Laser birthmark removal. Can a birthmark be removed? Birthmark removal at home

Gloss and the Internet promote perfectly smooth skin. But many people have birthmarks on their faces. Some of them give zest and uniqueness. Others create problems and discomfort. Such a cosmetic defect prevents men from shaving normally (and injuries and bleeding are dangerous), women from applying makeup.

Why do moles appear on the surface? Main reasons:

  • love for artificial or natural tan. Those who cannot imagine their life without a beach, sea sun or solarium run the risk of acquiring a huge amount of birthmarks;
  • predisposition. In some types of dermis, natural UV protection is reduced. Therefore, from the sun and other aggressive factors, pigmentary changes on the skin quickly progress. Those at risk are people with bright eyes and hair. They painfully react to prolonged exposure to the sun, the surface of the skin turns red, swells, defects appear;
  • a birthmark with jagged edges may occur due to long-term use medications. This category includes antiallergic drugs, some antibiotics. Alcohol-containing substances, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, quickly generate an increased amount of pigment in certain areas;
  • natural degenerative changes. In adulthood, melanin synthesis is somewhat confused. Scientists explain this by deep disturbances in trophism and innervation of the subcutaneous tissue, stagnation of blood and end products of metabolism in the deep layers;
  • hormonal fluctuations. During puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, the endocrine system works in a stressful mode. Therefore, fluctuations in the hormonal background often affect the state of the dermis.

Girl with a birthmark on her face

Types of cosmetic defect

Dermatologists distinguish several varieties of the phenomenon of increased melatonin synthesis:

birthmarks in children

Babies in most cases are born with a clean and uniform skin. But in some cases, on the dermis of the baby there are:

  • specific salmon-colored spots. They do not protrude above the surface, they are located on the bridge of the nose, cheekbones or temples of the baby. They are also called "stork tracks";
  • hemangioma. Occurs after the first month of a child's life. It is predominantly red in color on any part of the body. Dissolves quickly. Almost 90% of hemangiomas go away by the first year of a baby's life;
  • wine points. This is a birthmark from a small plexus of thin superficial vessels. Located on any part of the body, removed only by laser or radio wave methods;
  • "fiery birthmark". This is a type of disease when pigmentation affects the cells of the subcutaneous layer of the dermis. Neoplasms never develop into melanoma, but grow in parallel with the baby. If the neoplasm protrudes above the skin, hurts or bleeds, then they turn to a dermatologist for help.

Red birthmark in a child

Surgical manipulation is often powerless with such problems in babies. It leaves scars and scars. Such keloid marks bring no less discomfort than nevi. Parents need to take this issue seriously. Moles on the face can cause serious psychological discomfort or complexes. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the situation in the operational mode.

Birthmarks on the face occur most often in:

  • children with a very light type of dermis;
  • premature babies;
  • if the parents had a tendency to increased formation of moles;
  • girls.

All these categories of children require increased attention from parents and a preventive visit to a dermatologist once every 3 months. So it will be possible to prevent the degeneration of cells and the growth of the defect.

When should a defect be removed?

A reborn birthmark on a man's face

  • sharp asymmetry. If the nevus had smooth edges, and suddenly growth began in different directions, then this is a signal of intensive cell division processes, a possible oncological degeneration;
  • uneven edges. The nevus should have clear boundaries. If they are vague, there is no clear boundary between the healthy dermis and the problem area, then consult a dermatologist;
  • inclusions of different colors. If the pigmentation has several shades in a small area, then this indicates the activity of the processes. And only a histological examination will give an idea of ​​the nature of the phenomenon;
  • size. If the pigmented neoplasm has a diameter of up to 6 mm, then the situation in most cases is not dangerous. But if the nevus is of a solid size, then periodically visit a dermatologist-oncologist once every 3 months to prevent pathology;
  • rapid changes in consistency, texture, etc.

Also, experts advise you to contact a dermatologist-surgeon if:

  • the nevus is often injured. This happens on the face of men when shaving, in women - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fasteners of the bra, straps, on the neck. Constant mechanical irritation causes the degeneration of normal cells into oncological neoplasms;
  • mole started hurting. Discomfort is a signal for immediate medical intervention.

