Payments to single mothers under 3 years of age. What payments and benefits are available to a single mother? Up to what age are benefits paid?

There are many reasons why a woman may be forced to raise a child on her own. However, they all lead to the fact that mother and baby find themselves in a difficult situation.

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  • a one-time pregnancy benefit provided if a woman registers for up to 12 weeks;
  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time payment provided upon the birth of a child;
  • monthly maternity benefit;
  • monthly allowance issued during parental leave.

The above benefits can also be received by mothers who are raising a child with their husband.

However, payments for single mothers are larger. In addition, they are provided with additional benefits, which are paid from the regional budget. Their size is determined by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently.


Benefits provided to single mothers are divided into federal and regional.

  • lump sum payment for pregnancy – 581.73 rubles;
  • birth certificate in the amount of 11,000 rubles, which can be spent on services in antenatal clinic, children's clinic and purchase of medicines;
  • child birth benefit – 15,512.65 rubles;
  • Until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, a monthly allowance is provided - 2,908.62 rubles.

In addition to the above benefits, a single mother has the opportunity to receive payments from the regional budget. Their size may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

How to apply?

The procedure for applying for benefits is not complicated. To receive support from the state, a mother raising a child on her own must contact the territorial social protection department, having previously prepared a package of documentation.

The organization's staff will tell you what needs to be done next to receive the benefit.


To apply for benefits in 2020, a woman must provide a package of documentation.

To complete the procedure you will need:

  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming that the record of paternity was made according to the words of the mother, if the inscription is present on the birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the Housing Office confirming that the child lives with the mother;
  • Form No. 25, which is issued at the registry office when issuing a birth certificate and confirms that the woman is a single mother.

If the status was assigned due to the fact that the man challenged paternity, a copy of the court decision must be provided to Social Security along with the above documents.

In Russia, there are quite frequent cases in which a woman raises children without male support. There are various reasons for this, but in any case the child is forced to grow up in an incomplete family. To raise him to be a worthy member of society, the mother spends enormous amounts of effort, working hard to provide her child with everything necessary and to keep up with the rising price level. In the article we will tell you about the benefits [benefits] for single mothers in Moscow in 2020, what the size is and the procedure for receiving them.

The government sees the complexity of the situation and, being interested in the development of the future generation of Russian workers, is trying to support single mothers in all areas of life. Benefits and allowances for single mothers are approved at the federal level, but regions have the right to supplement existing support measures with their own payments and assistance in kind. Thus, the capital of Russia has its own state benefits for children, which only Muscovites can receive.

Types of state support for single mothers

To know for sure what benefits and allowances can be provided to single mothers in a particular region, you need to get advice from the district office social protection population. The amount of payments varies depending on the place of registration of the mother and is influenced by the following points:

  • number of children
  • the fact that the parent has an official place of work,
  • average mother's earnings per family member.

Both parents from a complete family and a single mother can be assigned:

  • one-time support measures,
  • monthly payments for children
  • reimbursement of some expenses
  • help in in kind,
  • subsidies for purchases and payment for services,
  • various benefits. Read also the article: → "".

Who is entitled to Moscow benefits and benefits

Only women who have permanent registration in Moscow and are registered with the local Social Security Administration can apply for capital benefits, payments and other measures to support families with children intended for single mothers.

List of benefits and benefits for single mothers in Moscow in 2020

Firstly, a single mother has the right to apply for the same regional lump sum payments, as for women who are married and raising children in a two-parent family:

State capacity Amount (rub.) Conditions of receipt
A one-time payment to a woman who registered at the antenatal clinic or at the district clinic before the 20th obstetric week pregnancy. 600 Early production registered with the housing complex.
Increase to the BiR benefit. 1500

● value for 140 days. vacation according to the BiR is equal to 7 thousand rubles,

● in 156 days. – 7.8 thousand rubles,

● in 194 days. – 9.7 thousand rubles)

The woman lost her job due to the closure of the company within 12 months before contacting the Employment Center.
One-time compensation on the occasion of the birth (adoption) of a child. ● If the child is 1st: 5500,

● if 2nd, etc. – 14500,

● if there are triplets or more children – 50 thousand.

Applying to the USZN no later than 6 months after the birth of a child in the family.
One-time payment to a young single mother (up to 30 years old). ● If the 1st child is 76535 (5 amounts living wage),

● if the 2nd – 107149 (7 PM sizes),

● if the 3rd – 153070 (10 PM sizes).

Contact the USZN no later than 12 months from the date of birth of the baby.

