Types of warm tights. What are women's tights. Types and differences. Socks: classic and short

You can not only stare at a woman’s legs, but also draw appropriate conclusions in order to find out her feelings, intentions and innermost thoughts.

The fact that a person is able to transmit information non-verbally, i.e. with the help of facial expressions, gestures and posture, you will not surprise anyone. Our gestures appearance, clothing, jewelry, gaze, the distance we keep when talking - all these are signals that give knowledgeable and able people a huge trump card and a valuable source of information about our feelings, intentions and thoughts.

By non-verbal signals, you can determine the character of a person, understand whether he is honest or not, find out what you can expect from him.

What do the posture and position of women's legs say?

If a woman stands with her legs wide apart, then she is quite stubborn and stubborn. It is characterized by a huge penetrating power, and an inability to be flexible and compromise in achieving its goals. If she decides on something, it is very difficult for her to give up her intentions.

The lady stands straight, and her legs are together - a balanced person, tolerant of human shortcomings, restrained in the manifestation of feelings, practical and economic. She is good friend. However, there may be some coldness in her appearance, which can interfere with her contacts with people.

If a girl leans on one leg and pushes the other a little forward, then she is distinguished by a strong temperament, activity and a stable life position. She loves to be in the spotlight, doing only what she does well, while being flexible and always achieving her goals.

Cross-legged ladies are ambitious ladies who are constantly making plans and careers. Home and family are second to none. They are not afraid to take responsibility, they often play "first violin" in a pair with a man.

Those girls who sit, throwing one leg over the other, are confident in themselves and their irresistibility. They know that they make a lasting impression on those around them. They tend to enjoy life and do everything easily and with pleasure. It is they who lure men into the abyss of madness and pleasure.

Sitting straight women, connecting their legs together and slightly pushing them forward (often relying on the entire foot) are quite conservative, sincere and honest, sometimes overly straightforward. May seem cold (if the man is not interested in her).

If a girl sits and at the same time keeps her knees closed and her feet wide apart, then this is a clearly hesitant nature, striving for communication with the opposite sex and at the same time afraid of it.

Sitting, a woman clings one leg to the other - a sign of restraint, indecision and self-doubt. Although sometimes they sit down like that, putting on too much short skirt or tearing tights in the most visible place.

If a girl tends to sit cross-legged and slightly stretching her legs forward, then this is an imperious and rather tough person. She strives for supremacy, is jealous and rational, which interferes with her personal life.

Gait can tell about a woman and her condition no less than speech.

The lady, who is able to bend when achieving her goals, always focuses on the heel when walking.

Successful and successful in life, and especially in her career, the girl walks with her head held high and proudly, boldly looking into the eyes of others.

A woman who loves and is loved can be recognized by her light and beautiful gait.

A timid and insecure lady walks with her toes inside and often stumbles - this indicates her complexes.

If a woman goes deep into herself and her world, then she walks with a gait, as if tailored from several options. Others get the impression that each of her legs lives a separate life.

What are the feet talking about?

Owners of long legs are often romantic and sensitive natures. They often experience difficulties due to their inability to cope with life situations. But they are always true to their principles.

Women with short legs are purposeful and self-confident. They easily achieve their goals, although sometimes they can be a little harsh in their actions. If they need it, they will come out of the "skin", but a person will like it.

Thin and graceful ankles are a sign of aristocracy and "breed". As well as stubbornness, willfulness, amorousness and romance.

Legs with the letter "O" - as a rule, a consequence of rickets. Their owners are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and their character is explosive.

Legs with the letter “X” are most often found in people who have been painful since childhood. A woman can be either very notorious and downtrodden, or combative, assertive and strong-willed (because she is used to the fact that everything in life is not easy).

People spend a lot of time in a sitting position. In most cases, the choice of position occurs at an unconscious level. But, as we know, the unconscious often betrays our character. And if one posture indicates aggressive vibrations, then the other demonstrates to others that you feel insecure. Check out psychologists.

crossed legs

If you like to sit cross-legged, this indicates that you feel carefree (do not believe those who say that this position is closed). When you bend your knees slightly to the side, you show the world your creativity and openness to new ideas. This position also indicates your emotional flexibility.

good posture

When a person sits upright, maintaining a perfect posture, this indicates his confidence. Such a person is characterized as strong and reliable. However, nothing prevents a person with perfect posture from enjoying the small joys of life.

