What does banana peel contain for plants? Banana peel and its uses. Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants. Why do you need to wash bananas, oranges, grapes, berries?

Each Russian on average eats up to 8-9 kg of bananas per year. It is a very convenient and nutritious food that can be eaten anytime and anywhere to satisfy your hunger. Ecuadorians, the main suppliers of this fruit, eat more than 70 kg. It is customary for us to throw away the peel, but the inhabitants of the tropics find a variety of useful uses for it.

Often it is in the fruit and vegetable “shell” that there are more useful substances than in the main content. Banana peels contain:

  1. Fiber - in greater quantities than in the fruit itself. It promotes satiety, cleanses the intestines and lowers cholesterol.
  2. 40% potassium – supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also increases calorie expenditure during sports training.
  3. The carotenoid lutein – helps improve vision, prevents age-related changes lens
  4. Enzymes, antioxidants, serotonin and tryptophan from the green peel are responsible for lifting your mood.
  5. Vitamins A and B, together with antioxidants, improve metabolism. The human body especially needs magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and PP, which are abundant in bananas.
  6. Sucrose provides energy.
  7. Green peel probiotics maintain a normal balance in the internal flora, normalizing weight.
  8. Resistant starch also burns fat.

Yellow skins have anti-cancer properties.

Can you eat banana peel?

It is important to know! Using banana peels for food is permissible if the fruit is recently picked and not processed in any way. During long-distance transportation, they are removed unripe and stored at an average temperature of 12 to 15°C.

They are then treated with gases (nitrogen and ethylene), which the fruit releases during natural ripening. It is quite possible to process picked bananas with preservatives containing prohibited phenol. All harmful substances present usually accumulate in the peels.

Benefits of banana skins for the garden

The peel, rich in macroelements, is especially good for healthy growth tomato, pepper and rose bushes. It needs to be cut into small pieces and sprinkled with soil, spread under the plants.

Sent to compost, it will enrich the entire contents with potassium and phosphorus - the best stimulators of root growth. In addition, it will also be useful for earthworms.

Banana peel food for indoor flowers

Dried and ground, it is added to the soil.

Gives plants energy when watered with infusion.

Leave for 24 hours. Add 1 part fertilizer to 5 parts water.

Cleaning leaves

Wipe with the fresh inner side of the peel. Especially good for croton, ficus, monstera and other plants with waxy leaves.

Fighting aphids

You can bury the dried pieces or place a container with them under the bushes. Important! A small amount of peels is required, since the smell of bananas attracts wasps and rodents.

Pour water into a bowl with a screw-on lid and add sugar 1 part at a time, shake and add banana peels along with vegetable and fruit peelings and herbs in an amount of 3 parts. There must be empty space inside.

Every day the resulting gas will need to be released. Leave for 3 months. The strained infusion is used for watering. To do this, it must be diluted (10 ml per bucket of water). When feeding - 2 times more. The mixture can be stored for several years.

Interior use

Using dried barks, you can imitate tree bark, create unusual works of art, or artificial small trees in the Japanese style.

To do this, the peel, cleared of soft tissue, is dried for a week, placed in paper under a press. Freshly peeled, it is used for drawing or carving objects.

Household tricks

Polish the silver

Grind the skin with a blender, add water to the resulting mass until it forms a paste. A soft cloth with this composition removes all dark spots. Then rinse and polish without any product. Can be wiped with fresh peel.

Natural oils and waxes will clean well and add shine. Rub using the inside, and then polish with a paper towel or dry cloth.

Smooth out scratches on CD or DVD discs

Wipe the disk with the banana itself, after two minutes - with the peel. Wipe gently with glass cleaner and leave to dry.

Get rid of midges

These insects happily flock to the bag with the remains of the banana. All you have to do is tie it up and throw it away.

You can whiten your teeth by rubbing them with the inside of a banana peel after brushing. Residues are removed with a toothbrush. Repeat morning and evening.

Moisturizing the skin, nourishing, cleansing, reducing wrinkles on the face and hands - wipe, massage, also inside.

To get rid of blackheads and pimples, part of the inner pulp banana skin hold for 10 minutes on the problem area.

