Waxing for smooth armpit skin: preparation and implementation features. Armpit hair removal in the salon and at home: choosing the optimal method Armpit waxing at home

Armpit waxing is a safe and effective method of hair removal. It replaces daily shaving of this area, allowing you to perform a session only once a month. Exist various techniques performing wax depilation, the choice of which depends on the type of wax. If you follow the rules and have the necessary equipment, the procedure can be easily performed at home.

Features of armpit depilation using wax

Skin in the area armpits It is particularly sensitive, which is due to the close proximity of capillaries and sweat glands. But despite the tenderness of the skin, the hair in this area is quite hard and dense.

Daily shaving can be inconvenient and irritating, but the need to remove hair in the underarm area is obvious for aesthetic as well as hygienic reasons. After all, this is where the risk of bacteria development most often occurs.

Waxing in the armpit area allows you to remove coarse hair without damaging the delicate skin. It also has other significant advantages. Firstly, this method allows you to get rid of the need to remove hair for up to 3 weeks. Secondly, the effectiveness of the procedure, if the technique is followed, is noticeable from the first time: the skin is soft and smooth, without irritation.

The wax depilation procedure allows you to remove all armpit hair in one session and make your skin smooth for a long time.

When carrying out the procedure, it is very important to follow its technique, otherwise you can damage the surface layer of the skin. In this case, unpleasant consequences such as burning and itching, scratches and wounds may occur. Their healing will take a long time.

With an increase in the number of waxing sessions performed, the hair located in the armpits will become noticeably thinner. Their growth will also gradually slow down.

Since this area is characterized by hair growth in different directions, the session will be more problematic than on other parts of the body. So, if the strip is removed according to the vector of hair growth, and not vice versa, then the desired effect will not be achieved.

The essence of the procedure for depilation of the axillary region is as follows. Depending on the type, wax is used in a hot, warm or cold state. The application of the composition is always carried out strictly in the direction opposite to hair growth, and its removal occurs in the direction of hair growth. To make it easier to remove wax from the skin high temperature Bandage strips are required.

The main distinguishing feature of wax depilation is the removal of the mixture against hair growth.


The main advantages of the waxing method:

  • low likelihood of skin damage, which is possible when using a razor or epilator;
  • hair thinning;
  • low risk of allergies and irritation;
  • lasting effect up to 3 weeks.

You can do armpit depilation yourself. The procedure does not require professional skills, but a certain dexterity, which comes with time, is necessary for the correct implementation of the session.


This method also has disadvantages:

  • the need to acquire the skill to correctly perform the procedure in order to avoid the risk of damage to the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • soreness, the severity of which depends on the sensitivity of the skin;
  • risk of ingrown hairs or irritation;
  • the need to grow hairs to a certain length (about 5 mm).

Most of the disadvantages of waxing can be overcome when it is performed regularly: painful sensations are dulled, and negative consequences do not occur due to the correct technique of the procedure.

How to choose wax

To carry out the procedure for getting rid of hair in the armpits, the following types of wax are used:

  1. Hot. It has a thick consistency and is available in jars. Before applying to the skin, it must be heated to 60 °C in a water bath or in a heater. Usually hot wax used in salons.
  2. Warm. Like hot wax, this type of wax is heated in a wax melter or in a water bath, but to a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. It is easy to use at home. This wax can be in a jar, granules or special cartridges in the form of roller cassettes.
  3. Cold. Cold wax does not require preheating and is ready for use in its original form. Available in the form of ready-made strips or in jars.
  4. . Film wax granules require heating to a temperature of 40 °C. After application to the skin, the composition forms a frozen film that must be sharply torn off.

For armpit depilation using wax at home, warm wax or wax in the form of strips is suitable. A procedure that involves the use of hot material is too dangerous to do on your own. There is a risk of burns or redness.

The difference in the procedure with wax at different temperatures

The advantage of warm wax is that it envelops the hair more tightly, so the process is less painful and the result is more effective. But there is a high probability of skin redness after the procedure.

Important: Warm wax is preferable to use for removing hair of dense and hard structure.

When choosing this type of wax, it is better to carry out the procedure using cartridges. They are easier to use for the specific surface of the armpits, and dosing of the material is easier. Heating of cassettes, like other types of warm wax, is carried out using a special apparatus equipped with electric heating or through a water bath for 15 minutes.

Warm wax is available in jars and requires heating before the procedure.

To use cold wax, you do not need any additional devices in the form of heaters. However, since cold temperature wax covers the hair minimally, this procedure will be more painful on sensitive skin than with other types of material. In one session it is often impossible to get rid of hair on the entire surface. On the other hand, the risk of burns and irritation is eliminated. The strips can be reused.

The easiest and safest way to depilate your armpits at home is to buy strips with applied material. This option is especially suitable for those who are conducting a session for the first time.

Ready-made strips can be used immediately - they do not need to be heated in special devices

Preparation for the procedure

Waxing involves careful initial preparation of the skin in the area to be depilated. Regardless of what temperature wax you use, the general rules are as follows:

  • some time before the start of the procedure (about 1 hour), take a shower and exfoliate the armpit area to cleanse the skin;
  • Dry the surface thoroughly and treat it with an antiseptic and talcum powder;
  • check that the length of the hair in the depilated area is at least 5 mm;
  • It is advisable to conduct a session 3–4 days after the end of menstruation, which will reduce the severity of pain.

Try to avoid unnecessary physical activity and stress on the day of the procedure. The optimal time for waxing is evening. The skin will be able to recover until the morning without the risk of infection.

If you don’t have talcum powder, you can use baby powder before depilation.

Since the surface of the axillary area is prone to sweating, be sure to use talcum powder before the procedure. This will make it easier for the wax to grip the hairs.

