Increasing work experience for retirement. What does increasing the minimum length of service mean for future retirees? Grace periods for non-insurance periods

The government is considering increasing the minimum length of service to qualify for an old-age pension, the Vedomosti newspaper reported, citing three federal officials. In particular, according to one of the newspaper’s interlocutors, such a measure should encourage Russians to work longer labor activity, as well as to exit the “gray zone” of the Russian economy, from which the Pension Fund does not receive income.

As unnamed officials told the publication, the government intends to focus on increasing revenues Pension Fund: Increasing length of service encourages people to work longer in order to later receive a higher insurance pension, and to come out of the shadows. One of the publication’s interlocutors explained that the length of service will not be increased sharply, since in essence this is delaying the pension reform and in the future the retirement age will inevitably have to be raised.

Later, the press secretary of the Minister of Labor and social protection Russia Maxima Topilina Maria Isyanova said that the government is not discussing the idea of ​​increasing the minimum length of service to receive a pension. “No changes to the pension system, including those related to the minimum length of service, are currently being discussed,” she told Interfax.

Now men in Russia retire at 60, women at 55. To receive an insurance pension, by this time they must have accumulated seven years of experience in paying contributions to the insurance company. pension system and earn the minimum amount pension points(V this moment this is 11.4). The last two criteria are gradually being increased: by 2025, the minimum experience will be 15 years, and the minimum score will be 30.

The Russian Pension Fund, in turn, recalled that now Russians can further increase the size of their pension if they apply for it later than the period when this right arises for them. “Every future pensioner has the opportunity, due to later retirement, to further increase their insurance pension due to the so-called premium coefficients. They have different meanings for an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it,” the fund told RIA Novosti. As the fund explained, if a person applies for a pension 5 years after the right to it arises, fixed payment will increase by 36%, and the insurance pension - by 45%.

Budget deficit

The budget deficit of the Russian Pension Fund will amount to 106 billion rubles in 2018, as follows from the bill, which is posted on the government website. “The fund’s draft budget was formed in 2018 with a deficit of 106.57 billion rubles, in 2019 and 2020 with a deficit of 73.84 billion rubles and 44.6 billion rubles, respectively,” the document notes.

The pension fund deficit is covered by transfers from the budget. As the management of the Pension Fund reported on October 18, the total amount of transfers to the budget of the Russian Pension Fund in 2017 will be reduced by more than 31 billion rubles. “Amendments to the federal budget to reduce transfers to the Pension Fund budget were introduced by the Russian Government to the State Duma. The reduction in the transfer to the Pension Fund budget is due to the projected increase in Pension Fund revenues from the receipt of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance,” the fund said, noting that this will not affect the payment of pensions to the population.

Forced working pensioners

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov believes that increasing the minimum length of service is a completely realistic scenario, since statements about plans to increase retirement age caused acute negative reaction society. Now the government is trying to “test the waters” for a new solution to the problem of the Pension Fund deficit.

“Such statements and falsehoods don’t just appear, this is testing the waters to understand how society will perceive such Alternative option. The problem of raising the retirement age is now extremely relevant, especially for regions where people simply cannot afford to retire in old age - the practice of unofficial registration of labor relations is widespread there. I have an extremely negative attitude towards increasing the minimum length of service, since this is simply an artificial mechanism that forcibly encourages people to continue working. I will not support such changes,” Nilov said.

The head of the committee added that the government has been trying to solve the problem of the Pension Fund deficit for many years, but this has not been possible despite various cost-saving measures. Thus, by refusing to index the pensions of working pensioners, according to the deputy, the government saved about 200 billion rubles.

“In addition to transfers from the federal budget to finance the PFR deficit, funds are regularly sent there to replenish lost income that appears through the provision of various benefits. For example, enterprises working in the IT sector send reduced contributions to the Pension Fund; the federal budget compensates for this difference. The desire of the financial and economic bloc of the government to send less money to the Pension Fund is quite understandable, but this method, increasing the minimum length of service, will not completely solve the problem. Even if increasing seniority encourages workers to come out of the shadows, it will not be possible to completely cover the deficit,” says Nilov.