For medicinal purposes

Rich in many beneficial substances and vitamins, banana peel is also good for health. When used externally, it can be used to:

  1. Remove splinters, heal scratches, relieve pain and inflammation from sunburn and insect bites, including mosquitoes, and heal minor skin damage. Glue the piece for a day or wipe it.
  2. Get rid of warts by fixing part of the skin on the inside at night for a week or a month, depending on their number and condition.
  3. Treat psoriasis and acne by rubbing the skin with pulp from the inside.
  4. Accelerate bone resorption in case of hallux valgus deformity thumb feet, wrapping the painful area in a banana shell. Fasten and put on thin socks. Keep for 30 minutes three times a day. After removal, wipe with water.
  5. Relieve inflammation and redness in the eyes by applying fresh and clean banana peels to them.
  6. Reduce muscle and joint pain. Infuse crushed banana peels, from 5-6 pieces, in vodka (500 ml) for 18-40 days in a room in a closet. Rub on sore joints before going to bed for 21 days.

It is useful to dilute fruit juices and compotes with banana peel decoction. They need to be boiled for 10 minutes and cooled. You can drink it as a stand-alone drink by adding honey.

Whole banana smoothie. Pour in 300 ml of milk, add 0.5 tablespoons of vanillin, add ice to taste and beat everything with a mixer along with an unpeeled banana.

Dried pieces can be used to season dishes.

Quench your thirst well with kvass made from banana skins. Place 150-160 g of chopped banana skins, tied in a gauze bag, into a 3-liter jar. Press down with a weight on top. Pour 1 glass of sugar, pour in water and bifidok (3 teaspoons). It will be ready in 14 days.

Homemade banana peel vinegar can be added to the marinade as a salad dressing. It has an unusual sour-bitter taste with a sweet tint and a banana smell. To obtain it, it is enough to “overstay” the kvass (recipe above) for 2.5-3 months.

Banana peel vinegar can be taken to cleanse the body - 1 tbsp. l. a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.

You can soften a piece of meat or chicken breast by lining the bottom of a roasting pan with ripe banana peels.

Don’t rush to throw the skins of the overseas banana fruit into the trash, because they bring so many benefits. It is better to use it for treatment, for beauty or in the household.

Useful tips

About the benefits banana pulp everyone has heard a lot. A couple of bananas a day saturates the human body with all the necessary microelements. But no less useful than citrus itself isits peel .

Few people know how useful that same banana skin can be in everyday life, which is usually immediately thrown into the trash. It can be used for the most unexpected purposes: from teeth whitening to eliminating pests in the garden.

Next life hacksThey will make life much easier for the housewife and help her cope with one or another problem in everyday life.

So, having at hand an ordinary banana peel Can:

How to use banana peel

1. Keep Chicken Breast Juicy While Grilling

Even if you are an excellent cook, frying meat so that it comes out juicy is quite difficult. First of all, this applies to chicken breast.

Chicken meat itself is a bit dry, but when fried it becomes even drier. To make the chicken breast juicy and soft when frying, use banana peels. Before putting the meat in the oven or putting it on the fire, simply place a banana peel on top of it.

It will create a barrier similar to skin, allowing the meat to retain its juices.

Thanks to this simple culinary trick, you can significantly improve the quality of the prepared dish.

2. Make a natural and effective fly trap

If you cannot live without fruits, then this item is definitely for you.

Surely, many housewives have more than once noticed annoying small flies in their kitchen that attack a bowl of fruit. These are the so-called fruit flies that get to the vase of apples and oranges before you.

Make a pest trap and forget about this problem once and for all.

To do this you will need: a large yogurt container, a banana peel, a hammer and a small nail.

Use a hammer and nail to make holes in the lid of the container. Then place the banana peel inside the container and close the lid tightly. Leave this structure near fruits where flies accumulate.

The sweet banana scent will lure them into the container. Attracted by the smell of banana, the midges will crawl inside, but will no longer be able to get out through the tiny holes.

When you notice that the midges have disappeared or their number has decreased significantly, you can throw out the trap.

3. Restoring a scratched CD or DVD disc

If your favorite CD is scratched and therefore does not play cleanly, fix the situation with a banana peel.

Place the disc with the label side down. Turn the banana peel inside out, then use a gentle circular motion to rub the inside of the peel onto the scratched surface of the disc. Banana peel pulp and wax will fill existing scratches without harming the plastic finish.

After this, rinse off any remaining wax. soft cloth soaked in glass cleaning fluid. Polish the disc until it is clean. The disc has been rehabilitated and is ready to play.

