Beautiful bow made of satin ribbon for topiary. Topiary from satin ribbons: a master class with step by step photos. Bouquets of satin ribbons

Being a stylish piece of furniture, topiary does not lose its popularity. Initially, curly haircut of plants was called topiary art. To complete this or that composition, sometimes it was necessary to work on the topiary for several years. Impatient amateurs were unwilling to put up with it. Then a new direction appeared in needlework with the same name. These beautiful trees of happiness are made from the most various materials... Today at the "Cross" we will consider a master class on making topiary from felt and several options for topiary compositions from satin ribbons, organza and sisal!

Topiary from felt "Pink chrysanthemum"

Materials and tools:

  • felt (8 sheets measuring 30 × 28 cm)
  • sisal (greens)
  • pots
  • satin ribbon 1 cm wide
  • card
  • butterfly on the "leg"
  • ladybug
  • green woolen thread
  • foam ball (10 cm diameter)
  • sheet of green paper
  • stick
  • a mixture of cement and sand (1: 1)
  • glue gun
  • scissors


Cut the entire felt into strips 7 cm wide.

We make a chrysanthemum from each felt strip.

With the help of hot glue we put the resulting flowers on a foam ball, previously pasted over with green paper.


For the trunk, we use a regular stick from a birch or other tree. We clean it from the bark and use a glue gun to tightly wrap it with a green woolen thread.

The stick for the topiary trunk must be dry, and not just broken from a tree!

Assembling the topiary

We plant the crown with hot glue on the trunk.

In a pots, knead a thick cement-sand mortar and place the topiary in it exactly in the center.

We insert a butterfly next to it so that it does not fly away anywhere)

We fill the surface of the cement with sisal. We leave to dry.


A small postcard with pleasant wishes pierce with a hole punch. We string it on a satin ribbon and tie an even bow under the crown of the tree.

We plant a ladybug in the grass.

We glue the "Handmade" sticker on the pots.

So our topiary is ready! A hand-made tree of happiness will serve as a wonderful gift for family and friends.

Another variant of the felt tree of happiness:

A crown for topiary can also be made from other materials that are no less simple in execution: satin ribbons, organza, sisal.

Topiary from satin ribbons

An exquisite ribbon topiary can be made with your own hands using satin ribbons of various widths and different techniques work with them.

You can watch the master class in the video tutorial.

Organza topiary

Organza is perhaps the most weightless material. Topiary with organza flowers always turns out to be airy, like a cloud.

How to create an aerial topiary, see the video master class.

There are countless types of modern handicrafts. So, a fascinating activity, thanks to which amazing souvenirs are born, is the technique of topiary. Miniature flower trees made of iridescent satin will be a great gift for a colleague, girlfriend or relative.

How to make a topiary with your own hands

Today, the technique is used to decorate a room and create souvenirs, and earlier this art consisted in giving clear geometric shapes to garden plants. This type of needlework has gained particular popularity with the use of satin ribbons, but some of them for beautiful crafts not enough. Intricate trees and flower arrangements spherical shapes are decorated with beads, buttons, beads and other elements, often decorated with pieces of organza or tulle. Craftswomen do not miss the opportunity to experiment, creating new master classes.

The main rule in the manufacture of topiary is that the proportions of the product should not change depending on the size: for example, the crown of the tree should exceed the size of the workpiece to which the trunk is attached. But the capacity of the container in which your tree will "grow" should not be more than the average size of the crown. The height of the craft should be made such that it is equal to three diameters of the spherical crown. The satin container should be weighted down to prevent the structure from toppling over.

How to make a topiary from ribbons with your own hands with roses

To create a beautiful tree, you need to have the following tools:

  • decorative pot or cup;
  • satin ribbons different shades, the width of each should be 2.5 cm;
  • foam ball;
  • wire for trunks and ribbons to decorate;
  • decorative beads:
  • glue gun;
  • a solution of plaster and water.

