the identification of which reveals the nature and degree of existence of the holiday. The composition of a holiday, or holiday complex, refers to the various components presented in it that carry a certain semantic meaning and function at the level of everyday life. An examination of the festive complex ultimately reveals the degree of its traditionalism.

Isolating the components of a holiday does not mean its mechanical division. All its parts are closely connected and interpenetrated. The composition of a particular holiday, its festive complex, can be more or less complete, which is primarily due to the peculiarities of its formation. In general, the totality of components that make up the holiday complex characterizes the holiday as a cultural and everyday phenomenon.

In various holidays that exist these days, we consider it possible, following E.A. Keller identifies three main components: solemn-official and mass-entertainment, related to public life, and domestic-everyday, inherent in the home sphere (5. P. 60-61).

In modern public holidays, which this chapter is devoted to, the solemn component directly expresses the ideological foundations of the holiday and serves to strengthen them. Its arena is always public places (palaces of culture, clubs, theaters, parks, stadiums, etc.). The forms of manifestation are specific and well-established. Soviet holidays, for example, are characterized by meetings, rallies, and demonstrations. By their origin, they are associated with the international labor movement and signify a certain level of formation of revolutionary celebrations.

The forms of mass entertainment component are very diverse and have different origins. This festive part is perhaps the most mobile, as it is subject to a constant, both spontaneous and purposeful search for forms, which is caused by the desire to make holiday leisure the most interesting and in line with the spirit of the times. (6. P. 82).

The domestic part of the holiday, unlike the first two, takes place in the sphere of family life, and its arena is the home and family, respectively. The forms of this component of the holiday, compared to others, took shape over a long period of time. They are stable and to the greatest extent have ethnic specificity, which is manifested in such elements of material and spiritual culture as festive food, feasting, visiting, etc. Despite a certain conservatism of the domestic component, it is also subject to change (6. P. 83) .

Public holidays form a separate specific sphere of festive life. Its features are associated, first of all, with the nature of public holidays as an ideological phenomenon. The ideological orientation underlying this group of holidays is at the same time the driving force behind their development.

Ritual and game elements of the old calendar holidays perform in a traditional or transformed form in new seasonal holidays, specially created and constructed mainly by professional specialists on a traditional basis. The connection with the archaic and later holiday traditions and the forms of connection are very different. This is largely explained by the peculiarities of the formation of such modern celebrations aimed at preserving the national flavor.

One of the components of the cultural space is the festive space. Festive space as a phenomenon of festive culture is of particular interest to us. This is a multifactorial and multidimensional system, a specific phenomenon of festive culture, which determines a special form of social behavior. Festive space is a transformed space, it is determined by the meaning of the holiday and is recognizable by participants in festive actions (3. P. 87). Characteristic Features festive space can be called a clear time frame. It is temporary in relation to everyday, everyday space; its artificiality is fraught with playfulness, decorativeness, and sometimes even feigned aesthetics.

Festive space is a multifactorial and multidimensional system, a specific phenomenon of festive urban culture, which determines a special form of social behavior. The archetype of a festive space is associated with certain constants that transform it and endow it with a festive meaning. These constants are: compositional center, language, tempo-rhythm, color, sound, type of movement.

The characteristic features of the festive space are the time frames designed for holiday time. This space is temporary in relation to everyday, everyday space; it is distinguished by artificiality in relation to everyday space, it is “composed”, created, stylized, specially decorated, dressed up, striving for “beauty”.

The festive space is endowed with a certain meaning, decorativeness and aesthetic function. The entire palette of festive space (holiday decorations, special temporary buildings, symbolic attributes, etc.) “works” for festive atmosphere and corresponds to the type of holiday. Each type of holiday has its own special rules, its own structure, aesthetics associated with space. In a technological sense, the functionality of the holiday space is determined by the location of the action, determines the role functions of the participants in the holiday, and depends on the stylistic features of everyday space (5. P. 39). Games and gaming practice are associated with the phenomenon of holidays.

As for holidays in the secular sense, which is inherent in modern cultures, they are characterized not only by solemnity, a special emotional uplift, but also by the fact that this is a time of active leisure, entertainment, and fun. The ritual component is kept to a minimum and is subordinated to mass entertainment events, festivities and games (11. p. 49).

And, in conclusion, if we consider holiday culture as a set of “...communications unfolding in festive space and time,” then, according to the Polish researcher K. Zhigulsky, the following components can be distinguished (12. P. 112).

1. Spatio-temporal, including festive space and time.

2. Structural and content component, including decorations, actions (animation events), costumes of participants, festive meals, and a gift system.

3. Ideological component: the holiday should be based on a certain ideologeme, event. It must be connected with real (even if distorted in the minds of descendants) or sacred events of religious and mythological origin. In this case, the event itself should be perceived as a significant and positive symbol (12. P. 112).

A similar, albeit more detailed, description of festive events is offered by culturologist I.I. Shangina (13. P. 111), identifying the following components: a) festive time, b) festive space, c) subjective-personal (participants in the action), d) ritual, e) ideological

1.3 Drama and directing of public holidays

A mass holiday is an unusual phenomenon, synthesizing reality and art, artistically designing one or another real life event.

Mass holidays can be attributed to dual phenomena that preserve the original syncretism of artistic and utilitarian principles. At the same time, obviously, one cannot underestimate the fact that a holiday is a complex phenomenon and some of its components, for example, a mass theatrical performance, represent independent artistic values.

The art of a mass celebration, performance, spectacle is the art of high ideas, purposefulness and civic pathos, which at the same time requires vivid imagery, associativity, an original, bold creative concept, which is the first guarantee of success and interest of the viewer.

Means of ideological and emotional impact of a mass holiday:

A living word that creates images that can directly embody and convey the actions, feelings, moods, and experiences of people. It is the living word that creates an atmosphere of communication between the stage and any audience. The poetic word is also an effective tool for the screenwriter and director.

Musical dramaturgy of the script, which is based on the synthesis of ready-made musical works belonging to different composers.

Feature and documentary films. It is used especially successfully in the prologue; it helps, as it were, to transport the participants to the era of certain historical events.

Choreography and sports. The synthesis of sports, choreography and pantomime is an extremely strong and vibrant means of expression in the palette of the screenwriter and director of the mass festival.

Visual media, the great role of visual solutions, sound and light, acting as one of the most important components of theatrical action.

Chapter 2. Analysis and forecasting of holiday calendar development trends

1.3 Features of holding holidays in a modern city

Thus, a traditional folk holiday is semantically connected with free time, a time of idleness, rest, and with joy, fun, with a certain ritual, dance, reception, feasting, consumption, waste. It is appropriate to note that holiday traditions, their composition, ideological orientation, nature of existence, methods of carrying out in general reflect the level of development of the material and spiritual culture of the people and at the same time contain a rich and varied historical experience, accumulated over many centuries of their existence.

