Children's performance at Christmas in the church. Nativity. The script for the play for the children of the Children's Sunday School. Easter script for the younger group

An unscheduled participation in a Christmas corporate party gives the programmer Egor the opportunity to get to know his colleague better and learn about the true meaning of Christmas - the birthday of his son ...

The little angel invites the audience on a Christmas journey, during which they will meet with Joseph and Mary, as well as witness the angelic singing and worship of the wise men ...

A seven-minute scene about a strange phone call to the Trust Service on Christmas Eve about the meaning of the New Year's bustle ...

"God keeps His promises." Characters: 6th or 7th grade boy; the evangelist Luke; a person reading the words of God from the first person behind the scenes; Maria; angel Gabriel; hotel owner; Joseph; 2 shepherds; 3 wise men; Props: Bible ...

"Angels of Christmas" Characters: Archangel Gabriel, angel for Joseph, angelic choir for shepherds, priest Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, magi -3 Action # 1: Angels appear on the stage and sing a song about Christmas Atmosphere ...

The atheist journalist, unexpectedly for himself, begins to read the Bible and, as a result, changes his outlook on life.

This scenario in a fascinating way embodies the classic scenes of the Christmas story: the census in Bethlehem, the worship of the shepherds, the visit of the magi to the newborn King.

Exclusive Christmas scene about how, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, a girl finds four in the attic of her grandmother's house gift boxes left there by her grandfather.

1st melody: Jesus comes, we look around the world, shows His love for everyone. Mom in the distance (right corner of the stage), on her knees, does not see Jesus: she is preoccupied with many problems. Jesus comes up to mother, lifts her up, points to heaven ...

Children's ministry of the church " New Testament»Perm. The script belongs to the Holy Spirit. “Freely you received, freely give” Matthew 10: 8 Script “Iolanta” Based on the libretto by Mikhail Tchaikovsky for the opera “Iolanta” and the drama of Henryk Hertz “The King's Daughter ...

Christmas 3000 Characters YAYA YOYO Doctor Angel Scene: one of the rooms on planet earth in the year 3000. The furnishings are futuristic. Act I I am sitting in my room. YOYO YOYO enters: YOO! I flew in. How are you YAY? I ...

Three children (10-15 years old) go on stage and come to the door to the apartment. In the hands of the children are packages, on the faces of the occult masks of monsters. They talk quietly among themselves. Girl 1: (to the boy) I knock, and you start singing! Boy: Yes ...

A script for a children's Christmas program in 2004. Quiet Christmas music plays while the children sit down. Slavik and Pamposha come out. Slavik: Hey, hi guys, I've been waiting for you. Say hello to Pamposha. Pamposha: Hello boys and ...

Scene 1 Scene Rizdva (A shepherd's decal is sitting on the scene of a fire in the hall. Warm hands, quietly talking) Rizdvyana of music Author 1 O nich holy - a good share In the life of the glory of the glory of the essence of Witches descending over a clean field ...

Comment: given scenario can be stage reading. However, it is better if it is memorized. The phrases are read like the thoughts of three different people, after each reading there is a second pause in order to provide an opportunity ...

Nativity of Christ. (07.01.2012)

The script was compiled by a teacher at the Sunday School at the Holy Transfiguration Church in the resort town of Gelendzhik.

1. Why did a starfall suddenly fall from heaven to earth?

The house and the river, even the garden, shone, sparkled?

Suddenly snowflakes whirled, like a star dance,

On the window, as in the picture, a wonderful tree grows ?!

A holiday comes to our house, which is called Christmas!

The song is being sung"Ding-ding-dong ..."

2. Joy to all has arrived, which has never happened,

Above the nativity scene with light shining star shone.

Angels fly, they notify everyone,

That Christ was born and the world was illuminated.


3. As light as snow fluff, Christmas winged spirit

Brightens up the skies, brings the holiday to the woods,

So that the lights from heaven and earth could meet,

So that a different ray would light up between heaven and earth,

So that from the light of small candles a long ray, like a sharp sword,

He pierced the heart with light, indicated the wrong path.

4.From that night in the sky, a combustible, golden star appears in the sky every year

And, igniting the heart with sacred trembling, he calls to the born Christ the Savior.

5. On a quiet Christmas evening, a star shines in the sky.

My heart is beating - the fairy tale has come to earth.

The frost on the window draws a very delicate, wonderful pattern ...

The snowflake dances its waltz, whirling under a bright star.

6. As always, we are expecting a miracle, a celebration from Christmas.

A small fairy tale now, Merry Christmas, we congratulate you!


