What to give a boy for his 15th birthday. What to give a guy for his birthday. Delicious birthday gifts

What to give a 15 year old boy? Young people today are quite discerning consumers who are sometimes difficult to please. They are strikingly different from the previous generation of fifteen-year-old boys. They are more knowledgeable, technically savvy and ambitious, while they are still the same fast-paced natures as the generation of their mothers and fathers at this age. True, hobbies today are somewhat different.

Let's consider several successful options, presenting the two most popular categories of gifts.

Interesting games

Modern young people at the age of 15 play games that their parents have never even heard of. Deciding what to give a 15 year old boy Don’t pass by the fashionable Air Hockey today. Not long ago, gaming tables with this game could only be found in entertainment centers of large cities. Today it is possible to purchase a more compact version of Air Hockey. This game will capture the attention of the 15-year-old hero of the occasion for a long time.

A cool alternative to this game in the same series of gifts will be the Award Slingshot in a holster. Some people think that childhood ends at 15. Prove with this gift that the main thing is to be young at heart.

Another great gift for those who like to have fun and express themselves at the same time, as well as the answer to the question, what to give a 15 year old boy, is Express sculptor. You just need to touch this product with your hand to get a sculpture on the reverse side. The options for possible sculptures are limited only by your own imagination and ideas for creative implementation.

Unusual useful gifts

Fifteen-year-old boys are yesterday’s children, so along with interesting games, unusual things may be suitable for them as a gift. It’s good if they can be used in everyday life, but the gift itself has an extraordinary idea, which is what attracts you in the first place. Thinking about what to give a 15 year old boy from this category of gifts, we would like to request your Special attention to Flying Alarm Clock. Every teenager is familiar with the situation in which, stopping the alarm clock, he will continue to sleep peacefully and soundly. Having such an alarm clock, you will not be able to oversleep. The thing is that the signal of a working Flying Alarm Clock stops only when the propeller released by the device is placed in its place. So, before leaving the annoying trills, the owner of such a gift will have to properly chase the flying part. Thus, the last remnants of sleep will disappear as if by hand, you can trust us, we tested it on ourselves.

So, when choosing a gift young man of this age, you must remember that in youth you are attracted to everything unusual and extraordinary, only in this case will you be able to find perfect gift 15 year old birthday boy.

Today, young people of this age are quite demanding when it comes to gifts. At this age, guys are very changeable in their interests. They quickly get carried away by something, and just as quickly give it up. So, if last year he was interested in astronomy, it is far from certain that he is still studying the stars. Be careful, do not buy anything without finding out all the details. It should be a little easier for parents and close relatives in this situation. After all, they will learn about the change in the boy’s interests directly “in real time.” So, if you are someone from the outside, either choose neutral gifts, or consult with the boy’s family before purchasing. Well, we have selected the most useful and original ideas What to give a boy for his 15th birthday so that he will be remembered for a long time, but not only the gift pleases, but also the presentation itself!

Top 25 gifts for a 15 year old boy

Buying a gift does not mean you have to spend a huge sum on it. There are many inexpensive gifts that will be very nice to receive. You just need to choose it correctly. To make the surprise for a boy's 15th birthday memorable for a long time, it is worth giving the boy an original gift for his 15th birthday, one that will differ from standard gifts, of which there will already be plenty. With a little effort you can always find such an option. The gift should not only please you, but also be the best gift for a guy turning 15 years old. You just need to know his hobby and you can easily go shopping.

  • You can also knit a sweater or scarf for a young man, but at this age it is easier to accept such a gift from close relatives.
  • Darts.

  • Personalized phone/tablet case. By the way, it can be tied.

  • A mug with a knuckle handle, a heated mug or with an indicator.

  • A T-shirt or sweatshirt with a funny inscription/pattern, or a new item - a T-shirt with an equalizer. A very original gift!

  • Unusual piggy bank.

  • Also quite an interesting option for a gift is the “SpaceRail Space Coaster” construction set.

  • An original lamp in the form of Tetris, a sandwich, a fried egg, a basketball and the like.

  • Certificate for paintball or karting with friends.

  • “Electroshock” or laser pistols for active games with friends.

  • First of all, consider gifts that correspond to the boy’s already formed hobby. Something sports (boots, kimono, punching bag, training mannequin, etc.), artistic or technical.

  • It’s also worth thinking about gift items that any fifteen-year-old boy would love. These are roller skates, a skateboard, a bicycle, a protective suit for a cyclist, a helmet, a pump for a bicycle, and the like.

