Thematic lesson in the preparatory group "Holidays in our lives. Mother's Day." Lesson "Holidays and Traditions" Harmonious combination of colors

Purpose of the lesson:

Development of cognitive interest of older preschool children in the social environment through the integration of children's activities.


1. Introduce children to how you can prepare a holiday yourself.
2. Teach verbal and non-verbal methods of communication.
3. Develop creative thinking.
4. Form an idea of ​​a person’s emotional health. Evoke a positive emotional response.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys. I'm glad to meet you. I'm in a very good mood today. What's your mood?


Good, joyful, kind...


I’m very glad, because his health depends on what mood a person is in. Go to the chairs. Look carefully at our guests and try to guess what mood they are in?



Guys, what helped you guess what mood the guests were in?


Smiles, eyes...


There are many people in the world and everyone’s mood is different. What do you think, if a person is in a sad mood, what can be done to make the mood good?


Make you laugh, sing a song, tell a funny story, smile...


When do you think people are in a very good mood?


When it's fun, when everything is good, when there's a holiday...


What holidays do you know?


New Year, Mother's Day, Birthday...

(1 presentation slide is displayed - guess the holiday. I ask questions: “What holiday is this? And this? Can you guess what is being celebrated in this picture?” At the end of the presentation slide is a “smiley face”).


What holiday does this icon tell about?




This holiday is called “Smile Day” and is dedicated to a good mood. And it was invented by the American artist Harvey Bell. (slide with photo of Harvey Bell)


Do you want to come up with and organize a holiday right now? (Yes). What would you call it?


(Answers. Summarize the title “Friends Holiday”)


Great! What will this holiday be like?


Joyful, funny, elegant, friendly...


Do you know what needs to be done to make the holiday bright, memorable, and fun?


Songs, music, balloons, jokes, invite guests...


Guys, we already have guests. Let's ask them what needs to be done to organize a “Friends' Party”? How can I ask a question?


Please tell me what needs to be done to have a fun holiday? What will help organize a “Festival of Friends?”


Go to the guests, ask questions, remember the answers and come back to me. (children communicate with guests)


What have you learned?


We need costumes, gifts, food.


Great! Are we starting to prepare the holiday?



We have a lot to do. In order for the work to move faster, I suggest uniting in subgroups of 3-4 people. One subgroup will make costumes, the second will make gifts, and the third will prepare refreshments.

Grouping into subgroups, distribution by workplace:

Table 1 - costumes: blanks for caps, hats, collars, butterflies, markers, stickers.
Table 2 – gifts: Card blanks, gift wrapping boxes, bows, paper flowers, serpentine.
Table 3 – treats: Fruits, cloves, sweets, umbrellas, plates. There is a laptop on each table.


And to make your work even more interesting, hint models will now appear on the screen for you to decorate your works. You can use them or show your imagination.
(On the screens of the model are design options: 1 - costumes, 2 - treats, 3 - gifts)

Children work in subgroups


Let's see if we managed to prepare everything that is necessary for a truly fun “Friends Holiday”.
(we consider products of activity)
What's your mood now?


Joyful, cheerful!


And I’m in a festive mood, so good that I even want to sing! I even have a guitar, for you and for the guests musical instruments. Will you play along with me? (The teacher distributes tools)

You need to start playing when I nod my head to you.

One verse of the song “It’s no secret that friends don’t grow in gardens” is performed.


Well, now put on your costumes, grab a treat, and before you go to the group to continue the holiday, let's look into the boxes with gifts. (One box contains Balloons, bubble. In the other there is a bag of laughter, we turn it on and with laughter and a good mood we go to the group to continue the holiday).

Thematic lesson

V preparatory group.

“Holidays in our lives. Mothers Day"

Prepared by: teacher of MBOU Secondary School No. 3

Beslan GPD:

Dzantieva Rita Taimurazovna

Goals : Introduce children to the national holiday of our country - Day Mothers . Create an atmosphere of general joy and good mood. Develop Creative skills children. Introduce children to the customs of celebrating Mother's Day in other countries. Strengthen the ability to answer questions and construct sentences correctly. Clarify children's knowledge about the professions of adults, recognize them from illustrations. Develop analytical thinking, the ability to generalize and classify, aesthetic perception, teach to see the beauty of flowers, convey it to manual labor. To instill in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, towards their family, and a desire to help.

Integration of areas : Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Preliminary work : drawing portraits of mom, reading fiction, memorizing poems and proverbs about mothers, preliminary conversation about mothers’ professions, reading the legend of the forget-me-not.

Equipment : presentation, a heart for the game, a glue stick, ready-made forms for constructing a basket, two containers for the game, a construction set or cubes.

Progress of the lesson:

Music is playing "Mom is the first word"

Educator : Hello guys!

Mom is the first word, the first word in our destiny.

Mom gave life, gave peace to me and you.

Mom is the dearest person in the world. How much is included in a word? "MOTHER" and can't be counted. But the most important thing is that we owe our lives to her, my mother.

Guys, today we have special day, dedicated to the holiday"Mothers Day" and I would like to tell you about the history of this holiday. Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated relatively recently. How a public holiday was established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. The initiative was expressed by the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. From that moment on, Mother's Day became an annual holiday. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In 2018, Mother's Day falls on November 25th. The holiday is still very young. But he has firmly entered our lives, and on this day we honor the most important person for each of us - our mother.

Guys, pay attention to the screen now. Pictures will appear on it, and you need to find out what holiday it is.

1 slide.

Educator: What holiday is this?

Children's answers (New Year).

Educator: What public holidays do you still know?

Children's answers. (Victory Day, Russia Day)

2 slide.

Children's answers (Teacher's Day).

Educator: What other professional holidays do you know? Children's answers.

3 slide.

Educator: What holiday is this?

Children's answers (Birthday).

Educator: What other family holidays do you know?

Children's answers. Wedding

4 slide.

Educator: What holiday is this? Which others do you know National holidays?

Children's answers: Dzheorguyba, (Uacilla, Tsippurs).

Educator: Do you know the holiday Mother's Day? has a very long history of origin?

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you want to know? Well then, look.

( 5 slide Greece) We are going with you to ancient times. It all started in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. People of those times believed that, like everyone living on earth, the celestials also have a mother. The inhabitants of this country worshiped on one of spring days Gaia is the mother of all gods, she personified the entire earth. It’s not for nothing that they say the earth is the mother, she will give you water and food. And the Romans had a three-day March holiday, on which they glorified the mother of their patrons, Cybele. She is the mistress of mountains, forests and animals and all living things on earth.( 6 slide )

( 7 slide ) In England, back in the 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mother’s resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. On every second Sunday of Lent, children who had fled the family nest were supposed to visit their parents with gifts and gifts bought with money they earned on their own. In honor of Mother's Day, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.

Educator: Do you think all countries celebrate this holiday on the same day?

Children's answers.

Educator: Unfortunately, International Mother’s Day has not yet been established in the world, so different countries Ah, the celebration of the most beloved women falls on various calendar dates.

( 8 slide ) In Finland and in many other countries, on the second Sunday in May, women receive gifts from their children, they are presented with flowers and handmade cards, and words of gratitude are said. The President awards the Order of the White Rose to honored mothers, especially heroine mothers. What do you think a mother heroine means?

Children's answers.

Educator: Even our neighbor friends celebrate at different times. In Belarus, the holiday is marked on the calendar on October 14. The history of Mother's Day dates back to Orthodox holiday- Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

( Slide 9 ) In many countries, folk traditions and customs of celebrating Mother's Day have been preserved. For example, Americans pin carnations to their clothes. Look here. Estonians greet people with flags hung on city streets (slide). There is also a tradition in our country. For several years now, Russia has been hosting the All-Russian Mother’s Day event, “Mom, I love you!” The symbol is the forget-me-not.

Educator: Does anyone know what kind of flower this is? What colour is he? There is an unusual legend about this flower. Who can tell it? (children tell if they wish)

Child: When mothers and sisters saw off their men to war, they shed tears. And these tears, falling to the ground, turned into forget-me-not flowers. And then they began to give these forget-me-nots to their loved ones as souvenirs, so that they would not forget about home.

Educator: Now try to guess one riddle.

Who will love you,

Who will kiss you, lovingly?

He will cook, wash, knit,

He will tell a good story,

He will regret, he will scold,

He will speak kindly.

Who is the closest relative in the world?

Who loves you the most?

Who scolds you and forgives you?

Who will accompany you to kindergarten?

Who reads a bedtime story?

Who decorates your Christmas tree?

Who buys the outfits?

Who in the world is smarter and more beautiful and kinder than everyone else?

Educator: Who is this? Children: - Mom! Yes, you're right, it's mom. ( 10 slide ) Of course, guys, your mother is the best for each of you. On this day, all children congratulate their mothers, say tender words to them, give them gifts, and read poems. So Adam will read to us a poem that he prepared as a gift for his mother:

The sun doesn't warm without you

And the nightingale is not heard;

You are my bright light in the window,

My dear mother

Mother! How wonderful it is to be with you!

You are like a ray of light in a dark darkness...

It was, is and will be the main thing

The word "mother" on earth

A game

Educator : The most valuable thing for mothers are children . Mom takes care of you, loves you. And you must respond to her in the same way - love, respect, care and attention, please mothers with exemplary behavior, good successes, often say “thank you very much” and not upset in any way. And if it happens that you offended your mother, then you should not be shy and what should you do?

Children : ask for forgiveness

Educator : With the help of magic words you can restore your mother’s good mood. Now we’ll see if you know the magic words.

* Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word (Thank you)

* The old stump will turn green,

When will he hear (Good afternoon)

* If you can’t eat anymore;

We'll tell mom : (Thank you)

* When scolded for pranks,

Let's talk : (Forgive me please)

* In both France and Denmark

They say goodbye :


Educator : Well done, don’t forget to say the magic words to your mothers as often as possible.

Educator : Let's remember how to help mom!

Physical education lesson “Helpers”

Together we help mom -

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are now washing clothes,

Rinse and wring out.

Sweeping everything around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.

Educator :

Your mothers are the most beautiful,

The most hardworking

The most charming

Unusually diligent.

Educator : Guys, when mom is not at home, dad is not there. Who is with you?

Children : grandmother

Educator : Tell us about your grandmother, what is she like, what can she do? Do you know that a grandmother is also a mother, and whose mother do you think? (listen to the children's answers)

Educator : Guys, let's play.

The game is called "Tender words" .

One of the participants is given a heart. He says phrase : “My mother is the most... kind” . And passes the heart to his neighbor. The neighbor, in turn, says the same phrase, but selects a different definition that suits the characteristics of his mother (beautiful, smart, gentle, young, cheerful, beloved, and passes the heart to the next one. The game continues until all the children say tender word about mom.

Educator : That's how many good, kind words you were able to say about your mothers. Children say these words to their mothers more often.

And another game “Who will put the toys away before mom arrives faster” (children are divided into two teams and quickly collect scattered toys, the team that has finished collecting toys stands in a circle and holds hands and lifts them up)

And now, guys, I propose to make a surprise for our mothers.

Flower basket. From ready-made forms, assemble a basket according to the teacher’s verbal instructions.

Educator: Look what unusual gift You did it for mom. Guys, what did we talk about today? What new have you learned? Well done today. Let's show our guests your wonderful baskets.

We once again congratulate all mothers on a wonderful holiday. May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love and happiness!

Target: give the concept of the word “holiday”; show the role of the holiday in human life; discuss the rules of behavior at the holiday.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher's word:

- Today we will talk about the holidays.

What is a holiday? (A holiday is a day of celebration, joy in honor or in memory of a person or event in people’s lives). There are a lot of holidays, and they are different.

What holidays do you know? Let's select and put them into groups:

1.Family (birthday, housewarming, wedding...).

2.Professional (days of teacher, doctor...).

3.Religious (Easter, Christmas...).

What holidays does your family celebrate?

What's your favorite holiday? Why?

Each holiday has its own characteristics, but there are also general rules for holidays.


- When going to a holiday, wear your most elegant clothes.
It must be clean and tidy.

- If you come to a holiday, have fun.

- Try to take part in games and entertainment


I think you will agree with me that not a single holiday is complete without dancing. So now you and I will dance a little.

Communication exercise

"Movement Initiator"

All participants stand in a circle. One student walks out the door. The class chooses a person who will initiate the movements. He will perform some movements, changing them from time to time, and everyone else will repeat after him. The participant behind the door returns, stands in the center of the circle and carefully watches the students, trying to understand who is the initiator of the movements. When one student walks out the door, the class decides who will initiate the movement.


Each nation has its own traditions of congratulations, but the rules for giving and receiving gifts are the same for all well-mannered people. It is always pleasant to receive a gift; it is important not to upset the giver. Let's remember how to behave.

When accept the gift correctly...

smile welcomingly, thank; unpack, look at the gift; when giving a second gift, do not show it; offer sweets to others; put flowers in water.

When give a gift correctly...

take into account the taste and desires of the addressee; give something that you yourself would be happy about; buy a gift that matches your capabilities in price; remove the price tag; Include a card with congratulations and your name.


Listen poem by Igor Shevchuk “Gift”.

For Cactus's birthday

Gave a gift

And congratulations to Cactus

They kindly said:

Accept, dear Cactus,

A gift from us today

Wonderful - wonderful

Big air...

Was the gift given to Cactus a good one? Why?

Is it possible to give something that you yourself don’t need?

How is it customary to give a gift?

If you come to visit, you cannot give a gift in the hallway. Needs to be removed outerwear, put yourself in order and in the festive room, where the table is set and guests gather, give a gift, be sure to original packaging, with a smile and the warmest words.

Creative task

Draw “the gift of my dreams.”


Let's look at your drawings and think about what groups all the gifts can be divided into.

Gifts are:

1. Literary (poems, newspapers, postcards, posters).

2. Musical (songs, dance).

3.Sweet (cakes, chocolates, candies).

4. Material (toy, book, notepad).

5. Symbolic (in honor of some event).

6. Souvenirs (things that are admired but not used).

8.Live (dog, cat).

Family members and all friends are given gifts made with their own hands; you can buy a gift for mom and dad or grandpa. Friends and relatives are given a souvenir, a drawing, etc.

Game "Parcels"

Papers with the names of objects are prepared in advance. They are put in a box. The driver addresses the participants in the game: “You have received a package with a gift. What will you do with him? After the child answers, the driver takes out one of the pieces of paper and reads out what was in the parcel.


All people enjoy receiving gifts from friends and family, but it is important to remember how to accept gifts correctly so as not to offend the giver. And it’s even better to give gifts to your loved ones more often and get joy and pleasure from it.

Open event for extracurricular activities

Vakutina Tatyana Vasilievna

Topic: Types of theatrical art. "Holidays in our lives"

Developmental tasks:

    Develop the ability to convey simple dialogues in dramatization; adjust the timbre and strength of your voice; practice intonation expressiveness of speech;

    develop speech activity;

    develop acting skills as an art;

    self confidence,

    expression of personal attitude towards what was read during the reading process (emotional coloring, intonation, reading rhythm).

    develop the ability to orally review the expressive reading of underclassmen, reading of actors.