Ved .: We will tell you a Christmas tale now.

You sit down comfortably, we begin our story.

V winter dress the dark forest is full of joyful wonders!

You and I will enter it, we will come to the clearing.

There is a teremok in the clearing, it is neither low nor high!

Forest animals live in it, they do not keep doors locked.

They are waiting for the saint's holiday, they create comfort in the house.

Soon, soon Christmas, and celebration everywhere

Everything is cooked, cleaned, boiled, washed and washed.

It should be clean in the house, as is the rule everywhere.

Mouse: I'll bake pies, gingerbread, cookies.

There will be a miracle treat for all of us by Christmas.

Hedgehog: I salted the mushrooms, dried the sweet apples.

Enough, mouse, you worries - cook compote for the pies.

Hare: If there are carrots, cabbage, then the table is not empty!

Let's make carrot juice, and cabbage - into a pie.

Bear: And I will help too, here is the filling for the pie:

I carry berries and honey, I picked them in the forest.

Honey sweet, thick, like the sun, golden

I brought you a keg, and the frost is not terrible with it!

Wolf: And I caught a fish, I was fishing it all day!

There will be a holiday in the yard - there will be a fish on the table!

Let's break our fast together, gorge ourselves on pies.

Fox: Well, while I was fasting, I was also not idle:

She embroidered the tablecloth with silk, washed the curtains.

I washed and cleaned everything, I helped the mouse to bake.

Soon there is a holiday in the yard, a treat is on the table.

Mouse: And now, friends, we will meet a new star together.

As that star lights up, a holiday will come to us here.

Hare: Again, again we will glorify the birthday of Christ!

How glad I am to congratulate you all! Come out all over here!

All the animals go out into the clearing in front of the tower.

Wolf: Let's sing, play, laugh, treat ourselves to pies!

Bear: Jesus Christ was born and brought us salvation!

(There is crying.)

Beasts (Hare): What is it? What happened? Who is the trouble here?

Oh, Christmas tree, is that you?

Fox: Why are you, Christmas tree, so sad? Why are you crying in the dark alone?

Wolf: Today there is a holiday in the world and there is no need for tears! Our Lord - Jesus Christ was born!

Hare: Everyone around is laughing, singing joyfully, why are you, Christmas tree, crying bitterly here?

Yolochka: How can I not cry, shed bitter tears, I want to be bright and elegant:

So that the stars sparkled on my branches, so that the snowflakes sang in the blue rays.

Like all of you, I am waiting for a wondrous star, just what can I give to Christ?

I am all in needles, small in stature, and it is not easy to notice me in the forest like that.

Am I worthy to celebrate Christmas? No, this celebration is not for thorns!

Hedgehog: Here hurtful words! Fir-tree, you are not right!

I am a forest prickly hedgehog, I look like all hedgehogs,

We are all friends with Christmas trees, green needles.

We'll find under you, friend. Both the fungus and the root.

Birds, squirrels - seeds! We all need you very much.

We, hedgehogs, love you, trees, and will not forget to congratulate.

Fox: Oh, look, an Angel of God from heaven flew to us here!

And the long-awaited star shines above him in the sky!

Angel: Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you

Here I am not in vain: I was flying, in a hurry to the holiday

To the glorious city of Bethlehem, which is known to all people.

And when I flew over your forest in the dark sky,

The Lord pointed to someone's tears in the clearing.

How can I help you on this festive night?

Hare: All trees sleep in winter in a white snow coat.

Only the Christmas tree does not sleep, it cries bitterly and is sad,

Because she is unsightly, all in thorns, not smart.

Angel: It's easy for us to fix it, let's praise God together.

Come on, stars, fly, silver the Christmas tree!

May beauty reign here on the birthday of Christ!

(Music sounds. The Christmas tree leaves, throws off the veil, under it fancy dress decorated with

Sequins. Goes out to the beasts.)

Yolochka: Oh, thank you, Angel of God, you look like a star beam!

I can't recognize myself in this new star dress.

Angel: I congratulate you, friends, I continue my path further,

I cannot waste time, but I will tell you: after all, not in a dress,

It's not beauty in the hair, kindness is the most beautiful of all!

Help each other both in the heat and in an evil blizzard.

The Lord expects this from us every day and every hour!

Beasts (Hare): It became so warm in my heart! Bow down from us to the Baby,

Our God, Christ!

Angel: Good! I am on my way! Merry Christmas! (flies away)

Bear: And now, friends, we will celebrate Christmas together,

We will only say kind words to each other.

Wolf: Let's have fun together, spin around the Christmas tree!

Come out, forest people, let's stand together in a round dance.