Secondly, a single mother can apply for the assignment of payments intended for her low-income families, if it meets the requirements for applicants. To do this, the portion of a woman’s earnings per each family member (average per capita income) must be below the Moscow subsistence level.

If the average per capita income is higher than the capital's subsistence level, a woman can apply for benefits in a different amount:

Other social guarantees for single mothers

In the capital, for children from overweight and single-parent families benefits are also provided in kind. A single mother can also apply for them:

  1. Free clothes for a newborn (provided at the maternity hospital).
  2. Free travel on public transport (up to age 7).
  3. Free admission to cultural events (within normal limits).
  4. Dairy products for children under 2 years of age (from this year it is planned to replace this benefit with money - 750 rubles).
  5. Free medicines for children under 3 years of age.
  6. Exemption from payment for cleaning the territory of an apartment building (until the child is 1.5 years old).
  7. Half the cost of a child's visit kindergarten.
  8. Free massage in a children's medical facility.
  9. Free breakfast and lunch for the child at school.
  10. A trip to the sanatorium once a year without charging a fee.
  11. Compensation for payment for an apartment registered under a rental agreement, subject to the payment of taxes by the lessor.
  12. 30% discount on a child’s education in a music, art school and other development institutions in Moscow (until the children reach adulthood).

Labor privileges for a single mother

Labor preferences apply to single parents throughout Russia, including Moscow:

  1. A single mother cannot be fired when her staff is reduced while her children are under 14 years old. The only exception is the constant violation of labor discipline. Read also the article: → "".
  2. When a company is liquidated or an individual entrepreneur is closed, a single mother must get another job.
  3. The employee is entitled to payments for children:
  • child care allowance for the period of stay on appropriate leave;
  • medical treatment allowance institution;
  • payments to the mother when treating the child at home (10 days of the employee’s stay at home are fully paid, the rest of the time is paid in half).
  1. It is impossible for a single mother to be denied a job because of her status.
  2. A woman is given the right to a reduced working day or a personal work schedule if her child is under 14 years old.
  3. Overtime work and duties on weekends and holidays do not apply to a single mother as long as her child is under 5 years old.
  4. A single mother can go on a business trip only with her written consent.

Tax benefits for mothers

A single mother has the right to a 50% reduction in the tax base for personal income tax. In the case of the first child, 1,400 rubles will not be taxed; with the second and all subsequent children, 3,000 rubles will not be taxed. The rule applies until the child is 18 years old (or 24 years old if he is studying).

Housing benefits for women

A single mother can stand in line for improved housing conditions and take part in some state program helping families buy a home. For example, she can apply for a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment for a young family if she is under 35 years old.

Part of the rent can also be reimbursed at government expense if the landlord pays tax on rental income.

When child benefits stop

When a single mother remarried but her new husband did not adopt her children, benefits and benefits remain with her. Otherwise, the right to single mother status disappears. If the child officially gets a job, payments for him also stop. Read also the article: → "".

State assistance measures for single mothers with many children

If a single woman is raising several minor children at once, she can count on additional help:

  • a one-time payment of 14 thousand rubles in the event of the birth of a third baby, 50 thousand rubles for the birth of triplets (a young mother under 35 years old will be paid 48 thousand rubles for each newborn);
  • monthly reimbursement of telephone payments in the amount of 230 rubles;
  • an annual allowance for the purchase of school uniforms in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Where to go for help

To receive tax benefits In addition to the employer, you can contact the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

How can a single mother apply for benefits and benefits?

As in most similar cases, the applicants contacted the local branch of the SZN Office, but today, processing Moscow payments is possible only through the official website of the capital’s city services.

Necessary documents for registration

You will need to upload the following electronic copies of documents on the Moscow city services website:

  1. Birth certificate for all children (from the registry office).
  2. A certificate from the registry office (form No. 25) and a note stating that information about the baby’s father is included in the birth certificate according to the mother.
  3. Certificate of family composition (from the housing department, settlement administration or passport office).
  4. Certificate of marriage or divorce (from the registry office).
  5. Certificate 2-NDFL from the previous place of employment, if the woman changed jobs less than 12 months ago.
  6. Information from educational institutions where children are educated
  7. Medical report if the child is disabled.