Educational tasks:

    Practice behavioral skills during open events;

    cultivate friendly relationships;

    instill interest in folk art;

    cultivate artistic taste;

    image presentation culture;

to form an interest in theatrical creativity and its activities.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, task cards, tickets, masks, caps.

Org. moment.


My dear students, I am glad to see you again in our “Theater Workshop” class! We have guests today, look at them, smile. And let our lesson take place in good mood.

Dear guests, we invite you to the next lesson of the “Theater Workshop”, the participants of which are students of the 4th “A” class. We tried to turn our classroom into a theater. We have a stage, stalls, gallery.

But in order to determine the topic of the lesson, you need to buy tickets for you guys and for our guests (open keywords).

Guess the riddles.

Sometimes a king, sometimes a jester,
Beggar or king
It will help to become, for example,
Theatrical… (dresser)

He leads everyone
Thinks, runs, screams!
He inspires actors
The whole performance is controlled by
Like an orchestra conductor,
But it's called... (director)

The performance was a great success
And the audience is all happy!
Special ovation for the artist
For colorful... (Scenery)

He walks around the stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries!
At least he will portray someone, -
He will amaze everyone with his skill!
And it has been around for a long time
Type of profession -... (actor)

If you want to become different, -
Call for help... (makeup)

What word did you get? In a highlighted line?

Children: Theater.

Have you looked at the screen and try to determine the second keyword of today's lesson?


Teacher: How did you guess?

From the highest column to the lowest. (The key word is posted on the board)

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the word “Holiday”?

Children's answers.

Teacher: I summarize, we read on the petals: “A holiday is: “games, joy, entertainment, celebration.” Well, now let’s read what definition our dictionaries give.

A holiday is a day of joy, celebration of something.

So our definition was correct? Let's praise ourselves (applause).

Please tell me what you expect from the holidays.

Children's answers.

Teacher: I generalize: laughter, fun, mood, jokes.

And so it’s a HOLIDAY, but what should a holiday be like?

Children's answers.

What season? Is the holiday approaching?

Children's answers.

And you and I are a family, so what kind of holiday can it be?

Children: Family.

Here we have purchased TICKETS for you and our guests.

Pay attention to the board, what did we get? Formulate the topic of our lesson.

I generalize: Topic: Types of theatrical art. "Holidays in our lives"

Teacher: Dear guys, guests, parents, today we are holding open event for extracurricular activities “Theater Workshop”. And today we will show you some techniques, exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of children’s speech, the development of mental activity, and the development of creative imagination. Today you will be able to show your creative potential: you will act as actors, as experts, and as listeners. And the most important thing is that all these skills will be simply necessary in life.

Teacher: So, let's begin. First problematic question:

What is diction and do we need it?(Diction - pronunciation; there can be bad and good. Good diction is very necessary so that everyone understands each other, especially good diction is needed by announcers, artists, speakers, teachers)

Let's work on diction: And since Mother's Day is approaching, we will connect all the tasks with this holiday.

MA-MA-MA - I myself.

MA-MA-MA – I do everything myself.

WE-WE-WE - We are waiting for winter.

MI-MI-MI - Take my hand.

MO-MO-MO - We're going to the cinema.

Competition “Say the Word”
The word hid somewhere

The word is hidden and waiting.
Let the guys find me.

Come on, who will find me?

Some people have cards on their tables of blue color. You need to clearly pronounce each sound, read what is written there, and the whole class name this word in unison.

Mom, dad, brother and me -
That's my whole... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed the dishes ourselves.
We washed the dishes ourselves -
Helped our... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden,
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our... (mother)

These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother’s box….(beads)

Mom's ears sparkle,
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
Drops and crumbs turn silver

Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is... (frying pan)

He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss.
Boils quickly...(kettle)

This is a dish for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into plates….(soup)

Now tell me in unison:

There is no one more dear to her in the world,
Fairer and kinder.
I'll tell you straight away, friends -
The best in the world...

What affectionate name do we call mom?

Children: Mommy.

Now after each of my phrases, all together, clearly pronouncing the word MOMMY.

Who came to you this morning? (Mommy!)

Who said “It’s time to get up!” (Mommy!)

Who managed to cook the porridge? (Mommy!)

Who poured tea into the cup? (Mommy!)

Who braided the pigtails? (Mommy!)

Swept the whole house by yourself? (Mommy!)

Who kissed you? (Mommy!)

Who as a child loves laughter? (Mommy!)

Who is the best in the world? (Mommy!)

    Let's work on breathing:

"The Blizzard Howls"

Task: develop speech breathing, the power of the voice, the ability to change it at the right time.

Equipment: subject picture “Blizzard”, audio recording of a blizzard at the beginning, at its height, at the end.

Description. An adult shows the children a picture, explaining what a blizzard is (this is a strong wind with snow), and lets them listen to the sound of a blizzard, when it begins, when it is strongest and when it subsides.

Then, at the adult’s signal, “The blizzard is starting,” they quietly imitate its sound: ooh, “Strong blizzard” - change the strength of their voice to loud (but not screaming), “The blizzard subsides” - again change the strength of their voice to quiet, “Blizzard passed” - they fall silent.

Before starting the game, children take a deep breath through their nose. The air taken should be enough for them to say “The blizzard has passed.”


Spring has come. But winter doesn't want to go away. She gets angry, sends blizzards and blizzards. The blizzard howls: ooh-ooh. The wind whistles: s-s-s-s. The wind bends the trees: sh-sh-sh-sh. But then the blizzard began to subside. (Repeat the same, only quieter). And she fell silent.

"On the seashore"

Imagine yourself on the seashore. Close eyes. Hear the wave running: ssss. Sand is pouring down: s-s-s-s. The wind sings a song: s-s-s-s. And the sand scatters: s-s-s-s.

Let's work in pairs, each pair must say the same phrase or a familiar passage from a poem (on yellow cards)

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Teacher: Guys, do you know what intonation is?? (to intonate - to pronounce with some intonation; with the help of intonation we can express our attitude to the subject of speech, highlight the necessary words...)

Exercise: Say any phrase or line from the work being studied with a joyful, sad, affectionate, angry, playful and serious, mocking, approving intonation.

Mom, I got a bad grade

Some guys have prepared poems about their mother, let's listen to them:

I love you, mom, for what - I don’t know

Probably because I breathe and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun,

And a bright day.

For this, I love you, dear,

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom, you -

My best friend.

I don't know any other word.

To so caress the ear.

I'll repeat it again and again

This is the word we first taught.

We live with this word until death,

And when the clouds gather,

We'll definitely call mom

Mom, my dear mother.

The most faithful and loving friend

I feel with all my heart,

The warmth of your gentle hands.

These hands led me

from childhood to adulthood.

These hands protected me.

From illnesses and blows of fate.

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

This is snow, autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!
Teacher: Do we know how to give each other compliments and what is it? compliments? (These are pleasant words, praise. For example, they tell you how wonderful you look, how wonderful you did, how well you said, thought...)

Teacher: Why do people give compliments?(To make a person feel good, to show his attitude, to lift his spirits, to support him in difficult times, or just like that: after all, everyone likes to hear words of praise about themselves)

Teacher: How do you respond to compliments?(You can simply say thank you. But often they also say something else, for example: I’m glad you noticed that. I was very pleased to hear that. Your words lifted my spirits. And sometimes a compliment is answered with a return compliment: Thank you You look great today too.)

Teacher: A compliment to a compliment is different. Think, guys, how the words differ from each other in meaning:

flattering - flattering; flattering words - flattering words?

(Flattering words, flattery... These are praiseworthy words, but a person says them for some benefit, out of self-interest. He does not just praise, but obsequiously praises someone. Flattering words are pleasant and truthful words. This is a compliment. And flattery is something completely different. It’s not for nothing that they say: “He is flattering in appearance, but deceitful in appearance”)

1st task: expressive reading based on the roles of this fairy tale;

2nd task: answer the question, what human flaw is ridiculed in this fairy tale? (Flattery)

3rd task: compose a syncwine

Teacher: And now each couple dramatizes their own fable without prior preparation. Whether the characters are telling the truth to each other, you should try to show this with your voice, intonation and gestures.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Cuckoo and rooster

Duration of the performance: 3 minutes; number of actors: 2 or 3.



In the foreground is a fence on the left, a bush on the right. In the background is a field and a forest in the distance. The cuckoo sits on a bush and crows loudly. A Rooster appears on the fence and crows loudly.


How, dear Cockerel, you sing loudly, it’s important!


And you, Cuckoo, are my light,
How do you pull smoothly and slowly:
We don’t have such a singer in the whole forest!


I’m ready to listen to you, my kumanek, forever!


And you, beauty, I promise,
As soon as you shut up, I’m waiting, I can’t wait,
So that you start again -
Where does such a voice come from?
And pure, and gentle, and tall!
Yes, that’s how you come from: you’re not big,
And the songs that are your nightingale!


Thank you, godfather; but, according to my conscience,
You eat better than the bird of paradise,
I refer to everyone in this!

Sparrow flies onto the stage and sits down between a bush and a fence.


And Sparrow will confirm!


Even though you become hoarse, praising each other, -
All your music is bad!


What about praise?


Ha ha!
The Cuckoo praises the Rooster
Because he praises the Cuckoo!

Teacher: Now, friends, let's come up with real compliments for mothers.

Sinkwine about mom.

- Reflection.

On the board you see theatrical masks. Take the tokens and place yours near the mask that conveys your mood from the activity.

You will keep the tickets as a souvenir of this activity.

V. Homework.

Find and learn a few tongue twisters yourself.


Let's applaud each other.

State budgetary educational institution
middle School of General education
With. Alekseevka "Educational Center"
Methodological development of extracurricular activities of intellectual direction in 1st grade
(author’s course “On the roads of fairy tales”)
Game – journey “Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales”
Author: Golovacheva Galina Viktorovna,
teacher primary classes highest category
2012 – 2013 academic year
The lesson is conducted in the form of a journey using games, riddles and theatrical performances. The lesson introduces children to one of the genres of folklore - a folk tale. Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and creativity. The material can be used in class and in extracurricular activities.
An interactive whiteboard is used during the lesson.
Topic: Russian folk tales.
Goal: developing children’s understanding of the diversity of Russians folk tales.
Lesson Objectives
Developmental tasks:
1. Expand children's horizons and enrich their vocabulary.
2. Develop children's acting abilities and attentiveness.
3. Develop the ability to competently and expressively express your thoughts, logical thinking, train your memory.
Training tasks:
1.Remember the famous Russian folk tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Ryaba the Hen”.
2.Ensure a holistic perception and understanding of the text.
3. Teach short retelling and creative retelling.
4. To develop children’s knowledge about one of the genres of folklore – folk tales.
Educational tasks:
1. To develop communication skills to work in groups.
2. Using the example of fairy tale heroes to develop a sense of responsibility for their friends, a desire to come to the rescue in difficult times.
3. Foster a love for the literary heritage of the Russian people.
4. Educate children through fairy tales best qualities person: honesty, loyalty, kindness, sense of camaraderie.
5. Through elements of theatricalization, give children the opportunity to express their feelings, emotions, and fantasies.
1. Slide presentation.
2. Musical accompaniment (phonogram).
3. Pictures – coloring pages for fairy tales for children’s individual work.
4. Sets of colored pencils.
5. Interactive whiteboard.