Experts advise to consult a dermatologist-surgeon

There are practically no contraindications to the removal of nevi. But, like any surgical intervention, it is not carried out during the period of exacerbation of a cold. If the patient has pathologies from the cardiovascular system, then the surgeon carefully chooses anesthesia and a method for correcting a cosmetic defect.

Laser removal

How to get rid of a birthmark? Use a laser. The method is so widely used due to its weighty advantages:

Despite all the advantages of the method, laser surgery has one significant drawback. After exposure to the neoplasm, there is no material left for histological examination. Therefore, the decision to use this method is made not by the patient, but by the dermatologist. He must be convinced by other methods of examination, for example, when using a special magnifying device with illumination, that the neoplasm is guaranteed to be of a benign nature.

Modern ways to solve the problem

To correct the condition use:

  • cryodestruction. The tumor is exposed to liquid nitrogen. The tube of the device is directed to the nevus. From exposure to low temperatures, the blood supply to the area stops, trophism is disturbed, the vessels quickly subside, and the skin undergoes destruction. A dark scar remains at the site of manipulation, which disappears in a couple of days. The method is ideal for shallow neoplasms, but not always suitable for the face. With its help, nevi are removed on the body (neck, back and other areas);
  • electrocoagulation. The method is similar to the previous one, but is used heat. After manipulation, a crust forms, which disappears after a few days. The procedure may leave scars, so it is undesirable to use the method on the face;

    Electrocoagulation of birthmarks on the face

  • radio wave surgery. With its help, it is really possible to remove a cosmetic defect. The installation for radio wave surgery is mainly located in clinics and oncology departments. The method is suitable for correcting a defect of a malignant and benign nature, does not leave scars. These advantages allow the use of radio wave surgery to remove a birthmark on the face;
  • scalpel excision. This method is used when the neoplasm affects the deep layers of the subcutaneous tissue, there are many nevi. It is carried out only in the surgical department by a specialist. The course of the operation includes the preparation of the site. If necessary, shave off the hair, wash the skin, treat with an antiseptic. The surgeon makes an incision with a scalpel, affecting the subcutaneous tissue and epidermis. After excision of the site, cosmetic sutures are applied to the edges of the wound. They do not leave scars after recovery, allow the skin to renew itself faster, prevent bleeding, inflammation and other complications.
  • Prevention

    We figured out how to remove a birthmark from the surface of the skin. Now it's time to talk about preventive measures. A defect can actually be prevented if:

    Also remember that no matter how fashionable and spectacular a tan is, you have one skin. Therefore, you should not put it to the test in a solarium, on the sea coast. After all, ultraviolet radiation not only increases the rate of appearance of moles, but also reduces the elasticity and strength of the skin. Dermatologists even have a special term “photoaging”. This is a condition when, after sunburn, small mimic wrinkles and pigmentation, flabbiness appear on the surface.

Nevi (moles) appear regardless of the will and desire of a person at different periods of his life. Some of them are located on the skin from birth, and some may appear much later.

Among the main factors that provoke the formation of new formations, it is worth noting:

  • Excessive tanning. Solar radiation causes changes in the structure of the skin, including the appearance of new moles.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Pathological changes in the capillaries of the circulatory system located on the surface of the skin.
  • Viral infection.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  • Frequent stress and psychological stress.

Not all nevi are safe, therefore, not in every clinical case it is allowed to reduce defects on the skin on their own. The origin of a nevus often indicates its nature.

If the condition, when there are many moles on the face, is caused by a hereditary factor, they do not pose a great threat to health. As a rule, fears are caused by acquired spots on the skin.

Nevi are flat and convex in shape, have a color from light brown to black, differ in different sizes.

A birthmark is a skin mark that is inherently congenital or appears in the early years of life. In total, there are 2 main types of birthmarks: vascular and ordinary.

A common birthmark is brownish in color, ranging from very light to almost black, and is mostly smooth surface. A birthmark of this type is flat or slightly protrudes above the level of the skin, often covered with hair.

Many people have one or more birthmarks that are completely harmless. However, there are malignant dark spots on the skin, which can degenerate into melanoma.

Such spots are distinguished by the following criteria: they are flat, they do not grow hair and they are usually light in color. If birthmarks in newborns are located on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet, then they should be removed immediately, because these parts of the body are most often subjected to physical stress and mechanical damage.