Legislative acts on the topic

Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 6, 2016 No. 816-PP About the size of individual social payments in 2017
Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 No. 828-PP About additional state benefits for single mothers
Decree of the Moscow Government dated 04/06/2004 No. 199-PP About the one-time “Luzhkov payment”
Law of the city of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 Issues of youth policy in Moscow
Law of the city of Moscow dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 ABOUT social support families raising children
Law of Moscow dated 03.11.04 No. 67 Monthly state benefits for children

Typical design mistakes

Mistake #1. Before applying for low-income benefits, a woman calculated her average per capita income, including the earnings of her new husband, who did not adopt her children, and came to the conclusion that she was not entitled to low-income benefits.

In the case where the new spouse of a former single mother does not adopt her child, his salary should not be taken into account when calculating the average per capita income of the family.

Mistake #2. A single mother has applied for a refund of her rent while she is renting informally without a tenancy agreement.

The condition for providing compensation for rented housing is its registration under a rental agreement with the payment of tax on income by the lessor.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Where is the money transferred after the application for government benefits in Moscow is approved?

The amounts of all state benefits are credited to the Muscovite’s social card.

Question No. 2. When should you submit documents for the appointment of Moscow social benefits for children to single mothers?

Some payments must be made before the child is 6 months old, others - up to 12 months. General recommendation is that you should not apply for benefits if the crediting of funds to the account begins in the last months of maternity leave, otherwise the B&R benefit will be taken into account when calculating family income, which will lead to a reduction in the amount of payments or to a refusal to assign them.

The Russian Federation is a socially oriented state. Taking care of citizens is a priority task of the authorities. An extremely relevant topic today is the provision of benefits to single women with children. What benefits are available to a single mother in Russia? This article will provide a detailed answer to this question.

Single mother: who is this according to the law?

Number of divorces in Russian Federation It only grows over time. You can guess and argue for a long time what is the reason for this. This may be an economically unstable situation in the state, or perhaps an ordinary change in morals. Most broken families have children. As a rule, the court leaves the children with their mother. Today, a single mother is far from a rare phenomenon. Moreover, according to the law, not all divorced women with children have this status. Why does this happen?

According to current legislation, a divorce from a spouse does not automatically make a woman a “single mother.” Only those women who gave birth have a similar status. A single mother in Russia is a person to whom the following factors can be attributed:

  • there is no joint statement from both parents;
  • in the same statement there is a dash in the paternity column;
  • the woman gave birth to a child earlier than 300 days after the divorce (but in this case, a confession from the woman is required that her ex-spouse is not the baby's father);
  • a woman adopted a child without being married.

It is also worth considering that a woman is not capable of possessing it if the following criteria apply:

  • her husband was deprived of parental rights;
  • her husband died;
  • the baby’s father has been identified and his details are included in the documents; Moreover, he himself is not the spouse of the woman who gave birth to the child;
  • for one reason or another, the mother does not receive child support from the child’s father.

Thus, not all single women with a child are able to have the legal status of “single mother”.

Rights of single mothers

Women who have the legal status of “single mothers” have a number of rights that should be outlined further. Russian law states the following:

  • State monthly benefits to single mothers must be paid on time and in full, without delays or other problems. A woman should find out about the amount of money she receives from the social protection department located at her place of registration.
  • In addition to the full state benefit, a single woman with a child has the right to receive regional payments. Such subsidies to single mothers should be paid on a regular basis.
  • A woman with the status in question has the right to place her child in certain preschool institutions out of turn (but not at all times!). It is also worth noting the benefits for paying for a child in kindergarten.
  • Benefits, subsidies and various payments remain with the woman even when she gets married. The right to the benefits presented will only be lost when the new spouse adopts the child.
  • If a single mother is officially employed, then she has the right to leave at any time convenient for her.
  • A single woman with a child cannot be involved in overtime work without her own consent.
  • School meals, as well as a set of textbooks for a child of a single mother, will be free.
  • A single mother is entitled to certain benefits when purchasing certain medications for her child; the child has the right to a free visit to the massage room at the local clinic.

These are not all the rights that an unmarried woman with a child legally has. What is due to single mothers besides all of the above? This will be discussed further below.

About the work schedule of a single mother

Regardless of where exactly an unmarried woman with a child works, enterprise management must adhere to the requirement Labor Code. What exactly does this document say about single mothers? If we are talking about the work schedule, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • An unmarried woman with a child under 5 years old is able to work at night (from 10 pm to 6 am) only if she herself agrees to it and if she has no health contraindications. An employer does not have the right to force a single mother to work night shifts (only if the work itself does not involve night service - for example, the profession of a night watchman).
  • If a woman has a child under three years of age, then her involvement in business trips and overtime work is possible only with written consent.
  • A single mother with a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age is able to apply for a part-time job.
  • A woman with a disabled child can claim four additional days off per month.
  • A woman raising a child under 14 years of age, under a collective agreement, can be provided with two weeks of unpaid leave at any convenient time.