The holiday is a necessary condition social existence, exists in all societies since ancient times, “celebration (of all kinds) is an important primary form of human culture.”

City Day is the most widespread holiday in terms of scale, the largest in scope of preparation, because it affects all residents of every city. On this day, festive events are held - speeches by city leaders, parades, processions, fairs, and festive concerts. City Day usually ends with fireworks. As a rule, the celebration begins on the Saturday preceding Sunday (that is, two days: Saturday and Sunday).

The city, as a collection of heterogeneous elements, entailed a diverse palette of city holidays, which gradually took shape into a special system that makes up the city’s holiday calendar. It became a kind of folk memory, a festive chronicle of the city. The city's holiday calendar is based on the traditional calendar, which is based on folk and religious holidays. The traditional holiday calendar is the result of a long cultural process, its structure and form are constantly evolving and improving.

Crowded festivities and holidays have always been part of city life, but for a long time they completely copied the peasant tradition: they were organized on the same calendar dates and in the same forms (mummers at Christmastide, horseback riding and from the icy mountains at Shrovetide, swings at Easter , curling wreaths and round dances “in nature” for Trinity, etc.). The festivities themselves were popularly called “under the mountains” or “under the swings.”

Urban culture (meaning big cities) turned a folk holiday into a folk festival, in which the meaning of the main elements changed: instead of a ritual - a game, instead of a local tradition - a mass averaged culture, and the folklore interpretation of the holiday is replaced by the need for general fun, festive unity and switching from everyday life to holidays. Therefore, folk festivities are close to the square fair festivities - the product of the city (16. P. 97). Celebrations in their essence cannot give a single festive team with the same traditions and attitudes, which is present in the classical folk holiday.

National holiday does not involve outside observers, spectators, here each participant is the creator of the holiday, knowledgeable and actively implementing folk traditions. The party naturally includes outside observers and people who are new to such an atmosphere. The festivities seem to draw all these people in, absorb them and do not emphasize their foreignness (16. P. 98). The folk holiday is not directed; tradition acts as the director. During the festivities, there are certain ways of having fun, so its mandatory elements are attractions, displays of all sorts of outlandish things and other spectacles.

The party requires a scriptwriter and a director, that is, special people who provide the action. In the rural festival, as in the city, there were people who, for example, built ice mountains, but they were obligatory participants in the festival; There were no people in the village who financed the holiday or specifically gave money (treasury, merchants, etc.). To set up booths and fairground buildings in the city, there were special teams of carpenters, painters, etc., special professional entertainers worked, professional police officers monitored the observance of order, individuals provided drinking and food establishments, and much more (16. P. 99).

The above constitutes the specifics of organizing and holding festive events in modern cities. Places and times of celebrations are regulated regulatory documents, and the preparation and holding of events is carried out by professionally trained specialists.

Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted that within the framework of the traditional folk (ethnic) culture of any nation, traditions of leisure and holidays have developed. Reflecting the specifics of the historical development of a particular people, they formed complex systems that included customs and rituals, games and competitions, fortune telling, various forms of folklore, etc. Most often, when speaking about the traditional origins of animation, it should be recognized that we are talking about the realities of spiritual culture. All types of animation activities, which will be discussed below, are associated with traditional culture, the realities of which are used in modern practice of organizing leisure time.

2.2 History of the celebration of City Day in Samara

The first mention of Samara dates back to 1367, this is a fact. Even then, the city of Samar was marked on Italian maps on the site of modern Samara, by the way, with the mark “a particularly violent place”... And the fact that Samara celebrates City Day in May is largely an accident. This was the initiative of several officials of the Kuibyshev City Executive Committee, who in 1986 decided that the proletarian month of May was suitable for them to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the city. Historians know that before the revolution, City Day in Samara was celebrated on August 29, that is, September 11 in the new style. This was the case from 1886 to 1917

By decree of Fyodor Ivanovich in 1584, it was decided to found the Samara fortress (renamed a city in 1689). tercentenary of the Decree of Fyodor Ioannovich ( direct relative Romanov dynasty), dating back to 1886. At the same time, however, two centuries of Samara’s pre-Romanov history were left out of the equation - but how could there be history in the Wild Field, which had not yet become part of Russia? Alabin’s undoubted merit was that before him, no one had ever thought about how old Samara was - 200, 300, 400, 500, not to mention having its own city historical calendar and celebrating its dates. Alabin conducted a colossal propaganda campaign on the occasion of the discovered anniversary, contributing to the growth of interest in the past of Samara.

He also achieved political goals - the attention of Emperor Alexander III, who graciously issued a special permission to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city in 1886.

Choking in loyal feelings, the Samara City Duma, headed by Alabin, went further, and in order to surely connect the history of the city with the ruling dynasty, it decided “to establish for this celebration a day that for some reason would be especially memorable and kind to the city of Samara,” namely August 29 is the day of Alexander II’s visit to the city, who founded the Cathedral, and the name day of Alexander III himself. For which they also received royal permission. Celebrations on the occasion of the suddenly discovered anniversary were a success, becoming one of the most notable events in the pre-revolutionary history of the city: there were eminent delegations, fireworks and a telegram to His Imperial Majesty, and a response from His Imperial Majesty, and a response to a response, and a response to a response to response (“Thanks”), etc. - and at the head of all this, all in a white uniform, is the actual state councilor P.V. Alabin.

But by creating this system of historical coordinates, Alabin not only presented his contemporaries with the celebration of the 300th anniversary (and we have the 400th anniversary) of the city, having done all those wonderful things that are mentioned above, but also “closed” the topic of Samara of the 14th-15th centuries for a long time, shortening the history cities for at least two centuries. Until 1986, City Day was celebrated in the fall, and after 1986, with the 400th anniversary of Samara, this holiday began to be celebrated in May.

In 1986, the city of Kuibyshev turned 400 years old. This date is also significant because for the first time this year, residents of Kuibyshev celebrated City Day. Colleagues from the organizational department came to Zolotarev and offered to organize a holiday. The first secretary of the city committee supported the initiative. The celebration took place. A performance on the water dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city was staged on the Volga. Many still remember this grandiose holiday. The entire Volzhsky Prospekt was packed with people, even

there was no room on the roofs of the houses. For the first time, fireworks were held on the Volga. In the same year, the Grushinsky Festival experienced a rebirth. The week of original song on the banks of the Volga was an invaluable gift to the Kuibyshev residents for the anniversary of their hometown.

But we will analyze the last 3 years of city day celebrations.