  • A young music lover (and almost all 15-year-old boys are like this) can buy a portable speaker, stereo system, MP3 player, headphones, USB drums, tickets to a concert of his favorite band or the game Guitarhero as a gift.

  • Board games like tennis, air hockey or football are very popular gifts at this age.

  • An alarm clock can also be a good gift, but not a simple one, but a creative one. For example, a target alarm clock, a flying or running alarm clock, and so on, in general, there are many options.

  • Game console, tablet, phone or something for the computer. This gift will certainly interest a modern fifteen-year-old boy.

  • Homemade machine for making popcorn or cotton candy.

A buggy ride is a unique gift for a brave boy

Top 5 DIY gifts for a 15 year old boy

No wonder it is said that best gift This is the one made with your own hands, which is why we offer you the top 5 gifts for a 15-year-old boy made with your own hands. You don’t have to just buy a beautiful and original gift in a store; show your imagination and you will succeed.

  1. . The most banal and budget gift can cause wild delight. Even if it's just regular socks. The most important thing is to present the gift beautifully. To do this, you need to twist the sock, starting from the elastic band around the axis, into a tube. Bend the edges of the sock, in the form of blossoming petals. Secure the bud with a pin. Do required amount buds and insert skewers into them. Secure with tape and wrap in beautiful flower paper.

What to give a boy for his 15th birthday? Are you thinking about what to give your 15th birthday boy? We have already prepared many fresh and useful ideas for you.

Gifts for reality

Young people at the age of 15 live here and now, quickly get carried away and cool down for a long time, are zealous fans and spend a lot of time and energy on things that seem ridiculous to adults.

You can just give him a certain amount and make him happy. The main thing is not to ask what you spent it on. He will probably spend everything on a new hobby.

With your 15th birthday gift for your boyfriend, you can encourage his new hobbies. It could be musical instruments , And Sports Equipment. Buy and beautifully wrap a hockey stick, skates, skis, bicycle or skateboard. Or maybe an electric guitar and drum kit?

If a young man from the age of five asked puppy, and you still haven’t bothered to fulfill his dream, then maybe it’s time? The guy is already ready for responsibility and is quite capable of independently providing for, washing, feeding and walking his furry friend.

Although today young people spend more time on virtual monsters rather than real ones. Suitable as a gift for a 15 year old boy mouse for gamers, the same fancy keyboard, joystick, steering wheel... Few people at this age avoid computer games, unless under the strict supervision of adults.

Do not limit yourself only to popular youth technology (smartphone, computer, etc.). Of course, a guy will be very happy with a tablet, headphones, a camera or a laptop. But most likely, he already has all this.

But does he have, say, the coolest printer for printing fresh photos? Or an external drive with many, many gigabytes? Or a video card that supports the latest games?

EBook will be not only interesting, but also useful. It is more pleasant to learn Russian and foreign literature at a fashionable gadget than at a library table. Look, your grades will improve!

At this age, impressions are important. Give a 15-year-old boy a trip to a concert of his favorite artist, a trip to a city full of youth entertainment, a trip to a ski resort, or a day spent at a karting club.

Unleash your imagination and have a real holiday. It's an anniversary after all.

You can send it to his comrades play paintball. The paint guns can be replaced with laser sights if he prefers them. Or maybe fool around in the water park? This infantile trait, thirsting for adventure, does not disappear in boys either at 15 or 45 years old.

Gifts for a child's soul

It is believed that a boy at the age of 15 is no longer a boy at all, but quite “almost a man.” This means that you shouldn’t give him a construction set or a car. Or maybe it's worth it? There are, for example, Lego for adults and assorted puzzles and prefabricated models of increased complexity.

And also - radio controlled helicopters and boats. Believe me, even 40-year-old “boys” love to indulge in this.

The guy will grow up, and by the time he reaches a certain age, he will be given, at best, something useful and practical, and at worst, socks, underpants and shaving kits. In the meantime, it’s time for pranks, stupidity and frivolous little things. Therefore, choose a gift “for the soul.”

Do you want to give a book to your 15th birthday boy? Great. But let it not be a reader of foreign literature of the 20th century, not an English dictionary, and not the Britannica encyclopedia.

What will make a guy happy? Depends on interests. For some, a colorful book about cars (coupled with collectible models and Top Gear DVD releases), for others, modern youth prose.

Funny and useful interior items will be relevant: stylish computer chair, alarm clock with target, piggy bank ATM, lamp with the effect of a starry sky projector, wallpaper stickers, posters.