The salary of a single mother (if we are not talking about benefits) cannot be increased just like that. A woman cannot legally claim a special salary or increased hourly pay simply because she has a child.

We should also talk about the dismissal procedure. A woman raising a child under 14 years of age, or a disabled child under 18 years of age, cannot be fired due to layoffs. The only exceptions may be the following cases:

  • the organization is completely liquidated;
  • a woman periodically fails to perform, or performs her job duties poorly;
  • the woman committed a major immoral act;
  • the employee violated her duties (came in drunk, committed theft, violated labor protection, divulged professional secrets, etc.);
  • a woman got a job using fictitious documents.

In case of illegal dismissal, a woman can be reinstated in her job or seek compensation through the court.

Tax deduction

What is a tax deduction? Experts give the following formulation - this is a set amount of income for workers, on which personal income tax is not charged. Thanks to the tax deduction, the amount of money issued increases wages.

Tax deductions are available to certain categories of citizens, including single mothers. The deduction is always standard and independent of the person’s wealth. So, as of 2017, it is worth highlighting the following figures:

  • 2,800 rubles for the first two children;
  • 6 thousand rubles for the third and any subsequent child;
  • 24 thousand rubles for a child with a disability.

At the same time, personal income tax will begin to be collected in the case when a particular citizen receives more than 350 thousand per year (about 30 thousand per month). This rule also affects a person’s status as a “single mother”. The second child, unfortunately, will not play any role here. Depending on how much a single mother receives, the status of the tax deduction will depend.

We should also talk about how exactly you can get All documents must be submitted at your place of work. A statement is written, which will be provided by the employer; the following documents are attached to it:

  • certificate from the housing office confirming residence;
  • document from the registry office confirming the absence of the father;
  • mother's passport;
  • if necessary, a certificate of disability of the child or a certificate from an educational institution.

All deductions will be provided by the employer.

About sick leave for care

What do single mothers have to do when receiving sick leave? Oddly enough, nothing special. It is immediately worth noting that there are no special benefits when receiving sick leave does not exist for single mothers. In this case everything is exactly the same as in the case with married women; talk about any priorities and “lack of queues” will be nothing more than rumors. Nevertheless, it is still worth paying attention to this topic.

The Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance", namely its sixth article, establishes the following rules for obtaining sick leave:

  • if the child is under 7 years old, then the entire treatment period should be no more than 60 days per year (for one specific child). If the illness is particularly serious, the period of sick leave can be up to 90 days.
  • If the child is from 7 to 15 years old, then the period of sick leave for the mother cannot be more than 15 days per year.
  • If the child is between 15 and 18 years old, the mother can take sick leave for no more than 3 days (can last up to one week).

Are single mothers entitled to hospital subsidies? The law mentions payments for outpatient treatment. So, single mothers in in this case may be:

  • 100% of earnings with work experience of more than eight years;
  • 80% of the average salary for five to eight years of experience;
  • 60% of average earnings with less than five years of experience.

Thus, the question of what single mothers are entitled to when taking sick leave can be considered closed. The answer here is simple: practically nothing; The same rules apply here as for other persons.

Admission to kindergarten: what benefits are available to a single mother?

As is known, the activities of kindergartens in the Russian Federation are regulated at the municipal level. This means only one thing: the conditions and features of admitting children to such institutions can vary greatly depending on the region.

What benefits does a single mother have when registering her child for kindergarten? Until 2008, there was a legal recommendation in the country to accept children of single mothers without waiting lists. This provision was later removed. For some reason, some citizens, even ten years later, are confident that uniform benefits still exist here. This is, of course, not true. As of 2017, unfortunately, there are no concessions for single mothers in this area. Of course, some kindergartens can still accept groups of people without a queue. This is done, as a rule, for the purpose of self-promotion or increasing ratings.

In which cities do kindergartens accept children from single-parent families out of turn? Of course, data may change; but for 2017 this is Moscow (according to order No. 1310), Yekaterinburg, Angarsk, Irkutsk region and some other regions.

What conclusion can be drawn here? Kindergartens today do not operate according to uniform rules. Even a “poor single mother with a disability” will not be able to claim any benefits if they are not established in the region. Single mothers are also not entitled to compensation for kindergarten - all this is a thing of the past. There can be only one way out here: find out whether admission benefits apply in a particular area, in a particular kindergarten.