(The phonogram sounds, to which the teacher begins a lesson on extracurricular activities)
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s not there...
Only thousands of roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk?
Or rush from where,
Only where a fairy tale should be,
A miracle will happen there...
(I open the “curtain” on the interactive board) The first slide is the title “Game - a journey through fairy tales.”
- Guys, today we will go to Irga - a journey through fairy tales. On our way there will be several stations - stops. All of them are difficult; intricate tasks await us. And we will not be traveling quite normally, but using fabulous transport. The first to help us out is the AIRPLANE CARPET (children stand near their tables, spread their arms to the sides, and make smooth movements, simulating an airplane). Well, good luck!
- Guys, now I will read excerpts from fairy tales. The whole point is that they, these passages, will not be entirely ordinary, they will be poetic. Can you guess what kind of fairy tales these are:
1) Grandmother and Grandfather lived amicably,
Together they planted turnips.
She grew up big
Height - up to the roof of the house!
The width is half a city!
The turnip will soon ripen
But they don’t know how to get it out!
Very round sides
The hand is missing.
A thought dawned on Grandfather,
I'll pull the turnip by the tail!
Grandfather grabbed the turnip.
Pulls and pulls -
He can’t pull it out!
No, nothing happened!
I should call again
At least someone to help.
The turnip was very tasty
Once she sat firmly in the ground.
Grandma! Throw your pancakes
And come out quickly
Help me pull the turnip!
Grandma for Grandfather,
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull-pull -
They can't pull it out! (TURNIP)
2) Kva-kva!..
I'm alone in the little house.
Although it’s not very damp around,
What a nice apartment!
There is a stove and firewood here,
And a cauldron and a frying pan.
What a find, what a find!
Before dinner bye
I'll kill the worm.
Only the frog lit the light,
The little mouse knocked.
What kind of tower is this?
He is not low, not high,
Not tall.
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
I, frog frog.
And who are you?
And I am a little mouse.
Let me into the house
We will live together with you.
We'll get some ripe grains,
We will bake pancakes with you.
So be it, perhaps go home.
It's more fun to live together! (TEREMOK)
3) Once upon a time there lived a woman and her grandfather.
Empty cabbage soup at lunch
Ate with a piece of bread,
And there’s a pie or a cheesecake,
It was painfully sweet
Even tea and then at a glance.
But one Saturday
Grandfather heard through his drowsiness
A woman's voice, with amazement.
- On Holy Sunday
I'll bake a bun.
I'll look for a little torment,
According to the bottoms of the litter -
I'll invent something. (BONK)
4) Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
Together with the hen Ryaba,
There's only one chicken
And she laid an egg.
But the egg is not easy,
Like the sun - golden!
His grandfather first beat him,
This way and that I didn’t break it,
Baba beat him too
This way and that, it didn’t break.
The mouse ran across the table
She hurried to her hole,
The tail touched the egg,
It fell to the floor
And when the egg fell, it broke,
And it fell apart.
Grandfather and woman are sitting, crying,
The pockmarked hen clucks,
Don't cry grandma
Don't cry grandpa
I'll tell you tomorrow at lunchtime
I'll lay another egg,
Not golden, but simple. (POF CHICKEN)
5) Early in the morning I went into the forest
Get some weed for strength
Pull up, Mother Goat,
Sternly saying:
- “Don’t open the door for a wolf.”
And calmly wait for mom.”
Children - seven kids
They don't want to sit quietly.
Having fun, restless ones,
They gallop noisily, there is no sweetness.
At that time along the forest path
A hungry forest animal was walking.
The wolf realized - the goat is not at home,
The situation is familiar!
I'll eat kids and I'll be full,
I'm a wolf - a forest bandit!
Knocked on the door with his claws -
“I could have taken it off its hinges!”
He himself wheezes affectionately
He tells the children a fairy tale:
“Mom the goat has come,
I brought you some milk.” (THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN YOUNG GOATS)
- Guys, why do you think the fairy tale is called “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”? (Because the main characters of the fairy tale are seven little goats)
- There is an illustration in front of you, how many kids should there be on it?
- Let's check if the artist made a mistake when he painted? (Together with the children, we count the kids in chorus, the teacher “numbers” the kids on the interactive board, there are seven of them).
- Did the artist do everything right?
- Well done boys! You know fairy tales very well, because even with such a difficult task you completed it very quickly!
- We continue our journey. Now BOOTS - SPEEDWALKERS will carry us (the children sit down and quietly stomp with their half-bent legs, waving their arms as if walking). On our way is the next station: ARTISTIC station
- Now we’ll find out if you can recognize the heroes of fairy tales? I will show illustrations, and you tell me what fairy tale it is from. (I show coloring books - drawings with fairy tale characters, the children answer what fairy tale he is from, I distribute them to the children).
- Look, here (on the interactive board) the artist also left a drawing. Guys, what fairy tale is he from? (BALL).
- Why did you decide so? (In the illustration main character this fairy tale - KOLOBOK).
- Guys, the illustrations you looked at are not colorful. The artist apparently did not have time to paint them. Shall we help him? (Children are given illustrations - coloring books that need to be colored. 5 minutes are allotted to complete the work.) (ON THE INTERACTIVE BOARD WE COLOR THE BAND, GRASS, CLOUDS, PATH. At the same time, work is going on in the field, the children color the illustrations offered to them.) (Upon completion of the work: demonstrating to each other the received drawings. Children, sitting in their places, show their works with their arms outstretched)
- Well done boys! We tried our best! It's time to continue our journey. Now we will fly on BABA YAGA’S STUPA (Children sit down and make movements with their hands similar to the work of a janitor with a broom.)
- Well, here we are! In front of us is the SKOROGOVORNAYA station. What has she prepared for us? We all travel and draw. Our arms, our legs, our backs are not tired. But the tongue in my mouth is already bored. Now he too will receive the task. Guys, who knows what tongue twisters are? (These are phrases that need to be pronounced quickly and correctly).
(I draw the children’s attention to the interactive board; on the next slide there is a selection of tongue twisters, I point to one of them, tick it, and say that I really like it.)
_But, for you guys, I have prepared several other tongue twisters. Let's try to say them quickly - quickly! Now we'll see which of you has a tongue that will do the job perfectly.
- The crow missed the crow.
- The chicken is worried, don’t scare the chicken.
- The Christmas tree has pins and needles.
- From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
- What a great fellow you are, guys! Well, let's proceed to the next station. Our AIRPLANE CARPET is bored with nothing to do, let's fly on it (children stand near their tables, spread their arms to the sides, and make smooth movements, simulating an airplane).
- And here is the next station POEM. Now we will try to remember songs and poems from famous Russian folk tales. (I draw the children’s attention to the next slide)
1. What song did KOLOBOK sing?
I'm sweeping boxes,
Scratching the bottom of the barrel,
Yarn in raw oil,
It's cold at the window;
I left my grandfather
I left my woman
And I will run away from you.
- Find this hero on the slide. Check the box. (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
2. With what words did EMELYA from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” ask the pike to fulfill his desire?
At the behest of the pike, at my will...
-Where is he in the picture? Mark! ((Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
3. What song did the GOAT sing to her kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”?
Little goats, guys!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came and brought milk;
Milk runs down the drain,
From the notch up to the hoof,
From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!
- Where is this fairy tale? Check it out! (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
4. What did MASHA say to the BEAR from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” when the bear wanted to sit on a tree stump?
See see!
Don't sit on the tree stump
Don't eat the pie!
Bring it to grandma
Bring it to grandpa.
- Find a hero. Check it out! (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
5. How did IVANUSHKA the FOOL from the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” call SIVKA-BURKA?
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
- Find a hero! Check it out! ((Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero). - Well done! You know fairy tales, their heroes and even the phrases they say well. And now again - on the road! We put on BOOTS - SPEEDWALKERS again (children sit down and They stomp quietly with their half-bent legs, waving their arms as if walking.) On our way is the next station: REBUSNAYA station.
- What are we going to do here?
- Now we'll play. But this will not be an ordinary game. Now you and I will need to perform probably the most difficult task. We have two games waiting for us. The first game is called: CONNECT THE HALVES.” Listen carefully to the rules of the game: there are a lot of phrases in fairy tales that are known to everyone. I will say the first part of the phrase, and you remember and finish it, pronouncing its ending. So, let's start!
- A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. (Children: A lesson to good fellows). - I was there. I drank honey beer. (Children: It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth). - Here the fairy tale ends, (Children: whoever listened, well done).
- It is growing by leaps and bounds (Children: by leaps and bounds).
-Who lives in the mansion? (Children: Who doesn’t live in a high place?) - Soon the fairy tale will be told, (Children: But it won’t be done soon). - Well done! Now it's time for the second game. I will make wishes difficult riddles, and you think and guess them.
1. The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind.
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents. (Teremok. Fairy tale “Teremok”)2. Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears. Tale “Three Bears”)3. The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood.)
4. It was baked from flour,
It was freezing at the window.
Ran away from my grandparents
And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok.)
5. Geese-swans flew,
They wanted to take the children away.
What kind of tree stood
And he hid the guys from them? (Apple tree.)
6. I fly in a mortar,
I'm covering my tracks.
No miracles for the old lady
It's boring to live in a hut. (Baba Yaga.)
7. Little brother didn’t obey her
And then he turned into a kid,
When water comes from the hoof
On a hot day he decided to get drunk. (Alyonushka.)
8. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals.
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous -
This is the doctor... (Aibolit.)
- Well done boys! And you completed this task! Well, it's time to move to the last station. Let's take the STUPA FROM BABA YAGA again (Children sit down and make movements with their hands similar to the work of a janitor with a broom.) We flew to the next station. And it's called GAME.
- Guys, now we will be artists. We will show the fairy tale “Turnip”. To do this, let's remember how many heroes there are in this fairy tale, and who. (Children stage the fairy tale “Turnip”. If there is time left, the fairy tale is staged several times.) Summing up:
- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Today we once again visited the most famous Russian folk tales. Guys, what is the most wonderful thing about fairy tales? (In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil.)
- And in everyday life, Everyday life Is it necessary to treat people kindly? In life, too, good always triumphs over evil.
- Well done boys! You did a very good job today. It was pleasant and interesting for me to be with you. And those drawings that you made today are not the memory of our meeting today. Thanks everyone.
In a fairy tale you can ride on the moon,
And ride across the rainbow on a horse.
Make friends with a baby elephant
And catch the feather of the heat of the birds......

Target: the formation of a conscious, socially valuable attitude towards world holidays.


Enrich initial ideas about planet Earth, about the common holidays of the people who inhabit it, the events for which countries have become famous throughout the world;

Stimulate cognitive interest in the phenomena of planet Earth;

To develop skills in the practical application of information in gaming activities.

Equipment: projector, video letter, video and audio players, slides (or drawings) depicting a New Year tree, Peter I, Father Frost, Santa Claus, children in carnival costumes, the Olympic Games, rockets, Yu.A. Gagarin; board game “Discover the Planet”; audio recording of “Songs of the Baby Mammoth” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchy); ball.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, we received a video letter: “Hello, children of the senior group, Alyosha is asking you for help. In the summer I went to visit my grandmother and found an old, old book “Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the World” at her house. The book was tattered, without a cover, many pages were missing. I read several fairy tales and really liked them. But I could not read the “Tale of Unity” to the end, since it did not contain the page on which its end was printed. I took the book with me, read the beginning of the fairy tale to my friends, and we began to discuss together what the ending could be. Our opinions were divided, we even argued. And suddenly I remembered you guys and thought that you would help resolve our dispute, because I heard that you kindergarten read a lot of different fairy tales.

Listen to this tale.

“In ancient times, there lived a people who were friendly and friendly. He lived like good family: no hostility, no quarrels, no sadness. And on that land there were wonderful mighty forests, seas, mountains.

But then an evil black sorcerer decided to destroy all the beauty of the earth.

He began to think: how to do this? I thought and thought and came up with an idea: to set everyone at odds with each other.

The sorcerer crept up to the high mountains and began to whisper: “Mountains, and mountains, you are so big, beautiful, people admire you, artists paint you, poets write poems about you. But it turns out unfairly, you mountains are all made of stones. The stones made you this way. And who remembers them, who writes poems about stones, who admires them?”

The stones heard this and began to think. And then they became indignant - they believed the sorcerer: “We are the most important, if not for us, there would be no mountains.” So they began to separate and quarrel until all the mountains collapsed. There were no more high and mighty mountains on earth.

And the satisfied sorcerer went to the sea.

He came and began to whisper: “Sea, oh the sea, you are so beautiful, big, people paint you, they write songs about you, poets write poems about you! But this is unfair, sea, you are made of droplets. It was they, the droplets, who made you this way! And who even remembers them, who writes songs and poems about them? If it weren’t for the droplets, you wouldn’t exist, sea.”

The droplets heard this, thought about it, became dissatisfied, angry, began to quarrel and be indignant: “If it weren’t for us, there would be no sea! The sea is made up of us! We are so beautiful!”

They quarreled, quarreled, each began to admire herself, exposing herself to the rays of the sun. And the sea disappeared - it evaporated drop by drop.

The sorcerer rejoiced even more; he ran to the mighty forest.

“Forest, and forest,” he began to whisper with all his might, “you are so powerful, beautiful, strong. People admire you, they write poems and songs about you! But is this fair?! After all, you, forest, are made up of trees, and you, forest, would not exist!”

The trees heard this, made a noise, shook their branches, shook their leaves. There was a noise in the forest, and the leaves began to fall off prematurely. Meanwhile, each tree just began to think about itself, to expose itself to the sun. The trees intertwined their branches, their trunks bent - they quarrel, argue which of them is taller, better, older. The roots of the trees began to rot, and the soil began to hold them poorly. A strong wind came here and knocked down all the trees without difficulty. The mighty forest is gone.

The sorcerer was more delighted than ever - he decided to quarrel all the people. He hurried at the moment when people gathered in a big round dance...”

And that's where the page ended. The guys and I began to think, what happened next? Some guys believe that people living in different countries are so different, and a sorcerer could easily quarrel between them, just as he quarreled stones in a mountain, drops in the sea, trees in a forest. Other guys think that the sorcerer in this fairy tale could not quarrel between people.”

Guys, do you think the sorcerer in this fairy tale was able to quarrel with the whole people?

Children. No, because they lived like a friendly family, and in a friendly family they don’t quarrel.

Educator. Yes, guys, these people lived like a good family: without hostility, without quarrels, without sadness, they loved each other, respected each other, rejoiced together and celebrated holidays. All people on Earth have common holidays, which are called universal holidays. Why do you think people with different cultures have common holidays?

Children. All people love their children, parents, take care of nature, love to work and relax.

Educator. Right! No matter how different people are from each other, their culture has a lot in common: love for children and parents, respect for the elderly, respect for their traditions, the beauty of motherhood. All people of the Earth have equal rights to education, work and protection, and respect each other's rights. What world holidays do you know?

Children. New Year, Christmas, March Eighth, Mother's Day, Earth Day.

Educator. Guys, what holiday is considered the most important for all people living on Earth? All the children of the Earth love this holiday and look forward to it, learn songs, poems, prepare souvenirs and Christmas tree decorations!

Children. New Year.

A slide with a picture of a Christmas tree appears on the projector.

Educator. That's right, guys, for all people on Earth, New Year's Eve is a very an important event. Once upon a time, the great Roman Emperor Julius Caesar ordered the introduction new calendar according to which the New Year began to be celebrated

1st of January. Russia has long loved the New Year. But it did not always come on January 1st. At first, the New Year was celebrated in March. Then they began to celebrate it in September, after the harvest was harvested. Guys, which king in Russia issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1?

Children. Peter I.

A slide with an image of Peter I is projected onto the projector screen.

Educator. Right! Because at that time, in many countries with which Russia began to trade under Peter I, the New Year began at this time. What is customary to do for the New Year?

Children. Decorate the Christmas tree.

Educator. Why do they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? This custom was born not in our country, but among the inhabitants of England and Germany. In ancient times, people believed that various spirits were hidden in spruce trees. And to appease them, so that they next year didn’t do anything bad to people, they hung sweets and toys on it, and put it under a tree various gifts. People gathered in the forest around a decorated Christmas tree, lit bonfires around it and sang, had fun and danced. Later this custom was adopted by other peoples.

When Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, he also ordered to decorate the Christmas tree. At first the Russian people did not want to do this, but then they liked this custom. How do they decorate the Christmas tree in our country?

Children. Toys, nuts, gingerbread, apples, sweets.

Educator. In other countries, the Christmas tree is decorated with angel figures, candles, and stars.

Illustrations depicting a New Year tree appear on the screen.

Guys, who is the most long-awaited and dear guest at this holiday?

Children. Father Frost.

A slide with an image of Santa Claus is projected onto the projector screen.

Educator. Russian Father Frost is different from Santa Claus, who comes to New Year in America and England.

An image of Santa Claus appears on the projector screen.

Compare Father Frost and Santa Claus. How are they similar and how are they different?

Children. Santa Claus has a red one short coat, belt with buckle, red pants tucked into boots. At Santa Claus's long fur coat with a belt, in his hands - a staff. Santa Claus is carried by reindeer, and Father Frost arrives in a sleigh drawn by three horses.

Educator. Our Father Frost was at first an angry, grumpy, stern grandfather who brought the winter cold. But gradually he turned into good grandfather Frost. Why is he considered good?

Children. He brings gifts.

Educator. Yes, he comes to us on New Year's Eve with gifts, and who comes with Santa Claus?

Children. Snow Maiden.

Educator. Yes, Snegurochka is our Russian girl. It is not available in other countries. It was invented by the Russian people. When Father Frost and Snow Maiden come to visit, it becomes fun and joyful. Let's play a game.

Outdoor game "Santa Claus"

Children, together with their teacher, choose Santa Claus, who becomes the center of the circle formed by the children. The players dance in a circle and say:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

Overgrew the oak tree

Overgrew the oak tree

Brought a cartload of gifts.

Frosts are bitter,

The snow is loose,

Blizzard winds,

Blizzards are friendly.

The cold has set in,

A bridge was paved on the river.