Everyone starts a round dance around the Christmas tree, singing a song"Little Christmas tree".

7. Widely spreading branches, in a snow fur coat, in the middle of the glade, the tree went up into the sky like an arrow.

The moonbeam fell on the beautiful forest, and the ice of the crystals in the branches began to play with lights.

The diamond threads in the needles were braided, emeralds and rubies lit up in the snow.

Eyes shine with a clear star at the tree: now it has come - the great day - the Holiday of Christmas!

8. We will decorate the Christmas tree with a bright star. We will braid the Christmas tree with a golden thread.

How beautiful a festive outfit is on a Christmas tree: lights are burning on its needles!

And my heart is joyful, cheerful, light! Today is a joyful day Christ's Christmas!

9. Christmas trees are beautiful attire, the lights are on it,

After all, today is a celebration - a bright holiday - Christmas!

We will sing and have fun, spinning near the Christmas tree,

After all, today is a celebration - a bright holiday - Christmas!

10. Snow swirls like feathers at my window

Let's have fun together! Christmas tree! Celebration! Christmas!

The song is being sung"For Holy Christmas".

11. Holy Christmas Day, we greet you!

How much joy all around! The holiday is included in every home!

Both earth and heaven praise the Lord Christ!

12. And how happy the kids are, both girls and boys:

On Christmas Sviatkm they will sing carols!

Carols are being performed.

13. Children stood at the Christmas tree in a round dance. The Christmas holiday is with us all year round!

With the news, an Angel flew across the sky. "Rejoice, rejoice!" - The angel called.

14. “People, all rejoice, Christ was born! Jesus brought salvation to the world! "

You need to be kind, live together in peace and pray for the Lord's forgiveness.

15. Sing a song to our Lord. We give glory to the Savior together.

Both earth and heaven, sing to God, sing! Calm your heart with great joy!

Angelic powers are hidden in heaven. Embrace the earth, sing with us!

16. With a Christmas star, happiness enters the house

Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas!

The song is being sung"White snow, whitish ..."

17. The whole world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. Adults and children sing joyfully:

"Salvation to the whole world, God was born in Bethlehem"!

18. Sing: “Christ is born! Glory! ”- they saved the human race.

And the heart lights up with unearthly love ...

The song is being sung"Anthem to Christmas".

19. One of the joyful nights the Lord Jesus was born.

He is the One who redeemed people, because without Him in its darkness this world is lost.

20. For all who believe in Christ, and the light shines at night,

And this night is holy for us, may the joy of all be pure, Jesus dwells here.

21. Let Him and you into your home: He dwells in the heart,

He wants to arrange a garden in it, he will enrich him with fruit who lets him into his house.

22. Let our quivering candles be nothing in the radiance of God's stars.

But our Christmas speeches are crowned with fasting.

23. And the heart rejoices in a miracle, in the soul - a holy triumph!

After all, for the sake of us, ordinary people, Christ's Christmas has come!


Merry Christmas!

Scenario of the holiday "Christmas"

The goal is to help instill faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of folk culture.

(bells ringing)

1 child Hear, hear - bell ringing! He announces to us a great joy - the birth of our Lord Christ!

Christ is born - glorify

Christ from Heaven - Meet Him!

Christ is the Savior on earth!

To Him you ascend with your heart

And rejoice with all your soul!

We bring you the message from Bethlehem -

Leave all your business!

In that city the Blessed Virgin

She gave birth to a baby at night!

Lead 1 Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! This holiday is celebrated by millions of people around the world. They are united by one thing - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas has become an event for humanity. Now we keep the chronology from the birth of the Savior.

The rector of the Intercession Church, Priest Alexei Nasonov, is addressing you with a welcoming speech.

Thank you for your congratulations.

Lead 1 And, before we start our holiday, I want to introduce the guests who came to our event today:

Nikolay Kozadaev, head of the district administration;

Ilyukhina Galina Mikhailovna, Chairman of the District Council of People's Deputies;

Kundashkin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, deputy head of the district administration;

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Ilyukhin, head of the education department of the district administration.

The floor for congratulations is given to the guests of the holiday - Nikolai Vasilyevich Kozadaev, Galina Mikhailovna Ilyukhina, Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Kundashkin.

Thank you for your congratulations.

VED. 2 - On our holiday we will tell you the story of Christmas, introduce you to the culture of our ancestors.