Benefits of banana peel

4. Rid your garden of aphids

Have you noticed aphids in your garden that are harming your favorite plants? This problem can be solved. Take 2-3 banana peels, dig a hole 2 cm deep at the base of the aphid-infested plant and bury the peel in it.

Aphids and ants cannot tolerate the high concentration of potassium in banana peels. Thus, thanks to this little trick, the hated pests will retreat.

5. Quickly remove ink stains from skin

Hands got dirty from leaking ballpoint pen ink? In this case, water and soap will not fix the problem immediately. This is where an ordinary banana peel comes to the rescue.

Rub the inside of the peel onto the area that was stained with ink. You will be surprised at how quickly, literally before your eyes, the stain will disappear and your skin will become clear.

The fact is that natural oils Banana peels “suck” ink oils into themselves, thus easily removing stubborn pigment from the skin.

6. Instantly relieve itching from an insect bite

Have you been bitten by mosquitoes and are suffering from terrible itching? Get rid of it without using products containing chemicals.

Take an ordinary banana peel and rub the inside of it onto the itchy area of ​​the skin. Literally immediately you will feel relief, itching and discomfort A mosquito bite will go away very quickly.

Banana peel contains a polysaccharide substance, which, penetrating into our skin cells, relieves swelling and inflammation within a few minutes.

Teeth whitening with banana peel

7. Whiten teeth thoroughly and effectively

There is no need to spend a fortune on teeth whitening by purchasing special whitening strips. After all folk remedies sometimes no worse than professional ones.

An ordinary banana peel will do the job perfectly. It will make your teeth whiter. Rub them with the inside of a banana peel for 2 minutes every day. Do this after you have thoroughly brushed your teeth.

Banana peels contain an astringent that breaks up plaque. salicylic acid and gently whitening lemon acid. The combination of these two acids effectively brightens dark spots on the teeth, without damaging the enamel itself. Thanks to such a simple trick, you will become the owner of a snow-white smile.

8. Eliminate scuffs on leather shoes

If your shoes are in overall good condition, other than some scuffs, the situation can be corrected. On help will come banana peel.

Thanks to the natural oils and waxes contained in banana peels, they can be used for polishing leather shoes and giving it shine. The potassium in banana peel is an important component for skin care. This microelement, absorbed into the leather product, reduces scuff marks and makes the shoes completely new.

Banana peel for flowers

9. Bring houseplants back to life

Are your house plants depressed, looking dull, tired and not pleasing you with their former beauty? They urgently need to be rehabilitated! Ferns, cacti, and other plants can be restored using banana peels.

Rub the inside of the leaves of the plant with it. It will not only rid the flower of accumulated dust, but also, thanks to the oils contained in the banana peel, will give it a well-groomed and fresh look.

Potassium, which bananas are rich in, also has a beneficial effect on the plant and helps it stay healthy and blooming.

10. Painlessly remove a splinter

It is not always possible to remove a splinter easily and quickly. If this cannot be done using the usual method, you can resort to a little trick using the same banana peel.

Apply it to the wound with the inside. For greater efficiency secure the banana peel with adhesive tape. This way it will come into closer contact with the problem area.

Leave the patch on for at least 30-40 minutes. The enzymes contained in banana peels will draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, after which you can easily remove it. In addition, these enzymes promote healing of the wound formed after removing the splinter.

Properties of banana peel

Banana peel contains a treasure trove nutrients and microelementsV. Thanks to your healing properties, it can be used as an effective fertilizer for plants. Such a simple “feeding” in the form of a banana peel significantly will increase the quality and quantity of the harvest in your garden and vegetable garden.

In addition, the minerals and antioxidants that bananas are rich in have a positive effect on facial skin, moisturizing it and making it more well-groomed and beautiful. Make a banana peel mask and your skin will thank you. If you don’t have enough time for a full-fledged mask, just wipe it with the inside of a banana peel.

In addition, banana peels can be used for the following purposes:

- To remove warts.

- In the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

- In the treatment of burns, contusions and bruises.

- When healing scratches and cuts.

- To moisturize the skin and prevent early wrinkles.

The delicious exotic fruit has become widespread. Surprisingly, the fruits with aromatic, mealy pulp are considered berries because they ripen on giant grass. Depending on the variety, a banana bunch can reach a weight of 30-50 kg. The plant was cultivated many centuries ago, edible varieties were bred from a variety native to southeast Asia. If you have certain diseases, eating bananas can be beneficial or harmful.