After these words, the children run away, and Santa Claus catches them. The one he touches is considered frozen and stands motionless. Others can “unfreeze” it by touching it with their hand.

Educator. What fun you had playing! How do you celebrate the New Year?

Children. They wish each other a Happy New Year, set a festive table, dress up in costumes, launch rockets, light firecrackers, and make wishes.

Educator. Many nations have this custom: people wear carnival costumes so that illnesses and adversity do not recognize them, so that in the new year they begin to live in a new way.

Slides showing children in carnival costumes are shown.

What a wonderful New Year holiday!

There is another holiday; it is celebrated by people who love their home, their yard and garden, their native places, their Earth, and want to see them beautiful. What holiday is it?

Children. Earth Day.

Educator. That's right folks, it's Earth Day. People celebrate this holiday on April 22. In preparation for it, houses, streets, forests, and fields are put in order. How is this holiday celebrated?

Children. They glorify the Earth with songs and poems, urge everyone to take care of nature, and wish our planet many years of prosperity.

Educator. People love the Earth very much.

Educator. Let's continue our conversation about world holidays. Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries. How is it different from March 8?

Children. On Mother's Day, all people all over the Earth confess their love to their mothers.

Educator. Right! On Mother's Day, all people confess their love to their mothers.

Children. The most best word in the world - “mother”. The words “mother” and “mother” are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations. Let's all say quietly and tenderly: “Mom!”

Children carry out the building.

Educator. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands. Mom has the most sensitive and loyal heart, in which the fire of love for her children burns. Mother is a window to the big world. It helps you experience the beauty of your surroundings. Mother is the miracle of the world! Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from mother’s milk. Do you think your mothers love you?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Why do you think so?

Children. They take care of us, hug us, kiss us, play with us.

Educator. Listen to a poem that talks about how a mother loves her children.


Who loves you dearly, children?

Who loves you so tenderly,

Without closing my eyes at night,

Does everyone care about you?

- “Dear mom!”

Who rocks the cradle for you,

Who amuses you with a song?

Or tells a fairy tale

Who gives you toys?

- “Mom is golden!”

If you kids are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

As happens sometimes,

Who is shedding tears then?

- “She’s all dear!

Mommy is golden!”

A. Maikov

Educator. Guys, why do they say about mom that she is “golden”?

The teacher discusses with the children the ambiguous word “golden”: golden hands - hardworking, skillful.

What about the golden head?

Children. Smart.

Educator. Golden heart?

Children. Kind.

Educator. Let's play the game "Mommy".

Game "Mommy"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question, and he answers: “Mommy!”

Who came to me this morning?

Who said: “It’s time to get up?”

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured tea into the cup?

Who braided my hair?

Sweeped the whole house alone?

Who kissed me?

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

Educator. Guys, do you love your mothers?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Now listen to A. Mityaev’s story “Why I love my mother.”

The kindergarten teacher asked: “Why do you love your mother?” Petya's mother is a builder. He wanted to say: “For the fact that mother builds houses.” But he said nothing. Wouldn't he love her if she were a doctor? Zina wanted to say: “Because my mother cooks delicious dishes.” And she also remained silent. Mom went away one day, dad cooked delicious food, but the girl didn’t stop loving her mom even then. Then Galya stood up from her chair: “When I was in pain, my mother felt sorry for me, and I immediately felt better. I love my mom for this. - And I’m for it! - And I". It turned out that all children love their mothers for this.

What did the children's teacher ask? What did Petya want to tell you? What was Zina thinking? What did Galya say? What did the children decide? Why do you love your mothers?

The children answer.

Many songs have been written about our mothers in different languages ​​of the world, I suggest you listen to one of them.

An audio recording of “Songs of a Baby Mammoth” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchy) is played.

In the history of many countries there are events that everyone knows about; countries have become famous for them all over the world. What is Greece famous for?

Children. The Olympic Games began in Greece.

Educator. Right! Greece became famous for the fact that its inhabitants invented the Olympic Games three thousand years ago.

A slide depicting the Olympic Games in Greece is shown.

The Olympics were held every four years. The ancient Greeks competed among themselves in various competitions. What kind of competitions were these?

Children. Running, long jump, javelin throwing, horse racing, wrestling.

Educator. Yes, that's right, guys, but how were the winners awarded?

Sample answers from children: laurel wreaths.

That's right, the winners were awarded laurel wreaths, which were made from the leaves of the laurel tree. During the Olympic competitions in Ancient Greece, all wars and conflicts ceased, and peace reigned in all Greek territories, and those responsible for violating the “sacred truce” were subjected to severe punishment. The Olympic Games are still held today. Today they take place not only in Greece, but also in other countries, and representatives of different states participate in them. And countries that are at war are not allowed to Olympic Games. Over the years, new competitions have been added to the Games. And which ones, you will remember during the game.

Game "Olympics"

Leading(child) throws the ball to one of the children standing in a circle. The last one returns the ball, naming the sport.

Educator. Guys, what event in Russia made our country famous throughout the world?

A slide with a picture of the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, is shown.

Children. Yuri Gagarin's flight into space.

Educator. Guys, many years ago people on Earth did not know what was in space, but they really wanted to go there. And about a hundred years ago, a Russian scientist - Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - figured out how to do this. What did he invent to get into space?

Children. Rocket.

A slide with an image of a rocket is shown.

Educator. That's right, guys! Konstantin Eduardovich came up with a rocket, and then it was designed in our country. Who was the first to fly on a rocket?

Children. Dogs Belka and Strelka.

Educator. And then Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space. The rocket delivered spaceship into orbit, and he flew around the Earth. The flight lasted only an hour and a half. So our country, Russia, became famous for the fact that it was Russian people who were the first to go into space. Now we'll play a game.

Game "Discover the Planet"

The teacher shows the children a picture of different planets, and the children name them.

Educator. Nowadays, astronauts spend several months in space. An international space station has been built in orbit, where astronauts from different countries live and work. They speak to each other in Russian and English.

Astronauts from different countries, traveling around the Universe and contemplating our planet, were amazed by the picture that appeared before them from the depths of space. There were no boundaries, and everything seemed like a whole and indivisible world. This is what American astronaut D. Bartow said after the flight: “When I looked down, I saw a great river meandering for thousands of miles, flowing from country to country. I also saw vast forests stretching across the borders. I watched the ocean washing the shores of different continents. And as I looked down, two words came to mind: unity and interdependence. We are one world." The most important thing that unites all people is that we live on one planet called Earth. It must be protected, taken care of, preserved nature, culture, prevent hostility between peoples, respect history, live in peace and harmony, because the Earth is our common home. No wonder they say: “As long as we are united, we are invincible.” I propose to memorize the following quatrain.

We are a reflection of Nature,

We are part of Her, we are Beauty.

We have strength, intelligence, kindness,

There is light and the Highest principle within us.

V. Ashikov

Guys, do you think that in “The Tale of Unity” people were able to return forests, seas and mountains, their earthly beauty?

Children. Yes.

Educator. How did they manage to do this?

Children. Friendship helped them, they all asked them to come back, they promised them that they would all take care of them together.

Educator. How interesting you came up with the ending of “A Tale of Unity.” Many poems have been written about the friendship of people living on our planet. Listen to one of them.


Let's be

Be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky,

Like a field with a plow,

Like the wind with the sea,

Grass - with rains,

How the sun is friendly

With all of us!..

Let's be

To strive for this

So that they love us

Both the beast and the bird.

And they trusted

Everywhere to us

As the most faithful

To my friends!..

Let's be

Save the planet -

Throughout the Universe

There is no similar one.

Throughout the Universe

All alone,

What will it do

She is without us?..

I. Maznin

Educator. Guys, I recorded all your stories on a voice recorder. I think that they will help Alyosha and his friends resolve their dispute. I would like to end our lesson with a wonderful song.

Children sing the song “If everyone around you becomes friends” (music by E. Arkhipova, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky).

Target: formation of a respectful attitude towards family traditions.


To form differentiated ideas about “male” and “female” holidays, ways of congratulating each other;

Promote interest in family holidays;

Update the use of received information in gaming activities.

Equipment: newspapers familiar to children (local newspaper, kindergarten newspaper); illustrations depicting “male” and “female” holidays; photographs (dads in the uniform of soldiers - defenders of the Fatherland, mothers); printed board games “Gifts for grandfather, father, son”, “Gifts for grandmother, mother, daughter”; required material(pencils, paints, markers, colored paper, blanks, glue, various boxes, waste material) for making gifts for boys and girls; camera.

Educator. Guys, in our kindergarten there will be an exhibition of newspapers “Holidays in our family”. Each group has its own newspaper. We were also invited to take part in this exhibition. Let's remember what newspapers are.

Shows the children newspapers they know. The children call them.

What do they usually put in newspapers? And what can be done to make our newspaper interesting for everyone to watch and read?

Children. Draw something, write stories, remember and write down poems, select photographs, make appliqué, make and photograph crafts.

Educator. Well done, guys, you suggested everything correctly, but we need to publish a newspaper about “men’s” and “women’s” family holidays. And to make it interesting, beautiful and meaningful, I suggest you remember everything you know about “men’s” and “women’s” family holidays. Guys, listen to the poem and tell me what holiday it is about.

There is a date special significance -

Birthday of the brave sons.

All Russian people on this date

Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier.

What holiday is this poem about?

Children. About Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Children's answers are accompanied by a display of illustrations depicting this holiday. Illustrations are placed on the board.

Educator. Whose holiday is this?

Children. This is a holiday for all men and boys - future men.

Educator. Guys, let's look at your family photos and find photos of your dads when they served in the army.

Children choose photos and place them on the board.

Guys, what does the word “defender” mean? Does it only apply to those who serve in the military?

Children. A defender is someone who takes care of his family, does not upset them, and protects them.

Educator. That's right, guys, not only those who serve in the army can be called defenders. A protector is any boy or man who takes care of his family and loved ones. A real man in the family does not upset loved ones, protects them from worries and troubles. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, all men in the family are honored.

How is this holiday celebrated?

Children. They give gifts and prepare food.

Educator. That's right, guys, on this holiday they prepare a festive meal and give gifts. How many of you know poems about how to prepare for this holiday?


This morning I asked my mother:

What kind of holiday has come to us,

Why is everyone having fun

Are you preparing a festive table?

Dad in a new shirt

Grandfather put on all the orders!

You were near the oven yesterday

Did you work late?

Congratulations on this holiday

All men from all over the country.

After all, they are responsible for that,

So that there is no war!

Educator. To remember what gifts can please men on this holiday, I suggest playing a game.

Game “Gifts for Grandpa, Dad, Son”

The game uses a punch card. It is an A4 sheet with images on different sides and a rectangle cut out in the center. The child, completing the task, places a sheet of paper under the punched card, on which a boy, a young and Old man and gifts that can be given to them. For a boy - toys (cars, construction sets), books, badges, sports equipment. For young man- watches, razor, games (chess, checkers), cologne, for the elderly - books, scarves, gloves, umbrellas. You need to draw lines of different colors and connect with them the images of each of the three men with the gifts that will please them. During the task, a discussion is held.

Educator. What gifts do you think boys can enjoy?

Children. Toys, books, ball, skates.

Educator. That's right, boys are given toys (cars, construction sets), books about exploits and adventures, badges, sports equipment (sticks, skates, balls). What gifts are given to young men?

Children. Watch, razor, chess, checkers.

Educator. Guys, what gifts do you give to older men?

Children. Books, scarves, gloves, umbrellas.

Educator. What holiday is the following poem talking about?

All the flowers of spring and summer,

The joy of sunshine

Today we bring into the house -

We give it to grandma and mother...

Happy Women's Day!

Children's answers are accompanied by a display of illustrations depicting this holiday placed on the board.

Educator. Yes, on March 8, every family celebrates International Women's Day. On this day, everyone congratulates mothers, grandmothers, sisters and everyone, all women. Mom is the most understandable word on Earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages. How much warmth this word contains. Let's say it kindly.

Children complete the task.

Go to the table and find a photo of your mother, press it to your heart.

Children hold photographs of their mothers.

Mom, mom, there is no one more beautiful than you,

Mom, mom, you are like the sun on a stormy day.

To my dear mother I confess my love,

I smile more and more often at my dear mother.

Let's smile at our mothers and place their photographs on the board where there are pictures depicting the March 8 holiday. Every mother has a mother, and every father has a mother - these are your grandmothers. They also love you very much, take care of you, tell you fairy tales, and prepare delicious treats. Listen to a poem about grandmothers.

I remember my childhood with fairy tales,

Your best years

Grandmother sowed with gentle caress

Seeds of pure love.

Dear, kind grandmothers!

You are the roots that preserve life.

Bow down to them, red maiden,

Bow down to their feet.

Be kinder and more cordial to your family

In the memory of distant roads,

Remember that the roots, living and eternal,

The young sprout is cherished.

Composers have written many songs about grandmothers. Let's sing one of them.

Children sing a song about their grandmother.

On this holiday, men are especially attentive to women. How do they pay attention to them on this day?

Children. They prepare a festive table, buy flowers, make gifts.

Educator. But we will remember during the game what gifts are given to women and girls on this day.

Game “Gifts for grandmother, mother, daughter”

The game uses a punch card. It depicts a girl, young and elderly women and gifts that can be given to them. For girls - toys (dolls), jewelry (ribbons, hairpins), sports equipment (hoops, balls, jump ropes), books. For young women - cosmetics (powder, lipstick, nail polish), dishes, jewelry (chains, beads, bracelets, earrings), household appliances (coffee grinders, mixers). For older women - books, blankets, shawls. You need to connect with lines of different colors the images of the girl and each of the women with those gifts that will please them and will be pleasant to them. During the task, a discussion is held.

Educator. Well done, guys, you told everything correctly about family holidays, selected postcards for our newspaper, and remembered poems. We talked about what to give to men and women. But you can also make gifts with your own hands. What can you and I make and put in our newspaper?

Children. Drawings, applications, crafts.

Educator. Go to the tables and select the required material. Girls will prepare gifts for boys, and boys - for girls.

Pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, colored paper, blanks, glue, various boxes, and waste materials are laid out on the tables. Children make crafts and draw. When the gifts are ready, they divide them into two groups: for girls and boys. The teacher takes pictures of them for the newspaper.

Thank you guys for your help! I think that we will get a wonderful newspaper that will delight parents, children and kindergarten staff.

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students"

"Holiday in our lives"

Lesson notes

Marsenko Natalya Nikolaevna

additional education teacher

Place of work:

MBOU secondary school No. 14


Plan - lesson notes

on extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson duration: 1 hour 30 min

Age of students: 8-10 years

Year of study: first

Program section: decorative and applied arts

Lesson topic: Holiday in our lives

Type of lesson: learning new material

Type of activity– mixed (conversation, research, practical work)

Methodological goal: disclosure of the experience of conducting a class on making work using the Isothread technique.

Lesson objectives: manufacturing New Year's decoration using the Isothread technique.