Gifts for the body

An individual approach is always appreciated. A boy walks in football section? Please him with the uniform of his favorite football player. Loves bowling? Buy him a branded personal ball and “personalized” sneakers.

Are you interested in astronomy? High quality expensive telescope will be on topic. Without seeing the stars, he glances at his neighbor from the house opposite? Then instead of a telescope it is better to give binoculars. Joke.

At the age of 15, young men often sigh for their classmates and neighbors. And they begin to ask questions: what do I look like, do I dress fashionably, and will she like me?

Help him solve internal and external problems. Give a set of all kinds of creams to care for young people problem skin, stylish accessories , fashion details wardrobe.

Buy, for example, sweatshirt or sweatshirt("kangaroo") with original print. Let the image reflect the child’s hobbies. In order to find them out, it will be useful to look into the secret corners of a teenager’s room. He may be a fan of Angry Birds, Star Wars, or some rock band.

Pay attention to the labels. If a guy is not from the wealthiest family, he will certainly be pleased with things with branded logos, be it Calvin Klein briefs or Armani jeans. He will boo the girls and brag to his friends.

The young man is yesterday’s boy who no longer plays with cars, but is looking forward to birthday gifts from his family and friends. And everyone wants to surprise and please the guy, and choosing the right gift often takes him by surprise and makes mom and dad, friends and his girlfriend rack their brains.

A gift that will bring joy must correspond to the inner world and lifestyle of the birthday person, otherwise it will be mutual disappointment and wasted money.

To avoid an awkward situation, follow simple rule: any thing should be chosen with soul and imagination, and then you will not be ashamed of your gift, and the young man will be happy with the manifestation of your attention and care.

What all guys dream about!

Not a single young person will refuse a new smartphone, tablet, laptop, SLR camera or wall-sized plasma. However, we should not forget that an important place in the life of every modern guy is occupied by computer games! Even though he is serious, purposeful and considers himself quite an adult, he rushes home after classes and disappears until nightfall in the virtual world, fighting hordes of all kinds of evil spirits.

A number of important gaming gadgets will help the guy save the world, albeit a virtual one, one of which he clearly lacks:

  • wireless or universal gamepad;
  • stationary game console;
  • safety glasses for gamers;
  • joystick attachment;
  • flexible keyboard;
  • game Mouse.

If you are afraid of making a mistake when choosing gaming accessories, there are many useful and functional items that both gamers and budding computer geniuses will enjoy:

  • stylish audio speakers: it is better to choose powerful and at the same time stylish;
  • remote control for computer: a very original thing, you don’t need to get up from the couch to turn off the computer;
  • optical finger mouse: an indispensable accessory if a guy even sometimes leaves the house with his favorite gadget;
  • external hard drive: a model with 1.2 or more terabytes would be an excellent gift;
  • USB desktop fan: an important item, especially if it is also equipped table lamp and for hours;
  • laptop cooling pad: a plug-in cooler is an indispensable protection against overheating of equipment and it is better to choose a large stand that cools the entire case;
  • USB refrigerator or USB heater - a real find for those who cannot tear themselves away from the computer and walk to the kitchen;
  • mini vacuum cleaner for computer: the keyboard, processor and printer attract dust like a magnet, and a mini vacuum cleaner easily solves this problem;
  • foot hammock: an indispensable attribute for a guy who never leaves his computer desk.

With such a set of necessary accessories, life at the computer will become especially comfortable and enjoyable for a young man.

Stylish and fashionable gifts for guys

Just recently, a young man didn’t really care about how he looked, but today he meticulously studies his wardrobe, pays attention to what his peers are wearing and is very worried if someone looks more fashionable and stylish.

Most young people go through such metamorphoses, and any youth accessory that emphasizes his individuality can be a very important and necessary gift for a guy:

  • watch: Today you can find exceptionally high-quality replicas famous brands, exactly repeating the original, for example the world famous AMST, WINNER or U-BOAT;
  • Sunglasses : it is important to choose a high-quality product with trendy frames, for example, a copy of glasses from the most popular manufacturers - Ray-Ban, George, Dior or Oakley;
  • bracelet: a stylish, designer item or a high-quality copy of it will add unspeakable brutality and flavor to a guy’s image. The best options for young people are a steel, leather, wicker or rubber bracelet;
  • pendant: depending on the guy’s worldview, you can choose a very original pendant in the form of a cross, an army badge, a shark tooth, a bear paw print or a talisman;
  • umbrella: Umbrellas with a handle in the shape of a samurai sword or gun look unique and attract attention.