Getting housing as a single mother

Are single mothers entitled to cheap or even free housing? Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a definitive answer here. It’s worth starting with the most important thing: there are no special benefits or rules for obtaining housing for single mothers in Russia. There is an opportunity to get on the waiting list for an apartment, to participate in government subsidy programs - but nothing more. The entire procedure for obtaining housing will take place in exactly the same way as with ordinary, two-parent families.

On this moment The country has a “Young Family” program, according to which from 2015 to 2020 the state will pay citizens with children about 35% of the total cost of purchased housing. Program details, as usual, will depend on the region.

What are the benefits for single mothers under the presented program? Everything is the same as for ordinary families. To obtain housing under the terms of the “Young Family” you must:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • prove the absence of other housing;
  • contact the district administration at your place of residence;
  • join the general housing queue.

If a family needs to improve their living conditions, the state will take into account the following factors:

  • the area of ​​the actual living space is below regional standards;
  • living in a home does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • the family lives in a communal apartment;
  • there is a sick person in the family, living next to whom can be dangerous to health.

The woman’s income must also be taken into account. So, depending on how much a single mother receives, the state program will be calculated.

Additional payments

Moscow Government Decree No. 816-PP provides for regular payment of benefits to single mothers from the city budget. Thus, a single woman with a child has the right to receive the following subsidies:

  • 300 rubles per month for children under 16 years of age;
  • 675 rubles per month are due to mothers, as well as parents whose ex-spouses do not pay child support for children under three years of age;
  • 6 thousand rubles every month is due to a single mother or father whose child has not reached 18 years of age and is a disabled person of group 1 or 2. If such a child is employed, payments stop.

We should also talk about payments to women whose income is below the subsistence level. The law states the following:

  • the amount of benefit for a single mother with a child under 16 years old should be 750 rubles per month;
  • 2,500 rubles are allocated to single mothers whose children have not reached the age of 1.5 years, or whose age ranges from 3 to 18 years;
  • 4,500 rubles are paid to single mothers whose children are between 1.5 and 3 years old.

In order for each of the submitted payments to be received on time and in full, every three months you will have to submit a certificate of income to the social protection authorities. The optimal period for filing such an application will be one in which maternity payments do not fall into the total income.

Required Documentation

How can a single mother confirm her status? What documents must be collected for this? It is immediately worth noting that different types documentation will be needed for various types of situations. It all depends on what kind of subsidies and benefits a single woman with a child wants to receive.

The first and most important thing a single mother should have is a child’s birth certificate with a dash in the column about the father. Only with the help of this document will a woman be able to confirm her status as a single mother. If the certificate still contains information about the biological father, but from the words of the mother, then you will have to obtain a special form No. 25. They usually apply for it to the registry office. It will also need to be filled out there. Having received a certificate of assignment of “single mother” status, the woman takes it to the district department of city social protection.

What documents should a mother collect to receive monthly allowance for a child? The law in this case regulates the following types of documentation:

  • mother's passport;
  • statement about the status of “single mother”;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • stamp in the mother’s passport about the child’s citizenship;
  • a certificate from the Housing Office about the composition of the family (it is necessary to confirm that the mother actually lives with the child);
  • if necessary - form No. 25 from the registry office;
  • statement of mother’s income (paper from the employment service, or a regular work book).

Naturally, each of the submitted documents must be photocopied and attached to the main package.

Bottom line

It is worth summarizing all of the above, briefly illustrating all the main types of benefits for single mothers. If we are talking about social benefits, then it is worth calling:

  • baby trousseau sets for a newborn baby;
  • compensation for the price of children's food products (if the child is under three years old);
  • benefits in kind for a child under three years of age;
  • the opportunity not to pay the housing office for garbage removal and cleaning if the mother has a child under one and a half years old;
  • free medical supplies for a child under three years of age.

If we are talking about labor benefits, then it is worth highlighting:

  • the inability to fire a single mother during layoffs;
  • benefits for a single mother upon liquidation of an organization;
  • full payment of sick leave if the employee’s child is under seven years old;
  • the right to small additional holidays;
  • the right to establish incomplete working day(if the child is under 14 years old);
  • impossibility of refusing a single mother a job (otherwise, the reason for the refusal must be described in detail and proven).

Of course, there are other benefits. However, they all depend on the region and type of enterprise (educational, preschool, cultural, etc.).