Depilation technique using warm wax

After preliminary preparation of the surface of the armpit area, you can proceed directly to the procedure. The stages of depilation when using a warm composition are as follows:

  1. Using a wax melter, heat the wax to a comfortable temperature of approximately 40 °C. To check its temperature, apply a small piece of the mixture to the surface of your wrist.
  2. Using a spatula, apply the material evenly to the area to be treated. To do this, go to the mirror and raise one hand up, pulling the skin near the armpit with your fingers, and with the other hand treat the skin in accordance with hair growth.
  3. Place a bandage over the wax and press firmly. The strip must be applied immediately after applying the layer until it hardens.
  4. Wait approximately 30-60 seconds until the mixture becomes solid.
  5. Tear off the strip sharply in the opposite direction to the hairline. This should be done by pulling one end of the strip and holding the skin with your fingers.
  6. Treat your skin with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.

It is not necessary to use a bandage during depilation, but it will make the wax removal process easier. You can make the strip yourself from fabric or paper.

If bleeding occurs during the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. Apply a bandage to the wound site.

After the procedure using warm wax, all hairs are removed at one time

Using the cartridge

If you decide to try the procedure using a cartridge, then follow these steps:

  1. Remove the protective film from the cartridge and heat it in a wax melter. Instead of a heater, you can use a regular water bath, but in this case it is more difficult to achieve the desired temperature.
  2. Pass the heated cartridge over the armpit area. Follow the direction - according to hair growth.
  3. Glue a bandage on top of the wax layer and carefully press it with your hand along the hair growth.
  4. After about 40-60 seconds, rip the strip in the opposite direction, grabbing one edge of the strip. Perform the movement sharply, the degree of pain of the process depends on this.
  5. Apply antiseptic to the treated surface.

If necessary, you can repeat the procedure by again running the cartridge over the surface to be treated. Since the armpit area is characterized by an uneven surface, which causes difficulties when applying warm wax, in many cases the use of roller cassettes is more convenient.

For uneven armpit areas, it is convenient to use a vox in a cartridge

Film wax is a granular composition. Try to choose a material that cures in more than 20 seconds so you can have time to apply it. The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. In a special heater, bring the wax granules to a temperature of about 40 °C. It is better to use a wax melter to accurately monitor the heating temperature.
  2. Use a spatula to grab a small amount of the mixture and place it on your armpit area, spreading evenly along your hairline. Try to create a petal shape.
  3. The application should be about 7 cm wide and about 10 cm long. Due to the elasticity of film wax, one such application is enough for the armpit. If necessary, divide the material into several strips.
  4. Wait about 12 seconds and remove the wax in the opposite direction, grabbing it by the edge.
  5. Apply an antiseptic.

Try to apply film wax on the armpit in the form of a petal.

Wait for the wax strip to completely harden. Otherwise, it may tear when removed from the skin.

Application of cold wax

Ready-made strips with material applied to them are easiest to use, since they do not need to be brought to the appropriate temperature. Having completed the preliminary preparation of the skin, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Rub the strip for 5-7 seconds, placing it between your palms.
  2. Separate the tapes into 2 halves and stick the strips one after another on the armpit area in the direction corresponding to hair growth. As a rule, a divided strip is enough to treat the entire armpit area.
  3. Wait about 10 seconds.
  4. Holding the skin at one edge, grab the edge of the strip with your fingers and quickly tear it off. The vector of movement must be in the direction opposite to hair growth.
  5. If hair remains after the procedure, the action must be repeated, but no more than 3 times in one area.
  6. Apply an antiseptic such as Chlorhexidine.

If at the end of the session the wax is not completely removed, then it is easiest to remove it with cotton pads treated with cosmetic or regular oil. Wax strips often come with napkins treated with natural oil.

Ready-made strips are easy to use even for beginners

It is important to move along the surface when removing the strip, and not upward.

Skin care after the procedure

Since wax depilation, especially when performed using warm temperature material, can cause irritation and other unpleasant consequences, the skin after the session needs special care. To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow the following recommendations for caring for the treated area after completion of the session.

  1. Do not wet the skin in the armpit area for 5 hours after the procedure. If there are pieces of wax left on the surface, use wipes treated with oil rather than water.
  2. Immediately after removing the wax layer, apply talcum powder and a light moisturizing or soothing cream.
  3. Do not use deodorants or other products containing alcohol for 24 hours after completing the procedure.
  4. 1 day after the session, you can treat the surface with a special lotion that prevents rapid hair growth.
  5. After 4 days, exfoliate to prevent the formation of ingrown hairs.
  6. Try to avoid strenuous activity for 2–3 days after depilation. physical exercise, promoting increased sweating.
  7. For 2 days after the session, avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.

Aloe decoctions promote rapid skin restoration, tea tree or chamomile. From medicines You can use Bepanten or Panthenol cream. It is important to provide the skin in the treated area with peace and quality care. The next session can be scheduled in about 4 weeks, when the hair has reached the required length.

A decoction of aloe leaves will help relieve irritation after the procedure.

A slight irritation is an adequate reaction of the skin to wax depilation. As a rule, when proper care the redness disappears within a few hours.

Possible consequences

If irritation or inflammatory processes occur after waxing, treat the skin with antiseptic ointments: Levomekol, Synthomycin, Gentaxan. Polymyxin or Tetracycline ointment is also suitable. As a rule, pimples form when infection penetrates open follicles, so it is important to carry out a thorough antiseptic treatment of the surface.

For pimples and inflammation after armpit waxing, you can use Levomekol ointment


Waxing is prohibited under the following contraindications:

  • scratches and other skin damage, as well as pimples and ulcers in the armpits;
  • large moles and papillomas;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute stage of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to bee products.

