Whether the suede gets wet or not. How to care for suede shoes. Crmplex protection for suede shoes

Suede shoes have always been a welcome acquisition for the wardrobe of fashionistas and fashionistas. She always has a presentable, luxurious appearance ... To this day, it takes its rightful place on the podiums and Everyday life... If earlier shoes from natural material, but now many people prefer artificial or eco-suede.

What is this material

It is designed with modern technology. Its basis is synthetic or cotton fabric impregnated with a special composition that gives it strength and durability. On top of the fabric are attached fibers made of synthetic material, which imitate the appearance of natural suede. It is used as furniture upholstery. Or they sew clothes and shoes.

The range of faux suede shoes is wide. These are men's and women's shoes, boots, boots and ankle boots, sports sneakers, moccasins.

Before you buy shoes made of unnatural suede, you need to pay attention to its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with natural.

Advantages of artificial suede for shoes

  • Durability in use... In the process of wearing shoes, boots, etc., are subjected to significant physical stress. Therefore, an important characteristic is their durability during operation. Important role the strength of the material from which the top of the product is made is allotted. Thanks to modern technology manufacture of artificial suede is durable, invulnerable to the formation of creases and cracks. Therefore, the shoes are of high quality and durable.
  • Beauty and softness... It is very important that the shoe is not only beautiful, but also comfortable to wear. It is these characteristics that she gets thanks to faux suede. Along with strength, it is soft to the touch, has a noble, presentable appearance, and faithfully imitates its natural counterpart. It is difficult for a beginner to distinguish between them.
  • Reasonable price... The production of footwear from natural suede is much more expensive than its artificial counterpart. Therefore, the price of a natural one is about two to three times higher than an unnatural one. Thanks to the affordable price, eco-suede products are available to a wider range of consumers with an average income level. You can afford to buy several pairs for every taste and color.
  • Resistant to sunlight... When exposed to direct sunlight, artificial suede does not fade and does not lose its color. This allows shoes or boots based on it to maintain a representative appearance with high-quality, conscientious care.
  • Variety of colors and shades... The use of modern dyes allows you to create fashionable shoes from eco-suede of the most incredible colors, shades, prints, patterns. A variety of colors will satisfy the taste of the most capricious buyer.
  • Environmental friendliness... For animal activists, this property of the material is of primary importance. Environmentalists can confidently say that not a single animal was harmed during the production of artificial suede. The same cannot be said about footwear made from natural raw materials.

Disadvantages of Faux Suede Shoes

  • Requires special care... When such shoes are worn, "bald patches" are formed on its surface, which have an unattractive appearance. The villi of this material tend to wear off, forming unsightly shiny islands. Such a disturbed pile structure gives an untidy, worn appearance. Moreover, it is sensitive to wetting. Therefore, it is recommended to clean such a product only with soapy foam with a minimum amount of water. It is necessary to process with the help of special brushes, care products, spray paints.
  • Gets wet quickly... V rainy weather shoes made of faux suede get wet quickly, creating inconvenience to the wearer. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it in dry weather. When drying, wipe it regularly soft cloth in order to avoid the appearance of streaks and make sure that it does not dry out. To make it less wet, it is treated with water-repellent agents.
  • Thermal insulation properties... For winter shoes natural suede is preferable due to its ability to retain heat well. But an unnatural top of boots or boots will not protect your feet from frost, as natural will do it. This is a significant drawback. But for autumn-summer models, thermal insulation characteristics are not so important. For such a case, artificial suede is suitable.
  • Poor air permeability... In eco-suede, there are no pores, as in natural. This feature does not allow the leg to breathe, which makes it difficult to wear. In the warm season, shoes or sneakers made of this material cause a lot of inconvenience to their owner. The leg gets tired faster, sweats and often has an unpleasant odor.
  • Does not tolerate gasoline based products... It is undesirable to get on the surface of eco-leather with various solvents and chemicals based on gasoline. They leave hard-to-remove stains on the surface that spoil its appearance. When putting on such shoes, it is important to be careful while wearing. This is especially true for car drivers.

