Wedding dresses for 6 months of pregnancy. Short wedding dresses for pregnant women. High waistline

Getting married while pregnant is not just an exciting, but also an extremely important step, the preparation of which should be approached carefully and carefully. Nowadays, a pregnant bride no longer causes surprise or condemnation to anyone. After all unborn child is the fruit of love, therefore the main responsibility of potential parents is to create for the baby strong family. The baby, while still in the tummy, picks up on the mother’s mood. If you feel comfortable and relaxed at the holiday, your baby will rejoice with you.

Is it possible to get married while pregnant?

Many pregnant women planning to legitimize their relationship with their lover and the father of the unborn child involuntarily have a question about whether to hold a wedding while pregnant. Literally 30 years ago in our country, pregnant girls strove to get married quickly, before the belly became very noticeable. Getting married while pregnant was considered at least undignified. Such an act was condemned in society.

Nowadays, many pregnant girls, when planning to get married, try to follow ancient traditions, taking into account folk signs. For example, according to customs, only a virgin has the right to wear a snow-white wedding dress. That is, if the bride is going to get married while pregnant, she should choose an outfit in beige, pink, blue or any other shade.

One of the famous ancient signs associated with the marriage of a pregnant girl is tying her belly with a red ribbon. Such a ritual will help protect the unborn baby from the evil eye. To do this, a wide red cloth is tied to the bride’s bare stomach. This tradition inspired brides to wear luxurious red evening dresses on their second wedding day. After the wedding night, the newly-made wife may well find herself in an interesting position.

Is it possible to get married while pregnant?

If the groom and pregnant bride are Christians, then their desire to get married is quite understandable and justified. In this way, a loving couple will ensure God's blessing for their children. There are different opinions about the wedding of a pregnant woman. Some are firmly convinced that sex before marriage is fornication, therefore they are categorically against the wedding of pregnant brides. Others take a more loyal point of view, believing that a pregnant girl has the right to receive a church blessing.

To resolve this issue for yourself, you should consult with church ministers. Wedding is a great sacrament. The modern church has every right to bless the legal marriage of two Christians. Any priest will tell you that it is not forbidden for a bride to get married while pregnant. As for the ceremony itself, the process lasts about an hour, during which the bride and groom must stand. In case a pregnant woman becomes ill, there should be water and a bench nearby.

These days, a pregnant bride and groom no longer have to sneak into the registry office to avoid judgmental glances. At the same time, there is no need to organize a modest tea party with family and friends instead of a magnificent celebration. A modern bride, being pregnant, can afford to wear a luxurious dress, make beautiful hairstyle and makeup, celebrate such a significant event on the desired scale.

How to choose a wedding dress for a pregnant woman?

Modern fashion couturier offer a wide range of wedding dresses for pregnant women. The choice of a suitable style directly depends on the size of the bride’s tummy. In the first trimesters, when the belly is almost invisible, a happy expectant mother can afford to choose any model. However, during this period, pregnant women often suffer from toxicosis. There is a risk that the bride will vomit during the celebration. Therefore, the wedding, as a rule, is planned for a later date, when physiological changes are already noticeable.

A pregnant bride should carefully select the style of her wedding dress so that during the celebration of the special event she feels not only perfect, but also as comfortable as possible. Classic trapezoid or empire silhouettes are ideal for pregnant brides. This bride's dress is decorated with an elegant satin belt, which is tied under the chest. The length of the skirt can vary from maxi to cocktail version just above the knee.

Comfort is the primary condition for a bride who is getting married while pregnant. Choose an outfit made from natural fabrics. Avoid tight-fitting styles and synthetic materials. The bride should not wear a dress with a lot of mesh, internal seams, or lace. The abundance of such decorative elements is likely to cause the development of skin itching and irritation. Jewelry that will come into contact with the skin of a pregnant woman must be made of high-quality metal.