Lead 1 We will tell you a story that happened over 2 thousand years ago. This is a story about how the son of God Jesus Christ was born on earth. His mother was the girl Maria. Even before her birth, Mary's parents made a vow to devote the girl to the service of God. When Mary was 3 years old, according to tradition, she was first introduced into the temple. From an early age until her girlhood, Mary should have lived at the temple. She was brought up there for 12 years. Having reached the age of majority, the girl had to leave the temple. The priest, as it should be, chose for her a "betrothed" - an elderly widower, in whose house she, observing a vow, would lead the household. The choice fell on Joseph of Nazareth. After the betrothal, Mary settled in the house of Joseph, where an event took place, which the church revered as one of the greatest holidays - the Annunciation. An angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the Son of the Most High. Jesus was born common man and grew up in an ordinary family. Christ was born to atone for the sins of all people. He brought goodness and light into the world. Jesus healed from suffering and disease: the blind began to see, the deaf - to hear, and the lame - to walk. Jesus wanted people to become better, so that we become like God. What is the divine meaning of this holiday? The first people were immortal and pure until they committed the original sin.

VED. 2 ... People have forgotten God. The world plunged into evil. But lit up Star of bethlehem in the sky. The Lord sent his Son for our salvation. People again became sons of God. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins by his death. This holiday is called the mother of all holidays in the world. He teaches us to believe, educates our heart so that we learn to forgive, sympathize, understand each other, tolerate the shortcomings of others - in a word, so that we learn to love the people around us. Every person will definitely come to faith, but everyone has their own path. Faith grows from the very depths of human nature. A person cannot live without faith, without support. His world must necessarily include a sense of faith: in God, in salvation, in happiness, in goodness, in himself. And if there is no faith, a breakdown occurs in the soul. A person becomes bitter, becomes angry, cynical. From time immemorial, our people have been distinguished by strong faith. He was close to God.

1 child:

Under the cover of soft, snowy,

The Russian village is slumbering,

All roads, all paths

White snow covered.

The snow is silvery under the sun

A clear light streams above him,

And the words sound:

2 child:

Hello holiday

Light, clear,

Majestic and beautiful.

The holiday of Christmas!

3 child All day a blizzard circled

Above the ground all night chalk.

She covered everything in the forest,

Swept, powdered

And here I came.

INT. 1 Today, each of the schools present at our holiday will present us with their festive Christmas program. And the MBOU Rzhaksinskaya Secondary School No. 2 named after Hero Soviet Union G.A. Ponomarev with composition

VED. 2 The most incredible miracles happen on Christmas night. As with any holiday, Christmas has its good heroes. Holy holiday celebrated in all countries of the world. Therefore, the heroes of each nation on this holiday are their own. They deliver gifts to all people on Christmas night and protect them from evil spirits. For example, in Norway and Denmark these are elves (or gnomes), in Italy - the old woman Befana, who flies on a broomstick through the air and distributes good children gifts, and coals for the bad. German families on Christmas Eve are visited by an angel riding a tiny deer laden with sweets and toys. In Russia, this is Kolyada, a fairy-tale girl dressed in white. And the most famous of the good spirits of Christmas, the favorite of all children, is Santa Claus, or Santa Claus. And now he gives his musical gift

VED. one The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rites is observed. Traditionally, in Russia, even before the adoption of Christianity, at the end of December there were pagan holidays. "In order to turn Christians away from the godless pagan games" the church fathers decided to celebrate Christmas on December 25th. But everyone knows that Ukraine is a country where the unification of the incompatible is possible. And to this day, at Christmas, we have people wondering, caroling, putting on fancy dresses, masks.

VED. 2 According to ancient belief, on Christmastide, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; what you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires... Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and ceremonies - Christmastide festivities, Christmas carols, generosity, fortune-telling at Christmas, New Year's and Epiphany.

Pupils of the Sunday School are invited to the stage

with composition

INT. 1 Two thousand years have passed since the night when God was born and the earth finally found peace. Now He is with us in the midst of anxiety and vanity, always in our hearts.

BU 2 The star of Bethlehem has long gone out, but the birth of Christ is not forgotten! We still remember this story and every year it warms our hearts. We remember how the magi, led by the star, came to the manger with gifts and the shepherds, to whom the angel gave Great Joy.

MBOU Rzhaksinskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union N.M. Frolov with composition

VED. one Bells are ringing all around

V fun party Christmas.

The stars are dancing

All peoples are having fun.

Praise Christmas, people!

A branch of MBOU Rzhaksinskaya Secondary School No. 2 named after Hero of the Soviet Union in the village of Stepanovka with a composition

1 child Heaven and earth

Now they are triumphant.

Angels to people

Cheerfully rejoice.