A master class that will help every novice lover of needlework to make a tree with his own hands:

  1. Prepare ribbons, which will then turn into roses. Cut each into strips 30-40 cm in length, depending on what size you want the flower. Singe the edges to make them stronger.
  2. Place the pieces with the smooth side towards you, bend the corners of each, twist, forming a rose. Secure the remaining end with glue at the bottom of the flower.
  3. Ready flowers alternately attach to the base - a foam ball.
  4. Wrap the barrel wire with a satin fabric, secure with glue and insert into a ball with roses.
  5. Fill a decorative pot (or cup) with a mixture of plaster and water, then insert the trunk of a rose tree.
  6. Decorate the container with ribbons, beads, and put decorative stones on the plaster.

How to make a tree from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique

Topiary in the form of a sunflower, which is performed using the kanzashi technique, looks original. So, the manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Take a yellow satin fabric that is 5 centimeters wide and cut into 6-7 centimeters long pieces. The blanks, which will serve as leaves and petals, should be about fifty pieces.
  2. Bend each of them along and make a cut on one side, achieving a sharp corner. Having turned out the ends of the products, glue them.
  3. Cover the foam base of the ball with coffee beans, imitating sunflower seeds.
  4. The stem of the flower will be a wire inserted into a ball. First, it must be covered with green paint, and then covered with material of the same color.
  5. From the junction of the ball with the stem, begin to glue the sunflower petals, which were made using the kanzashi technique.
  6. Place gypsum in the pot, insert the topiary and fill the remaining space with the same mixture.

Organza and satin ribbon topiary

Using these materials, you will create decorative tree, which differs from the rest of the topiary in its chic appearance... Topiary made of satin ribbons, which will complement the interior decor of the house, is very simple to make:

  1. Cut out 7x7 cm squares from pieces of organza with scissors. If you don't want to measure, then cut it by eye.
  2. Place one square on top of the other for a total of six corners. Bend the workpiece in half, and fasten the lower part with a stapler. In the absence of a tool, the material can be sewn with a needle and thread.
  3. Attach a wire to the ball, it will serve as the barrel.
  4. Dissolve the gypsum and pour it inside the pot, then insert the wire there.
  5. The formation of the crown consists in putting artificial organza feathers on glue, and insert several satin roses between them.
  6. Decorate the craft with beads, lace.

Topiary ("tree of happiness", "European tree") is a small decorative tree that is used to decorate interiors and exteriors, and is also often used for. Topiary are good because they look very beautiful, and you can make them with your own hands in just 1 evening from scrap materials.

  • This means that you can make several decorations at once, for example, one pair for New Year's serving, another for Easter, and a couple more for the mantelpiece.

In this material you will find 1 basic instruction on how to make a DIY topiary for beginners, as well as 3 step-by-step master classes in addition to her, and 45 photo ideas for inspiration.

Basic instruction for beginners

Topiary of even the most complex design is made approximately according to the same principle. Having mastered the basic manufacturing technology, you can create a variety of topiary, changing only the materials for decoration.

So, to make a mini-tree with your own hands, you need to create it:

  • Crown;
  • Trunk;
  • The base of the tree.

Step 1. Planning the design

Topiary can be different not only in design, but also in terms of service life. Before starting work, think about why you need a “tree of happiness” and where will it live? The purpose and future place of the topiary will determine its style, color range and even materials for its creation.

If you want to make topiary for, then materials that are not too durable can be used - paper, napkins, sweets, fresh flowers, fruits. If you want to make a topiary as a gift or for interior decoration, then it is better to use a more reliable decor - cones, artificial flowers, coffee beans, ribbons, organza, etc.

In the next selection of photos, you can get ideas for the design of thematic and festive topiary.

Sweet candy topiary for a children's party

Potted candy halloween decoration

Halloween decorations from pumpkin seeds, ribbons and candies in tea cans

Easter trees made from eggs, artificial flowers, satin ribbons and moss

Christmas topiary made of artificial holly leaves and berries, cones and ribbons with a stem from a branch

Candy tree for a festive table

Topiary for festive table setting tables made of artificial flowers, natural branches, dry moss and satin ribbons

And here is a selection of photo examples of design exclusively for interior topiary (scroll through!).

Step 2. Preparation of materials

To make topiary with your own hands, you will need:

  • Foam ball with a diameter of 8-12 cm(sold at many stationery and art stores) or a floral foam ball (sold at gardening and flower shops).