Lean back

If, sitting on a chair, you lean back and trample on your hands, this indicates your analytical mindset. This makes it easier to observe the situation without intruding into it. You like to accept things as they are, and before you intervene in an argument, you will think three times. Also, you should not occupy the attention and participation that you show in relation to other people.

Crossed ankles

This posture betrays a graceful and elegant nature. At the same time, the cross-ankle sitter can be described as an open and grounded person. Psychologists find this leg position to be relatively relaxed. This means that at this moment you feel comfortable. Probably, your almost royal confidence can be transferred to others.

Hands on armrests

If a person sits motionless in a chair and leans on the armrests, this indicates his excessive sensitivity. He always tries to be aware of his immediate surroundings and tries to be stable both physically and emotionally. Also, this position indicates comfort, stability and security.

Crossed arms

Arms crossed on the chest give out a strong personality, which, however, needs additional protection from the influence of the outside world. People who often cross their arms are thoughtful, serious, and analytical.

Legs laid aside

This position betrays subtle, caring and romantic natures. Women sit like this when they want to flirt a little. If the knees are directed towards a potential romantic partner, this symbolizes openness and accessibility.

Hands folded on hips

Shy and thoughtful personalities are used to holding hands on their hips. This position also indicates innate modesty and sensitivity to the needs of other people. This person is distinguished by compassion and extraordinary tenderness.

sitting on my knees

It is not easy to sit on your knees, your legs quickly numb and get tired. If you choose this position, it characterizes you as a helpful person who seeks to resolve any conflict peacefully. Some people spend a lot of time in this position, not at all under duress. For example, it is easier for parents and grandparents to play with young children. Kids grow up, but the habit remains. Such a position requires you to react quickly, which, by the way, you demonstrate.

In the center of the bench

When you sit down in the center of the bench, you exude absolute certainty in yourself and your powers. The characteristic "man from the timid" is definitely not about you. And if restless people take a long time choosing their seat at a social event, you never think twice before choosing where to sit. You do it on a whim.

Frequent position changes

When a person often changes position, can shake and shake his legs, this does not at all indicate his fussiness. He is organized and delivers on his promises in a timely manner. Even in moments of general chaos, he will not lose the ability to reason logically. This position also indicates extraordinary psychological flexibility and the ability to guess the behavior of friends.

Hands crossed on knees

This position is inherent in calm and kind personalities. They probably cannot be called socially active, but they can become excellent conversationalists and true friends. When they enter into a conversation, others respect their opinions.

Hands clasped in a castle

If you often clasp your hands and place them on your knees, you are a passionate and emotional person. In life, it is difficult for you to keep your passion within certain limits. Because of this strangers don't often trust you. However, you have a talent for making friends laugh and feel good.

Night sleep restores strength after daytime wakefulness. A strong, healthy night's rest is needed and should be regular. If a person is deliberately deprived of it, health deteriorates sharply. Speech becomes uncertain, limbs tremble, consciousness is lost. Consequently - fatal outcome. This was well known in antiquity. No wonder one of the sophisticated methods of torture was sleep deprivation.

Without it, you can live only a few days, a maximum of a week. Without water and food, a person will last longer. The Guinness Book of Records recorded the case when an Australian lived for 18 days.

Doctors believe that sleep is a natural psychophysical state of the body, when the brain continues its activity, and all reactions to external stimuli are slowed down. There are two phases of sleep - slow and fast, different in time and alternating cyclically.

In each cycle, 4 periods of slow (deep) sleep and one fast. In the deep phase, activity is noticeably reduced: breathing becomes loud and rare, movements slow down, body temperature drops. At this time, significant changes occur: new cells and tissues are created and restored, energy is accumulated in the body. That is why, when a person has had a good night's sleep, a surge of fresh energy is felt.