Christ was born

God incarnate

The angels are singing

They give glory

The shepherds are playing

The shepherd is met

A miracle, a miracle is announced!

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem

The joy has come!

Pure Virgo, Pure Virgo

She gave birth to a son,

Christ was born

God incarnate

The angels are singing

They give glory

The shepherds are playing

The shepherd is met

A miracle, a miracle is announced!

A branch of MBOU Rzhaksinskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union N.M. Frolova in the village of Pearl with a composition

The branch of MBOU Rzhaksinskaya secondary school №2im. Hero of the Soviet Union G.A. Ponomarev in the village of Pakhar.

The branch of MBOU Rzhaksinskaya secondary school №2 named after Hero of the Soviet Union G.A. Ponomarev in the village of Vishnevka.


leading: So our holiday has come to an end. It's time to take stock.

For the award ceremony, the chairman of our jury, rector of the Intercession Church, Priest Alexei Nasonov is invited; Priest Alexy, rector of the Kazan church in the village of Kamenka; as well as Nikolai Vasilyevich Kozadaev, head of the Rzhaksinsky region, Galina Mikhailovna Ilyukhina, chairman of the Council of People's Deputies. Presentation of awards

Christmas get-togethers

Such a holiday can be offered to kids in kindergarten, in the classroom, in the club family leisure, in Sunday schools.

The holiday includes a tea party with a Christmas treat. It is led by two presenters and hostesses. In Sunday schools, these can be representatives from each school, in general education - from the class, etc.

Preliminary preparation for the holiday provides for a bright festive decoration of the premises, a beautiful spectacular prologue, a performance by children with Christmas greetings and carols.

The culmination of the holiday will be a Christmas tree concert prepared by the children. During the concert, children decorate the Christmas tree with handmade Christmas toys following old Slavic traditions.

It is important for the organizers of the event not to prolong the event. The regulation for babies is up to an hour, for middle-aged children no more than two hours.

Organizers should provide Christmas gifts for all children and print-outs of recipes for Christmas meals, as well as recipes for making Christmas toys.

Before the start of the holiday, guests are greeted by hostess girls who invite them to the table.


Room should be decorated Christmas flags, snowflakes, etc. Determine the place of the scene, where a Christmas tree with lights, but without toys, is pre-installed.

(The bells are ringing. The presenters come out.)



Celebrating today

With songs, fun

Christmas tree!


Spas came to the people,

Savior appeared to people


Salvation will be for everyone.

(On stage, a children's choir or vocal group performs the song "Christmas" without an announcement )

Song. Christmas.

Moose. A. Pautova


Fluffy snow covered the fields

Covered a dense forest

The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,

The vault of heaven has faded.


Today is a rest from work,

Forgetting all worries ...

The first star will light up

And Christ will come down to us.


Comes down to every family

To bring peace and quiet

Show your goodness to everyone,

Arrange a feast for the children.



Happy holiday to you guys and dear adults!


Merry Christmas!


December 25, according to the old style, January 7 - according to the new one, according to the biblical tradition, in the family of the carpenter Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ.


The wonderful Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky when the Savior was born.


This holiday, so long-awaited and beautiful, is always greeted with a festive family dinner, an elegant tree and Christmas gifts.


Because Christmas is a holiday for believers in Christ, which means that Christmas is good and true.


Dear guests, all holidays always begin with congratulations and good wishes.

(Hostess girls enter the stage.)



The guests are awaited, beautiful,

Dear, unhappy,

We hostesses are good

All of you are welcome!

(gesture of cordiality)


We did not come to you with a hindrance,

With a treat and fun.

(The girls, to the background music, together bring out a Christmas dish on the tables.)


Our guests do not hesitate

Treat yourself to a treat!


Christmas! And everyone understands

That it's time to submit "Christmas carols".


Hostesses, where are your "carols"?

(hostess girls bring the flour dish "Kolyadki" to the tables)



All the carols on the table

Here is a stake of poison points to you.

(gives the host a Christmas carol pie)

MODERATOR 1 (takes a pie):

Here's another ... Well, who doesn't know what a carol is? This is a rhyme or song, with which they go on a visit to praise Christ and wish Merry Christmas, and the owners thank the carols with gifts. What does the pie have to do with it?


Well, what are you ____________ (host name 1).

Carols are a traditional Christmas dish. These are small pies made from unleavened dough with different fillings.

According to tradition, carols came to the house and, glorifying Christ, first presented everyone with their carols and sang carol songs, and then they were thanked with gifts.


Girls, tell us about your carols and be sure to give us a gift.



We are the jack of all trades

We will banish laziness and boredom

We love to tinker with the dough,

The guest has something to treat himself to.