City Day is a holiday of cities in Russia and the CIS countries. City Day is usually held on weekends. If the city day falls on a weekday, it is often celebrated on the following weekend. City Day is the largest celebration of any city. Many cities hold their City Days on public or professional holidays. For others, this day coincides with the date of liberation from the Nazi invaders during the Second World War. Finally, for some cities, the city day is the day of its foundation or the day it received city status.

In Samara, City Day takes place on the last Sunday of May. Various events are held to mark this event. These could be speeches by city authorities, holiday parades and processions. Most often, the opening of new monuments, the completion of repairs of old ones or the construction of new objects is timed to coincide with the city day. On this day, fairs and festive concerts are held with the participation of pop stars. On the evening of the city day, volleys of festive fireworks sound.

In 2009, the city of Samara turned 423 years old. Traditional holiday, dedicated to the birthday, the townspeople celebrated at the very end of May - on the 30th. This year, the Samara administration prepared a special program, the culmination of which was a laser show of an unprecedented scale. City festivities began on Krasnoarmeysky Descent with a costume ball called “Russia Begins with Pushkin and Gogol.” All interested residents of Samara were taught ancient classical dances - mazurka, polonaise, minuet, krakowiak, children read poems by famous Russian poets and became acquainted with the history of art in Russia and Samara in particular, and adults could try on the image of a city dweller of the past, and even the year before century.

Special attention The program for celebrating the city day in 2009 focused on children. Football celebration, launch balloons, sports competitions with valuable prizes and the opportunity to go on rides for free - the city administration made sure that the little townspeople would remember this day for a long time. Adults were also not deprived of attention - concerts of famous Samara artists and invited stars, open summer cafes - everything guaranteed a wonderful festive mood for all day. Thoughtful entertainment for youth and adults was divided into 5 platforms, each of which found its audience. The rock concert with the participation of young stars was most popular among young residents of Samara.

However, the main surprise awaited the townspeople in the evening. The laser-fountain-pyrotechnic show was held in Samara for the first time. To ensure that no one missed anything, a large LED screen was installed near each site, broadcasting everything that was happening online.

2010 Concerts will be held at several venues - performances by a brass band, children's groups, representatives of the city's creative intelligentsia, a gala concert will take place in the evening at Ladya, after which fireworks will go off at 23:00.

The highlight of the program will be an innovation that has never been carried out in Samara before - in morning program holiday there will be a retrospective. “Since this is a purely city holiday, we must show the townspeople what the city has at its heart. Therefore, columns of workers will pass through Kuibyshev Square - representatives of all nine districts of the city and representatives of large municipal enterprises - such as the Samara Metro, Samaravodokanal. 5 thematic platforms will be organized on Krasnoarmeysky Spusk: “Samara children are the best in the world”, “Samara is strong through the friendship of peoples”, “Sports love to be strong”, “Create, invent, try”, and also for the first time the “Cheerful Kids” site will open for preschoolers and their parents.

Traditionally, a youth audience will gather in front of the pool of the CSK VVS. This year the site will have a sports focus: streetball tournaments will be held here.

On Mayakovsky Spusk from 11:00 to 15:00 there will be concert program with a performance by the municipal children's theater "Zadumka", and from 12:00 to 19:00 there will be an action "Change a cigarette for candy", as well as an arm wrestling competition.

From 11:00 to 21:00, creative groups from municipal cultural centers will perform on Chkalovsky Spusk. Here, for the first time, youth audiences can take part in the “Dance for Life” campaign aimed at AIDS prevention, and also learn modern dance. At 18:00 a brass band and a ballroom dance ensemble will perform for the guests of the celebration. A children's party will be held at the site near the Otdykh cafe.

This year, on the 4th stage of the embankment (Ladya), a program of the best creative groups of the city will be presented. The festive event will end with fireworks at 22:30.

Holiday program 2011

On May 29, Samara celebrates her birthday. About what, where and when you can see. This year the holiday will be opened by a solemn procession, with the participation of representatives of the city and district administrations, as well as municipal enterprises. More than 12 thousand people will march in columns from the CSK VVS Sports Palace along the street. Molodogvardeyskaya to Kuibyshev Square. The spectacle will be reminiscent of the May Day demonstration. Demonstrators will form into columns from 10.30 and will be on the square at 12.00. For those who cannot take part in the procession, the GIS TV channel will broadcast the event live.

From 11.00 to 14.00 in the Strukovsky Garden for the seventeenth time the traditional journalistic Festival “Press-2010” will be held, organized by the Samara regional organization of the Union of Journalists of Russia together with the Administration of the Samara City District.

From 11.00 the sites on Mayakovsky and Chkalovsky descents will begin work. The Zadumka municipal theater group will perform on Mayakovsky Spusk, and a children's entertainment area will begin operating on Chkalovsky.

From 12.00 the entire embankment will be open. A very rich program awaits Samarans. 5 thematic platforms will be organized on Krasnoarmeysky Spusk.
One of them is the concert and creative platform “Samara’s children are the best in the world.” Residents will be presented with a gala concert with the participation of laureates of city competitions dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory. Performances by creative groups of children and teachers will alternate with classes at the ballroom dance school. Everyone who comes to the holiday will be able to learn how to dance the polonaise, krakowiak and other dances.

On the same site there will be an exhibition of children's and teachers' arts and crafts, fine art and photography, “I Love You, My Samara.”

18 young artists will paint pictures in the open air dedicated to the feat of their fellow countrymen in the Great Patriotic War.

There will also be a competition among nature experts of the native land on environmental issues.

The “Friendship of the Peoples of Samara is Strong” venue, which will host performances by national groups of the city, students and teachers of national cultural centers and national Sunday schools cities. The “Sloboda of Crafts Workshops” will also operate here.

"Sports, love, be strong" platform. The family sports and games relay race “Dad, Mom and I – a Glorious Samara Family” will take place here, as well as a children’s city chess tournament. Viewers will also be able to watch demonstration performances of the Youth Sports School - aerobics, sports dancing, hand-to-hand combat, sports acrobatics, and the winners of city breakdancing competitions will demonstrate their skills.

Children's technical creativity platform “Create, invent, try.” There, young modelers will show their radio-controlled and track cars and, for the first time, throwing gliders.

This year, the “Jolly Kids” Playground for preschoolers and their parents will open for the first time. Here the kids will demonstrate their talents at the Gala concert of Samara kindergarten students.

I remember the first time I attended City Day. It happened in the early 1980s in the city of Sverdlovsk (then still Sverdlovsk!). I came there to visit friends. I arrived in mid-August, and just in time for the City Day celebration.