REM sleep is also called paradoxical. The person is relaxed, constrained in movements (only the pupils of the eyes under the eyelids move quickly), and the brain works. Research has shown that the brain centers produce alpha waves, just like when we are awake. During this period, dreams are vivid, if the sleeping person is awakened, he can tell his dreams in detail.

In the paradoxical stage, the information received during the day is put in order, assimilated, and the energy accumulated during the slow period of “sleep creation” is distributed in the body. It is believed that fast sleep is much more important than slow sleep. Forced awakening at this time adversely affects health.

The duration of normal healthy sleep varies in different ages. Children and adolescents need 10 hours of sleep to fully recover, adults under 64 years of age are enough for 8 hours, the elderly sleep a little less. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Unlike doctors, psychologists believe that sleep is on the verge of real and unreal. This is a transition to the unconscious, when the inner depths of one's "I" are opened, filled with unfulfilled desires, phobias and prohibitions, fantastically mixed with real life events. No wonder all peoples have beliefs and legends associated with the interpretation of dreams.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that dreams are false and prophetic. The god of dreams Morpheus (the son of the god of sleep Hypnos) had a double gate as a symbol. Some for unrighteous, absurd dreams, and others for truthful ones. It was believed that he took on the appearance of a man whom he entered at night and could imitate his speech.

There are many dream books with a "reliable" interpretation of dreams. For example, if a friend had a dream, this could be a pleasant meeting. A quarrel with him is trouble, and making friends with a new person is wealth.

Such an interpretation of dreams can be taken with a smile. However, it is worth listening to psychologists how they interpret postures during sleep. Unconsciously taken during a night's rest, they tell a lot about a person, reveal his character.

It's important to know! Sleep positions depend on the conditions in which a person sleeps. Often they are forced, and therefore unnatural. They cannot be used to judge the nature of a person.

The meaning of postures during sleep

The meaning of the posture in a dream is important, as it allows you to understand the nature of the sleeper. He involuntarily assumes a position that suits his personal qualities. Sigmund Freud and his followers also talked about this. German psychoanalyst Samuel Dunkell in his book Sleeping Postures. Night Body Language" made a detailed analysis of the various "figures" of a person in a dream and tried to connect them with character and actions.

In a dream, a person cannot always be in one position, changes it up to 30 times a night. This is when a healthy, illness or stressful situation makes you roll in bed, take various even very uncomfortable positions much more often. In this state, it is impossible to tell what the sleeping postures are talking about. Is it just about ill health.

A person has no more than 10 basic sleep positions, others only copy them with one or another nuance. All of them tell about the nature of the individual, her relationship with the outside world. In some cases, they can even warn of a developing disease.

For example, if in the “royal” position a person began to sleep with his arms thrown over his head, this may indicate heart problems. In this case, you need to consult a specialist.

A person changes body positions several times during a night's rest, and in order to determine what sleep positions mean, you need to carefully study all of them. If there are many of them, the more difficult the character will be.

There are many different sleeping positions, but they all come down to the top ten, although there are quite exotic ones. The most common sleeping positions include:

  • Pose "fetus". The body is on its side and curled up at the top of the bed, facing away from the wall. The knees are bent and pulled up to the chin. Hands cover the legs. This kind of protective posture speaks of vulnerability, defenselessness and dependence. A person is not able to solve his life problems on his own. This position of the body intuitively reminds of warmth and comfort, the safety of the fetus in the womb.
  • "Semiembryo" or regular. It differs from the “fetal” position in that the legs are half-bent without the desire to pull them up to the chin. This is how many people sleep. Moreover, right-handers "rent" the right side, and left-handers like to "track" the left. In this position, you sleep well and it is convenient to roll over from side to side. The posture suggests that the person is completely self-sufficient, adapted to life and thinks sensibly.
  • "Royal" pose. When sleeping on the back, and arms along the body. The legs are extended and spread out without tension. Characterizes people who have always been in the spotlight in childhood. Their character was formed strong and persistent, purposeful. They can be rude and persistent in achieving their goal. Leaders in all undertakings, always confident in their abilities, punctual and reasonable, do not give in to anxiety, feel protected. A variation is the "mountain" pose. When one or two legs are raised and bent at the knees, they seem to cover intimate place. Characterizes a person with high self-esteem, fastidious in intimacy.
  • "Prostretched". On the stomach, face down. Hands above the head, legs extended, and feet apart. The entire bed is fully covered by the body. Such a posture characterizes a person who is easily vulnerable, avoiding accidents and surprises. Control, diligence and conscientiousness are the main character traits of such people who love to live in a predictable world.
  • "Star". The sleeper occupies the middle of the bed, with his face or back of his head lying on the pillow. The arms are spread wide. It seems that he firmly clung to his personal territory and does not want to give it to anyone. Such a person is characterized in life as a person with high self-esteem, rude and domineering, although under the guise of assertiveness a vulnerable, notorious soul can be hidden. Sometimes this is evidence of a current problem. Let's say someone is trying to invade privacy, "forbidden territory." And in a dream, a person intuitively protects his independence and freedom. Another nuance is an unusual surge of strength, a sense of success.
  • Pose "soldier". Sleep on the back, arms along the outstretched legs. A kind of projection of a soldier on the parade ground, internally constrained, notorious. Such a person is laconic and secretive. In her actions she is unhurried, in her judgments she is straightforward to the point of rigidity, exacting to herself and others.
  • "Philosophical" pose. Head on a pillow under the back of the hand, eyes looking up. Sleep on the back, but sometimes the body is on the side, and the arms remain in the same position. The impression is that even in a sleepy state a person solves some important problem. Such a posture is inherent in prudent people who are inclined to make deep conclusions. They are practical and slow, can be closed and shy in communication.
  • "Cross". One arm is extended, the other is lowered, the legs are also in a different position, for example, the right one is bent, and the left one is straightened. Resemblance to a runner who rushed from the start. Psychoanalysts believe that this indicates carelessness. Such people are not collected in life, they are always late, because of this they have constant problems at work. They are not particularly hoped for in serious matters, they often quit their job without completing it.
  • normal posture. When sleeping on the side, legs together and slightly bent, one arm on the chest or extended along the leg, the other may be under the pillow. Even if in a dream they turn over to the other side, the configuration of the position remains the same. This is how most people sleep. The posture means openness, the ability to integrate into new living conditions, which indicates communication skills, the ability to communicate, be cheerful and spontaneous.
  • "Heron bird". A variant of the normal pose on the side, but the bent leg forms a triangle, touching the straight other. Such a position in a dream characterizes capricious people, with an unstable, changeable mood, when apathy alternates with periods of activity. It is believed that the "heron" affects sexuality. A bent leg from above means a weak sexual desire, but if it is from below, passion does not “sleep”.
  • "Log". The body is on its side, and the arms are along straight legs. Means openness and good nature. The person is sociable and trusting. Easily finds new friends. Assertive in solving his affairs, trying to complete them. If he gets burned on his simple-heartedness, he can become a cynic and an egoist.
Sleep in a position that is comfortable for you and gives you the maximum enjoyment of sleep. The main thing is to get enough sleep. At the same time, it is worth listening to the interpretation of body positions, but still this is not reliable scientific knowledge. Here the first marker is your personal feelings.

It's important to know! The proverb says that "kings sleep on their backs, wise men sleep on their sides, rich people sleep on their stomachs." But you can sleep during the night alternately in these three positions. This does not guarantee that such a person lives with on a royal scale and wise as Solomon.

What sleep postures tell

Sleep postures and character are closely interconnected, most of them are interpreted in the same way for the stronger and weaker sex. Let's say someone who sleeps on his back is considered a calm and balanced person, an optimist in life. But since there are still fundamental differences in the male and female character, they also affect some postures during sleep. Some are only for men, others are only for women.

Men's sleeping positions

Most young people sleep on their side with different variations of arms and legs. However, there are certain poses of men's dreams that ladies need to know in order to make the right impression of their chosen one. There are not so many of them, but they give a vivid description to the representative of the stronger sex.