Plant varieties

Modern varieties are bred artificially. They are divided into sweet “dessert” and so-called “platano”, which require heat treatment. The contents of their fruits are unsweetened and hard, the color of the peel is green or red. They are often fed to livestock.

Low-growing varieties are grown even in Iceland; geysers provide heat for heating greenhouses. Tall varieties require an appropriate climate. The 15-meter-high plant is decorated with leaves 4 meters long and 1 meter wide.

Artificially bred varieties are incapable of self-propagation. Their genetic program lacks the ability to resist or fight various fungal diseases. This leads to the fact that once popular varieties degrade and therefore cease to be cultivated. For example, this happened with the Gros Michel variety, affected by the so-called “Panama disease”.

Currently, the most common dwarf and giant varieties are Cavendish, Robusta, Valerie, and Indian varieties Mysore and Rajapuri.

To ensure that bananas retain more benefits, they are harvested unripe. Otherwise they will become overripe. Their peel cracks, causing the loss of aroma and taste, and the flesh is affected by various diseases.

It is better to store fruits in a cool place, at a temperature of +10..+15C. They darken quickly in the refrigerator or in a bag.

How many calories are in a banana

Weight watchers are primarily interested in the answer to the question - how many calories are in a banana? This value is not difficult to determine, knowing that the calorie content of 100 g of product is about 120 kcal.

A medium-sized fruit with peel weighs 160-180g. Therefore, the pulp accounts for 100-130g. Thus, the calorie content of one fruit without peel is

120 kcal * 130 g / 100 g = 150 kcal,

which approximately corresponds to the calorie content of 130g chicken breast fillet.

Banana composition

The fruit is rich in carbohydrates, one fruit contains up to 40g. The benefits of bananas are high in vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and choline, improves memory.

B vitamins are presented thiamine(B1), riboflavin(B2), niacin(B3, nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid(B5), pyridoxine(B6), folic acid(B9).

The highest content of vitamins B3, B5, B6:

  • Vitamin B3 necessary for tissue respiration, metabolism of fats and proteins. It helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL), improves microcirculation in the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Vitamin B5 important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, participates in the production histamine, hemoglobin, cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in synthesis serotonin, adrenaline, histamine, hemoglobin, fat. Adequate intake of pyridoxine is important for healthy teeth, gums, skin. In case of deficiency, fatigue increases, hair becomes thinner, and cracks form in the corners of the mouth. It is necessary in case of taking contraceptive medications or frequent stress. One fruit contains up to 30% of the recommended daily requirement of vitamin B5.

Bananas are high in health benefits potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium are presented in smaller numbers.

Potassium necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels. The element helps to normalize heartbeat, indicators blood pressure, reduces the risk stroke. Together with sodium, it participates in the regulation of water-salt balance.

It is believed that adults need up to 2g of potassium per day. This amount of useful element is contained in three fruits.

Potassium deficiency leads to increased indicators cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, diseases kidney, promotes education cellulite. Hair and skin become dry, sudden palpitations occur, headaches, insomnia, chills, and difficulty breathing. Children may be diagnosed dystrophy.

In case of excess potassium intake, nausea appears, loose stool. Blood pressure suddenly drops, it happens arrhythmia.

Magnesium needed for the absorption of potassium and calcium, maintaining optimal heart rate, decrease in indicators blood clotting, as well as tone blood vessels and smooth muscles.

Adults need 350-400 micrograms of magnesium daily. One banana contains up to 50 micrograms of useful elements. It is also contained in buckwheat, oats, brown rice, green leafy vegetables.

Magnesium deficiency may be indicated by irritability, fatigue, lack of appetite, muscle spasms or cramps.

Bananas are healthy for you sodium The most sodium is in green, unripe fruits, which allows them to be used against edema, and also as an effective diuretic, which is especially important in the case of hypertension.

The benefits of bananas for various diseases

The nutrients, vitamins and microelements contained in the fruit improve health, prevent and treat various diseases.

Dietary fiber promotes cleansing digestive system from accumulated harmful substances.

Eating fruit helps concentration, increase efficiency, reduce fatigue. Their daily inclusion in the diet tones and improves mood.

Bananas are good for speedy muscle building, therefore they are regularly used by athletes. When preparing for performances, Japanese sumo wrestlers include them in their diet along with rice.

The beneficial properties of bananas help prevent the onset of impotence.

Treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases

Chopped ripe banana pulp is beneficial in case of... hemorrhoids, enteritis(inflammation of the small intestine), ulcerative colitis(inflammation of the colon mucosa), other gastrointestinal diseases, and constipation or diarrhea.

The pulp is used in treatment stomach ulcers or duodenum. Banana juice helps cope with hemorrhages in the stomach or duodenum in case of cholera And dysentery.

Bananas are beneficial for celiac disease when the intestines, due to hereditary reasons, are not able to digest gluten. Digestive activity and metabolic processes are disrupted, and a lot of waste accumulates. After consultation with a doctor, a banana diet may be prescribed.

Bananas are useful for liver diseases, they restore its function, normalize protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Other foods rich in potassium also support protein synthesis: apricots, eggplant, beet, blueberry, plums, black currant.

Benefits for the heart, blood vessels and lungs

Due to the potassium and magnesium they contain, bananas are useful to include in the diet of those suffering from atherosclerosis or hypertension.

In addition, eating fruits helps eliminate spasm of the bronchopulmonary muscles.

Recipe for treating cough or bronchitis:

  • Grind the pulp of two bananas with a fork, pour in a glass of warm water with sugar, and heat. Drink the resulting juice to relieve cough.

A decoction of the green peel of a fresh banana is beneficial in treatment hypertension.

Beneficial properties of bananas against insomnia

The fruits have a hypnotic effect thanks to the amino acid tryptophan. From this amino acid it is formed melatonin, circadian rhythm regulator. Tryptophan is also found in dairy products.

In addition, bananas are useful for falling asleep due to their fairly high calorie content and significant carbohydrate content.

Getting rid of headaches

To prevent headaches before a sudden change in weather, it is useful to include foods rich in potassium in your diet. First of all, bananas and also dried apricots, raisin, baked potatoes with skin.

It is worth excluding fried and spicy foods, chocolate, and spices from your diet. It is useful to drink infusions linden color, mint, oregano, coltsfoot which have a tonic effect.

Benefits of banana drinks

The healing properties of bananas are especially useful in combination with various vegetables or fruits that have the necessary healing effect.

  • Energy drink. Knead banana pulp uh, add half a glass each carrot And orange juice, a little lemon juice, teaspoon honey, to stir thoroughly. The drink is useful for preventing colds and strengthening the nervous system.
  • Vitamin cocktail. Get juices 1 orange, half lemon, grapefruit, quarters pineapple, banana, mix everything. The cocktail is beneficial as a general tonic. Take morning and evening.

Healthy foods are prepared from dried fruits herbal teas:

  • When increased irritability the following composition is beneficial: mix 10g dried bananas, 3 parts of inflorescences daisies, 2 parts valerian root, 5 parts of fruit cumin. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup morning and evening.
  • When nervous disorders, weakness of the heart muscle, mix flowers in equal parts hawthorn, chamomile pharmacy, motherwort, cucumber, 10g dried bananas. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 6-8 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

To diversify your diet, blend in a blender banana pulp, yogurt, fruit juice, berries, A little ice cream. The result is a delicious and satisfying dessert.

By preparing a decoction from thoroughly washed banana peels or by obtaining juice from an unpeeled banana, it is possible to reduce the symptoms of depression.

Why do you need to wash bananas, oranges, grapes, berries?

Fruits and berries, especially those brought from afar, must be washed before eating. The fact is that they are processed differently fungicides, toxic substances against fungal plant diseases. When peeling the fruit, fungicides can enter the body and cause severe poisoning.

Imported apples should not only be washed, but also peeled. To remove fungicides, grapes and berries should be soaked in water for several minutes, then thoroughly rinsed two or three times in a colander.

What are the benefits of banana peels?

Used for preventive purposes, the drink increases the body's defenses and strengthens the immune system. During the fermentation process of banana peels, substances are formed that prevent the development of cancer.

  • Dissolve 1 cup granulated sugar, 2-3 cups chopped banana peel, 1 tsp. in a three-liter jar of boiled water at room temperature. sour cream. Tie the neck with 2-3 layers of gauze. Leave for up to two weeks; fermentation is faster in a warm room.

Pour 1 liter of finished kvass into a separate container and store at room temperature. Add 1/3 cup of sugar and boiled water to the top of a three-liter jar.

Drink 1/2 cup of prepared kvass half an hour before meals. When it runs out, pour 1 liter again into a separate bowl, and add water and sugar to a three-liter jar. After 3-4 cycles, the kvass will become weaker, so it will have to be put in again.