During pregnancy, it is also better not to use this type of depilation, as it causes pain and can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body. Before using wax in the armpit area, it is better to try the procedure on a smoother and less sensitive surface.

Summer is the season short skirts and “bare” legs. But exposing your legs is a simple matter, the main thing is that the skin is ready for the summer period. In order for the body to look well-groomed, it is necessary to carefully get rid of excess vegetation. Depilation must also be carried out in the armpit area, because in the summer you want to be delightful and superior. This procedure can be done quite successfully even at home if done correctly.

Hair removal methods:

  1. Depilation. The most accessible and simple method of hair removal, which does not imply damage to the hair follicle, which, in fact, explains the shortness of the effect of smooth legs. Depilation includes all mechanical and physical methods of influencing the scalp, as a result of which unwanted hairs are removed, while the structure of the hair follicle remains intact.
  2. Epilation. The purpose of hair removal is not only to remove hair by destroying the hair follicle, but also to stop hair growth in unwanted places forever. Of course, no hair removal method will give instant results, but by completing a full course, which sometimes lasts several months, you can win this fight.

Contraindications to procedures:

  • violation of skin integrity;
  • different kinds rashes;
  • viruses;
  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • condylomas;
  • nevi;
  • fungal damage skin;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • hidradenitis;
  • herpes;
  • sunburn;
  • skin irritation;
  • severe form of diabetes.

Advantages and disadvantages of waxing

One of the well-known and quite accessible methods of hair removal is waxing. After waxing, you can forget about your hair for at least a month, but there is a caveat: to remove hair, it needs to grow to at least 3-4 mm, so you will have to wear trousers for several weeks. But for an unsurpassed effect in the armpits in the future, you can be patient a little. It is best to choose a product in cartridges.

How does wax work? It penetrates the follicle, adheres to the hair and petrifies along with it. This is enough effective method, which almost completely removes hair. When the warm wax is removed, the hair is pulled out by the roots, leaving the skin smooth. It takes 3 to 6 weeks for a new hair to grow. This is a long enough time to not worry about the smoothness of your armpits.


  • wax depilation is available to owners of any skin type, hair of any color, hardness and thickness;
  • low cost of the procedure;
  • with systematic use of the procedure, the hair becomes thinner, becomes softer, and hair growth is gradually inhibited;
  • speed of the procedure: depilation of all zones can take about an hour, the time depends on the degree of hair growth.


  • painful procedure;
  • after waxing, spot redness may remain;
  • slight irritation.

How to prepare?

As before every depilation, the skin should be carefully prepared before waxing hair removal. Use a body scrub two to three days before your procedure to exfoliate dead skin cells. In the armpit area, the scrub must be used very carefully, because the skin in this area is sensitive. It is not worth reminding that wax depilation is also a painful and “not a pleasant” procedure (it all depends on the person’s pain threshold), so to reduce pain, you can use a local anesthetic. It should be applied to the skin half an hour or an hour before the procedure. You can buy a local anesthetic at your nearest pharmacy without a prescription.

By the way, they help reduce pain breathing exercises. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale the air slowly through your mouth, like blowing out a candle. It helps you relax. Thus, the brain switches to another “breathing activity” and forgets about pain.

Preparing for depilation:

  • do not use other methods two weeks before depilation;
  • do not undergo procedures chemical peeling;
  • do not use fatty creams on the procedure areas on the day of depilation;
  • It is not advisable to steam the skin before the procedure;
  • do not sunbathe or visit the solarium on the day of the procedure;
  • The desired length of the hair to be removed is 0.4-1 cm.

Proper procedure

Waxing can be done on large surfaces - arms, legs, back, stomach. It is also suitable for a smaller area – the armpits. Warm wax is applied in the direction of growth and pulled out against hair growth with a special paper-fabric strip. The temperature of warm wax is about 36-40 C. If you decide to visit a salon for underarm depilation, then the specialist will select the necessary means and method of depilation in accordance with your needs, wishes and goals. But if you remove unwanted armpit hair at home, then it is best to use wax.

Who is it suitable for?

  • everyone who has no contraindications for this procedure;
  • everyone with unwanted hair growth on the body;
  • for those who are not suitable for other types of depilation, or for those who have thin and blonde hair when laser and photoepilation can no longer cope.

Waxing is an affordable procedure and can be easily done at home. Here are some tips to make the process as safe and easy as possible. The wax must be melted to a soft consistency, but make sure that it is not liquid. And before applying wax to your skin, make sure it is not too hot.

Important nuances

Apply only in the direction of your hair growth. Wax is applied to the surface layer of the skin at an angle of 45 degrees with a special spatula. This is a fairly important condition. It is necessary to apply only in the direction of hair growth. The layer of wax should be thin. Don't forget that wax contains special substances. In some cases, they contribute to an allergic reaction. This is worth paying close attention to. Therefore, you should first test the wax on an area of ​​skin. Apply it, for example, to the bend of your elbow. If no rash or itching appears within 24 hours, then this wax is safe for you. It is better to remove any remaining wax with a hot, wet towel or cotton pad soaked in oil.

Stages of waxing

  1. First of all, you need to shorten your hair to the optimal length if it is too long.
  2. Secondly, disinfect and degrease the skin.
  3. It is advisable to treat the skin with talcum powder.
  4. Next, the hair must be removed directly. Apply heated wax and remove it with a sharp movement. Apply wax or wax strips in the direction of hair growth, remove in the opposite direction.
  5. Removing the remaining wax. It is removed with products containing oil, hot wax - with alcohol-containing products.
  6. Processing skin after depilation.

After the procedure

After depilation, you need to follow a few basic rules. This will protect the armpit area from redness and irritation. During the first day you cannot:

  • take hot procedures (bath, sauna, steam room);
  • visit the pool;
  • expose treated areas to ultraviolet radiation (do not sunbathe);
  • use cosmetical tools or perfumes that contain alpha hydroxy acids.