Which can immediately lead to the formation of melanoma.

Mole, nevus, birthmark - these definitions are usually applied to spots of different shapes on the skin. A mole is more associated with a small brown or lighter spot. Sometimes this is a formation that looks like a pimple or skin process.

A nevus is an inconvenient spot or process. A birthmark can be either darkened or quite light, depending on the etiology. The greatest discomfort causes a spot on the face or neck.

Birthmarks can appear on their own during life, but more often they are born with them. Medical statistics do not clearly define how many of them can normally be on the body.

Medical specialists share 2 types of moles:

Types, degree of danger

A birthmark that appears on the face may be the result of a certain effect on the body. Depending on this, doctors distinguish several types of changes on the surface of the skin with an increase in melatonin synthesis.

Consider the main varieties.

Vascular moles

Vascular birthmarks are the result of defective development of blood vessels, veins or arteries. Most often located in the face and neck.

The difference between vascular spots is their color from light pink to dark red. A flat, red birthmark is the result of an overgrowth of capillaries.

The convex shape of the neoplasm indicates damage to the veins or arteries. Varieties of vascular birthmarks:

  • hemangioma - a bright red spot that rises above the level of the skin, with clear edges and a smooth surface, often disappears on its own in early childhood;
  • wine stain - a flat raspberry mole, usually remains for life;
  • "Kiss of a stork" - a spot of light yellow, orange or red color with uneven edges and uneven color, appears in a newborn, disappears in the first year of life.

Removal at home

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for removing small pigments. The main ingredients are: apple cider vinegar, onion juice, Castor oil, mixtures of essential oils, honey.

Compresses and lotions are made from these products. Doctors do not recommend removing nevi at home.

Especially those that change color, size, shape, or bleed. This is dangerous to health, as these signs indicate a poor-quality nature.

Birthmarks, which are very unaesthetic or can often be damaged, are best removed in childhood.

Consequences of removing birthmarks

After removing a birthmark, negative consequences are possible. The first thing that can bother you is pain.

They appear after surgery and last up to several days. Painkillers will help get rid of this problem.

A serious consequence of removal may be the risk that pigmentation will reappear. Another risk is infection.

Therefore, it is important to do these procedures in certified medical institutions.

The consequences of birthmark removal procedures, while simple, can be dangerous. Consequences fall into 2 categories:

  1. Natural - healing and restoration of the skin area on which the removal was performed. The use of certain drugs can speed up this process, as evidenced by the reviews.
  2. Complications after the procedure - the presence of traces at the site of the mole or damage to the skin after the application of liquid nitrogen, tubercles, reappearance of the spot with incomplete removal.

About all possible consequences warns the dermatologist before removing the stain.

Only a doctor knows how to remove a birthmark correctly and how to remove a neoplasm without complications.

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A birthmark or nevus is a congenital mark on the skin that may appear in the first years of a child's life. The formations differ in color and size, protrude above the skin or remain flat. They can be located in a conspicuous place (hands, face, neck, etc.). Often large marks cause embarrassment, and the question arises of how to get rid of a birthmark.

Indications for removal

In some cases, doctors strongly recommend removing the nevus. The reason is that in addition to an unaesthetic appearance, it is possible to transform the pigment into melanoma.

When the risk of an undesirable outcome increases:

  • If the birthmark is located in the area of ​​​​frequent injury, for example, on the arm.
  • Constantly irritated by clothes.
  • When it starts to bleed or peel off.
  • Increasing the hairline on the nevus.
  • If the formation began to change shape and color, size.
  • There was itching, pain.
  • Lymph nodes located nearby increased.

There are also flat vascular nevi, which are benign tumors. Can this birthmark be removed? yes to improve appearance and get rid of complexes. But doctors say that these formations do not develop into cancer.

Removal Methods

To date, there are several ways to eliminate nevi. They vary in pain and recovery time. It is recommended that the removal of neoplasms take place under the supervision of an oncologist (even if a decision has been made to treat folk methods). This ensures that the removal does not provoke the development of skin cancer.

Surgical method

Excision with a scalpel is carried out only when the birthmark affects the deep layers of the skin.