Beautiful and comfortable underwear

A pregnant bride should carefully choose not only her wedding outfit, but also her underwear, which should be made from high-quality natural fabric. Choose cotton, linen or silk products. Pharmacies sell special slimming panties and bandages especially for pregnant women. They fit snugly to the body, support the stomach, and emphasize the bride's silhouette. A bandage for a pregnant woman should be made of natural fabric with a small addition of microfiber or lycra.

Shoes for celebration

Newlyweds have to spend almost the entire day on their feet, so the pregnant hero of the occasion should be extremely careful when choosing shoes. The best option for a pregnant bride is shoes flat sole. If you still want to spend this holiday in heels, choose the most stable models, avoid high stiletto heels. Excessive stress on the legs, especially early stages, increases the risk of miscarriage. Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman spend the entire day wearing tight shoes.

Many brides, because they are expecting a baby, deprive themselves of the pleasure of spending a bachelorette party in the company of close friends. A pregnant girl does not have to refuse such a fun pre-holiday event. If everything is properly planned and thought through, the bachelorette party will not harm the health of the bride or child, and positive emotions will only benefit the expectant mother. The ideal place for a pregnant woman's party is the bride's home, where she will feel as comfortable as possible.

If you decide to hold a bachelorette party in a cafe, take care of the menu in advance, and also ensure that your table is located in a non-smoking room. In summer, if the weather is good, have a fun picnic in nature. The spa is another great place to host a ladies night out. Keep in mind that the sauna is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, so choose only procedures that are safe for yourself. If you decide to have fun at home, arrange a cooking class, a fun photo shoot, a pajama party, an impromptu cinema - interesting ideas so many.

Beautiful photo session of a pregnant bride with her groom

Wedding fashion is actively developing these days. This applies not only to outfits and hairstyles for young people, but also to the theme of the holiday. Modern brides and grooms never tire of coming up with original plots for weddings and organizing real show programs. An important place is occupied by photographs, which for many years preserve the memory of this amazing and incredible significant day in the life of any family. Wedding photo shoot with a pregnant woman is characterized by a number of specific features.

Needless to say, a bride expecting a baby has a lot of interesting filming opportunities. If the wedding is planned for the summer, organize shooting outdoors. Almost all ideas for a maternity photo shoot focus on expecting a baby. The photographs turn out incredibly touching and romantic. Shots taken on a sun-drenched field or in a blooming park are always bright and fabulously beautiful.

If the wedding will take place in winter, find a venue with a beautiful interior in advance or organize a photo shoot at home. A professional photographer will invite the bride and groom to use original themed props, including booties, rompers, baby suits, Stuffed Toys, signs with inscriptions. Participation in filming is far from simple. During the photo shoot, there must be a place where the bride can sit. The pregnant woman should have clean water at hand.

Advice! Pregnancy beautifies a woman, so there is absolutely no need to hide your growing belly. The only condition is that the wedding dress, short or long, must take into account your current anatomical features and be as comfortable as possible.

Selection of headwear and accessories

The look will be complete if the appropriate accessories are selected for the wedding dress. Revive neutral color scheme possible using jewelry with colored stones. However, their quantity must be strictly dosed, and they must be selected according to uniform style. Any jewelry, naturally, should be in harmony not only with the dress, but also with makeup and hairstyle.

  • As an accessory, you can use a string of pearls or a long necklace, as well as snow-white or pastel colors, matching the dress, and long gloves.
  • The resulting retro look of the 60s can be complemented with a high bouffant, expressive arrows on the eyes and bright lipstick.
  • In addition to the dress, you can choose a designer jacket or bolero cape, which will help hide the volume. However, a veil in such a set will be superfluous.
  • The veil can also be replaced with a mini hat. It can be decorated with embroidery, small mesh and flowers. If the outfit includes short or long gloves, they should be in harmony with the tone of the dress. When choosing contrasting shades, you should use moderation - the ideal option would be a difference of a couple of tones.

Advice! IN winter time To go with the dress, you also need to choose a warm fur coat that you can completely wrap yourself in. In summer, be sure to take a light umbrella or hat to protect you from the scorching sun. A light fan will become not only an original accessory, but will also be able to provide an influx of fresh air to the face, neck and shoulders.