In his opinion, the decision to increase the minimum work experience is most likely being prepared by the government, but it will not be officially announced until after the 2018 presidential elections. Forbes was unable to obtain an official comment from the Russian government on this issue.

The presidential administration and the government have found an alternative to the unpopular idea of ​​raising the retirement age and are currently discussing the idea of ​​increasing the threshold of minimum work experience, which would give a citizen the right to receive an old-age pension.

Vedomosti writes about this with reference to three federal officials.
According to the interlocutors, a sharp increase in the retirement age will not find a positive response from society and will not immediately give the necessary effect for the budget. Increasing length of service, explains one of the publication’s sources, will encourage people to work longer and leave the gray sector, which will bring more income to the Pension Fund (PFR) and generally improve the country’s economy.
When asked whether a completely new initiative will replace the idea of ​​raising the retirement age, Vedomosti’s interlocutors did not come to a single answer: one source says that the authorities will not sharply increase the minimum length of service, and in fact this will help delay pension reform, which ultimately will still increase the retirement age of Russians in the future. Another source insists that increasing the length of service for calculating the insurance pension will be able to replace raising the retirement age.
The federal official assured the publication that in the last two months there have been no meetings on pension reform in the government, no consensus and no decisions made The authorities do not, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov added in a comment to the newspaper. Dmitry Medvedev's press secretary told Vedomosti that no meetings on this issue were held at the prime minister level. The Ministry of Finance forwarded all questions to the Ministry of Labor, which, in turn, said that no changes to the pension system are being discussed.
Vedomosti's sources did not specify how much the authorities can increase the minimum work experience of Russians.
Experts from the Center for Strategic Research believe that increasing the length of service will not solve the problem of pension reform. Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of RANEPA Yuri Gorlin emphasizes that currently the average seniority Russians are already significant - 35 years. Senior researcher at the NIFI of the Ministry of Finance Tatyana Omelchuk, in turn, points out that only raising the retirement age will be able to change the ratio of the number of pension contribution payers and pensioners. In her opinion, this measure will halve the pension system deficit in real terms by 2030 and increase pensions by 30-40%.
Currently, men in Russia retire at 60, women at 55. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, pointed out that the retirement age can be raised only if the level of pensions themselves increases and the quality of medical services improves.

Many citizens in Russia are interested in the minimum length of service for a pension. After all, it is not enough to reach retirement age. To receive normal payments for pensioner status, you need to work a certain amount of time throughout your life. IN Russian Federation The pension system is constantly changing. Therefore, I would like to know exactly how much work is required in order not to be left without a pension in old age. What do the rules established in Russia say about this?

Retirement age

The point is that the most important thing is to reach retirement age. That is, every citizen at one time or another will have the right to receive payments for his status.

The minimum length of service for a pension changes from year to year. In Russia they plan to increase it until 2025. But retirement age is a more stable component. At the moment, citizens of the Russian Federation can count on pension payments from the age of 55 or from 60 for women and men, respectively. In the near future it is planned to raise the retirement age to 63 and 65 years.

Social pension

Much depends on what kind of pension payment we are talking about. There is It is paid to all citizens who have achieved But not what was given earlier. 55 and 60 years are the age limits for those who rely on insurance payments. Or for labor.

What is the minimum length of service for a social pension? It may not exist at all. This payment is due only to those who have not reached the established minimum by the specified age. A social pension is granted to men at 65 years of age, and to women at 60.


Now it’s worth finding out about your work experience. Any activity is taken into account. For example, entrepreneurship. extremely important for retirement. In Russia there are special periods of work that are not considered work, but are counted when calculating pensions. More about them a little later. First you need to find out how much work a citizen must do to get pension payments non-social type.

The minimum length of service for a pension was previously 5 years. This is exactly how much each citizen had to work in order to receive pension payments for old age or labor. But since 2015, a lot has changed in the pension system. And now in the Russian Federation there are different calculation rules. A so-called point system has appeared. Not only years worked are taken into account, but also points awarded for a particular period of work. So how much do citizens now have to work to receive state aid for pensioner status?


The question is very difficult. After all, as already mentioned, in Russia the pension system is now undergoing serious changes. This means that you will have to prepare for the fact that it will constantly change. You can only find out information that is relevant for a specific year.