How to dry bananas at home

When dried, excess moisture is removed from the fruit, causing bananas to significantly decrease in volume, but retain beneficial features.

Ripe fruits are used for drying. They are peeled and cut into slices. Place tracing paper or special silicone-coated baking paper on a baking sheet. Slices are laid out on it.

The oven temperature is maintained at +40..+50C. It takes 3-6 hours to dry completely. Needs a constant supply fresh air, so it’s best to keep the oven door ajar. When the slices have cooled, they are placed in glass jars.

Banana peels are dried in a similar way.

Banana face masks

  • Mash the pulp with a fork, add lemon juice. Apply to facial skin for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, apply nourishing cream.
  • Grind the berries sea ​​buckthorn, add 2 tbsp. crushed dried bananas, yolk chicken egg, 1 tsp. sour cream, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Grind 1 tbsp. almonds, add 2 tbsp dried powder bananas, 1 tsp. sour cream, chicken yolk, mix until smooth. Apply the mask for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Banana hair masks

  • Cook pumpkin, prepare the puree, let cool. Add 2 tbsp. crushed dried bananas, egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey, to stir thoroughly. Apply to damp hair and lightly rub into skin. Cover your head with film and a towel for an hour and a half. Rinse with warm acidified water.
  • Stir 2 tbsp. dried bananas, yolk chicken egg, 1 tbsp. peach oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp vinegar. Apply to hair, cover with film and a towel for half an hour. Rinse with acidified water.

Cosmetic procedures are performed 1-2 times a week for a month.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the health benefits, in some cases, eating bananas can be harmful.

First of all, due to their significant calorie content, their consumption should be limited to those suffering from overweight.

Fruits are digested rather slowly, often causing gas accumulation and obstructing the flow of bile. It is better to eat them in small portions, not to wash them down with water.

Fruits and banana juice are contraindicated in case of increased acidity gastric juice.

At diabetes mellitus You should not eat fresh ripe fruits, although they are useful for hypoglycemic attack. In other cases, it is better for diabetics to choose unripe or cooked fruits.

Bananas increase blood viscosity and are therefore contraindicated. varicose veins, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, after heart attack or stroke.

In children, the fruits may cause allergies, so they should be included in the diet gradually, observing the reaction of the child’s body.

When asthma Excessive intake of potassium, which is contained in significant quantities in bananas, is harmful. To avoid an attack, you should take care to include it in your diet. required quantity salt. To increase the air exchange capacity of the lungs, it is useful to add salt to bananas, their juice, and watermelons. This measure helps balance the intake of potassium and sodium into the body and enhance taste sensations.

Attacks of headaches with migraine may be caused by eating certain foods, including fruits – bananas, raisins, citrus.

People different ages They really love this healthy exotic fruit. I make juices, yoghurts from it, use it in ice cream and cakes, and you just want to eat it raw until you burst. But does banana peel have beneficial properties, like the body of the fruit itself? Let’s try to figure it out in today’s article.

Among the Hindus, for example, skins are often used to prepare various dishes; they are widespread in the diet of this people. In our country, the peels are thrown away and tons of healthy products go to landfills, instead of having a beneficial effect on the human body. But it makes up from 30 to 45% of the total mass of the fetus.

Positive Impact

The benefits of banana peel are: unique composition. The product contains the following groups of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A.
  • The entire group of B vitamins.
  • Antioxidants.

Banana skin also contains minerals that are beneficial to the body such as potassium and tryptophan. Together they are able to remove bad cholesterol, toxins, carcinogens from the body - thanks to a large number indigestible coarse fibers. At the same time, eating a lot of peel is dangerous for the digestive system, and constipation may occur.

Banana skin has beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body if used internally (we’ll look at recipes towards the end of the article):