Hairstyle and shoes

When choosing a hairstyle, you should primarily consider the style and style of the dress. For example, a sleeveless dress can go perfectly with romantic curls. However, if during pregnancy you have even a small excess weight, it is better to visually balance the figure and make a high hairstyle with the hair raised up.

For example, a sleeveless dress can go perfectly with romantic curls

A French dress will go well with an elegant formal dress. braid Large curls, braided hairstyles, buns, and ponytails are advisable to use only if the dress itself has a minimum of finishing. If you have an asymmetrical neckline, you shouldn’t overload the look with styling done on the same side - it’s wiser to redistribute the emphasis.

Naturally, hair styling should also match the type of face and type of headdress. To be sure that hair styling will fully correspond to the overall style, it is advisable to do a trial styling option a couple of days before the wedding. In this case, adjustments can be made to it if necessary.

You need to choose the right shoes for your wedding dress. Open sandals are more suitable for a chiffon outfit; small shoes with closed toes will go better with silk ones.

Please note that you are going to have a long party, so if you are prone to swelling of your legs, you should choose the most comfortable shoes– soft ballet flats or flat shoes with rhinestones or embroidery. It makes more sense to stock up on two pairs - one, more elegant, with a small heel no higher than 3 cm, can be worn to a special ceremony, and the more comfortable one can be left for the evening.

Open sandals are more suitable for a chiffon outfit; small closed-toe shoes will go better with a silk one.

If your wedding day falls in winter, you need to take care of warm boots in advance. If you will be wearing them for no more than an hour, they should not only be elegant, but also as comfortable as possible.

Advice! Even if you have been wearing stiletto heels all your life and feel quite comfortable in them, you should give them up. In the turmoil of a wedding, the likelihood of slipping and harming a child increases significantly.

For those who want to hide a small tummy, the Roman style is ideal, when the flare starts from under the chest. Models with multi-layer skirts are very popular. For long periods, the most important thing is that the lady at the party is comfortable, so you need to choose light options with a fairly loose skirt.

Modern wedding dresses for pregnant women can be stunning and even highlight the features of the figure with a deep neckline, beautiful belt before flare or neat trim.

On our website in the section of wedding dresses for pregnant women 2019, the collection is presented from all possible resources on the Internet. Each model indicates its features, cost, and the store where it can be purchased. Many models are presented in several salons at once, and using our website you can instantly compare the price at which the outfit you are interested in is sold at.

We understand how important it is for every girl to look like a princess, and wedding dresses for pregnant women in Moscow are subject to special criticism, because they should be comfortable, make the tummy less obvious, and also correspond to the latest fashion trends and become the basis of a festive appearance.

As always, details matter

Wedding Dresses for pregnant women, photos of which are presented in this section, are made of different material, thanks to which they acquire a special design:

  • lace allows you to look tender and innocent even in an interesting position. This could be translucent chiffon or patterns with an additional lining that will look less revealing;
  • satin makes the bride a real queen, because this iridescent material gathers in luxurious folds along the hem and fits the chest very beautifully;
  • Embroidery with beads or rhinestones allows you to make the most important holiday in life truly brilliant.

The bride chooses wedding dresses for pregnant women with special care. This is why it is important to have a huge selection of models.

Our site presents classic Roman proposals that have impressive cleavage. You can also find here models for those who love originality, for example, a double skirt or a mini skirt that reveals long legs. Feathers, large satin bow or a flower, as well as shiny rhinestone embroidery, make a bright accent that will allow you to be the center of attention and make all women and men present at the celebration admire the bride.

Pregnancy – an important event in the life of every woman. And these days it is not uncommon for people to get married while expecting a child. Many brides are confused by this fact: pregnant women try to postpone the wedding, believing that they will become the object of gossip or will look unattractive.

Neither one nor the other argument has the right to exist, since the times when the pregnancy of an unmarried girl was considered a shame have sunk into oblivion, and in wedding salons today you can find many incredibly beautiful dresses for pregnant brides.