City Day in Sverdlovsk was a “trick” of the local city and regional authorities, which was then headed by B.N. Yeltsin. My Sverdlovsk friends were proud that there was no such holiday in Moscow itself at that time. They were also proud of Yeltsin, because, unlike many “voiceless” first secretaries of Russian regional committees who stood at attention in front of the capital, he stubbornly “pulled the blanket over himself” and at the very least provided food for the region entrusted to him. That year, Yeltsin was given credit for finally abolishing milk coupons in Sverdlovsk. However, this did not increase the amount of milk. Those who wanted to get hold of them went to the dairy stores early in the morning. But suddenly they began to “throw away” chickens for sale from some local poultry plant, the construction of which, despite the center, with regional funds, the townspeople also attributed to “their” Yeltsin.

During City Day, food abundance was revealed to the people in the central square, where those who were lucky were able to buy cottage cheese, sour cream and sausages. And chickens, of course. So, with string bags at the ready, I and my friends visited several venues where they danced and sang, where girls’ voices rang and girls’ knees shone. The pinnacle of the cultural celebration was the square in front of the famous Polytechnic Institute, where amateur song creators and even local rockers performed! No, my friends were right, this did not happen at that time even in Moscow itself! In Moscow, the first City Day took place only in 1987, during that short time when the Moscow City Committee was headed by the same B.N. Yeltsin. But it was a different time and almost a different country.

City Days had never been celebrated on a large scale before. IN Soviet time Cities were generally not recommended to show off their “specialness” too much. That's why new holiday was regarded as a symbol of novelty, as a symbol of change, and - I’m not afraid to remember these words - restructuring and acceleration. In 1986 it was made a city holiday in Leningrad and Voronezh, in 1987 - in Novosibirsk, Zhdanov and Uglich. Then the process, as M.S. Gorbachev said, began. Every self-respecting city has acquired its own local holiday, City Day.

This holiday was most often timed to coincide with the founding day of the settlement. But sometimes the Russian weather protested. The founding date of the same Yekaterinburg is November 18. The cold and gray sky, crying now with rain, now with snow, are not conducive to walks and lists. Therefore, in Eburg (as local youth now call their city for brevity), City Day was moved to warm August.

As a matter of fact, City Days were not celebrated not only in Soviet times, but also in pre-revolutionary times. Throughout the entire territory of the empire there were only two cities “with faces”, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Everything else is a provincial or district city N. Even such large centers as Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Odessa, Kyiv, Tiflis and Warsaw fell into this faceless category.

Great (and small) Russian literature is a witness to this. The hero's place of residence in Moscow or St. Petersburg was described in great detail: in Kolomna, on Peski, in Maryina Roshcha, on Arbat in Krivokolenny Lane... In the provinces, the author did not provide any details dear to his heart. Well, yes, there is one in Simbirsk most beautiful place, Venets, but who has heard of this urban area besides the Simbirsk people themselves?

With the exception of capitals, the empire did not need unique cities and towns. People living in these countless cities N should have felt not like residents of some city or region, but subjects of one state. At Soviet power the general exchange rate has not changed. Moscow was the symbol of the entire country, Leningrad was the cradle of the revolution, and Uryupinsk was destined to become a joke precisely because they had never heard of Marx, Lenin, or even Stalin.

In the 1960s, the course changed slightly. Local history began to be developed and encouraged, and love for small homeland nurture. It was then that it suddenly became fashionable for all cities, right down to regional centers, to receive coats of arms. Moreover, as a rule, few people dared to restore old, pre-revolutionary coats of arms. And some cities built during Soviet rule had none at all.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, not only the national, but also the regional movement began to revive. This was due, in particular, to the fact that the regions received more economic and financial independence. As a result, the process of regional branding began. Each city and town acquired its own coat of arms, flag, museum, local history and local attractions. And on City Day too.

City Day, like any festival, should be held according to a competent scenario. This scenario, firstly, includes the creation of special holiday spaces. Traffic is being blocked on some streets and squares. Where cars used to move, you can take a leisurely stroll.

Secondly, the organized festive space simultaneously becomes a trading platform. Anything can be sold, but it is desirable that local goods and locally produced products be presented against the backdrop of Chinese consumer goods. And yes, the trading floor will be very decorated with attractions and fast food pavilions.

Every wedding must have its own general. The third important component of City Day should be the official program. The presence of local authorities and the local elite is mandatory. They lead the city in real life, they should be at the holiday.

The fourth component of City Day is a festive concert, where “stars” and “little stars” must certainly perform. Performances by folk groups can serve as a kind of “warm-up” for the audience for the upcoming concert.

The general outline of the holiday should be varied in accordance with what the city is used to glorifying itself. This may be the memory of military victories, or the historical and economic glory of the city. There are cities - just ready-made symbols of interethnic - let's not say friendship - but long successful life together. An example of such a city, both Russian and Tatar, is Kazan.

Unfortunately, such holidays as City Day still remain too official. The organizers strive to minimize any kind of unforeseen amateur activities. Residents of the city are not participants in the holiday, but only its spectators. Although the main purpose of this holiday is precisely the manifestation of local initiative, which pushes people towards each other, makes them feel like a single social organism, residents of the city whose holiday is celebrated.

In August and September 1947, Moscow and other cities Soviet Union American journalist John Steinbeck and war photographer Robert Capa visited. From their impressions, the book “Russian Diary” was born, which became available in Russian only in 1990. This year the book was republished. How did journalists see Moscow in 1947? How was City Day celebrated at that time? When you read about the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Moscow, you can’t believe that only two years have passed since the end of the war...

Moscow was in a state of feverish activity. Numerous crews hung giant posters and portraits of national heroes on buildings - they occupied entire acres. The bridges were framed by garlands of electric light bulbs. The Kremlin towers, walls and even battlements were also strewn with light bulbs. Every public building was illuminated by floodlights.

Dance floors were built on all the squares, and in some places there were small kiosks that looked like fairy-tale Russian houses - they sold sweets, ice cream and souvenirs. For this event, a commemorative medal on a block was centrally issued, and many wore it.

Delegations arrived almost hourly from different countries. Buses and trains were overloaded. The roads were filled with people traveling to the city, who carried with them not only things, but also food for several days. They were hungry so often that they tried not to take risks when traveling, so everyone took a few loaves of bread with them.

Kumach, flags and paper flowers decorated every home. Each department building had its own panel. The Metro Administration put up a huge map of the Moscow metro, under which a small metro train ran back and forth. Crowds of people gathered around each stand and stared at it not only during the day, but also at night.

Wagons and trucks loaded with food arrived in the city: cabbage, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers. These were gifts that collective farms sent to the city for its 800th anniversary.