All these recommendations must be followed, because dead skin layers are removed along with the hairs, and in waxed areas it temporarily becomes extremely tender. It is advisable to wear it for the first time light clothes from natural fabrics.

To prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs, it is recommended:

  • use of emollient creams;
  • scrub-peeling of the armpits two days after the procedure (during this time the irritation will subside) and continue the procedure once a week to remove dead skin particles from the epidermis so that the hairs are not trapped during their growth.

After waxing, you should not sunbathe for at least a few days and protect your skin from the sun. And also do not wear tight clothes for at least two days. This can cause irritation and ingrown hairs. When depilation is carried out in the armpits, following these main recommendations will not be at all difficult. If you wear a wide natural blouse, it will reliably protect your armpits from the sun and will not chafe.

Daily shaving of the armpits is becoming a thing of the past: modern depilation techniques allow you to keep your skin smooth for several weeks. This is especially true in the summer season, when you want to forget about the thick vegetation on your body and enjoy relaxing by the sea in an open swimsuit. One of the popular and proven ways to get rid of excess hair is waxing. It's pretty simple procedure, which can be performed in a salon or at home, after first familiarizing yourself with the rules for its implementation, the techniques used and contraindications.

If you have never tried waxing before, then for the first time it is better to go to to a professional master. The skin in the armpits is quite thin and sensitive, so if you wax incorrectly, you can easily damage it. Considering that sweat glands and capillaries are located in close proximity to the surface layer, any traumatic impact in this area is extremely undesirable. The abrasions and scratches that appear will cause itching and irritation, which intensifies with sweat.

Another reason why it is important to master the technique of wax depilation before performing a session on your own is the peculiarity of hair growth in the axillary areas. It is in these areas that they grow not in one direction, but in different ones. This explains the difficulty of treating armpits: for the first time, it is not always possible to independently determine the correct direction for removing the wax strip. The increased rigidity of the hairs only complicates the task, because they need to be removed without damaging the delicate surface.

If you do not want to spend money on regular visits to professional salons for underarm depilation, then just watch how the master does it during the session. After several procedures, you can try to perform the procedure yourself, following safety rules.

If carried out correctly, waxing will become effective way solves the problem of thick hairs in the armpits, as it has the following advantages:

  • allows you to get rid of even the coarsest hairs without damaging the skin;
  • after the first session, the skin becomes smooth without redness or irritation;
  • the need for the next depilation occurs after about 3 weeks;
  • During the session, a peeling effect is provided, especially when using heated wax;
  • Each time, the hairs are removed completely, including the roots, so new vegetation appears less frequently and gradually becomes thinner.

An important feature of waxing and at the same time its disadvantage is the requirement for the length of the hairs before the procedure. They need to be grown to approximately 5mm for the wax to grip tightly. This is not always convenient, especially in summer period, but after the session you won’t have to use a razor every day.

Many people are put off by the painful sensations that are typical for hair removal using the waxing method. However, their intensity is determined individual characteristics and, as a rule, decreases as the skin gets used to it. During the first sessions, you can use painkillers.

What wax is used for armpit depilation?

Waxing performed in a salon differs from home waxing in the type of material used. The technique of the procedure is the same: the prepared wax is applied to the area in the direction of hair growth, and removed in the opposite direction. However, craftsmen typically heat the wax to a high temperature (about 55–60 °C), which requires skillful handling of the material. When performing waxing yourself, warm compounds are used that require heating to a temperature of about 37–40 ° C, or ready-made cold wax in the form of strips. This avoids damage and burns to the delicate surface.

Wax that requires heating is available in a jar, cartridges or granules. What is the difference? After heating, the canned material is applied using a spatula, the cartridge material is applied with a roller nozzle, and the granular material turns into an elastic composition after melting and forms a thin film on the skin. After hardening, the layer of wax applied to the prepared skin of the armpit is torn off, removing the hairs.

To facilitate the removal of heated wax from the treated area, in addition to granulated wax, bandage strips are used, which can be purchased separately or in a depilation kit. They are made from paper or fabric material and are glued to the wax layer after it is applied.

Any of the listed types of material is used to treat the armpits. At home, it is most convenient to use cartridge wax or a composition in granules: they are easily applied to uneven surfaces, harden quickly and effectively remove coarse hairs.

During the first sessions, many use wax strips, which are immediately ready for use: the layer of material applied to them does not need to be heated. However, they remove dense and dense hairs worse than warm wax, since they grip them less tightly. In addition, with cold wax the procedure is more painful.

Carrying out the procedure using heated wax

To heat up wax, a professional wax melter is often used, with which you can quickly melt the material to required temperature, focusing on special indicators. The device can be used not only in the salon, but also at home. For cartridge products, there are separate elongated devices, and for granular and canned formulations, wax melters with a wide bowl are used.

When conducting a session on their own, many heat the wax using a water bath or in the microwave. In this case, it is very important not to overheat the material and follow safety rules.

How to use wax in a jar

To apply wax, which comes in a jar, you additionally need a spatula (preferably wooden). It is necessary for uniform application of heated material. The procedure for using this type of material is as follows:

  1. Place the jar of wax in a special wax melter and bring the contents to a temperature of approximately 40 °C. The composition should not be scalding: before applying the mass to the armpit area, test the comfort of its temperature on the wrist. If you don't have a wax melter, a water bath or microwave will also work.
  2. Take a clean spatula and grab some melted wax from the jar, then apply it in the form of a small strip to the skin in the armpit area, focusing on the hairline. To help you better control the process, stand in front of a mirror and raise your hand up. With the same hand, pull back the area of ​​skin next to the armpit with your fingers, and use your free hand to manipulate the wax.
  3. Once you have applied a layer of wax, cover it with a bandage strip without waiting for the material to harden. The strip must not just be applied, but carefully pressed and smoothed so that it sticks tightly to the sticky mass.
  4. Now you need to wait a little (no more than 40–60 seconds) until the composition becomes solid. If the material is left on the skin for too long, it will be more difficult to remove.
  5. Using your fingers to press the skin near one end of the strip, pull sharply on that edge in the opposite direction of hair growth. Ideally, the bandage should be removed along with the wax and hairs the first time. Immediately afterwards, place your hand on the treated area to soothe the skin.