Watch the video wedding dress options for expectant mothers:

The styles of wedding dresses for pregnant women take into account the anatomical features of the body of a woman carrying a child, so they are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. A pregnant bride dressed in such a dress will feel very comfortable and need not fear for the health of her baby.

All wedding dresses for expectant mothers must meet the following conditions:

  1. They should not put pressure on the abdomen and chest of the bride who is at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. They can be sewn only from natural fabrics that are hygroscopic, soft and elastic. Natural silk and satin, as well as lace fabric woven from natural silk or cotton threads, meet all these requirements.
  3. The quality of the seams must be very high: it is unacceptable that they rub the skin, causing discomfort.

So, what kind of wedding dresses of the 2015 season can make a pregnant bride irresistibly beautiful?

Fashion trends in the world of wedding dresses for pregnant women 2015

In general, fashionable wedding dresses for pregnant women are developed in full accordance with the trends of wedding fashion in 2015, although this category of wedding dresses constitutes a special direction, which has several main styles.

A-line dresses in the 2015 season are presented in two variations: extremely simple tunic models and more spectacular dresses, richly decorated with hand embroidery, exquisite bows and a large number of decorative elements. The last option is most suitable for brides with a heavy build.

  • Fluffy wedding dresses are good for brides with short pregnancies. An almost invisible belly allows a young mother to dress up in such a dress.
  • Short wedding dresses for pregnant women, contrary to popular belief, are quite capable of decorating a bride with a fragile build and beautiful chiseled legs.

We have listed the most popular styles used by fashion designers creating dresses for pregnant brides. It only remains to emphasize that when choosing fabric for such a toilet, fashion designers give preference to fabrics with a matte, devoid of shine, texture.

In full accordance with fashion trends of 2015, dresses for pregnant women:

  1. Can be equipped with bolero capes.
  2. Decorate with luxurious trains.
  3. Modeled with sleeves various lengths.
  4. Equipped with comfortable straps and flowing shoulders.

Which wedding dress for pregnant women to choose? What should you consider?

When choosing an outfit for a pregnant bride, first of all you should think about her comfort, so the wedding dress should be:

  • Elastic, without a tight corset. The elasticity of the material will provide the bride with freedom and ease of movement.
  • As light as possible, made of airy fabrics. The total weight of the outfit should not exceed two kilograms. Otherwise, by the end of the evening the bride may feel too tired.
  • Elegant, emphasizing the beauty of rounded shoulders and plump breasts. In this regard, nothing compares to dresses in greek style.
  • During advanced stages of pregnancy, it is better to avoid overly fluffy skirts, sleeves and large decorative elements: bows, buttons, artificial flowers and luxurious embroidery. Being grouped at the waist and hips, such decorative elements can make the bride's figure look too heavy.

Dresses with low lacing or with vertical lace inserts will help give a pregnant bride a slim figure.

  • If the bride chose long dress, then you need to hem it a few days before wedding ceremony, otherwise a rapidly growing belly (if the wedding occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy) can raise the hem of an already hemmed dress.
  • The color of the outfit is important. A wedding dress for a bride expecting a child should be devoid of shine. Most matching colors are:
  1. matte shades of light pink,
  2. light green,
  3. baby blue
  4. beige flowers.

Watch the video options for white and colored wedding dresses for pregnant women:

White color, as you know, visually expands the figure, so it is better for plus-size brides to abandon a snow-white outfit, opting for a dress in the color of champagne, ivory or skim.

Fluffy wedding dresses for pregnant women

Fluffy wedding dresses for pregnant women are widely represented in the 2015 collections.

Oh, that lace wedding dress!

Wedding dresses for pregnant women, made from elegant lace fabric, are so beautiful that they do not need to be used additional elements decor. In rare cases, wanting to achieve a stunning effect, they are decorated with beads and rhinestones.

A bride expecting a baby, dressed in a lace wedding dress, seems especially feminine, touching and tender. Despite this, some brides strive visually hide pregnancy from others. This can be done by choosing the right style of lace dress. The following models will cope with this purpose:

  • Lace A-line dresses will hide a rounded tummy due to the high waistline and significantly widening full skirt.