On the evening before the City Day celebration, we were invited to Grand Theatre, but they didn’t say what would be there. By some lucky chance we were not able to go there, and later we found out that there were six hours of speeches and no one could leave because high officials were sitting in the government box. It was one of the happiest accidents in our lives.

The restaurants and cafes were filled with people, and the few empty seats were reserved for delegates who came from various republics of the Soviet Union and from other countries, so we could not get anywhere. What can I say - it was difficult to have dinner at all that evening.

The city was simply packed with people; people walked slowly through the streets, stopped in one square to listen to music, and then slowly moved to another. They looked, then moved on to look at something else. The visiting provincials watched everything that happened with wide open eyes. Some of them had never been to the capital before, and had never seen such a richly illuminated city at all. There was dancing in the squares, but not often. Most people were simply walking around the festively decorated city.

There was such a crowd in the museums that it was impossible to get there. The same thing happened in theaters. There was not a single building on which at least one very large portrait of Stalin did not hang. The second largest was the portrait of Molotov. There were also portraits of the leaders of the union republics, heroes of the Soviet Union, but they were already smaller in size.

In addition to all the decorations, many vehicles were released for the city's anniversary; Large new trams and trackless trams appeared on the streets (the author means, of course, trolleybuses. - Ed. note). The ZiS automobile plant produced many excellent new cars, but almost all of them were used to serve large foreign delegations.

Although it was only September 6, it was becoming very cold in Moscow. Our room was freezing, but they promised to turn on the heating no earlier than in a month. When we weren't sleeping, we had to walk around the room in our coats. Correspondents staying at the Metropol Hotel were unpacking their electric heaters, hidden away for the summer.

On the day of the holiday, Capa rushed through the streets with his cameras almost from dawn. He now had a Russian photographer with him, who could make it easier for him to move around the city and, if necessary, explain to the police that everything was in order. And on Red Square, a policeman was assigned to him - he helped him with filming and protected him from trouble. Now Capa could photograph buildings, stands, crowds, faces, groups of people walking and was as happy as he can only be happy while working.

Small cafes were set up on the sidewalks of many streets. One of them was located directly opposite our hotel and consisted of two tables covered with white tablecloths, a vase with flowers, a large samovar and a glass display case in which there were small sandwiches (these were open sandwiches with cheese and sausage), jars of pickles, pears and apples. All this was offered for sale.

The day turned out clear and cold. Circus elephants walked through the streets, and clowns walked in front of them. There was no military parade that day, but a big performance was supposed to take place at the Dynamo stadium. We went there in the afternoon.

A mass demonstration of factory workers actually took place at the stadium. bright suits. They marched across the field, did gymnastic exercises, and made different figures. We saw running competitions among women and men, shot put and volleyball competitions, and also beautifully trained horses that danced the waltz and polka, bowed and did pirouettes.

There was some important government official here, but whoever he was, we did not see him, because the government box was just on our side of the stadium. It was almost a record: during our entire stay in Russia we did not see a single important person. Stalin was on the Black Sea and did not come to the celebration.

The performance at the stadium lasted all day. There were demonstration performances by cyclists and motorcycle races, and finally a number was shown that obviously required a lot of preparation. A line of motorcycles drove through the stadium. More precisely, on each motorcycle there was a motorcyclist, and behind him stood a girl in a tight suit who was holding a huge red flag. As the motorcycle accelerated at full speed, the large flag fluttered beautifully. This cavalcade drove around the stadium circle twice, and the program ended.

In the evening we dined with the Aragon couple, who were staying at the Hotel National. They had a room with a balcony that overlooked the huge square in front of the Kremlin. From here we watched fireworks, which went on almost continuously, and listened to artillery salvos all evening.

The area under the balcony was packed with a crowd. There must have been millions of people walking back and forth here, forming a whirlpool. In the center of the square there was a stage on which speeches were made, music was performed, dancing and singing. The only place where we have ever seen such a crowd of people up close was Times Square on New Year's Eve.

It was only late at night that we managed to break through the crowd and return to our hotel. And thousands of people were still wandering the streets, everyone was looking at the lights and electric panels.

We had very little time left, and there was still a lot to do. Moscow was entering winter. Theaters opened, ballet performances began, and stores began selling thick, cotton-lined clothing and felt shoes, which are worn here in winter. Children wearing earflaps and thick coats began to appear on the streets. fur collars. At the American Embassy, ​​electricians were rapidly changing the wiring throughout the building. Last winter, the wiring burned out, and without the usual electric heaters, the entire embassy staff had to work in coats...

Our life went in spurts. We rushed from one place to another, trying to last days see as much as possible. We visited Moscow University, where the senior students turned out to be very similar to ours. They crowded the corridors, laughed, rushed from classroom to classroom. They walked in pairs, boys and girls, just like ours walk. During the war, the university was bombed, but students restored the building before it ended, so it did not close.

Ballet performances began, and we went to them almost every evening. It was the most wonderful ballet we have ever seen. The performance usually began at seven thirty and lasted until the beginning of eleven. The troupes were huge. Of course, a commercial theater cannot afford to support such a ballet. Performance, rehearsals, scenery and orchestra need to be subsidized, without this the troupe will not survive. It is simply impossible to recoup such lavish productions by ticket sales alone.

Moscow was still in a state of excitement and flurry of activity - it was necessary to quickly remove all these huge portraits, flags and banners before the rains began, otherwise the paint would flow from them. All this will be needed again when celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the revolution.

Yes, this is a significant year for Moscow, a year of great holidays. By the way, the light bulbs were left on all the buildings, on the Kremlin and on the bridges, since the rain could not damage them. Then, on November 7th, they will still be useful.

Finally, we tried to see everything we could in Moscow. We ran into schools, we talked to business women, actresses, students. We went into stores where there were lines for everything. For example, if a sale of gramophone records was announced, a queue would immediately form, and within a couple of hours the records would be completely sold out. The same thing happened when a new book went on sale.

It seemed to us that even during the two months that we stayed here, people began to dress better. Moscow newspapers announced reductions in prices for bread, vegetables, potatoes and some textiles. There was a crowd in the stores all the time; they bought literally everything that was offered.

The economy of the Soviet Union, which was almost entirely focused on military products, gradually switched to peacetime products. People who had been deprived of consumer goods - both necessities and luxuries - now sought to buy them.

When ice cream was delivered to the store, the line for it lined up for many blocks. The seller with a box of ice cream was immediately surrounded, and his goods were sold out so quickly that he did not have time to take the money. Russians love ice cream, and they can never get enough of it.

Comment on the article “How City Day was celebrated in Moscow 70 years ago”

I want to celebrate my birthday outside the city. Family trip for 1 night and 1 day. At what age do you let your child choose where/how to celebrate their birthday and who to invite? We celebrated 3 years in Moscow, went to Taras Bulba on Krasnokazarmennaya.