The most significant of these will be:

  1. Pose "crab". When a guy sleeps tensely, with clenched fists. This indicates aggression and anxiety. It is possible that there are troubles at work or in communication, for example, with friends. Subconsciously, this affects during sleep. Here only a heart-to-heart talk with a lover of the “crab” pose will help to find a way out of his disturbing situation.
  2. Turtle position. A variation of the fetal position, with the only difference being that the head is pressed into the shoulders. This indicates anxiety and suspiciousness, self-doubt. Such a man needs support and home comfort.
  3. Pose "octopus". Sleep on your side or on your stomach, a sheet between your legs, arms spread out, hands can be under the pillow. This position during sleep characterizes an extremely insecure person with low self-esteem. Easily vulnerable, sensitive to statements addressed to her. Such a person needs to be constantly reassured, to say something pleasant to him.

It's important to know! Sleep positions can tell a lot about their owner. If you take them seriously, you can help your man overcome his worrisome problems.

Women's sleeping positions

The poses of a woman in a dream are the same as those of men, they speak of strong and weak character traits. However, there are some rather exotic ones that are unique to the female sex and described by Dr. Samuel Dunkell in his book Sleeping Poses. Night body language.

Consider these unusual female poses in a dream. These are:

  • Pose "gymnast". The woman sleeps half-sitting with a pillow under her back. The legs are raised and clasped with hands, as if closing an intimate place. Such an uncomfortable position for sleeping indicates problems with intimacy. She doesn't want him and seems to close herself off from him.
  • "Lotus". Also a sitting sleep, but the legs are folded in the lotus position, the head is bowed to the knees. The pose indicates an open character and defenselessness before external circumstances. An intuitive desire to leave, to protect oneself from one's problems.
  • Pose "cat". Sleep on your back, legs extended. One hand, clenched into a fist, with a sheet wrapped around it, is pressed to the chest, the other is stretched out above the head, the fingers are open and half-bent. As if ready to bite into an invisible enemy. Such an unusual position speaks of anxiety and a readiness to defend oneself even in a dream.
  • "Butterfly". It's hard to sleep like that, but some exalted persons love this position. When the stomach is on the sheet, the back is raised, the arms are spread out to the sides or extended above the head, and the legs are spread. A rather exotic pose characterizes a creative nature, readiness for new meetings, emphasizes sexual emancipation.

It's important to know! Unusual postures of women in a dream speak of solitude and unwillingness to have intimate contact with men. But they can testify that the person is quite liberated and creative.

Joint poses while sleeping together

The sleeping positions of a couple may be different, but all can be called "poses of happiness." Because they belong to two loving hearts, they reveal their passionate love and craving for each other. There are plenty of options for sleeping together, but there are three main ones that most young couples strive for. When He and She, embracing, show their tenderness and desire to always be together.

For a couple, the most common sleeping positions are:

  1. Double "half-embryo" (pose "spoon"). When both lie on their side in the same direction, the legs are slightly bent. If intertwined, they emphasize the desire of those who love to be one, never to part. When his leg is on top, - the willingness to dominate in a relationship. Hugs from the back - feels like a leader and protector. The tighter the hug, the stronger feelings. She is behind and wraps her arms around him - this is the desire to protect her man from trouble. The pose is considered erotic, a rush to sexual harmony. With age, feelings cool down, a man and a woman often turn their backs to each other or completely sleep separately.
  2. "Face to face". Both lie on their sides, tightly pressed together. Legs and arms are intertwined, they literally breathe one to one in the face. An erotic pose speaks of the endless trust of partners. In this state, they often fall asleep after physical intimacy, but it’s hard to sleep like that all night, the position has to be changed. However, for many couples, it persists for a long time, which indicates that feelings have not cooled down.
  3. "Hugs on the back". The most comfortable for two, as it allows you to sleep well and does not bring constraint. Has many options. The partner, as a rule, sleeps on his back, she is in the same position or on her stomach, side. His head is on his chest or arm. He hugs her. The pose means that the man in the pair is leading, wants to possess and protect his girlfriend. She completely trusts him, agrees to his leadership. But if in her arms her arms are stretched up, it means that she is jealous and will firmly defend her rights to him.

It's important to know! For a couple, all poses in a dream are good, but each chooses the most suitable for itself. One that matches your inner impulses. The main thing here is that after a “close” sleep, the two of us wake up well-rested and with good mood. And not with the thought: “With a sweetheart (darling) and a paradise in a hut, but I want to sleep all the time.”