A woman who, due to circumstances or of her own free will, decided to raise a child alone has the right to count on additional social and financial support from the state. What benefits are available to a single mother in 2020? More on this later.

Who is a single mother?

IN modern Russia women raising children without the participation of a father are no longer a rarity - they account for at least 30% of families. However, not every woman is considered a single mother by law, since this concept has a strict definition. Hence the conflicts that arise due to a misunderstanding of the meaning of this status.

So who is eligible for single mother benefits in 2020?

There is no legal definition of “single mother” or “single mother”. To be officially recognized as a single mother, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be divorced from your spouse for more than 300 days or not have a husband at all.
  2. Do not have a written document from the father indicating his relationship with the child.
  3. Do not have a court opinion on the fact of paternity.

In other words, only a woman whose children were born outside of a marriage union is considered a single mother, and the “father” column in the birth documents is empty. In such cases, the civil registry office employees registering the child issue the mother a certificate in a special form 25, confirming her single status.

If the baby is born in official marriage, his mother can officially become “single” only by a court decision that has established the fact that there is no relationship between the woman’s husband and her baby. Thus, the child's father does not need to be officially identified.

Let us list the situations when society mistakenly considers a woman a single mother:

  • The couple divorced, after which ex-woman doesn't receive from ex-husband child support and raising their common children alone.
  • The child was born out of wedlock, but less than 300 days have passed since the divorce or death of the spouse. In such situations, the former spouse will be legally recognized as the father of the child, even if he has no biological relationship with the baby.
  • The baby's parents are not officially spouses, but the man does not abandon the child and officially recognizes his paternity.
  • Dad has been deprived of parental rights.
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When a woman is legally recognized as a single mother, the mother receives the right to social and labor privileges from the state.

If you have any doubts about your rights to benefits and additional financial support, you should contact the social security authorities at your place of registration. Also, these and other issues related to divorce and maternity can be resolved by a qualified lawyer.

Benefits and other forms of support for single mothers

A woman who has received the official status of a single mother applies for federal and local support in the form of payments and benefits.

Social support

Single mothers are entitled to the same benefits as parents of two-parent families. They can count on federal benefits that apply throughout the country and regional payments. They can be divided into

  • Targeted assistance (for students, for the purchase of food, school uniforms);
  • Low-income single mothers are usually given a larger allowance.

A single mother of a child may qualify for the following forms of social support:

  1. Compensation for the price of baby food for a child under 36 months of age.
  2. Compensation for increased cost of living
  3. Natural help for mothers with children under 3 years old - free envelopes for newborns, sets of linen and clothes for babies, dairy kitchens for children up to 24 months, essential medicines.
  4. Housing benefits- discounts on utilities.
  5. Benefits for education.
  6. Preferential physiotherapy (massage) at the district clinic.
  7. Free meals at least 2 times a day in the school cafeteria.
  8. Preferential queue for admission to a preschool educational institution (DOU).
  9. Discounts on educational, educational and other services at preschool educational institutions.
  10. The right to participate in the Housing program.
  11. Annual treatment of a child in a sanatorium-resort dispensary.

The above benefits may vary depending on the region where the single mother lives. And the status of a single mother alone is often not enough to obtain them. Benefits vary depending on the concomitant status of the family: low-income people in need of improved housing conditions, a family raising a disabled child, etc. But in some regions, single mothers, regardless of other preferential statuses, may be granted the above-mentioned privileges.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Labor privileges

There are specific privileges that an employed single mother is provided with:

  • Staff reductions often occur at enterprises. A mother raising children alone is free from the risk of being fired until each of her children turns 14 years old. The employer does not have legal right dismiss an employee, even if she is not suitable for the position. A single mother can be fired only if she maliciously evades her official duties and regularly commits misconduct.
  • A woman is laid off during the liquidation of an enterprise. In such a situation, the manager will have to independently take care of the single mother’s new place of work.
  • A single mother has the right to extraordinary leave. The period of additional rest should not exceed 14 days. In this case, the salary is not saved, but they cannot refuse to provide a woman with rest - she herself decides what time for vacation it is convenient for her to get. Such leave must be established by collective agreement.
  • Before the child turns 5 years old, a woman should not work night shifts, overtime, or on weekends and holidays. Of course, if a single mother does not object to such working conditions, the employer will not break the law. In such cases, the woman must provide written consent.
  • The mother is required to provide sick leave if the child gets sick. During inpatient treatment of a baby, a woman is entitled to an additional benefit, the amount of which depends on her length of service. The amount of payments is made in the amount of 100% for the first 2 weeks of sick leave, the subsequent ones are 50% of the woman’s salary, depending on the woman’s length of service. For outpatient treatment, length of service is not taken into account.
  • Until the child turns 14 years old, his mother has the right to work on a reduced working day.
  • If a woman gets a job, the manager cannot refuse to give her a position because of her status as a single mother. A refusal to provide a job must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reason for the refusal. Otherwise, the woman can file a complaint with the social security authorities.
In addition to all the indicated forms of support for single mothers, a woman receives the right to a double personal income tax deduction.