Another excellent gift for a young man would be a bottle of expensive, luxury perfume or eau de toilette, because only an exquisite aroma can create an aura of charm and masculinity around a guy. The best options for young men are "Homme Sport Extreme" from Kenzo, "Gentlemen Only Intense" from Givenchy and "Kouros" from Yves Saint Laurent.

Fashionable clothes for modern guys

All modern young people try to keep up with the times, and if a guy already needs an office suit, he will definitely choose it himself, but there are never too many everyday fashionable wardrobe items and some of them will clearly suit the birthday boy’s taste:

  • T-shirt, T-shirt or polo with an original print;
  • long sleeve or sweatshirt;
  • hoodie or sweatshirt;
  • bomber jacket with 3D print;
  • beanie or sock hat.

A very desirable, expensive and prestigious gift can be fashion sneakers with rollers on the heels - universal shoes, equally effective for both skating and walking.

Sports gifts

For guys who can’t imagine life without sports, finding a gift is quite simple. If the donor is confident in the exact size of the young man's shoes and clothes, a new tracksuit can be a wonderful gift famous brand or similar sneakers.

In case of doubt, it is better not to take risks and not expose yourself and the guy to a possible painful procedure for exchanging goods, but to choose something universal that will certainly warm the soul of a young athlete:

  • fitness bracelet or smart watch- innovative sports inventions and a source of pride for their owner;
  • sports nutrition- expensive pleasure and great way replenish your supply of vitamins and gainers, so necessary for many athletes;
  • strength training set- a great gift for a guy who dreams of sculpted muscles;
  • unusual dumbbells or weights, made in the shape of the heads of various animals;
  • thermal underwear set- an integral part of the wardrobe of all athletes who prefer to train on fresh air;
  • set of tape expanders or Powerbal hand trainer- bright, original devices for maintaining the tone of the arms and legs;
  • sports headphones or Mp3 player- a wonderful addition to an active lifestyle.

It is possible that a guy has long dreamed of upgrading his skateboard, surfing or diving, then the appropriate sports equipment can be an excellent gift - a welcome and truly necessary gift.

A sports guy can be given a subscription to a swimming pool or fitness club, and it is also quite appropriate to present gift Certificate sports supermarket so that he can choose what he likes.

Gift - decoration of youth interior

A room for every guy is his personal territory, a place where he relaxes, dreams and spends time with friends. Whatever the situation in his cell, something is probably missing and it is worth considering some interesting options gifts that will fit into any interior:

  • a ball chair, a bean bag chair or a new computer chair;
  • original floor lamp, for example, in the shape big ball or street lamp;
  • personal home planetarium;
  • electric fireplace with the effect of live fire;
  • breakfast table in bed;
  • striking wall clock;
  • souvenir dagger on the wall;
  • desktop piggy bank-globe;
  • cozy blanket;
  • dream Catcher.

A very non-standard solution may be the idea of ​​giving a guy an exceptionally pompous room decoration - a carpet imitating the skin of an animal, for example, a grizzly bear, a tiger or a lion!

Practical household items as gifts

Some young people don’t even suspect that there are a lot of practical and useful household items, and if they receive one of them as a gift, they will probably discover something new for themselves:

  • shoe dryer: trivial for a gift? Nothing like this! It is commonplace to dry shoes on a radiator, but in the summer, in rainy weather, problem with drying sports shoes becomes particularly acute;
  • smart plug: a particularly technological thing with which you can control connected electrical appliances remotely;
  • sandwich toaster: wonderful gift for the guy who likes to have a tasty snack on the go;
  • popcorn maker: you can choose very holiday option in retro style;
  • coffee machine: some students simply need a good portion of quality caffeine on hand during a session;
  • back and neck massager: Only someone who spends the whole day hunched over a computer will appreciate the importance of such a present.

And one more option for a practical gift: young people, as a rule, do not particularly like to clean their room, so a very useful gift would be a robot vacuum cleaner, which will independently run around the entire apartment day after day, entertaining the owners and their pets, and at the same time collect dust and debris.