Here are Christmas carols with cabbage,

Help yourself, delicious!

The dough is rye, unleavened,

We are interested in baking carols!


I have carols with cheese

Treat yourself to the whole world!


I carry with potatoes

And with a little millet ...


Take the carols

Say "Thank you" to us.

And now for us, kids,

It's time to sing carols!

(Christmas carols come out with a nativity scene and join the hostesses. They sing the song "Christmas carols")

Song "Christmas carols"

The sun shone in the manger in the hay -

the Son of God was born to the world for salvation.

On a cold night

cold born

King of the Kings of the whole universe.

Angelic choirs glorify God in heaven,

glorifies all the earth, and forests, and mountains,

Glorifies Dubrov

The living God,

the accession of Christ.

Evil spirits cry mournfully in the wilderness

people rejoice at Christmas now:

The king has reigned

God was born

he appeared to us for salvation.

You, mother Maria, are the reason for joy,

ask the Lord, beg the Son

I will help in life,

our way to heaven,

we will sing: glory to God!



An angel has come down to us today

And sang: "Christ was born."

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.


See how bright the stars are

Shine to the world there in the distance:

Holy gifts shine in them -

For people - goodwill,

Peace and truth for the earth!

From cruelty and troubles,

Christ saves us all,

Mercy teaches us

The Savior calls to the world!

Adults and children know

We live in the world for good!

Today is holy Christmas,

Celebration on the planet!

Rejoice all people

On a big planet

God, Love and Truth are with us

Christ, children!

(Girls-hostesses give gifts to carols.)


Dear guests, you've probably noticed our Christmas tree. Yes, it glows with bright lights, but there are no toys on it.


And this is no coincidence. The Christmas tree is waiting for gifts from the children, our funny songs, dances and real Christmas toys made by our own hands.


We are starting a festive Christmas concert!

(At the Christmas tree, the children arrange holiday concert... The concert participants hang Christmas toys on it before the performance. Further, children lead round dances at the Christmas tree, play outdoor games, etc. It is appropriate to introduce into the program fairytale heroes with Santa Claus and Snegurochka. They come to children with congratulations and gifts (prizes). They also conduct a music and entertainment program at the Christmas tree. You can choose a program in the scripts for New Year's parties.)



Our tree has been dressed up,

They gave you carols

We tried with all our hearts,

They set the table and smiled.


This is Christmas

In the whole world - a celebration:

Songs, dance is bright,

Children have gifts!



Goodbye to all the guys

We address wishes:


Don't waste your time

Do a good deed,

Do not be cunning, do not be lazy,

Ask for God's mercy.


Be polite yourself

Help your mom at home.


And you need to remember this:

Cherish, children, friendship!


Jesus christ was born

And the world lit up with happiness!


So let's rejoice together

Let us all sing a song to the Lord!

(The children all together end their Christmas holiday with the song "Nativity of Christ".)

The song "Nativity of Christ"


The angel has flown

He flew across the sky

He sang a song to people:

“You people rejoice,

All triumph today,

Today is Christ


Shepherds to the cave

The first ones came

And Baby God

They found it with Mother.

We stood and prayed

Christ was worshiped,

Today is Christ


We all have sinned

Spas, in front of You.

All of us people are sinners

You alone are a saint.

Forgive the sins

Give us a leftover

Today is Christ

Natalia Dorofeeva

Leading: Guys, today we again gathered near an elegant Christmas tree.

This Christmas tree.

January 7 we celebrated the brightest Christian holiday - the Nativity of Christ... In such festive days it is customary to put a Christmas tree in the house and decorate it with toys and sweets. Only now, not everyone knows how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree in Christmas

Great eve Christmas-

The colors of the sky are darkening ...

Everything is quiet…. The proximity of the celebration

Nature involuntarily feels.

2) Presentation " Christmas"

Leading - Nativity!

We celebrating birthday again

Our baby Of Christ.

There is such beauty everywhere!

All rejoices: soul, nature,

And all the nations praise God,

And the stars pour out beautiful light -

Heavenly joy hello.

Song « Nativity»

1. Christmas, Christmas,


How are we on Christmas

Sweets and renewals!


Mom bakes gingerbread

Delicious, honey.

The cat is singing a song

About the ice palace.

2. Look: in the sky

The stars are sparkling

And the baby in the cradle

The angels are rocking.

3. Christmas, Christmas,


In the light of the morning dawn -

Day Birth new!

Candles (2 virgins)

1. We are small candles,

But we can shine.

Warmth and light and joy

For all of you to bring.