    Light transparent draperies and additional layers of thin lace on the skirt can easily disguise even a strongly protruding tummy.

  • Lace dresses in the antique empire style with a deep neckline will emphasize beautifully rounded breasts and create a clean, flowing line that tactfully and softly covers the tummy.
  • Lace bustier dresses equipped with a corset are quite suitable for brides in the early stages of pregnancy. Just be careful not to overdo it with tightening the corset.
  • Lush lace dresses short and middle length Suitable for brides with chiseled, slender legs. IN in this case the emphasis will inevitably shift to them and distract attention from the growing tummy.

Models of lace dresses for pregnant brides can have narrow and wide straps, as well as various sleeves.

The sleeves on such dresses can be of different lengths; only romantic “lanterns” are undesirable, as they can give the bride’s figure additional volume.

A tight-fitting lace dress is quite appropriate on a bride who is not ashamed of her pregnancy and does not hide it. In this case, the tummy can be emphasized by tying the dress under the bust with a wide belt. satin ribbon.

Lace wedding dresses for pregnant women do not need any frills, ruffles, or bows, especially in the area of ​​the plump waist: the figure of a pregnant bride does not need additional volume, and lace is quite decorative in itself.

When choosing the color of a lace dress for a pregnant bride, you should give preference to dresses in soft pastel colors.

Buy lace dress for a bride expecting a baby, it should be shortly before the wedding ceremony, since an inexorably growing belly may simply not fit into a dress purchased a few weeks earlier.

Short dresses are becoming increasingly popular in collections of wedding dresses for pregnant brides in 2015, and couturiers are offering model options designed for a wide variety of pregnancy periods.

Short dresses for pregnant women are distinguished by a special cut and the presence of special elastic inserts in the abdomen and décolleté area. What short wedding dress would suit a bride with a pretty for a long time pregnancy:

  1. First of all, it's the outfit. trapezoidal silhouette, expanding already at the very top of the dress.
  2. Short dress in antique empire style with a waistline starting just under the bust. Particular charm is given to such outfits by the elements running under the bodice: thin straps, wide belts made of satin ribbon, skillfully embroidered braid.
  3. A dress with a high waistline.

All of the above styles differ in that the expansion of the hem begins above the tummy, as a result of which it becomes less noticeable. It is worth paying attention to the comfort of these models, which do not tighten the stomach of expectant mothers at all. In all these models, it is permissible to use fluffy multi-layered skirts made of light fabric, making the figure of the pregnant bride more elegant.

  • Bride with for a short period of time pregnancy can choose a short dress, the hem of which has an interception at the bottom. Similar models were relevant in the 20s of the last century.
  • A straight short dress made of lace, decorated with a beautiful bow made of a wide satin ribbon, will give the look expectant mother incredible touching, since her delicate position in such an outfit will not remain a secret to anyone.
  • A short dress with open shoulders is also quite appropriate on a pregnant bride. The only contraindication for this option may be too plump breasts, which can slip out of the bodice.

The main advantage of a short wedding dress for pregnant women is the light weight of the dress, which has great importance for the expectant mother.

Beautiful wedding dresses for pregnant women in the Greek style are always popular over many seasons. And 2015 was no exception. The simplicity of the cut, the extraordinary femininity of the models, emphasizing the beauty of the bride expecting the birth of a child, as well as the comfortable state experienced by the bride dressed in such a dress are the reasons for this popularity.

Greek style requires:

To make dresses in the Greek style, only light fabrics are used: taffeta, voile, silk, chiffon and guipure, since they have the ability to easily drape, forming soft folds.

The Empire style appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century thanks to Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon Bonaparte). In fact, it is a simplified modification of the Greek ancient style, so a wedding dress in the Empire style is almost indistinguishable from a dress in the Greek style.

What are the stylistic differences between these styles? Empire style dresses:

  1. They feature fewer draperies.
  2. They have a simpler and rather closed bodice design.
  3. Unlike Greek dresses, they can have both medium and short lengths.