Educational: creating your own product based on the studied technology,

acquiring knowledge of simple product design.

Educational: formation of an idea of ​​techniques for stylizing natural forms in decorative and applied arts.

Educational: formation of the meaning of a holiday in a person’s life, interaction skills in a team.

Material support:

Technical support: TSO – multimedia.

Software security: Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word

Didactic material:

visual materials: scheme “Filling corners”, scheme “Harmonious color combinations;

demo materials: “Filling Corners” samples;

Handout: colored cardboard, thin paper, pencils; templates, hand needles, scissors, different types thread, glue, tape, ruler, compass, backing, awl or pin, tables, beads, sequins, bugles, braid.

Intersubject and intrasubject connections: environment, history, art, mathematics, drawing, technology.

Teaching methods: informative, visual, practical work.

Forms of work: individual, work in groups.

Preliminary work:

    Production of isothread samples,

    Drawing up a technological map,

    "Difficulties and Hints"

    Compiling a crossword puzzle “Isothread”,

    Card “Make a plan for your work”

    Preparation of templates - forms “Santa Claus Bag”, “Mitten”, “Snow Maiden Hat”, “ New Year's boot", "Snowflake",

    Preparation of presentations “Make a plan for your work”, “Filling the corner”, “Decorating the room for the holiday”.

    Drawing up a Memo for Parents “Implementation Christmas tree decorations with kids" (Appendix 9).

    Find out for students whether their parents made decorations for the Christmas tree in their childhood and, if possible, bring them to class if the work has been preserved.

Planned results:


realize the significance of a holiday in a person’s life,

create your own product based on a given technology and given samples, be able to select materials and tools to make the product,

select threads in depending on the nature of the work and the type of product,

decorate the product;


- regulatory :

targeting successful activities,

be able to express your assumption (version) based on working with text and illustrations

ability to evaluate the correctness of an action, control, correction.
the ability to evaluate the significance and meaning of activities for oneself and the team,
the ability to adequately perceive assessments;

- educational :

relationship with nature,

understanding the algorithm for making a product based on designing a product from various materials,

ability to identify essential information from given material.

The student first examines the sample, analyzes its constructive structure, and implementation techniques. Then the task becomes more complicated, and he models the object himself, chooses the base and the color of the thread. You can choose the shape and complexity of the design.

When conducting classes with students aged 6-7 years, the proposed material can be divided into several parts according to the length of time (in accordance with Sanitary Regulations).

Things to consider:

    Correlate the dimensions of the work shape and the edge of the circle, since when piercing and stitching points, the cardboard can be torn (the needle goes through some points several times).

    External lines have a maximum distance between points - 5 mm (marking distances greater than 5 mm are allowed only inside the circle).

    Students can independently reduce or increase the number of dots on the template.

    When marking a circle on a large number of segments, you can use a compass to mark points inside the circle.

    When decorating a product with various materials, do not overload the work, as the isona thread may get “lost.”

For first-year students, templates with markings of dots are prepared by the teacher; second-year students prepare them independently.

The choice of the complexity of the product is up to the student, since filling out the segments (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 24, etc.) of the circle is not difficult for children.

In the process of completing the task (at the beginning of practical work), students hone their skills with drawing tools, since accurate marking is a prerequisite for the Isothread technique.

But there may be a drop of ointment in the ointment. After the student has secured the threads with tape, the thread may accidentally jump out from under the tape onto the front side of the work.

To avoid this, you must first tie the threads into a knot and then seal it with tape.

Lesson summary :

    students making Christmas tree decorations ( Christmas ball, New Year's boot, bag with gifts, Santa Claus's mitten and Snow Maiden's hat, snowflake), with a minimum of funds used;

    collective decoration of the school Christmas tree.

Thus, the successful achievement of the goal of the lesson can be facilitated by: taking into account the gender composition of the group, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren, and the characteristics of cognitive processes.

Didactic material for the lesson


Order of operations

Operation sketch

Materials and tools

Workplace organization

Ruler, compass, pencil, scissors, thread, needles, beads, sequins, braid

Ability to organize workplace

Using a compass, draw a circle on the wrong side of the cardboard, d = 7.5 cm

Cardboard, compass

Ability to work with a compass

Cut out a circle with an allowance (if you are making a snowflake to paste onto the background)

Cardboard, scissors

Work skill


Selecting a snowflake pattern using samples

The ability to compose a composition based on a model, in accordance with one’s own plan

Marking the circle

Ruler, pencil

Ability to use a ruler to mark points

Punching holes

Backing, awl or pin

Ability to work with sharp objects

Threading the needle

70 cm thread per segment, needle

Ability to measure thread length

We lay out the pattern with threads

Threads, needle

Ability to work accurately with paper and threads

We fasten the ends of the threads on the wrong side

Ability to tie threads correctly

We decorate the product

Threads, beads, sequins, needle

Ability to combine various materials when performing one product

Decorating the wrong side

Glue, paper

Cutting out a snowflake

Work skill


We trace the template or draw (who knows how to draw)

Ability to use tools (pencil and eraser) in practical work

Glue the snowflake onto the selected shape

Attach a loop

Ability to use glue carefully


Appendix No. 1

Questions from a young technologist



students find independently or with the help of a teacher

What will I do?

What materials and tools will I need for the job?

Is it necessary to repeat the safety rules?

Why will I make this product?

How will I get the job done? In what ways?

What will I do first, what will I do next?

Will I like this job?

Question 7 must be answered at the debriefing stage

Appendix No. 2

Card "Find correct sequence»

(need to be cut into sentences)

I choose a snowflake design.

We outline the template or draw (who knows how to draw) a boot, mitten, etc.

Organization of the workplace.

Using a compass, draw a circle on the wrong side of the cardboard.

I'm marking a circle.

Cutting a circle with an allowance.

I place the cardboard on the backing and pierce holes with an awl or pin.

I thread the needle.

On the wrong side I secure the ends of the threads with tape.

I draw a pattern with threads.

Decorating the wrong side (gluing with white paper).

Attach a loop.

Glue the snowflake onto the chosen shape.

We decorate with beads and sequins.

Cut out a snowflake.

Appendix No. 3


5 segments 24 segments

5 segments 8 segments

16 segments 6 segments

12 segments 16 segments

Appendix No. 4

Harmonious color combination

Combine harmoniously colors of the same tone ,

located in close proximity to each other on the color wheel.

Successfully combine 2 colors, which form90 degree angle to each other.

Appendix No. 5

Filling corners

Unusual compositions using the isothread technique can be created using the “circle filling” technique. The circle can be divided into any number of equal parts and each of them can be filled separately according to the principle of filling corners. Let's look at a few examples.

1. A circle divided into 5 parts. Each part is filled starting from the center (Fig. 1). The chord on which the inner, unfilled circle depends determines in in this case petal size. The larger it is, the shorter and narrower the petal; the further from the middle of the arc, the wider and larger it is.

2. A circle divided into six parts. The chord is drawn from the center of the circle to the middle of the arc. Filling also begins from the center (Fig. 2).

3. A circle divided into 7 parts. Only two sides of each part are filled, and the arc is left unfilled (Fig. 3).

4. A circle divided into 8 parts. Only fill the arc and one of the sides of the part (Fig. 4).

5. A circle divided into 20 or more parts. The chord is drawn from the center of the circle to the middle of the arc (as in example 2). By increasing the number of parts, the distance between the segments decreases (Fig. 5).

Thus, it is clear that by increasing (decreasing) the number of parts in the circle, the distance between the segments and the segments themselves, truly fantastic patterns can be made (Fig. 6).

Scheme "Filling corners"

Appendix No. 6


Appendix No. 7

Difficulties and tips

    it is difficult to thread a needle - a device for threading a needle,

    make a knot - help from a neighbor or teacher,

    the thread gets tangled - pull it back and try to unravel it,

    the length of the thread has great importance- it should be enough to fill one corner,

    a needle fell on the floor - pick up a magnet,

    if you need to lengthen the thread, fasten it from the wrong side and insert a new thread from the wrong side onto the face, or tie a new one to the end of the old thread and continue working,

    If there is an error in the sequence of stitches, carefully return the needle to the previous holes.

    At the beginning and at the end of work, secure the thread with tape,

    deformation of the cardboard - do not tighten the thread too much,

    the pattern is unclear - the thread tension is too loose,

    the thread is bristling - the thread tension is too loose,

    The holes in the cardboard are large - we decorate them with beads, sequins, beads, bugles.

Appendix No. 8

Reflection “Smile”

Application 9

Memo for parents

"Performance Christmas decorations with kids"

Preliminary work:

    availability of materials,

    workplace preparation,

    musical arrangement.

If there are younger children in the family, they are not left out:

    draw with felt-tip pens

For children with disabilities, you can simplify the process of making work:

    trace the template onto colored cardboard,

    cut along the contour (adults help),

    cut out decorations from foil,

    finely cut the tinsel,

    glue is applied to the base with a brush and decorations are glued,

    A loop of tape is glued to the wrong side.


Appendix No. 1

Crossword "Isothread"

    At the needlewoman's
    Always held in high esteem -
    The thing is one-handed,
    Steel toe,
    And the tail is linen (needle and thread).

    Kulik is not big,
    He tells the whole hundred:
    Then sit down and study,
    Then get up, go away (school bell).

    The cups are white on the stem,
    They contain threads and shirts (cotton).

    On one pit -
    One hundred pits with a pit (thimble).

    Experienced tool -
    Not big, not small.
    He has a lot of worries:
    He cuts and shears (scissors).

    I'll walk around a little hot,
    And the sheet will become smooth.
    I can fix any problems
    And draw arrows on the trousers (iron).

    At the needlewoman's
    Always at work
    Five brothers
    Equal for years
    Different heights (fingers).

Appendix No. 2

Historical reference

As an art form, thread drawing first appeared in England. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads; they drove nails into boards in a certain sequence and pulled the threads over them. The result was openwork, lace products that were used to decorate the home

or another version:

English researcher and mathematician, author of a series of books, one of which, “Preparing a Child to Perceive Science” (1904), was very popular. Thread filling technique various forms Mary Everest Boule was invented to help children learn geometry.

Appendix No. 3

Questions from a young technologist



if necessary

State budgetary educational institution
middle School of General education
With. Alekseevka "Educational Center"
Methodological development of extracurricular activities of intellectual direction in 1st grade
(author’s course “On the roads of fairy tales”)
Game – journey “Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales”
Author: Golovacheva Galina Viktorovna,
primary school teacher of the highest category
2012 – 2013 academic year
The lesson is conducted in the form of a journey using games, riddles and theatrical performances. The lesson introduces children to one of the genres of folklore - a folk tale. Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and creativity. The material can be used in class and in extracurricular activities.
An interactive whiteboard is used during the lesson.
Topic: Russian folk tales.
Goal: developing children's understanding of the diversity of Russian folk tales.
Lesson Objectives
Developmental tasks:
1. Expand children's horizons and enrich their vocabulary.
2. Develop children's acting abilities and attentiveness.
3. Develop the ability to competently, expressively express your thoughts, logical thinking, and train your memory.
Training tasks:
1.Remember the famous Russian folk tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Ryaba the Hen”.
2.Ensure a holistic perception and understanding of the text.
3. Teach short retelling and creative retelling.
4. To develop children’s knowledge about one of the genres of folklore – folk tales.
Educational tasks:
1. To develop communication skills to work in groups.
2. Using the example of fairy tale heroes to develop a sense of responsibility for their friends, a desire to come to the rescue in difficult times.
3. Foster a love for the literary heritage of the Russian people.
4. Through fairy tales, educate children in the best human qualities: honesty, loyalty, kindness, sense of camaraderie.
5. Through elements of theatricalization, give children the opportunity to express their feelings, emotions, and fantasies.
1. Slide presentation.
2. Musical accompaniment (phonogram).
3. Pictures – coloring pages for fairy tales for children’s individual work.
4. Sets of colored pencils.
5. Interactive whiteboard.