Try not to make the layer of wax applied too thick or wide - this will make it difficult to remove.

Video: procedure for depilation of armpit areas with warm wax

Features of applying film wax

Another wax option that requires heating before use is a granular formulation. Under the influence of temperature, the material becomes elastic and hardens on the skin in the form of a film after application. This is the case when the mixture is easily removed without any additional strips. The correct procedure for using this type of wax is as follows:

  1. To obtain a homogeneous mass, place the granules in the bowl of a wax melter and heat the material to 40 °C. Remember that a microwave or water bath does not accurately monitor the heating temperature of the composition.
  2. Dip the spatula into the resulting mass and grab a small amount of the product. Do not rush to apply it in the form of standard strips: the specificity of film wax is that it is applied in the shape of a petal. Thanks to this, you can conveniently apply the elastic mixture to the entire axillary area, repeating the surface relief.
  3. Ideally, you should get an applique about 10 cm long and about 7 cm wide. This will save material, because only one such applique will be needed to treat the armpit. Leave a small “tail” at one end of the petal, which can be easily pulled when tearing off the layer.
  4. If you use granulated wax, you will have to wait no more than 15 seconds until it hardens. It is not recommended to tear off the strip earlier, as it may tear.
  5. After the specified time has passed, pull the remaining free edge of the petal with a quick movement in the direction opposite to hair growth.

Granulated wax is one of the most economical materials: only a few granules are needed to treat the armpits.

Video: how to depilate the armpits using wax granules

Cartridge application technique

When choosing wax in a cartridge, the armpit depilation procedure is simplified: the material is distributed by the nozzle without the need to use a spatula. All that remains is to heat the composition to a comfortable temperature and carry out the procedure, following the following steps:

  1. Insert the cartridge into a wax melter designed for this type of wax, having first removed the protective film from the roller attachment. It can also be placed in a saucepan (when heated in a water bath) or in a microwave, but you must monitor the temperature of the composition - no more than 40 °C.
  2. Take the heated cartridge and run the nozzle over the skin in the armpit, sitting comfortably next to the mirror. The direction of movement is standard - according to hair growth.
  3. To make it easier to remove the wax layer, use a bandage strip: stick it to the applied product and smooth it with your free hand.
  4. This type of wax also only takes 30–60 seconds to harden. After this time, quickly tear off the bandage strip with adhesive material in the opposite direction. Remember to hold the skin while tearing off the strip.

If there are hairs left on the treated area, you can repeat the procedure. To do this, apply the heated wax again with a cartridge, trying to press it as tightly as possible onto the uneven surface of the armpit.

Video: proper use of wax in a cartridge

Ready-made strips - the easiest way to wax depilation

Warm compounds require increased attention when working with them due to the risk of burning the delicate skin in the armpit areas. The situation is much simpler with the use of ready-made strips: a special layer of wax is applied to them, which sticks to the hairs without preheating. Their effectiveness is lower compared to warm types of material, however, the strips can be applied repeatedly to the same area if the dense hairs were not completely removed the first time.

The procedure is carried out in the following order:

To treat the axillary areas you will not need many strips: usually two halves are enough to depilate one area.

Often, after applying cold wax, pieces of wax remain on the skin. This situation occurs less frequently when using warm compounds, which are completely removed from the surface when they harden. Residues of material are difficult to wash off with plain water. To do this, it is better to use napkins included in the kit with ready-made strips, or cotton pads that need to be treated with vegetable or cosmetic oil.

Video: how to use wax strips, including for treating armpits

Rules for preparation and subsequent skin care

In order for the hair removal procedure to be quick and effective, it is important to properly prepare the skin. Regardless of what type of wax is used, the surface must first be cleaned and disinfected. To do this, use the following recommendations:

To reduce the risk of surface infection after depilation, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening. In addition, it is not recommended to use deodorant within 24 hours after the session.

Once you have finished your waxing session, treat your armpits again with an antiseptic - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin will do. After this, apply talc and a soothing cream of non-greasy consistency. Next, follow the general rules:

  • Avoid applying alcohol-containing products to the treated skin over the next 24 hours;
  • for 3–4 days after waxing, wear clothes only made from natural materials;
  • after 3 days, peel to reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs;
  • over the next 2-3 days, do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, and active sunbathing and physical activity that causes active sweating are prohibited.

If after the procedure you notice signs of irritation or redness in areas, then the axillary area can be lubricated with Bepanten cream or Levomekol ointment. They have an antibacterial effect and quickly restore damaged skin. From folk remedies decoctions of chamomile or the famous indoor plant- aloe. As a rule, with proper care, irritation goes away within 24 hours.


You should not wax in a salon or on your own if you have the following contraindications:

  • if there are any skin damage in the armpits (abrasions, wounds, scratches, ulcers, pimples), as well as papillomas and protruding moles;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • serious inflammatory processes in the body;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • an allergic reaction to the ingredients used in depilatory wax.

If you are unsure whether waxing is right for you, consult a professional. It will help determine whether this procedure is possible in your case, or whether it needs to be replaced by another type of depilation. It is imperative to obtain a doctor's permission before waxing during pregnancy: intense painful sensations can have an unpredictable effect on the body.