Original gifts for guys

May be, practical gifts seem too boring to you, then it makes sense to turn on your imagination and give the guy something original - something that will surprise and delight at the same time:

  • LED light in the shape of a police baton;
  • radio-controlled car or quadcopter;
  • a gun that shoots rubber bands;
  • magic ball for making decisions;
  • shower head with light;
  • running away or flying away alarm clock;
  • house slippers with a built-in flashlight;
  • annual subscription to a men's magazine;
  • skull-shaped headphones;
  • umbrella in the form of a traffic police baton;
  • metal detector

A surprise gift does not have to be material. Many companies offer a great time and an unforgettable experience from participating in a themed quest, horse riding, off-road ATV racing, scooter safari or paragliding.

A wonderful gift for a guy could be tickets to the premiere of an anticipated film, a concert of his favorite band, or a certificate for visiting a water park.

Hobbies and interests: familiar entertainment and new ideas

Even guys whose world is centered around the computer will always find some other form of entertainment that piques their interest. And if not, then it’s time to introduce the young man to simple human joys, for example, popular board games:

  • monopoly- an economic strategy known throughout the world and loved by millions;
  • Jenga or falling tower- an extremely exciting game, interesting for both one player and big company;
  • poker set- a great gift for a guy, unless, of course, there is a taboo on gambling in the family;
  • polymath or Scrabble- forever popular logic games in compact packages that you can take with you on the road;
  • table hockey or football- toys, especially relevant for those who did not play enough of them in childhood.

In addition to board games that develop logic and thinking, a young person will be interested in other options for killing extra time away from the computer:

  • darts: throwing darts is an extremely exciting activity that simultaneously trains concentration and attention;
  • basketball basket and ball: These mini sports accessories can be hung on the wall in your room and you can throw a ball while lying on your favorite sofa;
  • mini golf set: an old hobby of businessmen and aristocrats, a wonderful gift for a guy who has set himself the goal of achieving certain heights in life.

If a young man’s hobby goes beyond the apartment, for example, he is attracted hiking trips or fishing, various items of equipment can be an excellent gift: a new tent, sleeping bag, an inflatable lounge chair, a spacious backpack and even a set of thermoses for coffee, tea and food.

Gifts for guys with a sense of humor

A very serious young man is unlikely to like receiving Superman socks as a gift, but for merry fellows and comedians it is quite easy to find an appropriate gift, you just need to imagine the guy’s reaction to this or that cool item:

  • knitted hat with beard and mustache;
  • personalized plate "Deer";
  • camouflage belt for beer cans;
  • golf or "fishing" for the toilet;
  • T-shirt with a creative inscription;
  • kitchen apron"Superman" or "Apollo";
  • coughing ashtray (if the guy smokes);
  • knife-comb;
  • gangster, cowboy or Zorro hat (along with mask).

Choosing cool gift, it is important to know a sense of proportion. Even if frivolous jokes are often practiced among friends, a gift with the abbreviation “below the belt” can be regarded by a guy as a personal insult.

Money in an envelope is a good gift option for a young man, but only from his parents or from his wife, if the guy has already tied the knot. A gift of money from a girl will probably hurt a young guy's self-esteem, and receiving money as a gift from friends means feeling obligated.

Fantasize, look for the best option, because a gift from the heart does not have to be expensive at all, the main thing is that the donated item is chosen with soul and specifically for him, because the guy will immediately understand this and will certainly appreciate your efforts and care.

Quite often, girls wonder what to give a guy for his birthday if there are no specific wishes. In this case, you need to carefully choose a gift taking into account individual preferences, or present standard and universal items.

There are some criteria when choosing a surprise for a guy:

  1. Hobbies. A measure that can certainly determine what will appeal to a representative of the stronger sex.
  2. Age. In each period, the list of suitable gifts varies.
  3. Budget. Based on your financial capabilities, you can give an expensive, unique gift or make a souvenir with my own hands.
  4. Practicality. The offering must be useful in everyday life or have a spiritual meaning.
  5. Friendship or close relationships. It is easier to choose surprises for relatives than for strangers.

Age characteristics of choosing a gift for a guy

In different periods of life, interests, hobbies and priorities are different. Therefore, when choosing a surprise, it is advisable to take into account the age of the recipient.

  1. Boys under 16 years old want to grow up quickly, and therefore they will be glad to receive the attributes that older men enjoy. For example, they will like computer games with devices in the form of manipulators that make them feel like they are driving a car.
  2. Boys from 16 to 25 years old grow up, and they develop an interest in new technologies and modern trends. This could be an improved tablet model, an e-reader, or stylish accessories (watch, belt).
  3. Young people over 25 years old, with already acquired life attitudes, will like things that highlight their status and which will become useful in everyday life.