If desired, the ball can be made independently from polystyrene, the same floral foam, polyurethane foam, papier-mâché, etc. NS.

  • Crown decor - depending on your idea, use flowers, satin ribbons, organza, coffee beans, banknotes, etc.
  • Trunk - This can be made from a dry and clean branch, a simple pencil, or any other stick. In addition, the trunk and the pot can be replaced by a tall candlestick.
  • Trunk decor- the barrel can at least be coated with matt varnish or painted. And as a maximum - wrap with one or two ribbons.
  • Planter - It is best to pour the mixture into a clay pot, but any cute cups, mugs, vintage buckets, etc. will also work.
  • Fixing mixture- the best for making topiary with your own hands is a mixture of alabaster, as it quickly hardens, almost does not crack and is cheap. You can also use cement-sand mortar, gypsum or putty. However, not only binding mixtures can fix a tree in a pot, but also the same foam, floral foam or stones.
  • Everything for mixing the mixture- container, water, stick, etc.
  • Decor for masking fixing mix- to create an imitation of soil cover, it is best to use natural materials: dry moss, small pebbles, expanded clay, sisal fiber. Artificial moss and stones will also work. You can put sweets and dragees in the pots of "edible" topiary.
  • Glue gun and a few sticks of glue- if necessary, it can be replaced with glue like "Moment", but it is best not to do this, since the glue in the gun is more convenient, and most importantly, it allows you to remove random "cobwebs".
  • Scissors or cutter.
  • Tailor's pins-studs with a very small head(optional, used in addition to or instead of glue, for example, for fastening beads).
  • Side cutters or wire cutters for cutting the trunk or any decorative elements.

At the preparatory stage, divide the decorative details for the crown into groups - for example, large, medium and small. So it will be more convenient for you to alternate the decor and distribute it evenly over the ball.

Step 3. Creation of the crown

First, you need to apply markings on the ball - mark the place for attaching the trunk and mark the border around it, beyond which until some time you do not need to go by sticking the decor. Thanks to this technique, in the future you can easily fix the barrel in the ball without spoiling the decor.

As soon as the glue is warmed up, proceed to decorate the ball in the following order: "fitting" the part without glue - applying glue to the desired place - fixing the part. Remember to act quickly so that the glue does not have time to soak into the foam. That is why it is better to apply and try on the decor first.

Here are a few more nuances:

  • You need to glue the decor on the ball, starting with large elements and ending with small ones. For example, if you are making a topiary from artificial flowers, then first glue the largest buds on the ball, then the medium ones, and only then - the small flowers and additional beads.
  • Some decor can be secured to the ball using tailor's pins. But it is best to combine the carnations with glue.
  • If some parts have wire bases (for example, the same artificial flowers), then about 2 cm should be left from their "tails". Then you can not only glue the decor, but also stick it into the ball.
  • To make the white base ball less visible in the gaps between the glued parts, it can be painted to match the decor.

Now we need to work with the trunk. As already mentioned, making it with your own hands is not at all difficult from a branch, pencil or any stick.

If you use a branch, then you do not need to paint it, but only cover it with matte varnish so that the natural beauty of the tree is visible. If you use a wooden stick, then it can only be slightly tinted, artificially aged, etc. If you want to mask the surface of the barrel completely, then you can wrap satin ribbons, fabric, paper, rope around it or completely paint it.

How long should it be? Since the trunk goes deep both into the pot and into the ball, you can calculate its length using the following formula:

  • Barrel length = 1/3 ball diameter + pot height + desired barrel length between crown and pot.

To fasten the barrel, you need to make a hole in the ball about 2-3 cm deep in the ball at the place of marking with an awl and a knife (depending on its size). When the hole is ready, fill the bottom with hot glue and push the crown onto the barrel until it stops. Then continue to hold the barrel and gradually fill the hole with glue around the barrel.

  • Keep in mind that thermal glue will melt the foam and deepen the hole even further. To prevent the trunk from going deeper into the crown by more than 1/3 of its diameter, small pieces of paper can be placed between the layers of glue.

Once the barrel locks into the ball, mask the attachment point with decor.