In all other respects, Empire style dresses follow the classic Greek style. When choosing an empire style dress for a pregnant bride, you should provide some margin in the bodice area, since by the time of the wedding the young mother’s breasts can change significantly in size.

Wedding dresses for pregnant women for 6 months with photos

A bride getting married at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy will no longer be able to hide her significantly enlarged belly from the gaze of those present at the wedding, so when choosing a wedding dress, she first of all needs to think about her own comfort and the comfort of her baby.

Styles of wedding dresses at this stage of pregnancy:

Wedding dresses for pregnant women for 8 months with photos

Pregnant girls in wedding dresses can be irresistible even on the most later pregnancy. Everything that we said about convenience and comfort becomes even more important during this period.

An outfit for a bride who will become a mother in a few weeks must meet the following requirements:

  • It should not only be attractive, but also extremely comfortable.
  • It should not contain any synthetics that can cause an allergic reaction. Bride's wedding toilet deadlines pregnancy clothes should be sewn only from natural fabrics.
  • The color scheme can include any pastel shades. In some cases, it is better to avoid pure white color, which weighs down the figure.

The dress styles listed in the previous section of the article are quite appropriate even in the eighth month of pregnancy. The only exceptions are dresses with a straight silhouette, which can put pressure on a very large tummy.

Is it worth renting a wedding dress for pregnant women?

This is a question that families whose budget is very limited ask themselves: after all, the cost of a wedding dress makes up a significant part of the funds allocated for the celebration.

Pros of renting a wedding dress:

  1. You will save a significant amount by not buying a dress that will only last you one day.
  2. By renting a dress, you can afford a dress that you would never be able to purchase with cash, since its full cost exceeds your modest income.
  3. You'll save yourself the headache of what to do with your dress after the wedding.

As a counter-argument that prevents the decision to rent a dress, one can cite the superstitious belief that a pregnant woman can be harmed by the energy of the previous owner of the wedding dress. Another disadvantage of renting is the fear of ruining an expensive dress, but it is known that any excitement is contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

Choose the perfect dress - not an easy task, which every bride faces. And when she is in a position, the task becomes almost impossible. Fortunately, today all salons offer wedding dresses for pregnant women for every taste. Choosing a model that will fit perfectly on a rounded tummy is not difficult.

Many girls get married while pregnant, and most of them are afraid of looking ridiculous and ugly on the big day. For painting without a wedding, they usually choose simple straight length options of mini, midi or maxi. If the newlyweds go to the registry office in the late stages of pregnancy, in this case the brides prefer flared, loose models. In this case, white color is not required. Many fashion houses offer models in pastel shades. Brides are increasingly seen wearing dresses in mint, lilac, pink, blue, coffee, peach and sand-beige shades. Such dresses can be found in bridal salons and in regular daily and evening fashion stores.

Cocktail dresses are suitable for a small intimate dinner. In this case, brides traditionally stick to light shades: white, cream, soft pink or powder. The asymmetrical cut will be a real highlight of this dress. In addition, a cocktail dress will last for many years and will be an excellent choice of outfit in which to go to a friend’s wedding. This option implies not only beauty, but also practicality. Evening dresses for pregnant women for a wedding are especially suitable for couples who do not plan to spend a lot on a holiday that marks the beginning of family life.

For those newlyweds who are planning a magnificent celebration, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of models. In this case, the bride can look for styles from the Empire style to spectacularly lush wedding dresses. In this case, professionals advise buying an outfit bigger size so that the bride does not feel cramped and does not lose her breath. The dress should be sewn closer to the appointed day of the celebration (ideally one or two weeks before the wedding).