Last year my daughters celebrated their 14th birthday in a similar way, but they didn’t go anywhere. How to celebrate a summer birthday at the dacha, or a holiday experience for a company Section: Recreation. where you celebrate the birthdays of boys (10-13 years old). tell us where (in Moscow) they celebrated...

Summer activities in Moscow for free. Education, development. Teenagers. Topics of the day. Parent or other legal representative submits an application for enrollment of a child in a state educational organization the city of Moscow, defined by the list Section: With children (Leisure in Moscow). where to go with a 13 year old teenager. If I were in...

Sailing around Moscow on a boat delights even young people living on the river and in Europe. Route - from Kievsky railway station to where to go with a teenager? Please help. A 13-year-old relative came to visit us. First time in Moscow. Where can I take a teenage girl...

Please give me some tips on how to celebrate the birthday of your 9-year-old son. Second grade. In the Lights of Moscow they wrote congratulations with pens, flicked light switches for the entire city, etc. There are all kinds of laser tags in all areas of the city.

How to celebrate your mother's anniversary? Birthday. Holidays and gifts. We need to celebrate the birthday somehow. It will not be possible to leave the city/country due to various circumstances. I just don’t go to restaurants in Moscow, literally at all.

in Moscow, if you don’t transport everyone far and don’t eat in public catering, you can live and find yourself a full-time job for normal money. Neither I nor the children have any regrets. They have been living like this for 5 years already, i.e. the girl was 9 years old when they began to expect her imminent marriage. And there was a girl in our group - the only daughter of rich parents, they lived outside the city in a big...

For the last 7 years he has been working as GB. Salary 28, with constant delays from 1 month to 3-4. Good afternoon We offer apartments in the Moscow region town of Ruza, Moscow region. In our city he received 8 thousand, in Moscow 5 years ago he was offered 50 thousand...

And every year, everyone asks me how I celebrated this day. And every year I This year, after 13 years of absence, I visited my hometown (Moscow), I’ll tell you the view of the city. My colleague’s mother a year ago received a one-room apartment with all the amenities in this one.

And the city day in Moscow is horror-horror for me. I was at the very first and the 850th anniversary. In seventh place in the ranking is Rostov the Great Section: Travel route (winter Golden ring Russia). A few years ago, a group of children and I spent part of the New Year holidays there...

Both of my birthdays were celebrated in a cafe - one at sushi, the other at mu-mu with their friends. I ordered Section: Recreation. where you celebrate the birthdays of boys (10-13 years old). tell us where (in Moscow) the days were celebrated How to celebrate BD? Where to celebrate a child's birthday in winter.

Museum of Steam Locomotives on Rizhskaya + Poklonnaya Goda - day 4. on Saturday evening, when there is no one in the city, you can walk around the center - Pyatnitskaya to the Tretyakov Gallery + ourselves. We will come to Moscow for 2 days. Tell me, where could the grandmother take her grandson in Moscow, where can he have fun?

My daughter turns 16 years old. We don't know how to celebrate this event. I mean with friends. Budget is limited. We celebrated at home last year, but he doesn’t want to. Every second person invites you to bowling, it’s no longer interesting. I can’t imagine what can be offered to teenagers...

We celebrated two years ago (when we turned 8 years old). We liked. Excursion and program after the excursion. Look at other discussions on the topic "birthday at the Lights of Moscow Museum": celebrate a children's birthday on a budget. This is how we celebrated our birthday in October...

6 years ago, the senior was celebrated in Luzhniki at the Multisport sports club, the theme was The Last Hero. 15 years old girl. How to celebrate a birthday - whose choice? Last year the eldest chose a party at home, this year she is going to a children's club, at her preschool age...

The most important thing is not to loosen or remove the tree trunk circle for 3 years, do not remove the support sticks. If the Dacha growing there since 1956 is very annoying, the forest that was there was left right on the site. There are always dogs, they pee everywhere. Spruce and birch trees do not get along, spruce...

You can celebrate your birthday anywhere - at the dacha, in the yard, in the forest or park. How to mark BD? Section: Rest. where you celebrate the birthdays of boys (10-13 years old). Tell us where (in Moscow) you celebrated your sons’ birthdays? Mine is turning 11 and now...

Ancient cities around Moscow. Help. About yours, about your girl’s. There is definitely a Kremlin, but I don’t remember anything else; I was there in ’86. How to show little Muscovites the city and its surroundings. At all times, Moscow residents not only traveled around...

Are you personally present every year when children are enrolled in school? I write about what I know. Testing is a flexible concept, and if by it you mean a conversation with a child for five minutes, then yes, then I agree with you, this school should also be tested.

Every year on the first Saturday of September, Muscovites celebrate the capital's birthday. Russian Federation. In 2017, Moscow will celebrate City Day on the second weekend - September 9, and the holiday will continue on September 10. The year of Moscow's foundation is 1147 - therefore, in 2017 the capital celebrates its 870th anniversary. On Moscow City Day, folk festivals and concerts are held in the capital. The festive program will end with a ceremonial fireworks display (). Find out where to watch fireworks in Moscow on City Day - 870.

Solemn opening of the Moscow City Day holiday starts on September 9th 12:00 on Red Square, and with 13:00 festivities and entertainment events start at more than 200 sites in the city, including in the capital’s parks, where a festive program for City Day has been prepared. The main venues for the celebration of City Day will be Tverskaya Street, Krasnaya, Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Teatralnaya, Pushkinskaya and Bolotnaya Squares, Arbat Street, Poklonnaya Gora, Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye Estate Museum, VDNKh and pedestrian areas of Moscow. So the question of where to go on City Day on September 9 and 10 has a simple answer - you can go to Moscow parks. It will be fun and interesting - the plan of events for Moscow City Day 2017 is extensive, the celebration program in the parks is prepared for all ages and for every taste.

Moscow City Day 2017 - program of events in Moscow parks

Program Moscow City Day 2017 - September 9-10

City Day will be celebrated in the squares and streets of Moscow. Moscow will celebrate its 870th birthday. This means that a large number of bright, large-scale and free entertainment has been prepared for Muscovites and guests of the capital on City Day. The organizers promise that City Day 2017 in Moscow will be unprecedented - in the city will take place more than a thousand events. There will be a whole system to create the mood for all Muscovites and visitors holiday decorations. More than 270 art objects will be installed at different points to decorate Moscow on City Day. During the Moscow Anniversary 870 festival, venues throughout the city will tell about the outstanding achievements, discoveries and inventions of Muscovites. Let's find out where to go on Moscow City Day 2017.