What postures say during sleep - look at the video:

Sleep positions are an indicator of the state of mind. It is not for nothing that psychoanalysts began to study them in order to explain the nature of the personality from them. However, it is worth remembering that all this does not have a strict scientific justification, but lies in the area that can be attributed to the heading "it's interesting." So sleep to your health in the position that you consider most comfortable for yourself. The main thing is that sleep is healthy.

Human postures and his gestures very visibly, clearly express not only and not so much his character, but his inner state and intentions on this moment. The language of gestures and postures is very eloquent.

Why do we attach so little importance to the postures and gestures of people, but try to pay attention first of all to the words, and secondly, to the tone of speech?

But language of the body no less eloquent and varied.

Apparently, we are too concerned with how to understand the other at the level of words, we are too theorized. We no longer pay attention to the obvious (what the eyes see) things.

But psychologists and psychotherapists turn, investigators and business people can't do without it. The result of their activity depends on this. And those who ignore this side of non-verbal communication lose a lot. Failure to communicate with other people is costly for all of us. Body language and body language can tell us a lot.

The psychology of gestures and postures is very exciting and has direct practical applications.

Gestures and human posture express his inner state.
So, gestures and postures. The language of gestures and postures can be divided into two types: ostentatious and involuntary. If you ask me “how are you”, and I show this gesture?

In the first case, I gave an ostentatious gesture, and then involuntarily a true one. True means that I lied and I'm afraid to say anything else. This gesture also means a slightly different meaning: “I do not agree with you and restrain myself so as not to say something “against”.
Both pictures are taken from Pease Allan's book " Language body movements. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures ”(This book can be downloaded at the end of the article).

However, I also got my thoughts from this book.)))

But the task is not only to know, but also to apply the language of gestures and postures! We must learn to be attentive and notice the most diverse bodily manifestations in people. These expressions include facial expressions. But they learned to control facial expressions (by the way, in vain), as well as words and intonations. But involuntary gestures manifest themselves and are easier to notice.

Gesticulation is natural and spontaneous.

I am sitting now, writing these lines in a cross-legged position. But this posture means uncertainty and excessive security. I just can’t get rid of this habit yet.)) By the way, the “hands on chest” gesture expresses a person’s uncertainty to an even greater extent.
"Shelter behind some partition is a natural reaction of a person, which he learns in early childhood for self-preservation."
"Hands in the lock on the chest express an attempt to hide from an unfavorable situation." ( Pease Allan)

Expressive pictures.

There are many variations of this gesture. If fists are clenched, then, naturally, this is also anger. If raised thumbs up, then along with uncertainty there is self-conceit. And here is a photo of a respected member of the subscribe group and author Natalya (LedyNata).

Pictured is Natalya.

In Piz Allan, this is called an incomplete barrier formed by the hands.
“Another common variant of an incomplete barrier is a gesture in which a person holds his own hands (Fig. 71). This gesture is commonly used by people standing in front of a large audience when receiving an award or when giving a speech. Desmond Morris says this gesture allows the person to regain the emotional security they experienced as a child when parents held their hand under dangerous circumstances." (Pease Allan) As you can see, body language is varied and eloquent.

Such pictures clearly reflect the psychological state of a person at the moment.

Uncertainty and seeking support. Or here are some more pictures from the same book with inscriptions. Various gestures.

In the photo, the person is clearly worried about something. His gesture expresses this.

Of all three, the one in the middle has the most successful pose. Confidence, relaxation, a sense of strength of position.
Everything is simple and clear. We can only learn to be observant, both for others and for ourselves!

Postures can be roughly divided into two categories: leg postures and hand postures.

The main and usually emphasized foot pose is cross-legged. The cross-legged pose is always a defensive pose, a pose of uncertainty.

Hand poses more varied. The posture of the hand in the pockets most often means restraint, tightness and secrecy. And the posture of the hand in the castle is already complete indecision and confusion. What can you do with your hands clasped in the castle? Nothing!

The posture of the hand on the belt expresses the containment of aggression.