The most popular models of wedding dresses for pregnant women:

  1. A Greek-style wedding dress for pregnant women is the choice of the vast majority of brides. It hides the tummy, emphasizing the already increased breast size. Flowing fabric and floor length visually makes the bride's silhouette thinner and elongates it. Greek the dress will fit for any time of year - it’s easy to choose a warming jacket, coat or fur coat;
  2. Empire style styles differ from Greek style wedding dresses. They also have a high waist, which means they are as comfortable as possible for pregnant brides. These models are most often lace, which gives the image even more femininity. The Empire style is incredibly relevant for brides whose hands have begun to gain weight or swell. Sleeves will hide this flaw, and a deep neckline will emphasize the beauty of an enlarged breast;
  3. If the choice falls on a full wedding dress, it is extremely important for pregnant brides that it is without a corset, or that the corset does not end too low. The expectant mother should think not only about her health, but also the comfort of the baby. A fluffy high-waisted skirt will make your tummy completely invisible. For uninitiated guests, the position of the bride will remain a mystery.
Greek style
Empire style Lush

Wedding dresses 2018: fashion trends

World designers love to pay attention to and develop fashion for wedding dresses. Fashion trends 2018 is fresh and does not leave aside expectant mothers preparing for the wedding. Spring shows presented the following new items affecting a wedding dress for a pregnant bride:

  1. Couturiers focus on styles of non-standard length. Most of the models presented have a length just below or above the knee. They look much more interesting and elegant than ordinary floor-length options. Mini and midi accentuate the bride's legs, rather than a rounded tummy. Cut short dress you can choose either straight or with full skirt. A high bell skirt will make the bride a real doll;
  2. The color of the dress is no longer white or milky, but brighter. The catwalks often feature all sorts of shades - from soft peach and pink tones to bright red for bold girls. Not only designers pay attention Special attention pregnant brides. Celebrities (Natalie Portman, Drew Barrymore, Ani Lorak, Shakira) conduct special photo shoots and projects, the main characters of which are pregnant women in wedding dresses.

Certainly, long models in the Greek style, And silhouettes and lush versions “like a princess” were also presented at the 2018 shows, as well as classic dress models. Wedding experts say that these styles are beyond trends and will remain at the peak of popularity for many years to come.

How does time affect style and size?

In the first half of pregnancy, brides do not have to worry about choosing a special style, since even if a belly appears, it is completely invisible to others. Hiding your belly at this time is not a difficult task. Absolutely any model that suits the bride’s body type will be appropriate, since in the early stages of pregnancy, most often the only change in the figure is an increase in breast size. You can choose your favorite mermaid or A silhouette, short or long dress, open or closed model.

At a time when a rounded belly is already clearly visible (after 4-5 months of pregnancy), some brides prefer a model that hides it as much as possible. First of all, high-waisted wedding dresses will come to the rescue. Such models have many advantages:

  • They hide the belly perfectly;
  • This is the maximum convenient option for a tiring day, including an exciting painting ceremony, a tiring photo shoot, and a long banquet with all sorts of competitions.

The main rule of wedding dresses for pregnant women that hide the belly is high waist. She will help the bride hide the fact of her marriage. A model with a wide flounce at the waist would be ideal for this occasion. If you have a small stomach, this decorative element will be a real salvation. In the long term, when the belly is already clearly visible, you should not go to extremes in trying to hide the shape. The bride may end up looking simply ridiculous.

At 6-7 months it is time to emphasize the special position. For this purpose, there are beautiful wedding dresses for pregnant women that can make the bride irresistible. Straight cut and midi length – great ways highlighting rounded shapes. Greek dresses and Empire style will also be appropriate in the last months of pregnancy. Stylists advise not to choose curvy options, all kinds of corsets or very tight models. Loose dresses, in which the bride can feel comfortable, are much more suitable for pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy.

Selection rules

Experts focus on the comfort of a wedding dress for pregnant women. Photos of celebrities and fashion house models demonstrating outfits for pregnant brides only confirm this. Basic rules for choosing a dress for pregnant women:

  • You should make sure that the seams are soft and will not chafe sensitive skin;
  • Natural breathable fabrics are the main selection criterion. The dress should not cause allergies or irritation;
  • Simple styles are preferable, puffy sleeves, an abundance of decor and additional elements will add even more splendor to the bride’s shape;
  • If the dress has a corset, you need to be sure that it does not end too low and that the bones do not press into the stomach;
  • The waist of the dress, regardless of the model chosen, should be high;
  • You need to buy a bra, shoes, sew in a dress and make any changes to it as close as possible to the day of the celebration (the figure continues to change daily - the breasts grow, the legs swell, the waist increases), if adjusted too early, the dress may become tight;
  • It is better to choose a matte fabric; the extra shine will add additional volume to the figure;
  • In the summer, it is better to give preference to light translucent fabrics and open models, which make it easier to survive the heat of the wedding day. In the cold season, you need to think about warmth - closed dresses made of thick fabric will become good choice for autumn and winter weddings;
  • The style must be chosen, not forgetting the age of the bride: floral motifs and frivolous patterns on the dress will suit young ladies, luxurious embroidery, pearl decor and expensive rhinestones will suit more mature brides;
  • Stylists do not advise pregnant brides to wear a neckline that is too deep; it is better to pay attention to the V shaped neckline or elegant collars;
  • The weight of the dress is also important when choosing an outfit. It is better if the outfit does not weigh more than two or three kilograms, otherwise the expectant mother will get tired of the holiday too quickly.

If you take these tips from stylists into account, your wedding day will be comfortable. Not a single minor trouble associated with the inconvenience of attire will spoil the celebration that marks the beginning of family life.

How to choose shoes and accessories

Whatever dress you buy for a pregnant bride, main advice specialists - carefully approach the choice of shoes. Walking in heels all day is always tiring, and for pregnant brides this task becomes even more difficult. Firstly, feet often swell, and secondly, walking in heels is, in principle, not recommended for pregnant women. If you want to wear high-heeled shoes during a photo shoot, then you definitely need to take replacement shoes to the banquet - sandals, ballet flats or closed options for celebrations in cold weather.

It is also highly recommended that pregnant brides consider how to insulate their outfit. Even in the summer months the weather is cool. A lightweight bolero that will fit elegantly over open dress, will save you from hypothermia and colds. In the cold season, you should definitely take a warm fur coat that matches the model of a wedding dress for a pregnant woman. Many salons have a special service for such cases - rental. They rent not only a bolero or a fur coat, but also various accessories - clutches, hair jewelry, gloves and umbrellas.

The choice of accessories is no less important than the choice of the dress itself. They should not overload the feminine image of the expectant mother, but are intended to make it, on the contrary, romantic and elegant. All decorations should be as light and airy as possible. It is better to refuse a massive necklace and bracelets, opting for a thin chain with a pendant. What else complements the image:

  1. Hairstyle - it is complemented with all kinds of hoops, headbands, hairpins or floral accessories - it all depends on the image chosen by the bride. It is better to coordinate the choice of hair decor in advance with the stylist responsible for the look on the wedding day. A professional will tell you what looks best, and will also direct you to stores with a large selection of suitable accessories;
  2. Veil - this attribute has long become an optional addition to the wedding look. If the bride wants to add it, there is also a basic rule here - lightness. Many people replace the veil with a small hat or simply leave their head uncovered with an elegant hairstyle. For summer brides, a wreath of wild flowers is appropriate, adding a special charm to a light flowing dress;
  3. A bouquet is the bride’s main floral accessory. Beauty is of course good, but you need to pay special attention to weight. Its weight should not be too large, otherwise it will be difficult for the bride to walk with it all day. A small neatly shaped bouquet on its own stems is the most successful option in this case;
  4. Tights - their choice - is an important aspect that many people forget about. You only need to buy special models for pregnant women without a seam on the stomach. It is better to choose a matte flesh shade.

Choosing a wedding dress is an important stage in preparing for the main day of many girls. For brides in the first months of pregnancy, this process is less difficult than for others. However, getting married in the second half of this wonderful period, the number suitable models decreases significantly. It is necessary to take into account the comfort of each dress and the characteristics of the rapidly increasing figure of the expectant mother.

In addition to the difficulties of buying a dress, the bride will have to carefully select shoes and accessories. The main selection criterion remains the same - the convenience and comfort of the bride on the day of the celebration. Even the most beautiful dress and incredibly luxurious shoes with beautiful heels can ruin the mood of a pregnant bride on this special day.