(The phonogram sounds, to which the teacher begins a lesson on extracurricular activities)
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s not there...
Only thousands of roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk?
Or rush from where,
Only where a fairy tale should be,
A miracle will happen there...
(I open the “curtain” on the interactive board) The first slide is the title “Game - a journey through fairy tales.”
- Guys, today we will go to Irga - a journey through fairy tales. On our way there will be several stations - stops. All of them are difficult; intricate tasks await us. And we will not be traveling quite normally, but using fabulous transport. The first to help us out is the AIRPLANE CARPET (children stand near their tables, spread their arms to the sides, and make smooth movements, simulating an airplane). Well, good luck!
- Guys, now I will read excerpts from fairy tales. The whole point is that they, these passages, will not be entirely ordinary, they will be poetic. Can you guess what kind of fairy tales these are:
1) Grandmother and Grandfather lived amicably,
Together they planted turnips.
She grew up big
Height - up to the roof of the house!
The width is half a city!
The turnip will soon ripen
But they don’t know how to get it out!
Very round sides
The hand is missing.
A thought dawned on Grandfather,
I'll pull the turnip by the tail!
Grandfather grabbed the turnip.
Pulls and pulls -
He can’t pull it out!
No, nothing happened!
I should call again
At least someone to help.
The turnip was very tasty
Once she sat firmly in the ground.
Grandma! Throw your pancakes
And come out quickly
Help me pull the turnip!
Grandma for Grandfather,
Grandfather for the turnip.
Pull-pull -
They can't pull it out! (TURNIP)
2) Kva-kva!..
I'm alone in the little house.
Although it’s not very damp around,
What a nice apartment!
There is a stove and firewood here,
And a cauldron and a frying pan.
What a find, what a find!
Before dinner bye
I'll kill the worm.
Only the frog lit the light,
The little mouse knocked.
What kind of tower is this?
He is not low, not high,
Not tall.
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
I, frog frog.
And who are you?
And I am a little mouse.
Let me into the house
We will live together with you.
We'll get some ripe grains,
We will bake pancakes with you.
So be it, perhaps go home.
It's more fun to live together! (TEREMOK)
3) Once upon a time there lived a woman and her grandfather.
Empty cabbage soup at lunch
Ate with a piece of bread,
And there’s a pie or a cheesecake,
It was painfully sweet
Even tea and then at a glance.
But one Saturday
Grandfather heard through his drowsiness
A woman's voice, with amazement.
- On Holy Sunday
I'll bake a bun.
I'll look for a little torment,
According to the bottoms of the litter -
I'll invent something. (BONK)
4) Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
Together with the hen Ryaba,
There's only one chicken
And she laid an egg.
But the egg is not easy,
Like the sun - golden!
His grandfather first beat him,
This way and that I didn’t break it,
Baba beat him too
This way and that, it didn’t break.
The mouse ran across the table
She hurried to her hole,
The tail touched the egg,
It fell to the floor
And when the egg fell, it broke,
And it fell apart.
Grandfather and woman are sitting, crying,
The pockmarked hen clucks,
Don't cry grandma
Don't cry grandpa
I'll tell you tomorrow at lunchtime
I'll lay another egg,
Not golden, but simple. (POF CHICKEN)
5) Early in the morning I went into the forest
Get some weed for strength
Pull up, Mother Goat,
Sternly saying:
- “Don’t open the door for a wolf.”
And calmly wait for mom.”
Children - seven kids
They don't want to sit quietly.
Having fun, restless ones,
They gallop noisily, there is no sweetness.
At that time along the forest path
A hungry forest animal was walking.
The wolf realized - the goat is not at home,
The situation is familiar!
I'll eat kids and I'll be full,
I'm a wolf - a forest bandit!
Knocked on the door with his claws -
“I could have taken it off its hinges!”
He himself wheezes affectionately
He tells the children a fairy tale:
“Mom the goat has come,
I brought you some milk.” (THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN YOUNG GOATS)
- Guys, why do you think the fairy tale is called “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”? (Because the main characters of the fairy tale are seven little goats)
- There is an illustration in front of you, how many kids should there be on it?
- Let's check if the artist made a mistake when he painted? (Together with the children, we count the kids in chorus, the teacher “numbers” the kids on the interactive board, there are seven of them).
- Did the artist do everything right?
- Well done boys! You know fairy tales very well, because even with such a difficult task you completed it very quickly!
- We continue our journey. Now BOOTS - SPEEDWALKERS will carry us (the children sit down and quietly stomp with their half-bent legs, waving their arms as if walking). On our way is the next station: ARTISTIC station
- Now we’ll find out if you can recognize the heroes of fairy tales? I will show illustrations, and you tell me what fairy tale it is from. (I show coloring books - drawings with fairy tale characters, the children answer what fairy tale he is from, I distribute them to the children).
- Look, here (on the interactive board) the artist also left a drawing. Guys, what fairy tale is he from? (BALL).
- Why did you decide so? (In the illustration, the main character of this fairy tale is KOLOBOK).
- Guys, the illustrations you looked at are not colorful. The artist apparently did not have time to paint them. Shall we help him? (Children are given illustrations - coloring books that need to be colored. 5 minutes are allotted to complete the work.) (ON THE INTERACTIVE BOARD WE COLOR THE BAND, GRASS, CLOUDS, PATH. At the same time, work is going on in the field, the children color the illustrations offered to them.) (Upon completion of the work: demonstrating to each other the received drawings. Children, sitting in their places, show their works with their arms outstretched)
- Well done boys! We tried our best! It's time to continue our journey. Now we will fly on BABA YAGA’S STUPA (Children sit down and make movements with their hands similar to the work of a janitor with a broom.)
- Well, here we are! In front of us is the SKOROGOVORNAYA station. What has she prepared for us? We all travel and draw. Our arms, our legs, our backs are not tired. But the tongue in my mouth is already bored. Now he too will receive the task. Guys, who knows what tongue twisters are? (These are phrases that need to be pronounced quickly and correctly).
(I draw the children’s attention to the interactive board; on the next slide there is a selection of tongue twisters, I point to one of them, tick it, and say that I really like it.)
_But, for you guys, I have prepared several other tongue twisters. Let's try to say them quickly - quickly! Now we'll see which of you has a tongue that will do the job perfectly.
- The crow missed the crow.
- The chicken is worried, don’t scare the chicken.
- The Christmas tree has pins and needles.
- From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
- What a great fellow you are, guys! Well, let's proceed to the next station. Our AIRPLANE CARPET is bored with nothing to do, let's fly on it (children stand near their tables, spread their arms to the sides, and make smooth movements, simulating an airplane).
- And here is the next station POEM. Now we will try to remember songs and poems from famous Russian folk tales. (I draw the children’s attention to the next slide)
1. What song did KOLOBOK sing?
I'm sweeping boxes,
Scratching the bottom of the barrel,
Yarn in raw oil,
It's cold at the window;
I left my grandfather
I left my woman
And I will run away from you.
- Find this hero on the slide. Check the box. (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
2. With what words did EMELYA from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” ask the pike to fulfill his desire?
At the behest of the pike, at my will...
-Where is he in the picture? Mark! ((Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
3. What song did the GOAT sing to her kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”?
Little goats, guys!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came and brought milk;
Milk runs down the drain,
From the notch up to the hoof,
From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!
- Where is this fairy tale? Check it out! (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
4. What did MASHA say to the BEAR from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” when the bear wanted to sit on a tree stump?
See see!
Don't sit on the tree stump
Don't eat the pie!
Bring it to grandma
Bring it to grandpa.
- Find a hero. Check it out! (Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero).
5. How did IVANUSHKA the FOOL from the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” call SIVKA-BURKA?
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
- Find a hero! Check it out! ((Children go to the board and complete the teacher’s task, marking the mentioned hero). - Well done! You know fairy tales, their heroes and even the phrases they say well. And now again - on the road! We put on BOOTS - SPEEDWALKERS again (children sit down and They stomp quietly with their half-bent legs, waving their arms as if walking.) On our way is the next station: REBUSNAYA station.
- What are we going to do here?
- Now we'll play. But this will not be an ordinary game. Now you and I will need to perform probably the most difficult task. We have two games waiting for us. The first game is called: CONNECT THE HALVES.” Listen carefully to the rules of the game: there are a lot of phrases in fairy tales that are known to everyone. I will say the first part of the phrase, and you remember and finish it, pronouncing its ending. So, let's start!
- A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. (Children: A lesson to good fellows). - I was there. I drank honey beer. (Children: It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth). - Here the fairy tale ends, (Children: whoever listened, well done).
- It is growing by leaps and bounds (Children: by leaps and bounds).
-Who lives in the mansion? (Children: Who doesn’t live in a high place?) - Soon the fairy tale will be told, (Children: But it won’t be done soon). - Well done! Now it's time for the second game. I will ask complex riddles, and you think and guess them.
1. The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind.
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents. (Teremok. Fairy tale “Teremok”)2. Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears. Tale “Three Bears”)3. The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood.)
4. It was baked from flour,
It was freezing at the window.
Ran away from my grandparents
And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok.)
5. Geese-swans flew,
They wanted to take the children away.
What kind of tree stood
And he hid the guys from them? (Apple tree.)
6. I fly in a mortar,
I'm covering my tracks.
No miracles for the old lady
It's boring to live in a hut. (Baba Yaga.)
7. Little brother didn’t obey her
And then he turned into a kid,
When water comes from the hoof
On a hot day he decided to get drunk. (Alyonushka.)
8. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals.
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous -
This is the doctor... (Aibolit.)
- Well done boys! And you completed this task! Well, it's time to move to the last station. Let's take the STUPA FROM BABA YAGA again (Children sit down and make movements with their hands similar to the work of a janitor with a broom.) We flew to the next station. And it's called GAME.
- Guys, now we will be artists. We will show the fairy tale “Turnip”. To do this, let's remember how many heroes there are in this fairy tale, and who. (Children stage the fairy tale “Turnip”. If there is time left, the fairy tale is staged several times.) Summing up:
- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Today we once again visited the most famous Russian folk tales. Guys, what is the most wonderful thing about fairy tales? (In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil.)
- And in ordinary, everyday life, is it necessary to treat people kindly? In life, too, good always triumphs over evil.
- Well done boys! You did a very good job today. It was pleasant and interesting for me to be with you. And those drawings that you made today are not the memory of our meeting today. Thanks everyone.
In a fairy tale you can ride on the moon,
And ride across the rainbow on a horse.
Make friends with a baby elephant
And catch the feather of the heat of the birds......

Open event for extracurricular activities

Vakutina Tatyana Vasilievna

Topic: Types of theatrical art. "Holidays in our lives"

Developmental tasks:

    Develop the ability to convey simple dialogues in dramatization; adjust the timbre and strength of your voice; practice intonation expressiveness of speech;

    develop speech activity;

    develop acting skills as an art;

    self confidence,

    expression of personal attitude towards what was read during the reading process (emotional coloring, intonation, reading rhythm).

    develop the ability to orally review the expressive reading of underclassmen, reading of actors.

Educational tasks:

    Practice behavioral skills during open events;

    cultivate friendly relationships;

    instill interest in folk art;

    cultivate artistic taste;

    image presentation culture;

to form an interest in theatrical creativity and its activities.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, task cards, tickets, masks, caps.

Org. moment.


My dear students, I am glad to see you again in our “Theater Workshop” class! We have guests today, look at them, smile. And may our lesson be held in a good mood.

Dear guests, we invite you to the next lesson of the “Theater Workshop”, the participants of which are students of the 4th “A” class. We tried to turn our classroom into a theater. We have a stage, stalls, gallery.

But in order to determine the topic of the lesson, you need to buy tickets for you guys and for our guests (open keywords).

Guess the riddles.

Sometimes a king, sometimes a jester,
Beggar or king
It will help to become, for example,
Theatrical… (dresser)

He leads everyone
Thinks, runs, screams!
He inspires actors
The whole performance is controlled by
Like an orchestra conductor,
But it's called... (director)

The performance was a great success
And the audience is all happy!
Special ovation for the artist
For colorful... (Scenery)

He walks around the stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries!
At least he will portray someone, -
He will amaze everyone with his skill!
And it has been around for a long time
Type of profession -... (actor)

If you want to become different, -
Call for help... (makeup)

What word did you get? In a highlighted line?

Children: Theater.

Have you looked at the screen and try to determine the second keyword of today's lesson?


Teacher: How did you guess?

From the highest column to the lowest. (The key word is posted on the board)

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the word “Holiday”?

Children's answers.

Teacher: I summarize, we read on the petals: “A holiday is: “games, joy, entertainment, celebration.” Well, now let’s read what definition our dictionaries give.

A holiday is a day of joy, celebration of something.

So our definition was correct? Let's praise ourselves (applause).

Please tell me what you expect from the holidays.

Children's answers.

Teacher: I generalize: laughter, fun, mood, jokes.

And so it’s a HOLIDAY, but what should a holiday be like?

Children's answers.

What season? Is the holiday approaching?

Children's answers.

And you and I are a family, so what kind of holiday can it be?

Children: Family.

Here we have purchased TICKETS for you and our guests.

Pay attention to the board, what did we get? Formulate the topic of our lesson.

I generalize: Topic: Types of theatrical art. "Holidays in our lives"

Teacher: Dear guys, guests, parents, today we are holding an open event on extracurricular activities “Theater Workshop”. And today we will show you some techniques, exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of children’s speech, the development of mental activity, and the development of creative imagination. Today you will be able to show your creative potential: you will act as actors, as experts, and as listeners. And the most important thing is that all these skills will be simply necessary in life.

Teacher: So, let's begin. First problematic question:

What is diction and do we need it?(Diction - pronunciation; there can be bad and good. Good diction is very necessary so that everyone understands each other, especially good diction is needed by announcers, artists, speakers, teachers)

Let's work on diction: And since Mother's Day is approaching, we will connect all the tasks with this holiday.

MA-MA-MA - I myself.

MA-MA-MA – I do everything myself.

WE-WE-WE - We are waiting for winter.

MI-MI-MI - Take my hand.

MO-MO-MO - We're going to the cinema.

Competition “Say the Word”
The word hid somewhere

The word is hidden and waiting.
Let the guys find me.

Come on, who will find me?

Some people have blue cards on their tables. You need to clearly pronounce each sound, read what is written there, and the whole class name this word in unison.

Mom, dad, brother and me -
That's my whole... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed the dishes ourselves.
We washed the dishes ourselves -
Helped our... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden,
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our... (mother)

These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother’s box….(beads)

Mom's ears sparkle,
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
Drops and crumbs turn silver

Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is... (frying pan)

He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss.
Boils quickly...(kettle)

This is a dish for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into plates….(soup)

Now tell me in unison:

There is no one more dear to her in the world,
Fairer and kinder.
I'll tell you straight away, friends -
The best in the world...

What affectionate name do we call mom?

Children: Mommy.

Now after each of my phrases, all together, clearly pronouncing the word MOMMY.

Who came to you this morning? (Mommy!)

Who said “It’s time to get up!” (Mommy!)

Who managed to cook the porridge? (Mommy!)

Who poured tea into the cup? (Mommy!)

Who braided the pigtails? (Mommy!)

Swept the whole house by yourself? (Mommy!)

Who kissed you? (Mommy!)

Who as a child loves laughter? (Mommy!)

Who is the best in the world? (Mommy!)

    Let's work on breathing:

"The Blizzard Howls"

Task: develop speech breathing, voice strength, and the ability to change it at the right time.

Equipment: subject picture “Blizzard”, audio recording of a blizzard at the beginning, at its height, at the end.

Description. An adult shows the children a picture, explaining what a blizzard is (this is a strong wind with snow), and lets them listen to the sound of a blizzard, when it begins, when it is strongest and when it subsides.

Then, at the adult’s signal, “The blizzard is starting,” they quietly imitate its sound: ooh, “Strong blizzard” - change the strength of their voice to loud (but not screaming), “The blizzard subsides” - again change the strength of their voice to quiet, “Blizzard passed” - they fall silent.

Before starting the game, children take a deep breath through their nose. The air taken should be enough for them to say “The blizzard has passed.”


Spring has come. But winter doesn't want to go away. She gets angry, sends blizzards and blizzards. The blizzard howls: ooh-ooh. The wind whistles: s-s-s-s. The wind bends the trees: sh-sh-sh-sh. But then the blizzard began to subside. (Repeat the same, only quieter). And she fell silent.

"On the seashore"

Imagine yourself on the seashore. Close eyes. Hear the wave running: ssss. Sand is pouring down: s-s-s-s. The wind sings a song: s-s-s-s. And the sand scatters: s-s-s-s.

Let's work in pairs, each pair must say the same phrase or a familiar passage from a poem (on yellow cards)

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Teacher: Guys, do you know what intonation is?? (to intonate - to pronounce with some intonation; with the help of intonation we can express our attitude to the subject of speech, highlight the necessary words...)

Exercise: Say any phrase or line from the work being studied with a joyful, sad, affectionate, angry, playful and serious, mocking, approving intonation.

Mom, I got a bad grade

Some guys have prepared poems about their mother, let's listen to them:

I love you, mom, for what - I don’t know

Probably because I breathe and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun,

And a bright day.

For this, I love you, dear,

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom, you -

My best friend.

I don't know any other word.

To so caress the ear.

I'll repeat it again and again

This is the word we first taught.

We live with this word until death,

And when the clouds gather,

We'll definitely call mom

Mom, my dear mother.

The most faithful and loving friend

I feel with all my heart,

The warmth of your gentle hands.

These hands led me

from childhood to adulthood.

These hands protected me.

From illnesses and blows of fate.

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

This is snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!
Teacher: Do we know how to give each other compliments and what is it? compliments? (These are pleasant words, praise. For example, they tell you how wonderful you look, how wonderful you did, how well you said, thought...)