And on this wonderful evening

It's a great honor for us -

Burn, carrying through the light,

Christmas message!

No wonder this evening

In a hurry to light it up

On an elegant Christmas tree

A garland of bright candles.

Child: There are countries where people have not known for centuries

No blizzards, no loose snows;

There only glittering snow

Tops of granite ridges ...

The flowers are more fragrant there, the stars are larger,

Spring is brighter and more elegant

And the feathers of birds are brighter there, and warmer

There is a sea wave breathing ...

Child: In such and such a country on a fragrant night,

Whispering laurels and roses

The desired miracle has come true firsthand:

Baby is born Christ.

Child Wonderful Ringing of Bells

Joy awakens souls.

Their midnight call

He flies into the silence of the sky.

And solemnly soars

Announcing a new day.

That's how the bells ring

WITH Merry Christmas congratulating us.

Child: Hear, hear - bell ringing!

He proclaims great joy to us!

Christ is born - glorify!

Christ from heaven - meet Him!

Child:Christ- Savior on earth!

To Him you ascend with your heart

And rejoice with all your soul!

Song "This night is holy"

This night is holy, this night of salvation

Announced to the whole world

The mystery of the Incarnation.

The shepherds did not sleep with the flock that night.

The holy angel flew to them

From the heavenly light distance.

Fear seized their great, the children of the desert,

But he said: Oh, don't be afraid -

There is joy to the whole world now.

Now God was born to people in salvation,

You go see

Great humility.

You will find the Divine Infant yourself-

He is in swaddling clothes, in a poor manger,

Behold with your own eyes

And from the heights of heaven suddenly resounded singing:

Glory, glory to God in the highest,

Goodwill on earth.

Host - Who Was born in a poor manger

And brought happiness to all people?

Who in christmas night

Does he want to help his neighbor?

Who loves children immensely

More than anyone else in this world?

Who brought the good news?

Children - Jesus Christ!

Child: Nativity!

It's light in my soul!

Feast of the saint

The sun has risen.

Child: Heaven is so clear

White day in the night:

Then to the baby in the nursery

The star sends rays!

Song "Oh pure holy faith"

1. Oh, pure holy faith,

You are a miraculous stream

You are the door of the soul to the abode of paradise,

You are the dawn of future life!

2. Burn in me, lamp of faith,

Burn clearer, don't fade away

Be my faithful companion everywhere

And enlighten my way of life!

Child: Brightly starburst

The blue sky shines ...

Why tell me, mom,

The stars shine brighter in the sky

On holy night Christmas?

Like a tree in the mountain world

This midnight is lit

And with diamond lights

And by the radiance of the radiant stars

Is she all decorated?

Educator- Truth, my son, in God's sky

In the night of the present saint

The tree is lit for the world

And full of wonderful gifts

For the family, she is human.

See how bright the stars are

Shine to the world there, in the distance:

Holy gifts shine in them -

For people - goodwill,

Peace and truth - for the earth.

Great miracle that night accomplished:

God sent us a Savior,

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger

The baby, the Son of God, was lying.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light,

Shone to the learned magicians,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically

And gracefully rushed to heaven.

All nature was with people that night jubilant:

Rustling in the trees, the leaves

They praised God in a mysterious whisper,

And the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - palm, olive and tree

They grew at the entrance to the cave,

And the first days in proud delight

The bow was brought to the baby.

A beautiful palm tree overshadowed him

With your green crown,

And from the tender branches of a silvery olive

He dripped fragrant oil.

Only a modest tree is sad stood:

She had no gifts

And the eyes of people did not captivate with beauty

Her unchanging veil.

1 Angel - The Angel of the Lord saw it

And the tree with love said:

"You are modest, you do not murmur in sorrow,

For this from God you are destined to reward. "

2 Angel - He said - and stars from the sky

They rolled onto the tree one by one,

And everything shone, and a palm tree with an olive tree

Eclipsed by its beauty.

Needles tremble under the candles

As if glowing golden dust,

And the glorious tree is crowned

Golden star of Bethlehem.

The blizzard is having fun outside the windows,

And, raising the lace wings,

Snowflakes announce to each other

What Maria Gave birth to Christ.

3 Angel - Infant from bright starlight

I woke up, looked at the tree,

And the face suddenly lit up with a smile,

And he held out his pens to her.

Educator - The Savior fulfilled his high feat,

He taught and worked miracles

He suffered for us and, having risen from the dead,

Ascended to the Father in heaven.

And since then, every year we remember

And we worship piously Christmas:

Whether a child, an adult - everything happy holiday,

And there is a celebration in every family.