Buying shoes based on eco-suede is a great option for people who appreciate an attractive appearance in them, good quality for a reasonable price.

When purchasing and using faux suede shoes, follow these recommendations:

  1. Buy products from well-known brands and trusted stores.
  2. Ask for a warranty card for the purchased product.
  3. Before deciding on your first purchase, learn how to take care of these items.
  4. Faux suede is not the best choice for winter boots or boots. She doesn't warm her legs well in winter.
  5. It requires careful maintenance, thanks to which you can preserve its attractiveness for a long time.
  6. Do not wear these shoes in rainy, wet weather - it will get wet quickly.

High quality and comfortable shoes is a guarantee not only Have a good mood but also human health. The selection of this wardrobe item should be taken seriously. Many people are afraid to buy things made of suede for fear of getting wet. Read on to learn more about how suede shoes react to water, whether you can walk in them in winter, and how to protect the material from moisture.

Suede is one of the varieties genuine leather sheep and goats. Thanks to a special processing technology (tanning), it acquires a velvety and soft texture. When interacting with water, suede behaves as follows:

In general, of course, it is worth noting that suede products require more careful attention to themselves and constant care... Dry period is absolutely safe for suede. However, it is very difficult to catch such a moment on the city streets. Indeed, under the influence of chemical reagents, snow quickly turns into caustic slush.

Attention! The listed descriptions are relevant only for high-quality and natural suede.

Is it possible to walk in suede shoes in winter?

Natural suede is popular with winter footwear manufacturers and buyers. After all, Coco Chanel also assured that suede things speak of the delicate taste of the owner. It should be noted that in winter such boots or boots are warm even in severe frosts. It is recommended to buy products with a thick sole or platform to limit the contact of the material with moisture.

Of course, suede is water-permeable and can be stained by grime and stains from salts and chemicals. Many people find these shoes impractical for the winter and consider buying them a waste of money. Others, on the contrary, learn to take proper care of her and do not deny themselves the purchase of another spectacular pair.

Important! When entering a room, it is advisable to shake off the snow from your feet so that it does not have time to melt.

What can be done to prevent suede shoes from getting wet in winter?

Many buyers choose suede shoes for their beauty and elegance. Natural and unprocessed suede, easily absorbs water. Therefore, before going out into the street in a new pair, it is advisable to soak it with water-repellent compounds. You can find special tools and care products in stores. In most cases, you will need a brush, hydrophobic spray, spacers for easy drying, and a can of paint to match the material.

Proper care includes several steps:

The popularity of suede shoes is easy to explain - it's beautiful. And although practicality inspires doubt for many, suede does not lose its relevance. Perhaps the opinion of the recognized trendsetter, Coco Chanel, plays a role here, who assured that suede items in the wardrobe testify to the delicate taste of the owner. However, a completely natural question arises: how to care for suede shoes in winter, if the weather conditions are very harsh? Will this harm expensive boots or graceful ankle boots?

Problems of suede shoes in winter

The dry period is absolutely safe for suede shoes, which is practically unrealistic in urban conditions. Even if the frost reigns, the roads and sidewalks sprinkled with salt and special chemical reagents turn into a rather caustic slush. That is why it may not be considered the best for the winter. the best option- it is too annoying to throw away an almost new pair because of the irrevocably damaged appearance.

Thin suede boots can easily allow moisture to pass through, they are stained by ingrained dirt, whitish stains from salt and reagents. However, this does not mean that suede is only suitable for indoor use and the rarest warm dry days. With the right approach, even an elegant and delicate one can not serve for a long time, delighting the owner.

How to choose the right pair of outdoor shoes

Despite the possible difficulties, many women of fashion choose exactly suede boots, caring for them is perceived as a natural price to pay for an elegant appearance and comfort. However, in practice, a customer may be faced with the fact that insufficiently qualified sellers in shoe stores call all fleecy materials from which shoes or boots are made suede. Of course, due to inexperience, nubuck can be confused with suede, these materials have a certain similarity, but at the same time they are seriously distinguished by their resistance to external adverse conditions.