Gifts to suit everyone

Surprises that are suitable for every guy:

  • exciting computer and board games;
  • leather goods (belt, business card holder, document binder);
  • sports equipment (ball, sports bag, wristband);
  • various computer accessories;
  • shirt in classic style in neutral colors;
  • backpack, bag, purse;
  • expensive, high-quality alcohol;
  • nice watch;
  • key holder, wallet;
  • gym membership;
  • chain or men's bracelet;
  • accessories for your favorite hobby;
  • book;
  • various gift certificates.

What to give to a classmate

What to give a guy for his birthday if he is a classmate is presented in the list below:

To think for a while. What to present to a classmate, you should focus your attention on unique souvenirs that are relatively inexpensive, but may interest the birthday boy with an unusual design.

When choosing a surprise, it is advisable to take into account the individuality of the recipient, his age, hobbies and preferences. So, younger students like sweet gifts, for example. various chocolate figures. You can also give them a stylish pencil case or a set of puzzles.

Gift for a classmate

When choosing a gift for a classmate, you should pay attention to the following variations:

  • Products in the form of awards (statue, engraved medal, cup).
  • The kebab set, placed in an elegant package, will become an indispensable assistant in nature.

  • If a fellow student has a car, you can give him a special thermal mug, the principle of which is similar to a thermos. But among other things, the container has a heating part, which will help bring the contents of the container to the desired temperature by connecting the device to the car’s cigarette lighter.
  • A wall clock in the shape of a wheel will remind the recipient of the speed and sound of the engine. They can be presented with an accompanying greeting mentioning the love of cars.
  • Various inexpensive gadgets that are powered by a USB connector (computer vacuum cleaners, illuminated stands, mini fans).
  • Practical accessories for your computer. For example, cleaning wipes, headphones, unusual mice or flash drives.
  • Unique surprises (gel ball, original themed mug, funny key holder).

Gift for a colleague

For a colleague, you can choose beautifully wrapped gifts in a classic style:

  • office supplies (parker, flash drive, safe-book);
  • shower accessories or handmade soap;
  • a diploma or order with the listed merits of the birthday person;
  • name keychain;
  • original chocolate collections;
  • elite alcohol sets.

Photo surprises for an employee:

  • photo calendar;
  • mosaic of photographs of the birthday boy;
  • portrait based on a photograph of a person.

Practical gifts:

  • umbrella;
  • document cover made of natural materials;
  • Clock.

Auto gifts for a colleague:

  • phone stand;
  • heated scraper;
  • vacuum cleaner for car.

Tourism lovers will like:

  • spacious bag or backpack;
  • camping kit with all the necessary items;
  • jackknife.

Co-workers who smoke will like:

Friend's boyfriend

For the boyfriend of a beloved friend, these are suitable unusual options gifts:

  • original mug or plate;
  • collectible Rubik's Cube;
  • medal with a personal design.

For the nature lover:

  • barbecue kit;
  • hammock for two.

A guy who likes to spend time at the computer should be presented with various computer devices and accessories.

Gift for your boyfriend

You can give your beloved young man:

  • a blanket with fleece sleeves, a reliable and warm thing that will warm you up and relieve fatigue;

  • candlestick with tender and loving words;
  • a man's robe with his name embroidered on the back;
  • certificate for visiting billiards or bowling;
  • picnic with wine and light food on the roof of the building from which it turns good review surroundings;
  • a mug with a heart at the bottom;
  • special gloves for touch phones.

Classic option for a guy from 15 to 18 years old

What to give a guy for his birthday if he is between 15 and 18 years old can be a difficult choice.

Gift ideas:

  • accessories for the tea ceremony (various teas, coffee, teapot);
  • personalized piggy bank;
  • modern devices and gadgets. For example, game consoles, headphones, tablet or e-reader;
  • wallet, cell phone or laptop case;
  • necessary accessories, linen and clothing;
  • personal hygiene kits;
  • toilet water;
  • gold jewelry (chain, bracelet, ring);
  • money;

  • gloves made of natural material;
  • bike;
  • terry bath towel;
  • a set of necessary tools.

For guys who are interested in fishing and tourism, it is worth presenting:

  • sleeping bag;
  • tent;
  • portable chair;

  • fishing gear;
  • night vision device.

If the guy is 19 years old

Classic gifts for a 19 year old guy:

  • the gadget the recipient dreams of;
  • sports equipment (dumbbells, ball, tennis accessories);
  • umbrella;
  • photo collage;
  • perfume;
  • stylish accessories in the form of a belt or scarf;
  • ATV or go-karting subscription;

  • ticket to the performance of your favorite performer;
  • silver or gold jewelry;
  • radio-controlled helicopter.