Step 5. Preparing the binder mixture and fixing the tree in the pot

Now is the time to "plant" the resulting tree in a pot. For this you need:

  • After stepping back about 2.5 cm from the edge of the pot, put a mark - the mixture will be poured to this level. If there is a hole in the bottom of the pot, you need to close it with tape or hot glue.

  • Dilute the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill the pot with it.
  • Align and fix the topiary in the pot, holding the stem until the mixture hardens.
  • Leave the mixture overnight until it dries completely.

Hint: As noted, it is best to use alabaster as a binder. To fill 1 medium pot, you need to dilute about 1 kg of alabaster with 600 ml of water. The mixture is kneaded for about 1-2 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream, and then quickly poured into a pot and the topiary is fixed in it for 2-3 minutes.

Hooray! The topiary is almost ready, it remains only to create an imitation of soil in a pot and mask the fixing mixture. If you are using sisal fiber (see photo), shells, artificial grass or moss, then you need to fix them with a little glue.

Master class 1. Corrugated paper topiary

Topiary with paper flowers is especially suitable for decorating a festive table or festive interior decoration. So, for example, this rose topiary was made for Valentine's Day.


  • Base ball with a diameter of 12 cm;
  • Corrugated (crepe paper) of medium density (in the master class, corrugated paper in the form of a ribbon is used, but you can use regular rolls);
  • Floral foam bars and / or any fixing mixture (see basic instructions);
  • Planter or flowerpot for the base of the topiary;
  • The trunk is about 30 cm long;
  • Dry moss for pot decoration;
  • Barrel decoration tape;
  • Glue gun.

Step 1. Cut the corrugated paper into strips 60 cm long and about 4.5-5 cm wide. If the paper is too thick and stiff, remember the strips a little to make them more flexible.

Step 2. Now you need to roll the resulting ribbons into rosebuds. This is done very simply, just a couple of workouts and the principle becomes clear. Take one of the resulting paper strips and fold it 1/3 as shown in the photo below.

Then fold one end of the tape diagonally at a 45-degree angle and start rolling it into a roll. After three turns, you have the core of the bud. Now wrap the free end to the outside, and continue to fold the core of the rose - woo-ala, you have the first petal.

Step 4. Once the crown is completely covered with roses, attach the trunk to it (see Basic instructions). In this master class, the barrel was pre-painted with spray paint in white.

Step 6. Lay the dry moss on the "soil" and glue it in some places with thermal glue. Finally, tie a bow to the trunk.

The next selection of photos presents other topiary design ideas that you can do with your own hands in this master class not only from corrugated paper, but also from satin ribbons, tissue paper, etc.

By the way, paper can be used to make not only roses, but also lush peonies or hydrangeas. Methods for making such flowers are easy to find on the Internet.

Topiary made of satin ribbons is a beautiful and unusual decoration for yourself or your friends. It is used to decorate home interiors or as a gift. V European countries The topiary is called "the tree of happiness", they believe that such decoration not only attracts the eye with aesthetics and design, but also brings success and prosperity to the house.

Materials for topiary

Topinarium made of satin ribbons is created from different ribbons. But even in this version, landscape designers recommend adding beautiful decorative paper, organza, flowers (real or artificial), coffee beans.

In addition to the main material in this case it is important to prepare the components of the tree:

  • crown base: topiary has the shape of a ball, which is considered a symbol of positive energy, it can be made of foam or crumpled newspapers, it can be purchased at finished form or do it yourself;
  • for a tree trunk, a dried stick with a diameter of 5 cm or a thick wire is used, topiary made of satin ribbons suggest it is wrapped with the same material;
  • a pot or vase for topiary can additionally be decorated with any material, for this part a regular clay pot, a volumetric mug and even a simple glass cup are suitable;
  • jewelry - beads, coffee beans, sweets, hairpins, volumetric stickers, etc.

When making topiary, it is important to observe the measure of jewelry so that the "tree of happiness" does not become a "tree of tastelessness."