Combined shoes with leather inserts on the most "strategic" places subject to friction show themselves perfectly in the process of wearing. If instead of the finest delicate suede on the toes, there are oiled nubuck inserts, then the appearance will not suffer, and the practicality of the pair will increase significantly. At the same time, even very delicate completely suede boots will last a long time if you take care of their putting into operation correctly.

Preparing boots or boots for winter

Natural suede, untreated with special means, easily absorbs water, and this is perhaps its main drawback. Before putting on new boots or it is recommended to carry out an initial treatment with water-repellent compounds. You need to purchase spray for primary treatment in specialized stores, and cheapness is a sign of unequivocally low quality. It will take three thorough treatments before going outside for the first time, and after each application, the steam must be completely dried in natural conditions... You don't need to put your boots on the central heating battery, it will only hurt the shoes.

After three times treatment with a water-repellent agent, the question of how to care for suede shoes in winter, if it does not disappear, then definitely becomes not so acute. It is recommended to stock up on special tools and compositions for the care of natural suede. You will need a brush, a hydrophobic spray, a can of paint to match (it is useful for touching up), spacers, on which it is best to dry suede shoes or boots or heating pads for drying wet shoes.

Selection of special care products for suede

Most often, good shoe stores immediately offer to choose the appropriate care products, and the recommendations of experienced consultants can be trusted. However, in some cases you have to look for shoe care products separately. You can definitely trust such trade marks like Salamander, TARRAGO, Twist, Saphir, Master, Kaps, Tradigo Giovanni. Before purchasing, check with the seller whether this or that type of shoe care products can be applied to your shoes - a separate line of care products is required for oiled (fattened) nubuck.

On the this moment proper care for suede shoes is to follow simple rules: preliminary treatment, only dry cleaning, careful care of wet material. If you dry suede boots correctly, they will last a long time, retaining their elegant appearance.

Drying suede shoes properly

If the winter shoes are wet, despite the compositions, then before you clean the delicate suede from dirt, you need to dry it. Otherwise, you can only rub in the stains deeper or damage the soft, fleecy outer layer. Timely caring for suede shoes in winter begins with drying. No need to place damaged boots or boots near the heater, just stuff them with newspapers or paper towels. You can insert special spacers, put special dryers into the shoes - they emit weak heat, sufficient for drying and not destroying the adhesive bond.

Only after it is completely dry can you start cleaning the suede. Therefore, it is better to have several pairs of winter shoes so that you do not have to spoil the graceful boots in a hurry.

Methods for dealing with dirt stains

After the boots or boots are completely dry, you can start to remove the dirt. The easiest way to get rid of winter slush and melted snow is dry - you need to shake off the dirt with light movements. For this, it is better to use a special brush or dry sponge. Rinse with water only natural can suffer. It is sometimes helpful to hold the boots over the steam for a few minutes so that even stubborn stains can be removed. Special erasers, similar to stationery, help a lot. Many people are interested in how to take care of suede shoes in winter and not waste extra time. However, if you did not help to clean the suede, you can only in the way described above.

How to remove salt stains from suede

The most unpleasant phenomenon that spoils the appearance of suede shoes is whitish stains from salt and chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets. You can give your shoes to a shoemaker, but not all provide a professional cleaning service for expensive shoes. It is cheaper to care for suede shoes at home, using improvised means. If it was not possible to get rid of white stains with the help of special cleaning agents, then you can touch up the surface. For this, a coloring spray for suede is used.

Should you buy winter suede shoes?

Despite certain troubles associated with maintaining an attractive and well-groomed appearance, fashionable suede boots or ankle boots do not lose their relevance. It is a graceful piece of wardrobe that testifies to good taste, while the level of comfort in high-quality suede shoes remains not the least of the deciding factors.