Payments and benefits

The status of a single mother does not deprive a woman of the usual benefits intended for all mothers who have given birth:

  • Sickness benefit for pregnancy and childbirth (BiR) - in the amount of 100% of the average salary for the last 2 calendar years(for officially employed women);
  • Additional disability benefits under BiR, if sick leave was extended due to difficult childbirth - an additional paid 16 days.
  • One-time benefit paid after childbirth - 17,479.73 rubles. + regional coefficient.
  • up to 18 months - an allowance from the employer equal to 40% of the salary (unemployed single mothers receive financial compensation from the Central Employment Service: for one child - in the amount of 3277.45 rubles, for two or more - 6554.89 rubles).
  • One-time payment to women who registered under the BiR before 12 weeks - 655.49 rubles.

In addition to these payments, a single mother can count on additional benefits provided from state and regional budgets:

  • (low-income) - depends on the region.
  • Additional payments for the third and subsequent children aged 36 months (low-income) are equal to the child's subsistence level in the region.
  • Compensation benefit for a woman caring for a child independently. Paid only until the child turns 3 years old - 50 rubles. per month (if there is one child).
  • Payments from maternity capital in the amount of the subsistence minimum for a child up to 1.5 years old.

Documents for processing payments

To apply for benefits and additional benefits, the mother should collect a package of the following documents:

  • Application for benefits.
  • Baby's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of cohabitation of mother and child.
  • Other documents, depending on the benefit for which the single mother is applying.

A certificate of joint residence can be obtained at the passport office at the place of registration. All Required documents should be attributed to the social protection department or MFC. The task of social protection employees is to check the specified information, visit the family in person, and, based on the data received, draw up acts on the cohabitation of the applicant and the child.

As soon as the application for payment of benefits is accepted by the social security authorities, accrual begins to occur. Payments are made until the child reaches adulthood. In some cases, benefits may be paid only for up to three years.

If a mother and baby live in a place other than their place of registration, the woman will have to take a certificate from the social security authorities regarding registration. The certificate must indicate that the single mother does not receive any payments at the place of registration. Then the benefit will be paid at the place of residence.

If a woman is employed, then part of the benefits should be arranged with the employer. Benefit paid from funds Maternal capital appointed by the Pension Fund.

Like other beneficiaries, for example, military personnel, single mothers are paid various benefits and compensation in order to provide them with moral and financial support. In order to start receiving them, you need to submit an application to a government organization.

Who is entitled to

From a moral and material point of view, raising a child alone is difficult, so the state provides all possible support to single mothers, providing them with subsidies and some types of benefits. In 2020, most payments remain the same, with only a few subject to change.

It should be borne in mind that the legal concept of “single mother” is somewhat different from the generally accepted one, therefore, before applying for benefits, you should find out whether this is possible according to your status.

A woman can apply for benefits and allowances after making sure that the following conditions are met:

  1. The official status of a single mother was obtained.
  2. The presence of a dash in the birth certificate in the “father” column.
  3. Absence of an application to establish paternity in the registry office.
  4. A woman's adoption of a child out of wedlock.
  5. There is no possibility of obtaining confirmation through the court that the man indicated by the mother in the documents is in fact the father of the child. This happens if the father filed statement of claim and took a DNA test to prove that he was not related to a specific child.
  6. After a divorce, at the birth of a child earlier than three hundred days from the date of adoption of the state. the authorities of the relevant decision, the former spouse is recognized as the father of the child according to the documents.
  7. The birth of children earlier than 300 days after the divorce, but provided that the ex-spouse has proven his non-involvement in their birth using a DNA test.
  8. The child was adopted by a married woman, but the husband refused to complete the relevant documents.

Only a woman with the official status of a single mother can receive payments from the state.

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When entering the putative father into the birth certificate, you need to remember that he will be considered the biological father until the man challenges this in court.