Operation procedure:

  1. Entering anesthesia.
  2. Cutting out a nevus with a surgical razor.
  3. Stitching the edges of the wound, and applying a bandage.
  4. After the operation, the wound is monitored for a week, then the sutures are removed.
  5. If the formation was large, the colloidal scar is removed by plastic surgery after a few months.

Some doctors are sure that you need to get rid of birthmarks only by excision. This is a guarantee that they will not reappear, and there is material for histological examination.


Point acting on the skin with a device, the doctor reduces pigmentation. As a result, the nevus becomes invisible and stops developing.

Laser Birthmark Removal Has Its Benefits

  • Painlessness. Healthy subcutaneous tissue is not affected, and discomfort experienced during the procedure are negligible. But for sensitive people skin and children, a local anesthetic (Lidocaine) is used.
  • No complications, no bleeding. If the vessels are damaged in the process, then under the influence of laser radiation their instant “sealing” occurs.
  • Efficiency. After a cycle of sessions, no traces remain on the skin. The pigment is removed completely, which means that degeneration into melanoma is excluded.
  • Smooth skin. If done correctly, there are no scars.

This method has disadvantages. In some cases, the complete removal of birthmarks with a laser requires several sessions.


How to remove a birthmark if it is voluminous and rises above the surface of the skin? IN this case doctors recommend radio wave surgery. The procedure is the most gentle method of removing formations, including moles. In place of the nevus, a crust forms, which disappears within a week.

Advantages of the method:

  • Not only benign, but also malignant formations are removed.
  • The likelihood of getting burned or provoking the development of necrosis is completely excluded.
  • It can be used in hard-to-reach places, for example, to remove formations located on the eyelids from the face.
  • It affects only defective points, so healthy tissues are not injured.
  • Suitable for getting rid of voluminous nevi.
  • After the procedure, the skin becomes perfectly even, without scars. At the site of the removed formation, a young skin remains, which coarsens over time.

This method is not used to remove large marks.


To remove birthmarks, an electric discharge is applied to a platinum wire heated to 200 degrees. The current burns out skin imperfections. But as a result, colloidal scars remain, therefore, in this way, nevi are removed on the legs, chest, neck, but not on the face.


In this case, exposure to liquid nitrogen occurs. The tube of the device is directed to the birthmark. Under the influence of low temperatures, the blood circulation of the area stops, the nutrition of tissues is disturbed, the skin is destroyed.

This method is rarely used to remove defects on the face. But with its help, nevi on the back, arms, chest and other parts of the body are effectively eliminated. In addition, a second session may be necessary, as it is difficult to control the depth of nitrogen exposure.

Folk methods

A birthmark can be removed at home, especially if it is small. Of course, this is a longer way to get rid of formations. But when performing procedures regularly, at the end of the course they will become much lighter.

The most famous recipes are:

  • How to remove a birthmark with honey. Apply a thick layer of a sweet treat on the nevus, apply a bandage, wrap it with a warm scarf. After 2-2.5 hours, remove the compress, rinse the honey with water.
  • Vitamin C. Grind a tablet of ascorbic acid, sprinkle the skin formation with the resulting powder, rewind it with a bandage for several hours. Carry out the procedure every day until the mark brightens.
  • Before going to bed, generously lubricate the nevus with iodine.

How to remove a birthmark at home? There are many "grandmother's" recipes. But if, after applying them, irritation appears on the skin, stop self-medication and go to the doctor for examination.


Most plants are harmless, but before using any method, test for individual response on a small patch of skin.

What herbs can be used to remove a nevus:

  • Bearberry extract. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Make a compress on the nevus from the tincture for 40 minutes. Hydroquinone, which is part of the plant, has bleaching properties. Carry out the procedure every day, and after 2 weeks the stain will become almost invisible.
  • Elimination of a birthmark with milkweed. Squeeze out the juice from the crushed grass and lubricate the formation with it. Apply a gauze bandage. Rinse after 3 hours laundry soap. Repeat 3 times a day. The duration of the course directly depends on the results of treatment.
  • Celandine. Squeeze out fresh juice and apply it to the nevus three times a day. Do not wash off immediately, wait a certain time (the doctor will tell you). The duration of the procedures is selected individually.
  • Dandelion. Lubricate problem areas with freshly squeezed juice up to 4 times a day. The course lasts up to 2 weeks. Witch doctors have long used this plant to lighten the skin. Dandelion contains a large number of vitamin C, which dries out the skin. As a result, its upper layer is removed, and the mark turns pale.