Gift from a girl for 20 years or older

Gift options for girls aged 20 and older:

  • computer accessories;
  • tie;
  • smart bracelet;
  • cufflinks;
  • good book;
  • cosmetic sets;
  • watches of a famous brand;
  • eau de parfum;

  • leather goods (purse, belt, gloves, business card holder);
  • sports equipment (bag, dumbbells, exercise equipment);
  • unusual stationery (stylish diary, personalized pen);
  • professional photo shoot.

Romantic gifts

Ideas for romantic surprises:

  • “The Key to the Heart” is a kind of declaration of love and fidelity. This small souvenir is in the form of a key, which is attached to a heart with a chain.
  • Umbrella for two. Consists of two parts connected to each other or has a large size.
  • Matching T-shirts, T-shirts with romantic inscriptions or with your own image.

  • Make a video from old photographs or drawings. You can accompany the video with your favorite music and your own voices;
  • A joint walk through the forest on horseback.
  • Romantic dinner by candlelight on the shore of a pond.
  • A visit to the spa for two;
  • A small table for eating in bed with gentle words.

Extreme Gifts

For his birthday, you can give your guy extreme surprises that will add adrenaline and create an unforgettable experience, for example:

  • a paraglider flight will help you enjoy the surroundings from above;
  • learning to ride a motorcycle - for extreme sports enthusiasts who love powerful vehicles;
  • Those who want to conquer the waters can learn how to operate a high-speed speedboat;

  • trip on a motor hang glider. Will help you get acquainted with the airspace on a winged aircraft with a motor;
  • flying inside a wind tunnel or parachute jump will give you the feeling of free fall;
  • Boxing lesson with a personal trainer. Suitable for any level of training, everyone can master basic combat techniques.

Stylish and fashionable gifts

Ideas for fashionable and stylish gifts for a guy:

  • Leather accessories. As an option, a belt made of smooth suitable for skin to create a business look, products of perforated material will help add a vintage feel, while fabric ones will create a casual style. Bags also make a good present. various forms and leather colors and decorations in the form of bracelets.
  • Cosmetics and perfume. Modern manufacturers cosmetics offer a wide range of men's skin and hair care products.

  • Wristwatch. The best option will become expensive high-quality copies. Budget varieties are represented by items with special characteristics (for scuba diving or extreme entertainment).
  • Books. The guy will like a thematic illustrated copy about technological innovations or new developments, the history of the appearance of weapons. You can choose a thematic book, taking into account the recipient’s hobbies.
  • Men's clothing. It is advisable to choose according to color scheme and the style of the main wardrobe;
  • Vintage shoe shine kit.

Fashionable clothes for modern guys

Here you can choose from:

  • youth warm sweater with a popular print or image;
  • a T-shirt with the emblem of your favorite football team;

  • neutral universal models of trousers and jackets;
  • double-breasted coat;
  • sweatshirts;
  • leather short jackets;
  • knitted models;
  • suede clothing;
  • sewing certificate fashionable styles clothes.

Sports gifts

Guys leading healthy image life, you can encourage gifts that represent sport equipment:

  • bike;
  • boxer equipment;

  • dumbbells;
  • helmet;
  • exercise bike;
  • rollers;
  • ski equipment;
  • tennis or badminton rackets.

Various certificates or subscriptions for services:

  • Skydiving;
  • lowering to depth;

  • diving lessons;
  • courses on driving extreme modes of transport.

Practical things:

  • backpack;
  • thermal underwear;
  • folding chair;
  • compass.

To decorate a youth interior

The following are suitable for decorating a youth space:

  • transformable furniture, quite functional and stylish;
  • soft poufs that can follow the configuration of the body;
  • sofas of unusual design;
  • hand-made products;
  • various modern gadgets;
  • photographs in small frames, and if you attach a magnet to them, you get decor for the refrigerator;

  • stylish coffee table made of frame with woven leg;
  • hand-made desk organizer;
  • designer lamps;
  • Wall art.

Household items

Guys will find these practical household items useful:

  • tool kits for homework or car repairs;
  • flashlight;
  • containers for storing various devices;
  • electric kettle;
  • umbrella;
  • Cover for documents;
  • scales;

  • jackknife;
  • purse;
  • barbecue device;
  • watch;
  • gift deck of cards;
  • camera.