Regular shaving of the armpits is used less and less by modern women. Thanks to modern methods Hair removal can keep your skin smooth for several weeks. Armpit waxing is a safe and effective method of hair removal. It serves as a replacement for daily shaving of this area, so sessions can be performed once a month. If all the rules are followed, the procedure can be easily carried out at home.

Features of the procedure

The skin of the armpits is sensitive, which is due to the close proximity of capillaries and sweat glands. But the hair there is hard and dense. Daily shaving is inconvenient and leads to irritation. This procedure often leads to the risk of developing bacteria.

Armpit waxing helps get rid of coarse hairs without damaging the skin. The procedure has other advantages. This method will help eliminate hair for 3 weeks. The effect of the procedure is visible immediately: the skin becomes soft and smooth.

When performing waxing of the armpits, you must follow the technique, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the surface layer of the skin. IN in this case There may be unpleasant consequences in the form of burning, itching, scratches, wounds. It takes a long time to heal. With an increase in the number of sessions, hair growth slows down.

Since this part of the body is characterized by growth of vegetation in different directions, it is necessary to wax the armpits correctly. If elimination is carried out along the growth vector, and not vice versa, then the desired effect will not be achieved.

The procedure has its own characteristics. Wax can be used hot, warm or cold. The composition should be applied in the direction opposite to hair growth, and should be removed in the direction of hair growth. To facilitate the removal of high temperature wax, bandage strips are needed.


Waxing of armpits has the following advantages:

  1. Slight risk of skin damage.
  2. Thinning hair.
  3. Allergy and irritation are unlikely.
  4. Long-term effect - up to 3 weeks.

You can do armpit waxing yourself. The procedure does not require professional skills, but some dexterity is required.


But it should be borne in mind that the procedure also has disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to acquire skills to correctly perform the procedure in order to prevent the risk of damage to the upper layer of the epidermis.
  2. Soreness may occur, the severity of which depends on the sensitivity of the skin.
  3. There is a possibility of ingrown hairs and irritation.
  4. You need to grow your hair to certain length– about 5 mm.

Many shortcomings are eliminated with regular implementation of the procedure. The pain will be dulled, and negative consequences will not occur due to proper execution.

Comparison in sugaring

Many women choose armpit sugaring instead of waxing. This procedure is as follows:

  1. Sugar paste heated to body temperature is applied to the armpit area in small pieces against hair growth.
  2. Using sharp movements, the paste is removed from the skin following the growth of vegetation. It removes even heavily adhered hairs and dead skin cells, which provides a peeling effect.

The result of armpit sugaring lasts for almost the same time as from waxing - 3-5 weeks. The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. Hair removal different lengths. If it is difficult to remove hair shorter than 4-5 mm during waxing, then with sugaring you can remove even “hedgehogs” of 2 mm.
  2. Less pain compared to waxing.
  3. Ingrown hairs do not appear. When sugaring, hairs do not break off, so they do not grow in.
  4. Safety. Accidental burns and thermal injuries are excluded. U sugar paste temperature human body, so it is absolutely safe.
  5. No inflammation or redness. Due to the high concentration of sugar in the paste, the possibility of the development of harmful bacteria is eliminated.

Wax selection

It is necessary to choose the right wax for armpit hair removal, which comes in the following types:

  1. Hot. The product has a thick consistency and is available in jars. Before applying it to the skin, it is heated to 60 degrees in a water bath. Hot wax is commonly used in salons.
  2. Warm. This type of wax is heated in a wax melter or in a water bath to 40 degrees. The product is easy to use at home. It can be in a jar, granules, cartridges, roller cassettes.
  3. Cold. This wax does not require preheating; it is used immediately. It can be in the form of strips or cans.
  4. Film. The granules are heated to 40 degrees. When the composition is applied to the skin, a frozen film appears, which should be sharply torn off.

To wax your armpits at home, you need a warm product or strips. If you choose a hot material, it can be dangerous if you use it yourself. There is a possibility of burns or redness.

Differences in procedures with wax of different temperatures

The advantage of warm wax is that it tightly envelops the hair, so there is less pain and the effect is better. But there is a risk of skin redness. Armpit hair removal with hot wax is best chosen for dense and coarse hairs.

If this option is chosen, it is advisable to perform the procedure using cartridges. They are easier to use for the specific surface of the armpits, and the dosage is easier to determine. The cassettes, like other types of warm wax, are heated by a special electrically heated apparatus. But you can choose a water bath in which the product is heated for 15 minutes.

Cold wax does not require any additional equipment. Since the treatment involves minimal hair, the procedure is more painful on sensitive skin. In 1 session you may not remove all hairs. But the risk of burns and irritation is eliminated. The strips can be reused.


According to reviews, waxing of armpits will be performed efficiently only if you properly prepare for it. Whatever wax is used, the following rules must be followed:

  1. 1 hour before the procedure, you should take a shower and exfoliate your armpits to cleanse the skin.
  2. Dry the surface thoroughly and apply antiseptic and talc.
  3. You need to check that the length of the hairs is at least 5 mm.
  4. It is better to perform the session 3-4 days after the end of menstruation, which reduces the severity of painful sensations.

It is necessary to avoid intense physical activity and stress on the day of the procedure. Best time for hair removal - evening. The skin will quickly recover before the morning. Eliminates the risk of infection.

Since the surface of the armpits is prone to sweating, it is imperative to use talc before the procedure. This makes it easier for the wax to grip the hairs.