Topiary made of satin ribbons should look aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

Satin tree of happiness

So how to make a topiary with your own hands? It's easy, the main thing is to follow a number of rules:

  1. It is necessary to purchase satin ribbons, the width of which is 2.5-7 cm. In addition, you need a stand, a base, all kinds of sequins or sparkles, a trunk, ready-made alabaster, needles and threads.
  2. A hole is made at the base and the barrel is inserted, which was previously missed with glue. Fill the base with alabaster and insert the other end of the stick, allow it to harden.
  3. Now you need to make flowers from satin ribbons, for this a canvas 2.5 cm wide is cut into small pieces, the corner of the segments is folded in the form of a triangle and twisted, the process is repeated several times, so a rose comes out. The remaining ends of the cut are bent to the base and cut off (the cut should be scorched, otherwise it will crumble).
  4. Petals can be added to the topiary from ribbons: a 5 cm strip is folded into a triangle and sewn, attached to a trunk wrapped with tape.
  5. With the help of glue, the roses are attached to the base, wrap the stand with cloth and make a bow on the trunk for beauty. You can decorate to your liking.

These are the master classes that can be brought to life from satin ribbons.

Satin ribbon sunflower (video)

Sunny ribbon flower - sunflower

To, you will need:

  • ribbons of the corresponding colors;
  • old disk;
  • glue gun;
  • whole bean coffee;
  • clay pot;
  • wooden stick;
  • gypsum solution;
  • beads and decorative ladybugs for decoration;
  • scissors, candle, glue.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. To make a topiary from ribbons with your own hands, you need to take a yellow strip and cut out the sunflower petals (about 40 pieces), then fold them in half and cut off the tip, and glue the edges with a burning candle, with a glue gun, all the petals are attached to the disk.
  2. From green ribbons, petals are created for the substrate of a flower, they can be made in the same way, only the tip is not made sharp and they are attached to the lower side of the disk.
  3. Coffee beans are glued in the middle.
  4. For the trunk, use green ribbons, insert it into the stand and fill it with a mixture of plaster. Once dry, you can cover it with coffee beans.
  5. You can decorate sunflowers ladybirds and pearlescent beads.

Application of air organza

Organza ribbon topiary looks very airy and delicate. You will need the following materials:

  • organza needs 3 m 70 cm wide;
  • round base;
  • green wire;
  • pot;
  • alabaster or plaster mix;
  • lace and sisal for decoration.

Step-by-step master class on their manufacture:

  • 7x7 squares are made of matter;
  • then put the squares on top of each other to make 6 corners, fold everything in half and fasten it with a stapler;
  • the wire, the base and the stand are fixed into a single composition, poured with plaster or alabaster;
  • flowers made of fabric are attached to the base;
  • the capacity of the topiary is made out with lace, sisal.

When creating organza topiary, you need to use hard matter.

You can make a topiary from satin patches and organza, the fabric is folded in the form simple flower and fix the bottom with a needle. Then flowers from ribbons are added to the topiary and fixed on the base in the form of a composition: in the center there are 3 satin roses, and the rest of the space is filled with organza flowers.

Another example of ribbon topiary can be decorated with butterflies made of light fabric and beads. Such topiary can be decorated with candy wrappers, ruffles and organza assemblies.

The topiary is advised to be installed in a dry place, but where there are no batteries and the sun. Do not spray water next to it, there is a risk of leaving stains on the tapes. It is worth cleaning trees from dust with a hairdryer or a special brush. And the most important thing: it is better not to drop the topiary, they will simply break from the blow.

Ribbon topiary is an excellent home decoration. Topiary in ancient Rome was called an artificial tree, for the manufacture of which all kinds of materials and improvised means were used. The product symbolized happiness, therefore it is still popular as a “tree of happiness”.

Today, modern craftswomen use mainly ribbons as a material. It is not only beautiful and exquisite, but also simple in terms of making it with your own hands. The created thing will serve wonderful gift on the occasion of a birthday or another holiday. Master class with step by step photos will be given below.

Topiary sunflower

Topiary sunflower is a great idea for needlework. Such decoration will fill a room or living room with bright, unforgettable colors and will give an excellent mood to all the inhabitants and guests of the house. How to make a sunflower topiary will be described below.

For the manufacture of topiary, you will need the following materials:

  • yellow and green satin ribbons;
  • regular CD;
  • newspaper sheet;
  • a small branch of a tree;
  • pot;
  • a little alabaster;
  • coffee beans;
  • golden decorative cord.

From working tools you will need scissors, a ruler, glue (preferably PVA).