Gifts for hobbies

What to give a guy for his birthday who has hobbies and interests is presented below:

  • For a tourism enthusiast, a sippy cup, a tent, a compass, and a flask will be suitable.
  • For extreme sports enthusiasts - protective equipment, skateboard, diving board.

  • Football and volleyball players - a ball, tennis players - rackets, other athletes - personalized medals and cups, gym memberships;
  • Car fans will love the radio or air freshener.
  • For the fisherman - tackle, folding chair, reels.
  • The cadet - an army knife, binoculars, a leather belt.
  • For amateur photographers - a photo in the form of a puzzle, a container similar to a lens.

Delicious birthday gifts

Delicious surprises for the male birthday boy:

  • chocolate nut with an edible optimistic prediction on wafer paper;
  • tie made of natural white high-quality chocolate;
  • Candy stand;
  • sweet cookies in the shape of hearts, packed in an original box;
  • place all the guy’s favorite sweets in a festively decorated box;
  • cake in the shape of a car, guitar or other hobbies.

For guys with a sense of humor

Variations of funny and amusing gifts:

  • check book of desires;
  • machine for printing banknotes;
  • a flash drive in the form of a grenade or brass knuckles;
  • dried fish ikebana;
  • meat pie;

  • homemade knitted slippers in the form of a tank;
  • certificate for the purchase of a plot on the moon;
  • a pillow or T-shirt with the inscription “king”.

DIY gift ideas

What to give a guy for his birthday, if you want to make a present with your own hands, you can find out from the information provided:

  • For the cold season, you can knit a scarf. You will need knitting needles and 150 gr. wool Determine the width of the product and cast on the required number of loops. Knit in stockinette stitch in length as desired (short or long).

  • Original photo frame. To do this, take the simplest photo frame and decorate it with coffee beans, pasta, nuts or shells. After the decorating elements are glued, it is advisable to cover the top with silver or gold-plated paint.
  • Sweet present. Make a heart-shaped box from cardboard or buy a ready-made one. Write positive wishes inside. Place home-baked sweets in the box.
  • Bouquet of socks- practical and universal gift. Roll each sock into a roll and turn it out at one end. The central part should be longer than the petals. You need to stick it into the finished bud cocktail straw green and wrap it with tape so that the inflorescence does not slide along the stem. Glue bottle-colored paper leaves to the stick, fold them into a bouquet and wrap them in corrugated paper.

  • Original jar. Take a glass container and fill it with various sweets or men's cosmetics. Close the lid and tie with a ribbon.

Inexpensive options

Variations of budget gifts:

  • with the help of friends, create a fun and unforgettable prank;
  • if the process of gifting occurs in summer period, you can organize a picnic in a park or near a pond with the preparation of a simple treat;

What to give a guy for his birthday? A wonderful budget option - a picnic for two
  • hide a small souvenir using a quest (this is when you need to find a hidden thing with the help of laid out clues);
  • paint a poster with the recipient’s cherished dreams on your own;
  • an elegant set with a corkscrew, a knife and beautiful wine stoppers;
  • original lamp;
  • things with a portrait of the birthday person (mug, clothes, pillow, phone case);
  • Beautiful indoor flower, on which notes with good wishes are pinned.

What can surprise you?

What to give a guy for his birthday in order to surprise him:

  • a running alarm clock that starts running after the bell has sounded;
  • shower head, luminous different shades, which change depending on the water temperature;

  • organize a picnic in nature or a gala dinner consisting of your favorite menu;
  • ceramic mug “Charging”, which changes its charge as the contents cool or heat up;
  • certificate for attending a Thai massage session;
  • subscription to a manicure and pedicure salon;
  • portrait in flip-flop style (painted yourself);
  • pillow with name details;
  • unexpected delivery of sushi or pizza.

Surprises that you shouldn’t give to guys:

  • trinkets and useless souvenirs;
  • underwear items;
  • gifts that affect personal dignity (for an overweight guy, a gym membership);

  • deodorant or toothbrush (hint of unpleasant odor);
  • intimate things;
  • cheap gifts that do not carry any meaning or value;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • vases;
  • any ethnic decorative elements;
  • animals;
  • ridiculous surprises (animal horns, clown nose)

There are many options for gifts for a guy on his birthday, but what for the right choice What you need to do is show your imagination.

One of the basic rules is to approach the selection of a surprise with soul and love, and not just because you need to give something.

Article format: Natalie Podolskaya

Video with birthday gift ideas for boyfriend

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