If you decide to start harvesting raw materials yourself, collect plants for medicine preparation away from highways and industrial zones. It is best to go to the field, out of town for this purpose. Otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, you will cause harm.

Vegetables and fruits

How to lighten a birthmark using the usual products from the refrigerator? There are several recipes:

  • Garlic. Squeeze 2 cloves through the press, apply the mass to the formation on the skin. Secure for 3 hours with a gauze bandage. After 10 days, the nevus will become much paler. It is necessary to carry out the procedure until the complete disappearance of the stain. In this recipe, garlic can be replaced with onions.
  • Strawberry. Prepare a puree from ripe berries, apply the mass on a skin defect in the evening, apply a bandage. By morning, the birthmark should brighten. Repeat until the desired result is achieved.
  • In 200 ml apple cider vinegar within 14 days insist 2 cloves of garlic. Soak a cloth in this liquid and apply to the nevus overnight. This recipe will help to cope not only with a birthmark, but also with a voluminous mole.

In addition, avocado, lemon, pineapple, unripe fig juice has good lightening properties. Lubricate the birthmark with them 1-2 times a day until it turns pale.


By softening and moisturizing the skin, you can smooth out the relief of nevi. For this, oils are used:

  • The olive will heal the integument and remove the mark. Lubricate the birthmark with oil up to 4 times a day. Don't rinse.
  • To remove damage, use hemp oil. Apply it to the nevus 2-3 times a day. To increase the therapeutic effect, add crushed chalk in a ratio of 1: 3. Use the tool every other day. After half a month, you will feel noticeable improvements.
  • Mix honey, flaxseed, castor oil in equal amounts. Apply this mixture to the problem area for 3 minutes. Then rinse with water. The procedure is carried out twice a day every day.

Although the application folk remedies can significantly improve the condition of the skin, doctors do not recommend self-medication if the configuration of the nevus changes, heterogeneity, bleeding appears. These are signs of degeneration into a malignant tumor. In this case, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

Almost every person has moles, birthmarks. People say they bring happiness. On the body they are an ornament, but on the face they create a certain discomfort. Especially if they are large. And there is no need to talk about the luck of a person whose face is crowned with such a mark.

Birthmark on the face: signs

Birthmark on the face: fortunately or vice versa?

By folk omens, a large birthmark of a light shade - to happy life if hair grows on them - to problems and failures in life. At the same time, the size also matters - the larger, the more happiness or unhappiness. But this is all popular opinion. In fact, you should find out what causes these kinds of marks.

  • Spots usually appear in the first 2 years of a person's life.
  • Moles are vascular and ordinary.
  • The latter can be pink to dark brown in color.
  • These smooth, even spots can be flat or protrude slightly above the skin, they are often covered with hair and are absolutely safe for human health.
  • If this bright spot without hairline with pink color, you should be careful.

Such a mole may be a malignant type of pigmentation, which has a risk of turning into melanoma.

  • A birthmark in a child, located on the feet, on the knees, on the palm, is a potential threat.
  • It is better to get rid of such marks immediately so as not to endanger the health of the child.
  • Adults need to remove those stains that are in places of frequent contact with clothing - on the neck, elbows, waist, so that mechanical damage does not lead to the growth of malignant melanoma.

Vascular are a collection of small vessels and are benign education. They are easy to identify by their bright red color, reminiscent of a strawberry or wine shade. They also do not require medical intervention, but before removing a birthmark, you need to monitor its condition and for any types of changes in size, color, you should consult a specialist.

Removal of birthmarks on the face

Our faces are always open, and birthmarks are exposed to solar radiation, severe frost. To protect themselves from the development of a malignant skin disease, many try to get rid of such a mark.