Before adding a new thing to your wardrobe, it is advisable to know in advance how to care for suede shoes in winter. Then you can immediately take into account the troubles and decide whether you are ready for such sacrifices for the sake of fashionable boots.

suede winter boots will get wet in the slush and snow? and got the best answer

Answer from Galina Pustovalova [guru]
I myself really love and wear suede shoes. She must be properly looked after. In an aerosol package, water-repellent paint for suede is sold. Take only good paint - do not buy cheap and unfamiliar companies. Dry your shoes (not near heating devices), brush the suede with a brush, and then paint. The shoes will be like new.
first socks ?!

Answer from Nastuha[active]
who told you such nonsense: ???

Answer from Lyuba Romanova[master]
yes, they get wet. Itself was amuchs

Answer from Zheka ***[guru]
no, if you put galoshes on them ...

Answer from Yenya[expert]
In the snow - no, but in the slush - they will

Answer from BLEZ[guru]
will get wet if walking through puddles! But this is not about us .... THERE IS NO SNOW IN MOSCOW!

Answer from Toky wartooth[expert]
and even then the suede will deepen and become tough

Answer from Sweet Cherry *[guru]
I buy platform boots, geisha boots, with high soles for this weather!
Then nothing will get wet.
Suede gets wet like leather.

Answer from Unknown[guru]
not necessary, but there will be (((((And the view will immediately be lost in suede when it gets wet ...

Answer from Pelageya[guru]
The good ones shouldn't. But it is almost impossible to tidy up after getting into the mud.

Answer from Verochka[active]
Treat with special impregnation, it is better not to wear it right away

Answer from Atka[expert]
Of course they will get wet! Proven on our own experience. Better to buy stylish boots made of good leather.

Answer from Irina Pidunova[guru]
After some time, if you walk on the water even with reagents, it may leak. Better to wear them in snow and frost.

Answer from ЍлЛЭН[active]
yeah they'll get wet your mom is right! But there is a way so that they do not get wet, you need to buy a water-repellent spray to sprinkle them on suede boots and in a day you can safely even lower them into a puddle! I myself know I have 2 pairs of them and ours is already 2 years old and did not get wet at once!

Answer from Anna Dorofeeva[guru]
my suede boots do not get wet, do not worry, if the suede is natural, then nothing will happen to it either

Answer from Diana G.[newbie]
There are special socks, I want to buy myself, under suede boots! They are not wet, you cannot wear them for a long time, but in wet weather you can get to work! Sold in shops, specials. clothes!

Answer from Marisha[active]
they will get wet ... and they will get shitty ...

Answer from Fantasy[guru]
If the boots are on the platform, walk neatly, then no, but the short ones, unfortunately, get wet, it's a pity, you need to buy a special impregnation, an aerosol, but it doesn't help for a long time)) But you can try))

Answer from Irina shinkaryuk[newbie]
I myself adore suede shoes and wear them with pleasure. Therefore, I can say for sure that they will get wet and the appearance deteriorates, you can and should buy all sorts of sprays of brushes and paints, but even so it is better not to wear in rain and slush, for such weather it is better to buy leather and wear suede in dry weather.

What is this material

Faux suede is almost indistinguishable from real. This is a synthetic or natural fabric with a characteristic pile on the front side. It is used both for creating clothes and shoes, and for upholstering furniture. There are two ways to produce the material:

  1. Woven... Microfiber threads are split into small fibers, which are glued to the base after processing. The result is a fleecy suede fabric with high strength. Without additional backing, the material becomes unstable to stretch. In this way, the highest quality and most expensive samples of fabric are made, from which jackets, raincoats, gloves are sewn.
  2. Non-woven... Polyester villi are glued to cotton, silk or synthetic backings. This type is produced less costly, it is much easier to care for it. Such suede is used mainly for furniture upholstery.