  • Festival Moscow-870

The Moscow Anniversary 870 festival will take place from September 1 to 10. There are 40 thematic platforms open throughout the city that tell about outstanding people and events related to Moscow. The platforms are divided by themes: “Moscow conquers”, “Moscow creates”, “Moscow builds”, “Moscow sets records”, “Moscow invents”, “Moscow opens” and “Our victories”. The sites are dedicated to the achievements of scientists and inventors, theater figures, composers, famous buildings, military campaigns, etc.

In particular, on Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets, which will be completely closed to cars, there will be 7 zones. The Moscow Sets Records zone on Tverskaya will house a parkour park, two boxing arenas, jumps for motocross and mountain biking, a climbing wall in the form of Moscow City towers 10 meters high, and much more. Boxing and parkour competitions, freestyle shows with tricks on special bicycles, and master classes will be held here. About 500 athletes-instructors will conduct classes for adults and children in snowboarding, trampolining and other sports.

In the “Moscow Builds” zone Art objects reflecting Moscow architecture will be installed on Tverskaya, made of plexiglass, plastic, plywood and metal, they will be hand-painted and illuminated. Thus, on Tverskaya you will be able to see models of Stalin’s high-rise buildings, the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman,” models of the Soviet Mars rover and lunar rover, and the icebreaker “Arktika.” The key object will be a model of the orbital space station “Salyut-7” in almost the original scale, you can look into it. And the first woman to go into outer space, Svetlana Savitskaya, will talk about her unique experience at the festival.

At the "Moscow Invents" site, which will open on the section of Tverskaya Street from Voznesensky to Stoleshnikov Lane, scientists will talk about the latest discoveries. Thus, biologist and journalist Ilya Kolmanovsky will talk about the unusual abilities of plants and animals. During master classes and experiments, viewers will be shown how we sense tastes and why natural phenomena such as a tsunami or thunderstorm occur. The nature of electricity will become clearer with the help of lasers and mirrors, and scientific shows “Crystallomania”, “React” and “Mendeleev” will take place.

Where: Moscow, Revolution Square, Tverskoy Boulevard, Novopushkinsky Square, Manezhnaya Square, New Arbat, etc.

  • Festival “Good Deeds” on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Charitable organizations will organize an exhibition-fair on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to help residents of the big city. You can help those in need by buying dishes, toys, souvenirs, clothes and accessories. Anyone can take part in the charity race for a donation of 200 rubles. The length of the distance is 6.5 km, registration is on the website until September 8. On the evening of September 10, there will be a concert at which the groups Chelsea, Django, Pizza, ex-soloist of Tatu Lena Katina, Sogdiana, Dominic Joker and Katya Kokorina, rapper Kravts, Stas Piekha and other artists will perform.

Where: Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard

  • Inter-museum festival on Arbat

On City Day, historians and literary scholars on stage near the theater. Vakhtangov will be told about Arbat - a unique place, Moscow Montmartre, the center of the cultural life of the capital. Walking tours will be organized for those interested. On September 9 and 10, the Russian group “Feelin’s”, the Italian singer Boris Savoldell, and the project “YeseninJazz” will perform here.

Where: Moscow, st. Arbat

  • Festival "Bright People"

The street theater festival “Bright People” will be held in Gorky Park and Muzeon. Here you can see performances of foreign and domestic theater projects. The French collective Remue Ménage will present the play “Bear's Mouth” with giant artificial bears. The Italian Corona will present the show "Lotus Flower" and "White Lady", with the participation of dancers, acrobats and musicians who became famous on Venice carnival. The Russian group Liquid Theater and GITIS graduates will perform a 10-hour fairy tale show “Colorful Dreams”. The audience will go on a magical journey with aerialists, acrobats and opera singers.

The Muzeon Arts Park will present a fusion of design, theatrical, visual and musical arts. The performance “Fashion + Poetry” will take place here, during which poems by modern poets will be read by actors dressed in designer outfits from Moscow fashion designers. Also performing will be the Artem Gaponenko Theater troupes, “Sketches in Space” and “Freak. Fabrik." Will pass fashion shows designers Andrey Bartenev, Venera Kazarova, Kirill Mintsev and others. Visitors will also be able to create unique images with the help of stylists, make their own accessories and souvenirs from environmentally friendly materials in the “Fashion + Art” zone.

  • "Theatrical March" in the Hermitage Garden

“Theater March”, which will take place for the fifth time on City Day and will allow Muscovites to see new theatrical performances for free. On September 9, the School of Contemporary Play will show “Bad Advice” based on the book by G. Oster, and “Theatrium on Serpukhovka” will show the family musical “The Flying Ship”. For adults there will be a concert “On the Blue Danube” from the Musical Theater named after. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The 2017 Golden Mask nominees, dancers from the Moscow Ballet Theater, will perform a modern dance performance, “All Roads Go North.” In the evening, the Taganka Theater troupe will show the rock and drama “Viy” based on Gogol’s story, in which the actors are also musicians, and the lyrics of the songs of the deceased bard Venya D’Rkin (Alexander Litvinov) give depth and new understanding to the mystical story. On Sunday, September 10, artists from Moscow theaters will perform old favorite songs about Moscow. Then the musical and poetic program “Dance Floor” and the poetic performance “Brodsky. Poems" from the Praktika Theater, Meyerhold Center and Pyotr Fomenko Workshop. On this day, children will be able to be announcers, directors and even actors in the Stanislavsky creative workshop.

Where: Moscow, Hermitage Garden

Where: Moscow, Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, Muzeon Art Park

  • "Labyrinth of Time" at the Moscow Zoo

On City Day, visitors to the Moscow Zoo will be told about the history of the capital's zoo, starting from its foundation in 1864. Everyone will be able to travel back in time and attend the opening of the zoo, see what the zoo looked like during the Soviet era. Children will be invited to take part in a festive procession dressed as animals. The kids will make their own masks out of paper at the master class.

Where: Moscow Zoo

  • "City of Poets" on Triumfalnaya Square

Poetry lovers should stop by Triumphal Square, where poems by famous poets born in the capital will be read: from Pushkin to Vysotsky, from Lermontov to Akhmadulina. Literary quests and quizzes have also been prepared for visitors, and the “Rhyme with Moscow” event will take place. Heroes of Russian classics will come to life in theatrical and musical performances.

Where: Moscow, Triumfalnaya Square

  • “Moscow 60s” in the Garden named after. Bauman

An excursion program and a historical lecture dedicated to the era of the 60s - 70s of the twentieth century will be held in the garden named after. Bauman. This time was remembered for the growth in the welfare of Muscovites, the provision of housing and equipment, the active construction of Khrushchev and constructivist buildings, as well as space achievements. During these years, the architectural formation of modern Moscow took place. Visitors will see their favorite Soviet films of the 60-70s, a photo exhibition of the life of Soviet citizens under Khrushchev and Brezhnev. Guests will be able to dance the twist and rock and roll to retro hits of domestic and foreign music and take selfies in the interior of the 60s. During the master classes, children will be able to play builders, animators, and even assemble a spaceship.