Using a warm ingredient

How to do waxing? The rules for performing the procedure depend on the material used. The session steps are as follows:

  1. The wax melter needs to heat the wax to a comfortable temperature - 40 degrees. To check this temperature, a small piece of the mixture is applied to the wrist.
  2. Using a spatula, the material is evenly applied to the part to be treated. You need to stand in front of the mirror and raise one hand up, pulling the skin at the armpit with your fingers. And with the other hand you need to apply the product with hair growth.
  3. A bandage is placed on the wax and pressed tightly. The strip is glued immediately after applying the layer until it hardens.
  4. You should wait about 30-60 seconds until the mass is solid.
  5. You should sharply tear off the strip in the direction opposite to the hairline. This should be done this way: pull one end of the strip and hold the skin with your fingers.
  6. The skin is treated with an alcohol-free antiseptic.

You don't have to use a bandage, but it makes the wax removal process easier. You can make the strip yourself from fabric or paper. If blood appears during the procedure, you need to treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide. A bandage is applied to the area where there are wounds.

Cartridge application

If you use a cartridge, you must observe the following rules:

  1. Remove the protective film and heat the cartridge in a wax melter. A water bath can be used instead of a heater, but in this situation it is more difficult to achieve the required temperature.
  2. The heated cartridge is passed over the armpits. You need to control the direction of hair growth.
  3. A bandage is glued to the wax layer and pressed with your hand along the hair growth.
  4. After about 40-60 seconds, you need to tear off the strip in the opposite direction, grabbing one edge of the strip. The movement should be sharp, this affects the intensity of the pain.
  5. You need to treat the armpit area with an antiseptic.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Since the underarm area is uneven, it may be difficult to apply warm wax. In some cases, the use of roller cassettes is considered convenient.

Film wax

This is a granular composition for epilation of the armpit area. It is advisable to choose a material that hardens in more than 20 seconds. The procedure looks like this:

  1. Wax granules must be heated to 40 degrees in a special heater. It is advisable to use a wax melter to monitor the temperature.
  2. A spatula is used to grab a little of the mixture, and then it is applied to the armpits and evenly distributed along the hair growth line.
  3. The application should be 7 cm wide and 10 cm long. Since film wax is elastic, 1 procedure is enough for the armpits. If necessary, the material can be divided into several strips.
  4. You need to wait 12 seconds and remove the wax in the opposite direction, grabbing the edge.
  5. Then you should apply a product with an antiseptic effect.

You should wait until the wax hardens. Otherwise, the strip may tear when removed from the skin.

Cold wax

Wax strips are the easiest to use because they don't need to be heated. After preparing the skin, you can begin the procedure:

  1. Rub the strip between your palms for 5-7 seconds.
  2. You should separate the tapes into 2 parts and stick the strips on the axillary part according to the hair growth. Usually a divided strip is enough to treat 1 armpit.
  3. Then wait 10 seconds.
  4. The skin needs to be held a little on one edge. The strip is caught with your fingers and quickly torn off. It is important to do this in the opposite direction to hair growth.
  5. If there is vegetation after this, the action should be repeated, but no more than 3 times in 1 area.
  6. Then an antiseptic, for example, Chlorhexidine, is applied.

If after completion of the procedure the wax is not completely removed, it is easier to remove it with a cotton pad, which is treated with cosmetic oil. Napkins soaked in natural oil are usually sold with wax strips.

Skin care

Since waxing, especially after using warm wax, can lead to irritation and other unpleasant consequences, the skin requires special care. To prevent unpleasant consequences, you need to adhere to simple recommendations care:

  1. Do not wet your skin for 5 hours. If there is wax left on it, you need to use wipes treated with oil.
  2. After removing the wax layer, you need to treat it with talcum powder and moisturizer.
  3. You should not use deodorants or other products containing alcohol a day after the procedure.
  4. After 1 day, a lotion is applied to the skin to prevent rapid hair growth.
  5. After 4 days, peeling is performed to protect against ingrowth.
  6. Vigorous activity and exercise are prohibited for about 2-3 days.
  7. You should not wear clothes made of synthetic threads for 2 days.

To quickly restore the skin, decoctions of aloe, tea tree or chamomile are used. From medicines“Bepanten” or “Panthenol” cream is suitable. The skin needs peace and quality care. The next procedure can be planned after 4 weeks, when the hairs reach the desired length.

Minor irritation is an adequate skin reaction to waxing. Usually, with proper care, the redness goes away within a few hours.

It is necessary to remove hair in the armpits not only for aesthetic reasons: the more hair, the more irritated the sweat glands, the more bacteria accumulate.

AND bad smell appears many times more often. Shaving in this case is not a panacea: irritated skin reacts with more profuse sweating, and the problem does not disappear.

Therefore many women prefer to remove hair in this area with wax. Armpit depilation with wax ensures perfect smoothness within 1-2 weeks. Over time, the hairs weaken, and the skin remains smooth for three weeks or even a month.

5 reasons to choose wax for armpit depilation:

  1. Waxing costs less than laser;
  2. Unlike a razor and epilator, does not injure the skin and does not cause irritation;
  3. Along with the hairs dead skin particles are removed, i.e. depilation is combined with peeling;
  4. Growing hairs are thinner, does not form prickly stubble;
  5. Provides long lasting effect.

This method can be used at home. But depilating your armpits yourself is not easy: it is very difficult to apply wax in the right direction and then remove it in one motion.

Therefore, it is better to use the services of a specialist in the salon. He will ensure sterility, properly prepare the skin for the procedure and try to reduce discomfort to a minimum.


There is no ideal depilation method today. Waxing of armpits also has its disadvantages:

  1. Pain during the procedure. For some women they are quite tolerable. Those with a low pain threshold complain of severe pain.
  2. Ingrown hairs. They appear quite often because hair is removed against the direction of growth. Ingrown hairs sometimes become inflamed and cause discomfort.
  3. To carry out the procedure you need to grow your hair to at least half a centimeter long– not every girl wants to “overgrow” to such a level.
Important! The skin in the armpit area is as delicate and sensitive as in the bikini area. Therefore, the procedure is more painful than leg waxing.