List of benefits for single mothers in Moscow in 2020

Women raising a child alone and living in Moscow in 2020 can count on the following types of payments and benefits:

  1. When preparing documents from the moment of pregnancy, a woman can receive the following types of assistance: sets of underwear and clothes for a newborn child and beyond, up to two years of age, as well as the necessary medications and a massage course at the clinic.
  2. Free meals at school - 2 times a day.
  3. Vouchers to health resorts and camps are provided for schoolchildren and preschoolers.
  4. Admission to kindergarten without a queue.
  5. Reimbursement of tuition fees at an educational institution – up to 50%.
  6. Extraordinary participation in the state program “Housing”.
  7. Discount on utility bills.

In addition, a single mother can take advantage of some labor privileges:

  • maintaining a job until the child turns 14 years old;
  • if the enterprise is liquidated, the employer is required by law to provide a single mother workplace with the same salary level;
  • a woman can receive additional leave at any time, without pay - for 14 days;
  • a single mother is exempt from going to work at night or on weekends, and also does not go on business trips;
  • paid sick leave benefits are provided;
  • Until the child turns 7 years old, sick leave is paid at full size, regardless of its duration;
  • a single mother can work on a reduced schedule until the child turns 14 years old;
  • status is not a reason for refusal of employment;
  • The amount of income tax is reduced on an individual basis.

Also in 2020 in Moscow, single mothers are entitled to the following types of compensation:

  1. A one-time payment on the occasion of the birth or adoption of a child - for 1 child - 5,500 rubles, for 2 - 14,500, for 3 or more - 50 thousand rubles.
  2. A single mother under the age of 30 is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of more than 76,000 rubles. For 2 and 3 children the amount ranges from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.
  3. The monthly allowance for each child under the age of majority - up to one and a half years - 2,500 rubles, up to three years - 4,500 rubles, up to 18 years - 2,500 rubles.
  4. Monthly reimbursement for food – 675 rubles.

If a child has health problems, an additional disability benefit may be issued.

The state provides financial assistance, as well as benefits and benefits in order to give the mother the opportunity to provide the child with everything necessary and give him upbringing/education. Additional benefits can be issued if there are several children raised without a father.

Where to contact

Before applying to a government agency to receive benefits, a woman must take care of registering her status as a single mother. To do this, you will have to visit the registry office and obtain a certificate in Form 25.

Get it in Moscow necessary papers and extracts can be done in two ways:
  1. When visiting a government services center in person.
  2. By submitting an application online on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow -

Design algorithm:

  1. Preparation of a package of documents.
  2. Obtaining the status of a single mother.
  3. Submitting an application to the USZN.
  4. Waiting for a decision to be made.
  5. Receiving benefits and benefits.

It is necessary to take into account that in order to receive some benefits, an additional application to various government authorities will be required - Pension Fund Russia, social protection authority, housing office department, tax service.

In general, it will take 10 business days to process your application, provided that all required documents have been submitted.

What documents will be needed

In order to start receiving benefits, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Birth certificate for each child. You can obtain this document at the Civil Registry Office.
  2. A certificate in form 25 issued by the registry office and an extract confirming that the information about the child’s father was recorded from the mother’s words.
  3. Certificate of marriage/divorce.
  4. Certificate of family composition obtained from the housing department department or the settlement administration.
  5. Certificate in form 2NDFL, if the woman changed jobs within 12 months.
  6. Certificate from school, kindergarten or other educational institution which the child attends.
  7. ITU extract if the child has been assigned a disability group.

In order to apply for benefits, you will need the following documents:
  1. Statement.
  2. Mother's passport.
  3. Details of the account to which funds will be transferred.
  4. Birth certificate for the child.
  5. A document indicating the child’s place of residence in Moscow.
  6. If available, a document establishing paternity.
  7. A document confirming that the mother is the only parent of the child.

In order to receive compensation for food, you must also attach to your application a Russian passport, a bank statement with the account number, the child’s birth certificate and an extract indicating the child’s place of residence in Moscow.

Can they refuse?

If the social security authority decides to refuse to provide certain payments, the single mother will be given a written notice with the reason for the refusal.

Often the refusal is given because the documents contain incorrect information, or the woman gets married and the new husband adopts her child.

The reasons must be indicated. If this is not the case, the woman can go to court.

Often the refusal is temporary in nature - that is, it is required to present additional documents, after which the case will be reconsidered. A complete refusal is possible if the status of a single mother has not been obtained, or if data falsification has been detected.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation living in Moscow can take advantage of benefits and allowances. Other regions have different rates and benefits. It may take about a month to complete the paperwork and receive a response.