Conclusion: faux suede is a combination of microfiber or polyester fibers and a cotton, silk or synthetic base. Properties of this matter:

  • outwardly, it looks like a natural analogue;
  • the surface of artificial suede is soft and velvety to the touch;
  • the fabric is durable and resistant to deformation (does not wrinkle);
  • does not fade;
  • has good durability;
  • repels dirt and dust;
  • has low hygroscopicity;
  • has a uniform color;
  • resistant to the formation of kinks, cracks, abrasions;
  • if you run your hand over the fabric, the villi will easily change position.

Differences from natural

Even taking into account the maximum resemblance to the original, artificial suede still has a number of features. How to distinguish real suede from its fake sister?

Pay attention to these details:

  1. Derived from animal skins, natural suede looks more natural. It has a heterogeneous porous structure, in which cracks and scratches are noticeable.
  2. Dyed natural suede cannot be of a uniform color (the reason is its uneven texture).
  3. The thickness of a natural material changes from center to edge.
  4. Original suede smells like leather, while artificial suede smells like synthetics.
  5. Natural suede is much more expensive than artificial.

Advice! Run your hand over the canvas: the natural in the place of touch will become lighter.

Pros and cons

This artificial fabric has significantly more advantages than disadvantages. Let's consider everything in order.


  1. As a furniture upholstery, it is equally good for any interior style, be it classic or avant-garde. The versatility is evident in the successful use of suede both at home and in the office.
  2. The increased resistance to deformation and the formation of abrasions is another plus of upholstery suede. Such sofa clothes will not crack or stretch under increased load, which the natural analogue cannot boast of.
  3. The material does not accumulate static electricity.
  4. Artificial suede furniture around the entire perimeter has the same density, unlike natural.
  5. The fabric is resistant to direct sunlight.
  6. This padding does not stick to the body.
  7. An interesting property of artificial suede for furniture: it gives warmth in winter and cool in summer.
  8. The same goes for suede clothing. The skin in such clothes breathes.
  9. Faux suede is easier to clean thanks to the Teflon-treated material.
  10. Such matter looks no less aesthetically pleasing and attractive than the real one. Its iridescent velvety surface is eye-catching.


  1. The fabric has tensile strengths. For example, it cannot withstand being used as a scratching post. Keep animals away from this upholstery.
  2. Light colored material tends to get dirty quickly. The problem is solved either by frequent cleaning or by a removable cover.
  3. Caring for faux suede is not easy. Such material does not tolerate high humidity. Only dry cleaning or a minimum of water (solutions of ammonia or vinegar) is allowed.


Suede is mainly used to produce:

  • clothes,
  • shoes,
  • furniture upholstery.

For sewing outerwear and suits use cotton suede. Such things fit the figure well. Knitted suede - good material for skirts, dresses and blouses. More from matter are obtained stylish accessories: bags, belts, wallets, gloves. As for footwear, everything from shoes to high boots is made from faux suede.

In the production of furniture, artificial suede is given a worthy attention. It serves as upholstery for chairs, sofas, armchairs. Suede also found itself in everyday life. Excellent absorbent wipes for glass cleaning are made from it.


How to remove stains from faux suede? Clothes can be washed with gentle washing agents. Brush and use suede shoes. But with the upholstery, you need to be careful. Dry clean only, especially if planted greasy stain... Water will only make matters worse.

Advice! When choosing an impregnation for suede shoes, be careful and choose brands that have earned the trust of consumers. Poor-quality impregnation can glue the villi into a dense crust, forever ruining the thing.

For cleaning clothes fit soap solution, which is applied to the dirt with a soft brush. The solution should not be hot. After cleaning, blot the product with a towel to remove excess water. To avoid dripping, blot the garment several times with a towel while drying.

You need to take care of the upholstery constantly. First, vacuum and brush regularly. Secondly, whenever possible, use protective covers. But if you manage to plant a stain, then you have to tinker. How to clean a suede sofa? On the help will come salt, eraser, washing powder... Be sure to test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.

Advice! The movements during cleaning should be in the direction of the pile.

Faux suede is a useful and at the same time capricious material. But if all the operating rules are followed, then a product made of such fabric will serve the owner for a long time.