Why is the armpit area difficult?

It is not easy even for a master to process this area: it is uneven, and it is almost impossible to stick the bandage as evenly as possible.

Armpit hair grows in different directions– this must be taken into account when applying wax. If you apply it in the reverse order (apply in the direction of hair growth and remove against the opposite direction), you will not have the desired effect.

Another difficulty is very thin and soft skin , which can be easily damaged by making a careless movement. In case of severe damage, if microcracks occur during the procedures, or if the wax clogs the sweat glands, inflammation of the axillary lymph node may develop. It is not dangerous, but painful.

When should you not wax?

Waxing of armpits has a minimum of contraindications. It can be done during your period - but be prepared that it will be a little more painful.

  • The presence of damage and inflammation on the skin;
  • Diabetes mellitus (skin heals more slowly, there is a greater risk of infection and damage during the procedure);
  • The presence of ulcers (sometimes they are formed due to ingrown hair, inflammation of the sweat glands - you need to wait until the inflammation goes down);
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • The presence of neoplasms, hardening in the axillary area;
  • Allergy to wax components.

Types of wax

For removing unwanted hair Three types of wax are used.

  • Cold, or depilation of armpits with wax strips. It is not heated, at most - you need to hold it in your hands a little to soften it. The wax covers the hair to a minimum; on the sensitive skin of the armpits this leads to painful sensations. It is not always possible to remove all hair at once. But there is also a plus: burns and irritation do not occur after the cold method.
  • Warm wax applied with a spatula. It grips the hairs more tightly, so it is more effective. The procedure is slightly less painful and more hairs are removed at a time. A lot of wax remains on the skin, and it will take some effort to remove it.
  • Hot(heated to 40-42 degrees) steams the skin well, so during its removal you feel a minimum of pain. Hot waxing of the armpits involves removing all hairs the first time. Hot wax can be used on short (2-3 mm) hairs. The main disadvantage is thin skin You can burn in the armpit area. Redness after the procedure may persist for several hours. It’s better not to experiment at home; armpit depilation with hot wax should only be carried out by experienced professionals. The pores are greatly enlarged, so the risk of infection increases, especially if you wear tight clothes or go outside immediately after the procedure.

Can it be done at home?

Waxing the armpits at home is possible, but it is not a simple procedure, unlike. It is advisable to take not just wax, but prepared wax strips (paper strips with a layer of wax applied). You can buy them in the store, they are sold complete with an oiled napkin for removing wax.

Before use The strips need to be heated a little to soften the wax.. You can hold them in your hands or put them in a warm place for a couple of minutes, then stick them in the direction of hair growth, smoothing them well. After a few seconds, remove the strip with a sharp movement in the direction against hair growth. If not all hairs are removed, repeat.

Important! No more than 3 attempts per procedure can be performed on one area of ​​skin.

Remains of wax should be removed with an oiled napkin or cotton pad soaked in cosmetic or any vegetable oil. Alcohol should not be used to avoid burning sensitive skin. Next, you need to take care of your skin, just like after a salon procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Waxing of armpits at home is carried out on clean skin. A few hours before the procedure you need to take a shower, preferably use a scrub or hard washcloth for peeling.

You shouldn't use antiperspirants– by reacting with wax components, they can cause allergies. If you carry out the procedure at home, do not wet the skin before depilation.

Correct application of wax

Applying wax with bare hands is difficult and unhygienic. A spatula is used for this. Can be applied with a gloved hand. When applying hot you need to conduct a temperature test by dropping a little wax on your wrist.

The wax is applied according to the hair growth, distributing it in an even layer. You need to wait a few seconds ( from 30 to 60), until it penetrates the pores and begins to harden around the hairs.

Step by step procedure

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. Before applying wax, the area to be depilated treated with an antiseptic and sprinkled with talcum powder so that the surface is dry.
  2. After applying the wax, a bandage is applied– a strip of paper or fabric. You don't have to use them, but the bandage will help you remove the wax more thoroughly. You need to remove it in one sharp movement - otherwise the hairs will remain in place. You can lightly hold the skin around it.
  3. Wax residue must not be washed off– it can be removed with oil. After this, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic (not alcohol).

Photos before and after

Armpit skin care after waxing

For 6 hours, do not wet the skin, apply greasy cream or antiperspirant - the pores are enlarged, and an infection can occur.

After a day, you can start using lotion to slow down hair growth. This will give you an extra couple of days of smoothness.

After 5 days you can start using peeling products. This will help to promptly remove the layer of dead skin cells and prevent the ingrowth of new hairs.

The procedure should be repeated after 4-5 weeks.– as the hairs grow to about 5 mm.

Important! You cannot use other removal methods (razor, cream) in between waxing. This negates the entire effect: the hairs grow thicker, and the root has time to strengthen.

If you are having armpit waxing for the first time, then the first hairs can “hatch” within a couple of days. These are those for whom the active growth phase has just begun at the time of the procedure. Everything will level out after the second or third time.


Here is a clear example of the procedure using hot wax. From the video you will learn the main mistakes that beginners make.

Another video of armpit hair removal from start to finish.

  • After the procedure it is advisable wear a cotton T-shirt– synthetics can cause irritation and increased sweating.
  • Within 24 hours after the procedure – it doesn’t matter whether you performed it at home or in the salon, It is better not to swim in ponds and pools.
  • If you have a low pain threshold, Don't wax during your period(it is generally contraindicated to use hot wax during this period). The best time is the middle of the monthly cycle.
  • You can’t drink alcohol “for courage” and smoke before the procedure: this will cause vasodilation and increase the risk of inflammation.

Already from the second procedure, pain decreases, and the interval between procedures increases. Try waxing at least once - you may want to give up the razor forever.