  • To provide healthy skin The body needs vitamins A and B.
  • It is an excellent source of probiotics and significantly improves digestion.
  • Banana peel is used as a means of stimulating the production of leukocytes in the blood. Reduces the risk of pathogenic agents.
  • Actively stimulates the production of joy hormones.
  1. Eat crushed peel in small quantities throughout your life (2-3 times a week) to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  2. We recommend eating banana skin to stabilize the nervous system and relieve tension at a high pace of work.
  3. Banana and its peel have anti-oncological properties. Eat them for prevention, but do not forget about research.
  4. People with dermatological problems are recommended to massage the affected areas of the skin with a banana skin. It will be especially useful for psoriasis; it replaces many expensive ointments and creams.
  5. Apply the skin to the cut or open wound. The product promotes healing thanks to tannins.
  6. Rub it on your teeth and they will become whiter. This method will be especially useful for smokers and coffee and tea drinkers several times a day.
  7. Using this remedy you can get rid of warts. Experts say that they appear due to a lack of potassium in the body; the peel will fill your body with potassium, thereby helping to fight unsightly manifestations on the skin.
  8. The product has a very low calorie content - for dreaming girls this is one of the “lightest” products on a diet.
  9. If you have been bitten by an insect and have an unpleasant itch, apply a banana skin to the bite site and the tooth will go away within a few minutes.
  10. The benefits of banana peel for humans are used to smooth out wrinkles. Make a mask from the peel and you will increase the elasticity of your facial skin.
  11. A compress of this product will help overcome dark circles under the eyes.
  12. Strangely, the beneficial properties of banana peels are used to restore computer disks at home. We wipe the damaged disk with sandpaper and with a high probability it will work again.

Useful for both humans and plants

The benefits of banana peels for plants lie in their rich content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium: these minerals have a beneficial effect on plant growth. Summer residents often use such fertilizers for tomatoes, roses, and peppers. Use this fertilizer only if you have enough financial resources or you just really like to eat bananas, since there are more budget-friendly options to add benefits to the soil.

The beneficial properties of banana peel will be better absorbed into the soil if it is cut into slices and “planted” near the plants that need to be supported. The banana peel will decompose, thereby releasing trace elements into the soil, feeding the plants with beneficial minerals.

There is another recipe for indoor use. Smooth 1-2 banana skins (you can also chop them), add 1 liter of water and leave to steep for 1 day. We water house plants in the amount they need - the liquid will be much healthier than ordinary water.

Bottom line

Banana skins have a wide range of uses, including a beneficial effect for medicinal purposes and for practical purposes in everyday life, as well as for fertilizing indoor and garden plants. This kind of product should not just be thrown into the trash. It is important that there is no harm from such a remedy (except for possible individual intolerance, which is extremely rare).

We hope the article gave you a detailed answer to the question of whether banana peels are healthy. Use this tool to your advantage!

Many people love to eat a ripe banana - not only tasty, but also healthy fruit. At the same time, most of us mercilessly throw banana peels into the trash, without thinking or knowing about the benefits of banana peels for our health. But the peels from the fruit can be used for treatment and cosmetic purposes. To prepare various potions, it is better to take yellow or greenish skins that are not spoiled by rot.

Fresh banana peels are often used for medicinal and health purposes. It is used for:

  • migraine relief - apply to the sore spot and hold for a while;
  • reducing pain and accelerating the healing process for burns;
  • to get rid of warts - take a piece of skin, put it on the skin overnight, securing it with a bandage. During the day, you can simply wipe this area with the inside of the scab several times if it is not possible to walk with a bandage. A large wart may disappear within a month, and a small one even earlier;
  • treatment of cracked heels, softening the stratum corneum on them;
  • Relieving itching after insect bites - irritation on the skin is relieved by rubbing the itchy area with the pulp of the skin;
  • to eliminate bruises - apply the peel to the site of the bruise;
  • getting rid of boils and abscesses - secure the crust with a bandage, change every day until complete healing;
  • pulling out a splinter or a piece of glass stuck in a wound - attach the skin overnight, by the morning they will rise to the surface of the skin, and the process of removing them will be easier;
  • teeth whitening - rub them for 2-3 minutes after brushing with the peel pulp, then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Banana peels are used for health benefits not only in their fresh form. The skins from the fruits are dried, and they are also used to make decoctions and tinctures, which are then used for medicinal purposes. Here are some recipes:

Fruit skins are used not only for treatment. Banana peels can also be used as cosmetic product, because the crusts contain many useful substances.

  1. Regularly wipe your face with the pulp of the skin; you can leave it as a mask for 10 minutes. This helps soften the skin, refresh the face, get rid of acne and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  2. Pour boiling water over the skins, leave for about 3-4 hours, then strain. Rinse your face with this infusion. Helps brighten dark spots and remove freckles. You can also freeze this banana water for later use. ice cubes facial skin.

Now you know about the use of banana peels for treatment and cosmetic purposes. Therefore, before throwing it away, think about whether it will be useful to you.