Teacher: Why do people give compliments?(To make a person feel good, to show his attitude, to lift his spirits, to support him in difficult times, or just like that: after all, everyone likes to hear words of praise about themselves)

Teacher: How do you respond to compliments?(You can simply say thank you. But often they also say something else, for example: I’m glad you noticed that. I was very pleased to hear that. Your words lifted my spirits. And sometimes a compliment is answered with a return compliment: Thank you You look great today too.)

Teacher: A compliment to a compliment is different. Think, guys, how the words differ from each other in meaning:

flattering - flattering; flattering words - flattering words?

(Flattering words, flattery... These are praiseworthy words, but a person says them for some benefit, out of self-interest. He does not just praise, but obsequiously praises someone. Flattering words are pleasant and truthful words. This is a compliment. And flattery is something completely different. It’s not for nothing that they say: “He is flattering in appearance, but deceitful in appearance”)

1st task: expressive reading based on the roles of this fairy tale;

2nd task: answer the question, what human flaw is ridiculed in this fairy tale? (Flattery)

3rd task: compose a syncwine

Teacher: And now each couple dramatizes their own fable without prior preparation. Whether the characters are telling the truth to each other, you should try to show this with your voice, intonation and gestures.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Cuckoo and rooster

Duration of the performance: 3 minutes; number of actors: 2 or 3.



In the foreground is a fence on the left, a bush on the right. In the background is a field and a forest in the distance. The cuckoo sits on a bush and crows loudly. A Rooster appears on the fence and crows loudly.


How, dear Cockerel, you sing loudly, it’s important!


And you, Cuckoo, are my light,
How do you pull smoothly and slowly:
We don’t have such a singer in the whole forest!


I’m ready to listen to you, my kumanek, forever!


And you, beauty, I promise,
As soon as you shut up, I’m waiting, I can’t wait,
So that you start again -
Where does such a voice come from?
And pure, and gentle, and tall!
Yes, that’s how you come from: you’re not big,
And the songs that are your nightingale!


Thank you, godfather; but, according to my conscience,
You eat better than the bird of paradise,
I refer to everyone in this!

Sparrow flies onto the stage and sits down between a bush and a fence.


And Sparrow will confirm!


Even though you become hoarse, praising each other, -
All your music is bad!


What about praise?


Ha ha!
The Cuckoo praises the Rooster
Because he praises the Cuckoo!

Teacher: Now, friends, let's come up with real compliments for mothers.

Sinkwine about mom.

- Reflection.

On the board you see theatrical masks. Take the tokens and place yours near the mask that conveys your mood from the activity.

You will keep the tickets as a souvenir of this activity.

V. Homework.

Find and learn a few tongue twisters yourself.


Let's applaud each other.

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students"

"Holiday in our lives"

Lesson notes

Marsenko Natalya Nikolaevna

additional education teacher

Place of work:

MBOU secondary school No. 14


Plan - lesson notes

on extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson duration: 1 hour 30 min

Age of students: 8-10 years

Year of study: first

Program section: decorative and applied arts

Lesson topic: Holiday in our lives

Type of lesson: learning new material

Type of activity– mixed (conversation, research, practical work)

Methodological goal: disclosure of the experience of conducting a class on making work using the Isothread technique.

Lesson objectives: Making New Year's decorations using the Isothread technique.

Educational: creating your own product based on the studied technology,

acquiring knowledge of simple product design.

Educational: formation of an idea of ​​techniques for stylizing natural forms in decorative and applied arts.

Educational: formation of the meaning of a holiday in a person’s life, interaction skills in a team.

Material support:

Technical support: TSO – multimedia.

Software security: Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word

Didactic material:

visual materials: scheme “Filling corners”, scheme “Harmonious color combinations;

demo materials: “Filling Corners” samples;

Handout: colored cardboard, thin paper, pencils; templates, hand needles, scissors, different types of threads, glue, tape, ruler, compass, backing, awl or pin, tables, beads, sequins, bugles, braid.

Intersubject and intrasubject connections: environment, history, art, mathematics, drawing, technology.

Teaching methods: informative, visual, practical work.

Forms of work: individual, work in groups.

Preliminary work:

    Production of isothread samples,

    Drawing up a technological map,

    "Difficulties and Hints"

    Compiling a crossword puzzle “Isothread”,

    Card “Make a plan for your work”

    Preparation of templates - forms “Santa Claus Bag”, “Mitten”, “Snow Maiden’s Hat”, “New Year’s Boot”, “Snowflake”,

    Preparation of presentations “Make a plan for your work”, “Filling the corner”, “Decorating the room for the holiday”.

    Drawing up a Memo for Parents “Making Christmas Tree Decorations with Children” (Appendix 9).

    Find out for students whether their parents made decorations for the Christmas tree in their childhood and, if possible, bring them to class if the work has been preserved.

Planned results:


realize the significance of a holiday in a person’s life,

create your own product based on a given technology and given samples, be able to select materials and tools to make the product,

select threads in depending on the nature of the work and the type of product,

decorate the product;


- regulatory :

targeting successful activities,

be able to express your assumption (version) based on working with text and illustrations

ability to evaluate the correctness of an action, control, correction.
the ability to evaluate the significance and meaning of activities for oneself and the team,
the ability to adequately perceive assessments;

- educational :

relationship with nature,

understanding the algorithm for making a product based on designing a product from various materials,

ability to identify essential information from given material.

The student first examines the sample, analyzes its constructive structure, and implementation techniques. Then the task becomes more complicated, and he models the object himself, chooses the base and the color of the thread. You can choose the shape and complexity of the design.

When conducting classes with students aged 6-7 years, the proposed material can be divided into several parts according to the length of time (in accordance with Sanitary Regulations).

Things to consider:

    Correlate the dimensions of the work shape and the edge of the circle, since when piercing and stitching points, the cardboard can be torn (the needle goes through some points several times).

    External lines have a maximum distance between points - 5 mm (marking distances greater than 5 mm are allowed only inside the circle).

    Students can independently reduce or increase the number of dots on the template.

    When marking a circle into a large number of segments, you can use a compass to mark points inside the circle.

    When decorating a product with various materials, do not overload the work, as the isona thread may get “lost.”

For first-year students, templates with markings of dots are prepared by the teacher; second-year students prepare them independently.

The choice of the complexity of the product is up to the student, since filling out the segments (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 24, etc.) of the circle is not difficult for children.

In the process of completing the task (at the beginning of practical work), students hone their skills with drawing tools, since accurate marking is a prerequisite for the Isothread technique.

But there may be a drop of ointment in the ointment. After the student has secured the threads with tape, the thread may accidentally jump out from under the tape onto the front side of the work.

To avoid this, you must first tie the threads into a knot and then seal it with tape.

Lesson summary :

    students making decorations for the Christmas tree (Christmas ball, New Year's boot, bag of gifts, Santa Claus's mitten and Snow Maiden's hat, snowflake), with a minimum of funds used;

    collective decoration of the school Christmas tree.

Thus, the successful achievement of the goal of the lesson can be facilitated by: taking into account the gender composition of the group, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren, and the characteristics of cognitive processes.

Didactic material for the lesson


Order of operations

Operation sketch

Materials and tools

Workplace organization

Ruler, compass, pencil, scissors, thread, needles, beads, sequins, braid

Ability to organize a workplace

Using a compass, draw a circle on the wrong side of the cardboard, d = 7.5 cm

Cardboard, compass

Ability to work with a compass

Cut out a circle with an allowance (if you are making a snowflake to paste onto the background)

Cardboard, scissors

Work skill


Selecting a snowflake pattern using samples

The ability to compose a composition based on a model, in accordance with one’s own plan

Marking the circle

Ruler, pencil

Ability to use a ruler to mark points

Punching holes

Backing, awl or pin

Ability to work with sharp objects

Threading the needle

70 cm thread per segment, needle

Ability to measure thread length

We lay out the pattern with threads

Threads, needle

Ability to work accurately with paper and threads

We fasten the ends of the threads on the wrong side

Ability to tie threads correctly

We decorate the product

Threads, beads, sequins, needle

The ability to combine different materials when making one product

Decorating the wrong side

Glue, paper

Cutting out a snowflake

Work skill


We trace the template or draw (who knows how to draw)

Ability to use tools (pencil and eraser) in practical work

Glue the snowflake onto the selected shape

Attach a loop

Ability to use glue carefully


Appendix No. 1

Questions from a young technologist



students find independently or with the help of a teacher

What will I do?

What materials and tools will I need for the job?

Is it necessary to repeat the safety rules?

Why will I make this product?

How will I get the job done? In what ways?

What will I do first, what will I do next?

Will I like this job?

Question 7 must be answered at the debriefing stage

Appendix No. 2

Card "Find the correct sequence"

(need to be cut into sentences)

I choose a snowflake design.

We outline the template or draw (who knows how to draw) a boot, mitten, etc.

Organization of the workplace.

Using a compass, draw a circle on the wrong side of the cardboard.

I'm marking a circle.

Cutting a circle with an allowance.

I place the cardboard on the backing and pierce holes with an awl or pin.

I thread the needle.

On the wrong side I secure the ends of the threads with tape.

I draw a pattern with threads.

Decorating the wrong side (gluing with white paper).

Attach a loop.

Glue the snowflake onto the chosen shape.

We decorate with beads and sequins.

Cut out a snowflake.

Appendix No. 3


5 segments 24 segments

5 segments 8 segments

16 segments 6 segments

12 segments 16 segments

Appendix No. 4

Harmonious color combination

Combine harmoniously colors of the same tone ,

located in close proximity to each other on the color wheel.

Successfully combine 2 colors, which form90 degree angle to each other.

Appendix No. 5

Filling corners

Unusual compositions using the isothread technique can be created using the “circle filling” technique. The circle can be divided into any number of equal parts and each of them can be filled separately according to the principle of filling corners. Let's look at a few examples.

1. A circle divided into 5 parts. Each part is filled starting from the center (Fig. 1). The chord, on which the inner, unfilled circle depends, determines in this case the size of the petal. The larger it is, the shorter and narrower the petal; the further from the middle of the arc, the wider and larger it is.

2. A circle divided into six parts. The chord is drawn from the center of the circle to the middle of the arc. Filling also begins from the center (Fig. 2).

3. A circle divided into 7 parts. Only two sides of each part are filled, and the arc is left unfilled (Fig. 3).

4. A circle divided into 8 parts. Only fill the arc and one of the sides of the part (Fig. 4).

5. A circle divided into 20 or more parts. The chord is drawn from the center of the circle to the middle of the arc (as in example 2). By increasing the number of parts, the distance between the segments decreases (Fig. 5).

Thus, it is clear that by increasing (decreasing) the number of parts in the circle, the distance between the segments and the segments themselves, truly fantastic patterns can be made (Fig. 6).

Scheme "Filling corners"

Appendix No. 6


Appendix No. 7

Difficulties and tips

    it is difficult to thread a needle - a device for threading a needle,

    make a knot - help from a neighbor or teacher,

    the thread gets tangled - pull it back and try to unravel it,

    the length of the thread is of great importance - it should be enough to fill one corner,

    a needle fell on the floor - pick up a magnet,

    if you need to lengthen the thread, fasten it from the wrong side and insert a new thread from the wrong side onto the face, or tie a new one to the end of the old thread and continue working,

    If there is an error in the sequence of stitches, carefully return the needle to the previous holes.

    At the beginning and at the end of work, secure the thread with tape,

    deformation of the cardboard - do not tighten the thread too much,

    the pattern is unclear - the thread tension is too loose,

    the thread is bristling - the thread tension is too loose,

    The holes in the cardboard are large - we decorate them with beads, sequins, beads, bugles.

Appendix No. 8

Reflection “Smile”

Application 9

Memo for parents

“Making Christmas tree decorations with children”

Preliminary work:

    availability of materials,

    workplace preparation,

    musical arrangement.

If there are younger children in the family, they are not left out:

    draw with felt-tip pens

For children with disabilities, you can simplify the process of making work:

    trace the template onto colored cardboard,

    cut along the contour (adults help),

    cut out decorations from foil,

    finely cut the tinsel,

    glue is applied to the base with a brush and decorations are glued,

    A loop of tape is glued to the wrong side.


Appendix No. 1

Crossword "Isothread"

    At the needlewoman's
    Always held in high esteem -
    The thing is one-handed,
    Steel toe,
    And the tail is linen (needle and thread).

    Kulik is not big,
    He tells the whole hundred:
    Then sit down and study,
    Then get up, go away (school bell).

    The cups are white on the stem,
    They contain threads and shirts (cotton).

    On one pit -
    One hundred pits with a pit (thimble).

    Experienced tool -
    Not big, not small.
    He has a lot of worries:
    He cuts and shears (scissors).

    I'll walk around a little hot,
    And the sheet will become smooth.
    I can fix any problems
    And draw arrows on the trousers (iron).

    At the needlewoman's
    Always at work
    Five brothers
    Equal for years
    Different heights (fingers).

Appendix No. 2

Historical reference

As an art form, thread drawing first appeared in England. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads; they drove nails into boards in a certain sequence and pulled the threads over them. The result was openwork, lace products that were used to decorate the home

or another version:

English researcher and mathematician, author of a series of books, one of which, “Preparing a Child to Perceive Science” (1904), was very popular. Mary Everest Boole invented the technique of filling various shapes with thread to help children learn geometry.

Appendix No. 3

Questions from a young technologist



if necessary

Lesson summary: “What is tradition? Why are traditions necessary in the life of an individual, family and society?

Target: Familiarizing students with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson, introducing children to the features of Russian traditions and instilling interest in national Culture.


  1. introduce pupils to the traditions of Russian people;

  2. foster a sense of respect for family and folk traditions, tolerance towards others;

  3. develop logical thinking, speech, and the ability to work with proverbs.
Equipment and methodological support: multimedia projector, screen, computer, loaf of salt, pictures for collage, cut-out proverbs, Whatman paper, glue stick.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational part.

The teacher meets the children with bread and salt.

Hello, dear guests, you are welcome, come in for some bread and salt!

This is how guests were greeted in Rus' and today we will talk about the traditions of our people. The topic of our lesson: “What is tradition? Why are traditions necessary in the life of an individual, family and society?

2. Main part.

A.M. Gorky said: “Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goals of the future.” We often recall this saying when we talk about the history of any nation, its cultural traditions, rituals, and customs. Today we will look at some traditions of the Russian people

What is tradition? Let us turn to the dictionary compiled by the famous scientist S.I. Ozhegov. Pay attention to the slide. The word “Tradition” in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova means:

1. That which has been passed on from one generation to another, that which has been inherited from previous generations, for example, ideas, views, tastes, modes of action, customs.

2. A custom, an established order in behavior and in everyday life, for example, the tradition of celebrating the New Year in the family circle.

How can you explain this word in your own words?

Let's summarize your answers and conclude what tradition is.