Where there are children, there is a tree richer, poorer,

But all in golden lights.

And how much fun and how much delight

In gentle children's hearts.

Song "Song about Angels"

Angels in the sky live high

They sing the glory to God Almighty.

People raise their prayers to the sky,

Sweet dreams of children.

My Lord, open your heart,

Let me hear the angelic choir

My Lord, open your heart,

I know you are the Living God!

God sends angels from heaven

To proclaim God's miracles

They bring faith and joy

Messengers of God's love.

Child: We have holiday celebration,

We meet Christmas.

An angel came down to us from heaven

And said: « Christ is born

Child: All the people sing and dance

On these happy days

Angel flaps its wings

Turns on the lights for us.

Child: Let them burn everywhere,

Multiplying the celebration.

All week people will

Glorify holiday christmas.

Leading: Christmas is light, magical celebration... These days people celebrate and glorify the birth of Christ - the baby... They are singing christmas songs and wish family and friends good, peace, love and happiness.

We decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the top of its head with a sparkling star, light the lanterns. And now we'll play and find out "What doesn't happen on the tree?"

The game is being played: "What doesn't happen on the tree?"

I will call you different items if you hear the name Christmas tree decorations, you need to raise your hand up and to tell: "Yes". If I name something that does not happen on the tree, I must restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to be wrong... Ready?

That's the holiday has come,

Each decorated a Christmas tree.

Who guys will confirm -

Hangs on its branches:

Is the asterisk the tip?

A ringing firecracker?

Is Petenka parsley?

Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?

Bright pictures?

A spider web ball?

Old shoes?

Chocolate bars?

Horses and horses?

Fleece bunnies?

Glove mittens?

Red lanterns?

Bread croutons?

Bright flags?

Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?

Colin's panties?

Tasty candy?

Fresh newspapers ...

The game "Give me a word"

Who invent this world

Was it so wonderful?

Who gave life to people,

Well, of course, …


Mountains, herbs and flowers

And the beauty of the forests -

This is all a gift to us

From the Lord- ...


He's in the barn Virgo was born,

The angel announced this,

What's in the manger, in the gray cave

The Infant is lying - God's ...

(A son)

God loved all people

Great love.

Jesus atoned for all sins

His Holy ...


He was born a man

And He was baptized with water.

And when he went to heaven,

The Spirit sent to earth ...


Where our Savior was born -

You all know the place.

Well, rather name

This city.


If someone offended you,

God taught us not to scream

Do not hold resentment in your heart

And with all my heart ...


If you want to live long,

Receive blessings

Then you children should

How the Lord loves everyone,

This is how we should love.

Remember this people

And let's in the world ...


Leading: Christmas comes to us in winter, and light airy snowflakes meet him first.

Child: Look, the snowflakes are white

Winter has brought us

Covered with this miracle

Trees and houses.

We will remember the summer

And the sun and flowers

And snowflakes are

Butterflies of winter!

Child: One day the messenger of heaven appeared,

I told the snowflakes: “The field and the forest are waiting for you,

The Lord instructed to decorate everything with himself,

All the land with its snow-white veil "

Must before happy holiday white tablecloth

Decorate the earth from fluffy snow.

Child: Blue light trickling into the window,

Crunching - spruce

All the waiting is full

V Christmas eve.

A star rises from behind the forests.

Heart beats like that!

There are a few hours left -

AND Christmas will begin!

Leading: The star of Bethlehem informed everyone about birth of Christ- baby and joyful fun began.

Child: Mom decorates the tree,

Pies ripen in the oven

Soon the candles will blink

Above the foil star!

The snow is spinning like fluffs

At my window

Let's have fun together

Christmas tree! Celebration! Christmas!

Leading: Have fun, kids,

It's time to play.

The game "Hit the target"

Who will throw more snowballs into Parsley's hat?

Game "Get the Star"

A flat star is placed on the chair in front of the tree. Two children must run around the tree against the move, take the star and lift it up. (who quickly).

Angel: You with Merry Christmas congratulate,

I really wanted

Of Christ to glorify

I flew to the ground.

Let New Year and Christmas

Will bring you happiness

And the star of Bethlehem

Light a candle of love.

Leading: Our the holiday is over, but happy year continues.

Let the candles light up

Keeps us all warm

And let in the New Year

Laughter is heard louder.

May love and goodness -

Live next to us

Feel, friends, the warmth of your hands!

We both sang and played

The holiday of Christmas was greeted.

May in our hearts Christmas will light up your spark of happiness, kindness and love for each other. WITH Merry Christmas to you!