The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years. And at the same time, a citizen must have at least 33. They are important when calculating the amount of pension payments. Each year of work is a certain number of points. You can find out about them at the Pension Fund.

It is important to note that only official employment is taken into account. Therefore, it is not taken into account in the length of service. Only entrepreneurial activity, as well as periods of official employment that were entered in the work book.

Future plans

What's planned next? It has already been said that the pension payment system is constantly changing in Russia. It is planned to seriously change the minimum work experience required to obtain insurance or labor pension. Until how old?

The population of Russia must prepare for the fact that it will gradually take 15 years official work for the specified purpose. As noted, previously the work experience had to be at least 5 years.

Accordingly, you will have to think about retirement in advance. And many will only be able to receive social pension at a certain age. This must be taken into account. The bill has already been adopted and entered into force. From now on, the minimum length of service for a pension will be increased annually to the specified values.

Non-working periods

Work is not only official employment. The point is that citizens have the opportunity to count non-working periods into their work experience. That is, moments when a person did not work, but performed other functions. But which ones exactly?

The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years, in 2015 it was 6. Not only the periods entered in the work book or which are considered to be business activity will be taken into account, but also:

  • maternity leave (1.5 years for 1 child);
  • Military service;
  • public service;
  • caring for a disabled or elderly person;
  • periods of receiving benefits due to temporary disability.

It is not so easy to independently calculate how much your pension will be in a given case. But it is not difficult to determine the length of service. It is enough to collect all the certificates that indicate the previously listed periods. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that entrepreneurial activity is also work. The period of stay as an individual entrepreneur will also be taken into account when calculating pensions. It is recommended to use a special calculator for calculating work experience, as well as pension points to bring your idea to life.

About the calculator

What's good about a service like this? The thing is that calculating your length of service, as well as understanding how much you can get in the form of pension payments, is very problematic on your own. In particular, due to the fact that with the introduction of a point system of pension payments, one has to find out how much 12 months of labor “cost” in a given year. To facilitate the implementation of the idea, a calculator was created to calculate the length of service and future pension. You can find it, for example, on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Based on the input data, the citizen’s working period will be calculated, as well as the amount that a retired person will receive monthly. Typically you need to enter:

  • work periods;
  • vacation;
  • data on non-working periods included in the length of service;
  • time of doing business;
  • size wages at certain periods.

Raising the retirement age has been discussed for many years, but the presidential administration and government cannot decide on such an unpopular measure, despite all the problems of the pension system and budget. Currently being discussed alternative solution, three federal officials told Vedomosti: to raise not the age, but the minimum length of service that gives the right to an old-age pension.

A sharp increase in the retirement age will not support society, and a gradual increase will not have an immediate effect on the budget, two officials say. We need to focus on increasing the income of the Pension Fund (PFR), explains one of them: increasing the length of service encourages people to work longer in order to later receive a higher insurance pension, and to leave the gray sector - this will whiten the economy and replenish the PFR budget. The issue of age has already faded into the background, other ideas are being discussed, and another official is joining. The government understands that raising the retirement age is politically inexpedient; it is better to increase the length of service, which will encourage people to come out of the shadows, confirms another Vedomosti source. But the length of service will not be increased dramatically, he continues: in fact, this is a delay in reform and in the future the retirement age will inevitably have to be raised.

Increasing the length of service for calculating an insurance pension can replace raising the retirement age, another Vedomosti source believes.

But such a reform is only possible if we change pension formula and calculate the pension based on the employee’s earnings for a certain period of time, he continues: the longer the length of service, the larger the share of this earnings will be the pension, regardless of age.

There is no single point of view on pension reform, just as there are no decisions made, says press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. There have been no meetings in the government on this matter over the past two months, the federal official reports. They were not carried out at the level of the Prime Minister at all, assures Dmitry Medvedev’s press secretary Natalya Timakova.

A representative of the Ministry of Finance forwarded questions to the Ministry of Labor; a representative of the Ministry of Labor assured that no changes to the pension system are being discussed.

Now men in Russia retire at 60, women at 55. To receive an insurance pension, by this time they must have accumulated seven years of experience paying contributions to the pension system and earned a minimum number of pension points (currently 11.4). The last two requirements are gradually increasing: by 2025, the minimum experience will be 15 years, and the minimum score will be 30.