Hand poses are very expressive! And hand gestures too!

Gesticulation is ambiguous! For example gesture goat!

In this photo, it is the gesture of the goat.

In Christian culture, the gesture depicts the good news! The new Russians have a sign of their own superiority over others. And in the Middle Ages, this gesture generally played a mystical role and supposedly protected from the evil eye.

The thumbs up gesture is also ambiguous. Among the Slavic peoples, this is a call for attention, and in Germany it is an expression of confidence and stability. Of course, talking about index finger goes. Gesture thumb upwards expresses: “Everything is fine!!

Gestures (gestures) and character human are closely related. The same gestures can have the opposite meaning in people with opposite characters.
For example, a man's gesture to straighten his tie. A demonstrative, hysterical man with such a gesture, most likely, attracts attention. But a suspicious, self-doubting person thereby expresses his confusion.
It turns out that not only gestures express character, but character also forms gestures. Gesticulation is a consequence of character.
And the interpretation of gestures can be different and depends on the nature of the person.

Human postures are static, gestures are dynamic, but both are intertwined and in a common canvas give out true moods and experiences.

And the photos and pictures presented here are indicative of this.

Download a book Pisa Allan " body language. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures.

And more on the topic interesting video. Psychology of gestures - facial expressions.

And in conclusion, I wanted to add the most popular topic.

Gestures of love and sympathy .

Funny video. many people like it more watch video and do not see pictures and photos. The language of gestures and postures in action.) A young guy very "eloquently" with the help of gestures shows sympathy for the girl, urges her to spend time together. Pointing to his chest, he assures her that she lives in his soul. All gestures are accompanied by the cutest smile. The guy is open to communication

Scientists identify 4 main and most common sleep positions. All the rest are derived from them and mean approximately the same feelings and positions.

Some people sleep in a fetal position with their knees bent almost to their chin. This position is very similar to the position in which the child is in, due to which it is called a pose or posture. The following can be said about people sleeping in this position: they are dependent, they are looking for support in someone else, they are not able to fully open up and surrender to new sensations and impressions. Subconsciously, such people strive to return to their origins - the womb, when they did not have to answer for anything and decide nothing.

Sleeping on the back of a person is usually called the royal position. This is how those people who are confident in themselves, their safety and tomorrow sleep. They are open to everything new, give themselves to the world and gladly accept what the world gives them. True, if a person assumes the position of a starfish, i.e. spreads his arms and legs wide, most likely, this already means self-aggrandizement and humiliation of others.

What are the individual parts of the body talking about?

It is also important to observe the position of individual parts of the body. So, the legs most often mean the movement of a person through life, and the hands are the means to achieve some goals.

Hands clenched into fists naturally express aggression. When hands hold onto a pillow, blanket or other object, this means a dependent person. If the hands are relaxed, most likely that the person is not disturbed by anything, that he is not tense. Tight hands have the opposite meaning. By the way, you also need to pay attention to a certain duality, which can be expressed in a different position of the two hands.

The legs are also quite useful in terms of interpretation. Thus, the “seizure” of the bed with the legs (when the leg, as it were, holds on to the edge of the bed or even climbs under the mattress) betrays a conservative, not prone to change personality. If the leg hangs out of bed, this means some kind of internal resistance, disobedience to generally accepted rules. Crossed at the ankles and tense legs give out a lack of initiative, fearful and weak-willed personality. And the legs, located clearly above each other (when sleeping on the side), mean a constant desire for comfort, avoidance of disputes and conflicts. If the legs are located differently in a dream, this indicates a certain duality of nature.

Sleep conditions

It is worth noting that it is possible to observe and analyze in what position a person sleeps only in ideal conditions. It should be a comfortable bed comfortable conditions sleep in terms of temperature and comfort, normal healthy state organism. Otherwise, you can analyze not a typical and favorite sleep position, but a forced one. So, if a person has a stomach ache, he will probably sleep in the fetal position, in a hot room he will try to spread his arms and legs, and in a too cold room he will shrink into a ball. Falling asleep at a party, some cannot completely relax, and therefore they toss and turn for a long time and try to control their behavior even at night. That's why they usually don't get enough sleep.