Where: Moscow, Bauman Garden

  • Free excursions

On City Day, Muscovites will be able to go on free excursions along the Moscow River and the MCC. While walking on the river bus “Along the Moscow River through the Centuries” you can see the Sparrow Hills, Novodevichy Convent, St. Andrew's (Pushkin) Bridge, the Kremlin and Moskvoretskaya embankments. The guide will tell you about the history of these places, interesting facts, and show you the longest Moscow building of the 18th century. You must pay a transport fee and register on the website. The excursion will take place on September 9 and 19, gathering at the Novospassky Most pier.

On the excursion "MCC - steel ring capital" on September 9 and 10, passengers will be told about the historical background of the modern MCC, 15 historical stations and others interesting facts. For example, about the fact that once upon a time travel on the Moscow Railway was more expensive than a 450 gram can of red caviar. Participants are required to pay travel costs and make a deposit to use the audio guide. Excursions start at 11.00, 14.00, 16.00. Gathering at the “Live Communication” information stand at the MCC “Business Center” station.

During the holidays, there will be other excursions and quests to museums and estates, sightseeing tours of the city.

Residents and guests of the capital will be able to take a boat trip and train ride with a guide, play ancient games in the estates and listen to street musicians at the festival.

Moscow museums will be open for free on City Day

To celebrate the 870th anniversary of the capital, the Department of Culture and the Museum of Moscow are organizing more than ten free excursions. Those who wish will be able to go on a trip along the Moscow River, ride with a guide along the Moskovsky central ring and play ancient games in the city's estates.

In the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow will be held Festival "Museum and City". Visitors will see an exhibition dedicated to the history of the city and listen to stories about prominent Muscovites. Street artists and musicians will perform there, and residents will be able to take part in discussions of cultural projects, including in the field of information technology. Holiday Events will be held over two days, September 9 and 10, from 10:00 to 20:00.

Participants excursions “Along the Moscow River through the centuries” They will see the Sparrow Hills, where ancient settlements were located even before our era, as well as five Stalinist skyscrapers, the Novodevichy Convent and other attractions. During the walk, tourists will be told about the history of the Andreevsky Bridge, which in 1999-2000 was moved two kilometers down the river and “placed” in Gorky Park. In addition, participants will be shown the oldest embankment in the capital - the Kremlin, as well as the longest building in Moscow of the 18th century - the Imperial Orphanage on Moskvoretskaya Embankment.

The excursion will take place on September 9 at 18:00 and September 10 at 11:00, duration - two hours and 15 minutes. The route will start from the Novospassky Most pier. The tour is free, but participants need to pay a transport fee and pre-register on the bureau’s website, which will be launched within two weeks.

On these same days, Muscovites are expected to excursions "MCC - Moscow's steel ring". Participants will learn the history of the construction of 15 historical stations of the Moscow Circular Railway adjacent to the modern MCC stations. These are Andronovka, Ugreshskaya, Presnya (Kutuzovskaya), Likhobory, Vladykino, Rostokino, Belokamennaya and others. All of them were built at the beginning of the 20th century in the Art Nouveau style.

The station buildings were designed by architect Alexander Pomerantsev. He also worked on the project for the GUM building on Red Square. Also, excursion participants will learn that the cost of a trip along the Moscow District railway in those days it was greatly overestimated and varied depending on the class of the car. For example, first class travel cost passengers three rubles. For comparison: in 1911, a cab ride around Moscow cost an average of 15 kopecks, a pound (approximately 450 grams) of red caviar cost 44 kopecks, and a three-course dinner accompanied by live music at the Slavic Bazaar restaurant cost 1.75 rubles.

Excursion “MCC - the steel ring of Moscow” will be held on September 9 and 10, a meeting with a guide will be held at the “Live Communication” information stand at the MCC Business Center station. Participants gather at 11:00, 14:00 and 16:00. The duration of the excursion is one and a half hours, which is exactly how long it takes to make a full circle around the ring. The tour is free, but participants will be required to pay a deposit for the use of the radio guide and pay for travel.

9th of September in the museum “Estate of Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki”(Horse yard, Starye Kuzminki street, building 13/15) there will be excursions, master classes, evening tea and a historical horse show. At 12:00 guests will be able to visit the author's excursion to the exhibition “Gardens and Parks”. At 14:00 and 15:00 there will also be sightseeing tours of the estate.

From 16:00 to 20:00 citizens will be able to get to "Manor Evening"— tea drinking to the accompaniment of live music, after which guests will enjoy theatrical performances. The evening will end with a horse show in historical costumes of the 19th century.

9th of September at the English Compound Museum(Varvarka Street, building 4a) visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of previous centuries. Against the backdrop of historical interiors of the 16th-17th centuries, on the site you will be able to take part in ancient folk pastimes, for example, playing burners - the prototype of modern tags, and babki - a predecessor of the game of dice. For guests, animators will conduct three sessions of folk entertainment lasting one hour. Starts at 11:00, 13:00, 15:00. The next day, September 10, the English Compound Museum will host two sightseeing tours lasting one hour. Starts at 10:30 and 12:30.

Schedule of excursions, master classes and quests on City Day 2017

— 18:00-20:15 — boat excursion “Along the Moscow River through the centuries”, you will need to pay a transport fee;

— 18:00 — bus tour “Moscow. View from above”, you will need to pay a transport fee and a ticket to the observation deck.

— 11:00-12:30, 14:00-15:30, 16:00-17:30 — excursions around the Moscow Central Circle, gathering at the “Live Communication” information stand, MCC Business Center station;

— 11:00-13:15 — boat excursion “Along the Moscow River through the centuries”, you will need to pay a transport fee.

Museum "English Compound"

Museum of History "Lefortovo"

Museum of Archeology of Moscow

Moscow City Museum

As part of the Museum and the City festival, free tours of the museum's exhibitions will be held.

— 11:00-12:00, 12:00-13:00, 15:00-16:00, 18:00-19:00 — excursion “History of Medieval Moscow”;
— 13:00-14:00, 16:00-17:00 — excursion “History and architecture of the Provision Stores complex.”

Museum "Estate of Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki"

— 12:00 — author’s tour by historian Boris Sokolov;
— 14:00, 15:00 — excursions around the estate;
— 16:00-20:00 — “Manor Evening”, which will include a tea party with live music, a horse show and theatrical performances.