Russia is one of the few countries in the CIS where the retirement age remains so low. For example, Belarus, from January 1, 2017, began to increase it annually by 6 months - until it reaches 63 years for men and 58 years for women. The Ministry of Finance and the Chairman of the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) Alexey Kudrin proposed raising the retirement age. Ministry of Finance - up to 65 years for both men and women - in increments of 6-12 months per year. In the draft strategy for economic development of Russia until 2024, the Center for Social Development proposed, starting in 2019, to annually raise the retirement age by six months - to 63 years for women and to 65 years for men. This is one of necessary conditions To ensure that by 2035 the budget does not come under attack, Kudrin warned: the dynamics of oil and gas production will worsen, the demand for public services and public investments will grow, the population will age, more and more money will be required for pensions and medicine. No reforms in 2022–2050 Russia will have to increase spending on pensions and healthcare by 4.5% of GDP, the IMF estimated.

By raising the retirement age, the Ministry of Finance expects to reduce the transfer to the Pension Fund from the federal budget, says Yuri Gorlin, deputy director of the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Draft budget for 2018–2020 already provides for a reduction in the overall transfer from the federal budget (see chart). As for insurance pensions, they are already being reduced in real terms, the Accounts Chamber points out in its conclusion to the draft budget for 2018–2020: last year’s indexation did not cover the inflation of 2015; since last year, working pensioners’ pensions have not been indexed at all. In the next three years, pensions will be reduced by another 1.6%, auditors of the Accounts Chamber warn.

About 50% of working pensioners continue to work due to the threat of poverty and are ready to retire if it amounts to at least 40% of their salary, the director of the Institute shares calculations social policy Higher School of Economics Liliya Ovcharova.

Lots of extra ones

TsSR experts also agree that it is necessary to reduce the number of applicants for early retirement, says Ovcharova. For example, those working in harmful conditions labor to give the right to it depending on the class of these conditions, to increase the length of service requirements for workers in education and medicine, argues Omelchuk. The federal official agrees that the minimum length of service for early workers needs to be increased. “Premature payments” “cost” about 30% of all expenses for insurance pensions, another federal official knows, but no one has a plan to reduce them, and increasing their length of service and age will raise questions from the Constitutional Court.

Increasing the length of service will not solve the problem of the pension system, CSR experts agree. No matter how you increase the minimum experience, large quantity This will not cut off pensioners, since the average work experience of Russians is still significant - 35 years, says Gorlin. The length of service is already being increased to 15 years by 2025, and returning to this issue earlier means creating unnecessary social tension, Ovcharova is sure. Raising the retirement age is the only thing that can change the ratio of the number of pension contribution payers and pensioners, insists senior researcher at the NIFI Ministry of Finance Tatyana Omelchuk: raising the retirement age for men and women to 63 years will halve the pension system deficit in real terms by 2030 and increase pensions by 30–40% compared to what they would be without an increase.

In fact, neither raising the age nor increasing the length of service will give a quick effect, Gorlin believes: it can be achieved if, from 2019, we begin to significantly increase the minimum number of pension points: bring them not to 30, but to 70. This will reduce the number of those who made an insufficient contribution to the pension system, and from 2025 will provide the budget with savings of 100 billion rubles. and more, Gorlin says, it is also possible to further limit pension payments to working pensioners based on their income.

The government’s social bloc has long been proposing to limit pensions for rich pensioners, but this will only lead to an outflow of working pensioners into the shadows - it has already intensified after the indexation of pensions for workers was frozen, the federal official is skeptical.

Kudrin and the officials who support him are confident that if the issue of raising the retirement age is constantly raised, people will have a “addictive effect” and will accept the inevitability, the federal official says. The attitude of Russians to this issue is now significantly better than six years ago, the former Minister of Finance assured in June, citing the results of focus groups of the Center for Social Development. Supporters of raising the age are confident that “water wears away stones” and after the elections they will get the authorities to make an unpopular decision, the official believes. Raising the retirement age is painful, but it’s even worse to violate the rights of working pensioners by not indexing their pensions, says another federal official, but raising the age could become a new social contract between people and the authorities.