“Tradition is historically established customs, order, and norms of behavior passed on from generation to generation.”

What kind of traditions can there be? (Traditions can be: military, national, family). Give your own examples of traditions.

Approximate traditions

1. For a long time in Rus' there have been traditions when a family was engaged in one type of activity. And there were potters, carpenters, bakers. Dynasties were formed.

2. There is a tradition of naming children after one of the family members. (Alyoshina Ira - in honor of her grandmother, Rybakov Andrey - in honor of his father).

3. Traditions of giving a Patronymic name in honor of the family name, indicating the name of the father.

4. Tradition of collecting and storing photographs.

5. Tradition of celebrating family holidays.

6. The tradition of escorting young people into the Army and so on.

All families are different. How are they different? Of course, with your habits, customs, atmosphere, traditions.

Why does a person need a family?

3. Acquaintance with the legend “How did a friendly family appear?”

A long time ago there lived a family with 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and discord. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage so that he could teach them to live together. The sage listened to the petitioners and said “No one will teach you to live happily, you must understand for yourself what you need for happiness, write what kind of family you want to see?” This huge family gathered for a family council and decided that in order for the family to be friendly, we must treat each other, adhering to these qualities.

On the board there is a sign with the words: Love, respect, trust, kindness, care, help.

Guys, remember this legend. If everyone follows these rules, then peace and harmony will reign in the family. This means everyone will be happy.
The life of Russian people in the distant past consisted of everyday work and holidays.

On weekdays they plowed, sowed, reaped, worked in workshops, raised children, and kept house. But the time of holidays was also coming - it was a time of relaxation, fun, joy, when people felt that they were all one big family, everyone was gathering for festive table, everyone is smartly dressed and wishes each other love, happiness, health, a good harvest, goodness in the home, peace and fun in the heart and soul. Holidays in Russia there were many: 140-150 per year. These holidays were aimed at promoting the health and well-being of people. Customs, rituals, and the very celebration of holidays were passed down from century to century, from elders to younger ones, like a great treasure, a common wealth, in them the Russian people revealed their character, their soul, beauty, and culture.

Every family has family traditions, you just need to think carefully about it. For some, for example, children always draw cards for the holiday themselves. Before the New Year, they write a letter to Santa Claus with requests and promises to behave well and obey their parents. Children love to bake pies together for Easter or birthdays. Always dress up for the New Year live Christmas tree. Gathering at the table with the whole family, setting the table beautifully, as it turns out, having dinner together is now a rarity.

There are many such traditions - you just need to take a closer look at the life of the family and call everyday things with loud words: “We have such a tradition.”

One of the common Russian traditions is the tradition of feasting.

Who knows how guests were greeted in every home in Rus'? (Bread and salt were served in a festive Russian costume). The traditions of hospitality were very strong in Rus'. N.M. Karamzin wrote that when leaving home, our ancestors did not even close the door, leaving food on the table for the guest.

This ancient custom has been preserved since time immemorial. According to Russian tradition, today the parents of the bride and groom greet the bride and groom with bread and salt, and the hosts greet their dear guests. Bread and salt greets representatives of foreign powers at the plane's ramp. By breaking the bread and dipping it in salt, the guest establishes a special trusting relationship with the hosts and admits the purity of his intentions and thoughts. The duet of bread and salt is not accidental: a wheat or rye fragrant loaf symbolized prosperity and prosperity, and the spice, rare in those days, was credited with the ability to protect against evil spirits. When inviting you to a feast, in Rus' they said: “Come in for bread and salt.” The houses, famous for their hospitality and generosity, are still called “hospitable”.

Following traditions helps a person feel his national roots, belonging to a single nation with a rich history and spiritual and cultural values.

Guests gathered at the common table, sang, and the hosts treated them to food.

Who knows what dishes were honorable in Rus'?

Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnips, radishes, game, and fish were held in high esteem. Berries: cranberries, cloudberries, pickled lingonberries. Drinks: beer, kvass.

Everything flows, everything changes - people’s tastes change, and other dishes appear on our tables and become traditional.

Celebrating family holidays is also a tradition.

Let's remember traditional holidays which take place in our orphanage. (Holidays: Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter).

Tell me, how do your family groups celebrate birthdays?

And in the old days, they celebrated name days.

The fact is that at birth a person was given the name of the saint on whose day he was born. The saint was believed to be the heavenly patron of man.

For example, my name day is September 29 (16) - martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia. Saint Lyudmila zealously spread Christianity in the Czech Republic and raised her grandson, Saint Vyacheslav, in Christian piety. Lyudmila suffered severe torture and was killed in 927. Her grandson Vyacheslav transferred her relics to Prague to the Church of St. George.

Times have changed. Now people do not always name their children after the saints on whose day they were born.

The name day celebration was good tradition in each family. Some people of the older generation still celebrate name days, considering them a day more significant than their birthday. Currently, this wonderful tradition is returning and more and more people began to celebrate their name days.

In Russia, name days began to be celebrated a long time ago, back in the 17th century. On this day, birthday cakes were sent out to guests in the morning.

During the festive dinner, guests brought gifts to the birthday boy: pieces of cloth, money, paper angels.

There was also such a custom: at the table, a pie with porridge was broken over the head of the birthday boy. It was believed that life would be happier during the year if more porridge was woken up. So that luck would not leave the birthday boy, it was necessary to break some dishes on purpose, on purpose.

All family members created festive atmosphere on this special day. The birthday boy was in high spirits. The holiday was celebrated joyfully. After the feast, the guests danced and played different games, sang, danced in circles. At the end of the holiday, the birthday boy gave gifts in return to the guests for coming to congratulate him.

Nowadays, families celebrate the same holiday. Only it is not called a name day, but a birthday.

How do you celebrate your birthday? (We invite guests, prepare a meal, have fun, dance).

Let's relax and play. (All proverbs are placed in different places on the table). The teacher gives the beginning of proverbs to the children, and the children must find their other halves.


2. Game: “Make a proverb about family.”

  1. What is the treasure for if there is harmony in the family?
2. In the family the porridge is thicker.

3. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

4. A family that agrees does not suffer from grief.

5. In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.

6. Family - stove: how cold it is, everyone is going to it.

7. A friendly family turns land into gold.
Explain the proverbs.

Which proverb did you like the most? Which proverb did you remember?

Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. This is how dynasties of potters, tailors, bakers, shoemakers, and military men were born. Builders, artists, teachers...

Take care of elderly parents– one of the wonderful traditions in our families. The Christian tradition of “Honor your father” smoothly fell into the mainstream of the pagan traditions of honoring elders. Awareness of filial duty, honoring parents, respect for old age are the foundations of raising children in Rus'. The families were large, grandparents lived with the young and passed on their life experience to them.

And love for one’s Fatherland is one of the traditions. The tradition of accompanying someone to the Army is to defend their Fatherland. Know your ancestors, be proud of history.

There is a tradition of collecting and storing family photographs.

– Guys, raise your hands, who has such a tradition at home, collecting photos in an album, our friends Orphanage?

Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of compiling and storing family albums has become firmly established in our lives. Every family has photographs that leave lasting memories of dear people and events in family life.

This tradition is very important. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, including photographs of dear people.

Carrying out family responsibilities is also a tradition.

Family and work are closely linked. A person’s well-being, health, and labor productivity directly depend on the quality of the family. The foundations of diligence and hard work are laid in the family.

It may seem funny to some, but cleaning the apartment on Saturdays is also our tradition! Each of us has our own responsibilities that suit our age. Everyone is busy with work - mom washes the floor, brother wipes the dust, and I wash the dishes and take out the trash. We always do our work in a friendly manner, with care and support.

We love active recreation very much, so trips to nature are our family tradition. How wonderful it is on a cool August morning to put on a jacket, boots, jacket, pick up a stick, bucket and knife and go into the forest to pick mushrooms! You never know what kind of mushrooms and how many of them you will collect. And swimming in the river in the summer, racing down the hill in the winter with parents. What could be better? Is it fishing?

We live the same way in our orphanage big family. Each of you is a part of it. We must treat each other like a family, caringly, kindly, and with understanding. And then our orphanage will become friendly family, and like in a good family, love and mutual understanding will reign in it.

3. Summing up the lesson.

  • What new did you learn?

  • What have you learned?

  • What are traditions?

  • What traditions do you know? What are family traditions for?
Creative activity

To summarize our lesson, I suggest you make a collage about one of the family traditions. Take a file on the table with clippings and drawings about the tradition you want to make a collage about. You can add your drawings and kind words about Russian traditions to the collage. You will have to submit your work with comments (work defense)


Basically, the customs and traditions of the Russian people are connected with the calendar, and with church sacraments, holidays and difficult rituals. Traditions carried out with love and understanding in the family will fill life with beauty and wealth and strengthen the connection between generations. Increase traditions and pass them on to next generations!

I, as the hostess of our meeting today, invite you now to a tea party with a loaf of bread.

Complementary with a cup of tea

Don't believe it if they tell you that the real experts in tea drinking are the British. They just came up with their fife-o-clock, while the Russians came up with an absolutely unique device for making tea - the samovar! It is impossible to imagine Russian life without this very cozy attribute of traditional family tea drinking.

A weekend evening, when the whole family gathers to relax over a cup of strong tea with homemade cakes - this is what samovar tea parties were meant to be. The peculiarities of the Russian mentality also influenced the main task of tea drinking. Russian people do not renounce the busy world by drinking tea; for them, the tea ceremony is an occasion for rapprochement and intimate conversation. This is probably why the coals in the samovar could heat water for tea for as long as desired.

According to Russian tradition, tea was poured for family and guests by the mistress of the house, and in her absence, by the eldest daughter. The art was to ensure that each guest received an equal portion of hot and strong tea and the warm attention of the host. They drank tea from Saxon, Dresden, or domestic porcelain (Popovsky was especially famous). Bourgeois and merchants loved to drink a fragrant hot drink from deep saucers, with crushed sugar “for a bite.” People considered it a sign of extreme poverty to drink “empty” tea - that is, tea that was not accompanied by any snack. In different cities and provinces, in different eras, various treats were served with tea. Milk and cream, pies and cheesecakes, jam, printed gingerbreads, Kolomenskaya and Rzhevskaya pastila, sushi, shangi, bagels - it’s impossible to describe everything.


  1. Andreev, A.P., Selivanov A.I. Russian tradition. M.: Algorithm, 2004. 320 p.

  2. Arutyunov S.A. Custom, ritual, tradition // Soviet ethnography, 1981. No. 2. 97 p.

  3. Bryanov V. A. About traditions and customs. Nalchik: Nauka, 1961. 240 p.

  4. Shangina I. Yu. Russian traditional holidays. St. Petersburg, 1897. 270 p.

  5. Tereshchenko A.V.; Artist V.N. Zabayrov. - Moscow: Russian Book, 1999. - 309 p. : - (Folk wisdom). Customs and traditions of the Russian people Moscow: OLMA-Press, 1999. - 542 p.

  6. Clients A., Folk crafts, - M.: White City, 2002

  7. Korotkova M.V., Traditions of the Russian people,

  8. Zabylin M. Russian people: their customs, legends, rituals and superstitions

  9. Zabylin M.; artist E Shamray, V. Shcherbakov. – M.: Eksmo, 2003. – 608 p. : ill.

  10. Mezhieva M. Holidays in Rus' / M. Marieva. – M. White City, 2007. – 48 p.

  11. Mikheeva L. Russians folk holidays/ L. Mikheeva; artist E. A. Rumyantseva. – M.: Bustard-Plus, 2007. – 79 p.: ill.
Abstract developed by: Tkachenko L.V., teacher.

Target: give the concept of the word “holiday”; show the role of the holiday in human life; discuss the rules of behavior at the holiday.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher's word:

- Today we will talk about the holidays.

What is a holiday? (A holiday is a day of celebration, joy in honor or in memory of a person or event in people’s lives). There are a lot of holidays, and they are different.

What holidays do you know? Let's select and put them into groups:

1.Family (birthday, housewarming, wedding...).

2.Professional (days of teacher, doctor...).

3.Religious (Easter, Christmas...).

What holidays does your family celebrate?

What's your favorite holiday? Why?

Each holiday has its own characteristics, but there are also general rules for holidays.


- When going to a holiday, wear your most elegant clothes.
It must be clean and tidy.

- If you come to a holiday, have fun.

- Try to take part in games and entertainment


I think you will agree with me that not a single holiday is complete without dancing. So now you and I will dance a little.

Communication exercise

"Movement Initiator"

All participants stand in a circle. One student walks out the door. The class chooses a person who will initiate the movements. He will perform some movements, changing them from time to time, and everyone else will repeat after him. The participant behind the door returns, stands in the center of the circle and carefully watches the students, trying to understand who is the initiator of the movements. When one student walks out the door, the class decides who will initiate the movement.


Each nation has its own traditions of congratulations, but the rules for giving and receiving gifts are the same for all well-mannered people. It is always pleasant to receive a gift; it is important not to upset the giver. Let's remember how to behave.

When accept the gift correctly...

smile welcomingly, thank; unpack, look at the gift; when giving a second gift, do not show it; offer sweets to others; put flowers in water.

When give a gift correctly...

take into account the taste and desires of the recipient; give something that you yourself would be happy about; buy a gift that matches your capabilities in price; remove the price tag; Include a card with congratulations and your name.


Listen poem by Igor Shevchuk “Gift”.

For Cactus's birthday

Gave a gift

And congratulations to Cactus

They kindly said:

Accept, dear Cactus,

A gift from us today

Wonderful - wonderful

Big air...

Was the gift given to Cactus a good one? Why?

Is it possible to give something that you yourself don’t need?

How is it customary to give a gift?

If you come to visit, you cannot give a gift in the hallway. It is necessary to take off your outerwear, clean yourself up, and in the festive room where the table is set and guests gather, present a gift, always in the original packaging, with a smile and the warmest words.

Creative task

Draw “the gift of my dreams.”


Let's look at your drawings and think about what groups all the gifts can be divided into.

Gifts are:

1. Literary (poems, newspapers, postcards, posters).

2. Musical (songs, dance).

3.Sweet (cakes, chocolates, candies).

4. Material (toy, book, notepad).

5. Symbolic (in honor of some event).

6. Souvenirs (things that are admired but not used).

8.Live (dog, cat).

Family members and all friends are given gifts made with their own hands; you can buy a gift for mom and dad or grandpa. Friends and relatives are given a souvenir, a drawing, etc.

Game "Parcels"

Papers with the names of objects are prepared in advance. They are put in a box. The driver addresses the participants in the game: “You have received a package with a gift. What will you do with him? After the child answers, the driver takes out one of the pieces of paper and reads out what was in the parcel.


All people enjoy receiving gifts from friends and family, but it is important to remember how to accept gifts correctly so as not to offend the giver. And it’s even better to give gifts to your loved ones more often and get joy and pleasure from it.