Birthmarks or moles, doctors call them nevi, they are present in almost all people, regardless of skin color and race. For some, they are small, there are several of them, and they simply do not pay attention, and they do not cause much discomfort. In other people, birthmarks grow and bring a lot of inconvenience. In the article "Is it possible to remove birthmarks" we will give an answer to this question. There is always a risk that, due to certain conditions, a seemingly harmless mole will turn into a melanoma - a malignant tumor.

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Photo gallery: Is it possible to remove birthmarks

A common mole is a collection of benign pigment cells that can appear on mucous membranes and on any part of the body. A large appearance of moles in a person occurs, as a rule, during puberty. During a person's life, the number of birthmarks may change, may increase, or may practically disappear.

Moles have always been surrounded by rumors and legends. People have long wanted to understand how moles affect the fate of a person, what they mean, why they appear. In some peoples, if there were a large number of birthmarks on the body, then this indicated its some kind of belonging to higher powers and gods. But most often, birthmarks were perceived as the involvement of such a person in sorcery and witchcraft, as a symbol of this person's connection with otherworldly forces. And it was not in vain that the courts of the Inquisition diligently studied the body of some regular victim in order to find birthmarks, which were considered evidence and a connection of the accused with evil spirits. At that time, to determine the large moles on the body, there was such a term as "the seal of Satan."

Already today, the attitude towards moles has changed, and they are not given such mystical properties. People get used to their moles on the body and do not pay any attention to them. And some even like the presence of small moles, which, located on the face in some bizarre way, can give a certain charm to a woman.

But, unfortunately, moles are not at all so harmless. And scientists cannot yet determine and understand the reasons for the transformation of a harmless mole into a deadly, dangerous melanoma. annually according to World Organization health care due to melanoma die nearly fifty thousand people. This figure on a global scale is not so great, but no one would like to be among those who want to. But other people are among the sick, just because of their ignorance.

If some noticeable changes do not occur with moles, then it is impossible to recognize in advance that mole that can turn into melanoma. But there are signs that should make a person alert and seek help from a dermatologist-oncologist or dermatologist. In the "risk zone" there are usually such moles that are injured and constantly irritated by belts, shoes, clothes, when combing hair, when shaving. Only such moles have a great chance, which over time can degenerate into melanoma.

When the birthmark begins to change, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. First of all, you need to pay attention to:
- when the size of the mole begins to change, it begins to noticeably increase;
- when the structure of the mole changes, crusts, peeling, cracks, bumps, seals appear on it;
- the color of the mole changes, it brightens or darkens, spots appear on the mole;
- there is a burning sensation or itching in the mole, touching the mole becomes painful.

Sometimes a person himself contributes to the fact that an ordinary nevus degenerates into melanoma. Sometimes, moles that are located on open areas of the body or are located on the face begin to pull out hair, which leads to the fact that for a birthmark this is a strong, irritating factor. No less harm is caused by attempts to remove the mole on their own or discolor it, injuring the mole, cutting, cauterizing it. We must not forget that the abuse of the solarium and sunbathing can affect the mole itself.

Who treats moles with ostentatious or real indifference, it will not be superfluous to remind them that melanoma and other malignant formations are treatable, only on early stage development. But when metastases already appear, then the treatment becomes painful, complicated, expensive, and, unfortunately, the treatment is not always effective.

Increasingly, various traditional healers have recently offered their help in the treatment of melanoma or the removal of moles. It is unlikely that they can provide real help in the treatment of melanoma. And, as a rule, all this is incommensurable with the consequences that such “treatment” will lead to. IN best case the patient can get spots and scars at the site of the removed moles, and in the worst case, he can get advanced melanoma. Maybe among traditional healers, there can be real professionals, but you must admit that there is a very small chance of meeting them.

I am a follower traditional medicine, but with moles you do not need to self-medicate, spend money and time on different healers, but it is better to consult a doctor. If there is such a need, a histological examination will be performed to determine whether the mole is benign or not, and in the case of a benign mole, a effective option to remove it. Increasingly recently, laser birthmark removal is used, it is an effective, safe and painless procedure. With this method of removal, no traces remain on the skin, except when moles are removed. large sizes. After removing the mole, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescription.

Now we have received an answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove birthmarks, because they are not as harmless as it seems to us at first glance. You need to take them very seriously, especially since modern medicine will provide effective assistance if you apply for it in a timely manner.