Amendments made to pension legislation back in 2013 are aimed at gradually increasing the minimum length of service for a pension. However, many citizens still stubbornly ignore legal innovations, continuing to believe that 5 years of work to receive the “minimum wage” (the minimum old-age pension in Russia) will be enough. They will be disappointed: the rules for calculating and calculating pensions are becoming more and more stringent - this is a direct consequence of the increasing share of pensioners in the general population structure.

What to expect from the amendments?

In 2019, the minimum length of service for an old-age pension is 10 years. In 2018, 9 years was enough. The state annually tightens the requirements for the minimum work experience for a pension by 1 year - this trend will continue until 2024, when a person counting on a pension You will have to work 15 years in an official job.

It should be noted that even a sufficient minimum length of service for a pension in Russia is not a guarantee of a secure old age - since 2015, citizens have also been required to consider pension points, the number of which depends on income level.

There is also a limitation: you cannot earn more than a certain number of points in 1 year (10 in 2019). So far this limitation is insignificant - in 2019 old age you need to score 16.2 points. However, over time it will become higher value, because in 2025 30 points will be needed. Using pension points, the state links the size of the pension to the citizen’s income level.

Table required quantity points and length of service for retirement will help you figure out:


Minimum length of service for calculating a pension








Minimum IPC value













How to increase your experience without working?

Until 2015, there were two main types of insurance periods taken into account for pensions:

  • Staying on parental leave (women only). The maximum period of leave is 3 years, 1.5 for each of two children (until 2014).
  • Military service (for men). During the stay in the Armed Forces, the state pays for the citizen to the Pension Fund.

According to the new pension legislation, both types of insurance periods are taken into account in pension experience. Moreover, the maximum duration of the insurance period for child care was expanded from 3 to 4.5 years (but not more than 1.5 years for each child).

The period of study at a university is no longer taken into account: it is assumed that, having spent time studying, a person with higher education will make up for lost time due to higher wages. However, paid practical training, as well as training related to advanced training and retraining of an employee, should also be considered.

Finally, the easiest way to gain experience without working is to register with the labor exchange: the period of receiving unemployment benefits is also taken into account by the Pension Fund.

Who is entitled to preferential calculation?

The method of calculating length of service depends on the citizen’s place of work and his specialty - as a rule, accrual occurs on a calendar basis (1 calendar day = 1 day of length of service). However, this rule has exceptions: some categories of citizens have the right to preferential calculation - these are:

  • Citizens exposed to radiation during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (one and a half calculation; 1 calendar day = 1.5 days when calculated).
  • Citizens working in the districts Far North(one and a half calculus).
  • Citizens working in leper colonies and other institutions where the risk of contracting a dangerous infection is high (double counting).
  • Citizens who worked during the Great Patriotic War(double counting).
  • Citizens who served in the army by conscription (double counting), as well as those who were rehabilitated from post-war injuries (triple counting).
  • Citizens who were wrongfully convicted receive triple length of service (as compensation) during their stay in places “not so remote.”

You should know: in this case, periods only up to 2002 are considered preferential.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight certain professions whose representatives are also entitled to early retirement. Read more about this in the articles:

If years are not enough

If for some reason a citizen has not achieved the minimum length of service for a pension (or the required number of points) by old age, the state will not refuse to provide for him - instead of an insurance payment, he will receive a social pension. The amount of social compensation itself is modest, but it is supplemented by up to living wage regional “addition”, and therefore becomes quite competitive compared to the standard payment.

The disadvantage of social compensation is that the state begins to pay it only 5 years after reaching the current retirement age.

Dissatisfied with the new pension legislation- more than enough! There are very pressing questions that indicate the imperfection of the new order: in particular, what should happen to citizens who have enough years to retire in 2018, but not in 2019? The answer to this question has been given (the minimum length of service is fixed upon retirement), but there are still many contradictions.

The government does not hide the fact that such a reform is aimed at reducing the number of pensioners and saving the budget - according to the forecast, amendments to the legislation will reduce the cost of payments to pensioners by 25%. As for the citizens themselves, it seems that many are not interested in what the minimum length of service for a pension should be, because they do not count on the state and are trying to provide for their old age with more effective methods, say, with the help of bank deposits.

Preferential pension for medical workers in 2018 (or early retirement doctors for years of service)