In the manufacture of topiary, it is important to observe proportions, otherwise the trunk of a tree or flower (in our case, a sunflower) will bend under the weight.

To make sunflower petals, you need to cut yellow ribbons (5 cm wide) into 40 strips of 6 cm each. Fold the strips in half, carefully cut the corners and glue them. Glue the resulting ribbon petals onto the disc in this way: glue the front side evenly, retreating from the middle of the disc by about 1 cm, by back side we observe the checkerboard order.

The middle of the sunflower is sealed with coffee beans in such a way that a small bump is formed, like a living sunflower.

A wooden twig is wrapped with green tape and a few leaves are glued in. With the help of glue, the twig is fixed to the flower slightly obliquely.

The pot is filled with alabaster, where the sunflower is placed. After the alabaster has dried, it is advisable to hide it by sprinkling it with coffee beans. To prevent the grains from scattering, they must be directed to the glue. Instead of coffee beans, you can use sunflower seeds, beads, or even cereals.

The resulting sunflower topiary can be placed on a windowsill or a coffee table, and then even on cold days it will give warmth, pleasant memories of the summer and a good mood.

Topiary of bright decorative ribbons

DIY master classes explain how to create this decorative piece. For work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • bright decorative ribbons (pink or coral will look more beautiful);
  • expanded polystyrene ball;
  • wooden stick or pencil;
  • decorative pot;
  • invisible hair;
  • glue.

From ribbons cut into small strips, rings are formed, after which they are pinned to the ball, which serves as the base. Next, the base is put on a decorated pencil or stick, and the already obtained finished topiary is placed in a pot.

Flowers from ribbons

Do-it-yourself master classes for making decorative lilies recommend the use of the following materials in the work:

  • white and green ribbons;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • felt.

The green ribbon is cut into strips of 6-7 cm to form the leaves. Next, leaves are cut from the strips. To make the leaves look natural, you can lightly burn them with a lighter.

The next step is making lily petals. To do this, cut a white tape into 10 strips 5 and 7 cm long (5 strips - 5 cm, and the same amount - 7 cm). Petals are cut from the strips. The edges of the petals can also be burned to give them a beautiful and natural shape.

Felt is needed in order to collect the resulting flower. A circle is cut out of a piece of felt, on which leaves and petals are then glued.

Instead of a lily, you can make a gorgeous rose, for which you need a scarlet ribbon and golden beads, which will decorate the middle of the flower at the end of the needlework.

Wonderful daisies

Ribbon flowers must be made from the following materials:

  • satin ribbon;
  • buttons;
  • glue.

The satin ribbon is cut into strips. You will need 10 strips to make one flower. Burn the edges of the tapes with a candle or lighter. The ends of each tape are glued to the middle to form a petal. The petals are glued or stitched together until a finished chamomile is obtained. Finished flowers are decorated with large buttons.

Topiary from satin ribbons (video)

Gorgeous peony

To make a peony topiary, master classes for skillful pens require the following necessary materials to be prepared:

  • multi-colored satin ribbons (red, blue, yellow and even lilac are suitable) 5 cm wide;
  • needle;
  • threads (the color should be in harmony with the color of the selected ribbon);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • base for a flower;
  • felt;
  • paper;
  • beads or beads.

Patterns of petals are made on paper. The petal pattern should be slightly less than the width of the satin ribbon (ribbon width - 5 cm). The width of the petal at the base will be approximately 2.5 cm - this is the narrowest part of it.

The pattern is applied to the tape, outlined and cut out.

Petals are cut in the amount in which they will be in the flower. The upper contour of the ribbon is cut off, and the lower one is left - with the help of it it is easier to collect the flower. You should get 6 petals of the same shape and size. If the edges are frizzy, they can be burned with a candle or lighter.

The next step is to reduce the pattern by exactly 0.5 cm, after which the procedure is repeated. Further, the pattern is reduced by another 0.5 cm, as a result of which the peony will have three-row petals.

With the help of a needle and thread, the petals are sewn together - in a circle or staggered.

The middle of the resulting peony is decorated with beads or beads that serve as the "stamens" of the flower.

A magnificent peony from ribbons with your own hands is ready.

DIY ribbon topiary (video)